PLAN: 03 CASE NUMBER: 09/04010/FUL GRID REF: EAST 418864 NORTH 464419 APPLICATION NO. 6.49.662.FUL DATE MADE VALID: 21.10.2009 TARGET DATE: 16.12.2009 CASE OFFICER: Mr A Darby WARD:


APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Shuttleworth

AGENT: Mr N Reynard

PROPOSAL: Erection of detached stables.

LOCATION: Land Comprising OS Field 8741 Wilsill North


SITE AND PROPOSAL The site comprises a field immediately to the north of the Wilsill - Smelthouses road, approximately 350m to the west of the junction with the B6161. The field is of improved grassland and slopes up from the road to a ridge. In the northern corner of the field is a small group of low buildings. These comprise hen huts, a pigeon coop and general storage buildings. The field is accessed via a gate from the road, although there is no access track up to the buildings and no hardstanding around them.

The existing buildings are located adjacent to the field boundaries, which are dry- stone walls. There are also three mature deciduous trees to the south west of the buildings. The existing buildings are in a poor state of repair, and have never been granted planning permission. They are a mixture of wooden sheds of a variety of designs, some of which are painted. The only livestock present at the time of the site visit were numerous chickens, although it appeared that one of the storage buildings was in use as a stable.

MAIN ISSUES 1. Character and appearance of the site and the surrounding Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY Although there are buildings present on the site, there is no planning history. CONSULTATIONS/NOTIFICATIONS


Landscape Officer Views Awaited

AONB - Joint Advisory Committee The Committee has made the following comments -

"The application is for the replacement of existing wooden structures associated with past agricultural use with a new purpose-built stable block. From the information submitted with the application, there is no evidence that the applicants or their agent have consulted the AONB Equestrian Development Guidelines SPD.

The proposed new stables are of 'standard' design, with an overhanging roof to the front, in the corner of a field in open countryside between Wilsill and Smelthouses. The SPD states that new buildings should generally reflect local styles, avoid overhangs, and in this character area, they should 'avoid open field locations'.

The proposal seems to fail when considered against these criteria; there is therefore an objection to this application."

RELEVANT PLANNING POLICY PPS1 Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development LPC01 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy C1, Conservation of Nidderdale A.O.N.B LPHD20 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HD20, Design of New Development and Redevelopment LPC02 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy C2, Landscape Character CSSG3 Core Strategy Policy SG3 Settlement Growth: Conservation of the countryside, including Green Belt CSSG4 Core Strategy Policy SG4 Settlement Growth: Design and Impact CSEQ1 Core Strategy Policy EQ1: Reducing risks to the environment CSEQ2 Core Strategy Policy EQ2: The natural and built environment and green belt RSEV10 The Yorkshire and Humber Plan Policy RSSENV10, Landscape PPS07 Planning Policy Statement 7, Sustainable Development in Rural Areas SPDEQD Supplementary Planning Document: Guidelines on Equestrian Development in Nidderdale AONB SPGLAP Supplementary Planning Guidance, Landscape Character Assessment of Harrogate District


REPRESENTATIONS HIGH AND LOW BISHOPSIDE PARISH COUNCIL - The Parish Council has no objections subject to the proviso that the existing sheds are removed when the new building is completed.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS None received at time of writing report.

HBC Landscape Architect: Awaiting response.

VOLUNTARY NEIGHBOUR NOTIFICATION There are no properties directly neighbouring the site. A site notice has been displayed at the access to the site for the prerequisite 21 days.

ASSESSMENT OF MAIN ISSUES Assessment of Policies: Policy C1 of the Harrogate District Local Plan is concerned with development with the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and shows that development which would have a significant adverse impact on the landscape will not be permitted. It goes on to state "where development is permitted, the highest standards of design will be required which should reflect the local distinctiveness of the area".

Policy C2 of the Local Plan states "development should protect existing landscape character."

Policy HD20 sets out various criteria, of which Criterion A states "new buildings should make a positive contribution to the spatial quality if the area and their siting and density should respect the area's character and layout", Criterion B states "new buildings should respect the local distinctiveness of existing buildings...... and their landscape setting", and Criterion D states "new building design should respect, but not necessarily mimic, the character of their surroundings". Criterion F states "the use and application of building materials should respect materials of neighbouring buildings and the local area". The policy also states that development that is contrary to these criteria "will not be permitted".

Policy EQ2 of the Harrogate District Local Development Framework Core Strategy states "the District's exceptionally high quality natural and built environment will be given a level of protection appropriate to its international, national and local importance." The priority measures of the policy include ensuring "that new development incorporates high quality locally distinctive design."

Policy SG3 "outside the development and infill limits of will be classified as countryside and there will be strict control over new development in accordance with national and regional planning policies protecting the countryside." Policy SG4 relates to all types of development. Development should "be well integrated with, and complementary to, neighbouring buildings and the spatial qualities of the local area" and "be appropriate to the form and character of the settlement and/or landscape character."

Regional Spatial Strategy Policy ENV10 states "The Region will safeguard and enhance landscapes that contribute to the distinctive character of ." These include the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

National Policy contained in PPS 7 identifies in paragraph 21 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty are of national importance it goes on to state "the conservation of the natural beauty of the landscape and countryside given great weight in planning policies and development control decisions" in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

One of the key principles of PPS 7 is that "all development in rural areas should be well designed and inclusive, in keeping and scale with its location, and sensitive to the character of the countryside and local distinctiveness."

PPS1 paragraph 34 states "Design which is inappropriate in its context, or which fails to take opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area and the way it functions, should not be accepted."

Paragraph 38 goes on to state "Local planning authorities should not attempt to impose architectural styles or particular tastes and they should not stifle innovation, originality or initiative through unsubstantiated requirements to conform to certain development forms and styles. It is, however, proper to seek or reinforce local distinctiveness particularly where this is supported by clear plan policies or supplementary planning guidance on design."

The "Guidelines on Equestrian Development in the Nidderdale AONB" is an adopted Supplementary Planning Document. This sets out various objectives that should be adhered to, including "to protect and enhance the natural beauty of the Nidderdale AONB" and "to promote high quality design of equestrian related development in the Nidderdale AONB". In the chapter relating to stabling and ancillary buildings, the guidance states: "as a general rule stables should be sited within or adjacent to existing farmsteads or settlements", to "respect vernacular design. Roof overhangs are not traditional features of buildings within the AONB" and "to consider traditional building patterns in the landscape through design and scale of buildings".

The Harrogate District Landscape Character Assessment is adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance. The document identifies and describes areas of distinct landscape character in the District, and gives guidelines to help manage landscape changes in these areas. The application site lies within Area 11: Nidderdale Valley. This states that "the capacity of the area to accept new built form is limited". The guidelines to help reserve the rural pastoral landscape character include "discouraging development beyond development limits, and ensuring all new development respects vernacular and landscape pattern" and to "ensure that design of proposed new building reflects vernacular". The proposal seeks to erect a detached stable block to replace the existing stable, store and pigeon coop. The stables would be of a relatively standard design. It would be constructed of horizontally boarded timber walls and a profile metal sheeting roof with an eaves overhang to the front (south east facing) elevation. The stable would feature three loose boxes, with full stable doors. The hen huts would be retained.

The proposed stable would be sited in an isolated location on the crest of a ridge. Although it would replace existing buildings, these have never been granted planning consent and it is not considered that these offer a precedent for the proposed stable. The existing buildings are unsightly and do not make a positive contribution to the special landscape in this area. Their replacement with the proposed stable would also result in significant harm.

The applicants have stated in their 'Design and Access Statement' that the proposed stable is of a "traditional design", however this is not the case. Whilst there are some timber stables in the area, stables such as that proposed are not traditional within the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and are relatively recent additions to the landscape. There are few isolated field buildings within the AONB, however those that do exist are traditional stone built field barns.

The 'standard' design of the proposed stable would not reflect the local distinctiveness of the area in terms of either its design or its siting. Large eaves overhangs are not traditional features, and neither are isolated buildings. As referred to above, the adopted Supplementary Planning Document: Guidelines on Equestrian Development in the Nidderdale AONB states that stable buildings should be located within existing farmsteads or settlements, and that buildings should reflect vernacular design. It is not considered that the proposed stable meets these criteria. The Landscape Character Assessment reinforces the need to respect the vernacular.

Due to the non-vernacular design and the isolated but prominent siting, the proposed stable would result in significant harm to the character and appearance of the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The planning policies listed above all in some way seek to protect the character and appearance of the landscape and the surroundings of the site. It is not considered that the proposed stable would do so. The proposed stable would be easily visible from the road adjacent to the site, and from the public right of way to the north west. Although modest in size, the non- vernacular appearance of the stable would nonetheless result in significant harm to the special character and appearance of the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

It is also considered that the proposed stables would intensify the use of the site. Whilst no hardstanding or access tracks are including within the application, it is likely that there would be pressure for these features in the future. The existing vehicular access to the buildings is poor as they are located some way from the gate and at a significantly higher level. It would currently be difficult to access the buildings with a vehicle on a regular basis. Any formation of hardstanding of an access track would further emphasise the presence of the non-vernacular stable and cause additional harm to the landscape. CONCLUSION

The proposed stable would not reflect the vernacular design or local distinctiveness of the area and the existing unauthorised buildings are not considered to justify a replacement building that would also harm the landscape. As such, the proposed stable would result in significant harm to the landscape of this part of the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty due to its non-vernacular design and prominence.



That the application be REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:-

1 The proposed stable due to its non-vernacular design, isolated siting and prominence would result in significant harm to the special character and appearance of the landscape in this part of the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This would be contrary to Saved Polices C1, C2 and HD20 of the Harrogate District Local Plan, Policies SG3, SG4, EQ1 and EQ2 of the Harrogate District Core Strategy DPD, Policy ENV10 of the Yorkshire and Humber Plan to 2026, Planning Policy Statement 1, Planning Policy Statement 7, The Guidelines on Equestrian Development in the Nidderdale AONB, and The Harrogate District Landscape Character Assessment.