SECRECY AND SECURITY EXHIBITION CONTINUED Dear Recruit, Find the BERLIN transcript and consider these questions: What link does this have with passwords we use today? Welcome to .

...... You have been recruited to work for the Government and Cipher School...... Please indicate your understanding of the Official ...... Secrets Act by signing the document below and then you will be able to begin your training. As a Bletchley Park Codebreaker would you be a World War Two ‘hacker’?



Be it enacted by the King’s most Excellent Majesty: OUR BIG QUESTIONS TO YOU: You must not put the State in danger by -

Have there been other developments in Explore the similarities and differences between 1. Making a sketch, plan, model or note which is intended to be useful to an enemy; mathematics and computing since Bletchley Park wartime code making and codebreaking and that have also saved many lives? modern day and decryption 2. Taking or communicating any document or information which is intended to be useful to an enemy;

3. Communicating any information unless it is to a person you are allowed to communicate it to; Some other Codebreakers to search for: Mavis Batey; ; ; Hugh Alexander; Margaret Rock. 4. Keeping any document in your possession when you have no right to keep it.

Find the stamp on the desk in the Library. FIND OUT MORE: Signed ...... Date......

Teaching History with 100 Objects: The Enigma Cipher Machine

P8 P1 YOUR MISSION LOCATION: BLOCK C You have been recruited because of your ingenuity and creativity. You will need to apply these skills and work alongside others who are doing the same. Please remember that you cannot share this SECRETS REVEALED: NOTES knowledge or the work that you are doing with anyone, apart from your fellow Codebreakers with whom you are training today. It is absolutely crucial that you remember that careless talk costs lives. What was Churchill’s view of Bletchley Park?

There are ten key parts to your training. As you are joining us What’s the difference between a code and five years into the war you have a considerable advantage to previous a cipher? Codebreakers because methods and ideas have already been developed. Please proceed to the following buildings, give thought to and discuss Which languages were in high demand at the following questions with your group. Each question is designed Bletchley Park? to spark debate and prompt further research. Please ensure no one can overhear your conversations.


How do they work? What does cyber security have to do with Bletchley Park? ......



...... How did Bletchley Park deal with the large amount of data that needed to be processed and stored? Enemy forces may decide to alter the Enigma to make it more effective. You need to pre-empt their ideas. How does this compare to how Big Data is handled today? How might they upgrade Enigma? Remember, time and money are short – there is a war on, you know! ......

P2 P7 LOCATION: THE MANSION OFF DUTY Although you will not get much time off, it is In addition to codebreaking, which other fields important to relax and enjoy the company of of study have been influenced by Alan Turing? Don’t forget to stamp your Government Code and Cipher School your pass! colleagues. It is highly recommended for your health and well-being and we will put you in ...... The fact that he was homosexual was not an touch with the relevant groups. issue at Bletchley Park, but look into the future: ...... consider and discuss the way he was treated after the Which activities would you consider taking part in? war, and the Queen’s pardon. Attitudes have now ...... changed dramatically - what are your thoughts? ......

...... What are your first impressions of the Mansion? ......


...... Do you share hobbies with any of the Codebreakers?

LOCATION: HUT 11A ...... How will the machine assist with your ...... codebreaking work?


...... BILL TUTTE “The unsung hero…” DISCUSS ......

What was Bill Tutte’s contribution to codebreaking? On this intercepted message, a ‘menu’ has been designed in order to check settings on the ...... Bombe. How has this been created?



...... P6 P3 LOCATION: LOCATION: HUT 11A It is vital that you research all codebreaking Sketch and label a part of the Bombe machine procedures. or a blueprint. What is its function? Do not underestimate the importance of the information you will discover, it will speed up your work immensely and save lives.

What might be the pros and cons of the various codebreaking methods you have discovered?

How will the codebreaking effort save lives?



LOCATION: HUT 6 ...... You will need to familiarise yourself with the conditions you will be working in. Please ensure ...... you establish that you have the right clothing for the seasons. What do you think the conditions ...... were like in these huts in 1944? ...... Find a Typex machine. What were they used for? ......

...... P4 P5