Siemens PLM Software 3DSync Providing the power to import and edit 3D mechanical CAD models

Benefits Summary and drafted faces for manufacturability – • Import and edit foreign 3DSync is an affordable 3D CAD editing tool 3DSync quickly and easily handles these 3D CAD models regardless that uses synchronous technology to help everyday modifications. of their source format designers work better with imported 3D An industry problem mechanical part models. Enabling design • Protect the investment in Product design often requires handling 3D teams to edit models independent of source your existing 3D CAD models from multiple sources, including tool and/or version, 3DSync provides robust system with a low-cost, OEM, suppliers and other third-party design functionality within a single, easy-to-use complementary tool contractors. To save time incorporating tool – with a short learning curve. It’s these assets into your products, your team • Reduce re-use costs on intended to be used in conjunction with an must be able to edit this data from a variety imported 3D mechanical existing CAD system and is the perfect of CAD formats. Different CAD platforms models complement to help companies reduce use proprietary formats that only the time and costs with imported data re-use. Features source system can edit. It is costly to own Creating a new design variation based on • Built on exclusive all of these various systems and to employ an imported part, adding material to a synchronous technology, designers proficient in all platforms. Plus supplier’s model to withstand increased designers can manipulate you have to deal with a model’s history, operational loads, or adding rounded edges the model directly – not a and most history-based 3D CAD systems are complex feature tree designed to work best with native, interre- lated features. This collection of feature • Includes 3D translators for intelligence is lost when models are trans- file formats both neutral lated to and from different CAD systems (ACIS, IGES, JT, ) making it difficult, if not impossible, to and native (Autodesk determine the original design intent. And Inventor, NX, PTC, Solid many systems exclude the tools to exten- Edge, SDRC, SolidWorks; sively manipulate imported parts. Catia V4 and Catia V5 available with an additional purchase)


In this case, any changes require interac- edit 3D models; by modifying familiar Features continued tion with the source. Then backward 2D elements within the live section, you • Easy-to-use software compatibility restrictions within the source change the 3D geometry. 3DSync allows speeds adoption and CAD system often force you to translate the you to add configurable 3D driving dimen- increases productivity model even within the same product offer- sions and geometric constraints to add • Live Rules and 3D driving ing. You lose the ability to leverage the part design intent and manage edits while dimensions control the history if your source supplies files created allowing flexibility for future modifications. model design intent, for on a later version of the same CAD system! You can even define equation-driven precisely controlled edits – dimensions that automate fast design When surveyed, engineering organizations even without original changes. This direct interaction facilitates specified several serious challenges to model history precise, controlled edits free from unfamil- effective and efficient design reuse: iar, pre-existing geometry relations. • Configurable dimension • Model changes require expert knowledge and geometric constraints What’s included? of original design intent and the history accommodate future edits 3DSync contains powerful synchronous tree making edits difficult for anyone but technology modeling capabilities and the source designer includes built-in 3D translators for import- • Different CAD release versions create ing and exporting data from popular 3D incompatibilities CAD formats as well as industry-standard formats such as IGES, STEP, Parasolid® • Numerous errors in geometry translation kernel and JT™ data format. Robust geome- force a complete redesign in a new try cleanup and optimization tools allow CAD format you to fix translation errors. And along with A low-cost solution for utilizing synchronous part modeling functionality, imported 3D models basic assembly management tools are 3DSync provides a single, easy-to-use included. You can even use interference system for importing and modifying 3D checking to validate imported assemblies. data from multiple sources, as well as the Complementary to your overall ability to efficiently export finished models. design enterprise 3DSync overcomes the difficulty most com- If your product development requires the petitive systems have in editing imported re-use of imported 3D data, you will find Contact data, while its low cost makes it a viable that 3DSync is a perfect, low-cost compan- Siemens PLM Software companion to your existing CAD system, ion to your current CAD system, providing Americas +1 314 264 8287 protecting your investment in your enter- Europe +44 (0) 1276 413200 powerful and exclusive synchronous prise-wide CAD implementation. Asia-Pacific +852 2230 3308 editing tools without compromising your Powerful editing capabilities previous investment. 3DSync’s ease-of-use Built on the exclusive Siemens synchronous promotes in-house maintenance of product technology backbone, 3DSync gives you design models, reducing vendor change © 2014 Siemens Product Lifecycle robust editing flexibility without complex fees and shortening the development time- Management Software Inc. Siemens model history restrictions. You manipulate line. Engineers and analysts who need to and the Siemens logo are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. D-Cubed, the geometry, not a feature tree; edits experiment with different design scenarios , Fibersim, Geolus, GO PLM, made only to affected parts of the model or prototype configurations will value the I-deas, Intosite, JT, NX, Parasolid, give blazing fast results. Design intent is simple editing functionality. Manufacturing , Syncrofit, derived from the model, and Live Rules entities can make the changes they need to and are trademarks or functionality maintains the intent you adapt the product to available tooling. registered trademarks of Siemens require – regardless of the feature history. Product Lifecycle Management Live Sections lets you easily visualize and Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries. All other logos, trademarks, regis- tered trademarks or service marks belong to their respective holders. 32159-Y7 8/14 C