Waimakariri District & Brooklands Red Zone Potential Contaminated Land Data Review


„ Issued for Client Comment

„ 13 January 2014

Waimakariri District & Brooklands Red Zone Potential Contaminated Land Data Review


„ Issued for Client Comment

„ 13 January 2014

Sinclair Knight Merz 142 Sherborne Street St Albans PO Box 21011, Edgeware , T +64 3 940 4900 F +64 3 940 4901 www.globalskm.com

COPYRIGHT: The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Sinclair Knight Merz Limited (SKM). Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of SKM constitutes an infringement of copyright.. LIMITATION: This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of SKM’s client, and is subject to and issued in connection with the provisions of the agreement between SKM and its client. SKM accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report by any third party.

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Site Summary Information

Document history and status

Revision Date issued Reviewed by Approved by Date approved Revision type 1 19 Dec 2013 CP ME 13 Jan 2014 Technical

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Printed: 13 January 2014

Last saved: 13 January 2014 11:47 AM I:\Aenv\Projects\AE04438\Deliverables\\WDC & Brooklands File name: Residential Red Zone\WDC Brooklands Residential Red Zone HAIL Assessment - Issue for Client Comment.docx Author: Matt Engel

Project manager: Sylvia Maclaren

Name of organisation: Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority

Name of project: Waimakariri District & Brooklands Red Zone Potential Contaminated Land Data Review

Name of document: Preliminary Site Summary Information

Document version: Issued for Client Comment

Project number: AE04438.0010

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1. Introduction and User Guide 1 1.1. Methodology 2 1.2. User Guide 2 2. Data Background and Manipulation 3 3. Maps Showing Location of HAIL Activities in RRZ 5 4. Operational Controls for HAIL Activity Sites 6 5. General Residential Potential Land Contaminant Risks 18 6. Limitation and Disclaimer 19

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1. Introduction and User Guide

The Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) has the responsibility for clearing properties within the Waimakariri District and Brooklands Residential Red Zones (RRZ). This generally relates to residential properties but also includes some commercial activities and buildings. This work will be undertaken to establish an interim grassed area with retained vegetation from some gardens which would be regarded as a parklands land use before final decisions are made on the future/more permanent land use of this area

Located within the RRZ are sites that have or may have been used for potentially contaminating activities as defined in the Ministry for the Environment’s Hazardous Activities and Industries List (HAIL). The history of these activities can constrain the clearance operations CERA wish to undertake. Specific controls on CERA works and further investigations may be required at some of these sites to confirm the level of contamination present and the potential level of risk by the change in land use.

Please note that as of 13 January 2014, Environment Canterbury (ECan) have not completed a HAIL assessment for the Waimakariri District and their review of Brooklands HAIL sites is due for completion around the end of January 2014. As such, there may be some sites that are not identified in this report that become listed when the assessment has been completed. This is only a Preliminary Site Summary of Information and cannot guarantee all contaminated sites or activities have been identified.

Information on the HAIL activities have been sourced from the ECan’s Listed Land Use Register (LLUR) and their GIS system as noted in Section 2 of this report. This information is currently available to CERA on their GIS system as feeds from ECan. However the history and completeness of the data was not apparent to CERA and no interpretation of the data had been undertaken.

This short report is intended to provide a usable summary of this data to show areas where no contamination has been identified that CERA can operate in straight away, and areas that have a risk of potential contamination, or are contaminated for which further controls are needed. The report includes the next steps for the investigation of the potentially contaminated sites in the context of land clearance.

Of particular note for the management of sites where HAIL activities have been undertaken are the requirements of the National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health (NES). As a generalised summary resource consent is needed for onsite works if greater than 25m3 of excavations are to occur on site or greater than 5 m3 of soil is to be removed from site per 500 m2 of land area.

The NES also applies when the land use of a piece of land which has had a HAIL activity on it is changed and there is a potential risk to human health. Discussions with ECan, Christchurch City

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Council and Waimakariri District Council have confirmed that as no formal change in land use is occurring with the clearance activity the NES does not apply.

1.1. Methodology

The methodology undertaken in the conducting this assessment is described below:

„ GIS data for the RRZ was sourced from ECan and manipulated as outlined in Section 2. Data relating to single properties or sites of former activities from the various data sources were combined to provide a single summary for each site and all sites assigned a unique identifier (as outlined in Section 2).

„ Maps were produced to show these sites in the Waimakariri District and Brooklands RRZ to allow CERA staff to understand where potential HAIL activities have occurred and thus where contamination risks exist (provided in Section 3).

„ For each site shown on the maps the amalgamated data for that site is presented in tabular form in Section 4. For each site identified as a HAIL the table provides, a site name and location, a summary of the potential HAIL activity history at the site and potential actions for CERA in planning clearance works at these sites.

„ The recommended actions/restrictions that may be required on specific sites are focused on two specific activities: (1) clearance of structures only with no disturbance of the ground and (2) clearance that involves ground disturbance such as floor slab removal or excavation.

„ Recommendations are made in the table in Section 4 as to which areas require further investigation as part of land clearance activities or prior to developing a final land use.

„ It is important to note that this project uses existing available GIS data only of known potential HAIL activities. There is a risk that other activities may have occurred that could have contaminated sites within the RRZ for which records have not made it into the GIS data. In addition there are some general and often normal day to day, activities that are likely to have been undertaken in the RRZ over time that present a risk of having caused contamination. CERA will need to consider the risk of encountering contamination during clearance works and Section 5 provides an overview of some likely areas of potential risk.

1.2. User Guide

This document is intended for the CERA team planning land clearance works in the RRZ to use. As such the following general approach to using the document should be followed:

Look at the maps in Section 4 to identify Note the site ID and lookup Identify the constrints on whether a potential HAIL the relevenat data in the site for the proposed activity or site exists at the Section 5. clarance activities. location where works are proposed

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2. Data Background and Manipulation

This assessment uses existing available data that has been gathered by ECan and uploaded to their GIS systems. This data had already been made available to CERA however it was not clear of its origin, age or completeness and therefore it made it difficult for CERA to use with confidence when planning clearance works.

SKM have sourced the data in Table 1 to determine the location of former HAIL activities.

„ Table 1 Data sources used in the assessment

Date Data accessed ECan have a spatial database of HAIL sites on the Listed Land Use Register (LLUR) in the 11/12/2013 Waimakariri District and Brooklands but limited sites have been identified to date. This was accessed through the LLUR Secure Online Services (http://llur.ecan.govt.nz/) A desktop study of ECan’s aerial photographs was undertaken to identify any 11/12/2013 horticulture areas, tanks, industrial or commercial buildings, sports fields or bowling greens and large wood piles.

The aerial photo datasets that were viewed were: Imagery/NZAM_11010_Christchurch_20110224 Imagery/SN9381_Christchurch_19941126 Imagery/SN8389_Christchurch_19840928 Imagery/SN2634_Christchurch_19730926 Imagery/SN1786_Christchurch_19651029 Imagery/SN872_Christchurch_19550510 Imagery/SN393_Christchurch_19460528 Imagery/SN152_Christchurch_19411014

SKM have pulled together the information from the above sources to understand the history of the data so that an interpretation can be made for CERA.

Data has been filtered to include only sites within the Waimakariri District and Brooklands Residential Red Zone. Many sites were noted in more than one data source and in some cases with slightly differing site boundaries. Aerial photos of the RRZ dating back to 1965 were reviewed to identify any activities which potentially could have caused contamination of the sites. The GIS layers and information from the aerial photos have been combined based on site addresses and activity locations to produce a map with one GIS layer only to aid CERA’s use of the data. All sites were assigned a unique identifier on the map and in the data tables.

When amalgamating site information for sites/activities that had data available in more than one source if the site areas differed slightly the larger area was taken as a conservative approach to

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identify potential risk areas. To allow easy trace back to the original data, the table in Section 4 refers to the ECan data references where applicable.

The dates when the data was accessed are noted in Table 1. It is important to note that this data may be modified and updated over time by the owner organisations. CERA as owner of the RRZ properties should be notified by ECan if any new properties are added to the LLUR database but Christchurch City Council and Waimakariri District Council information may change over time with no formal notification process.

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3. Maps Showing Location of HAIL Activities in RRZ

The map series presented in this section outlines the boundaries of the Waimakariri District and Brooklands RRZ. Each map shows street addresses and aerial imagery of the area. The datasets plotted on the map are:

- Potential HAIL activity locations – this is a dataset of 16 sites in the RRZ based on the combined ECan LLUR, aerial photo interpretation and GIS systems.

To use the map, locate the area of interest. If there is a mapped site in that area note the identification (ID) number and refer to Section 4 for details on that site.

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4. Operational Controls for HAIL Activity Sites

The maps in Section 3 will show whether a HAIL site is located in an area of interest or not. The figure below presents a flow process for if a HAIL site is or is not identified.

For all areas with no potential contaminated site history Site NOT identified on the maps in Section 3 then the assessed information did not identify any known risks. No specific constraints are identified in therefore identified to clearance works at these sites. Procedures will be required to protect the H+S of workers from the risk of the maps in unknown contaminants as noted in Section 5 and to manage risk should potential contaminants/contamination be discovered Section 3 during works.

Site IS identified in the maps in Section 3

Where a site is identified in the maps in Section 3, Table 2 below summarises the known HAIL history. Controls and/or further investigations are recommended with respect to undertaking the following clearance activities:

Option 1 - Clearing site Option 2 – Clearing site buildings to ground level with buildings involving ground no ground disturbance, disturbance such as concrete concrete pads retained and pad removal and foundation no change to land use. excavation*.

„ Figure 1 Flow process for decision making for site clearance *Note option 2 involves any ground disturbance so includes re-contouring or re-profiling sites. This assumes excavation volumes are below thresholds that would trigger resource consent requirements under the National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health (NES). As a generalised summary resource consent is needed for onsite works if greater than 25m3 of excavations occur on site or greater than 5m3 of soil is removed from site per 500 m2 of land area. The need for consent on these sites should be considered if land disturbance works are proposed.

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Where there is a history of HAIL activities or the risks noted in Section 5 are likely to occur then additional site specific assessment or investigation should be undertaken to address the specific risks of those sites.

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„ Table 2 Operational controls for HAIL activity sites

Restrictions on undertake the following: Map Site name Location HAIL history Source Option 1 Clear site Option 2 Clear and disturb ID buildings and no ground change to land use 1 1001 Lower The site is a pump station for water extraction and supply ECan If the site is to be As per Option 1. Styx Road, to the Brooklands area. The site is listed on ECan's LLUR HAIL site cleared, and the pump Brooklands, as being used for A17 - Storage tanks or drums for fuel, No station removed, the AST Christchurch, chemicals or liquid waste. 10712 and associated pumps Sec 1,2,3 SO There are no records of the tank being removed therefore it and tank and lines should be 20162 is assumed to still be present. ID 5009. removed and a detailed File ref: soil sampling undertaken so that any residual The above-ground storage tank (AST) holds approx. 650L IN7C/230 2 contaminants in the soil of diesel. The sites HAIL status is characterised as are removed during the “unverified” by ECan. tank removal.

2 Horticultural, 1037 A – E The site was possibly used for growing crops. ECan have 1984 As long as the underlying As the soil will be disturbed it Field Lower Styx no information stored for hazardous or potentially aerial material would be is advised that a Phase 1 Road, contaminating activities that may have occurred on the site. photos undisturbed and that Preliminary Site Investigation Brooklands, However, as a former site of crop growing, pesticides and there is no change to (PSI) be undertaken to Christchurch, fertilisers may have been used. land use this activity analyse existing data and Lot 11 – 15 could be undertaken better characterise site risks. DP 326204 without further controls. This may then require a Phase 2 investigation and soil sampling. The Phase 1 report If land use changes are can scope this. deemed to occur a PSI would be required for the site to demonstrate it is unlikely to present a risk to human health.

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Restrictions on undertake the following: Map Site name Location HAIL history Source Option 1 Clear site Option 2 Clear and disturb ID buildings and no ground change to land use 3 Sports Salecia The site has previously been used as a sports field and has 1973 As long as the underlying As the soil will be disturbed it Fields Gardens, likely had fertiliser spread at reasonably regular intervals. aerial potentially contaminated is advised that a Phase 1 Brooklands, ECan have no information stored for hazardous or photo material would be Preliminary Site Investigation Christchurch, potentially contaminating activities that may have occurred undisturbed and that (PSI) be undertaken to Lot 1 on the site. there is no change to analyse existing data and DP 11734, Lot land use this activity better characterise site risks. 10, 11, 12, 25 could be undertaken This may then require a Phase DP 74992 without further controls. 2 investigation and soil If land use changes are sampling. The Phase 1 report deemed to occur a PSI can scope this. would be required for the site to demonstrate it is unlikely to present a risk to human health. 4 Bowling 37 The site has previously been used as a bowling club where 1973 As long as the underlying As the soil will be disturbed it Green Featherston fertiliser is likely to been used to maintain the green. aerial potentially contaminated is advised that a Phase 1 Avenue, ECan have no information stored for hazardous or photo material would be Preliminary Site Investigation , Lot 5 potentially contaminating activities that may have occurred undisturbed this activity (PSI) be undertaken to DP 54441 on the site. could be undertaken analyse existing data and without further controls. better characterise site risks. It is possible as part of the demolition of the bowling club This may then require a Phase and redevelopment as a residential site that any If land use changes are deemed to occur a PSI 2 investigation and soil contaminated soils have been removed or at least sampling. The Phase 1 report disturbed and redistributed in the process. would be required for the site to demonstrate it is can scope this. unlikely to present a risk to human health. 5 Pines Beach 33 Dunns The site was listed on ECan’s LLUR as being used for A17 ECan Given the HAIL activities As per Option 1. Store Avenue, Pines – Storage tanks or drunks for fuel, chemicals or liquid HAIL site are confirmed to have Beach, Lot 50 waste. The tank was installed in 1966 and is still on the ID 1218. been undertaken at the DP 7292 site. The site is characterised as a “not investigated site” time of the earthquake by ECan. and the USTs remain on

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Restrictions on undertake the following: Map Site name Location HAIL history Source Option 1 Clear site Option 2 Clear and disturb ID buildings and no ground change to land use ECan notes from 22 Feb 1999: site it is recommended This site has a 3500 L underground storage tank (UST) that the UST’s and and contains a class 3A substance. The manager doesn't associated pumps and know the age of the UST or the store itself. Canterbury lines are removed and Regional Council information suggests the UST was in the that detailed soil ground in 1983. The manager said there was only about sampling to confirm any 1,000-1,500 L of petrol in the UST at one time. residual contamination is undertaken during the tank pull.

6 Unknown 39 Dunns The previous use of the site is unknown. 1973 As long as the underlying Undertake a Phase 1 Activity Avenue, Pines The 1973 aerial photos show some unusual structures on Aerial potentially contaminated Preliminary Site Investigation Beach, Lot 51 site. The structures weren’t in the earlier 1965 aerial photos photos material would be to analyse existing data and DP 7292 and in the 1984 aerial photos the unusual structures look to undisturbed and that better characterise site risks, have been built over with a house or garage. there is no change to including reviewing council land use this activity files for previous use of the could be undertaken property. This may then ECan have no information stored for hazardous or without further controls. require a Phase 2 potentially contaminating activities that may have occurred investigation and soil on the site. If land use changes are deemed to occur a PSI sampling. The Phase 1 report would be required for the can scope this if required. site to demonstrate it is unlikely to present a risk to human health. 7 Residential 91, 93, 95, 97, The site has previously been used for growing crops so 1965 As long as the underlying Undertake a Phase 1 Housing – 99, 101, 103 may have had fertilizer and pesticides applied to the area. aerial potentially contaminated Preliminary Site Investigation Red Zone - Cass Street, The 1984 aerial photo shows the area largely developed so photo material would be to analyse existing data and Horticulture Kaiapoi horticulture activity predates 1984. undisturbed and that better characterise site risks, 112, 114, 116, As part of the redevelopment, any potential contamination there is no change to including reviewing council 118, 120, 122, may have been covered up or removed. land use this activity files for previous use of the 124 Sewell could be undertaken property. This may then require a Phase 2

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Restrictions on undertake the following: Map Site name Location HAIL history Source Option 1 Clear site Option 2 Clear and disturb ID buildings and no ground change to land use Street, ECan have no information stored for hazardous or without further controls. investigation and soil Kaiapoi, potentially contaminating activities that may have occurred If land use changes are sampling. The Phase 1 report Lot 1 – 14 on the site. deemed to occur a PSI can scope this if required. DP 44629 would be required for the site to demonstrate it is unlikely to present a risk to human health. 8 Residential 84, 86, 88, 90, The site has previously been used for growing crops and 1965 As long as the underlying Undertake a Phase 1 Housing – 92, 94, 98, therefore may have had fertilizer and pesticides applied aerial potentially contaminated Preliminary Site Investigation Red Zone - 100, 102, 104, around the area. photo material would be to analyse existing data and Horticulture 106, 108 Cass The 1973 aerial photo shows the area largely developed so undisturbed and that better characterise site risks, Street, horticulture activity predates 1973 (and possibly earlier there is no change to including reviewing council Kaiapoi, given the level of development). As part of the land use this activity files for previous use of the Lot 42, 43, 44, development of the site any contamination may have been could be undertaken property. This may then 45 DP 29042 removed or covered. without further controls. require a Phase 2 Lot 1 If land use changes are investigation and soil DP 53421 sampling. The Phase 1 report ECan have no information stored for hazardous or deemed to occur a PSI Lot 47, 48, 49, would be required for the can scope this if required. 50, 51, 52, 53 potentially contaminating activities that may have occurred on the site. site to demonstrate it is DP 29042 unlikely to present a risk Lot 1 to human health. DP 40556 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23 Kirk Street, Kaiapoi, Lot 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37 DP 29042

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Restrictions on undertake the following: Map Site name Location HAIL history Source Option 1 Clear site Option 2 Clear and disturb ID buildings and no ground change to land use Lot 87, 88, 89 DP 29975 Lot 1, 2 DP 37809 Lot 25, 26, 27, 29 DP 29042 Lot 83, 84, 85, 86 DP 29975 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30A, 30B, 30C, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45 Feldwick Drive, Kaiapoi, Lot 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 38, 39, 40, 41 DP 29042 Lot 1 DP 37501 3 Lot 58, 59,67, 69, DP 29975 Lot 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 DP 29042 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10A, 11, 12,13, 14 Nandia Place,

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Restrictions on undertake the following: Map Site name Location HAIL history Source Option 1 Clear site Option 2 Clear and disturb ID buildings and no ground change to land use Kaiapoi, Lot 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82 DP 29975 9, 11, 13, 15 Ilex Place, Kaiapoi Lot 126, 127, 128, 129 DP 30505 9 Residential 12B, 14A, The site has previously housed farm sheds and potentially 1965 As long as the underlying Undertake a Phase 1 Housing – 14B, 16, 18, horticulture activities. Fertilizer and pesticides may have aerial potentially contaminated Preliminary Site Investigation Red Zone - 20 Askeaton been stored and applied in this area. photo material would be to analyse existing data and Horticulture Drive, Kaiapoi, As part of the development of the site, if contamination was undisturbed and that better characterise site risks, Lot 2 present it may have been removed or covered. there is no change to including reviewing council DP 83078, land use this activity files for previous use of the Lot 1, 2 could be undertaken property. This may then ECan have no information stored for hazardous or DP 81917, without further controls. require a Phase 2 Lot 4, 5, 6 potentially contaminating activities that may have occurred investigation and soil on the site. If land use changes are DP 79155 deemed to occur a PSI sampling. The Phase 1 report would be required for the can scope this if required. site to demonstrate it is unlikely to present a risk to human health. 10 Industrial or 72, 74, 82, 84, The previous use of the property is unknown. Resource 1955 As long as the underlying Undertake a Phase 1 commercial 86, 123, 125, consents on ECan’s GIS viewer indicate water extraction aerial potentially contaminated Preliminary Site Investigation site 127, 133, 135, consents for Alliance Group Limited commencing 15 Dec photo material would be to analyse existing data and 141, 143 1989, terminating on 12 April 1999. undisturbed and that better characterise site risks, Courtenay Alliance Group Limited operates livestock processing and there is no change to including reviewing council Drive, Kaiapoi, exporting plants. land use this activity files for previous use of the

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Restrictions on undertake the following: Map Site name Location HAIL history Source Option 1 Clear site Option 2 Clear and disturb ID buildings and no ground change to land use 1, 26, 27, 28, could be undertaken property. This may then 29, 30 Wyber ECan have no information stored for hazardous or without further controls. require a Phase 2 Place, potentially contaminating activities that may have occurred If land use changes are investigation and soil Kaiapoi, 2, 3, on the site. deemed to occur a PSI sampling. The Phase 1 report 4, 5, 6 Reay would be required for the can scope this if required. Place site to demonstrate it is Lot 284 unlikely to present a risk DP 303423 to human health. Lot 240 DP 82951 Lot 1, 2 DP 317693 Lot 195 – 199, 223 – 226, 231 – 233 DP 82951 Lot 174 – 178 DP 80840 11 Wood Pile 4 & 5 The The site was previously used as a storage site for timber. It 1973 As long as the underlying Undertake a Phase 1 Oaks, Kaiapoi, is unknown how long timber was stored here or whether it aerial potentially contaminated Preliminary Site Investigation Lot 239, 279, was treated timber or not. photo material would be to analyse existing data and 281 From the 1973 aerial photos this area looks to be part of undisturbed and that better characterise site risks, DP 303423 the operations at Map ID 10. The timber wasn’t present in there is no change to including reviewing council the 1965 or 1984 aerial photos. land use this activity files for previous use of the could be undertaken property. This may then without further controls. require a Phase 2 ECan have no information stored for hazardous or investigation and soil potentially contaminating activities that may have occurred If land use changes are sampling. The Phase 1 report on the site. deemed to occur a PSI would be required for the can scope this if required. site to demonstrate it is unlikely to present a risk

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Restrictions on undertake the following: Map Site name Location HAIL history Source Option 1 Clear site Option 2 Clear and disturb ID buildings and no ground change to land use to human health. 12 Unknown 139 Courtenay The previous use of the property is unknown. 1973 As long as the underlying Undertake a Phase 1 Building Drive, Kaiapoi From the 1973 aerial photos it looks to be part of the aerial potentially contaminated Preliminary Site Investigation Activity Lot 239 operations undertaken at Map ID 10. photo material would be to analyse existing data and DP 303423 undisturbed and that better characterise site risks, there is no change to including reviewing council ECan have no information stored for hazardous or land use this activity files for previous use of the potentially contaminating activities that may have occurred could be undertaken property. This may then on the site. without further controls. require a Phase 2 If land use changes are investigation and soil deemed to occur a PSI sampling. The Phase 1 report would be required for the can scope this if required. site to demonstrate it is unlikely to present a risk to human health. 13 Tank 139 Courtenay The previous use of the site is unknown. 1973 This activity could be Undertake a Phase 1 Drive, Kaiapoi Given the size of the tank it may have been a water tank aerial undertaken without Preliminary Site Investigation Lot 239 for the building at Map ID 12. photo further controls. to analyse existing data and DP 303423 From the 1973 aerial photos it looks like the tank was part If it is deemed that a better characterise site risks, of the operations at Map ID 10 & 12. change in land use has including reviewing council files for previous use of the occurred then as long as a PSI can demonstrate property. This may then ECan have no information stored for hazardous or that there is unlikely to be require a Phase 2 potentially contaminating activities that may have occurred a risk to human health investigation and soil on the site. then the activity could be sampling. The Phase 1 report undertaken without can scope this if required. further controls. 14 Unknown 131 Courtenay The previous use of the site is unknown. 1984 As long as the underlying Undertake a Phase 1 Building Drive, Kaiapoi From the 1984 aerial photos it looks like this site is part of aerial potentially contaminated Preliminary Site Investigation Activity Lot 235 the operations at Map ID 10 & 12. photo material would be to analyse existing data and DP 82951 undisturbed and that better characterise site risks,

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Restrictions on undertake the following: Map Site name Location HAIL history Source Option 1 Clear site Option 2 Clear and disturb ID buildings and no ground change to land use there is no change to including reviewing council ECan have no information stored for hazardous or land use this activity files for previous use of the potentially contaminating activities that may have occurred could be undertaken property. This may then on the site. without further controls. require a Phase 2 If land use changes are investigation and soil deemed to occur a PSI sampling. The Phase 1 report would be required for the can scope this if required. site to demonstrate it is unlikely to present a risk to human health. 15 Tank / Silo 139 Courtenay The previous use of the site is unknown. 1984 As long as the underlying Undertake a Phase 1 Drive, Kaiapoi From the 1984 aerial photos it looks like the tank or silo aerial potentially contaminated Preliminary Site Investigation Lot 239 structure is part of the operations at Map ID 12. photo material would be to analyse existing data and DP 303423 undisturbed and that better characterise site risks, there is no change to including reviewing council ECan have no information stored for hazardous or land use this activity files for previous use of the potentially contaminating activities that may have occurred could be undertaken property. This may then on the site. without further controls. require a Phase 2 If land use changes are investigation and soil deemed to occur a PSI sampling. The Phase 1 report would be required for the can scope this if required. site to demonstrate it is unlikely to present a risk to human health. 16 Unknown 58, 60, 62 The previous use of the property is unknown. Resource 1965 As long as the underlying Undertake a Phase 1 Building Courtenay, consents on ECan’s GIS viewer indicate water extraction aerial potentially contaminated Preliminary Site Investigation Activity – Kaiapoi, 38, consents for Alliance Group Limited commencing 15 Dec photo material would be to analyse existing data and commercial/ 39, 40, 41 1989, terminating on 12 April 1999. undisturbed and that better characterise site risks, Industrial Charters Alliance Group Limited operates livestock processing and there is no change to including reviewing council Street, 17A, exporting plants. land use this activity files for previous use of the 17B, 18 Reay could be undertaken property. This may then

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Restrictions on undertake the following: Map Site name Location HAIL history Source Option 1 Clear site Option 2 Clear and disturb ID buildings and no ground change to land use Place Lot 158, ECan have no information stored for hazardous or without further controls. require a Phase 2 159, 160 potentially contaminating activities that may have occurred If land use changes are investigation and soil DP 80840 on the site. deemed to occur a PSI sampling. The Phase 1 report Lot 116, 117, would be required for the can scope this if required. 118, 119, 137 site to demonstrate it is DP 77440 unlikely to present a risk Lot 1, 2 to human health. DP 305080

The key recommendations are: - Pump station - need to understand if it will be demolished and decommissioned and if so investigate and remediate if necessary - Store/UST – if the site is to be demolished, the underground storage tanks need to be removed and the site investigated ad remediated if necessary - Former Alliance site – strongly recommend a detailed Phase I to determine real areas of concern and then potentially a targeted Phase II if necessary.

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5. General Residential Potential Land Contaminant Risks

This project has used existing information in the Environment Canterbury’s LLUR, aerial photos from 1965 to present day and GIS systems to identify activities that may potentially have contaminated sites within the Waimakariri District and Brooklands RRZ. There are other activities that may have caused contamination that will not have been identified, these include:

„ Use of agrichemicals in residential gardens – persistent pesticides, herbicides etc. are likely to have been historically used in many gardens and residues could still be retained in soils. The risk will relate to the age and size of properties with larger land parcels with older houses being more likely to have space for sizeable vegetable plots.

„ Use and storage of fuels, paints and other chemicals in sheds and garages – residential properties may have had a range of materials used and stored on site, often in sheds and garages. Residues from the use and remnants of materials may exist on site. These could be disturbed during building demolition.

„ Use of lead based paints on buildings and stripping of lead paint over time. This can lead to paint residues/flakes being deposited in soil.

„ Building materials – these could include asbestos containing materials which can cause H+S issues and or contamination issues and have not been identified as part of this project. The age of the building may be a good indication of the risks of materials such as lead based paints and asbestos.

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6. Limitation and Disclaimer

This Report has been prepared by Sinclair Knight Merz Limited (SKM) for the sole use of CERA (‘the Client’) and in accordance with the statement of works issued 19 November 2013 (‘the Agreement’).

In undertaking this project a high level review of existing information was undertaken and it should be noted that this presents some risks of not identifying potentially contaminating activities or contaminated sites. Specific points to note include:

„ No validation of data provided by other organisations has been undertaken.

„ HAIL activity identification is based solely on existing data provided in the GIS feeds noted in Section 2 on the dates accessed. No assessment has been undertaken of the completeness of this information.

Undertaking an assessment or investigation of the specific on-site conditions will help to better quantify the risk and potential for exposure or to put in place measures to mitigate the risk. All reports and conclusions that deal with sub-surface conditions are based on interpretation and judgement and as a result have uncertainty attached to them. The reader should be aware that this report contains interpretations and conclusions which are uncertain, due to the nature of the investigations. No study can completely eliminate risk, and even a rigorous assessment and/or sampling programme may not detect all problem areas within a site. The following information sets out the limitations of the Report.

This Report should only be presented in full and should not be used to support any objective other than those detailed within the Agreement. In particular, the Report does not contain sufficient information to enable it to be used for any use other than the project specific requirements for which the Report was carried out, which are detailed in our Agreement. SKM accepts no liability to the Client for any loss and/or damage incurred as a result of changes to the usage, size, design, layout, location or any other material change to the intended purpose contemplated under this Agreement.

It is imperative to note that the Report only considers the site conditions current at the time of investigation, and to be aware that conditions may have changed due to natural forces and/or operations on or near the site. Any decisions based on the findings of the Report must take into account any subsequent changes in site conditions and/or developments in legislative and regulatory requirements. SKM accepts no liability to the Client for any loss and/or damage incurred as a result of a change in the site conditions and/or regulatory/legislative framework since the date of the Report.

The Report is based on an interpretation of factual information available and the professional opinion and judgement of SKM. Unless stated to the contrary, SKM has not verified the accuracy or completeness of any information received from the Client or a third party during the performance of

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the services under the Agreement, and SKM accepts no liability to the Client for any loss and/or damage incurred as a result of any inaccurate or incomplete information.

The Report is based on assumptions that the site conditions as revealed through selective sampling are indicative of conditions throughout the site. The findings are the result of standard assessment techniques used in accordance with normal practices and standards, and (to the best of our knowledge) they represent a reasonable interpretation of the current conditions on the site. However, these interpretations and assumptions cannot be substantiated until specifically tested and the Report should be regarded as preliminary advice only.

Any reliance on this report by a third party shall be entirely at such party’s own risk. SKM provides no warranty or guarantee to any third party, express or implied, as to the information and/or professional advice indicated in the Report, and accepts no liability for or in respect of any use or reliance upon the Report by a third party.

This report makes no comment on the presence of hazardous materials, unless specifically requested.

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