Newsletter Newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Forest Service Retirees — Fall 2013 President’S Message—

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Newsletter Newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Forest Service Retirees — Fall 2013 President’S Message— OldSmokeys Newsletter Newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Forest Service Retirees — Fall 2013 President’s Message— We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past; and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible. —George Santayana This is one of my favorite quotations and one that I used talking to our employees when they were concerned about something that had happened in the past. I think about our current employees and the pressures they face. They are faced with budget sequestration, fire transfer, a Congress that isn’t fully engaged in land management issues, and no pay in- creases, limited travel, and I could go on and on. I applaud the work that they do, and know it is all that is humanly pos- sible. As a retiree, it is very easy for me to say that isn’t how I would run the outfit. However, what I faced even five years ago is different from what Regional Forester Kent Connaughton and his staff face today. I hope one of our goals as OldSmokeys is to find a way to support current employees. They need our support, not criticism. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t voice our concerns and certainly let our congressional representatives know how we feel. The Forest Service is tied down with conflicting regulations and decisions made by the courts that mean current employees spend more time trying to meet the higher standards laid out by the courts than getting work done on the ground. I know that is a frustration for everyone who loves the land and the Forest Service. As we go into the new year, I ask all of us to take a moment when we see a current employee to thank them and to ask how we might be able to help. I know I will. Linda Goodman In This Issue… Forum: “The U.S. Forest Service Mission Statement is Pure Fantasy” by Jim Petersen……………………………………………... 2 OldSmokeys News: Picnic...Dues...Grants...High Desert Museum...Ranotta McNair...Paul Engstrom...Stan Kunzman...more….4 Forest Service News: Wildfire Season 2013...Future Firefighter Workforce...Capitol Christmas Tree...much more…….……….12 Feature: “Hiking the Everest of Long Distance Trails: the Hayduke in 2012 and 2013” by Jon Stewart………………………….18 Changes: Updates to the OldSmokeys Membership Directory……………………………………………………………………………20 New Members: Introductions of New OldSmokeys…………………………………………………………………………………………20 Memories: Remembrances of the Recently Deceased……………………………………………………………………………………...21 Letters: Sharing of Thoughts and News……………………………………………………………………………………………………...23 Books: OldSmokey Bob Chadwick Promotes Consensus in Finding New Ground………………………………………………… 26 Films: “The People’s Forest” and “Red Skies of Montana” on DVD………………………………………………………………….27 Uncle Sam’s Cabins: Parkdale Ranger Station, Mt. Hood National Forest, Oregon………………………………………………...28 Out of the Past: U.S. Forest Service’s John W. Parker, Star of 1948 Film “Forest Smokechaser”………………………………..29 My First Forest Service Job: “Hume Lake Ranger District, 1961” by Ted Stubblefield…………………………………………….30 Visit the Pacific Northwest Forest Service Association website at: Annual Dues for 2014 are due January 1. See page 6! OldSmokeys Newsletter — Fall 2013 Page 2 the sky. This is how much new wood fiber nature is adding to Forum forests in Arizona and New Mexico every year. One mile in 2002—the year the calculation was done, one more mile in The U.S. Forest Service Mission Statement 2003, another mile in 2004 and 9 more miles since. Thus, our is Pure Fantasy one mile high pile of firewood gathered in 2002 now stretches 12 miles into the sky—at the outer edge of gravity’s earthward By Jim Petersen, pull. At this altitude, the curvature of the earth is plainly visible Founder, The Evergreen Foundation, and you can see where night meets day. If you need help with and Editor, Evergreen Magazine this visual, there are NASA websites that broadcast satellite The mission of the U.S. Forest Service is to sustain the health, images from space 24/7. diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests and grass- I regret to say I did not ask the researcher to attempt the lands to meet the needs of present and future generations. The same calculation for all federal forest lands in the 11 western agency manages 193 million acres of public land, provides as- states, but I can tell you that national forests in Oregon, Wash- sistance to state and private landowners, and maintains the ington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, California and Alaska largest forestry research organization in the world. dwarf forests in the Southwest in both size and the number of trees present. So you tell me how far into the heavens our fire- Public lands the Forest Service manages contribute more than wood pile has pushed since 2002. Fifty miles, sixty miles? $213 billion to the economy each year through visitor spending More? Less? I doubt anyone knows for sure, but I can tell you alone. Those same lands provide 20 percent of the nation’s with certainty that it is this enormous woodpile—decrepit, dy- clean water supply, a value estimated at $7.2 billion per year. ing or already dead—that is fueling the deadly wildfires you are The agency has either a direct or indirect role in stewardship of reading about this summer. They are killing everything in sight. about 80 percent of the 850 million forested acres within the For unfathomable reasons, many environmental groups con- U.S., of which 100 million acres are urban forests where most tinue to pander to the idea that harvesting trees from federal Americans live. forests does more harm than good. Yet I do not know of a sin- The italicized message above appears at the bottom of every gle scientific study that endorses the idea that stand-replacing press release disseminated by the United States Forest Service. wildfires do less environmental damage than a well-regulated It is the venerable agency’s official explanation for its exis- timber management plan. Quite the opposite, I can cite several tence, yet it bears only a fleeting resemblance to the truth. This studies that demonstrate that over time, harvesting can be used isn’t to say that I believe whoever wrote this statement is a liar. to increase growth in older forests the public admires most. It is to say that the modern-day Forest Service is whistling past In its mission statement, the Forest Service claims that 20 per- its own grave in hopes that no one will give it a final shove into cent of the nation’s clean water—that would be the water we the abyss. drink—comes from forests in its care. I don’t doubt that this is It is true that Congress created the Forest Service in 1905 true. In fact, I’m not surprised it isn’t more. I’ll hazard a guess and gave it responsibility for caring for a timberland base that that well over half the municipal drinking water consumed in today totals 193 million acres. But I have serious doubts about the 11 western states comes from someone’s forest. I am left to the rest of the claims the Forest Service makes in its mission wonder why Congress has not given the Forest Service the le- statement. Even the agency’s leadership admits that about 80 gally sufficient authority to do the active thinning and stand million of the 193 million acres in its care are in such dreadful tending work necessary to reduce the risk of catastrophic fire ecological condition that it will most likely burn to the ground in watersheds that are vital to the 60.3 million Americans re- before Congress musters the political courage to shut down the portedly living in the 11 western states in 2000. litigation machine that is destroying the nation’s federal forest The Forest Service values its water supply at $7.2 billion a heritage. year. Frankly, I think their figure is far too low. Life is not pos- If the Forest Service was actually working “to sustain the sible without water, so I don’t think it is a stretch to say that health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests and virtually all economic activity in the 11 western states would grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations” cease if there were no forested watersheds in which rainfall we would still have an active timber sale program—one that at and snowmelt are collected. Again, why isn’t the Forest Service least removed diseased, dying and dead trees from forests that actively engaged in protecting these watersheds? have been overrun by insects and parasites, fueling wildfires The Mt. Hood National Forest’s Bull Run Watershed sup- that now cost U.S. taxpayers more than $1 billion annually. plies virtually all of the water consumed in the greater Portland, Eleven years ago I asked a researcher working in the Forest Oregon, metro area. It has been a firetrap for years, yet the For- Service’s regional office in Albuquerque, New Mexico, if he est Service refuses to engage municipal leaders in an honest could calculate for me the amount of new growth that was clog- conversation about the social calamity that would erupt if the ging the Southwest’s already overstocked forests—meaning watershed burned. I’m sure Portland’s liberal political classes forests in which so many trees are present that they are killing won’t want even dead and dying timber removed from “their” each other. His answer stunned me. Picture a solid block of watershed, but the discussion still needs to occur so that every- wood the dimensions of a football field stretching one mile into one understands the costs associated with losing the irreplace- OldSmokeys Newsletter — Fall 2013 Page 3 able water source that serves Oregon’s most populous commu- I know many who work at the local level who can’t wait to re- nities.
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