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Ame Ican Cycle No FOR SATELLITE INFORMATION CALL: (212) 887-4414 FOR wEEK ENOl NG: _:::;;;;:~2;,/ 2~0~/;-:8=8~~~-:::::!2:= AME ICAN CYCLE NO. R8l- PROGRAM -R OF 13 10P40 ABC Watermark DISC & HALi? Hi5UR NO. 1 A (hadied wj4B) * * I I e PAGE NO. --1-- WIIH CASEY KASfM 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Contemporary Radio Network RUNNING. SC~EDUL.!O ACTUAl ELEMENT STAAT TIME TIME TIME 00:00 BILLBOARD: "NCW, AMERICAN TOP 40 BROUGHT TO YOU IN PART BY LEVI 1 s 501 JEANS. SPECIALLY MADE TO GIVE YOU A UNIQUE, PERSONAL FIT THAT NO ORDINARY JEANS CAN MATCH." 07:56 THEME AND OPENING OF PART I THEME AND JINGLES, JIM LONG/ASCAP jf40. LIVE MY LIFE (A&B) Boy George v ~9- TELL IT TO MY HEART (A) Taylor Dayne --- . ----- --- C-1 :60 7:56 NETWORK SPOT: 'IWIX (OUT CUE) Jingle fades after ••• " ••• void where prohibited." :60 8:56 LOCAL INSERT: - A fY'..n: AMERICAN TOP 40 9:56 v #38. I COULD NEVER TAKE THE PLACE OF YOUR MAN (A) Prince 07:41 #37. THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL (B) Michael Jackson C-2 17:37 NETWORK SPQT: U.S ARMY ACTIVE/NES'ILES CRUNCH :30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold with ••• " ••• Nestle Crunch." 18:37 LOCAL INSERT: !f:;n 19:37 r: AMERICAN TOP 40 ./ #36. GOT MY MIND SET CN YOU (A) George Harrison 09:08 QL: LONGEsT SCNGTI'ILE AT NUMBER CNE #35. GET OOTTA MY DREM-lS, GET INTC MY CAR (A) Billy Ocean C-3 28:45 NETWORK SPOT: HERSHEY MILK ALMOND/LEVIS 501 Is :30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold after ••• " ... that's it." 29:45 LOCAL INSERT: :60 30:45 STATION I. 0.: :10 FOR SATELLITE INFORMATION CALL: (212) 887-4414 FOR WEEK EN!lHMG' 2/20/88 a AME ICAN CYCLE NO. 0.1 PROGRAM OF 13 ABCWotermark 1 DISC Bo HALF HOUR NO. 1 B (hacked vr/3.1\) 1 e PAGE NO. 3575 Cahuenga Blvd W .. Suite 555 Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Contemporary Radio Netwofl< SCNEDULID ACTUAL RUNNING ELEMENT STAAT TIME TIME TIME 30:55 LOGO: AMERICAN IDP 40 #34. 'IWILIGHT IDRLD (B) SWing Out Sister '/ 07:20 v #33. 853-5937 (A) Squeeze -- --- }------ f----·----------------;;,....----------·---·------------ ---- ------ C-4 38: 15 NETWORK SPOT: DRIXORAL/NESTLE ALPINE :30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold with ..• n .... you can •t resist." :60 ._19: 1_5_ f.--- _:L~--O=:CA.:-L:...:.IN:=S=E.::RT.:_:: ______~-------------------- --1---·- 40:15 LOGO: AMERICAN IDP 40 STATION MENTICNS #32. ROCKEr 2 U (B) 11:14 v The Jets J #31. (SITTIN 1 ON) THE DCX::K OF THE BAY (B) Michael Belton C-5 NETWORK SPOT: 51:29 'IWIX :60 20th CENTURY FOX-JIMMY REARDON/LEVI Is 501 Is :30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold with ..• " •.. rhythm in blues. " 53:29 LOGO: AMERICAN IDP 40 / #30. POP GOES THE WORLD (B) Men Without Hats 04:15 57:33 THEME UP AND UNDER WITH TALK UNIT ENDING AT: 57:44 THEME: ( :06) ID: 57:50 C-6 57:50 LOCAL INSERT: 2:00 59:50 STATION I. 0.: :10 FOR SATELLITE INFORMATION CALL: (212) 887-4414 2 20 88 FOR WEEK ENJ>mG' ---,;,:.,fo:::,fc.,:::::_,,---;:c;o----,c;­ AME ICAN CYCLE NO. tit$J PRQ..P,.RAM::l'LA OFur"'--­ 3 TOP40 ABC watermark OISC &: HALF HOUR NO. LA \DaCKeu W J.J} * * I I e PAGE NO. _3~- WITH CA5fY KA5EM 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Contemporary Radio Networt< SCHEDUU!D RUNNING ACTUAL ELEMENT START TIME TIME TIME 00:00 THEME AND OPENING OF PARI' II #29. BECAUSE OF YOU (A) The Cover Girls 10:16 #28. HYSTERIA (A) I Def Leppard -~~--- -- - . ~ --- !---~ ·--~-- C-1 10:16 NETWORK SPOT: MILKY WAY/DRIXORAL :30/30 (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with ••• " ••• only as directed. " :60 11:16 LOCAL INSERT: ·----·-- r---~ --- - 12:16 LCX;O: AMERICAN 'IDP 40 #27. MAN IN THE MIRROR (A) Michael Jackson 05:39 C-Z 17:55 NETWORK SPOT: BERSHEY BAR NONE/CLEAR-BY-DESIGN :30/3 (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with ••• " ..• use as directed. n 18:55 LOCAL INSERT: ,hi) 19:55 LCX;O: AMERICAN 'IDP 40 #26. I WANT HER (A) Keith SWeat 08:23 TX: WAKE ME Ul? BEFORE YOU GO-GO (A) C-3 28:18 NETWORK SPOT: STRIDEX/20th CENTURY FOX-JIMMY REARlXlN :30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle fades after ••• " ••• theatre near you." :60 LOCAL INSERT: 29:18 :10 30:18 STATION I. 0.: FOR SATELLITE INFORMATION CALL: (212) 887-4414 2/20/88 AME ICAN CYCLEFOR WEEK NO ENDING:88] =Pii(~~~~;:;?:F;-;::;;~PROGRAM _B OF 13 IABCWoteunurk I DISC & HALF HOUR ND. 2B (OOCRed W/4AC" e PAGE NO. ---"'--- 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W .. Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Contemporaoy Radio N- RUNNING SCNEDULID ACTUAL ELEMENT STAAT TIME TIME TIME 30:28 J.CGO: AMERICAN 'IOP 40 v f.-/#25. BE STILL MY BEATING HEARr (B) Sting 08:32 #24. OUT OF THE BLUE (A&B) Debbie Gibson ·- -- -··--- ·---·-----·· ------·--·-· 1-- C-4 39:00 NETWORK SPOT: HERSHEY BAR NONE/NBC-TV PRIME TIME :30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold with ••• " ••• on N.B.C. " 40:00 LOCAL INSERT: :60 ---r--~ ·f----- 41:00 LCGO: AMERICAN 'IOP 40 STATION MENTIONS 05:04 #23. I LIVE FOR YOUR IJJVE (A&B) Natalie Cole . C-5 46:04 NETWORK SPOT: HERSHEY-MILK AIMJND/COLGATE TELEDISC :30/90 (OUT CUE) Jingle fades after ••• " ••• you' 11 never forget." 48:04 LCGO: AMERICAN 'IOP 40 #22. LOVE OVERBOA!'ID (B) v Gladys Knight and the Pips 11:10 v #21. TUNNEL OF LOVE (A) Bruce Springsteen 57:44 THEME UP AND UNDER WITH TALK UNIT ENDING AT: 57:50 THEME: ( :00) 'IO: 57:50 C-6 57:50 LOCAL INSERT: 2:00 :10 59:50 STATION I. 0.: FOR SATELLITE INFORMATION CALL: (212) 887-4414 FOR WEEK ENQINGo 2/20/88 AME ICAN CYCLE NO ti_8J PFUJ_GR.I]!,M_ .H.___ OF 13 10P40 I ABC Watermark I DISCS. HA.LF HOUR NO. _jJ\ (DaCked W/lm= * * e PAGE NO. _,/_____ WITH (A5£V KASEM 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Contemporllry Radio Networt< RUNNING SCHEDULID ACTUAL ELEMENT START TIME TIME TIME 00:00 THEME AND OPENING AO PART III J #20. ENDLESS SUMMER NIGHTS (A) Richard Marx 09:05 #19. PUSH-IT (A) J Salt-N-Pepa ----- - -- ~---- -·--· ----- C-1 09:05 NE1WORK SPOT: NESTLES ALPINE/U.S. ARMY :30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle fades after ••• " ... u.s. Army." 10:05 LOCAL II\ISERT: :60 --- ·-- 11:05 LCGO: AMERICAN TOP 40 v #18. JUST LIKE PARADISE (A) David Lee Roth 04:30 C-2 15:35 NE1WORK SPOT: MAYBELLINE/HERSHEY-MILK .AlM)ND :30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle fades after ••• " ••• all time greats. " :60 l!;•iS LOCAL INSERT: 17:35 LCGO: AMERICAN TOP 40 STATION MENTIONS #17. EVER:iWHERE (B) 08:10 Fleetwood Mac _.QL: MJST REMAKES ON CHART i/,/ #16. I FOUND SOMEONE (A) Cher C-3 25:45 NE1WORK SPOT: NESTLE CRUNCH/OXYLINE :30/30 (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with ••• " ••• only as directed." 26:45 LOCAL INSERT: :60 27:45 STATION I. 0.: :10 FOR SATELLITE INFORMATION CAI,.L: (212) 887-4414 2/28/88 FOR WEEK E~'l'G: AME ICAN CYCLE NO tH:S PROGRAM ~ OF 13 I ABCWatermark I DISC & HA.LF HOUR NO. 3B (l:la.Ck€Ct w F e PAGE NO. 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Contemporary Radio- RUNNING SCNEDUL.D ACTUAL ELEMENT STAAT TIME TillE TIME 27:55 v A rr..n-. AMERICAN TOP 40 ./ #15. HAZY SHADE OF WINTER (B) Bangles 07:54 v #14. NEED YOU TONIGHT (A) INXS ---- - -·---- -- ---- ---- r-- C-4 35:49 NETWORK SPOT: U.S. ARMY /STRIDEX :30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold after ••• " ••• on1y as directed. " lOCAl INSERT: :60 ~():49_ r----- ··1----- 37:49 / LCX;O: AMERICAN TOP 40 r/ #13. PUMP UP THE VOLUME (A) M/A/R/R/S 08:06 #12. I GET WEAK (A) Belinda Carlisle r---- C-5 45:55 NETWORK SPOT: u.s. MARINES/LOVE Is BABY SOFT :30/30 20th CENTURY FOX-JIMMY REARIXJN/CLEAR-BY-DESIGN :30/30 (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with ..• " .•• use as directed. " 47:55 I.D30: AMERICAN TOP 40 #11. CAN'T STAY IWlAY FROM YOU (B) Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine 09:44 #10. I WANT TO BE YOUR MAN (B) Roger 57:31 THEME UP AND UNDER WITH TALK UNIT ENDING AT: 57:39 THEME: ( : 11) TO: 57:50 C-6 57:50 lOCAl INSERT: 2:00 59:50 STATION I. D.: FOR SATELLITE INFORMATION CALL: (212) 887-4414 FOR WEEK 51\ta1NG: 2/20,88 AME ICAN CYCLE NO. 00.1 PROGRAM OF 13 10P40 ABC watermark DISC 8c HALF HOUR NO. 4A {hacked~B) * * I I e PAGENO. -~ WIIH CASEY ~ASfM 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Contemporary Radio Network SCHEDULID RUNNING ACTUAL ELEMENT START TIME TIME TIME 00:00 THEME AND OPENING OF PART IV STATION WELCOMES 07:49 #9. DON 1 T SHED A TEAR (A&B) v Paul Carrack t/ #8. NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP (A) Rick Astley ~- -~- - --- ~~ - - C-1 07:49 NElWORK SPOT: TWIX :60 (OOT CUE) Jingle fades after ••• " ••• void where prohibited. " :60 08:49 LOCAL INSERT: - 09:49 vw;o, AMERICAN TOP 40 v #7. SHE'S LIKE THE WIND (B) Patrick SWayze featuring Wendy Fraser 09:07 LDD: YOU'RE THE INSPIRATION (A&B) Chicago C-2 18:56 NElWORK SPOT: HERSHEY-WHAT CHA .MI\ CALL IT/GINGISS :30/30 (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with ••• 11 ••• one nearest you." 19:56 LOCAL INSERT: :60 20:56 Vw;o, AMERICAN TOP 40 ************************ #6.
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