Fernando López-Menchero Díez

Ópitjī eurōpā́ iosjo kṓnātijā kómtagtis

A tentative syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Version 1. March 2013

Énduktis Sindhueuropājās átidemtis dn̥ ghwās məgnós áiwesi bhébhowe wighowos. Káputlom wenghos ghi egēsmn̥ dhn̥ ghewós skribhtī́ tristimónjosjo wéseti, ítətom telom stúdjosjo dhugtr̥ dn̥ ghwãm wr̥ dhomeni keitoi. Bheustjos paukom ad wr̥ tnóm esti nū ad kómtagtijoi wóqqejmenos wilowoi. Polā́ sā swḗristā aw esti werijosei dn̥ ghuwidjōi əptéwijōi.

Tosjo enskroibhī meinom nē newī sindhueuropājosjo kómtagtjos pl̥ nowr̥ gnā́ aposkroibhodeiktim esti, ghina spekjẽm plḗjestā n̥ gnōtā́ dāiteī́ nū́tenāi wéseti. Ati káiwonim démomos áitijom aw móghnijom protimonom bhocóis cójistois kowésmn̥ bhos sm̥ bhodhóm. Protimonos so oqoskīrḗd krītós órtujēd esti, qos penqe sm̥ ghesla átnōm prāi bhāstor.

Bhod ólterom sesgesmn̥ sindhueuropājāi ambhi kómtagteī ghoretum chélomos, jota kṓnāiwos enskroibhos so bhrougis sjēti newōm jékmonom ordhésmenei awti eti práiloghom proti gnōnom déikmenei, enpronktī newa dhébhjosawe ékslegmona atidemtipropodōi n̥ serṓi. Prówelutijom jekmn̥ stānom dektéwijom esti sólwotos bhātrodeqsteī́ .

Pelúwijes pr̥ kskās wḗropropēd dew n̥ lūtās, mənḗsonti, déikmn̥ tos kem ptōtis pérəmāms regonts sjūtra. Esti weteljājãm dn̥ ghwãm pérəmom próitijom, jóqodhei ántitjom sedleinom preismēd sémlibhos génesjom bhrū́gjetoi démtibhos; komsqr̥ teinom awti stā́nejom awti génesjom; ghōdheinom, loudhweinom senoprekonjokloweinomqe dətēiwom. Nūper dúsqoristom kómmoinim rektum tosmei ádklētm̥ , ud edqom an bhūt.

Jotna bholetum wélīmes toqe peluwom loisṓm, qoi kóbotos peros ékosmi stéighmenei ménmenjoi onənḗr. Tōdem bhúrtjolom epidhídhēntes, epi gígantom skándomos omsons.


The reconstruction of Indoeuropean language has always been a big challenge. The main difficulty is the lack of direct written testimony, so that the base for study lies mainly on the vocabulary of its daughther languages. Little attention has been paid until now to its syntactic analysis. This approach is however very important to attain a wider knowledge of the language.

The aim of this document is not to present a fully fledged description of the new Indoeuropean syntax, since most of its aspects remain unknown at the present time. We just reconstruct a partial but possible pattern squaring with the current understanding of Late Indoeuropean in accordance with prevailing theories. This pattern is obviously different from the original one which was spoken some five millennia ago.

We definitely wish to encourage further research on indoeuropean syntax, so that this temptative document may be useful to raise further issues or even counter the available information, bringing in new or more solid items into our reconstruction process. An evolutive state of the issue has to be accepted in the presentation of the model as whole.

Many questions will probably long remain unsolved, as for instance the case governing the absolute clauses. have an absolute ablative, whereas uses mainly the genitive for similar constructions; either the locative or the genitive; Gothic, Lithuanian and Old Church Slavonic the dative. It is for the moment very difficult to determine a common denominator for this, if it ever existed.

We would also like to highlight the efforts of many scholars who have successfully contributed to step further in this monumental domain. By just laying a little brick, we ride on giants’ shoulders.

2 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Udbholowédheta Pronunciation guide

c /gu̯ / ch /gu̯ h/ dh /dh/ bh /bh/ gh /gh/ j, w /i̯ /, /u̯ / djo, tjo, kje, bhje /di̯ o/, /ti̯ o/, /ki̯ e/, /bhi̯ e/ dwo, two, kwe, bhwe /du̯ o/, /tu̯ o/, /ku̯ e/, /bhu̯ e/ qa, qe, qi, qo, qu /ku̯ a/, /ku̯ e/, /ku̯ i/, /ku̯ o/, /kwu/ gt, ght, kt /kt/ bt, bht, pt /pt/ ss /ss/ /s/ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Endiks Index

A.-Bhāniqestjes Parts of the sentence

1.-Sentmn ̥ ptōtjesqe The substantive and cases 7

Kluwēiwā Nominative Kəlēiwā Vocative Loktēiwā Accusative Génesjā Genitive Dətēiwā Dative Stā́ nejā Locative Dhḗtlejā Instrumental Próitijā Ablative

2-Epikeimn̥ The adjective 20

Genos Gender Sreidhmos Number Ptōtimojos Case variation Gwā́mona Grades Bhéwtijom Positive/ natural Səmostāiwom/eksóptijom Equative Səmodhēiwom Comparative Perəmóm uperdhēiwom Absolute superlative Séqijom uperdhēiwom Relative superlative

3.-Rēidhmōs Numerals 24

4.-Antinṓmona (proroká uporokáqe) Pronouns and determinants 39

Énonmija Personal Widíktija Demonstrative Éiktija Possessive Prktijḁ Interrogative Réidhmeja Numeral Anabhrtijḁ Relative

5.-Doljās Particles 49

6.-Ənawərēmn ̥ The adverb 58

4 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

7.-Wərēmn ̥ The verb 69

Énonmōs Persons Prāwos First Dwóteros Second Tritjos Third

Woqes Voices Qíqerjā Active Medhjā Middle Pətjomnī Passive Éksonmis Impersonal

Ambhítowā spekjēs wrtj̥ ōm General outlook of tenses and moods modesomqe

Wrtjḁ Tenses

Enstānt Present Nroki̥ Aorist Kómsqrtom̥ Perfect Bhewsont Future

Módesa Moods

Déiktijom Indicative Próknejom Precative Upotágtijom Subjunctive Óptijom Optative Éntagtijom Imperative

Bhrūgtjes/ wəlēntjom Usages/ valency Bhéutijā Natural Stāiwā Stative/ essive Kéntijā Inceptive/ fientive Propódejā Progressive Éntonwā Intensive Ménghijā Frequentative Wéistijā Causative Wnsk̥ āiwā Desiderative

5 Chapter A1: The substantive and the cases

B.-Bhānis The sentence

1.-Bhāniprptus̥ Form of the sentence 106

Sm̥ plobhānis The simple sentence Apṓgnujā bhānis The negative sentence Pr̥ ktijā bhānis The interrogative sentence Skrígtijā bhānis The exclamative sentence Énbhətijā bhānis The emphatic sentence Ndhigsnimobhr̥ ūgtjes Uses of the infinitive Atikōpjobhrūgtjes Uses of the participles Qrtr̥ ̥ nōmn̥ /Pətjomnonōmn̥ Agent/ patient noun Perəmá kómtagmona The absolute clauses Sm̥ bhondhos Agreement

2.-Bhānismbhendhmn̥ ̥ Sentence combination 136

Komjougos Coordination

Wedhmosjūtra Copulative clauses Delmosjūtra Disyuntive clauses Winomosjūtra Distributive clauses Enbhorosjūtra Illative clauses Praiqinasjūtra Causal clauses Protiwrtnosj̥ ūtra Adversative clauses Ekswōqosjūtra Explicative clauses

Upojougos Subordination

Kómplēsjūtra Completive clauses Anábhōrsjūtra Relative clauses Ambhistānosjūtra Circumstancial clauses

Soikowōdos The expression of finality Sānowōdos The expression of place Mēlowōdos The expression of temporality ƒ Antimēlowōdos ƒ The expression of anteriority ƒ Səmitiwōdos ƒ The expression of simultaneity ƒ Posmēlowōdos ƒ The expression of posteriority Upódhētiwōdos The expression of condition Səmostātíwōdos The expression of comparison Wéismn̥ wōdos The expression of cause Sqérmn̥ wōdos The expression of effect/ consecution Protistoupowōdos The expression of concession Koituwōdos The expression of manner

3.-Ambhítowos wistolos módesom, General pattern of moods, tenses and their wr̥ tjōm esomqe kómseqmenos sequence 227

4.-Kómseqtis módesom Sequence of moods 231

References Ənábhorās 232

6 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

A.-Bhāniqestjes Parts of the sentence

1.-Sentmn ̥ ptōtjesqe The substantive and the cases

Kluwēiwā Nominative Qis, qid? Who, what?

Upológhejā Subject

Marijā séncheti Mary is singing Petros bhúdhmeni swépeti Peter sleeps on the floor Nū smeustrom crújeti The computer is loading now

Anadókejā Attribute

Swesōr mene māmjā esti My sister is nurse Domos məgnā The house is big Dəlkú tod This is sweet Westā ghortei bhewti The party is in the garden Kluwējō Markos My name is Markos

Práidoikwā Predicative

Smaurós kéideti dānus The river goes down turbid Ksērā́ āmrei bhebhowe westis The clothes appeared dry in the morning Rōdos molét kwōn The dog appeared joyful Gerōn cəlēnós propāt The old man look tired Komnopraiseds nōmnājeto He was appointed chairman of the board Glēkis sā klújetor / kərjetór She is reputed (to be) intelligent Glēkis sā kn̥ sḗjeti / kn̥ séjetor She is considered (to be) intelligent

Maqā kom wr̥ stā́ esti cenā The girl became a woman

Maqā cenā genét The girl became a woman

7 Chapter A1: The substantive and the cases

Kəlēiwā Vocative

Anagā́ rujā Appellative

Susanna, cəmje kom-ke Susana, come here

O, qoleu, snētrīprija… Oh distaff, friend of them who spin…

Gheuse, Kaison, mərísomnōs twoi Hail, Cesar, those who are going to die koiluwérjonti salute you

Qote wólneswnt̥ (=wólneswents) Whither are you fleeing, full of wounds? bhúgjesi? (pro nominative)

Skrígtijā Exclamative

Nwidlé!̥ You, ignorant!

Wīré paukreddhēs (=pau kreddhēnt You, man of little faith (=little trusting man) wīré)

8 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Loktēiwā Accusative Qim, qid? Whom, what?

Dhnghuqermenj̥ ā Of direct object

Nāwns̥ drk̥ ō I see some ships Ekwom éikesi You’ve got a horse

Práidoikwā Predicative

Tewom adwésontm̥ modnei chelō I want you present at the meeting

Komnopráisedm̥ em nōmnājónt They appointed him chairman of the board

Ins “n̥ káputins” werjont/nōmnājont They name(d) them “the headless”

Dhwolnom te kn̥ sejō I think you are a fool

Glēkim tewom qeisō I consider you (to be) intelligent

Regm̥ tewom dhēsō/ wortesō I’ll make you a king

Wítnstij̥ ā Of extension

Apo kmtom̥ stāwāt léiteses metrōm The hotel was separated one hundred awonjom meters from the beach

Dhochōu stighomes We walked during two days

Upológhosoikejā Of destination of the subject

Rōmām eiti He goes to Rome

Lugtētjām nknunti̥ They arrive to Paris

Nebhos skandét It went up to the sky

Dóljakómoqesardijā Of point of view relating a particle

Platnām qelónt ambhí They circulated around the square

9 Chapter A1: The substantive and the cases

Génesjā Genitive Qejos/ qesjo? Whose, of what?

Swéljonejā: genesbhenstijā Of kinship: Family relation

Gorlos, Marijās sūnús, twe koilújeti Charles, the son of Mary says hello to you

Dúghterm ̥ lubhējō dā́ mosjo-two I am in love with your mate’s daughter

Potēiwā Possessive

Pətros domus The father’s house

Deiwōm weqtjes The things of the gods

Órenom némētom (=orn̥ némētom) The sanctuary of the eagles

Cows Martéinosjo esti The cow is Martin’s

Augtōros Author

Swónatās Mózartjos Mozart’s sonates

Aitis sólwosjo Part of a whole

Domõs dhworis pətḗjeti The door of the house is open

Apo louksām werjom nē moghō I cannot open the window of the kitchen peqónjosjo Peculiar qualiy Swégonis qáljotā Stephania, a woman who has wide Stebhanjā, uruwijós widjās cenā knowledge

Ortus Origin

Dhūlās pērom (dhūlapērom) The danger of the storm

Áitijā Partitive

Kūmós álchosjo A lot of money Méiwijestā dhghómenom The minority of the people Pau wídjosjo / snstewos̥ Little wisdom / sense Magjṓs (mā́səmos) bhrātrom The elder of the brothers Tritjos rēgom The third king /the third of the kings Qis maqōm One of the boys Edqid prī́smosjo ménenos Something of (from) the original idea Aw: Edqod mēmsóm However: Some meat

10 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Upológhejā Subjective

Pówerōm déktewi mendhos The children’s interest in learning

Súwoljā dhghómenom The people’s goodwill

Qérmenjā Objective

Németom bhejos Fear towards the enemies (possibly subjective too: the enemies’ fear)

Ōdjom kwonom Hatred towards dogs

Stéimenos Of material

Westim webhe kosjo snḗmonos Weave a cloth of this thread

Awā swednās aqās A source of fresh water

Mḗtijā Of measure

Roupjom penkwe eurōm A five-euro coin (penkwḗurojom roupjom)

Plāmn ̥ smghéslosjo̥ pəstrōm A book of 1000 pages (=smghéslop̥ əstri plāmn̥)

Wéismenjā, woinājā́ ghaln̥ nītijāwe Of cause, fault or mourning

Glaghā́ upostosjo dusdréwmenos A complaint for alleged ill-treatment

Kómplēmn ̥ epikéimenom Complement of adjectives

Kómwids lawtlōm Conscious of the benefits

Ghoilos séghosjo Happy about his victory

Plēnós wóinosjo (=Plēnós/plnós̥ woinō) Full of wine

Bhōwijóm qéronom Likely behaviour

Bheugtum bhīluwóm Fleeing is common among cowards

Wərḗmənīs With verbs

Kelutjos tosjo mémona (=kélutim I remember that trip mémona, =kélutibhi mémona)

Colnōm bhibhjai (=bhíbheimi colna) I am afraid of airplanes

11 Chapter A1: The substantive and the cases

Dətēiwā Dative Qismōi? To whom, for whom?

ndhn̥ ghuqérmenj̥ ā Of indirect object

Dómūnōi dəsdhi (dōdhi) klāwm̥ ati Give the key back to the landlord

Tḗmētoprāmn ̥ toibhos dō 18 atnons It is forbidden to sell alcohol to minors wetānóm under the age of 18

Solwa epiworṓi wedét wēra He told the policeman all the truth

Méndhesjā Of interest - benefactive

Élnēsāi wosjom adjḗr tod They have prepared this room for her

Newām sūnewéi spondjét dwírotlām He promised a new bicycle to his son

Tebhei (prōd) strouda I’ve been struggling for you

Láwtlejā lēutijāwe Of benefit or damage

Wobhjā jéweti me dē peqtewei Fibre helps me make digestion

Swērū́ témōlos dusḗjeti koilutātei Tobacco seriously damages your health (=swērū́ témōlos lēwti kóilutātm)̥

Séikmenos Of purpose

Bherō ta eksí tewe (tebhei) gnōnōi I explain this for your information

Ágrēnoīs eiti He goes for fruits

Wismértewei píbeti He drinks to forget

Leistjos Of permission

Trkn̥ ō tebhei kantum I allow you to sing

Potēiwā Possessive

Meghei trija sonti mūrogaldhra I’ve got three mobile telephones

Epikeimnkómpl̥ ēmn ̥ Complement of adjectives

Skousā ekā meghei sústātis These trousers are comfortable to me

Leubhtéwijom esti tebhei wergom You have to love your work (agent) (qrt̥ ṓr)

12 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Qermn̥ sóikejā Of destination of the object

Westra mūdlonjōi nijóm I took the garments to the laundry

Sontom nojṓi sesentét He sent the letter to his director

Swordiwoidōi supājét apṓdsmonom He threw the deodorant to the dustbin

Amikonemestous Of friendship and enmity

Némotes sonti Barkeinolāwōi They are enemies of the Barcelona team

Ámēiks ámikbhos Friend of his friends

Epikéimənīs With adjectives

Smeustrom tebhei práiloghom The computer is available to you

Smoldom bhustejei ēsú esti Coffee is good to wake up

Tlātis kómmoinis widubhos (esti) Patience is common to wise people

Dhētlom tod tétknbhos̥ bhrūgi (esti) This instrument is useful to carpenters

Smlis̥ pətrei esti He looks after his father (he is similar to)

Ja dhídhēsi susnstewei̥ prótija senti What you are doing is contrary to good sense

Wərḗmənīs With verbs

Krd̥ ītós esmi pərostətōi I got angry with my boss

Doljāīs With particles

Wai n̥ wədrobhos wóikobhos! Woe to the villages without water!

Wai wiknobhos! Woe to the losers!

13 Chapter A1: The substantive and the cases

Stā́ nejā Locative Qismi? In what, where?

Stānom qodhei qertis gígistoi Place where action happens

Perímona, bhodis domei Experiments...better at home

Lugtētjāi trebhō I live in Paris

Pəstrei septméi molos esti There is a mistake on page seven

Nédjotjosjo Of proximity

Dmudhworeī sedēbhwāt He was sitting at the door of his house

Ambhibhówosjo Of environment

Anawoidos óljoisi strāt uponīmoisi The report spread among all the students uponojoisiqe and teachers

Daitis qom qertis gígistoi Time when action happens

Mēloi tosmi nē menēm qota sā kluwōjāt At that moment I couldn’t remember what her name was.

Énteronejā Of interval

Ati tritjei stéstōwe diwí He rose again on the third day

Jektrom tod kswekstoi qā́ qosmi This medicine has to be taken every six emtéwijom loudei hours (every sixth hour)

Ambhístānejā Of circumstance

Wipodoi amēikn̥ s gnēses In adversity you will know your friends

Pérəmom kómtagmn̥ Absolute clause

Anateplói, eksí sodét By a mild weather, he went out

Cādhésmenjā Of immersion

Mē egneī supāje apṓdsmonom Don’t throw the deodorant into the fire

Cītakórsokos-two en swordikorbheī Your cv landed in the dustbin dhghomést

14 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Méntijā- menesqérmenjā Cogitative – of mental activity

Tosmi proksútəmōs ejes They are vey demanding about this

Dólmoisi-swo wistrnós̥ cnānokom nē Distracted with (on) his calculations, he prtet̥ did not notice his wife’s arrival.

Wērom bhūt monjom praiwodei tosmi The report was right on that prediction (=tom ambhí praiwodom) (=about that prediction)

Dhabhrotagnṓtijā Of ability and knowledge

Bhūtiwidjei suwids Expert in physics

Tjēmn̥ plokjoi esti bhlogós He is a genius in origami

(=Tjēmn̥ plókjosjo esti bhlogós, (=He is a genius of origami, he is an tjēmn̥ plókjejos esti bhlogós, origamic genius, he is an origamigenius) tjēmn̥ plokobhlogós so)

Qā́ litjejā Of quality

Ismi widējō pelu stórgosjo I see a lot of love in him

Dokosjo Of recipient

Ghesr̥ sí-two, potei, ā́tmonm̥ bhistujō Into your hands, Lord, I commend my mene spirit.

Regs regnāpowoqnostins swojéi The king entrusted the responsibilities of the minésterei mn̥ dāst kingdom to his minister

Wərēmənī́s With verbs

Lóndhomom mākesjāi glínāmi I stick the map on the wall

15 Chapter A1: The substantive and the cases

Dhḗtleyā Instrumental

Qī? With what, through what?

Móghtrosjo Of means

Thoms pedīs spārkons klawdét Tom closed the drawers with his feet

Omsō nijét kwonm̥ atqe putlom ghesnḗ He bore the dog on his shoulder taking the child by the hand

Dolō ēpe wergopedom Hannibalis Hannibal got his job by fraud

Solwa per leudherotā́ lukḗ plewet Liberty penetrates everything with its light

Kómopjom/septis Equipment/arrangment

Opejō ghortom rst̥ āis I equip the garden with plants

Wéismenjā Of cause

Wərstã wī spordhā remetor The match was cancelled because of the rain

Məgnã prósātī (=məgnād prósātjes) Of big satiation the glutton dies mərijeto edōn

Qrtros̥ Of agent

Dhonghos Guttenbherghē wertós esti Press was invented by Guttenberg

Atiloiqōs mormeikāis crontor̥ The remnants were devoured by ants

Jā́ tlejā Of transit place

Douknom bolkō trāt The train passed through the tunnel

Rk̥ ḗsmenjā Of content

Wodã dəsdhi moi pōtlom Give me a glass of water

Stānom móghmoni A place with energy

Sm̥ séqejā Comitative

Dhochei alājai qāqei pətrē I go for a walk every day with my father

Kattã robhéjeti He is playing with the cat (and the cat is delighted)

16 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Plā́ mənīs eiti sī donsonjom She goes to school with her books

Koitús Manner

Káttābhi robhéjeti He is playing with the cat (the cat is however quite embarrassed)

Ougtū nkét̥ melō sī She arrived with a strong cold

Léubhnijā bhewtī Lovely by nature

Swontī bhréneti (=swonteī́ bhréneti) He excels in music

Londhoswēdhū (=lóndhosjo swēdhum According to the custom of the country ad)

Weltū préponti kom They ressemble in their looks

Daitispāmn̥ épmenei/ nk̥ ēiwā daitis Of time or space for accomplishement/ Time dhabhrotēpteī́ necessary for acquiring an ability

Penqe dédoka poleinom mēnsbhís I learnt Polish in five months

Dédoke angleinom seks mēnsīs He learnt English in six months

Wī tribhís pəstroīs (trisú pəstrosí) He developed his work in three pages wergom wijét

Anabhondhos Relation

Oqō kaikos Blind in one eye

Pretjom Price

Qā́ wnt̥ ō kólsomom solta? For how much have you bought the scarf?

Epikéimənīs With adjectives

Stornotepstī kómopnā domus A house equipped with central heating

Potlā woinō plēnā́ (=plēnā́ /pln̥ ā́ A bottle full of wine wóinosjo)

Ghlt̥ ō opnis dheghoms A land abundant in gold

Wərḗmənīs With verbs

Jewesājō deiwoīs mene I swear by my gods

Sprigējō skównobhis I’m fed up with the exams

17 Chapter A1: The substantive and the cases

Próitijā Ablative Qejes? From what?

Proitistānom Place of departure

Douknom Lóndhonēd séptəmāi The train departs from London at seven óighetoi

Weteljād bhewmi I am from Italy.

Apóstətis məgnā́ ərésmenes A great distance from the starting point

Peritjes-two dídksketi He is learning from your experience

Awr/probhowos/ortus̥ Source/origin

Plámenes senēd menr ̥ aimm ̥ tod I copied this idea from an old book

Práimēlos qertjos Initial moment of an action

Dntikormos̥ meghei esti amrēd I’ve got a toothache since this morning ékosmēd (apó)

Drksmost̥ ānom Place of perspective

Cowns̥ cerjes ghénghntins̥ They watched the cows advancing from the prōd spokjānt mountain

Deltis Separation

Dele grānóm pélowād Separate the grain from the chaff

Səmodhētis Comparison

Senjós esti woghnos tewe tosmōd Your car is older than this one

Wrdhom̥ nsjes̥ meghmonjós A word is mightier than a sword (meghmónterom)

Kritā́ esti swésərjos She is different from her sisters

Steimn ̥ Material

Leimēd qeqrn̥ tai̥ dómewes tāi These houses are made of mud

Egēsmn ̥ Lack

Wīrós eke slwosn̥ stewés̥ egējet This man lacks common sense

18 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Epikéimənīs anawərḗmənīsqe With adjectives and adverds

Siktopedom newōm dhmō̥ m The destination of new employees is komjugnostātwes swebhodhjom independent of their marital status

Pətrjād porsótenos (That which is) far from the homeland

Pətrjād porsōd/dew/qeli Far from the homeland

Weismn̥ Cause

Məgnād prósātjes (=məgnã prósātī) Of big satiation dies the glutton mərijeto edōn

Wərḗmənīs With verbs

Apo dhersoi smeughtwes Refrain from smoking

Apo Markēd stəsoi Steer clear of Mark

Wī Alaskálistjes ghéimeni stāsi Desist from going to Alaska in winter

Cīmons eme nī ghrippād wrtewei̥ Take vitamins to ward off flue

Mātrés kéudheti He hides himself from his mother

Domm̥ alkéseti wr̥ stād He will protect the house from rain

19 Chapter A2: The adjective

2.-Epikeimn ̥ The adjective

Genos Gender

Paulos ekwos (mas.) Small horse Paulā owis (fem.) Small sheep Paulā domus/domos (fem.) Small house Paulom stādhlom (neu.) Small stall

Akris donts Sharp tooth Akris secūris (fem) Sharp axe Akris bhāmn ̥ (neu) Sharp speech Akri ēchr ̥ (neu.) Sharp drink

Swādus bhreugs (mas.) Sweet fruit Swādus (swādwī́) woqs (fem.) Sweet voice Swādu bharsjom (neu.) Sweet bread

Juwōn wīrós (mas.) Young man Jūnī́ (jūnīks) cenā (fem.) Young woman Juwon weidmṇ (neu.) Young science

Piwōn wīrós (mas.) Fat man Píwerī (píwerjā/a) cenā (fem.) Fat woman Píwerī edā́ Fat food Piwon ednom (neu.) Fat meal

Sreidhmōs Numbers

Paulos ekwos (sing.) Small horse Paulōs ekwōs (plur.) Small horses Paulās ówejes (plur.) Small sheep Paula stādhla (plur.) Small stalls Ákrejes dontes (plur.) Sharp teeth Ákrija bhā́mona/échona (plur.) Sharp speeches/drinks Swā́ dewes bhreuges/woqes (plur.) Sweet fruits/voices Swā́ duwa bharsja Sweet breads Júwenes/píwones wīrṓs Young men Jū́ nijes/píwerjās cenās Young women Júwona wéidmona Young sciences Píwerijes edā́s Fat foods Píwona edna Fat meals

Ptōtimojos Case variation

Juwōn wīrós jūnīm spékjeti akrī The young man sees a young woman with a cenām sekūrī paulei ekwoi sharp axe on a small horse

Prāi píwenos wīrosjo bhéronti ákrejes The fat man’s sharp teeth prefer fat meal dontes píwona edna swādewés bhrūcós than sweet fruit

20 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Gwā́ mona Grades

Bhéwtijom/dhḗmenjom Natural/Positive

Albhos ekwos White horse Paulā domus Small house Akris donts Sharp tooth Swādus bhreugs Sweet fruit Jūnī́ cenā Young woman Piwon ednom Fat meal

Səmostāiwom/Eksóptijom Equative /Elective

Albhóteros ekwos A so white horse / The whiter horse Paulóterā domus Such a small house / The smaller house Akríteros donts Such a sharp tooth / The sharper tooth Swādúteros bhreugs Such a sweet fruit / The sweeter fruit Jewísteros bhrātēr Such a young brother / The younger brother

Səmodhēiwom Comparative

Albhjṓs ekwos owejes The horse is whiter than the sheep Bhrēwād méwijā domus The house is smaller than the bridge Bhrēwā méwijā domū The bridge is smaller than the house Akrijṓs sekūris dentes The axe is sharper than a tooth Swādúterom melit bhrugés kosmēd Honey is sweeter than this fruit Jéwijṓs cenā kā wīrḗd óisosmēd This woman is younger than that man Piwijós ednom kod bhrugés This meal is fatter than the fruit

Perəmóm uperdhēiwom Absolute superlative

Albhos albhos ekwos A very white horse Álbhistos ekwos A very white horse Mínwistā domus esti The house is very small Ákristos donts A very sharp tooth Swādútəmom melit Very sweet honey Jéwistos wīrós A very young man / the very young man Píwistom ednom Very fat meal

Séqijom uperdhēiwom Relative superlative

Albhósəmos ekwos óljoisōm The whitest horse of all Minwmā́ domus oisāsōm The smallest house of these Akrísəmos donts ēsos The sharpest tooth of the mouth Swādúsəmos bhreugs dhghmos The sweetest fruit of the earth Piwósəmos nósterōm The fattest one of us

21 Chapter A2: The adjective

Bheungtjes Functions

Ádnomwos Attributive

Mātḗr mene māmjā esti My mother is nurse / a nurse / the nurse Pəter-so wetwḗs esti His father is old Wld̥ ā́ ghortei (=ghórtejā) esti The party is in the garden (=gardenly)

Práidoikwos Predicative

Éndoikwā bheungtis Especificative function

Reudhei kelújonti woghnei They travel in a red car Anglom éikonti ámeikm ̥ They’ve got an English friend Wetwesns̥ powojét stolons, nē newons He cleaned the old tables, but not the new aw ones

Witórejā bheunctis Explicative function

Wetwesns̥ powojét stolons (oljons He cleaned the old tables (he cleaned all the powojét stolons, qoi wétweses). tables, which were old).

Nōmnkómplēmn̥ Noun complement

Stornjās agronjom A/the hospital of the centre Stornjāgronjom A/the central hospital Stórnījom agronjom A/the central hospital

Ekwōm kr̥ stus A/the race of horses Ekwokr̥ stus A/the horse race Ékwejos kr̥ stus A/the horse race

Kr̥ stuwom ekwos A horse of races Kr̥ stwekwos A/the race horse Kr̥ stujós ekwos A/the race horse

Teutās wistoqojos A/the history of the people Teutãm wistoqojos A/the history of the peoples Teutawistoqojos A/the history of the people(s) Téutājos wistoqojos A/the popular history

Nāwom katus A/the fight of ships Nawkatus A/the naumachia Nāwikós katus A naval fight

22 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Deiwosjo énterloukjom The God’s twilight Deiwṓm énterloukjom The Gods’ twilight Deiwḗnterloukjom The twilight of the God(s) Diwjóm énterloukjom The divine twilight

Rūmā́i porāi uponejər A/the lesson in open air Rūmoporauponejər An/the open air lesson Rūmoporājóm uponejər An/the open air lesson

Bhrēwā uper Dā́ naprim A/the bridge over the Dnieper Uperdā́napribhrēwā A/the bridge over the Dnieper Uperdā́ naprijā bhrēwā A/the bridge over the Dnieper

Márejes wentos The wind from the sea Mariwentos The seawind Márijos wentos The sea wind

Sjewtewei/sjewtejei bhoungjom A/the machine to sew Sjūbhoungjom A/the sew machine Sjéwtujom/sjéwtijom bhoungjom A/the sewing machine

Bhāmnā awis A talking bird *Bhāmnāwis A talking bird

Petonts awis A flying bird *Petontawis A flying bird

Plējosa déikmona More examples

Ghoilos, -ā, -om esmi I am happy Rōdos, -ā, -om egṓ I am joyful Lubhətós, -ā́ , -óm essi You are in love, fascinated Prītós, -ā́ , -óm tū You are pleased, satisfied Smidhós, -ā́ , -óm esti He/she/ it is cheerful Endhūmós so/ is (id) He (it) is enthusiastic Tr̥ pnā sā/ sī/ is She is amused Kuprṓu/ jōrṓu, -ā́ i, -ói swos(i) We both are eager Dhabhnṓu/ -ā́ i, -ói weje We both are surprised Komseghnṓu, -ā́ i, -ói stas You both are concentrated Wistrn̥ ṓu, -ā́ i, -ói juwe You both are distracted Amghesnṓu, -ā́ i, -ói stes They both are overwhelmed Wiqr̥ nṓu, -ā́ i, -ói tōu/ tāi/ toi/ eje They both are disappointed Bhīluwes/ dwoisuwes, (-uwijes,) –uwa We are afraid smos(i) Creughōs, -ās, -a/ ā wejes/ n̥ sme We are sad Ghislṓs, ghisnṓs, -ā́ s, -á/ -ā́ ste You are indignated Kighrṓs, spudrṓs, -ā́ s, -á/ -ā́ juwes/ You are stressed jusmé Kr̥ dītṓs, kr̥ dīmnṓs, -ā́s, -á/ -ā́ sonti/senti They are angry Rustṓs, -ā́ s, -á/ -ā́ toi/ tāi/ ta/ tā/ ejes/ ija They are furious

23 Chapter A3: Numerals

3.-Rēidhmōs Numerals

ADJECTIVES AND NOUNS CARDINAL COLLECTIVE ORDINAL PARTITIVE qotjoi, qotjāi? qotis? qomos, qomā, qomod? qowṓs, qowā́ s, qowá? 1 sems, smjā, sem semtis prāwos preiwṓs 2 dwōu, dwāu, dwōu dwoitjom, dwoinom dwóteros dwīswṓs 3 trejes trija tisres troinom tritjos trīswṓs 4 qetwores, qétesres, qetwṓr qétwr̥ tis qətwr̥ tos qətwr̥ swṓs 5 penqe penqtis penqtos penqswṓs 6 (k)s(w)eks (k)s(w)ekstis (k)s(w)ekstos (k)s(w)ekswṓs 7 septm̥ séptm̥ tis séptəmos septm̥ swṓs 8 oktōu óktotis oktowós oktoswṓs 9 newn̥ néwn̥ tis néwn̥ mos newn̥ swṓs 10 dekm̥ dékm̥ tis dekəmós dekm̥ swṓs 11 sémdekm̥ sémdekm̥ tis semdekəmós semdekm̥ swṓs 12 dwṓdekm̥ dwṓdekm̥ tis dwṓdekəmos dwōdekm̥ swṓs 13 tréjesdekm̥ tréjesdekm̥ tis tréjesdekəmos trejesdekm̥ swṓs 14 qétwordekm̥ qétwordekm̥ tis qétwordekəmos qetwordekm̥ swṓs 15 pénqedekm̥ pénqedekm̥ tis pénqedekəmos penqedekm̥ swṓs 16 (k)s(w)éksdekm̥ (k)s(w)éksdekm̥ tis (k)s(w)éksdekəmos (k)s(w)eksdekm̥ swṓs 17 septmdekm̥ ̥ séptrmdekm̥ ̥ tis septrm̥ dekəmos septm̥ dekm̥ swṓs 18 óktōdekm̥ óktōdekm̥ tis óktōdekəmos oktōdekm̥ swṓs 19 néwndekm̥ ̥ néwndekm̥ ̥ tis néwn̥ dekəmos newndekm̥ ̥ swṓs 20 dwídkm̥ tī dwídkm̥ totis dwídkm̥ təmos dwidkm̥ tswṓs 21 sems dwídkm̥ tīqe sémdwidkm̥ totis prāwos dwídkm̥ təmos semdwídkm̥ tswṓs 30 trídkm̥ ta trídkm̥ totis trídkm̥ təmos tridkm̥ tswṓs 40 qétwrdkm̥ ̥ ta qétwrdkm̥ ̥ totis qétwrdkm̥ ̥ təmos qetwrdkm̥ ̥ tswṓs 50 penqédkm̥ ta pénqedkm̥ totis penqédkm̥ təmos penqedkm̥ tswṓs 60 (k)s(w)éksdkṃta (k)s(w)éksdkm̥ totis (k)s(w)éksdkm̥ təṃos (k)s(w)eksdkṃtswṓs 70 séptm̥ dkṃta séptmdkm̥ ̥ totis séptmdkm̥ ̥ təmos septm̥ dkṃtswṓs 80 oktṓdkm̥ ta óktōdkm̥ totis oktṓdkm̥ təṃos oktōdkm̥ tswṓs 90 néwndkm̥ ̥ ta néwndkm̥ ̥ totis néwndkm̥ ̥ təmos newndkm̥ ̥ tswṓs 100 km̥ tom km̥ temtis km̥ témtəmos km̥ temswṓs 200 dwikm̥ tṓs /dwoi km̥ toi dwíkm̥ temtis dwikm̥ témtəmos dwikm̥ temswṓs 300 trikm̥ tṓs / trija km̥ tā́ tríkm̥ temtis trikm̥ témtəmos trikm̥ temswṓs 400 qetwrkm̥ ̥ tṓs /qetwṓr km̥ tā́ qétwrkm̥ ̥ temtis qetwrkm̥ ̥ témtm̥ os qetwrkm̥ ̥ temswṓs 500 penqekm̥ tṓs /penqe km̥ tā́ pénqekm̥ temtis penqekm̥ témtəmos penqekm̥ temswṓs 600 (k)s(w)ekskm̥ tṓs / (k)s(w)ékskm̥ temtis (k)s(w)ekskm̥ témtəmos (k)s(w)ekskm̥ temswṓs (k)s(w)eks km̥ tā́ 700 septmkm̥ ̥ tṓs /septm̥ km̥ tā́ séptmkm̥ ̥ temtis septmkm̥ ̥ témtəmos septmkm̥ ̥ temswṓs

800 octōkm̥ tṓs /oktōu km̥ tā́ óctōkm̥ temtis octōkm̥ témtəmos octōkm̥ temswṓs 900 newnkm̥ ̥ tṓs /newn̥ km̥ tā́ néwnkm̥ ̥ temtis newnkm̥ ̥ témtəmos newnkm̥ ̥ temswṓs 1 000 sm̥ gheslom sm̥ ghéslotis sm̥ ghéslotəmos sm̥ ghesloswṓs 10 000 teusmn̥ téusmn̥ tis téusmn̥ tos teusmn̥ swṓs

24 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

12 354 teusmn̥ dwoi sm̥ ghesla trija téusmn̥ tis dwīskā́sqe dwṓdekm̥ qis téusmn̥ tos trīs dwṓdekm̥ qis téusmn̥ swṓs kmtā́ qetwores sm̥ ghéslotjes trīskā́s km̥ témtəmos qətwr̥ tos trīs km̥ temswṓs penqédkm̥ taqe km̥ temtjes penqédkm̥ təmos penqekm̥ temswṓs pénqedkm̥ totis qətwr̥ swṓs qétwr̥ tisqe 100 000 km̥ tom sm̥ ghesla km̥ temtis km̥ tom sm̥ gheslótəmos kmtemn̥ ̥ qis sm̥ ghesloswṓs/ sm̥ gheslotjom/ km̥ temswṓs sm̥ gheslōm km̥ temskā́s sm̥ ghéslotjes

1 000 000 weltjom wéltjonom wéltjomos weltjoswṓs

1 000 000 000 próweltjom próweltjonom próweltjomos proweltjoswṓs

25 Chapter A3: Numerals

ADJECTIVES DISTRIBUTIVE DISTRIBUTIVE MULTIPLICATIVE CLASSIFICATIVE CLASSIFICATIVE (I) (II) (I) (III) qonṓs, -ā́ s, -a? qokṓs, -ā́ s, -á? qoplós, -ā́ , -óm? qogenós, -ā́ , -óm? qobhujós, -ā́ , -óm? 1 preiwṓs preiwṓs sm̥ plos sm̥ genós sm̥ bhujós 2 dwīsnṓs dwīskṓs dwoplós /dwojós dwogenós dwobhujós 3 trīsnṓs trīsKṓs triplós /trojós trigenós /trojós tribhujós /trojós 4 qətwr̥ snṓs qətwr̥ skṓs qətwr̥ plós qətwr̥ genós qətwr̥ bhujós 5 penqsnṓs penqskṓs penqeplós penqegenós penqebhujós 6 (k)s(w)eksnṓs (k)s(w)ekskṓs (k)s(w)eksplós (k)s(w)eksgenós (k)s(w)eksbhujós 7 septm̥ snṓs septm̥ skṓs septm̥ plós septm̥ genós septm̥ bhujós 8 oktosnṓs oktoskṓs oktoplós oktogenós oktobhujós 9 newn̥ snṓs newn̥ skṓs newn̥ plós newn̥ genós newn̥ bhujós 10 dekm̥ snṓs dekm̥ skṓs dekm̥ plós dekm̥ genós dekm̥ bhujós 11 semdekm̥ snṓs semdekm̥ skṓs semdekm̥ plós semdekm̥ genós semdekm̥ bhujós 12 dwōdekm̥ snṓs dwōdekm̥ skṓs dwōdekm̥ plós dwōdekm̥ genós dwōdekm̥ bhujós 13 trejesdekm̥ snṓs trejesdekm̥ skṓs trejesdekm̥ plós trejesdekm̥ genós trejesdekm̥ bhujós 14 qetwordekm̥ snṓs qetwordekm̥ skṓs qetwordekm̥ plós qetwordekm̥ genós qetwordekm̥ bhujós 15 penqedekm̥ snṓs penqedekm̥ skṓs penqedekm̥ plós penqedekm̥ genós penqedekm̥ bhujós 16 (k)s(w)eksdekm̥ snṓs(k)s(w)eksdekm̥ skṓs(k)s(w)eksdekm̥ plós (k)s(w)eksdekm̥ genós (k)s(w)eksdekm̥ bhujós 17 septmdekm̥ ̥ snṓs septmdekm̥ ̥ skṓs septrmdekm̥ ̥ plós septrmdekm̥ ̥ genós septrmdekm̥ ̥ bhujós 18 oktōdekm̥ snṓs oktōdekm̥ skṓs oktōdekm̥ plós oktōdekm̥ genós oktōdekm̥ bhujós 19 newndekm̥ ̥ snṓs newndekm̥ ̥ skṓs newndekm̥ ̥ plós newndekm̥ ̥ genós newndekm̥ ̥ bhujós 20 dwidkm̥ tsnṓs dwidkm̥ tskṓs dwidkm̥ toplós dwidkm̥ togenós dwidkm̥ tobhujós 21 semdwídkm̥ tsnṓs semdwídkm̥ tskṓs semdwidkm̥ toplós semdwidkm̥ togenós semdwidkm̥ tobhujós 30 tridkm̥ tsnṓs tridkm̥ tskṓs tridkm̥ toplós tridkm̥ togenós tridkm̥ tobhujós 40 qetwrdkm̥ ̥ tsnṓs qetwrdkm̥ ̥ tskṓs qetwrdkm̥ ̥ toplós qetwrdkm̥ ̥ togenós qetwrdkm̥ ̥ tobhujós 50 penqedkm̥ tsnṓs penqedkm̥ tskṓs penqedkm̥ toplós penqedkm̥ togenós penqedkm̥ tobhujós 60 (k)s(w)eksdkṃtsnṓs (k)s(w)eksdkṃtskṓs (k)s(w)eksdkm̥ toplós (k)s(w)eksdkm̥ togenós (k)s(w)eksdkm̥ tobhujó s 70 septm̥ dkṃtsnṓs septm̥ dkṃtskṓs septmdkm̥ ̥ toplós septm̥ dkm̥ togenós septmdkm̥ ̥ tobhujós 80 oktōdkm̥ tsnṓs oktōdkm̥ tskṓs oktōdkm̥ toplós oktōdkm̥ togenós oktōdkm̥ tobhujós 90 newndkm̥ ̥ tsnṓs newndkm̥ ̥ tskṓs newndkm̥ ̥ toplós newndkm̥ ̥ togenós newndkm̥ ̥ tobhujós 100 km̥ temsnṓs km̥ temskṓs km̥ templós km̥ temgenós km̥ tembhujós 200 dwikm̥ temsnṓs dwikm̥ temskṓs dwikm̥ templós dwikm̥ temgenós dwikm̥ tembhujós 300 trikm̥ temsnṓs trikm̥ temskṓs trikm̥ templós trikm̥ temgenós trikm̥ tembhujós 400 qetwrkm̥ ̥ temsnṓs qetwrkm̥ ̥ temskṓs qetwrkm̥ ̥ templós qetwrkm̥ ̥ temgenós qetwrkm̥ ̥ tembhujós 500 penqekm̥ temsnṓs penqekm̥ temskṓs penqekm̥ templós penqekm̥ temgenós penqekm̥ tembhujós 600 (k)s(w)ekskm̥ temsn (k)s(w)ekskm̥ temsk (k)s(w)ekskm̥ templós (k)s(w)ekskm̥ temgenó (k)s(w)ekskm̥ tembhuj ṓs ṓs s ós 700 septmkm̥ ̥ temsnṓs septmkm̥ ̥ temskṓs septmkm̥ ̥ templós septmkm̥ ̥ temgenós septmkm̥ ̥ tembhujós 800 octōkm̥ temsnṓs octōkm̥ temskṓs octōkm̥ templós octōkm̥ temgenós octōkm̥ tembhujós 900 newnkm̥ ̥ temsnṓs newnkm̥ ̥ temskṓs newnkm̥ ̥ templós newnkm̥ ̥ temgenós newnkm̥ ̥ tembhujós 1 000 sm̥ gheslosnṓs sm̥ ghesloskṓs sm̥ ghesloplós sm̥ gheslogenós sm̥ gheslobhujós 10 000 teusmn̥ snṓs teusmn̥ skṓs teusmn̥ plós teusmn̥ genós teusmn̥ bhujós

26 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

12 354 dwṓdekm̥ qis dwṓdekm̥ qis dwṓdekm̥ qis dwṓdekm̥ qis dwṓdekm̥ qis téusmn̥ snṓs trīs téusmn̥ skṓs trīs téusmn̥ plós trīs téusmn̥ genós trīs téusmn̥ bhujós trīs km̥ temsnṓs km̥ temskṓs km̥ templós km̥ temgenós km̥ tembhujós penqekm̥ temsnṓs penqekm̥ temskṓs penqekm̥ templós penqekm̥ temgenós penqekm̥ tembhujós qətwr̥ snṓs qətwr̥ skṓs qətwr̥ plós qətwr̥ genós qətwr̥ bhujós 100 000 kmtemn̥ ̥ qis kmtemn̥ ̥ qis kmtemn̥ ̥ qis kmtemn̥ ̥ qis kmtemn̥ ̥ qis sm̥ gheslosnṓs/ sm̥ ghesloskṓs/ sm̥ ghesloplós sm̥ gheslogenós sm̥ gheslobhujós km̥ temsnṓs km̥ temskṓs sm̥ gheslōm sm̥ gheslōm 1 000 000 weltjosnṓs weltjoskṓs weltjoplós weltjogenós weltjobhujós 1 000 000 000 proweltjosnṓs proweltjoskṓs proweltjoplós proweltjogenós proweltjobhujós

27 Chapter A3: Numerals

ADVERBS ITERATIVE (I) ITERATIVE (II) ITERATIVE (III) ITERATIVE (IV) ITERATIVE (V) CONTINGENTIAL DISTRIBUTIVE qoqis? qoqr̥ t? qonim? qotim? qowr̥ tis? qoqr̥ pis? 1 semli semqr̥ t prāwnim semwr̥ tis semqr̥ pis 2 dwīs dwiqr̥ t dwonim dwiwr̥ tis dwiqr̥ pis 3 trīs triqr̥ t trinim triwr̥ tis triqr̥ pis 4 qəturs qəturqr̥ t qétwr̥ nim qəturwr̥ tis qəturqr̥ pis 5 pénqenqis penqqr̥ t penqnim penqwr̥ tis penqqr̥ pis 6 (k)s(w)éksn̥ qis (k)s(w)eksqr̥ t (k)s(w)eksnim (k)s(w)ekswr̥ tis (k)s(w)eksqr̥ pis 7 séptm̥ qis séptmqr̥ ̥ t séptm̥ nim séptmwr̥ ̥ tis séptmqr̥ ̥ pis 8 óktonqis óktoqr̥ t óktonim óktowr̥ tis óktoqr̥ pis 9 néwn̥ qis néwnqr̥ ̥ t néwn̥ nim néwnwr̥ ̥ tis néwnqr̥ ̥ pis 10 dékm̥ qis dékmqr̥ ̥ t dékm̥ nim dékmwr̥ ̥ tis dékmqr̥ ̥ pis 11 sémdekm̥ qis sémdekmqr̥ ̥ t sémdekm̥ nim sémdekmwr̥ ̥ tis sémdekmqr̥ ̥ pis 12 dwṓdekm̥ qis dwṓdekmqr̥ ̥ t dwṓdekm̥ nim dwṓdekmwr̥ ̥ tis dwṓdekmqr̥ ̥ pis 13 tréjesdekm̥ qis tréjesdekmqr̥ ̥ t tréjesdekm̥ nim tréjesdekmwr̥ ̥ tis tréjesdekmqr̥ ̥ pis 14 qétwordekm̥ qis qétwordekmqr̥ ̥ t qétwordekm̥ nim qétwordekmwr̥ ̥ tis qétwordekmqr̥ ̥ pis 15 pénqedekm̥ qis pénqedekmqr̥ ̥ t pénqedekm̥ nim pénqedekmwr̥ ̥ tis pénqedekmqr̥ ̥ pis 16 (k)s(w)éksdekm̥ qis (k)s(w)éksdekmqr̥ ̥ t (k)s(w)éksdekm̥ nim (k)s(w)éksdekmwr̥ ̥ tis (k)s(w)éksdekmqr̥ ̥ pis 17 séptrmdekm̥ ̥ qis séptrmdekmqr̥ ̥ ̥ t séptrmdekm̥ ̥ nim séptrmdekmwr̥ ̥ ̥ tis séptrmdekmqr̥ ̥ ̥ pis 18 óktōdekm̥ qis óktōdekmqr̥ ̥ t óktōdekm̥ nim óktōdekm̥ wr̥ tis óktōdekmqr̥ ̥ pis 19 néwndekm̥ ̥ qis néwndekmqr̥ ̥ ̥ t néwndekm̥ ̥ nim néwndekmwr̥ ̥ ̥ tis néwndekmqr̥ ̥ ̥ pis 20 dwídkm̥ tonqis dwídkmtoqr̥ ̥ t dwídkm̥ tonim dwídkmtowr̥ ̥ tis dwídkmtoqr̥ ̥ pis 21 sémdwidkmton̥ ̥ qis sémdwidkmtoqr̥ ̥ t sémdwidkm̥ tonim sémdwidkm̥ towr̥ tis sémdwidkmtoqr̥ ̥ pis 30 trídkmton̥ ̥ qis trídkmtoqr̥ ̥ t trídkm̥ tonim trídkmtowr̥ ̥ tis trídkmtoqr̥ ̥ pis 40 qétwrdkm̥ ̥ tonqis qétwrdkmtoqr̥ ̥ ̥ t qétwrdkm̥ ̥ tonim qétwrdkmtowr̥ ̥ ̥ tis qétwrdkmtoqr̥ ̥ ̥ pis 50 pénqedkmton̥ ̥ qis pénqedkmtoqr̥ ̥ t pénqedkm̥ tonim pénqedkmtowr̥ ̥ tis pénqedkmtoqr̥ ̥ pis 60 (k)s(w)éksdkmton̥ ̥ qis (k)s(w)éksdkmtoqr̥ ̥ t (k)s(w)éksdkm̥ tonim (k)s(w)éksdkmtowr̥ ̥ tis (k)s(w)éksdkmtoqr̥ ̥ pis 70 séptmdkm̥ ̥ tonqis séptmdkmtoqr̥ ̥ ̥ t séptmdkm̥ ̥ tonim séptmdkmtowr̥ ̥ ̥ tis séptmdkmtoqr̥ ̥ ̥ pis 80 óktōdkm̥ tonqis óktōdkmtoqr̥ ̥ t óktōdkm̥ tonim óktōdkmtowr̥ ̥ tis óktōdkmtoqr̥ ̥ pis 90 néwndkm̥ ̥ tonqis néwndkmtoqr̥ ̥ ̥ t néwndkm̥ ̥ tonim néwndkmtowr̥ ̥ ̥ tis néwndkmtoqr̥ ̥ ̥ pis 100 kmtemn̥ ̥ qis kmtemqr̥ ̥ t km̥ temnim kmtemwr̥ ̥ tis kmtemqr̥ ̥ pis 200 dwíkmtemn̥ ̥ qis dwíkmtemqr̥ ̥ t dwíkm̥ temnim dwíkmtemwr̥ ̥ tis dwíkmtemqr̥ ̥ pis 300 tríkmtemn̥ ̥ qis tríkmtemqr̥ ̥ t tríkm̥ temnim tríkmtemwr̥ ̥ tis tríkmtemqr̥ ̥ pis 400 qétwrkmtemn̥ ̥ ̥ qis qétwrkmtemqr̥ ̥ ̥ t qétwrkm̥ ̥ temnim qétwrkmtemwr̥ ̥ ̥ tis qétwrkmtemqr̥ ̥ ̥ pis 500 pénqekm̥ temn̥ qis pénqekmtemqr̥ ̥ t pénqekm̥ temnim pénqekmtemwr̥ ̥ tis pénqekmtemqr̥ ̥ pis 600 (k)s(w)ékskmtemn̥ ̥ qis (k)s(w)ékskmtemqr̥ ̥ t(k)s(w)ékskm̥ temnim (k)s(w)ékskmtemwr̥ ̥ tis (k)s(w)ékskmtemqr̥ ̥ pis 700 séptmkmtemn̥ ̥ ̥ qis séptmkmtemqr̥ ̥ ̥ t séptmkm̥ ̥ temnim séptmkmtemwr̥ ̥ ̥ tis séptmkmtemqr̥ ̥ ̥ pis 800 óctōkmtemn̥ ̥ qis óctōkmtemqr̥ ̥ t óctōkm̥ temnim óctōkmtemwr̥ ̥ tis óctōkmtemqr̥ ̥ pis 900 néwnkmtemn̥ ̥ ̥ qis néwnkmtemqr̥ ̥ ̥ t néwnkm̥ ̥ temnim néwnkmtemwr̥ ̥ ̥ tis néwnkmtemqr̥ ̥ ̥ pis 1 000 sm̥ ghéslonqis sm̥ ghésloqr̥ t sm̥ ghéslonim sm̥ ghéslowr̥ tis sm̥ ghésloqr̥ pis 10 000 téusmn̥ qis téusmnqr̥ ̥ t téusmn̥ nim téusmnwr̥ ̥ tis téusmnqr̥ ̥ pis

28 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

12 354 téusmn̥ qis dwīsqe téusmnqr̥ ̥ t dwīsqe téusmn̥ nim dwīsqe téusmnwr̥ ̥ tis dwīsqe téusmnqr̥ ̥ pis dwīsqe sm̥ ghéslonqis trīs sm̥ ghésloqr̥ t trīs sm̥ ghéslonim trīs sm̥ ghéslowr̥ tis trīs sm̥ ghésloqr̥ pis trīs kmtemn̥ ̥ qis kmtemqr̥ ̥ t km̥ temnim kmtemwr̥ ̥ tis kmtemqr̥ ̥ pis pénqedkm̥ tonqis pénqedkmtoqr̥ ̥ t pénqedkm̥ tonim pénqedkmtowr̥ ̥ tis pénqedkm̥ toqr̥ pis qətursqe qétwrqr̥ ̥ tqe qétwr̥ nimqe qétwrwr̥ ̥ tisqe qétwrqr̥ ̥ pisqe

100 000 kmtemn̥ ̥ qis kmtemqr̥ ̥ t km̥ temnim kmtemwr̥ ̥ tis kmtemqr̥ ̥ pis sm̥ ghéslonqis sm̥ ghéslon̥ qis/ sm̥ ghéslon̥ qis/ sm̥ ghéslon̥ qis/ sm̥ ghéslon̥ qis/ kmtemn̥ ̥ qis kmtemn̥ ̥ qis kmtemn̥ ̥ qis kmtemn̥ ̥ qis sm̥ ghésloqr̥ t sm̥ ghéslonim sm̥ ghéslowr̥ tis sm̥ ghésloqr̥ pis 1 000 000 wéltjoqis wéltjoqr̥ t wéltjonim wéltjowr̥ tis wéltjoqr̥ pis 1 000 000 000 próweltjoqis próweltjoqr̥ t próweltjonim próweltjowr̥ tis próweltjoqr̥ pis

29 Chapter A3: Numerals

ADVERBS MULTIPLICATIVE PARTITIVE SEQUENTIAL qodhē? qogha? qokn̥ s? 1 semdhē semgha semkn̥ s 2 dwidhē dwigha dwikn̥ s 3 tridhē trigha trikn̥ s 4 qəturdhē qəturgha qəturkn̥ s 5 penqdhē penqgha penqkn̥ s 6 (k)s(w)eksdhē (k)s(w)eksgha (k)s(w)ekskn̥ s 7 séptm̥ dhē séptm̥ gha séptmkn̥ ̥ s 8 óktodhē óktogha óktokn̥ s 9 néwn̥ dhē néwn̥ gha néwnkn̥ ̥ s 10 dékm̥ dhē dékm̥ gha dékmkn̥ ̥ s 11 sémdekm̥ dhē sémdekm̥ gha sémdekmkn̥ ̥ s 12 dwṓdekm̥ dhē dwṓdekm̥ gha dwṓdekmkn̥ ̥ s 13 tréjesdekm̥ dhē tréjesdekm̥ gha tréjesdekmkn̥ ̥ s 14 qétwordekm̥ dhē qétwordekm̥ gha qétwordekmkn̥ ̥ s 15 pénqedekm̥ dhē pénqedekm̥ gha pénqedekmkn̥ ̥ s 16 (k)s(w)éksdekm̥ dhē (k)s(w)éksdekm̥ gha (k)s(w)éksdekmkn̥ ̥ s 17 séptrmdekm̥ ̥ dhē séptrmdekm̥ ̥ gha séptrmdekmkn̥ ̥ ̥ s 18 óktōdekm̥ dhē óktōdekm̥ gha óktōdekmkn̥ ̥ s 19 néwndekm̥ ̥ dhē néwndekm̥ ̥ gha néwndekmkn̥ ̥ ̥ s 20 dwídkm̥ todhē dwídkm̥ togha dwídkmtokn̥ ̥ s 21 sémdwidkm̥ todhē sémdwidkm̥ togha sémdwidkmtokn̥ ̥ s 30 trídkm̥ todhē trídkm̥ togha trídkmtokn̥ ̥ s 40 qétwrdkm̥ ̥ todhē qétwrdkm̥ ̥ togha qétwrdkmtokn̥ ̥ ̥ s 50 pénqedkm̥ todhē pénqedkm̥ togha pénqedkmtokn̥ ̥ s 60 (k)s(w)éksdkm̥ todhē (k)s(w)éksdkm̥ togha (k)s(w)éksdkmtokn̥ ̥ s 70 séptmdkm̥ ̥ todhē séptmdkm̥ ̥ togha séptmdkmtokn̥ ̥ ̥ s 80 óktōdkm̥ todhē óktōdkm̥ togha óktōdkmtokn̥ ̥ s 90 néwndkm̥ ̥ todhē néwndkm̥ ̥ togha néwndkmtokn̥ ̥ ̥ s 100 km̥ temdhē km̥ temgha kmtemkn̥ ̥ s 200 dwíkm̥ temdhē dwíkm̥ temgha dwíkmtemkn̥ ̥ s 300 tríkm̥ temdhē tríkm̥ temgha tríkmtemkn̥ ̥ s 400 qétwrkm̥ ̥ temdhē qétwrkm̥ ̥ temgha qétwrkmtemkn̥ ̥ ̥ s 500 pénqekm̥ temdhē pénqekm̥ temgha pénqekmtemkn̥ ̥ s 600 (k)s(w)ékskm̥ temdhē (k)s(w)ékskm̥ temgha (k)s(w)ékskmtemkn̥ ̥ s 700 séptmkm̥ ̥ temdhē séptmkm̥ ̥ temgha séptmkmtemkn̥ ̥ ̥ s 800 óctōkm̥ temdhē óctōkm̥ temgha óctōkmtemkn̥ ̥ s 900 néwnkm̥ ̥ temdhē néwnkm̥ ̥ temgha néwnkmtemkn̥ ̥ ̥ s 1 000 sm̥ ghéslodhē sm̥ ghéslogha sm̥ ghéslokn̥ s 10 000 téusmn̥ dhē téusmn̥ gha téusmnkn̥ ̥ s 12 354 téusmn̥ dhē dwīsqe sm̥ ghéslodhē trīs téusmn̥ gha dwīsqe sm̥ ghéslogha trīs téusmnkn̥ ̥ s dwīsqe sm̥ ghéslokn̥ s km̥ temdhē pénqedkm̥ todhē km̥ temgha pénqedkm̥ togha trīs kmtemkn̥ ̥ s pénqedkmtokn̥ ̥ s qétwr̥ dhēqe qétwr̥ ghaqe qétwrkn̥ ̥ sqe

30 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

100 000 km̥ temdhē sm̥ ghéslon̥ qis/ kmtemn̥ ̥ qis km̥ temgha sm̥ ghéslon̥ qis/ kmtemn̥ ̥ qis kmtemkn̥ ̥ s sm̥ ghéslon̥ qis/ sm̥ ghéslodhē sm̥ ghéslogha kmtemn̥ ̥ qis sm̥ ghéslokn̥ s

1 000 000 wéltjodhē wéltjogha wéltjokn̥ s 1 000 000 000 próweltjodhē próweltjogha próweltjokn̥ s

31 Chapter A3: Numerals

Gérbhtijōs rēidhmōs Cardinal numbers

'1' to '4' '5' to '19' '5' to '19' from '20' onwards Concordant numeric Juxtaposed numeric Genitival numeric Genitival numeric Type of construction phra se phrase phrase phrase Cardinal number + Quantified noun + Order of elements Indiferent Indiferent quantif ied noun cardinal number The numeral is inflected Yes No No Optionally a∙10b Case for the cardinal number in Nom./ (voc.)/ acc. Indeclinable Indeclinable Indeclinable subject/ object clauses Case for the quantified noun in subject/ Nom./ (voc.)/ acc. Nom./ (voc.)/ acc. Genitive Genitive object clauses Case for the cardinal number in oblique Gen./ dat./ loc./ abl./ Indeclinable Indeclinable Indeclinable clauses instr. Case for the quantified noun in oblique Gen./ dat./ loc./ abl./ Gen./ dat./ loc./ abl./ Gen./ dat./ loc./ abl./ Gen./ dat./ loc./ abl./ clauses instr. instr. instr. instr.

Bhūt sems wīrós welpowosjoi There was one man in the waiting-room

Kómopjom smei dhghómenei kod This is the equipment for one person

Dwāi áwejes nisdoi sénchonti Two birds are singing in their nest

Dwāi áweje nisdoi sénchetes Two birds are singing in their nest

Trins eikō prokóns I have three suitors

En penqe wínāti bhrēwāns olnom The project involves five bridges

En bhodesmn̥ wínāti penqe bhrēwãm The project involves the upgrading of five olnom bridges

Kom poréseti oktōu kr̥ keróns He will contribute with eight chickens

Kom poréseti kr̥ kerṓm oktōu He will contribute with eight chickens

Cówqolos newn̥ steighet gwewbhis The cowboy walked with nine cows

Dekm̥ eikō bhrātern̥ s I have ten brothers

Bhrātrom dekm̥ eikō I have ten brothers

Pénqedekm̥ eikō swésorn̥ s I have fifteen sisters

Swéserom pénqedekm̥ eikō I have fifteen sisters

32 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Ud dwídkm̥ tī dhijō álomnōm tewe I admire your twenty pupils

Ud dwídkm̥ totim dhijō álomnōm tewe I admire twenty of your pupils

Ludhónt penqe dwídkm̥ tīqe judhmṓm Twenty-five soldiers came on Wednesday mimódhochei.

Deiktins dōnt penque trídkm̥ tobhosqe They gave indications to thirty-five soldiers judhmobhos

Kom km̥ tom ambhirōjṓm bhíbherti/ A hundred tourists (is)/ are taking bhíbhr̥ nti sulnóm latom advantage of the sunny day

Nē gheghjājō km̥ tom adkl̥ nṓm agonts I don’t get bored managing one hundred clients

Opḗs (opsús) esmi km̥ tom dhḗlíjomnos I am busy dealing with a hundred tourists ambhirōjóīs

Dwikm̥ tóns epmes adchodhons /dwoi We received two hundred applications km̥ toi epmes adchodhōm

Glaghās sm̥ gheslēd ludhónt stānōm The protests came from one thousand places

Dwṓdekm̥ átnomēnoses dinologjei koi The twelve months of year in the calendar sonti: ougrónijos, dhechrónijos, are these: January, February, March, April, taurónijos, wesónijos, bhlṓnijos, June, July, August, September, October, ekwónijos, aidhrónijos, karpónijos, November, December. wl̥ qónijos, woinónijos, dhoncónijos, kwentónijos.

33 Chapter A3: Numerals

Ridhmēpikéimona Numeral adjectives

Kérdhesja Ordinal

Prāwos wosos nē ərḗjeti kr̥ pjobhim-two The first dress does not pass with your shoes Tod antjei gisto sm̥ ghéslosjo newnkm̥ ̥ témtəmī néwndkm̥ ̥ təmī This happened by the end of the year októwosjo átnosjo nineteen ninenety eight

Edjḗw esti prāwos karpólijosjo dwóterī Today is first of August of two thousand sm̥ ghéslosjo dekəmosjo ten

Ausrom dékəmom éikomos Tomorrow we have tenth of December kwentónijosjo

Áitija Partitive

Trejes qətwr̥ wōs eksignṓs/ghóstejes Three out of four foreigners are married kómjugtōs sonti

Trejes qətwr̥ tōs eksignṓs kómjugtōs Three out of four foreigners are married sonti

Trejes qətwr̥ wās eksignṓm kómjugtās/ Three quarters of the foreigners are kómjugtōs sonti married

Trejes qətwr̥ tās eksignṓm kómjugtās/ Three quarters of the foreigners are kómjugtōs sonti married

Krenghom moitāja penqwã kā́posjo I exchanged the ring for a fifth of this land kosjo

34 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Winómeja Distributive

Ékslegtiwortija Of selective value

Wétesi wétesi (=qā́kosmi wétesi) Each year / year by year

Diwí diwí (=qā́kosmi diwí) Each day/ day by day

Dwóterei (qā́ qosmi) wétesi Every two years

Péluplektiwortija Of multiplicative value

Dwīsnā́ wétesa Two consecutive years

Jektrom tod kəpsāis qríjetor This medicine is sold in boxes of twelve dwódekm̥ skōm cl̥ kōm pills

Smlegtiwortijḁ Collective

Sweksnā́ éiketi putlā́ She has six children (=he has a sextet of (=swekstim éiketi putlōm) children)

Kaiwopelúwijogrébhtija Cardinal of pluralia tantum

Kūmā́ túmolōm trīsnoisu wórbhoisu There are lots of riots all three outskirts sonti Cardinal of a numeral group Ridhmogromogrébhtija There were ten pretty, fresh, youthful, Dekm̥ bhūnt wənmā́s, newrā́s, kənistā́s, tender, graceful, comely, splendid lasses and térunās, krákontes, chaisās, súerqejes ten budding, gorgeous, lusty, sturdy, sappy, morignās joqe dekm̥ dhl̥ rṓs, kaljṓs, young lads. súnorōs, wéjesjōs, moiwṓs, júwones móghewes. The two groups of ten travelled on a boat. Dwisnā́ dekm̥ nāwí kelujont. Classificative Qórostija There were three suitcases on the cart. Two Wóghokoi trejes bhūnt westrodhōnja. men carried the three suitcases. Wīrṓu trija nijetām westrodhōnja. There were six suitcases, three on each cart. Ksweks bhūnt westrodhōnja, trija Each of the two men carried three suitcases, wóghokoi qā́qosmi. Wīrṓu trīsnā́ i.e. one cart each nijetām westrodhōnja, t.e. wóghokom semm̥ qāqos.

35 Chapter A3: Numerals

Ksweks bhūnt westrodhōnja, trija There were six suitcases, three on each cart, wóghokoi qā́qosmi, qetworesqe wīrṓs. and four men. Every two men carried three Dwīsnṓu wīrṓu trīsnā́ nijónt suitcases. westrodhōnja.

Newn̥ bhūnt westrodhōnja trejesqe There were nine suitecases and three men. wīrṓs. Wīrós preiwos trīsnā́ (trija) nijét Each man carried three suitcases. westrodhōnja.

Apo épītn̥ s oktosnóns kowesn̥ t They evacuated the passengers eight by eight

Apo épītes oktosnṓs kowésn̥ to The passengers were evacuated eight by eight

Péluplektija Multiplicative m̥ gā́ tiwortija Of augmentative value

Dwoplóm luwét awoqrojom He paid a double fee

Wr̥ dhom tod dwoplóm éiketi usdoikom This word has a double meaning

Triplóm ghedāt kousnom She received a triple rent

Áitiwortija Of partitive value

Dwoplóm westrodhōnjom A double-bottom suitcase (=dwóbhudhmi westrodhōnjom)

Dwoplā́ domus (=dwóplāris domus) A two-storey house

Qórostija Classificative

Komwodhos so dwoplós: ənapadṓs nē It (was) a twofold conflict: the invaders did wekānt kəptolondhom leiktum, joqe not want to leave the captured ground and enignṓs wedr̥ erktum nē wekānt the native population did not want to share the water

Aigjom esjo dwogenóm: nē moghāt His illness had double consequences: he ghostum neqe sweptum could neither eat nor sleep

Aigjom esjo dwobhujóm: neqe ghosāt His illness had a double origin: he neither neqe lówāto ate nor washed himself

36 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Ridhmēpiwərḗmona Numeral adverbs

Iterā́ tija Iterative adverbs

Tebhei dékm̥ qis (=dékmqr̥ ̥ t) woqa: I’ve told it ten times to you: never close the smeustrom neqom klawde prījósm̥ computer without first saving (your) files. nedhskōrknetim əneu.

Stéleswortija With locative value

Sm̥ weghtom nē qid peum; The first time I did not understand dwóweghtom trija labhóm wr̥ dha; anything; the second time I catched three tríweghtom galmoupologhom labhóm; words; the third time I got the topic of the qétwr̥ weghtom solwāns peum bhānins, conversation; the fourth time I understood enim pénqeweghtom galmom seghtum whole sentences, and the fifth time I was moghóm. able to hold a conversation.

Kswéksweghtom cm̥ jonts The sixth time I came, I met a young (=kswéksweghtom jom ludhóm), doctor. júwonm̥ medóm médodikm̥

Udbhórowortija With contingential value

Dhghjesi newom bhrūgtós esmi Yesterday I used the new car for the first prāwnim woghnom time

Dwonim (=dwīs) məgsomobhrēunās For the second time (=twice), the epitərunā́s maximum limits have been surpassed.

Nū trinim (=trīs) peqonjom klewtum This is the third time (=three times) now I skelō have to clean the kitchen

Wétesi kosmei seghtṓr so sperstim This year this champion has won the qétwr̥ nim (qəturs) wikét competition for the fourth time (=four times)

Edjḗw médodikm tom pénqenim setíjai Today I visit this doctor for the fifth time

Ksweksnim cm̥ jonts (=jom ksweksnim When I came for the sixth time, I met an ludhóm) senom medóm médodikm̥ old doctor.

Winómowortija With distributive value

Dōwn̥ kleitrom adést pénqewr̥ tis / She prepared the database in five times (=in pénqeqr̥ pis (=pénqe séstisu) five sessions)

37 Chapter A3: Numerals

Péluplektija Multiplicative

Dékm̥ dhē lōbām qīt He paid ten times for his crime

Ambhimojā́ bhrūgtis Alternative use

Tridhē kādr̥ tod leutéwijom (=tribhís This problem can be solved in three ways koitubhis) (=through three manners)

Áitija Partitive

Londhom medōn trigha widhét (=trija The governor divided the country in three en kérora) parts (=in three regions)

Épiseqesja Sequential

Mḗlowortija Of chronological value

Prāwom, gerjā (bhudhjā) joqe ud Firstly, I wake and get up in the morning. sistām. Dwóterom dr̥ kām lowom, Secondly, I wash my face, brush my teeth in dontn̥ s melkō tribhís méiwn̥ bhis joqe three minutes and do my morning exercises. ā́mreja (prṓtera) dhidhēm éukesa. Thirdly, I have a breakfast and get dressed. Tritjom, prā́mēdjom edmi joqe owō Of argumentative value Prokónsowortija She is a reputed person; firsly because of Krōtós enā́ dhghōmōn, semkn̥ s prijṓm her friendly manners, secondly, because of prowodhōm rōdhí, dwikn̥ s mlōdhrṓ her excellent artistical work, thirdly, ártijō wergō, trikn̥ s sənitjóīs gousnoīs because of her exquisite tastes and fourthly joqe qétwrkn̥ ̥ s (enim ántjokn̥ s) ejos (and finally) because of her philosophical widjolubhjóīs awonomoīs. contributions.

38 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

4.-Antinṓmona (proroká uporokáqe) Pronouns and determinants

Énonmija Personal

Widíktija antinṓmona Demonstrative

Is, id This, he, she Def. nom os(i), ac. om/em, dat. esmei, gen. s. esjo, pl. esom, altern. ad im, ismei, ejos, eisom

Qismei jāmi cotēnṓi anábhorma Referred to something already mentioned (anabhorikós wertos) (anaphoric value)

Petrōi prkom̥ qid eitr̥ ambhí mənjet, atqe I asked Peter what he thought about the trip, neqid is proti wewqét but he didn’t answer anything

Trīs woida bhloigom, nē lubhjō aw ejos I’ve seen the film three times, but I don’t antjom like the end of it

So, sā, tod This

Komkṓpotos anáwesntḁ Conceptually present to both speaker and bhətorklutrbhom̥ hearer

Ordhēsmn̥ tod meghei ménestom prépeti This proposal seems reasonable to me

Bhādhjom tosmōi wīrōi skelō prīsnim qām ati medoim I have to speak to this man before I meet him again

Ghoi-ke, ghāi-ke, ghod-ke This

Bhū́ mntos̥ anáwesntḁ bhətorklutrbhom̥ Physically present to both speaker and hearer

Eme bheitlom ghod-ke enim kldom̥ sékādhi ghom-ke Take this axe and cut this piece of wood

Qis domei trébheti ghesāi? Who lives in this house?

Ghod-ke chelō wesmnorkjom̥ I want this cupboard

39 Chapter A4: Pronouns and determinants

(E)ko, (e)kā, (e)kod This

Bhū́ mntos̥ komkṓpotoswe anáwesntḁ Physically or conceptually present just to oinim bhətorei speaker

Porsógaldhrom kod nē sū bhúngetoi This telephone does not work well

Chedhjō proti mē déwmenei kosmōi Please do not reply to this message skréibhete

Édqismei tértinōi anábhorma Referred to something which will be (kmtabhorikós̥ wertos) explained (cataphoric value)

Septəm bhūtiswenwornōs sonti koi: mū, The seven natural musical notes are these: bē, miau, bau, kol, qa, crī C, D, E, F, G, A, B

Oiso, oisā, oisod That, yonder

Bhətores qeli, klūtori proqēd Far from speaker, near to hearer

Prāi enke sedlām oisām Bring that chair to me

Qori pn̥ tē stéighesi óisāsōd? Why are you going that way?

Eno, enā, enod (elno, elnā, elnod) That, yonder

Bhətorklūtrbhem̥ qeli Both from speaker and from hearer far

Enod spekje ceri Look at that mountain

Kṓnāswo wəronkim elnām leintum Try to avoid that dip

Widíktijās doljās Demonstrative particles

Ke, ki This An This other Aw That, yonder

Sontom lege ke, pln̥ ādhi em an kom Read this letter, complete this other one joqe em aw olēje wī and destroy that one

40 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Qā́ wnterḁ antinṓmona Quantitative pronouns

Edqis, edqid (qis, qid) Someone, anyone, something, anything

Esti qis kei an domei? Is there anyone here at home?

Edqid colnei me bhojəjet cīwei mene Something on the plane caused me to fear ambhí for my life

Neqos, neqā, neqod Someone, something

Neqos klāwm ̥ kām nānke Someone has found this key

Préimonē néwostis ghēdnā́ esti neqō The news was received with a certain amount of pleasure

Edqos, edqod Some

Prōd dhēljognātjes edqā cece daitis Some time has elapsed since the baby’s birth

Nē édqosmi plakējō sméudhmeni I don’t agree with some idea

Qisqe, qidqe Each (one)

Dəsdhi qísmeiqe séwijom Give to each one his share

Dekm ̥ senti dómewes, qismiqe qetwora There are ten houses with four bedrooms sweptorja each one

Qāqos, qāqā, qāqod Eacb one

Wergom ejos qāqos gnōwe Each one knows his work (of his)

Wergom sewe qāqos gnōwe Each one knows his own work

Epi dókmeni deiktrom qāqei dhētum You have to put a stamp on each document skélesi

Qéjespejoi A few, some

Dwīspokna sonti dom qéjespeja kəpsāi There are still a few biscuits in the box

Drugholtōm glóghejes qéjespejoisom The tips of some pencils have been broken bhrēgnā́s sonti

41 Chapter A4: Pronouns and determinants

Solwos, solwā, solwod All, the whole

Dhochom solwom kei nē bhowe He hasn’t been here in all the day

Solwō tosjo alchō ōighei He departed with all his money

Oljoi, oljāi, olja All, every

Oljoīs tosjo ambhíqoloīs ōighei He departed with all his servants

Drewa āsḗjonti olja All the trees are dry

Neqis, neqid No one, none, nothing

Neqis woide qid gégoisissēt PLPF. PREC. No one knew what had happened

Apo neqī tod wérutum móghsesi You won’t be able to open it with anything

Nōinos, nōinā, nōinod No

Upéri qertim elnām dokots bhowāt There was no teacher supervising that nōinos skewonts activity

Eksí nōinā einjom dhworī esti It is not possible to go out through any door

Totjoi, totjāi, totja So/as many

Totjoi bhewent wīrṓs jotjāi cenās There were so many men as women

Tótjābhis sprigējō mōrotābhis I am fed up with so many stupid things

Tā́ wntos,̥ tā́ wnt̥ ā, tā́ wntod̥ So/as much

Meghei tā́ wntom̥ kobī (kobom) esti I am as successful as I had expected (I have jā́ wntom̥ wolpsām so much success as I had expected)

Tā́ wnt̥ ō ednom (ghosmom) loda wergō I have forgotten the meal because of so much work

42 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Idémtera antinṓnoma Indentity pronouns

Enis, enid Some (one), a certain (one)

Anta jíjnti̥ énija gnōtla oknos epíloghei Certain signals cast doubt on this optimistic tosmei bhātrei scenario

Me énijom (dhghomenom) ənaisunās I get annoyed at some people’s irrespectful wístətjes pigḗjonti attitudes

Səmos, səmā, səmod Some, certain

Rətjes sonti səmāi kandostóm kom There are certain reasons to choose this wolḗtewei candidate

Troudons wéwora səmons kā́denei I found some difficulties to solve this tosmōi eksleutéwijōi problem

Ambhōu, ambhāi, ambhoi/ qóteros- Both qid, qóterā-qid, qóterod-qid

Ambhōu albhōu (stes) Both are white

Qóteros-qid albhos (esti) Both are white (=each one is white)

Aljos, aljā, aljod Another (one), more of the previous (one)

Trins jāmi ēde ábelons, nū aw aljom He has already eaten three apples and now, gléubheti he is peeling another one

Epi aljod nk̥ ḗjesi an? (=epi aw nk̥ ḗjesi Do you need anything else? qid?)

Onjos, onjā, onjod Another (one), a different one

Dəsdhi-moi ábelom onjom, pūlós ke Give me another apple, this one is putrid

Nē kei stounom, onjosmei plā́meni The information is not here, it has to be wertéwijom found in another book

Álteros, álterā, álterod / Ónteros, The one, the other (one) ónterā, ónterod

Álteros wrisd̥ ḗjeti, álteros bhlēti If one of them is laughing, the other one is weeping

Ónterobhi terpō, ónterobhi qntj̥ ō With one of them, I feel pleasure, with the other one, I suffer

43 Chapter A4: Pronouns and determinants

Éteros, éterā, éterod The blue one is edible, any other one is m̥ dhrom édnijom, éterod qid wisowent poisonous (=the rest is poisonous) (=loiqá wisówenta) He knows it, the rest ignore it So gnōwe, (te-/ke-) éteroi ngnōsā́jonti The same (one) Somós, somā́ , somód You can open three different doors with the Dhworins peltum krī́tijāns móghesi trins same key somã klāwē There are four versions of the same story Wrstjes̥ senti qétesres somosjo sqelī

The same (one) Isem, idem That is the same man that I saw yesterday Wīrós elno isem qom dhjesi woida He will travel on the same train as your Douknei kelúseti ijo-em (=somō) qām brother bhrātēr tewe Himself, herself, itself So-pe, sā-pe, tod-pe / S(w)el (e)pe The president himself came to salute me Praiseds so-pe (=swelpe) moi koiluwertum ludhét She works for helself Sī tesãi-pe (=swélpesãi) drā́jeti Any, anyone, anything Qisqis, qidqid Anyone understands these argumentations Qisqis árgumona peuti ta You are pretty with any garment Wənmā́ qīqī westī essi Whoever, whatever Qisqomqe, qidqomqe / josqis, jāqis, jodqid Bring whatever hare you may see

Prāi qimqomqe widḗjēsi kasjom enke I give money to whoever needs it Alchom dídōmi qismeiqomqe nk̥ ḗjēti

Tālis, tāli Of such kind/quality

Tāli gáudhjom mene seghom pos esti Such is my joy after the victory

Nē tāljom woida upelōm protimoghtrom I don’t know the remedy to such evils

Tāli chelō wesmnorkjom̥ I want a wardrobe like this one The other, any other

44 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Neqóteros, neqóterā, neqóterod None of the two

Neqóteros wēra gnōwe None of the two knows the truth

Neqóterō móghnijom drātum It is impossible to work with any of these two ones

45 Chapter A4: Pronouns and determinants

Prktijḁ́ antinṓmona Interrogative pronouns

Qis, qid (swebhodhja) Who, what (independent)

Qis bhətoi? Who is speaking?

Qid wéqesi? What are you saying?

Qis so bhətoi? (Bhókejom) Who is this who is speaking? (Focal)

Qis so léwseti? (Bhókejom) Who is the one who is paying? (Focal)

Qos, qā, qod (nswebhodhja)̥ Who, what (dependent)

Qos ambhíqolos cēme? What servant has come?

Qom somosodm ̥ chélesi? What car do you want?

Qod tod pējr̥ woqta? (Bhókejom) What is this insult you have uttered? (Focal)

Qóteros, qóterā, qóterod Which of two

Qóterām plējós gnōwta cenām? Which woman do you know best?

Qóterosmi ghéseni tebhei wolsnos? In which hand do you have the wound?

Qótəmos, qótəmā, qótəmod Which of many / which of all

Qótəmā regtā́ protíweqtis? Which one is the right answer?

Qótəmom plnim̥ bhéidhesi perilóm? Which expert do you fully trust?

Qotjoi, qotjāi, qotja How many

Qotja lēgta plā́mona? How many books have you read?

Qótjoisu qrī́njoisu prn̥ āntor skousās kāi? In how many shops are these trousers sold?

Qā́ wntos,̥ qā́ wnt̥ ā, qā́ wntod̥ How much

How much money do you need? Qā́ wntom̥ nk̥ ḗjesi alchom?

Of how much weight did he/she take the Qā́ wnt̥ ī póndesos ēme krpusj̥ ām? water melon?

Qālis, qāli How, of what type?

How was the dish you chose? Qāli eksi gusés estlom?

In what kind of a city do you intend to Qálismi poleī wésēsi? stay?

46 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Atibhrtijḁ antinṓmona Relative pronouns

Jos, jā, jod The one who, the one hat

Kwonm ̥ jos bherti bhrātēr esti mene The one who is carrying the dog is my (=kwnbhr̥ t̥ ṓr bhrātēr mene esti / Kwonm̥ brother [so] bheronts bhrātēr esti mene ) Take what you want Eme jod welāsi This is the key of the one who conceals so Sā esti klāws josjo tā́wnt̥ āms rk̥ ḗjeti many secrets rūnāms (of the one this is the key, who conceals so (=Tosjo esti sā klāws, qos tā́wnt̥ āms many secrets) rk̥ ḗjeti rūnāms)

Qos, qā(i), qod Who, that

Wīrós qos ekwō wéghetor jentēr esti The man who is being conveyed by a horse tewe (=ekwoweghmos wīrós jentēr esti is my cousin (=The man riding the horse is tewe) my cousin)

Here is the enemy, by whose sword your Kei esti nemots, qesjo ns̥ ī sūnús tewe son has been killed chntós̥ esti

This is the key the master of which conceals Sā esti klāws qesās potis tā́wnt̥ āms so many secrets rk̥ ḗjeti rūnāms

The one of two who/which Jóteros, jóterā, jóterod There are two books on the shelf. Give me Plā́mone dwoi stom skolpei, dəsdhi-moi the one you liked most jóterod məgsi lubhojta I’ll talk to the twin which I trust the most. Jemō tloqsai joterō bheidhmn ̥ plējós meghei esti (=jóterom plējós bheidhō)

Jótəmos, jótəmā, jótəmod The one among many who/which

Jótəmos prtóm̥ məgnom ghedēt, drātum The one who wins the big price will stop strigā́sēti working

Ersājēr jótəmoi ənagesns̥ (əgesmuktóns) Those who scold innocent people are lā́jonti mistaken

47 Chapter A4: Pronouns and determinants

Jotjoi, jotjāi, jotja Those many, so many

Jotjoi bhntoi̥ ersā́jonti Those (many) who are speaking are wrong

Jewe jotjons nk̥ ḗjōnti Help those who may need it.

Jā́ wntos,̥ jā́ wnt̥ ā, jā́ wntod̥ That much

Jā́ wntod̥ welāsi eme Take as much as you want

Rēimn̥ kod jā́ wntosjo̥ qéqəmai This is a list of all I have acquired

Jālis, jālid Of that kind, of that quality

Odsām jā́ lija wiweqt I detested the kind of things he used to say

Anábhorām ghōda jā́ lismi pikāt I took as reference the kind of things he painted

Áinuja antinṓmona Posessive pronouns

Mene tod (=menjom tod) This is mine

48 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

5.-Doljās Particles

əneu acc. olsí, ólteri oltrōd* acc., loc. apo / apó / apsí abl. pəra acc. apóteri abl. pəros abl. ad acc. per(i)/perti acc., loc. ambhí acc, loc. perom loc., abl. ana (əna) acc, loc. pos(ti), pósteri postrōd* acc. anta acc. poti acc. antí acc., loc. prāi loc., abl. awou abl. práiteri acc. dē / de abl. prōd / pro acc., dat., abl. dō/ do acc, dat. próteri acc. ek / eksí / éksteri ekstrōd gen., abl. proti acc., dat., abl. en / ení / ensí / endo entrōd* acc., loc. pūnim acc. énteri acc, loc. rōdhí gen. ektós abl. səní / sn̥ terí abl. epi / opi acc., loc., instr. seqi gen. jāwn̥ ts (qomdom) acc. teni / tenos gen. kəmti instr. trāntis / teres / tr̥ qe acc. kom komtrōd* instr, loc. upo acc., loc. n̥ dheri n̥ dhertrōd* acc., loc. úperi / upsí úpertrōd* acc., loc. n̥ dhi acc., loc. ud(i) / udsí abl. nī nītrōd* acc., loc. wī / wi loc., abl. obhi acc., loc. wr̥ stom acc.

*Káiwonim lokteiwã ptōtī *Only with the

49 Chapter A5: Particles

Əneu Without

Smoldom welmi goldom əneu I want coffee without sugar

Sukēnstim əneu óighoighei He departed without saying good-buy

Ad At, to, towards, according to

Ad gálgaljānt āsām They were talking by the fireplace

Ad léitomos smm̥ ādom We are going to the party

Petrom ad, wērom tod nē bhūt According to Peter, this was not true

Ambhí Around, about

Ambhí dāmõs swepónt oljoi All the colleagues were sleeping around

Ciwānt dekm̥ ambhí dólsjobhis dhochoi They lived approximately on ten dollars a day

Ambhí kolsom dhēt kolsowospom He put the scarf around the neck

Ambhí wedhrom gólgoljomos We are talking about the weather

Ana (əna) To, on, along in an upwards direction

Somosóds douknostātoriom əna wérgeti The train heads to the train station

Ana bhuwḗr tégesi They were on board

Nāwis əna (=práiteri) pluwét dānum The ship navigated along the river

Ana okrim montjos stighóm I hiked up to the top of the hill

Woghoi əna (=woghō) ludhét He came on cart (=by cart)

50 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Anta Towards

Somosóds douknostātoriom anta The car heads towards the train station wérgeti The question aims at the new restriction Prksk̥ ā newans rirḗgseti anta measures snitómestins

Antí In front of

Domom antí stāt(o) He stopped in front of the house

We are worried by the situation we are Stāmr̥ tod antí sontjes, tétrudme facing

Apo / apó /apsí From, since, back

Pútlotjēd lépeti apó He stutters since his childhood

Domēd apó mene sentum ad km̥ tom From my house to the path there are one sonti podes hundred steps.

Apó meghei dede ghornóm plāmn ̥ He gave the lent book back to me

Ghwedhō, krāsi mewom ghawe apó Please call me back tomorrow

Apóteri Behind/ after

Dhóighēd apóteri sedḗjonti maqôs The boys are sitting behind the wall

Kaiwodáitibhes apóteri uksórm̥ wedhét After his bachelor times he got married

Awo(u) Back Awo dhobhnóm dhghjesi protipornjom aanoke The spoiled goods came back yesterday

Awo porsógaldhrom stolom leloghóm I laid the phone back on the table

51 Chapter A5: Particles

Dē/de From upwards

Dē nébheses kádeti wrst̥ ā Rain falls from the sky

Dē kmtom̥ dólsjobhes pornetum We have to negotiate from one hundred skélomos dollars downwards

Dō/ do Until

Dō stighét drómāntjom He walked until the end of the corridor

Dō oltrōd srt̥ ā dānewi tetnēt The queue reached the other side of the river

Ek / eksí / éksteri / ekstrōd Outside ektós

Dhūmājet eksí skreibhtorjēd He uses to smoke out of his office

Ekstrōd awmēd sodét prōnkom He went our of the hotel to call for a taxi ghwātewei

Skownous eksí trijom nuwətṓs esti He passed two (out) of the three exams

En / ení / ensí / endo / entrōd Inside

Kleitlām ení mijomes We entered the cabin

Skreibhtorjei nē esti en He isn’t in his office

En te spektewi matérm̥ -two mímnāskō When I look at you I remember your mother

Énteri Between, among

Démese énteri esti prótimā There is a statue between the two buildings

Bhewet katus oljans énteri wénjāsi The was a fight among all the families

Gnōtos esti óiwowidsi énteri He is known among specialists

Epi / opi On, in addition, despite

Domus ēsāt dhm̥ bhonjoi epi The house was situated on a graveyard

Epi tūrjóm bhūt woinos There was cheese in addition to wine

Epi wr̥ stã, chádhsomos dom Despite the rain, we’ll keep walking

52 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Jāwnts̥ (momdom) During

Kelutim jāwnts̥ swpónt They slept during the journey

Probhoudhos: solwom dhochom swpont Caveat: They slept (during) all the day

Kmti̥ Next to, beside Domus ēsāt arwō kmti̥ The house was situated beside a field Kmti̥ bhokom mēmsóm dhēt He put the meat close to the fire

Kom, komtrōd Together Kom dhēt wodr̥ glaktiqe = kom dhēt wodr̥ glaktī He put the water and the milk together = he put the water together with the milk

Ndheri̥ ndhertr̥ ōd Deep under, underneath Dhghmi ndheri̥ esti kowṛ There is a cavern underneath the ground

Dhghomm ̥ ndheri̥ kidḗr They descended deep under the ground

Ndhi̥ Further than, in addition to

Weqmn ̥ ejos qid ordhésmenes ndhi̥ His comment was something more than a bhūt proposal

Tāi pr̥ kskās ghi jenti pūrḗd ndhi̥ These questions go well beyond mere lubhobhoudhēd curiosity

Trstje̥ ndhi̥ spordhṓs pōtum skélonti Athletes must drink beyond thirst

Nī, nitrōd Down, downwards, at the bottom Klopnim nitrōd kéidonti ekwō They go down the valley on horse Nī klopneī esti lakus At the bottom of the valley there is a lake Nī sā nbhudhnóm̥ spekét She looked down the abyss

53 Chapter A5: Particles

Obhi In the middle of

Obhi sentoi lougos ēst There was a log in the middle of the path

Obhi dhworim sedlām stelét He put a chair before the door

Olsí /ólteri/ oltrōd Beyond, on the other side

Olsí kreekwāi bhrankonim bhār Beyond the border French is spoken

Oltrōd loidom bhətos esti He has spoken more than permitted

Olsí Reinom sodónt twrm̥ ās Thee troops went beyond the Rhein.

Pəra Close, beside(s)

Polnins pəra senti toqe stṓnejes stoighei Beside the shops there are stands in the street

Pəra drātim minusterjei, léismona Besides his work at the ministry, he gives wéspenja dídōti donsonjei classes in an evening school

Tosjo pəra aiwos, yuwoon prépeti He looks young for his age

Pəros Before, in front of

Domēd pəros swepet ekwos The horse was sleeping in front of the house

John was appointed as Claudia’s boss Stətos Johannis Claudyād pəros esti About, around Per(í)/perti I am waking up about dawn Gerjai perí ausōsm ̥ The dog is turning around the tree Kwōn drewom wrtetói̥ perí Apart from, besides Perom Apart from work, I found severe problems Perom wergēd, trudná kā́dena wéwora She is really friendly, to say nothing of her Gheris bhod esti, wənmotāi perom beauty

54 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Pos(ti), pósteri / postrōd Behind, after

The umbrella is behind the curtain Pos wórsotrom praikonkei esti

Jodqid daitim pos prkskesi,̥ jewos Since you ask after time, you lose your right skémbesi

ṓighei óbhjēdjom pósteri He departed after lunch

Poti (=wr̥ stom) Towards

Trejes kowireges grádjontoi stādhlom The three wise men advance towards the poti stable

Mənjēs téwijā neustum poti welis qām You are more favourable to spending than to spartum esti saving

Prāi /prai Before

Prāi nket̥ Petros Marjād Peter arrived before Maria

Rēgi krseti̥ prāi He runs before the king

Kersnād prāi ghighḗj! Come back before dinner!

Práiteri Along, depassing, laying aside

Nāwis práiteri (=ana) pluwét dānum The ship navigated along the river

Dikāns legm ̥ práiteri dōt He gave orders laying aside the law

Prōd / pro Forwards, onwards, instead of , in favour of

Pro stighomes séqomnom woikom We went on walking towards the next village Léudhseti Marjā Klaudjād pro (=Klaudjās stānei) Maria will come instead of Claudia (=in lieu of Claudia) Ednom tod meghei (prōd) péqeti (sudhēiwom) He’s cooking this fodd for me (benefactive)

Próteri In advance, further

Bhāmn ̥ adést ejos modnom próteri He prepared his speech in advance of the meeting Teksnastānom m̥ gəmí próteri ménena tewe sonti Your ideas are much further than the state of technique

55 Chapter A5: Particles

Proti Against, in exchange of

Trosopoljom proti stréudoime Let us fight against terrorism (malefactive) (dusdhēiwom)

Bhrū́gjomnons proti qérponti loughās Lies turn against people who use them

Daitrom meghei dedōwe upóstānojos He gave me a watch in exchange of (my) proti services

Markōi proti wewqét (=Markōi apo He answered to Mark wewqét)

Markōi proti (=apo) wewqét cotōi He answered to Mark’s comment Markōi proti (=apo) wewqét cotom He answered to Mark’s comment

Márkosjo proti cotom wewqét He refuted Marks’s comment

Pūnim Behind, back

Sr̥ tām eiti pūnim He goes to the rear of the queue

Dewmn̥ n̥ ket pūnim sontətorm̥ The message arrived back to its emissor

Rōdhí Because of, due to

Wī wr̥ stās wr̥ tēnā́ rōdhí spordhā esti The match was suspended because of the rain

Nē enmemeiteto esti, néitosjo prótijosjo He was not allowed in, due to his rival’s sewe rōdhí rancour

Səní/ sənterí Apart

Smst̥ ōs oljoi ḗdāmes, Markos aw nobhes We were eating together, but Mark was səní sēdāt sitting apart, though

Səní loiqēd kəmertom tom Annãi dhēka I’ve put this lobster apart from the rest for lodis gwémsn̥ tei Anna, who is coming later

Seqi Vis-à-vis, in comparison to, relating

Ispanjās seqi, Márokom bhod wesolijós In comparison to Spain, Marocco is really esti cheaper

Prótijosjo ejos seqi kns̥ ḗjeti/ knséjetor̥ He is considered on a par with his rival

56 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Teni / tenos Until

Snām kanenántjósjo tenos I swam until the end of the channel

Ucēbhwānt ostjom tenos They were wet until their bones

Trāntis / teres / trqe̥ Through

Wedṛ robhoi reimām teres soilāt Water dripped through a crack in the roof (=Wedr ̥ robhoreimã soilāt)

Probhupropodom trāntis eitum We have to go through a test process skélomos

Ud(i) / udsí Out (to a visible place), from under

Ud lákuwes sodét sā́weljos The sun came out from the lake

Polmēd ud dhrāghe roupjom He pulled a coin out of his pocket

Uperi / upsí / úpertrōd Up, upwards, up to, over

Oros uperi skandét He hiked up to the mountain

Óresi uperi bhūt s’mmādos There was a party up on the mountain

Upo Under, below

Noinloi upo senti penkwe cā́mona We have five degrees below zero

Dhghmi upo bhūt dānus There was a river (just) under the ground

Oisoi Percéjwonta mūsá dhghomm ̥ upo Those surviving mice fled under the teqḗr ground

Wī / wi Asunder

Wī dhghmí skedḗr koimsās The drawing pins got scattered on the floor

Wī dew ghordhjēd dūtjōs dūlijēro The messengers dispersed far from the mḷgātéwijābhos nówostibhos palace to anounce the news

Wr̥ stom (=poti) Towards

Trejes kowireges grádjontoi stādhlom The three wise men advance towards the wr̥ stom stable

Mnj̥ ēs téwijā neustum wr̥ stom welis You are more favourable to spending than to qām spartum esti saving

57 Chapter A6: The adverb

6.-Ənawərēmn̥ The adverb

An? Perhaps?

Dā, jāi Yes Drūtṓ Surely Oqoskīrḗd Obviously Nāi Absolutely yes Ghi, ka, smā, toi Certainly Uta dā, uta jāi Rather yes Wḗropropēd Probably Bhewtum mógheti Maybe Móghnijom Optionally Optī Possibly Bhéwonim In reality Wērēd Truly An nē Maybe not Uta nē Rather not n̥ móghnijom Impossible Nē No Ghawōd Not at all Nei Absolutely not Ghi nē Not at all

Énbhətidoljās Emphatic particles

-i, -em, -ka (This) right here, right now

58 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Qom? When?

Nū Now Mēlei kosmi/tosmi At this moment Mēlei tosmi/énosmi At that moment Tom(-ke) Then

Qomqe /qomqid At any moment Edqom At some moment Neqom Never Áiwesi/ aiwi Always Jomqid Whenever Qā́qom At each moment Ambhom In both moments Kom-pe/tom-pe/oisom-pe In this very moment Oisom-pe/im-pe/enom-pe In that very moment Aljom In another moment again Onjom In another moment else

Weghtei kosmi/tosmi This time Weghtei tosmi/énosmi That time Nūnoi Nowadays Nūper For the moment Prāi Before Pos(ti)/ pósteri Afterwards Jāwnts/̥ momdom During Migí/ bhroqoi (migí gisto) In a moment (it happened in a moment) Meigm̥ pos/ bhroqom pos (meigm̥ pos In a moment (in a moment I’ll be with the qoksū́ bhewsō) client) Meigm̥ / bhroqom For a while/for a moment Prestim On time Bhwiteī́ /pārjei At the beginning Antjoi At the end Pauper/ nedūdom For a short time Nedūdēd Short time ago Nedūdoi Since short time ago Dūdom/ dwāróm/ djēwks For a long time Dūdr̥ d Since long ago Dūdoi A long time ago Qoilēd After a while Qr̥ tusí Sometimes Bhn̥ ghū Often Mn̥ ghū Frequently Apomomdomom From time to time Qmd̥ ōqid(qe) Occasionally, incidentally R̥ dhē Rarely

59 Chapter A6: The adverb

Sm̥ per Once and for all Tntom/protn̥ tóm/sm̥ ̥ tntom̥ Continously/continually Edjḗw, kéidiwi Today Dhghjesi Yesterday Ausrom/ krāsi Tomorrow Auseri/ ausrí/ kwijós At dawn Sūnpādei/ sūnpādoi At sunset Praidhghjesi On the day before yesterday Posausrom After tomorrow Pernódiwi In a few days Səmitū / səmitī At the same time Jāmi/jām Already Dom Still Nedom /nē dom Not yet Penqedíwijoi (énklawstijom dolos) In four days (inclusive counting) Penktḗd prāi diwés Four days ago Penqe dwām diwbhés Since four days ago āmroi/ prṓteri In the morning Wesproi In the evening Medhidiwí At noon Medhinoqtí At midnight Noqtí By night Noqtm̥ During the night Ati Again Ájeri/ ghrēw Early Lodi Late Sḗtjosi/ pósqoterom Later Mogsū́ Soon Pósqoterom mogsúteromwe Sooner or later Wétesi kekn̥ dwesí/ procecəwesí Last year Wétesi (é)kosmi This year Wétesi nédsəmoi Next year

Pārjei At first Olnim/ Antjei At last/ finally Udhū́/ kitōd Immediately Térmn̥ tos Finally Épitəmēd Definitively Éksemtī Exceptionally

60 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Qom apo? Since when?

Nū-apo From now on Mēlei kosmi/tosmi apo From this moment Mēlei tosmi/énosmi apo From that moment Tom(-ke) apo Since then

Qomqe /qomqid apo From any moment Edqom apo From some moment Neqom apo Since never Áiwesi/ aiwi apo Ever since Jomqid apo Since whenever Qā́qom apo From each moment Ambhom apo From both moments Kom-pe/tom-pe/oisom-pe apo From this very moment Oisom-pe/im-pe/enom-pe apo From that very moment Aljom apo From another moment again Onjom apo From another moment else

Qom dō? Until when?

Nū-dō Until now Mēlei kosmi/tosmi dō Until this moment Mēlei tosmi/énosmi dō Until that moment Tom(-ke) dō Until then

Qomqe /qomqid dō Until any moment Edqom dō Until some moment Neqom dō Until never Áiwesi/ aiwi dō For ever Jomqid dō Until whenever Qā́qom dō Until each moment Ambhom dō Until both moments Kom-pe/tom-pe/oisom-pe dō Until this very moment Oisom-pe/im-pe/enom-pe dō Until that very moment Aljom dō Until another moment again Onjom dō Until another moment else

61 Chapter A6: The adverb

Qām? How?

Sū Well Bhl̥ gū Wonderfully Dus Badly Bhodis Better Wolis Preferably Pedis Worse

Qā́ wəntom How much?

Kā́wəntom/ tā́wəntom This much Óisā́wəntom That much Enā́wəntom That much

Qā́wəntomqid Any quantity Édqāwəntom Some quantity Néqāwəntom No quantity Ólāwəntom Every quantity Jā́wəntomqid Any quantity Áljāwəntom/ ónjāwəntom Another quantity

Ligom A bit Ge At least Sətū, sətī Enough Pau Little Meiwis/ mínusi Less Aitī Partly Ambhí/ swāi-per/ ad qolom Approximately Epi, n̥ dhi Additionally Chonṓ Abundantly Pelū́ Much Məgis/ mājis/ plējis More Welmí A lot M̥ gəmí Plentily, at wide extent Sl̥ wotós Completely Pl̥ nim Fully N̥ dhi/ n̥ dhidhughnóm Too/ too much Káiwotos Only Minumṓ, km̥ bhisəmṓ Minimum Məgsəmṓ Maximum Dōris/ prī For free

62 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Qodhei? Where?

Kei/tei Here Oisei /idhei There Enei Over there

Qódheiqe /qódheiqid Anywhere Édqodhei Somewhere Néqodhei Nowhere Ólodhei Everywhere Jódheiqid Wherever Qā́qodhei In each place Ámbhodhei In both places Kei-pe/tei-pe/oisei-pe In this very place Oisei-pe/idhei-pe/enei-pe In that very place Éterodhei In the rest of places Áljodhei/ ónjodhei Somewhere else

Qō(i), qote, qotrēd? Whither?

Kei/ kote / kotrēd Here Tei / tote/ totrēd Here Oisei/ óisote/ óisotrēd There Enei /énote / énotrēd Over there

Qō(i)qe / qō(i)qid To anywhere Qóteqe / qóteqid To anywhere Qótrēdqe /qótrēdqid To anywhere

Edqō(i) / édqote/ édqotrēd To somewhere Neqō(i)/ néqote/ néqotrēd To nowhere Olō(i) / ólote / ólotrēd To everywhere Jō(i)qid / jóteqid / jótrēdqid To wherever Qā́qō(i)/ qā́qote/ qā́qotrēd To each place Ámbhō(i)/ ámbhote/ ámbhotrēd To both places

Kō(i)-pe/ tō(i)-pe/ oisō(i)-pe To this very place Kote-pe/ tote-pe/ óisote-pe To this very place Oisō(i)-pe/ idhō(i)-pe/ enō(i)-pe To that very place Óisote-pe/ídhote-pe/énote-pe To that very place

Éterō(i)/ éterote/ éterotrēd To the rest of places Aljō(i) / onjō(i) To somewhere else Áljote / áljotrēd To somewhere else Ónjote/ ónjotrēd To somewhere else

63 Chapter A6: The adverb

Qeti? Qotrōd? Wherefrom?

Keti/ kotrōd From here Teti/ totrōd From here Óiseti/ óisotrōd From there Enei/ énotrōd From over there

Qétiqe /qétiqid From anywhere Qótrōdqe /qótrōdqid From anywhere

Édqeti/ édqotrōd From somewhere Néqeti/ néqotrōd From nowhere Óleti/ ólotrōd From everywhere Jétiqid / jótrōdqid From wherever Qā́qeti/ qā́qotrōd From each place Ámbheti/ ámbhotrōd From both places

Keti-pe/teti-pe/óiseti-pe From this very place Kotrōd-pe/totrōd-pe/óisotrōd-pe From this very place Óiseti-pe/ídheti-pe/éneti-pe From that very place Óisotrōd-pe/ídhotrōd-pe/énotrōd-pe From that very place

Étereti/ éterotrōd From the rest of places Áljeti/ áljotrōd From somewhere else Ónjeti/ ónjotrōd From somewhere else

Qosōd? Whereby?

Kosōd/ tosōd By here Óisosōd By there Énosōd By over there

Qósōdqid By anywhere Édqosōd By somewhere Néqosōd By nowhere Ólosōd By everywhere Jésōdqid By wherever Qā́qosōd By each place Ámbhosōd By both places Kosōd-pe/tosōd-pe/óisosōd-pe By this very place Óisosōd-pe/ídhosōd-pe/énosōd-pe By that very place

Éterosōd By the rest of places Áljosōd/ ónjosōd By somewhere else

64 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Qismōi? What for?

Kosmōi/tosmōi For this Óisosmōi For that Énosmōi For that over

Qódhosmōiqe /qódhosmōiqid For any purpose Édqosmōi For some purpose Néqosmōi For no purpose Ólosmōi For every purpose Jódhosmōiqid For whatever purpose Qā́qosmōi For each purpose Ámbhosmōi For both purposes Kosmōi-pe/tosmōi-pe/oisosmōi-pe For this very purpose Oisosmōi-pe/idhosmōi-pe/enosmōi-pe For that very purpose Éterosmōi For the rest of purposes Áljosmōi For some other purpose Ónjosmōi For another purpose

Qori? Qā-i? Qā-tu? Qija? Why?

Kori/ tori For this reason Óisori For that reason Énori For that reason

Qóriqid For any reason Édqori For some reason Néqori For no reason Ólori For every reason Jóriqid For whatever reason Qā́qori For each reason Ámbhori For both reasons Kori-pe/tori-pe/óisori-pe For this very reason Óisori-pe/ídhori-pe/énori-pe For that very reason

Éterori For the rest of reasons Áljori For some other reason Ónjori For another reason

65 Chapter A6: The adverb

Qota? How?

Kota/ tota / ita (itə) This way, like this, so Óisota That way, like that Énota That way, like that

Qótaqe /qótaqid Anyhow Édqota Somehow Néqota Nohow Ólota Everyhow Jótaqid In whatever way Qā́qota In each way Ámbhota In both manners Kota-pe/tota-pe/óisota-pe In this very manner Óisota-pe/ídhota-pe/énota-pe In that very manner

Éterota In the rest of manners Áljota/ ónjota Somehow else/ otherwise

Qī? By what means?; In what manner?

Kō, tō This way, like this, so Oisō That way, like that Enō That way, like that

Qótaqe /qótaqid Anyhow Édqō Somehow Néqō By no means Ólō Everyhow Qōqid By whatever means Qāqō In each way Ambhō In both manners Kō-pe/tō-pe/oisō-pe In this very manner Oisō-pe/idhō-pe/enō-pe In that very manner Éterō In the rest of manners Áljō/ ónjō Somehow else

66 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Apólūtēd/ perəm Absolutely Bhelnim Aloud Kr̥ dītós Angry/ angrily Ərəmi/ wəlē Appropriately Dus Bad Andhṓ Blindly Mnā́mn̥ tos By heart Sm̥ kloutnim/ sm̥ podō By chance Próbhudhnim Carefully Skīrḗd Clearly Kómmoinī / kómmoinitos Commonly Səmojēd/ Sm̥ cānim Conventionally Kr̥ diks Cordially Regtḗd Correctly Dhn̥ ghū Directly

Reidhēd Easily Somḗd / aiqēd Equally Arti Exactly Bhersi/ ōkū́/ twr̥ tēd Fast Dhernim/ stərō Firmly Dhreghnim Fluently Kloutnim Fortunately N̥ kū Forcingly, necessarily Ml̥ kē By fumbling, gropingly Déikmn̥ tos For instance Swādū́ Gently, smoothly Cā́mn̥ tos Gradually Ghoilēd Happily Molis Hardly Uktim Honestly Cərū, swērū́, nokī Importantly Nṓmn̥ tos In the name of N̥ bhrūgī In vain Ghleunim Jokingly Prósednim Kindly Slagsū́ Loosely Streptim Loudly Moilēd Mildly Bhewtī Naturally Kolis Nearly Gnṓsmn̥ tos Normally Óbhidhēnim Officially

67 Chapter A6: The adverb

Séikesē On purpose Pəlāmi Openly Kómsqr̥ tim Perfectly Swedhumenesbhi Politely Orom Properly Awis/ údsteunim Publicly (perceptibly) Ústerotos Publicly (by the public) Ksipū́ Rashly Wērō/ wērēd Really Rēdhis Regularly Klāmi/ tājis / kustoisu Secretly Tn̥ ghū, swērū́ Seriously Tausnim Silently Ml̥ sō Slowly Ml̥ dū/ mlātim Softly Dhn̥ ghū Straightly/ directly Krepū́/ nertō/ nertēd/ bélown̥ tē Strongly Abhnim Suddenly Nekopīnḗd Unexpectedly N̥ kloutnim, ghálerō Unfortunately Bhrūgī Usefully Bhelū/ lēnī /klamrḗd Weakly Sū Well Wəkē (wekonts) Willingly Dusmenesbhi With bad intention Dusqolḗd With difficulty Ernim With energy Sumenesbhi With good intention Mr̥ sē With neglection Pedbhi With the foot Ghésr̥ tos With the hand Kérsn̥ tos With the head Ghornim With pleasure Twoisḗd With violence Widlḗd/ widrī Wisely

68 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

7.-Wərēmn ̥ The verb

Énonmōs Persons Prāwā First Dwótera Second Tritjā Third

Woqes Voices Qíqerjā Active Medhjā Middle Pətjomnī Passive Éksonmis Impersonal

Wrtjḁ Tenses

Enstānt Present Nroki̥ Aorist Kómsqrtom̥ Perfect Bhewsont Future

Módesa Modes

Déiktijom Indicative Próknejom Precative Upotágtijom Subjunctive Óptijom Optative Éntagtijom Imperative

Bhrūgtjes Uses Bhéwtijā Natural Stāiwā Stative Kéntijā Inceptive Propódejā Progressive Éntonwā Intensive Ménghijā Frequentative Wéistijā Causative Wənskāiwā Desiderative

69 Chapter A7: The verb

Énonmōs Persons

Prāwā –bhētei leghét dō First – refers to the speaker

(Egṓ) edqom welmi kwatsom I want some cheese

Dwótera-klutorei leghét dō Second- refers to the listener trityā

Age (tū) dom Go ahead!

Third – npr̥ ōtei leghét dō Third-refers to that one who’s not participating Knakjes cīmōm ikónt tū́smona Bananas have lots of vitamins

Woqes Voices qíqerjā active

Térestijā Transitive

Markos dhanum ghortei óqeti Mark sees a pinetree in the garden ntérestij̥ ā Intransitive

Markos stéigheti Mark is walking

Bhondhwā Copulative

Markos pūnwōrós esti Mark is a fireman

70 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Medhjā Middle

Dhnghuprótikokejā (Upologhos semli Direct reflexive (The subject is both the qrtirstṓr qrtijatjārdisqe esti) initiator and the endpoint of the action)

Tegai I cover myself Kei dhejai I place myself here Markos spektlei óqetoi Mark looks himself at the mirror Markos ksnújetoi Mark shaves

Ndhnghuprótikokej̥ ā -swesudhēiwā Indirect reflexive - autobenefactive Adejai owoqətjām I prepare myself an omelette Pinjom sepai I provide myself with a stab

Aljoaljóterā Reciprocal Céromedha We praise each other Nokéjomedha We destroy each other

Smstóter̥ ā Collective Grnúmedhḁ We gather together Wertéjomedha We appreciate ourselves

Térestijā Transitive Gherijai I wish Bhrūgjai I use Qínumai I avenge Mētijai I measure ntérestij̥ ā Intransitive Mntijai̥ (mntij̥ ā́ wrdhej̥ āwe qertis) I put on, I pretend (mental o verbal activity) Rēmoi (rmoi)̥ I reckon Bhāmoi (bhəmoi) I speak Medai I ponder

Éksemtjes Exceptions Bhíbheimi I am afraid Sprigējō I am fed up

Eusaj (Sweqr̥ tṓs propodōs) I get burnt (Spontaneous processes) Krdijai̥ I get angry Skedhai I get hurt Dhuwəlijai I go mad

Éksemtjes Exceptions

Rudhēskō (rudhēsmi) I get red Albhēskō (albhēsmi) I get white R̥ gēskō (r̥ gēsmi) I get white/ brilliant Senēskō (senēsmi) I get old

71 Chapter A7: The verb

Ərijai (Krpesmowos)̥ I stand up, I set out (Body motion) Səlijai I spring Pl̥ namaí I get near Leghjai I go to bed Bhudhjai I wake up, I get conscious

Éksemtjes Exceptions Qerpō sā́weljom əna I turn towards the sun Sisdō I sit down Eimi, steighō I go, I walk Chadhō I fall Skandō, keidō I go up, I go down

Mejai (Meitis) I change (change) Wrtai,̥ gignai I become Gnāskai I am born Mrijai̥ I die

Éksemtjes Exceptions rdhj̥ ō, augēskō, krēskō I grow swājō I diminish áussketi, lukḗsketi (en) It gets light

Stətijóm Stative Keimoi I am lying Ēsmoi Bherolinjei I find myself in Berlin Sū qeisai (qismoi) I feel good

Éksemtjes Exceptions Gemō I am loaded Senējō I am old Rudhējō I am red Sedējō I am sitting Leghō I am lying

Éksonmis Impersonal

The spot is seen from the other side of the Smitlām kētjā́ntimenes oqer room

Smlogwos̥ Collective

Praītā́i noqtí dus swper Last night we slept badly

Pətjomnī́ Passive

Markos néduwis óqetor Mark is seen by his neighbours

72 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Ambhítowā spekjēs wrtj̥ ōm General outlook of tenses and moods modesomqe

Qíqerjā woqs Active voice

deikō I show wíwermi I find gignō I produce regō I govern sōdejō I make s.o. sit pr̥ nāmi I sell kupjō I demand dídōmi I give newājō I renew lubhējō I love, I like mímnāskō I remind esmi I am bhewmi I am, I result to be r̥ neumi I move

Medhjā woqs Middle voice/ passive/ deponent

deikā̌ i/ deikōr I show myself/ I am shown wiwrai/ wiwrar I find myself/ I am found gignā̌ i I produce myself regā̌ i I govern myself sōdejā̌ i I make myself. sit pr̥ nəmai I sell myself kupjā̌ i I demand myself dídōwai I give for myself newājā̌ i I renew myself lubhējā̌ i I love, I like myself mímnāskā̌ i I remind myself seqā̌ i I follow bhəmai I say r̥ nuwai I move myself

Example: First person endings. Active and middle

Active Thematic Athematic

Primary * ‐oh2 > ‐ō ‐mi Secondary ‐om ‐m

Thematic Athematic

Middle Primary * ‐oh2ei >*‐oai > ‐āi > ‐ā̌i *‐h2ei > ‐ai/ ‐mai

Secondary *‐oh2e > *‐oa > ‐ā/ ‐oma *‐h2e > a/ ma

73 Chapter A7: The verb

Deikō ‘show’. Active voice. Present and aorist.

Indicative Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative deikõ/ deikō deikom deikoijəm deiksēm ----- deikōm déikesi deikes déikēs(i) deikois deiksēs deike déiketi deiket déikēt(i) deikoit deiksēt déiketu déikōwos(i)/ déikowos(i) déikowes déikoiwes déiksēwes ----- déikōwes déikētas/ Present déiketas déiketom déikoitom déiksētom déiketanu déikētom déikētes/ déiketes déiketām déikoitām déiksētām déiketenu déikētām déikōmos(i)/ déikomos(i) déikomes déikoimes déiksēmes ----- déikōmes déikete déikete déikēte déikoite déiksēte déikete déikonti deikont déikōnt(i) deikoijənt deiksēnt déikontu dikóm dikām dikõ / dikōm dikoijəm diksēm -----

dikés dikās díkēs(i) dikois diksēs dike

dikét dikāt díkēt(i) dikoit diksēt díketu díkōwos(i)/ dikowes díkāwes díkoiwes díksēwes ----- díkōwes díkētas/ diketom díkātom díkoitom díksētom díketanu Aorist díkētom díkētes/ diketām díkātām díkoitām díksētām díketenu díkētām díkōmos(i)/ dikomes díkāmes díkoimes díksēmes ----- díkōmes

dikete díkāte díkēte díkoite díksēte díkete

dikónt dikānt díkōnt(i) dikoijənt diksēnt díkontu

74 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Deikō ‘show’. Active voice. Perfect, pluperfect and future.

Indicative Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative doika dóikom(i) dikjḗm doiksēm ----- doikta dóikes(i) dikjḗs doiksēs doikdhi doike dóiket(i) dikjḗt doiksēt doiktu dóikowos(i)/ dikwé dikīwes dóiksēwes ----- dóikowes dóiketas/ dikadhum dikītom dóiksētom diktanu Perfect dóiketom dóiketes/ dikate dikītām dóiksētām diktenu dóiketām dóikomos(i)/ dikmé dikīmes dóiksēmes ----- dóikomes diksté dóikete dikīte dóiksēte diksté dikḗr dóikont(i) dikī́nt doiksēnt dikn̥ tú doikm̥ doiksām dóikissēm doiks doiksās dóikissēs doikt doiksāt dóikissēt dikwés dóiksāwes dóikissēwes Pluperfect diktóm dóiksātom dóikissētom diktā́ m dóiksātām dóikissētām dikmés dóiksāmes dóikissēmes dikté dóiksāte dóikissēte dikn̥ t doiksānt dóikissēnt déiks(j)õ/ deiks(j)ō deiks(j)om déiks(j)oijəm ----- deiks(j)ōm déiks(j)esi deiks(j)es déiks(j)ēs(i) deiks(j)ois déiketōd déiks(j)eti deiks(j)et déiks(j)ēt(i) deiks(j)oit déike(tu)tōd déiks(j)ōwos(i)/ déiks(j)owos(i) déiks(j)owes déiks(j)oiwes ----- déiks(j)ōwes déiks(j)ētas/ Future déiks(j)etas déiks(j)etas déiks(j)oitom déiketanutōd déiks(j)ētom déiks(j)ētes/ déiks(j)etes deiks(j)otes déiks(j)oitām déiketenutod déiks(j)ētām déiks(j)ōmos(i)/ déiks(j)omos(i) déiks(j)omes déiks(j)oimes ----- déiks(j)ōmes déiks(j)ete déiks(j)ete déiks(j)ēte déiks(j)oite déiketetōd déiks(j)onti deiks(j)ont déiks(j)ōnt(i) déiks(j)oijənt déikon(tu)tōd

75 Chapter A7: The verb

Deikā̌ i ‘show oneself’. Middle voice. Present and aorist.

Indicative Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative deikā̌ i deikā deikõi/ déikōma déikoija déiksēma ----- déikesoi déikeso déikēso(i) déikoiso déiksēso déikeswo déiketoi déiketo déikēto(i) déikoito déiksēto déiketotu déikowesdha déikowedha déikōwe(s)dha déikoiwedha déiksēwedha ----- deikei deikei deikēi déikoiji deiksēi deikei Present deikei deikei deikēi déikoiji deiksēi deikei

déikomesdha déikomedha déikōme(s)dha déikoimedha déiksēmedha ----- déikesdhwe déikedhwe déikē(s)dhwe déikoidhwe déiksēdhwe déikesdhwe déikontoi déikonto déikōnto(i) déikoijənto déiksēnto déikontotu dikā́ / díkāma dikõi/ díkōma díkoija díksēma ----- dikoma dikeso/ díkāso díkēso(i) díkoiso díksēso díkeswo diketa

diketo díkāto díkēto(i) díkoito díksēto díketotu

dikówedha díkāwedha díkōwe(s)dha díkoiwedha díksēwedha -----

dikéi dikāi dikēi díkoiji diksēi dikei Aorist dikéi dikāi dikēi díkoiji diksēi dikei

dikómedha díkāmedha díkōme(s)dha díkoimedha díksēmedha -----

dikedhwe díkādhwe díkēdhwe díkoidhwe díksēdhwe díkesdhwe

dikonto díkānto díkōnto(i) díkoijənto díksēnto díkontotu

76 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Deikā̌ i ‘show oneself’. Middle voice. Perfect, pluperfect and future.

Indicative Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative dikai dóikoma(i) dikīja dóiksēma ----- diktai dóikeso(i) dikīso dóiksēso doikswo dikei dóiketo(i) dikīto dóiksēto dóiktotu dikwedhai dóikowe(s)dha dikī́wedha dóiksēwedha ----- dikaia doikei dikīji dóiksēi dikí Perfect dikaia doikei dikīji dóiksēi dikí dikmedhai dóikome(s)dha dikī́medha dóiksēmedha ----- dikstéi dóike(s)dhwe dikīdhwe dóiksēdhwe dikdhwé dikēri/ dikēro dóikonto(i) dikīnto dóiksēnto díkn̥ totu doikma dóiksāma dóikissēma doikso doiksāso dóikissēso doikto doiksāto dóikissēto dikwedha dóiksāwedha dóikissēwedha Pluperfect dikí doiksāi dóikissēi dikí doiksāi dóikissēi dikmedha dóiksāmedha dóikissēmedha dikdhwé dóiksādhwe dóikissēdhwe dikn̥ to dóiksānto dóikissēnto deiks(j)ā̌ i deiks(j)om deiks(j)õi/ -ōma déiks(j)oija ----- déiks(j)esoi deiks(j)es déiks(j)ēso(i) déiks(j)oiso déikeswotōd déiks(j)etoi deiks(j)et déiks(j)ēto(i) déiks(j)oito déiketotutōd

déiks(j)owesdha déiks(j)owes déiks(j)ōwe(s)dha déiks(j)oiwedha -----

deiks(j)ei déiks(j)ei déiks(j)ēi déiks(j)oiji déikeitōd Future deiks(j)ei deiks(j)ei déiks(j)ēi déiks(j)oiji déikeitōd

déiks(j)omesdha déiks(j)omes déiks(j)ōme(s)dha déiks(j)oimedha -----

déiks(j)esdhwe déiks(j)ete déiks(j)ē(s)dhwe déiks(j)oidhwe déikesdhwetōd

déiks(j)ontoi deiks(j)ont déiks(j)ōnto(i) déiks(j)oijənto déikontotutōd

77 Chapter A7: The verb

Deikōr ‘be shown’. Passive voice. Present and aorist.

Indicative Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative deikōr deikār deikõr déikoir deiksēr ----- déikesor/ déikesor/ déikoisor/ déiksēsor/ déikēsor/ déikētar déikesoru déiketar déiketar déikoitar déiksētar déiketor déiketor déikētor déikoitor déiksētor déiketoru déikowor(i) déikower déikōwor(i)/ -wer déikoiwer déiksēwer ----- deiketr̥ deiketr̥ deikētr̥ deikoitr̥ deiksētr̥ déiketru Present deiketr̥ deiketr̥ deikētr̥ deikoitr̥ deiksētr̥ déiketru déikomor(i) déikomer déikōmor(i)/ -mer déikoimer déiksēmer ----- déikēdhwori/ - déikedhwori déikedhwer déikoidhwer déiksēdhwer déikedhworu dhwer

déikontor(i) déikontor déikōntor(i) déikoijəntor déiksēntor déikontoru dikṓr/ díkār/ dikõr/ diktós díkoir/ diktós diksēr/ diktós ----- diktós esmi diktós esm̥ ésom(i) sjēm essēm díksēsor/ dikesor/ díkāsor/ díkoisor/ díkēsor/ díkētar/ díksētar/ díkesoru/ diketar/ díkātar/ díkoitar/ diktós diktós éses(i) dóiksētar/ diktós esdhi diktós essi diktós es sjēs diktós essēs diketor/ díkātor/ díkētor/ diktós díkoitor/ diktós díksētor/ diktós díketoru/

diktós esti diktós est éset(i) sjēt essēt diktós estu dikower/ díkōwor(i)/ -wer/ díkāwer/ díkoiwer/ díksēwer/ diktṓu diktṓu ésowos/ ------diktṓu swes diktṓu sīwes diktṓu éssēwes swos(i) wes diketr̥ / dikātr̥ / dikētr̥ / diktṓu dikoitr̥ / diktṓu diksētr̥ / diktṓu díketru/

Aorist diktṓu stas diktṓu stom ésetas/ -tom sītom éssētom diktṓu stanu diketr̥ / dikātr̥ / dikētr̥ / diktṓu dikoitr̥ / diktṓu diksētr̥ / diktṓu díketru/

diktṓu stes diktṓu stām ésetes/ -tām sītām éssētām diktṓu stenu dikomer/ díkōmor(i)/ -mer/ díkāmer/ díkoimer/ diktṓs díksēmer/ diktṓs diktṓs ésomos(i)/ ----- diktṓs smes sīmes diktṓs éssēmes smos(i) -mes díkēdhwori/ - dikedhwer/ díkādhwer/ díkoidhwer/ díksēdhwer/ díkedhworu/ dhwer/ diktṓs diktṓs ste diktṓs ste diktṓs sīte diktṓs éssēte diktṓs ste ésete dikontor/ díkāntor/ díkōntor(i)/ díkoijəntor/ díksēntor/ díkontoru/ diktṓs sonti/ diktṓs sent diktṓs ésont(i) diktṓs sīnt diktṓs essēnt diktṓs sentu diktṓs senti

78 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Deikōr ‘be shown’. Passive voice. Perfect and pluperfect.

Indicative Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative dikar/ diknós doikōr/ doikār/ dikījar/ dóiksēr/ diknós ----- esmi diknós ésom(i) diknós sjēm essēm dóikesor/ dikīsor/ dóiksēsor/ diktar/ diknós dóiksoru/ diknós dóiketar/ dikītar/ dóiksētar/ essi esdhi diknós éses(i) diknós sjēs diknós essēs dikor/ diknós dóiketor/ dikītor/ dóiksētor/ dóiktoru/ diknós

esti diknós éset(i) diknós sjēt diknós essēt estu dóikowor(i)/ - dóiksēwer/ dikwár/ diknṓu dikīwer/ wer/ diknṓu diknṓu ----- swos(i) diknṓu sīwes ésowos/ -wes éssēwes dikaiar/ diknṓu dóiketr̥ / diknṓu dikījetr̥ / dóiksētr̥ / diktrú/ diknṓu

Perfect stas ésetas/ -tom diknṓu sītom diknṓu éssētom stanu dikījetr̥ / dikaiar/ diknṓu dóiketr̥ / diknṓu dóiksētr̥ / diktrú/ diknṓu diknṓu stes ésetes/ -tām diknṓu éssētām stenu sītām dóikomor(i)/ - dikmár/ diknṓs dikīmer/ dóiksēmer/ mer/ diknṓs ----- smos(i) diknṓs sīmes diknṓs éssēmes ésomos(i)/ -mes dóikedhwor(i)/ dikdhwár/ dikīdhwer/ dóiksēdhwer/ dikdhworu/ -dhwer/ diknṓs diknṓs ste diknṓs sīte diknṓs éssēte diknṓs ste ésete dikn̥ tar / dóikontor(i)-/ dikīntor/ dóiksēntor/ dikn̥ toru/ diknṓs diknṓs sonti/ diknṓs ésont(i) diknṓs sīnt diknṓs essēnt sentu diknṓs senti doikar/ diknós dóiksār/ diknós dóikissēr/

bhūm bhuwām diknós bhūsēm doiksor/ doiksāsor/ dóikissēsor/ doiktar/ diknós dóiksātar/ dóikissētar/ bhūs diknós bhuwās diknós bhūsēs

doiktor/ diknós doiksātor/ Dóikissētor/

bhūt diknós bhuwāt diknós bhūsēt

dóiksāwer/ dikwér/ diknṓu dóikissēwer/ diknṓu bhūwes diknós bhūsēt bhúwāwes dóiksātr̥ / dóikissētr̥ / Pluperfect diktr̥ / diknṓu diknṓu diknṓu bhūtom bhúwātom bhū́ sētom dóiksātr̥ / dóikissētr̥ / diktr̥ / diknṓu diknṓu diknṓu bhūtām bhúwātām bhū́ sētām dóiksāmer/ dóikissēmer/ dikmér/ diknṓs diknṓs diknṓs bhūmes bhúwāmes bhū́ sēmes dikdhwér/ dóiksādhwer/ dóikissēdhwer/

diknṓs bhūte diknṓs bhúwāte diknṓs bhū́ sēte dikn̥ tor/ diknṓs dóiksāntor/ dóikissēntor/

bhūnt diknṓs bhuwānt diknṓs bhūsēnt

79 Chapter A7: The verb

Deikōr ‘be shown’. Passive voice. Future.

Indicative Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative deiks(j)ōr deiks(j)om deiks(j)õr deiks(j)oir -----

déiks(j)esor/ déiks(j)ēsor/ déiks(j)oisor/ deiks(j)es déikesorutōd déiks(j)etar déiks(j)ētar déiks(j)oitar

déiks(j)etor deiks(j)et déiks(j)ētor déiks(j)oitor déiketorutōd déiks(j)ōwor(i)/ - déiks(j)owor(i) déiks(j)owes déiks(j)oiwer ----- wer Future deiks(j)etr̥ deiks(j)ei deiks(j)ētr̥ deiks(j)oitr̥ déiketrutōd deiks(j)etr̥ deiks(j)ei deiks(j)ētr̥ deiks(j)oitr̥ déiketrutōd déiks(j)ōmor(i)/ - déiks(j)omor(i) déiks(j)omes déiks(j)oimer ----- mer déiks(j)ēdhwor(i)/ déiks(j)edhwor(i) déiks(j)edhwe déiks(j)oidhwer déikedhworutōd -dhwer

déiks(j)ontor(i) deiks(j)ont déiks(j)ōntor(i) déiks(j)oijəntor déikontorutōd

80 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Wíwermi ‘find’. Active voice. Present and aorist.

Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative wíwermi wiwerm̥ wíwerom(i) wiwrīm wíwersēm ----- wíwersi wiwers wíweres(i) wiwrīs wíwersēs wíwerdhi wíwerti wiwert wíweret(i) wiwrīt wíwersēt wíwertu wiwr̥ wós(i) wiwr̥ wés wíwerowos(i) /-wes wiwrīwés wíwersēwes ----- Present wiwr̥ tás wiwr̥ tóm wíweretas/ -tom wiwrītóm wíwersētom wiwr̥ tanu wiwr̥ tés wiwr̥ tā́ m wíweretes/ -tām wiwrītā́ m wíwersēntām wiwr̥ tenu wiwr̥ mós(i) wiwr̥ més wíweromos(i) /-mes wiwrīmés wíwersēmes ----- wiwr̥ té wiwr̥ té wíwerete wiwrīté wíwersēte wiwr̥ té wiwrn̥ ti wiwrent wíweront(i) wiwrīnt wíwersēnt wiwrn̥ tu wewróm wewrām wewrõ /-ōm wewroijəm wewr̥ sēm -----

wewrés wewrās wéwrēs(i) wewrois wewr̥ sēs wewre

wewrét wewrāt wéwrēt(i) wewroit wewr̥ sēt wéwretu

wewrowes wéwrāwes wéwrōwos(i) /-wes wéwroiwes wéwr̥ sēwes -----

wewretom wéwrātom wéwrētas/ -tom wéwroitom wéwr̥ sētom wéwretanu Aorist wewretām wéwrātām wéwrētes/ -tām wewroitām wewr̥ sētām wéwretenu

wewromes wéwrāmes wéwrōmos(i) /-mes wéwroimes wéwr̥ sēmes -----

wewrete wéwrāte wéwrēte wéwroite wéwr̥ sēte wéwrete

wewront wewrānt wéwrōnt(i) wewroijənt wewr̥ sēnt wéwrontu

81 Chapter A7: The verb

Wíwermi ‘find’. Active voice. Perfect, pluperfect and future.

Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative wéwora wéworom(i) wewr̥ jḗm wéworsēm ----- wéworta wéwores(i) wewr̥ jḗs wéworsēs wéwordhi wéwore wéworet(i) wewr̥ jḗt wéworsēt wéwortu wéworowos(i)/ - wewr̥ wé wewrīwes wéworsēwes ----- wes Perfect wewradhum wéworetas/ -tom wewrītom wéworsētom wewr̥ tanu wewrate wéworetes/ -tām wewrītām wéworsētām wewr̥ tenu wéworomos(i)/ - wewr̥ mé wewrīmes wéworsēmes ----- mes wewr̥ sté wéworete wewrīte wéworsēte wewr̥ sté wewrḗr wéworont(i) wewrī́nt wéworsēnt wewrn̥ tú wéworm̥ wéworsām wéworissēm wewors wéworsās wéworissēs wewort wéworsāt wéworissēt wewr̥ wés wéworsāwes wéworissēwes Pluperfect wewr̥ tóm wéworsātom wéworissētom wewr̥ tā́ m wéworsātām wéworissēnt wewr̥ més wéworsāmes wéworissēmes wewr̥ té wéworsāte wéworissēte wewrn̥ t wéworsānt wéworissēnt wers(j)õ/ wers(j)ō wers(j)om wérs(j)oijəm ----- wers(j)ōm wérs(j)esi wers(j)es wérs(j)ēs(i) wers(j)ois wíwerdhitōd wérs(j)eti wers(j)et wérs(j)ēt(i) wers(j)oit wíwertutōd wérs(j)ōwos(i)/ - wérs(j)owos(i) wérs(j)owes wérs(j)oiwes ----- wes Future wérs(j)etas wérs(j)etom wérs(j)ētas/ -tom wérs(j)oitom wiwr̥ tánutōd wérs(j)etes wers(j)ont wérs(j)ētes/ -tām wérs(j)oitām wiwr̥ ténutōd wérs(j)ōmos(i)/ - wérs(j)omos(i) wérs(j)omes wérs(j)oimes ----- mes wérs(j)ete wérs(j)ete wérs(j)ēte wérs(j)oite wiwr̥ tetōd wérs(j)onti wers(j)ont wérs(j)ōnt(i) wérs(j)oijənt wiwrn̥ tutōd

82 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Wiwrai ‘find oneself’. Middle voice. Present and aorist.

Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative wiwrai wiwra wíweroma(i) wíwrīja wíwersēma ----- wiwr̥ soi wiwr̥ so wíwereso(i) wíwrīso wíwersēso wíwr̥ swo wiwr̥ toi wiwr̥ to wíwereto(i) wíwrīto wíwersēto wíwr̥ totu wiwr̥ wesdha wiwr̥ wedha wíwerowe(s)dha wíwrīwedha wíwersēwedha ----- Present wiwr̥ í wiwr̥ í wíwerei wíwrīji wíwersēi wiwrí wiwrí wiwrí wíwerei wíwrīji wíwersēi wiwrí wiwr̥ mesdha wiwr̥ medha wíwerome(s)dha wíwrīmedha wíwersēmedha ----- wiwr̥ sdhwé wiwr̥ dhwé wíwere(s)dhwe wíwrīdhwe wíwersēdhwe wiwr̥ sdhwé wiwrn̥ toi wíwrento wíweronto(i) wiwrīnto wíwersēnto wíwrn̥ totu wewrā́ / wéwrõi/ wéwrāma wéwroija wéwr̥ sēma ----- wewroma wéwrōma wewreso/ wéwrāso wéwrēso(i) wéwroiso wéwr̥ sēso wéwreswo wewreta

wewreto wéwrāto wéwrēto(i) wéwroito wéwr̥ sēto wéwretotu

wewrówedha wéwrāwedha wéwrōwe(s)dha wéwroiwedha wéwr̥ sēwedha -----

wewréi wewrāi wewrēi wéwroiji wewr̥ sēi wewrei Aorist

wewréi wewrāi wewrēi wéwroiji wewr̥ sēi wewrei

wewrómedha wéwrāmedha wéwrōme(s)dha wéwroimedha wéwr̥ sēmedha -----

wewredhwe wéwrādhwe wéwrēdhwe wéwroidhwe wéwr̥ sēdhwe wéwresdhwe

wewronto wéwrānto wéwrōnto(i) wéwroijənto wéwr̥ sēnto wéwrontotu

83 Chapter A7: The verb

Wiwrai ‘find oneself’. Middle voice. Perfect, pluperfect and future.

Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative wewrai wéworoma(i) wewrīja wéworsēma ----- wéwr̥ tai wéworeso(i) wewrīso wéworsēso wéworswo wewrei wéworeto(i) wewrīto wéworsēto wéwortotu wewr̥ wedhai wéworowe(s)dha wewrī́wedha wéworsēwedha ----- wewraia wéworei wewrīje wéworsēi wewrí Perfect wewraia wéworei wewrīje wéworsēi wewrí

wewr̥ medhai wéworome(s)dha wewrī́medha wéworsēmedha ----- wewr̥ stéi wéwore(s)dhwe wewrīdhwe wéworsēdhwe wewr̥ dhwé wewrēri/ wéworonto(i) wewrīnto wéworsēnto wéwrn̥ totu wewrēro wéworma wéworsāma wéworissēma wéworso wéworsāso wéworissēso wéworto wéworsāto wéworissēto

wewr̥ wedha wéworsāwedha wéworissēwedha

Plup. wewrí wéworsāi wéworissēi wewrí wéworsāi wéworissēi

wewr̥ medha wéworsāmedha wéworissēmedha

wewr̥ dhwé wéworsādhwe wéworissēdhwe wewrn̥ to wéworsānto wéworissēnto wers(j)ā̌ i wers(j)om wérs(j)ōma(i) wérs(j)oija ----- wérs(j)esoi wers(j)es wérs(j)ēso(i) wers(j)oiso wíwr̥ swotōd wérs(j)etoi wers(j)et wérs(j)ēto(i) wers(j)oito wíwr̥ totutōd

wérs(j)owesdha wérs(j)owes wérs(j)ōwe(s)dha wérs(j)oiwedha -----

wérs(j)ei wérs(j)ete wérs(j)ēi wérs(j)oiji wiwritōd Future wérs(j)ei wers(j)ont wérs(j)ēi wérs(j)oiji wiwritōd

wérs(j)omesdha wérs(j)omes wérs(j)ōme(s)dha wérs(j)oimedha -----

wérs(j)esdhwe wérs(j)ete wérs(j)ē(s)dhwe wérs(j)oidhwe wíwr̥ sdhwetōd

wérs(j)ontoi wers(j)ont wérs(j)ōnto(i) wérs(j)oijənto wíwrn̥ totutōd

84 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Wiwrar ‘be found’. Passive voice. Present and aorist.

Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative wíwerōr/ wiwrar wiwrar wíwrīr wíwersēr ----- wíwerār wiwr̥ sor/ wiwr̥ sor/ wíweresor/ wíwrīsor/ wíwersēsor/ wíwr̥ soru wiwr̥ tar wiwr̥ tar wíweretar wíwrītar wíwersētar wiwr̥ tor wiwr̥ tor wíweretor wíwrītor wíwersētor wíwr̥ toru wíwerowor(i)/ - wiwr̥ wór(i) wiwr̥ wér wíwrīwer wíwersēwer ----- wer Present wiwrtr̥ ̥ wiwrtr̥ ̥ wíweretr̥ wíwrītr̥ wíwersētr̥ wiwr̥ tru wiwrtr̥ ̥ wiwrtr̥ ̥ wíweretr̥ wíwrītr̥ wíwersētr̥ wiwr̥ tru wíweromor(i)/ - wiwr̥ mor(i) wiwr̥ mér wíwrīmer wíwersēmer ----- mer wíweredhwori/ - wiwr̥ dhwori wiwr̥ dhwér wíwrīdhwer wíwersēdhwer wíwr̥ dhworu dhwer wíwrn̥ ̥ tor(i) wíwrentor wíwerontor(i) wíwrīntor wíwersēntor wíwrn̥ ̥ toru wewrṓr/ wéwrār/ wewrõr/ wr̥ tós wéwroir/ wr̥ tós wéwr̥ sēr/ wr̥ tós ----- wr̥ tós esmi wr̥ tós esm̥ ésom(i) sjēm essēm wéwr̥ sēsor/ wewresor/ wéwrāsor/ wéwrēsor/ wéwroisor/ wéwr̥ sētar/ wéwresoru/ wewretar/ wéwrātar/ wéwrētar/ wr̥ tós wéwroitar/ wéworsētar/ wr̥ tós esdhi wr̥ tós essi wr̥ tós es éses(i) wr̥ tós sjēs wr̥ tós essēs wewretor/ wéwrātor/ wéwrētor/ wr̥ tós wéwroitor/ wéwr̥ sētor/ wéwretoru/

wr̥ tós esti wr̥ tós est éset(i) wr̥ tós sjēt wr̥ tós essēt wr̥ tós estu wéwrōwor(i)/ - wewrower/ wéwrāwer/ wéwroiwer/ wéwr̥ sēwer/ wer/ wr̥ tṓu ----- wr̥ tṓu swos(i) wr̥ tṓu swes wr̥ tṓu sīwes wr̥ tṓu éssēwes ésowos/ -wes wewretr̥ / wewrātr̥ / wéwrētr̥ / wr̥ tṓu wéwroitr̥ / wr̥ tṓu wewr̥ sētr̥ / wéwretru/ wr̥ tṓu

Aorist wr̥ tṓu stas wr̥ tṓu stom ésetas/ -tom sītom wr̥ tṓu éssētom stanu wewretr̥ / wewrātr̥ / wéwrētr̥ / wr̥ tṓu wéwroitr̥ / wr̥ tṓu wewr̥ sētr̥ / wéwretru/ wr̥ tṓu

wr̥ tṓu stes wr̥ tṓu stām ésetes/ -tām sītām wr̥ tṓu éssētām stenu wéwrōmor(i)/ - wewromer/ wéwrāmer/ wéwroimer/ wéwr̥ sēmer/ mer/ wr̥ tṓs ----- wr̥ tṓs smos(i) wr̥ tṓs smes wr̥ tṓs sīmes wr̥ tṓs éssēmes ésomos(i)/ -mes wéwrēdhwori/ - wewredhwer/ wéwrādhwer/ wéwroidhwer/ wéwr̥ sēdhwer/ wéwredhworu/ dhwer/ wr̥ tṓs wr̥ tṓs ste wr̥ tṓs ste wr̥ tṓs sīte wr̥ tṓs éssēte wr̥ tṓs ste ésete wewrontor/ wéwrāntor/ wéwrōntor(i)/ wéwroijəntor/ wéwr̥ sēntor/ wéwrontoru/ wr̥ tṓs sonti/ wr̥ tṓs sent wr̥ tṓs ésont(i) wr̥ tṓs sīnt wr̥ tṓs essēnt wr̥ tṓs sentu wr̥ tṓs senti

85 Chapter A7: The verb

Wiwrar ‘be found’. Passive voice. Perfect and pluperfect.

Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative wéworōr/ wewrar/ wewrījar/ wéworsēr/ wr̥ nós wéworār/ wr̥ nós ----- wr̥ nós esmi wr̥ nós sjēm essēm ésom(i) wéworesor/ wewrīsor/ wéworsēsor/ wewr̥ tar/ wéworsoru/ wéworetar/ wewrītar/ wéworsētar/ wr̥ nós essi wr̥ nós esdhi wr̥ nós éses(i) wr̥ nós sjēs wr̥ nós essēs wewror/ wéworetor/ wewrītor/ wéworsētor/ wéwortoru/

wr̥ nós esti wr̥ nós éset(i) wr̥ nós sjēt wr̥ nós essēt wr̥ nós estu wewr̥ wár/ wéworowor(i)/ - wewrīwer/ wéworsēwer/ wr̥ nṓu wer/ wr̥ nṓu ----- wr̥ nṓu sīwes wr̥ nṓu éssēwes swos(i) ésowos/ -wes wewraiar/ wéworetr̥ / wr̥ nṓu wewrītr̥ / wéworsētr̥ / wewr̥ trú/ Perfect wr̥ nṓu stas ésetas/ -tom wr̥ nṓu sītom wr̥ nṓu éssētom wr̥ nṓu stanu wewraiar/ wéworetr̥ / wr̥ nṓu wewrītr̥ / wéworsētr̥ / wewr̥ trú/

wr̥ nṓu stes ésetes/ -tām wr̥ nṓu sītām wr̥ nṓu éssētām wr̥ nṓu stenu wewr̥ már/ wéworomor(i)/ - wewrīmer/ wéworsēmer/ wr̥ nṓs mer/ wr̥ nṓs ----- wr̥ nṓs sīmes wr̥ nṓs éssēmes smos(i) ésomos(i)/ -mes wéworedhwor(i)/ wewr̥ dhwár/ wewrīdhwer/ wéworsēdhwer/ wewr̥ dhworu/ -dhwer/ wr̥ nṓs wr̥ nṓs ste wr̥ nṓs sīte wr̥ nṓs éssēte wr̥ nṓs ste ésete wewrn̥ ̥ tar / wéworontor(i)-/ wewrīntor/ wéworsēntor/ wewrn̥ toru/ wr̥ nṓs senti/ wr̥ nṓs ésont(i) wr̥ nṓs sīnt wr̥ nṓs essēnt wr̥ nṓs sentu wr̥ nṓs sonti wéworar/ wéworsār/ wéworissēr/

wr̥ nós bhūm wr̥ nós bhuwām wr̥ nós bhūsēm wéworsor/ wéworsāsor/ wéworissēsor/ wéwortar/ wéworsātar/ wéworissētar/ wr̥ nós bhūs wr̥ nós bhuwās wr̥ nós bhūsēs wéwortor/ wéworsātor/ wéworissētor/

wr̥ nós bhūt wr̥ nós bhuwāt wr̥ nós bhūsēt wewr̥ wér/ wéworsāwer/ wéworissēwer/ wr̥ nṓu wr̥ nṓu wr̥ nṓu bhū́ sēwes bhūwes bhúwāwes wewrtr̥ ̥ / wéworsātr̥ / wéworissētr̥ / wr̥ nṓu wr̥ nṓu Plup. wr̥ nṓu bhū́ sētom bhūtom bhúwātom wewrtr̥ ̥ / wéworsātr̥ / wéworissētr̥ / wr̥ nṓu wr̥ nṓu wr̥ nṓu bhū́ sētām bhūtām bhúwātām wewr̥ mér/ wéworsāmer/ wéworissēmer/ wr̥ nṓs wr̥ nṓs wr̥ nṓs bhū́ sēmes bhūmes bhúwāmes wéworsādhwer/ wewr̥ dhwér/ wéworissēdhwer/ wr̥ nṓs wr̥ nṓs bhūte wr̥ nṓs bhū́ sēte bhúwāte wéworsāntor/ wewrn̥ ̥ tor/ wéworissēntor/ wr̥ nṓs wr̥ nṓs bhūnt wr̥ nṓs bhūsēnt bhuwānt

86 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Wiwrar ‘be found’. Passive voice. Future.

Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative wíwers(j)ōr wíwers(j)om wíwers(j)õr wíwers(j)oir -----

wíwers(j)esor/ wíwers(j)ēsor/ wíwers(j)oisor/ wíwers(j)es wíwr̥ sorutōd wíwers(j)etar wíwers(j)ētar wíwers(j)oitar

wíwers(j)etor wíwers(j)et wíwers(j)ētor wíwers(j)oitor wíwr̥ torutōd

wíwers(j)ōwor(i)/ - wíwers(j)owor(i) wíwers(j)owes wíwers(j)oiwer ----- Future wer wíwers(j)etr̥ wíwers(j)ei wíwers(j)ētr̥ wíwers(j)oitr̥ wíwr̥ trutōd wíwers(j)etr̥ wíwers(j)ei wíwers(j)ētr̥ wíwers(j)oitr̥ wíwr̥ trutōd wíwers(j)ōmor(i)/ - wíwers(j)omor(i) wíwers(j)omes wíwers(j)oimer ----- mer wíwers(j)ēdhwor(i)/ wíwers(j)edhwor(i) wíwers(j)edhwe wíwers(j)oidhwer wíwr̥ dhworutōd -dhwer

wíwers(j)ontor(i) wíwers(j)ont wíwers(j)ōntor(i) wíwers(j)oijəntor wíwrn̥ torutōd

87 Chapter A7: The verb

Gignō ‘beget’, regō ‘direct’, sōdejō ‘settle’, pr̥ nāmi ‘sell’, kupjō ‘demand’, dídōmi ‘give’. First person active.

Indicative Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative gignō gignom gignõ /-ōm gígnoijəm gign̥ sēm gigne regō regom regõ /-ōm régoijəm regsēm rege sōdejō sōdejom sōdejõ /-ōm sōdéjoijəm sōdesēm sōdeje Present pr̥ nāmi pr̥ nām pr̥ nājom(i) pr̥ nəjēm pr̥ nāsēm pr̥ nādhi kupjō kupjom kupjõ /ōm kúpjoijəm kupsēm kupje dídōmi dídōm didõm(i) didwīm dídsēm dídōdhi/ dəsdhi genóm genām génõ /-ōm génoijəm gensēm gené

regóm/rēgsm̥ regām rḗgsom(i) regīm regsḗm rég(se)si

sesedóm sesedām sésedõ /-ōm sésedoijəm sesedsēm sesedé Aorist prām/pérəsm̥ prāwām pér(ə)som(i) perīm prāsēm prādhi

keupm̥ keupām kéupom(i) kéupoijəm keupsēm keupe

dōm dōwām dṓwom(i) dəjḗm dōsēm dōdhi

gégona gégonom(i) gegn̥ jḗm gégonsēm gegn̥ dhi

rēga rḗgom(i) regjḗm rēgsēm regdhi

sōdoja sōdójom(i) sōdojḗm sōdosēm sōdodhi Perfect pépora péporom(i) pepr̥ jḗm péporsēm pépr̥ dhi

koupa kóupom(i) kupjḗm koupsēm kupdhi

deda/dédōwa dédōwom(i) dedōjḗm dédōsēm dédədhi

gégonm̥ gégonsām gégonissēm rēgm̥ rēgsām régissēm sōdojm̥ sōdosām sōdójissēm Pluperfect péporm̥ péporsām péporissēm koupm̥ koupsām kóupissēm dedōm dédōsām dédōissēm gens(j)ō géns(j)õ /-ōm génsoijəm gígnetōd regs(j)ō régs(j)õ /-ōm régsoijəm régetōd sōdes(j)ō sōdés(j)õ /-ōm sōdésoijəm sōdéjetōd Future pers(j)ō pérs(j)õ /-ōm persoijəm pr̥ nātōd keups(j)ō kéups(j)õ /-ōm kéupsoijəm kúpjetōd dōs(j)ō dōs(j)õ /-ōm dṓsoijəm dídōtōd

88 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Newājō ‘renew’, lubhējō ‘like’, mímnāskō ‘remember’, esmi ‘be’, bhewmi ‘be, result to be’, r̥ neumi ‘move’. First person active.

Indicative Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative newājō newājom newājõ /-ōm newā́ joijəm newāsēm newāje lubhējō lubhējom lubhējõ /-ōm lubhḗjoijəm lubhēsēm lubhēje mímnāskō mímnāskom mimnāskõ /-ōm mímnāskoijəm mímnāsksēm mímnāsketu Present esmi esm̥ ésomi sjēm essēm esdhi bhewmi bhewom bhewõ /-ōm bhewīm bhewsēm bhewdhi r̥ neumi r̥ neum r̥ néuwom(i) r̥ nujḗm r̥ neusēm r̥ neudhi newājé/ newā́ sm̥ / newā́ som(i)/ newā́ bhuwām newā́ bhūjēm newā́ bhusēm newā́ (se)si/ newābhūm newā́ bhuwom(i) newā́ bhūdhi lubhējé/ lubhḗsm̥ / lubhḗsom(i)/ lubhḗbhūjēm lubhḗbhūsēm lubhḗ(se)si/ lubhēbhūm lubhḗbhuwām lubhḗbhuwom(i) lubhḗbhūdhi Aorist mimnā́ sm̥ mimnāsām mimnā́ som(i) mimnāsīm mimnāssēm mimnā́ (se)si ēsm̥ ēsām ḗsom(i) ēsīm ēssēm sdhi bhūm bhuwām bhúwom(i) bhūjḗm bhūsēm bhūdhi orm̥ orām órom(i) orīm orsēm ordhi

newāja newā́ jom(i) newājḗm newāsēm newādhi

lubhēja lubhḗjom(i) lubhējḗm lubhēsēm lubhēdhi

mémona mémonom(i) memn̥ jḗm mémonsēm memn̥ dhi Perfect ------

(bhé)bhowa (bhé)bhowom(i) bhébhūjḗm (bhé)bhowsēm bhébhūdhi

órōra órōrom(i) orr̥ jḗm órōrsēm orr̥ dhi

newājəm newāsām newā́ jissēm lubhējəm lubhēsām lubhḗjissēm mémonm̥ mémonsām mémonissēm Pluperfect ------

(bhé)bhowəm (bhé)bhowsām (bhé)bhowissēm

órōrm̥ órōrsām órōrissēm newās(j)ō newās(j)õ /-ōm newā́ s(jo)ijəm newā́ jetōd lubhēs(j)ō lubhēs(j)õ /-ōm lubhḗs(j)oijəm lubhḗjetōd mimnāsks(j)õ /- mímnāsks(j)oijə mímnāsks(j)ō mímnāsketōd Future ōm m ------estōd bhews(j)ō bhews(j)õ /-ōm bhéws(jo)ijəm bhewtōd r̥ neus(j)ō r̥ neus(j)õ /-ōm r̥ néus(jo)ijəm r̥ neutōd

89 Chapter A7: The verb

Gignā̌ i ‘beget o.s.’, regā̌ i ‘direct o.s.’, sōdejā̌ i ‘settle o.s.’, pr̥ nəmai ‘sell o.s.’, kupjā̌ i ‘demand o.s.’, dídōwai ‘give o.s.’. First person middle.

Indicative Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative gignā̌ i gigā gígnõi /-ōma gígnoija gígn̥ sēma gígneswo regā̌ i regā régõi /-ōma régoija régsēma régeswo sōdejā̌ i sōdejā sōdéjõi /-ōma sōdéjoija sōdésēma sōdéjeswo Present pr̥ nəmai pr̥ nəma pr̥ nājoma(i) pr̥ nəjēma pr̥ nəsēma pr̥ nəswo kupjā̌ i kupjā kúpjõi /ōma kúpjoija kúpsēma kúpjeswo dídōwai dídōwa didõi/ dídõma dídwīja dídsēma dídəswo genā́ / génāma génõi /-ōma génoija génsēma geneswo genoma regā́ / regoma/ régāma rḗgsoma(i) régīja regsēma rég(se)swo rēgsa/ regsma sesedā́ / sésedāma sésedõi /-ōma sésedoija sésedsēma sesedeswo Aorist sesedoma prāma /pérəsa/ prā́ wāma pér(ə)som(i) pérīja prā́ sēma pr̥ swo pérəsma keupa/ kéupāma kéupoma(i) kéupoija kéupsēma kéupeswo keupma dōwa/ dṓwāma dṓwoma(i) dwīja dṓsēma dəswo dōma gegnai gégnoma(i) gegnīja gégn̥ sēma gegn̥ swo

regai régoma(i) regīja régsēma regswo sōdojai sōdójoma(i) sōdojīja sōdósēma sōdoswo Perfect peprai péproma(i) peprīja pépr̥ sēma pépr̥ swo

kupai kúpoma(i) kupīja kúpsēma kupswo dedwai dédwoma(i) dedwīja dédsēma dédəswo gegn̥ ma gégn̥ sāma gégnissēma regma régsāma régissēma sōdoma sōdósāma sōdójissēma Pluperfect pepr̥ ma pépr̥ sāma péprissēma kupma kúpsāma kúpissēma dedma dédsāma dédwissēma gens(j)ā̌ i géns(j)õi /-ōma génsoija gígneswotōd regs(j)ā̌ i régs(j)õi /-ōma régsoija régeswotōd sōdes(j)ā̌ i sōdés(j)õi /-ōma sōdésoija sōdéjeswotōd Future pers(j)ā̌ i pérs(j)õi /-ōma persoija pr̥ nəswotōd keups(j)ā̌ i kéups(j)õi /-ōma kéupsoija kúpjeswotōd dōs(j)ā̌ i dōs(j)õi /-ōma dṓsoija dídəswotōd

90 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Newājā̌ i ‘renew o.s.’, lubhējā̌ i ‘like o.s.’, mímnāskā̌ i ‘remember o.s.’, seqā̌ i ‘follow’, bhəmai ‘speak’, r̥ nuwai ‘move o.s.’. First person middle/ deponent.

Indicative Subjunctive Optative Precative Imperative Effective Protelative newājā̌ i newājā newājõi /-ōma newā́ joija newā́ sēma newā́ jeswo lubhējā̌ i lubhējā lubhējõi /-ōma lubhḗjoija lubhḗsēma lubhḗjeswo mímnāskā̌ i mímnāskā mimnāskõi /-ōma mímnāskoija mímnā́ sksēma mímnāskeswo

seqā̌ i seqā seqõi /-ōma séqoija séqsēma séqeswo bhəmai bhəma bhā́ woma(i) bhīja bhā́ sēma bhəswo r̥ nuwai r̥ nuwa r̥ neuwoma(i) r̥ nuwīja r̥ néusēma r̥ nuswo newāsa/ newājeswo/ newā́ soma(i)/ newāsma/ newā́ bhuwāma newā́ bhwīja newā́ bhusēma newā́ (se)swo/ newā́ bhuwoma(i) newā́ bhūma newā́ bhūswo lubhējeswo/ lubhēsa/ lubhḗsoma(i)/ lubhḗbhwīja lubhḗ(se)swo/ lubhḗbhūma lubhḗbhuwāma lubhḗbhuwoma(i) lubhḗbhūsēma lubhḗbhūswo mimnā́ sa/ Aorist mimnā́ sāma mimnā́ soma(i) mimnā́ sīja mimnā́ ssēma mimnā́ (se)swo mimnā́ sma seqā́ / seqoma séqāma séqõi /-ōma séqoija séqsēma seqeswo

bhāma/ bhā́ wāma/ bhāwoma(i)/ bhāwīja/ bhətos bhā́ sēma/ bhəswo/ bhətos

bhətos esmi bhətos esm̥ bhətos ésom(i) sjēm bhətos essēm esdhi ora/ orma orāma óroma(i) órīja órsēma r̥ swo newājai newā́ joma(i) newājīja newā́ sēma newāswo lubhējai lubhḗjoma(i) lubhējīja lubhḗsēma lubhēswo memnai mémnoma(i) memnīja mémn̥ sēma memn̥ swo Perfect sesqai sésqoma(i) sesqīja sésqsēma sesqswo bhāwai/ bhā́ woma(i)/ bhāwiija/ bhā́ wisēma/ bhā́ wiswo/

bhənos esmi bhənos ésom(i) bhənos sjēm bhənos essēm bhənos esdhi orərai órəroma(i) orərīja órāirsēma orr̥ swo newāma newā́ sāma newā́ jissēma lubhēma lubhḗsāma lubhḗjissēma memn̥ ma mémn̥ sāma mémnissēma Pluperfect sesqma sésqsāma sésqissēma bhā́ wisāma/ bhā́ wissēma/ bhāwma/ bhənos bhənos bhənos bhūm bhuwām bhūsēm orərma órərsāma órərissēma newās(j)ā̌ i newās(j)õi /-ōma newā́ s(jo)ija newā́ jeswotōd lubhēs(j)ā̌ i lubhēs(j)õi /-ōma lubhḗs(j)oija lubhḗjeswotōd mimnāsks(j)õi /- mímnāsks(j)ā̌ i mímnāsks(j)oija mímnāskeswotōd ōma Future seqs(j)ā̌ i séqs(j)õi /-ōma séqsoija séqeswotōd bhās(j)õi/ bhās(j)ā̌ i bhā́ s(jo)ija bhəswotōd bhā́ s(j)ōma r̥ neus(j)ā̌ i r̥ neus(j)õi /-ōma r̥ néus(jo)ija r̥ nuswotōd

91 Chapter A7: The verb

Wrtjḁ Tenses

Énstānt Present

Prosodā́ qertis Accion in progress

Tūbhwərdja gleubhō I am peeling potatoes

Oisons dréwonti setins smalons iwe They are treating those visitors like an animals.

Nū edsi You are now eating

Aposkroibhos énstāntijosjo bhéwonī Description of a present reality

Mātḗr menjā tsaim lúbhjeti My mother likes tea

Doukna óncōlm ̥ jāmi nē bhrū́ gjontoi Trains don’t use coal anymore

Danū polis wéidhetor The city is divided by the river

Gnṓmejom (prótonwom) Gnomic (protelative)

Sujet sei, troplōs, slibesnt̥ When it rains, the sidewalks get slippery

Wodr ̥ pibom, aw woinom so I drink water, he, however, drinks wine

Oljons drewont setins smalons iwe They use to treat all visitors like animals

Áiwesi eds You are always eating

Kōnā́ tijom (kōnātā́ qertis) Conative (attempted action)

Jom wíjona leinont, en krst̥ ājont While they try to avoid vices, they rush into prótija opposite ones

Wī qekmr̥ dhidhn̥ ti They are organizing a show

Domum prn̥ ām I have my house on sale

Meugont They try to cheat

Méugonti They are trying to cheat

92 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Jéktijom bhūlói (Wéidmenjom) Narrative in the past (Historic)

Wl̥ dhḗdikjām widlós, tām lubhḗsketi When he sees the princess, he falls in love with her

Olnom Plan (= indicative future)

Ausrom bardhapukom dhídhēmos Tomorrow we are doing a barbecue

Drūtós udwortos (doljã) Sure result (with a particle) Alchonjom tod sénqeti (nūnoi) This bank is sinking (at present) Kom alchonjom sénqeti (=sénqēti) This bank sinks (=will sink) Prāi n̥ kneumi wesprei ékosmi I’m arriving this evening (Prāi) nē prestim n̥ kneumi wesprei ékosmi I’m not arriving on time this evening

Iterāiwom Iterative Dochei qāqei edqod skreibhō Everyday I write a bit Upodətā́ dhētis Fact transmitted by tradition Platōn wíweqti… Plato says… Rōmām ghēti Petros 42 AP Peter arrives in Rome in 42 AD

93 Chapter A7: The verb

Nroki̥ Aorist

Ártija, dáititos wílūta géismona Concrete, temporally diluted events

Wódmejom Narrative

Enoiqe, regm̥ kekluwoses, ərijonto, And they, having heard the king, set wele ita, stḗr qom austroi drkónt̥ out; and lo, the star, which they saw (dédrkn̥ t/dédr̥ ks̥ ānt), isí prāi sodét, dom (had seen/had been seeing) in the east, ānokwós stāt(o) epi dhḗljosjo stānoi went before them, till it came and stood (epi jodhei dhēljos ḗsāto). over where the young child was. (Matt. 2.9).

Mḗqesjom, qrtibh̥ ū́ mejom Instantaneous / dramatic

Pro ordhesnom tewei dekā́ I accept your proposal

Apo nijóm ta wrdhḁ I take back my words

Dhabheso? =dhédhabhta(i)? Are you surprised?

Qori gelās? Why did you laugh? Why do you laugh?

Bhwítijom Inchoative/ fientive (single and iterative variants)

Dhghómones təkēsnt̥ upokrojēd prāi The people became silent before the show AOR. EFF. II (SIGM.)

Bhwitṓs səmos ghostum rōmom We started to have lunch during the break momdom

Jom pródoikots bhwíjāto ghostum, When the actor started to talk, people would dhghómones təkēsānt AOR. PROT. SIGM. became silent

Áiwesi bhwíjāmedha (bhwitā́jāmedha) We always started to have lunch during the ghostum rōmom momdom break

Kómstāntijom(óinokā qertis) Constantive (single act)

Dhghómones təkēbhūnt upokrojom The people kept silent during the play momdom AOR. EFF. I

Ghosomes rōmom momdom AOR. EFF. I We had lunch during the break

Qtwrdekmatnjom̥ londhei solwoi During four decades, he reigned in all the rēgēbhūt AOR. EFF. I. land

Sm̥ sonchos n̥ tlā́nijos bhūt The concert was unbearable

94 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Pertrāiwom Durative (single and iterative variants)

Jom kaputpródoikots qrtibh̥ ūmom When the main actor came on stage for the prāwnim molét AOR.EFF., dhghómones first time, people were silent təkēbhwānt AOR. PROT. I

Pəróstətos jom rōmom momdom en When the boss came in during the break, we ludhét AOR. EFF., ghósāmes AOR PROT. were having lunch

Daiteī́ énesāi, Aléksanros londhei At that time Alexander reigned in all the solwoi rēgēbhwāt AOR. PROT. I land

Upokrojāntjoi qāqei dhghómones áiwesi At the end of each play, people were always təkējānt AOR. PROT. II silent

Ghósāmes (estā́jāmes) rōmom We always had lunch during the break momdom AOR. PROT. Culminative Kólmenjom When I ended my studies, I began to work Studja jom tīm, drātim enterlóndhejoi in an international company ərijā́ dherbhmei They were persuaded by him Ī plākājontor Proverbial or gnomic Ádōgjejom As a flower in the fields, thus public esteem Mághoisu bhlōtis iwe, ita dhchīt passes away. ghōdhos He who wounds by the sword, dies by the ns̥ ī chenlós, ns̥ ī mrtós̥ PART. AOR. sword.

Daitis bheugt, aiwom wesét Time flees, eternity remains. The grass withers and the flower falls off

Pūpōs silēbhūnt jom altjoses bhənto Children keep quiet when adults talk

Prólegtijom Prolectic

Upo labhō jod wergom tewe dhḗjesi I assume you will do your work (AOR. SUB.) / dhḗsēsi (FUT. SUB.)

95 Chapter A7: The verb

Kómsqrtom̥ Perfect

Tómkejom Resultative

Épiworjom upōptēmóm Moskówijāi The police has caught the suspect in kōpe Moscow.

Slwogonjom-R̥ ētrospéktijom Universa-retrospective

Lidjām gnōwa 1960 apo I have known Lidia since 1960.

Udbhū́ tijom Existential

Lugtētjāi bhūt Bhredos Fred has been to Paris.

Knjóm̥ bhūlóm/qrtibh̥ ū́ mejom Recent past/dramatic (hot news) (kltonowostjes)̥

Mémrtai̥ belopotis Mohammed Aidid General Mohammed Aidid has died in Mogadishuwi áiwestū 61 atnōm. Mogadishu at age 61. (From an (wálmolgēd) obituary)

Bhewsn̥ téi qertjei anabhornóm Related to a future action

Me pretēti an, ólōlai If he shall perceive me, I am ruined

Stāiwom enstānt Stative Present

Trija kakawatja wosḗr There are three chocolates left

Nē woida, nē mémona I don’t know, I don’t remember

Epikómsqrtom̥ Pluperfect

Bhūloqertis perəmēd preiwijós onjād Past action relatively anterior to another bhūloqertjes past action

Regtóm eitr ̥ emt jodqid dhghmóskermn ̥ He took the right way because he had spokt (effective) looked at the map

He took the right way because he had been Regtóm eitr ̥ emt jodqid dhghmóskermn ̥ looking at the map spoksāt (protelative)

96 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Bhewsont Future

Chéltijom -seiktis Desiderative -intention

Prijesō-te yéwtibhi tewe I should like to thank you for your help

Prāi ánksjeti qām lodi ndh̥ ī bhuwet/ He wants to arrive before it will be too late bhūjḗt FUT. IND. + AOR. SUB./ OPT.

Qid apómisdhom meghei dṓsesi? What reward will you give me?

Praidiktā́ qertis Predicted action

Wontlosā bhreugwents atnoi kosmei Andalusia is going to be rich in fruits this bhéwseti year

Prāi ánksjeti qām lodi ndh̥ ī He will (certainly) arrive before it will be FUT. ND. too late éseti/bhéweti PRES. SUB. Nē mrísesoi̥ , mē bhibhjās You shall not die, don’t be afraid FUT. ND. PREVENTIVE

Olnətā́ qertis Planned action

Ausrom bardhapukom dhḗsomos Tomorrow we are doing a barbecue

Təkēsō uprokrojēd prāi I will shut up before the play

Təkēbhwō uprokrojom momdom I will keep silent during the play

Gnomic Gnṓmejom Biaised mass media will never tell the truth Wēra loksowṓs tūljowoghtōs neqom wédsonti Conjecture Práidhōmos Who is this? It may be the postman or the Qis esti so? Dūtós bhéwseti milkman glaktiqoloswe Order (for future imperative) Nidoikos (bhéwsontes pro éntagtijēd) If something new happens, you will let me Gígisetoi qid néwosjo an, mewom ana know woidésesi PRES. SUB. + FUT. IND.

97 Chapter A7: The verb

Módesa Moods

Déiktijom Indicative

Qérmenjom bhéwonom Objecive reality

Sújeti It is raining

Oktōu wlnaw̥ ōbhei senti kanmās The spider has eight legs

Méinōpnijom Potential

Jod immō bhītjoi lábheti tosjo tod Whatever he takes in the battle is his own

Bhewnjā upódhētis Real condition

Londhom an pākm ̥ ágeti, neqid bhīnóm If the country lives in peace, nothing is to be feared

98 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Upotágtijom Subjunctive

Ghorēiwom Hortatory

Éjomos alādhjom Let’s go for a walk Wrtj̥ ṓmedha domum Let us return home

An qis ghr̥ dhnos esti, édeti If anyone is hungry, let him eat Jos (qis) ghr̥ dhnos éseti, édeti (Anyone) who is hungry, let him eat

Wískoidwom Deliberative

Qid dhídhējom nū? What shall I do now? Jāsdom emḗmosi an welis kei Shall we take the bus or rather stay here? wesṓmosi? Final Sóikejom I open the window so that you may breath Apò louksām wreumi,̥ bhodis ātēsi better

Wērom weqōm, To say the truth,

Apowórejom Preventive Mē smughēs! (=Mē smughsi) Don’t smoke!

Bhójejom Of fear

Bhíbheimij mē qid gégoiseto (PF.) I’m afraid something has happened Bhíbheimi mē qid gíseto (AOR.) I’m afraid something will happen

Ambhigóisejom Of eventuality

Anti nk̥ ēti mēd, dəsdhi kersnātwei If he arrives before me, give him a dinner Edqis weqēti ‘nē chelō’ Someone can say ’I don’t want’

Éksterom upóloghōi moghmn̥ Internal possibility for the subject

Ghlt̥ ō tō solwō, domum selēm With all this gold I can buy a house

Éksterom upóloghōi moghmn ̥ External possibility for the subject

Upérmoimos yom pətḗjēti When the supermarket will be open, I will (pətēbhweti), glakti qrīsō buy the milk

Térktijom Permissive

Tinājem woqēd-two prāi Let me finish before you speak

99 Chapter A7: The verb

Bhewsontwértowent With a future value

Neqid tons dhebhnéweti Nothing can harm them

Kn̥ sejō qod kmā́ jesi I think you will get tired (=Tewom kmā́sontm ̥ kn̥ sejō)

Wéltijom Volitive Altjosbhis gálgaljēt Let her talk to her parents Km̥ tom céjwēsi atnōm May you live one hundred years

Wélptijom Of expectation

Welpō qod cīwṓs solwōs nknéwenti̥ / I hope they are arriving/ they arrive safe nk̥ ōnti (PRES. SUB./AOR. SUB.) and sound (=ins ánksontns/n̥ klóns̥ cīwṓns solwōns welpō)

Welpō qod cīwṓs solwōs ā́ nokont I hope they have arrived safe and sound (PF. SUB.) (=ins ānokwósns̥ cīwṓns solwōns welpō)

Temporal value of the subjunctive mood in simple and subordinate sentences

Type of clause Present Aorist Perfect Future resultative/ present Simple sentence (modal) present past future stative

Final imperfective, relative future perfective relative future ------

posterior to the absolute Anterior ------future Simultaneous ----- eventuality ------modal in the anterior to the Posterior ----- past/anterior to the ----- expected result absolute future

perfective, eventual in imperfective, eventual in the eventual result in the Conditional and the future/perfective, future/imperfective, irreal in ----- future/eventual repetition concessive irreal in the future; the future* in the future universally eventual

Comparative expectative** ------relative simultaneous relative anterior relative resultative Causal relative posterior thematics thematics thematics thematics consequence in the past resultative Consecutive consequence in the present consequence in the fut ure with perfect aspect consequence Completive (disjunct- (potential) relative (potential) relative (potential) relative (potential) relative future reportative) simultaneous anterior resultative Completive (disjunct- imperfective relative future perfective relative future ------injunctive)

(potential) absolute Completive (conjunct) (potential) absolute present (potential) absolute past (potential) relative future result

* also expressed by the present precative 100 ** also expressed by the aorist precative A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Óptijom Optative

Wénesjom Cupitive

Prijós nos bhwíjoiso May you become our friend

Nosbhis wesoit May he stay with us

Jewijós sjēm I wish I were younger

Ghrewis ludhoim I wish I had come earlier

Wəlīmes jéwtibhi tewe prijetum We would like to thank you for your help

Prókn̥ stijom Recommendative

Tod weqois, kāré You should say this, my dear

Dídwīmes qid diwí diwí We should give something everyday

Endoikós Iussive

Qid upérterom wéworta an, selois If you’ve found something better, buy it

Qota spāmónteros sjēm? How could I be more attractive?

Swedhumenḗs dikā Polite command

Eksí ijḗs You may go out

Méinōpnijom Potential

Qota sentum bhodejois tewe? How could you improve your performance?

Tod an gisīto This could happen

Tod an gígisīto This could be happening

Reiwents sjēs (bhūjḗs), prijóterōs enoi If you were (became) rich, they would be friendlier

Gerlós gaudhējoit tod klulós Charles would be happy if he heard that

Loksós Oblique

Sqet jod lodi ludhoint He said that they would arrive late

Elnom ad, kwones dhghómonjām nē According to him, dogs don’t understand pewīnt dnghw̥ ām human language

101 Chapter A7: The verb

Nesrom kensos Modest statement

Tod nē seqoim/ sqoim (=tod nē I would not say that seqsēm)

Protiwrtnóm̥ Adversative

(Epi) kūmós éikoimes álchosjo, Even if we have a lot of money, we cannot loubhom nē seltum móghomos buy love

Temporal value of the optative mood in simple and subordinate sentences

Type of clause Present Aorist Perfect Future Simple sentence resultative/ present present past future (modal) stative Imperfective relative Perfect ive relat ive Final ------future future posterior in the Anterior relative posterior* ------present* Simultaneous ----- future absolute* ------Posterior relative anterior* Conditional and Imperfective imaginary Perfective imaginary Resultative imaginary ----- concessive potential potential potent ial

Comparative ----- irreal future relative** ------relative simultaneous relative anterior relative resultative relatve posterior Causal obliquity/absolute obliqui ty/absol ute past obliquity/absolute obliquity/absolute present hypothesis hypothesis resultative hypothesis future hypothesi s Consecutive ------

Completive (disjunct - (potential) relative (potential) relative (potential) relative (potential) relative reportative) simultaneous anterior resultative future

Completive (disjunct - imperfective relative perfective relative injunctive) future future

Completive (conjunct) ------

102 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Próknejom Precative

Soikos Intention

Prket̥ jod ad bhewsēt PRES. PREC. He asked to have the chance to be present

Skekidḗr jod sā im sāgisēt bhloigom They decided that she would look for him pos PRES. PREC. after the film

Méinōpnijom Potential

Tod an gíssēto This could have happened nbhéwoq̥ ā upódhētis stāmr̥ we Irreal condition or situation

Jewijós an bhewsēm, Weteljã kelusēm If I were younger, I would travel across Italy

Gerlós gaudhēsēt tod klulós Charles would be happy if he could hear that

Gerlós gaudhḗbhūsēt tod klulós Charles would have rejoiced if he could AOR. PREC. have heard that

Nesrom kensos Modest statement

Seqsēm I am to say

Sqsēm I was to say/ I would have said

Sóqissēm I would have been saying

103 Chapter A7: The verb

Temporal value of the precative mood in simple and subordinate sentences Type of clause Present Aorist Perfect

Simple sentence (modal) present /future ------relative future in irreal/ Final ------intentional clauses Anterior ----- expected anteriority ----- Simultaneous ------Posterior ----- expected posteriority ----- Conditional and irreality in the present/irreality irreality in the past resultative irreality concessive in the future* simultaneous and irreal simultaneous and irreal irreal , relative, resultative Comparative comparison in the present comparison in the past comparison absolute resultative Causal absolute present hypthesis** absolute past hypothesis** hypothesis** consequence in the past with Consecutive ------imperfect aspect Completive (disjunct - (potential) relative future ------reportative) Completive (disjunct - relative future relative past ----- injunctive) Completive (conjunct) ----- future in the past -----

*also expressed by the present/ aorist subjunctive ** also expressed by the optative

Éntagtijom Imperative

Nidoikós Of order

Wese kei Remain here Skreibhtu (=skreibhtōd) meghei Write to me

Wétātijom Prohibition Mē pibe (=mē pijēs AOR. SUB.) Don’t drink Mē tātu (=mē tātōd) Don’t steal

Protistóupejom Concessive

Ismōi seqe. Neqid épsesi Tell him. You won’t get anything

104 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Bhrūgtjes/wəlēntjom Usages/valency Bhéutijā Natural Bheudhō I am awake, I pay attention Eimi I go Kanō I sing

Stāiwā Stative Bhudhējō I am an invigilator Stnt̥ ējō I am delayed Tepējō I am warm

Kéntijā Inceptive Bhudhjai I wake up, I get conscious Potijai I acquire Mr̥ ijai I die

Propódejā Progressive Bhudhskō I get more and more awake Wijēskō I wither Krēskō I grow Swēdhskō I get used

Éntonwā Intensive

Mélmolmi (mélmoljō) I crush once and again Dérdormi (dérdorjō) I split once and again Chénchonmi (chénchonjō) I strike once and again

Probhoudhos: kárkarjō, gólgoljō, smlijḁ́ éikonti Caveat: kárkarjō ‘announce’, gálgaljō ‘talk’ have propésmona, aljā́ nē swe-per similar formations, but shouldn’t be considered as éntonwa wərḗmona tādḗtina senti intensive verbs per so.

Ménghijā Frequentative Bhustājō I usually wake up Itājō I usually go

Wéistijā Causative Bhoudhejō sūnúm I wake up / rouse my son Sodejō I settle Torpejō I rejoice Loghejō plāmn I lay the book down

Ambhíqolom bhorom bhoréjeti He has/makes the servant carry the burden = Ambhíqolō bhorom bhoréjeti (either double accusative/instrumental agent)

Wənskāiwā Desiderative Bhíbhudhsō I wish to wake up Dídsō I wish to give Jíjebhsō I want to fuck Jíjagsō I want to worship

105 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Bhānis The sentence

1.-Bhāniprptus̥ Form of the sentence

Sm̥ plobhānis The simple sentence

Piskim (egṓ) edmi (=edmi piskim) I am eating fish OBJ. SUBJ. VERB

Deike tod ati Say that again

Ghawe me ati krāsi Call me tomorrow again

Antonjos jod sāgijāt wéwore, lewtim Anthony has found what he was looking kā́denos for: the solution to the problem.

Apṓgnujā bhānis The negative sentence

Piskim nē edmi I am not eating fish Qis me sqet nē dhewtum? Who said that I don’t run ? Qis moi sqet mē dhewtum? Who told me not to run?

Bhíbheimi mē ludhēt I fear that he is coming Bhíbheimi nemē ludhēt I fear that he will not come

Nē dr̥ kō qid/ neqid dr̥ kō I don’t see anything

Bhānidemtis Construction of phrases

Pərásteltis Juxtaposition (parataxis)

Cēma, woida, woika I came, I saw, I won

106 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Pr̥ ktijā bhānis The interrogative sentence

Dhn̥ ghus Direct

Áitijā Partial

Qis esti so? Who is this?

Qis essi? /Qis tū? Who are you?

Qid esti tod? What is this?

Qim dr̥ kesí? / Whom do you see?

Qid dr̥ kesí? What do you see?

Qóterom dr̥ kesí? Whom of the two do you see?

Qóterod dr̥ kesí? Which of the two do you see?

Qesjo kod esti? Whose is this?

Qodhei tū? Qodhei essi? Where are you?

Qeti tū? Qeti essi? Where are you from?

Qō /qōi / qote eisi? Where are you going?

Qod donsonjom/olardinjom eis? What school/university do you go to?

Qota wəlḗjesi? How are you?

Qom léudhsesi? When are you coming?

Qid/qori mewom wélchesi? Why are you mocking me?

Qosmōi tod dhídhēsi? What do you do it for?

Qālis uponojós-two (esti)? How is your teacher?

Qā́ wəntosmi peri tod qríjetor? How much does it cost?

Qā́ wəntom bholtom eds? How much protein do you eat?

107 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Qotjons éikesi prijons? How many friends do you have?

Qótjojos wétesbhes gnātós tū? How old are you?

Qām magnós esti kwōn-two? How big is your dog?

Qām dl̥ nghos esti stiplós-two? How long is your club?

Sl̥ wejā́ Total

Kremom (an) lúbhjesi? Do you like beer?

• Dā/ lubhjō/ dā, lubhjō • Yes, I like it • Nē / nē lubhjō • No, I don’t like it

Qóterom welsi robhetum an rōtum/ Do you want to play or to rest? qijētum?

Qóterom welsi robhetum uta rōtum/ Do you want to play or rather rest? qijētum?

Qid mr̥ wos so uta swépeti? Is he dead or rather sleeping?

108 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

ndhn̥ ̥ ghus Indirect

Áitijā Partial

Nē woida qis éseti so I don´t know who this is? n̥ gnōsājō qis ésesi / qis tū I ignore who you are?

Okḗjeti qid tod éseti He wonders what is this?

Pr̥ kjetí qim dr̥ kēsí He is asking whom you are seeing

Pr̥ kjetí qid dr̥ kēsí He is asking what you are seeing

Pr̥ kjetí qóterom dr̥ kesí He is asking whom of the two you are seeing

Pr̥ kjetí qóterod dr̥ kesí He is asking what of the two you are seeing

Gnōjḗt / woidoit qesjo kod (éseti) He would like to know whose this is

Gnōtum n̥ kējō qodhei tū / qodhei I need to know where you are ésesi?

Weistum lubhobhudhējō qeti tū / qeti I’m curious to know where you are from ésesi?

Weqe moi qō /qōi / qote éiesi Tell me where you are going

Kom əgje qod donsonjom/olardinjom Confirm what school/university you go to eijes

Weqe moi qota wəlḗjēsi Tell me how you are you

Gnṓrejes egējō (tod ambhí) qom I don’t have the knowledge (of) when are léudhsēsi you coming?

Bhətḗjeswo qid/qori mewom wélchēsi Confess why you are mocking me

Terdhi moi qosmōi tod dhídhēsi Explain to me what do you it for

Peri skreibhe qālis uponojós-two Describe how your teacher is (éseti)

Drūdhēje qā́wəntosmi peri tod qríjētor Make sure how much it costs

Woideje me qā́wəntom bholtom edes Orientate me how much protein you eat

109 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Winde qotjons éikēsi prijons Find out how many friends you have

Gnōtum wn̥ skō qótjojos wétesbhes I want to know how old you are gnātós tū (ésesi)

Weistum mendhesnóm qām magnós It is interesting to know how big your dog kwōn-two (éseti) is

Deike moi qām dl̥ nghos stiplós-two Show me how long your club is éseti

Sl̥ wejā́ Total

Nē woida qóterom lúbhjēsi kremom I don’t know which of the two beers you like

Nē woida qóterom kremom lúbhjēsi an I don’t know whether you like beer

110 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Skrígtijā bhānis The exclamative sentence

Quām wənmā́ sā (esti)! How pretty she is!

Quām sū sénchesi! How well you are singing!

Qot(j)ons bhendhrons éikesi! How many friends you have!

Qo-i kl̥ tos dhochos! What a hot day!

Qo-i geldhós/ kiklós dhochos! What a cold day!

Qod məgnom ōs! What a big mouth!

Qota esti! How he eats!

Qā́ wəntom est! How much he eats!

Qā́ wəntom bharsjī est(i)! How much bread he eats!

Qām lodi cəmjesi! How late you come!

Qām ájeri cəmjesi! How early you come!

Qām dus smérdeti! How bad it smells!

Qālis dhrutṓr! What a trickster!

Qodhei robhéjonti! Where they are playing!

111 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Énbhətijā bhānis The emphatic sentence

Antinōmnē With a pronoun

Tod egṓ sqom This is me who said it

Tod eno ludhét It was he who came

Egṓ-pe dhēm I did it myself

Nojós onmōn ludhét me ghrōstewei The director came in person to greet me

Nei qid ghosónt They ate absolutely nothing

Eti egṓ ēchrós ēsm̥ Even I was drunk

Eti nē toi woidsānt Neither they did know it

Egṓ nē plakējō As for me, I don’t agree

Mene mene bhūt menr̥ tod It was my own idea

Nōmnē With a noun

Tod wodā́ m lubhjō It is water I like

Kanmn̥ ghi/ ka/ dā/ em/ smā kobom The song is really a success (esti)

Ghi/ ka/ dā/ em/ smā kobom kanmn̥ Really a success (is) the song

ənawərēmnē ənawərēmn̥ strowōwe With an adverb or adverbial construction

Nū arti gháweti It is precisely now that he is ringing

Akmōn arti stornjāi/ arti meti kadét The stone fell just in the centre/ just in the middle

Bhersi bhersi néwostis ghēt It was very quickly that the news arrived

Ita-i (itə-i) dhētéwijom It has to be done like this

Num-i skeude! Shoot right now!

Dmí-swo nikijonto They started quarrelling in my own house

Nei/ ghi nē regtēd mənjetí He is absolutely not right

112 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Epikeimnē With an adjective

Pl̥ nim n̥ qisróm tod! This is completely absurd

Səpus, səpus bhūt edā́ Delicious, delicious was the food

Səpútəmā bhūt edā́ The food was very delicious

Ghi/ welmí səpus bhūt edā́ Really/ very delicious was the food

Nei/ ghi nē regtomənḗs so Absolutely not right-minded he

Skrígtijā Exclamative

Ō, Marke! Oh, Mark!

Wai ormōi prijōi! Woe to my poor friend!

113 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Ndhigsnimobhr̥ ūgtjes Uses of the infinitives

Active Middle/Passive deiktum / deikom nom. deik(e)dhjom Present /déikonom / deikmn̥ déikt(e)wos/ déikosjo/ (gen.) déik(e)dhjosjo déikonosjo/ déikmenos Aorist nom. deiktr̥ dikenādhjom (gen.) deiktenos dikenā́dhjosjo Perfect nom. deikwr̥ (gen.) deikwenos Future nom. deikes déikesdhjom (gen.) déikesos/ deiksenos déikesdhjosjo

Active Middle/Passive gentum sōdetum gén(e)dhjom sōdedhjom regtum pertum rég(e)dhjom perdhjom Present newātum keuptum newādhjom kéup(e)dhjom lubhētum dōtum lubhēdhjom dōdhjom gentr̥ sōdetr̥ genenādhjom sōdejenādhjom regtr̥ pertr̥ regenādhjom perenādhjom Aorist newātr̥ keuptr̥ newājenādhjom keupenādhjom lubhētr̥ dōtr̥ lubhējenādhjom dōwenādhjom genwr̥ sōdewr̥ regwr̥ perwr̥ Perfect newāwr̥ keupwr̥ lubhēwr̥ dōwr̥ genes sōdejes génesdhjom sōdéjesdhjom reges pers régesdhjom persdhjom Future newājes keupes newājesdhjoḿ kéupesdhjom lubhējes dōs lubhḗjesdhjom dōsdhjom

114 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Pr̥ ptútwejom smpl̥ ̥ notjom Morphological complementarity

Qíqerjā woqs Medhjo-pətjomnī woqs To close wəreumi/wəreumi/ wertum, werdhjom werjō To set fire wərjō wr̥ tum wr̥ dhjom To find (wí)wermi wíwertum wíwerdhjom To name, to say werjō wərētum wərēdhjom To respect wərējai ----- wərēdhjom To be esmi bhewtum ----- To eat edmi ghostum ghosdhjom To fill pl̥ nāmi peltum/ pl̥ nātum pl̥ nādhjom To earn pelō peltum peldhjom

115 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Apokəpnóm nōmn̥ iwe As an abstract noun

Tod lubhējom galmn̥ I like his (way of) talking

Prijejō tewom sm̥ daili(jenā́ )dhjobhi Thank you for participating (=for your participation)

Prijejō tewom sm̥ dailíwenbhi Thank you for being participating

Prijejō tewom sm̥ dailijésdhjobhi Thank you for your future participation

Qis woide qóterom anne cjōtum waltr̥ Who knows whether to live is not to die, esti, joqe waltr̥ cjōtum? and to die is not to live?

Neqid esjo ménonoi cholsewós There is nothing wrong in his (way of) thinking

Dóljābhis With particles

Bheimnos smā stréudonēd He was quite afraid before fighting (=before (=stréudeses) prāi bhūt the fight

Prowr̥ stiwōdos/swēdhuwōdos Expression of behaviour or habit

Koilū́ ednom dhəmeljom dl̥ nghãi To eat healthily is the base for a long life ciwotãi esti

Ersājom dhghomjóm, wimnājom To err is human, to forgive divine diwjóm

Ləskējō bhlētum I feel like to cry

Áddhēmenjā Appositional

Jāmi apostolom gnōwta n̥ seróm: You already know our mission: to prevent éndhəktijāns apoworetum aigrotāns infectious diseases

Módesjā: wərḗmn̥ su pos ‘chedhjō’, Modal: after the werbs ‘wish’, ‘choose’, ‘opjō’, ‘moghō’, ‘didkskō’, iqo. ‘must’, ‘be able’, ‘to know’, ‘to learn’, etc.

Skeltim-swo opét dhētum He chose to do his duty

Gnōwe qota (mota) korbhim dhētum He knows how to make a basket

Módesjā dhn̥ ghuqérmoni Modal with a direct object

Mewom wenét uponejər dōmn̥ He wanted me to give the lesson

116 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Wərḗmənīs jota ‘mənjō’ awti ‘n̥ neumi’ With verbs like ‘to think’ or ‘to teach’

Tewom wērom wedmn̥ mənjō I think you are telling the truth

Mē ismōi piskim dəsdhi (dōdhi) - im Don’t give him fish; teach him how to fish n̥ nudhi (endhi) piskātum

Séikmenā (sm̥ bhondhóm kómtagmn̥ ) Of purpose (agreeing clause)

Sm̥ drātores wejes bhéwsomos, We will be your cooperators, to protect the ambhibhowom pālātewei environment

Welpont protiwoqom ghn̥ stum They were waiting to obtain an answer

Speude douknom labhtum Hurry to take the train

Yuwés me swestum kikloisi wédn̥ su You helped me get used to swim in cold snātum waters (adjunct)

Séikmenos (n̥ sm̥ bhondhóm kómtagmn̥ ) Of purpose (not concertated clause)

Deike nosbhos gnōtewei (=ei Tell us, so that we may know gígnōskōmos)

Stupom ismōi dédōta tewom You gave him a stick to beat you with stoupémenei

Imós sweptum We go to sleep

Éjomos alādhjom Let’s go for a walk

Kéidomos prāmoghostum We go down for breakfast

Kéidōmos snātum Let’s go down to swim

Twenghesjā Of obligation

Trija éikomos alsenei ōsa We have three mouths to feed

Alchos so tebhei dōdhjōi This is the money we have to give you

Prijontn̥ s éikomos kómnedhuīs We have friendly relations to maintain with bhenstjes bherghsenei our neighbours

Réktijā Of determination

Dhl̥ eghlā rokto apolewesdhjōi *The debt was established to be paid back átnantjēd prāi before the end of the year

Kəptós koiludhjōi likḗst The prisoner was allowed to be healed

117 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Móghtijā káktijāqe Of capability and aptitude

Adelós tū dhghomōn estorjom tod You are the right person to manage this médnewesei / mednusenei restaurant

Skrígtijā Exclamatory

Egō tewom ambhí dus bhādhjom? I am ill-speaking about you!?

Qid nom? Dhochom sedētum solwom What then? Shall I sit all the day in front of smeustrom antí? the computer?

Génesjā Genitive

Djétew(o)s/ djetwos/ djétei(o)s/ It stopped moving djetjos stāto

Em djetew(o)s/ djetwos/ djétei(o)s/ They stopped him moving djetjos stānt

Esjo djetim/ djetum (=déjonom) stānt They stopped his moving (=movement)

Medhi wr̥ gtwos im bhāmnom wərónt In the middle of the work they found him talking

Kómseqmenjā Consecutive

Neqis ita krepús esti tod tlāsenei Nobody is so strong so as to endure this calamity

Koitujā́ Of manner

Neqid bhlētū léwesi You don’t solve anything by weeping

Néqid-terom With nothing

Neqid bheitum newō pəróstatō There is nothing to fear with the new boss

Pərastā́ Yuxtaposed

Adedhjom welīm sperstjeī dhéwtewei I would like to prepare myself to run in the competition

Wn̥ skomós peutum əptum We want to achieve to understand this text

118 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Aitíkōpjobhrūgtjes Uses of the participles

Ambhítowā spekjēs aitíkōpjoprépesom General outlook of participial forms

Active voice Middle voice Passive voice deikmos/dikmós, deikmā/dikmā́, nom. deikonts, deikonts/déikontī, deikont déikomnos, déikomnā, déikomnom deikmom/dikmóm Present (deikn̥ tós, deikn̥ tós/ deikn̥ tjā́s/ deikn̥ tijós, (déikmosjo/dikmosjo, deikmās/dikmā́s, (gen.) (déikomnosjo, déikomnās, déikomnosjo) deikn̥ tós) déikmosjo/dikmosjo) nom. diklós, diklā́, diklóm dikomnós, dikomnā́, dikomnóm diktós, diktā́, diktóm Aorist (gen.) (diklosjo, diklā́s, diklosjo) (dikomnosjo, dikomnā́s, dikomnosjo) (diktosjo, diktā́s, diktosjo)

nom. dikwṓs, dikusjā/dikusī, dikwós dóikm̥ nos, dóikm̥ nā, dóikm̥ nom doiknós/diknós, doiknā́/diknā́, doiknóm/diknóm Perfect (doiknosjo/diknosjo, doiknā́s/diknā́s, (gen.) ( dikwesos, dikusjās/dikúsijos, dikwesos) (dóikm̥ nosjo, dóikm̥ nās, dóikm̥ nosjo) doiknosjo/diknosjo) nom. deiksonts, deiksonts/déiksontī, deiksont déiksomnos, déiksomnā, déiksomnom deiktéwijos, deiktéwijā, deiktéwijom Future (deiksn̥ tós, deiksn̥ tós /deiksn̥ tijós/ (déiksomnosjo, déiksomnās, (gen.) (deiktéwijosjo, deiktéwijās, deiktéwijosjo) deiksn̥ tjā́s, deiksn̥ tós) déiksomnosjo)

Possibility deikmōn, deikmon déiknijos, déiknijā, déiknijom participle (déikmonos) (déiknijosjo, déiknijās, déiknijosjo)

Propensive déikonqos, déikonqā, déikonqom déiktinos, déiktinā, déiktinom participle (déikonqosjo, déikonqās, déikonqosjo) (déiktinosjo, déiktinās, déiktinosjo)

Active voice Middle voice Passive voice

gignonts sōdejonts gígnomnos sōdéjomnos gígnomos sōdéjomos

regonts pr̥ nānts régomnos pr̥ nāmnos régomos pr̥ nāmos Present newājonts kupjonts newā́jomnos kúpjomnos newā́jomos kúpjomos

lubhējonts didōnts lubhḗjomnos dídōmnos lubhḗjomos (dí)dōmos

genlós sesedlós genomnós sesedomnós gentós sōdətós

reglós perlós/ prālós regomnós prāmnós regtós pr̥ tos/ prātós Aorist newālós keuplós newāmnós keupm̥ nós newātós kuptós

lubhēlós dōlós lubhēmnós dōmnós lubhētós dətós

gegn̥ wṓs sōd(ə)wṓs gégonmnos sṓdomnos gennós sōdənós

regwṓs pepr̥ wṓs rēgm̥ nos pépormnos regnós pr̥ nos/ prānós Perfect newāwṓs kupwṓs newāmnos koupmnos newānós kupnós/ koupnós

lubhēwṓs ded(ə)wṓs lubhēmnos dédōmnos lubhēnós dənós/ dōnós

gensonts sōdesonts génsomnos sōdésomnos gentéwijos sōdetéwijos

regsonts personts régsomnos pérsomnos regtéwijos pertéwijos Future newāsonts keupsonts newā́somnos kúpsomnos newātéwijos keuptéwijos

lubhēsonts dōsonts lubhḗsomnos dṓsomnos lubhētéwijos dōtéwijos

genmōn sōdemōn génnijos sōdénijos Possibility regmōn permōn régnijos pérnijos prospective participle newāmōn keupmōn newā́nijos kéupnijos lubhēmōn dōmōn lubhḗnijos dṓnijos

gígnonqos sōdéjonqos géntinos sōdétinos

Propensive régonqos pr̥ nānqos régtinos pértinos participle newā́jonqos kúpjonqos newā́tinos kéuptinos lubhḗjonqos dídōnqos lubhḗtinos dṓtinos

119 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Práidoikwā bheungtis Predicative function

Ln̥ gont eitr̥ An exhausting trip Bhāmnā cows A talking cow Kr̥ dītós pəróstətos An angry boss Sméiromnos spokós An admiring spectator Bhīmós upógalis A feared pirate

Ln̥ gn̥ tjós eitr̥ A more exhausting trip Kr̥ dītóteros pəróstətos An angrier boss Sméiromnoteros spokós A more admiring spectator Bhīmóteros upógalis A more feared pirate

Ln̥ gn̥ tísəmom eitr̥ The most exhausting trip Kr̥ dītósəmos pəróstətos The angriest boss Sméiromnosəmos spokós The most admiring spectator Bhīmósəmos upógalis The most feared pirate

Lngn̥ ̥ tistóm eitr̥ An extremely exhausting trip Kr̥ dītótəmos pəróstətos An extremely angry boss Sméiromnotəmos spokós An extremely admiring spectator Bhīmótəmos upógalis An extremely feared pirate

Chedhjō, prōd légontn̥ s bheudhe Please, attend the people who are reading/while they are reading

Mnātéwijos wīrós ékosmi trébheti The man who has to be remembered lives stoighei in this street

Mnātéwijom widējō wīróm I see the man who has to be remembered

Mnātéwijō bhətós esmi wīrṓ I talked to the man who has to be remembered

Upōrbhjom tod mnātéwijosjo wīrosjo This is the legacy of the man who has to be remembered

Méusnijom tod This is confidential

120 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Ádspektijos wertos Aspectual value

Enstantaitíkōpjom: Səmojā́ qertis Present participle: simultaneous action

So prójətins stéleti This one places the orders

Bhoungjō so opesā́ jetoi This one operates the appliance

So esti dāmoīs bhītor/ qītor This one is feared/ respected by his colleagues

So esti prójətins stelonts This is the one who places the orders

Bhoungjō so opoesā́ jomnos esti This is the one who operates the appliance

So esti dāmoīs bhīmós/ qīmós This is the one who is feared/ respected by his colleagues

So esti prójətins stelonts jom klopṓs This is the one who was placing the orders wēdhājónt when the robbers broke in.

So esti prójətins stelonts jom klopṓs This is the one who is placing the orders wēdhājónt now the robbers are breaking in.

So esti prójətins stelonts jom klopṓs This is the one who will be placing the wēdhā́sonti orders when the robbers will break in.

Toi bhūnt joi mewom séqontes pijonm̥ These were the people who said I was a dusmosimqe dhrúwonm̥ bhewtum drunkard and an ill-tempered rogue

121 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Mḗlejom geismn̥ Momentaneous event [21a] [23a] [21a] [23a] [21e] [23e] [21e] [23e]

Bhādhjom didkskonts regs, wélotm̥ When the king was learning to speak, he enim mədét met a certain oracle

Bhādhjom dídkskn̥ tos rēgos, welots When the king was learning to speak, a enis ghordhjom ludhét (perəmós) certain oracle came to the palace (absolute)

Práisedos wíweqn̥ tos: “latom, súludhlōs When the president uttered: “good oljoi, sm̥ sodos bhwísomnos”, egṓ kēlām morning, welcome all of you, the conference en eim (perəmós) is going to begin” I was entering the room (absolute)

Aiqotempos Identical temporal extension [21c] [22c] [23c] [21c] [22c] [23c] [21d] [22d] [23d] [21d] [22d] [23d]

Entrebhr̥ tr̥ gét mənjonts gherbhos He brushed the piece of furniture thinking smitlām bhewtum that the scratch was just a stain

Bhādhjom dídkskonts regs putlonojóm When the king was learning to speak, he ikét/ikāt/eiket had an instructor

Prijōi ‘wəlēje’sqet bhlēntī She said ‘goodbye’ to her friend weeping

praipódejā qertis Occasional action [21b][22b][23b] [21b][22b][23b] [21f] [23f] [21f] [23f]

Qid ēsewós didn̥ tsú bhéndhroisi, When friends give you something good, it n̥ dékesnom mē emtum (perəmós) is uncomely not to take it (absolute)

Qid ēsewós dídōmoi bhéndhroīs, When something good is given by friends, n̥ dékesnom mē emtum (perəmós) it is uncomely not to take it (absolute)

122 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

n̥ rokjaitíkōpjom: antimḗlejā qertis Aorist participle: anterior action

So esti prójətins stellós This is the one who placed/had placed/will have placed the orders

Bhoungjō so opesāmnós esti This is the one who operated/had operated/will have operated the appliance

So esti dāmoīs bhītós/ qītós This is the one who was/had been/will have been feared/respected by his colleagues

So esti prójətins stellós jom klopṓs This is the one who had placed/ had been wēdhājónt placing the orders when the robbers broke in

So esti prójətins stellós jom klopṓs This is the one who has placed/has been wēdhājónt placing the orders now the robbers are breaking in

So esti prójətins stellós jom klopṓs This is the one who will have placed/ will wēdhā́sonti have been placing the orders when the robbers will break in

Ud sestād stəlosjo, wī trins gheudont *When I stood up from the siesta, the three qelispokoi muskātonn̥ s (perəmós) musketeers were on TV. (absolute)

Argúmona klulós esom, wewqét: And having heard their arguments, he spoke:

Rudhróm trālós tuskjóm, Passing through the red desert you arrive to widhuklopnim ghēs the willow valley

Penqe wolmonebhūlós wétesa, After governing for five years, he retired to monwowostum splighét a monastery

Qrtibh̥ ū́ mejom Dramatic

Upo pətḗr-mo ūdhū́ oqlós, upo mewom My father, suspecting at once, cursed me wedét roundly

Awakrosnōs bhənuntor, ud pr̥ qom The fountain jets are illuminated, producing swónmejom genlṓs praidoikom a colourful musical show

Sū ágesi mewom memenlós You do well in reminding me Sū agés mewom memenlós You did well in reminding me Sū ágsesi mewom memenlós You will do well in reminding me

Reidhēd enludhlós kudhét (=eneints He easily hid when he entered kudhét)

123 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Komsqrtāitikōpjom tómkejā qertis: Perfect participle: resultative action

Kwōn, n̥ gnōtóm widwṓs, dus prōd The dog, when seeing an unknown person, wr̥ tetói, upélosjo neqid qn̥ twṓs behaves badly, without having suffered any trouble

Drūtóm eikō tewom tercos wiléwmonm̥ I’m sure you can dissolve the threat hanging poleī-nos epistestəwós over our city

Ud sestād stestəwesos, wī trins *While I was up from the siesta, the three gheudont qelispokoi muskātonn̥ s musketeers were on TV. (absolute) (perəmós) What was the reason for the arisen dispute? Qótəmom r̥ usjās bhūt dḗrejos weismn̥ ? How shall we solve the doubt raised by Qota wī dāmō-two epistl̥ nóm léwōmos your colleague? oknom?

124 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Bhewsontaitíkōpjom: posmḗlejā qertis Future participle: posterior action

This is the one who was going to place/is So esti prójətins stelsonts going to place/will be going to place the orders

This is the one who was going to operate/ Bhoungjō so opesā́ somnos esti id going to operated/will be going to operate the appliance

This is the one who was going /is going So esti dāmoīs bheitéwijos/qeitéwijos /will be going to be feared/ respected by his colleagues

So esti prójətins stelsonts jom klopṓs This is the one who was going to place the wēdhājónt orders when the robbers broke in.

So esti prójətins stelsonts jom klopṓs This is the one is going to place the orders wēdhājónt now the robbers are breaking in.

So esti prójətins stelsonts jom klopṓs This is the one who will be going to place wēdhā́sonti the orders at the moment when the robbers will break in.

Bhrēwã tr̥ qewastéwijom dhédhōje dānum He made the river (to be) fordable with a bridge Karsonts sodét néwostim = Sodét néwostjei kartéwijãi He went to announce the news =He went for the news which was to be announced

125 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Módesjos wertos Modal value

Mḗlejos Temporal

Ud medhi stānt obhi édn̥ tes They stood up in the middle of the lunch

Ud stānt (=stāwānt) obhi édn̥ tes They stood up (=kept standing up) during the lunch

Mene dekm̥ (átnojos gnātós) sn̥ tos, When I was ten (years old), my parents gentore meictum skidotām (perəmós) decided to move (absolute)

Domum médneuwn̥ tos pətrós, kūmós When my father administered the house, dhedhḗr ópesom (perəmós) lots of works were executed (absolute)

Wéismenjos Causal

Kanónt jod wiklṓs (wikwóses) bhūnt They sang because they had won

Wiklṓs /wikwóses kanónt Since they had won, they sang

Wōns bhodjosn̥ s qeisonts, Considering that you are better,

Rṓdistṓs enoi pertisrowoi dhchinéi They were very happy because the leak had (perəmós) disappeared (absolute)

Poleī solwāi erərusjāi Since all the city had been destroyed (perəmós) (absolute)

Protistóupejos Concessive

Séwijom eikonts weghtlom, pedī́s Having your own wehicle, you want to go éisesi? (there) on foot?

Skeltim-two nē prodhətṓ, twojo olnətā́ You don’t do your duty; however the things aw bheughet (perəmós) you plan come off well (absolute)

n̥ widwṓs, kn̥ séjeti weistum Even without knowing, he states he knows

Loiqá wiwéqsontĩ (wiweqsuwĩ), nē Even though she wanted say the rest of the tr̥ komes (perəmós) things, we did not allow him (absolute)

Even though she could have kept it, she Ad moghlā́ dhertum, apo aw dédōje gave it back

Komwodhom newekn̥ tí, aw gisto Even though I did not want the conflict, it (perəmós) happened (absolute)

126 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Koitujós Of manner

Klépontes gherghrobhn̥ tesqe céiwonti They live stealing and scavenging

Bhendhroīs stutlóīs, uperi kom ludhónt With their friends supporting them, they (perəmós) managed to get back on their feet (absolute)

Upódhētijos Conditional

Dikātum nē móghesi misdhóm nē You cannot command if you don’t pay the lewonts salary

Deiwoi wenlói neqid moghet legs, If God wishes law cannot do anything, if Deiwoi n̥ wenlói neqid moghet jotnos God does’t wish the effort cannot do 2 x PART. AOR. + PRES. PROT. (perəmós) anything (absolute)

Drālós udojom widḗsesi If you have worked, you will see the results

Qorjostānei qijēskn̥ tí (qojói, sāmeī), If the office is quiet, everything is OK solwa sū (perəmós) (absolute)

Sóikejos Final

Dhētrī́ cēme ghesr̥ meghei dṓsontī The nanny has come to give me a hand with dhēljṓ the baby

Apó ludhét dhúgterm̥ lewsonts He came to rescue her daughter

Nē nojós enskroibhons ghelsonts esti There is no director to sign the documents (=nē nojós enskróibhobhos (=there is no director for the documents to gheltéwijobhos esti) be signed)

127 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Qrtr̥ ̥ nōmn̥ /Pətjomnonōmn̥ Agent/patient noun

tr̥ mejés: endings: -tor-, -trī; -ó-, -ā-; -(o)t-, -(et)ī-/-(e)tjā- tor-, -trī; -ó-, ā́ -; (o)t-, -(et)ī-/-(e)tjā-; - ; - ; - ; -wo-, -wā-; -i- wo-, -wā-, -i-

Trebhmn̥ pínkontes kei sonti Here are these who paint the apartment

Piktores senti kei trébhmenos Here are the painters of the apartment

Spātrām bheronts klāwm̥ twoi dṓseti The one who carries the suitcase will give wosjī you the key of the room

Spātrās bhr̥ tṓr klāwm̥ twoi dṓseti wosjī The carrier of the suitcase will give you the key of the room

Spātrabhr̥ tṓr klāwm̥ twoi dṓseti wosjī The suitcase-carrier will give you the key of the room

Spātrās bhorós klāwm̥ twoi dṓseti wosjī The carrier of the suitcase will give you the key of the room

Spātrabhorós klāwm̥ twoi dṓseti wosjī The suitcase-carrier will give you the key of the room

Pedī́s jəntbhós sloiweinām dōnt They gave cola to the ones who went on foot

Peditbhós sloiweinām dōnt They gave cola to the pedestrians

Tod esti moimei cinānts pekr̥ This is the brand prevailing in the market

Moimocít tod pekr̥ This is the /an in-the-market-prevailing brand

Bhewsontm̥ widwósm̥ opos esti pr̥ ktum It is necessary to ask the one who knows the future

Bhewsn̥ tós wistorm̥ opos esti pr̥ ktum It is necessary to ask the knower of the future

Bhéwsn̥ twidm̥ opos esti pr̥ ktum It is necessary to ask the future-knower

Pontim deikonts bhoungjom kom-ke The device indicating the way brought us nos wodhe here

Póntidik bhoungjom kom-ke nos wodhe The way-indicating device brought us here

128 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Tod esti Anglonim bhāmnā teutā It is an English-speaking nation

Anglobhāwā sā teutā It is a nation which speaks (in) English

Dhghómonn̥ s éksnijāi gnātóns We met people born in the exterior mədomes

Eksnigonwons mədomes dhghómonn̥ s We met in-the-exterior-born people

Kēlā́ jomom tod qermn̥ This is a hidden activity

Kēlāiwom tod qermn̥ This is a liable-to-be hid (clandestine) activity

Widelmos kluwējonts bhūt wīrós There was a man who was named Widelm

Widelmos kluwis/nṓmonē bhūt wīrós There was a man named/with the name Widelm

Chori tod kremom This is bitter bier

129 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Perəmá kómtagmona Absolute clauses

Sm̥ bhondhóm kómtagmn̥ Agreeing clause

Úksōr ludhlā́ bherr̥ adḗseti When her wife comes, she will prepare the luggage

Dūdom medomnós somosódm̥ ismōi After having long meditated, I will lend ghersō him (my) car

Joqe klulós, proti wewqét: And having heard, he answered:

Joqe apoweqonts, sqet: And answering, he thus spoke:

Joqe gāudhējonts ita bhəto: And rejoicing, he said:

Perəmóm stā́ nejom: Absolute locative: circumstancial context ambhistanokómleghmn̥

Aposn̥ tí pəróstətoi, urusodjosi drājer The boss being absent, one works more comfortably n̥ widwesi poteī, alchōrkjom emét Without (his) master knowing it, he took the safe

Lukēskn̥ tí kémeloi (kémeni) ōighei He departed with dawning sky

Kā́ deni lewtiwn̥ tí, mr̥ neutum nē skelsēs If the problem has a solution, you should (upódhētijos wertos) not worry (conditional value)

Bhōwijói deiwei, wergom téisomos With God’s help (in helping God), we´ll finish the work

Póweros kleuti bhn̥ tí uponojói The boy listens with the teacher speaking (=the boy lisens while the teacher speaks)

Neqī streptorjei, tenm̥ aw wesét Even though there was nobody in the (protistóupejos wertos) discotheque, he stayed for a while (concessional value)

Trisí djwsí procecəwussí/ kekn̥ dussí Three days having elapsed (temporal value) (mḗlejos wertos)

130 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Perəmóm dhétlejom: Absolute instrumental: resource context moghtrokómleghmn̥

Twojo augtorē, qid dhēt maqos? What did the young lad do having you as an instigator?

Bhewtī dukḗ, bhéugsomos We’ll succeed, having nature as a guide

Bhōwijṓ deiwō, wergom téisomos With God’s help, we´ll finish the work

Swonmoqolōs, jāzdō nilūnṓ, pedī́s The musicians, since the bus was out of eitum skidónt (wéismenjos wertos) order, decided to go on foot (causal value)

Perəmóm gónejom: meelokómleghmn̥ Absolute genitive: temporal context

Promominésterosjo (sn̥ tos), en When he/she was a Primed Minister, he swēruns dukét meitins introduced important changes

Rēgos pútlosjo, welots enis ghordhjom When the king was a small child, a certain ludhét oracle came to the palace

Lukskn̥ tós kémelosjo (kémenos) He departed when the sky was dawning ōighei

Mr̥ tosjo rēgos, orbhjom wl̥ dhēdiks After the king’s death, the prince inherited deketo stolmom the throne

Úkseros ludhlā́ s, bherr̥ adḗsonti When her wife comes, they will prepare the luggage

Dūdom mene medomnosjo, somosodm̥ After my long meditating, he will get the med déksetoi car from me

Póweros kleuti bhn̥ tos uponojosjo The boy listens while the teacher speaks

Trijóm diwóm procecəwesom/ Three days having elapsed kekn̥ dwesom

131 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Sm̥ bhondhos Agreement

Type of agreement Gender Case Number Person

Adjective and 1 determinants with the XXX noun Apposition with the 2 (X) X (X) noun Relative with the 3 XX antecedent Predicate with its 4 (X) (X) X subject 5 Attribute with the verb X X X (X)

Epikéimenos antinṓmenomqe nṓmonē Of the adjective and determinants with the noun

Ko paulos krenghos This small ring Enā wənmā́ elmos That beautiful elm Téwijom argróm menr̥ Your brilliant idea ēsú (tod) menr̥ (This is) a good idea

Wənmá kánmona leukṓm wā́tejom Beautiful songs of brilliant poets (=Wənmokánmona leukowā́tejom= leukowātiwənmokánmona)

Oiwā́ s ptōtjes Particular cases

Akris dn̥ ghwā The tip of the tongue

Akreī dn̥ ghwāi (=dn̥ ghwākroi, At the tip of the tongue dn̥ ghwabhr̥ steī́)

Medhjoi íteni In the middle of the way

Ékstəmoi pedostānei In the extreme position

Óltəmāi Rotsjāi/ dhubewí Rotsjāi In the farthest part of Russia

Akreī óresi/úpəmei óresi At the top of the mountain

Pérəmei samoi/ghéimeni In the extreme summer/winter period

132 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Áddhēmenos nṓmonē Of the apposition with the noun

Aléksanros, makedonom regs, prōd Alexander, king of the Macedonians, made dsām wedhét Dhōreyowēsum proti, war against Darius, king of the Perses persãm regm̥

Paktā́m tewe mədóm, prijóm tom I met your fiancée, that lovely person dhghómonm̥

Dānumoloi obhi ghosomes, soméi We had lunch at the river embankment, the stānoi jod áljotom welomes same place we chose the other time

Wesúwijom setijomes, ceri deksinoisi We visited the Vesuvius, mount in the South Apennīnoisu (=deksinotos Apennīnois) of the Apennines

133 Chapter B1: Form of the sentence

Átibhrtimosjo̥ praisodṓ Of the relative with its antecedent

Polim gnōwa qād prōd cēmta I know the city (from which) you come from

Antonios, Markos Claudjosqe, qoi Anthony, Mark and Claude, who were the juwísəmōs esānt (juwísəmōs esn̥ tes), youngest ones (being the youngest ones), prīsmōs ghēnt arrived first (the first ones)

Néqoterō génonē With neuter gender

Ghōdhos opnāqe, qa wēswa wérjomos, Honour and wealth, which we call goods, dusopná sonti are difficult to obtain

Nédsəmō témeni sm̥ bhondhos Agreement with the nearest element

Dsās, áinesa, edunās, qās dhoubnoi Wars, calamities and pains, which are in the sont, ud nē skelsēnt bhewtum world, should not exist

Snstum̥ ad Ad sensum

Gherús aitis, qōs keiwinī́tibhi A small part who, was (were) interested in méndheswontes ēsn̥ t, mluwónt politics, spoke during the conference sm̥ sodomētrom (=qā keiwinī́tibhi méndheswents ēst, mluwét...)

Enod n̥ widjom qos me rígjeti nē That stupid person who is tormenting me lúbhjeti mewom does not like me

Spātī With attraction

Globhos, jā pl̥ táwijā wérjetor, chr̥ sketói The globe, which is called Earth, is getting warmer

Témenom koisom adnṓmenjōm so énteri Of these adnominal elements between them énonmīqe antinōmnē loubhis eti sənterṓ and with the personal pronoun, even without nṓmonē the noun being present

Ekod chedhjō məgnom I want this big one

Mewom gerét swépontm̥ He woke me up who was sleeping (=when I was sleeping)

Mewom dhrut astuwidlóm He misled me, (being myself) expert in tricks

Trudsmóm esjãi tod putloīs oinãi It is difficult to her alone with the children

134 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Néunjosjo upologhō Of the predicate with its subject

Rodjā bhlosḗjeti The rose is blooming Prōd agroworgṓs wr̥ gónt The countryment went on working Gheislṓs dhətṓs sonti They were made hostages

Snstum̥ ad Ad sensum

Kom məgnóm tūljom gerét A great multitude gathered together

Ud km̥ tóm dhghómonom erinṓs One hundred people have resulted injured wewr̥ tḗr/wr̥ tnōs sonti

Km̥ tóm wīrṓm ludhét One hundred men came

Km̥ tóm wīrṓs ludhónt One hundred men came

Smlogwosm̥ gnos̥ Collective singular

Drewā́ bhreugn̥ s bhert (=bhern̥ t) Trees bear fruit

Putlā́ qidqomqe kreddhēt (=kréddhn̥ t) Children believe anything

Bhlōmōr dhwomōrqe oiwós kéreni Fauna and flora is special in that region énosmi esti

Anadókosjo upologhō Of the attribute with the verb

Dhghomōn mr̥ tijos esti The human being is mortal

Cenā ləghlā́ ēst The lady was tired

Daitis bhódsəmā uponojā́ Iime is the best teacher

Kíkōnjā wesn̥ kārús (esti) The stork is the anouncer of the spring

Néqoterō génonē With neuter gender

Dl̥ ku dekesnómqe n̥ króm jewtum It is sweet and honourable to help the needy

Loubhos mr̥ tisqe nekopīná ludhónt Love and death come out of the blue

Ghouróm esti wl̥ qos stā́dhlobhos Terrible is a wolf for the stalls

Spātī With attraction

Tolētom, tagópolis, kléutrown̥ tī esti Toledo, the city of the Tajo, is rich in So esti loktos mene = tod esti loktos legends mene This is my fault

135 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

2.-Bhānism̥ bhendhmn̥ Sentence combination

Komjougos Coordination

Wedhmosjūtra Copulative clauses smdh̥ ētla joqe, enim, atqe, qe, eti, etiqe, toqe nekáiwotos….immō, epi, nekáiwotos…..toqe/eti/plēis

Kómbhewontes qertjes (egēsmn ̥ smdh̥ ētlēd) Coexisting actions (lack of link)

Silējō, nē welmi bhādjom I keep quiet; I don’t want to speak.

Smpl̥ ēd chonēiwā qertis Simply additive action

Petros domom demét joqe ghortom Peter built a house and arranged a garden rtujét̥

Simultaneity Səmitis

The dog licked himself, waving his tail Peri kwōn líghāto, pukom weiponts

Correlated/consecutive action Kombhndhn̥ ā́ /komseqomnā́ qertis I arrived late and did not get acquainted Lodi ghēwa enim ad nē bhoudhai with the first proposals prāwōm ordhésmonom Contrast Prótinom Today I’ll work and tomorrow I’ll rest Edjḗw drāsō atqe ausrom ersō He laughs and I weep Is gélāti atqe egṓ bhlēmi Quick action Peimis qertis

I woke up, stood up, got washed, ate Bhustós esmi (groma), stāmqe ud, breakfast, combed myself and went to work. lūtósqe, ghosómqe prām, pektósqe esmi wergómqe sodóm. Addition Chonesmn̥ They are very close friends and even go for Éntəmōs senti prijōs eti sm̥ stōs holidays together usdhowōi itā́jonti Overmuch state Kómsātis Not only does he insult me, but he also Nekáiwotos me péjeti immō ismi boasts about it bhlédeti

136 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Delmosjūtra Disyunctive clauses smdh̥ ētla we, awti, (qóterom) an, uta (an), loubhis

Sm̥ plom álterotwom Simple alternative

Prōd ənupopodnim wr̥ tetoí awti n̥ widús He either behaves improperly or is an so ignorant

Awti təkḗjesi awti cícāsi Either you shut up or you go

(Qóterom) drā́jesi an qlskesí?̥ Are you working or studying?

Solwom ad bhewtum n̥ kḗjesi dinom, You need to be present all the day, or, if you awti, an opsús tū, āmrom ge are busy, at least during the morning

Jāsdō awti douknō éiesi You may go there either by bus or by train

Wesprei qelispektrom spekjō awti In the evening I watch TV or write letters sontons skreibhō

Álterotwom+optis Alternative + election

Solwom ad bhewtum n̥ kḗjesi dinom, You need to be present all the day, or, if you loubhis, an opsús tū, āmrom ge are busy, at least during the morning

Jāsdō loubhis douknō éiesi You may go there either by bus or by train

Álterotwom+optis+ambhóemtjom Alternative+ election + indiference

Jāsdō loubhis douknōwe éiesi You may go there either by bus or by train

Wesprei qelispektrom spekjō sontonswe In the evening I watch TV or write letters skreibhō

Nosbhos māis meiwiswe dhḗnijom We have a more or less feasible proposal ordhēsmn̥ (esti)

137 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Protiwrtnosj̥ ūtra Adversative clauses smdh̥ ētla mō, aw, alyā́ , tū, nū, tā…men, dā….aw

Lēni prótinom Weak contrast

Alchom óikāmes, mō en eitum nosbhis We had money, but they did not allow us to nē trkónt̥ go in.

Lélāgsāmes; putlā aw robhetum prōd We were tired, but the children wanted to wéwelānt go on playing.

Strong contrast Melom prótimn ̥

No one can go in; however, if you have a lot Neqis en eitum mógheti; aljā́ kūmós an of money, you can convince the guardian esti tebhei álchosjo, woróm bhoidhetum móghesi

He did not know anything about music. All Neqid swenwidjom ambhí woidāt. Nū in all, he just started to play the piano. klāwmn̥ swonetum arti bhwitós esti.

Tlādhētis Balancing ́ ̥ ̥ Tā Ābhrikā wedr nkḗjeti, men If Africa needs water, Australia suffers from ́ Austrálijā ploudons qntjetí̥ (=Ābhrikā floods (=Africa needs water whereas wedr ̥ nk̥ ḗjeti, atqe Australjā ploudons Australia suffers from floods) qntjetí)̥

Upóplētis Substitution Domowergom-two teidhi qelispéktewos Finish your homework instead of watching stānei (=qelispéktewes prōd) ! TV!

Médodiks, grājusetítejos stānei The doctor, instead of visiting the old lady, (=grājusetítejes prōd), im medonjōi had her go to his office ghonghést

138 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Winomosjūtra Alternative/correlative/distributive clauses smdh̥ ētla nū….nū, swāiwe….swāi, tom…tom álteros….. álteros; so….ene

Wédhmejosjo wertī With copulative value Swāiwe robhéjesi swāi óqesi lowtum Whether you play or watch you have to pay skélesi

Délmejosjo wertī With disyuntive value Nū weitins srpjetí, nū owins péketi; Now he prunes the vines, now he shears the áiwesi drā́jeti. sheep; he is always working.

Prótiwrtnejosjo̥ wertī With adversative value Álteros srīgējonts louksām kláudeti, This one feels cold and closes the window, álteros kəlējonts apo wérjeti and the other one feels hot and opens it

Ekswōqosjūtra Explicative clauses

smdh̥ ētla tod esti, id esti, nṓmntos,̥ kritóm

Somowortja sonti smdh̥ ētla All the conjunctions are equivalent

Kādr ̥ lewtum skelō, tod esti newom I have to solve the problem, this is to find wíwertum poqóm another cook

Bhā́joima twojo monwā́m weqtim, I’d like to talk to you about an outstanding nṓmntos̥ misdhāugmn ̥ mene. issue, namely my pay rise

139 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Enbhorosjūtra Illative clauses

smdh̥ ētla enim, ita, itaqe, tom-ke, étenim

Perilós nē esmi dhōjoi kosmei enim I am not an expert in this matter, and cannot protiwoqom tebhei dātum nē moghō give you an answer

Skombnṓs esānt, ita prkont̥ They were lost, so they asked for the tourist ambhirṓjosjo qorjostānōi office

Ludhḗr oljoi; tom-ke bhwidhjom All (the people) have come, so, we can móghomos begin

Nē strigā́st sūtum solwom djēwm,̥ It has not stopped raining the whole day, étenim nē regtḗd mənjesí and thus you are not right

Praiqinasjūtra Causal clauses

̥ smdhētla ar, ar ge, gar

Somowortja sonti smdh̥ ētla All the conjunctions are equivalent

Tausnim en sodét, ar mātérm ̥ nē gertum He came in silently, since he did not want to welā́t wake his mother

Krdijām, gar lought I was angry, as he had lied

140 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Upojougos Subordination

Kómplēsjūtra Completive clauses

Wijugná sjūtra Disjunct clauses

Qermn̥sjūtra Object clauses With personal forms With participle With infinitive

N̥dhibhorwa Reportative bheidhō to trust IND./ SUB./ OPT. x x bhledō to boast IND./ SUB./ OPT. x kréddhēmi / ōmi to believe IND./ SUB./ OPT. x x mlg̥ ājō / neumi to announce / to proclaim IND./ SUB./ OPT. x x peumi to understand IND./ SUB./ OPT. x x IND./ SUB./ OPT./ pr̥kskō / pr̥kjō to ask PREC. qéqoita/ kn̥sējō opinate IND./ SUB./ OPT. x x tn̥gējō/ awisdhijō to feel IND./ SUB./ OPT. x x upo dídhēmi to suppose IND./ SUB./ OPT. x x wī bhāti it seems IND. x x wíweqmi, seqō to speak, to say IND./ OPT. x x woida to know IND./ SUB./ OPT. x x

Enjogwa Injunctive bhíbheimi to fear SUB./OPT chedhjō to beg SUB./ OPT./ PREC. x dikājō to order SUB./ OPT./ PREC. x kōnājai to try SUB. x leinō to avoid SUB./OPT lubhējō/ lubhjō to like SUB. x x mərējō to deserve SUB. n̥kējō to need SUB. x x n̥neumi to teach SUB. x ōkinós esmi to be ready SUB. x opos esti/ wergom esti it is necessary, il faut SUB. x x prépeti to seem SUB. x x prōd bheudhō to be careful SUB. qīmājō to appreciate SUB. x x skeidō to decide SUB./ OPT./ PREC. x twenghō to compel SUB. x welmi to wish SUB./ OPT./ PREC. x x welpō to hope, to expect SUB. x x wəreumi nī to ward off SUB./OPT wétāmi to prohibit SUB./OPT wn̥skō to want SUB. x x

141 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

With personal forms With participle With infinitive

Sm̥ jugná sjūtra Conjunct clauses

Upologhosjūtra Subject clauses adelóm (esti) jod to be adequate IND./ PREC. x x aiskróm esmi to be clear IND./ PREC. x x bhātis (esti) jod to be said that IND./ PREC. x x dhabhóm esti to be surprising SUB./ PREC. x x gígistoi to happen IND./ PREC. x x jéwestom (esti) jod to be fair IND./ PREC. x x kaunóm/aichlóm esti to be shameful IND./ PREC. x x mendhesnóm esti to be interesting IND./ PREC. x x móghnijom esti to be possible IND./ SUB./ PREC. x x mr̥dhóm esti to be upsetting IND./ PREC. x x mr̥neumi to worry IND./ PREC. x x n̥kēiwom esti to be necessary IND./ SUB./ PREC. x x n̥prijóm esti to be disgusting IND./ PREC. x x pastos esmi/ drūtóm eikō to be sure IND./ PREC. x x qid tod jod? how is it that? IND./ PREC. x x smeirom esti to be wonderful IND./ PREC. x x ud wr̥tai to result IND./ PREC. x x wī bhāmi to seem IND./ PREC. x x wiklutóm jod to be widely known that IND./ PREC. x x

Onja sjūtra Other clauses to be due to the fact apo tēd wédhetor IND./ SUB./ PREC. x that moghō to be able x Plakējō/ sm̥ wids (kosmei) to agree on the fact that IND./ SUB./ PREC. x esmi/ səmorqós (kosmei) esmi prōd wédheti to bring about IND./ SUB./ PREC. x skelō to have to, must x tēd kom stístāti to consist of IND./ PREC. x tēd lémbetoi to depend on IND./ SUB./ PREC. x

142 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Wijugná sjūtra Disjunct clauses n̥ dhibhorwa sjūtra Reportative clauses

Wíweqmi, seqō To speak, to say

Bhūlokaputsjūtrom The main clause is in the past

Dhghjesi sqet jod mūsānjom práidiwi Yesterday he said that the museum had pətēbhūt been open (was open) the day before

Dhghjesi sqet mūsānjom práidiwi Yesterday he said that the museum had pətētr ̥ been open the day before (infinitive clause)

Dhghjesi sqet mūsānjom práidiwi Yesterday he said that the museum had pətēlóm been open the day before (participle clause)

Dhghjesi sqet jod mūsānjom pətḗjeti Yesterday he said that the museum was (is) open

Dhghjesi sqet mūsānjom pətētum Yesterday he said that the museum was open (infinitive clause)

Dhghjesi sqet mūsānjom pətējont Yesterday he said that the museum was open (participle clause)

Dhghjesi sqet jod mūsānjom pósterei Yesterday he said that the museum would diwí pətḗseti be open on the following day

Dhghjesi sqet mūsānjom pósterei diwí Yesterday he said that the museum would pətējes be open on the following day (infinitive clause)

Dhghjesi sqet mūsānjom pósterei diwí Yesterday he said that the museum would pətēsont be open on the following day (participle clause)

Dhghjesi sqet jod mūsānjom krāsi Yesterday he said that the museum will be pətḗseti open today (tomorrow)

Dhghjesi sqet mūsānjom krāsi pətējes Yesterday he said that the museum will be open today (infinitive clause)

Dhghjesi sqet mūsānjom krāsi pətēsont Yesterday he said that the museum will be open today (participle clause)

Sqet sī jod egō esmi She said that it was her (*that it is I)

143 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Enstantkaputsjūtrom The main clause is in the present

Edjḗw séqeti jod mūsānjom dhghjesi Today he says that the museum was open pətēbhūt yesterday

Edjḗw séqeti mūsānjom dhghjesi pətētr ̥ Today he says that the museum was open yesterday (infinitive clause)

Edjḗw séqeti mūsānjom dhghjesi Today he says that the museum was open pətēlóm yesterday (participle clause)

Edjḗw séqeti jod mūsānjom pətḗjeti Today he says that the museum is open

Edjḗw séqeti mūsānjom pətētum Today he says that the museum is open (infinitive clause)

Edjḗw séqeti mūsānjom pətḗjont Today he says that the museum is open (participle clause)

Edjḗw séqeti jod mūsānjom krāsi Today he says that the museum will be pətḗseti open tomorrow

Edjḗw séqeti mūsānjom krāsi pətējes Today he says that the museum will be open tomorrow (infinitive clause)

Edjḗw séqeti mūsānjom krāsi pətēsont Today he says that the museum will be open tomorrow (participle clause)

144 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Bhewsntkaputsj̥ ūtrom The main clause is in the future

Usrom séqseti jod mūsānjom Tomorrow he will say that the museum was praidhghjesi/dhghjesi pətēbhūt open yesterday / that the museum has been open today

Usrom séqseti mūsānjom praidhghjesi/ Tomorrow he will say that the museum was dhghjesi pətētr ̥ open yesterday / that the museum has been open today (infinitive clause)

Usrom séqseti mūsānjom Tomorrow he will say that the museum was praidhghjesi/dhghjesi pətēlóm open yesterday / that the museum has been open today (participle clause)

Usrom séqseti jod mūsānjom pətḗjeti Tomorrow he will say that the museum will (mēlei kosmi) be open at that moment

Usrom séqseti mūsānjom pətētum Tomorrow he will say that the museum will (mēlei kosmi) be open at that moment (infinitive clause)

Usrom séqseti mūsānjom pətējont Tomorrow he will say that the museum will (mēlei kosmi) be open at that moment (participle clause)

Usrom séqseti jod mūsānjom krāsi Tomorrow he will say that the museum will pətḗseti be open on the following day

Usrom séqseti mūsānjom krāsi pətējes Tomorrow he will say that the museum will be open on the following day (infinitive clause)

Usrom séqseti mūsānjom krāsi pətēsont Tomorrow he will say that the museum will be open on the following day (participle clause)

145 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Wrtjosm̥ ̥ sopos Coordination of tenses

Wéqeti jod pontēs dl̥ nghos esti He says that the way is long (PRES. IND.) =Wéqeti pontēm dl̥ nghom bhewtum =Wéqeti pontēm dl̥ nghom ésntm̥ ̥

Wéqeti jod pontēs dl̥ nghos sjēt According to him, the way is long (PRES. OPT.)

Wéqeti jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhewsēt He says that the way may be long (PRES. PREC.)

Wéqeti jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhéwseti (FUT. IND.) He says that the way will be long

Wéqeti jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhewsoit According to him, the way will be long (FUT. OPT.)

Wéqeti jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhūt He says that the way was long (AOR. IND.)

Wéqeti jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhūjḗt According to him, the way was long (AOR. OPT.)

Weqét jod pontēs dl̥ nghos esti He said that the way was long Weqét jod pontēs dl̥ nghos sjēt According to him, the way was long Weqét jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhewsēt He said that the way might be long Weqét jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhéwseti He said that the way would be long Weqét jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhewsoit According to him, the way would be long Weqét jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhūt He said that the way had been long Weqét jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhūjḗt According to him, the way had been long

Wéqseti jod pontēs dl̥ nghos esti He will say that the way will be long Wéqseti jod pontēs dl̥ nghos sjēt According to him, the way will be long Wéqseti jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhewsēt He will say that the way may be long Wéqseti jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhéwseti He will say that the way will be long Wéqseti jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhewsoit According to him, the way will be long Wéqseti jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhūt He will say that the will have been long Wéqseti jod pontēs dl̥ nghos bhūjḗt According to him, the will have been long

Óljoisu prāi dhghomn̥ su lenght qija im He declared unto him before all the people tétēgt/ tétēgsēt (PLPF. IND./ PL. PREC.) for what cause she had touched him, and enim qota udhū́ koilujeto/ koilujēto how she was healed immediately (AOR. IND./ AOR. SUB.)

146 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Bhledō To boast

(Tod ambhí) bhledont, jod awobhorons They boast about the fact that they do not nē lewont/ lewōnt/ lewoint pay taxes

Sewom ambhí bhledont awobhorons *They boast about themselves not paying nē léwontn̥ s taxes

Sewe ənawobhorolewtum ambhí *They boast about their own tax-not-paying bhledont

Putla ambhí bhledont awobhorons *They boast about their children not paying nē léwonta taxes

Ins ambhí bhledont awobhorons *They boast about their (children’s) not nē léwonta paying taxes

Eisom ambhí ənawobhorolewtum *They boast about their (children’s) tax- bhledont not-paying

(Tod ambhí) bhlédonti, jod awobhorons They boast about the fact that they are nē léwonti/ léwōnti/ lewoint paying no taxes

(Tod ambhí) bhledont, jod awobhorons They boast about the fact that they did not nē luwónt/ luwōnt/ luwoint pay taxes

(Tod ambhí) bhledont, jod awobhorons They boast about the fact that they will not nē léwsonti/ léwsōnti/ lewsoint pay taxes

(Tod ambhí) bhl̥ dont/ bhl̥ dānt (AOR. They boasted about the fact that they EFF./ AOR. PROT.), jod awobhorons nē did/would not pay taxes lewont/ lewōnt/ lewoint

(Tod ambhí) bhl̥ dont/ bhl̥ dānt, jod They boasted about the fact that they paid awobhorons nē léwonti/ léwōnti/ no taxes lewoint

(Tod ambhí) bhl̥ dont/ bhl̥ dānt, jod They boasted about the fact that they had awobhorons nē luwónt/ luwōnt/ luwoint paid no taxes

Sewom ambhí bhl̥ dont/ bhl̥ dānt *They boast about themselves not having awobhorons nē lūlóns paid taxes

Sewe ənawobhorolewtr̥ ambhí bhl̥ dont/ *They boasted about their own previous tax- bhl̥ dānt not-paying

147 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

(Tod ambhí) bhl̥ dont/ bhl̥ dānt, jod They boasted about the fact that they would awobhorons nē léwsonti/ léwsōnti/ pay no taxes lewsoint

Sewom ambhí bhl̥ dont/ bhl̥ dānt *They boast about themselves not being-to- awobhorons nē léwsontn̥ s pay taxes

Sewe ənawobhorolewes ambhí *They boasted about their own future tax- bhl̥ dont/ bhl̥ dānt not-paying

(Tod ambhí) bhlédsonti, jod They will boast about the fact that they will awobhorons nē léwont(i)/ léwōnt(i)/ not pay taxes lewoint

(Tod ambhí) bhlédsonti, jod They will boast about the fact that they awobhorons nē luwónt/ luwōnt/ won’t have paid taxes luwoint

(Tod ambhí) bhlédsonti, jod They will boast about the fact that they will awobhorons nē léwsonti/ léwsōnti/ not pay taxes thereafter lewsoint

148 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Woida To know

Woida tewom cenām dhwertum *I know you to be unfaithful to your wife

Woida tewom cenām dhwérontm̥ *I know you being unfaithful to your wife

Woida jod cenām dhwéresi/ dhwḗrēsi/ I know that you are unfaithful to your wife dhwerois

Woida tewom cenām dhwertṛ *I know you to have been unfaithful to your wife

Woida tewom cenām dhrulóm *I know you having been unfaithful to your wife

Woida jod cenām dhruwés/ dhruwēs/ I know that you have been unfaithful to your dhruwois wife

Woida tewom cenām dhweres *I know you to be unfaithful to your wife in the future

Woida tewom cenām dhréusontm̥ *I know you being unfaithful to your wife in the future

Woida jod cenām dhreuses/ dhreusēs/ I know that you will be unfaithful to your dhreusois wife

Woidm̥ tewom cenām dhwertum *I knew you to be unfaithful to your wife

Woidm̥ tewom cenām dhwérontm̥ *I knew you being unfaithful to your wife

Woidm̥ jod cenām dhwéresi/ dhwḗrēsi/ I knew that you were unfaithful to your wife dhwerois

Woidm̥ tewom cenām dhwertṛ *I knew you to have been unfaithful to your wife Woidm̥ tewom cenām dhrulóm *I knew you having been unfaithful to your wife Woidm̥ jod cenām dhruwés/ dhruwēs/ dhruwois I knew that you had been unfaithful to your wife Weidsō cenām twojo dhruwenādhjom/ dhrutā́m/ jod cenā́ twojo dhruwetor/ I will know that your wife will have been dhrúwētor/ dhrúwoitor cheated on by you

149 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Pr̥ kskō To ask

Pr̥ ksketí qid dhídhēsi/ dhidhẽsi/ He asks what you are doing dhidhīs (PRES. IND./ SUB. OPT.)

Pr̥ ksketí qid dhḗsesi/ dhḗsēsi / dhēsois He asks what you will do

Pr̥ ksketí qid dhēs/ dhẽs / dhəjēs He asks what you did

Pr̥ ksketí qid dhédhēta/ dhedhẽsi / He asks what you have been doing dhedhējḗs

Pr̥ ksketí qid dhidhīs an He asks what you would do

Pr̥ ket qid dhídhēsi/ dhídhēsi/ dhidhīs He asked what you were doing

Pr̥ ket qid dhḗsesi/ dhḗsēsi / dhēsois He asked what you would do in the future

Pr̥ ket qid dhēs/ dhẽs / dhəjēs He asked what you had done

Pr̥ ket qid dhidhīs an He asked what you would do

Prékseti qid dhídhēsi/ dhídhēsi/ He will ask what you will be doing dhidhīs

Prékseti qid dhḗsesi/ dhḗsēsi / dhēsois He will ask what you will do thereafter

Prékseti qid dhēs/ dhẽs / dhəjēs He will ask what you will have done

Prékseti qid dhidhīs an He will ask what you would do

Pr̥ ksketí qóterom an dhídhēsi/ He asks whether you are doing (it) dhidhẽsi/ dhidhīs

150 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Qéqoita (kn̥ sejō) To think, to deem

Qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō jod stāmr̥ tod cīwō/ I think that I am living this situation cīwōm/ cī́woijəm (PRES. IND./ SUB./ OPT.)

Qéqoitm̥ / kn̥ sejom jod stāmr̥ tod cīwō/ I thought that I was living this situation cīwōm/ cī́woijəm

Qeqitwṓs bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō jod stāmr̥ tod I will think that I will be living this cīwō/ cīwōm/ cī́woijəm situation

Mewom qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō stāmr̥ tod I think I am living this situation cjōtum (ACT. PRES. INF.)

Mewom qéqoitm̥ / kn̥ sejom stāmr̥ tod I thought I was living this situation cjōtum

Mewom qeqitwṓs bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō I will think I will be living this situation stāmr̥ tod cjōtum

Mewom qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō stāmr̥ tod I think myself living this situation cī́wontm̥ (ACT. PRES. PART.)

Mewom qéqoitm̥ / kn̥ sejom stāmr̥ tod I thought myself living this situation cī́wontm̥

Mewom qeqitwṓs bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō I will think myself living this situation stāmr̥ tod cī́wontm̥

Stāmr̥ tod mojo cjōdhjom qéqoita/ I think this situation is being lived by me kn̥ sejō (PASS. PRES. INF.)

Stāmr̥ tod mojo cjōdhjom qéqoitm̥ / I thought this situation is being lived by me kn̥ sejom

Stāmr̥ tod mojo cjōdhjom qeqitwṓs I will think this situation is being lived by bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō me

Stāmr̥ tod mojo cīmóm qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō *I think this situation being lived by me (PASS. PRES. PART.)

Stāmr̥ tod mojo cīmóm qéqoitm̥ / *I thought this situation being lived by me kn̥ sejom

Stāmr̥ tod mojo cīmóm qeqitwṓs *I will think this situation being lived by me bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō

151 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō jod stāmr̥ jāmi tod I think that I’ve already lived this situation cīwóm/ cīwṓm/ cīwoijəm (AOR. IND./ SUB./ OPT.)

Qéqoitm̥ / kn̥ sejom jod stāmr̥ jāmi tod I thought that I had already lived this cīwóm/ cīwṓm/ cīwoijəm situation

Qeqitwṓs bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō jāmi jod I will think that I will already have lived stāmr̥ tod cīwóm/ cīwṓm/ cīwoijəm this situation

Mewom qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō jāmi stāmr̥ tod I think I’ve already lived this situation cjōtr̥ (ACT. AOR. INF.)

Mewom qéqoitm̥ / kn̥ sejom jāmi stāmr̥ I thought I had already lived this situation tod cjōtr̥

Mewom qeqitwṓs bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō jāmi I will think I will already have lived this stāmr̥ tod cjōtr̥ situation

Mewom qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō stāmr̥ tod jāmi I think myself having lived this situation cīlóm (ACT. AOR. PART.)

Mewom qéqoitm̥ / kn̥ sejom stāmr̥ tod I thought myself having lived this situation jāmi cīlóm

Mewom qeqitwṓs bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō I will think myself having lived this stāmr̥ tod jāmi cīlóm situation

Stāmr̥ tod mojo jāmi cīwenādhjom I think this situation has been lived by me qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō (PASS. AOR. INF.)

Stāmr̥ tod mojo jāmi cīwenādhjom I thought this situation has been lived by qéqoitm̥ / kn̥ sejom me

Stāmr̥ tod mojo jāmi cīwenādhjom I will think this situation has been lived by qeqitwṓs bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō me

Stāmr̥ jāmi tod mojo cīwtóm qéqoita/ *I think this situation having been lived by kn̥ sejō (PASS. AOR. PART.) me

Stāmr̥ jāmi tod mojo cīwtóm qéqoitm̥ / *I thought this situation having been lived kn̥ sejom by me

Stāmr̥ jāmi tod mojo cīwtóm qeqitwṓs *I will think this situation having been bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō lived by me

152 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō jod stāmr̥ tod cícīwa/ I think that I’ve been living this situation cícīwom/ cícījēm (PF. IND./ SUB./ OPT.)

Qéqoitm̥ / kn̥ sejom jod stāmr̥ tod I thought that I had been living this cícīwa/ cícīwom/ cícījēm situation

Qeqitwṓs bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō jod stāmr̥ tod I will think that I will have been living this cícīwa/ cícīwom/ cícījēm situation

Mewom qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō stāmr̥ tod I think I’ve been living this situation cjōwr̥ (PF. INF.)

Mewom qéqoitm̥ / kn̥ sejom stāmr̥ tod I thought I had been living this situation cjōwr̥

Mewom qeqitwṓs bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō I will think I will have been living this stāmr̥ tod cjōwr̥ situation

Mewom qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō stāmr̥ tod I think myself having been living this cicīwósm̥ (ACT. PF. PART.) situation

Mewom qéqoitm̥ / kn̥ sejom stāmr̥ tod I thought myself having been living this cicīwósm̥ situation

Mewom qeqitwṓs bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō I will think myself having been living this stāmr̥ tod cicīwósm̥ situation

Stāmr̥ tod mojo cjōwr̥ qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō I think this situation having been lived by (PF. INF.) me

Stāmr̥ tod mojo cjōwr̥ qéqoitm̥ / I thought this situation having been lived kn̥ sejom by me

I will think this situation having been lived Stāmr̥ tod mojo cjōwr̥ qeqitwṓs by me bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō

*I think this situation having been lived by Stāmr̥ tod mojo cīwnóm qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō me (PASS. PF. PART.) *I thought this situation having been lived Stāmr̥ tod mojo cīwnóm qéqoitm̥ / by me kn̥ sejom *I will think this situation having been Stāmr̥ tod mojo cīwnóm qeqitwṓs lived by me bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō

153 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō jod stāmr̥ tod cīwsō/ I think that I will live this situation cīwsōm/ cī́wsoijəm (FUT. IND./ SUB./ OPT.) I thought that I would live this situation Qéqoitm̥ / kn̥ sejom jod stāmr̥ tod cīwsō/ cīwsōm/ cī́wsoijəm

I will think that I will live this situation Qeqitwṓs bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō jod stāmr̥ tod cīwsō/ cīwsōm/ cī́wsoijəm

I think I will live this situation Mewom qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō stāmr̥ tod cīwes (ACT. FUT. INF.)

I thought I would live this situation Mewom qéqoitm̥ / kn̥ sejom stāmr̥ tod cīwes

I will think I will live this situation Mewom qeqitwṓs bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō stāmr̥ tod cīwes

I think myself living this situation (in the Mewom qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō stāmr̥ tod future) cī́sontm̥ (ACT. FUT. PART.)

I thought myself living this situation (in the Mewom qéqoitm̥ / kn̥ sejom stāmr̥ tod future) cī́sontm̥

I will think myself living this situation Mewom qeqitwṓs bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō thereafter stāmr̥ tod cī́sontm̥

I think this situation will be lived by me Stāmr̥ tod mojo cī́wesdhjom qéqoita/ kn̥ sejō (PASS. FUT. INF.)

I thought this situation will be lived by me Stāmr̥ tod mojo cī́wesdhjom qéqoitm̥ / kn̥ sejom

I will think this situation will be lived by me Stāmr̥ tod mojo cī́wesdhjom qeqitwṓs bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō

*I think this situation being lived by me (in Stāmr̥ tod mojo cītéwijom qéqoita/ the future) kn̥ sejō (PASS. FUT. PART.)

*I thought this situation being lived by me Stāmr̥ tod mojo cītéwijom qéqoitm̥ / (in the future) kn̥ sejom

*I will think this situation being lived by me Stāmr̥ tod mojo cītéwijom qeqitwṓs (in the future) bhewsō/ kn̥ sesō

154 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Kn̥ sejō/ dhōmejō/ qeisō jod Petros I consider that Peter is guilty for promoting woināwents esti/ éseti/ sjēt (PRES. IND./ strife SUB./ OPT.) ertim káktewos

Kn̥ sejō/ dhōmejō/ qeisō Petrom I consider Peter guilty for promoting strife woināwentm̥ ertim káktewos (bhewtum)

Kn̥ sejō/ dhōmejō/ qeisō Petrom *I consider Peter guilty promoting strife woināwentm̥ ertim káknuwontm̥

Kn̥ sejō/ dhōmejō/ qeisō Petrom I consider Peter guilty because he promotes woināwentm̥ (esn̥ tm̥ ) jod/ qod ertim strife kákneuti

Tn̥ gējō/ awisdhijō To feel

Pl̥ táwijos chrētim/ chrēstim We feel the warming of the Earth tn̥ gḗjomos/ awisdhíjomos

Pl̥ tawīchrētim / Pl̥ tawīchrēstim We feel the Earth warming tn̥ gḗjomos/ awisdhíjomos

Chrskontm̥ ̥ / chrḗjontm̥ pl̥ táwijām We feel the warming Earth tn̥ gḗjomos/ awisdhíjomos

Chrētum / chrēstum pl̥ táwijām *We feel the Earth to warm tn̥ gḗjomos/ awisdhíjomos

Tn̥ gḗjomos/ awisdhíjomos jod pl̥ tawī We feel that the Earth is warming chr̥ sketí/ chr̥ skēti/ chr̥ skoit chrḗjeti/ chrḗjēti/ chrḗjoit

Cherwr̥ tn̥ gḗjomos/ awisdhíjomos We feel the Earth having warmed pl̥ táwijām

Chechrusjām pl̥ táwijām tn̥ gḗjomos/ We feel the having-warmed Earth awisdhíjomos

Tn̥ gḗjomos/ awisdhíjomos jod pl̥ tawī We feel that the Earth has been warming chéchore/ chéchoreti/ chéchoroit

Chrēs tn̥ gḗjomos/ awisdhíjomos *We feel the Earth being to warm pl̥ táwijām

Chrḗs(s)ontm̥ pl̥ táwijām tn̥ gḗjomos/ We feel the being-to-warm Earth awisdhíjomos

Tn̥ gḗjomos/ awisdhíjomos jod pl̥ tawī We feel that the Earth will be warming chrḗs(s)eti/ chrḗs(s)ēti/ chrēs(s)soit

155 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Wī bhāti It seems

Wī bhāti moi jod sújeti It seems to me that it is raining

Wī bhāti moi seutum It seems to me that it is raining

Wī bhāti moi jod súsowe It seems to me that it has rained

Wī bhāti moi seuwr̥ It seems to me that it has rained

Wī bhāti moi jod súseti It seems to me that it will rain

Wī bhāti moi seus It seems to me that it will rain

Wī bhāti moi jod sújēti It seems to me that it may be raining

Wī bhāt moi jod sújeti It seemed to me that it was raining

Wī bhāti moi seutum It seemed to me that it was raining

Wī bhāt moi jod súsowe It seemed to me that it had rained

Wī bhāt moi seuwr̥ It seemed to me that it had rained

Wī bhāt moi jod súseti It seemed to me that it would rain

Wī bhāt moi seus It seemed to me that it would rain

Wī bhāt moi jod sújēti It seemed to me that it might be raining

Wī bhāt moi jod súsoweti It seemed to me that it might have been raining

Wī bhā́seti moi jod sújeti It will seem to me that it will rain

Wī bhā́seti moi seutum It will seem to me that it will rain

Wī bhā́seti moi jod súsowe It will seem to me that it will have rained

Wī bhā́seti moi seuwr̥ It will seem to me that it will have rained

Wī bhā́seti moi jod súseti It will seem to me that it will rain thereafter

Wī bhā́seti moi seus It will seem to me that it will rain thereafter

156 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Wī bhāti moi leughōn He seems to me a liar

Wī bhāti moi jod leughōn esti He seems to me that he is a liar

Wī bhāti moi (is) leughōn bhewtum He seems to me to be a liar

Wī bhāti moi (im) leughonm̥ bhewtum He seems to me to be a liar

Wī bhāti moi Prijotanantim It seems to me that Ferdinand is winning seghtum (INF. PRES.)/ seghontm̥ (PART. PRES.)/ seghontm̥ bhewtum (PART. PRES + bhewtum)/

Wī bhāti moi Prijotanantim It seems to me that Ferdinand won segtr̥ (INF. AOR.)/ seghlóm (PART. AOR.)/ seghlóm bhewtum (PART. AOR + bhewtum)/ seghontm̥ bhewtr̥ (PART. PRES + bhewtr̥ )

It seems to me that Ferdinand will win Wī bhāti moi Prijotanantim seghes (INF. FUT.)/ seghsontm̥ (PART. FUT.)/ seghsontm̥ bhewtum (PART. FUT + bhewtum)/ seghontm̥ bhewes (PART. PRES + bhewes)

Ferdinand gives me the impression that he Wī Priotanantis moi bhāti seghsonts/ will win jod séghseti

Ferdinand gived me the impression that he Wī Priotanantis moi bhāt seghsonts/ would win jod séghseti

Ferdinand will give me the impression that Wī Priotanantis moi bhā́seti seghsonts/ he will thereafter jod séghseti

157 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Enjougwa sjūtra Injunctive clauses

Chedhjō To beg

Komqiqerjosjūtrom Perfective clause

Im chedhóm me leides/ léidesei/ I begged him to allow me to play the leidesenei snētlomn̥ swonejom hapsichord

Im chedhóm jod me lidēt/ lidoit I begged him that he would allow me to snētlomn̥ swonejom AOR. SUB./ OPT. play the hapsichord

Im chedhóm jod me leidsēt I begged him that he would allow me to snētlomn̥ swonejom PRES. PREC. play the hapsichord

Im chedhō me leides/ léidesei/ I am begging him to allow me to play the leidesenei snētlomn̥ swonejom hapsichord

Im chedhō jod me lidēt/ lidoit I am begging him that he allow me to play snētlomn̥ swonejom AOR. SUB./ OPT the hapsichord

Im chedhō jod me leidsēt I am begging him that he allow me to play snētlomn̥ swonejom PRES. PREC the hapsichord

Im chedhsō me leides/ léidesei/ I will beg him to allow me to play the leidesenei snētlomn̥ swonejom hapsichord

Im chedhsō jod me lidēt/ lidoit I will beg him that he allow me to play the snētlomn̥ swonejom AOR. SUB./ OPT harpsichord

Im chedhsō jod me leidsēt I will beg him that he allow me to play the snētlomn̥ swonejom PRES. PREC. hapsichord

N̥ komqiqerjosjūtrom Imperfective clause

Chedhónt me rounām bherghtum They begged me to keep the secret

Chedhónt me jod rounām bherghōm/ *They begged me that I keep the secret bherghoim/ bherghsēm PRES. SUB./ PRES. OPT./ PRES. PREC.

Chédhjonti me jod rounām bherghōm/ *They beg me that I keep the secret PRES. SUB./ PRES. OPT./ PRES. PREC. bherghoim/ bherghsēm

Chédhsonti me jod rounām bherghōm/ *They will beg me that I keep the secret bherghoim/ bherghsēm PRES. SUB./ PRES. OPT./ PRES. PREC.

Chédhsonti me rounām bherghtum *They will beg me to keep the secret PRES. SUB./ PRES. OPT./ PRES. PREC.

158 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Dikājō To order

Komqiqerjosjūtrom Perfective clause

Me dikājét skeustum He ordered me to shoot

Moi dikājét skeudos *He ordered to me the shoot

Moi dikājét jod skeudsēm PRES. PREC. He ordered to me that I should shoot

Moi dikājét jod skudēm/ skudoim He ordered to me that I should shoot AOR SUB./ OPT.

Me dikā́jeti skeustum He is ordering me to shoot

Moi dikā́jeti skeudos *He is ordering to me the shoot

Moi dikā́jeti jod skeudsēm PRES. PREC. He is ordering to me that I should shoot

Moi dikā́jeti jod skudēm/ skudoim He is ordering to me that I should shoot AOR SUB./ OPT.

Me dikā́seti skeustum He will order me to shoot

Moi dikā́seti skeudos *He will order to me the shoot

Moi dikā́seti jod skeudsēm PRES. PREC. He will order to me that I should shoot

Moi dikā́seti jod skudēm/ skudoim He will order to me that I should shoot AOR SUB./ OPT.

Komqiqerjosjūtrom Imperfective clause

Me dikājét silētum He ordered me to be quiet

Moi dikājét silēsmn̥ *He ordered to me silence

Moi dikājét jod silēsēm PRES. PREC. He ordered to me that I should be quiet

Moi dikājét jod silējōm/ silējoim PRES. SUB./ OPT. He ordered to me that I should be quiet

159 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Me dikā́jeti silētum He is ordering me to be quiet

Moi dikā́jeti silēsmn̥ *He is ordering to me the be quiet

Moi dikā́jeti jod silēsēm PRES. PREC. He is ordering to me that I should be quiet

Moi dikā́jeti jod silējōm/ silējoim He is ordering to me that I should be quiet PRES. SUB./ OPT.

Me dikā́seti silētum He will order me to be quiet

Moi dikā́seti silēsmn̥ *He will order to me the be quiet

Moi dikā́seti jod silēsēm PRES. PREC He will order to me that I should be quiet

Moi dikā́seti jod silējōm/ silējoim He will order to me that I should be quiet PRES. SUB./ OPT

160 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Wn̥ skō To wish

Komqiqerjosjūtrom Perfective clause

Wn̥ skō tewom apo eitum *I wish you to go

Wn̥ skō tewom apo jontm̥ *I wish you going

Wn̥ skō jod apo sódēsi I wish that you go

Wenóm tewom apo eitum *I wished you to go

Wenóm tewom apo jontm̥ *I wished you going

Wenóm jod apo sódēsi (AOR. SUB.) I wished that you went

Wensō tewom apo eitum *I’ll wish you to go

Wensō tewom apo jontm̥ *I’ll wish you going

Wensō jod apo sódēsi I’ll wish that you go

N̥ komqiqerjosjūtrom Imperfective clause

Wn̥ skō tewom mojo ad westum *I wish you to stay with me

Wn̥ skō tewom mojo adwésontm̥ *I wish you staying with me

Wn̥ skō tewom qod/jod mojo ad wésēsi I wish that you stay with me (PRES. SUB.)

Wenóm tewom mojo ad westum *I wished you to stay with me

Wenóm tewom mojo adwesontm̥ *I wished you staying with me

Wenóm tewom mojo ad wésēsi I wished that you stayed with me

Wensō tewom mojo adwesontm̥ *I’ll wish you to stay with me

Wensō tewom mojo adwesontm̥ *I’ll wish you staying with me

Wensō tewom mojo ad wésēsi I’ll wish that you stay with me

161 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Welmi (PRES. IND.), welīm (PRES. To want, to choose, to prefer OPT.), wəljēm (AOR. OPT.), welsēm (PRES. PREC.), wl̥ sēm (AOR. PREC.)

Welmi sweptum I want to sleep

Welīm/ wəljēm sweptr̥ I would like to have slept

Welīm jod sūnús dn̥ ghūwidjom I’d like that my son, having studied gheln̥ dhlós dn̥ ghūwíds genēt/ genoit linguistics, becomes a linguist

Welīm sūnúm dn̥ ghūwidjom ghlenstum *I’d like my son to study linguistics and to joqe dn̥ ghūwídm̥ gendhjom (2 x INF. become a linguist PRES.)

Welīm sūnúm dn̥ ghūwidjom *I’d like my son studying linguistics and ghlendhontm̥ joqe dn̥ ghūwídm̥ becoming a linguist gignontm̥

Welīm jod sūnús dn̥ ghūwidjom I’d like that my son studies (IMPERF.) ghlendhēt/ ghlendhoit (PRES. SUB./ linguistics and becomes a linguist (PERF.) OPT.) joqe dn̥ ghūwíds genēt/ genoit (AOR. SUB./ OPT.)

Welīm jod sūnús dn̥ ghūwidjom I’d like that my son would be studying ghléndhēti (PRES. SUB..) dn̥ ghūwíds (IMPERF.) linguistics to become a linguist gendhjōi (PERF.)

Welīm sūnúm dn̥ ghūwidjom ghlenstr̥ *I’d like my son to have studied linguistics joqe dn̥ ghūwídm̥ genenādhjom and to have become a linguist

Welīm sūnúm dn̥ ghūwidjom *I’d like my son having studied linguistics gheln̥ dhlóm (AOR. PART.) joqe and having become a linguist dn̥ ghūwídm̥ gegn̥ wósm̥ (PERF. PART.)

Welīm jod sūnús dn̥ ghūwidjom I’d like that my son would have studied gheln̥ dhsēt (AOR. PREC.) joqe linguistics and would have become a dn̥ ghūwíds gensēt (AOR. PREC.) linguist

Wl̥ sēm jod sūnús dn̥ ghūwidjom I would have liked that my son would have ghéln̥ dhissēt (PLPF. PREC.) joqe studied linguistics and would have become dn̥ ghūwíds génissēt (PLPF. PREC.) a linguist

162 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

n̥ kējō To need n̥ kējō sweptum/ swepes (INF. PRES./ I need to sleep to do the tomorrow exam INF. FUT.) ausrótenōi dhḗtinōi skownōi n̥ kējō/ n̥ kējoim sweptr̥ edjḗwtenōi I need/ I would need to sleep to do the dhḗtinōi skownōi today exam

Komqiqerjosjūtrom Perfective clause n̥ kējō te sm̥ tā́gosjo dostélona qreitum/ I need you to buy the ingredients of the qreis recipe n̥ kējō te sm̥ tā́gosjo dostélona qrināntm̥ / *I need you buying the ingredients of the qreisontm̥ (PART. PRES./ PART. FUT.) recipe n̥ kējō te sm̥ tā́gosjo dostélona qreitr̥ *I need you to have bought the ingredients of the recipe n̥ kējō te sm̥ tā́gosjo dostélona qrīlóm *I need you having bought the ingredients of the recipe n̥ kējō jod sm̥ tāgodostélona qrī́jesi (AOR. I need that you buy the ingredients of the SUB.) recipe n̥ kējō jod sm̥ tāgodostélona qéqrojes I need that you have bought the ingredients (PF. SUB.) of the recipe n̥ kējām jod sm̥ tāgodostélona qéqrojes I needed that you would have bought the (PF. SUB.) ingredients of the recipe

I need the ingredients of the recipe to be Twojo n̥ kējō sm̥ tā́gosjo dostélona bought by you qreidhjom/ qreisdhjom

*I need the ingredients of the recipe being Twojo n̥ kējō sm̥ tā́gosjo dostélona bought by you qrīmá/ qreitéwija (PART. PRES./ PART. FUT.) *I need you the ingredients of the recipe to Twojo n̥ kējō sm̥ tā́gosjo dostélona have been bought by you qrijenādjom (PASS. AOR. INF.) *I need you the ingredients of the recipe Twojo n̥ kējō sm̥ tāgodostélona qrītá having been bought by you

Twojo n̥ kējō jod sm̥ tā́gosjo dostélona I need that the ingredients of the recipe are qrī́jontor (AOR. SUB.) bought by you

163 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Twojo n̥ kējō jod sm̥ tāgodostélona I need that the ingredients of the recipe have qéqrījontor (PF. SUB.) been bought by you

Twojo n̥ kējām jod sm̥ tāgodostélona I needed that the ingredients of the recipe qéqrījontor (PF. SUB.) would have been bought by you

N̥ komqiqerjosjūtrom Imperfective clause

Ətmógolā srīgos n̥ kḗjeti sneightewei The atmosphere needs cold to snow

Ətmógolā srīgētum n̥ kḗjeti The atmosphere needs to be cold to snow sneightewei

Ətmógolãi srīgos sneightewei n̥ kēiwom Cold is necessary for the atmosphere to snow

Ətmógolãi srīgētus sneightewei *To be cold is Necessary for the atmosphere n̥ kēiwos to snow

*To snow it is necessary the atmosphere Sneightewei n̥ kēiwā srīgējonts being cold ətmógolā To snow it is necessary that the Sneightewei n̥ kēiwom jod ətmógolā atmosphere be cold srīgḗjēti PRES. SUB.

Mūriká mātewei sā́weljom (sāwl̥ ) The grapes need sun to ripen n̥ kḗjonti

Mūriká mā́ jonta sā́weljom n̥ kḗjonti The ripening grapes need sun

Mūriká mātewei sulnētum n̥ kḗjonti *The grapes need to be sunny to ripen

Mātewei mūrikobhós n̥ kēiwos sā́weljos The sun is necessary for the grapes to ripen

Mātewei mūrikobhós n̥ kēiwos sulnētus *To ripen it is necessary for the grapes the being sunny

Mājn̥ tbhós mūrikobhós n̥ kēiwos *For the ripening grapes the being sunny sulnētus is necessary

Mājn̥ tbhós mūrikobhós n̥ kēiwom jod For the ripening grapes it is necessary that sulnḗjēti PRES. SUB. it be sunny

164 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Māwenei mūrikobhós n̥ kēiwom *To have been ripening, for the grapes the sulnēwr̥ having-been-sunny is necessary

Meməwusbhós mūrikobhós n̥ kēiwom *For the having-been-ripening grapes the sulnēwr̥ having-been-sunny is necessary

Meməwusbhós mūrikobhós n̥ kēiwom *For the having-been-ripening grapes it is jod sulnḗbhowet PERF. SUB necessary that it have been sunny

Sḗmona gembhtewei wr̥ stām n̥ kḗjonti The seeds need rain to germinate

Sḗmona gémbhsonta wr̥ stām n̥ kḗjonti *The being-to-germinate seeds need rain

Sḗmona gembhtewei seuwr̥ n̥ kḗjonti *The seeds need to have been raining to germinate

Gembhn̥ tbhós sēmn̥ bhos n̥ kēiwom For the germinating seeds to have been seuwr̥ raining is necessary

Gembhtewei sēmn̥ bhos n̥ kēiwom seuwr̥ *To have been raining is necessary for the seeds to germinate

Gembhtewei sēmn̥ bhos n̥ kēiwom jod To germinate it is necessary for the seeds súsowet PERF. SUB. that it has been raining

165 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Opos esti/ wergom esti It is necessary, il faut

Komqiqerjosjūtrom Perfective clause

Ghrāsmn̥ ámstinom/ amstéwijom (esti) The lawn needs mowing

Opos esti ghrāsmn̥ amstum (ACC.) It is necessary to mow the lawn

Opos esti ghrāsmn̥ amstewes (ABL.) It is necessary to mow the lawn

Tebhei opos esti ghrāsmn̥ amstum/ It is necessary for you to the lawn amstewes

Opos esti jod ghrāsmn̥ mēsēs (AOR. It is necessary that you mow the lawn SUB.)

Opos esti jod ghrāsmn̥ twojo mḗsētor It is necessary that the lawn be mown by (AOR. SUB.) you

Opos ted esti ghrāsmn̥ ámsn̥ tes *There is need of you mowing the lawn

Opos ted esti ghrāsmn̥ amstewei There is need of you to mow the lawn

N̥ komqiqerjosjūtrom Imperfective clause

Ghortos obhidhorom/ obhidhoresmn̥ The garden needs maintenance n̥ kḗjeti

Opos esti ghortom obhidhoretum It is necessary to maintain the garden (ACC.)

Opos esti ghortom obhidhoretewes (ABL.) It is necessary to maintain the garden

Tebhei opos esti ghortom It is necessary for you to maintain the obhidhoretum / obhidhoretewes garden

Opos esti jod ghortom obhidhorejēs It is necessary that you maintain the garden (PRES. SUB.)

Opos esti jod ghortos twojo It is necessary that the garden be obhidhoréjētor (PRES. SUB.) maintained by you

Opos ted esti ghorthom *There is need of you maintaining the obhidhoréjəntes garden

Opos ted esti ghortōi obhidhoretéwijōi There is need of you to maintain the garden

166 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Bhíbheimi To be afraid

Bhibheim/bhejām mē ludhēt AOR. SUB. I was afraid that he would come

Bhibheim/bhejām jod ludhēt I was afraid that he would not come

Bhibheim/bhejām nemē / mē nē ludhēt I am afraid that he would not come

Bhibheim/bhejām mē ludhoit AOR. OPT. I was afraid that he would come

Bhibheim/bhejām jod ludhoit I was afraid that he would not come

Bhibheim/bhejām nemē / mē nē I am afraid that he would not come ludhoit

Bhíbheimi mē ludhēt I am afraid that he will come

Bhíbheimi jod ludhēt I am afraid that he will not come

Bhíbheimi nemē / mē nē ludhēt I am afraid that he will not come

Bhíbheimi mē ludhoit I am afraid that he will come

Bhíbheimi jod ludhoit I am afraid that he will not come

Bhíbheimi nemē / mē nē ludhoit I am afraid that he will not come

Bheisō mē ludhēt I will be afraid that he will come

Bheisō jod ludhēt I will be afraid that he will not come

Bheisō nemē / mē nē ludhēt I will be afraid that he will not come

Bheisō mē ludhoit I will be afraid that he will come

Bheisō jod ludhoit I will be afraid that he will not come

Bheisō nemē / mē nē ludhoit I will be afraid that he will not come

167 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Prōd bheudhō To be careful

Prōd bheudhe jod lugjām linēs Be careful to avoid the gap AOR. SUB.

Prōd bheudhe mē lodi nk̥ ēs Be careful not to arrive late AOR. SUB.

Kōnājai To try

Kōnā́jetoi pútlomos bhódsəmom aitum He tries to provide his children with the uponojom (INF.) best education

Kōnā́bhūtoi pútlomos bhódsəmom He tried to provide his children with the aitum uponojom best education

Kōnā́setoi pútlomos bhódsəmom aitum He will try to provide his children with the uponojom best education

Kōnā́jetoi jod (swojā́) putlā́ bhódsəmom He tries that his children have the best éikōnti uponojom (PRES. SUB.) education

Kōnā́bhūtoi jod (swojā́) putlā́ He tried that his children have the best bhódsəmom éikōnti uponojom education

Kōnā́setoi jod (swojā́) putlā́ He will try that his children have the best bhódsəmom éikōnti uponojom education

Kōnā́jetoi jod (swojā́) putlā́ bhódsəmom He tries that his children may have the best eikoint uponojom (PRES. OPT.) education

Kōnā́bhūtoi jod (swojā́) putlā́ He tried that his children may have the best bhódsəmom eikoint uponojom education

Kōnā́setoi jod (swojā́) putlā́ He will try that his children may have the bhódsəmom eikoint uponojom best education

Kōnā́jetoi (swojā́) putlā́ bhódsəmom He tries that his children have the best eiktum uponojom (INF.) education

Kōnā́bhūtoi (swojā́) putlā́ bhódsəmom He tried that his children have the best eiktum uponojom education

Kōnā́setoi (swojā́) putlā́ bhódsəmom He will try that his children have the best ektum uponojom education

168 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Lubhējō /lubhjō I like

Lubhjō jod sū prōd wr̥ tēsói *I like that you behave well Lubhjō tewom sū prōd wr̥ sdhjom *I like you to behave well Lubhjō tewom sū prówr̥ tomnom *I like you behaving well

Lubhjō jod sū prōd wértesoi *I like that you behaved well Lubhjō tewom sū prōd wertenādhjom *I like you to have behaved well Lubhjō tewom sū prowertomnóm *I like you having behaved well

Lubhjō jod sū prōd wértsēsoi *I like that you will behave well Lubhjō tewom sū prōd wértesdhjom *I like you to be behaving well Lubhjō tewom sū prowértsomnom *I like you will be behaving well

Leubhsō jod sū prōd wr̥ tēsói *I will like that you behave well Leubhsō tewom sū prōd wr̥ sdhjom *I will like you to behave well Leubhsō tewom sū prówr̥ tomnom *I will like you behaving well

Qīmājō To appreciate

Qīmā́jomos jod upóstāna-nos prokéjēsi We appreciate that you request our services

Qīmā́jomos tewom upóstāna-nos We appreciate your requesting our services proketum

Qīmā́jomos tewom upóstāna-nos *We appreciate you requesting our services prokéjontm̥

Qīmā́jomos jod upóstāna-nos peprekēsi We appreciate that you requested our services

Qīmā́jomos tewom upóstāna-nos We appreciate your having requested our proketr̥ services

Qīmā́jomos tewom upóstāna-nos *We appreciate you having requested our prokelóm services

Qīmājomes jod upóstāna-nos peprekēsi We appreciated that you had requested our services

Qīmājomes tewom upóstāna-nos We appreciated your having requested our proketr̥ services

Qīmājomes tewom upóstāna-nos *We appreciated you having requested our prokelóm services

169 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Sm̥ jugná sjūtra Conjunct clauses

Upologhosjūtra Subject clauses

Apsrowokleutis me welmí lousujét The hearing of the water streaming relaxed me a lot

Apsrowokleutus/ apsrowokleumn̥ me To hear the water streaming relaxed me a welmí lousujét AOR. IND. lot

Apsrowom kleuwn̥ ts welmí lousujoma I relaxed a lot when hearing the water streaming

Apsrowos qom kluwóm (=mojo The water streaming which I heard klumós) welmí me lousujét (=heard by me) relaxed me a lot

Apsrowokleutus/ apsrowokleumn̥ me To hear the water streaming relaxes me a lot welmí lousújeti PRES. IND.

Apsrowom kleuwn̥ ts welmí lousujai I relax a lot when hearing the water streaming

Apsrowos qom kleumi (=mojo The water streaming which I hear (=heard klumós) welmí me lousújeti by me) relaxes me a lot

Apsrowokleuwr̥ me welmí lousújeti To have heard the water streaming relaxes me a lot

Apsrowom kluwṓs welmí lousujai Having heard the water streaming I relax a lot

Apsrowos qom kékluwa (=mojo The water streaming which I have heard klunós) welmí me lousújeti (=having been heard by me) relaxes me a lot

Apsrowokleutus/ apsrowokleumn̥ me To hear the water streaming will relax me welmí lousúseti FUT. IND. a lot

Apsrowom kleuwn̥ ts welmí loususāi I will relax a lot when hearing the water streaming

Apsrowos qom kleusō (=mojo klumós) The water streaming which I wil hear welmí me lousúseti (=heard by me) will relax me a lot

170 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Wī bhāmi To seem

Wī noqterinós eksojos/ noqterinā́ Your going out at night seems dangerous to éksitis/ noqterinós ékseitus/ noqterinóm me ékseimn̥ tewe meghei pḗrowent bhāti

Wī noqtí moi eksí jonts dhr̥ sus bhāsi *You who go out by night seem bold to me

Jod noqtí eksí éjesi wī meghei It seems dangerous to me that you go out pḗrowent bhāti PRES. SUB. by night

Wī noqterinóm eksostr̥ tewe meghei Your having gone out at night seems pḗrowent bhāti dangerous to me

Wī noqtí moi eksí sodlós dhr̥ sus bhāsi *You who went out by night seem bold to me

Jod noqtí eksí sodēs wī meghei It seems dangerous to me that you went out pḗrowent bhāti AOR. SUB. by night

Wī noqterinóm ekséis tewe meghei Your future going out at night seems pḗrowent bhāti dangerous to me

Wī noqtí moi eksí eisonts dhr̥ sus bhāsi *You who will go out by night seem bold to me

Jod noqtí eksí éisēsi wī meghei It seems dangerous to me that you will go pḗrowent bhāti FUT. SUB. out by night

Wī noqterinós eksojos/ noqterinā́ Your going out at night seemed dangerous éksitis/ noqterinós ékseitus/ noqterinóm to me ékseimn̥ tewe meghei pḗrowent bhāt

Wī noqtí moi eksí jonts dhr̥ sus bhās *You who went out by night seemed bold to me

Jod noqtí eksí sodēs wī meghei It seemed dangerous to me that you went pḗrowent bhāt AOR. SUB. out by night

171 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Wī noqterinóm eksostr̥ tewe meghei Your having gone out at night seemed pḗrowent bhāt AOR. INF. dangerous to me

Wī noqtí moi eksí sodlós dhr̥ sus bhās *You who had gone out by night seemed bold to me

Jod noqtí eksí ijojes wī meghei It seemed dangerous to me that you had pḗrowent bhāt PLPF. SUB. gone out by night

Wī noqterinóm ekséis tewe meghei Your future going out at night seemed pḗrowent bhāt FUT. INF. dangerous to me

Wī noqtí moi eksí eisonts dhr̥ sus bhās *You who would go out by night seemed bold to me

Jod noqtí eksí eisonts bhūsēs wī It seemed dangerous to me that you would meghei pḗrowent bhāt AOR. PREC. go out by night thereafter COMP.

Wī noqterinós eksojos/ noqterinā́ Your going out at night will seem éksitis/ noqterinós ékseitus/ noqterinóm dangerous to me ékseimn̥ tewe meghei pḗrowent bhā́seti

Wī noqtí moi eksí jonts dhr̥ sus bhā́seti *You who will go out by will seem bold to me

Jod noqtí eksí éisēsi wī meghei It will seem dangerous to me that you will pḗrowent bhā́seti FUT. SUB. go out by night thereafter

Wī Prijotanantis seghonts bhāti moi The fact that Ferdinand is winning sprowós (winning Ferdinand) seems exciting to me

Wī Prijotanéntejos seghos meghei Ferdinand’s victory seems exciting to me sprowóm bhāti

172 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Mr̥ neumi To worry

Esjo ekspótosjo nē sr̥ kitus me mert The fact that he was not fixing the AOR. IND. breakdown worried me

Is, ekspotom nē sr̥ kijonts, me mert *He, not fixing the breakdown, worried me

Jod ekspotom nē sr̥ kijet me mert That (=because) he was not fixing the PRES. PROT. breakdown worried me

Esjo ekspótosjo nē sr̥ kiwr̥ me mert The fact that he had not fixed the breakdown worried me

Is, ekspotom nē sr̥ kiwṓs, me mert *He, not having fixed the breakdown, worried me

Jod ekspotom nē sr̥ kijət me mert That (=because) he had not fixed the PERF. IND. breakdown worried me

The fact that he would not fix the Esjo ekspótosjo nē sr̥ kijes me mert breakdown worried me

*He, not being to fix the breakdown, Is, ekspotom nē sr̥ kisonts, me mert worried me

That (=because) he would not fix the Jod ekspotom nē sr̥ kíbhūsēt me mert AOR. PREC. breakdown worried me

Esjo ekspótosjo nē sr̥ kitus me mr̥ neuti The fact that he does not fix the breakdown worries me

Is, ekspotom nē sr̥ kijonts, me mr̥ neuti He, not fixing the breakdown, worries me

Jod ekspotom nē sr̥ kíjeti me mr̥ neuti That (=because) he does not fix (=is not PRES. EFF. fixing) the breakdown worries me

173 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Esjo ekspótosjo nē srkiwr̥ ̥ me mr̥ neuti The fact that he has not fixed the breakdown worries me

Is, ekspotom nē sr̥ kiwṓs, me mr̥ neuti He, not having fixed the breakdown, worries me

Jod ekspotom nē sr̥ kije me mr̥ neuti That (=because) he has not fixed the PERF. IND. breakdown worries me

Esjo ekspótosjo nē sr̥ kijes me mr̥ neuti The fact that he will not fix the breakdown worries me

Is, ekspotom nē sr̥ kisonts, me mr̥ neuti *He, not being to fix the breakdown, worries me

Jod ekspotom nē sr̥ kíseti me mr̥ neuti That (=because) he will not fix the FUT. IND. breakdown worries me

The fact that he will not be fixing the Esjo ekspótosjo nē sr̥ kitus me mérseti breakdown will worry me

He, not fixing the breakdown, will worry Is, ekspotom nē sr̥ kijonts, me mérseti me

That (=because) he will not be fixing the Jod ekspotom nē sr̥ kíseti me mérseti breakdown will worry me FUT. IND.

The fact that he won’t have fixed the Esjo ekspótosjo nē srkiwr̥ ̥ me mérseti breakdown will worry me

He, not having fixed the breakdown, will Is, ekspotom nē sr̥ kiwṓs, me mérseti worry me

Jod ekspotom nē sr̥ kiwṓs bhéwseti me That (=because) he won’t have fixed the mérseti FUT. PERF. IND. breakdown will worry me

The fact that he will not be fixing the Esjo ekspótosjo nē sr̥ kijes me mérseti breakdown thereafter will worry me

*He, not being to fix the breakdown, will Is, ekspotom nē sr̥ kisonts, me mérseti worry me

That (=because) he will not fix the Jod ekspotom nē sr̥ kisonts bhéwseti breakdown thereafter will worry me me mérseti

174 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Aiskróm esti It is clear

Aiskróm ēst/bhwāt jod tewom kā spekāt It was clear that she was looking at you

Aiskrós kāsjās tewom spektus It (was) clear her looking at you (ēst/bhwāt) Aiskrā́ kāsjās tewom spektis It (was) clear her looking at you (ēst/bhwāt) Aiskróm kāsjās tewom spekmn̥ It (was) clear her looking at you (ēst/bhwāt)

Aiskrā́ tewom spékontī ēst/bhwāt *She was a clear looker at you

Aiskróm ēst/bhwāt jod tewom kā It was clear that she would be looking at speksḗt AOR. PREC. you

Aiskrā́ tewom spéksontī ēst/bhwāt *She was a clear future-looker at you

Aiskróm ēst/bhwāt jod tewom kā It was clear that she had been looking at spoksāt PLPF. PROT. you

Aiskrā́ tewom spekusī ēst/bhwāt *She was a clear having-been-looker at you

Aiskróm esti jod tewom kā spékjeti It is clear that she is looking at you

Aiskrós kāsjās tewom spektus (esti) It (is) clear her looking at you Aiskrā́ kāsjās tewom spektis (esti) It (is) clear her looking at you Aiskróm kāsjās tewom spekmn̥ (esti) It (is) clear her looking at you

Aiskrā́ tewom spékontī esti *She is a clear looker at you

Aiskróm esti jod tewom kā spekāt It is clear that she was looking at you

Aiskróm esti jod tewom kā spékseti It is clear that she will look / will be looking at you

Aiskróm bhéwseti jod tewom kā spékseti It will be clear that she will look / will be looking at you Aiskróm bhéwseti jod tewom kā spekusī bhéwseti It will be clear that she will have looked/ will have been looking at you Aiskrós kāsjās tewom spektus (bhéwseti) It (will be) clear her looking at you Aiskrā́ kāsjās tewom spektis (bhéwseti) It (will be) clear her looking at you Aiskróm kāsjās tewom spekmn̥ (bhéwseti) It (will be) clear her looking at you

175 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Smeirom esti/smeirom tod It is wonderful

Smeirom bhūt/smeirom tod jod weghjā It was wonderful that the road was being sr̥ kíjātor AOR. PROT. repaired

Smeirom (bhūt) weghjās sr̥ kidhjom *It was wonderful the being repaired of the road (infinitive clause)

Smeirom/smeirā (bhūt) weghjā *It was wonderful the being-repaired road sr̥ kíjomā (participle clause)

Smeirom bhūt/smeirom tod jod weghjā It was wonderful that the road had been sr̥ kíjətor/ sr̥ kinā́ (bhé)bhowe PLPF. E. repaired/ *had been being repaired sr̥ kísātor/ sr̥ kinā́ bhuwāt PLPF. PROT.

Smeirom (bhūt) weghjās sr̥ kiwr̥ *It was wonderful the having been repaired of the road (infinitive clause)

Smeirom/smeirā (bhūt) weghjā sr̥ kinā́ *It was wonderful the having-been repaired road (participle clause)

Smeirom esti/smeirom tod jod weghjā It is wonderful that the road is being sr̥ kíjetor PRES. EFF. repaired

Smeirom (esti) weghjās sr̥ kidhjom *It is wonderful the being repaired of the road (infinitive clause)

Smeirom/smeirā (esti) weghjā sr̥ kíjomā *It is wonderful the being-repaired road (participle clause)

Smeirom esti/smeirom tod jod weghjā It is wonderful that the road has been sr̥ kijer/ sr̥ kinā́ esti PF. IND. repaired

Smeirom (esti) weghjās srkiwr̥ ̥ *It is wonderful the having been repaired of the road (infinitive clause)

Smeirom/smeirā (esti) weghjā sr̥ kinā́ *It is wonderful the having-been-repaired road (participle clause)

Smeirom bhéwseti/smeirom tod jod It will be wonderful that the road will be weghjā sr̥ kísetor FUT. IND. repaired

Smeirom (bhéwseti) weghjās *It will be wonderful the being repaired of sr̥ kidhjom the road (infinitive clause)

Smeirom/smeirā (bhéwseti) weghjā *It will be wonderful the being-repaired sr̥ kíjomā road (participle clause)

176 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Dhabhóm esti It is surprising

Dhabhóm bhūt/dhabhóm tod jod It was surprising that the car was (might woghnom nkr̥ ̥ tóm bhúweti AOR. SUB. be) intact

Dhabhós (bhūt) woghnonkr̥ tobhowos *It was surprising the intact condition of the car ( clause)

Dhabhóm (bhūt) woghnom nkr̥ ̥ tóm *It was surprising the being-intact of the (esn̥ t) car (participle clause)

Dhabhóm bhūt/dhabhóm tod jod It was surprising that the car had been woghnom nkr̥ ̥ tóm bhówissēt PLPF. (might have been) intact PREC. *It was surprising the having-been-intact Dhabhóm (bhūt) woghnonkrtobheuwr̥ ̥ of the car (infinitive clause)

Dhabhóm (bhūt) woghnom nkr̥ ̥ tóm *It was surprising the having-been-intact (esn̥ t) car (participle clause)

Dhabhóm esti jod woghnom nkr̥ ̥ tóm It is surprising that the car is (may be) éseti PRES. SUB. intact

Dhabhós (esti) woghnonkr̥ tobhowos *It is surprising the intact condition of the car (nominal clause)

Dhabhóm (esti) woghnom nkr̥ ̥ tóm *It is surprising the being-intact of the car (esn̥ t) (participle clause)

Dhabhóm esti/dhabhóm tod jod It is surprising that the car has been (may woghnom nkr̥ ̥ tóm bhowet PF. SUB. have been) intact

Dhabhóm (esti) woghnonkr̥ tobheuwr̥ *It is surprising the having-been-intact of the car (infinitive clause)

Dhabhóm (esti) woghnom nkr̥ ̥ tóm *It is surprising the having-been-intact car bhebhuwós (participle clause)

Dhabhóm bhéwseti/dhabhóm tod jod It will be surprising that the car will be woghnom nkr̥ ̥ tóm bhéwsēti FUT. SUB. intact

Dhabhós bhéwseti *It will be surprising the intact condition woghnonkr̥ tobhowos of the car (nominal clause)

Dhabhóm bhéwseti woghnom nkr̥ ̥ tóm *It will be surprising the being-intact of the (esn̥ t) car (participle clause)

177 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Ud wr̥ tai To result

Ud wr̥ teto jod pūrés dōm nē It resulted that the house was not insured stipēbhwāt against fire

Ud wr̥ teto pūrés dōm nē stipētum The house resulted not to be insured against fire

Ud wr̥ teto pūrés dōm nē stipējonts The house resulted not insured against fire

Ud wr̥ tetói jod pūrés dōm nē stipḗjeti It results that the house is not insured against fire

Ud wr̥ tetói pūrés dōm nē stipētum The house results not to be insured against fire

Ud wr̥ tetói pūrés dōm nē stipējonts The house results not insured against fire

Ud wr̥ tsetói jod pūrés dōm nē stipḗseti It will result that the house will not be insured against fire

Ud wr̥ tsetói pūrés dōm nē stipētum The house will result not to be insured against fire

Ud wr̥ tsetói pūrés dōm nē stipējonts The house will result not insured against fire

Gígistoi It happens

Gisto jod akmōn upo tétleto It happened that the stone had been removed

Akmōn gisto upo tlāwr̥ The stone happened to have been removed

Akmōn upotlānós gisto *The stone happened removed

Gígistoi jod akmōn upo tetler It happens that the stone has been removed

Akmōn gígistoi upo tlāwr̥ The stone happens to have been removed

Akmōn upotlānós gígistoi *The stone happens removed

178 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Géisetoi jod akmōn upo tlānós It happens that the stone will have been bhéwseti removed

Akmōn géisetoi upo tlāwr̥ The stone will happen to have been removed

Akmōn upotlānós géisetoi *The stone will happen removed

Onja sjūtra Other clauses

Skelō Must, have to

Pelu mojo wérgosjo agrowikí kosmi Much work has to be done by me in this dhētéwijom: arwom qelstum skelō, farm: I have to furrow the land, to fashion kaplons tekstum, awigsnām amstum, the tools, to reap the oat, to thresh the grānóm werstum, dheighlām peistum, grain, to crush, press and knead the dough prestum debhtumqe

Moghō Can

Móghesi chedhjō moi wədn̥ krauqjom Can you please pass me the jug of water? poti dōtum?

Apo tēd wédhetor To be due to the fact

Apo tēd wédhontor esjās dusjā́s Her bad marks are due to the fact that she kénstejes, jod kom nē séghetoi neqe neither gets concentrated, pays attention, is prōd bhéudheti, kowéjeti, méndhetoi perceptive, feels interest nor devotes herself neqe epi stístāti

Apo tēd wedhontor esjās dusjā́s Her bad marks were due to the fact that she kénstejes, jod kom nē séghāto neqe pro would neither get concentrated, pay bhudhāt, kowébhuwāt, mn̥ dhāto neqe attention, be perceptive, feel interest nor epi stāwāt devote herself

Apo tēd wedhontor esjās dusjā́s Her bad marks were due to the fact that she kénstejes, jod kom nē sóghsāto neqe had neither got concentrated, payed prōd bhoudhsāt, kowébhowsāt, attention, been perceptive, felt interest nor móndhsāto neqe epi stéstowsāt devoted herself

Apo tēd wédhsontor esjās dusjā́s Her bad marks will be due to the fact that kénstejes, jod kom nē soghei neqe prōd she has neither got concentrated, payed bhoudhe, kowébhowe, mondhei neqe attention, been perceptive, felt interest nor epi stéstowe devoted herself

Apo tēd wédhsontor esjās dusjā́s Her bad marks will be due to the fact that kénstejes, jod kom nē soghnā́ neqe prōd she will have neither got concentrated, bhudhusī, kowebhowusī, mn̥ dhnā́ neqe payed attention, been perceptive, felt epi stestəwusī (bhéwseti) interest nor devoted herself

179 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

ənábhōrosjūtra Relative clauses nswebhodhjḁ éndoikwa Dependent defining (specificative)

Wīrós so qos anchins trins domoi éiketi This is the man who has three snakes at home

Cenā sā qām móndhochei widóm This is the woman I saw on Monday

Qām nokteu nkomes̥ polim déiristā The city we arrived in by night was bhūt (=polis qām nokteu nkomes̥ splendid (atraction of the antecedent) déiristā bhūt: praisodospātis )

Wīróm medóm qesjo sūnús jekonjoi I met the man, whose son is in hospital esti

Putlō galóm qosmōi dwirotlām dédōwa I talked with the child to whom I gave the bike

Ati stelpe delr,̥ qosmi troikta Revise the calculation in which you got wrong

Prāi maqām tebhei stelō, qã eksi itājō I’ll introduce you to the girl I’m going out with

Plāmn ̥ tod qosmēd gnōnom ghōda This is the book I got the information from

Rūnājā́m n̥ kējō qā tr̥ qe mn̥ néwetoi I need a secretary which can translate

Neqid esti qod me croughḗjēti There is nothing that can make me sad nswebhodhjḁ witóreja Dependent descriptive (explicative)

Dhghjesi tmklom̥ ghosóm, (edlom) qod Yesterday I ate curdled milk, (food) which meghei wesprom atibhīt solwom repeated on me during the whole evening

Marijām sāgíjomos, qām ambhí dūdēd We are looking for Mary, about whom we neqid widmé don’t know anything since long ago

Nokteu Mr̥ goselwām n̥ komes polim, qā We arrived by night in Brussels city, which déiristā bhūt was splendid

Dōdhi-moi tod, qō tewom jewtum Give me that, with which I will be able to moghsō help you

Dsām bhwitṓs Klutowoikom proti sonti, They started war against Ludovic, king of qesjo rēgos dūtjos ludhét whom a messenger came

Prāi sesedét empiwídjejom komnom, He chaired the meeting about entomology, qosmi dhōjoi suwids esti subject in which he is an expert

180 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Newom imós widhunjom, qosmi We are going to the new park, in which (qodhei) nū qontlos esti (where) there is now a festival

Pelu nk̥ ējet tlā́tjosjo, qād apólūtim He needs a lot of patience, which he egējet absolutely lacks

Enterwoidos Karolã ikét, qesãi dūdom He had an interview with Carol, for whom worge he has long been working

Prejr ̥ leloubhóm pólejos énesās, qesāi I was delighted by the charm of that city, in wosa tisrns̥ séptmtims̥ which (where) I spent (remained) three weeks

Swebhodhja éndoikwa Independent defining (specificative)

Ud jos ájeri stāt tosmōi deiwos dōt God gives to this who wakes up early (It is the early bird that catches the worm)

Jom deiwōs lubhjont júwenis məríjeto The one whom the gods love dies young

Tebhei dāsō solwa ja nk̥ ḗjēsi I’ll give you all you need

Tosjo bhibhje ja wewqēs I’m afraid of what you may say

Jons nē werānt toibhos stēlām regsānt For any whom they did not find, they raised a stele

Suwoljām prijejoim toisom joibhis I’d like to thank the good will of those with olnom bhwitum moghō whom I can start the project

Mē trikḗs jodhei (josmi) prīsnim Don’t get wrong where you had difficulties dusqorōs tebhei bhūnt before (=don’t make the same mistake)

Dōdhi-moi (tod) jō tewom jewtum Give me that with which I will be able to moghsō help you

181 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Jos (qis) pəróstətom nē klusoit mm̥ bhoitor Módesjos wertos Modal value

Sóikejos Final

Wəlos stānom dikét, qosmi klīlísōnto The leader indicated the place where (in which) they should camp (=so that they would camp)

Neqis n̥ sme jos jéwēti (esti) (There is) nobody to help us (=who may help us)

Wéismenjos (káiwotos deiktisjū́ troisu) Causal (only in indicative clauses)

Prōd ənuktḗd wr̥ tesói, jos/ qos neqid You behave strangely, since you don’t give n̥ sméi dídōsi us anything

Apóm eksloitrom tāsom obhistóm qod The drainpipe of these waters, being ēst, auloworgos apo wḗwore obstructed, the plumber unblocked it

Kómseqmenjos Consecutive

Qis so dhwolnóteros, jos nē wekti Who is so crazy, that does not want to be prijos-two bhewtum? your friend?

Upódhētijos Conditional

Ja nē woida, apo nē deikō weistum If (what) I don’t know, I don’t pretend I know it

Ja tr̥ pijá sonti, nē dhḗsomos If it (what) is ugly, we won’t do it

Tebhei sqom mḗ n̥ wənmá (=ja I told you not to do (it if it) what is not n̥ wənmá sonti) dhētum beautiful

Pətēwoqórejos ənábhōros Open class relation

Jos (qis) lówonjom eitum n̥ kḗjēti, nū (Anyone) who needs to to go to the toilet éjeti should do it now

Jos (qis) domuwergom nē dhédhōjet, (Anyone) who hasn’t done the homework edjḗw dḗmtijom éikseti gnṓmenjom will have a negative mark today

Jos (qis) domuwergom edjḗw dhidhẽt (Anyone) who does the homework today (dhedhəwṓs sjēti), usrom dhḗmenjom will have a positive mark tomorrow éikseti gnṓmenjom (Anyone) who does not obey the boss will Jos (qis) pəróstətom nē kléusēti be punished mémbhsetor

182 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

(Anyone) who would not obey the boss (Anyone) who desires to come after me, let would be punished him deny himself and take up his cross and Jos (qis) mewom pos cemtum chélēti, follow me apo sewom-pe əgjētói, kreukm̥ ghəbhjētí enim me séqētoi

An qis mewom pos cemtum chéleti, apo If any one desires to come after me, let him sewom-pe əgjētói, kreukm̥ ghəbhjētí deny himself and take up his cross and enim me séqētoi follow me

An qis mewom pos cemtum chélēti, apo If any one ever desires to come after me, let sewom-pe əgjētói, kreukm̥ ghəbhjētí him deny himself and take up his cross and enim me séqētoi follow me

Jos (qis) ousins kléumenei éikēti, (Anyone) who has ears to hear, let him hear kléwēti

An qis ousins kléumenei éiketi, kléwēti If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear

183 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Ambhistānosjūtra Circumstancial clauses

Soikowōdos The expression of finality smdh̥ ētla ei, dō, ad

Somós upologhos promei upojukteiqe The same subject in principal and in sjū́ troisu subordinate clauses

Wodhlom sola Angljām kelutewei I bought a guide to travel to England

Wodhlom sola Angljām kélunqos I bought a guide intending to go to England

Wodhlom sola Angljām kelutjei I bought a guide for the trip to England

Wodhlom sola ad Angljām kelutim I bought a guide for the trip to England

Wodhlom sola Angljākelutim ad I bought a guide for the trip to England

Wodhlom sola Angljākelutisoikōi I bought a guide for the sake of the trip to England

Wodhlom sola Angljākelutijoqōi I bought a guide with a view to travel to England

Wodhlom sola Angljām setitewei I bought a guide to visit England

Wodhlom sola Angljãi setitéwijãi *I bought a guide for England to be visited

Wodhlom sola Angljām ad setíjotinām *I bought a guide for England to be visited

Wodhlom sola Angljãs ad setitim I bought a guide for the visit of England

Wodhlom sola Angljāsetitim ad I bought a guide for the visit of England

Wodhlom sola Angljāsetitisoikōi I bought a guide for the sake of visiting England

Wodhlom sola Angljāsetitijoqōi I bought a guide with a view to visit England

184 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Éjomos sweptum Let´s go to sleep

Éjomos alādhjom Let’s go for a walk

Paulom (udwiklóm) protiwérumn̥ A small (upcoming) setback may block the olnom énteri klawstum solwod entire project mógheti

Paulom (udwiklóm) protiwérumn̥ enim A small (upcoming) setback and the entire olnom énteri solwod kláwdetor project is blocked

Kom paulom (udwiklóm) ā́noke A small (upcoming) setback is enough to protiwérumn̥ olnom énteri klawstewei block the entire project solwod

Ōkinós esmi qid wógosjo euktum I am ready to practise some sport to get kerktejei/ kerktewei slimmer

Ōkinós esmi qid wógosjo euktewi/ I am ready to the practice of some sport to eukteī́ kerktejei/ kerktewei get slimmer

Mājósn̥ s jotnons dhēnt spordhām They made big efforts to win the match wiktewei

Kritṓu upologhōu kaputsjūtrei Different subjects in principal and in upjougosjūtreiqe subordinate clause

Komqiqerjosjūtrom Perfective clause

Mājósn̥ s jotnons dhēnt spordhãi *They made big efforts for the match to be wiktéwijãi won

Dūtjom sesentóm tebhei udojowōdōi *I sent a messenger for the account of the Dūtjom sesentóm tebhei udojī wōdōi result to you Dūtjom sesentóm tebhei udojī west(e)jei

Dūtjom sesentóm tebhei udojom I sent a messenger to tell you the result westewei

185 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Dūtjom sesentóm tebhei udojom ad *I sent a messenger for the result to be told wédotinom to you

Dūtjom sesentóm tebhei udojōi *I sent a messenger for the result to be told westéwijōi to you

Dūtjom sesentóm ei udojom tebhei I sent a messenger so that he could tell you wedḗt (AOR SUB.) the result

Dūtjom sesentóm ei udojom tebhei I sent a messenger so that he would tell you wedīt (AOR. OPT.) the result

Dūtjom sesentóm qos udojom tebhei I sent a messenger who could tell you the wedḗt (AOR SUB.) result

Dūtjom sesentóm qos udojom tebhei I sent a messenger who would tell you the wedīt (AOR. OPT.) result

Dūtjom sesentóm udojom tebhei *I sent a messenger telling you the result wedontm ̥

Koisā́jonti mē qis skombet PF. SUB. They take care that no one has got lost

Koisā́jonti mē qis skomboit They take care that no one may have got lost

Koisā́jonti mē qim skembwenei They take care that no one has got lost

Koisā́jonti mē qis skm̥ bēt They take care that no one will get lost

Koisā́jonti mē qis skm̥ boit They take care that no one may get lost

Koisā́jonti mē qim skembesei They take care that no one will get lost

Koisā́sonti mē qis skm̥ bnós bhéwsēti They will take care that no one will have got lost

Koisā́sonti mē qim skembwenei They will take care that no one will have got lost

Qid dhidhīmés, ei stístāsēt mēqe What could we do, so that it kept standing piptsēt? and did not fall?

Qid dhəjīmés, ei stístāsēt mēqe What could we have done, so that it had piptsēt? kept standing and had not fallen?

186 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

N̥ komqiqerjosjūtrom Imperfective clause

Bhewdhi swedhumenḗs ke-éterosom *Be polite, for the others’ appreciation to qīmãi twe ad you

Bhewdhi swedhumenḗs ei ke-éteroi twe Be polite, so that the others appreciate qīmā́ jōnti/ qīmā́ joijənt PRES. SUB./ you OPT.

Bhewdhi swedhumenḗs ke-éteroīs Be polite to be appreciated by the others qīmādhjōi

Koisā́jonti mē ghosr̥ ménkēti They take care that no food is lacking

Koisā́jonti mē ghosr̥ menkoit They take care that no food may be lacking

Koisā́jonti mē ghosr̥ menktewei They take care that no food is lacking

Koisā́jonti mē ghosr̥ ménksēti They take care that no food will be lacking

Koisā́jonti mē ghosr̥ menksoit They take care that no food may be lacking in the future

Koisā́jonti mē ghosr̥ menkesei They take care that no food will be lacking

Kóisābhūnt (koisāsn̥ t) mē ghosr̥ They took care that no food was lacking ménkēti

Kóisābhūnt (koisāsn̥ t) mē ghosr̥ They took care that no food might be menkoit lacking

Kóisābhūnt (koisāsn̥ t) mē ghosr̥ They took care that no food was lacking menktewei

Koisā́sonti mē ghosr̥ ménkēti They will take care that no food will be lacking

Koisā́sonti mē ghosr̥ menkoit They will take care that no food may be lacking

Koisā́sonti mē ghosr̥ menktewei They will take care that no food will be lacking

Koisā́sonti mē ghosr̥ ménksēti They will take care that no food will be lacking thereafter

187 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Stānowōdos The expression of place

smdh̥ ētla jo(n)dhēd; jodhei; jōi, jō, jote

Proitistānom Place of departure

Eksí nāwes pluwónt jondhēd prāwnim The ships set sail from the place where ānkn̥ t they had first arrived

Stānom qodhei qertis gígistoi Place where the action takes place

Urúsodejes qísāmes jodhei en We felt pretty comfortable where we had klīlī́medha camped

Soikos Destination Einqos jote prōd kseutrom stānetéwijom He has to go where they can fix his shaver

Módesjom prótinom Modal contrast

Woghejō twe jote chélesi I take you where you want

Woghejō twe jote chélēsi I take you where you may want

Woghejō twe jote chelois I take you where you may ever want

188 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Mēlowōdos The expression of temporality

Relative Action limit not marked Action limit marked Mixed composition location of the Absolute location Singular action Iterative action Singular action Iterative action Singular Iterative principal of the action action action sentence Anter ior Past [11a] [11b] [11c] [11d] Present/atemporal [12a] [12b] [12c] [12d] Future [13a] [13b] [13c] [13d] Simultaneous Past [21a] [21b] [21c] [21d] [21e] [21f] Present/atemporal ----- [22b] [22c] [22d] ------Future [23a] [23b] [23c] [23d] [23e] [23f] Posterior Past [31a] [31b] [31c] [31d] Present/atemporal [32a] [32b] [32c] [32d] Future [33a] [33b] [33c] [33d]

189 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Antimēlowōdos The expression of anteriority smdh̥ ētla anti qām, prāi qām, pərosei, próteri, préiwijosi, preitjom, prótəmom, dom, dōqod, adqod, adnēqod dōnēqod, étiqe, prīsnim

11a Bhéwōqā dhētis 11a Actual fact Prāi krpjons̥ eksí owóm qām en I took off my shoes before I entered sodóm AOR. EFF. + AOR EFF. Before (my) going inside I took off Énsostjes prāi krpjons̥ eksí my shoes owóm Intention/Indication of preparation With a view to going in, I took off Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ my shoes Éneisonts krpjons̥ eksí owóm I told her the truth before she got

angry Prāi wēra tesãi wedóm qām

krd̥ ītā́ bhūjḗt In anticipation of the fight, a treaty Prāi smdh̥ ēmn ̥ pagtóm esti qām was struck strudoint In anticipation of the fight, a treaty Prāi smdh̥ ēmn ̥ págsēto qām would be struck strudoint AOR. PREC. + AOR. OPT. 12a Actual fact 12a Bhéwōqā dhētis I’ve taken off my shoes before Prāi krpjons̥ eksí ōwa qām en entering ijoja PF. IND. + PF. IND Before (my) going inside I’ve taken Énsostjes prāi krpjons̥ eksí ōwa off my shoes

I am taking off my shoes before Prāi krpjons̥ eksí owō qām en entering eimi PRES. EFF.+ PRES. EFF. Before (my) going inside I am Énsostjes prāi krpjons̥ eksí owō taking off my shoes

Intention/Indication of preparation Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ With a view to going in, I’ve taken Éneisonts krpjons̥ eksi ōwa off my shoes

Prāi wēra tesãi wōda qām I’ve told her the truth so that she krd̥ ītā́ bhūjḗt/sjēt PF. IND. + may not get/be angry AOR./PR. OPT. With a view to going in, am taking Éneisonts krpjons̥ eksi ewō off my shoes

Prāi wēra tesãi wedō qām I am telling her the truth so that she kr̥ dītā́ bhūjḗt PRES. EFF. + AOR. may not get angry OPT.

190 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

13a Bhéwōqā dhētis 13a Actual fact Prāi krpjons̥ eksí owsō qām en I will take off my shoes before sódōmi FUT. IND. + AOR. SUB. entering

Énsostjes prāi krpjons̥ eksí Before (my) going inside I will take owsō off my shoes

Prāi seqe tod qām eksí sodēs Say this before you go out PRES. IMP. + AOR. SUB. Intention/Indication of preparation Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ With a view to going in, I will take Éneisonts krpjons̥ eksi owsō off my shoes

Prāi wēra tesãi wedsō qām I will tell her the truth before she krd̥ ītā́ bhūjḗt FUT. IND. + AOR. gets angry OPT.

Nē Rōmājōm swēdhus esti upo qim It is not the custom of the Romans to hand dōtum prāi qām loknós drkḁ̃ en drk̥ ām over anyone before the accused has (met) lókontns̥ eikoit joqe énklēmn ̥ kepoit the accusers face to face and has taken an wertrōi loktesmn ̥ proti dhētéwijōi opportunity to make a defense against the PRES. IND.+ PRES. OPT.+AOR. OPT charge

191 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

11b Bhéwōqā dhētis 11b Actual fact Prāi áiwesi pro ghawāt qām He would always phone before ludhāt AOR. PROT. coming

Prāi áiwesi pro ghawāt cemtjes He would always phone before (his) coming

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation Leudhsonts prāi áiwesi pro He would always phone before with ghawāt PART. FUT.+AOR. PROT. a view to coming

Prāi áiwesi lughānt qām They would always lie before giving alchom apo dəjent AOR. PROT. + back the money AOR. OPT. 12b Actual fact 12b Bhéwōqā dhētis Prāi áiwesi pro ghawet qām He always phones before coming cemjet PRES. PROT.

Prāi áiwesi pro ghawet cemtjes He always phones before (his) coming

Prāi dhūlā tercet quām nedhet The tempest threatens before it rises

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation Leudhsonts prāi áiwesi pro He always phones before with a ghawet. view to coming

Prāi áiwesi leughont qām They always lie before giving back alchom apo dəjent PRES. PROT.+ the money AOR. OPT.

13b Bhéwōqā dhētis 13b Actual fact Prāi áiwesi pro cháwseti qām He will always phone before ludhēt FUT. IND..+ AOR. SUB. coming

Prāi áiwesi pro cháwseti He will always phone before his cemtjes coming (=13a)

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation Leudhsonts prāi áiwesi pro He will always phone before with a cháwseti view to coming (=13a)

Prāi áiwesi léughsonti qām They will always lie before giving alchom apo dəjent FUT. IND..+ back the money AOR. OPT.

192 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

11c Bhéwōqā dhētis 11c Actual fact Swpomes/swpāmes adqod We kept sleeping until we heard the stropom kleumes noise AOR. EFF./PROT.+AOR. EFF

Skroibht/skróibhsāto adqod wī It remained written until they tod lijónt PLPF. EFF./PROT.+AOR. deleted it EFF. He did not announce the victory Seghos nē prāi karét qām polim until he reached the city ept AOR. EFF.+AOR. EFF.

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation Swpāmes adqod stropom We kept sleeping until we would kléwīmes (=dō stropoklūtim) hear any noise AOR. PROT.+ AOR. OPT. Skróibhsāto adqod wī tod lijoint (=dō wilojom) It remained written until they could Seghom prāi nē karsēt qām delete it (=until deletion)

polim epoit AOR. PREC. + AOR. OPT. He would not announce the victory (=əptā́m dō polim, eptim dō until he would reach the city pólejos, dō polīptím)

12c Bhéwōqā dhētis 12c Actual fact Tlóqomedha adqod eksí We are talking until we run out of kréddhēmn ̥ ausijōmes credit PRES. EFF. + AOR. SUB. Skroibhei adqod wī tod lijōnt It remains written until they delete it PF. IND. + AOR. SUB.

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation Tlóqomedha adqod eksí We are talking until we may run out kréddhēmn ̥ ausijoimes of credit PRES. EFF. + AOR. OPT. Skroibhei adqod wī tod lijoint It remains written until they may PF. IND. + AOR. OPT. delete it

13c Bhéwōqā dhētis 13c Actual fact Swépsomos adqod stropom We’ll be sleeping until we hear the kléuwomes noise FUT. IND. + AOR. SUB.

Skribhtóm bhéwseti adqod It will remain written until they will wī tod lijōnt delete it

Trejes procecəwoses bhéwsonti Three months will elapse mḗnoses adqod eksí wēra until/before they discover the truth weront FUT. PF. IND. + AOR. SUB.

193 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation Swépsomos adqod stropom We’ll be sleeping until we might kléwīmes hear the noise

Skribhtóm bhéwseti adqod It will remain written until they can wī tod lijoint delete it

Trejes procecəwoses bhéwsonti Three months will elapse mḗnoses adqod eksí wēra until/before they might discover werjént the truth

11d Bhéwōqā dhētis 11d Actual fact Leumn ̥ əneu kelujāmes adqod We would travel without paying mmbhomes̥ until we got punished AOR. PROT. + AOR. EFF.

Leumn ̥ əneu kelujāmes nseróm̥ We would travel without paying dō mombhom until our punishement

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation Leumn ̥ əneu kelújāmes adqod We travelled without paying until mmbhoimes̥ we could get punished AOR. PROT. + AOR. OPT.

11d Bhéwōqā dhētis 12d Actual fact Leumn ̥ əneu nitjēd kelújomes We usually travel without paying adqod mémbhomes until we get punished PRES. PROT. + PRES. PROT.

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation Leumn ̥ əneu kelújomes adqod We are travelling without paying m mmbhoimes̥ until we get punished PRES. PROT. + AOR. OPT.

11d Bhéwōqā dhētis 13d Actual fact Leumn ̥ əneu kelúsomes adqod We will travel without paying until mmbh̥ ēmes we get punished FUT. + AOR. SUB.

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation Leumn ̥ əneu kelúsomes adqod We will travel without paying until mmbhoimes̥ we (may) get punished FUT. + AOR. OPT.

194 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Səmitiwōdos The expression of simultaneity smdh̥ ētla seijod, qidei, jāwn̥ ts səm, səmitū, jom, dom, mom, - mētrom

21a Pródoikots jom petet, stenmn ̥ 21a When the actor fell down, the qesnim strpet̥ orchestra rumbled plaintively

*The actor falling down, the Pródoiketi piptn̥ tí, stenmn ̥ orthestra rumbled plaintevely qesnim strpet̥

̥ (En) pródoiketos potoi, stenmn With the actor’s downfall the qesnim strpet̥ orchestra rumbled plaintively

Ksuróm jom eksí dhr̥ ghét, When he took out the knife, I got tresoma scared

Ksuróm eksí dhraghn̥ tí When taking out the knife (having (dhr̥ ghlō), tresoma taken out), I got scared

Ksuróm en (esjo) dhraghtewi In (his) taking out the knife, I got tresoma scared

22a [ménketi] 22a [uacat]

23a Bhéwōqā dhētis 23a Actual fact Pródoikots jom pétseti, stenmn ̥ When the actor falls down, the qesnim strépseti 2x FUT. IND. orchestra will rumble plaintively

(En) pródoiketos potoi, stenmn ̥ With the actor’s downfall the qesnim strépseti orchestra will rumble plaintively

Apo jom éisesi, dhworim When you go, close the door klawde

Apo jonts dhworim klawde When going, close the door

En apo itewi/ (en) apo ojoi When going, close the door dhworim klawde

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation Sedos jom drk̥ ōm, sedsō When I see a seat, I will sit down AOR. SUB. + FUT. IND. When I happen to see a seat, I will Sedos jom drkoij̥ əm, sedsō sit down AOR. OPT. + FUT. IND.

195 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

21b Stoighom jom trām (=stoighom 21b When crossing a street (=everytime sei trām, áiwesi déksterō-laiwō I crossed a street), I always looked spekām right and left

Stoighom en tertewi áiwesi *In the crossing a street, I always déksterō-laiwō spekām looked right and left

Stoighom trānts (teronts), As I crossed a street, I always áiwesi déksterō-laiwō spekām looked right and left

Bhlōtom drk̥ āt sei, menāt wesr ̥ When he saw a flower, he would jāmi bhewtum (kolisposmḗlejā) think it was already spring (quasipost.)

Bhlōtom drklós̥ , menāt wesr ̥ Having seen a flower, he would jāmi bhewtum (posmḗlejā) think it was already spring (posterior) Bhlōtom en drktewi/̥ en *In seing a flower, he would think it drkteni̥ , menāt wesr ̥ jāmi was already spring bhewtum When we passed through the cloud Nébhesē perti jom imés we were afraid bhíbhīmes When we passed through the cloud Nébhesē perti jontes bhíbhīmes we were afraid

Nébhesē perti en itewi *In passing through the cloud, we bhíbhīmes were afraid

22b Stoighom terom sei, (áiwesi) 22b Everytime I cross a street, I look déksterō-laiwō spekjom right and left

Stoighom jom terō, áiwesi When crossing a street, I always look déksterō-laiwō spekjō right and left

Stoighom trānts (teronts), As I cross a street, I always look áiwesi déksterō-laiwō spekjō right and left

Stoighom en tertewi áiwesi *In the crossing a street, I always déksterō-laiwō spekjō look right and left

Séikena ta en upo seqdhjoi, In pursuing these objectives, the Einos séqomna sénseti qérmona, Union shall carry out the following qelnubhūmn̥ qérmona sm̥ pl̥ nānts activities, complementing the activities carried out in the Member 23b Stoighom jom tersō, áiwesi States déksterō-laiwō speksō Stoighom en tertewi áiwesi 23b When I will cross a street, I will déksterō-laiwō speksō always look right and left *In the crossing a street, I will always look right and left

196 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

21c Demtṓr drājāt joqe səmitū 21c The bricklayer worked and whistled swisdāt at the same time

Demtṓr swisdāt dom drājāt The bricklayer whistled while he Drājonts demtṓr swisdāt worked The bricklayer whistled while Drātim jāwnts̥ (drāteī́) demtṓr working swisdāt The bricklayer whistled during the work (at work). Drātimētrom demtṓr swisdāt *The bricklayer whistled in the Neqom grnos̥ mədet jāwnts̥ meantime of work deuks nserós̥ cecsāt AOR. EFF. + PLPF. PROT. Never did the council meet while our leader was away 22c Demtṓr swéisdeti joqe səmitū drā́jeti 22c The bricklayer works and whistles at the same time Demtṓr swéisdeti dom drā́ jeti The bricklayer whistles while he Drājonts demtṓr swéisdeti works The bricklayer whistles while Drātim jāwnts̥ demtṓr swísdeti working The bricklayer whistles during the work *Drātimētrom demtṓr swísdeti *The bricklayer whistles in the meantime he works Nū altjṓs esmi, nē meghei pelu esti daitjos Now I am an adult, I don’t have much time Qidei skównoisi nuwətṓs səmes, Weteljām usdhowōi Now we have passed our exams, we bhūmós are on holidays in Italy. (quasiposterior)

23c Demtṓr swéisdseti drā́ seti dom 23c The bricklayer will whistle while (he will be) working

Drājonts demtṓr swéisdseti The bricklayer will whistle while working

21d Demtṓr swisdāt áiwesi dom 21d The bricklayer would always drājāt whisle while working

22d Demtṓr swéisdeti áiwesi dom 22d The bricklayer always whisles drā́ jeti while working

23d Demtṓr swéisdseti áiwesi dom 23d The bricklayer will always drā́ seti whistle while working

197 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

21e Jāwnts̥ wī qid dhēs labhānt, 21e While they were debating what to néwostis molét do, the news came up

Jāwnts̥ wī qid dhēs lábhontes While they were people debating esānt, néwostis molét what to do, the news came up

W ī qid dhēs lábhontom (gen. While debating what to do, the news abs.), néwostis molét came up

Jāwnts̥ wī qid dhēs lábhātor, While what to do was being néwostis molét discussed, the news came up

Jāwnts̥ wī qid dhēs labhmom While what to do was object of ēsāt, néwostis molét discussion, the news came up

Wī qid dhēs lábhmosjo (gen. What to do being object of abs.), néwostis molét discussion, the news came up

Qid dhēs en wī labhtewi/ *In the debate what to do, the news labhdhjoi néwostis molét came up

Jom putlom ēsām, meghei When I was a child, I had a lot of daitjos teusmn ̥ esāt enim skidóm time and decided to learn music swenmn ̥ dídəktum

Qidei (=praipodei jom) When (=on the occasion of) we skównoisi nuwətṓs ésāmes, passed all our exams, we went on Weteljām usdhowōi sodomes holiday to Italy (quasiposterior)

22e [ménketi] 22e [uacat]

23e Bhéwōqā dhētis 23e Actual fact Jāwnts̥ wī qid dhēs lábhsonti, While they will be debating what to néwostis mólseti do, the news will come up

Qidei skównoisi nuwətṓs Having passed all our exams, we bhéwsomes, Weteljām will go on holiday to Italy usdhowōi éisomos/léitsomos. (quasiposterior) (kolisposmḗlejā)

Jom senos bhewsō, meghei When I am old I will have a lot of time and will decide what to do with daitjos teusmn ̥ bhéwseti enim it skeidsō qid tābhi dhēs

198 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Kolisposmḗlejā Quasiposterior

Apo léudhsesi, bhā́somedha You’ll come back, we’ll speak

Apo jom léudhsesi, When you come back, we’ll speak bhā́somedhai

Apo tewe ludhlosjo, Having you come back, we´ll speak bhā́ somedhai

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation Jom senos bhuwom (an When I am old (if I can), I will moghōm), skeidsō qid dáitibhi decide what to do with my time dhēs AOR. SUB.+FT. IND. When I am old (if I ever have the Jom senos bhūjḗm (praipodom chance), I will decide what to do an eiksēm), skeidsō qid dáitibhi with my time dhēs AOR. OPT.+FT. IND.

21f Jāwnts̥ wī qid dhēs labhānt, 21f While they were debating what to áiwesi néwostis molāt (moltājāt) do, the news would always come up

Qid dhēs en wī labhtewi áiwesi *In the debating what to do, the néwostis molāt (moltājāt) news would always come up

22f [ménketi] 22f [uacat]

23f Jāwnts̥ wī qid dhēs lábhsonti 23f While they will be debating what to (labhtā́sonti), áiwesi néwostis do, the news will always come up mólseti (moltā́seti) FUT. (ITER.)

Qid dhēs en wī labhtewi áiwesi *In the debating what to do, the néwostis mólseti (moltā́seti) news will always come up FUT. (ITER.)

199 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Posmēlowōdos The expression of posteriority smdh̥ ētla pos, posti, posnim, jom epi, ápori, metá, jn̥ tos, apoqod, ítāpo, ita tom, jom epi

31a Bhéwōqā dhētis 31a Actual fact

Pos krpjons̥ trgóm̥ qām dānum I wiped my shoes after crossing the teróm AOR. EFF.+ AOR. EFF. river

Krpjons̥ trgóm̥ dānewos pos I wiped my shoes after the crossing tertim of the river

I wiped my shoes after ther river- Krpjons̥ trgóm̥ dānutrtim̥ crossing /dānutorom pos

Having crossed the river, I wiped Dānum tetr̥ wṓs/ tetərusjā my shoes krpjons̥ trgóm̥

I wiped my shoes as soon as I Krpjons̥ trgóm̥ jom epi dānum crossed the river teróm/ jom epi dānum tetr̥ wṓs/ (quasisimultaneous) tetərusjā I wiped my shoes just after the Krpjons̥ trgóm̥ epi dānutrtim̥ pos river-crossing

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation

Pos Mónākom teksḗnt qām They would flee to Monaco after kusdhom klpont̥ stealing the treasure (and they did steal the treasure) Pos Mónākom teksḗnt qām kusdhom klpoint̥ AOR. PREC.+ They would flee to Monaco after AOR. OPT. stealing the treasure (but

everything was just a plan) Mónākom teksḗnt kúsdhosjo

pos klopom/kusdhom pos They would flee to Monaco after the klptóm/̥ kusdhoklopom pos theft of the treasure

Pos Mónākom tekwōnt qām They may have fled to Monaco after kusdhom klpont̥ AOR. SUB.+ stealing the treasure (the theft is a AOR. EFF. fact) Pos Mónākom tekwōnt qām They may have fled to Monaco after kusdhom klpoint̥ AOR. SUB.+ AOR. OPT. stealing the treasure (everything is Pos Mónākom tekwoint qām a conjecture) kusdhom klpoint̥ AOR. OPT.+ AOR. OPT. Let’s hope they have fled to Monaco after stealing the treasure

200 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

32a Bhéwōqā dhētis 32a Actual fact

Pos krpjons̥ torga qām dānum I’ve wiped my shoes after crossing tora PF. IND.+PF. IND. the river

Krpjons̥ torga dānutrtim̥ I’ve wiped my shoes after the river- /dānutorom pos/dānewos crossing/the crossing of the river tertim Having crossed the river, I’ve wiped Dānum tetr̥ wṓs/ tetərusjā my shoes krpjons̥ torga PF. PRT.+ PF/ IND. I’ve wiped my shoes as soon as I Krpjons̥ torga jom epi dānum have crossed the river tora/ jom epi dānum tetr̥ wṓs/ (quasisimultaneous) tetərusjā

Pos krpjons̥ tergō qām dānum I am wiping my shoes after crossing tora PRES. IND.+ PF. IND. the river

Krpjons̥ tergō dānutrtim̥ I am wiping my shoes after the /dānutorom pos/dānewos river-crossing/the crossing of the tertim river

Dānum tetr̥ wṓs/ tetərusjā Having crossed the river, I am wiping my shoes krpjons̥ tergō PF. PRT+PRES. IND.

I am wiping my shoes just after Krpjons̥ tergō jom epi dānum crossing the river tora/ jom epi dānum tetr̥ wṓs/ (quasisimultaneous) tetərusjā

Domus məgjṓs prépeti The house looks bigger after they ápori werga dhédhōra have done works

Domus məgjṓs prépeti The house looks bigger after the wergodhēmn ̥ pos execution of the works

Pertidemnā́ domus məgjṓs The house looks bigger once it has prépeti PF. PART. +PRES. IND. been refurbished

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation

Pos Mónākom tekwōnti qām They may be fleeing to Monaco kusdhom klpoint̥ after stealing the treasure

Mónākom tekwōnti They may be fleeing to Monaco kusdhoklopom pos/kúsdhosjo after the theft of the treasure pos klopom/kusdhom pos klptóm̥

201 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

33a Bhéwōqā dhētis 33a Actual fact

Pos krpjons̥ tergsō qām dānum I will wipe my shoes after crossing torom FUT. IND. + PF. SUB. the river

Krpjons̥ tergsō dānutrtim̥ I will wipe my shoes after the river- /dānutorom pos/dānewos crossing/the crossing of the river tertim

Dānum tetr̥ wṓs/ tetərusjā Having crossed the river, I will krpjons̥ tergsō wipe my shoes

Krpjons̥ tergsō jom epi dānum I will wipe my shoes as soon as I torom/ jom epi dānum tetr̥ wṓs/ have crossed the river tetərusjā (quasisimultaneous)

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation

Pos Mónākom téksonti qām kusdhom klpoint̥ FUT. IND. They will flee to Monaco after +AOR. OPT. stealing the treasure

Mónākom téksonti kusdhoklopom pos/kúsdhosjo They will flee to Monaco after pos klopom/kusdhom pos stealing the treasure klptóm̥

Pos Mónākom téksōnt(i) qām They may flee to Monaco after kusdhom klpoint̥ stealing the treasure

Mónākom téksōnt(i) kusdhoklopom pos/kúsdhosjo They may flee to Monaco after the pos klopom/kusdhom pos theft of the treasure klptóm̥

202 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

31b Áiwesi pos skeidāt qām 31b He always decided after both parts (ambhāu) aitje wewqātām/ had spoken wṓqsātām AOR. PROT. + AOR./PLPF PROT.

Áiwesi skeidāt (ambhāus) aitjus He always decided after both parts wewqlóus/woqwesus had spoken AOR. PROT. + PART. AOR./PF.

Áiwesi pos skeidāt (ambhāus) He always decided after the speech aitjus wōqom/weqtim pos of both parts

Áiwesi skeidāt He always decided after the ambhāitiwōqom/ambhāitiweqt bilateral speech im pos

Áiwesi pos skeidāt jom epi He always decided just after both (ambhāu) aitje wewqātām/ parts had spoken wṓqsātām

Áiwesi skeidāt epi He always decided just after the ambhāitiwōqom/ambhāitiweqt speech of both parts im pos / (ambhāus) aitjus

wōqom/weqtim pos

32b Áiwesi pos skeidet qām 32b He always decides after both parts (ambhāu) aitje wíweqtām PRES. PROT.. + PRES. PROT. have spoken

Áiwesi skeidet (ambhāus) He always decides after both parts aitjus wewqlóus/woqwesus have spoken

Áiwesi skeidet ambhāitiwōqom/ambhāitiweqt He always decides after the speech im pos / (ambhāus) aitjus pos of both parts wōqom/weqtim

Áiwesi pos skeidet jom epi He always decides just after both (ambhāu) aitje wíweqtām parts have spoken

203 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

33b Áiwesi pos skéidseti qām 33b He will always decide after both (ambhāu) aitje wewqōtām parts will have spoken FUT. IND. + AOR. SUB.

Áiwesi skéidseti (ambhāus) He will always decide after both aitjus weqlóus/woqwesus parts have spoken

Áiwesi skéidseti He will always decide after the ambhāitiwōqom/ambhāitiweqt speech of both parts im pos / (ambhāus) aitjus pos wōqom/weqtim He will always decide just after Áiwesi pos skéidseti jom epi both parts had spoken (ambhāu) aitje wewqōtām

204 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

31c Ghebhlā mene pisdōjāt ápori 31c My head ached since I woke up bheudhm̥

Ghebhlā mene pisdōjāt My head ached since my awakening bheustjes apo

Móijnto̥ ápori prāwnim They (had) changed since they first mədont met

32c Ghebhlā ápoqod bhoudha 32c My head aches since I woke up pisdḗjeti

Mijḗr (mijērai) ápori prāwnim They have changed since they first mədont met

Mijḗr (mijērai) ápori dhēljōs They have changed since they were esānt babies

Tríqr̥ twos gr̥ nos mədet ápoqod The council has met three times deuks nserós̥ cece AOR.+ PF. since our leader departed

Neqom grnos̥ mədet ápoqod Never has the council met since our deuks nserós̥ cece AOR. +AOR. leader departed

Grnok̥ ēlā kéklawstai ápoqod The meeting room is closed since deuks nserós̥ cece PF. + PF. our leader departed

33c Bhéwōqā dhētis Ghebhlā mene pisdḗseti ápori 33c Actual fact bhoudhom FUT. IND. +SUB. PF. My head will ache since I wake up

Moimnās bhéwsonti ápori prāwnim mədont They will have changed since they FUT. PF. IND.+ AOR. SUB. first met

Méisontoi/mijusjās bhéwsonti They will change/will have changed ápori prāwnim mədōnt since they first meet FUT./FUT. PF IND. +AOR. SUB.

Seiktis/Adesmndiktis̥ Intention/Indication of preparation

Nē drātum skélsomos ápori We won’t have to work from the klutjom túghoimes time we may hit the lottery

205 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

31d Sólwoqom nikānt ápori 31d They quarrelled all the time since prāwnim mədont AOR. SUB. they first met

Sólwoqom nikānt prāwēd ápo They quarrelled all the time since modnēd their first meeting

32d Sólwoqom níkjonti ápori 32d They are quarreling/have been prāwnim mədont quarreling all the time since they first met 33d Sólwoqom néíksonti ápori prāwnim mədōnt 33d They will quarrel once and againg since they fist meet

206 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Upódhētiwōdos The expression of condition

smdh̥ ētla mō an an, s(w)ei, jod ei tom-ke

Bhéwoqā upódhētis Real condition (Indicative-effective)

Udbhūwḗr deiwṓs an, ēséwes senti If gods exist, they are good PERF. IND. + PRES. IND.

Woista an, chedhō seqe If you know it, please say it PERF. IND. + PRES. IMP.

Kaudjā an esti, (tom-ke) esjãi bhāghewi If it is Claudia, she has a mole on her left esti mélnomos laiwói arm PRES. IND. + PRES. IND.

Ainos dhédhēja an (=woināwents esmi If I have commited a crime (=if I am an), membhtéwijos esmi guilty), I shall be punished PERF. IND./PRES. IND.+ PRES. IND./FUT. IND.

If they persecuted me, they will also Upo mewom an seqonto, upo yusmé persecute you toqe séqsonto AOR. IND. + FUT. IND.

If he called you stupid he was wrong Te n̥ widrim kəlést, tom-ke ersā́ st AOR. IND. + AOR. IND.

Probhoudhos: Ánglijā opwents bhūmr̥ , Attention: If England is a rich nation, Namibjā ita nē (Səmodhēiwom) Namibia not so much (Comparative)

207 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Enstntqm̥ d̥ ōqídqejā upódhētis Incidental condition in the present (Indicative-protelative)

Gourom premes an, skanstos cm̥ sket If you press the button, the lift comes PRES. IND. (PROT.) + PRES. IND.

ndhi̥ edm ̥ sei, ghebhlā edunāt Everytime I eat too much, my head aches PRES. PROT. + PRES. PROT.

Ghawes mewom sei, kōnāja tewom Whenever you call me, I try to help you jewtum PRES. PROT. + PRES. PROT

Incidental condition in the past (Indicative- Bhūloqmd̥ ōqídqejā upódhētis protelative)

Ghawānt nōs sei, ins kōnā́jāmedha Whenever they called us, we tried to help jewtum them AOR. PROT. + AOR. PROT.

If he promised something, he would not lie Spepondāt qid (an), nē lughāt

Incidental condition in the future (Future Bhewsontqmd̥ ōqídqejā upódhētis subjunctive)

Gháwsēsi sei, kōnāsāi tewom jewtum Whenever you call me, I will try to help FUT. SUB. FUT. IND. you

208 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Ambhígoisā upódhētis Eventual condition (Subjunctive)

N̥ komqiqerjosjūtra Imperfective clauses

En éseti an, wéidseti If he happens to be inside, he will know it

Ēsús bhéwsēsi (an), dōnom tebhei dōsō If you are good, I will give you a present FUT. SUB. FUT. IND.

Təkējēt (an), dr̥ misāi If he keeps silent, I will fall asleep PRES . SUB. + FUT. IND.

Komqiqerjosjūtra Perfective clauses

Ludhēt (an), weqsō qid dhētéwijom Should he come, I will tell him what to do (éseti) AOR. SUB. FUT. IND. ÆPRES. SUB.

Posti ghwet (an), enã galsō AOR. SUB. FUT. IND. If she calls later, I will talk with her

Mrtis̥ pelset an, nē qis mrtum̥ welt AOR. SUB. AOR. IND. When death approaches, no one wants to die

Komnom skékidet jod worgós qis an The board decided that should any employee plējosns̥ epet qoksúns awti déikmenjom win more clients or have an exemplary eikēt pronojom, apo misdhḗsēto performance, they would be rewarded AOR. SUB. + PRES. SUB. + PRES. PREC.

Təkēset (an), apo n̥ sme nē jḗsonti If he shuts up, they will not expel us AOR. SUB. + FUT. IND.

209 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Ménstrejā méinōpnijā upódhētis Imaginary potential condition (Optative)

N̥ komqiqerjosjūtra Imperfective clauses

Prijóm éikojəm (an) –enim eikēmi-, If I had a friend -and I may have it-, I ghoilos sjēm would be happy PRES. OPT. + PRES. OPT.

Reiwents sjēm (an), ónjota cejwoim If I were rich, I would live otherwise PRES. OPT. + PRES. OPT. If you had time, you should help Daitim eikois, jewois (Prókn̥ stijom) (Recommendative)

Təkējoit (an), dr̥ míjoija If he kept silent, I would fall asleep

Komqiqerjosjūtra Perfective clauses

Reiwents bhūjḗm, nūtenóm linqoim If I became rich, I would leave my present wergom enim ónjota cejwoim job and live otherwise AOR. OPT. + PRES. OPT. + PRES. OPT.

Nūtenóm liqoim wergom ónjota If I left my present job I would live cejwoim otherwise

Təkḗbhūjēt, apo n̥ sme nē jijīnt If he shut up, they would not expel us AOR. OPT. I + PRES. OPT.

Təkēsīt, apo n̥ sme nē jijīnt If he had shup up, they would not expel us AOR. OPT. II + PRES. OPT.

210 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Énsntos̥ nbhéwoq̥ ā upódhētis Irreal condition of present (Precative)

Prijóm eiksēm (an) –atqe nē eikēmi- If I had a friend -but I can’t have it-, I ghoilos bhewsēm 2 x PRES. PREC. would be happy

Bhūlosjo nbhéwoq̥ ā upódhētis Irreal of past (Precative)

Alchom noudsēm solwom, nū nē If I had spent all the money, now I could PERF. PREC. not go on holidays moghsēm usdhowōi eitum PRES. PREC

Meghei leiktim píplāksēs (an), nē If you had advised me to leave, I would not mn̥ sēm AOR. PREC. + AOR. PREC. have stayed.

Alchom nóudissēm solwom, tom-ke nē If I had spent all the money, then I could moghsḗm usdhowōi eitum not have gone on holidays PLPF. PREC. + AOR. PREC

If he had kept silent, they would not have Təkḗbhūsēt, apo n̥ sme nē jēsēnt expelled us AOR. PREC. + AOR. PREC.

Irreal of future (Subjunctive/ precative) Bhewsntn̥ bhéwoq̥ ā

If he were married by that time, he would Sm̥ jugnós tom an eset, bhéwonom nē not believe the reality kréddhējet PRES. SUB. + PRES. SUB.

Sm̥ jugnós tom an bhewsēt, bhéwonom If he were married by that time, he would nē kréddhējet not believe the reality PRES. PREC. + PRES. SUB.

Rēd ciwotām (an) ludhēt, bhéwonom If he came back to life, he would not nē kréddhējet believe the reality AOR. SUB. + PRES. SUB.

Rēd ciwotām (an) cemsēt, bhéwonom If he came back to life, he would not nē kréddhēsēt believe the reality PRES. PREC.+ PRES. PREC.

211 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Səmostātíwōdos The expression of comparison smdh̥ ētla jota, jotei, s(w)ei, swāi, tām….qām, məgis, plēis, plējós, meiwis, minos, jāwn̥ tom…tāwn̥ tom

Somotā́ Equality

Kánmona-swo kánonti jota esom They sing their songs as they feel their awisdhíjonti wéqesa lyrics

Tā́wn̥ tod bherois kléwesos mā́ wn̥ tod Take as much glory as peace you leave to us pākos n̥ smei loiqta

(Ita) bhāto jota sei duspodom woidsēt He spoke as if he had seen the accident AOR. EFF. + PF. PREC.

(Ita) bhā́wāto jota sei He was speaking /used to speak as if he pedgugjospordhām widēsēt were seeing the football match AOR. PROT. + PRES. PREC.

(Ita) bhā́wāto jota sei He was speaking /used to speak as if he pedgugjospordhām widoit were going to see the football match AOR. PROT. + AOR. OPT.

(Ita) bhātoi jota sei duspodom woidsēt He is speaking as if he had seen the PRES. EFF. + PF. PREC. accident

(Ita) bhātoi jota sei pedgugjospordhām He is speaking as if he were seeing the widēsēt football match PRES. EFF. + PRES. PREC.

He is speaking as if he were going to see (Ita) bhātoi jota sei pedgugjospordhām the football match widoit/widējēt AOR. PROT. + AOR. OPT./PRES. SUB.

Arti jota prowṓs (wodrokṓs) djejont Just like frogs move by jumping and dhr̥ neutū, dhr̥ neutū, ita putla menja jumping, the same way my children move (djejont)

Tod dhḗsomos jota wn̥ skesí We’ll do it as you want

Tod dhḗsomos jota wn̥ skēs/ wn̥ skois We’ll do it as you may want it

212 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

n̥ somotā́ Inequality

Bhodjṓs apoworetus qām upoqeltus It is better to prevent than to treat

Prāi stístāti apoworetus upoqéltewes It is more worth preventing than treating

Apoworetis upoqéltewes bhodjṓs Prevention is better than treatment

Prosodos Progression

Meiwis ghosāt, minos kn̥ krewos eikāt The less she ate, the less appetite she had (=meiwis kn̥ kōjāt)

Məgis welō bhrātros-two dr̥ kām, məgis The more I see your brother’s face, the gélāmi more I laugh

Jāwn̥ tom jāwn̥ tom te spekjō, tāwn̥ tom The more I look at you, the more I fall in tāwn̥ tom lubhēsmi love

213 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Weismnw̥ ōdos The expression of cause

smdh̥ ētla jod, qod, jod qid, ar, ar ge, qija, ghina, josmēd

Bhéwoqos Real

Nāws sonqe; jegibhr̥ ghom proti stoupt The ship sank; she had hit an iceberg

Nāws sonqe qā-i jegibhr̥ ghom proti The ship sank which (=because she) had stoupt hit an iceberg

Nāws sonqe jodqid jegibhr̥ ghom proti The ship sank because she had hit an stoupt iceberg

Nāws sonqe jegibhr̥ ghom proti stuplā́ The ship sank having hit an iceberg (kolimḗlejom sjūtrom) PF. IND. + PART. AOR. (quasitemporal clause)

Nāws jegibhr̥ ghoprotistuptū sonqe The ship sank because of the fact of colliding against an iceberg

Nāws jegibhr̥ ghoprotistuptī sonqe The ship sank because of a collision against an iceberg

Nāws jegibhr̥ ghoprotistuptewós/ The ship sank on account of a collision jegibhr̥ ghoprotistuptejós rōdhí sonqe against an iceberg

Nāws jegibhr̥ ghoprotistuptiwoisō The ship sank due to the collision against sonqe an iceberg

Bhloigos nē dom tōje; dhghómones The film has not finished yet; all the people oljoi en senti are inside

Bhloigos nē dom tōje; ghina The film has not finished yet; indeed all the dhghómones oljoi en senti people are inside

Bhloigos nē dom tōje, jod (=qija) The film has not finished yet, since all the dhghómones oljoi en senti people are inside

Bhloigos nē dom tōje dhghómones oljoi The film has not finished yet, all the people énesn̥ tes (kolimḗlejom sjūtrom) being inside (quasitemporal clause)

214 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Elwom adḗjonti wosjom; dhēljos cm̥ jēti They are preparing the pink room; a baby is coming

Elwom adḗjonti wosjom, ar ge dhēljos They are preparing the pink room because a cm̥ jēti (=komjougosjūtrom) baby is coming (=coordinative clause)

Elwom adḗjonti wosjom, jod dhēljos They are preparing the pink room because a cm̥ jēti baby is coming

Elwom adḗjonti wosjom dhēljō They are preparing the pink room, a baby cémonqō (pérəmom sjūtrom) being coming (absolute clause)

Elwom adḗjonti wosjom dhēljōcm̥ tū They are preparing the pink room because of the fact of the baby’s arrival

Elwom adḗjonti wosjom dhēljōcm̥ tī They are preparing the pink room because of the baby’s arrival

Elwom adḗjonti wosjom They are preparing the pink room due to the dhēljōcm̥ tiwoisō baby’s arrival

Bhendrom ormodhḗt sī; im məríjomnom He pitied her friend; she saw him dying widét

Bhendrom ormodhḗt sī jod/ qod im He pitied her friend, because she saw him məríjomnom widét dying

Bhendrom ormodhḗt sī qom im He pitied her friend, whom (=because) she məríjomnom widét saw him dying

Bhendhrom məríjontm̥ widlā́ , im As (=when, because) she saw her friend ormodhḗt dying, she pitied him

Bhendhrom məríjomnom weidn̥ ts, im As (=when, because) she was seing her ormodhḗt friend dying, she pitied him

215 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Aljodhōmōnabhṛnós Referred as someone else’s opinion

Apójēnos esti wergēd jod/ qod He’s been expelled from work (as they adkl̥ nobhos n̥ prijós sjēt/bhūjoit said/allegedly) because he was not friendly to the clients

Twōkr̥ tḗs jod/ qod júwn̥ tām Socrates was arraigned on the ground kr̥ nəjēt loketor that he was corrupting the youth

Twōkr̥ tḗs jod/ qod júwn̥ tām Socrates was arraigned on the ground keroit loketor that he (had) corrupted the youth

Twōkr̥ tḗs prowrētosjo juwn̥ tākrjosjo Socrates was arraigned on account of rōdhí loketor alleged corruption of the youth

Áiwesi prijótəmōs ismei bhuwānt jod/ They were always very kind to him because qod pērēd ins nosojoit he had delivered them from danger

Áiwesi prijótəmōs ismei sont jod/ qod They are always very kind to him because pērēd ins bhéwsn̥ ti nosesoit he is supposed to deliver them from danger in the future

216 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Proqórejos Thematic

Gāudhējō jod wəlḗjesi I am happy you are fine

Gāudhējō jod wəlḗjēsi I am happy you are probably fine

Gāudhēbhūm jod wəlḗjesi I was happy you were fine

Gāudhējō jod wəlēbhūs I am happy you were fine

Gāudhēbhūm jod wəlḗjēsi I was happy you were probably fine

Gāudhējō jod wəlḗbhuwes I am happy you were probably fine

Gāudhēsō jod wəlḗjesi I will be happy that you will be fine

Gāudhējō jod wəlḗsesi I am happy you will be fine

Gāudhēsō jod wəlḗjēsi I will be happy that you will probably be fine

Gāudhējō jod wəlḗsēsi I am happy you will probably be fine

Tod esti jod swr̥ ghōmes This is something we had to be careful about

Tod esti jod swérghōmosi This is something we have to be careful about

Tod esti jod swérghsōmosi This is something we’ll have to be careful about

217 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Epistā́ mejos (koliskomjougosjūtra) Epistemic (quasicoordinative clauses)

Josmēd somosodē cm̥ jesi, ad moi Since you are coming by car, bring the wogheje koināns cradle to me

(Josmēd) n̥ knāmis nē moghāt steightum (Since) legless it could not walk

Nē moghāt steightum, josmēd knāmāns It could not walk, since it had no legs (=as it nē eikt (=ar knāmāns nē eikt) had no legs n̥ dhistóutejos Assertive

Oqowidnim Ludhjā donsonjom cēme, Of course Lydia has come to school, since qidpe im edjḗw woida I’ve seen her today

Upomónejos (óptijō /próknejō) Hypothetical (with optative/precative)

Epi tewom nē dhedhōmóm jod/ qod I did not critize you because I hated or odwṓs bhūsēm r̥ sonébhūsēmwe, nū jod/ envied you, but because I loved you qod lubhóm 2 X AOR. PREC + AOR. IND.

Epi tewom nē dhōmésm̥ jod/ qod I did not critize you because I hated or odwṓs bhūjḗm r̥ sonébhūjēmwe, nū jod/ envied you, but because I loved you qod lubhóm 2 X AOR. OPT. + AOR. IND.

Epi tewom nē dhōmejō jod/ qod ōdsēm I don’t criticize you because I hate or envy r̥ sonesēmwe, nū jod/ qod lubhjō you, but because I love you 2 X PRES. PREC. + PRES. IND.

Epi tewom nē dhōmejō jod/qod ōdoim I don’t criticize you because I hate or envy r̥ sonejoimwe, nū jod/ qod lubhjō 2 X PRES. OPT. + PRES. IND. you, but because I love you

Epi tewom nē dhōmesō jod/qod odwṓs bhewsoim r̥ sonesoimwe, nū jod/ qod I won’t criticize you because I will hate or leubhsō envy you, but because I will ove you 2 X FUT. OPT. + FUT. IND.

218 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Sqermnw̥ ōdos/kómseqmnw̥ ōdos The expression of effect/ consecution smdh̥ ētla tori, ita, itaqe, tom, tom-ke, jotosqe, tā́ wn̥ tos, ute, ita…jod, ita..jota, tām..qām, tām…jod, ítətom

Bhūlā́ qertis Past action

Akrēd dhuwāt wentos, kólsomom med The wind blew strongly; it pulled off my repet (áddhēmn̥ ) scarf (apposition)

Akrēd dhuwāt wentos, tom-ke The wind blew strongly, and so pulled off kólsomom med repet (enbhorokomjougos) my scarf (illative coordination)

Akrēd dhuwāt wentos, (enim) tori The wind blew strongly, (and) therefore kólsomom med repet pulled off my scarf

Ita akrēd dhuwāt wentos, jod kólsomom The wind blew so strongly, that it pulled off med repēt AOR. PROT. IND. + AOR. SUB. my scarf

(Ita) akrēd dhuwāt wentos ute med *(So) strongly blew the wind as to pull off kólsomom reptewei AOR. INF. my scarf

Tām akrēd dhuwāt wentos qām *The wind blew so strongly as (being able kólsomom med reponts AOR. PART. to) pull off my scarf

Akrēd dhuwāt wentos kólsomom med The wind blew strongly pulling off my scarf reponts AOR. PART.

Tām apo ēsm̥ dew, jod im nē dr̥ ksēm I was so far that I could not see him AOR. EFF. + AOR. PREC.

Tām apo ēsm̥ dew, jod im nē dr̥ kōm I was so far that I did not see him AOR. EFF. + AOR. SUB.

Tām apo ēsm̥ dew, jod im nē dr̥ ksonts I was so far that I would not see him bhūsēm thereafter AOR. EFF. + AOR. PREC. COMP.

219 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Enstānts qertis Present action

Kūmóm éikomos wérgosjo, qorjostānei We have a lot of work; are staying in the séptəmantjoisi wésomosi office during the weekends

Kūmóm éikomos wérgosjo, tom-ke We have a lot of work, and so we are qorjostānei séptəmantjoisi wésomosi staying in the office during the weekends

Kūmóm éikomos wérgosjo, (enim) tori We have a lot of work, (and) therefore we qorjostānei séptəmantjoisi wésomosi are staying in the office during the weekends

Tā́ wn̥ tod éikomos wergom (wérgosjo), We have so much work that we are staying jod qorjostānei séptəmantjoisi in the office during the weekends wésōmosi PRES. IND. + PRES. SUB.

Tā́ wn̥ tod éikomos wergom (wérgosjo) We have so much work so as to stay in the ute qorjostānej séptəmantjoisi westewei office during the weekends

Tā́ wn̥ tod éikomos wergom jotosqe We have so much work that we are staying qorjostānej séptəmantjoisi wésontes in the office during the weekends

Tām apo esmi dew, jod im nē I am so far that I haven’t seen him dédorkom PRES. EFF. + PERF. SUB.

Tām apo esmi dew, jod im nē dr̥ kjōmi I am so far that I don’t (cannot) see him PRES. EFF. + PRES. SUB.

Tām apo esmi dew, jod im nē I am so far that I will not see him dr̥ ksōm(i) PRES. EFF. + FUT. SUB.

220 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Bhewsonts qertis Future action

Douknom stn̥ tḗjeti, per modnom The train is delayed, I will miss the meeting oighejōm (oighesō)

Douknom stn̥ tḗjeti, tom-ke per The train is delayed, and so I will miss the modnom oighejōm (oighesō) meeting

Douknom stn̥ tḗjeti, (enim) tori per The train is delayed, (and) therefore I will modnom oighejōm (oighesō) miss the meeting

Ita douknom stn̥ tḗjeti, jod per modnom The train is so delayed, that I will miss the oighejōm PERF. IND. + PRES. SUB. meeting

Ita douknom stn̥ tḗjeti, jota egō *The train is delayed, so as to miss the modnom oighéjesei ACT. FUT. INF. meeting

Ita douknom stn̥ tḗjeti, jota per mojo *The train is delayed, so as the meeting to modnom oighéjesdhjōi PASS. FUT. INF. be missed by me

(Tām) douknom stn̥ tḗjeti, jotosqe per The train is (so) delayed, being myself mojo modnom oighésontē ABS. INSTR.+ missing the meeting D.OBJ.

Ita douknom stn̥ tējet, jod per modnom The train was delayed, so that he would oighesonts bhūsēt PRES. PROT. + AOR. miss the meeting PREC. COMP.

Tām apo bhewsō dew, jod im nē I will be so far that I won’t see him dr̥ ksōmi FUT. IND. + FUT. SUB.

221 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Protistoupowōdos The expression of concession smdh̥ ētla eti, eti s(w)ei, eti an, epi, qita, nū, qidimmōqe, qāmqām

Dhḗtijos protistoupos Factual concession

Bhūlā́ qertis Past accion

Bhāloukjom roudhom bhūt, stoighom The light was red; he crossed the street terét AOR. IND. + AOR. IND.

Bhāloukjom roudhom bhūt. Nū The light was red; however he crossed the stoighom terét (protiwrtnokomjougos)̥ street ( adversative coordination)

Eti sei bhāloukjom roudhom bhūt, Even though the light was red, he crossed stoighom terét the street

Eti (sei) bhāloukjō roudhō ésn̥ tē, Even the light being red, he crossed the stoighom terét PART. PRES. + AOR. IND. street

Epi/eti bhāloukjō roudhō, stoighom Even with the red light, he crossed the terét street

Énstānts qertis Present action

Eti sei bhāloukjom roudhom esti, Even though the light is red, he is crossing stoighom téreti PRES. IND.+PRES. IND. the street

Eti (sei) bhāloukjō roudhō ésn̥ tē, Even the light being red, he is crossing the stoighom téreti PART. PRES.+ PRES. IND. street

Wēra wédonti, eti (sei) kauná They tell the truth, even (if) shameful

Wēra wédonti, eti kauná ésntḁ They tell the truth, even being shameful

Wēra wédonti, eti sei kauná sonti They thell the truth, even if it is shameful

Bhewsonts qertis Future action

Eti sei bhāloukjom roudhom bhéwseti, Even though the light will be red, he will stoighom térseti FUT. IND. +FUT. IND cross the street

Eti (sei) bhāloukjō roudhō ésn̥ tē, Even the light being red, he will cross the stoighom térseti PART. PRES. + FUT. street IND.

222 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Upódhētijos protistoupos Conditional concession

Eti sei bhāloukjom roudhom bhūsēt, Even if the light had been red, he would stoighom tersḗt have crossed the street AOR. PREC. + AOR. PREC.

Eti (sei) bhāloukjō roudhō ésn̥ tē, Even the light being red, he would have stoighom tersḗt crossed the street PART. PRES. + AOR. PREC.

Eti sei bhāloukjom roudhom bhewsēt, Even if the light were red, he would (now) stoighom tersēt cross the street PRES. PREC. + PRES. PREC.

Eti (sei) bhāloukjō roudhō ésn̥ tē, Even the light being red, he would (now) stoighom tersēt PART. PRES. + PRES. PREC. cross the street

Eti sei bhāloukjom roudhom bhewēt, stoighom terēt Even if the light may be red, he would cross PRES. SUB. + PRES. SUB. the street

Eti (sei) bhāloukjō roudhō ésn̥ tē, stoighom terēt Even the light being red, he would cross the PART. PRES. + PRES. SUB. street

Eti sei prōd preksēt, wī im nē Even if he had apologized, I would not mnā́ bhūsēm have forgiven him AOR. PREC. + AOR. PREC. Even having apologized, I would not have Eti (sei) propreklṓ, wī im nē forgiven him mnā́ bhūsēm PART. AOR. + AOR. PREC. Even if he apologizes, I will not forgive Eti sei prōd prekēt, wī im nē mnā́ jōmi him AOR. SUB. + PRES. SUB. Even having apologized, I will not forgive Eti (sei) propreklṓ, wī im nē mnā́ jōmi him PART. AOR. + PRES. SUB.

Even if he would apologize, I would not Eti sei prōd pr̥ ksēt, wī im nē mnāsēm PRES. PREC. + PRES. PREC. forgive him

Eti (sei) propreklṓ, wī im nē mnāsēm Even having apologized, I would not PART. AOR. + PRES. PREC. forgive him

Eti sei prōd prekoit, wī im nē mnājoim Even if he may apologize, I would not AOR. OPT. + PRES. OPT. forgive him

Eti (sei) propreklṓ, wī im nē mnājoim Even having apologized, I wouldl not PART. AOR. + PRES. OPT. forgive him

223 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Skándslājos protistoupos Scalar concession

Epi méneswos (esn̥ ts), nē bhéughseti However clever he may be, he won’t succeed

Méneswos esn̥ ts, nē bhéughseti Clever as he is/may be, he won’t succeed

Qāmqām ghlendhōm PRES. SUB., nē No matter how much I study, I don’t kom n̥ kjō kod dídəktum uponejər succeed in learning this lesson

Dn̥ suqólosjo skreibhmn, epi prójotnim A scholar’s writing, though written skrībhnóm, áiwesi n̥ légnijom carefully, is always illegible

Wítnstijos̥ protistoupos Extensional concession

Qidimmōqe gíssēto, dūdōi tewom Whatever may have happened, I shall love stergsō you for ever

Qidimmōqe gistóm, dūdōi tewom *Whatever happened, I shall love you for stergsō ever

Qidimmōqe gísēto AOR. SUB., dūdōi Whatever may happen, I shall love you for tewom stergsō ever

Qidimmōqe geistéwijom, dūdōi tewom *Whatever to happen, I shall love you for stergsō ever

Apṓgnujos protistoupos Negative concession

Ita dhēt, (tū) nē tosmōi proktor He did so, (however) he had not been (protiwrtnokomjougos)̥ asked for that (adversative coordination) He did so, without having been asked for Ita dhēt, pr̥ ktim əneu tosmōi that

Ita dhēt tosmōi ənpr̥ knós *He did so unasked for that

Ambhimojós protistoupos Alternative concession

Qita álchodətijom edqom épomos/ Whether we get/ get thereafter any épsōmos AOR./ FUT SUB. stoutom newe, financial support or not, we will go ahead prōd olnō-nos éisomos with our project

Álchodətijom edqom eplṓs/ épsontes *Getting any financial support or not, we stoutom newe, prōd olnō-nos éisomos will go ahead with our project

Strongwos protistoupos Restrictive concession

Neqid ənástətjei wédhn̥ tos épitəmēd Nothing that leads to revolt can be pḗrowent bhewtum mógheti –eti sei definitively dangerous − even if revolt may ənástətis dhghomenmōsm̥ wī krātēt distort the character of the people.

224 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Koituwōdos The expression of manner

Púslēkes dhr̥ neutū djejont Fleas move by jumping

Púslēkes dhr̥ neuwn̥ tes djejont Fleas move jumping

Púslēkes dhrōtī djejont Fleas move with the jumping

Púslēkes dhōrō djejont Fleas move with the jump

Púslēkes dhōromoghtrō/ Fleas move by means of the jump/jumping dhrōtimoghtrō djejont

-tū (-twē) demtis -tū (-twē) construction

Piskim ghostū jekom bhérghesi By eating fish you keep your brain healthy kerəsrom One learns by teaching n̥ neutū didksker On constantly remembering, one’s grief Stəróteni mímnātū, ati séwijom áugeti grows anew croughnos

Suswedhesregdhlāns n̥ dhighrəstū He got his post by transgressing rules of wergopedom ghōde ethics

Deiwom gnōtū sl̥ wopākowidhchijos By knowing God there is a falling off of all bhéweti; oləlnoisu qéntessu, fetters; when the sufferings are destroyed, gnātimrtjewidhchijos bhéweti. Ismi there is a cessation of birth and death. By mestī, tritjos esti stātus; kr̥ peswileuteī́ , meditating on him, there is the third state; olardijaudhis, oinei wn̥ skā kómpl̥ nā on the dissolution of the body, universal lordship; being alone, his desire is fulfilled

Apo n̥ streptū sodét She went without making any noise

225 Chapter B2: Sentence combination

Atikōpjodemtis Participial construction

Piskim edn̥ ts jekom bhérghesi kerəsrom By eating fish you keep your brain healthy n̥ neunts didksker The one who teaches learns

Stəróteni mímnāskn̥ tos, ati séwijom On constantly remembering, one’s grief áugeti croughnos (perəmā́) grows anew (absolute)

Stəróteni mímnāskonts, ati séwijom The one who constantly remembers, makes augéjeti croughnos one’s grief grows anew

Suswedhesregdhlāns ndhighr̥ ̥ dlós He got his post by transgressing rules of wergopedom ghōde ethics

Piktamorignasúweqtum upódətijos Blessing the adorned girl is the traditional wedhmn̥ koitús (esti) way of marriage

Morignasúweqtum morignām Blessing the girl after adorning the girl is pikusjās upódətijos wedhmn̥ koitús the traditional way of marriage (absolute) (esti) (perəmā́)

Apo n̥ streponts sodét She went without making any noise

Koliskómseqmenjos Quasiconsecutive

Qāqōi ghostipotjei wórsotrom bhūt, For every guest there was an umbrella the qesjo wornos qā́qosjo ghóstipotjos colour of which went with the colour eacb kr̥ pjobhjom plakēbhwāt guest’s shoes

Qāqōi ghostipotjei wórsotrom bhūt, ita For every guest there was an umbrella so jod qāqoworsotrowornos qā́qosjo that the colour of eacb umbrella went with ghóstipotjos kr̥ pjobhjom plakēbhwāt the colour eacb guest’s shoes

Qāqōi ghostipotjei wornoi kr̥ pjobhjom For every guest there was an umbrella going plakēntm̥ wórsotrom bhūt with eacb guest’s shoes in the colour

226 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

3.-Ambhítowos wistolos módesom, General pattern of tenses, moods and their wr̥ tjōm esomqe kómseqmenos sequence

Mood Modal connotations Indicative mood Reality, universality or assertiveness Subjunctive mood Capacity, eventuality or potentiality

Optative mood Potentiality, wish or recommendation

Precative mood Potentiality, intention or irreality Imperative mood Order Infinitives/ participles -----

Indicative mood: Reality, universality or assertiveness Aspect Temporal perspective In simple sentence/ in principal clause/ in In rest of subordinate

temporal, causal or clauses consecutive subordinate* Imperfective. action in Reproduction of an ongoing Present effective progress action Relatively Imperfective or simultaneous action Present protelative Universal durative Absolute: universal action Aorist effective Perfective. Absolute: action vanished in the past Absolute: past action recalled Relatively past action in the present (dramatic) Imperfective or Aorist protelative repetitive Absolute: single action with a duration in the past (constantive) Resultative, Past action caming over to the Relatively resultative Perfect consequent, stative present action Imperfective and Future singular or durative Future Relatively future action perfective action

227 Chapter B3: General pattern of moods, tenses and their sequence

Subjunctive mood: Capacity, eventuality or potentiality

Aspect Temporal perspective In simple In subordinate In subordinate sentence/ in clause In subordinate clause principal (temporal, final, clause (reportative (conditional and clause/ in consecutive, or type) concessive type) causal clause* injunctive type)

Relatively Possible or Present Imperfective. simulataneous eventual Relative future transmitted action Future eventual eventual Relatively past Aorist Perfective. Past potential transmitted action Resultative, Resultative Relative Resultative Relatively resultative Perfect consequent, potential/ resultative potential/ eventual transmitted action stative eventual potential/ eventual Imperfective Future potential/ Future potential/ Relative future Relatively future Future and perfective eventual eventual potential/ eventual transmitted action

Optative mood: Potentiality, wish or recommendation Aspect Temporal perspective In simple In subordinate In subordinate sentence/ in clause clause In subordinate principal (conditional (temporal, final, clause (reportative clause/ in and concessive consecutive, or type) causal clause* type) injunctive type) Relatively Potential, simultaneous Present Imperfective. recommendative potential transmitted or desiderative Imaginary Relative potential action potential Past potential, Relatively past Aorist Perfective. recommendative potential transmitted or desiderative action

Resultative, Relative Relatively resultative Resultative potential, Perfect consequent, resultative potential transmitted recommendative or desiderative stative potential action

Relatively future Imperfective Future potential, recommendative Relative future Future potential transmitted and perfective or desiderative potential action

228 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

Precative mood: Potentiality, intention or irreality Aspect Temporal perspective In simple sentence/ in In subordinate clause In subordinate clause principal clause/ in causal, (final, portative and (conditional-concessive temporal or consecutive temporal type) and injunctive type) subordinate clause* Intentional future of the Relative intentional Present Imperfective. present. Recommendative Irreal present/ irreal future future proposal. Potential event. Relative intentional Irreal past Irreal past Aorist Perfective. future of the past Intentional future of the past Relative irreal past Intentional future of the past Resultative, Relative resultative Perfect consequent, Resultative irreal Resultative irreal irreal stative

Imperative mood: Order or concession Aspect Temporal perspective In simple sentence/ in

principal clause Present effective Action to be realised Present or future order Aorist effective Perfective. Presen, past or future order Resultative, Perfect Resultative order consequent, stative Imperfective and Future Future or universal order perfective

*In these subordinate constructions, the perfect in the subordinate clause has a correlation with the principal clause and viceversa. This perfect may thus adopt past (pluperfect) o future (perfect future) forms, either in principal or in subordinate clause, following rules of sequence of tenses.

229 Chapter B3: General pattern of moods, tenses and their sequence

Déikmona Examples

Kmāmi jod nē swéswōdha I get tired because I am not used to it

Kmām jod nē swéswōdhm̥ I got tired because I was not used to it

Kmāsō jod nē sweswdhwṓs bhewsō I will get tired because I will not be used to it

Tām kékoma jod nē lubhējōm I am so tired that I am not liking it

Tām kékomm̥ jod nē lubhējōm I was so tired that I was not liking it

Tām kekməwṓs bhewsō jod nē I will be so tired that I will not be liking it lubhēsōm

Léloubha jod im gnōwa I have a liking for him because I know him

Léloubhm̥ jod im gnōwm̥ I had a liking for him because I knew him

Lelubhwṓs bhewsō jod im gnōwṓs I will have a liking for him because I will bhewsō know him

Pos léloubha qām im gnōwa I have a liking for him after having known him

Pos lubhḗsm̥ qām im gnōwm̥ I got a liking for him after having known him

Pos lelubhwṓs bhewsō qām im gnōwṓs I will have a liking for him after having bhewsō known him

Pos leubhsō qām im gnōwṓs bhewsō I will get a liking for him after having known him

Prāi léloubha qām im gnōwa I have a liking for him before having known him

Pos léloubhm̥ qām im gnōwm̥ I had a liking for him before having known him

Prāi lelubhwṓs bhewsō qām im gnōwṓs I will have a liking for him before having bhewsō known him

230 A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean

4.-Kómseqtis módesom Sequence of moods

Óiwoisu ptṓtisu, ud modesspātis In some particular cases, modal attraction bhéweti may take place:

Jom sōlis bhúweti, dhéghomm̥ tepēti When there is sun, may it warm the earth AOR. SUB (=Jom sōlis bhuweti, dhéghomm̥ tepóit/ tēpsīt AOR. OPT)

Qota oinonts tn̥ gējois jodhei mātḗr-two How could you feel lonely where your sjēt? (=jodhei mātḗr-two esti?) mother is?

231 References

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