Public Document Pack

Area Forum: Broadheath, Ditton, Hale and Hough Green

Monday, 25 June 2007 7.00 p.m. Upton Community Centre, Hough Green Road,

Chief Executive


Councillor Colin Rowan Ditton Councillor Robert Gilligan Broadheath Councillor Phil Harris Hough Green Councillor Tony McDermott Broadheath Councillor Keith Morley Broadheath Councillor Paul Nolan Hough Green Councillor Shaun Osborne Ditton Councillor Kevan Wainwright Hough Green Councillor Mike Wharton Hale Councillor Marie Wright Ditton

Please contact Lynn Cairns on 0151 471 7529 or e-mail [email protected] for further information.

The next meeting of the Forum is on Monday, 1 October 2007


Part l

Item No. Page No.

1. MINUTES 1 - 8


To receive a presentation from Ms Clare Myring, Anti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinator, regarding the Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy.


To receive an update.


In accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act the Council is required to notify those attending meetings of the fire evacuation procedures. A copy has previously been circulated to Members and instructions are located in all rooms within the Civic block. Page 1 Agenda Item 1


At a meeting of the Area Forum: Broadheath, Ditton, Hale and Hough Green Monday, 29 January 2007 The Bankfield School, Road, Widnes

Present: Councillors Morley (Chairman), Rowan, McDermott, Nolan, Osborne, Wharton and Wright

Apologies for Absence: Councillors Gilligan, Harris and Wainwright

Absence declared on Council business: (none)

Officers present: L. Cairns, Cooke, I. Leivesley and J. Weston

Also in attendance: Councillor Worrall and 13 members of the public


The minutes of the meeting held on 25 th September 2006, having been printed and circulated, were taken as read and agreed as a correct record.

Arising from BDH14 – PUBLIC QUESTIONS – in respect of Ditchfield Road, it was advised that the petitions that had been received regarding the removal of the traffic calming would be considered by the Council’s Urban Renewal Policy and Performance Board at a forthcoming meeting.


Mr Colin Stone, Group Scout Leader, attended the meeting with colleagues to talk about the Scouting Centenery. Prior to the presentation it was advised that, since 2003, the Forum had spent £432,969 within the four Wards and Mr Stone thanked the meeting for the funding the Scouts had received for various projects.

The presentation outlined

• the background to the scouts, which now had 28 million members worldwide; • events to be held to celebrate the centenary; • past achievements and future aims; • events to be held in Hough Green, for example a Page 2

“Woggle Party at the Green” in September; and • the international trip to Kandersteg, Switzerland, which took place every three years and provided young people with an opportunity to be involved in a variety of activities such as expeditions, hikes and river rafting, and to build international friendships.

The Forum was shown a video of the 2006 Kandersteg trip and noted that the comments made by the young people involved had been positive.

The Chairman thanked Mr Stone and his colleagues for an informative presentation.


The Forum was advised that the Council’s Corporate Services Policy and Performance Board (PPB) was conducting a review of the operation of all Area Forums with a view to identifying good practice and making recommendations for improvements. A short questionnaire was tabled for members to complete at their leisure and return to one of the Halton Direct Links or the Forum’s secretary.

The Lead Officer confirmed that the results of the review would be fed back to the Forum once it was complete.


The Forum received a presentation from Mr Philip Cooke, Specialist Service Manager in the Library Services Division, outlining the review of the mobile library service and providing an opportunity for residents to comment on identified gaps. Mr Cooke advised that a new stop had been secured in Edendale, off the Arley Drive area of Hough Green. In addition, it was confirmed that all future stops would be for a minimum of 20 minutes.

Forum members made a number of suggestions, which Mr Cooke agreed to look into, including:

• coinciding visits with the end of the school day; and • having a stop at the Bus Terminus at .

The Chairman thanked Mr Cooke for attending the meeting.

BDH19 BUDGET 2007-08 Page 3

The Forum received a presentation from the Lead Officer regarding the Council’s budget for 2007-08.

It was advised that the determining factor for the budget was the level of grant received from the Government: in addition, there was a capping threshold of 5% for any Council Tax increase. The Forum noted that the Council was trying to do as much as it could to ensure it was as efficient as possible and it was inevitable that, over the next couple of months, councillors would face some difficult decisions. However, the Council would continue to look at ways it could reduce costs in order that it could continue its vital front line services.

Arising from the discussion it was noted that

• 60-70% of the Council’s budget came from the Government Grant – the remainder was a mixture of Council Tax, fees and charges; and • only 19% of landfilled waste was from domestic properties – the majority of waste was commercial and the organisations involved had to pay for the cost of its disposal.

The Chairman thanked the Lead Officer for his presentation.


The Forum was advised that there were no new requests to report at the current time as all of the 2006/2007 funds had been fully committed.

A resident reported that a request for £15,000 had been submitted regarding maintenance on the Youth Club in Halebank, for which a response was awaited. It was advised that a condition of funding was that the Management Committee had to be constituted; however it was agreed that an update on the application would be sought.


(1) an update be provided on the funding request Strategic Director submitted in respect of a heating system for the - Corporate and Youth Club in Halebank; and Policy

(2) a breakdown of expenditure for the 2006/07 year be Strategic Director circulated with the next agenda. - Corporate and Policy Page 4


A number of questions had been submitted prior to the meeting, and answers received from appropriate departments, as outlined in the appendix to these minutes.

In respect of question number 1 regarding plans for the youths of Halebank, it was confirmed that a “flyer” for the public meeting to be held on 8 th February was available and anyone who was interested, or experienced, in working with young people was encouraged to help form a management committee in order that a bid could be made for the available resources.



(1) Question from Mr B Allen

“What plans has the Youth Service got for youths of Halebank?”

Answer from Mr Dave Williams, Head of Youth Service

Following a mapping of service provision we recognised there was a gap in youth service provision in the Halebank area. Halebank and two other areas of Halton were found not to comply to our 2006/2007 promise "to provide a drop-in youth project or club open at least one night each week within one mile of every young person's home". Since this we have drawn together funding and a parcel of support to commission services to meet our promise. Unfortunately in the recent round of commissioning in October-December no organisation from Halebank or outside came forward to take this up for Halebank.

The funding & support package is being held in place for Halebank and will not be reallocated to another community in Halton. We are now looking to work with the community, local churches, elected members, young people themselves, and any youth orientated organisation working in Halebank to make this work. To launch this new attempt we have joined with local elected members, the police, and the Methodist church council, in planning a Halebank Community Meeting to be held on 8th February at 6.30pm to be held in the Methodist Church.

All members of the Halebank Community who wish to support this initiative and want to work positively together for the benefit of the older children of Halebank are most welcome. Email queries to Page 5

[email protected] and marked "Halebank Youth"

Further response from Ms Paula Barker, Community Development Worker

Dave Williams, Head of Youth Service contacted Councillor Wright to advise that there is funding available for youth provision in Halebank, Hale and one of the areas in . The compliance issues are that a formally constituted community group/managment committee work with the relevant departments/services to submit a funding application that could be used to pay a part time/sessional youth worker who would then provide youth activity within the specified areas. Hale and Runcorn have already submitted successful applications just leaving Halebank. A community meeting is being held on Thursday 8th February, 6.30 p.m. @ Halebank Methodist Church.

Councillors Wright & Osborne have prepared a flyer that will be distributed to each house in the Halebank area over the next few days with the relevant details of the meeting. It is important to note that due to the timescale we have for this project ideally we are looking for individuals to come forward who have the relevant transferrable skills ie, experience of working with young people, managing staff, keeping accounts etc. Support will be provided to the group via myself.

(2) Question from Mr B Allen

“Does the Council agree with Mr Keith Williams Director Innovis that Halebank is the forgotten part of Widnes and how do they intend to rectify that?”

Answer from Major Projects

We are not aware of the statement made by Mr Keith Williams Director of Innovis. If Mr Keith Williams made such a statement then he is speaking as an independent Developer and is not speak on behalf of the Council.

(3) Question from Mr B Allen

“When will the people on Hale Road be free of the 100 HGV every hour day and night that pass their homes?"

Answer from Transportation

The Halebank Supplementary planning document proposes a package of measures to reduce HGV traffic on Hale Road including the provision of a new road link to the east of Golden Triangle. In line with this document the Council is securing contributions from developments in the area to fund these measures, although it is likely Page 6

to be a number of years before sufficient funding is available.

(4) Question from Mr B Allen

“Liverpool John Lennon Airport - what is the Council's preferred route for the eastern access transport corridor - SA2 SA3 SA4?"

Answer from Transportation

If essential, then the Eastern Access Transport Corridor (EATC) is supported in principle. Although the shortest option - SA2 - is supported, Option SA3 would be preferred to create a link to the Ditton freight park and strategic road networks. SA4 is opposed by cutting across land allocated for the freight park.

(5) Question from Mrs Dearden

"May I ask if all manhole covers on the highway from Pickerings Road down to bottom of Ditton Street be brought up to the level of the highway on Hale Road. The covers are below the highway and with so much traffic on Hale Road at night the noise problem has become worse for residents living on Hale Road."

Answer from Highways

Manhole Covers are the property of United Utilities (UU) even when in the highway. The Council would not normally adjust their level unless we were in the process of resurfacing the road. Where covers have sunk over a period of time and need to be re-levelled this would have to be done by the owners. I will arrange for an inspection to identify what is involved and send a request to UU to carry out any necessary work.

(6) Question from Ms Ainsworth

“I have noticed that the current Highway Agency billboard campaign states that on a road without signs but with street lights the speed limit is 30 mph.

I live on Arley Drive which is as described above a '30 mph road' and is a highly populated residential area, with houses on both sides of the road.

This road is not a link road to another route, it is only an access road to the surrounding developments. There are many vehicles using this road on an hourly basis as a speedier route to the other end of Hough Green Road, to bypass the occasional mobile camera site and also local residents.

The situation of this residential road is similar to other roads and Page 7

streets in Widnes. However many of these roads have had 20 mph limits placed on them and traffic calming measures put in place. Such as Montgemery Road, Blundell Road (and the surrounding roads), Coronors Lane, Weates Close, Heath Road to name a few.

These measures have also been used on roads which are major routes to other areas within the town and out lying areas. Such as Ditchfield Road and Peelhouse Lane (and surrounding roads).

My question is why these measures have not yet been implemented on Arley Drive? And does the life of a child need to be impaired by the forever increasing law breaking drivers who constantly speed along this road before any measures are taken to reduce the speed and traffic. If traffic calming measure were put in place on this road and a life is saved then surely it is worth installing traffic calming measures as a deterrent?”

Answer from Transportation

Thank you for getting in touch. Each year traffic accident records are used to decide on priorities for carrying out road safety works, and this exercise is currently being undertaken to decide sites for the next financial year. It is already clear that the western section of Liverpool Road, and parts of the Speke Road where the slip road joins from Ditton Roundabout, are going to be important sites this year.

Arley Drive does have an accident record with on average two traffic accidents a year. There is no real pattern to these incidents but steps to reduce traffic speeds could be beneficial. At this stage it is only possible to say that this approach will be looked at carefully, I'm sorry I cannot promise more at this time as we have to consider the whole Borough.

It has to be recognised that traffic calming is deeply unpopular with some residents, and such work has to be justified now in terms of accident reduction.

(7) Question from Mrs B Mitchell

"When are Halton Borough Council going to do something to reduce the height of the speed humps in Arklow Drive and the roads leading off it. They are excessively high and cause damage to cars."

Answer from Transportation

The traffic calming features installed at this location comply with the standards set at a national level at the time they were built. Standards have changed over the years, and the range of features that are permitted has also increased. In Halton, reflecting public attitudes, there has been a tendency to install milder forms of traffic calming in Page 8

recent times, if at all.

The 'bumps' at Arklow Drive are not illegal but we appreciate your, and members', concerns and will attempt to take some action in the forthcoming financial year. However, this will need to be done in light of competing priorities.

Meeting ended at 8.30 p.m. Page 9 Agenda Item 3

Area Forum for Broadheath, Ditton, Hough Green and Hale

A101 Alley gate Levens Way £1500.00

A103 Hale Park Weekend Gardener £4800.00

A102 Hough Green Park Weekend Gardener £4800.00

A108 Alley gates at the rear of Ditchfield Road, Hale Road and Shops £4150.00

A107 Flashing speed sign at Halegate Road up to £7000.00

A104 Alley gates 29 Foxcote £4600.00

A106 Friends of Pickering's Pasture £5000.00

Budget: £109,626.00 Committed Spend £31,850.00 Remaining: £77,776.00

Page 10 Agenda Item 4

REPORT: Area Forum

DATE: 25th June 2007

REPORTING OFFICER : Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy

SUBJECT: Public Questions

WARDS: Broadheath, Ditton, Hale and Hough Green


1.1 To consider any questions submitted by the public in accordance with the Terms of Reference of the Area Forums.

1.2 Members of the public are invited to ask questions on issues of local concern. (If it is not possible to provide an answer at the meeting, either a letter will be sent from the relevant department, or a report will be made on the matter to the next meeting.)

1.3 Details of any further questions received will be circulated prior to the start of the meeting.

2.0 RECOMMENDED: That the questions received be noted.

AF/BDHHG/1/11/1108/sah Page 11


(1) Question from Ms J Florek

“How much funding is available per year to each Area, and is it the same for all wards?”

Answer from the Area Forum Project Co-ordinator

The proposals are submitted to myself, local councillors or raised at the forum as an idea or improvement for the local area.

The schemes are then investigated to see if they fit within the rules of the forum, to see if they are feasible and to identify the costs. Once this has been done, all the schemes are then discussed by the Lead Officer for each forum and decisions are taken on what the Councillors and Lead Officer think would benefit the local community best and those schemes are then approved to go ahead.

The Budget £ Area Forum 1 109,626.00 (Broadheath, Ditton, Hough Green, Hale) Area Forum 2 89,328.00 (Riverside, Appleton, Kingsway) Area Forum 3 87,263.00 (Farnworth, Birchfield, Halton View) Area Forum 4 127,101.00 (Grange, Heath, Mersey, Halton Brook) Area Forum 5 114,298.00 (Norton North and South, Castlefields, Windmill Hill) Area Forum 6 52,617.00 (Beechwood and Halton Lea) Area Forum 7 19,767.00 ( which includes the parishes of Moore, and )

Lead Officers Area Forum 1 Ian Leivesley (Strategic Director) Area Forum 2 Gary Collins (Operational Director - Regeneration) Area Forum 3 Rob MacKenzie (Operational Director - Policy) Area Forum 4 Peter Barron (Operational Director - Old People) Area Forum 5 Ray Dart (Operational Director - Finance) Area Forum 6 Mick Noone (Operational Director – Highways, Transportation and Logistics) Area Forum 7 Phil Watts (Operational Director – Environmental and Regulatory Services)

(2) Question from Mr Foy

"As there is a blind spot corner at the junction of the cross roads of Halebank Road, Haleroad, when traffic congestion accumulates, this is a very dangerous black spot area. As I have witnessed on numerous occasions many near-miss accidents. A fatality is waiting to happen, as there is no traffic Page 12

control and it is very difficult to gauge on-coming traffic around the blind spot corner from Halegate Road.

Another example of this black spot area is for example, (the corner of Denise’s Shop) on the Halebank Road/Halegate Road, Hale Road Mersey View Road junction, which Denise’s shop has had two major smashes into her property.

Both smashes were fortunate enough not to have involved older pedestrians and young children or other road users or chemical carrying vehicles coming off Pickerings Industrial Estate, that could have caused major problems for people within the area.

Therefore, please can traffic lights be introduced for installation at the above location mentioned junction in Halebank, Widnes, .

A concerned resident of Halebank

Thank You."

Answer from Highways

The possibility of installing traffic signals at the junction of Halegate Road/Mersey View Road has been raised previously. Unfortunately at the present time there is no funding available to carry out the work, or fund the ongoing costs. The junction will continue to be monitored and appropriate works carried out.

(3) Question from Mr Foy

"The Traffic that travels along Halebank Road (of which I live on) causes my house to shake and vibrate and the vibration causes the property to rattle all my doors and windows and inside the house, and objects within my home. The reason for this is because that heavy goods vehicles pass by my house very close, plus all other types of large load burdened vehicles, just over a pavement’s width away from my property. From the vehicles that pass by home, excessive noise disturbance is produced, eg especially from wagons, skips (with some, sometimes carrying extra skips inside and loaded with all kinds of debris and travelling without dust sheets) that uses Halebank Road regularly, as a route - whereas they could use the convenience of the Ford Road - vehicles carrying massive chemicals loads - only curtained - tankers carrying chemicals and sewerage, scrap carts with enormous amounts of scrap metal loads plus all other types of noisy vehicles, that travel at over the speed limit for the built-up area that Halebank is.

These vehicles - some starting off early hours in the morning - causes disruption to my family and myself - who all work - and spoils my quality of life, peace and quiet because of the grating engine noise (especially at Mersey View Road, cross roads concerning traffic of heavy goods vehicles coming off from the Pickerings Industrial Estate, and all other wagons coming down from Page 13

Mersey View Road from the new Industrial Distribution Shipping Company - also wagons park up along Mersey View Road at night.

Therefore, please is it possible, to put in speed humps to slow down traffic, along Halebank Road, as the width of Halebank Road is not very wide. The installation of speed bumps could begin from the Cock and Trumpet Pub down to the Hale Road, Mersey View Road, Halegate crossroads.

Thank You."

Answer from Ms Founds, Senior Engineer – Traffic Management

I had a site visit with Councillor Osborne and Councillor Wright some months ago to discuss the problems being experienced on Halebank Road. During the meeting it was agreed that I would erect yellow backing boards in combination with the existing 30mph signs to make them more visible and lay 'SLOW' road markings and rumble strips on the approaches to the bends. Unfortunately we had run out of money so I was waiting until the new financial year to order the work. I have already ordered 30mph roundels to be laid near the existing 30mph signs and this has been funded via the Area Forum as you know.

Speed activated signs were suggested and I think the Councillors were looking to put these forward to the Area Forum for funding.

Another suggestion was for residents to set up their own Community Speedwatch Scheme. Essentially to run the scheme we need a minimum of 6 residents who agree to give up an hour of their time each week to enforce the speed limit. The speed gun, signing, high visibility jackets and training are all provided by Halton Borough Council and the Police. If Mr Foy would like further details I am more than happy to send him some more information or meet him to have a chat about it.

(4) Question from A Helms

"I am enquiring as to whether it is possible to have “BOULDERS” erected outside the terraced houses opposite the Oddfellows Social Club. There are already “boulders” in situ further up the road by the traffic lights and I presume they are there for similar reasons as to why we would like them here.

We have a busy Industrial Estate and traffic coming through Halebank to , St. Helens and using the bridge to the Wirral, so Hale Road is very busy. There is also a chip shop and a general store on the corner of Hale Road and Halebank Road which means this corner is very busy day and night. For the residents living nearby the traffic is relentless. Although we have “DOUBLE YELLOW LINES” outside our houses, nobody takes any notice of them. This means that we have vehicles from cars to articulated Lorries stopping outside all the time. At present there are no deterrents to stop them doing so. There are no traffic wardens or police patrol cars to stop them doing exactly as they please. Older citizens and mothers with toddlers and prams Page 14

have no alternative but to step into the road to get around them which is potentially dangerous. Being a corner, traffic wanting to turn into Hale Road are blind sighted to any oncoming traffic and we are lucky no serious accidents have not occurred. Not only are there the obvious risks to drivers and pedestrians but the residents in the terraced houses have to live constantly with noise from blasting car radios to having natural light cut off to their houses because of the sheer size of these vehicles and also damage to paving stones. So I do not think it is unreasonable to request that “BOULDERS” be put in situ to deter these drivers from stopping there.

They obviously have no respect for the local residents or for the law. They are just too lazy to park in the proper places and will not think twice before parking on Double Yellow lines.

Please consider this proposal as it would make a huge difference to the local residents."

Answer from Transportation

The pathway has been assessed. Unfortunately, the width of the sidewalk is not wide enough to accommodate a bollard as mobility scooters and double push chairs would not be able to pass.

(5) Question from Mrs Williams

"When are we going to get the flashing 30 mph sign in Halegate Road?"

Answer from the Area Forum Project Co-ordinator

This is being investigated as a possible project.

(6) Question from Mrs Williams

"The parking problem outside Lucks chip shop has not been solved at all the no parking sign was only in the chip shop window for a very short time. The vision onto Halebank and Hale Road is a death trap, due to the cars parked outside the chip shop!"

Answer from Transportation

Parking restrictions are in place at this location, which the police can enforce. Unfortunately, there is no room to put bollards in as buggies and prams would not then fit past. The shop was requested to display a sign asking people not to park and this was done for a period of time. Another sign will be produced and given to the shop with a further request for it to be displayed. Page 15

(7) Question from Ms Wynne


Please can a project be organised with volunteers from Halebank and the children be arranged, in co-ordination and co-operation, with the Operational Ranger of Pickerings Pasture, to plant ivy, English bluebells and daffodils down Mersey View Road, Halebank, Widnes, along the walled concrete fence, that is erected along this stretch of road (where neglect can visibly be seen). There is enough space between the walled concrete fence for a border of plants to be put in place (along by this wall) as I have viewed this area and made observations to ensure the project mentioned could be carried out.

The ivy will stop the nuisance and eyesore of graffiti being daubed on the fence. The bluebells and daffodils will control and keep the weeds down (this might be a good idea for other areas throughout the , Cheshire) and save on graffiti bills and weed control money).

A project of this sort, if allowed and when completed, would attract butterflies, bees, ladybirds etc. and give shelter to other forms of insects, and protection for birds and wildlife as well (that has been lost in this area). It would also enhance Mersey View Road and make it a pleasant feature to look at, for visitors and users on the way down to Pickerings Pasture Nature Reserve and ramblers who use the Trans-Pennine Trail but especially for the locals of Halebank and those people of Halton, Cheshire, who enjoy this area of open space.

Thank You."

Answer from the Parks and Countryside Ranger

Mrs Wynne did recently raise this issue with me and I agree it would be nice to enhance the road side leading down to Pickerings; however the suggestion cannot be implemented because the space that Mrs Wynne refers to contains very little soil, but is instead filled with stone blocks, tarmac, concrete slabs and stone. Due to these ground conditions it would be difficult to implement any planting scheme along this section of wall. The few hardy, specialised wild plants that do grow there are in a poor state because of the harsh, dry conditions.

To make it a viable project would also be expensive and labour intensive. Material would have to be extracted and soil brought in. Ownership of this strip of land is also unclear, which raises the issues of permission, responsibility, management, maintenance and possibly liability.