LIBRA RY EXERCISES FOR Question Of Use Of Field MEMORIAL DAY And Cutting Of Salaries WELL ATTENDED Father Boyle Speaks In Place of H i* Cousin, Bart, W ho Memorial Day exefcaies weqe fea­ tured by a talk given by Kev. Cor­ nelius Boytet curate of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, who substituted for W* cousin, Bart Boyle, deputy park mmmi.isioner of Bayonne, who bei rame ill suddenly and waa unable to appear. A' parade, followed by talks and recitations, comprised tho progaaaa for the day. N ta r M M i woe*, bowg wade “Lov* of God and Country,” Fa­ ta M><al< Um K»*a*v*N S*haat. ther Boyle said," are still the stand­ Chart** WkM* «l» av«***r al ards on ■which -we ih o u H b a se a u r Ih * p a a r. [ lives." He spoke briefly, o* th* rela­ Party a l t «*r* tradaalrd trim tionship o f patriotism and religion. th* graanaar *ik**hr SMA1HCLL C O M M A N D E R Kdaatd Kan* wa* pn aldaal al Ih* Heard «f Kd*»at*«* tHh*. The exerMaes at Memorial Park were preceded by a parade whieti " formed under the. direction of Fred- ' prick Shadell, first commander of Cenerel John J. Pershing Camp, Spsriish American W ar Veterpn-.. and st nresent aeni>r vice -ronnnind- er of the New Jersev Department «f Spaais^ American W ar Veteran*. Tie munidoal band, Columbus T idK s <\tt and drum corps and Jer­ sey C ity Girl Swat hand plainM. Police. iMMfctu of the Board of r-im niisJS*! and Gold Star moT thers PWade. Then cflM r tlM Saa»i?h American j Vfir V e tefW * with the Woman’s mixiiiary and H arold Barringer Post, American Leghf, and woman’s atixi liary. Those ftwW« arranged tKe j services for the day Catholic Organizations and the) Pnited Masonic Society marched. | Then came the Boy and Girl Scouts, Columbus Cadet* and other march -\ era. The parade farmed enrt-’r the di i recoin of Sbadrt and Arthur Bauer' pi WORM «* taka ta tea w nk lattfc #f the American Legion and Fred- ; Wry Th* olaa U> « * ar RaOwrfaM eriek Westphal of the Spanish * ti <tt*>ard*d early It w m m * anW American War Veterans. i mmaaratloatv r**Mitf lk»l • TALKERS PRESENT Artiagt** a4kUM al 0M U a k t wM At Memorial Park, Father Hoyle M t prtMad Tha pMttMH ♦Mi»kata4 th* •* » d»ljvered the invocation. August M. H****t wa* ha «#<*. Mt Kirdidoerfar. former commander of U m )M k—d al Ul* waafcwiwpl * Harold O. Barringer -Post, recited * aa K i*afc Mr HakfwMI l*l*r lawk ***» that Horace R. Bogle and Commlsaionar pnatltaa aM hald* H laMy John F. Woods spoke. Commissioner 'Tha ***** ta th* Va#aj §*•»* John B. GuMetti was unable lo a « * a a * h* a»tM * r t * n w a a a sa d * *tf«W tpeik because of a bad cold. * * a ra »#-*- fcp t h a t tin t* . M r M i a ”* Harold Thornton, commander of interval ia th* r.aamafatal l»*M* the Spanish American unit, and An­ Lai bar '•haf*t* lawaahtp alia* hari haM> ImhiM ap tka pM M dre*' Egert Jr.. commander~«f Har- a*y. aaa m»rtU4 felt that I My M i»t»cr*»nd aaf 6 old Itarringer Post, spoke. Pev. Geo. Th* MMWy l.y*a<NB 4*f*al*4 tka IMawtly *a **taWMh that* awa prtat V. Muller, pastor of St. Matthews l.fudkaxaa A C II ta I. Th* laral M a a** aotkll II la IL tn a p la n t Kvanrelieal Lutheran Church, said Th* Mt* alary, rail-* fraaa* «M*k benediction. litta wfcWk IM a*a*Mgai a a* a»»*M Trank Curtis, former commander m * k**a«*a a load atarfc A- h*a*», o' the Legion was' master of cere­ <t*l h*d proa* aa* par*M»*4 Karty monies. - n w lw U M iM waatkla* waaa The exercises really began Sunday dt*aial thm#* I* MMMl Vat at laal n ghi when both veteran orraniaa- IM r*a»awtr»lal Iaaiw »*• ataaflf tmns and their woman’s auxiliaries, >-i«* >ftan< kp' tka MpMaff pa*’ attended . annual memorial service* •ted |ra*a kaarat Nlgk Ktkaal * as.! _ « . > ltl* k ta* at St. Matthews Church. Mt*a Urwf P. Ik llaaa. Mai •trif* <k>* a a ta aaw a#«*l* Oraves of dead veterans In St. i***h*r. g a 'r a aaa* rarMal M*«, aM iM .miJn M a tla Ji soph's and Holy Name Cemeteries T. F Naa* aaa lawaaktp ** i ' . I — - Im tfei wtre decorated. In their honor, a •Mp aM *4»t**«at * .ear* 1**1 *. al- (Troup of American Legion hu/lers Aclaal *toa« Mr* *>aay* kaaa a M foronded taps at the Monday exar- («taM ' M-ise.s. ’ ' "■ Mrs. Levine Entertains Distribute Milk Mrs. Lou in Levine, of Kidge Road, I'fet^rtained at bridge at her home, apa*** -MM*«<--. -Jt-Uto* K«m - Mr Tuei^ay’TlftefhoSS'"''’"'”'”*'""*- ka*<»|.f • aoiHaaii Mta* That*** fiueats were Mrs. David Goldberg. krty** *M W*H*r lU rti fcM aw l F Mrs, Max Leriter, Mrs. Louts l**y, Watah, _'h*#4 wWta*, tk a y f**aw*M Mrs. M. Epstein, M rs. Leo Sehwart. Mrs. Hanry_ Schaefer, and .Mrs: Harry-Zi akin. A social hour, witji jefreshmenta fo |lo * e ,| the games of rarris. Local Artist Will Htng Paintmg In Mttfetim, Listed, Also b Other Extibits The Lyndhurst and Jersey City Ru« < 'om pany h a a aM nd*)ned plan* to ere ct a |S<1,000—ga ra g e in O rie n t Way *nd Rutherford Avenue, it waa learned today. PETITION IS N0T1CET0 DOG OWNERS CIRCULATED Nr*K< i* hereby given tn -ill Jmi «»wncr» lhat the Ihe Chamber of lammrm this seek veal ak*ad with «»ftcuJ Dog Catcher will hqjin the ^pfwrhcrwJing <if *taa* In cirralal* a pftaian 4r- all ck)R» running at Large on M»mtky June 6, 1912 • Ikal a ae* ordinance r<-*ulah8f aM eaalralliag pad- and will continue thia work throughout thr rrvgitha d lia ( In |t» lawMki* hr pa«a*d. of June, July, Auguat amJ Septemhrr He hJu been t.v»n.hip Altarwey I.** f- Reilly «a> tnatrarled a*ra* liw e directed a» pick up all iku* i*< pr»»perly m uuled *#* Is prepare **rb aa aedw *«** II* Made a prebaitM ry or leaahed ,w „ NuOce ia aiio given that thr I^ J I ln;*n«r» are i*m available at the tAce o< the (^?k i i . th. l.-w i. HSU New Regiatratnm. arMivnuJ u> htenw Irr IM * Male <Jrig Hrp, « It «W. Fenak di^ *v ». S' C >ucn» d a in n g to comrl*» d»^» at U im dir the refnovil « 1 ut *-at» may telephone the M k i n » ( . unchc Rudw zfurd 2</T2f) IXJMIK1C3C j LIVEUJ iJtrl . THE COMMERCIAL LEADER, FRIDAY, JUNE i . W32, tfffi COMMERCIAL LEADER Y.P.C.U. win * ms- “SEESJi n “T. • People (U)Know! ^ V-iu . THE TOMMBrctAT^LEADlSl'Tx).. Inc. i J' Entertain Gaests n v ' i w s i £ * ° s v Rev. George F. Mutter, pastor of it « m eft? sale as putlS I Wmuv .u t. tmm I i t Vkttey 'Brook, Avenue Lyndhtirat, ,N. J. Court i. cu, o 'isL T -S the St. Matthews Evangelical Luth- T h e Young Peoples Christian S' ' ■ J*a»* rnm tt, irnt *nf TMM), all thmt eran Church, and a member of the Union of the Reed Memorial United o'clock tn the afternoon Euttm 'A land mnd preml ,—_ , Telephone RUtherford -2 4200-4201 / Board of Trustees of the Free Public Presbyterian church will entertain •taadard Ti*.,T (two o'elee* betng ** Tewashfpef _____ ' ~~ ^ --t&X&i ,B£RA ..ixi.m t.j i ■ ... i» 1 1 *-' ED ITO R ^ . a mTtilc* vr^wrcei 7>r 'County of Bwf«n mnd Mtmteof New S e ^ r ,°UU,*1!S**; Couily ClSS^1 Off"; Library, feels that jiow, ,in this time a number of guests iroirt the TL P. hereinafter particuiari) *nd more particularly described ae follawe. lytfMf ,M •mat m tai BKciNNlRo M a point on the southeart- K in g known and dertsnated as No. im ERNEST J. DARJNETT .SECRETARY and TREASURER / af utrffe, depression ami gloom , the C . U. of tb* Kingalawn Church In * *»<t to thr CourtjAvenue. Lyndtluret. Bergen Coun,, m X Z ? P.£ i » “dhiiret la the^ County of rZ S L n ‘ tr,S i d^iKl h’iSS.” real innate goodness of m a n is com- Brooklyn, this Sun d ay evening. The Tha shovi property la to be 4 WILLIAM E K.AEMPF ... ADVERTISING MANAGER m m r-U irw a t o m m H S i h m (170.113) rtet »ut»i ing to- the fore. ; guest*' of the evening wilt have iterI y from the corner formed by the to the following encumbrances: ] mierneetlon ot UW •outh-eMerly »«m> ■ ot assessments, water rents, and tii ..... „ Yearly subscription $ 2.00 in advance. Songle C opy Fiv* Centt. “More help is being given out now,’’ charge of the meeting and the dis- | pPh0atir0jTr,^ « ^ f.‘*ieSi S* 2*"; Vs tier B r o o k Avenue irttll the K.uthe«iterly any; rights of exletlhg tenants, legal effect S ? fn En*'r» Rutlierfonl N J ’ aide of Front Stwet and running U»n>^ of sonlng ordinances; rettrlcUoni app^rmc Advertising Rates on Application.
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