Darwin Was Not a Darwinist with His View of a Dynamic, Ever Changing

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Darwin Was Not a Darwinist with His View of a Dynamic, Ever Changing Darwin's living legacy: An International conference on Evolution and Society. 14-16 November Prof. em. Klaus Ammann, Univ. Bern Darwin was not a Darwinist With his view of a dynamic, ever changing nature he was also creating the basis for modern agriculture Darwin as a human being and as a scientist Working Place of Darwin in Downe Village http://www.focus.de/wissen/wissenschaft/wissenschaft-darwin-genoss-ein-suesses-studentenleben_aid_383172.html Household - expenses http://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?viewtype=text&itemID=CC-T.11.26&pageseq=1 Darwin's chronic ill health began after 1838. By his own account he had been exposed to Triatoma infestans, a vector of Chagas' disease. Symptoms would fit well. Other hypothesis are Crohn’s disease or Lupus, or psychological distress in age Greene, P.S. & Greene, M.T. (2009) Darwin's Illness by Golp, book review. Journal of the History of Biology, 42, 1, pp 198-201 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Evolution/Golp-Darwins-Ilnesses-2009.pdf Darwin as a scientist: Darwin was nearly exclusively working with observations, he only did a very few experiments in the modern sense of the word, some published posthumous Basic reading: Charles Darwin as Ernest Mayr sees him Mayr, E. (1995) DARWIN IMPACT ON MODERN THOUGHT. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 139, 4, pp 317-325 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Evolution/Mayr-Darwin-Impact-1995.pdf pure ecology agriculture reductionist holistic molecular organismic Darwin lab-biology field bio experimental observational causal teleonomic Darwins working methods and epistemological approaches in his research On the last page of his monograph, Huxley introduced the term “evolutionary biology.” This interdisciplinary branch of the life sciences has evolved into a system of theories that explain different aspects of organismic evolution I recommend that we replace oldfashioned terms such as “Darwinism” and “synthetic theory” by Huxley’s “evolutionary biology.” U. KUTSCHERA, Germany Kutschera, U. (2008) From darwinism to evolutionary biology. Science, 321, 5893, pp 1157-1158 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Evolution/Kutschera-Evolutionary-Biology-Darwinism-2008.pdf http://darwin-online.org.uk/pdf/1872_Origin_F391.pdf http://darwin-online.org.uk/pdf/1872_Origin_F391.pdf Origin of Species, 6th edition (last one edited by Darwin himself), last paragraph, leaving open other possibilities in Evolution http://darwin-online.org.uk/pdf/1872_Origin_F391.pdf Early Critique on Darwins Theories by Contemporary Scientists May 28, 1807(1807-05-28) Born Haut-Vully, Switzerland December 14, 1873 (aged 66) Died Cambridge, Massachusetts Paleontology, Glaciology, Fields Geology, Natural History Louis Agassiz, discoverer of the ice age, and great paleontologist, was a “creationist”, actually a University of polygeneticist and racist: Alma mater Erlangen- I have seen thousands of species dying out, Nuremberg but never ever a species newly created Agassiz denied that species originated in single pairs, whether at a single location or at many. He argued instead that multiple individuals in each species were created at the same time and then distributed throughout the continents where God meant for them to dwell. His lectures on polygenism were popular among the slaveholders in the South; for many this opinion legitimized the belief in a lower standard of the Negro.[5] Interestingly, his stance in this case was considered to be quite radical in its time, because it went against the more orthodox and standard reading of the Bible in his time which implied all human stock descended from a single couple (Adam and Eve), and in his defense Agassiz often used what now sounds like a very "modern" argument about the need for independence between science and religion; though Agassiz, unlike many polygeneticists, maintained his religious beliefs and was not anti-Biblical in general. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Agassiz Recent critique of Darwinism by Creationists: Based on Ignorance of the Scientific Literature and Polemic Statements A tree fern that lived 365-290 million This plant, Senftenbergia plumosa, years ago, which is no different from consists of dividing, compound leaves, present-day specimens. and dates back to the Carboniferous period (300 million years ago). HARUN YAHYA: Naïve, amateurish comparison of fossil records with living ferns, but see Darwins phylogeny with E, F Darwins view of long, but of unspecifiedtime interval I to XIV: the link between Micro- and Macro- evolution Darwin A – L: species of a hypothetical genus knew about A and F diversify over time, E,F: living fossils Reznick, D.N. & Ricklefs, R.E. (2009) Fig. from Darwins Origin of Species, Chapter 4 living fossils Darwin's bridge between microevolution and macroevolution. Nature, 457, 7231, pp 837-842 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Evolution/Reznik-Darwins-Bridge-2009.pdf one of Darwins major works: The Various Contrivances by whom British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilized by Insects and on the good effects of Intercrossing 1862 Coryanthes speciosus Darwins print, copied from Lindley German translation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coryanthes www.weloennig.de/CorCat.html moth pollination http://images.google.com.tr/url?source=imgres&ct=img&q=http://www.plantbiology.siu Angraecum sesquipedale from Madagaskar Orchidaceae Pollinator Xanthopan morgani praedictus the pollinator predicted by Charles Darwin Sapp, G. (1994) Evolution by Association Published by Oxford University Press US, IS: ISBN 0195088212, 9780195088212, pp http://books.google.com/books?id=wE o1QUkr7pUC Beyond Darwin: Examples from modern sciences supporting Darwin Euphorbia fulgens, blazing red Euphorb, Euphorbiaceae, Nectaries transformed into petals for insect attraction, the „anthers“ are actually single male flowers Palaeobiology has reached the stage of doing research on ancient plant communities and even detailed food webs the example of Magnolia latahensis 17-20 Million years old leaf of Magnolia fossil ‘lahatensis’, still green and suitable for DNA-analysis, revealing a fossil species, closely related to living Magnolia Niklas, K.J. (1990) Turning over an old leaf. Nature, 344, 6267, pp 587-588 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Evolution/NiklasTurningOverMagnolia-1990.pdf Golenberg, E.M., Brown, T.A., Bada, J.L., Westbroek, P., Bishop, M.J., & Dover, G.A. (1991) Amplification and Analysis of Miocene Plant Fossil DNA [and Discussion]. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 333, 1268, pp 419-427 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Evolution/Golenberg-Amplification-Verification- 1991.pdf Fossile Vegetationsanalyse Wing, S.L., Hickey, L.J., & Swisher, C.C. (1993) IMPLICATIONS OF AN EXCEPTIONAL FOSSIL FLORA FOR LATE CRETACEOUS VEGETATION. Nature, 363, 6427, pp 342-344 <Go to ISI>://WOS:A1993LD91700050 Example of a food web analysis from the Cambrian based on hundreds of species which do not exist today, but show similar ecological networks (foodwebs), compared to the present time Dunne, J.A., Williams, R.J., Martinez, N.D., Wood, R.A., & Erwin, D.H. (2008) Compilation and network analyses of Cambrian food webs. Plos Biology, 6, 4, pp 693-708 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Organic/Dunne-Cambrian-Foodwebs-2008.pdf Genomic research was facilitated with the evolutionary basis of Darwin Werner Arber, Nobel Laureate 1978: Werner Arber, Comparison, with publications Interestingly, naturally occurring molecular evolution, i.e. the spontaneous generation of genetic variants has been seen to follow exactly the same three strategies as those used in genetic engineering14. These three strategies are: (a) small local changes in the nucleotide sequences, (b) internal reshuffling of genomic DNA segments, and (c) acquisition of usually rather small segments of DNA from another type of organism by horizontal gene transfer. Arber, W. (2002) Roots, strategies and prospects of functional genomics. Current Science, 83, 7, pp 826-828 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Mutations/Arber-Comparison-2002.pdf Arber, W. (2002) Roots, strategies and prospects of functional genomics. Current Science, 83, 7, pp 826-828 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Mutations/Arber-Comparison-2002.pdf However, there is a principal difference between the procedures of genetic engineering and those serving in nature for biological evolution. While the genetic engineer pre-reflects his alteration and verifies its results, nature places its genetic variations more randomly and largely independent of an identified goal. And after ca. 10 years of safety assessment transgenic crops are distributed to the millions in a short time. Arber, W. (2002) Roots, strategies and prospects of functional genomics. Current Science, 83, 7, pp 826-828 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Mutations/Arber-Comparison-2002.pdf Arber, W. (2002) Roots, strategies and prospects of functional genomics. Current Science, 83, 7, pp 826-828 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Mutations/Arber-Comparison-2002.pdf genetically genetically stable stable transgenic mutant genetically genetically unstable unstable transgenic mutant Batista, R., Saibo, N., Lourenco, T., & Oliveira, M.M. (2008) Microarray analyses reveal that plant mutagenesis may induce more transcriptomic changes than transgene insertion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105, 9, pp 3640-3645 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Genomics/Batista-Microarray-Analysis- 2008.pdf Gamma Field for radiation Radiation breeding as field experiments breeding 100m radius 89 TBq Co-60 source at the center
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