April 2020

Congratula�ons to Lauren Ellio� on comple�ng her first half marathon in Cambridge on 08 March in a �me of 1.53.59. Lauren was running to raise money for Young People’s Mental Health Charity which was set up in memory of a boy in her school who took his own life 2 years ago. Lauren raised over £1000 for the charity! 2 May 2020 Magazine Cut-off Date Cut-off date for the May 2020 Stukeleys Parish Magazine is 9am Saturday 18th April 2020 **** Please do not be late **** FUTURE EVENTS

Mon 6th Apr Parish Council Meeting 7.15pm LSVH Wed 8th Apr WI Meeting 7.30pm GSVH Wed 15th Apr Fashion Show 7.30pm GSVH Tue 21st Apr RAF Museum Visit 8.00am GSVH Wed 29th Apr Community Coffee Morning 10.30am GSVH Sun 3rd May St Bartholomew’s New Service Pattern starts 9.30am l Take a look at the Magazine website at www.stukeleysmag.co.uk Email to: Martyn at [email protected] Post/drop in to: 7 Hill Close, PE28 4AZ Tel: 01480 432633 Mob: 07710 171924 Please include your phone number in case of queries. Space in the magazine is limited, so articles should be about 300 words. This is to allow as many people as possible the opportunity to contribute to the magazine. It would be helpful if you could submit articles sized to an A5 page in Word or PDF. We reserve the right to refuse an article, cut its length or hold it over to a later issue without notice. Please Note:This magazine is published by Martyn Fox with administrative and financial support from ’ Parish Council. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor or of the Parish Council A charge is made to advertise in this magazine. All enquiries should be directed to Martyn Fox (Tel: 01480 432633) or Ramune Mimiene, (Parish Clerk) Email: [email protected] This Month Page4: StukeleysParishCouncilFinanceReport Page5: TheStukeleysParishCouncil Page6: FashionShowatGSVH Page8: StBartholomew’sNewChurchServicePattern Page9: GreatStukeleyFlower,Garden&CraftShow2020 Pages 10-11: Letters to the Chairman of the Parish Council and the Editor Page11: Areyouelderlyordoyouneedalittlehelp? Page13: InformationaboutCoronavirus Page27: Coronavirus,washyourhandsmoreoftenfor20seconds 3 Page17: LittleFlyers Stukeleys Parish Council [SPC] UpdateMar ch 2020 Finance Report 2019/20 2020/21 Council Tax VillagePrecept £46157.00 £53362.00 Number of Band `D’P roperties 654 864 Band `D’ Charge[to cover precept] £70.58 £61.76 It was agreed thatarolling fund of £10.000 should be put asidef or minor road repairs that are not considered essential by the Highways Dept. This worktobecarried out by Highways Dept. contractors and paid for from this fund. Both villages have been recipients of ongoing CommunityI nfrastructure Levy [CIL] fundedp rojects, some ofthemostrecent being the re sanding, sealing and marking out ofaBadminton court in GreatS tukeley [GS] village hall and theresurfacingofthe footpath leading from Church Way [LS]. From March we will see new grass cutting contractorsi n the villages. The contract was put outtotender and localc ompanyBEAM have been appointed for the next three years to cut and maintain verges, play areas and church yards. A speed table has beenproposed on the entrance to GS heading North and before theremodelledj unctiona t Church Way and Ermine St. also a new gateway features, like those in the ’s, aretobe installed at either endofboth villages.C osts tob e shared equallybet ween Urban and Civic [U&C]andSPC. SPCare awareof the concerns of some motoristsreg arding the new traffic layout but feel that, if signsa ndroadmarkings are correctlyo bserved, thereshould be now issues. Similar junctions are in use locally in for example CaxtonVillage and Upwood Rd in Ramsey. The NeighbourhoodPla n remains on the agenda, SPC now has a proposalt o outsourcet heProject Managers position to expediatet he process. 4 THESTUKELEYS PARISH COUNCIL January 2020 ParishCouncillors Contact Name, surname Email address phone no. Ashton Cull [email protected] Sally Smith 01480 450356 [email protected] Shaun Burton 07986 614529 [email protected] Tim Close 07763939717t [email protected] Vice Chairman Andie Hallihan 07976 740626 [email protected] Terry Pinner 01480 455471 [email protected] Chairman Paula Tuck [email protected] [email protected] Glyn Evans 07766770809 Ben Parkyn 07427623693ben [email protected]

District Councillor Tom Sanderson Tom.Sanderson@.gov.uk [email protected] Sally Smith Shaun Burton [email protected]

County Councillor TerryRodge rs [email protected]

Clerkto the Council MsRamune Mimiene 14 Low Road Little Stukeley 07596 891618 [email protected] Cambs PE28 4BA Public Open Session starts at 7.15pm The Parish Council Meeting starts at 7.30pm No meetings in January and August Mon 6 Apr – LSVH Mon 4 May – Annual ParishMeeting/Assembly at 7.15pm and Annual Parish Council Meeting to follow - Ermine Street Church Academy Mon 1 Jun – GSVH / Mon 6 Jul – LSVH/ Mon 7 Sep – Ermine Street Church Academy Mon 5 Oct – GSVH / Mon 2 Nov – LSVH / Mon 7 Dec – Ermine Street Church Academy 5 6 7 St. Bartholomew’s ChurchMedievalFayre Saturday11th July Thiswill be afun event for all the family. There will be games toplay, fortune telling, stalls tobrowse, an archery demonstra�on, teas and lots more. Pleasem akeanote onyour calendar. Wearestill looking for hobby horses to borrowsoif you haveone pleasecon tact me. Ann Monk Tel01480 456634

St Bartholomew’s New Church ServicePa�ern From3rd May 2020S t Bartholomew's Church is changing service pattern and times:

1st Sunday of Month: 9.30 a.m.Morning Prayer- Layteam

2nd Sunday of Month: 11.00 a.m.Family Communion -Rev FionaBrampton

3rd Sundayof Month: 9.30 a.m.Family Service- Lay team and FionaBrampton

4th Sunday of Month: 9.30 a.m.Holy Communion-FionaBrampton

5th Sunday Of Month: 9.30 a.m.Songs of Praise

8 Great StukeleyF lower,Garden & Craft Show 2020 Saturday 1st August The committee had our first meeting of the year and decided on the changesfor this year’s schedule. Which should be with you by the end of April, one new edition this year is Something made from recycled jeans in the Arts& Crafts section. So, firstly we are seeking gardens to enter the Best SpringG arden competition entry is free. So anyone interested in entering please don’t hesitate in gettingin touch. You can contactm e on 07835630559 or Sylvia Reynolds on 01480 458442. Judging for the BestSpr ing Garden will take place in mid-April (or earlier depending on weather).To clarify on who can enter their garden, ideallythe garden should be your own work. But we understand some people need some help in their garden i.e lawn cutting or hedge cutting due to health or age. All we ask is thatyou make us aware when entering, and also when your garden is being judged.Ifyou have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Iain Shaw Chairperson Flower Show Committee Email - [email protected]

9 Little Stukeley Quiz Night on 7th March

Letter to the Chairman of the Stukeleys Parish Council

Dear Terry,

As a result of my letter in the Parish Magazine about the dangerous junction of the South end of Church Road and Ermine Street several people have approached me, expressing their concern. The general opinion is that a meeting would be the best way to proceed at which our County Councillor, and the Highways Authority should be invited to be present. The Highway Authority should be required to divulge the number of collisions .

Several people have mentioned hair raising near misses, apart from actual collisions.

May I ask you to kindly call such a meeting. No doubt it could take place at the beginning of a Parish Council Meeting or whenever else you suggest. I am copying in two local residents who have been in touch. I look forward to hearing from you,

Regards, Philip Hobson. 10 Letter tothe Editor Hi Martyn, I hopeIfind you well. I read withgreat interest my learned Friend Philip Hobsoncomments in thelast issue, I would however venture that themeasures taken wereprimarily in order to dissuade motorists from using the route and encouragetravel on the A.14 spur, I do agree thatthe southern junctionatGreat Stukeley does pose significant danger aspects, not helped by thehigh nature of the adjacent hedge atthe entrance to Church Road making it a ‘blind’ corner, but one wonders whether increased signagewillh ave the desired effect, in my experience you canerect all the signs you like, but whether anyone will follow them is debatable!! For example,thereare adequate signs at both ends of the C.339 showing there isa seven-ton limit apart from access along the road through our villages.Last summer Margaret andIfolloweda huge low loader through thevillages,reported registration number to the police, they said investigationrevealed a hire lorry so driver not traceable, not enough resourcesto investigate further. Just prior to Christmas we followed a police vehicle through the villages whoin turn was following a largearticulated lorry, they followedallth e way tothe new base entrance wherethey turned off leaving theHGV to continueon his way!! Only last weekI met a fully ladencar transporter travelling from the north through the villages, and this morning we were met by ahuge livestock transporter advancing through thevillage ofLittle Stukeley.The annoying point is the policealways say they have insufficientresourcesto monitor theC.339, butinterestingly they seem to have sufficientresources to sit on the Low Road Flyover for hours on a weekly basis in theiref fortstotry andnab unsuspecting motorists for speeding, that effort is so obviously far more ‘rewarding’ !! Sentfrom my iPad Michael&Margaret Newman 1 Mill Close, Mill Road, LittleStukeley, Huntingdon,Cambs. PE284BB

Are you elderly or do you needalittlehelp? If youare elderly and not able or uneasy about going out to do your shopping or get your essentials,please feel freetocallm e on07789-175417 or 01480.437695.Ilive in the villageand am happy to help in any way that I can. Regards, PaulaElliott 11 YOUR PRESCRIPTION DELIVERED TO YOU IN3EASY STEPS

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Most pharmacies will be charging for deliveriesf rom 1/1/20

ALCONBURY PHARMACY 1 Bell Lane (inside Costcutter store), Alconbury, PE28 4DU Opening Hours:Monday to Friday 9am – 6pm Telephone: 01480 896630

12 Parishand Town Council Colleagues Iknow that people are concerned about newsreports on the spread of Covid-19 – orC oronavirus.Thiscontinues to be a fast-moving issue, which isbeing carefully monitoredb y Public Health (PHE) with the current impact and riskto theUKpopula�on considered moderate. However, thereare somereally simple stepswe can alltake to getinto good habits to protect ourselves and othersto stop the spread of viruses and germs includingCoronavirus. These include:

• Wash your hands more often than usual, for 20 seconds, and use soap and hot water. • Particularlyremember to wash your hands a�er coughing, sneezing and blowingyourn ose, ora�e r beingin public areas ort ravelling on public transport. • Promote the Catch it, Bin it, Kill it We can allreduce the spread of all germswhen we cough or sneeze, by covering mouths and noses with atissue, ora sleeve(not your hands) if you don’t haveatissue, and throwthetissue awayimmediately in a closed bin • Keep up to date with informa�onf rom trusteds ources – like these: o Public Health England - h�ps://publichealthma�ers.blog.gov.uk/2020/03/0 4/coronavirus-covid-19-5-things-you-can-do-to- protect-yourself-and-your- community/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=go vdelivery o Foru pdatessee the h�ps://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid- 19/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery We havealso a�ached ali nk below with the new Public Health England campaign materialsto sharewith your communities. We will keep you updated asthissituation beginsto develop. My kindre gards, Dr. Liz Robin Director of Public Health County Counciland Peterborough City Council 13 THE ROYAL AIR FORCE MUSEUM, HENDON Tuesday 21st April 2020

THE RAF MUSEUM celebrates the history of the ROYAL AIR FORCE.The RAF Museumh as recently introduced THREE(3) newi nnovative galleries that explore the first ONE HUNDRED( 100) years of the Royal Air Force,its current role and visitors are invited to imagine the RAF’s future contribution and its technology.There is so mucht o see,enjoy and discover in this very busy day…have a wonderful time…

08.00am Please plan your arrival at the Great Stukeley Village Hall. PLEASE NOTE THAT PARKINGI S NOT PERMITTED AT THEV ILLAGE HALL. 08.15am PROMPT DEPARTURE by coach from theGreat Stukeley Village Hall. PLEASE BE ON TIME as we have a 60-mile journeythrough morning rush hour traffic. 10.30am Arrival atthe RAF Museumcoac h parking. We will make our way to the entrance situated in Hangar 1. 10.35am Time for a comfort breakbefore we makeo ur way to morning refreshments. 11.00am Refreshments, included in your cover charge, of tea or coffee and a Danish pastry– their Arrival/Revival-will be served at the bar in Claude’s restaurant close to Hangar 6. 11.45am Their Professional Guides will meet usoutside Claude’s for our two (2) hourt our of the Museum. (This is included in your cover charge). 1.45pm The personal guided tour ends. 1.50pm Free time to have lunch at Claude’s (a copy ofthe menu and pricelist) has been included in your packet from the organizer. OR, you may liketo revisit special interest displays likethe FLIGHT SIMULATORS. 4.15pm AFTERNOON TEAs erved at the bar in Claude’s,byHangar 6,will include tea or coffee Served with a Scone, Clotted Cream and Preserves. (This is included in your cover price). 5.10pm We will meet at the EXIT(Hangar 1)to walk to our coachparked in the special Coach Park. 5.15pm PROMPT.We start our return journeyto Great Stukeley. 7.30pm Our estimated time of arrival at the Stukeleys’ depending ont rafficon the M11 & A14.


If you have any questions regarding thissuper visit please feel free to contact me.

Mary Alleyne-James Organizer Tel 01480 433 954 Emailba [email protected]

14 A VISIT TO SPENCER HOUSE & THE STAFFORD HOTEL: “Unforgettable MomentsinStunning Surroundings” Date of Tour: Monday 8th June 2020 SPENCER HOUSE Departure Time: 9am for 9.15am PROMPT Arrival Time: 11.45am at Spencer House Refreshments: 12 Noon Morning Tea or Coffee & biscuits served by their Butler Our Private Tour: 12.30 Eight (8)State Rooms by their Blue BadgeHo lderGuide Our TourEnds: 1.30pm Depart Spencer House: 1.55pm Walkacrossthe street

THESTAFFORD HOTEL Arrival: 2.00 Arrival Duty Manager: 2.15pmA short“History of the Stafford Hotel” Exclusive Tour: 2.45pm Their 380-year-old Wine Cellars Refreshments: 3.15pm Afternoon Tea served intheir beautiful Sutherland Room Coach pick-up: 5pm outside the StaffordHotel Return to Great Stukeley: 7.30pm dependingo n traffic Stukeley: Thishas to be the most upmarket visit I haveever arranged with you in mind. Please call soon if this very specialday tour interestsyou.


MaryAlleyne-James Organizer Tel: 01480 433 954 Email: [email protected] 15 The Stukeleys WI

Minutes ofMonthly Meeting

11th March 2020

1) Welcome Ann Monk welcomed29 members to the meeting 2) Apologies Carol Mailer,Nancy Oldfield,Jennifer Liddell, Deanna Strange, Doris Sadler, Freda Bu�er andM oira Eddington. 3) Thanks Draw Prize Jill Sapsed Curtis Bowl Jill Sapsed Refreshments Jill Sapsed andZ ena Be�s 4) Jerusalem Was sung 5&6) Minutes oflast Were read and signed mee�ng 7) Ma�ersA rising None 8) Correspondence a) Fed Newsle�erand Resolution Meetingin Sawtry 28th April– representative neededto a ttend. NFWI Newsle�er Literary Lunch 6th July. b) Any other Interesting article about how WI’s facing closure ‘came back from the brink’ by correspondence introducing new measures. Le�er from Kynetec – wanting people with an agricultural backgroundf or market research. Rest of correspondence received was displayed on the notice board. 9) Speaker Sandra Barker was unable to come so we welcomedC hris Byle� who isa ventriloquist, comedian and singer.He brought along two of his ‘friends’ and it made a very entertaining evening. 10) Thanks GivenbyJanet Talbot. 11) Refreshments Were served 12) a) Competition 1st Jan Sly 2nd Marlene Gardner 3rd Sheila Stephenson b) Draw Sylvia Reynolds c) Curtis Bowl Doris Sadler 13) Roll Call ACricketer you admire 14) Any Other Business British Legion coffeeo m rning Wednesday 18th March. Medieval Fayre on2 5th July. Fashion Show on Wednesday 15th April. Group Meeting onWednesda y 24th Juneto be held in GSVHat 7.00pm.Entertainment will be The Rockin’ Ukuleles and Bob Harding Jones. (Cost £4) There will be a raffle and the competition willbe a (small) musicalinstrument or ornament. There willbe a stall of merchandise from Walden Road shop.JanT ildento provide the refreshments. Ann a�ended a Presidents’ Meeting at Walden Road.New members should be encouraged toj oin. The federation website now has all events listed.Next year the federation newsle�er will be online –co st 15p perco py. A paperco pywill be available for those noton line. The 2019raffle made £406 profit. Denman House is being updated andt he rooms willbe made more uniform. While the GSVH commi�ee room wasb eing renovated, a WI plaque was foundand handed to Ann. Next Monthly Mee�ng Wednesday 8th April Competition Flower arrangement inacup and saucer –A YOW Draw Doris Sadler Curtis Bowl Doris Sadler Roll Call Famous gardener you admire Refreshments Janet Talbot andDo ris Sadler

With no further businessA nnc losed themee ting at9.35pm and wished everyonea safe journey home 16 Community Coffee Morning Wednesday 29th April 10.30 – 12.00 At Great Stukeley VillageH all (and every lastWedn esday until November)

The money raised will be shared between The StukeleysW I andS t Bartholomew’s Church.

Do come and join us. Any donations for the bring and buy stallw ill be gratefully received.

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Bishop: Richard Malachowski Sunday Service Schedule

9.30am to 10.30am: Sacrament Meeting

10.30am to 11.30am: Children ages 3-11classes; Youth ages 12-18, Young Single Adult and Adult Sunday School Alternating Sundays: Children ages 3-11 classes; Young Women and Young Men ages 12-18 lessons; Priesthood( males 18+) and Relief Society( Sisters, age 18+) lessons.

Schedule repeats, startingat 12.30pm with BishopM ichael Waters

All are welcome to come and worship with us!

Weekday meetings:

Tuesday Nights: Youth meetings (ages 12 – 18),starting at 7.00pm

First Thursday, Sistersmonthly meeting and activity, at 7.00pm

Sunday Evenings, every other Sunday –Y oung Single Adult meeting and activity

Come andsee whatwe believe–t ry www.comeuntochrist.org

Believe:L earn about the Savior, JesusChrist, andh ow basic beliefs of His RestoredGospel can enrich lives

Belong: Jesus can make you a better person. Youc an make us a better community. Come worship with us!

Become: We are all trying to be better human beings. Explore ways to aid your personal and spiritual growth.



April 2020

5th 9am Palm Sunday Holy Communion Rev Mandy Flaherty

12th 9am EasterSundayHolyCommunion 6pm Service Rev Clifford Owen

19th 9am Holy Communion Rev Fiona Buckingham

26th 9am MorningPrayer 9am HolyCommunion

WHO'sW HO IN THE CHURCHES ChurchwardensH arry Raby SueP ond Brookfield Farm Church Way Great Stukeley Little Stukeley 01480 453269

Diane McGoff Camilla Payne 4 Seathwaite Old Rectory, Stukeley Meadows Church Way Huntingdon PE29 6UY Little Stukeley Tel: 01480 456238 Secretary Alan McGoffa C milla Payne the Parochial4 Seathwaite Old Rectory, Council Stukeley Meadows Church Way Huntingdon Little Stukeley

Vice Chairman Jocelyn Kerr theP arochial 2 Mill Close Church Council Little Stukeley Tel: 01480 453213

26 Coronavirus Wash your hands more often for 20 seconds Usesoap and water or a hand sanitiser when you: • Get home or into work • Blow your nose, sneezeor cough • Eator handle food

CORONAVIRUS PROTECT YOURSELF For more information and the Government’s &OTHERS Action Plan go to nhs.uk/coronavirus

27 28