Mustang Daily, April 7, 1970
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Arohlwaa A legal war BOSTON (UPI)—The flrat was waiting outside tha court for attempt by a Massachusetts tha decision. Ha said "aa far as I serviceman to avoid going to know, my orders are valid and I Vietnam under a new state law will report to Ft. Dix Saturday." Mustang Daily contesting the legality of the war Attorney Joseph Otari, one of CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE has bean rejected by two federal Griffin's lawyers, tha 01 said Tuesday, April 7,1170 •an Lula Obispo, California Volums XXXII Number 47 Judges. "has a conscientious objector Infantryman John Ortffln, II, claim pending. Wt don't want to of Holyokt, Friday fUad suit to Interfere with that. Wa have told have tha U.S. District Court and him to think it over and If ha tha U.8. First Circuit Court of decides to seek relief In federal Appeals prevent the Army (ram court In Now Jersey wa will be ■ending him to Vietnam until tha there on Monday to help him." Supreme Court acta on tha Griffin, who dropped out of the Massachusetts statute. University of Massachusetts In Griffin was scheduled to report his Junior year, was drafted last to Ft. Dis, N .J., today for reassignment to Vietnam. lie suit asked the court td Issue On Thursday Gov, Francis W. a writ e( habeas oorpua for Sargent signed Into law a bill bidding the Army from assigning obligating tha state attorney him to Vietnam. general to defend tha atata'a Tha strategy behind tha aarvlcaman who aaak to Massachusetts legislation la to challenge the President's right to force tha Supreme Court to rule sand them to fight In wars not on tha constitutionality of tha declared by Congress. Vietnam War by establishing a U.S. District Judga Andrew A. state law that conflicts with (Jeffrey ruled tha court lacktd federal military policies. Jurisdiction In tha suit. One hour If tha court accepts aa Justified later Griffin's attornsys sought tha sta g 's role aa co-nlalntiff, It an Injunction from Chief Justice would have difficulty refusing Bailey Aldrich of the U.S. Circuit original Jurisdiction. Court of Appeals who denied tha Massachusetts as yet has not request. become a party to the Ortffln Griffin, sldest of flvs children, hat the jfzp? A sonorous voles droned from audience, who Lurie foals la aa taps recorder. Tapping his much a part of tha poetry aa the tha post chimed In with his words themselves, took part In pre-recorded volca. A television the readings and chanted short camera whirred to Ufa. In a phraraaaa at various volumes while syllable, Tobla Lurie turned on Lurlirla read his works. his "language shattering" poetry Besides his one-word poems •load was part of tha main attraction of the evening wae the ap for some 60 students gathered on and his longer versions, Lurie the lawn In tha English Quad Introduced a new poetry form •we pert program that performed for a capo* pearance of the In gllth rock group Moody Thursday afternoon. which his daughter "turned him by crowd In the Men's Oym Friday night. The gluts Photo by Oono llailck. Poems ranged from satires Uke on to." "Big Brother Dow Industrial Jonaa" to one word ‘sex’ poems Lurie would play his typewriter Uke "Phallic;" as Lurie explored much the same aa ha would play usic lifts jammed gym and delineated tha English a piano—but make no aUowanco language in chant-like diction. for formation of ‘known' words. by VAL HOLDYIHELL and a ach aong pounded out a rock Later In tha recital, tha "Tha only trouble," the shaggy Itaff Writer sound with a hint of Must. Tha post nofad, "was my keys Friday night two of the moat audionca raapondad varbally as Jamming up on tha typewriter apNslv* popular rock groups Lydia Panaa, tha patita and when I tried to hit a chord." Tha cent dines playsd to sn and result, or 'poem', was a Hnrhclmlng snd snxlouk what aaamad to Bo a linear* and concoction of pffts, misllh, imdienc* in Uw Mon's Oym. exhausting format of sound M qtipokg, and other phonetic I The Moody Bluss w trs tha sweat on her face was any |r* tded by Cold'Blood, s bond of maaaura of how much shs fait, This, Lurie explained, was tha I * musicians snd s ringer that her foaling for music must bo freest form of poetry—for It had “ h i back memorise of Janie no restrictions whatsoever to i In Cheap Thrills. Tbs final number by Cold bind the post—Ilka parloda, i Blood rsslly got It all Blood, 1 Wish I Know How It commas, words, ate. Nrtur They went through all Would Feel to be Proa, clicked After the recital Lurie ajou m d Utocubon their currant album (Continued on page 2) to Yoaomlte Hall where ha held a poetry workshop for Interested ote planned on EOP, students. elected A S I S e c re ta ry Measles may delay Apollo Queition It "Tha Educational Opportunities Program at California State Polytechnic CAPE KENNEDY U PI- All j 7 7 "" eiUiUlMIUUII Collage, San I Mi la Obispo should throe Apollo three astronauts ASI Secretary. be eligible to rscisvs Associated have bean exooaed to German tULi^l** A41 •Action Htudint funds; that Is, they masalas, their doctor reported JJB)'was called on the EOP should henceforth be granted tha Monday, threatening a month'! aame status as A ll coded groups daisy In Saturday's blastoff for E*. student In nu tiers of finance and budget the moon. lw Csbinent recom* allocutions," (YES,. NO > Dr. Chariot A. Berry said that IAC also take to the Jam es A. Lovell, Thomas K. i the question of replacing Qut stion 2: "The position of an Mattingly and Fred W. Hals* are U 1 Usd ASI 1 Secretary with Her led ASI Secretary shall be Tell Ivri ehanted poetry te approximately SO students on now In "good physical condition" sdent assistants, eliminated, and the duties will be but ha eald their etate of Im the In g llih lawn Thwreday during College Hour. proved ballot for the performed by hired student munity to measles will not be l deetion follows: Photo by Prank Alderete assistants,'V YES., NO,,) known until Wednesday. ETTER8 TO THE EDITOR Rentals • Solti • Repairs SlOHMNY! ll-S explanation offered Editor: correct and I am afraid it will ba Poly California CoUan NELSON OFFICE EQUIPMENT Thank you for the article which misleading to students. Republicans have a depat) appeared In the April 2 edltlort of' The article stated,"Now, ac registrar ready to rcglsfehi cording to the new ruling by the St. 0|M lilO I* Iil4 Mustang Dally announcing the voters (call M4-MM or S04Mli change In reporting the State Director of the Selective Registration may also bedash Man, Him tft. enrollment status of Selective Service System, a student could contacting the County Chn 143-7147 Service registrants. Un- attend summer quarter and then R egistrar of Voters, or to tat. till naan fortunately, one statement Is not drop out for the fall without fear league of Women Voters. of being snared by the draft." Remember, April Mh Is b II-S deferments are given deadline for registering to v*k from October to October. California's Primary Ebctta Therefore, if a studft was not Will you be one of the 7 par oath enrolled for fall quarter and an the 21 to 24 age bracket thitig 'sas 109 form was not sent from be registered to vote? the college to his local board, he Matthew J.Qnff might remove a notice of reclasalficatlon to 1-A because he did not commence his academic Buck around year. Also, I would like to emphasise at the ocean that it is the duty and respon sibility of the registrant to keep The Poly Range ftifcnii hla local board Informed of any sponsoring horse back Nig changes in hla status. This la a every Friday from 6 to 7 pm to part of the agreement he signs club rents the horses (ran t when he first registers for the stable In Plamo Beach snd ri them on the beach. Tbs charges Selective Service. |3 for two hours. Jerald HoUey For more information catol Director Admissions and Records either Orant Moore MtMis Bernle Carr MMS41. Be counted Moody Bluet Editor: Amongst all the print, I would (Continued from pegs 1) like to remind you and your with the audience and t i l readers that part of democracy Is Penee and her group rsedsMb people exercising their power at cheers of a standiing ovsNcn. elections. Many city elections The Moody Blues started too throughout the state are being musical trip with Tussdsy Al held April 14th and absentee temoon, a cut from thslr “ ballot requests were due in by the Days of Future Passed. 7th. Moet of the people who wail Itsoon will be too late for many the gym were waiting to see If n people to vote In the upcoming Moodies could reproduci primary election for Governor orchestrated sound round Is and Senator. If you will be 21 albums. All doubts vankl years old by Juno 2nd and have Juit becsuie ll’i s quiet revolution— Now, you're Invited to ettend a FREE the Mellotron, aa organ It's no le u potent I The technique* you INTRODUCTORY SPEED READING not registered to vote, you have Instrument, boomed out muter In deeding Dynamic! become LESSON. During thli one-hour aeailon you'll until Thursday, April 9th.