 What do you think about ? Is it a big issue in your country?

 What behaviors or actions are considered sexism and why? Please give at least two examples.

 Have you or anyone you know been treated unfairly because of your/their gender?

Give synonymsVocabulary or explanations for the wordsExample below. sentence

Sexual is the prejudice or devaluation based devaluation on sex.

Huge risks and opportunities are inherent in business inherent ventures.

The financial department won’t sanction our spending on sanction this scale!

The women’s suffrage movement was the struggle for the suffrage right of women to vote and run for office.

Sexists believe that women are deferential since they seem deferential to tolerate opposition better than men.

One’s financial assets are not a good criterion for judging a criterion for how good a person is. Give synonymsVocabulary or explanations for the wordsExample below. sentence In 1974, Isabel Peron was elected to be president of hold office Argentina and became the world's first female to hold office as President.

Using gender-neutral language has become standard gender-neutral practice in both journalistic and academic writing.

Social role theory plays a big role in the development of play a role in sexism in the workplace.

Sexual objectification is commonplace in the entertainment objectification industry. You can practically find it everywhere.

Gender discrimination is a scourge of modern society a scourge of modern because treating people differently based on their sexes is society unjust.

The tide is starting to Although it takes years to win over sexism, the tide is turn. starting to turn. What Is Sexual Discrimination?

Sexual discrimination is also known as gender discrimination or sexism. It is the prejudice or devaluation based on sex.

People with a sexist attitude believe that certain personality traits inherent in one's sex have adverse effects on one's working/living ability.

In other words, sexists believe that one sex is physically weaker or less intelligent than the other, and treat them unfairly accordingly.

In Voting and Political Candidacy

Before the 19th century, gender was one of the criteria for suffrage. At that time, women weren’t allowed to vote nor to hold office with certain restrictions or qualifications such as property ownership, payment of tax, or marital status. Until the 1860s, conditional voting rights were gained by some women in Sweden, Britain, and some western U.S. states. Since then more and more nations started granting their female adult citizens rights to participate in political movements. Now in most countries, women’s suffrage are fully and unconditionally granted. Sexism Today


Basically, any discriminatory practices, statements or actions made in the workplace based on one’s sex are considered occupational sexism.

Many believe that the social role theory is the culprit responsible for such discrimination. Traditionally, women belonged to their home, while men to their workplace. This division formed social and occupational expectancies for both men and women and furthermore, gave rise to gender stereotypes that play a big role in the formation of sexism in the workplace. Sexism Today


The followings are some common occupational sexist ideas: 1) Men get paid higher than women. 2) Men are considered ambitious and competitive workers who play team sports; women are deferential and emotional workers who are often expected to be supportive helpers. 3) Women’s work is derogatory and/or low-paying, while men’s work is dangerous and/or hazardous. 4) Sexual harassment. 5) Women tend to take on more domestic tasks. 6) Women and men often have different occupational roles. Sexual objectification is the practice of regarding (or treating) a person as an object of sexual gratification with no regard for his/her personality or sentience. For example, beefcake calendars, women's magazines, male strip shows, and pornography can all be categorized as sexual objectification. Certain countries even have laws prohibiting sexual objectification in advertising. Also, sexual objectification has always been a debate when it comes to sexual ethics and the philosophy of sex. These days, the mass media, the press and advertisers prefer to apply gender-neutral elements in advertising to avoid sexual objectification controversies.

 Sexism should be stopped

There are good reasons to fight against sexism. Sexism reduces work efficiency and productivity. Empirical studies have found that gender stereotypes can impede intellectual performance. Also, sexism is the cause of many social problems, such as domestic violence, hate crimes, sexual assaults, sex-selective abortion, etc.. However, with more anti-sexism movements being held and anti- sexism organizations being formed, the general public is now in support of . Because not only is sexism unjust, it is also a scourge of modern society. Now, more and more people are willing to stand up against sexism, to stop it from taking hold in any given community. Although the wheels of change are moving very slowly on this issue, the tide is starting to turn.  Answer these questions about the lesson.

 Are there a lot of women holding office in your country?

 Is there any gender stereotype in your workplace?

 Do you know about any movements promoting gender equality?

 The problem of sex objectification is especially serious with women. Why is that?

 Countries around the globe all have laws prescribing that employers must give the same salary to workers, regardless of gender, who do the same work. However, the most pronounced sex discrimination there is, is still . Why?

 Answer the questions about the text 1. What is sex objectification? 2. What are some occupational sexist ideas?

 Fill in the blanks

suffrage scourge inherent deferential objectification

3. The women’s ______movement was the struggle for the right of women to vote and hold office. 4. Sexual ______is commonplace in the entertainment industry. You can practically find it everywhere. 5. Huge risks and opportunities are ______in business ventures.