Defeating Cisco Trust Anchor: A Case-Study of Recent Advancements in Direct FPGA Bitstream Manipulation

Jatin Kataria, Rick Housley, Joseph Pantoga, Ang Cui { j,r, jp,a} Red Balloon Security

Abstract Such technologies have been rapidly adopted in platforms with homogeneous hardware architectures such as consumer Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are widely used PCs, servers, and mobile devices. However, they may not meet in real-time, data-intensive, and mission critical system de- the requirements of equipment manufacturers who want a uni- signs. In the space of trusted computing, FPGA-based security fied secure boot implementation across a set of diverse hard- modules have appeared in a number of widely used security ware platforms such as those found in the industrial control or conscious devices. The Cisco Trust Anchor module (TAm) telecommunications industries. Additionally, these companies is one such example that is deployed in a significant num- may want complete ownership over the system to avoid exter- ber of enterprise network switches, routers, and firewalls. We nal dependencies or vendor lock-in. With these requirements, discuss several novel direct FPGA bitstream manipulation FPGAs are an attractive and cost-effective alternative to tradi- techniques that exploit the relative simplicity of input and tional hardware trust anchors. This has been recognized and output pin configuration structures. embraced by FPGA manufacturers such as Microsemi [20], We present an analysis of the efficacy of Cisco TAm and who have developed products to meet this demand. discuss both the high-level architectural flaws of the TAm This paper describes vulnerabilities in the proprietary Cisco as well as implementation specific vulnerabilities in a TAm- Trust Anchor module on the ASR 1001-X , an FPGA- protected Cisco router. By combining techniques presented anchored secure boot implementation, that allow for the ex- in this paper with other recent advancements in FPGA bit- ploitation of Cisco Secure Boot on that device. These vulner- stream manipulation, we demonstrate the feasibility of re- abilities exist due to two critical faults. First, the TAm imple- liable remote exploitation of all Cisco TAms implemented mentation is vulnerable to unauthorized hardware and soft- using Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGAs. The TAm exploit described in ware modification. Second, the FPGA hardware that loads the this paper allows the attacker to fully bypass all Trust Anchor TAm bitstream has no means to authenticate its own config- functionality, including hardware-assisted secure boot, and to uration, and the bitstream remains mutable during operation stealthily inject persistent malicious implants within both the and across power cycles. Regardless of hardware improve- TAm FPGA and the application processor. Lastly, we discuss ments to the design, the TAm will likely remain flawed so long the applicability of our bitstream manipulation techniques as it aims to achieve immutability through reprogrammable to other FPGA-based devices and propose several practical hardware. We demonstrate that recent advancements in FPGA mitigations. bitstream manipulation techniques combined with the funda- mental design flaws of the Cisco Secure Boot , have 1 Introduction made TAm bypass attacks feasible. The techniques described in this paper can be applied to Since the initial implementation of a secure bootstrapping other FPGA-based security modules, as well as FPGA-based mechanism for computer systems [1], system designs have devices in other applications. The main insights that enabled increased in diversity and complexity. To meet the security re- the FPGA bitstream manipulation attack described herein are quirements of such a variety of architectures, many secure and the following: trusted boot implementations have been proposed. Generally, these implementations require dedicated hardware for security 1. Although modern FPGAs have hundreds of thousands such as a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) [16] or extensions of logical cells, they only have several hundred physical to the processor feature-set such as ARM TrustZone [2] or pins. For example, devices from the Spartan-6 family of Intel Trusted Execution Technology [18]. Xilinx FPGA have between 150 and 550 pins. 2. Reverse engineering this very small set of physical pin configurations is much simpler and more practical than performing netlist reconstruction on large numbers of logical cells. 3. Since FPGAs must ultimately communicate with the rest of the system through these I/O pins, the attacker can manipulate the functionality of the FPGA by modifying I/O pin behavior without having to perform analysis of the logic.

In the following sections, we provide an architectural overview of the Cisco TAm, describe the analysis necessary to make its exploitation possible, and discuss the specifics of our attack. Finally, we discuss possible mitigations, ideas for future work, and present our conclusions.

2 Cisco Trust Anchor Secure Boot

First commercially introduced in 2013, Cisco implemented a proprietary secure boot mechanism known as the Trust Anchor module (TAm). An FPGA is used as the root of trust to validate the bootloader image for the next stage in the secure boot process. Figure1 from the Cisco TAm patent [15] shows a high- level example of the secure boot process facilitated by the TAm. The FPGA containing the TAm verifies the integrity of the application processor’s microloader stored in its own bitstream, as well as the bootloader firmware stored in ex- Figure 1: Patent App. Pub. US 2012/0303941 A1 Fig. 1B ternal storage. The processor, executing the authenticated microloader and bootloader, then performs authentication of the OS before allowing execution of the next stage in the boot in the bitstream SPI flash. The FPGA then performs authen- process. tication on the microloader and the bootloader (stored in the bootloader flash). The TAm emulates a SPI flash memory slave and provides the microloader to the RP, which fetches 2.1 Cisco ASR 1001-X Secure Boot the bootloader from redundant bootloader flash and contin- The Cisco Secure Boot process can be broken down into ues the typical boot process of a -on-x86 platform. A two discrete stages. First, the FPGA-based TAm loads its summary of the Cisco IOS XE boot chain is described in configuration bitstream from an external serial peripheral Figure2. interface (SPI) flash chip (“the bitstream SPI flash”). Once Visual evidence, obtained via electromagnetic spectrum configured, the TAm performs integrity verification in order analysis, of the order of these first boot stages is shown in the to provide a “trusted” microloader binary to the Cisco Route waterfall diagrams in Figure4. Processor (RP), an Intel Xeon-based CPU. The content of Here, a magnetic field probe, attached to a Keysight 9030B this microloader is stored in the Block RAM (BRAM) section spectrum analyzer centered at 145 MHz, was affixed over the of the Xilinx FPGA bitstream. Second, the RP executes the FPGA bitstream SPI flash, the FPGA, and the RP’s power “trusted” microloader binary by loading it via a SPI interface circuitry during boot. We can clearly see two power spikes emulated by the TAm. Once activated, the TAm performs the around the 12th harmonic of the SPI clock (~12 MHz), cor- verification of the bootloader firmware, and will reset the RP responding to the initial reads of the FPGA bitstream from upon failed validation after 100 seconds. flash, preceding the startup of the RP itself.

2.2 Boot Stage 0: FPGA Initialization 2.3 Boot Stage 1: Cisco RP Initialization The Cisco ASR 1001-X follows the secure boot mechanism The authenticated bootloader follows the UEFI specifica- described in Section2, using the hardware identified in Fig- tion [14] to boot the device into Linux running Cisco IOS ure3. First, the FPGA is configured using the bitstream stored XE [7]. Cisco has also implemented a proprietary Pre-EFI module (PEIM) [14] (Pre-ROMmon) to manage the Cisco ROM Monitor (ROMmon) [8], a proprietary, interactive boot environment. This module reads the result of the boot image validation performed by the FPGA, displays the system in- tegrity status on the console, and also manages the bootloader upgrade process. The Cisco ASR 1001-X has two redundant SPI bootloader flash chips, as illustrated in Figure3, which store the same copy of the bootloader. While upgrading the bootloader, the secondary SPI flash is updated with the new image from Linux.

Device Powered on

FPGA Root of Trust Bitstream SPI Flash

Microloader from emulated SPI UEFI Pre-ROMmon

ROMmon Pull after 100Pull after Seconds

Linux OS Figure 3: Cisco ASR1001-X PCB

Normal Compromised IOSD bootloader firmware UEFI [14], but also of the microloader Figure 2: Compromised Boot Chain of Cisco IOS XE stored inside TAm as mentioned in Section2.

On the next boot cycle, Pre-ROMmon boots from the pri- 2.5 Trust Anchor module Bitstream Update mary SPI flash, checks the upgrade flag and, if set, validates the new copy stored in the secondary SPI bootloader flash. On The Cisco IOS XE [7] firmware used by the ASR 1001-X runs successful validation, the secondary SPI flash is copied over Cisco IOS [7] as a daemon on Linux. Our analysis of IOS the primary SPI flash, effectively applying the update. On XE shows that the underlying provides a utility, failed validation, in case of a modified or corrupted firmware fpga_mb_program, which provides a feature to update the update, Pre-ROMmon makes three attempts to perform the configuration bitstream stored in the bitstream SPI flash. This upgrade. After these attempts, it boots from the original copy utility performs input/output control (“ioctl”) system calls of the bootloader firmware, as illustrated in Figure5. to the cpld1NG.ko kernel driver, where “1NG” represents ROMmon, implemented as a Driver eXecution Environ- the RP’s subtype. The kernel driver provides an interface to ment (DXE) module [14], provides an interactive console to read and write to the SPI flash that contains the TAm FPGA boot firmware packages and also validates the IOS XE Linux configuration bitstream. One notable flaw in the utility and kernel’s digital signature. Once Linux has booted, it sets up the driver is that no authentication mechanisms are utilized the initial environment and starts Cisco IOS as a user-space to verify the user supplied configuration bitstream. Therefore, process. the root of trust of the Cisco Secure Boot chain can be mutated with any loadable bitstream. 2.4 100 Seconds of Solitude 3 TAm Bypass Attack Principles Any modification to the system’s bootloader firmware stored in the SPI bootloader flashes is allowed to execute on the We assume the attack model of an adversary who aims to RP, printing a system integrity status to standard output with achieve persistence and load modified firmware onto the Cisco detected failures, shown in Figure7. However, after approxi- router. The adversary can achieve this in three different ways, mately 100 seconds, the RP is halted and reset by the Trust as illustrated in Figure6: Anchor, shown in Figure2, if the bootloader cannot be vali- dated. This delayed reset is a design flaw, and allows 100 sec- 1. Change the configuration bitstream of the TAm to pre- onds of execution to perform dynamic analysis of not only the vent the FPGA from resetting the system. While this t=0

142.5MHz 147.5MHz 142.5MHz 147.5MHz 142.5MHz 147.5MHz a) FPGA Bitstream SPI Flash b) FPGA c) CPU Power Circuitry

Figure 4: Electromagnetic Spectrum During Boot at 145 MHz (5 MHz Span)

4 Cisco Trust Anchor Exploitation

The Cisco ASR 1001-X uses an SRAM-based FPGA as its Trust Anchor module (TAm). Since SRAM-based FPGAs are volatile by nature, the TAm is susceptible to bitstream interception and manipulation. In this section, we discuss the implementation of our TAm bypass, involving novel meth- Figure 5: Failed Bootloader Upgrade Attempt ods of reliably manipulating FPGA functionality through bit- stream analysis and modification while sidestepping the need to perform RTL reconstruction. We are able to reduce the could cause errors to be printed to standard out, that can complexity of this process by only reverse engineering the be prevented by modifying the bootloader firmware. FPGA’s input and output interfaces. 2. Change the configuration bitstream of the TAm to dis- able the validation of the bootloader firmware. 3. Change the configuration bitstream of the TAm to update the signature of the modified bootloader firmware.

All of the aforementioned attack scenarios require updating the configuration bitstream of the mutable TAm. We chose the first scenario to manipulate the FPGA bitstream as it cir- cumvents the need to perform register-transfer-level (RTL) reconstruction. RTL reconstruction is highly complex and is currently infeasible without intimate knowledge of the spe- cific FPGA hardware design. As mentioned in Section 2.5, one of the challenges in up- Figure 7: Reported Boot Failures dating the firmware is accessing the driver interface provided by cpld1NG.ko. The adversary needs root privilege access to The use of our methods of manipulation create numerous the Linux kernel to access the driver interface. possibilities in the exploitation of critical embedded systems that utilize configurable logic such as FPGAs or complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs). Similar techniques 3.1 Cisco TAm Attack Paths can be applied to other families of FPGAs that do not sup- Table2 in Appendix C summarizes the vulnerabilities dis- port hardware-based authentication mechanisms [12] to re- closed, in coordination with Cisco, as a result of this research. move functionality, alter behavior, and add functionality [6], Aside from the TAm vulnerability that is the subject of this pa- all without RTL reconstruction. We have created a framework per, we also disclosed a command injection vulnerability that to support this analysis and modification of bitstreams. allows an authenticated remote attacker to execute commands on the underlying Linux shell with root privileges. These 4.1 TAm Bitstream Reversing vulnerabilities can be chained together to create a remotely exploitable attack chain that reliably bypasses the Cisco Se- Due to the scope and purpose of this paper, we will not be cure Boot. To demonstrate the practicality of such an attack discussing the FPGA architecture in detail. We encourage chain, Appendix B lists recent vulnerability disclosures since readers to refer to [3,6, 24, 28, 29] for an in-depth look at 2018 that could potentially provide an attacker with the level FPGA architecture, configuration, and bitstream structure. of access required to target the TAm. Instead, our focus will be on TAm exploitation. Stage 1 3 Bootloader Stage 1 3 SPI Flash Bootloader SPI Flash Application Application Processor Configuration Stage 0 Processor 1 2 Bitstream Bootloader Configuration Stage 0 FPGA 1 2 SPI Flash Bitstream FPGA Bootloader Root-of-Trust SPI Flash Root-of-Trust RESET


(a) Boot Process Signals (b) Targeted Signals

Figure 6: Targeted Signals in Secure Boot Process

To disable TAm from resetting the RP, the adversary framework provides interfaces where visualizations can be must first reverse the configuration bitstream. Prior research generated from the layout information to help with the reverse [6, 10, 11, 13, 21, 26] aimed at reverse engineering propri- engineering of bitstreams by highlighting the resources used etary bitstream file formats of FPGAs has shown that it is in the FPGA. Figure8 shows the FPGA resources of one not currently feasible to fully reverse the entire bitstream of row based on our analysis from a reference bitstream for the Xilinx FPGAs. In general, bitstream reverse engineering is Spartan-6 development board. a time-consuming and complicated task. In order to sidestep this fundamental problem, we focused on disabling the reset signal from the FPGA to the RP. We performed our initial 4.2 The TAm Achilles Heel: IOB/IOI analysis on a reference bitstream for the Xilinx Spartan-6 development board [27]. Our approach of reverse engineering FPGAs in the Spartan-6 family are provided with a large num- the configuration bitstream works as follows: ber of resources, and reverse engineering all them is infeasible and error-prone. As mentioned in Section 2.3, the FPGA (i.e. 1. Parse the bitstream into its configuration commands and the TAm) controls the other components in the system with configuration data [29]. its input/output pins. The number of IO pins in the Spartan-6 2. Parse the configuration data into its configuration frames. family ranges between 150 and 550, which is considerably There are three types of configuration frames: less than tens of thousands of logic cells or CLBs, themselves consisting of a switch matrix and flip flops. The exact number (a) Type 0: Core components: Configurable Logic of these resources for Xilinx Spartan-6 family is described Block(CLB), DSP, Input/Output Interconnect (IOI), in [28]. Therefore, the complexity of reverse engineering the clocking bitstream encoding for only those IOBs and IOIs that are con- (b) Type 1: Block RAM nected to the limited number of IO pins is significantly lower (c) Type 2: Input/Output Buffer (IOB) than reversing the logic performed by CLBs. 3. Extract the package layout information using a refer- See Appendix A for the generic layout of a Spartan-6 de- ence bitstream. The reference bitstream can be gener- vice illustrating different resources and their connection to ated using the officially supported tools from Xilinx or physical IO pins. unofficial tools such as RapidSmith2 [22]. The internal Analysis has shown that all the CLBs, BRAMs, and IOBs layout of all the FPGA resources are fixed per package are grouped and laid out sequentially in the bitstream. Our per Xilinx device family series. framework creates the mapping between these input/output resources and their location in the bitstream as follows: 4. Create a correlation between these components and con- figuration bits in the TAm bitstream. IOB and IOI com- 1. For every pin in the package: ponents form the input/output interface for the FPGA. Our independently developed correlation techniques are (a) Generate a bitstream while pulling the pin con- similar to the techniques mentioned in [13]. nected to an IOB high. (b) Generate a bitstream while pulling the same pin Through the above process, we determined the layout of a low. Spartan-6 FPGA. It is a two-dimensional layout with four rows, each row having its own structure of columns. Cor- (c) Perform XOR of the bitstreams to determine the relation between resources and their bitstream location is changes between the two. calculated once per FPGA family. The results of this process (d) Extract the encoding of that pin and its correspond- can be applied to other packages within the same family. Our ing IOB and IOI in the bitstream. Figure 8: Visual representation of physical resource utilization of a row from a reference bitstream for Spartan-6 XC6SLX45T

We now can use trial and error to determine which IOB and an existing driver to write our own exploit by performing the IOIs are responsible for resetting the Cisco ASR 1001-X if following steps: unauthenticated firmware is loaded. This novel approach of reverse engineering only these IO 1. Allocate a buffer for the existing configuration bitstream. components allows us to control the behavior of the TAm 2. Flush any cached data from previous reads of the bit- and fully compromise the root of trust in Cisco’s proprietary stream SPI flash. implementation. 3. Read the SPI flash containing the configuration bit- stream. 4.3 TAm Bitstream Manipulation 4. Apply the IOB/IOI and CRC patch to the read buffer. For the Xilinx Spartan-6 bitstreams, FPGAs can be configured 5. Erase the whole bitstream SPI flash and write the patched to do a configuration integrity check [29]. The Spartan-6 buffer back to it. family uses a 22-bit CRC which we reverse engineered and incorporated into our framework. Disabling the CRC check is 5 Mitigations also possible as mentioned in [6,29], but we have not tested this approach. The aforementioned vulnerabilities have been disclosed in co- From our analysis, only 15 bytes of data in the targeted ordination with Cisco and patches have either been released bitstream need to be modified in order to disable the FPGA’s or are underway. However, we believe new vulnerabilities ability to reset the RP. The modification also disables the may still emerge as the Cisco proprietary secure boot process bitstream SPI flash from being updated again. Finally, af- on the ASR 1001-X is implemented with a mutable root of ter patching the bitstream, our framework must modify an trust and no hardware-based confidentiality and authentica- additional 154 bits to fix-up the seven corresponding CRC tion mechanisms [12]. The Cisco implementation also fails commands with the correct CRC. to perform attestation of the integrity of the root of trust (i.e. the configuration bitstream of the FPGA) after secure boot, 4.4 TAm Bitstream Update while the device is in service. These factors leave the device vulnerable to undetectable alteration of the root of trust via As mentioned in Section 2.5, fpga_mb_program makes ioctl remote exploitation. A proper fix for the proprietary secure calls to the cpld1NG.ko driver that provides the capability to boot process requires hardware changes, however, as the life- update the FPGA configuration bitstream. Our analysis found time of these network infrastructure devices can be one to two that the SPI flash on a Cisco ASR 1001-X contains two copies decades, we suggest addressing the flaws discussed in this of the same bitstream. cpld1NG.ko is hardcoded to update paper as an initial step towards making these devices more only the second bitstream and lacks an API to update the first secure. bitstream. As we could not determine how to force the TAm We make several recommendations to future FPGA designs to select the second bitstream for its configuration during that will make the exploitation of the vulnerabilities described boot, we reverse engineered the cpld1NG.ko to determine the in this paper more challenging:: procedure to update the SPI flash. Since we obtained root privilege on the Linux shell using the privilege escalation 1. Use all available free space in the configuration bit- vulnerability mentioned in Section 3.1, we were able to hijack stream of FPGA. The vendor toolchain can be modified to fill the unused resources within the FPGA device with TAm was implemented using a Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA. Since dummy logic [19]. This proposed scheme makes the FPGAs are inherently reprogrammable components, the hard- hardware trojan attacks a non-trivial task. ware design choice of using FPGAs to implement the TAm 2. Use encrypted I/O communication whenever possible was a mismatch for its security requirement of immutability. and do not use an FPGA pin to control processor reset. Having identified an architectural design flaw of the TAm, we presented a collection of direct FPGA bitstream analysis 3. Use a verifiably immutable root of trust. and modification techniques that demonstrate the feasibility, 4. Use continuous runtime attestation to ensure the integrity and relative simplicity, of bitstream-level FPGA manipulation of all the components of the trust chain. attacks. Specifically, we focused our bitstream manipulation attack on altering the configuration of physical input/output pins on the FPGA. Since the number of physical I/O pins on 6 Related Work an FPGA is vastly smaller than the number of logic blocks, our FPGA IOB based manipulations proved to be reliable and Attacks have been described against numerous secure boot significantly less computationally complex than CLB revers- implementations in recent years, such as in [5,9, 25]. More ing or RTL reconstruction. We conclude the case-study of the recently, Han et al. [17] demonstrated a set of attacks against TAm bypass attack against the Cisco ASR1001-X by detailing a modern Trusted Platform Module by exploiting its improper a complete remotely exploitable attack chain that results in handling of power state changes. Techniques like these, which the persistent bypass of the TAm. Lastly, we presented several subvert the boot process by bypassing integrity checks, are recommendations to system designers to secure both existing necessary in the case of an immutable root of trust. FPGA-based security modules as well as future designs. However, as the TAm resides in an FPGA, we also identify While it is simple to recommend the use of more secure several recent advances in the study of FPGA reverse engineer- FPGAs going forward, this paper has demonstrated the impor- ing and modification. Chakraborty et al. [6] first describe the tance of building security controls around the FPGA bitstream insertion of a hardware trojan directly into an FPGA bitstream. if one insists on building an immutable security module using Their technique, self-described as a Type-1 trojan, requires hardware that is inherently reprogrammable. unused fabric (analogous to a code cave in software) within the FPGA in which to insert their malicious logic. 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Product Cisco Bug ID Fixed Release Availability Firmware Release 1.1.15 GTP Transceivers Cisco ASA 5506-X with (image name: asa5500-

IO Pin CSCvn77246 FirePOWER Services firmware-1115.SPA) Integrated Block (Available) for PCI Express Firmware Release 1.1.15 IOB Banks Cisco ASA 5506H-X with (image name: asa5500- CSCvn77246 FirePOWER Services firmware-1115.SPA) IOI Cells (Available) IOB Cells Firmware Release 1.1.15 Memory Controller Cisco ASA 5506W-X with (image name: asa5500- CSCvn77246 Block FirePOWER Services firmware-1115.SPA) (Available) Block RAM Column Firmware Release 1.1.15 Cisco ASA 5508-X with (image name: asa5500- CSCvn77246 DSP Column FirePOWER Services firmware-1115.SPA) (Available)

Clock Management Firmware Release 1.1.15 Cisco ASA 5516-X with (image name: asa5500- Tile Column CSCvn77246 FirePOWER Services firmware-1115.SPA) (Available) Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (Available) Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Cisco Firepower 2100 CSCvn77248 (Available) Cisco Series Figure 9: Spartan-6 Family Generic Layout Firepower Threat Defense (Available) Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (Available) Firmware bundle package v1.0.18 with ROMMON 9 Appendix B: Previously Discovered Privi- rev 1.0.15 and FPGA rev 2.0: (Image Names: Cisco Firepower 4000 lege Escalation Vulnerabilities CSCvn77249 fxos-k9-fpr4k- Series firmware.1.0.18.SPA and fxos-k9-fpr9k- firmware.1.0.18.SPA) CVE ID Severity (Available) CVE-2019-1756 High Firmware bundle package v1.0.18 with ROMMON CVE-2019-1743 High rev 1.0.15 and FPGA rev 2.0: (Image Names: CVE-2018-0315 Critical Cisco Firepower 9000 CSCvn77249 fxos-k9-fpr4k- Series CVE-2018-0176 High firmware.1.0.18.SPA and CVE-2018-0477 High fxos-k9-fpr9k- firmware.1.0.18.SPA) CVE-2018-0481 High (Available) CVE-2018-0169 High 10Gbps Optical Encryption Line Card for the Cisco NCS 2000 CSCvn77191 11.1 (Jul 2019) Table 1: Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities Series and Cisco ONS 15454 MSTP (15454-M-WSE-K9) CBR-8 Converged Cisco IOS XE Software CSCvn77185 Broadband Router Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) Cisco IOS XE Software 10 Appendix C: Discovered Vulnerabilities Release 16.3.9 (Jul 2019) and Affected Products Cisco 1-Port Gigabit Cisco IOS XE Software Ethernet WAN Network Release 16.6.7 (Oct 2019) CSCvn77218 Interface Module Cisco IOS XE Software (NIM-1GE-CU-SFP) Release 16.9.4 (Aug 2019) CVE ID Severity Cisco IOS XE Software Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) CVE-2019-1649 High Cisco IOS Software CVE-2019-1862 High Release 15.9(3)M (Aug 2019) Cisco IOS Software Release 15.8(3)M3 (Aug Cisco 1120 Connected CSCvn89140 2019) Cisco IOS Software Table 2: Discovered Vulnerabilities Grid Router Release 15.7(3)M5 (Sep 2019) Cisco IOS Software Release 15.6(3)M7 (Sep 2019) Table 4: Affected Devices (continued) Table 5: Affected Devices (continued 2)

Cisco IOS XE Software Cisco ASR 1000 Release 16.3.9 (Jul 2019) Embedded Services Release no. TBD (Jun CSCvn77159 Cisco 2-Port Gigabit Cisco IOS XE Software Processor, 200G 2019) Ethernet WAN Network Release 16.6.7 (Oct 2019) (ASR1000-ESP200) CSCvn77218 Interface Module Cisco IOS XE Software Cisco ASR 1000 Fixed (NIM-2GE-CU-SFP) Release 16.9.4 (Aug 2019) Ethernet Line Card Release no. TBD (Jun CSCvn89144 Cisco IOS XE Software (6x10GE) 2019) Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) (ASR1000-6TGE) Firmware release 1.0.05 Cisco 3000 Series Cisco ASR 1000 Fixed (image name: isa3000- Industrial Security CSCvn89146 Ethernet Line Card, Release no. TBD (Jun firmware-1005.SPA) CSCvn89144 Appliances 2x10GE + 20x1GE 2019) (Available) (ASR1000-2T53X1GE) Cisco IOS XE Software Cisco ASR 1000 Series Cisco 4000 Series Release 16.3.9 (Jul 2019) 100-Gbps Embedded Release no. TBD (Jun Integrated Services Router Cisco IOS XE Software CSCvn77160 Services Processor (ASR 2019) Packet 1024-Channel Release 16.6.7 (Oct 2019) CSCvn77212 1000-ESP100) High-Density Voice DSP Cisco IOS XE Software Module Release 16.9.4 (Aug 2019) Cisco ASR 1000 Series Modular Interface Release no. TBD (Jun (SM-X-PVDM-1000) Cisco IOS XE Software CSCvn77158 Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) Processor 2019) Cisco IOS XE Software (ASR1000-MIP100) Cisco ASR 1000 Series Cisco 4000 Series Release 16.3.9 (Jul 2019) Release no. TBD (Jun Route Processor 3 (Cisco CSCvn77167 Integrated Services Router Cisco IOS XE Software 2019) Packet 2048-Channel Release 16.6.7 (Oct 2019) ASR1000-RP3) CSCvn77212 ASR1K- High-Density Voice DSP Cisco IOS XE Software Cisco ASR 1001-HX CSCvn77162 fpga_prog.16.0.0.xe.bin Module Release 16.9.4 (Aug 2019) Router (SM-X-PVDM-2000) Cisco IOS XE Software (Available) Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) ASR1K- Cisco IOS XE Software Cisco ASR 1001-X CSCvn89145 fpga_prog.16.0.0.xe.bin Cisco 4000 Series Release 16.3.9 (Jul 2019) (Available) Integrated Services Router Cisco IOS XE Software ASR1K- Cisco ASR 1002-HX Packet 3080-Channel Release 16.6.7 (Oct 2019) CSCvn77166 fpga_prog.16.0.0.xe.bin CSCvn77212 Router High-Density Voice DSP Cisco IOS XE Software (Available) Module Release 16.9.4 (Aug 2019) Cisco ASR 900 Series (SM-X-PVDM-3000) Cisco IOS XE Software Route Switch Processor 2 - Cisco IOS XE Software CSCvn77168 Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) 128G, Base Scale Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) Cisco IOS XE Software (A900-RSP2A-128) Cisco 4000 Series Release 16.3.9 (Jul 2019) Cisco ASR 900 Series Integrated Services Router Cisco IOS XE Software Route Switch Processor 2 - Cisco IOS XE Software Packet 768-Channel Release 16.6.7 (Oct 2019) CSCvn77168 CSCvn77212 64G, Base Scale Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) High-Density Voice DSP Cisco IOS XE Software (A900-RSP2A-64) Module Release 16.9.4 (Aug 2019) (SM-X-PVDM-500) Cisco IOS XE Software Cisco ASR 900 Series Route Switch Processor 3 - Cisco IOS XE Software Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) CSCvn77169 Utility File Name: isr4200 200G, Large Scale Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) Cisco 4221 Integrated CSCvn77153 _cpld_update_v1.1 (A900-RSP3C-200) Services Router _SPA.bin (Jun 2019) Cisco ASR 900 Series Utility File Name: isr4300 Route Switch Processor Cisco IOS XE Software Cisco 4321 Integrated CSCvn77169 CSCvn77156 _cpld_update_v1.1 and Controller 400G Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) Services Router _SPA.bin (Jun 2019) (A900-RSP3C-400/W) Utility File Name: isr4300 Cisco ASR 920 Series Cisco 4331 Integrated CSCvn77156 _cpld_update_v1.1 Aggregation Services Services Router _SPA.bin (Jun 2019) Routers 10GE and Utility File Name: isr4300 2-10GE - Passively Cisco 4351 Integrated CSCvn77156 _cpld_update_v1.1 Cooled DC model Cisco IOS XE Software Services Router CSCvn77171 _SPA.bin (Jun 2019) (ASR-920-10SZ-PD), Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) Utility File Name: isr4400 Cisco ASR920 Series - Cisco 4431 Integrated CSCvn77155 _cpld_update_v1.1 20GE SFP, 4Cu and Services Router _SPA.bin (Jun 2019) 4-10GE: Modular PSU Utility File Name: isr4400 (ASR-920-20SZ-M) Cisco 4451-X Integrated CSCvn77155 _cpld_update_v1.1 Cisco ASR 920 Series Services Router Aggregation Services _SPA.bin (Jun 2019) Cisco IOS XE Software Utility File Name: isr4400 Routers 12 x 1/10GE SFP, CSCvn77171 Cisco 4461 Integrated Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) CSCvn77154 _cpld_update_v1.1 AC Model Services Router _SPA.bin (Jun 2019) (ASR-920-12SZ-A) Cisco 5000 Series Cisco ASR 920 Series Release no. TBD (Jul Aggregation Services Enterprise Network CSCvn77150 Cisco IOS XE Software 2019) Routers 12 x 1/10GE SFP, CSCvn77171 Compute System Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) Cisco IOS Software DC Model Release 15.8(3)M2a (May (ASR-920-12SZ-D) Cisco 809 Industrial 2019) Cisco IOS Software Cisco ASR 920 Series Integrated Services CSCvn89138 Release 15.7(3)M4b (May Aggregation Services Cisco IOS XE Software Routers 2019) Cisco IOS Software Routers 12GE and CSCvn77171 Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) Release 15.6(3)M6b (May 2-10GE - AC model 2019) (ASR-920-12CZ-A) Table 6: Affected Devices (continued 3) Table 7: Affected Devices (continued 4)

Cisco ASR 920 Series Cisco IOS Software Aggregation Services 6840-X-Chassis and 2 x Cisco IOS XE Software CSCvn77183 Release 15.5(1)SY4 (Sep Routers 12GE and CSCvn77171 40G (Standard Tables) Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) 2019) 2-10GE - DC model (C6840-X-LE-40G) (ASR-920-12CZ-D) Utility name: cat9k Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series Cisco ASR 920 Series CSCvn77209 _iosxe.16.00.00fpgautility Switches Aggregation Services .SPA.bin (Available) Cisco IOS XE Software Routers 24GE Copper and CSCvn77172 Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) 4-10GE – Modular PSU High-Performance Switch Utility name: cat9k (ASR-920-24TZ-IM) with 24x 1/10/25G Gigabit CSCvn89150 _iosxe.16.00.00fpgautility Cisco ASR 920 Series Ethernet + 4x 40/100G .SPA.bin (Available) Aggregation Services Uplink (C9500-24Y4C) Cisco IOS XE Software Routers 24GE Copper and CSCvn77172 Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) Utility name: cat9k 4-10GE – Modular PSU High-Performance Switch CSCvn89150 _iosxe.16.00.00fpgautility (ASR-920-24TZ-M) with 32x 100 Gigabit .SPA.bin (Available) Cisco ASR 920 Series Ethernet (C9500-32C) Aggregation Services Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Cisco IOS XE Software Utility name: cat9k Routers 24GE Fiber and CSCvn77172 High-Performance Switch Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) CSCvn89150 _iosxe.16.00.00fpgautility 4-10GE – Modular PSU with 32x 40 Gigabit .SPA.bin (Available) (ASR-920-24SZ-M) Ethernet (C9500-32QC) Cisco ASR 920 Series Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Aggregation Services High-Performance Switch Utility name: cat9k Cisco IOS XE Software Routers 2GE and 4-10GE - CSCvn77171 with 48x 1/10/25G Gigabit CSCvn89150 _iosxe.16.00.00fpgautility Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) AC model Ethernet + 4x 40/100G .SPA.bin (Available) (ASR-920-4SZ-A) Uplink (C9500-48Y4C) Cisco ASR 920 Series Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Utility name: cat9k Aggregation Services Switch with 12x 40G Cisco IOS XE Software CSCvn77220 _iosxe.16.00.00fpgautility Routers 2GE and 4-10GE - CSCvn77171 Gigabit Ethernet Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) .SPA.bin (Available) DC model (C9500-12Q) (ASR-920-4SZ-D) Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Utility name: cat9k Cisco ASR 920 Series Switch with 16x 1/10G CSCvn77220 _iosxe.16.00.00fpgautility Aggregation Services Gigabit Ethernet .SPA.bin (Available) Routers Conformal Coated (C9500-16X) - 12GE and 4-10GE, 1 IM Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Cisco IOS XE Software Utility name: cat9k Slot CSCvn77170 Switch with 24x 40G Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) CSCvn77220 _iosxe.16.00.00fpgautility (ASR-920-12SZ-IM-CC), Gigabit Ethernet .SPA.bin (Available) Cisco ASR920 Series - (C9500-24Q) 12GE and 4-10GE, 1 IM Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Utility name: cat9k slot (ASR-920-12SZ-IM) Switch with 40x 1/10G CSCvn77220 _iosxe.16.00.00fpgautility Cisco ASR 9900 Route Gigabit Ethernet Cisco IOS XR Software .SPA.bin (Available) Processor 3 for Packet CSCvn77175 (C9500-40X) Release 7.0.1 (Jul 2019) Transport (A99-RP3-TR) Cisco Catalyst 9600 Cisco IOS XE Software CSCvn95346 Cisco ASR 9900 Route Supervisor Engine-1 Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) Cisco IOS XR Software Processor 3 for Service CSCvn77175 C9800- Release 7.0.1 (Jul 2019) Cisco Catalyst 9800-40 Edge (A99-RP3-SE) CSCvn77165 40_fpga_prog.16.0.0.xe Wireless Controller Cisco Catalyst 6800 .bin (Available) Cisco IOS XE Software 16-port 10GE with C9800- CSCvn77182 Release 15.5(1)SY4 (Sep Cisco Catalyst 9800-80 Integrated DFC4-XL CSCvn77163 80_fpga_prog.16.0.0.xe 2019) Wireless Controller (C6800-16P10G-XL) .bin (Available) Cisco Catalyst 6800 Cisco IOS XE Software Firmware Release 1.0.2 32-port 10GE with Dual CSCvn77182 Release 15.5(1)SY4 (Sep Cisco IC3000 Industrial (image name Integrated Dual DFC4-XL CSCvp42792 2019) Compute Gateway IC3000-K9-1.0.3.SPA) (C6800-32P10G-XL) (Jul 2019) Cisco Catalyst 6800 8-port Cisco MDS 9000 Family Cisco IOS XE Software Cisco NX-OS Software 10GE with Integrated 24/10 SAN Extension CSCvn77141 CSCvn77182 Release 15.5(1)SY4 (Sep Release 8.4.1 (June 2019) DFC4-XL Module (DS-X9334-K9) 2019) (C6800-8P10G-XL) Cisco NCS 200 Series Cisco Catalyst 6800 8-port 10/40/100G MR Cisco IOS XE Software CSCvn77191 11.1 (Jul 2019) 40GE with Dual Integrated Muxponder CSCvn77182 Release 15.5(1)SY4 (Sep Dual DFC4-EXL (NCS2K-MR-MXP-K9) 2019) (C6800-8P40G-XL) Cisco NCS 5500 12X10, Cisco IOS XR Software Cisco IOS XE Software 2X40 2XMPA Line Card CSCvn77202 Cisco Catalyst 6800 Series Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) CSCvn77181 Release 15.5(1)SY4 (Sep Base (NC55-MOD-A-S) Supervisor Engine 6T XL 2019) Cisco NCS 5500 Series 24 Cisco Catalyst Cisco IOS Software Ports of 100GE and 12 Cisco IOS XR Software 6816-X-Chassis (Standard CSCvn77183 Release 15.5(1)SY4 (Sep Ports of 40GE High-Scale CSCvn77202 Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Tables) (C6816-X-LE) 2019) Line Card Cisco Catalyst (NC55-24H12F-SE) Cisco IOS Software 6824-X-Chassis and 2 x Cisco NCS 5500 Series 36 CSCvn77183 Release 15.5(1)SY4 (Sep 40G (Standard Tables) ports of 100GE Cisco IOS XR Software 2019) CSCvn77202 (C6824-X-LE-40G) High-Scale Line Card Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Cisco Catalyst Cisco IOS Software (NC55-36X100G-A-SE) 6832-X-Chassis (Standard CSCvn77183 Release 15.5(1)SY4 (Sep Cisco NCS 5504 Fabric Cisco IOS XR Software CSCvn77202 Tables) (C6832-X-LE) 2019) Card (NC55-5504-FC) Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Table 8: Affected Devices (continued 5) Table 9: Affected Devices (continued 6)

Cisco NCS 5516 Fabric Cisco IOS XR Software Cisco Nexus 7000 CSCvn77202 Card (NC55-5516-FC) Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) M3-Series 48-Port 1/10G Cisco NX-OS Software CSCvn77141 Cisco NCS 55A2 Fixed Ethernet Module Release 8.4.1 (June 2019) 24X10G + 16X25G MPA Cisco IOS XR Software (N7K-M348XP-25L) CSCvn77201 Chassis Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Cisco Nexus 7700 (NCS-55A2-MOD-S) M3-Series 12-Port 100G Cisco NX-OS Software CSCvn77141 Cisco NCS 55A2 Fixed Ethernet Module Release 8.4.1 (June 2019) 24X10G + 16X25G MPA (N77-M312CQ-26L) Cisco IOS XR Software Chassis, Temperature CSCvn77201 Cisco Nexus 7700 Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Hardened M3-Series 24-Port 40G Cisco NX-OS Software CSCvn77141 (NCS-55A2-MOD-HD-S) Ethernet Module Release 8.4.1 (June 2019) Cisco NCS 55A2 Fixed (N7K-M324FQ-25L) 24X10G + 16X25G MPA Cisco Nexus 7700 Chassis, Temperature Cisco IOS XR Software M3-Series 48-Port 1/10G Cisco NX-OS Software CSCvn77201 CSCvn77141 Hardened with Conformal Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Ethernet Module Release 8.4.1 (June 2019) Coating (N77-M348XP-23L) (NCS-55A2-MOD-HX-S) Cisco Nexus 7700 Cisco NX-OS Software Cisco NCS 55A2 Fixed Supervisor 3 CSCvn77141 Release 8.4.1 (June 2019) 24X10G + 16X25G MPA Cisco IOS XR Software (N77-SUP3E) CSCvn77201 Scale Chassis Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Cisco Nexus 9332C ACI (NCS-55A2-MOD-SE-S) Spine Switch with 32p Cisco NX-OS Software Cisco NCS 55A2 Fixed 40/100G QSFP28, 2p CSCvn77143 Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) 24X10G + 16X25G MPA 1/10G SFP Scale Chassis, (N9K-C9332C) Cisco IOS XR Software Temperature Hardened CSCvn77201 Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Cisco Nexus 9364C ACI with Conformal Coating Spine Switch with 64p Cisco NX-OS Software (NCS-55A2-MOD-SE-H- 40/100G QSFP28, 2p CSCvn77143 Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) S) 1/10G SFP Cisco NCS5501 - 40x10G (N9K-C9364C) Cisco IOS XR Software and 4x100G Scale Chassis CSCvn77201 Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Cisco Nexus 9500 (NCS-5501-SE) 4-Core/4- CSCvn77142 Cisco NCS5501 Fixed Supervisor (N9K-SUP-A) Cisco IOS XR Software 48x10G and 6x100G CSCvn77201 Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Cisco Nexus 9500 Chassis (NCS-5501) 6-Core/12-Thread CSCvn77142 Cisco NCS5502 - Supervisor (N9K-SUP-B) Cisco IOS XR Software 48x100G Scale Chassis CSCvn77201 Cisco Packet-over-T3/E3 Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Release no. TBD (Oct (NCS-5502-SE) Service Module CSCvn77147 2019) Cisco NCS5502 Fixed (SM-X-1T3/E3) Cisco IOS XR Software 48x100G Chassis CSCvn77201 Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Cisco cBR-8 Integrated (NCS-5502) CCAP 40G Remote PHY Cisco IOS XE Software CSCvn77184 Cisco NCS55A1 Fixed Line Card Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) Cisco IOS XR Software 24x100G Chassis CSCvn77201 (CBR-CCAP-LC-40G-R) Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) (NCS-55A1-24H) Cisco cBR-8 Integrated Cisco NCS55A1 Fixed CCAP Line Card includes Cisco IOS XR Software Cisco IOS XE Software 36x100G Base Chassis CSCvn77201 2 DS D3.1 Modules as CSCvn77184 Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Release 16.12.1 (Jul 2019) (NCS-55A1-36H-S) well as 1 US D3.1 Module Cisco NCS55A1 Fixed (CBR-LC-8D31-16U31) Cisco IOS XR Software 36x100G Scale Chassis CSCvn77201 Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) MDS 9700 48-Port (NCS-55A1-36H-SE) 32-Gbps Fibre Channel Cisco NX-OS Software CSCvn77141 Cisco Network Cisco IOS XR Software Switching Module Release 8.4.1 (June 2019) CSCvn77219 Convergence System 1002 Release 7.0.1 (Jul 2019) (DS-X9648-1536K9) Cisco Network Cisco IOS XR Software Nexus 9200 with 36p 40G CSCvn77207 Cisco NX-OS Software Convergence System 5001 Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) 100G QSFP28 CSCvn77143 Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) Cisco Network Cisco IOS XR Software (N9K-C9236C) CSCvn77205 Convergence System 5002 Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Nexus 9200 with 48p Cisco Network 1/10G/25G SFP+ and 6p Cisco NX-OS Software Convergence System 5500 40G QSFP or 4p 100G CSCvn77143 Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) Series: 1.2-Tbps Cisco IOS XR Software QSFP28 CSCvn77202 IPoDWDM Modular Line Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) (N9K-C92160YC-X) Card Nexus 9200 with 48p (NC55-6X200-DWDM-S) 10/25 Gbps and 18p 100G Cisco NX-OS Software CSCvn77143 Cisco Network QSFP28 Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) Convergence System 5500 (N9K-C92300YC) Cisco IOS XR Software Series: 36X100G MACsec CSCvn77202 Nexus 9200 with 48p Release 7.1.1 (Nov 2019) Modular Line Cards 100M/1GT, 4p 10/25G & Cisco NX-OS Software CSCvn77143 (NC55-36X100G-S) 2p 40/100G QSFP28 Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) Cisco Nexus 31108PC-V, (N9K-C92348GC) Cisco NX-OS Software 48 SFP+ and 6 QSFP28 CSCvn77245 Nexus 9200 with 56p 40G Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) ports (N3K-C31108PC-V) QSFP+ and 8p 100G Cisco NX-OS Software CSCvn77143 Cisco Nexus 31108TC-V, QSFP28 Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) 48 10Gbase-T RJ-45 and 6 Cisco NX-OS Software (N9K-C92304QC) CSCvn77245 QSFP28 ports Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) Nexus 9200 with 72p 40G Cisco NX-OS Software CSCvn77143 (N3K-C31108TC-V) QSFP+ (N9K-C9272Q) Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) Cisco Nexus 3132C-Z Nexus 9300 with 48p Cisco NX-OS Software Switches CSCvn77245 1/10G/25G SFP and 6p Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) (N3K-C3132C-Z) 40G/100G QSFP28, Cisco NX-OS Software CSCvn77143 Cisco Nexus 3264C-E MACsec, and Unified Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) Cisco NX-OS Software Switches CSCvn77245 Ports Capable Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) (N3K-C3264C-E) (N9K-C93180YC-FX) Table 10: Affected Devices (continued 7)

Nexus 9300 with 48p 100M/1G BASE-T, 4p Cisco NX-OS Software 10/25G SFP28 and 2p CSCvn77143 Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) 40G/100G QSFP28 (N9K-C9348GC-FXP) Nexus 9300 with 48p 10G BASE-T and 6p Cisco NX-OS Software 40G/100G QSFP28, CSCvn77143 Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) MACsec Capable (N9K-C93108TC-FX) Nexus 9K Fixed with 32p Cisco NX-OS Software 100G QSFP28 CSCvn77143 Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) (N9K-C9232C) Nexus 9K Fixed with 48p 1/10G/25G SFP and 12p Cisco NX-OS Software CSCvn77143 40G/100G QSFP28 Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) (N9K-C93240YC-FX2) Nexus 9K Fixed with 48p 1/10G/25G SFP and 6p Cisco NX-OS Software CSCvn77143 40G/100G QSFP28 Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) (N9K-C93180YC-EX) Nexus 9K Fixed with 48p 10G BASE-T and 6p Cisco NX-OS Software CSCvn77143 40G/100G QSFP28 Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) (N9K-C93108TC-EX) Nexus 9K Fixed with up to 32p 40/50G QSFP+ or Cisco NX-OS Software CSCvn77143 up to 18p 100G QSFP28 Release 9.3(2) (Aug 2019) (N9K-C93180LC-EX) Supervisor A+ for Nexus CSCvn77142 9500 (N9K-SUP-A+) Supervisor B+ for Nexus CSCvn77142 9500 (N9K-SUP-B+) Analog Voice Network Interface Modules for Cisco 4000 Series ISRs (NIM-2FXO, NIM-4FXO, NIM-2FXS, NIM-4FXS, Release no. TBD (Sep NIM-2FXS/4FXO, CSCvn77151 2019) NIM-2FXSP, NIM-4FXSP, NIM-2FXS/4FXOP, NIM-4E/M, NIM-2BRI-NT/TE, NIM-4BRI-NT/TE) Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Router T1/E1 Voice and WAN Network Interface Modules (NIM-1MFT-T1/E1, Release no. TBD (Sep CSCvn77152 NIM-2MFT-T1/E1, 2019) NIM-4MFT-T1/E1, NIM-8MFT-T1/E1, NIM-1CE1T1-PRI, NIM-2CE1T1-PRI, NIM-8CE1T1-PRI)