PDX Downtown High Ed East Portland Higher Ed Private, Not-for-Profit Higher Education kMultnomah Bible College and Seminary kCascade College k k k k Floral Design Institutek k k Apollo College kk Pacific Northwest Collegek of Art k k k Process Work Institute Concorde Career Institute k kk k LEGEND k LEGEND kWestern Seminary Higher Ed k Higher Ed The Art Institute of Portland k Western Business Collegekkk TYPE k TYPE Healdk CollegeWestern Culinary Institute kk kWarner Pacific College k k Beau Monde College of Hair DesignNorthwest Film Center School of Film k k kApollo College k np/p k np/p Portland State Universityk kPortland Community College - Southeast k o/np Bassist College k o/np

k p/np National College of Naturopathic Medicinek k p/np Health Sciences University k k pu/np k p/p

k p/p k pu/np

Streets 500 Streets 500 500 Feet Feet Feet

Portland Metro Higher Ed DRAFT: Thursday, February 08, 2007

å Institutional Facilities

This map documents the locations for regional institutional facilities, principally hospitals and post-K12 educational facilities.

Map-making work by Lewis & Clark College student interns in the Campus Planning Office. å

University of Portland Portland Community Collegek - CascadeConcordia University k ITT Technical Institute Portland Community Collegek - Rock Creek Pacific Northwest College of Art Process Work Institute kHeald College Cascade College Bassist Collegekk Warner Pacifickk Collegekk Apollo College LEGEND National College of Naturopathic MedicineReed College Higher Ed k Birthingway College of Midwifery TYPE College of Legal ArtsLewis & Clark College k np/p Portland Community College - SylvaniakLewis & Clark Law School Universityk of Phoenix Oregon Institute of Technology k o/np k p/np

k p/p

k pu/np

Streets Clackamas Community College fwy Information for this map was obtained from Water ¯ Qwest Dex yellow pages, December 2003, and Metro RLIS Lite, May 2006

Campus Planning HospitalsHospitals andand UniversitiesUniversities ofof PortlandPortland MetroMetro AreaArea Lewis & Clark College (Febuary 2007)