

FRBR Review Group — IFLA, Division IV, Cataloguing Section

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FRBR bibliography, version 10.11, 22/11/2006; all links prior to that date checked on 02/09/2002 Converted to PDF on: 08/12/2006 2/53



1. THEORETICAL ASPECTS ...... 5 1.0 CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, COLLECTIONS, ETC...... 5 1.1. GENERAL STUDIES...... 6 1.2. TERMINOLOGY ...... 12 1.3. “WORK” LEVEL ...... 12 1.4. “EXPRESSION” LEVEL...... 14 1.5. “MANIFESTATION” LEVEL...... 15 2. IMPACT ON CURRENT STANDARDS ...... 15 2.1. ISBDS...... 15 2.2. CATALOGUING RULES ...... 16 2.2.1. General studies...... 16 2.2.2. AACR ...... 18 2.2.3. RICA ...... 19 2.2.4. Russian rules ...... 19 2.2.5. Spanish rules ...... 20 2.2.6. Slovenian rules ...... 20 2.2.7. Czech rules ...... 20 2.2.8. Swedish rules...... 20 2.3. FORMATS...... 20 2.3.1. MARC21 ...... 20 2.3.2. MAB ...... 21 2.3.3. HUNMARC...... 22 3. APPLICATION STUDIES...... 22 3.1. APPLICATION TO ELECTRONIC RESOURCES ...... 22 3.1.1 XML documents and the FRBR analysis...... 24 3.1.2 FRBR and the Web ...... 24 3.2. APPLICATION TO CONTINUING RESOURCES...... 25 3.3. APPLICATION TO MUSIC...... 26 3.4. APPLICATION TO RIGHTS MANAGEMENT...... 27 3.5. APPLICATION TO LIBRARIES FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED ...... 28 3.6. APPLICATION TO AUDIO-VISUAL DOCUMENTS ...... 28 3.7. APPLICATION TO GRAPHIC MATERIALS ...... 29 3.8. APPLICATION TO CARTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS ...... 29 3.9. APPLICATION TO AUTHORITY CONTROL...... 29 3.10. APPLICATION TO SUBJECT INDEXING ...... 30 3.11. APPLICATION TO ANTIQUARIAN ...... 31 3.12. APPLICATION TO PERFORMING ARTS...... 31 3.13. FRBR AND SEMANTIC WEB...... 31 3.14. APPLICATION TO QUALITY CONTROL ...... 32 3.15. APPLICATION TO COMPONENT PARTS...... 33 3.16. APPLICATION TO NATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATABASES ...... 33 3.17. APPLICATION TO ORAL LITERATURE ...... 33 3.18 APPLICATION TO NON-BOOK MATERIALS...... 33 4. IMPLEMENTATIONS AND RESEARCH PROJECTS...... 33 4.1. IMPLEMENTATIONS...... 34 4.1.1. AustLit Gateway ...... 34 4.1.2. VisualCat ...... 35 4.1.3. Virtua...... 35 4.1.4. LibDB...... 36 4.1.5. RedLightGreen ...... 36 4.1.6. Perseus Digital Library...... 36 FRBR bibliography, version 10.11, 22/11/2006; all links prior to that date checked on 02/09/2002 Converted to PDF on: 08/12/2006 3/53

4.1.7. FRBR Floater ...... 37 4.2. RESEARCH PROJECTS...... 37 4.2.1. OCLC...... 37 FRBRized WorldCat...... 37 FictionFinder...... 39 xISBN...... 39 4.2.2. Data mining MARC to find: FRBR? ...... 39 4.2.3. BIBSYS...... 40 4.2.4. REUSE...... 40 4.2.5. INWECA ...... 41 4.2.6. Voyager...... 41 4.2.7. Library of Congress’s FRBR Display Tool ...... 41 4.2.8. Paradigma ...... 41 4.2.9 IFPA...... 42 4.2.10. SELMA...... 42 4.2.11. SveLitt ...... 42 4.2.12. FRBR and RDF ...... 42 4.2.13. Millennium...... 43 4.2.14. OpenFRBR...... 43 4.2.15. Searching Bibliographic Records...... 43 4.2.16. Melvyl Recommender Project ...... 43 5. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER MODELS AND TOPICS ...... 44 5.1. ABC ...... 44 5.2. PETER C. WEINSTEIN’S ONTOLOGY-BASED METADATA...... 45 5.3. ...... 45 5.4. CRM...... 46 5.5. UKOLN’S ANALYTICAL MODEL OF COLLECTIONS ...... 46 5.6. ECHO METADATA MODEL...... 46 5.7. VARIATIONS2 MODEL...... 46 5.8. ISAD(G) AND ARCHIVES ...... 47 5.9. DAMS DATA MODEL ...... 47 5.10. OPENCRITIC ...... 47 5.11. XOBIS ...... 47 5.12. TEF ...... 48 5.13. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IDENTIFIERS ...... 48 6. TEACHING FRBR ...... 48




0. FRBR final report: different expressions and their manifestations

English: IFLA Study Group on the functional requirements for bibliographic records. Functional requirements for bibliographic records: final report [printed text]. – Munich, Germany : K. G. Saur, 1998. Also available online from World Wide Web: , or: .

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Romanian: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records = Cerinte functionale pentru înregistrarile bibliografice : Raportul final / Grupul de lucru IFLA pentru Cerintele functionale pentru înregistrarile bibliografice ; aprobat de catre Comitetul Permanent al Sectiunii de Catalogare a IFLA ; traducatori, Constanţa Dumitrasconiu, Victoria Frâncu, Dan Matei. – Septembrie 1997. Available from World Wide Web: .

Italian: Requisiti funzionali per record bibliografici / ed. italiana a cura dell’Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche. – Roma : ICCU, 2000. – ISBN 88-7107-097-6.

Slovenian: Funkcionalne zahteve za bibliografske zapise : končno poročilo / [pripravila] Mednarodna zveza bibliotekarskih zdruzenj in ustanov ; [prevod in priprava slovenskih primerov Zlata Dimec]. Ljubljana : Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za bibliotekarstvo, 2000. – (Bibliothecaria. 6. Prevodi ; 1). – ISBN 961-227-045-7 and ISBN 961-227- 057-0.

Norwegian: Funksjonskrav til bibliografiske poster : sluttrapport / oversatt for Den norske katalogkomité av Liv Aasa Holm [online]. – Oslo : Nasjonalbiblioteket, februar 2001 [cited 12 April 2001]. Available from World Wide Web: .

French: Spécifications fonctionnelles des notices bibliographiques : rapport final / Groupe de travail IFLA sur les Spécifications fonctionnelles des notices bibliographiques. – Édition française / établie par la Bibliothèque nationale de France. – Paris : Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2001. Available from World Wide Web: .

Czech: Funkční požadavky na bibliografické záznamy : závěrečná zpráva / IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records ; přeložila Mgr. Ludmila Celbová. Praha: Národní knihovna České republiky, 2001. – ISBN 80-7050-400-5. Also available from Internet: .

Japanese: Shoshi Rekoudo no Kinou Youken / translated by Wanaka Mikio, Furukawa Hajime & Hagata Haruki. – Tokyo : Japan Library Association, 2004. – ISBN 4-8204-0330-3. Available from The Japan Library Association, 1-11-14, Shinkawa chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033, Japan ().

Korean: Seojirekodeuui gineungsangui yogeon : choejongbogoseo / IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records ; translated by Kim Tae-soo. – Seoul : The National Library of Korea, 2003. – (Library Automation Series; 27). – ISBN 89-7383-063-5, ISBN 89-7383-062-7. Also available from World Wide Web: .

Spanish: Requisitos funcionales de los registros bibliográficos : informe final / Grupo de estudio de la IFLA sobre los Requisitos funcionales de los registros bibliográficos ; traducción de Xavier Agenjo y María Luisa Martínez- Conde. – [Madrid] : Ministerio de Cultura, 2004. – ISBN 84-8181-213-7. Also available on line at: .

Croatian: Uvjeti za funkcionalnost bibliografskih zapisa završni izvještaj / IFLA-ine Studijska skupina za uvjete za funkcionalnost bibliografskih zapisa ; s engleskog prevela Tinka Katić. – Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižnicarsko društvo, 2004. – ISBN 953-6001-26-8.

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Latvian: FRBR : Funkcionālās prasības bibliogrāfiskajiem ierakstiem : Gala ziņojums / IFLA Pētniecības grupa par funkcionālajām prasibam bibliogrāfiskajiem ierakstiem ; Tulkojuma darba grupa: Anita Goldberga, Baiba Holma, Antra Indriksone, Guna Linkeviča, Baiba Muze, Laimdota Prūse, Baiba Sporāne. – Riga : Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka, 2005. – ISBN 9984-607-67-4. Available from World Wide Web: .

Serbian: Funkcionalni zahtevi za bibliografske zapise : završni izveštaj / [priredila] Međunarodna federacija bibliotečkih udruženja i institucija, Radna grupa IFLA za funkcionalne zahteve za bibliografske zapise ; [preveo Bogoljub Mazić]. – Beograd : Narodna biblioteka Srbije, 2005 (Beograd : Zuhra). – 123 str. : tabele ; 24 cm. – (Edicija Savremena biblioteka ; knj. 6).

Swedish: Funktionella krav på bibliografiska poster : slutrapport / av IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records ; preliminär svensk översättning utgiven av Svensk biblioteksförenings kommitté för katalogisering ; översatt av Miriam Säfström. – Stockholm : Svensk biblioteksförening, 2005. Available from World Wide Web: or .

German: Funktionelle Anforderungen an bibliografische Datensätze : Abschlussbericht der IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records / hrsg. von der Arbeitsstelle für Standardisierung. – Leipzig ; Frankfurt am Main ; Berlin : die Deutsche Bibliothek, 2006. – ISBN 978-3-933641-76-2. Available from World Wide Web: .

Hungarian: A bibliográfiai tételek funkcionális követelményei : zárójelentés / készítette az IFLA Bibliográfiai Tételek Funkcionális Követelményei Munkacsoportja ; fordította: Berke Barnabásné. – [Budapest : Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: .

1. Theoretical aspects

1.0 Conferences, seminars, collections, etc.

Bibliotheca Universalis: How to organize chaos? 11-12 August 2005 [on line]. [S.l.]: Finnish Library Association, 2005 [cited 4 January 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: .

LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstracts available from . Reviewed by Stephen Hearn in Library Resources and Technical Services 50: 3, July 2006.

FRBR in 21st century catalogues: an invitational workshop: May 2-4, 2005, [Dublin, Ohio] [on line]. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., c2005 [cited 3 August 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

Seminario su FRBR (Functional requirements for bibliographic records) – Firenze, 27-28 gennaio 2000 [on line]. [Firenze]: Associazione italiana biblioteche, Sezione Toscana, 2000 [cited 9 February 2000 and 22 March 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available in printed form: GUERRINI, Mauro. Ed. Rome, Associazione italiana biblioteche, 2000. ISBN 88-7812-067-7.

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1.1. General studies

AALBERG, Trond. Navigating in bibliographic catalogues. In: Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Technology, 6th European Conference, ECDL 2002, Rome, Italy, September 16-18, 2002: proceedings / ed. by M. Agosti, C. Thanos. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2002. Abstract available from the Internet: .

In: Cybrarians .”اﻟﺒﺒﻠﻴﻮﺝﺮاﻓﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﺴﺠﻴﻠﺔ اﻟﻮﻇﻴﻔﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﺘﻄﻠﺒﺎت FRBR“ .(اﻟﻘﺎدر ﻋﺒﺪ ﺣﺴﻴﻦ أﻣﻞ) ABDEL KADER, Amel Hasin Journal [on line]. June 2005, No. 5 [cited 27 July 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: . ISSN 1687-2215.

ARRIOLA NAVARRETE, Oscar. Metadatos ¿para qué?: la propuesta de IFLA (FRBR). In: Liber : Revista de Bibliotecología. 2003, 5(2), pp. 18-25. Also available from the Internet : .

BADEN, Diane. Is FRBR in our future?: NELINET, ILL Spring meeting, June 16, 2003 [on line]. [Southborough, Mass.]: NELINET, 2003 [cited 12 August 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

BEACOM, Matthew. The once & future catalog: the FRBR model, users and catalogs [on line]. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Library, Ocotober 23, 2003 [cited 24 November 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

BEALL, Jeffrey. Some reservations about FRBR. In: Library High Tech News. 2006, vol. 23, No. 2. P. 15-16. ISSN 0741-9058.

BUCCHIONI, Cinzia & SPINELLI, Serafina. A proposito di FRBR. In: Bollettino AIB. June 2002, vol. 42, No. 2. P. 201-207. ISSN 1121-1490.

BUCCHIONI, Cinzia & SPINELLI, Serafina. Qualche riflessioni su FRBR. In: Bibliotime [on line]. March 2000, 3rd year, No. 1 [cited 7 August 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: . ISSN 1128-3564.

BUIZZA, Pino. Dai principi di Parigi a FRBR. In: Bibliotime [on line], anno V, numero 1, marzo 2002 [cited 3 June 2002]. available from World Wide Web: .

CARLYLE, Allyson. Document Ontologies in Library and Information Science: An Introduction and Critical Analysis. In: Knowledge Technologies Conference 2002, Seattle, WA, USA [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2002 [cited 25 April 2003]. Available from the Internet: .

CARLYLE, Allyson. FRBR and the Bibliographic Universe, or, How to Read FRBR as a Model. In: Back to the future, ALCTS Preconference, ALA Annual Meeting, Orlando, June 25, 2004 [on line]. [S.l.]: ALA, 2004 [cited 25 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

CARLYLE, Allyson. Ordering author and work records: an evaluation of collocation in online catalog displays. In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science. 1996. Vol. 47, No. 7, pp. 538-544.

CARLYLE, Allyson. Understanding FRBR as a Conceptual Model: FRBR and the Bibliographic Universe. In: Library Resources & Technical Services. 2006. Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 264-273. Also available on line from: .

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CHEN, Heqin. Shumu jilu gongneng xuqiu (FRBR) chutan. In: [2003 Conference on Information Technology and Library Science] [on line]. [Taipei]: [Department of Information and Library Science, TamKang University], 2003 [cited 12 August 2003]. Available from Internet: (text), (slides).

CHEN, Peter Pin-Shan. The entity-relationship model--toward a unified view of data. In: ACM transactions on database systems. 1976. Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 9-36.

COLEMAN, Anita. A 21st century look at an ancient concept: Understanding FRBR, presented at the AzLA (Arizona Library Association) Conference, El Conquistador Hilton, Tucson, Nov. 30 - 2 Dec. 2004. [Tucson]: DList (Digital Library for Information Science and Technology), deposited on 02 December 2004 [cited 27 December 2004]. Available from the Internet: .

DANSKIN, Alan; & CHAPMAN, Ann. Bibliographic records in the computer age. In: Library & information update. Vol. 2, No. 9, September 2003. P.42-43.

DANSKIN, Alan; & CHAPMAN, Ann. A new direction for bibliographic records? the development of Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. Part 1. In: Catalogue and Index. Summer 2003. P. 8-10.

DELSEY, Tom. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: User Tasks and Cataloguing Data. In: Cataloguing and Indexing: empowering the user: 38th CIG [Cataloguing and Indexing Group] Annual Meeting… [4th] July 2003, at Umbrella 2003, Umist, Manchester [on line]. [London]: CIG, 2003 [cited 18 July 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

DELSEY, Tom. Stepping back, looking forward: FRBR and the evolution of the catalogue. In: Back to the future, ALCTS Preconference, ALA Annual Meeting, Orlando, June 25, 2004 [on line]. [S.l.]: ALA, 2004 [cited 25 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

DENTON, William. FRBR and fundamental cataloguing rules [on line]. [Toronto, Ontario]: [W. Denton], May 2003 [cited 2 June 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

DROBÍKOVÁ, Barbora. Budování katalogu a uživatelský přístup [= Catalogue building and user approach]. In: Steinerová, J., ed. Informačné správanie a digitálne knižnice: zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie SÚZA, Bratislava 21.-22. máj 2003. Bratislava: Katedra knižničnej a informačnej vedy FiF UK, 2003. P. 190-201. ISBN 80-85165-87-2.

DROBÍKOVÁ, Barbora. Vývoj, smĕřování a trendy katalogizace za poslední čtyři roky: od FRBR až po revizi AACR2R v roce 2002 [= Development, tendency and trends in cataloguing in the last four years: from FRBR up to the AACR2R revision in 2002]. In: Národní Knihovna: knihovnická revue, 2002, No. 3, p. 153-167. ISSN 1214-0678. Also available on line in HTML format from or in PDF format from [cited 29 January 2003].

ELAG (European Library Automation Group). Library Systems Seminar (22; 1998; Den Haag). Workshop 4. User benefits from a new bibliographic model: follow-up of the IFLA Functional Requirements study. In: 64th IFLA General Conference August 16 – August 21, 1998 [on line]. [Ottawa]: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 1998 [cited 13 March 2000]. Available from Internet: .

ELAG (European Library Automation Group). Library Systems Seminar (23; 1999; Bled, Slovenia). Workshop 4. IFLA model for bibliographic records: ELAG 00 edition II: report of [ELAG] workshop #4. In: ELAG’99: managing multimedia collections: Bled, Slovenia [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1999 [cited 23 July 1999]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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ELAG (European Library Automation Group). Library Systems Seminar (24; 2000; Paris, France). Workshop 2 & Workshop 11. Towards a common conceptual model for (A)LM: [workshop] report. In: Archives, libraries and museums convergence: 24th Library Systems Seminar, Paris, 12-14 April 2000. Paris: Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, 2001. P. 159-162. ISBN 2-86842-146-6.

ELAG (European Library Automation Group). Library Systems Seminar (25; 2001; Prague). Workshop 10. What benefits do we expect from an FRBR-based automated catalog? In: ELAG 2001: integrating heterogeneous collections, Prague, 6-8 June 2001 [on line]. Prague: Statní Technická Knihovna, last updated Wed Sep 2001 [cited 18 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

ELAG (European Library Automation Group). Library Systems Seminar (26; 2002; Rome, Italy). Workshop 6. FRBR continued: implementation problems: workshop report [of ELAG] workshop 6. In: ELAG 2002: Semantic Web and libraries: Rome, 17-19 April 2002 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2002 [cited 17 April 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

ELAG (European Library Automation Group). Library Systems Seminar (27; 2003; Bern, Switzerland). Workshop 5. FRBR (continued): [report of ELAG] workshop 5. In: ELAG 2003: cross language applications and the Web: Bern, Switzerland, 2-4 April 2003 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2003 [cited 17 April 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

ERCEGOVAC, Zorana. Toward a global access to bibliographic information: converging patterns, new paradigms: [presented as a keynote presentation at the COBISS/SICRIS User Conference in Maribor, Slovenia, 29 November 2000] [on line]. []: [University of ], [s. d.] [cited 5 May 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available in Slovenian in: Obvestila, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2000. P. 4-28.

FATTAHI, Rahmatollah. The relevance of cataloguing principles to the online environment: an historical and analytical study: a thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy in the School of information, library and archive studies, University of South Wales [Australia], 1997 [on line]. [Sidney, Australia]: [s.n.], 1997 [cited 16 March 2000]. Available from Internet: . [Not available any more from this URL; new URL, checked on September 15, 2002: .]

FRÂNCU, Victoria. O abordare practică a FRBR. [A practical approach to FRBR.] In: Buletin ABIR vol. 5, no. 3, 2004, p. 6-11.

FRÂNCU, Victoria. An Interpretation of the FRBR Model. In: 8th International ISKO [International Society for Knowledge Organization] Conference: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society: London, 13-16 July 2004 [on line]. [London]: [University College London], [2004] [cited 12 August 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: . Text available in print in: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the Eighth International ISKO Conference 13 – 16 July 2004, London, UK / ed. by Ia C. McIlwaine. – Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2004. – (Advances in Knowledge Organization ; vol. 9). - p.159-165.

GHILLI, Carlo; & GUERRINI, Mauro; & NOVELLI, Antonella. FRBR: analisi del record e nuovi codici di catalogazione. In: Bollettino AIB. 2003, No. 2. P. 145-159. ISSN 1121-1490. Also available from World Wide Web: . Abstract available in English from World Wide Web ().

GOLEC-NYCZ, E. FRBR (eferberyzacja) – nowa filozofia katalogowania. In: Bibliotekarz, 2004, nr 9.

GUERRINI, Mauro. Requisiti funzionali per le registrazioni bibliografiche. In: Bibliotime, [on line], anno V, numero 1, marzo 2002 [cited 29 November 2002]. available from World Wide Web: .

HEANEY, Michael. Time is of the essence: some thoughts occasioned by the papers contributed to the International Conference on the Principles and Future Development of AACR [on line]. Oxford: Bodleian Library, 1997 [cited 9 March 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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Илиева, Ваня. Функционални изисквания за библиографските записи (FRBR) [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2003? 2004?] [cited 27 October 2004]. Available from the Internet: .

JANONIS, Osvaldas. IFLA tyrimas “Funkciniai reikalavimai bibliografiniam įrašui” ir jo reikšmė valstybinės bibliografijos tarnyboms ir kataloguotojams. In: Knygotyra [on line]. Vol. 39, 2002 [cited 15 July 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: . ISSN 0204-2061. [In Lithuanian; abstract in English on p. 12].

Journée d’étude « Les catalogues du futur » : Toulouse, 10 novembre 2005 [on line]. Toulouse: Centre de formation aux carrières des bibliothèques Midi-Pyrénées et Languedoc-Roussillon, 01/12/2005 [cited 10 May 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: .

KUCIANOVÁ, Anna. Stanovenie funkčných požiadaviek pre bibliografické záznamy. In: ITlib: Informačné technológie a knižnice. 2003, No. 3, p. 29-31. Also available from World Wide Web: .

LE BŒUF, Patrick. La “cybergénération” face aux catalogues de bibliothèques. In: FRBR: du modèle théorique aux réalisations pratiques: vers un catalogue conçu comme un site Web?: Journée d’étude, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 5 décembre 2002 [on line]. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, [2003] [cited 3 March 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: (in HTML format), or: (in PowerPoint format).

LE BŒUF, Patrick. FRBR: toward some practical experimentation in ELAG? In: ELAG 2001: integrating heterogeneous resources, 25th library systems seminar, Prague 6-8 June 2001 [on line]. Prague: Statní technická knihovna, 2001 [cited 12 February 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

LE BŒUF, Patrick. FRBR and further. In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 2001, Vol. 32, No.4, pp. 15- 52. ISSN 0163-9374.

LE BŒUF, Patrick. Le modèle FRBR: présentation, histoire, enjeux. In: FRBR: du modèle théorique aux réalisations pratiques: vers un catalogue conçu comme un site Web?: Journée d’étude, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 5 décembre 2002 [on line]. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, [2003] [cited 3 March 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: (in HTML format), or: (in PowerPoint format). Also available in an English translation by Pat Riva from: .

LE BŒUF, Patrick. “Zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit”: die FRBR-Theoretisierung und einige FRBR- Anwendungen: FRBR Workshop, 8.-9. Juli 2004, Frankfurt am Main [on line]. Frankfurt: Die Deutsche Bibliothek, 2004 [cited 26 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: (text), and (slides).

MADISON, Olivia M.A. The IFLA functional requirements for bibliographic records: international standards for Universal Bibliographic Control. In: Library resources and technical services. 2000, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp.153-159.

MADISON, Olivia M.A. The origins of the IFLA study on Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

MAGLIANO, Cristina. Metadata in relation to FRBR. In: Bibliotheca Universalis: How to organize chaos? 11- 12 August 2005 [on line]. [S.l.]: Finnish Library Association, 2005 [cited 4 January 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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MAURER, Margaret Beecher. Before you attend the workshop: FRBR and the future. In: TechKNOW, V. 10, #1, March 2004 [cited 13 April 2004]. P. 1-8. Available from World Wide Web: .

MURTOMAA, Eeva. FRBR: a new way to have access to the intellectual content in the bibliographic universe. In: Libraries in the Digital Age, May 26-30 2003, Dubrovnik and Mljet, Croatia [on line]. [S.l.]: LIDA [Libraries in the Digital Age], last revised July 4th 2003 [cited 15 July 2003]. Available from the Internet: .

MURTOMAA, Eeva; & MAUNU, Ulla Maija. Funktionaalisen luetteloinnin kokeiluprojektit [on line]. [S.l.] [Finland]: [s.n.], 20.12.2002 [cited 1st December 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

MURTOMAA, Eeva. ”Funktionaalinen luettelointi”: mitä se on ? [paper delivered at] Muistiorganisaatiot ja tiedon järjestäminen Seminaari Roomassa 14.-16.11.2002 = Convergence on Memory Institutions – Finnish- Italian Seminar on the Collaboration of Libraries, Archives and Museums in the Organization of Knowledge. In: Verkkari: Helsingin Yliopiston Kirjastojen lehti [on line]. Nro 11/02. Available from World Wide Web: . ISSN 1456-2979.

NAHOTKO, Marek. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Record [sic] (FRBR): model opracowania zbiorów bibliotecznych IFLA [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2001 [cited 30 March 2001]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available from . Also available in Bibliotekarz, 2001, No. 1.

NAITO, Eisuke. Identification, integration and links for recorded knowledge: standards, standard frameworks for accessing. [Tokyo]: [Center of the International Cooperation for Computerization (CICC)], [2001?] [cited 5 November 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . PowerPoint presentation available as: .

PADZIŃSKI, Andrzej. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) [on line]: PGU 17-18 VI 2004. [Poland]: [s.n.], 2004 [cited 28 December 2004]. Available from the Internet: . In Polish.

PAYER, Margarete. Computervermittelte Kommunikation. Kapitel 12, OSI-Schicht 6: Presentation Layer, Datendarstellungsschicht. Teil II, SGML und XML [on line]. Stuttgart: M. Payer, 1995, Fassung vom 21. Juni 1999 [cited 17 August 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

PAYER, Margarete, & PAYER, Alois. Datenbankaufbau: Skript. Kapitel 3, Datenbank-Design: Entity- Relationship (ER) Modelling [on line]. Stuttgart: Hochschule für Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen, letzte Überarbeitung: 15. Mai 1997 [cited 18 August 2000]. Available from Internet: . [Not available any more from this URL; new URL, checked on September 2, 2002: ].

PETEK, Marija. Conceptual models in the field of library catalogues: abstract. In Knjižnica index [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2000?] [cited 13 April 2001]. Available from World Wide Web: .

RIESTHUIS, Gerhard J.A., ŽUMER, Maja. The Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records and Knowledge Organization. In: Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Organization for the 21st Century: Integration of Knowledge across Boundaries: Proceedings of the Seventh International ISKO Conference 10 - 13 July 2002, Granada, Spain / organized by ISKO - Spanish Chapter and The University of Granada; ed. by Maria J. Lopez-Huertas [printed monograph]. Würzburg: ERGON Verlag, 2002. P.165-172.

ROSSI, Federica. C’è un catalogo nel nostro futuro? In: Biblioteca oggi [printed serial]. 2002, vol. 2. P. 48-54.

ROSSI, Federica. Un nuovo acronimo per la biblioteca: FRBR. In: Bibliotime [on line], anno IV, numero3, novembre 2001 [cited 5 February 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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SCHMIDGALL, Karin. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: Nostalgie oder Zukunftskonzept?: Kurzstatement Workshop FRBR, 7. Juli 2004 in Der Deutschen Bibliothek, Frankfurt [on line]. Frankfurt : Die Deutsche Bibliothek, 2004 [cited 26 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: (text), and (slides).

SERRAI, Alfredo. Critica dei Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Studies. In: Bibliotheca: rivista di studi bibliografici [printed serial]. 2002, No. 2, p. 207-215.

SPAHIU, Besa. Några aspekter på diskussionen kring FRBR: en textanalytisk studie: Magisteruppsats… [on line]. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, Institutionen för ABM, estetik och kulturstudier, Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, 2003 [cited 24 Novemebr 2003]. (Uppsatser inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, ISSN 1650-4267; nr 177). Available from World Wide Web: . Dissertation in Swedish.

SPINELLI, Serafina. Al centro di FRBR: l’utente. In: Bibliotime [on line]. July 2002, 5th year, No. 2 [cited 27 August 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . ISSN 1128-3564.

SVENONIUS, Elaine. The intellectual foundation of information organization. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000. ISBN 0-262-19433-3.

TANIGUCHI, Shoichi. [Two ways to construct a bibliographic entity in conceptual modelling: re-examination of the three-layered model and the IFLA FRBR model in descriptive cataloguing] [in Japanese]. In: Journal of Japan Society of Library and Information Science [printed serial]. July 1999, Vol. 45 No. 2. P. 45-60. ISSN 1344-8668.

TAYLOR, Arlene. Ed. Understanding FRBR: What It Is and How It Will Affect Our Retrieval Tools. Libraries Unlimited, 2007. Contents: Basic explanation of FRBR / Arlene Taylor ; Basic explanation of FRAR / Arlene Taylor ; FRBR as continuum since Panizzi / William Denton ; Research on FRBR and some FRBR projects / Ed O’Neill ; Interaction of FRAR and FRBR / Glenn Patton ; FRBR and RDA / Barbara Tillett ; FRBR and music / Sherry Vellucci ; FRBR and art works / Murtha Baca and Sherman Clarke ; FRBR and serials/continuing resources / Steve Shadle ; FRBR and moving image materials / Martha Yee ; FRBR and cartographic materials / Mary Larsgaard ; FRBR and archival materials / Alex Thurman ; FRBR and bibliographic families / superwork idea / Richard Smiraglia.

THORLUND JEPSEN, Erik. Structuring the catalogue according to FRBR user tasks: collocation and linking. In: Bibliotheca Universalis: How to organize chaos? 11-12 August 2005 [on line]. [S.l.]: Finnish Library Association, 2005 [cited 4 January 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: .

TILLETT, Barbara B. Authority control on the Web. In: Conference on bibliographic control in the new millennium [on line]. Washington: Library of Congress, August 10, 2000 [cited 29 December 2000]. Available from Internet: .

TILLETT, Barbara B. Bibliographic relationships. In: Relationships in the organization of knowledge, ed. by Carol A. Bean & Rebecca Green [printed monograph]. Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, p. 19-35.

TILLETT, Barbara B. The FRBR model (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. In: Record of Workshop on Authority Control among Chinese, Korean and Japanese languages (CJK Authority 3), March 14- 18, 2002, held at National Institute of Informatics (NII) in cooperation with National Diet Library [printed monograph]. [Tokyo]: National Institute of Informatics, 2002, p. 71-97 (also in Japanese, p. 98-114).

TILLETT, Barbara B. IFLA Study on the Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records: Theoretical and Practical Foundations. In: 60th IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings - August 21-27, 1994 [on line]. [Den Haag]: IFLA, 1994 [cited 2 September 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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TODD, Chris. What’s new in cataloguing? In: LIANZA 2004 Conference, Auckland [on line]. [Auckland?]: Lianza, 2004 [cited 25 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

VELLUCCI, Sherry L. Bibliographic relationships. In: International Conference on the Principles and Future Development of AACR, Toronto, Canada, October 23-25, 1997 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1997 [cited 6 April 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: . [Not available any more from this URL; new URL, checked on September 2, 2002: ].

VELLUCCI, Sherry L. Uniform titles as linking devices. In: Cataloging & classification quarterly [printed serial]. 1990. Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 35-62.

WESTLIND, Marcus. Den senaste utvecklingen inom katalogisering och dess påverkan av ny teknologi [= The Latest Developments in Cataloging and the Influence of New Technology]: Magisteruppsats [on line]. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, Institutionen för ABM Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, 2004 [cited 2 September 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: . (Uppsatser inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, ISSN 1650-4267; 199).

WESTON, Paul Gabriele. Catalogazione bibliografica: dal formato MARC a FRBR. In: Bollettino AIB [Associazione italiana biblioteche] [printed serial]. September 2001, vol. 41, No. 3. P. 267-286. Also available from World Wide Web: [cited 15 January 2002]. ISSN 1121- 1490.

ŽUMER, Maja. FRBR as user’s model. In: Bibliotheca Universalis: How to organize chaos? 11-12 August 2005 [on line]. [S.l.]: Finnish Library Association, 2005 [cited 4 January 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: .

1.2. Terminology

BAHTURINA, T. A. International terminology in cataloguing: problems and prospects. In: International and national cataloguing rules: current situation and prospects for development, Moscow, 20-24 April [1999] [on line]. Moscow: Russian State Library, 1998 [cited 31 January 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: . [Not available any more from this URL; new URL, checked on November 5, 2002: ]. Also available in International cataloguing and bibliographic control, July-September 2000, vol. 29 no. 3, p. 49-51.

BAHTURINA, T. A. Issledovanie IFLA “Funkcional’nye trebovaniâ k bibliografičeskim zapisâm” i ego bliânie na sovremennuû katalogizacionnuû terminologiû [on line]. [Moscow]: Ministerstvo Nauk i Tehnologij, 1999 [cited 22 May 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

MÜNNICH, Monika. A new IFLA multilingual dictionary of cataloging. In: Info SWB-Verbund: das Online- Magazin des Bibliotheksservice-Zentrums Baden-Württemberg [on line]. Jahrgang 2000 [cited 2 November 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: . [Not available any more from this URL; new URL, checked on September 2, 2002: ].

1.3. “Work” level

CARLYLE, Allyson. User perspectives of works [on line]: ASIST [American Society for Information Science & Technology] Annual Conference, October 22, 2003: Humanizing information retrieval: organizing ‘works’. [Tucson, Arizona?]: Digital Library of Information Science and Technology (dLIST), [2003] [cited 26 December 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: . FRBR bibliography, version 10.11, 22/11/2006; all links prior to that date checked on 02/09/2002 Converted to PDF on: 08/12/2006 13/53

DROBÍKOVÁ, Barbora. Unifikované názvy [= Uniform titles]. In: Papík, R.; Souček, M.; Stöcklová, A, ed. Informační studia a knihovnictví v elektronických textech. I, Interaktivní modulární výukový systém na podporu informačního a knihovnického vzdělávání. Praha: Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictví FF UK, 2001. P. 1- 54.

GUNDER, Anna. Forming the text, performing the work: aspects of media, navigation, and linking. In: Human IT: tidskrift för studier av IT ur ett humanvetenskapligt perspektiv [printed serial]. 2001, vol. 2-3. ISSN 1402- 1501. Also available from World Wide Web: , , . ISSN 1402-150X [sic]. Does not deal specifically with FRBR but with closely related themes, and occasionally quotes the FRBR Final Report.

HAGLER, Ronald. Access points for works. In: International Conference on the Principles and Future Development of AACR, Toronto, Canada, October 23-25, 1997 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1997 [cited 6 April 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: . [Not available any more from this URL; new URL, checked on September 2, 2002: ].

HICKEY, Thomas B.; & TOVES, Jenny. FRBR Work-Set Algorithm [on line]. [Dublin, Ohio]: OCLC, July 2003 [cited 11 August 2003]. Available (under licence) from World Wide Web: .

LEAZER, Gregory H. A conceptual schema for the control of bibliographic works. In: Navigating the Networks: Proceedings of the ASIS Mid-year Meeting, Portland, Oregon, May 21-25, 1994 [printed monograph]. 1994. Medford, NJ: Learned Information, pp. 115-135.

SMIRAGLIA, Richard P. & LEAZER, Gregory H. Toward the bibliographic control of works: derivative bibliographic relationships in the Online Union Catalog. In: Annual review of OCLC research [on line]. No. 94, 3rd part [s. d.] [cited 17 April 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: [Not available any more from this URL; new URL, checked on September 2, 2002: ]. Also available in OCLC Research Bulletin, 1994, p. 56-59.

SMIRAGLIA, Richard P. The nature of “a work”: implications for the organization of knowledge [printed monograph]. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2001. ISBN: 0-8108-4037-5.

SMIRAGLIA, Richard P., ed. Works as entities for information retrieval. : London: Oxford: the Haworth Information Press, 2002. ISBN 0-7890-2020-3 (alk. paper), 0-7890-2021-1 (pbk : alk. paper). Also published as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 33, Nos. 3-4 2002. ISSN 0163-9374.

SUGANO, Ikuko. Comparison between concepts of “Work” in IFLA/FRBR and in ISWC and ISTC. In: Library and Information Science. Vol. 44, 2000. P. 27-42. ISSN 0373-4447. [In Japanese]

YEE, Martha M. What is a work? In: International Conference on the Principles and Future Development of AACR, Toronto, Canada, October 23-25, 1997 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1997 [cited [ ] March 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: . [Not available any more from this URL; new URL, checked on September 2, 2002: ].

YEE, Martha M. Lubetzky’s work principle. In: The future of cataloging: insights from the Lubetzky Symposium, Tschera Harkness Connell & Robert L. Maxwell, ed. [printed monograph]. [S.l.] : cop. the American Library Association, 2000. Also available on line from World Wide Web: [cited 29 August 2002].

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1.4. “Expression” level

BERG, Einar Silset. Implementing FRBR: A comparison of two relational models: IFLA’s FRBR model and Taniguchi’s expression-prioritized model [on line]. Oslo: Oslo University College, Faculty of journalism, library and information science, 2004 [cited 13 July 2004]. Master thesis at Oslo University college, Faculty of journalism, library and information science. Available from Internet: .

BOWEN, Jennifer. Expressions in our catalogs? FRBR and AACR chapter 25 [on line]. Rochester: Eastman School of Music, February 2004 [cited 23 June 2004]. Available from Internet: . Also available from . Bibliography available from .

GUERRINI, Mauro. GMD: Its Function and Its History. In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 2004, Vol. 38 No. 2, p.. ISSN 0163-9374. Also available from World Wide Web: .

GUERRINI, Mauro. Per una definizione di edizione: le entità Espressione e Manifestazione di FRBR e lo standard ISBD. In: L’organizzazione del sapere: studi in onore di Alfredo Serrai / a cura di Maria Teresa Biagetti. Milano: Ed. Sylvestre Bonnard, 2004. ISBN 88-868-4294-5. P. 191-205.

JOINT STEERING COMMITTEE FOR REVISION OF AACR. Format Variation Working Group. Dealing with FRBR expressions in MARC 21 [on line]: discussion paper no. 2002-DP08. [Washington]: Library of Congress, May 30, 2002 [cited 8 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

JOINT STEERING COMMITTEE FOR REVISION OF AACR. Format Variation Working Group. Interim report [#1], October 8, 2001 [on line]. [Ottawa] : [National Library of Canada], 9 October 2001 [cited 4 March 2002]. Available from World Wide Web : .

JOINT STEERING COMMITTEE FOR REVISION OF AACR. Format Variation Working Group. Third interim report, [9 August 2002] [on line]. [Ottawa] : [National Library of Canada], 9 August 2002 [cited 14 February 2003]. Available from World Wide Web : .

JOINT STEERING COMMITTEE FOR REVISION OF AACR. Format Variation Working Group. London Meeting, September 6th, 2002… Minutes [on line]. [Ottawa] : [National Library of Canada], [s. d.] [cited 14 February 2003]. Available from World Wide Web : .

JOINT STEERING COMMITTEE FOR REVISION OF AACR. Format Variation Working Group. Update for MARBI, June 2003 [on line]. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 06/10/2003 [cited 23 December 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

RENEAR, Allen; DUBIN, David. Towards identity conditions for digital documents [on line]: [presented at DC- 2003 (2003 Dublin Core Conference): Supporting communities of discourse and practice, metadata research & applications: 28 September-2 October 2003, Seattle, Washington USA]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2003][cited 9 December 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

TANIGUCHI, Shoichi. A conceptual model giving primacy to expression-level bibliographic entity in cataloging. In: Journal of Documentation [printed serial]. 2002, Vol. 58, No. 4. P. 363-382. ISSN 0022-0418. Also available from Internet: .

TANIGUCHI, Shoichi. A conceptual model giving primacy to text-level bibliographic entity in cataloging: a discussion [on line]. Tsukuba: University of Tsukuba, January 2003. Available from World Wide Web: . FRBR bibliography, version 10.11, 22/11/2006; all links prior to that date checked on 02/09/2002 Converted to PDF on: 08/12/2006 15/53

TANIGUCHI, Shoichi. Expression-level Bibliographic Entity Records: A Trial on Creation from Pre-existing MARC Records. In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 2004, Vol. 38 No. 2, p.. ISSN 0163-9374. Also available from World Wide Web: .

1.5. “Manifestation” level

DOERR, Martin; HUNTER, Jane; LAGOZE, Carl. Towards a core ontology for information integration. In: Journal of digital information [on line]. April 2003, Vol. 4, No. 1. [cited 23 June 2003]. Available from World Wide Web : . ISSN 1368-7506. Not devoted to FRBR as such, but includes a discussion on the notion of Manifestation in FRBR.

JONSSON, Gunilla. The basis for a record in major cataloguing codes and the relation to FRBR. In: 68th IFLA General Conference and Council, August 18th-24th, Glasgow, Scotland [on line]. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 2002 [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

JONSSON, Gunilla. The basis for a record: in the light of Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. In: IFLA Journal. 2003. Vol. 29. No. 1. P. 41-46. ISSN 0340-0352. Also available on line: .

KAPLAN, Michael. Serial aggregations — multiple versions and the Virtual Union Catalog: the Ex Libris experience. In: Partnerships, consortia, and 21st century library services: abstracts, fulltext documents and PowerPoint presentations of papers given at the 23rd annual IATUL [= International Association of Technological University Libraries] Conference… Kansas City, USA, 2nd June — 6h June, 2002 [on line]. [S.l.]: IATUL, 2002 [cited 26 December 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . IATUL proceedings (new series), vol. 12.

SMIRAGLIA, Richard P. Derivative bibliographic relationships: linkages in the bibliographic universe. In: Navigating the Networks: Proceedings of the ASIS Mid-year Meeting, Portland, Oregon, May 21-25, 1994. 1994. Medford, NJ: Learned Information, pp. 167-183.

2. Impact on current standards

2.1. ISBDs

AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Association for library collections and technical services. Cataloging and classification section. Committee on cataloging: description and access. Task force on the review of ISBD(M). Final report [on line]. [S.l.]: ALA, 2000, last modified 05-Jul-2000 [cited 7 August 2000]. Available from Internet: .

BAHTURINA, T. A. Основные направления пересмотра рекомендаций ИФЛА по Международному стандартному библиографическому описанию [on line]. Москва: ГПНТБ, [2002?] [cited 26 December 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

BYRUM, John D. The birth and re-birth of the ISBDs: process and procedures for creating and revising the International Standard Bibliographic Descriptions. In: 66th IFLA Council and General Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August [2000] [on line]. [S.l.]: IFLA, 2000 [cited 2 November 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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DELSEY, Tom. Mapping ISBD Elements to FRBR Entity Attributes and Relationships [on line]. [Den Haag]: [IFLA], 2004-07-28 [cited 12 August 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also translated into Latvian: .

LE BŒUF, Patrick. The impact of the FRBR model on the future revisions of the ISBDs: a challenge for the IFLA Section on Cataloguing. In: 67th IFLA Council and General Conference: Libraries and Librarians: Making a Difference in the Knowledge Age, August 16th - 25th 2001: Conference Programme and Proceedings [on line]. [Ottawa]: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 2001 [cited 12 February 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available in International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, January-March 2002, Vol. 31, No. 1. ISSN 1011-8829.

MURTOMAA, Eeva. The impact of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records recommendations on the ISBD(ER). 64th IFLA General Conference, August 16 – August 21, 1998 [on line]. [Ottawa]: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, [1998] [cited 21 April 1999]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available in: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 1999, Vol. 28 No. 1, p. 33-42. ISSN 0163-9374

2.2. Cataloguing rules

2.2.1. General studies

BALZARDI, Elena. Requisiti funzionali per le registrazioni bibliografiche: il loro influsso sulle regole di catalogazione attuali [on line]. Lugano: Università della Svizzera italiana, Biblioteca universitaria di Lugano, [February 2001?] [cited 30 March 2001]. Available from World Wide Web: .

BOßMEYER, Christine. On the future of cataloguing rules. In: From search engines to virtual libraries: [meeting of] Kooperativer Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin, June 26-27, 2000 [on line]. Berlin: KOBV, 2000 [cited 6 September 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

BOURDON, Françoise; & LERESCHE, Françoise. Les FRBR et la révision des règles de catalogage. In: FRBR: du modèle théorique aux réalisations pratiques: vers un catalogue conçu comme un site Web?: Journée d’étude, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 5 décembre 2002 [on line]. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, [2003] [cited 3 March 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: < http://www.bnf.fr/pages/infopro/outibib/ppt/FRBR_et_r%E8gles_de_catalogage.htm> (in HTML format), or: < http://www.bnf.fr/pages/infopro/outibib/ppt/FRBR_et_r%E8gles_de_catalogage.ppt> (in PowerPoint format).

DE PANICIS, Maria; DE PINEDO, Isa; MAGLIANO, Cristina; & PETRUCCIANI, Alberto. Notes and Considerations on Brave new FRBR World. In: First IFLA Meeting of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code, July 28 - 30, 2003, Frankfurt am Main, Germany [on line]. Frankfurt am Main: Die Deutsche Bibliothek, 2003 [cited 27 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

DORNER, Dan. Gazing into the future: cataloguing in the 21st century: a paper presented 16 October, 1997, to the Cataloguing Special Interest Group at the 1997 NZLIA Conference, Wanganui, New Zealand [on line]. [Wellington?]: [Victoria University?], 1997 [cited 31 January 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

DROBÍKOVÁ, Barbora. Vývoj, směřování a trendy katalogizace za poslední čtyři roky: od FRBR až po revizi AACR2R v roce 2002 [= Development, tendency and trends in cataloguing in the last four years: from FRBR up to the AACR2R revision in 2002]. In: Národní knihovna: knihovnická revue [on line]. Rok 2002, 13, č. 3 [cited 29 January 2003]. Available from Internet: . ISSN 1214-0678. Also available in PDF format: . Also available in print, p. 153- 167.

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GÖMPEL, Renate. IFLA-Expertentreffen zu einem internationalen Regelwerk für die Katalogisierung [on line]. [Berlin]: [IFLA 2003 Berlin Sekretariat], 31. Januar 2003 [cited 26 December 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

KLIM, I. L. Cataloging on the eve of the III millennium. In: [Proceedings of the “Krym 98” Conference] [on line]. [S.l.]: GPNTB, 1995-1998 [cited 28 February 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

LE BŒUF, Patrick. Brave new FRBR world. In: First IFLA Meeting of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code, July 28 - 30, 2003, Frankfurt am Main, Germany [on line]. Frankfurt am Main: Die Deutsche Bibliothek, 2003 [cited 11 June 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available in French: . Also available in Spanish [Version 2; 2004]: . Also available in Italian: in Bollettino AIB : Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia e scienze dell’informazione, 2005, vol. 45, n° 2, p. 187-202 (ISSN 1121-1490).

LE BŒUF, Patrick. Brave new FRBR world. Version 3. In: Third IFLA Meeting of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code, December 12-14, 2005, in Cairo, Egypt [on line]. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 2005 [cited 16 December 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available in French: . Also available in Arabic: .

MADISON, Olivia M. A. Standards in light of new technologies: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. In: International Seminar “The function of bibliographic control in the Global Information Infrastructure” 17-19 June 1998 [on line]. [Vilnius]: [National Library of Lithuania], [1998] [cited 19 September 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

TANIGUCHI, Shoichi. Design of cataloging rules using conceptual modeling of cataloging process. In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology [printed serial]. 2004. Vol. 55, Issue 6. P. 498- 512.

TILLETT, Barbara B. Bibliographic universe created by FRBR and FRAR. In: Bibliotheca Universalis: How to organize chaos? 11-12 August 2005 [on line]. [S.l.]: Finnish Library Association, 2005 [cited 4 January 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: .

TILLETT, Barbara B. Cataloging for the future [on line]: delivered as the 2004 Phineas L. Windsor lecture at the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science, October 13, 2004. [Urbana- Champaign, Ill.]: [GSLIS Publications Office], [2004] [cited 12 September 2005]. Available from the Internet: .

TILLETT, Barbara B. FRBR and cataloging for the future. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

TILLETT, Barbara B., & CROOK, Marc. Barbara Tillett discusses cataloging rules and conceptual models [on line]. [S.l.]: OCLC, [March/April 1996] [cited 2 July 1999]. Available from World Wide Web: .

ŽUMER, Maja; & RIESTHUIS, Gerhard. Consequences of implementing FRBR: are we ready to open Pandora’s box ? In: Knowledge Organization, 2002, vol. 29, No. 2. Also available in Romanian: “Consecinţele implementǎrii FRBR-ului : suntem gata sǎ deschidem Cutia Pandorei?” In: Revista Românǎ de biblioteconomie şi ştiinţa informǎrii, 1(2005)3, p.19-28.

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2.2.2. AACR

ATTIG, John. Editions, issues, and states, or, When to create a new record: for discussion in preparation for the Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials Conference to be held March 10-13, 2003 at Yale University: preliminary draft [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], January 21, 2003 [cited 26 April 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

BOWEN, Jennifer. FRBR: coming soon to your library? In: Library resources and technical services. 2005. Vol. 49, No. 3. ISSN 0024-2527. P. 175-188.

COMMITTEE ON CATALOGING: DESCRIPTION AND ACCESS (CC:DA). Task Force on FRBR Terminology. 4JSC/LC/60 [on line]. [S.l.]: [CC:DA], December 22, 2003 [cited 21 January 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

COMMITTEE ON CATALOGING: DESCRIPTION AND ACCESS (CC:DA). FRBR Terminology. Incorporating FRBR terminology into AACR: review of JSC decisions [on line]. [S.l.]: [CC:DA], January 20, 2003 [cited 11 April 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

COMMITTEE ON CATALOGING: DESCRIPTION AND ACCESS (CC:DA). FRBR Terminology. Incorporating FRBR terminology into AACR: review of 4JSC/Chair/76/Chair follow-up [on line]. [S.l.]: [CC:DA], December 20, 2002 [cited 14 April 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

COMMITTEE ON CATALOGING: DESCRIPTION AND ACCESS (CC:DA). FRBR Terminology. Incorporating FRBR terminology into AACR: work in response to 4JSC/Chair/76 [on line]. [S.l.]: [CC:DA], August 1, 2002 [cited 27 August 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

DANSKIN, Alan. Mature consideration: developing bibliographic standards and maintaining values. In: New Library World [printed serial]. 2004 (March). Vol. 105, No. 3-4. P. 113-117.

DELSEY, Tom. The logical structure of the Anglo-American cataloguing rules: drafted for the Joint Steering Committee for revision of AACR: [introduction]. [Ottawa]: National Library of Canada, 1998 (part I), 1999 (part II) [cited 26 April 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: & .

FATTAHI, Rahmatollah. AACR2 and catalogue production technology. In: International Conference on the Principles and Future Development of AACR, Toronto, Canada, October 23-25, 1997 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1997 [cited 6 April 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: . [Not available any more from this URL; new URL, checked on September 2, 2002: ].

HARCOURT, Kate. FRBR: Basics & influence on AACR: a presentation… April 19, 2004, ARLIS 2004 [on line]. [New York City] [Columbia University], 2004 [cited 27 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

HOWARTH, Lynne C. Content versus carrier. In: International Conference on the Principles and Future Development of AACR, Toronto, Canada, October 23-25, 1997 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1997 [cited 6 April 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .[Not available any more from this URL; new URL, checked on September 2, 2002: ].

JOINT STEERING COMMITTEE FOR REVISION OF AACR. Format Variation Working Group. Update for MARBI, June 2003 [on line]. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 06/10/2003 [cited 23 December 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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TILLETT, Barbara B. AACR2’s strategic plan and IFLA work towards an International Cataloguing Code. In: Catalogazione e controllo di autorità: Giornate di studio, Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 21 e 22 novembre 2002 [on line]. Roma: ICCU, Ultimo aggiornamento: 20-01-2003 [cited 18 February 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

YEE, Martha M. FRBRization: a Method for Turning Online Public Finding Lists into Online Public Catalogs. In: (2005). Information Technology and Libraries, 2005, vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 77-95. Postprint available free at: .

2.2.3. RICA

COMMISSIONE RICA [Commissione per l’aggiornamento e le eventuali semplificazioni delle Regole Italiane per il Catalogo alfabetico per Autori]; red. PETRUCCIANI, Alberto. L’applicazione del modello FRBR ai cataloghi: problemi generali e di impiego normativo [on line]. Roma: ICCU, 22 ottobre 2001 [cited 27 December 2001]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available in English, as The FRBR model application to Italian cataloguing practices: general problems and its normative use: .

PETRUCCIANI, Alberto. Struttura delle norme di scelta dell’intestazione: le RICA e i nuovi modelli di analisi. In: Catalogazione e controllo di autorità: Giornate di studio, Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 21 e 22 novembre 2002 [on line]. Roma: ICCU, Ultimo aggiornamento: 20-01-2003 [cited 18 February 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

PINEDO, Isa de; PETRUCCIANI, Alberto. Un approccio all’applicazione del modello FRBR alle regole di catalogazione italiane: problemi e possibili soluzioni. In: Bolletino AIB. 2002, Vol. 42, No. 3. P. 267-278. Also available from World Wide Web: . Abstract in English (An approach to the application of the FRBR model to Italian cataloguing rules: problems and possible solutions) on p. 279, also available from Word Wide Web : .

PINEDO, Isa de; PETRUCCIANI, Alberto. FRBR and revision of cataloguing rules. In: Semantic Web and Libraries, 26 Library Systems Seminar, Rome, 17-19 April 2002 / European Library Automation Group (ELAG) [on line]. Roma: Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma, [2002] [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: (text); ) (PowerPoint presentation).

PINEDO, Isa de. Prospettive nell’applicazione degli FRBR alla revisione delle RICA. In: Catalogazione e controllo di autorità: Giornate di studio, Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 21 e 22 novembre 2002 [on line]. Roma: ICCU, Ultimo aggiornamento: 20-01-2003 [cited 18 February 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

RICA Standing Commission. “The FRBR model application to Italian cataloguing practices: problems and use”. In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, April-June 2002, vol. 31, No. 2. ISSN 1011-8829.

2.2.4. Russian rules

SMIRNOVA, M. N. & SHERSHOVA, A. V. Russian rules of bibliographic description and Functional requirements for bibliographic records. International and national cataloguing rules: current situation and prospects for development, Moscow, 20-24 April [1999] [on line]. Moscou: Russian State Library, 1998 [cited 31 January 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .1 Also available in International cataloguing and bibliographic control, July-September 2000, vol. 29 no. 3, p. 52-53.

1 Not available any more; checked on September 2, 2002. FRBR bibliography, version 10.11, 22/11/2006; all links prior to that date checked on 02/09/2002 Converted to PDF on: 08/12/2006 20/53

2.2.5. Spanish rules

RÍOS HILARIO, Ana Belén. La estructura conceptual del registro bibliográfico: análisis de la funcionalidad de las Reglas de catalogación españolas y del Formato Ibermarc bibliográfico. Thesis, submitted to the Universidad de Salamanca, Depto. de biblioteconomía y documentación, 2002.

RÍOS HILARIO, Ana Belén. La estructura conceptual del registo bibliográfico: análisis de la funcionalidad de las Reglas de Catalogación Españolas y del Formato IBERMARC bibliográfico. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. (Colección Vitor; 122). ISBN 84-7800-675-3.

RÍOS HILARIO, Ana Belén. Nuevos horizontes en el análisis de los registros y la normativa bibliográfica. Gijón : Trea, D.L. 2003. ISBN 84-9704-095-3.

2.2.6. Slovenian rules

DIMEC, Zlata; ŽUMER, Maja; & RIESTHUIS, Gerhard. Slovenian cataloging practice and Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: a comparative analysis. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

DIMEC, Zlata. Slovenska Katalogizacijska praksa in Funkcionalne zahteve za bibliografske zapise (FZBZ): primerjalna analiza. In: Knijznica, 2002, vol. 46, no. 3. Abstract in English (with title: Slovenian cataloguing practice and Functional requirements for bibliographic records : a comparative analysis) available from World Wide Web: .

2.2.7. Czech rules

DROBÍKOVÁ, Barbora. Nový model bibliografického univerza podle FRBR a česká katalogizační praxe. In: Automatizace knihovnických procesů 9. ročník, 15.-16. květen, Liberec: konference se pořádá pod záštitou Asociace knihoven vysokých škol ČR [on line]. Prague: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2003 [cited 12 August 2003]. Available from Internet: .

2.2.8. Swedish rules

SÄFSTRÖM, Miriam. Funktionella krav på bibliografiska poster: IFLAS:s FRBR i teori och praktik. In: Tidskrift för dokumentation, 2004, Vol. 59, pp. 76-81. Abstract in English available at (cited 28 December 2004).

2.3. Formats

2.3.1. MARC21

COMMITTEE ON CATALOGING: DESCRIPTION AND ACCESS (CC:DA); ALCTS/LITA/RUSA COMMITTEE ON MACHINE-READABLE BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION (MARBI). FRBR and MARC 21: report of the Joint Meeting, June 17, 2002, Atlanta GA [on line]. [S.l.]: cop. the American Library Association, last modified 7/2/2002 [cited 28 August 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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DELSEY, Tom. Displays for multiple versions from MARC21 and FRBR [on line]. Washington: Library of Congress, 06/27/02 [cited 18 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

DELSEY, Tom. Functional analysis of the MARC 21 bibliographic and holdings formats [on line]. Washington: Library of Congress, January 4, 2002 [cited 6 February 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

DELSEY, Tom. The library catalogue in a networked environment. In: Conference on bibliographic control in the new millennium [on line]. Washington: Library of Congress, July 16, 2000 [cited 29 December 2000]. Available from Internet: .

DELSEY, Tom. Mapping MARC to FRBR. In: Libraries in the Digital Age, May 26-30 2003, Dubrovnik and Mljet, Croatia [on line]. [S.l.]: LIDA [Libraries in the Digital Age], last revised July 4th 2003 [cited 15 July 2003]. Available from the Internet: .

JOINT STEERING COMMITTEE FOR REVISION OF AACR. Format Variation Working Group. Dealing with FRBR expressions in MARC 21 [on line]: discussion paper no. 2002-DP08. [Washington]: Library of Congress, May 30, 2002 [cited 8 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

JOINT STEERING COMMITTEE FOR REVISION OF AACR. Format Variation Working Group. Interim report, October 8, 2001 [on line]. [Ottawa] : [National Library of Canada], 9 October 2001 [cited 4 March 2002]. Available from World Wide Web : .

McCALLUM, Sally. MARC 21 meets FRBR. In: Bibliotheca Universalis: How to organize chaos? 11-12 August 2005 [on line]. [S.l.]: Finnish Library Association, 2005 [cited 4 January 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: .

McCALLUM, Sally H. Using MARC 21 with FRBR: Record Configurations [on line]. [Washington, DC]: [Library of Congress], June 2005 [cited 20 June 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

OCLC. Adding Field 024 (Other Standard Identifier) to the MARC21 Authority Format: Discussion Paper No. 2003-DP03 [on line]. Washington: Library of Congress, Dec. 16, 2002 [cited 14 February 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

RIVA, Pat. Mapping MARC 21 linking entry fields to FRBR and Tillett’s taxonomy of bibliographic relationships. In Library Resources & Technical Services, 2004, Vol. 48, No. 2. P. 130-143. ISSN 0024-2527.

TENNANT, Roy. MARC, XML and FRBR – oh my!: [presentation for the Texas Library Association, 2004, San Antonio, Texas] [on line]. Oakland, Calif.: R. Tennant, 2004 [cited 15 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

2.3.2. MAB

BLOCK, Barbara; HENGEL, Christel; HEUVELMANN, Reinhold; KATZ, Cornelia; RUSCH, Beate; SCHMIDGALL, Karin; & SIGRIST, Barbara. Maschinelles Austauschformat für Bibliotheken und die Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records, oder, Wieviel FRBR verträgt MAB? In: Bibliotheksdienst. 2005, 39. Jahresgang, Heft 10. P. 1231-1244. Also available on line from: .

EXPERTENGRUPPE MAB-AUSSCHUSS. Unterarbeitsgruppe “MAB-FRBR”. Tabelle MAB => FRBR [on line]. [Frankfurt-am-Main]: Die Deutsche Bibliothek, 05.07.2004 [cited 4 November 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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HEUVELMANN, Reinhold. FRBR-Strukturierung von MAB-Daten, oder, Wieviel MAB passt in FRBR? [on line]. [Frankfurt-am-Main]: Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Abteilung IT, Arbeitsstelle Datenformate, 17. Oktober 2005 [cited 4 November 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

2.3.3. HUNMARC

NYIRI, Gyöngyvér. HUNMARC Bibliográfiai Formátum funkcionális analízise [on line]. [Budapest]: [Országos Széchény Könyvtár], 2004 [cited 20 April 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: . In Hungarian. Contains links to mappings from HUNMARC to FRBR and from FRBR to HUNMARC .

3. Application studies

RÍOS HILARIO, Ana Belén; & MARTÍN GONZÁLEZ, Yolanda. “Aplicación de los Requisitos funcionales de los registros bibliográficos (FRBR) a los catálogos en línea”. In: ACIMED: revista cubana de los profesionales de la información y de la comunicación en salud. 2005. Vol. 13, No. 4. ISSN 1024-9435. Also available from the Internet: . In Spanish. A comparison between AustLit Gateway, Virtua, LibDB, and RedLightGreen.

3.1. Application to electronic resources

AALBERG, Trond, & HEGNA, Knut. Arkitektur for digitale bibliotek [on line]. Trondheim: BIBSYS, 2000 [cited 28 December 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: . ISBN 82-7729-027-6.

AALBERG, Trond. Supporting relationships in digital libraries [on line]: Department of Computer and Information Science Norwegian University of Science and Technology, April 23, 2003. [Trondheim]: Universitetsbiblioteket i Trondheim, 2003 [cited 26 December 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: . Chapter 9 (p. 149-172): “The FRBR application”.

ABRAMS, Stephen. A reference model for digital library objects [on line]. [Cambridge, MA]: [Harvard University Library], 2002/July/16 [cited 5 November 2002]. Available from the Internet: . “We have done some very preliminary investigation towards defining an abstract reference model for digital library objects, based on a FRBR-like taxonomic model and an OAIS-like information model. We feel that a model of this type is important for designing collection management systems and repository architectures, for facilitating exchange between heterogeneous repositories, and for planning preservation activities.” ().

BEACOM, Matthew. Crossing a digital divide: AACR2 and unaddressed problems of networked resources. In: Conference on bibliographic control in the new millennium [on line]. Washington: Library of Congress, October 16, 2000 [cited 28 December 2000]. Available from Internet: .

CATHRO, Warwick. Libraries, Dublin Core and metadata. In: INDECS Conference, Sydney, 9-10 March 2000 [on line]. [S.l.]: INDECS, [ca. March 2000][cited 17 July 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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COMMITTEE ON AN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY FOR THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Organizing intellectual access to digital information: from cataloging to metadata. In: LC21: a digital strategy for the Library of Congress [on line]. Washington: National Academy Press, 2000 [cited 6 October 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

DAY, Michael. Data models for metadata: some issues for the Dublin Core initiative: draft [on line]. Bath: UKOLN, 23-10-1998 [cited 31 December 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . “Preliminary (unfinished) draft for comments”. Though dated 1998, this document is still unfinished; it contains however an interesting mapping from FRBR to Dublin Core.

DOWNIE, J. Stepehn; RENEAR, Allen; MATHES, Adam; MEDINA, Karen; DUBIN, David; & Lee, Jin Ha. Modelling complex multimedia relationships in the humanities computing context: are Dublin Core and FRBR up to the task? [on line]: [paper presented at the ACH/ALLC 2005 Conference, University of Victoria, British Columbia, 15-18 June 2005]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2005 [cited 1st August 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: and .

FASELLA, Caterina. IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: problemi di applicazione e metadati. In: Bolletino AIB. December 2000, vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 471-487. ISSN 1121-1490.

FASELLA, Caterina. Il modello bibliografico FRBR e il Dublin Core. In: Seminario nazionale sui metadati, 3 aprile 2001. Roma: ICCU, 2001 [cited 27 December 2001]. Available from Internet: . [Not available any more from this address; new address, checked 5 December 2002: ; diagrams available from: and ].

GUERRINI, Mauro. Catalogare le risorse elettroniche: lo standard ISBD(ER) [on line]. Genova: E. S. Burioni Ricerche Bibliografiche, in linea da marzo 1999 [cited 19 September 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available in print in: Biblioteche oggi, vol. XVII, No. 1, January-February 1999, pp. 46-70.

HOWARTH, Lynne C. Putting the ISBDs in metadata: towards a common core for bibliographic control: ALCTS programme, 22 June, 2003 [on line]. [S.l.]: ALA, 2003 [cited 2 January 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

KATIC, Tinka; & KLARIN, Sofija. Application of the FRBR to older books & electronic resources cataloguing. In: Libraries in the Digital Age, May 26-30 2003, Dubrovnik and Mljet, Croatia [on line]. [S.l.]: LIDA [Libraries in the Digital Age], last revised July 4th 2003 [cited 15 July 2003]. Available from the Internet: .

LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. IFLA study group on Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Data. Organizing the Global Digital Library II (OGDL II) [on line]. Washington: Library of Congress, [1996?] [cited 2 July 1999]. Available from Internet: . [Not available any more from this URL; new URL, checked on September 2, 2002: ].

MADISON, Olivia M. A. “Utilizing the FRBR Framework in Designing User-Focused Digital Content and Access Systems.” In Library Resources & Technical Services. 2006. Vol. 50. No. 1. ISSN 0024-2527.

MAOSHENG, Lai, & XIUDAN, Yang. Ontology-based Metadata Schema for Digital Library Projects in China [on line]. Peking: Peking University, April 28 2004 [cited 19 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

MURTOMAA, Eeva. The impact of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records recommendations on the ISBD(ER). 64th IFLA General Conference, August 16 – August 21, 1998 [on line]. [Ottawa]: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, [1998] [cited 21 April 1999]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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SNIJDER, Ronald. Metadata standards and information analysis: a survey of current metadata standards and the underlying models. [S.l.; Rijswijk?]: [s.n.; the author?], 27 June 2001 [cited 15 November 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . Includes a section on FRBR.

UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA LIBRARY. Digital Library Metadata Review and Planning Group. Report [on line]. [Charlottesville]: University of Virginia, May 23rd, 2003 [cited 21 January 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

WALKER, J. Navigating information landscapes: the role of linking technologies and the need for standards for interoperability. In: Online Conferentie Nederland [4-5 April 2000] [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2000 [cited 17 August 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: 2. Also available from: .

WEIß, Berthold. Meta-Lib. In: IuK-Herbsttagung 2000, Heinrich-Fabri-Institut der Uni Tübingen, Blaubeuren, 24.-26. Oktober 2000 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2000] [cited 28 December 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

WENG, Cathy; MI, Jia. “Towards accessibility to digital cultural materials: a FRBRized approach”. In: OCLC Systems & Services. 2006. Vol. 22, No. 3. P. 217-232. DOI 10.1108/10650750610686766.

See also: Variations2. See also 4.2.8 Paradigma.

3.1.1 XML documents and the FRBR analysis

FLANDERS, Julia; & BAUMAN, Syd. Markup, Idealism, and the Physical Text. In: ALLC/ACH 2004: Joint International Conference of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing and the Association for Computers and the Humanities, Göteborg University, June 11-16, 2004: Computing and Multilingual, Multicultural Heritage [on line]. [Göteborg]: [Göteborgs Universitet], 2004 [cited 3 June 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

RENEAR, Allen; PHILLIPPE, Christopher; LAWTON, Pat; & DUBIN, David. An XML document corresponds to which FRBR Group 1 entity? In: Extreme Markup Languages 2003: Montréal, Québec, August 4-8, 2003. [S.l.]: Mulberry Technologies Inc., 2003 [cited 24 November 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available at: .

RENEAR, Allen; DUBIN, David. Towards identity conditions for digital documents [on line]: [presented at DC- 2003 (2003 Dublin Core Conference): Supporting communities of discourse and practice, metadata research & applications: 28 September-2 October 2003, Seattle, Washington USA]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2003][cited 9 December 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

3.1.2 FRBR and the Web

MATHES, Adam. Automated linking your expression: Google’s toolbar and FRBR [on line]. [S.l.]: A. Mathes, February 22, 2005 [cited 1st August 2005]. Available from the Internet: .

2 URL not available any more; checked on September 2, 2002. FRBR bibliography, version 10.11, 22/11/2006; all links prior to that date checked on 02/09/2002 Converted to PDF on: 08/12/2006 25/53

3.2. Application to continuing resources

ALLGOOD, Everett. FRBR and continuing resources [on line]: 2003 Annual NELINET Bibliographic Services Conference, Worcester, Massachusetts, November 21, 2003. [Southborough, Mass.]: [Nelinet], 2003 [cited 26 December 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

ANTELMAN, Kristin. Identifying the serial work as a bibliographic entity. In: Library Resources & Technical Services 48(4):pp. 238-255. Also available from the Internet: .

ANTELMAN, Kristin. Implementing a serial work in an electronic resources management system: NASIG2004 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2004 [cited 27 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

CAPLAN, Priscilla, & ARMS, William Y. Reference linking for journal articles. In: D-Lib magazine [on line]. July-August 1999, vol. 5, No. 7-8 [cited 16 June 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: . ISSN 1082-9873.

陳和琴. 主題:連續性資源編目與 FRBR: 中文摘要 [on line] = Continuing resources cataloging and FRBR: abstract: Nov. 19, 2004, Taipei. [Taipei]: [Tamkang University], 2004 [cited 27 October 2004]. Available from the Internet: . Abstract only; in Chinese and English.

CONSER TASK FORCE ON FRBR AND CONTINUING RESOURCES. Summary of meeting at ALA Midwinter [Jan. 24, 2003], Philadelphia [on line]. Washington: Library of Congress, February 10, 2003 [cited 26 December 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

CONSER TASK FORCE ON FRBR AND CONTINUING RESOURCES. Summary of meeting: Toronto (ALA/CLA annual conference), 20 June 2003 [on line]. Washington: Library of Congress, August 20, 2003 [cited 26 December 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

CONSER TASK GROUP ON FRBR AND CONTINUING RESOURCES. CONSER Task Group on FRBR and continuing resources: charge, members [on line]. [Washington]: Library of Congress, May 23, 2002 [cited 27 August 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

CONSER TASK GROUP ON FRBR AND CONTINUING RESOURCES. CONSER Operations Meeting [on line]. [Washington]: Library of Congress, May 2, 2003 [cited 17 July 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

CONSER TASK FORCE ON UNIVERSAL HOLDINGS. An approach to serials with FRBR in mind. [S.l.]: Conser Task Force on Universal Holdings, rev. 03/22/04 [cited 13 April 2004]. Available from the Internet at: .

GATENBY, Janifer. Utilité du modèle FRBR pour les catalogues collectifs et pour les publications en série. In: Journée “Normalisation sans frontières: actualité et perspectives” de la Commission générale AFNOR CG 46 “Information et documentation”, Vendredi 24 mai 2002… [on line]. [Paris]: AFNOR, 2002 [cited 8 November 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . [No longer available – 28 October 2004].

HUSBY, Ole [et al.]. Behandling av periodika i BIBSYS [on line]. [Trondheim]: BIBSYS, 2000-03-09 [cited 22 May 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

JONES, E. A. Multiple versions revisited. In: Serials Librarian. 1997, vol. 32, No. 1/2. P. 177-198. ISSN 0361- 526X. Also published as Serials cataloging at the turn of the century / Jeanne M. K. Boydston, James W. Williams, Jim Cole, ed. Haworth Press, 1997. ISBN 0-7890-0373-2.

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JONES, Ed. “The FRBR Model as applied to continuing resources”. In: Library Resources and Technical Services. 2005. Vol. 49, No. 4. See also slides at .

LAMOUREUX, Selden Durgom. FRBR and Serials: A Complicated Combination [on line]. [Chapel Hill, NC]: [the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill], [2004] [cited 12 August 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

OLIVER, Chris. “The FRBR Is Everywhere, But What Happened to the Format Variation Issue? Content versus Carrier in FRBR”. In Serials Librarian (ISSN: 0361-526X) 2004. Vol. 45, No. 4. P. 27-36.

ROSENBERG, Frieda. FRBR… who said beyond? Identifying serials in a digital age [on line]: North Carolina Serials Conference, April 2005. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2005 [cited 19 September 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

THOMAS, Craig K. Does FRBR include serials? A FRBR implementation for all formats: [review of a demonstration by John Espley, VTLS Inc.] presented at the New England Technical Services Librarians (NETSL) 2005 spring meeting, College of the Holy Cross, Worchester, Massachusetts, April 8, 2005. In: NASIG Newsletter [on line]. 2005, Vol. 20, No. 3. Available from World Wide Web: . ISSN 1542-3417.

3.3. Application to music

ANDERIES, John. Enhancing library catalogs for music: Conference on Music & Technology in the Liberal Arts Environment, June 22, 2004 Hamilton College [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2004 [cited 27 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

ASSUNÇÃO, Maria Clara Rabanal da Silva. Catalogação de documentos musicais escritos: uma abordagem à luz da evolução normativa: dissertação: mestrado em ciências documentais pela Universitade de Évora. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2005. Dissertation in Portuguese (English title: “Written music cataloguing: an approach under the new standard development”). Available from the Internet: . Also available from: . Abstract in English and Portuguese available from .

AYRES, Marie-Louise. Case studies in implementing FRBR: AustLit and MusicAustralia. In: Evolution or Revolution? The impact of FRBR: Melbourne, Convention Centre, 2nd February 2004 [on line]. [S.l.] : [sn.], 2004 [cited 25 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available from .

AYRES, Marie-Louise. MusicAustralia: experiments with DC.Relation. In: DC-ANZ [Dublin Core Australia New Zealand] Conference, [Canberra,] February 2003 [on line]. [S.l.]: Dublin Core Australia-New Zealand Group, 2003 [cited 24 April 2003]. Available from World Web: .

BOYD, Alastair. The worst of both worlds: how old rules and new interfaces hinder access to music. In: CAML Review = Revue de l’ACBM. 2005. Vol. 33, No. 3. Available from World Wide Web: . ISSN 1708-6701.

BRENNE, Marte. Storage and retrieval of musical documents in a FRBR-based library catalogue: a comparison with the traditional databases in libraries today [on line]. Oslo: Oslo University College, Faculty of journalism, library and information science, 2004 [cited 13 July 2004]. Master thesis at Oslo University college, Faculty of journalism, library and information science. Available from Internet: .

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HAKEEM, Rashidah Z. OPAC Requirements for successful retrieval of musical works. In : Mississippi libraries / Mississippi Library Association (MLA) [on line]. Vol. 65, No. 1, Spring 2001, last updated August 08, 2001 [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

LE BŒUF, Patrick. FRBR et bibliothèques musicales. In: Compte rendu des Journées professionnelles [de l’Association internationale des bibliothèques, archives et centres de documentation musicaux, Groupe français], les 28, 29 et 30 avril 2003 au CNSMD [Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse] de Lyon [on line]. [Paris]: AIBM France, 2003 [cited 21 August 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: through .

LE BOEUF, Patrick. FRBR, un modèle d’une grande portée… musicale. In: Bibliothèque(s): revue de l’Association des bibliothécaires français (ABF). 2006. Vol. 25. P. 52-54. ISSN 1632-9201.

LE BŒUF, Patrick. Musical works in the FRBR model, or, “Quasi la stessa cosa”: variations on a theme by Umberto Eco. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

MAGNUSSON, Christina. Verkfrågan – katalogisatörens huvudvärk: en studie av regelverket vid katalogisering av musiktryck med utgångspunkt i begreppet ”verk” [on line]. Borås: Högskolan i Borås, 2004 [cited 30 March 2005]. Magisteruppsats i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap vid biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, bibliotekshögskolan. Available from World Wide Web: . In Swedish, with abstract in English; English title: “The question of the work – the cataloguer’s hard work: a study of the cataloguing rules for printed music with a starting-point in the concept of the ‘work’”.

PETRUCCIANI, Alberto. I principi internazionali di catalogazione e la musica: evoluzione della normativa e progetti internazionali [on line]: [per il] Convegno nazionale [della Sezione italiana dell’IAML, International Association of Music Libraries], Roma, 28 ottobre 2004. [Milano]: IAML Italia, 2004 [cited 1st August 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

TANGARI, Nicola. I documenti musicali e FRBR. In: Bollettino AIB. 2003, No. 2. P. 178-187. ISSN 1121-1490. Abstract available from World Wide Web in Italian () and in English ().

TANGARI, Nicola. Standard e documenti musicali: i numeri, i modelli, i formati. Milano: Bibliografica, 2002. ISBN 88-7075-571-1. 269 p.

VELLUCCI, Sherry L. M2=C2E (Music Metadata = Creative Computing Environment): formula for the 21st century. In: Music and media at the millennial crossroads: special materials in today’s libraries: [OLAC/MOUG Conference held in] Seattle, Washington, October 12-15, 2000 [on line]. Buffalo: OnLine Audiovisual Catalogers (OLAC), [2000?] [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

See also: Variations2.

3.4. Application to rights management

IANNELLA, Renato. Online rights management trading [on line]. [Sydney?]: [s.n.], 2001 [cited 30 March 2001]. Available from World Wide Web: 3.

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IANNELLA, Renato. Open digital rights management: a position paper for the W3C DRM Workshop [on line]. [S.l.]: [World Wide Web Consortium], [2000?] [cited 25 June 2003.]. Available from World Wide Web:

3.5. Application to libraries for the visually impaired

KIILÄINEN, Katariina. Future systems: a Scandinavian approach to integrated Digital Library Systems: example Finland [on line]. [S.l.]: Celia Library, 2002 [cited 27 September 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

3.6. Application to audio-visual documents

AMATO, Giuseppe; CASTELLI, Donatella; PISANI, Serena. A metadata model for historical documentary films. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Conference ECDL 2000. Lisbon, September 2000.

AMATO, Giuseppe; CASTELLI, Donatella; PISANI, Serena; VENEROSI, Paola; PONCIN, Philippe; VINET, Laurent. Metadata modelling report [online]. [Pisa]: [Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Istituto di elaborazione della informazione (IEI-CNR)], September 15th 2000 [cited 18 November 2002]. Available from the Internet: . The ECHO metadata model for digitized film archives is based on FRBR.

AMATO, Giuseppe; GENNARO, Claudio; SAVINO, Pasquale. Searching documentary films on line: the ECHO Digital Library. In: Proceedings of the 6th ICHIM Conference, 3-7 September 2001, Milan, Italy [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2001] [cited 11 September 2002]. Available from the Internet: .

FORUM FOR METADATA SCHEMA IMPLEMENTERS. SCHEMAS Metadata Watch Report #8 and Standards Framework Report #4 [on line]. [S.l.] : Forum for Metadata Schema Implementers, [s. d. – 2001?] [cited 24 November 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

Katalogisering av film i form av video/DVD/laserplater [on line]. [Trondheim]: BIBSYS, nov. 2000 [cited 28 December 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

MUSICBRAINZ. Musicbrainz wiki. FRBR [on line]. [S.l.]: MusicBrainz, last edited 2006-04-30 [cited 9 May 2006]. Available from Internet: .

RÍOS HILARIO, Ana Belén. “ECHO metadata model: desarrollo de un modelo de metadatos para la descripción de los materiales audiovisuales”. In: Scire. Vol. 11. ISSN 1135-3761.

ZHANG, Ying; JENG, Judy; & LI, Yuelin. IFLA FRBR as user-centered metadata evaluation framework for moving image collections [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2004 [cited 27 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

ZHANG, Ying; & LI, Yuelin. IFLA FRBR & MIC [Moving Image Collection] Metadata Evaluation: October 14, 2003. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2003?] [cited 3 June 2004]. Available from the Internet: . Also available from .

ZHONGYANG YANJIUYUAN JISUANJI HOUSHE ZILIAO GONGZUOZU, & TAIWAN SHEHUI RENWEN DIANZI YINGYIN BOWUGUAN. Dianzi yingyin shuwei bowuguan houshe ziliao xuqiu guigeshu [Part 6.2.11 of the First section of the National Digital Archives Program Technical Report] [online]. Taiwan: National Digital Archives Program, 2002 [cited 5 November 2002]. Available from the Internet: or .

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See also: Variations2.

3.7. Application to graphic materials

CHEN, Ya-ning; CHEN, Shu-jiun. A Metadata Practice of the IFLA FRBR Model: a case study for the National Palace Museum in Taipei. In: Journal of Documentation. 2004, Vol. 60, No. 2. P. 128-143. ISSN 0022-0418. Also available on line at: (on subscription only).

CHEN, Ya-ning; CHEN, Shu-jiun. A practical metadata approach towards Chinese rubbings [on line]. [Taipei]: [Academia sinica], [2001 ? 2002 ?] [cited 2 May 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

CHEN, Ya-ning; LIN, Simon C.; & CHEN, Shu-jiun. An application practice of the IFLA FRBR model: a metadata case study for the National Palace Museum in Taipei. In: Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science. 2002, vol.39. P. 181-193.

LIN, Simon C.; CHEN, Ya-ning; CHEN, Shu-jiun; CHANG, Yi-ting; HU, Shai-lan. A metadata case study for the FRBR model based on Chinese painting and calligraphy at the National Palace Museum in Taipei. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2001 [on line]. [S.l. – Tokyo?]: National Institute of Informatics [Japan], cop. 2001 [cited 5 February 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available from: and from: .

NEWMAN, Richard. The FRBR, the Semantic Web, and image annotation [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], August 2005- September 2005 [cited 12 September 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

3.8. Application to cartographic materials

MCEATHRON, Scott. Cartographic materials as works. In: Works as entities for information retrieval / Richard P. Smiraglia, editor. New York: London: Oxford: the Haworth Information Press, 2002. P. 181-191. ISBN 0- 7890-2020-3 (alk. paper), 0-7890-2021-1 (pbk : alk. paper). Also published as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 33, Nos. 3-4 2002. ISSN 0163-9374.

3.9. Application to authority control

ATTIG, John C. New ways of thinking about authority control: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic and Authority Records: [presentation for the workshop] Emerging trends in subject authority control [organized by] ACIG, 25 June 2004. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2004 [cited 15 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

JØRGENSEN, Poul Henrik. ONE Shared Authority Control (ONESAC). In: Interoperability: new challenges and solutions, 28th Library systems seminar Trondheim (Norway), 9-11 June 2004 [ELAG 2004] [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2004 [cited 19 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: (PowerPoint file) or (PDF file).

LAM, Ki-Tat; KWOK, Louisa. XML name access control metadata repository: an experiment at HKUST Library [on line]. Hong Kong: HKUST Library, posted 2 October 2002 [cited 17 October 2002]. Available from the Internet: .

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PATTON, Glenn. Extending FRBR to authorities. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3- 4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

SARDO, Lucia. Multiple names. In: Authority Control: Definition and international experiences: international conference, Florence, Italy, February 10-12, 2003 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2003] [cited 15 May 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2003, Vol. 39, No. 1-2. ISSN 0163-9374. Also available in Italian in GUERRINI, Mauro; & TILLETT, Barbara B. Ed. Authority control: definizione ed esperienze internazionali: atti del convegno internazionale, Firenze, 10-12 febbraio 2003. Firenze University Press, Associazione italiana biblioteche, 2003. P. 363-366. ISBN 88-8456-111-X (FUP), 88-7812-135-5 (AIB).

3.10. Application to subject indexing

BUIZZA, Pino; GUERRINI, Mauro. A conceptual model for the New Soggettario: Subject Indexing in the Light of FRBR. In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 2002, Vol. 34, No.4, pp. 15-52. ISSN 0163-9374.

BUIZZA, Pino. Indicizzazione per soggetto e FRBR. In: Bibliotime [on line]. 2003, Vol. 6, No. 1. Available from World Wide Web: . ISSN 1128-3564.

CHETI, Alberto. Il punto di vista del GRIS sulla “relazione di soggetto” in FRBR. In: Associazione italiana biblioteche. 51. Congresso: AIB2004. Principi di catalogazione internazionali: una piattaforma europea?: Considerazioni sull’IME ICC di Francoforte e Buenos Aires [on line]. [Roma]: Associazione italiana biblioteche (AIB), ultimo aggiornamento 2005-03-02 [cited 3 January 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: .

CLARKE, Sherman. FRBR & buildings. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2 February 2004 [cited 13 April 2004]. Available from the Internet: .

DELSEY, Tom. Modeling subject access. In: Bibliotheca Universalis: How to organize chaos? 11-12 August 2005 [on line]. [S.l.]: Finnish Library Association, 2005 [cited 4 January 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: .

DELSEY, Tom. Modeling subject access extending the FRBR and FRANAR conceptual models. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

RIESTHUIS, Gerhard J. A., & ŽUMER, Maja. FRBR and FRANAR: Subject Access. In: 8th International ISKO [International Society for Knowledge Organization] Conference: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society: London, 13-16 July 2004 [on line]. [London]: [University College London], [2004] [cited 12 August 2004]. Slide presentation available from World Wide Web: . Text available in print in: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the Eighth International ISKO Conference 13 – 16 July 2004, London, UK / ed. by Ia C. McIlwaine. – Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2004. – (Advances in Knowledge Organization ; vol. 9). - p.153-158.

TARTAGLIA, Stefano. Authority control and subject indexing languages. In: Authority Control: Definition and international experiences: international conference, Florence, Italy, February 10-12, 2003 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2003] [cited 25 June 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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3.11. Application to Antiquarian

ATTIG, John. Editions, Issues, and States, or, When to Create a New Record: for discussion in preparation for the Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials Conference to be held March 10-13, 2003 at Yale University: preliminary draft, January 21, 2003 [on line]. [S. l]: [s.n.], 2003 [cited 26 April 2003]. Available from the Internet: .

JONSSON, Gunilla. Cataloguing of hand press materials and the concept of Expression in FRBR. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

KATIC, Tinka; & KLARIN, Sofija. Application of the FRBR to older books & electronic resources cataloguing. In: Libraries in the Digital Age, May 26-30 2003, Dubrovnik and Mljet, Croatia [on line]. [S.l.]: LIDA [Libraries in the Digital Age], last revised July 4th 2003 [cited 15 July 2003]. Available from the Internet: .

KATIC, Tinka. Application of the FRBR to rare book cataloguing. In: ELAG 2001: integrating heterogeneous resources, 25th library systems seminar, Prague 6-8 June 2001 [on line]. Prague: Statní technická knihovna, 2001 [cited 12 February 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

PETRUCCIANI, Alberto. I principi internazionali di catalogazione e la musica: evoluzione della normativa e progetti internazionali [on line]: [per il] Convegno nazionale [della Sezione italiana dell’IAML, International Association of Music Libraries], Roma, 28 ottobre 2004. [Milano]: IAML Italia, 2004 [cited 1st August 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

3.12. Application to Performing Arts

LE BŒUF, Patrick. Le spectacle vivant en tant qu’objet documentaire et le modèle conceptuel de données des FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records). In: Arts du spectacle: patrimoine et documentation: [actes du] XXIIIe congrès international, Paris, 25-30 septembre 2000, [de la] Société internationale des bibliothèques et musées des arts du spectacle = Performing arts: national heritage and information: [proceedings of the] 23rd International Congress, Paris, 25-30 September 2000, [of the] International Association of Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, SIBMAS, 2002, pp. 162-175. ISBN 2-7177-2198-3.

MILLER, David; & LE BŒUF, Patrick. “Such stuff as dreams are made on”: how does FRBR fit performing arts? In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure- All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

3.13. FRBR and Semantic Web

AGENJO, Xavier. Recursos digitales: un reto para las bibliotecas nacionales. In: Jornadas sobre bibliotecas nacionales, “Las bibliotecas nacionales del siglo XXI”, Biblioteca Valenciana, 18, 19 y 20 de mayo de 2005 [on line]. Valencia: Biblioteca Valenciana, [2005] [cited 20 December 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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BAGLIONI, Roberto; & GASPERINI, Antonella. The information resources in Arcetri Astrophysics Observatory: between metadata and Semantic Web. In: Library and information services in astronomy IV (LISA IV): proceedings of a conference held at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2-5, 2002 / ed. by Brenda G. Corbin, Elizabeth P. Bryson, Marek Wolf [printed monograph]. Washington, DC: US Naval Observatory, 2003. P. 295-297. Also available on line: .

GRADMANN, Stefan. From data accumulation to proto-knowledge-management: ‘Semantic Web’ Technology and ‘Ontologies’ for information modelling including libraries. In: Kansainvälinen työryhmä järjesti 19. - 20.4. 2004 sisällönkuvailun problematiikkaa käsittelevän seminaarin = The Challenge of the Electronic Environment to the Organization of Knowledge: an international Seminar on Subject Access to Information: Tieteiden talo, Helsinki [on line]. [Helsinki?]: Suomen tieteellinen kirjastoseura r.y. = Finnish Research Library Association, päivitetty 6.5.2004 [cited 18 June 2004]. Available from the Internet: .

GRADMANN, Stefan. How digital will libraries ever be?: musing on the limits of a popular metaphor [paper delivered at the International Conference Informačné správanie a digitálne knižnice in Bratislava on May 21st, 2003] [on line]. [Bratislava] : [Goethe Institut], [2003 ?]. Available from World Wide Web : (text), (PowerPoint presentation). A draft version, dated 02/09/2002 and entitled The Cathedral & the Bazaar, revisited: union catalogues and federated WWW information services, is also available from .

GRADMANN, Stefan. rdfs:frbr – towards an implementation model for library catalogs using semantic Web technology. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

NEWMAN, Richard. The FRBR, the Semantic Web, and image annotation [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], August 2005- September 2005 [cited 12 September 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

WALLIS, Jillian C. An Argument for a Semantic Web Based FRBR Union Catalogue [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], June 14th, 2004 [cited 15 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

3.14. Application to quality control

MACEWAN, Andrew; & YOUNG, Thurstan. Quantity vs. Quality: a systematic approach to a perennial problem. In: Cataloguing and Indexing: empowering the user: 38th CIG [Cataloguing and Indexing Group] Annual Meeting… [4th] July 2003, at Umbrella 2003, Umist, Manchester [on line]. [London]: CIG, 2003 [cited 8 September 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

PROOT, Goran. De user tasks van de STCV [Short Titla Catalogus Vlaanderen] doorgelicht: worden de aanbevelingen van de FRBR toegepast? [on line]. [S.l.]: STCV Short Title Catalogus Vlaanderen, [2003? 2004?] [cited 27 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

YOUNG, Thurstan. Using FRBR to measure the quality of bibliographic records. In: Cataloguing and Indexing: empowering the user: 38th CIG [Cataloguing and Indexing Group] Annual Meeting… [4th] July 2003, at Umbrella 2003, Umist, Manchester [on line]. [London]: CIG, 2003 [cited 18 July 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

ZHANG, Ying; JENG, Judy; & LI, Yuelin. IFLA FRBR as user-centered metadata evaluation framework for moving image collections [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2004 [cited 27 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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ZHANG, Ying; & LI, Yuelin. IFLA FRBR & MIC [Moving Image Collection] Metadata Evaluation: October 14, 2003. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2003?] [cited 3 June 2004]. Available from the Internet: . Also available from .

3.15. Application to component parts

TANIGUCHI, Shoichi. Conceptual modeling of component parts of bibliographic resources in cataloging. In: Journal of Documentation. 2003. Vol. 59, No. 6. P. 692-708.

3.16. Application to National Bibliographic Databases

RAJAPATIRANA, Bemal; & MISSINGHAM, Roxanne. The Australian National Bibliographic Database and the Functional Requirements for the Bibliographic Database [sic] (FRBR). In: Australian Library Journal [on line]. 2004 [cited 11 May 2006]. Vol. 53, issue 1. Available from World Wide Web: .

RAJAPATIRANA, Bemal. The application of FRBR in a National Bibliographic Database. In: “Revolution or evolution? the impact of FRBR”, Melbourne Convention Centre, 2nd February 2004 [on line]. [Canberra]: [National Library of Australia], [2004] [cited 16 March 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

RAJAPATIRANA, Bemal. Testing FRBR against the National Bibliographic Database. In: “Revolution or evolution? the impact of FRBR”, Melbourne Convention Centre, 2nd February 2004 [on line]. [Canberra]: [National Library of Australia], [2004] [cited 16 March 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

3.17. Application to oral literature

NICOLAS, Yann. Folklore Requirements for Bibliographic Records: oral traditions and FRBR. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

3.18 Application to non-book materials

CARLYLE, Allyson. Expanding access: FRBR and the challenges of nonprint materials: OLAC Annual Conference 2004. [Buffalo]: [University at Buffalo Law Library], [2004] [cited 15 December 2004]. Available from the Internet: . Report by Nancy Babb available from .

4. Implementations and research projects

LE BŒUF, Patrick. FRBR: practical implementation [on line]. [S.l.]: VTLS European Users’ Group, 15 September 2004 [cited 27 September 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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MARTÍN GONZÁLEZ, Yolanda; & RÍOS HILARIO, Ana B. Aplicación de los “Requisitos funcionales de los registros bibliográficos” (FRBR) en los catálogos en línea. In: ACIMED. 2005. Vol. 13, No. 4. Also available from: . Also available from: .

4.1. Implementations

4.1.1. AustLit Gateway

AYRES, Marie-Louise; FITCH, Kent; SCARVELL, Annette; KILNER, Kerry. AustLit: a gateway on steroids [on line]. [Campbell, Australia]: Australian Defence Force Academy, [2001] [cited 18 July 2002]. Available from Internet: . Also available from: .

AYRES, Marie-Louise. Case studies in implementing FRBR: AustLit and MusicAustralia. In: Evolution or Revolution? The impact of FRBR: Melbourne, Convention Centre, 2nd February 2004 [on line]. [S.l.] : [sn.], 2004 [cited 25 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available from .

AYRES, Marie-Louise; KILNER, Kerry; FITCH, Kent; SCARVELL, Annette. Report on the successful AustLit: Australian Literature Gateway implementation of the FRBR and INDECS event models, and implications for other FRBR implementations. In: 68th IFLA General Conference and Council, August 18th-24th, Glasgow, Scotland [on line]. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 2002 [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available, under the title: FRBR and AustLit: the Australian Literature Gateway, from: .

FITCH, Kent. Taking RDF and Topic Maps seriously: what happens when you drink the Kool Aid. In: AusWeb 2002, the Eighth Australian World Wide Web Conference, held in Twin Waters Resort, Sunshine Coast, Queensland from July 6-10, 2002 [on line]. [S.l.]: [Norsearch Conference Services], [2002] [cited 17 July 2002]. Available from Internet: . Consists of: full paper, ; and presentation, .

FITCH, Kent. Weekly reports [on line]. [Campbell, Australia: Australian Defence Force Academy], [2000- ] [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from Internet: . [Reports on the advancement of the AustLit Gateway project ; includes current bibliography about FRBR, modelling, topic maps, etc.]

HETHERINGTON, Carol. From citation to context and beyond: crossing bibliographic boundaries in the Electronic Age: [paper for the ASAL [Association for the Study of Australian Literature] Conference, Brisbane, July 2003]. [S.l.] : [AustLit Gateway], 2003 [cited 24 November 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: (text), (slides).

HETHERINGTON, Carol. Setting the record straight: bibliography and Australian literature. In: Australian literary studies. 2003, Vol. 21, No. 2. ISSN 0004-9697.

KILNER, Kerry. The AustLit Gateway and scholarly bibliography: a specialist implementation of the FRBR. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

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LE BŒUF, Patrick. La contextualisation de l’œuvre littéraire grâce aux FRBR: l’exemple de AustLit Gateway. In: FRBR: du modèle théorique aux réalisations pratiques: vers un catalogue conçu comme un site Web?: Journée d’étude, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 5 décembre 2002 [on line]. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, [2003] [cited 3 March 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: (in HTML format), or: (in PowerPoint format).

SCARVELL, Annette L. M. AustLit: Australian Literature Gateway: interoperation with KiNETICA/NBD [on line]. [Canberra]: National Library of Australia, August 8, 2002 [cited 11 October 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

4.1.2. VisualCat

JØRGENSEN, Poul Henrik. Practical application of FRBR and RDF. In: Le risorze elettroniche: definizione, selezione e catalogazione: convegno internazionale, Roma, 26-28 novembre 2001 [on line]. Firenze: Nexus Sistemi informativi, [2001?] [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available from: .

JØRGENSEN, Poul Henrik. RDF and FRBR applications. In: Semantic Web and Libraries, 26 Library Systems Seminar, Rome, 17-19 April 2002 / European Library Automation Group (ELAG) [on line]. Roma: Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma, [2002] [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

JØRGENSEN, Poul Henrik. RDF, DC, FRBR and ZING: standards for the Semantic Web. In: Virtual communities: making the technology work for you: EUSIDISC [= European Association of Information Services] annual conference, 22nd-25th September 2002, Lisboa [on line]. [S.l.]: [EUSIDISC], [2002] [cited 26 December 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

JØRGENSEN, Poul Henrik. RDF, IFLA FRBR and XML in VisualCat client [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2000 [cited 6 October 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: or from Internet: .

JØRGENSEN, Poul Henrik. VisualCat client with Z39.50, IFLA 4lm, XML & RDF: ELAG Paris 12. April 2000. [S.l.]: Danish Bibliographic Centre, 2000 [cited 18 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

4.1.3. Virtua

List of VTLS presentations at: .

BAZUZI, Jack. Differentiating Libraries through Enriched User Searching: FRBR as the Next Dimension in Meaningful Information Retrieval: [for the] Polish Users Group, Warsaw 16-17 June 2004. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2004 [cited 27 August 2004]. Available from Internet: .

CHACHRA, Krisha. VTLS Inc. announces FRBR implementation [on line]. Blacksburg, Virginia: VTLS Inc., June 14, 2002 [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

CHACHRA, Vinod; & ESPLEY, John. Differentiating libraries through enriched user searching: FRBR as the next dimension in meaningful information retrieval. In: Back to the future, ALCTS Preconference, ALA Annual Meeting, Orlando, June 25, 2004 [on line]. [S.l.]: ALA, 2004 [cited 25 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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CHACHRA, Vinod; & ESPLEY, John. Navigating FRBR with Virtua: ALA/CLA, Toronto: Sunday, June 21 2003 AALL, Seattle: Sunday, July 19, 2003 [on line]. [S.l.]: VTLS Inc., 2003 [cited 16 September 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

CHACHRA, Vinod. Life after 40: Virtua and FRBR [on line]. Roanoake, Virginia: VTLS Inc., April 19, 2002 [cited 3 June 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

DETIENNE, Claude. Autorités auteurs et titres arabes: l’expérience de l’Université catholique de Louvain. In: 24e Conférence annuelle du MELCOM [Middle East Librarians COMmittee] international, table ronde, 28/05/2002 [on line]. [Bamberg]: [Universitätsbibliothek Bamberg], [2002] [cited 8 January 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

THOMAS, Craig K. Does FRBR include serials? A FRBR implementation for all formats: [review of a demonstration by John Espley, VTLS Inc.] presented at the New England Technical Services Librarians (NETSL) 2005 spring meeting, College of the Holy Cross, Worchester, Massachusetts, April 8, 2005. In: NASIG Newsletter [on line]. 2005, Vol. 20, No. 3. Available from World Wide Web: . ISSN 1542-3417.

VOIDE, Murielle. Démonstration du système Virtua de VTLS Inc. In: FRBR: du modèle théorique aux réalisations pratiques: vers un catalogue conçu comme un site Web?: Journée d’étude, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 5 décembre 2002 [on line]. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, [2003] [cited 3 March 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

VTLS Inc. VTLS announces first production use of FRBR [on line]. Blacksburg, VA: VTLS Inc., January 07, 2004 [cited 23 June 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

4.1.4. LibDB

[IFF, Morbus (pseudonym of HEMENWAY, Kevin); et al.]. LibDB [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2004- ]. Available from World Wide Web: .

4.1.5. RedLightGreen

PROFFITT, Merrilee. RedLightGreen: FRBR between a rock and a hard place. In: Back to the future, ALCTS Preconference, ALA Annual Meeting, Orlando, June 25, 2004 [on line]. [S.l.]: ALA, 2004 [cited 25 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

4.1.6. Perseus Digital Library

MIMNO, David; CRANE, Gregory; & JONES, Alison. Hierarchical catalog records: implementing a FRBR catalog. In: D-Lib Magazine [on line]. October 2005, vol. 11, No. 10 [cited 20 October 2005]. Available from Internet: . ISSN 1082-9873. Reviewed at: .

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4.1.7. FRBR Floater

MONTE SANO ASSOCIATES. FRBR Floater: easy online access to titles with multiple editions and formats [on line]. [Huntsville, Alabama]: Monte Sano Associates, cop. 2006 [cited 20 April 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available from: .

4.2. Research projects

GRANATA, Giovanna. Una DTD XML per FRBR. In: Bollettino AIB. 2003, No. 2. P. 161-177. ISSN 1121- 1490. Abstract available from World Wide Web in Italian () and in English ().

LEE, Sung Sook. A study on the adoption of the FRBR Model. Doctoral Dissertation, 2004. 12. Seoul : Dept. of Library and Information Science The Graduate School Yonsei University, 110 p.

MÖNCH, Christian. Creating FRBR-model entities from record-based catalogs. In: Seminar [of NTNU, Norges Teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap, starting from October 4, 2002] [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2002 [cited 26 April 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

ŽUMER, Maja. Implementation of FRBR: European research initiative. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

4.2.1. OCLC

CHILDRESS, Eric. FRBR and OCLC Research [on line]: UNC SILS, Chapel Hill, NC, 10 April 2006. [Dublin, Ohio]: It’s all good, 2006 [cited 24 April 2006.]. Available from World Wide Web: .

PATTON, Glenn. FRBR activities at OCLC. In: Bibliotheca Universalis: How to organize chaos? 11-12 August 2005 [on line]. [S.l.]: Finnish Library Association, 2005 [cited 4 January 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: . FRBRized WorldCat BENNETT, Rick; LAVOIE, Brian F.; & O’NEILL, Edward T. The concept of a work in WorldCat: an application of FRBR. In: Library collections, acquisitions, and technical services. Vol. 27, No. 1, Spring 2003. Also available on line from: .

CARNEY, Bill. Helping libraries help people. In: Moving beyond the catalog: bibliographic access in a Web world: a NELINET Conference, Tuesday, December 11, 2001, Hogan Campus Center, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA [online]. [S.l.]: Nelinet, [2001?] [cited 5 November 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

CHANG, Sheau-Hwang. FRBR and FRBRization. In: OCLC Systems & services. Vol. 18, No. 4. 2002. P. 162- 164.

COVERT, Kay. [OCLC] Collections & Technical Services Advisory Committee highlights and minutes, April 2002 [on line]. Madison, Wisc.: Wisconsin Library Services (WiSC), May 3, 2002 [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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DEMPSEY, Lorcan. OCLC and FRBR: Directions and Research Results. In: “Revolution or evolution? the impact of FRBR”, Melbourne Convention Centre, 2nd February 2004 [on line]. [Canberra]: [National Library of Australia], [2004] [cited 19 February 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

GATENBY, Janifer. FRBR status of research and implementation at OCLC and OCLC PICA. In: FRBR: du modèle théorique aux réalisations pratiques: vers un catalogue conçu comme un site Web?: Journée d’étude, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 5 décembre 2002 [on line]. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, [2003] [cited 3 March 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: (in HTML format), or: (in PowerPoint format).

HICKEY, Thomas B. FRBR algorithms & tools [on line]. [Dublin, Ohio]: [OCLC], June 20, 2002 [cited 3 April 2003]. Available from Internet: .

HICKEY, Thomas B.; & TOVES, Jenny. FRBR Work-Set Algorithm [on line]. [Dublin, Ohio]: OCLC, July 2003 [cited 11 August 2003]. Available (under licence) from World Wide Web: .

HICKEY, Thomas B.; & O’NEILL, Edward T. FRBRizing OCLC’s WorldCat. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

HICKEY, Thomas B.; & VIZINE-GOETZ, Diane. Implementing FRBR on large databases [on line]. [Dublin, Ohio]: [OCLC], 2002 [cited 31 December 2002]. Available from Internet: .

HICKEY, Thomas B., O’NEILL, Edward T., & TOVES, Jenny. Experiments with the IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR). In: D-Lib Magazine [on line]. September 2002, vol. 8, No. 9 [cited 19 September 2002]. Available from Internet: . ISSN 1082-9873.

HICKEY, Thomas B. Web services for digital libraries. In: Cross language applications and the web: 27th Library Systems Seminar, Bern (Switzerland), 2-4 April 2003 [ELAG 2003] [on line]. Bern: Swiss National Library, 2003 [cited 16 December 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

HOUK, Gary R. The library catalog: does it have a future? [paper for the SLA [Special Libraries Association] Conference, “Putting knowledge to work”, New York, June 7-12, 2003] [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2003 [cited 10 September 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

KELLAR, Lynn; & PATTON, Glenn. The future of WorldCat [on line]. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC, October 2002 [cited 15 July 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

O’NEILL, Edward. FRBR: application of the entity-relationship model to Humphry Clinker: ALCTS/CCS/Cataloging and Classification Research Discussion Group, Saturday, June 15, 2002…Atlanta… [on line]. [Buffalo, NY]: [Judith Hopkins], [June 2002?] [cited 27 August 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

O’NEILL, Edward. FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records): application of the entity- relationship model to Humphry Clinker. In: Library Resources and Technical Services. Vol. 46, No. 4, 2002. P. 150-159. ISSN 0024-2527. Also available on line from: .

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O’NEILL, Edward. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: OCLC’s experience identifying and using works [on line]. Frankfurt: Die Deutsche Bibliothek, 2004 [cited 26 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

OCLC. OCLC research activities and IFLA’s Functional requirements for bibliographic records [on line]. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC, cop. 2002 [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . With links to OCLC’s four projects: Case study: the FRBRization of Humphry Clinker , Extending the case of Clinker , Algorithm development and testing , Fiction Finder [cited 31 December 2002].

PATTON, Glenn, & PEARSON, Bob. FRBR in your future discussion. [Part of: Collections & Technical Services Advisory Committee minutes: April 23 & 24, 2002]. [on line]. Madison, Wisc.: Wisconsin Library Services (WiSC), 2002 [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

SCHROEDER, Donna. OCLC releases algorithm to convert bib databases to FRBR model. In: Ohionetwork [on line]. October 2003 [cited 21 January 2004]. Vol. 25, No. 10. P. 2-3. Available from World Wide Web: . ISSN 0163-7819.

STOREY, Tom. Understanding FRBR: The new bibliographic model: OCLC explores the implications of what could be the biggest change to library catalogs in more than a century. In: OCLC Newsletter, 2003, N 262. P. 10- 12.

TENNANT, Roy. Not your mother’s union catalog. In: Library Journal [on line]. 4/15/2003 [cited 21 January 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: . FictionFinder VIZINE-GOETZ, Diane. FictionFinder: a FRBR works-based prototype. In: Back to the future, ALCTS Preconference, ALA Annual Meeting, Orlando, June 25, 2004 [on line]. [S.l.]: ALA, 2004 [cited 25 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: . xISBN HICKEY, Thom; TOVES, Jenny; YOUNG, Jeff. xISBN. [Dublin, Ohio]: OCLC, [2004] [cited 13 April 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

OCLC Research’s Experimental ISBN/FRBR Project. In: BCR Online The Third Indicator, February 2004 [cited 13 April 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

4.2.2. Data mining MARC to find: FRBR?

HEGNA, Knut; MURTOMAA, Eeva. Data mining MARC to find: FRBR? [on line]. Oslo: Universitet i Oslo, March 13th 2002 [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from Internet: . Consists of: Complete report, ; Supplement: MarcStudy tool user guide, ; Acronyms, .

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HEGNA, Knut; MURTOMAA, Eeva. Data mining MARC to find: FRBR? In: 68th IFLA General Conference and Council, August 18th-24th, Glasgow, Scotland [on line]. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 2002 [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

HEGNA, Kurt. EDB-katalogen snart like god som kortkatalogen. Del II. In: Synopsis. June 2002, vol. 33, No. 3. P. 139-142. ISSN 0332-656X. Also available from World Wide Web: .

HEGNA, Knut. Using FRBR. In: High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine [on line]. December 2004, Issue 10. Available from the Internet: .

4.2.3. BIBSYS

AALBERG, Trond; HUSBY, Ole; HAUGEN, Frank Berg; & ORE, Christian Emil. FRBR i bibliotekkataloger [on line]. [Trondheim]: BIBSYS, 2005 [cited 11 May 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: .

AALBERG, Trond. From MARC to FRBR: a case study in the use of the FRBR model on the BIBSYS database. In: Bibliotheca Universalis: How to organize chaos? 11-12 August 2005 [on line]. [S.l.]: Finnish Library Association, 2005 [cited 4 January 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: .

BIBSYS. FRBR i bibliotekskataloger [on line]. [S.l.] [Norway]: BIBSYS, oppdatert 2004-11-29 [cited 1st December 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: . With links to: Full beskrivelse , and Prosjektplan .

HUSBY, Ole [et al.]. Behandling av periodika i BIBSYS [on line]. [Trondheim]: BIBSYS, 2000-03-09 [cited 22 May 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

HUSBY, Ole. How can BIBSYS benefit from FRBR? In: NetLab Conference, April 10th-12th, Lund, Sweden [on line]. Lund: NetLab, 2002 [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

MÖNCH, Christian; & AALBERG, Trond. Automatic Conversion from MARC to FRBR. In: Koch, Traugott; & Sølvberg, Ingeborg Torvik (Eds.). Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 7th European Conference, ECDL 2003, Trondheim, Norway, August 17-22, 2003: Proceedings. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer-Verlag, 2003. P. 405-411. ISBN: 3-540-40726-X. PowerPoint slides available from World Wide Web: [cited 23 December 2003].

4.2.4. REUSE

EVERSBERG, Bernhard, GRADMANN, Stefan, MITCHELL, Janet, MITTLER, Elmar, MÜNNICH, Monika, PATTON, Glenn & TILLETT, Barbara. REUSE: a contribution to the enhancement of international bibliographic compatibility [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [1997?] [cited 17 August 2000]. Available from Internet: .

EVERSBERG, Bernhard. The part Æ whole relationship in German and American cataloging data: results and suggestions. REUSE+: Joint Project of OCLC and Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1998 [cited 16 March 2000]. Available from Internet: .

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4.2.5. INWECA

ŽUMER, Maja ; HUSBY, Ole ; MATEI, Dan ; JØRGENSEN, Poul Henrik. Network of excellence: INWECA (Implementing the New WEb CAtalogue): expression of interest. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 5th June 2002. Available from World Wide Web: .

4.2.6. Voyager

BOWEN, Jennifer. FRBR: coming soon to your library? In: Back to the future, ALCTS Preconference, ALA Annual Meeting, Orlando, June 25, 2004 [on line]. [S.l.]: ALA, 2004 [cited 25 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

BOWEN, Jennifer. Navigating through Voyager: should FRBR be in our future? [Part of: Visioning Voyager: what if Voyager could do THAT?: [paper given on the occasion of the Mid-Atlantic Voyage User’s Group [MAVUG] Meeting, Cornell University, October 28-29, 2002] / Jennifer Bowen, Vicki Burns, Susan Gibbons, Brenda Reeb & Melinda Stowe] [on line]. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester, [2002] [cited 31 October 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . Abstract available from the Internet: .

4.2.7. Library of Congress’s FRBR Display Tool

JIN, Miao; & SAYED, Nashaat I. FRBR-izing library collections. In: Mississippi Library Association [2004] Conference Poster Session Abstracts [on line]. Jackson, Miss.: MLA, 2004 [cited 27 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: . Abstract only.

McCALLUM, Sally. The FRBR Tool of the Library of Congress. In: Bibliotheca Universalis: How to organize chaos? 11-12 August 2005 [on line]. [S.l.]: Finnish Library Association, 2005 [cited 4 January 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: .

RADEBAUGH, Jackie; & KEITH, Corey. FRBR Display Tool. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

4.2.8. Paradigma

ALBERTSEN, Ketil; & NUYS, Carol van. PARADIGMA: FRBR and digital documents. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from .

NUYS, Carol van; ALBERTSEN, Ketil; PEDERSEN, Linda; & STENSTAD, Asborg. The Paradigma Project and its quest for metadata solutions and services. In: World Library and Information Congress: 70th IFLA General Conference and Council: August 22th-27th 2004, Buenos Aires, Argentina [on line]. Den Haag: IFLA, 2004 [cited 2 November 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available in printed format in International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, Vol. 34, No. 2, April-June 2005, p. 29-35. ISSN 1011-8829.

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4.2.9 IFPA

[STURMAN, Roberto]. IFPA (ISIS FRBR Prototype Application) home page [on line]. [Trieste, Italy]: [Physics Department Library, University of Trieste], last update November 23rd 2004 [cited 22 December 2004]. Available from the Internet: .

STURMAN, Roberto. Implementing the FRBR conceptual approach in the ISIS software environment: IFPA (ISIS FRBR Prototype Application). In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890- 2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163- 9374. Abstract available from . Full text available from .

4.2.10. SELMA

KUNGLIGA BIBLIOTEKET – SVERIGES NATIONALBIBLIOTEK. Projekt Selma: vägvisare till den svenska litteraturen [on line]. Stockholm: Kungl. Biblioteket, uppdaterad 2004 [cited 28 December 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

4.2.11. SveLitt

KUNGL. BIBLIOTEKET. Projekt Svelitt [on line]: vägvisare till den svenska litteraturen. Stockholm: Kungl. Biblioteket, uppdaterad 2005-05-02 [cited 20 May 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

4.2.12. FRBR and RDF

DAVIS, Ian, & NEWMAN, Richard. Expression of core FRBR concepts in RDF [on line]. [S.l.]: I. Davis, c2005 [cited 1st August 2005]. Available from the Internet: . Also available at and .

DAVIS, Ian, & NEWMAN, Richard. Expression of extended FRBR concepts in RDF [on line]. [S.l.]: I. Davis, c2005 [cited 1st August 2005]. Available from the Internet: . Also available at and . Last updated version (10 August 2005) available at: .

DAVIS, Ian. FRBR and RDF [on line]. [S.l.]: Internet Alchemy, 30 July 2005 [cited 1st August 2005]. Available from the Internet: .

DAVIS, Ian. FRBR in RDF: Madrid, 2005/09/15 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2005] [cited 16 May 2006]. Available from the Internet: .

JØRGENSEN, Poul Henrik. Practical application of FRBR and RDF. In: Le risorze elettroniche: definizione, selezione e catalogazione: convegno internazionale, Roma, 26-28 novembre 2001 [on line]. Firenze: Nexus Sistemi informativi, [2001?] [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available from: .

JØRGENSEN, Poul Henrik. RDF and FRBR applications. In: Semantic Web and Libraries, 26 Library Systems Seminar, Rome, 17-19 April 2002 / European Library Automation Group (ELAG) [on line]. Roma: Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma, [2002] [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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JØRGENSEN, Poul Henrik. RDF, DC, FRBR and ZING: standards for the Semantic Web. In: Virtual communities: making the technology work for you: EUSIDISC [= European Association of Information Services] annual conference, 22nd-25th September 2002, Lisboa [on line]. [S.l.]: [EUSIDISC], [2002] [cited 26 December 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

JØRGENSEN, Poul Henrik. RDF, IFLA FRBR and XML in VisualCat client [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2000 [cited 6 October 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: or from Internet: .

JØRGENSEN, Poul Henrik. VisualCat client with Z39.50, IFLA 4lm, XML & RDF: ELAG Paris 12. April 2000. [S.l.]: Danish Bibliographic Centre, 2000 [cited 18 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . sw-bib[Semantic Web bibliographic discussions] archives [on line]. [S.l.]: holygoat.co.uk, 2005- . Available from the Internet: .

4.2.13. Millennium

CONRAD, Claudia. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: FRBR and Millennium [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2005] [cited 2 January 2006]. Available from the Internet: .

4.2.14. OpenFRBR

DENTON, William. OpenFRBR [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [1 November 2006- ] [cited 2 November 2006]. Available from the Internet: .

4.2.15. Searching Bibliographic Records

NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA. Lucene NBD Home Prototype [on line]. [Canberra]: National Library of Australia, 2006- [cited 2 November 2006]. Available from the Internet: .

4.2.16. Melvyl Recommender Project

CALIFORNIA DIGITAL LIBRARY. The Melvyl Recommender Project : Full Text Extension Supplementary Report [on line]. [Oakland, Calif.]: California Digital Library, October 2006 [cited 2 November 2006]. Available from the Internet: . (See Chapter 5).

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5. Relationship to other models and topics

5.1. ABC

BRICKLEY, Dan, HUNTER, Jane & LAGOZE, Carl. ABC: a logical model for metadata interoperability: [draft document] [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 19991019 [cited 22 May 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

[BRICKLEY, Dan, HUNTER, Jane & LAGOZE, Carl.] ABC: a logical model for metadata interoperability: workshop notes [on line]. [Brisbane]: [DSTC [Distributed Systems Technology Centre] Pty Ltd, University of Queensland, Australia], 2000-02-16 [cited 22 May 2000]. Available from Internet: . [Not available any more from this URL; new URL, checked on September 2, 2002: ].

DOERR, Martin; HUNTER, Jane; LAGOZE, Carl. Towards a core ontology for information integration [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2002] [cited 19 December 2002]. Available from World Wide Web : . [Paper submitted to JoDI, October 2002].

HARMONY PROJECT. ABC Harmony data model version 2 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2001-06-18 [cited 6 July 2001]. Available from World Wide Web: .

HUNTER, Jane & JAMES, Darren. The application of an event-aware metadata model to an online oral history project [on line]. [Brisbane]: DSTC [Distributed Systems Technology Centre] Pty Ltd, University of Queensland, Australia, [fin 1999-début 2000?] [cited 22 May 2000]. Available from Internet: .

HUNTER, Jane. MetaNet: a metadata term thesaurus to enable semantic interoperability between metadata domains. In: Journal of digital information [on line]. 2001-02-08, vol. 1, No. 8 [cited 22 May 2001]. Available from Internet: .

LAGOZE, Carl, & HUNTER, Jane. The ABC ontology and model. In: Journal of digital information [on line]. 2001-11-06, vol. 2, No. 2 [cited 8 January 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: (abstract) & (integral text).

LAGOZE, Carl, HUNTER, Jane, BRICKLEY, Dan. An event-aware model for metadata interoperability [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2000?] [cited 18 September 2000]. Available from Internet: 4.

LAGOZE, Carl. An event-aware model for metadata interoperability [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2000?] [cited 20 September 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: . Also available from: .

LAGOZE, Carl. Business unusual: how “event-awareness” may breathe life into the catalog?. In: Conference on bibliographic control in the new millennium [on line]. Washington: Library of Congress, October 19, 2000 [cited 28 December 2000]. Available from Internet: .

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5.2. Peter C. Weinstein’s Ontology-based metadata

WEINSTEIN, Peter. Bibliographic relations [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 3/3/98 [cited 30 November 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

WEINSTEIN, Peter. Ontology-based metadata [on line]. [Ann Arbor, Mich.]: University of Michigan, 1998 [cited 13 December 1999]. Available from World Wide Web: 5.

WEINSTEIN, Peter. Ontology-based metadata [on line]. [Ann Arbor, Mich.]: University of Michigan, [c. 1998] [cited 5 October 1999]. Available from World Wide Web: . [Not available any more from this URL; new URL, checked on September 2, 2002: ].

WEINSTEIN, Peter. Ontology-based metadata: transforming the MARC legacy. In Proceedings of the Third ACM [= Association for Computing Machinery] Digital Library Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, 1998 [on line]. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, [1998] [cited 6 April 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

WEINSTEIN, Peter. Publication abstracts [on line]. [Ann Arbor, Mich.]: University of Michigan, [c. 1998] [cited 5 May 1999]. Available from World Wide Web: .

WEINSTEIN, Peter; ALLOWAY, Gene. Seed Ontologies: growing digital libraries as distributed, intelligent systems. In: Proceedings of the Second International ACM Digital Library conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 1997. New York: ACM Press, 1997. ISBN 0-89791-868-1. Also available on line from World Wide Web: or . [Cited 30 November 2002].

WEINSTEIN, Peter. UMDL ontology concept description [on line]. [Ann Arbor, Mich.]: University of Michigan, [c. 1998] [cited 5 May 1999]. Available from World Wide Web: . [Not available any more from this URL; new URL, checked on September 2, 2002: ].


BEARMAN, David, RUST, Godfrey, WEIBEL, Stuart… [et al.] A common model to support interoperable metadata: progress report on reconciling metadata requirements from the Dublin Core and INDECS/DOI communities. D-Lib magazine [on line]. January 1999, vol. 5, no. 1 [cited 18 February 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

RUST, Godfrey, & BIDE, Mark. The INDECS metadata framework: principles, model and data dictionary [on line]. [S.l.]: MUZE, Inc., EDItEUR: June 2000 [cited 23 November 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

RUST, Godfrey. Metadata 2010: a view of the future. In: Cataloguing standards and metadata for e-commerce: converging goals and emerging opportunities for cross-sector cooperation, London, British Library, 27th September 1999 [on line]. [S.l.]: INDECS; London: British Library, 1999 [cited 2 June 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: 6.

STUBLEY, P. Cataloguing standards and metadata for e-commerce. In: Information Management Report. December 1999. P. 16-18. ISSN 0961-7612.

5 Not available any more; checked on September 2, 2002. 6 Not available any more; checked on September 2, 2002. FRBR bibliography, version 10.11, 22/11/2006; all links prior to that date checked on 02/09/2002 Converted to PDF on: 08/12/2006 46/53

5.4. CRM

DOERR, Martin; HUNTER, Jane; LAGOZE, Carl. Towards a core ontology for information integration. In: Journal of Digital Information [on line]. 2003-04-09, Vol. 4, No. 1 [cited 15 May 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

GILL, Tony. Is that a Reference Model in your pocket…? the CIDOC CRM & IFLA FRBR. In: Ready to wear: metadata standards to suit your project: an RLG-CIMI Forum, 12-13 May 2003 [on line]. [Mountain View, Calif.]: RLG, last updated 19 May 2003 [cited 10 June 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

LE BŒUF, Patrick. The book, the bug and the bangle: a parallel and a paradox. In: Sharing the knowledge: international CIDOC CRM Symposium, [Washington DC], March 26-27, 2003 [on line]. [Heraklion]: FORTH, 2003 [cited 26 April 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: (text); (PowerPoint presentation).

LE BŒUF, Patrick. Mapping FRBR Æ CRM: [revised version] [on line]. [Heraklion]: [CIDOC CRM Special interest group], February 2002 [cited 22 May 2003]. Available from Internet: .

LE BŒUF, Patrick. Mapping CRM Æ FRBR: [on line]. [Heraklion]: [CIDOC CRM Special interest group], January 29th 2003 [cited 22 May 2003]. Available from Internet: .

See also 9. FRBROO (object-oriented formulation of FRBR)

5.5. UKOLN’s analytical model of collections

HEANEY, Michael; UNITED KINGDOM OFFICE FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION NETWORKING. An analytical model of collections and their catalogues [on line]. 3rd issue, rev. Oxford: [s.n.], 14 January 2000 [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: < http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/rslp/model/amcc- v31.pdf>.

POWELL, Andy, HEANEY, Michael, & DEMPSEY, Lorcan. RSLP [Research Support Libraries Programme] collection description. In: D-Lib Magazine [on line]. September 2000, vol. 6, No. 9 [cited 19 September 2000]. Available from Internet: . ISSN 1082-9873.

5.6. ECHO Metadata model

See 3.6 Application to audio-visual documents

5.7. Variations2 model

DUNN, Jon W.; & NOTESS, Mark. Variations2: the Indiana University Digital Music Library Project. In: Digital Library Federation Fall Forum, Seattle, WA, November 4-6, 2002. [S.l.]: DLF, 2002 [cited 26 December 2002]. Available from the Internet:

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MINIBAYEVA, Natalia; & DUNN, Jon W. A digital library data model for music: [the Variations2 digital music library project at Indiana University]. In: Proceedings of the second ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on digital libraries: July 13-17, 2002, Portland, Oregon, USA. P. 154-155. ISBN 1-58113-513-0. Also available from World Wide Web: .

NOTESS, Mark; & DUNN, Jon W. Variations2: improving music findability in a digital library through work- centric metadata: abstract. In: Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries: Tuscon, AZ, USA . P. 422. 2004. ISBN 1-58113-832-6. Also available at .

5.8. ISAD(G) and Archives

MURTOMAA, Eeva. “Could this be the beginning of a beautiful friendship”: a comparison of the description and access to the object of interest between the libraries and archives. [S.l.]: IFLA, [2000] [cited 18 August 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

MURTOMAA, Eeva. FRBR, Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: the impact on the description of the materials in libraries and archives. In: Signum [printed serial]. 2003, No. 4. P. 87-90. ISSN 0355-0036.

SAVOJA, Maurizio. Future scenarios for archives: some Italian perspectives. In: Convergence on Memory Institutions: Finnish-Italian Seminar on the Collaboration of Libraries, Archives and Museums in the Organization of Knowledge, Villa Lante, Rome, 14-16 November 2002 [on line]. Roma: Ministero per gli archivi e i beni culturali, 2002 [cited 15 July 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

5.9. DAMS Data Model

UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN. GENERAL LIBRARIES. DIGITAL LIBRARY SERVICES DIVISION. Digital Assets Management System. DAMS Data model [on line]. Austin, Texas: the University of Texas at Austin, [2002?] [cited 24 July 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

5.10. OpenCritic

McCORMICK, Tim. OpenCritic: an Open Source Cultural Database: [conference paper submitted for the CPSR’s 2002 “Shaping the network society” conference] [on line]. [New York City, NY]: tjm.org, 2002 [cited 24 July 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

5.11. XOBIS

MILLER, Dick R. Introducing XOBIS to the FRBR Working Group (2003): August 4, 2003, Berlin, Germany [on line]. Stanford, Calif.: Lane Medical Library, Stanford University, 2003 [cited 14 August 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

MILLER, Dick R. XOBIS – an experimental schema for unifying bibliographic and authority records. In: LE BŒUF, Patrick. Ed. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR): Hype, or Cure-All? [printed text]. Binghamton, NY: the Haworth Press, 2005. ISBN 0-7890-2799-2. Published simultaneously as Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 3-4. ISSN 0163-9374. Abstract available from . Full text available from .

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5.12. TEF

GROUPE AFNOR CG46/CN357/GE5. Modélisation des métadonnées de thèses [on line]. Part of: Les métadonnées des thèses électroniques françaises: TEF. [Montpellier]: ABES, Mars 2006 [cited 20 April 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: .

5.13. International Standard Identifiers

TANGARI, Nicola. Standard e documenti musicali: i numeri, i modelli, i formati. Milano: Bibliografica, 2002. ISBN 88-7075-571-1. 269 p.

VITIELLO, Giuseppe. Identifiers and identification systems: an informational look at policies and roles from a library perspective. In: D-Lib Magazine [on line]. January 2004. Vol. 10, No. 1 [cited 16 January 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: . ISSN 1082- 9873.

6. Teaching FRBR

ANDRESOO, Janne; & GERGELEŽIU, Aurika. Bibliokirje funktsiooninõuded (FRBR) andmekogude organiseerimise kontekstis [on line]. [Tallinn]: Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu, 2004 [cited 27 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: . In Estonian.

BERG, Einar Silset; & BRENNE, Marte. FRBR IFLAs firenivåsmodell: Seminar Høsten 2003: sluttrapport [on line]. Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo, avd. for journalistikk, bibliotek- og informasjonsfag, 2003 [cited 16 January 2004]. Available from the Internet: . In Norwegian, with an abstract in English.

BRATKOVÁ, Eva. Informacni entity, jejich znaky a vztahy: podle modelu FRBR [= Information entities, their attributes and relationships: according to FRBR model]. In: Informacni studia a knihovnictvi v elektronickych textech I [CD-ROM] / editori: Papik, R., Soucek, M., Stocklova, A. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozoficka fakulta, Ustav informacnich studii a knihovnictvi, 1. vyd. 2002. P. 1-57. “The contribution is a didactic adaptation of the IFLA study ‘Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records’ (FRBR) devoted to the model of bibliographic and other information entities in contemporary digital communication of information.”

GARZA, Rosario. FRBR: a tutorial. In: 2005 Amigos member conference [on line]. Dallas, Texas: Amigos Library Services, Inc., 2005 [cited 6 June 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

GAVIN, Pierre. Description bibliographique, sensibilisation au catalogage. 2b, Histoire du catalogage: le futur [on line]. Pully (Switzerland): P. Gavin, 11.2003-1.2004 [cited 24 June 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

GHILLI, Carlo, & GUERRINI, Mauro. Introduzione a FRBR. Roma: Editrice Bibliografica, 2001. ISBN 88- 7075-557-6.

GOLEC-NYCZ, E. FRBR (eferberyzacja): nowa filozofia katalogowania. In: Bibliotekarz. 2004, nr 9.

GONZALEZ, Linda. What is FRBR? In: Library Journal [on line]. 4/15/2005. Available from World Wide Web: .

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GUERRINI, Mauro. FRBR in sintesi [on line]. Napoli: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Discipline Storiche "Ettore Lepore", [2001?] [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

HARCOURT, Kate. Knowing a Hawk from a Handsaw: FRBR Basics, AACR & the OPAC: [presentation given on the occasion of] NYTSL Spring Dinner Meeting, May 7, 2004 [on line]. New York City: Columbia University, 2004 [cited 15 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

HEGNA, Knut. Krav til bibliografiske posters virkemåte = Functional requirements for bibliographic records [on line]. Trondheim: BIBSYS, [November 2000] [cited 28 December 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

HEGNA, Kurt. Functional requirements for bibliographic records: en presentasjon [on line]. Oslo: [s.n.], 2000. Available from World Wide Web: .

HOLM, Liv Aasa. FRBR: en oversikt [on line]. Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo, Bibliotek- og informasjonsstudiene, 05.12.03 [cited 23 December 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

JONSSON, Gunilla. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records [on line]: Vid KB-seminarium, 2004- 03-05. [Stockholm]: [Kungl. Biblioteket], 2004 [cited 28 December 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

KOEHLER, Wallace. LIS 5990, Summer 2000, Web Document Management [on line]. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma, 2000 [cited 16 June 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

LAGOZE, Carl. Content and Bibliographic Theory: CS 431 Architecture of Web Information Systems [on line]. [Ithaca, NY]: [Cornell University, Department of Computer Science], 2-04-04 [cited 21 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

LE PAPE, Philippe. Quels formats pour les catalogues de bibliothèque à l’avenir ? [on line]. Montpellier: ABES, [2005] [cited 6 June 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

MILLER, Steven J. Top trends in cataloging and metadata: IRs, FRBR, VIAF, Unicode. In: Libraries @ the Heart: Wisconsin Library Association Annual Conference - Oct. 28-31, 2003, Four Points Sheraton, Milwaukee, WI [on line]. [Madison, WI]: Wisconsin Library Association (WLA), 2003 [cited 21 January 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

MOGSET, Ingrid. FRBR-modellen [on line]. [Trondheim]: BIBSYS, 2000-11-24 [cited 28 December 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: .

MORENO, F. P.; & MÁRDERO ARELLANO, Miguel Ángel. Requisitos funcionais para registros bibliográficos – FRBR: uma apresentação. In: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação. 2005. V. 3, n. 1. ISSN 1678-765X. In Portuguese (Brazil).

MURTOMAA, Eeva. FRBR, Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: Katve, 17.11.2003 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2003 [cited 27 October 2004]. Available from the Internet: . In Finnish.

MURTOMAA, Eeva. Visiona FRBR ja FRANAR. In: Tietolinja [on line]. 02/2005 [cited 2 January 2006]. Available from World Wide Web: . ISSN 1239- 9132.

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OBRADOVIC, Ksenija, & STAINCLIFFE, Paul. Understanding FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records ), or, FRBR for Dummies by Dummies: [talk delivered on the occasion of] New trends in Cataloguing: CatSIG Seminar, National Library [of New Zealand], 31 May 2004 [on line]. Wellington: LIANZA (Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa), 2004 [cited 15 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

OCLC. Showboating FRBR (and we don’t mean Edna!) [on line]. [Dublin, Ohio]: [OCLC], [2004] [cited 27 May 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

OLIVER, Chris. FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records): What is FRBR and why is it important? [on line]. [Ottawa]: National Library of Canada and National Archives of Canada, last updated: 2003-09-26 [cited 26 December 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: or or .

PASSERINI, Giorgio. Centro Sistema Bibliotecario: programma [on line]. Genova: Centro Sistema Bibliotecario, [1999-2000?] [cited 7 August 2000]. Available from World Wide Web: 7.

PATTON, Glenn. FRBR… the mystery explained! [on line]. [S.l.] [New Jersey]: Fairleigh Dickinson University, April 2005 [cited 6 June 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

PATTON, Glenn. What can FRBR do for you?: ALA/CLA annual conference, June 22, 2003 [on line]. [, Ill.]: American Library Association, 2003 [cited 12 August 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

RILEY, Jenn. FRBR, or, How I learned to stop worrying and love the model. In: DL Brown Bag Series Fall 2004 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2004 [cited 25 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

SANDERS, Martha Rice; & WU, Mary. FRBR: the Future of the Library Catalog [on line]. [Marstons Mills, MA]: Massachusetts Library Association, May 10, 2005 [cited 15 June 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

STRUNCK, Kirsten. About the use of “Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records” in teaching cataloguing. In: 65th IFLA Council and General Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, August 20 – August 28, 1999 [on line]. [Ottawa]: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 1995-1999, latest revision June 29, 1999 [cited 31 January 2000]. Available from Internet: .

TAYLOR, Arlene G. Metadata, FRBR, and New Challenges [on line]: Presentation for the Missouri Library Association, St. Louis, Missouri, October 28, 2004. [Pittsburgh]: [Pittsburgh University], © 2004 [cited 4 November 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

THELLEFSEN, Martin. Functional Requierement [sic] for Bibliografic [sic] Records: bibliografiske entiteter og relationer: forelæsning ved Martin Thellefsen, Vidensorganisation III, 2002 [on line]. [Aalborg]: [Institut for Informationsstudier, Danmarks Biblioteksskole], 2002 [cited 22 October 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

THORNBURY, Don. FRBR: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (IFLA, 1998) [on line]. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Library, 2005 [cited 6 June 2005]. Available from World Wide Web: .

7 Not available any more; checked on September 2, 2002. FRBR bibliography, version 10.11, 22/11/2006; all links prior to that date checked on 02/09/2002 Converted to PDF on: 08/12/2006 51/53

TILLETT, Barbara B. The FRBR model (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records): … for the FRBR Seminar Australian Committee on Cataloguing, Feb. 2, 2004. In: “Revolution or evolution? the impact of FRBR”, Melbourne Convention Centre, 2nd February 2004 [on line]. [Canberra]: [National Library of Australia], [2004] [cited 19 February 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

TILLETT, Barbara B. The FRBR model (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records): a presentation… June 15, 2002, for ALA ALCTS CCS CC:DA, Atlanta, Georgia [on line]. [S.l.]: Pennsylvania State University, [June 2002?] [cited 27 August 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: . [Also available from (cited 5 December 2002): ].

TILLETT, Barbara B. The FRBR model (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records): a presentation… April 4-5, 2003, San José, CA, ALCTS Institute on Metadata and AACR2 [on line]. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, [last updated] 04/24/03 [cited 15 July 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

TILLETT, Barbara B. The FRBR model (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records): a presentation… June 22, 2003, ALA, Toronto [on line]. [S.l.]: [ALA], [2003] [cited 10 September 2003]. Available from World Wide Web: .

TILLETT, Barbara B. The FRBR model (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records): a presentation… Feb. 21-22, 2003, Orlando, FL, ALCTS Institute on metadata and AACR2 [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2003] [cited 10 September 2003]. Available from Internet: .

TILLETT, Barbara B. What is FRBR? a conceptual model for the bibliographic universe [printed material]. Washington: Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, [2003]. Also available in Technicalities. 2003. Vol. 25, No. 5. P. 11-13. ISSN 0272-0884.

TILLETT, Barbara B. What is FRBR? In: Back to the future, ALCTS Preconference, ALA Annual Meeting, Orlando, June 25, 2004 [on line]. [S.l.]: ALA, 2004 [cited 25 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

TILLETT, Barbara B. What is FRBR? (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records): presented… for the FRBR Workshop, DDB, Frankfurt, Germany, July 8-9, 2004 [on line]. Frankfurt: Die Deutsche Bibliothek, 2004 [cited 26 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

TONTA, Yaşar. Bibliyografik kayıtlar için işlevsel gerekler (FRBR) kavramsal modeli [= Conceptual Model of Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records]. In M. Emin Küçük (ed.) Prof. Dr. Nilüfer Tuncer’e Armağan (pp. 278-290). Ankara: Turkish Library Association, 2005. Also available on line: . In Turkish, with abstract in English.

VAN DER PIJPEN, Willy; & VERPOORTEN, Marc. VLIR [= Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad] Workshop on Library Development problems: Identifying solutions by co-operation: The catalog [on line]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], February 15, 2003 [cited 21 July 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

VANDER MEER, Gary. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: MALL/MAALL Conference, October 14, 2003 [on line]. [S.l.] [s.n.], 2003 [cited 27 October 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

VAN NUYS, Carol. FRBR: funksjonskrav til bibliografiske poster [on line]. Oslo: Avdeling for journalistikk, bibliotek- og informasjonsfag, 2001 [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

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VTLS Inc. FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records): a tutorial [on line] / presented by Gemma Ros and Jack Bazuzi. [S.l.]: VTLS European Users’ Group, 15 September 2004 [cited 27 September 2004]. Available from World Wide Web: .

WESTON, Paul Gabriele. FRBR e il catalogo [on line]. Bologna: SBN UBO, Centro Inter-Bibliotecario, 20-02- 2004 [cited 27 July 2004]. Available from Internet: .

WESTON, Paul Gabriele. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: [corso, Scuola Vaticana di Biblioteconomia, 2001-2002] [on line]. Vaticano: Scuola Vaticana di biblioteconomia, [2001?] [cited 16 July 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: (display version) and (print version).

ŽUMER, Maja. Funkcionalne zahteve za bibliografske zapise kot model bibliografske podatkovne zbirke [on line]. [Ljubljana]: Univerze v Ljubljani, Filozofska Fakulteta, Oddelek za bibliotekarstvo, informacijsko znanost in knjigarstvo, [2001?] [cited 27 December 2002]. Available from World Wide Web: .

7. Web sites and blogs devoted to FRBR

COYLE, Karen. “FRBRizing”. In: Coyle’s InFormation. [S.l.]: [s.n.], October 25, 2006- [cited 2 November 2006]. Available from the Internet: .

DENTON, William. The FRBR Blog [on line]. [Toronto, Ontario]: W. Denton, 2005- . Available from World Wide Web: .

Technorati. “FRBR” tag. [San Francisco, CA]: Technorati, [ongoing]. Available from World Wide Web: .

8. Encyclopedias on line

WIKIPEDIA. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. [S.l.]: Wikimedia Foundation Inc., last modified 11 May 2006 [cited 11 May 2006]. Available from the Internet: .

9. FRBROO (object-oriented formulation of FRBR)

INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP ON FRBR/CIDOC CRM HARMONISATION. FRBROO Introduction [on line]. Heraklion, Greece : ICS-FORTH, 2006 [cited 2 November 2006]. Available from World Wide Web : .

INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP ON FRBR/CIDOC CRM HARMONISATION. Working drafts and releases [on line]. Heraklion, Greece : ICS-FORTH, 2006 [cited 2 November 2006]. Available from World Wide Web : .

INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP ON FRBR/CIDOC CRM HARMONISATION. Work report and minutes [on line]. Heraklion, Greece : ICS-FORTH, 2006 [cited 2 November 2006]. Available from World Wide Web : .

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INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP ON FRBR/CIDOC CRM HARMONISATION. Technical papers and references [on line]. Heraklion, Greece : ICS-FORTH, 2006 [cited 2 November 2006]. Available from World Wide Web : .

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