Carbon neutrality targets in Climate Emergency declarations

Council Relevant wording of Climate Emergency declaration Commitment Commitment 2030 target Notes Date Link Link 2 to carbon covers whole date adopte neutrality area (not just d council operations) 1 City Council "Pledge to achieve net zero carbon emissions in the Portsmouth by 2030" Mar-19 ü ü ü

2 City Council "We want to be carbon neutral by 2030 (Green City Charter); "Earlier this year, Southampton's "Green City Charter" was launched in June 2019 Sep-19 the city council launched its bold and ambitious Green City Charter that goes with a 2030 carbon neutral target and strengthened with a further above and beyond the UK government’s targets and commits this council to be climate motion in Sep 2019. carbon neutral by 2030.... Council resolves that there is more to do, but is ü ü ü encouraged by the progress made to date including; reducing its carbon footprint by more than 50%, by the end of the year." (motion) 3 and Deane "Make Council operations carbon neutral by Dec Jul-19 Borough Council 2025 .... Pledge to work towards making Basingstoke & Deane net zero carbon by ü ü ü 2030." 4 Borough Council "... agrees to put in place measures to ensure that the Council’s own operations Jul-19 and functions achieve carbon neutrality by 2025... establish a cross-party working group to develop a plan for how the could achieve carbon ü ü ü neutrality by 2030" 5 Borough Council "Make the Council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030...Support and work with Oct-19 the Council, The Partnership for South (PfSH) and voluntary agencies towards making the entire area zero carbon within the same timescale, ü ü ü and convene a Citizens' Assembly to involve the wider population in the process" 6 Borough Council "Make the Council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030...Support and work with all Jul-19 other relevant agencies towards making the entire area zero carbon within the ü ü ü same timescale" 7 City Council "commit to an aim of making the activities of Winchester City Council carbon Jun-19 neutral by 2024, and the district of Winchester carbon neutral by 2030" ü ü ü 8 Council "Aim to achieve net zero carbon emissions on the Island by 2030" ü ü ü Jul-19 9 District Council "...agrees to develop a plan to enable: a green and sustainable Rushmoor; and a The motion tabled by Ashley Halstead to "Pledge to make the Jun-19 carbon-neutral Council by 2030." Borough of Rushmoor carbon-neutral by 2030" was amended on a ü û ü proposal by Calum Stewart to a text that omits a target date for the borough. 10 "commits to develop an action plan to provide a meaningful and effective set of The motion tabled by Martin Tod to "Pledge to make Hampshire Jun-19 measures to ensure that Hampshire moves towards carbon neutrality and greater ü ü û carbon neutral by 2030" was replaced with a text by leader Keith resilience to the effects of climate change" Mann that omits a target date. 11 Borough Council "… commit to investigating clear and effective options to become a carbon- Sep-19 neutral organisation… work with our communities and partners to identify ü ü û opportunities for making the Borough carbon neutral" 12 Hart Borough Council "Decision that... A Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan led by the Member Net zero target of 2040 set for the council. Sep-19 Working Group be prepared by January 2020, based on Council ü û û becoming a net zero carbon emitter by 2040 at the latest" 13 District No carbon neutrality targets in the declaration. There is a reference in the Terms The motion tabled by Ginny Boxall to "Pledge to make East Jul-19 Council of Reference of the EHDC Climate & Environment Cabinet Liaison Panel about the Hampshire District Council carbon neutral by 2030 ... provide council's own operations becoming carbon neutral by 2050. û û û ideas of achieving a carbon neutral East Hampshire District by 2030 and carbon Zero by 2050" was amended on a proposal from Richard Millard to omit carbon neutrality. 14 District Council No declaration of climate emergency: "Whilst the Panel recognises that other The motion tabled by Malcolm Wade to "Pledge to make the New Sep-19 Councils have declared a climate emergency, this Council can achieve more on a Forest district carbon neutral by 2030" was not carried and was local level through the development of an environment action plan, with the replaced by a working group plan to make the Council carbon ambition of achieving a carbon neutral position for the Council neutral by 2050. by 2050." 15 Borough Council No declaration of climate emergency: "As a Council, we wish to see a reduction in A petition asking the Council to declare a climate emergency with May-19 carbon emissions across the Borough, and new dwellings that have a reduced a 2030 carbon neutrality target was unsuccessful. The council impact on the environment." instead accepted a a motion brought by Beryl Francis without targets.

Non-Hampshire councils: County Council "Pledge to attempt to make West Sussex County Councilcarbon neutral by 2030" The motion tabled by Michael Jones to "Pledge to attempt to Apr-19 make West Sussex carbon neutral by 2030" was amended on a ü û ü proposal by David Barling to add the words "County Council", narrowing the target to council only. Guildford Borough Council "Commits to working with partners across the Borough to evaluate and determine Jul-19 how and when Guildford Borough could become carbon neutral, with a target goal of 2030 for reaching net zero emissions; Commits to working towards making ü ü ü the Council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030." Waverley Borough Council "Waverley Borough Council aims to become carbon neutral by 2030" ü û ü Sep-19 Council "...requests the Environment Panel to advise Cabinet and Council on how to move Jul-19 to a carbon neutral environment." ü ü û Farnham Council "Farnham Town Council ... Aims to become carbon neutral by 2030, acting directly Sep-19 on activities within its responsibility, and in cooperation with principal ü û ü authorities" Chichester City Council "the City Council, with the Mayor as our Principal Spokesperson “Will act with the Jun-19 utmost endeavour” to make the City Council Carbon neutral by 2030, taking into ü û ü amount both production and consumption emissions" Haselmere Town Council "Commit to becoming a carbon-neutral organisation by 2030 including While not setting targets for the area, the motion includes to Sep-19 greenhouse gas emissions, with an earlier target of 2025 for all direct emissions." ü û ü "Seek ways to facilitate and encourage our community to reduce direct and indirect CO2 emissions..."