137 West 25th Street, New York, NY 10001 Tel: 212.206.3583 www.cueartfoundation.org
[email protected] Gallery hours: Tues - Sat: 10AM-5:30PM Mo Kong: Making A Stationary Rain On The North Pacific Ocean Curated by Steffani Jemison May 30 - July 10, 2019 Opening reception: Thursday, May 30, 6-8PM CUE Art Foundation is pleased to present Making A Stationary Rain On The North Pacific Ocean, a solo exhibition by Mo Kong, curated by Steffani Jemison. Blurring fact and fiction, art and science, truth and near-truth, the artist turns the gallery into an immersive installation exploring a not-so-distant future in which China and the United States are in the midst of a political Cold War, echoed externally by an atmospheric antagonism rendered by climate change that has turned China and the U.S. into the hot and cold centers of the world. Kong’s visual exploration of his own scientific and journalistic research uses climate change as a lens into contemporary geopolitics, neo-nationalism, human migration, human rights, and censorship, Mo Kong, Seeking The Common Ground, 2019. Mini freezer, handmade popsicles with among other topics. Central to and grounding the newspaper confetti, dish racks, preserved tropical fruit, frozen cube fruit, plant lights, 18 x 19 x 27 inches. exhibition, Kong has carefully gridded out the gallery with blue painter’s tape, delineating the latitudes and longitudes of the worlds within the installation. The grid marks coordinates, not countries; this is a type of mark- making that allows us to locate ourselves beyond national and temporal boundaries, but also allows our movement and migration to be tracked in turn via GPS.