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The BG News June 22, 1994

Bowling Green State University

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Wednesday, June 22,1994 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 77, Issue 149 Protesters and Klan face off in BG

TWKNtwlAlllEviH Crowd lets Klan know they are not wanted Klan claims they stand up for white rights by Andy Dugan and Michael Zaw- by Andy Dugin and Michael Zaw- ackl "We want the sheriff," because back to school," one protester ackl "We do not hate Jews, Mexi- Plnnette led the gr jup into the The BC News they felt it was sexist to have yelled. The BC News cans or any other minority." Pln- Pledge of Allegiance and then a three entrance lines for men and During the rally, as the KKK nette said. "All we're saying is prayer. A crowd of ISO protestors let only one entrance for women. played music, protesters yelled The Knights of the Ku Klux 'Hey, we're white people for "We stand before the sodo- their voices be heard outside the The men's entrance had male such things as "Why dont you go Klan said they were in Bowling white people,'" Plnnette said. mites, the enemies of God...We Wood County Court House Sat- officers conducting body sear- back to f~-ing Dixie," "Dixie is Green to unify whites and not to Plnnette said the KKK is a stand here Lord faithfully with urday. ches and the one women's en- dead," and chanted "Hey, Hey. rally against any minorities. "White Christian revival." honor and courage... to bring At a hot and humid 98 degress, trance had a female officer. Go Home. The KKK has got to On the steps of the Wood The KKK believes the negative about the message gifted from an angry crowd consisting of As the KKKset up for the rally go," and "Smash the Nazis, County Court House Saturday, stereotype is unfair and that they you... Thanks for the opportunity Bowling Green citizens and on the steps of the court house, smash the Klan," and "Death, Grand Titan of the of the KKK, hold their rallies to speak and to reach the minds and hearts of members of the National Worn- members of the crowd directed Death, Death to the Wan." Ohio Realm, Vince Plnnette said explain themselves to people, people.in this slimeland Infil- ens Rights Organizing Coalition their shouts toward the ten-year- Jimmy, regional security court they are a non-violent, all white Plnnette said. trated by the enemies of Christ. vehemently protested the old boy and eight-year-old girl manager for the KKK, thanked organization who love their god, "I cannot believe people would Jimmy, Regional Security Knights of the Ku Kl ux Klan. who were part of the KKK group. race, nation and want to unify attack us when we are a white Members of NWROC chanted "Hey kids, go home and go SM Protester*, page ijfc their race. organization," Plnnette said. See Rally, page three. BC tug too strong for York to stay by Randy Setter hometown of Watertown and at The window of opportunity of this time, the position was too Tournament Championship, a 30-mile radius," York said. "BC his alma mater of Beaton College. coaching BC opened up a few good to pass up. second place finish in the 196S had a big tug on me. It's a special "BC U the only place I would times for York, but the timing The Watertown native and 1967 NCAA Tournament and earned a school and it's located where all la as Boston as ever leave Bowling Green for," was not right Even when former All-American out of BC returns selection to the All-America my friends, family and all the baked beans, the Bruins and said Boston College's newest and player, coach and home to the area where he honed Team on the collegiate level with people I grew up with live." . The heavy accent and only fourth head coach In their assistant general manager Mike his hockey skills as a team cap- the Eagles. Most Importantly to Looking back, York actually eastern mannerisms never faded 77-year history. "BC truly Is a Mllbury was hired, and left two tain and scoring leader in the York, he returns to an area where never thought he would be at over the years, and unfortunately special place and I have a strong months later, York did not Boston City League his senior his family and friends reside. Bowling Green for IS years. for Bowling Green, neither has feeling and a strong allegiance receive any official offers or year In high school. He returns to "I have four brothers and five his desire to live and coach in his for that place." give the job much thought. But the school were he won a Beanpot sisters and my mother all in a See York, sag* three.

Columnist Mike Cook and Candle light vigil The U- Photo essay: The News High in the mld-elghties INSIDI photographers provide a a* a """H"g trend hits our Sam Mclendez give readers nity Coalition held a candle a preview on what the mov- light vigil to reclaim the view of last weekend's area for the next few days. ie version of the O J. Simp- dry. events from the perspec- Scattered showers are ex- son story might be like. » Page 6. tive of their camera lenses. pected. » Page 2. <•* Page 4 and S.

f. The Editorial Page The RG News page two Wednesday, June 22,1994 The BG News "A Commitment to Excellence"

Michael Zawacki ■ editor-in-chief

Glen Lubbert Scott DeKatch managing editor managing editor

Paul Evans photo editor O.J.'s tragedy shared by nation

For a little over a week, the country has been ob- sessed with the murder of two Los Angeles citi- zens and their accused killer, football hero O.J. Simpson. It seems nearly insignificant that the two victims were bis ex-wife Nicole and her friend Ronald Gold- man. What the focus of the attention has magnified is that the beloved football player/actor/broadcaster has lost his most cherished asset, his reputation. But this isn't just any reputation. O.J. Simpson wasn't just another drugged up ball player. Or a hot Naked Gun: Four to Life shot star who drank too much and beat his wife. Simpson served as a bastion of hope, not only for The silver lining In the Sam Mike Cuomo swells. Mario's the big young black children, but for all who dared to dream. tragedy of the OJ Simpson case winner In ail this, and he lands- He was a man who grew up in the slums of San Is that Americans are being Melendez Cook lides over shock-jock Howard forced to finally take a serious Stem In November. Francisco. When he was young, Simpson was forced look at the dangerous conse- Let's get back to the movie. to wear leg braces after he developed rickets. But he quences of obsessive love, not Did you see the whole thing BANG! Okay. We're going to need a overcame his social and physical obstacles, winning to mention the false heroes we on TV last Friday? It was a de- "Or you can drag it across character to tie the plot all the 1968 Heisman Trophy. often turn our beloved heroes cent tragic comedy, complete the prison bars for all I care, ya together. Now, we're thinking From there, Simpson's career became that of a Into. with a 40 mlle-per-hour chase bastard." the movie opens with the mil- national darling who became a pro football star with scene and a silly milling- Now, since the McLaughlin ling around-in-the-drive way the Buffalo Bills and . Tricked you, didn't we? around-ln-the-driveway scene. Group won't be on until Friday, scene, and it is seen through His image grew even larger as he splashed his Okay. We're really getting But we wanted something let us consider the political fal- the eyes of a frantic and hys- good looks and strong physique onto the screens of worked up over who they're go- more, something different. lout of this whole OJ situation. terical long time OJ fan (Kath- Hollywood. Most notable was his performance as De- ing to cast In the OJ movie, and For instance, the chase leen Turner?). tective Nordberg in the Naked Gun movie series. we know you are too. So let's scene. Imagine how It would THE BIG LOSER: Obviously, Then a flashback. This fan is go... have been different If fascist- former Buffalo Bills quarter- a co-ed at USC She goes to all Simpson's face was a familiar one as he jutted cop Darryl Gates was- still In back future republican presi- of OJ's football games. She through airport terminals as the Hertz pitchman. Listen. We're thinking screw charge of the LAPD. "Shoot the dential hopeful Jack Kemp has gets a tatoo of the Heisman (Hertz recently announced they won't be using him Made-for-TV-Movies. This is tires! Shoot the tlresl" OJ the most to lose. Trophy on her left hip. in their ads any longer.) big, baby. Hollywood big. would have fired back, "This Sure, Kemp and Simpson When OJ is drafted by the Perhaps not a hero, Juice was certainly a national- Sharon Stone, definitely, for one's for Rodney." never played for the Bills in Bills, she buys a satellite dish ly recognized figure. His reputation as a nice guy Nicole Simpson. We wanted Or consider the mllllng- the same season, but obviously, so she can watch all of his preceded his every move. Christian Slater for the role of around-in-the-driveway scene. Jack Kemp coddles criminals, games. She's the narrator in But last Sunday night, that image was shattered her friend from the restaurant, We kept waiting for a mediator and don't think Dan Quayle the movie. and so was the idea of a sports hero. but, Mr. Slater would be just to show up. A cool one. "Juice, wont bring it up in the primar- What else? Hmm, she invests Simpson's tragedy marks the biggest fall from too smirky, dont you think? So can you hear me? It's me, Bob ies. her life-savings in Hertz Rent- we're going with Keanu Costas." Speaking of the Bills and a-Car stock. She buys an ABC grace of any sports figure. Reeves. Or better yet, we kept wait- their fans, this has just got to SportsWorld hat. She later No other personal problem or tragedy that has be- What about the main role? ing for someone to fly Jimmy suck. For years they could run burns it in favor of an NBC fallen a sports figure has even compared. And those Who to play OJ? Our friends Carter In to mediate. Imagine around and say, "Sure, we have Sports sweatshirt. instances are numerous. have suggested Danny Glover that. "It looks like the former gotten our brains bashed in She becomes obsessed with (too old and fat), Billy Dee Wil- president Is, yes Connie, It what, seven, eight Super Bowls OJ. She watches The Towering Basketball star Charles Berkley has insisted that liams (way too smooth), Lou looks like he's setting up a In a row now, but at least we Inferno over 400 times. She he is not a hero. But Barkley's up front attitude and Cosset, jr. (too bald), Jason T. Summit Meeting.'' used to have the great OJ squeals with delight during the behavior suggest otherwise. Jackson (too handsome), and You know who else we want- Simpson." pre-game shows Snoop Doggy Dogg (maybe for ed? Merlin Olson. Cant even brag about that when OJ beats Mike Ditka in OJ's afro sporting USC days). Imagine. Merlin pulls Into anymore. "But you should try Sega Football. We at The News hope O.J. is somehow, some way And our editor suggested OJ's driveway in a big old van. our buffalo wings. Mm mm." Not only does she love OJ, proven innocent We so much want to believe this Emmanuel Lewis (from Web- He's wearing a yellow jacket. she eventually hates every- could never have happened. ster fame). Our editor Is a He jumps out. "Look, OJ," he thing that stands between her Say it ain't so, O.J. freak. exclaims, "It's a Pick-Me-Up THE BIG WINNER: Let's say and OJ. She despises the people We called Factline and they Bouquet. From FTD." a jury finds OJ guilty on two who work with OJ. She fanta- suggested Denzel Washington, OJ jumps out, alms his heat counts of murder. And let's say sizes about hurting OJ's but feared he couldn't gain the at Merlin. "I ALWAYS HATED the DA (Tommy Lee Jones) pu- shes for the death penalty. friends. She wants to kill... The BG N sws Staff weight, so our choice is YOUI I ALWAYS HATED (Gospf) Lawrence Flshburne. YOUI" So everyone In western New Good God! And as the District Attorney ? BANG! York freaks out. "I cant be- reporter Sam Mclcndez Tommy Lee Jones. Who else? "No,no,OJIStopr lieve they want to juice The reporter Mike Cook Flshburne: I didn't kill my BANG! BANG! Juice," they say as one. "The Call Oliver Stone right now! reporter Rebecca Caldwell wife. "OJ, what are you doing?" death penalty is bad stuff, Sam Melendez and Mike reporter Ann Kinder Jones: I dont care. Merlin pleads. "Look! The man." Cook are columnists for The BG reporter The movie would be titled flower vase, look • you can use Thus, the popularity of anti- News. Their e-mail account is Andy Dugan death penalty governor Mario still broken. reporter Letitia Fcrncr Naked GunFour to Life. It as a cereal bowl, tool" copy editor Rahphia Jemison copy editor Becky Holzer Though he has claimed innocence, do you believe O.J. Simpson is guilty? The BG News Editorial Office

editor 372-6966 managing editor 372-2603 assistant managing editor 372-6968 news editor 372-2952 city editor 372-6968 sports editor 372-2602 editorial 372-2604

204 West Hall Bowling Green Suite University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0726 [email protected] Copyright ©1994 by The BG News. Reprinting of any material in this publication without the permission of The BG News is strictly flummii prohibited The BG News is an independent student voice founded in 1920 and is published daily during the academic year and Wednesdays in the summer. The BG News encourages its readers lo notify the paper of any errors in stories or photograph descriptions. "It is hard to tell because he "Yes I do, the evidence is to "Yea, because of the evidence "I cant judge him until the - Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the student has not been tried. People have revealing" against him. The scatches, blood, trial and then I will look at the •„" body, faculty or University administration. Opinions expressed in jumped to a conclusion and the UsaYoder his state of mind and the chase evidence and view him as a jury ; media have really played It up." Senior seem so obvious." member.' columns, cartoons and letters are not necessarily those of The BG Jennifer French News. Letters intended for publication mutt be between 200-300 Elementary Education Jana George Sally Rleger 'f Junior Outreach Program Recent Graduate words long, typed and include the writer's name, phone number and Specialized Education University affiliation, if any. The BG News reserves the right to edit Marketing Education any and all letters. :. Y ■•» The BG News Headlines Wednesday, June 22, 1994 page three Rally Window seats and batter's boxes Continued from page one. Court Manager of the KKK, said he believes there Is a double Cosmo's offers caffeine refreshment and Sports Section offers baseball standard in effect for whites and This week, we ended up at Or if you're in one of those your shop, Scott. blacks. To help new residents get ac- care of a young customer. "I get sick of you black folks quainted with their surround- Cosmo's on East Wooster, and pathetic "You're embarrassed "We wanted a name that was "That will be seventeen cents, Sports Section, on South Main. to be seen with me" re- easy to remember," he said. always crying racism when ings, and to reacquaint others please." something happens," he said. with old surroundings, The You know what we like about lationships... go to the Cosmo's "Something retro, with a 50's Cosmo's? They've got a couple window seats. Look baby, you or 60's sound to it. Not some- We look around. Sports Jimmy said it is OK for the Na- News will run Summer in the tion of Islam to say "Kill City ■ a weekly feature spot- of tables on raised platforms know I love you... I got you in thing trendy like 'Java Jive.' So memorabilia everywhere. by the bay window. the window seat, don't I? we came up with Cosmo's." Whitey." lighting local restaurants, cof- "'Kill Whitey.' Is that not ra- fee shops, stores and other hot So when you're sitting there, But Cosmo's is more than "It's also my cat's name." Local stuff, too. Autographed it's kind of like you're on stage window seats. (Yes it is.) Did Cosmo's is open every day at picture of local hero Chris cism towards me?" Jimmy said. spots. "I take offense to that." As the weather becomes in a play. Elsewhere Produc- we even mention that it's a cof- 8 am. and stays open 'til 1 a.m. Hoilles, now of Baltimore "I'm tired of the gangbangers, warmer and the calendar tions presents... A Couple of fee shop yet? Monday-Thursday, 2 am. on Orioles catching fame. Guys Sitting Around Drinking "You know, first thing I said Friday and Saturday, and Sun- the crack-head negros, like Rod- changes, many University stu- ney King, who cant pay the piper dents are preparing to spend Coffee. when we bought the place was day 'til midnight. Remember back when BGSU And since you're by the 'Got to get rid or those plat- hockey sold out every game? for his actions." their summer in the city of Pinnette said it was not the Bowling Green. window, you see everybody forms," Scott Lawhead, co- Baseball card collecting used Rob Blake just waiting at the outside and they see you. owner of Cosmo's, said. '"No to be so sweet and innocent. blue line, winding up like Jack KKK who came to Bowling So when you're bored and one is going to sit there."' Little Billy from down the Nicklaus, whacking the puck at Green chanting death, instead it none of your playmates are "Now it's the most popular street trading his George Brett about a million miles an hour was the KKK who came to town around, you can go to Cosmo's, seats in the house." card for someone's Reggie right at the chest of the Michi- solely for the interests of whites. sit In the window seat and look Lawhead runs the place with Jackson. Kids putting cards in gan State goalie, it knocks the "You attack us and our view- for your friends. When one his buddy Todd Berry. They've the spokes of their bike for no goalie back into the net just as point because we stand for white walks by, you bang on the got your usual good coffee apparent reason. Nelson Emmerson comes fly- people," he said. window, they'll come in, and house stuff - coffee, espresso, But now, it's like a business. ing in from out of nowhere, Pinnette said Blacks are in the the two of you can enjoy a re- cappuccino, etc. You've got a slick buyer's finds the puck, wrist shot and majority when it comes to being freshing beverage. But they've also got salads guide that lists the market GOOOOOAL! We want more, incarcerated for hard-core Or when you have a date, and and Juices and lemonade and prices of all the cards. It's like we want more! crimes. "It's true whites aren't with Mike Cook he/she is hot-lookin', go to the tea. And tots of fruit. Fruit buying stocks now. Manny Now we're getting nostalgic. perfect," Pinnette said. "But window seats. Show off. Look everywhere. Plus, waffles, fa- Rameriez goes into a three What was our point? Oh yeah, compared to negroes, it is & Sam Melendez at me! Yeah, I got a date. Yeah lafel, pita sandwiches, choco- week slump, his price falls. Blake and Nellie's NHL rookie [whites] doing less of the crime, boy, I see you lookin. That's late covered espresso beans Speculators are probably gob- cards are in the Sports Section. and the negro doing more of the right, I'm cool. and hummus. bling up OJ. Simpson cards Autographed. time." And they've also got those now. crazy "curiously strong" But thankfully, there's a The Sports Section has some Pinnette said America's white breath mints right there on the sports card store where they nostalgia going for it, and Vo- forefathers shaped this country counter, if that's your concern. frown down on the sick grown- land is working on more. He and did not spill their blood on Lawhead said Cosmo's is a up aspect of card trading. It's said he hopes to turn it into a the battlefields for AIDS infect- culmination of all his interests called Sports Section, it's on S. mini-sports museum for kids. ed social degenerates. - coffee, music and art. Main, and it's pretty cool. Hey! Got a quarter? There So in preparation for build- "We cater to the kids," Jim are about five big video games "I wouldn't want any queer ing the culmination of his in- Voland, owner, said. in there. It's a kids paradise. serving me my food," he said. "I terests, Lawhead went on a That he does. He's put a think [people living with AIDS] spiritual journey. No, not Me- menacing sign on the door that Hey, Jim! How "bout them should be removed from the cca. To Seattle, in search of reads "Kids welcome, adults Tribe cards? mainstream of society." coffee knowledge and cool cof- tolerated." There's another "They're selling," Voland fee houses. His Journey then sign proclaiming the joys of said. "Not as well as you'd Pinnette said the KKK follows took him all over the mid-west "Kids Klub Trading Night" think, but they're selling." God's law, as written in the Bible, in a quest for caffeinated ec- "Yeah, we buy "em pizza and Well! Wait til they go 72-9 at which claims people are sepa- stacy. pop and they sit around and the Jake, big guy! Wait 'til they rate. Cosmo's opened last Sep- trade cards," Voland said, make the World Series! tember 25th, just in time for "They forget about the Price Whooooo! Let's go Tribe! Let's "People are not all slammed The Black Swamp Arts Fes- Guides for a while." go Tribe! together in the bible," he said. tival. Interview comes to a "Ramirez and Belle are sell- "We would like to be separate Tell us about the name of screeching halt as Jim takes ing pretty well." from other races and minori- ties." York r 'I Continued from page one. of and surprised of when looking ing the changes to BC are a little coach and former Falcon player I back at the time he started. more invovled than simply . i Back at Clarkson, BG was not "[Jack] Vivian coached six changing the 'G' in BG to a *C on For a man that has already i I even a choice of his. BG only be- years, [Ron] Mason coached six his shirts and sweaters and been inducted into the school's i I came an option after he left years and I thought I would only changing Falcon logos to Eagle Hall of Fame (in 1982), achieving Clarkson and former Falcon head be here for six or seven years insignias. York faces the chal- nothing less than a return to i I coach beat him out of and move on," he said. lenge of turning around a team national prominence - and an- i I the head coaching job at Michi- Instead, York went the dis- that was 15-16-5 overall last other national championship is gan State. tance as BG's ironman coach, season and 7-12-5 In Hockey East expected. i I "After State hired Ron, Jim racking up a National Champion- Standings. York aspires to be as Boston as i I Lessig [BG's athletic director] ship in 1984, six NCAA Tourna- His plan Is to return the Eagles Beanpot Tournament Trophies, asked the Spartan's AD. who he ment Appearances, four CCilA to national prominence with the banners - the Hockey East and L, recommended," York said. regualar season titles, one same style of program he National Championship variety "Luckily for me he said that fel- playoff title and 342 of his 467 fostered and perfected at BG. To and the Boston College head low from Clarkson'." college coaching victories in 22 assist him, York chose assistant coach for a long time. "That fellow from Clarkson' seasons. went on to become BG's longest The whole process starts over reigning coach, a fact he's proud for York at Boston College. Mak- The Hair E. Canary Perrysburg Aquarium Styling Studio 10 Gallon Setup $49M is proud to announce the 20 Gallon Setup $7322 return of.... 29 Gallon Setup $8622 50 Gallon Setup $134Sfl Heidi Varnell Setups Include Tank, Flouresceht Hood, Under Gravel Filter, Air Pump, Heater, Chemicals, ca Call now Monday Net, Tubing, Thermometer, plus $10 |n Free Fish. for an Thursday Mon-Sat 12-8: Sundav 12-5 appointment Friday Only 10 minutes from BG. 354-1477 420 Ave. Perrysburg 419-874-6504

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ADVANCE TICKETS -JI3 00 aaMOpwairao «.m MUM PMJM Ouony M FMon IkaBSMMitooNoon AT THE GATE -SI 5 CO 113 Railroad St. TMPwagaauMTiiiimiM 1 MM RAIN DATS: Jutf *d - NO BE RINDS HARDBOUND OR PAPER 352-9302 nun oi Bn*ig Qnai on SHi ROUH a. NO Means lor CMMn (next to Kinko's] We Buy All Books Having National Resale Value The BG News City page four Wednesday, June 22, 1994 A view of this weekends events

1 »^^ through the eyes and lenses of W Tj^V Er 1 ^HP^^i 1 ^/ X 1 The BG News photographers.

1 1 .^J3| 9 » 0«S>

» ^

The BC N> wa/Elliahrth Salder-Evani The BG Ncwi/Paul Evani Deborah Pirooz cuts the Unity Day cake with mayor Wes Hoff- Mounted police keep a lofty man during the Unity Day Picnic. Mayor Hoffman officially an- view of the protester** ac- nounced June 17 and 18 as Unity Days. tions.

Tac BG Newi/Paul Evaaa Tom Gorman and Parallax View entertained Unity Day picnickers with folk songs Friday evening. The songs consisted of a medly of Gorman originals and cover songs. "You attack us and our viewpoint because we stand for white people," Vince Pinnette, Grand Titan

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"I saw the most horrible thing I'd ever seen in my life; a 10-year-old-boy and an 8-year-old girl dressed in Klan uniforms and carrying a flag. I cried." Deborah Pirooz, Unity Coalition organizer "I wish people would understand that T we're here to protect everyones' rights. Unfortunately the Klan is one of them." Bill Johnson, riot police


The BG Nevr»/P«ul Evau

"Why don't you prove to me that you're white? I don't believe you're white, but afraid of your own racial heritage. You will be the next to fall victim to your own hatred." Richard Anderson, The BC News/Ron Wcllmcr professor of psychology

Right:The citizens of Bowl- ing Green reclaimed Ihe Wood County Court House Saturday night with a candlelight vigil. The candle light served as a symbol of hope and per- severance against the KKK. The BG New«/Koii Wcltzner The BC Newi/Paul Evam

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INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE: M.W, SIN- Ad verbs i ng/Markeb ng Still looking for a summer job? 700 5TH 2 bdrm, unturnish., dishwashers. 2 full CAMPUS EVENTS GLES TENNIS - JUNE 23. C 4-PLAYER SAND Salee Co-op Lifeguard position! available at baths. Call Newlove Rental 352-5620, our only VOLLEYBALL - JUNE 27: M. W, C ULTIMATE Studini Recreation Center. FOR RENT office. FRISBEE - JUNE 28; OFFICE HOURS: 9 Available (or 1994-95 school year Call Scott ASAP 2-7477. A M-1230 P.M. MONDAY, TUESDAY, 803 FIFTH ST. 2 bdrm., furn/unfurn., wa- ATTENTION AUGUST GRADUATES sher/dryer, FREE GAS HEAT. WATER AND THURSDAY, AND 9-11:30 A M. FRIDAY. Gam valuable sales experience Place your order tor cap and gown by July 1. SEWER Call Newlove Rental 352-5620, our while adding to your resume 1994. Please plaoe your order at the gift War paml painfball. The ultimate survival 1 bdrm. apt. (above garage). Quiet area. No only office. counter in the University Bookstore or by call- game. For into and/or game Dme call Lance at pats, S22S plus utilises. 12 month lease. Call 'MUST have own car 824 SIXTH 2 bdrm.. untuin/furn., FREE GAS ing 2-2851. II placing your order by phone you 6553084. FOR SALE 352-7365. • MUST be able to work 20Vhr Art. HEAT, WATER AND SEWER.washer/dryer. must know your cap size. Graduation Announ- " MUST make a committment from 114 1/2 3. MAIN 1 bdrm., untumish.. down- Call Newlove Rental 352-5620. our only office. cements are available al the Bookstore. Aug. '94 until May '95 town, washer/dryer. FREE WATER AND WANTED 1 twin size Hollywood bed w/ box springs. SEWER. Call Now ove Rental 352-5620, our Good Condition. AVAILABLE NOW VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! only office. Training begins NOW 278-8126. 1 BEDROOM Research Study on Dietary Call Colleen al 372-2606 One summer subleased 117 N. MAIN. 1 bdrm. unfumisn.. wa- Habits ol College Women sher/dryer, dishwasher. Call Newlove Rentals 1445 Clough, AC. own bedroom. Available 1085 Ford LTD, whue This spacious 4 door 121 UNIVERSITY LANE now through 8/6^4. 353-9017. 352-5620, our only office. FREE nutrition analysis has AC, cruise control, AWFM stereo cas- Advertising/Marketing FOR MORE INFO CALL and lipid profile Subleeaere needed. House near campus in sette. E«ceii interior, brand new rack & pinion 2 bdrm. turn. apt. Free heat, gas, water/sewer Toledo Lisson NEWLOVE RENTALS ' 352 5620 need ol one or two subleasers. Asking $100 steering A V6 engine. It interested call A HBO. $450 a month. 724 Sixth St. A 705 for The BG News OURONLYOFFICE CALL 372-0499 per month through summer. Call 352-2986. 859-1017. Seventh St. Call 354-0014. 221 S. COLLEGE 1 bdrm„ washer/dryer on Subleasers needed tar Fall. 2 bdrm., 1 1/2 Available (or 1994-95 school year 1887 CMC Conversion van patfi. washer/dryer. Very nice apt. Close to * Must have own car premises, pets O.K. FREE GAS HEAT, Double air, good Ores. (5,500. WATER AND SEWER.Cail Newlove Rental GEORGETOWN MANOR APTS campus. Call 352-2630. ' Must have open class schedule Call 454-3585 800 THIRD STREET SERVICES OFFERED * Must make a commitment from 352-5620, our only office. Wanted: Roommate; neat, dean, quiet & hon- 1-8R A 2-BR fully furn. units. Aug. *94 until Aug. "OS 309 HIGH 2 bdrm., furn. FREE GAS HEAT, Excellent location Reasonable rates. est person to share 1 bdrm. apt. (Fall « Spring) 6 Pink Floyd i.ckets lor 7/15/94 Silverdome. ' Must know your way around Toledo WATER AND SEWER, washer/dryer, dose 10 Only a few units left. Gas mduded. Contact Nichole 354-3000. 2/4 together. Good Seals. <50 each. Call Royal ClMnlng for your home deaning campus. Call Newlove Rental 352-5620, our Hurrylll 352-0372. needs. Thorough, reliable, experienced & only office Call 352-4966 Call Colleen 372-2606 or insured. Esnmales given. 353-2006. Air Conditioner stop in 204 West Hall Word Processing-Resumes, Term Paper HELP WANTED 1S000BTU 353-0325 • CARTY RENTALS Thesis. Dissertations on Laser Primer CAMP STAFF NEEDED: 1 season Nice house, near campus. Subleaser needed for fan semester. 1 bdrm. Call 352-6705 (9-9). MEDCAl & PROGRAM. 352-5576 Needs 210 fin. apL S400 per month includes utilities. Cai Three week resident camp July 31-August 20 435-9002 or 435-4939. BABYSrTTER NEEDED serving youth with diabetes. Work one or two FOR SALE: 2 couchea, a swivel rocker, a 8-1130am. 2ND Summer Session weeks. Student Nurses: Lifeguards: Horse- microwave and homemade bar. Prlcee are PERSONALS Need own reliable transportation. back Riding, Archery, Arts and Crafts Instruc- negotiable. 352-9113. 823-5551 tors; Naturalist: General Staff Positions Availa- inmmi ble. Training provided. Contact Central Ohio Diabetts Association, 600-422-7946 or THE 1804 prize-winning Earth Day T-shirt. Al- 614-466-7124. ways a atyle leader. Make a statement for your Fairy tale house In Perrysburg needs en- home planet. A steal at S10, Pick up at 1 S3 Co:- thualastlc, energetic Individual to keep In- lege Park Office Building. OLYMPUS Available Rentals side looking shiny and clean.Long term posi- tion (not just summer) 10-18 hours ■ week. N1ER Fi Won* schedule adapted to school schedule. For 1994-95 SURVIVORS HEALTH GROUP Wonderful wonting conditons. If really inter- aTwrus mmm MUM 1 BEDROOM ested, please call Perrysburg 874-6664 or A six hour workshop providing 872-0404 or write to P.O. Boi 931, Perrysburg mm*mm*w+*tiB oniy6.5 117 N. MAIN RaCeicCoscope oz.. small enough for your pocket. gynecological services, emotional OH 43552-0931. Thank youl 114S.MAIN support and discussion ol health Loving care in our rural BG home for 3 1/2 yr. •VaataerafKt in rain or snow care issues lor survivors ol sexual old child. We pay gas & top rates for quality Storp 25mm f3.5 Oryiapas Leas care References. Mornings 6/27-8/5. Astrology & Sacred Focuses as close as 20 inches. ■> RFDROOMS abuse. Facilitated by a Licensed 823-8656. Path Fecaa Lack Focuses on subjects 824 SIXTH ST. MSW and Registered Nurse. Lunch delivery personnel. no! centered in frame. Summer & Fail * DtBenedettos Readings by Appt. 309 HIGH ST. Saturday, June 25,1994 Fully Aartaewtic Sets your film 709 FIFTH ST. Apply 130-4, Mon. through Fri. speed automatically, auto load. 10:00 am to 4:00 pm advance and rewind. 803 FIFTH ST. At the Center lor Choice II Books, Incense, Crystals, JUrmced Irkmniatea FLaafc With 16 N. Huron St. Toledo Ohio Tarol Cards, Oils, Candles, Auto-S for red-eye reduction. FOR MORE INFO CALL Sliding Fee Scale $25-$75 & Much More! New shipment Ask About Our |NEWLOVE RENTALS 352-5620 Registration deadline: June 16,1994 of crystals & minerals! 95 OUR ONLY OFFICE (419)255-7769 or (800)589-6005 Deluxe 134. Kit BOWL-N-GREENERY Mon.-Thurs. 11-6 Fri. & Sat. 11 -8 M <; c 143-C E.Wooster WE ARE |-|oward's club|-| (behind Madhatter) 354-4015 Bowling Green's Only Full-Line PHOTO STORE The Kind Featuring: Frl G-Sof 1 Hour Film Processing • Cameras" June 24 & 25 Film • Lenses • Batteries • •Pool 'Video Games -PingPong S3, $2 or $1 Off on Film Developing 4 x 6 Big Shot Color PrimsnU I 12 .9924 99 36 | -M, rI Good on iio.i26.l5mm and disc film B X Campus Pollyeyes 352-9638 EXP.5 EXPO EXP.* I IC-41 process). Get B off on 38 SIB. »2 Set us for si semis prooosowp sme. Qood on I • World Class Imports . Oil On 24 sip. or SI off on 12/15 eip. 38n¥nC-41 process 4 ■ 8 color prints only. I This coupon musl accompany oraer. This COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY omen. 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