March 8, 2020 Second Sunday of Lent + St. Gerard Established December 11, 1904 Roman Catholic Parish LORD’S DAY MASS TIMES: Saturday at 5:00 pm, Sunday at 9:00 am & 11:00 am MASS SCHEDULE SACRAMENTS Mon. ( 9th): 12:05 pm +Peter Rumancik Reconciliation: Half-hour before Saturday Tues. (10th): NO MASS morning and Saturday evening Mass, or anytime Wed. (11th): 10:30 am ASPEN VILLA by appointment. +Henry Shumay 6:30 pm Joe & Agnes Swejda Infant Baptism: Please contact Fr. Louis at least Thurs. (12th): 9:30 am +Claude Slogocki one month prior to Baptism. Fri. (13th): 9:30 am +Smith Family Sat. (14th): 9:30 am Dan & Brenda Dierker RCIA: Adults wishing to be received into the Catholic Church should contact Fr. Louis. 5:00 pm Special Intentions Matrimony: Please contact Fr. Louis at least 6 Sun. (15th): Third Sunday of Lent months prior to the time you would like to be 9:00 am Mass for the People married. 11:00 am Special Intentions Anointing: Please contact Fr. Louis at any time. For Anointing of the Sick and other emergencies, The Stations of the Cross Devotion you may contact Fr. Louis at is prayed Friday at 7pm during Lent. 306.621.8068 The deadline for the March 15 bulletin AND The Divine Mercy Devotion is prayed Friday at 2pm the March 22 bulletin is Wednesday, March 11 at 12 noon. CONTACT US Parish Office Hours: Monday 1pm-4pm; Tuesday-Friday 8am–noon, 1pm–4pm 125 Third Avenue North, Yorkton, SK S3N 1C4 |Telephone: 306.782.2449 |Email:
[email protected] Pastor………………………………........................Fr.