EXERCISES FOR Question Of Use Of Field MEMORIAL DAY And Cutting Of Salaries WELL ATTENDED

Father Boyle Speaks In Place of H i* Cousin, Bart, W ho

Memorial Day exefcaies weqe fea­ tured by a talk given by Kev. Cor­ nelius Boytet of Sacred Heart , who substituted for W* cousin, Bart Boyle, deputy park mmmi.isioner of Bayonne, who bei rame ill suddenly and waa unable to appear. A' parade, followed by talks and recitations, comprised tho progaaaa for the day. . . N ta r M M i woe*, bowg wade “Lov* of God and Country,” Fa­ ta M>r vice -ronnnind- er of the New Jersev Department «f Spaais^ American W ar Veteran*. Tie munidoal band, Columbus T idK s <\tt and drum corps and Jer­ sey C ity Girl Swat hand plainM. Police. iMMfctu of the Board of r-im niisJS*! and Gold Star moT thers PWade. Then cflM r tlM Saa»i?h American j Vfir V e tefW * with the Woman’s mixiiiary and H arold Barringer Post, American Leghf, and woman’s atixi liary. Those ftwW« arranged tKe j services for the day Catholic Organizations and the) Pnited Masonic Society marched. | Then came the Boy and Girl Scouts, Columbus Cadet* and other march -\ era. The parade farmed enrt-’r the di i recoin of Sbadrt and Arthur Bauer' pi WORM «* taka ta tea w nk lattfc #f the American Legion and Fred- ; Wry Th* olaa U> « * ar RaOwrfaM eriek Westphal of the Spanish * ti ard*d early It w m m * anW American War Veterans. i mmaaratloatv r**Mitf lk»l • TALKERS PRESENT Artiagt** a4kUM al 0M U a k t wM At Memorial Park, Father Hoyle M t prtMad Tha pMttMH ♦Mi»kata4 th* •* » d»ljvered the invocation. August M. H****t wa* ha «#<*. Mt Kirdidoerfar. former commander of U m )M k—d al Ul* waafcwiwpl * Harold O. Barringer -Post, recited * aa K i*afc Mr HakfwMI l*l*r lawk ***» that Horace R. Bogle and Commlsaionar pnatltaa aM hald* H laMy John F. Woods spoke. Commissioner 'Tha ***** ta th* Va#aj §*•»* John B. GuMetti was unable lo a « * a a * h* a»tM * r t * n w a a a sa d * *tf«W tpeik because of a bad cold. * * a ra »#-*- fcp t h a t tin t* . M r M i a ”* Harold Thornton, commander of interval ia th* r.aamafatal l»*M* the Spanish American unit, and An­ Lai bar '•haf*t* lawaahtp alia* hari haM> ImhiM ap tka pM M dre*' Egert Jr.. commander~«f Har- a*y. aaa m»rtU4 felt that I My M i»t»cr*»nd aaf 6 old Itarringer Post, spoke. Pev. Geo. Th* MMWy l.y*a-i«* >ftan< kp' tka MpMaff pa*’ attended . annual memorial service* •ted |ra*a kaarat Nlgk Ktkaal * as.! _ « . > ltl* k ta* at St. Matthews Church. Mt*a Urwf P. Ik llaaa. Mai •trif* * a a ta aaw a#«*l* Oraves of dead veterans In St. i***h*r. g a 'r a aaa* rarMal M*«, aM iM .miJn M a tla Ji soph's and Holy Name Cemeteries T. F Naa* aaa lawaaktp ** i ' . I — - Im tfei wtre decorated. In their honor, a •Mp aM *4»t**«at * .ear* 1**1 *. al- (Troup of American Legion hu/lers Aclaal *toa« Mr* *>aay* kaaa a M foronded taps at the Monday exar- («taM ' M-ise.s. ’ ' "■ Mrs. Levine Entertains Distribute Milk

Mrs. Lou in Levine, of Kidge Road, I'fet^rtained at bridge at her home, apa*** -MM*«<--. -Jt-Uto* K«m - Mr Tuei^ay’TlftefhoSS'"''’"'”'”*'""*- ka*<»|.f • aoiHaaii Mta* That*** fiueats were Mrs. David Goldberg. krty** *M W*H*r lU rti fcM aw l F Mrs, Max Leriter, Mrs. Louts l**y, Watah, _'h*#4 wWta*, tk a y f**aw*M Mrs. M. Epstein, M rs. Leo Sehwart. Mrs. Hanry_ Schaefer, and .Mrs: Harry-Zi akin. A social hour, witji jefreshmenta fo |lo * e ,| the games of rarris. Local Artist Will Htng Paintmg In Mttfetim, Listed, Also b Other Extibits

The Lyndhurst and Jersey City Ru« < 'om pany h a a aM nd*)ned plan* to ere ct a |S<1,000—ga ra g e in O rie n t Way *nd Rutherford Avenue, it waa learned today. PETITION IS N0T1CET0 DOG OWNERS CIRCULATED Nr*K< i* hereby given tn -ill Jmi «»wncr» lhat the Ihe Chamber of lammrm this seek veal ak*ad with «»ftcuJ Dog Catcher will hqjin the ^pfwrhcrwJing tnatrarled a*ra* liw e directed a» pick up all iku* i*< pr»»perly m uuled *#* Is prepare **rb aa aedw *«** II* Made a prebaitM ry or leaahed ,w „ NuOce ia aiio given that thr I^ J I ln;*n«r» are i*m available at the tAce o< the (^?k i i . th. l.-w i. HSU New Regiatratnm. arMivnuJ u> htenw Irr IM * Male ucn» d a in n g to comrl*» d»^» at U im dir the refnovil « 1 ut *-at» may telephone the M k i n » ( . unchc Rudw zfurd 2

. THE COMMERCIAL LEADER, FRIDAY, JUNE i . W32, tfffi COMMERCIAL LEADER Y.P.C.U. win * ms- “SEESJi n “T. • People (U)Know! ^ V-iu . THE TOMMBrctAT^LEADlSl'Tx).. Inc. i J' Entertain Gaests n v ' i w s i £ * ° s v Rev. George F. Mutter, pastor of it « m eft? sale as putlS I Wmuv .u t. tmm I i t Vkttey 'Brook, Avenue Lyndhtirat, ,N. J. Court i. cu, o 'isL T -S the St. Matthews Evangelical Luth- T h e Young Peoples Christian S' ' ■ J*a»* rnm tt, irnt *nf TMM), all thmt eran Church, and a member of the Union of the Reed Memorial United o'clock tn the afternoon Euttm 'A land mnd preml ,—_ , Telephone RUtherford -2 4200-4201 / Board of Trustees of the Free Public Presbyterian church will entertain •taadard Ti*., T (two o'elee* betng ** Tewashfpef _____ ' ~~ ^ --t&X&i ,B£RA ..ixi.m t.j i ■ ... i» 1 1 *-' ED ITO R ^ . a mTtilc* vr^wrcei 7>r 'County of Bwf«n mnd Mtmteof New S e ^ r ,°UU,*1!S**; Couily ClSS^1 Off"; Library, feels that jiow, ,in this time a number of guests iroirt the TL P. hereinafter particuiari) *nd more particularly described ae follawe. lytfMf ,M •mat m tai BKciNNlRo M a point on the southeart- K in g known and dertsnated as No. im ERNEST J. DARJNETT .SECRETARY and TREASURER / af utrffe, depression ami gloom , the C . U. of tb* Kingalawn Church In * *» ■ ot assessments, water rents, and tii ..... „ Yearly subscription $ 2.00 in advance. Songle C opy Fiv* Centt. “More help is being given out now,’’ charge of the meeting and the dis- | pPh0atir0jTr,^ « ^ f.‘*ieSi S* 2*"; Vs tier B r o o k Avenue irttll the K.uthe«iterly any; rights of exletlhg tenants, legal effect S ? fn En*'r» Rutlierfonl N J ’ aide of Front Stwet and running U»n>^ of sonlng ordinances; rettrlcUoni app^rmc Advertising Rates on Application. •he said, "than ever bgfore. There is j cussion of the topic, “Why Should l i a l i SSL CoSn»Jr C W rfe office **»y 4, 1896. aa Map No. 772. aad more <1» south wee teehr ■»< aloa* a M slds o. of record. If any; and such facts iui Classified Advertising, I lints 1 lime. 50c. t lines, 2 tout*. 71c. 1 lines, J real need in the land today. Yet, noj We Pray ?” Friends a re invited 'to e^ijcuinriy described as ’ Front Street. tMrtr-MmS and U t t him accurate survey would dlackMe. , Together with all and alacular tha riaho times, $ 1 .0 0 . *5 lines the minimum order. Yearly rates on request. All ads payable one is refusing to aid. None needj share this service a t seven o’clock, P°,ot - oortheast- dredths (17.SO)*feet; thenee (J) southeaster- S o l “' Xartn Avenue diiunt Ifimm Ir, and parallel with Valley Bsook Avenue, liberties, privileges, hereditaments ant! ap­ ui advance. All copy must he in Leader Ofiice before 4 P.M. Thursday. No extra starve if he lets his wants be known Last Sunday evehing John Hen- ! l southeaeterly trots *atd „** one hundred (1001 feet; thence <31 north- purtenances thereunto belonging ' f t n »«£. charge is made for replies received th ro u g h this office. ensterty, parallel wish Front w*e.V tn.i wise appertaining, b e aold to pay an.i because there is always someone denon, lei the meeting, speaking of w'u> th, southeaatertjr »de .even aad^ Stir hundredtlw 137 00* feet; “ “•tr *• the Sret place unto the .aid Copy for new advertisement*' and changes should be received at the office ot b«/^n l ‘S. Itt' Mv,,1-n* «ne L r iiu i ready, willing, anxious to help.” j on "Hair Should We Pmjr?" The Mtween 31 aad 33 on the aforwaald the ore (4) northwesterly and p»rauel wit. Everybody ! Building and Assoc a publication not later than 10 o'clock Thursday morning. JJJjJ’ runnln« th,ne» (j, aorUieMtartr, a- Valley Brook Avenue one hundred (100 tlon of the City of Newark, tha sum of And why is it’ feet » the point or place of bestnning. la.SM Sl. together with lawful Interest therr- Address all mail and checks payable to The Commercial Leader Co. Inc. leader mentioned siijeere faith aad J 5 JJ f f t L "flvtdins tine oae hundred aod on; and alao the coete of ths raid *■— -T ii i to a poMit; Betas a p a n of lot* 53. 5s eno .. “Because,” went on Rev. Muller,j pa.tienee as factors ia prayer, aaid (It Block L as laid down .on a certain map on plalnant have been duty taxed a t tht* new Independent and dearies*— Nothing to sell but space for legitimate advertiiing, parallel wlth^ Mann Avenui of (273.00. ‘‘tnere i* a natural feeling of protec - 1 emphasized th* need for fellowship aM along tlie rear tine of u id L o t 3 1 . file tn the Bergen County Clera's v B w entiled "Supplemental Map No. 2 of pi*op H a r o l d v . Re il l y LYNDHURST, N. ]^ FRIDAY. JUNE ), IW 2 ^ rty -th re e (S3) feet, lour (n. There is no one, who, if given. W a r.” aecomoanied at the a l t M sib H u northveeterly, aton* eald No. l« n . n -r- ^ I N A FEW WORDS The above described lands and premise* —a w 1 :***?,“ I w w 4m*mr the opportunity, will not help a fel- by Miss Isabel W aiter. Others fee! tl.* , ^ ,,n u ' thirty-three (31) shall he sold la fee. sufcjsct ta all taxes, Between Franklin Building; and Loan Asso­ assessments and other liens, if say. ciation, a corporation, eompiaino r t and “The tporld will go on sdrrtfkow,, aiid more crisis low man in need. That last feeling is wh* spoke on th e topic were Mils Elsie Fenion and Lawrence Fen Ion. her ^ bOVf- 1**4:ribed *•««*» *nd premises Together wltn all and sinsular the rights m il follow. It will go on best, however, if among us greater in demand than ever'before. KdHh Neuhauser, Miss Walker and saall be sold in lee. »ubje«t to all taxes, liberties, priv,leges, hereditaments and ap- and other Uens. if «nv." purtenaAoe* t.iareuato belonging of In any­ ^ r ..T r ,131n . * ,u'^ " And the response to it has been some- Mr. Westpksi. wise appertaining be. sold t» p ar awl sstl - • ■ WILLIAM H. pABItV, S ,rr. th e r e a re m e n who stood apart, who refused to be T**!1 “ ,l and •ln«u,* r ,h* rights, thing tremendously line.” V' in the erst place unto the complainant, the By virtue of the above stated writ Id me punenances therrunto beloncin« or in acy- sum of gd.oaaso. together whs lawful in­ directed and delivered. I hava levied«up,* anxious or too much concerned, who were cool and o~ terest therson; and also the coats 01 U l and wlil exikw# for sale at public veMo- at rn^hhJ1^ ^ ? * ** W aw Mtisfy said complainant have been duly taxed at th* Court Houae in the City of «ia:ken inquiring and had their eyes o n a longer past and a l o c a l m t —. . k * p,ac* unto “ i*3 «>J»P»sJn- the sum of (242.74. Jack Breslin To SSLJb*.'.■um of M .llii, >together «ith I!» V»- thereon, end alao the costa HAROLD V. KBUXT. nronrmiay, IBM 18, 1132 longer future. By then example they can remind us i n r c s . gacctv p* the said complajsnt ftr-ve been d u l y B.S.Ldr Com I. Ldr Snerifr. at one' o'clock In- the afternoon. Eastern Attend Convention Ultucsr SAtx IT taxed at the sum u l $228 S8 May27-June3-10-17—*21.14 8 8. F. 821* Standard Time, (two o'clock f>ayiigtit a»y Ing Time), all that certain tract or par&l that the passing moment is only a m o m e n t ; ,by th e i r ware,. ^ . Harold v. m aL u r. B. 8 Ldr C o n t i . L d r . S h e r i f f of land and premises, hereinafter particularly May27-June3-10-17- 127 72 8 BF I S < H .tM K lV OP NEW JKBftKY described., situate, lying and beinn in th*- loyalty they will have cherished those things which LyrKlhurHt-—or rather one ,Q.f its In connection with their Poppy 8201 Between Carlstmdt Mutual Loan- and Build- Townahip of Lyndhurat In th« County ul *©ns— will have a hand in choosing th e Drive th* local Legion has been dis­ m g Association, coajpiainant, and Richard Bergen and State of New Jersey: only the disinterested mind can use." BEGINNING at a poitu on the aoutheast* Democratic nominee for president. tributing Road Greeting Cards on IN (1UNCEIV or S f M JCBkKV Riley and Elfrieda Rfley. his wife, de­ Mat ween RtHherford Muta»; Loen and Build- fendants. Fi. U- Returnable July 29, A. D. erly line of Octavla Place therein distant ■ , ‘ . Walter Liitman Jack Breslin, local recorder—afln Assoctotion, « corporation »6f tM of the same with the northeasterly line ot n'/KM-t . Jer**> complamaat. and E. J. LUCE A W. A. KIPP. Bolfrs. mer assistant prosecutor of Bergen calling attention to passing motor. Roo«-t O. Be,|fJe, iim»armd. and Manor By virtue of tha above stated writ to me Kkigsland Avenue and from thence runninR County, was elected delegate from the i»t« directed and delivered, I have levied upon (1) along t h e said l i n e o t Ortavla Pld^e OUR TWELVE YEARS to drive carefully through towrr f l f K T j ** * corooniU'M' of r h * R ate and will expose for sale a t public vendue .northeasterly thirty six feet; thence <2» new Sifith Congreimitmal District and j to Kave human lives. T-hiu in part tornaS AuguZi ri!*TA*nu. jp ij. f* , **' at tha Court House in the City of Hacken­ •southeasterly at right angles to the aaid sack, on line of Octavia Place one hundred and A newspaper, fe like no other article of merchandise that he wil! go to Chicago with the New the local post's Safety Pfogram B^vtrtuT 5 - 8¥ r r ^? * t o w k 8olr* Wednesday, tana 1ft. 1*32 twenty feet; thence <3» aouthwesterly parai Jersey delegates. mm lei with the said line of Octavla Plar«* you purchase; in no other purchase that you make is there anti initiate* an intensive drive fo r1 iiru,iiD,r 'diiVtted nna "“ 'S a v e * I! *Ctnnaera 1 one o’clock ’Tima Usui m the n'slrutk afternoon.. MavlEalil BaWem Ban. thirty-six faet; and thence (4) northweaterty Despite the /act, ex-Govemor Al I A ccident' 1’reventior, to ’ make t h e I “endue* ai the" c m m 'W im “ 1' the*l c !SUi,!iwo.ii“-Sthe tolU/wing ? - t5 tract S !,ll^?t or r.Sparcel .. parallel with the second course one liun- the, sense that y o u have secured something necessary, yet • ‘ — “ ■ - — a - * **“ —*fssn«eJr.^-le > • * of land and p r e m i » * » hereinafter particularly dred and twenty feet to the po|nt.a»r place Smith has been pledged the support j streets safer for our children and- tt Kin.•,,!„> jm,r described, situate, lying and being in tb* of Bagfhning. unnecessary; something friendly, yet something alien and of the Jersey delegates, Mr. Smith i adult*. The reverse side of o n e of I at one u clock ?*' the aae'™.*” * F-astern Township of Lyndhurst. in the County oi BEING the northeasterly six fset of I/>| Bergen and State o l New Jersey. No. 31. all o f L sad thirty-eight and ninety-seven hundredth* Company o t New Yprk. emu is simply seeking to go to ex*Bem«e men * to join their local j tut Township c westerly , side of Ridge Road, ^ said beginning aald Elsie Fenlon by Coxy Ilome Builders point being i n the dividing line between lots Inc., a corporation by deed dated February years of Lyndhurst’s life. It is more than a newspaper's thp r<"%f. Twelve years of publication. A newspaper gains in swif- nominate Governor summer plans will be perfected' to 4 T 'f? S .r i:. '? S t 'r ^ Together with all ahd Singular the Mihtt. Roosevelt of New York. organize SatfetV Patrols for all the *•** northwesterly .H*»tn the corn« i 1 1SO) fe#t; thence (2) Northwesterly ------~.- o r g a n iz e o m w i y I a» ro i» i o r a u v«.e t d by th# .interjection t»f u U aid « ^S I *^'hg the rear _Une of ^lo.ta, alxty-oni ^ (81) liberties, privileges, hereditaments and ap­ ness as it goes along. The next dozen years should be bright­ t l (• , i . r , . s. ... - ;v'»«u n y me inTer*ecti<>n of u id airf.- a«»n* tne rear ui« ui io.», wmy-onc > purtenances thereunto belonging <»B in any hreHlin has in mind three tnen, who schools in town from the boys of Marin Avenue with ths northwe^riy *id* Iand *‘*ty two <021. twrty-theea and■ thirty- wise appertaining, he'aold to pay and satlsiy er and more golden. Yet poignant and sharp is the regret will figure large in the fight for the the lajfher grades which will become SS^SSrtT'tlid' *Xu.l'*$«l,'*uS* o'rsl In the first place unto the complainant t!ie aum o t $ft.940.30. together "with lawful In­ that none of the Coming twelve years will be like" the twelve nomination, First 011 his list is Owen effective..with -the opening of tbe . J“ rHnn!"« thence 111 northeasterly alohe ! course one hundred and Mty (ISO) fast .It terest thereon; and also tho crmts of th*i aaid complainant have been duly taxed at Young—-who recently aaid he will not fall sessions. The chairman of the test toV's n"poiL” ' theaes“T21"1 aJrSieeVJJti < 0 sjutheaatsity* and° aleog Plaet that have already gone. They were the golden years, years the sum o t <230.11. seek the nomination. Second, i» New- Safety Committee, Past Cominander SSXTJtt to t h . p m ! T o T m 1 HAROLD V. REILLY B.g. Ldr.-Const. Ldr. HhertT. in which friendships were made, and in which friendships ton Baker who, believe it or not- is Kirchdoerffer, has been de- :'J*et and f„Ur «, inches 10 a theSe A. h . thence May2p-27 June3 10 - S28.«# 8^ B F 31R$„ ripened. Wc will make more, but the initial friends, come the only Democrat a great many feel livering lectures Artificial Res- iSl) Taet*'!! [ shu7^o"l«Tly« as laid down’^oeT’a certair JlL* could l>e elected president. And third, pitation with motion pictures locally j JSJaiftf,-!’' .¥*,ln svemie and then™ 4«V 1 “ jg 00 file in the Bergwt County ClerkV -r in the time of need, are impressed upon us large and un- • _ , . .. entitled Map of Pmsarty of Walter forgettable. r.,„ ^ Governor Ritchie of Maryland.w ...... The i and fn neighboring „ ------„ towns to- boy>u«, , , .tMm-threen* >t>mrtTIlJ J , inches j fra«nu Vandenburgh and E. M. O rfisat situated Ir trio are a splendid group. Any /ft* of scout troops and fraternal organiza, "ft.. 32% pn.n„ ., j % . « 8« AWNINGS Wc of the Commercial Leader have always tried to th em nominutetl a/wi elected Would tion.g...... w iaK„ . liberties, -privileges, herrditaaasnu aad sp make the newspaper one of which the community in which make a fine president—Republican he- The Post offers’ his service., to any ( ‘^ S K rU Jff A 'SZJf SETSSJKETS13S“S% .'Z*m !3i ief to ,he contrary, of course. local organizations desiring them., V JT ‘ S e '* ^ «l^8? it is published could be proud. The errors have-been natu­ Mr. Kirchdoerffer is an authorized " '» • *PP«rt«mlnic be sold to P»y and' ta- J v interest thereon, and also, the costs of thr 11,..1 i r r - ,» *1.1 | nut M,„ i h . « «.t a Pl««« unco tl* M td c,’D v RfelLL 'KU*L • ( May5o-27-June3-io-i2« 14 s b f si«9 b l • .ff Mayor Dan Htmtsehler of North tian . aU the faltowinx tra«*t or parcel dailies do not deserve comparison with the Commercial Sf . 0l£*•c,, m ’he after'?' *m Kaetern *f land and premier* hereinafter particular­ tipfir. of hi» life in the prim ary elec­ ly de»cri»w*d situate, lying and being in the Leader, either. r ~ tion in North Arlington. A candidate Mrs. Harry Kssinger, of Post *aaX u" Ttihe.Time. all li that‘.11° certain”'viu«i‘ t*avnghilot. tract Sav or Towasbip of Lyndhurst In the County u t Bereen and Btate of New Jersey: for reeWction on the n'>n-partizan avenue, entertained the What-N it fli hJ . *" feet ^southeast prices are reasonable. news in as comprehensive and Comprehensible Inrm as pos­ m SnK £tS'“‘"t ” lollowa; marien ‘Bht he waa active, lie entered i "i“S> at a noliM m Ow »,uth erly from the corner formed bv the mter>- sible When we have failed to do that, we have failed in a candidate fi r the Republican num.! Guests were Mrs. Frank Muller, JS f sale ol Avenue Motion of the southwesterly aide of Court i L. M AT H IESEN & SON S l i l l . *.*enty -one hondiedt^s Avenue « tth Ihe southenaterlv stde o f Jay inatlon for mayor, ami another for! *bo carried off the honors ofIK,I: the !?** northeasterly u-m the i.-i” Avenue and from thence runnlnis il l south ' IS4 I d l t l lM II AVE. ' our function. We do not call it failure because alongside ? ! i J . . j oi aeeood Avenu i»s weaterly and pa re Hal with the dividing itne (.yndhursl, N.'". J. the II«(nocratic nomination for ma.y- evening, and Mr*. Ceorge Sheary, no*; laid! Ami rurujfflg thence (11 v, . between plots iwenty-tee and fwentir-slx in PIIONK RUTHKRFORD 2 TM the great daily newspapers we seem drab'and shabby. We or. Both lost, of course, but only after «'ho came a clou* second; with Mt*. a11'1 along tbe n.r.haaeUMr line t>k*ek Sve of* inaa h«we*naftet referred »o. , . "o* or f.*Wti.rl, ,.f l a s P u ri - ,.ne one hundred twenty-feet to the south weaterly glory in our calling, in the feeltng that we have a niche they had made strong lights. I.ouis Tamke, Misses Helen teyh hundred HIM I rset to a point «,e.,nt l.,rtv line e * Miid plot tsfente-jiix in bk»cg five - ■_ lo— and llestrice "Vitty, of LyndhurM; H i . I.!!? n'lrthwentsriy ffen the , ,we.t on eatai map; theaee* (tl southeasterly a in which to circulate, a niche in which we are every hit '■lot tw.o-, , 1 1 , ,2i IW I Mrs. William Hensel, of Belleville; norlhesslert, »t.d parallel won n..rth- important in our own way-as the huge metropolitan news­ UOC I.lvelll Mrs. Peter Uyh, Jr., of North Ar- 1V u®s "I Plot rweliM* t i l l in Oi.. h . .i t M > then.- ■ 11 north- '•,0> fi". ttmrse papers are in theirs. Poet-Artist I lington; and Mnt. Henry Spring- ninety tSOI feet t., tbe «..ithe«,i.f!y - ,„j stein, of Carlstadt. ° t ,“ *• Stuyvesant Avenue ther^e What can we do to improve? We constantly add features. - MOUthiveNt»i |> *ft feet We strive to make our coverage of news complete. We at­ to the point or ptace **f txeatamms SUMMER IS HERE local is Dominick J. ’•!).«•” J 1* tempt to interpret the news as best we can in the editorial l.iveHi, the township, clerk. -Doc” is * h°‘? .'J""'.I " , 1 111 V O U will wmt that improvement tn yorr home niiiilc n>iv. wlnK- j »n* of men trstned is Hoboken hom* ut M t*\ Mu",r’ of PaKe prices for gnod materials arc cheaper than ever aJumns. We are proud that our reputation for printing only SSZ£J«.rt'Uf .« 5A r^ - j pi litlt-s so anything that happens . r- . __ 'WOon. Cmn»BO Ttmm- ; the news that will He of benefit to Lyndhlirst and its pet >ple ship. Beit.fen Ooanty New Jersey • *i r«t m . Let us shew you how casTty ynii can tiiyvT^evr r y impinvi iticftt- I around here he greets with lifted eye------~ ie w ^ « e,Map‘ UN,y sa*rl1 * 0lfwre J j m 2 t t l k I ymi desire! is still strong.aad unsullied. ^ b" v* ’’escribed land* ami arer.i'w. I brT u . , u i i ... Patr»ot»Ti> shall, be a,».d in lea. •abler? t„ i,a f Ma t the ite m below that interests you, cut out and mail to Closer attention to the details of publication we arc,try- >ou should have (>een in Hoboken," aaeesanaenie snd „ i t * r l i r a ./ any. , I he tells tbe ones who profen* surprise) H o|(l Tujplhsr V th all and slosuli: t e t-rhts, }• us, wuh your name and address. ‘Let us explain our ing to give A more uniform and workable policy we are ,ltOe.iy*, PI ' ..see. hwMSI.-. is s jL p st some of the stunts politician* pull. . r Wir.easSaM ■ hereon t,, Mlnastss ; r - . .. attempting -te devm .- _____ v \. w i e a e e ^ .n .i ns he sold to e ’ ae* .stls", l,, B»t that ian't the story. “Doc” is , .. .• „ . lh ta* hrsi I'lsr, un«„ ., ...a, .. , , In short, our purpose u to make the Commercial Leader . sometbfng of u ii >et.“iee. IO Is rfetri-it ' ‘-.V’fH*^orst Camp, Patristic Order Malnant the sum ot f ) S8S Tl t.^ettwr Convenient Payment Plan ! by the-intise every s., often, snd there ”f Americana, wilt tSM ' tlittf Km also ihe e J I Lyndhurst's newspaper. o t the said cumpiamei is no Shaking the Siiicl mus.. until eom-"•r*>,ful*r “ »>• Valley fffook taxed at the aug* of ’1SugjKSf'iiw«'‘'te' tajpoviBjf ymtr liomrr * . . . HAROLI ■ REILLY Steadily increasing circulation signifies our policies are plfie sStiafset ion hai tieen graitted. Monday evening, with I I lsdr.-Con»i Ldr the*# 1. itepairs tb Gxtcnor 7. Hardwood Floors ineeting with favor throughout the township. It signifies, ('nmia*astwly. "Dot " hs.s quite a ahesf tly installed officers, Mrs, Mayt? Junel 10 17 43s ta S B F «21« 2. Alterations to Csterior H. Fencing *: of poetry he ran pull out and present N,‘*r' and her staff _ . «JMw*Eir* bt \ m jimmki ton, the weight of the newspaper in public regard has ■atwaen TH Bore Hu id ra aa.t L»na a«s» I. Screens ^ v. Cedar Cltsrt IJning fur reading at a minute’s notice. in charge. . - ■ c4a4k>n. a rorporattoa »f the atate of 4. f-srajje 10. New Porch increased. For news or advertising messages, the Oommer- The clerk i- also one cf the hand. h" fir"t ,y *trt sponsored ,■ .** _ ***** : «^«>iatoa*f and Edward *l|d Car pen tier hie «,!<« V New Roof 11. Recreation Room cial Leader stands as an imp,trailed medium in Lyndhurst. iest men yotr ever saw with pen -snd *'* ^ .amp will be a card party and SahratoTe tie! Veeebtn defewdaate Rt ink. He draws signs, write* notices (be auspices of the fa Returnable *wau*t M A p. IMS 6, Insulation 12. Bathroom Improvement tO N ELIN t; w S m * TOWf iTra and sign* his name with a hold, flow- <:wwt' * ni1 Welfare Committee at •* virtna oft ,m a an*, .tnted m t^ aae itif tw iriah. ' ——— •— ------— ---- — JW0 ValUy Hrouk avenue, tw«t directed and daiiv»reg. I bnve levwd . M , SAVE MONFY BY DOING THE JOB NOW John B. Zabriskie QMte a man, the "Doe”. ' j Wednesday evening, J u n e ptb, be- | ginning .it eight o'clock. Mm. Jessie f K nttetd r* h s ir m a n o f t h i s - dea WiU Aid Party Frederick SHadell •tambard Tune Hwn o'eksrh - Onsagbl Sae p a rtm e n t, with Mrs. Evelyn K odgers Mag Tjroe* a n ina^ m ts m tr%ri .>t aa*e»t ” ' * * * • nU here.amlte» iwrtwtatn'v COOPER LUMBER CO. Acclaim from both sides of the Republican party in Bergen An Active Figure '(N esM -., eftiSit*. jytog an,’ »n • h e T o s e aantp is* Lyndhurat r.etMMv & LYNDHURST ( xHinty h*» already greeted the election of John II Zabrinkie .is and State ««r Mew )e»»r> Bt«ag Phones Ruth. 2-14?2— 2-0452 Quiet .and retiring, you would hard­ awfaOon w Newark. anew» »• U,i T ie hwaaeed mnet« i- mm4 chairman of the party's xounty committee. The universality of ly th in k th a t I’rtstoriek Nhaslell w ho »■•»» hM « U | and %anie ) -*5* ^ nbweewr*, aah> jt*t> a a l*li ta Return ZZm .Lm?* H Tsv nw«de«d a ~%7 the applause is excellent support for those who saul the Wyckoff »dl be elected rummender nf th e N ew • . a u ----- u m ISM) on n certain Map ewuied iiaa HI KMST. AN Jersey Department of Spam.h Am­ ’ , T*P *« +*■ tbe stated wnt to lawyer i* the. man «i hrmR the party into the November ek\ direct* • ansi delivered I have levied u» Twenuia »f Tnton luges M J •* erican War Veteran* shortly holds the. _ um a»d mm afcpuee for sale at mmit T L * i?* <5*«n»f ciera s -,ir«re tkm with a unified and powerful fnmt. honors he dcee. But he holds th e m - i“ '* c~»* »•»*• » tka " t Mast, II tint aa mmm l aesnai m*t A glancc at Jud^ Zahrislue's career will show why. He and member* of th* Spsaish War en- - ■— r. m m w isn CALL HARRISON 6-44% campment here in l.ymlhurst will tell ";*•* •»' «>* Kan.m ha* always worked lor what he ha* received. First a pia»r you he slate,) t. go h,gh ,n thr "S* " “ i school teacher working ht* way through normal school and then national department, too iKSwwis ‘^L.s5t ’233T Uw Jchuol. Then a poor but htme« lawyer. Then an ashiatant lyndhurst h*d tn. "veteran’s unit J i Ueedawet HARRISON Craeel prosecutor of the plea*. Then a )odgr the yrnineest in the b*.e until Sh«WI gol.bts.y with ^ "US'., > eaienl BlOeka friend* aad established (.eoeral iohas I^ » ^ y* * *??»»».>»«■«* ««*♦»« SUPPLY CO. T it* county In that story is the vibrant smry of America, of oppor­ J. JVrahing CmmIp .North Arlto^ton. mfrfwetM 8»| New Jereey n«e Unlag tunity and strong men wh»> ctsjkl sicie it. gbtherford and Ka*t Ruthertord "vets” • £ - * ! . . . ..»*■*■ «*« Yard at Clay St. Bridge and sypaam - nistw d to enter and S h a d tl) waa etor- * * ‘r ~ ’ >*«■*■ rea l l a a l e r __ The dominant ihwactenstics of the new chairman are his » > e . B lt C( m m aiH ler jMMtasm o e w . a r ^ t s S u 8& a * e ^ ^ ner’b Psaaaic Ave., E. Newark honestly and sincerity. There wiB be no traversing tbe.midjle At th e same time he h e ^ s t „ ria* Z X 3 - in the state department Two year*; s-ethwes teely ■ i ig^hiiifcia1^ ^ ST* ait] pavement with him a* ihe chairman of the commit tee Polities nen ha. .a s IuhU. ------I** the pMat aM H l> o S « N |t. ii the a.'mmittee may he «peeted to be one way. and always;^, S ." f - T ^ & m ^ ^ L m m rlmm tne way, and built nn a straight line. 1I — m artdei • * •* » w ‘ OMNtv n » A. M1TCHEL & SON M n Shsdell is rising at th* «a«a» I an Mas ajmmtm * a^u. tee Im SS m MS and an* 242 LAKE A V E N U E L Y N D H U R S T , N. ]. When Ac Twellth Iharst K^-.Ns.n |!« s . , w l [ t :_

Junf 10 m Lynuminf, Ruthrrtun] %be pmiMnrt) to tend ^ w a hij^y one at ^ ■aatSt i> v a a fs i » ttjvja a: 1 »*» ”* « ' * * Lvndhurit will be pernvatcd M W ~ ~ > «A5^3*^-a a n r. Plumbing Heating Tinning P» send EIGHTEEN and Ngnh Arhnp.*, wdl be W e d to] ^ “ *'b*ri Ti**s*ts, CUmaa T»r>aaa.r^“1^?* ** Phone Rutherford 2-4W du»M oursdvea by failing tu divide the voting dtstncu We i *nd .K^l*,t. QTb***. ten arenu,. spent Ute holiday parted. a t fH»mt j # ana itom mmmmmk. cmmm ihtrald at least be m an even Itgitmg with Rutherford. - I*leasa«t NM s«n (' lE»eeW>* - Me For Prtvnpt and Efficient Scrvicc W\ ha RnanaMe aww ..t ;*■ ,«„*■ “ - ■- <*...„***.*L I M r f-sSf fw r ”, ’ r - * ' y - - — _ ■ | . CIAI LEADER FRIDAY. Jl>NE K

Local Couple Married Quiet- YJ».C.V. Plan* Original A f­ 1 ly By Rev. George fair A t Church Halt, j F. Muller A U Invited R utherford N atw kal B a n k Announcement was made Wednes­ A Hobby exhibit and varied pro day of the quite wedding ot M rs. M be given by the Women'*, Annie Mulertt, of .101 T r a v e r s Bible Clasa of the’' Keed Nt- nonal Place, and Albert Bauer, o f t h e United Presbyterian churv'U on next j same address, formerly o f N e w Tueaday »y*»ing, beginning *at eight' Y ork. New Addition to Line o’clock. v . - f The ceremony was performed at There will be a tiipUir' a t need le­ the Travers place address on FVi, work, old faahionad quilts. and other CHARTERED 1895 day evening by the Rev. Geoppe F. interesting thing*, ia addition to the Muller, pastor of St hohby exhibit; also a recipe..table, F.vangelical Lutheran vrhare you may taste sunrnthmn The couple were atte good and if you like ft, buy the bride’s daughter, Miss recipe for a nominal sum Mulertt, as maid of The program of entertainment j son, William Mulertt as Wai include th** presentation of .» A L L DEPARTMENTS The bride were a _ playlet by girt* of tiie Sunday , blue chilfon, and carried a bouquet' School cbas taught by Miaa Mar j of talisman faxes amt -lilies o f th e gniwt Milter; vo^al ikdo*. b> Mrs. ? valley. - Robert L. Kin*; .ami othe/ ^n|oy»l)lf li A N KIN G The msi.l of p or^ir .wore a goWn num bers. 4 of blue and yellow chiffon and car­ Kafreehmei!' will b.* .s«-i:« d by ried yellow roses and lilies of -the the com mit tw of which Mrs. Charles , valley. . t. " * The new 'SS” Convertible Sed&u Is the most recent addition to Zuehl is dMurhttn. The home was beautifully decorat­ the ttockne SMc Use. • Prlemis are invited t» share this ed, with a profusion of roses, car­ evening of noeelty and entertain nations and lilies of the valley, ar­ ment with the member* u t tfr ranged by Sir.’ and Mrs, • E. P- Mr. ami Mrs. illiag R. Chankalian. Klioor, of Carlstadt. St. Mattkews Picnic I with their daughter. Rose, and son, New Resident! b a m h i m After it reception for about thirty Robert, uf Post avenue, accompanied TW tlltYrFOUH'HOUR l ia n a Saturday, June 18th Mr. and Mrs. tieorge Porto are guests the couple lejt for a stay at by, Mr. and Mrs. William Lustbader, their summer home at Denville. Ihe proud pareat. of a baby girl They an- now at borne at Uw The annual picnic of St. Mat- Hm* BO°** Howard and Edward, of bora al the Hackri'*a«k Hoapltal, Travers Place address. thew’s Lutheran Sunday School will I Lyndhurst avenue, spent the week-*»d Monday. May 16th. Mrs. Porto ‘ Guests at the w (Hiding and re­ he held Saturday, June 18th at j and holiday on a trip to Gflbfrt, W. is the former Laritte U Kw*. ception .included , Mra. A. M c In to s h , Crystal Lake Park, West Orange,] , - I, s. J 271 t'aatte Terrace, lyndhurst, Mother «»td d*u*hler pre dom* . Miss Edith McIntosh, Bert M c In ­ N. J. V 1 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Hixson, tosh,‘ Mr. and Mrs. James N a y , This park is one of the nicest w Kenm-th and William, nicely. Miss Anna Nay, Mr. and M r* . J o h n picnic grounds in nil Jersey, a I , ... r ,, i Tholstedt, Misses Pauline a n d D o r­ splendid place for the entire family. : “J** daughter, H eleiC of Living* t*»n othy Tholstedt, John Tholstedt, J r ., The" buses will leave the church, avenue, spent Saturday and Sunday Mis. J. M. Moore; M t and Mra. L. Valley Book avenue and Travers j with the former’s brother and f*m- A. Ringwood, Mrs. A. C. Hnleratedt B 2 ? * 1 - ^ d , av. , ily at Brldgeville. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kees, Charles ami The children of the Sunday School j • ____ ^ . ■ Albert Kees, of l-.yndhurat; M r. a n d will be taken free.’Adults will kiml- 'fo Mr< ^ .v h a e fe r, Of Mrs. K. P. Knoor, of Carlstadt; M r. ly make reservations by cam hr: R p v , L . , ,, , . « a n d M r*. H. F , to«unther, a n d T h e o ­ Muller, June 17th the latest, Ukt*“‘ H"ad> sl*nl th* "eek-end **« dore Fisher, of Wood-Ridge; M f. v i holbtUy at Bushville, N. Y., where and Mrs, M. W u m ilin g , ' a n d Mn. their daughter, lUdores, is spending! I Charles ’ W untiling. of Dfdawnnna. Roses Ramble the summer, ""' ~ ^ — ----- — —-— T h e e <>uple h a v e a h o s t o f frie n d s in I.yndhurst and nearby commune- At Mrs. {Burk’s The Junior Auxiliary of 7far»dsJ Cl. ties who extend congratulatton* and Barringer Post, American l-egion, are best wishes on this happy occasion, Mrs. -Burk, of Kingsland av en u e, preparing # program of entertainment entertained the Rambling Roses at to be g^iven for the .Indies Auxiliary her home on T u e s d a y afternoon. sometime in the near future. Mrs.j| Mothers Chorus Sewing, and a social afternoon Harold tiutheil, of Pfavern Place, Is were followed toy refreshments r.iUtUlTlor, ------— ------—— ■

Closes Season ^ Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Enrl, of Henry, Mrs. J. B. McRae, Mrs, M. Livingston avenue, had as their guest Conklin, Mrs. (ieorge Wertarvelt, lor the week-end ami holiday, the Group Sponsored by P .T .A . Mrs. George Mkhelfelder, Mrs, j In ttet's father, Albert Sietwrt, uf j Harold A Welle, Mrs, Adolph j New York City,: Council Has Successful Procknek, and Mrs. J. M. Sehwei- Year, It Is Reported berJter. r Mrs. John Morehouse, of Ot»awa, j I Caitada, has returii<»d to her home The Mothers Chorus, sponsored by Entertains A t Party | it'trr having beerv-a guest for ton day* Mr. Guy Savino, for soin t time Sports Edi­ the Parent Teacher Council of Lynd- | at tht home oT/Mr. antl Mrs. Charles I hurst, hold their final meeting of the Miss Rose Chankalian, daughter of j 1 • t rooke ,«f laifavette Place. Mr* j season nt the ■ iiivtjr Rdad School, Mr. ami Mrs, 11. R- Chankalian, »f| M rehouse was the mli’for guest cf I tor of the Commercial leader, has been last night, with twe.jty two rnemls rs aVenue, entertaimsl at a party (Colonel and Mrs. J. M. PllW pM I Oi» J present. at her home, on. Saturday evening. her trip to Lymlhurst. ' . j Features of the , Bridge ws, the feature of the eve advanced to the position i>f Managing were a reading by Mrs. Walter F. ” M iK a n d re- M r. ;t*n«r M rs. J a lo ll. I e h t i , • - an tl i KaMheim; a vocal solo by Mrs Rob- I nmg. * , family, of Riverside avenue, spent the ! and a piano solo by treshments. -eft 1- an,) a p 1* " 0 *0,° t,y I "cuestsw ere the M isui Edith Beeby, | bolt, lay week-ehd Wi a trip on their! Hditor with full charge of all general news, M rs. M. W e is m tw . I'Kathryn Piratsky, Ethel Jsewkirk,'. motor boat, “Sc* llog”, on ih,. Shre*r?;■] The gAup ac^pttsl an i^v taUon , and Dorothy. Me- bury River, to spend June «»th with M>ss i Cafferty, with' Harry Mhscli, Mamo Wikoff, tlirerttrf of Ithe chorus ; A|onlo, M,.|vin Grt^nkaf. Edwin J . M. D une an , (hairm m n o f * Um f her home at Gladstone. | Lustbader. Jack Garde, and Arthur A m e ric a n m a t mn wt»rk of the Hkvken- Gifts were presented to Miss Wik- M r. Sa vino’s training, his experience and I F e rn e r. sack V. M.’ < \ K , will lie a t tb e lt»c«l off; Mrs. James Tait, accompanist ITorm', <*n WednrMlay of the Chorus; and Mrs. T. H. Giro- s i a t a n y Io^mI alirn«. who de air* to ■ w-ard, who has given special service Is Recovering h e lp in 'teeiirinjf fh«*ir cHia«n«ihi|i i»ap. I his natural bent for his chosen profession a t th e school. , , era. Mrx, Jamt-H o f 't H r T h e C h o ru s will begin Us work! - baal l nlvl< Ralph fo r t h e n e x t season in October, with; Mrs, Edwin Byrne*, of Fifth ave qu<* <>f t h e Potrt, have ar- insures a better, newsier anil livelier news* - their newlv-^ tlg d - uresidwit. My*, j nue, is rw-upe rating at the I assai ranjretj th. w rw i* f »r #uch..«* rn«y .1 J. Ilool7v, in charge. M'li-’II.ii.W GeBeHf HnaprtnL w W sbc- Ujnk'. succeeds Mr^. Tait pre*wient. Mr*, went an vperiaion on M*»rwkiy M rv of. t He Williarrf i.amt is secretary treasurer ; Byrnes is «4H»rinUii

■ge f o u r »'«b eOiViJViliRUAL LBAUiiK, FRIDAY, JUiNfc i , 19i2 Lyndhurst Lapses In 7th and Belleville FORT LEE IN 8pwt lines BREAKING Smashes Out 11 Runs To Win 20 to 1 m TRIUMPH Bar W illis K ing The high school baseballers did it w e n t into the se v e n s inning with CLUB again. Just when it seemed the a four run lead, 4-0. He started his locals were to get through a season downfall by throwing wild to second THE SPORT MEWS b a s e on a sacrificed bunt Two e r ­ without doing ttheir usual spectacular Locala Unable to Get Going erful Athletics, 9-1, on Sunday morn­ ro rs and a fielder’s cho%£ scored ORIOLES PLAYING? and unusual stunt, the boys came We understand. Orioles, that you ing. through, and, let us add, came three runs. Tbe first batter in the • Aa Miieski la Driven were a bit peeved over the vast LEGION TEAM TO OPEN BY GUY SAVINO eighth, doubled through in right splendid fashion. and scored on a From Pitching Box amount of publicity you were receiv­ Fresh from a practice game with In earlier games this year they single. Searby Wt * batter who ing. To tell die truth, we didn’t even th.e Braves last night, the American k n o w J77E only what thc old timers tell us, and that has been showed just what fine ball they scored on a ball that hopped away know that you were playing this sea- Legion nine will make Its initial sta^i from Chickie. A Fort Lee team that was just son. As a matter of fact, we were in­ of the campaign tomorrow afternoon reason e n o u g h t o believe we were bom some decades too could turn in. At times they showed too strong Sunday whipped the at Hackensack. some rank performances, but, in the Bay Browne pitched the second formed Tuesday that you had disband- ite. Anyone delving into the wealth and glory of Lyndhurst*s g a m e and received hitting and good Coltunbus Club tossers 11 to 4 at ed. The Legion has a powerful pitcher main part, they played the best they Fort Lee Field. The Fort Lee nine Now if you really want publicity, mg Eddie Licitra. Eddie throws ast athletic h i s t o r y will get the same feeling. have ever shown. — *• fielding: packed too many guns. The Colum­ why don’t you do what your old s p a r­ ball up to the plate and There h a v e b e e n in this township some striking athletic figures, Fans wondered. Some even wor­ The Braves came from behind “in to w t when he is on, the eighth to take the game. T ra il­ bus Club did not carry its usual ring partner, Marty Dolan does? M r. bear away f r o m the legends some of the exaggerations they ried. Weren’t the Blue and Golders equipment. So the score wss 11 to Dolan hands me the box-scores of his ever to show how bad they could ing, 6-4, at the e ig h th , they put . strength in the 4. games, won, lost or tied ave picked up, Paul Bunyan fashion, in the passing years and be? Was it to be a state secret. on a spurt to score three runs. ITioulic, Muhleisen (our Chippy Christ and Russo stro lled . No team is going to Fort Lee ou still have at the core men of no mean dimensions. Well, they had got around to the CARDS VERY SAD 'ace) and JCraft make t r Westphal was safe when Russo w as and put on the ragged exhibition Mr. Dolan’s Cardinals took three ifield to work with Geo. seventh inning of their game with the Columbians favored Fort Lee Belleville Tuesday at Belleville. The played. Russo was also safe. Browne games on the chin over the week-end. S t IVter ht first base. The catching ASSISTS—AND took three. W oerti singled to score with—and get away with it. The three games were lost to Midlaid is well taken care of by a squat sco re w as 8 t e 1 and it looked like . Mouse Miieski found the weather youngster who knows „what it is all )UE f two runs. Muhleisen scored a n o th e r Park Rangers, Catholic Protectory, CREDIT i i a Lyndhurst defeat. Since St. Mary too cold and too bleak. He was the Closter Catholic Club. about is the only other teanl on the sche­ run with’ a single. Ralph Desimone Browne hit driven from the mound after four As Charlie Glock said a couple of Good luck! dule, fans were in a real qtiandry. and • ■ * *, 3 0 R instance, there was Pete Gaffney, third baseman on the triples. Browne continued his strike- and two third innings of pitching. weeks ago when informed of Browne’s When was that exhibition com­ strike-out exploits, “they m u s t have HITS . o'lit pace with fourteen. He was rocked off the hill by solid strongest of our earlier teams. From descriptions we have in g ? » been very sad with the stick”. Patrolman Bill Landells is still up blasts.. Some of the balls those Fort Maybe the Cards are saying the to,his old tricks of kidding the batter ;athered, (he died a few years ago) Gaffney was tall, lithe, and Well, it came in the seventh. It Lee players hit were not found came suddenly, without warning, but hits until they meet the Braves on or the pitcher. He tried his stuff on . He had a hawk ilert. face, a mustache. He had that indefinable it came. And we want j^o add that that day.. Sunday afternoon? Don’t 1 fo rg e t, Searby and the Braves batters on UNION A. A. Mike McCoy, with a ten inning Saturday, He banged out two hits an d -idescnbablc r y t h m and grace that- all natural athletes have. ' it came in a fashion few Blue and Braves Field at 2:30 on Sunday after­ game under his belt in the morning noon. - , fanned nine in five innings on the Gold teams' before them have b?en A hitter, a runner, a thrower, a player who sensed plays, went in as relief, but he was far The Cards trounced the Braves in m ound. able to duplicate. SPLITS TWO could play the first meeting of the teams .and With Chickie and “Chippy” Christ jaffney any position, frequently was utilized in sev- Ere the tuning had ended fifteen from a relief. He was wild. Added to, that, the the Braves surprised all by winning in the line-up the Braves had a very ral a „g a m e , . Belleville m e n had batted, six hits strong team on the field Monday. Local Outfit Flashes Form players piled tjp errors behind him. the second Sunday’s game will be the G e o r g e Holden, t h e school and Board of Health t r u s t e e , only ha,i Been rapped out, two bases on ru b b er.' Playing right field in order to make In Victory Over Corey Added to that, Fort Lee was hit­ In tlw niorning, the Braves Will ro o m for Christ, “Baby Face” Muhl­ ecently said, ' * * » .« * * < * * • * / tin g . meet the Irvington Triangles, at eisen had only one fly ball in the two Association Lanky Bill Ubinsky, the Jersey , >ut. He posed magnificently at the plate, he swung without ef up. Added to that, the short stop -Braves Field at 10:30. games. That one was the last out o f City player Joe patemo had for a the second game. Bring a chair the cam ! Ill and pitched to^l-he last five ort, yet so swiftly it was hard to see the arc his bat made: He j The Union A. A. ran into its first couple of games last year, was on VIKINGS WIN AGAIN—AND, next time o u t " m en. Mr. Lawiess’s Vikings continue their Bob Westphal, after a long lay off, ollowed through beautifully." Chet Dortsch had pitched, some regular licking of the season Sunday, the hill for Fort I^e and he show­ losing to the Tenth Ward Democratic ed no more than'he bad to. Lanky merry jtinning way. They ran their is surprising everyone, inc lu d iin g him - James Woods adds to the description. pretity good ball throughout the tilt. win streak to three games on Monday aelf, with I hish is finfine e bbatting a ttin g Club 11 to 3 at Pacific Oval, Newark. Bill is something of a hitter. One a n d th ro w - * * * But his support was atrocious. With it up>, Westy! of his wallops went, caroming into morning by trimming the Lyndhurst the attitude of: so what of It? Mr, The local teayn pounded two hurlers B elm onts. >ti£ around, G leason, and you’ll deep center field—and Joe 1 (v a n irk y “Gaffney,” said Woods, “seemed able to sense without look- Dortsch's pitching became atrocious. to win 10 to .1 Saturday over the This “win streak has led many of learn now to keep score correctly. But followed it. He got Up one hand, ng, just what to do and to do it without effort. Tht team continued to play as it Corfey Association of Palisade Park at the Vikings to declare a solid defeat don’t hang around me to get it right. Palisades Park Playground. the ball bounced out and our Ivan- •" **I saw Pete play a t h e had against Kearny last week and for the Braves in the next clish. Of How the Braves do love the way we foul ball once. It went toward grand icky got himself an error for his the score was 2 0 to I. Playing without the presence of course, the Braves have no contid;nce p u t down their hits (and errors). A t the crack of w a y t o troubles. Ubinsky took three bases. in themselves. tand. the bat, Gaffney Was on his the The box score: several regulars, the team nfade a Wonder what happened to the The locals started off strong Jimmy Null, former Brave, is play­ Sports League ? And the prizes, above ;rand s ta n d . It w a s t o land somewhere near the the top. With- 2 0 strong showing against the Newark Belleville ( ) ing nrst base knd is doing a m igii/“ •all? (How’s that, team m ates?) 0 team until the fifth inning. In that enough, rolling up two runs in the >ut pausing, and without looking, Gaffney, in his spike shoes, Knight, ss . .4 fine job of it too. That’s the ,wav to tL gflgujnn nlaving fell 1,0 itial session, The, Fort Lee team The Cardinals were the third ho- L a m b , p . . .5 Tr 75C “nl U IT | XT Iv OUVIIC IU ll t* " **'• * * • •'— *o. - ' ------“ r ------— — aced over those planks, raced up toward the top. ()n thc last pieces and the Democrats rolle«i up did not begin to roll until the • % . • hit-no-run victims of seventeen year O'Netf, Hr . . .6 old J .V. D. Meer of the Midland Park of the platform secohd frame. ilank he poised on one foot, with his gloved Chris tell, 3b . 0 six runs. The Unions had led 1 to 0 ARROWS MAUL ATHLETICS Rangers. He struck out seventeen. land outstretched— and he caught the ball." Schwab, cf . . .5 and then were tied for several in­ Miieski managed to get two The Arrows continue their -winning Jean, let’s quit before we fall asleep Vilalii, 2b .. . .4 n in g s. away. But two got aboard. Ubtnsky ways, also, by sinking the once pow­ with the lights on. Woods a lso , tells of the time Gaffney slid under J a c k Mullm's Golden, rf . .5 Al Johnson was the lading hurler. came up and he went to work. The egs to snare a fly ball. Mullin, one of the best of the township s ICus'inski,. If . .4 Tht* local tosser found the cold weath­ Mouse got over two strikes on Mr. atchers, ran in for a high pop fly. Somehow, he misjudged the D aily, c ...... 5 er a hindrance, but held the Newark- Ubinsky. Then he threw one at. the American Legion Nine Opens Schedule; ers"’at bay untilihe fiftj; pitcher shoulder high. Lanky Bill s e e m e d ly. When it the ball was to fall outside his reach, Gaf- T o tals ...... 44 20 17 '.Bob Hassells, first baseman, and eats those. He laced it out into ney dove between the catcher's legs and got the ball Lyndhurst (1) Bob Dohmeyer, third baseman, \yere center field and Ivanicky by a hair Plays Today At Hackensack In Opener * * * K. Russo, If ...... 3 0 0 unable to play and their absence failed to bring it down. Two runs J. Bello, cf , ...... 4 0 1 forced the. Unions to bring Lou Crupi pattered in; Schwab got a hit and The American Legion nine, care­ AH this stuff about the old timers is interesting, o f c o u r s e (Jc'ary, lb p 3 0 0 and. Pete Kovalski in from the out­ b ro u g h t in the third run. fully scrubbed, manieured and pol-, Rockne A. C. Lose iut is it a n y n jo re colorful than the knowledge that along V a l l e y C»lock, hh ...... 3 0 0 field. Johnson and Crupi each got two ..———o— ----- ished up by James Prendergast who Jrook Avenue and River Road once ran a horse racing track ;m d Ouidetti, rf ...... ,T\ / .3 0 I h its. has been working with the team the The Rockne A. C. of. Lyndhurst Dorsch, p ...... 2 0 0 last month, opens its campaign for was beaten by the Delafield Orioles the Passaic la b o r - Kovalski was the star of the Satur­ INDES BEAT hat in River over which steam dredges have its third straight county champion­ last Saturday by the score of 18. St. Peter, ...... 2 0 0 day engagement. Whltey Thomas :d for years to clean slender racing shells sped? ship tonight at Hackensack where it to 7. The Rocknes led up until the Iteiger, »b ...... 2 1 1 pitchod hi* firs.t t full le^jw neo* did things Tfc**<*--sti ... .v.-.rf. n n ^ P. A’S 9-3 faces Hackensack Post. fourth inning, when the whole team They in those day#—Jack Holden frafMinjf* the sessfff bUf f o t into gJWV™fy — Jankowski, lb ...... 2 0 0 Eddie Licitra is expected to pitch blew up and w tnt to pieces, and the an airplane, M rs. f-ral times. So Koval* W went in to all and su nd r y in a r owlying Leach racing all and sundry in a rowlying for the locals. Eddie Russo will catch. Orioles took the lead with a score of P. RussO, If ...... 1 0 0 pilch twice after the ba^es had been x>at. 0 0 Behind Licitra’s Pitching, Prendergast feels hjs team will come 1 0 to 4. The leading hitter of the Flannagan, Ib ...... tf filled. Each time Kovalskji brought the M ore, rf ...... 0 0 0 out a winner. It will have to because day was Howard, Beniche the pitch­ Oh, w e ll. team out of thie hole. J Independents Find Polish Thouloc, Sb i ...... 1 0 1 the tournament is being run as it was er' for the Rocknes. Out of four Soscienski’s play at short stop end American Easy last year—one loss means elimination. times at bat he received three hits, Jankowski’s outfieldihg have featured DEBATE A B O U T T o t a l s ...... 26 J 4 8 For three years the locals have a two bagger Arid two singles. The the Union team's play. Inability of the Polish American best hitter for the Oriles was Pat­ V Score by innings: dominated ^Bergen County baseball. PITCHER l.yndhurst ...... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 — 1 players to meet the delivery of Ed Prendergast says the team is asp erson the second baseman. Belleville ...... 301 203.1 Ix—20 Licitra, pitching ace of the Italian strong as it ever was and he confid­ —------rO------CDDIE L i c i tr a , the sixteen year old youngster, has h a d h is Two-base hits-—Guidetti. O'Neil, DeFRINO WINS American Independents, cost the ently expects that it will be as suc­ The Columbus Orioles traveled to Christell, Reiger. Home-run—-Laml>. P. A.’s s,0 to 3 decision Memorial Day cessful as was its mates! Woodridge Monday morning and o f lo c a l efforts approved by most c»f the know'somcthing* Base on balla—off Dortsch 4, Lamb at Independent Field, OTHER GAMES played the Woodridge A. C. to a 8-8 laseball. Y e t, t h e crowd that waited behind thc b a c k s t o p a t 3, Geary 1. Struck out—by Dortsch FOR ORIOLES The losers found Licitra for only A. week-end of many games is tie. ndependent Field Memorial Day to see the pitcher’s stuff against 5, Geary 1, Lamb 3. Hits—oJT Jlo r two hits. He tossed them high and Scheduled. The Unions m afternoon but [v(|, ...... o i . Strono Beans, t f ...... 4 0 0 . , , , . ,, ■* a • . ' | became Ihe vl«im of faulty plaving playing M«’ianmeil ivun into strong Bloom, cf .3 0 0 layers -that, as the Union Athletic Association nine, arg as gtsnJ by his mates in the closing innings1 ‘ Opposition But Put Up Shahs, p-ss...... 2 1 1 Going into the sixth frame with Korp. S b ...... » I • a one run lead, the inftelders Brave I ights Yurkie, *b ...... 1 0 1 started their miacue«, committing Whitie, 2b-p ...... 0 0 1 four errors*, all of whicK wore Marty Dolan’a » srdinals dropped Csamecki, »s-2b ...... 1 I 1 0 m ic ro as io w as Bob Sociienski, Hoi Devine and causes of unearned runs. Hie ven three games over the week-end T«v- Doh meyer, Bob Hes»ells. 1 he Unions have a keen infield quartet. Joe Jankowski, Lou Braves were left oh the liases. e iin to M wlland Park on Saturday, » 2 a >upi. (ovalski, Johnson, Jordan or Pillipone ct*mpnse a likely ^ Billy Landells relievnl Charlie the i swls were held bitless by J. V. D. Gailing on the nmund in the fifth Me<-r s> they lo s t tcf t h t M idland P a rk t e $ outfield. Fenlon is casting about for another catcher to and allowed'-enly three hits. |!e got A 8 0 On Sunday, the Cards were 14 1 4 1 Gebhardt, who, with Cameron on the injured list, has nine Braves on strike outs. defeated- by the Catholic Ptotectory Cardinal, ...... < 000 001 I Bsiilnd the thrw hit pitching of wen back n ine, &-1 , at Kearny and «>n D ecora- Catholic Pro. .. 121 x -S 4 7 5 forced to do most of the stopping Ray Browne, the Russellmrn r,-,,rri« walk ami boys are among the most pru6ocnt and mdustrmus of the p air l» « ab. r. IK semi-pm nines. Truth tb tdl, tht Kaaon for most ot the- staites ttwna- - and *U*. i I t Iet»»n SingWs by CHARLES H. LORDEN Hr-wiw RurkhanU. u 1 is s n d and a sam*ce bunt by j « n.a,btr. c s silence in the fact they hawn\done much playing Woeru * t„ r year. They held the, Wood-Ridge A . O. to a tie two Sun-‘ aecwmtej the other im I En o u g h p 1 SALESMAN ago, won last Sunday and go U » against real .^x^tion i m r£ l n ” " Z l iy against the Atlanocs of Newt. hmmn foe th* *r,t ,* tte li * 1 21€ Fw iaa PUct Lradhrst N. 1 If the birds fly to victory, me»age> rf cherr mav he ex- ***#*' ,h* «• Beflo. rf ' Vfei*' t from the Onok nest. Qalgano wifi uae cither Ekfrino or PHONE . ___ THE COMMERCIAL

we have^ver hoard given anywhere on home of Mrs. Edwia tk* Hadaop Preskyienal of tks Valted wkaae subject win b* equally Presbyterian church, ta tkair annual LAST TO MARK Memorial Day. esting and instructive. avenue, shortly. HOWARD HURLEY Deal forget next Tuesday—Every­ Hans far tke coming OVEN A PARTY Those in th* local part* « " t k h e l d tf DAY JUNE 14 We ar* sure tkat it t m «a ill deep body out dtacmaad. Mrs. U nd has Misses Isabel .Vewnkam. SWley «a» thoughts, aad,a bette* understanding man rtf tka group fee tha past year sell. Dorot ncott, Norah Fog* T k e R i v e r T * « k . preparations are being of the real spirit af Muworiai Day. Howard Hurley, aon o f Mr. aad Mn- Road PMWtf ell, Ann*P Pwh s5iv« jtus i Amrialiw will kaM *Mr to thf observance ef F]*g Day, SIXTH DISTRICT y E. Hurley, of Park avenue, marked leaning. Bedtrtre Usman. Helen m ^The pilgrimage to the various Mi seventh birthday anniversary *a Hoick.lolck, Isabel Rlaiki*. Benlce Russell, final meeting of tk* seaioa ad tlw I 4tK by I^Pdhur3t Lod«e* No- ENTERTAINS AT ■_*_ graves led by tha Commander kept tke Saturday, and in celebration of tke dith Keuhauser, Jean Whitr Kina H—nt- Mt Riwciad*------I r r d E its . . „ WOMEN ORGANIZE tkrve o’clock »n Wl taisday i nrorram will 'presented a t detail pf 13 men basy until mid-after­ FAREWELL PARTY event kia parents entertained at a Da vey. Ruth Westpkal, and K\«lyn 'jTpnthe evening af Fla* noon. but it waa a labor of love, om party for him. ~ ~ . aoon. May SSth Another Democratic organisation There wdl he electiao of i>wr» ~A the public is invited to en- that was cheerfully rendered' by all Iso Wayne kuaseil, Fred West came into existence in Lyndhunt dur­ Mr. and Mra. Frank WUeon. of Tke color scheme wa* yellow and for the Mvsuui# yeor Tkaae wU ‘n“ ent w ith th e lodge members. those who participated. phal, Edmund Gleason, t)an pattifon, ing the past week, when the Woman's Court avenue, moved te tkair new white. There were games with awards Sken he tnateHsil. Mr*. L l 'invitations to attend have Auxiliary af the Sixth District Pro- home at Mamie tt, N. J , Tuesday for tk* winner*;, and favors for all Robert Pattison. Coarod ' Sekmekl. C Scbwelg*rt ha* _____ •S io the Girl Scout* and Boy The day brought home to us forcib­ gresaive Democratic Club waa formed On Friday afternoon Mra. Wilson when refreshments were served, witk Howard Osborn, Albert Lindrnbo***. during tk e y*ar JuM clsata* town; the Columbus Cadets, ly the .necessity for devtSeptng a bug­ a birthday cake as tke center ot at­ at an organintion meeting held at entertained some of har friends a t a William Lindenboom, Frvd Blaikie, Tke f k t i d r e n *f the ash sot will fcpjni^h W a r V e te ra n s and Am- ler within our own rank*. Unt there the home of Mis. Margaret Hanson, of farewell party. Children's games were traction. Fred Neuhauser, and John Van UuiB- one man in tk* post who will delegate Sixth avenue. present a program a< —twtela- tka (satvtf* of the afternoon, followed Guests included Richard. Reginald, ety president of the local V PC I’. ment under direct ion mt Mrs. wmmiuee in charge of »r- himself to thia taak and learn to play by refreshments. " ' Officers are Mrs. HaVifon, president; and Glenn Hunter, Fred O’Brien, No- Also Mr and Mrs."- John Mabel -Shenlnger, Uents are Jacob Burk, Fred “Taps” ao that on future occasions w« boru Kondo, Alice sleyer, Margery Mrs. Worthington Holman, vice pres­ Guests ware Mrs. H i Steup, Mrs. ' and Mr. aad Mrs John Neuha«*er. Ltd George Holden, Thomas may have one of oor own boys per­ ident; Mrs. Martha Van H ulst re­ E W. S. Schmich, Mrs A rthur Git- Hough, Viola and, Gloria Geraalmo, - Uu"- wiiw'' - E , Joseph Snyder, and Car- form this duty? / cording secretary; Mrs. May Bowmaiy ctoist, Mrs. H. C. McAloon. Mrs and Elvira Caputo, ail of Lyadhuest [S»vino. corresponding secretary; Mrs. Re Benjamin Parry, Mrs. M. C. Collins. AH had. a delightful time at tke )» »■» ■« » e e -e-w ^ *-w w *'* e ■* » '» ees^seeee >'»■ Another thing that struck the gina Zipp, treasurer. Mrs. W. M. Smith, and Mrs. John J party and (eft with wishes for many writer forcibly was the tack of a fit­ Advance plana have been made for Glee son. returns of the day for their guest of ^ I A DOLLAR'S WORTH y ting grave service? We are sure that gion Notes a dance to be held in the near future. On Sunday Mra. Wilson * s s pre­ honor. . ,-r- Clip Alt (oupea sad. aisil W wilh l l let a u t weeks’ 1*4*1 I*tni Ipliea •* somewhere in oar ritual we hare thia sented with a gift by tka Wpasen’s service which we would and should Bible Class of tke Reed Memorial ' THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR render not only on Memorial Day but STUDY GROUP United Presbyterian Sunday School, reaosaes *r|r«w whenever the sad occurrence makes it of which ska was an active member necessary. ; —■ ■ ?: MEETS WEDNESDAY Outing Held

So much for the solemnity of the urt ! M M .u kmd tm < s a M k The final study session Of the sea­ Berkeys Entertain ByY.P.C.U. * j n uw> r mRp a a . day. One thing our turn-out did do son of the mothers of pre-school age J t!ier Me morial Day is past. Into and that was to secure two addition­ children will be held on Wednesday Mr .and Mrs. Luther E Borkey, of Erehives of this town and our post People* al local ex-service men to join our evening at the home of Mrs. William Post avenue, had as tkair guest for Member of th* Young . rVjjdf and services at the park Christian tJniop of the Reed Memorial ranks. You see fellows just your ap­ Land, of Lake avenue. Tbe disctission the week-end and holiday, Mlaa-EUine KMi United Presbyterian cburek went on : ut Monday will go down as one pearance makes new friends and mem­ will be led by Mrs. Harry Jurgens, of Layden, of Platbuah, L I. < to with pride; ...... bers. Delawanna. On Sunday they took tkeir guest. a bu* fide Monday, to Tibbelts Brook -T— Final plans will be made for a party with their daughter, Betty, and also P»rk, near Yonkers, is Westchester . Committee of both service or- Moje c an b e reached the same way. to be held with the children of tlie nue, and all enjoyed a motor trip to County,-New YorV. where they jo in ed s.% utions can be discharged with N ow is the opportune time. Go after several mothers, on the lawn of the Easton, I f . with hundred* more young people of 1.4A •ssage—well done, I t w a s a them. They'll join. A little effort oa 8 day and all the plans and y o u r part. The membership sella it­ laments' were carried out with self. ... i success as has ever been our tiiege -to see. t It won't be long now. June 21st is right around the corner. Get those 1 Special M ete, pf Praise should be watch c h a n c e * /circulating. Make one IrM all of o u r comrades. Sixty- last su p re m e effort It's for the best fby actual count were in. the line in te re s ts of your post Larch and presented as fine and j", a showing te cou’.d be seen any- A word about the Poppy Drive. T h e boys are tc be commended. Their co­ operation this year leaves nothing to h , exercises were brief but im- be desired. And as a result while we nt They were conducted by did not reach the objective th e returns PEflCOCKi/mETHOD i Curtis w ith his usual savoir far exceeded what we anticipated eould be done in vieyr of the present .. Our ow n assignment can best CRRmEnTi Fdewritied hy say in g -it w a s th e times. Good work fellows. » *t rendition of all the speakers one. exception. f\# r greetitig cards are quite the “n e rtz ”. W e will hear Wore about this later when their message starts (W- ihaUwM_th$.' contribution of town, county ther Boyle. H ow ever, in a d d itio n an d s ta te . I clear and loud delivery he con- kterl a flow, of o ra to ry w hich I t is regrettable that our guest Ljh prepared at the eleventh hour j s p e a k e r for th* next meeting, the to the absence of his cousin, the | G e rm a n U-Boat man, is unable at Bart Bkiyle, P a s t C o m m a n d er of 'present. However, Curti* tells us he orrne Post, was as fine an address has secured the services of another


coaid operate a Q arment Gleaning scrvicc F r e e I \ so complete, so reliable, so economica.” And 200 prizes in ail during the great Kresge Department Store is y - The ytnion moat often uied by women, u cnm« ment < leaning wo Jo ibnr gstmtml in a sanita/y aaaW d paper hag A 0 thifM em a are io**r#d the boy or girl who .writes the * ■ t by Htunm kk Iw uram r. Try the Pcacmk Method jail best 200-word letter about their . ow #.give your IW vm«nk U uikln M an a few Im m | arent’s visit to the Kresge I Tha Bruruwkk laundry Man come* cn y«Hi w nb a new %•epartment Store in Newark# I kind of courtny and atteniivmrM —prompt in hit car* to lh t v e i l lim* in t*U». * tm D detail* But more than that, think of the otK*ni/atmn that stands back of him! AnJ in*•dentally thr itiuntwnk or- Do You W ant tM * P ony i, s » 't * m * ~ fta ix u io fl fanden you a <|ualNy aenu* that i» no more a . ^ d | or a Fine M otor Bout expensive than any ordinary laundry tetvke! o r 9iOOO in G old? In addttioa in tbe large 6namial rHouue* «l B tu m ssk PEACOCK^/ U1ETH0D 'J Laundry, every art*I* you §»*• yotw tkun*«i«k laundry uinmnu T h en decide to enter th e Cootest it o n c r ! Man is pcMacssd against loaa by uMuramt isrriad by the M i i l thc^Cotipon below, foe RmUt, p rises and ^complete details. #1 The Penrock Method of Garment < leaning imludea repair work at tbe aame qualny appltrtl t«. laundry work KRfSGB DfPARTMSNT STORS by Brumwtck. ttdlcd, deft hands take tax of all the lip*, r * * a Cs*** , . It*,*■«*f \t% Iy-afm t Newsfk. N . * . . . . Hmm *ot*t my a*m* ia A* Csasss*. • * tean, button replacement and «Ahtt mtndifir Yowr gai- rtMBplet* («*ini d m ik Aad « 8 as* d l **•■* • • v*no«s prises. ^Pna# yoai a a a i aa ^■v-N .**' 0 1 , ' " iw srv < ITY N i a i . I, - — P»K»r (*:«NAL H j . A ll J*n»« A d d n

Tawa- rt *MS this Maafe PAGE SIX f M i m ;1. i THE COMMERqAL LEADER, FRIDAY, JUNE *. j?? 2 ^

all,time famous performer in all Dowell. — ning. ln case of rain this trip Lynd Theatre Will HeW Beauty Contest four departments. His performance Thursday afterhoon at 2 th e be taken at a later date. Mil n o r Sen 1 in such famous . melodramas a* L*die» Aid in tile Lyceum, and in 'or, fir*t viee president, arul ir... Weekly Photoplay Guide Beau Geste” and “Bulldog; Dram- the evening a Strawberry Eeativa Mellinger, fourth viee president For Local Girls, Prizes To The Winners. m o o d ” -in a-.jucrena proverb, la seri- aud one-act comedy under the aus in charge of plans and arrangement? ous drama he has “Candemned” pices of Sigma Chi and Ladies Aid; Litcai Jprt Ta*7AiBP8trW the title O n June 4, Edward Reycraft, p rf! Mrs.* Ban O’ConneK, SKs.* M#ry (jijrf•«<* « 6 te#*~D*H«,«- b^indhim . Jn- ■Che Chiidren's Pl»y* under direr,ior tdentjof the, local League, w ill.atte^ of “Mist America” through N ew of Miaa Elliott and Miss Mt.ui Listing Selected Films As Chosen By The Better Films Jersey State finals. lach, Mrs. John J. O’Neil!, Mra. Nor- £ **> "Tbe D e v i l to P a y - imap McEaqUern, Mrs, Ralph Lecoque and He .has left his mart Qoinaer. will be given on T/iursJay t r Z l Diftrict, ?t^ b f h^w'aW O f “Miss America'.' wil be selected Committee The Lyndhurst P. T. Association Mrs. Joseph Frambach, Mrs. Edgar 0D «»d 'of <•«*« production this year at Wildwood, N. ~ J . T h is evening June 30th. for a discussVon of I^^ue L t ? B. Karp, and Mra. Arthur Bauer, pro- PXC‘‘P*' slapstick comedy. „. Special attention of members of j On June 18th there wiH be a I*™* N a tio n a l P a g e a n t w a x formerly tield d ______L - . , Plays Lead in Lewis Story ident. Reservations may be m ade the . church and their friends is local delegatunk to go on the ann'* at . Atlantic ; City and Galveston'; N o w , a s- 5 tne crusading youpg FAMILY AUDIENCE—lectured recommended for lhe family (12 yr*. _r,u p ) T e x a s . through any of these ladies. • j called to the fact that next Sunday District boat ride up the Hud*» doctor in “Arrowsmith,” the The local Auxiliary will entertain j morning June 5th at 1 1 .w ill lie M VTt'RE ACUlENf B Pictures recommended fur lhe adult audience (18 This year Bergen-County is fo r tu ­ United Artists picture, he ia 7 p la y ­ the thirty-six units in the County Atix regular communion sen'ice. It is | U p ) ■ -______nate ip having- a beauty, _ p . a g e a n t yrs. u p ) in g im e , of the jnost important earnestly urged that as many as i W ATINEK -Pictures suitable f*r special showings to children in Lyndhurst. “Alisa ■ Lyndhurst” U il i a r y at a meeting to be held in the! J l ’N IO R rojes in bi« career, the leading p a rt L _ , . ‘ selected .ajt me Lynd Theatre, L e g io n Home on June 14th. The eventj possible be present. laer twelve. ° ,. in the first dfamatiaaUon of a Sin. under twelve. - “selected” I Fric*»y and~ Saturday-Trwwftg*, June w ill b e in th e fo r m o f a Washington All are cordially invited to thej. ^ ] Pictures especially worlh seeing as above,„the average ■dfiiV Lewis naw*; tne soi& l screer a n .i th . Bi-Centennial- , - “ tea," ’*** following vas*. uup- the bus 8 10 11 ba# ever seen. IJs story of a you.ig evening service at o’clock. . p ic tu re . _ , ■ 1 . ______* ______Each person entering the theatre i,nes* meeting. Lock! hostesses will be American scientist battle against A’ill h av ea ,Kowned in colonial costume and t' TvnH Theatre- - I Guests included AKMred SehultcJon thei!e evenings ..»»* a i r- - — ----- ...... r~~ ~ ~ ?"• •disease and prejudice is ackitowl Local Girl Party Gaest TV KrMatf June 2-3, Peggy Ford, Agnes Mullins, Teresa fiance to vote ; for their flection. | **** «l!> ^ arranged in colonial "dged as -its author’s, masterpiece. “Strictly Dishonorable” ‘Sidney Eox, Mullins, Elisabeth Mullins, Howard ,n all, there will be approximately1*/*- feature will be a children-- .Suppjrtfrig Ronald Colman ii 1 Miss Dorothy Lehi, daughter of "l4ul tu k a / LcwiH stene. A sophis- <;„„dsir, U-nnard (ioodsir, Raym u{ Natley. I eant iviil lie sent ,ty Newark,.-N. J. I'w« program to be given there will wi[h «T no me on Friday evening. e Iro n Horse," directed, 'young Southern girl voinas with her^ j^ parUll(; KUeMs expressed" grati- 1,1 represent Lyndhurat in the New i be children to represent the sev«M»f r Hi H III /l/Vf — a • r. ^ • — novel Was adapted to thi Guests were the Misses iVrcthy fia n c e a n d lmjn a y fal,s lude for ih e fine time thev had at t h e 1 ^r«eye r s e y State finals which will be countries of the World War. | b, with the opera mger. rFor or thfi^nt* **«“'Ma- tude * - for " the fine timt* they had at the Sidney' Howard, the Pul 1 E a r l, H e le n Pawloski, Bertha Bied- conducted thi List o f A u g u s t. “ M iss A - ( • H e r d iic k s o n , o f W yck< ture audience. A.W> -'Panama + 1 < > .p » r iy and extended, .best wishe.s for I .U c( P ;o p la y w r ig h t. ^ » erman, and Gloria' Turner; William Jlelei? Twelvetree . Charles Bickford, many happy ret ur run of the duy for »->*r»unuFr*t ave a chance to I *J'i#~prr*i00.00 iti merchan- »Jt»ne, of Teaneekr president wnf he Maher. - .' " a n d in S o u th A m erica. l> ra m a tic ar*.:i dise ,aw.'m]K. S’ he vfill also have a u,*able to attend t*n H rc M tn t-o f iU n e ^ David Meis$ner Dancing, games, and refresh­ effett-ively ader the M ature uudi- Entertain Dog chance to corn pete for the title of ***£ Delegations fr m lII ments were features of a mast eh- “When a man starts to envy, c^nce. .' . „ p | “M ins • Americi" thi #u^h ihe Xew the county wiU at tern). joyable evening for all. someone, he ought to check up on j ■Sat u n -h_“ I'JLying 11 ilCH , ra n c ie r H e re Jersey State finals at Newark. To Speak Hert the other fellow's liabilities ask,55¥ l l! B e r t L a h r, (.'h:u h»tt<‘ (ife e n w u o d , P a t as his assets.” O'Brien. Ordinary Broarfwayr musii al Mr. and Mrs. John R. lW er,[ Th* Lyn,J Thealr'- ;x-rating Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Putnam, and Don't envy the family who save play enliven' d I'.v the■ • i»road e«»m‘ d j of Post avenue, have had aa their wi,h the w rhant- in . l.yndhurat, Ronald Colman . The current month promise* tn daughter, Ruth, of W eart avenue, ac­ money.’Buy here yourself. o f lir r t L a h f . am...... i, ,...... < har1'»U_e (ircen-...... guest for several weeks, Mrs. Char-j has arranged for prizes to 7»e given be -Hu- of considerable activity for companied by Mr. and Mrs. Tl. C., wood, which will l»e thought hilarious ;•!«.#. J^y-ons, of CaiTiegie .'^0 the winner*. All :,«-ung •• -es in Westminister church and Bible Fessler, of Bogota, spent the holiday WE GIVE AND REDEEM by many people and vulgar hy-some- Mrs. Lyans owns -a. Dalmatian dogij Eyndhurst anf tW judges at the,M orris £.,_(): dusni i a ml ^amarri d. Everyman’s Bible ( lass of Ruther­ YOUR BABY ‘‘Arrowsmith” h a been dmic mnhy times but’ the County Dalmation Hog .Shew, J" * • l->»d, »no reprvdenta ford will bring a message on» be­ Plans Affairs acting4 * ' ' I I I Iis . ' g t** 'T h e A ge F o r . . ______„ New Jersey and is arranging . thf an actor goes xtafe bot.Y on him will he, present promptly an<}- In Hears Rev. Senior and Ro­ I.o v ^ -, I?iIH*1 1 Lot* Wtlson, K/tl* pagOTHt" ihrnavh 'he r nior t;T self amf ott. hi* public if T or s tic k r large nanvber#; The attendance has. w a rd Kvt ret+ r tf>ri a n d C!harlt‘> THE REST! ’ I ------Executivew U nit Fne.i H, Star k. J r .'i w .i a g . r ' t he !-* lung to one kind of play, oi been very encouraging in recent bert McIntyre; Entertains S t a r ret t . A -tory of domestic troubles j __ I.y^d Theatre, piciure That is wh*.. “Arrow- in which t h people iire unusually life ! “ — ------ieeeks and somewhat above' that for East Ruttierfordians i WHEN your doctor recommends : smitii, Samuel Goldwyn’s i!m ver like hut not very dramatic.' The | M eet» W e d n e s d a y . the same period last year. strained soups aud vegetables to . SWU. o f th e w if ld - f a m o u s n o v el by pnxluction and dialogue are good. For j —_ il n villa |*V I ictc The picnic committee, under chuir- Sinclair I-ewis, coming td the Lynd The Epworth League of the Meth­ supplement baby’s milk diet, be] ttiet i M aiifre ;iiVn. _ r,rr _ A . f r n____11 Ladies. . . Of* The emeeutiv^ ^onmiittee uf tk im ilA IItU i wJ J U I O t 9 Manship of Richard Jarir., met on odist Episcopal Church held an jnt.-r, •ri... i»... ll - •... i. Ot i... . i ... tt.... __ * i l l ______> .i i ______:‘n » , , . _ • v- . I'heatre or Man., Toe,-., Wed., Jum sure to get the best — Clapp’s! The liig lli.iise” with SyTvia'SKtnSyrrT.yWhtirat- Woman’s - C lub , will hnU‘ hold *t i w* » • a i' ' ’ ~ ~ r ' faesday evening, May 31st, per­ esling meeting Sunday night, with Wynn , ^ ______Original Baby Soups aud Vege-I (iib-on, iieiie Kay mend. a meetingmwtinjg next Wednesday at the •- fro w fecting plans for the annual pifinic' nineteen guests from fhe League at a-tory o f a y o u n g h u s b a n d am i wif- (' | ^“ rPi gripping realism instead oi Spring Lake, same as last year. An eritirism to oui-and-oift melodrama. * poke on the topic for the evening. they arc rich in bone-building lin, p r e s id e n t, w ill la* irr c h a r f * W ill Entertain Bergen — Co. » .» the . melodrama „ of “The - ~ u*hjy ven" larger crowd than then is an­ Kxcc letrfVy a< tf< |.u n d produced b p t . - f I I 1 « * l! law lpn" an/l «u . r-- _ The merit contest in progress for The trip ta Indian lake will he A X / ' ' J . c o m e d y o f “ R af and body-building elements] raTher grin; r nrrrtimnmmt for th'jse 11 ilia.-' Here June 14 tht* -' ticipated. More complete details several months has closed with •*>.. made in private ctrn, lesving LyniC ’ “ j i* ? D e v # to ___ urill Tie announced liter, ; ^ Paefeed in glass. Ready to serve,' wh< do not like to see jMilitical evils '..llowing as the winners,-Rissus, RutK On Sunday morning June 12th they save hours of work. Reeoni- , Post, American Legion. drtrtiona through which the actorV •ill d e p a rtm e n ts o f t h e ’ school p a r­ and Kenneth Wilson. These yuw>z •Jun.- 7. “ A rro w s m ith " , R o n a k shadell S tntertain Nv», W.dnesdav -Tuning there will j mu>jt run if Jjf '* to (i*> righl ticipating in the service, and march­ r'oJnmn, |{- I- n H«ve< arwi Ru-hart. people will represent the League ui 1 ;— - be a business meeting to be frllowe"an?e church at 10.30. Miss Daisy Smith C LAP P’S tio n of 1 hi; novel one of the few film* at Drew Seminary, Madison, July !* j ell, of Stuyvesant avenue, entertain- with president Ur-. Arthur linuer, I l h . _ ’ i. “i! ‘ s ta * ‘'f, and Sup’t of the Primary and Beginners with a real idea, -in. erely carrij*d oat to 18. T h e local t-eague will pay p a rt M at their home on Sunday evening presiding ■ j . t ( again. That is \vhy he' Dept, is chairman of the committee BABY SOUPS & Colman, though not physically ar of their expenses as a reward Utr *fUr the Memorial Service held 11, 1 «, the l olic '* thin,km* doing a light romance in ch arg e. ideal Arrow«mitK aet«._ x-xceiiently work done in the contest. ^^VEBETABLES a n d Il<-1. ..t Mint , lln hard Bennett he (ie n e ra l Jo h n A Pershing „ e.n.p, h„ ^ ng " h, Z „■ d--e a th e l ? H T “ V r “ W*TO‘th " >* The Women’s Missionary Society and A. 1. A •; ,.n art* superlatively " iuUxI Spanish W ar Veterans. u ■ 11 ' * ! H implies, of course that the actoi will meet at the home of Miss Wil I .ast evening the league hel d t ieir! go th 1, A Miperi' r |»i< ture in every way Their guests were Mr. ami. Mrs, S T V r T 'v L»» .> v m u m is versawe h- ewe nfc- New Jersey avenue «n monthly business meeting followed by. JAHES C. NIXON, PH. 6 . For the Mature audience. Also "Pea^l Thomas Kain, and Mr. ami Mh, i H v C"rr r' I e An' K“l a*ar» eKtar^a# Mur kinds»%f- 'Mdnrt«}r tfime «th. Regular mee-.lng a Depression P»irty* at the church. ' 1 t "f th«- picture* /nade )>} hurst* . ,"T this pair. l\or ihe fam ily audience. — — o— ----- —» I h u r s d a y • 1 J /Ulay. Jake 9-10 Nat Smith, of Stuyvesant avenue, “ Wuy ward", Nan- y Carroll, Riehan has returned from a three weeks r ip A f ieri. S to ry " f a ch 1 ril - g'irl w hi to Florida, where he visited his married a I y an.i g o e s to live W»t^ father. lllS JMU- unieal mother, who cannot undrl„rJ 2-.KI4I...... -Fr.d If Starck, Jr^ Manager f .a r t h , I jcw Ayres, Anita Louise. Story ‘ f feud hetweeri steamboat cap* THEM Stuyvesant Aventie taii.H and th. j)anty jf -TK who livt Shows You along the shore. The adapted Min of CLEANED the captain turn- out to !,r one cjf the FR ID A V, J ii tie .1 AND i x ’j i i m : f e a t c r k chanty-folk, o he returns to his the W ay to jM-opU. F ro m t h e i r , . , , th e r e i? t h r i l l STORED after thrill.- Photography - of rivet “STRICTLY DISHONORABLE” view< u fine. I'.»t the Fam ily audience. r I dr* ^ with P A U L LUKAS L». vi l,k# yaw ruj, A!, luwm.f . Real Arid CELEBRATES HIS I tl**", vh.mpoo .nd iloie ihtm 1 U JOl»,i»tvift will luipei* you in f 13TH BIRTHDAY both 11v #a>t.«S{y crul f PANAMA FLO” H ousehold • . with HELEN TWELVETREES Wtimer Decker, Jr., son of Mr. and T ift^w stauM j « a m i m v u l m . h a .. Mrs, Wil me r U l>ecker, of Ruther­ anil .K, l«IM - ford avenue/celebrated his thirteenth Economy birthday anniversary wtth a party on M onday. 010. B. HOLMAN S .4 r l ^ l i D t V, Ju tu I There were many fin* gift* for Wil. amo COM PANY INC. ------IK^lBtFFKATl’lE mer. among them u signal ring fr^m CsutoaMd im his parents. ■* tn •« f m« »*t. aUTNVNftRO, n. |. “FLYING HIGH” Decorations and \\w birthday e^e, rw * Natfca.lwd 2 U ia which wa* a center of attraction, ■•►*» • **#*«. ao. Mstkai with BERT AHR Ha«kr*wk ; AIM i »|,u I V ile n toii be,ome a Kehinalnr o«n- I were in yellow and ro»e. There were A nd— ■ . gameiefnr all with favors and award*. 4 A m > * <*» t Wv>. -• I | rr. you can keep hou.e eriinnmicalH “THE CHEAT” and more effieietulv^ * V a with TALLUl AH BANKHEAD MILK MAKC5 TV£ &L$T \ JU 1 1 AU) iim.i. n c<»mfdv nkws ftttLE . THft i s y TVt£YTK •—your K eh in ato r ia an ire-m alirr, hind Of CRIAM SOUPS. J I>rawinti A free Vacation Trip A t 9.JO P M CRl AM|<) VCCCTAM.CS plenty of ire in nr a I hamlv cube*. AND So W . WMV r - . r r ^Q

YvX»0^Lf tULL£ > J WH t - A5 -your heblnslur a m * I or age p lan t simvvv * - — not ktimf sc o n a s i m wot wr. . — huy I omIs in hulk, eheaprr. g u a r a n t e e f o r t h r e e y e a r * a g a i n s t <]e* The* keep pure and delteioui In feetiVe pari*. “AGE FOR LOVE” K rli inator. with BILLIE IX^VE A *«all -uns down bring* you th« ■**—. ^ * wl ?«ur kel» inator I* a denarrl-mall. KeK inator model von select, twenty* “LADIES OF THE BIG HOUSE” er. Vm ran make hhmI ilelicioun fo u r ii to nl hs tji complete payment, with SYLVIA SIDNEY W t - c»jb W AU, I U0« UStftfi fnnen ilaintie* for a lew rent*. H I * UM l*»»V ! eouv that tm sNorau I mmht in and in-pect lhe Kelwna- * i w n ^ v F m , lK V xxj»t ^ SMtrnuo m i u A riH t IDSA. — . m r x i s IHawmt; ForFree Vacation Tnp, 9 3() P M GCTTWj TO MAMS FqoO tA»»> *. So I WUI MCMI ^ I M vou Ihiv a K elt iim tor /row u». tor ralNark I e have theoi ,n a wide W * (i»*N0 , IX TKKttP (M S ) a y** ilotali.ll,on aad ih/ee >e*g»' free MfT. m O X m m n,rrrtN» nt raafe *i«* «t price* arranged td •W Mtf$S,lD>VU) WM.M, , \ COOK 80UK aregnen Hithotit charge. ,|M* a •uit wearly rvery pur*e. Tt 13,0 i> * * EDNKHBa Y. J . « ». T. a I M , “ARROWSMITH” wuh RONALD COLMAN 1 -i PVBLICMSERVICE “PEACH 0’ RENO” h * W SHEFFIELD FARMS l .T ™ ff-J, *' t1S“ * R “J WOOtSSY inn— |li» PKMSM—Mr aM W* NK**ll,t,t, m w t h e 1912 0mmm *W ctKpa enrtw trfri ;. 1 ly p e a m l CSurcE —I mnn»4Her hemle^ by W*nraat Btetat. Lois Fosbrooke &.A.EEECTS haal been working hard tad , T. U. .Tim e Record \ai:ef. v-'C.IU at 4 IM a foo«l as»o. .rawit of prim#: a* Entertains Tau well a# refreshment* ia kwplnic B J tba Mwparatare dunMU ta 1WJ. NEW OFFICERS with the seaa m . The «tames to be The Tab Stima, Alpha Chapter. S »a iaw"», bn* Ibe rar <*l . I « *» •> at' The Rev. Milnor. H. Senior, pastor Ii Roddte’ played wiil he bridge. pinoc-hle and V aew Layal Twa» r i » n Lag- ano*4iag Wedaaada) evening ’’any t.-t»e. *» *i»t® t!ie ' bi*‘» of th* M«tbo4i«t Episcopal church, Mrs. Julia Weidman Elected fof apeetlH. aa t no Shrt r w*Ef "Ui It; I bunco so everyone H n play tkalf I waa '*rg aal*rd by Ibe Can*. -fat''iha l»m* »f Ml»av roa- A new eiayae tin rarord will b* in charge of a CoaHwuamn 11 * - _ jr i k u , -a- — - _^ ... Councilor A t Session Held favorite gam* and hsye an enjoy­ aranor av *■» aeparraoM. j brooke, 40 U fayette Place mad driving bataaven 8toefcst a, t’al- to the radiator. service to bu held at the mornm* '*i : ily •»» *tf able ev en in g , - ...... , ^ ------Certatn *f tk M M re- tlna. uledga waa pe*«ei>». Mi*s jfoMOa. and Uraad .Cany-nat, tin n n j,, ' TiVe ear w as a service thi* Sunday- In the evening In Elks Club T W i a ) ; ^ Ca Friday evening June 9, the ceatly. TW «Mt Icdn af (Ma (iladjra M k a i. jet ll^pyw — ^ a mtlf*. was '.la a t t ight o'clock he. will apeak om I * *4 . ■■Concentration.” regular monthly. business meeting is- Mr*. String**** ‘ af Artvartce plan* were ma.le to r tne bfr a ji«k aa eoupa. a^» d ta# it??1,* f,* ’ ' •' S ta r , of J. Morgan Read Council of the society will be held with IM Kem aaau a aad *be wil) The 0*eial Board of the cbairh Tau Siema dinner daiwe to be h -il u . w«rd hep tuy Am aHIp* ■ ' , , Na; 44, Daughter* u f Aatertat, hei< Walter Huckatall presiding. Final It iwWM by Mn. L Sm . ioon «t tho Saw Vanke. , jj, |«al Octane .teaWr. g* ta m 11 *1 ' 1 ’ •• w ill m e e t on Monday evening a t the joint elaia Initiation of new men*, a dtseusa**** ef the. jilass for tile card Tbe presidat ef the W. O. T. Tboae pteaent W #. »■? 1. : , .J- 1 I.' church. , . bera at Elks H»ll, VJntaci-lay party wT.L be hold as well as plans ti* Mra. C. C ik * m a* wan The Senior Department of the Ann Hnrgrss, peeoidaal; Hai» M J ? ™ * ~ ' nignt. O.her councils participating for coming summer will be con­ a a t h a aaatbeea et tb* cniM- ly, Paaline Pelerwsn, Helen llaahau. '*'’**'* *** “ ‘ , r M I H I \IV «T>i »>HM. Cl,I D Sunday School ate sponsoring a. were Star of William ll. Li Rue S L i - - prancaa Mdlii««*r. time a* aearate «f r a * r ! « .. strawberry festival to be hatd sid ered . ran, were p —tal ta witaMa of Carlstadt and Freedom Council Ibe nrgaaMbg af tb* at* L. Jtsi HeineT Eleanor W u S S t l.«>» f* bail-and IntNnl £ ] Mr-. II W llast i*. 4»W Sj*lh a»" Thursday from ai* to nine thirty. of Midland Park. The dee ree team? T. L SSf-J ‘».... paab^Kike. .beat prrvioaa record, established ■*, will eaMettbin •!' far# • ®t *** I lay mend Chapman, president g{ of the three cowaala tcjk part in The Oral ofcer* la kt rhaeea * 'tbi^e wrelta agn. by laro' knars' aM-f bmia .tm: "fVari'iir . Ini' th e department, is in charge of Sfteen mmatfaw L _ |J^. ftie,;tk^ lawtll ,ee.«(|y the initiatory work. wHh Mrs. Mary Local Club ■ a n” i pi,na^w«*- n r r ni^ a in t U a v ■»» --—-J 1a- Braser, local councillor, presiding. a a « t fta — - l*ri*e» by Hart I, Weaver, R - 1 Mrs. Charles W. Rrelle as adult GRADUATE, 5l*'k IMitrtet pn^fretslve Usmorra'.'. Election of 'dicers for the local '1 reasurer HaWrt Slick. ne tleaier in Iti.wkton, awl L. V a d v iso r. council was another feature of th. Plans Party ker*ki» c to r ta a t*!#>, KHeiw**. aw* twWv t well way P e te ra a n , Si iekt«n newnpaperman. Hrhearsals are under evening. Mrs. Julii Weidman wa 1 Shepard. IJbrarian Daugta* XI. fjr th e annual Children’s Day cele­ GIVEN PARTY elected councillor; with Mr*. Lillian The Book and Music Club of J-yrd- cal w ia te d by Janet Ha«i4aan. b ra tio n which will be held on Sun­ 4 Meyers, vice councillor; ass ,ciat< hurst held a meeting at their heati- After tbe Natoei*, refresh­ day , June 12; the Beginners and councillor, Mrs. Harriet Wilson; A s- Quarters on Stuyvesant avenue, Wed- ment* wera aerved aad all •weal Miss Goldhammrr Guest of I Have you made Primary department will present tociate vice councillor, Mr*. W il- nesday afternoon, with Mrs. Worth- their pfogram in the teaming, and •way tiled witb Ike spirit of Parents Following Grain, bemrna Heckr r.h>rg; conductor, M rs. Holman, president, presiding. getting olbeta la 'join with (Re okler children will give their Selina reluto; Warden, Mra. Fred Plans were made for a lawn card mar School Graduation program in the evening at eiglft tbeaa aad ' working far tke new • m a Wurst; treasurer, Mrs. Ella party to be held at the home of Mra. l.yndhantl Layal Teaaperaace rOUR VACATION PLANS? o’clock. Mrs. John M. Vogel ’ and LebritUr; inside sentinel, Mr*. James Robertson, (if Detafteid avenue, Mrs, Norman Chute are chairmen Legion. Mr. ami Mr*. Chari** Smith, Clara Stegan; outside sentinel, M rs, 0I, tht- afternoon of Wednesdav, June Sixth Avenue, entertained at a grad­ of th e program. D o ra Henkel; financial secretary, j UMh. Refreshments will be served. uation party al tbei’r home, Thursday Mra. Lillian Schneider; reco rd in g night, in honor of their n*e»*. M .« secretary, Mrs. M uriel .War; a s ­ 1. 0 . a F. NOTES laKy UoWhammer, who makes her sistant recording secretary, Mrs. ROUND-UP IS Hold Festival . ' . . ••’****r ~ , . home with them, and who w m «ral- 4 B^L^Siiwm ons; trustee for -.48 j 0 T ^ annual session o f the Grand Mlv June 8t h and 9th. The local Th* color whem* for the oveat »a-. T h ? free medical examination for nate, Mrs. Harriet- Wilton; repre- iI entertaining at a Rt raw berry ft*sti- lodge wil be >epre*<-nted by th c Summer Round-Up of children sentative for one year, Mrs. Ther- vaj Thursday ey^nipg, Juju* f*th, at ^ wijzrs:?,s m who w ill enter local schools for the esa Schreckenstein; Alternate, Mrs. j the church. ’ ------first time in September, were held last Jennie Eyjsrlebmht,; pianist, Mrs. j The S^frta Chi girlswill present 3?& r t w c r j * r 7 - - ™ ^ .. Englebrecht. The new staff w ill be session are; James ti. Wood, l*a»t« T Sunt?*)’» HtrslJ Tiihine % ill m*Ve aarattaa wt elt at the Roosevelt ami Lincoln a play as the feature of the pro­ Those present were Mr a n d M r*. installed at a meeting t i !»t> h e ld gram of entertainment. j Grand Master; Henry I'snton, Paat Schools. planning ca«y. T*uri 11 h« a »(wstil Vimmcf F o r the River Road School four J u ly 6. Mrs. tie urge Henry and Mra. '■rand t'omluctor; Harold A. Dehn, , Among the honored g u e s ts of l*ast Diat. Dep. O. M.; Wilbur V Ueyer .n-I Augu.t K.Kser c h ild re n were examined and one was Frederick Uuchhola are the joint RrtOFt Sw tion rrammetl lult «)l mim ml ia y i ittnai an4 the evening, all of whojn b ro u g it pjonounced a lt )0 per cent child by chairmen for the event. / B. W rig h t, .ira n d M arsh a l, 0 . K. F * ‘rV- * ; * ’** l th e examining physician, Dr. Hugh greetings to the assembled c o u n c ils, —o The local lodge ia taking » very «'** «*» •'“* Mr. *erj practical help, f’lace* » go — mwih, awuih, raM were Past State Councillor, M rs. J. E, Borkank. The chairman for this active intereat in the affairs of the »">* -M” < h*rl*‘ '■“^ " • * 0 * '- » Grand l.odg* and Pyramid Lmlge Weehawken; Mrs A » ,f and arvit. Trip* to lake — long anal short ftn t l mti* school is Mrs. Harold Gutheil. ■ _ r M. Heurn, of Newark; State V ice South End Democrats ■CnuBt'illor, Mrs. Helen Riker; P a s t ia b.und to be recoghiaed for .V t‘«* 7 on,M r.n,l Mr. « h.rW . lie, N in e children who will enter the •hia Vciion. It will m»ke |'l nntwg ali««i*» aa nm, h lea Councillor and Disttict Deputy. Mrs urogrtsajve poii.-ies. *r- Mr* WWinm t Br-lhaue^ sot Washington School were examined and Plan Coining Events Fannie Keler, o f Newark; and W il­ . .. . . , .. thc host***, wtth the guest of huo»t , fo u r w e r e found'to be 10 0 per cent. ' —— ••• - During the latter part of the . ,, .. ’ aa going, K ntfn jitMit co|Mi M H w t w s e b a b t ’l liam Morrow, State officer o f th e Mrs. ft. A. Silvernai! i. ...<* p.act^.sr ihi committee for thi? school. will hold a Smoker at their head­ The concluding feature of a de­ as a private nurse, C h ild re n who will enter schools quarters this Saturday evenj ig. Ale* of our deceased Brethren Arrange- 11 lightful evening for the 150 mem . " — X----- wkieh «re inclutted in the Central t>a- te ri , m] 3 was a ^ ^ W eber is in charge of arrangements. ments for same are now under On Friday evening, May 27th, » way. Date will be announced later 1 1 . 1 VC •■NVw (iranuM lll tn, Teachers Association numbered with w!tu refreshments, served bW y' v Mrs. t i . th irty , and there'w ere eight wh« were card party will he held #t Kraft’# We^ cordiall# Invite all members — Lillian Johnson and her committee. Hall. Thr' committee*in charge of the perfect. Mrs. Ernest F o n - tb come nut ami take an active j Mr. and Mr*, henry,,,. W»hi, «f * tan is chairman of the Round Up com­ event ;ire Mrs, John A. Flynn, Mra. ‘part in our meetings amt- aortal > Furman Plate, ate recetvi tg c«n- mittee for this P.T.A. unit. i John Wags; aff, Mrs. Fred StretaT festivities ai,d in iytum pm wtKrgranulation* mt tlie arrival .j < n«<« . ; M ri. WHITaM Crriwley. Mrs. Elmo ! find Thus a to ta l o f forty-three children St. Matthews Seniors yourself more w tilhy of the grandson l«»rn. i**' Mr and Mr fohnson, Mrs, William Kehoe, Mra. j Individual were examined and eleveri were found existence ’ for which we Henry Mohl, Jr., of Jcn-e* ttt ^FKVrJR IS A MATTER OF IkMMG NirT Hold Card Party IJalibaek anf th e tliildretr were found perfect.. On Friday evening June ID. th e ! M r. a n d M rs. Arthur Bauer, and to other*. . — ...... 1 ’ John Burk, aon of M r e , l a W t Idly; tH»f t<» as'ii-i? \-, trip to Ken>ia •W lsting the physician and the 1 ,1 v .diiti lin - . m r e - I . o t m J M n — Senior Young Peoples Society. T lie 1 a week with her soft and family th e r e . cottageN^t CranWrry lake c'lm'nittee chairmen in their work at laake. Vew Vork — the schools were Mrs, Florence M ahrt. , ------J. L. BURK school nurse; Mrs. W attfr Kohlheim, . \ TYPEWRITER S pr, - dent of the Central p. T, A.; end Mrs. 1 ernard Kmerr ,n, president "of Sttld, Kenled and Rejwurrd ,1 D irector Ti W'as'hinKton unit. M. K rtlO N K III I HKH+ UKD J *!-«« i ’H o n i . w r.m rrm «*&?* >-o far as possible the committee H PiaA Ave., K w harleid r n ktSGiallAMIl a \K Hatoek tM PAUAAIIK VVk I !ui : men will assist in the corroctW Halkrrfard l u l l of oefocts in tlie chfldreu fmaiiiined during the summer months!, so that M ore a oii^ny as possible will enter scho.ol in tin fall ready to do the'k re­ quired of them. people Rutherford Nationals COULD Ties For First Place ENJOV STUDEBAKER The Rutherford National dank Howlers finished in a tie with the Kast liu-iherford Me hinlist tnm HOME Saving won_ the last six tI’.j conse cutive games to finir/i 10 w in am ! . 5 lo s t. COOKING The last match was played with WINS J the team representing the Ruth, " f o r d M eth o d ist Church, thin match w as taken with comparative ea ae, Tne members of this team to IN INDIANAPOLIS 500-MILE RACE!! share" in the priae are M, Hare, Captain; H. C. Preston, K. K. Kap­ If ler, Wm. B. Gog, Jr. St m iebaker Time •linner waa rpatly lo «mre wlirn tlu y gnl liomr. Willi ihn How To Plan Your 102.662 m iles per linur (ilen w tm d Aitl*im alir fin s FaBjp1 it ia. fh rrrlie wholr* *ni*al Summer Vacation in ;V oven, early in ihe morninft if von wish, ihen bat thu heats ell track records. rltw-k »i tlte Iwtiar tlie n u A in g alum ltl l oruint m e and art th * This is the season for the annual lir.*^rr ,m StU ^rJ^lrr ra- family debate: where shall we go m en lieai regulator. The range light* ihe m en, cih.Us the this summer? The contemplated va- / 1 rrtji lirai nm r «f all firat

■ tion may be only a fe w d t y s food and turns llte off automatically. Pood i, kepi pip. placr w innrta ul 2 1 h t t t n r n long, but th* earnestness of the de­ li tors remains un diminished—far, ing hoi in ihe well-insulaled l,|.n»««J Ovrn uniil It « M emorial Dav Macr. far into the: night. This year many a family will ■rrved. f ■ '• . • Siiw-Vhairr al»«» takr* M h have a better vacatkm at minimdm I X For tin; Inline.maker who is alsai a b w iti^ woman ami a n d tith pU*r» in ftrkf tft erpena* because thfy ‘11 i n e n e x t Su.-Iii*y’, sjiecial Summer Restirt for any busy huti«c.kcc|ier. this type of ga* range prrfnrm* -IgTlty ol waarltfa Igaini a*»d Section as a tfuide, Thia aectitw » f , **"* loaliinl ra*rr*. come* aa part of the New York a s|ilendie made a specialty of matically. ion, Fn"y insulated .cmi-ennaola gtyfc in g r ty studying travel and summer Nrt’art*.: ind while iai+df*r- o> 4i with I,lack trim, th en h»aj tt*»* It’s really a time-aaver for people wha how you can make. yo«ar >Am hM w fkaat D»*alkaa> m»unt*ta or sea* llo re hfliday a lot fmm- Ikaa'iktaaaM xiklH t , more fan without a Ui m ire e*» O n ly 1 5 d < nnt fin d I T .I.I a m o n th pen*e. In fact, thi* D*rt of the r h t 4 p m m *W**“ •/ l* li paper win be so fall o f r o o d Tka» •* a “1 m + i 1 <“a< yeutl pr«.hably want ta r t M M W N t llbMr Iia»e|tm t for future reference. ■ ilhmM atilonialM- a k»kf t t — Mg 1 1111 hai

Mr aad Mr* Alfred H Craafcakaw. PVBLICaWJSEBVtCE *»t daughter. Mt** Jean Craakabaw. 626 Ridgi Road LyRdbant, R. J. ° f I «>ing»Wwi a ren a* . * p ta t th e w eb end Holiday al their taaaaai Phone IMIwrfiri 2-0171 Cataaa tab a THE COMMERCIAL LEADER, FRIDAY, JUNE 3,1932

j The family have lived in Lyndhurst for twelve year*. Mr. Eldred** was VOCATIONAL ' a member of the Board of Bducatioi | for three year*. 1026 to 29. For om TALKS GIVEN j year he served a* chairman of the (('Mthvd from PMe 11 ' Finance Committee of that body. Misa Carmine Savino, of Ridge Road; Mr*. Maxwell Morlanc, of Liv­ High School Schedules Ser­ in g s to n Avenpe; and Mra. T. Francis K n ig h t, o l Stuyveaant Avenue, were ies To Advise Students guests , at luncheon at the home of On College Courses, The Italian American Woman’s Mrs. James Fleming Williams of Association will meet June 6 a t the North Arlington, last Thursday. 3acted Heart Catholic Church Par ish Hall. Plans for a hay ride wil Mr. a'ttd Mrs. John Wackwits, of be m ade. Weart Avenue, had as their guests for the week-end, the tatter’s mother, Mrs. Elisabeth Scholleif, also Mrs. Auxiliary Meets Henry Ewler, and Miss Elizabeth Ew- ler, with Norman Strader, of Brook- The Ladiea Auxiliary of the lyn.-The group spent Sunday on a mo­ Lyndhurst Hebrew Association tor trif> to Greenwood Lake. wil) hold a meeting on Monday ,*v------evening at the home of Mrs. George Roch, of Travers Place, who Leo Schwartz, of Fern avenue. was ill at his home for a week, has Mrs. Louise Levine, president, returned to business. will preside.

Mr. and M rs. M aurice L .Mosley, of Mrs. William Morris, of Lyndhursl Post avenue, had as their guests for avenue, entertained at bridge at ho ihe week-end and holiday, Mr. and he me, yesterday afternoon, for Mrs JW*s- J- A. T h o m p so n , of R o ch ester. Jab H. Lehti, Mrs. Arthur Widmay N. Y. For Sunday, Mrs. Moslay’s mother, Mrs; Sophie Woodruff, of er, and Mrs. Robert H. Stra

WHEN GOOD SERVICE COUNTS FOREST * STUYVESANT AVES. Kev. Franklin (j. Faber, Rector Rectory -351 Livingston Avenue. Phone—Rutherford 2-1403-J Good Scrvicc in a bank is important at any Apple Sauce Cake. time, Hut especially when conditions for the J|ervicea for the Second Sunday Mix and alft tw o cupful* nf flour After Trinity, June* f>, 1932. ^ with one iwiajnmnful of «o Sift two rupfoi* "f tliKw, ana reu«i>oooful of rornttarch ami two ahow how Jeau* reveals it; pardons Fancy Ceylon or Orantie l‘ekoe it; cures it. Mildeapoonfitla o f augur. Mna a pl» t«in wlth ottleV pie rrm t an*t aprlnkla A cordial invitation ia extended to •I). with tii* aticar an d »|>lee. add th a ni>ple» and cover w ith a h a lf cutifnl Classified •inrnday, June 12th. or more of augnr Dot with butter, A P 4 C u k e s i*:15 a.m . Sun d ay School. Langa u»ln( a tableapoonful. and eovar with Keep that Schoolgirl Complexion 10:30 a.m. Childrens Day Service. Advertisement the upper eruat. Hak« In a hot o,en S a u e r k r a u t for ten minute*, then lower th* heat. Reed Memorial United ■g >Ye I annul guarantee the knaertiaa of any In aildlni >u(>r to »»y fruit pie, eape- Kirkmitn's llorax adtertiaemenl In theae colmana mleaa aana ia Presbyterian Church rlally apple, aprlnkla tha aagar ta a t • T paid tar in adwmc. Kate* ( a r cl***t0rd ad- taraataly with layera of appla ta l» SOAP _ tertiaiag a rt II follow a: aaa I w r t M IM , t . i Stayvaaant, Avenue, near Valley Brook a n aa area awaaiealQC. Old Reliahlr ronaecutive inaertiim* *.75, three aaeaeeaUie ia- —— aertiona 11.00. Limit iv r tinaa, average ait varda Rev. James ft. Mtteli, 0. D.. (A !•*!. *«unK (*iH K >M A M. Sunday School; SALMON • 11 0*.»*• l» SALMON Sm. Can (HMl 11* per inoiilh No iu»et AduJ) htwn Tm *tnn« »i People* Union Leader Harry Kan. M7 liuad, l.ynaburai ii Planned to Build a h<»m* u »%i* iitieita u»*- ttqitin 8 :0 0 : I*. M. W 'irahip. Uudaon (“ride Very good WNrtwi f r#ia M « *»/ to* • m ***-, tto* wrvit-rt a I* P O') p U Wedneaua), l’~ayer V ajjaa^la > e. dl». . wi* roreat Av«.. Meeting. HOME or GARAGE GARDiN PEAS 2 C a n s ORANGES Doz. DO IT N O W rtturr chi hoh <»►* r a l e t'prighl taamiy Story * f i * r k t •CUINTiMT w m kmhn ib.n t !«•> »nham«* J KON KlfNT 1 aivi a r a i n a»a'tflM et* Mranrli of Ihe Moth*? ('burcti. Lay Th# inan-i JUMi.r R«llavUlc -i !»»«> buutf Kant aaa a»4 aa*» 0*11 Hie Hr*t Churnh of i'hrtet. Rrl«n T oilet Tlaaue IIIUr Iftj *04 l'ni»»n Av* R«llevilla, itlrtMNII 0*11 *et e a *• ; >««h>>i SwM ey e*r A M RICE it11 c n a . ai» iimImm h»«a •,»*a •e*tn« ^ W(Mln*-*0ajr I vrninf Wwtln* at i^ u n k o r Krcular wrl'ir4 a aiftJI the ai«oll TV« Van ( ia p ana Rift asa« hcientiat, on Numtily. June 5, IWHL |ttrw4W*a v, S’- ia yurt fiim «klwi The Gulden Teat ia "T h o u a r t A. REENSTRA & Co. ahm #«»** aartMM aw aaa *«a Y*» Cr*» a#* . worthy. O - Lord, to . .receive gl«»ry and »* at at fcon'Hir aod p^wer for thou Ha»t ere- 1416 VRKKIANO a v r SfNNikfrr ir * .11 " <* *‘*'1 «•»**• awt ror thy pleaaurr p ed al i h ir k t h o p s ti a*t *at«t i*'*ta# TeL Sherwood 2-2151 2 5 c r nfT^STC = the «h»h r»m pr.M «at •» »•»»»»* th e l ^ n n n - .V r m . n i* th e f d lo w in g Mh Ue*i Ay ailabit la Y « » i '’•‘•mt ->>we - i ^ *«. »e. . * 1 i me* t*aifc tw ea 22c Saaart.. twa M1H1 H * tw ye MV«d. all th# .„d* ,,f tb e A I ui < eartN frrr f t .^,1 .r.t r. rwrn- 1,1w e t rnmh • r z r *?*:,*r ♦' «• 1 5 c ra w * * ; ete ayeo a**< • tS»* TIN- i^ a a o n Serm o n alao in* l«*de» A o tti tktaacAli %aa*a a tmmmrk j ^ foliowihf ir» m th# I’honc RutlierfurJ 2-7MO -I »' «»►»■««■ *j**rr ?• Onat.a».-a«4«HW tealkock "ikiaww , .^5^.,. . aad Health with fcry (« the Sier'a Chas. Ltbaaytr L.*rTwrea.-*wrs. b> ^ ■*. r*uaatiW w-the « m 4i m t M to p a* t«MM he rwr.Mh.ixt, fo r ru n ir thao al* Lyndhurst Market • m.m . . v t ■ -I'.— _____ —. ether* ayirtta. 1 >au»«tlaa relate, 'ti «« 2 - i s B k“ M t '* * ’ ^ **' 51 Stu)vetant AVe Ima ■«&.* - *! *•* a!>p»*«*h tb» *ah|ert. in p»n4.t Pid*?e Road., Cor. K iigtlaid Ave. » . m * , a»aiewaa* th* u|»«*W) *t S^tttt. l.yntlhurat, N. J. Lyndhurst, R. 4 U... ^ * e >-1 *'. * ■ H e- j M l ai kut tn tAOrh th. V « »f r IIONE RUTHERFORD a<445a • ‘|T*wlV. gaewww" «p I7wt