I N T R 0 D u c T I 0 N

The 29th annual Australian Book Design On the other hand two other categories, Awards sponsored by the Australian C: Children's paperbacks and D: Primary Book Publishers Association attracted textbooks, both had very few entries and 262 entries from 64 publishers - more for the third successive year no award than ever before. of Best Book was made in either category. I As usual the competition was A review of categories seems due. open to all publishers, but entered We are especially grateful to must have been contracted and de- Joyce Nicholson for her magnificent signed in irrespective of where donation of $1000 for the Best Designed typeset or printed, and published in the Book of the Year - the Joyce Nicholson calendar year 1980. Of the 28 books to Prize, and also to the ABPA itself for the receive prizes this year 26 were typeset $500 Andrew Fabinyi Prize, commem­ inJ~ustralia, 12wer~ pr~nted in Australia, orating the mem~HY of one who. di? so 11In Hong Kong, 4In Singapore and one much for Australian book . in Malaysia.All28 were printed by offset We are particularly grateful to lithography. the printers, Hedges and Bell Pty Ltd, Through these awards we sue- for their considerable assistance in cessfully focus attention on the import- printing this catalogue free of charge. ance of well designed books; help im- The judges this year had an prove the standards of Australian book exhausting task. They carried it out design; and we reward the designers and with great professionalism, care and publishers of the best designed books of good humour, and the committee the year. thanks them for giving so much of The two biggest categories in the their time and expertise. competition were Category .F: General , , nonfiction and Category G: Scholarly, Rod Mead scientific, technical and tertiary books., . ,(: Convenor J u D G E s ' R E p 0 R T

Apart from the incentives and accol- But equal to all of that, the Awards ades offered to designers and pub- offer an opportunity to make a broader lishers, and apart from the consoli- assessment of our expectations for the dation of a concern for the look of design and publication of books in this books, the significance of the ABPA country. For if Symbols ofAustralia and Book Design Awards might well be found V~ual Languages point to the potential in the gathering each year of those publi- for innovative books designed for a par­ cations to be judged, and in the criteria ticular area, then possibly they also point considered necessary to gain an award. to how primary textbooks and children's For those interested in the development paperbacks· might be attended to with of book design, the dynamics of publish- elegance, integrity and, most of all, a ing or the current state of the skills in certain priority. both camps, the annual record of the ABPA Awards adds a worthwhile refer- Harry Williamson ence point. Chairman

J u D G E s

Harry Williamson, Chairman/Graphic Designer, Sydney Brian Sadgrove/Graphic Designer, Edmund Capon/Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Alec Bolton/National Library of Australia, Canberra ENTRIES & A W A R D S 1 9 8 0

Category Entries Best books Commended A Paperbacks - general 19 1 1 B Paperbacks- children's 9 0 2 c Children's hardbound 26 1 3 D Primary textbooks 8 0 0 E Secondary textbooks 35 1 3 F General nonfiction and popular adult 72 0 3 G Scholarly, scientific, technical and tertiary 47 2 0 H Fiction, poetry, belles lettres 9 1 1 I Art, special and limited editions 20 1 3 J Best jacket or cover (only) 17 0 3 Total ' 262 7 19 Number of publishers: 64


Rod Mead, Convenor; Nelson Kenny; Sam Ure Smith BEST DESIGNED BOOK 0 F THE YEAR

Eat more Tea and Coffee. la) Pannikm Blt;nd Tea The Ceylon Te;, Co Pt:rth; 1903. (b) Mutual Tea. The Austral Ceylon Mutual Tea Co. Ud, Perth: 1903 (c) Kinkara Tea ]. R. l..ove & Co. Sydney; l'l06. (d) Sun Brand Stephen Ktng & Son. Melbvume Tea; 1913. (e) The tnvigoratmg Cup. J.A Booth& Co. Sydney. Tea. coffet.~.<~Coa; HH:J ffJ Zebra Ct'lffee The Warren Tea Co Ltd, Brtsbane; 1919. ~Ja~~~~~~~~~. (h) C. M. Bwoke & Sons. Melbourne. Coffee. 1926. Symbols of Australia (i) Ivan Repin. Sydney Mimmo Cozzolino with O>tfet and tea; 1932. The Repin brothers G. Fysh Rutherford camt from Russia to Sydney in 1926 and Mimmo Cozzolino* started rheir first coffee shop in King St., Sydney, Cozbook, PO Box 198, opposite the Supreme Heidelberg, Vic. Court. The Dova Type Shop Hedges & Bell Pty Ltdt

102 J 0 y c E N I c H 0 L s 0 N $ 1 0 0 0 p R I z E

tal Eat mort' Biscuits. Ia) to id) Swallow & Anell. Melbourne Fuunded by Thorn~ SwaiiiiWm IK5-1to manufacture ships' bi.-..;uih. !')wallow & Ane11Lo;the-okle!.th•l£ult manufacturer m Au .. traiU&. ThomasAnell p1nt'd t~ buSant"SS as a partnt'rin IK59but d1ed m 1875. In Hf79 h1s pus~t•on was tilled by Frntenc Uerham. Swallow's soo-in-law. The buSiness was renamtd Swallow & Derham's untillWXJ wtM:n Swallow daed Derham. for phonetic ~~n~~~~!:Sa~~w & Anell. Bythasstagethe Swallow symbol had already gamed pubht• acceptance Tht Oerhamsrontmued to run tht company unt•l•b takeover in 1965 by A molt· Brock hoff-Guest PtyLtd BISCUITS · CAKI:S (a) From a 1935 price lis!:. (b) c. l955. (c) c. 1962. 1<11 1966 (e)Amolt's. PLUM PUDDINGS In 1865 William Amolt AND ~~:.::~~ufac- turt>and sell sh1ps' biSCuits to the <:oal ships COMPRESSED VEGETABLES Thr story goes that ON" : ~af::h"::~; \~JS parroc became tht' famous Amotfs symbol The vers•on shown here ~ rtgi."(ered by Wilham Arnott Ltd, Newcastle. m 1907. a war befor~ tht-y moved to Sydll(>y lh Long'sCr~am (r~M:ker Ja~ long & Co. Pt} ltd. Ballarat. Vl( ; 1900


tAll credits throughout this catalogue Ui are arranged in this order: Title ~:: Author Designer* ·~lfi'l' Publisher ~- .. . Typesetter Pnnter 103 In the case of Best Jacket of the Year, the d esigner refers to the jacket designer. All overseas typesetters and printers have their country of origin stated. AN DR EW FAB I NY I A BP A $ 5 0 0 P R I Z E

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Vi sual La ng uages Deakin Universi ty Co urse Team Deakin University Course Team* Deakin Univers ity Su san Wanda Cox Do minion Press B E s T J A C K E T 0 F T H E Y E A R

AWARDED BE S TC 0 M ME N DED ------~------NO AWARD Cassell Australia Ltd MY AD Type lBliUtUANT Colorcraft Ltd, Hong Kong GAJRlElEJR

.~u..r~~ot...... • .W.L.I!.-~--.. .. ~

My Brilliant Career Mil es Franklin Neil Carlyle* Angus & Robe rtso n Publishers Savage & Co. Pty Ltd Everbest Printing Co., Hong Kong Sergeant Richardso n's War A. D. Bell, ed. Sue Williams* Rigby Education B&D Modgraphic Pty Ltd, R. M. Osborne Pty Ltd

Award '79 Australian Write rs and Art Directors Association Derek Hughes & Wanda Tucker* A p A p E R B A c K s G E N E R A L

I' I 1 11 \i l ' t( Ramahyuck Preserved

Home Made H ouses David Liddle &Ann Taylor Kevin Ch an* Second Back Row Press Pty Ltd D.M.M. Griffin Press Ltd

You Ar e What You Make Yourself To Be Phillip Pe ppe r Robin Cowpe* Hyland House ProComp Productions Pty Ltd Globe Press Pty Ltd B p A p E R B A c K s c H I L D R E N' s

Tiddalick Robe rt Roennfeldt Robert Roennfeldt* Pe nguin Books Australia Ltd Things To Do Series Setting 69 Roger Dunn Yu Lue n Offset Printing Tony Ward* Factory Ltd, H ong Kong Ma cdonald Ed ucational (Au stralia) Pty Ltd Trade Composition Pty Ltd Warre n Printing Co. c c H I L D R E N' s H A R D B 0 u N D

illvstroted by Deborah Niland .

There's a Hippopotamus on Our Roof Eating Cake Feathers, Fur and Frills Hazel Edwards Kilmeny Niland Margaret H am ilton & Deborah il and* Margaret H amilton & Kilmeny Ni land* Hodder & Stough ton Hodder & Stoug hton (Au stralia) Pty Ltd (Austra li a) Pty Ltd Savage & Co. 'Pty Ltd Savage & Co. Pty Ltd Colorc raft Ltd, Hong Kong Colorcra ft Ltd, Hong Kong

I'm Taggarty Toad Peter Pavey Mr Archimed es' Bath Peter Pavey* Pamela All en Thomas Nelso n Australia Stephen Fle tcher* The Dova Type Shop William Co llins Publishers Pty Ltd Tien Mah Litho Printing Savage & Co.Pty Ltd Co. (Pte) Ltd, Singapore Kyo do-Shing Loong Printing Industries (Pte) Ltd, Si ngapore D PRIMARY T E X T B 0 0 K S

A w A R D E D B E s T c 0 M M E N D E D NO AWARD NO COMMENDATIONS E s E c 0 N D A R y T E X T B 0 0 K s

~A====W====A====R====D==~E~==D====B====E====S==~T ~C;:;;~O==~~M~;:=M,---~E~==~N~~~D=-__ ~E~--~0 GRADED Chapter 14 PIJBUC NOTICE Government MATHEMATICS Book Two ( in Australia J F n

, ...... --_. __.. a..,... """"''"'--"'·--­• t-rl>ll Tlooo....,_.,. .. _....., ._,, ...... A..,.. .. <.I,.,_ .. ..r..,--"-- .. - - .... -ol ...... ;t ...... ,...... ,., ...... _., .. ;::::::;-- ::=7.~!:.. - ...... ,.._ ...... __ .. ~---...-...... ,...... oo~ ~o..-.-..--~ ... - ...... __ ,... u_...... -,...,.,...... ,,. ____ ...... ,., ..... ,__ __ ...... ,.,_, _ .... - - · ••_,lo ll ...-,._ ...... ,...., ___ _ ...... -.. _...... ~o-.J ~.--.-..-- ...... ,_. ___.,...... __ __, - lot.,_w.-,. -- .,...._._..,.,...... ,--...,tl>yot.._T_ . _.,.,._...... ,."'_¥ _____

Investigating Econ omics (second edition) Antho ny Hocking Wordsh op 2 Robyn Lingard* Barry Carozzi Longman Cheshire Pty Ltd Guy Mirabella* SyanKat Seng Te ik, Malaysia Hem e mann Educational Singapore Offset Pr inting Pty Ltd, Au stralia Pty Ltd Smg apore Mere dith Trade Lino Pty Ltd Sha ng hai Pr inting Press Ltd, Hong Kong F G E N E R A L N 0 N F I c T I 0 N

0 M M

Win es & Win eries of New South Wal es James Halliday Barbara Beckett* Mead & Beckett Publishing and The Oz Factor Univers ity of Queensland Press Michael Coyne & Leigh Edwards Meredith Trade Lino Pty Ltd Brian Seddon* Shanghai Printing Press Ltd, Dove Communications Pty Ltd Hong Kong Dove Communications Pty Ltd Graphic Consultants International, Singapore &emorits eAustralianChildhood £880-IJOO t

Memories of an Au stralian Childhood Arni e Livingstone Stirling Alison Forbes* GroupPtyLtd Bookset Globe Press Pty Ltd G SCHOLARLY , S CIE N TIFI C & TERTIARY

Symbols of Au stralia Mimmo Cozzolino with ;:,...,_,_ __,""" __...... ,_., ,_ .... ___ _ G. Fysh Rutherford ._. ....~ ... ,_ __ .. _...... ,_ Mimmo Cozzolino* .C:::'Z"'::':j:::;';"-'- ·'- t--,. UH --· ~ Cozbook, PO Box 198, He id elberg, Vic. Visual Languages The Dova Type Shop Visual Languages Course Team He dges & Bell Pty Ltd Visual Languages Course Team* Deakin Umversity Susan Wanda Cox Dominion Press


A w A R D E D B E s E N D E D

The Golden Apples of the Sun Chris Wallace-Crabbe, ed. Wilke and Co. Ltd staff (Peter Bu ckmaster) with Melbourne U nivers ity Press staff* Melbourne U nivers ity Press The Dova Type Shop Wilke & Co. Ltd

My Brilliant Career M1les Franklin Neil Carlyle* Angus & Robertson Publishers Savage & Co. Pty Ltd Everbest Printing Co., Hong Kong I ART , SPECIAL & LIM I T-· E D EDITIONS

~A--~W--~A~==R====D====E====D=====B==~E~==S=-~T ~C~--~0~--~M~---M~-· --~E~--~N____ ~ D~--~E~--~D~ Art Directors Association Gordon Trembath & Mike Chandler* Cassell Au stralia Ltd, AD Type Co lorcraft Ltd, Hong Kong

Australian Art and Architecture Essays presented to Bernard Smith

EDITU) BY A"'THO:-.l'r BR \I)LfY & HRR) S\1 11 H Australian Art and Architecture Anthony Bradley & Terry Smith, eds Aliso n Forbes* Oxford University Press Mere dith Trade Lino Pty Ltd Brown Prior Anderson Pty Ltd Max Dupain Gael Newton Harry Wi ll iamso n* David Ell Press B&D Modgraphic Pty Ltd Shanghai Printing Press Ltd, Hong Kong

Silver and Grey Gael ewton Neil Carlyle* Angu s & Robertson Publishers Savage & Co. Pty Ltd Dai Nippon, Hong Kong

Award '79 Au stralian Write rs and

Design ed by Cozzolino Hughes Edited by Jill Kitson Typeset in 9pt and 17pt Bau er Bodoni by The Dova Type Shop, Melbourne Copy photography by The Colourstat Factory Printed bv He dges & Bell Maryboro.ugh, Victoria