The Renaissance Era Test #4 Name:______Date______

1. What does “Renaissance” mean?

2. In what country was the Renaissance most influential?

3. Were vocal and instrumental equally popular? If not, which was more popular?

4. How did people decide which instruments to play with each piece?

5. Name at least two from the Renaissance Period?

6. Interest in man and the world in which he lives is called what?

7. What kind of music made its debut during the Renaissance?

8. True or False: Monophony was still very prevalent in the Renaissance.

9. Who discovered what in 1492?

10. For which occasions were fife and drum used?

11. In what way did instrumental music become very popular toward the end of the Renaissance?

12. How did Renaissance composers respond to the more prominent formal court functions?

13. Name two ways instruments were used in .

14. Which instrument was the most widely used during this era?

15. What invention introduced literature, and subsequently written music, to the masses?

Essay: Choose one and write a minimum of one complete paragraph. Make your answer clear and accurate. A. Tell me about the Protestant Reformation. What was its impact on the direction of music? B. Tell me about the Tudor dynasty and its violent transition between Medievalism and the Renaissance. C. Tell me about the Medici’s and their connection to and their legacy from the Renaissance.

Bonus: Choose another essay. Get up to 5 points per extra essay. Video sources for Mr. Porter’s Collins High School General Music

The Middle Ages in 3 1/2 minutes The Renaissance: Was it a Thing? - Crash Course World History #22

Palestrina - Missa brevis - Palestrina - Gloria Luther and the Protestant Reformation: Crash Course World History #218 Flow my tears - (1563-1626) يراوه رصان Nasser Houari / Taqsim Oud maroc Syrian Oud, Iraqi Oud, Cümbüş, Fretless Mandolin Show and Tell Mistresse Nichols Almand - John Dowland - lute & viols Now, oh now - John Dowland German Zither Music early medieval lute Rowland by on virginal Explanation of a Pipe Organ Part 1 - Diane Bish amarcord - The Book of Madrigals King's Singers - Madrigal History Tour - La Guerre Sistine Chapel - Palestrina: Sicut cervus William Byrd - Ave verum corpus - The Sixteen "Sing Joyfully" by William Byrd Chicago Symphony Brass plays Giovanni Gabrieli Giovanni Gabrieli Sacra Symphonia Sonata Pian'e Forte Taccata, Ritornelo and Prologue from l'Orfeo - Monteverdi Tudor Dynasty

The Renaissance Era Test #4 Name:______Date______

1. What does “Renaissance” mean? Rebirth

2. In what country was the Renaissance most influential? Italy

3. Were vocal and instrumental music equally popular? If not, which was more popular? No. Vocal music was more popular, but instrumental music was increasing in popularity.

4. How did people decide which instruments to play with each piece? The music director decided, and it depended on what was available.

5. Name at least two composers from the Renaissance Period? Clement Janequin, Tielman Susato, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, William Byrd, Giovanni Gabrieli, Claudio Monteverdi

6. Interest in man and the world in which he lives is called what? Humanism

7. What kind of music made its debut during the Renaissance? Popular music

8. True or False: Monophony was still very prevalent in the Renaissance. False

9. Who discovered what in 1492? Columbus discovered America

10. For which occasions were fife and drum used? Military music and funerals

11. In what way did instrumental music become very popular toward the end of the Renaissance? It was used among the aristocracy as a form of entertainment.

12. How did Renaissance composers respond to the more prominent formal court functions? They began to write dances for these occasions.

13. Name two ways instruments were used in Renaissance music. They provided underlying to a vocal line. They were used to play exclusively instrumental music based on dances. For theater bands. For military communication.

14. Which instrument was the most widely used during this era? lute

15. What invention introduced literature, and subsequently written music, to the masses? Printing press

Essay: Choose one and write a minimum of one complete paragraph. Make your answer clear and accurate.

A. Tell me about the Protestant Reformation. What was its impact on the direction of music? B. Tell me about the Tudor dynasty and its violent transition between Medievalism and the Renaissance. C. Tell me about the Medici’s and their connection to and their legacy from the Renaissance.

Bonus: Choose another essay. Get up to 5 points per extra essay.