Annual Cumulation Volume 14,1988

(Includes Syllabus Exchange Catalog)

Marlene Johnson, Editor Lucinda Fitch, Assistant Editor ISSN 0361-6347 NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS is published eleven times per year (combined issue July-August) by the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature, Kennedy Institute of Ethics. Annual Cumulations are published in the follow­ ing year. NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS is a listing by subject of recent addi­ tions to the National Reference Center’s collection. (The subject classification scheme is reproduced in full with each J anuary issue; it can also be found at the end of the cumulated edition.) With the exception of syllabi listed as part of our Syllabus Exchange program, and documents in the section New Publica­ tions from the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, materials listed herein are not avail­ able from the National Reference Center, but from the publishers listed in each citation. Subscription to NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS is $15.00 per calendar year in the U.S. and Canada, and $25.00 elsewhere. Back volumes are available at $8.00 per volume to subscribers, $10.00 per volume to non-subscribers. Orders not prepaid will be assessed a $2.00 invoicing fee. Associate and institutional members of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics receive NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS as part of their membership benefits. Inqui ries regarding the membership program should be addressed to: Marti Patchell Kennedy Institute of Ethics Georgetown University Washington, DC 20057 (202) 687-6729. Inquiries regarding NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS should be addressed to: Editor, NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature Kennedy Institute of Ethics Georgetown University Washington, DC 20057 (202) 687-6738 (800) MED-ETHX. This publication is supported by funds provided under Grant Number LM04492 from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Purchase of the books listed herein is supported primarily by the National Library of Medicine grant. Other works are contributions of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Kampelman Collection of Jewish Ethics, the Shriver Collection of Christian Ethics, and individual donors. ©1989 TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.1 Philosophical Ethics ...... 1 13 Religious Ethics...... 3 13.1 Applied and Professional Ethics (General) ...... 7 133 Applied and Professional Ethics: Business...... 11 133 Applied and Professional Ethics: Education...... 12 13.4 Applied and Professional Ethics: Engineering...... 12 133 Applied and Professional Ethics: Government...... 12 13.6 Applied and Professional Ethics: International Affairs...... 13 13.7 Applied and Professional Ethics: Journalism ...... 13 13.8 Applied and Professional Ethics: Law ...... 13 13.9 Applied and Professional Ethics: Scientific Research...... 14 13.10 Applied and Professional Ethics: Social W ork...... 14 2.1 Bioethics (General)...... 15 23 Bioethics: Education/Programs ...... 19 3.1 Philosophy of Biology (General)...... 20 33 Evolution and Creation...... 20 4.1.1 Philosophy of Medicine, Nursing, and Other Health Professions (General) . . 21 4.13 Philosophy of Medicine...... 21 4.13 Philosophy of Nursing ...... 21 43 Concept of Health...... 22 43 Concept of Mental H ealth...... 23 4.4 Quality/Value of L ife ...... 23 5.1 Science, Technology and Society ...... 23 53 Technology Assessment ...... 23 53 Social Control of Science/Technology...... 24 6 Codes of Professional Ethics...... 25 7.1 Sociology of Medicine (General) ...... 25 73 Medical Education ...... 26 73 Professional-Professional Relationship...... 27 8.1 Professional-Patient Relationship (General)...... 27 83.1 Informed Consent (General)...... 28 833 Third Party Consent/Incompetents ...... i ...... 28 83.4 Right to Refuse Treatment...... 28 8.4 Confidentiality...... 28 83 Malpractice ...... 28 9.1 Health Care (General)...... 29 93 Right to Health C a re...... 31 93 Cost of Health Care...... 31 9.4 Allocation of Health Care Resources...... 33 93.1 Health Care Programs for Specific Diseases/Groups (General)...... 33 933 Health Care Programs for the Aged ...... 35 933 Health Care Programs for Handicapped Persons...... 36

i 933 Health Care Programs for Women ...... 36 9.5.6 HIV Infection and A ID S...... 37 9.6 Quality of Health Care/Ethics Committees...... 42 9.7 Pharmaceutical Industry...... 43 10 Sexuality...... 43 11.1 Contraception (General)...... 44 113 Availability of Contraceptives to M inors...... 45 113 Sterilization ...... 45 12.1 Abortion (General)...... 45 123 Abortion: Moral and Religious Aspects ...... 45 12.4.1 Abortion: Legal Aspects (General)...... 46 12.43 Abortion: Interests of Woman/Fetus/Father...... 46 123.1 Abortion: Social Aspects (General)...... 46 13.1 Population (General)...... 46 133 Population Growth...... 46 133 Population Policy...... 47 14.1 Reproductive Technologies (General) ...... 47 143 Artificial Insemination and Surrogacy ...... 49 14.4 In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer ...... 50 15.1 Genetics, Molecular Biology and Microbiology (General)...... 51 153 Genetic Counseling and Prenatal Diagnosis...... 53 153 Genetic Screening...... 53 15.4 Gene Therapy...... 53 153 Eugenics...... 54 15.7 Biohazards of Genetic Research ...... 54 15.8 Patenting Organisms ...... 54 16.1 Environmental Quality (General)...... 54 163 Nuclear Power...... 55 163 Occupational H ealth...... 56 17.1 The Neurosciences and Mental Health Therapies (General) ...... 56 173 Psychotherapy...... 57 173 Operant Conditioning ...... 58 17.4 Psychopharmacology...... 58 173 Electrical Stimulation of the Brain ...... 58 17.7 Involuntary Civil Commitment...... 58 173 Right of the Institutionalized to Treatment...... 58 183 Human Experimentation: Policy Guidelines...... 58 183 Human Experimentation: Informed Consent ...... 59 18.4 Behavioral Research ...... 59 183.1 Research on Special Populations (General)...... 59 183.4 Research on Fetuses and Newborns ...... 59 1833 Research on Military and Government Personnel...... 60 19.1 Artificial and Transplanted Organs or Tissues (General) ...... 60 193 Artificial and Transplanted H earts...... 61 19.4 Blood Transfusion ...... 61 193 Donation/Procurement of Organs/Tissues...... 61

ii 20.1 Death and Dying (General) ...... 61 203.1 Definition or Determination of Death (General) ...... 62 203.1 Attitudes Toward Death (General)...... 62 2033 Attitudes Toward Death: Health Personnel ...... 62 2033 Attitudes Toward Death: Family ...... 62 203.4 Death Education ...... 63 20.4.1 Care of the Dying Patient (General) ...... 63 20.43 Care of the Dying Child ...... 63 203.1 Prolongation of Life and Euthanasia (General) ...... 63 2033 Allowing Infants to D ie ...... 65 2033 Prolongation of Life and Euthanasia: Bills, Laws and C ases...... 65 20.6 Capital Punishment...... 65 20.7 Suicide...... 65 21.1 International and Political Dimensions of Biology and Medicine (General) . . 66 213 W ar...... 66 213 Chemical and Biological Weapons ...... 67 21.4 Torture...... 68 22.1 Animal Welfare (General)...... 69 223 Animal Experimentation...... 69 Information Science ...... 70 Reference ...... 71 New Journal Subscriptions ...... 72 New Publications from the Kennedy Institute of Ethics ...... 72 Supplement: SYLLABUS EXCHANGE CATALOG...... 1-17 Inside Back Cover: National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature Library Classification Scheme 1.1 Philosophical Ethics Heimer, Carol A. REACTIVE RISK AND RATIONAL ACTION: MANAGING MORAL HAZARD IN IN­ Berofsky, Bernard. FREEDOM FROM NECESSITY: SURANCE CONTRACTS. Berkeley: University of THE METAPHYSICAL BASIS OF RESPONSIBILITY. California Press, 1985.273 p. ISBN 0-520-05202- New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987.231 p. 1. (California Series on Social Choice and Politi­ ISBN 0-7102-0998-3. [BJ1451 .B471987] (1.1) cal Economy.) [HG8054.5 .H45 1985] (1.1,1.3.2) Bradley, Francis H. ETHICAL STUDIES. New York: Jonsen, Albert R. and Toulmin, Stephen E. THE Oxford University Press, 1988.344 p. ISBN 0-19- ABUSE OF CASUISTRY: A HISTORY OF MORAL 881039-3. (Second edition revised.) [BJ1008 .B8 REASONING. Berkeley: University of California 1988] (1.1) Press, 1988. 420 p. ISBN 0-520-06063-6. [BJ1441 J66 1988] (1.1) [La Ciencia de la Conducta.] h u m a n it a s 4: 25-50, October 1987. (Publisher’s address: Universidad Kruschwitz, Robert B. and Roberts, Robert C., La Salle, Revista del Departamento de comps. THE VIRTUES: CONTEMPORARY ESSAYS Humanidades, Benjamín Franklin 47, Col. ON MORAL CHARACTER. Belmont, CA: Hipódromo Condesa, 06170 México, D.F. Gift of Wadsworth, 1987. 263 p. ISBN 0-534-06720-4. Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (1.1) [BJ1521 .V58 1987] (1.1) Edwards, James C. ETHICS WITHOUT PHILOSOPHY: Larmore, Charles E. PATTERNS OF MORAL COM­ WITTGENSTEIN AND THE MORAL LIFE. Tampa: PLEXITY. New Y ork: Cambridge University Press, University Presses of Florida, 1982. 271 p. ISBN 1987. 193 p. ISBN 0-521-33891-3. [BJ1012 .L34 0-8130-0839-5. [B3376 .W564 E38 1985] (1.1) 1987] (1.1) Evans, John D.G., ed. MORAL PHILOSOPHY AND Lebacqz, Karen. SIX THEORIES OF JUSTICE: CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS. New York: PERSPECTIVES FROM PHILOSOPHICAL AND Cambridge University Press, 1987.264 p. ISBN 0- THEOLOGICAL ETHICS. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 521-35736-5. (Royal Institute of Philosophy Lec­ 1986. 159 p. ISBN 0-8066-2245-8. [JC578 .L43 ture Series; Vol. 22. Proceedings of the Royal 1986] (1.1) Institute of Philosophy conference held 12-14 September 1986 at Queen’s University, Belfast.) Leites, Edmund, ed. CONSCIENCE AND CASUISTRY [BJ1012 .M6343 1987] (1.1,1.3.1) IN EARLY MODERN EUROPE. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988.269 p. ISBN 0- Feinberg, Joel. HARMLESS WRONGDOING. New 521-30113-0. (Ideas in Context series.) [BJ301 York: Oxford University Press, 1988.380 p. ISBN .C63 1988] (1.1) 0-19-504253-0. (The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law; Vol. 4.) [K5018 .F441984 v.4] (1.1) Lucash, Frank S., ed. JUSTICE AND EQUALITY HERE AND NOW. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, Flew, Antony. DAVID HUME, PHILOSOPHER OF 1986.172 p. ISBN 0-8014-9350-1. (Papers from a MORAL s c ie n c e . New York: B. Blackwell, 1986. conference held 22-24 September 1983 in Reno, 189 p. ISBN 0-631-15195-8. [B1498 .F56 1986] NV.) [JC578 J874 1986] (1.1) (1.1) Nagel, Thomas. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?: A VERY Gert, Bernard. MORALITY: A NEW JUSTIFICATION SHORT INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY. New OF THE m o r a l RULES. New York: Oxford York: Oxford University Press, 1987.101 p. ISBN University Press, 1988.317 p. ISBN 0-19-505519- 0-19-505292-7. [BD21 .N241987] (1.1) 5. (Revised and enlarged edition of 77ie Moral Rules. 2nd Torchbook edition, cl975.) [BJ1012 Navia, Luis E. and Kelly, Eugene, eds. ETHICS AND .G45 1988] (1.1) THE SEARCH FOR VALUES. Buffalo, NY:

Volume 14, Page 1 Prometheus Books, 1980. 530 p. ISBN 0-87975- University, 1970.) [B105 A35 R62 1984] (1.1, 139-8. [BJ1012 .E89 1980] (1.1) 1.3.1) Neville, Robert C. THE PURITAN SMILE: A LOOK Rosenbaum, Alan S. COERCION AND AUTONOMY: TOWARD MORAL REFLECTION. Albany: State PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS, ISSUES, AND University of New York Press, 1987.248 p. ISBN PRACTICES. New York: Greenwood Press, 1986. 0-88706-543-0. [BJ1012 .N481987] (1.1) 196 p. ISBN 0-313-22819-1. (Contributions in Philosophy series; No. 31. ISSN 0084-926X.) Nielsen, Kai. EQUALITY AND LIBERTY: A DEFENSE [HM271 .R641986] (1.1) OFRADICALEGAUTARIANISM. Totowa, NJ: Row- man & Allanheld, 1985.320 p. ISBN 0-8476-7516- Seanor, Douglas and Fotion, N., eds. HARE AND 5. [JC575 .N451985] (1.1) CRITICS: ESSAYS ON MORAL THINKING. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.307 p. ISBN 0-19- Packer, Martin J. THE STRUCTURE OF MORAL AC­ 824780-X. [BJ1012 .H31353 H371988] (1.1) TION: A HERMENEUTIC STUDY OF MORAL CON­ FLICT. New York: Karger, 1985. 162 p. ISBN Slote, Michael A. COMMON-SENSE MORALITY AND 3-8055-3999-1. (Contributions to Human CONSEQUENTIALISM. Boston: Routledge & Development; Vol. 13.) [BF683 .P119 1985] (1.1) Kegan Paul, 1985.157 p. ISBN 0-7102-0309-8. (In­ ternational Library of Philosophy series.) [BJ1012 Parfit, Derek, r e a s o n s a n d per so n s. New York: .S516 1985] (1.1) Oxford University Press, 1984.543 p. ISBN 0-19- 824908-X. [BJ1012 .P39 1987] (1.1) Smart, John J.C. ETHICS, PERSUASION AND TRUTH. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984. 158 p. Paul, Ellen F.; Paul, Jeffrey; and Miller, Fred D., ISBN 0-7102-0245-8. (International Library of eds. HUMAN RIGHTS. New York: Blackwell for the Philosophy series.) [BJ1012 .S519 1984] (1.1) Social Philosophy and Policy Center, Bowling Green State University, 1984.175 p. ISBN 0-631- stout, Jeffrey. ETHICS AFTER BABEL: THE LAN­ 13699-1. [JC571 .H7671984] (1.1) GUAGES OF MORALS AND THEIR DISCONTENTS. Boston: Beacon Press, 1988. 338 p. ISBN 0-8070- Pearsall, Marilyn, ed. WOMEN AND VALUES: READ­ 1402-8. [BJ1012 .S848 1988] (1.1) INGS IN RECENT FEMINIST PHILOSOPHY. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1986.364 p. ISBN 0-534-05472- Stumpf, Samuel E. SOCRATES TO SARTRE: A HIS­ 2. [HQ1221 .W89 1986] (1.1) TORY OF PHILOSOPHY. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988. 558 p. ISBN 0-07-062380-5. (Fourth edi­ Pojman, Louis P., [ed.] ETHICAL THEORY: CLASSI­ tion.) [B72 .S79 1988] (1.1) CAL AND CONTEMPORARY READINGS. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1989. 665 p. ISBN 0-534-09360- Sumner, L.W. THE MORAL FOUNDATION OF 4. [BJ1012 .E8839 1989] (1.1) RIGHTS. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. 224 p. ISBN 0-19-824751-6. [BJ1031 .S86 Rescher, Nicholas, e t h ic a l id e a l is m : a n in ­ 1987] (1.1) q u ir y INTO THE NATURE AND FUNCTION OF IDEALS. Berkeley: University of California Press, Taylor, Gabriele. PRIDE, SHAME, AND GUILT: EMO­ 1987. 148 p. ISBN 0-520-05696-5. [BJ1012 .R43 TIONS OF SELF-ASSESSMENT. New York: Oxford 1987] (1.1) University Press, 1985.144 p. ISBN 0-19-824479- 7. [B105 .E46 T381985] (1.1) Robins, Michael H. pr o m is in g , in t e n d in g , a n d MORAL AUTONOMY. New York: Cambridge Thomson, Garrett. NEEDS. New York: Routledge University Press, 1984.180 p. ISBN 0-521-26076- & Kegan Paul, 1987.143 p. ISBN 0-7102-1114-7. 0. (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy series. Based (International Library of Philosophy series.) on the author’s thesis (Ph.D.) — Northwestern [B105 .N33 T471987] (1.1)

Volume 14, Page 2 Walton, Douglas N. COURAGE: A PHILOSOPHICAL Breslauer, S. Daniel. MODERN JEWISH MORALITY: INVESTIGATION. Berkeley: University of Califor­ A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. New York: Green­ nia Press, 1986. 241 p. ISBN 0-520-05443-1. wood Press, 1986. 239 p. ISBN 0-313-24700-5. [BJ1533 .C8 W26 1986] (1.1) (Bibliographies and Indexes in Religious Studies series; No. 8. ISSN 0742-6836. Companion volume 1.2 Religious Ethics to Contemporary Jewish Ethics: A Bibliographical Survey. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampel­ AgUS, Jacob B. THE JEWISH QUEST: ESSAYS ON man.) [BJ1280 .B741986] (1.2,2.1, Reference) BASIC CONCEPTS OF JEWISH THEOLOGY. New York: Ktav, 1983. 264 p. ISBN 0-88125-012-0. Bulka, Reuven P., ed. DIMENSIONS OF ORTHODOX (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) JUDAISM. New York: Ktav, 1983. 471 p. ISBN 0- [BM601 .A38 1983] (1.2) 87068-894-3. (Gift of Max M. and Maijorie B. Kampelman.) [BM205 .D541983] (1.2) Alfonso de ’Liguori: Deuxième Centenaire de Sa Mort (1787-1987) = Alfonso de ’Liguori: Second Croner, Helga B., ed. MORE STEPPING STONES TO Centenary of His Death (1787-1987). STUDIA JEWISH-CHRISTLAN RELATIONS: AN UNABRIDGED MORALIA 25(2): 247-458, 1987. ISSN 0081-6736. COLLECTION OF CHRISTIAN DOCUMENTS, 1975- (1.2,1.3.1) 1983. New York: Paulist Press, 1985. 235 p. ISBN 0-8091-2708-3. (Studies in Judaism and Chris­ Audi, Robert and Wainwright, William J., eds. tianity series. Gift of Max M. and Maijorie B. RATIONALITY, RELIGIOUS BELIEF, AND MORAL Kampelman.) [BM535 .M5951985] (1.2) COMMITMENT: NEW ESSAYS IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Curran, Charles E. DIRECTIONS IN CATHOLIC SO­ Press, 1986. 341 p. ISBN 0-8014-9381-1. [BL51 CIAL ETHICS. Notre Dame, IN: University of .R295 1986] (1.2,1.1) Notre Dame Press, 1985. 287 p. ISBN 0-268- 00853-1. (Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Bahya ben Joseph ibn Pakuda. THE BOOK OF DIREC­ Shriver.) [BJ1249 .C8161985] (1.2,1.3.1) TION TO THE DUTIES OF THE HEART. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973.472 p. ISBN 0-19- Curran, Charles E. TENSIONS IN MORAL THEOL­ 710020-1. (Translated by Menahem Mansoor. OGY. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Translation oial-Hidayah ila far’aid al-qulub. The Press, 1988. 214 p. ISBN 0-268-01866-9. [BJ1249 Littman Library of Jewish Civilization series. Dis­ .C83 1988] (1.2,10) tributed by Oxford University Press. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BJ1287 .B23 Curran, Charles E. TOWARD AN AMERICAN H52] (1.2) CATHOLIC m o r a l THEOLOGY. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1987. 209 p. Berger, Alan L. CRISIS AND COVENANT: THE ISBN 0-268-01862-6. (Gift of Sargent and Eunice HOLOCAUST IN AMERICAN JEWISH FICTION. Al­ Kennedy Shriver.) [BJ1249 .C8421987] (1.2) bany: State University of New York Press, 1985. 226 p. ISBN 0-88706-086-2. (SUNY Series in Curran, Charles E. and McCormick, Richard A., Modern Jewish Literature and Culture. Gift of eds. DISSENT IN THE c h u r c h . New York: Paulist MaxM. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [PS153 J4 Press, 1988. 541 p. ISBN 0-8091-2930-2. (Read­ B471985] (1.2,21.4) ings in Moral Theology, No. 6.) [BX1746 .D52 1988] (1.2,1.3.3) Berkovits, Eliezer. FAITH AFTER THE HOLOCAUST. New York: Ktav, 1973.180 p. ISBN 0-87068-193- Davies, William D. and Finkelstein, Louis, eds. THE 1. (Gift of Max M. and Maijorie B. Kampelman.) CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF JUDAISM. New York: [BM645 .H6 B47] (1.2,21.4) Cambridge University Press, 1984.461 p. ISBN 0- 521-21880-2 (v.l) (Gift of Max M. and Maijorie B. Kampelman.) [BM155.2 .C35 1984 v.l] (1.2)

Volume 14, Page 3 Dwyer, Judith A., ed. “QUESTIONS OF SPECIAL Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, URGENCY”: THE CHURCH IN THE MODERN 1988.244 p. ISBN 0-87840-460-0. [B945 .F693 P45 WORLD, TWO DECADES AFTER VATICAN II. 1988] (1.2) Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1986.241 p. ISBN 0-87840-425-2. [BX1751.2 .Q48 Ginzberg, Louis. STUDENTS, SCHOLARS, AND 1986] (1.2) SAINTS. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1985. 291 p. ISBN 0-8191-4490-8. Eilberg-Schwartz, Howard. THE HUMAN WILL IN (Reprint. Originally published: Philadelphia: JUDAISM: THE MISHNAH’S PHILOSOPHY OF INTEN­ Jewish Publication Society of America, cl928. TION. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1986. 250 p. Brown Classics in Judaica series. Gift of Max M. ISBN 0-89130-938-1. (Brown Judaic Studies and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM750 .G481985] series; No. 103. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. (1.2) Kampelman.) [BM497.8 .E351986] (1.2) Goldsmith, Dale. NEW TESTAMENT ETHICS: AN IN­ Ericksen, Robert P. THEOLOGIANS UNDER HITLER: TRODUCTION. Elgin, IL: Brethren Press, 1988. GERHARD KITTEL, PAUL ALTHAUS, AND 185 p. ISBN 0-87178-605-2. [BS2545 .E8 G65 EMANUEL HIRSCH. New Haven, CT: YaleUniver- 1988] (1.2) sity Press, 1985.245 p. ISBN 0-300-03889-5. (Gift of Max M. and Maijorie B. Kampelman.) [BR859 Greenberg, Simon. A JEWISH PHILOSOPHY AND .E751985] (1.2,1.3.5) PATTERN OF LIFE. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1981.550 p. ISBN 0-87334- Fackenheim, Emil L. q u e s t FOR PAST AND FU­ 012-4. (Moreshet Series; Vol. 9. Gift of Max M. TURE: ESSAYS IN JEWISH THEOLOGY. Westport, and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM723 .G741981] CT: Greenwood Press, 1983, cl968. 336 p. ISBN (1.2) 0-313-22738-1. (Reprint. Originally published: Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1968. Gift Greenspahn, Frederick E., ed. THE HUMAN CONDI­ of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM601 TION IN THE JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS. .F3 1983] (1.2) Hoboken, NJ: Ktav, 1986. 258 p. ISBN 0-88125- 084-8. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampel­ Fackenheim, Emil L. WHATIS JUDAISM?: AN INTER­ man.) [BM627 .H86 1986] (1.2) PRETATION FOR THE PRESENT AGE. New York: Summit Books, 1987. 320 p. ISBN 0-671-46243-1. Guroian, Vigen. INCARNATE LOVE: ESSAYS IN OR­ (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) THODOX ETHICS. Notre Dame, IN: University of [BM561 .F241987] (1.2) Notre Dame Press, 1987. 212 p. ISBN 0-268- 01162-1. [BJ1250.5 .G87 1987] (1.2) Fowler, Richard A. and House, H. Wayne. CIVILIZATION IN CRISIS: A CHRISTIAN RESPONSE Hartman, David. JOY AND RESPONSIBILITY: IS­ TO HOMOSEXUALITY, FEMINISM, EUTHANASIA, RAEL, MODERNITY AND THE RENEWAL OF AND ABORTION. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book JUDAISM. Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi-Posner, cl978. House, 1988.209 p. ISBN 0-8010-3548-1. (Second 286 p. (Shalom Hartman Institute for Judaic edition.) [BR115 ,H6 F69 1988] (1.2,2.1) Studies series; Publication No. 1. Available in the US from: Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Friedman, Maurice S. MARTIN BUBER: THE LIFE OF B’rith, 823 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY DIALOGUE. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 10017. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampel­ 1976. 322 p. ISBN 0-226-26356-8. (Phoenix edi­ man.) [BM390 .H287 1978] (1.2) tion. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampel­ man.) [B3213 .B84 F7 1976] (1.2) Horn, Carl, ed. WHOSE VALUES?: THE BATTLE FOR MORALITY IN PLURALISTIC AMERICA. Ann Arbor, Gerber, William, ed. A PHILOSOPHER’S HARVEST: MI: Servant Books, 1985. 205 p. ISBN 0-89283- THE PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS OF ISAAC FRANCK.

Volume 14, Page 4 180-4. (Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy (Brown Judaic Studies series; Vol. 53. Gift of Max Shriver.) [BL2525 .W48 1985] (1.2,1.3.1) M. and Maijorie B. Kampelman.) [B3216 .C74 K65 1984] (1.2, Biography) Ibn Gabirol, Solomon ben Judah. THE IMPROVE­ MENT OF THE MORAL QUALITIES. New York: Kobler, John F. VATICAN II AND PHENOMENOL­ AMS Press, 1966, cl902.166 p. (Stephen Samuel OGY: REFLECTIONS ON THE LIFE-WORLD OF THE Wise, translator. Columbia University Oriental CHURCH. Boston: M. Nijhoff, 1985. 257 p. ISBN Studies series; Vol. 1. Gift of MaxM. and Marjorie 90-247-3193-3. (Studies in Philosophy and B. Kampelman.) [B759 .A53 E8 1966] (1.2) Religion series; Vol. 8. Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.) [BX830 1962 .K551985] (1.2) Iyer, Raghavan N., ed. THE MORAL AND POLITICAL WRITINGS OF MAHATMA GANDHI-VOLUME II: Kraut, Benny. FROM REFORM JUDAISMTO ETHICAL TRUTH AND NON-VIOLENCE. New York: Oxford CULTURE: THE RELIGIOUS EVOLUTION OF FELIX University Press, 1986.678 p. ISBN 0-19-824755- ADLER. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 9. [DS481 .G3 A25 1985] (1.2) 1979.285 p. ISBN 0-87820-404-0. (Revision of the author’s thesis, Brandeis University. Monographs Jacobs, Louis. JEWISH LAW. New York: Behrman of the Hebrew Union College series. ISSN 0190- House, C1968. 210 p. ISBN 0-87441-211-0. (The 5627. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampel­ Chain of Tradition Series; Vol. 1. Gift of Max M. man.) [BP605 .E84 K721979] (1.2, Biography) and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM520 J321968] (1.2) Lamm, Norman. FATIH AND DOUBT: STUDIES IN TRADITIONAL JEWISH THOUGHT. New York: Jacobs, Louis. Je w is h v a l u e s . Hartford, CT: Ktav, 1986. 330 p. ISBN 0-88125-000-7. (Second Hartmore House, 1969.160 p. ISBN 0-87677-001- edition. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampel­ 4. (Second edition. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie man.) [BM601 .L3 1986] (1.2) B. Kampelman.) [BM723 J3 1969] (1.2) Levi ben Gershom. THE WARS OF THE LORD. Jacobs, Louis. A TREE OF LIFE: DIVERSITY, Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of FLEXIBILITY, AND CREATIVITY IN JEWISH LAW. America, 1987.278 p. ISBN 0-8276-0275-8. {Book New York: published for the Littman Library by Two: Dreams, Divination, and Prophecy; Book Oxford University Press, 1984.310 p. ISBN 0-19- Three: Divine Knowledge; Book Four: Divine 710039-2. (Littman Library of Jewish Civilization Providence. Translated by Seymour Feldman. Gift series. Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampel­ of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [B759 man.) [BM520.6 J33 1984] (1.2) JL43M5413 1984 v.2] (1.2) Kadushin, Max. THE RABBINIC MIND. New York: Locke, Hubert G., ed. THE BARMEN CONFESSION: Bloch, 1972.414 p. ISBN 0-8197-0007-X. (Gift of PAPERS FROMTHESEATTLE ASSEMBLY. Lewiston, Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM496.5 NY: E. Mellen Press, 1986.362 p. ISBN 0-88946- .K3 1972] (1.2) 770-6. (Toronto Studies in Theology; Vol. 26. Papers from the International Symposium of Katz, Steven T. POST-HOLOCAUST DIALOGUES: Scholars and Church Leaders held 26-29 April CRITICAL STUDIES IN MODERN JEWISH THOUGHT. 1984 at the University of Washington, Seattle, New York: New York University Press, 1983. sponsored by the American Academy of Religion, 327 p. ISBN 0-8147-4583-0. (Gift of Max M. and and others. Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM565 .K358 1983] Shriver.) [BX4844 .B3715 1986] (1.2,1.3.5) (1.2) Maston, Thomas B. BIBLICAL ETHICS: A GUIDE TO Kluback, William. HERMANN COHEN: THE CHAL­ THE ETHICAL MESSAGE OF THE SCRIPTURES LENGE OF A RELIGION OF REASON. Chico, CA: FROM GENESIS THROUGH REVELATION. Macon, Scholars Press, 1984. 96 p. ISBN 0-89130-645-5. GA: Mercer University Press, 1982, cl967.300 p.

Volume 14, Page 5 ISBN 0-86554-051-9. (Gift of Sargent and Eunice Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM700 .N48 1987] Kennedy Shriver.) [BS680 .E84M31982] (1.2) (1.2) McDonough, Sheila. MUSLIM ETHICS AND MODER­ Newman, Louis I. THE HASIDIC ANTHOLOGY: NITY: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE ETHICAL TALES AND TEACHINGS OF THE HASIDIM. New THOUGHT OF SAYYID AHMAD KHAN AND York: Schocken Books, 1963.556 p. ISBN 0-8052- MAWLANA MAWDUDI. Waterloo, Ontario: 0836-4. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampel­ published for the Canadian Corporation for man.) [BM198 .N41963] (1.2) Studies in Religion by Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1984. 128 p. ISBN 0-88920-162-5. (Com­ Pennock, James R. and Chapman, John W., eds. parative Ethics Series; Vol. 1.) [BP80 A485 M36 RELIGION, MORALITY, AND THE LAW. New York: 1984] (1.2) New York University Press, 1988.287 p. ISBN 0- 8147-6606-4. (Nomos series; Vol. 30. Outgrowth Mitchell, Basil. MORALITY: r e l ig io u s a n d of a meeting of the American Society for Political SECULAR: THE DILEMMA OF THE TRADITIONAL and Legal Philosophy held in conjunction with the CONSCIENCE. New York: Oxford University Association of American Law Schools in New Or­ Press, 1980.168 p. ISBN 0-19-824928-4. (Revised leans, January 1986.) [BL65 .L33 R45 1988] (1.2, version of the Gifford Lectures delivered at the 1.3.8) University of Glasgow in 1974 and 1975.) [BJ1012 .M571980] (1.2) Polkinghome, John C. THE WAY THE WORLD IS. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1984.130 p. ISBN MORAL THEOLOGY TODAY: CERTITUDES AND 0-8028-1995-8. (Available from: Ann Arbor, MI: DOUBTS. Saint Louis, MO: Pope John Center, University Microfilms International.) [BL240.2 1984.354 p. ISBN 0-935372-14-8. (Proceedings of .P5771984] (1.2,5.1) the workshop conducted for bishops of North and Central America and the Caribbean by the Pope Rendtorff, Trutz. ETHICS, VOLUME 1: BASIC ELE­ John Center held 6-10 February 1984 in Dallas, MENTS AND METHODOLOGY IN AN ETHICAL TX. Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.) THEOLOGY. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986. [BJ1249 .M671984] (1.2) 193 p. ISBN 0-8006-0767-8. [BJ1253 .R4413 1986 v.l] (1.2,1.1) Mulligan, James J. THEOLOGIANS AND AUTHORITY WITHIN THE LIVING CHURCH. Braintree, MA: Rosenthal, Gilbert S. CONTEMPORARY JUDAISM: Pope John Center, [1986]. 139 p. ISBN 0-935372- PATTERNS OF SURVIVAL. New York: Human 18-0. (Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Sciences Press, 1986. 401 p. ISBN 0-89885-260-9. Shriver.) [BX1746 .M85 1986] (1.2) (Second edition. Updated edition oiFour Paths to One God. 1973. Gift of Max M. and Maijorie B. Naiman, Charles S., ed. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AS­ Kampelman.) [BM205 .R59 1986] (1.2) SOCIATION OF ORTHODOX JEWISH SCIENTISTS, VOLUME 8-9. Brooklyn, NY: Sepher-Hermon Roth, Joel. THE HALAKHIC PROCESS: A SYSTEMIC Press, 1987.292 p. ISBN 0-87203-125-X. (Volume ANALYSIS. New York: Jewish Theological Semi­ 9 titled Selected Papers from the Schlesinger In­ nary of America, 1986.398 p. ISBN 0-87334-035- stitute for Medical-Halakhic Research at Shaare 3. (Moreshet Series; Vol. 13. Gift of Max M. and Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Publisher’s ad­ Maijorie B. Kampelman.) [BM520.6 .R67 1986] dress: 1265 46th St., zip 11219. Gift of Max M. and (1.2) Maijorie B. Kampelman.) (1.2,2.1) Santurri, Edmund N. PERPLEXITY IN THE MORAL Neusner, Jacob, t h e enchantments o f Ju d a ism : LIFE: PHILOSOPHICAL AND THEOLOGICAL CON­ RITES OF TRANSFORMATION FROM BIRTH SIDERATIONS. Charlottesville: University Press of THROUGH DEATH. New York: Basic Books, 1987. Virginia, 1987. 243 p. ISBN 0-8139-1155-9. 224 p. ISBN 0-465-01964-1. (Gift of Max M. and

Volume 14, Page 6 (Studies in Religion and Culture series.) [BJ1012 and Eunice KennedyShriver.) [BJ1251 .U531988] .S241987] (1.2) (1.2) Scholder, Klaus. THE CHURCHES AND THE THIRD Twersky, Isadore and Septimus, Bernard, eds. REICH: VOLUME 1: PRELIMINARY HISTORY AND JEWISH THOUGHT IN THE SEVENTEENTH CEN­ THE TIME OF ILLUSIONS, 1918-1934. Philadelphia: TURY. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Fortress Press, 1988. 715 p. ISBN 0-8006-0836-4. Center for Jewish Studies, 1987. 521 p. ISBN 0- (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) 674-47466-X. (Harvard Judaic Texts and Studies [BR856 .S343613 1988 vol. 1] (1.2,1.3.5) series; Vol. 6. Distributed by: Harvard University Press. Gift of Max M. and Maijorie B. Kampel­ Schräge, Wolfgang. THE ETHICS OF THE NEW TES­ man.) [BM193 J4821987] (1.2) TAMENT. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1988. 369 p. ISBN 0-8006-0835-6. (Translated by David Weiss, David W. THE WINGS OFTHE DOVE: JEWISH E. Green. Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy VALUES, SCIENCE AND HALACHAH. Washington, Shriver.) [BS2545 .E8 S2613 1988] (1.2) DC: B’nai B’rith Books, 1987. 205 p. ISBN 0- 935437-20-7. (B’nai B’rith Judaica Library series. Schiirmann, Heinz; Ratzinger, Joseph; and Bal­ Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) thasar, Hans Urs von. PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIAN [BM520.6 .W45 1987] (1.2,5.1) MORALITY. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1986. 104 p. ISBN 0-89870-086-8. (Translation of Prin­ Womer, Jan L., ed. MORALITY AND ETHICS IN zipien christlicher Moral. Gift of Sargent and e a r l y CHRISTIANITY. Philadelphia: Fortress Eunice Kennedy Shriver.) [BJ1249 .R3513 1986] Press, 1987.135 p. ISBN 0-8006-1417-8. (Sources (1.2) of Early Christian Thought series. Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.) [BJ1212 .M67 Schwartz, Richard H. JUDAISM AND GLOBAL SUR­ 1987] (1.2) VIVAL. New York: Atara, 1987. 178 p. ISBN 0- 940991-00-4. (Reprint. Originally published: New 1.3.1 Applied and Professional Ethics York: Vantage Press, cl984. Gift of Max M. and (General) Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [HN40 J5 S38 1987] (1.2, 21.1) Almond, Brenda. MORAL CONCERNS. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press International, Simon, Arthur R. CHRISTIAN FAITH AND PUBLIC 1987. 152 p. ISBN 0-391-03422-7. [BJ1012 A47 POLICY: NO GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE. Grand 1987] (1.3.1) Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans, 1987.120 p. ISBN 0- 8028-0282-6. [HN31 .S546 1987] (1.2) Amjad-Ali, Charles and Pitcher, W. Alvin, eds. LIBERATION AND ETHICS: ESSAYS IN RELIGIOUS Strauss, Leo. SPINOZA’S CRITIQUE OF RELIGION. SOCIAL ETHICS IN HONOR OF GIBSON WINTER. New York: Schocken Books, 1982.351 p. ISBN 0- Chicago, IL: Center for the Scientific Study of 8052-0704-X. (Reprint. Originally published: Religion, 1985. 233 p. ISBN 0-913348-22-8. New York: Schocken Books, 1965. Translation of (Studies in Religion and Society series.) [BT738 Die Religionskritik Spinozas als Grundlage seiner .L49 1985] (1.3.1,1.2) Bibelwissenschaft Untersuchungen zu Spinozas Theologisch-Politischem Traktat. Gift of Max M. Arkes, Hadley. FIRST THINGS: AN INQUIRY INTO and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [B3985 .Z7 S73 THE FIRST PRINCIPLES OF MORALS AND JUSTICE. 1982] (1.2) Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1986. 432 p. ISBN 0-691-02247-X. [HM216 A65 1986] Tillman, Willian M., ed. UNDERSTANDING CHRIS­ (1.3.1) TIAN ETHICS. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1988.286 p. ISBN 0-8054-6129-9. (Gift of Sargent Attig, Thomas; Bradie, Michael; and Rescher, Nicholas, eds. THE APPLIED TURN IN CONTEM-

Volume 14, Page 7 PORARY PHILOSOPHY. Bowling Green, OH: Ap­ Callahan, Joan C., ed. ETHICAL ISSUES IN PROFES­ plied Philosophy Program, Bowling Green State SIONAL LIFE. New York: Oxford University Press, University, 1983. 183 p. ISBN 0-935756-06-X. 1988. 470 p. ISBN 0-19-505026-6. [BJ1725 .E73 (Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 1988] (1.3.1) series; Vol. 5. Papers originally presented at a con­ ference held 22-23 August 1983 at Bowling Green Carey, John J., ed. BEING AND DOING: PAUL TIL­ State University.) [B804 A l A66 1983] (1.3.1) LICH AS ETHICIST. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1987.222 p. ISBN 0-86554-285-6. (5th pub­ Attig, Thomas; Callen, Donald M.; and Frey, lication of the North American Paul Tillich Raymond G., eds. SOCIAL POLICY AND CONFLICT Society. Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy RESOLUTION. Bowling Green, OH: Applied Shriver.) [BJ1231 .B45 1987] (1.3.1,1.2) Philosophy Program, Bowling Green State University, 1984. 190 p. ISBN 0-935756-07-8. Carter, Margaret H. THE MORALITY OF DECEP­ (Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy TION. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms In­ series; Vol. 6. Papers originally presented at a con­ ternational, 1988.175 p. Publication No. 8216233. ference held 4-5 May 1984 at Bowling Green State (Thesis, Ph.D. —University of Wisconsin — University.) [HN3 .S621984] (1.3.1) Madison, 1982.) (1.3.1) Béteille, André. THE IDEA OF NATURAL INE­ Diemer, Alwin; et al. PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDA­ QUALITY AND o t h e r ESSAYS. New York: Oxford TIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS. Paris: Unesco, 1986. University Press, 1987.241 p. ISBN 0-19-562147- 340 p. ISBN 92-3-102201-6. (Prepared by Unesco 6. (Second edition.) [HM146 .B471987] (1.3.1) and the International Institute of Philosophy.) [JC571 .P46 1986] (1.3.1) Bierhoff, Hans W.; Cohen, Ronald L.; and Green­ berg, Jerald, eds. ju s t ic e in s o c ia l r e l a t io n s . Ellman, Ira M.; Kurtz, Paul M.; and Stanton, Ann New York: Plenum Press, 1986. 364 p. ISBN 0- M. FAMILY LAW: CASES, TEXT, PROBLEMS. Char­ 306-42181-X. (Critical Issues in Social Justice lottesville, VA: Michie, 1986. 1358 p. ISBN 0- series. Revised papers from a conference held 16- 87215-986-8. (Contemporary Legal Education 21 July 1984 in Marburg, West Germany.) Series.) [KF504 .E55 1986] (1.3.1,2.1) [HM216 J876 1986] (1.3.1) Forsythe, David P. HUMAN RIGHTS AND WORLD Bissell, LeClair and Royce, James E. ETHICS FOR POLITICS. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, ADDICTION PROFESSIONALS. Center City, MN: 1983. 309 p. ISBN 0-8032-6856-4. [JC571 .F634 Hazelden Foundation, 1987.69 p. ISBN 0-89486- 1983] (1.3.1) 454-8. [HV5279 .B57 1987] (1.3.1,2.1) Gellermann, William. A STATEMENT OF VALUES Bowie, Norman E., ed. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. AND ETHICS BY PROFESSIONALS IN ORGANIZA­ Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988.200 p. ISBN TION AND HUMAN SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT. [New 0-8133-0567-5. [HF5549.5 .A34 E71988] (1.3.1) York: s.n.], 1987. 30 p. (Available from: The author, 372 Central Park West, Apt. 16C, zip Bradie, Michael and Braybrooke, David, eds. so ­ 10025.) (1.3.1) c ia l JUSTICE. Bowling Green, OH: Applied Philosophy Program, Bowling Green State Gowans, Christopher W., ed. MORAL DILEMMAS. University, 1982. 170 p. ISBN 0-935756-05-1. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. 302 p. (Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy ISBN 0-19-504271-9. [BJ1012 .M6315 1987] series; Vol. 4. Papers originally presented at a con­ (1.3.1) ference held 7-8 May 1982 at Bowling Green State University.) [HM216 .S56 1982] (1.3.1) Grant, George P. En g l ish -s pe a k in g JUSTICE. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1985. 104 p. ISBN 0-268-00914-7. (U.S. edition.

Volume 14, Page 8 Revisions series. Reprint. Originally published: 1988. 394 p. ISBN 0-8122-1263-0. [BJ1725 .K84 Sackville, New Brunswick: Mount Allison Univer­ 1988] (1.3.1) sity, 1974.) [JC578 .G7 1985] (1.3.1) Kurtz, Paul W. FORBIDDEN FRUIT: THE ETHICS OF Hall, Robert T. EMILE DURKHEIM: ETHICS AND THE HUMANISM. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, SOCIOLOGY OF MORALS. New York: Greenwood 1988. 266 p. ISBN 0-87975-455-9. [BJ1360 .K79 Press, 1987. 234 p. ISBN 0-313-25847-3. (Con­ 1988] (1.3.1,1.1,2.1) tributions in Sociology series; No. 69. ISSN 0084- 9278.) [BJ319 .H251987] (1.3.1) Levi, Isaac. HARD CHOICES: DECISION MAKING UNDER UNRESOLVED CONFLICT. New York: Hauptman, Robert. ETHICAL CHALLENGES IN Cambridge University Press, 1986.250 p. ISBN 0- LIBRARIANSHIP. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1988. 521-32527-7. [BJ1468.5 .L48 1986] (1.3.1,5.3) 110 p. ISBN 0-89774-271-0. [Z682.35 .P75 H38 1988] (1.3.1, Information Science) Lucas, George R., ed. POVERTY, JUSTICE, AND THE LAW: NEW ESSAYS ON NEEDS, RIGHTS, AND Hodges, Louis W., ed. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: OBLIGATIONS. Lanham, MD: University Press of BUSINESS, JOURNALISM, LAW, MEDICINE- America, 1986. 163 p. ISBN 0-8191-5717-1. VOLUME XIV. Lexington, VA: Washington and (Papers originally presented at a conference held Lee University, 1988.58 p. ISSN 0732-9938. (Lec­ 21-23 February 1985, sponsored by the Dept, of tures presented at Washington and Lee Univer­ Philosophy and the School of Law at Santa Clara sity during the 1987-1988 academic year.) [HM216 University.) [K1960 .A55 1985] (1.3.1) .S626V.14] (1.3.1,2.1) Mappes, Thomas A. and Zembaty, Jane S. SOCIAL Howie, John, ed. ETHICAL PRINCIPLES AND PRAC­ ETHICS: MORALITY AND SOCIAL POLICY. New TICE. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University York: McGraw-Hill, 1987. 507 p. ISBN 0-07- Press, 1987. 171 p. ISBN 0-8093-1410-X. [BJ1012 040125-X. (Third edition.) [HM216 .M27 1987] .E883 1987] (1.3.1) ( Jonas, Hans and Mieth, Dietmar. WAS FÜR MOR­ Martin, Mike W. SELF-DECEPTION AND MORALITY. GEN LEBENSWICHTIG IST: UNENTDECKTE Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1986. ZUKUNFTSWERTE. Freiburg: Herder, 1983. 80 p. 177 p. ISBN 0-7006-0297-6. [BJ1429.3 .M371986] ISBN 3-451-19817-7. (Work consists of contribu­ (1.3.1) tions made by Hans Jonas in a lecture given at the Colloquim of the German UNESCO Commission May, Larry. THE MORALITY OF GROUPS: COLLEC­ entitled Wandlung von Verantwortung und Werten TIVE RESPONSIBILITY, GROUP-BASED HARM, AND in heutiger Zeit held 2 June 1982 in Freiberg i. Br.) CORPORATE RIGHTS. Notre Dame, IN: University [CB428 J65 1983] (1.3.1) of Notre Dame Press, 1987. 200 p. ISBN 0-268- 01366-7. (Soundings series [Notre Dame, IN].) Kagan, Jerome and Lamb, Sharon, eds. THE EMER­ [HM216 .M315 1987] (1.3.1) GENCE OF MORALITY IN YOUNG CHILDREN. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.354 p. McMurrin, Sterling M., ed. LIBERTY, EQUALITY, ISBN 0-226-42231-3. (Papers presented at a con­ AND LAW: SELECTED TANNER LECTURES ON ference sponsored by the MacArthur m o r a l PHILOSOPHY. Salt Lake City: University Foundation’s Health Science Program held 2-3 of Utah Press, 1987. 205 p. ISBN 0-87480-271-7. November 1984 at Harvard University.) [BF723 (Four essays reprinted from Vols. I, III, and IV of .M54E48 1987] (1.3.1) The Tanner Lectures on Human Values.) [BJ55 .L53 1987] (1.3.1) Kultgen, John H. ETHICS AND PROFESSIONALISM. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, Miller, J. Hillis. THE ETHICS OF READING: KANT, DE MAN, ELIOT, TROLLOPE, JAMES, AND BENJAMIN.

Volume 14, Page 9 New York: Columbia University Press, 1987. of Amsterdam in April 1986.) [LC268 .P47 1988] 138 p. ISBN 0-231-06334-2. (The Wellek Library ( Lectures at the University of California—Irvine series.) [PN98 .R38 M55 1987] (1.3.1) Stoljar, S J. AN ANALYSIS OF RIGHTS. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1984.137 p. ISBN 0-312-03283-8. Mitchell, Robert W. and Thompson, Nicholas S., [K460 .S76 1984] (1.3.1) eds. DECEPTION: PERSPECTIVES ON HUMAN AND n o n h u m a n DECEIT. Albany: State University of Swidler, Arlene, ed. HUMAN RIGHTS IN RELIGIOUS New York Press, 1986.388 p. ISBN 0-88706-108- TRADITIONS. New York: Pilgrim Press, 1982. 7. (SUNY Series in Animal Behavior.) [BF637 114 p. ISBN 0-8298-0633-4. [BL65 .C58 H851982] .D42D43 1986] (1.3.1,3.1) (

Naroll, Raoul. THE MORAL ORDER: a n INTRODUC­ United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ TION TO THE HUMAN SITUATION. Beverly Hills, sessment. DEFENDING SECRETS, SHARING DATA: CA: Sage, 1983. 498 p. ISBN 0-8039-1917-4. NEW LOCKS AND KEYS FOR ELECTRONIC INFOR­ [HM216 .N331983] (1.3.1,1.1) MATION. Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment, [1987]. 187 p. Noonan, John T. BRIBES. Berkeley: University of (Order No. OTA-CIT-310. For sale by the Super­ California Press, 1987.839 p. ISBN 0-520-06154- intendent of Documents, U.S. G.P.O. Gift of 3. [K5261 .N66 1987] (1.3.1) Robert Cook-Deegan.) [QA76.9 .A25 D44 1987] (1.3.1) Petersen, James C. and Farrell, Dan. WHISTLEBLOWING: ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ IN EXPRESSING DISSENT. Dubuque, IA: Ken­ sessment. FEDERALGOVERNMENT INFORMATION dall/Hunt, 1986.31 p. ISBN 0-8403-3945-3. (CSEP TECHNOLOGY: ELECTRONIC RECORD SYSTEMS Module Series in Applied Ethics.) [JK468 .W54 AND INDIVIDUAL PRIVACY. Washington, DC: P471986] (1.3.1) Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology As­ sessment, [1986]. 152 p. (Publication No. OTA- Phillips, Gerald M. and Wood, Julia T., eds. e m e r ­ CIT-296. For sale by the Superintendent of g e n t ISSUES IN HUMAN DECISION MAKING. Car- Documents, U.S. G.P.O. Gift of Robert Cook- bondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1984. Deegan.) [KF5753 .A251986] (1.3.1,1.3.5,8.4, In­ 181 p. ISBN 0-8093-1151-8. [HM73 .E59 1984] formation Science) (1.3.1) United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ Rouner, Leroy S., ed. FOUNDATIONS OF ETHICS. sessment. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, AN AGE OF ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION. 1983.237 p. ISBN 0-268-00963-5. (Boston Univer­ Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of sity Studies in Philosophy and Religion series; Technology Assessment, [1986]. 299 p. (Order Vol. 4.) [BJ1012 .F6371983] (1.3.1) No. OTA-CIT-302. Gift of Robert Cook- Deegan.) [KF3030.1.1581986] (1.3.1, Information Siebers, Tobin. THE ETHICS OF CRITICISM. Ithaca, Science) NY: Cornell University Press, 1988. 246 p. ISBN 0-8014-2128-4. [PN98 .M67 S541988] (1.3.1) Varlejs, Jana, ed. THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION: LEGALQUEsnoNS a n d po l ic y issu e s. Jefferson, Spiecker, Ben and Straughan, Roger, eds. NC: McFarland, 1984.88 p. ISBN 0-89950-097-8. PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES IN MORAL EDUCATION (Proceedings of the 21st annual symposium spon­ AND DEVELOPMENT. Philadelphia: Open Univer­ sored by the alumni and faculty of the Rutgers sity Press, 1988. 126 p. ISBN 0-335-15850-1. Graduate School of Library and Information (Revised versions of papers originally presented Studies, held 1 April 1982.) [Z711.4 .R53 1984] at a conference organized by the Free University (1.3.1, Information Science)

Volume 14, Page 10 Zimmerman, Michael J. AN ESSAY ON MORAL Frederick, William C., ed. EMPIRICAL STUDIES OF RESPONSIBILITY. Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Lit­ BUSINESS e t h ic s AND VALUES. Greenwich, CT: tlefield, 1988.210 p. ISBN 0-8476-7593-9. [BJ1012 JAI Press, 1987. 240 p. ISBN 0-89232-742-1. .Z561988] (1.3.1) (Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy Series; Vol. 9, 1987. ISSN 0191-1937.) 1.3.2 Applied and Professional Ethics: [HD28 .R46 1987] (1.3.2) Business Jackall, Robert. MORAL MAZES: THE WORLD OF Barry, Vincent E. MORAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS. Bel­ c o r p o r a t e m a n a g e r s . New York: Oxford mont, CA: Wadsworth, 1986.502 p. ISBN 0-534- University Press, 1988.249 p. ISBN 0-19-503825- 05484-6. (Third edition.) [HF5387 .B35 1986] 8. [HF5387 J29 1988] (1.3.2) (1.3.2) Jones, Donald G. and Bennett, Patricia, eds. A BIB­ Bayne, David C. THE PHILOSOPHY OF c o r p o r a t e LIOGRAPHY OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 1981-1985. Lewis­ CONTROL: A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF ton, NY: E. Mellen Press, 1986. 309 p. ISBN FIDUCIARY DUTY. Chicago: Loyola University 0-88946-154-6. (Mellen Studies in Business; Vol. Press, 1986. 414 p. ISBN 0-8294-0517-8. [KF1423 2.) [HF5387 J661981-85] (1.3.2, Reference) .B39 1986] (1.3.2) Jung, Leo. BUSINESS ETHICS IN JEWISH LAW. New Bick, Patricia A. BUSINESS ETHICS AND RESPON­ York: Hebrew Pub. in conjunction with the Board SIBILITY: AN INFORMATION SOURCEBOOK. of Jewish Education of Greater New York, 1987. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1988. 204 p. ISBN 0- 256 p. ISBN 0-88482-918-9. (With a concluding 89774-296-6. (Oryx Sourcebook Series in Business section on Jewish Business Ethics in Contemporary and Management; Vol. 11.) [HF5387 .B595 1988] Society by Aaron Levine. Gift of Max M. and Mar­ (1.3.2, Reference) jorie B. Kampelman.) [BJ1279 J86 1987] (1.3.2, 1.2) D’Andrade, Kendall. FOUNDATIONS OF BUSINESS ETHICS. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms Koestenbaum, Peter. THE HEART OF BUSINESS: International, 1988. 272 p. Publication No. e t h ic s, POWER AND PHILOSOPHY. San Francisco: 8511267. (Thesis, Ph.D.—University of Illinois at Saybrook, 1987.368 p. ISBN 0-933071-15-9. (Dis­ Chicago, 1985.) (1.3.2) tributed by: Norton, New York.) [HF5351 .K584 1987] (1.3.2) DesJardins, Joseph R. and McCall, John J. CON­ TEMPORARY ISSUES IN BUSINESS ETHICS. Bel­ Levine, Aaron. ECONOMICS AND JEWISH LAW. New mont, CA: Wadsworth, 1985. 510 p. ISBN York: Yeshiva University Press, 1987.264 p. ISBN 0-534-03693-7. [HF5387 .D39 1985] (1.3.2) 0-88125-106-2. (The Library of Jewish Law and Ethics series; Vol. 13. Gift of Max M. and Mar­ Eckman, Lester S. JEWISH TRADITION AND COR­ jorie B. Kampelman.) [BM509 .E27 L48 1987] PORATE MORALITY. New York: Shengold, 1986. (1.3.2,1.2) 88 p. ISBN 0-88400-119-9. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BM509 .E27 E251986] Machan, Tibor R., ed. COMMERCE AND MORALITY. ( Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Littlefield, 1988. 252 p. ISBN 0-8476-7587-4. [HF5387 .C65 1988] (1.3.2, Fisse, Brent and Braithwaite, John. THE IMPACT OF 1.3.5) PUBLICITY ON CORPORATE OFFENDERS. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1983. 393 p. Paul, Karen, ed. BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT AND ISBN 0-87395-733-4. (SUNY Series on Critical Is­ BUSINESS ETHICS: THE SOCIAL, MORAL, AND sues in Criminal Justice.) [HV8073 .F525 1983] POLITICAL DIMENSIONS OF MANAGEMENT. (1.3.2,1.3.7) Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1987.151 p. ISBN 0- 88730-204-1. (Ballinger Series in Business in a

Volume 14, Page 11 Global Environment.) [HF5387 .B867 1987] Columbia University, 1988. 217 p. ISBN 0-8077- (1.3.2) 2909-4. [LC5251 .E771988] (1.3.3) Rush, Myron D. LORD OF THE MARKETPLACE. Elliott, Rogers. LITIGATING INTELLIGENCE: IQ Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1986.192 p. ISBN 0- TESTS, SPECIAL EDUCATION, AND SOCIALSCIENCE 89693-278-8. [HF5387 .R86 1986] (1.3.2,1.2) INTHE COURTROOM. Dover, MA: Auburn House, 1987. 226 p. ISBN 0-86569-156-8. [KF4155 .E45 Solomon, Robert C. and Hanson, Kristine R. ITS 1987] (1.3.3,15.6) GOOD BUSINESS. New York: Harper & Row, 1986. 282 p. ISBN 0-06-097065-0. (Reprint. Originally May, William W., ed. VATICAN AUTHORITY AND published: New York: Atheneum, 1985.) [HF5387 AMERICAN CATHOLIC DISSENT: THE CURRAN .S6251986] (1.3.2) CASE AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. New York: Crossroad, 1987. 208 p. ISBN 0-8245-0840-8. Srivastva, Suresh. EXECUTIVE INTEGRITY: THE [BX1746 .V38 1987] (1.3.3,1.2) SEARCHFORHIGHHUMANVALUES IN ORGANIZA­ TIONAL LIFE. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1988. Schools, Parents, and Values. EDUCATIONAL 354 p. ISBN 1-55542-085-0. (Jossey-Bass Manage­ LEADERSHIP 45(8): 3-64, May 1988. ISSN 0013- ment Series.) [HF5387 .E94 1988] (1.3.2) 1784. (1.3.3) Tamari, Meir. WITH ALL YOUR POSSESSIONS: Strike, Kenneth A.; Haller, Emil J.; and Soltis, JEWISH ETHICS AND ECONOMIC LIFE. New York: Jonas F. THE ETHICS OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRA­ Free Press, 1987.340 p. ISBN 0-02-932150-6. (Gift TION. New York: Teachers College Press, 1988. of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [BJ1279 137 p. ISBN 0-8077-2887-X. (Professional Ethics .T35 1987] (1.3.2,1.2,1.3.5) in Education Series.) [LB2806 .S73 1988] (1.3.3)

Toffler, Barbara L., ed. TOUGH CHOICES: 1.3.4 Applied and Professional Ethics: MANAGERS TALK ETHICS. New York: Wiley, 1986. Engineering 372 p. ISBN 0-471-83022-4. [HF5387 .T68 1986] (1.3.2) Special Section: Ethics in Biomedical Engineering. IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ MAGAZINE 7(2): 52-95, June 1988. ISSN 0739- sessment. THE ELECTRONIC SUPERVISOR: NEW 5175. (1.3.4,2.1,9.7) TECHNOLOGY, NEW TENSIONS. Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology As­ Thring, Meredith W. THE ENGINEER’S CON­ sessment, [1987]. 141 p. (Order No. OTA-CIT- SCIENCE. London: Northgate, 1980. 240 p. ISBN 333. For sale by the Superintendent of 0-85298-433-2. [TA153 .T48] (1.3.4,5.2) Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) [QA76.9 .A25 D44 1987] (1.3.2,1.3.1) Wells, Paula R.; Jones, Hardy; and Davis, Michael. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST IN ENGINEERING. Dubu­ 1.3.3 Applied and Professional Ethics: que, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1986. 68 p. ISBN 0-8403- Education 3944-5. (CSEP Module Series in Applied Ethics.) [TA157 .W42] (1.3.4) Bennett, William J. TO RECLAIM A LEGACY: A REPORT ON THE HUMANITIES IN HIGHER EDUCA­ 1.3.5 Applied and Professional Ethics: TION. Washington, DC: National Endowment for Government the Humanities, 1984. 32 p. [LC1021 .B46 1984] ( Dorsen, Norman, ed. OUR ENDANGERED RIGHTS: THE ACLU REPORT ON CIVIL LIBERTIES TODAY. Brockett, Ralph G., ed. ETHICAL ISSUES IN ADULT New York: Pantheon Books, 1984.333 p. ISBN 0- EDUCATION. New York: Teachers College, 394-72229-9. [KF4749 ,A2 093 1984] (1.3.5)

Volume 14, Page 12 Elliston, Frederick A. POLICE ETHICS: SOURCE United States. Congress. Joint Economic Commit­ MATERIALS. [Washington, DC]: Police Founda­ tee. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH SPEAKS OUT ON tion, [1985?] 324 p. [HV7924 .E44] (1.3.5, POVERTY: ETHICS AND ECONOMICS. Washington, Reference) DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988.191 p. (99th Congress, 2nd Session. Hearing held 22 December 1986. S. Hrg. Fischer, Frank and Forester, John, eds. CONFRONT­ No. 99-1098.) (1.3.5,12) ING VALUES IN POLICY ANALYSIS: THE POLITICS OF CRITERIA. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1987. Vincent, R J. HUMAN RIGHTS AND INTERNATION­ 293 p. ISBN 0-8039-2617-0. (Sage Yearbooks in AL RELATIONS. New York: Cambridge University Politics and Public Policy; Vol. 14.) [H97 .C655 Press, 1986. 186 p. ISBN 0-521-33995-2. 1987] (1.3.5) (Published in association with the Royal Institute of International Affairs.) [JC571 .V554 1986] Flynn, Eileen P. MY COUNTRY RIGHT OR WRONG?: (1.33,13.6) SELECTIVE CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION IN THE NUCLEAR AGE. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1.3.6 Applied and Professional Ethics: 1985. 98 p. ISBN 0-8294-0477-5. (Gift of Sargent International Affairs and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.) [U263 .F59 1985] ( Myers, Robert J., ed. INTERNATIONAL ETHICS IN THE NUCLEAR AGE. Lanham, MD: University Gannon, Thomas M., ed. THE CATHOLIC CHAL­ Press of America, 1987.369 p. ISBN 0-8191-6692- LENGE TO THE AMERICAN ECONOMY: REFLEC­ 8. (Ethics and Foreign Policy Series; Vol. 4. Co­ TIONS ONTHE U.S. BISHOPS’ PASTORAL LETTERON published by arrangement with Carnegie Council CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING AND THE U.S. on Ethics and International Affairs.) [JX1255.168 ECONOMY. New York: Macmillan, 1987. 340 p. 1987] (1.3.6,21.2) ISBN 0-02-911270-2. (Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.) [BX1795 .E27 C371987 Suppl.] Pfaltzgraff, Robert L. NATIONAL SECURITY: ( ETHICS, STRATEGY AND POLITICS: A LAYMAN’S PRIMER. Cambridge, MA: Institute for Foreign Illinois. Office of Secretary of State. ILLINOIS Policy Analysis, 1986.43 p. ISBN 0-08-033976-X. GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS ACT. [Springfield, IL: (Foreign Policy Report series.) [JX1391 .P49 The Secretary of State, 1988.] 23 p. (As effective 1986] (1.3.6,21.2) 1 January 1988.) (13.5) Richards, David AJ. TOLERATION AND THE CON­ 1.3.7 Applied and Professional Ethics: STITUTION. New York: Oxford University Press, Journalism 1986.348 p. ISBN 0-19-504018-X. [KF4550 .R48 Bodian, Nat G. COPYWRITER’S HANDBOOK A 1986] (1.3.5) PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR ADVERTISING AND Sen, Amartya K. ON ETHICS AND ECONOMICS. New PROMOTION OF SPECIALIZED AND SCHOLARLY York: B. Blackwell, 1987. 131 p. ISBN 0-631- BOOKS AND JOURNALS. Philadelphia: ISI Press, 15494-9. (Edited version of the Royer Lectures 1984.277 p. ISBN 0-89495-039-8. [Z286 .S37 B63 given 4-6 April 1986 at the University of Califor­ 1984] (13.7, Information Science) nia at Berkeley. Royer Lectures series.) [HB72 .S4341987] (1.3.5) 1.3.8 Applied and Professional Ethics: Law Thompson, Dennis F. POLITICAL ETHICS AND THE BOOK OFTORTS. New Haven, CT: Yale Univer­ PUBLIC OFFICE. Cambridge, MA: Harvard sity Press, cl982.299 p. ISBN 0-300-00632-2. (The University Press, 1987.263 p. ISBN 0-674-68605- Code of Maimonides, Book 11. Translated from 5. [JA79 .T57 1987] (1.3.5) the Hebrew by Hyman Klein. Yale Judaica Series;

Volume 14, Page 13 Vol. 9. Gift of Max M. and Maijorie B. Kampel­ 0. (Hornbook Series Practitioner’s Edition.) man.) [BM520.84 A213 v.9] (1.3.8,1.2) [KF306 .W591986] (1.3.8)

ETHICS ON TRIAL. Washington, DC: WETA, 1986. 1.3.9 Applied and Professional Ethics: 1 color VHS videocassette (57:52min.) (Reported Scientific Research by Fred Graham.) (1.3.8) Gold, Michael. A CONSPIRACY OF CELLS: o n e Feinberg, Joel and Gross, Hyman, eds. WOMAN’S IMMORTAL LEGACY AND THE MEDICAL PHILOSOPHY o f LAW. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, SCANDAL IT CAUSED. Albany: State University of 1986.708 p. ISBN 0-534-06198-2. (Third edition.) New York Press, 1986.170 p. ISBN 0-88706-074- [K226 .P47 1986] (1.3.8) 9. [RC267 .G641986] (1.3.9,15.1) Greenawalt, R. Kent. CONFLICTS OF LAW AND Van de Kamp, Jacqueline and Cummings, Martin MORALITY. New York: Oxford University Press, M. MISCONDUCT AND FRAUD IN THE LIFE SCIEN­ 1987.383 p. ISBN 0-19-504110-0. (Clarendon Law CES. [Bethesda, MD]: National Library of Series.) [K230 .G74 C66 1987] (1.3.8,1.3.1) Medicine, 1987.17 p. (Literature Search; No. 87- 14. January 1977 through September 1987, 450 Morgan, Thomas D. and Rotunda, Ronald D., citations.) [Q172.5 .F7 V36 1987] (1.3.9) comps. 1988 s e l e c t e d s t a n d a r d s o n p r o fe s ­ s io n a l RESPONSIBUTY. Mineola, NY: Founda­ tion Press, 1988. 400 p. ISBN 0-88277-636-3. 1.3.10 Applied and Professional Ethics: [KF305 A15 M621988] (1.3.8) Social Work Quint, Emanuel B. and Hecht, Neil S. JEWISH Levy, Charles S. SOCIAL WORK ETHICS. New York: JURISPRUDENCE: ITS SOURCES AND MODERN AP­ Human Sciences Press, 1979, cl976.266 p. ISBN PLICATIONS, VOLUME 2. New York: Harwood 0-87705-493-2. (Social Work Series.) [HV41 .L446 Academic, 1986.237 p. ISBN3-7186-0293-8. (Gift 1979] (1.3.10) of Max M. and Maijorie B. Kampelman.) [BM520 National Association of Social Workers. VALUES IN .Q5v.2] (1.3.8,1.2) SOCIAL WORK- A RE-EXAMINATION. Silver Spring, Shaffer, Thomas L. ON BEING A CHRISTIAN AND A MD: The Association, 1967. 107 p. (Monograph LAWYER: LAW FOR THE INNOCENT. Provo, UT: IX in the series sponsored by the Regional In­ Brigham Young University Press, 1981. 271 p. stitute Program, NASW.) [HV687 A2 N33 1967] ISBN 0-8425-1833-9. (Gift of Sargent and Eunice (1.3.10) Kennedy Shriver.) [KF298 .S5] (1.3.8) Punch, Maurice. THE POLITICS AND ETHICS OF FIELDWORK. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1986.93 p. Symposium on Kantian Legal Theory. Co l u m b ia LAW REVIEW 87(3): 419-591, April 1987. ISSN ISBN 0-8039-2517-4. (Sage University Paper 0010-1958. (Papers from a conference on Kantian Series on Qualitative Research Methods; Vol. 3.) Legal Theory held 26-28 September 1986 at the [H62 .P941986] (1.3.10) Arden Homestead, Harriman, NY.) (1.3.8) Rhodes, Margaret L. ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN SO­ Welch, Don, ed. LAW AND MORALITY. Philadel­ CIAL WORK PRACTICE. Boston: Routledge & phia: Fortress Press, 1987. 180 p. ISBN 0-8006- Kegan Paul, 1986. 200 p. ISBN 0-7102-0366-7. 1974-9. (Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy [HV10.5 .R49 1986] (1.3.10) Shriver.) [K235 .L33 1987] (1.3.8) Timms, Noel. SOCIAL WORK VALUES: AN ENQUIRY. Wolfram, Charles W. MODERN LEGAL ETHICS. St. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983. 160 p. Paul, MN: West, 1986.1363 p. ISBN 0-314-92638- ISBN 0-7100-9404-3. [HV31 .T48 1983] (1.3.10)

Volume 14, Page 14 Walrond-Skinner, Sue and Watson, David, eds. 80 p. (Publisher’s address: P.O. Box 7424, zip ETHICAL ISSUES IN FAMILY THERAPY. New York: 94120-7424. Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987. 166 p. ISBN 0- [RE72 .B431986] (2.1) 7102-1092-2. [RC488.5 .E851987] (1.3.10) Berry, Caroline. THE RITES OF LIFE: CHRISTIANS 2.1 Bioethics (General) AND BIO-MEDICAL DECISION MAKING. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1987. 207 p. ISBN 0-340- Ackerman, Terrence F.; et al., eds. CLINICAL MEDI­ 39518-4. [BJ1469 .B471987] (2.1,1.2) CAL ETHICS: EXPLORATION AND ASSESSMENT. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1987. Bioéthique approches théologiques. AD v e r it a t e m 179 p. ISBN 0-8191-6040-7. (Essays from a con­ no. 8: 2-72, December 1985. (Gift of Jean-Marie ference held August 1982 under the sponsorship Thévoz. Publisher’s address: 92 avenue des Roga­ of the University of Tennessee Inter-Campus tions, 1040-Bruxelles.) (2.1,1.2) Graduate Program in Medical Ethics.) [R724 .C5261987] (2.1) Boné, Edouard. De la biotechnologie a la bioethi- que: le choc du futur. BULLETIN PRO MUNDI VITA Allen, Anne S., ed. NEW OPTIONS, NEW DILEMMAS: 101(2): 1-44, 1985. (Publisher’s address: Pro AN INTERPROFESSIONAL APPROACH TO LIFE OR Mundi Vita, Rue de la Limite 6, B-1030 Bruxel­ DEATH DECISIONS. Lexington, MA: Lexington, les—Belgique.) (2.1,1.2) Books, 1986. 134 p. ISBN 0-669-11730-7. (Based on a conference held at Ohio State University in Brock, D. Heyward and Ratzan, Richard M., eds. November 1983 and sponsored by the Commis­ LITERATURE a n d b io e t h ic s. Baltimore: Johns sion on Interprofessional Education and Hopkins University Press, 1988.209 p. (Literature Practice’s Continuing Education Committee.) and Medicine series; Vol. 7. ISSN 0278-9671.) [R724 .N49 1986] (2.1) (2.1,7.1) Ambroselli, Claire. L’ÉTHIQUE MÉDICALE. Paris: Brody, Baruch A. LIFE AND DEATH DECISION Presses Universitaires de France, 1988. 127 p. m a k in g . New York: Oxford University Press, ISBN 2-13-041917-8. (Que Sais-Je? series; No. 1988. 250 p. ISBN 0-19-505007-X. [R725.5 .B76 2422. Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (2.1,18.1) 1988] (2.1,20.5.1) Aro, Seppo; Hakonen, Sinikka; and Heikkinen, Brody, Baruch A., ed. MORALTHEORY AND MORAL Eino, eds. h u m a n ism a n d m e d ic a l r e sp o n ­ JUDGMENTS IN MEDICAL ETHICS. Boston: Kluwer sib il it y . Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wik- Academic, 1988. 232 p. ISBN 1-55608-060-3. sell, [1982?] 116 p. (Scandinavian Journal of Social (Philosophy and Medicine series; Vol. 32.) [R724 Medicine, Supplement 31. ISSN 0301-7311. .M8241988] (2.1) Proceedings of the Section, Humanism and Medi­ cal Responsibility at the VHIth International Con­ Chadwick, Ruth F., ed. ETHICS, REPRODUCTION AND GENETIC CONTROL. New York: Croom gress of the AMIEV, held 1-5 June 1981 in Helm, 1987.200 p. ISBN 0-7099-3472-6. [HQ755.3 Tampere, Finland.) (2.1) .E86 1987] (2.1,14.1,15.1) Autton, Norman. DOCTORS TALKING: A GUIDE TO CURRENT MEDICO-MORAL PROBLEMS. London: Citizens’ Committee on Biomedical Ethics (NJ.) Mowbray, 1984.242 p. ISBN 0-264-66894-4. [R724 YOURHEALTH, YOUR CHOICES, WHOSE DECISION: FINAL REPORT. Summit, NJ: The Committee, .A881984] (2.1) 1988. 26 p. (Includes results and analysis of two Beauchamp, George R.; Bettman, Jerome W.; and statewide surveys conducted 1985-87.) (2.1) Stromberg, Clifford D. ETHICS IN OPHTHALMOL­ OGY: A PRACTICAL GUIDE. San Francisco, CA: Comités d’Éthique, Insémination Artificielle, Fécon­ American Academy of Ophthalmology, 1986. dation In-Vitro, Euthanasie. ÉTHIQUE ET SCIEN-

Volume 14, Page 15 CES DE LA VIE, SERIE A: 1-70, September 1985. Edwards, Rem B. and Graber, Glenn C. (Bibliographies from BIOETHICSLINE, PAS­ BIOETHICS. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace CAL, FRANCIS et RHESUS, MEDLINE. Jovanovich, 1988. 755 p. ISBN 0-15-505420-1. Publisher’s address: Centre de recherches de [R724 .E33 1988] (2.1) l’INSERM, 44 Chemin de Ronde, 78110 Le Vesinet.) (2.1, Reference) Ethical Issues in Professional Behavior. JEWISH SO­ CIAL WORK FORUM 22: 1-84, Spring 1986. ISSN Consentement Éclairé, Recherche sur l’Embryon 0021-6712. (Special issue in honor of Wurzweiler’s Humain, Diagnostic Prénatal, Avortement. ÉTHI­ 30th anniversary. Proceedings of the Wurzweiler QUE ETSaENCESDELA VIE,SERIEB: 1-86, Decem­ Alumni professional conference held 28 April ber 1985. (Bibliographies from 1985 at Yeshiva University.) (2.1,1.3.1) BIOETHICSLINE, PASCAL, FRANCIS et RHESUS, and MEDLINE. Publisher’s address: France. Conseil d’Etat. SCIENCES DE LA VIE: DE Centre de recherches de PINSERM, 44 Chemin L’ÉTHIQUE AU DROIT. Paris: La Documentation de Ronde, 78110 Le Vesinet.) (2.1, Reference) française, 1988.208 p. (Notes et études documen­ taires, No. 4855. ISSN 0029-4004.) (2.1) Cook, E.D. and Higginson, R. MEDICAL ETHICS PROJECT. Edinburgh: Rutherford House, [n.d.] 1 Freeman, John M. and McDonnell, Kevin. TOUGH audiocassette. (Rutherford House Tapes series; DECISIONS: A CASEBOOK IN MEDICAL ETHICS. No. 132. Producer’s address: 17 Claremont Park, New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.181 p. postal code EH6 7PJ.) (2.1) ISBN 0-19-504255-7. [R725.5 .F741987] (2.1) Cross, Richelle, ed. THE VALUE OF MANY VOICES. Griese, Orville N. CATHOLIC IDENTITY IN HEALTH Denver: University of Colorado at Denver, CARE: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES. Braintree, Graduate School of Public Affairs, Center for MA: Pope John Center, 1987. 537 p. ISBN 0- Health Ethics and Policy, 1987.122 p. (Summary 935372-19-9. (Gift of Sargent and Eunice Ken­ of the conference held 11-13 February 1987 in nedy Shriver.) [RA975 .C37 G75 1987] (2.1,1.2) Denver, CO. Publisher’s address: 1200 Larimer St., Campus Box 133, zip 80204. Gift of the Haas, Janet; Caplan, Arthur L.; and Callahan, Center.) (2.1,9.6) Daniel, eds. CASE STUDIES IN ETHICS AND MEDI­ CAL REHABILITATION. Briarcliff Manor, NY: The de Dombal, F.T.; Holt, P.R.; and Sidorov, J J., eds. Hastings Center, 1988.61 p. (Publisher’s address: ETHICS IN GASTROENTEROLOGY. [Leeds]: 255 Elm Road, zip 10510.) (2.1) University Printing Service at the University of Leeds, [n.d.]. 49 p. (Proceedings of a workshop Hansen, Ruth A., guest ed. Special Issue on Ethics. meeting of the World Organisation of AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL Gastroenterology held 29 April-2 May 1986 at St. THERAPY 42(5): 279-327, May 1988. ISSN 0272- George’s House, Windsor Castle, Berkshire, 9490. (2.1) England.) (2.1) Hodges, Louis W., ed. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Downie, Robert S. and Caiman, K.C. HEALTHY BUSINESS, JOURNALISM, LAW, MEDICINE: RESPECT: ETHICS IN HEALTH CARE Boston: Faber VOLUME XIII. Lexington, VA: Washington and and Faber, 1987. 266 p. ISBN 0-571-14503-5. Lee University, 1987. 54 p. ISSN 0732-9938. [R724 .D69 1987] (2.1) [HM216 .S626 v.13] (2.1) Dyer, Allen R. ETHICS AND PSYCHIATRY: TOWARD Humber, James M. and Almeder, Robert F., eds. PROFESSIONAL DEFINITION. Washington, DC: BIOMEDICAL ETHICS REVIEWS, 1987. Clifton, NJ: American Psychiatric Press, 1988.176 p. ISBN 0- Humana Press, 1988.185 p. ISBN 0-89603-136-5. 88048-225-7. [RC455.2 .E8 D94 1988] (2.1, 8.1, (Contemporary Issues in Biomedicine, Ethics, 17.1)

Volume 14, Page 16 and Society series. ISSN 0742-1796. Gift of the University Microfilms International, 1988. 355 p. Publisher.) [R724 .B493 1987] (2.1) Publication No. 8220590. (Thesis, Ph.D.— Claremont Graduate School, 1982.) [B1674 .W354 Institut Borja de Bioètica. ASPECTOS ÉTICOS DEL L31982] (2.1,3.1) PROGRESO BIOMÉDICO. Barcelona: The Institut, 1987. 247 p. ISBN 84-398-9233-0. (Horitzons de Law and Medicine. JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY Bioètica series; no. 1. Second edition, revised with LAW 11(1): 1-343,1984. (2.1,19.1) new documents. Previously published and un­ published papers by members of the Institut Borja Lefèvre, Charles. MÂITRE DE LA VIE: NAISSANCE, de Bioètica. Gift of Francisco Abel.) (2.1,1.2,11.1, MORT, ÉTHIQUE. Paris: Le Centurion, 1987.215 p. 12.3) ISBN 2-227-20212-2. (Amour Humain series. Gift of the author.) [R724 .L421987] (2.1) Isambert, François A. and Terrenoire, Gwen. ÉTHI­ QUE DES SCIENCES DE LA VIE ET DE LA SANTÉ. Levine, Carol, ed. TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS Paris: La Documentation française, 1987. 217 p. ON CONTROVERSIAL BIOETHICAL ISSUES. Guil­ ISBN 2-11-001888-7. (Le point sur series. Gift of ford, CT: Dushkin, 1987. 360 p. ISBN 0-87967- the publisher.) (2.1, Reference) 657-0. (Second edition.) [QH332 .T341987] (2.1) Kimura, Rihito. INOCHI O KANGAERU = THINKING Levine, Carol; Bermel, Joyce; and Homer, Paul, ABOUT LIFE: AN INTRODUCTION TO BIOETHICS. eds. BIOMEDICAL ETHICS: A MULTINATIONAL Tokyo: Nippon Hyoron Sha, 1987.282 p. ISBN 4- VIEW. Briarcliff Manor, NY: The Hastings 535-57671-8. (Japanese text. Gift of the author.) Center, 1987.36 p. (A Hastings Center Report spe­ (2.1) cial supplement/June 1987.) [R724 .B521987] (2.1, 21.1) Kjellstrand, C.M. g iv in g l if e , g iv in g d e a t h : ETHICAL PROBLEMS OF HIGH-TECHNOLOGY Liebesman, Maurice, guest ed. Medical Ethics. MEDICINE. Stockholm: s.n., 1988.200 p. ISBN 91- DELAWARE MEDICAL JOURNAL 60(9): 473-533, 7900-400-8. (Also appears in Acta Medica Scan- September 1988. ISSN 0011-7781. (2.1) dinavica, supplementum 725. Gift of author. Author’s address: Department of Medicine, Liebesman, Maurice, ed. Special Ethics Issue. Division of Nephrology, Karolinska Hospital and DELAWARE MEDICAL JOURNAL 59(3): 153-232, Karolinska Institute, S-10401 Stockholm, March 1987. ISSN 0011-7781. [R724 .S632 1987] Sweden.) (2.1,9.4,20.5.1) (2.1) Korean Association of Catholic Medical Doctors. LIFE CONTINUES. , NC: Walter J. Klein MEDICAL ETHICS. Seoul: Showensha, 1984. 548 p. Co., Ltd., [n.d.]. 1 videocassette (VHS) (15 min.) (Korean text. Gift of Joong Ho Kim.) (2.1) (Print No. PS#6304. Producer’s address: 6311 Carmel Rd., Box 2087, zip 28211-2087.) (2.1) Kuhn, Ruth, ed. Ethik der Pflege/Ethique des soins/Etica delle cure. KRANKENPFLEGE/SOINSIN- Lugo, Elena. ETICA MÉDICA. Mayaguez, Puerto FIRMIERS/CUREINFERMIERI STICHE 79(3) : 39-103, Rico: Librerfa Universal, 1984.173 p. (Publisher’s March 1986. ISSN 0002-1008. (2.1) address: Calle Post No. 55, Norte Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00708.) [R724 ,L8 1984] (2.1) Kuhse, Helga. THE SANCnTY-OF-UFEDOCTRINE IN MEDICINE: A CRITIQUE. New York: Oxford Malherbe, Jean-François. POUR UNE ÉTHIQUE DE University Press, 1987.235 p. ISBN 0-19-824943- LA MÉDECINE. Paris: Larousse, 1987.240 p. ISBN 8. [R724 .K831987] (2.1,4.4,12.3,20.5.1) 2-03-508109-2. (Essais en Liberté series. Gift of the author.) (2.1) Larson, David R. THE BIOETHICAL AVAILABILITY OF WHITEHEAD’S PHILOSOPHY. Ann Arbor, MI:

Volume 14, Page 17 Marshall, J. and Atkinson, D. MEDICAL ETHICS: Studies, 1986.64 p. ISBN 0-9591424-1-X. (Papers WHEN DOES LIFE BEGIN? [and] THEOLOGICAL given at the Bioethics Conference held 7 April PERSPECTIVES ON HUMAN BEINGS. Edinburgh: 1984 at Luther Seminary, North Adelaide, South Rutherford House, [n.d.] 1 audiocassette. Australia. D.B.I. Study Booklet series; No. 2. Ad­ (Rutherford House Tapes series; No. 133. dress: D.B.I., G.P.O. Box 588, postal code 5001.) Producer’s address: 17 Claremont Park, postal (2.1) code EH67PJ.) (2.1,1.2) Overduin, Daniel C. UNDERSTANDING BIOETHICS. Mason, J.K. and McCall Smith, RA. LAW AND [Goodwood, So. Australia]: Dietrich Bonhoeffer MEDICAL ETHICS. London: Butterworths, 1987. International Institute for Bioethical Studies, 344 p. ISBN 0-406-50131-9. (Second edition.) 1984. 11 p. ISBN 0-9591424-0-1. (D.B.I. Study [KD3395 .M371987] (2.1) Booklet series; No. 1.) (2.1) Medical Ethics. IOWA MEDICINE 77(11): 535-559, Overduin, Daniel C. and Fleming, John I. LIFE IN A November 1987. ISSN 0746-8709. (2.1) TEST-TUBE: MEDICAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES FACING SOCIETY TODAY. Adelaide, S. Australia: Medical Jurisprudence Symposium. NEBRASKA LAW Lutheran Publishing House, 1982.232 p. ISBN 0- REVIEW 63(4): 657-972, 1984. ISSN 0047-9209. 85910-203-3. (Gift of Daniel Overduin.) [R724 (2.1,20.5.1) .09 1982] (2.1,1.2) Meilaender, Gilbert. THE LIMITS OF LOVE: SOME Payne, Franklin E. BIBLICAL/MEDICAL ETHICS: THE THEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS. University Park: CHRISTIAN AND THEPRACTICE OFMEDICINE. Mil­ Pennsylvania State University Press, 1987.156 p. ford, MI: Mott Media, 1985.267 p. ISBN 0-88062- ISBN 0-271-00611-0. [BJ1251 .M491987] (2.1,1.2) 068-4. (Publisher’s address: 1000 East Huron St., zip 48042. Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Monagle, John F. and Thomasma, David C., eds. Shriver.) [R724 .P3961985] (2.1,1.2) MEDICAL ETHICS: A GUIDE FOR HEALTH PROFES­ SIONALS. Rockville, MD: Aspen, 1988. 522 p. Percy, Walker. THE THANATOS SYNDROME. New ISBN 0-87189-886-1. (Gift of Edmund D. Pel­ York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1987.372 p. ISBN 0- legrino.) [R724 .M29283 1988] (2.1) 374-27354-5. [PS3566 .E6912 T46 1987] (2.1, Fic­ tion) A Monograph on Ethical Issues. ANNA JOURNAL 13(6): 305-344, December 1986. ISSN 8750-0779. Rahman, Fazlur. HEALTH AND MEDICINE IN THE IS­ (Published by the American Nephrology Nurses’ LAMIC TRADITION: CHANGE AND IDENTITY. New Association.) (2.1) York: Crossroad, 1987.149 p. ISBN 0-8245-0797- 5. (Health/Medicine and the Faith Traditions Natale, Samuel M., guest ed. Ethical Issues. series.) [BP166.72 .R351987] (2.1,1.2) THOUGHT 60(237): 117-257, June 1985. ISSN 0040-6457. (2.1) Rogers, John, ed. MEDICAL ETHICS, HUMAN CHOICES: A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE. Scottdale, Orlowski, James P. and Kanoti, George A., guest PA: Herald Press, 1988.159 p. ISBN 0-8361-3460- eds. ETHICAL MOMENTS IN CRITICAL CARE 5. (Gift of LeRoy Walters.) [R725.56 .M441988] MEDICINE. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1986. 189 p. (2.1, 1.2) (Critical Care Clinics 2(1): January 1986. ISSN 0749-0704.) [RC86.95 .E83 1986] (2.1,20.5.1) Roy, David J. and de Wachter, Maurice A.M. t h e LIFE TECHNOLOGIES AND PUBLIC POLICY. Overduin, Daniel C., comp. BIOETHICS: BIOETHI­ Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, CAL DECISION-MAKING, BIOETHICAL ISSUES. 1986.206 p. ISBN 0-88645-040-3. (Publisher’s ad­ North Adelaide, South Australia: Dietrich Bon- dress: 2149 Mackay St., Montreal, Quebec H3G hoeffer International Institute for Bioethical 2J2.) [TP248.2 .R69 1986] (2.1)

Volume 14, Page 18 Sass, Hans-Martin and Viefhues, Herbert. ETHIK IN Wecht, Cyril H., ed. LEGAL MEDICINE 1985. New DERÄRZTLICHEN PRAXIS UND FORSCHUNG. Han­ York: Praeger, 1985. 399 p. ISBN 0-03-002517-6. nover, West Germany: Duphar, 1988. 89 p. (ISSN 0197-9981.) [RA1011 .L441985] (2.1) (Duphar Med Script series; Vol. 2. Gift of Hans- Martin Sass.) (2.1,9.6) Wecht, Cyril H., ed. LEGAL MEDICINE 1986. New York: Praeger, 1986.256 p. ISBN 0-275-92551-X. Scully, Thomas J. and Scully, Celia, pl a y in g GOD: (ISSN 0197-9981.) [RA1011 .L441986] (2.1) THE NEW WORLD OF MEDICAL CHOICES. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987. 431 p. ISBN 0- Wright, Richard A. HUMAN VALUES IN HEALTH 671-60144-X. [R724 .S396 1987] (2.1) CARE: THE PRACTICE OF ETHICS. New York: Mc- Graw-Hill, 1987. 303 p. ISBN 0-07-072076-2. Sgreccia, Elio. BIOETICA: MANUALE PER MEDICI E [R724 .W73 1987] (2.1) BIOLOGI. Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 1987. 406 p. ISBN 88-343-6902-5. (Trattati e Manuali series. 2.3 Bioethics: Education/Programs Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (2.1) Beardslee, Nancy Q. SURVEY OFTEACHING ETHICS Shaffer, Thomas L. FAITH AND THE PROFESSIONS. IN NURSING PROGRAMS AND THE INVESTIGATION Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1987. OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EXTENT OF 337 p. ISBN 0-88706-561-9. [R724 .S45 1987] (2.1, ETHICS CONTENT AND MORAL REASONING 1.3.8) LEVELS. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1988. 101 p. Publication No. Shannon, Thomas A. AN INTRODUCTION TO 8324326. (Thesis, Ed.D.—University of Northern BIOETHICS. New York: Paulist Press, 1987.157 p. Colorado, 1983.) (2.3,4.1.3) ISBN 0-8091-2902-7. (Second edition, revised and updated.) [QH332 .S47 1987] (2.1) BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE VALUES, ETHICS, AND THE PHYSICIAN-IN-TRAINING. Res- Special Issue: Health Law. HOUSTON LAW REVIEW ton, VA: American Medical Student Association 25(3): 471-644, May 1988. ISSN 0018-6694. (2.1) Foundation, 1986. 1 color videocassette (VHS) (20:00 min.) (Publisher’s address: 1890 Preston Taub, Nadine and Cohen, Sherrill, eds. REPRODUC­ White Drive, zip 22091.) (2.3,2.1) TIVE LAWS FOR THE 1990’S: A BRIEFING HAND­ BOOK. Newark, NJ: Rutgers, 1988. 312 p. ISBN Kellmer, Dorothy M. THE TEACHING OF ETHICAL 0-89603-157-8. [KF3771 .R46 1988] (2.1, 9.5.5, DECISION MAKING IN SCHOOLS OF NURSING: VARI­ 14.1) ABLES AND STRATEGIES. Ann Arbor, MI: Univer­ sity Microfilms International, 1988. 213 p. Thorpe, William H. SCIENCE MAN AND MORALS. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1976. 176 p. Publication No. 8416265. (Thesis, Ed.D.—Gon- ISBN 0-8371-8143-7. (Reprint. Originally zaga University, 1984.) (2.3,4.1.3) published: London: Scientific Book Club, 1965. Society for Health and Human Values. THETEACH- Based upon the Fremantle lectures delivered in ING OF HUMANITIES AND HUMAN VALUES IN Balliol College, Oxford, Trinity term, 1963.) PRIMARY CARE RESIDENCY TRAINING. McLean, [BL240.2 .T471976] (2.1,3.1) VA: The Society, 1984. 1 vol. (Papers from two conferences held 10-13 June 1987 and 5-8 October United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ 1983 at Airlie House. Publisher’s address: 1311A sessment. BIOLOGY, MEDICINE, AND THE BILL OF Dolley Madison Blvd., Suite 3A, zip 22101.) (2.3, RIGHTS: SPECIAL REPORT. Washington, DC: The 7.2) OTA, [1988]. 124 p. (For sale by the Superinten­ dent of Documents, U.S. G.P.O. Order No. OTA- CIT-371.) (2.1,5.3)

Volume 14, Page 19 3.1 Philosophy of Biology (General) Pauly, Philip J. CONTROLLING LIFE: JACQUES LOEB AND THE ENGINEERING IDEAL IN BIOLOGY. New Barrow, John D. and Tipler, Frank J. THE York: Oxford University Press, 1987.252 p. ISBN ANTHROPIC COSMOLOGICAL PRINCIPLE. New 0-19-504244-1. (Monographs on the History and York: Oxford University Press, 1986.706 p. ISBN Philosophy of Biology series.) [QH31 .L73 P38 0-19-851949-4. JBD511 .B341986] (3.1) 1987] (3.1, Biography) Dulbecco, Renato. THE DESIGN OF LIFE. New Rosenberg, Alexander. THE STRUCTURE OF Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1987. 458 p. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE. New York: Cambridge ISBN 0-300-03791-0. [QH309 .D85 1987] (3.1, University Press, 1985.281 p. ISBN 0-521-27561- 15.1) X. [QH331 .R671985] (3.1,15.1) Dyson, Freeman J. INFINITE IN ALL DIRECTIONS. Tang, Paul C. L. AN EPISTEMOLOGICAL STUDY OF New York: Harper & Row, 1988.321 p. ISBN 0- THE GENE CONCEPT IN BIOLOGY. Ann Arbor, MI: 06-039081-6. (Gifford Lectures given April- University Microfilms International, 1988. 274 p. November 1985 in Aberdeen, Scotland.) [Q175.3 Publication No. 8223821. (Thesis, Ph.D.— .D971988] (3.1) Washington University, 1982.) (3.1,15.1)

Dyson, Freeman J. ORIGINS OF LIFE. New York: Taylor, Michael A. h u m a n g e n e r a t io n in t h e Cambridge University Press, 1985.81 p. ISBN 0- THOUGHT OF THOMAS AQUINAS: A CASE STUDY 521-30949-2. (Based on the Tarner lectures given ON THE ROLE OF BIOLOGICAL FACTIN THEOLOGI­ at Cambridge University in January 1985.) CAL SCIENCE. Ann Arbor, MI: University [QH325 .D88 1985] (3.1,4.4) Microfilms International, 1988.485 p. Publication No. 8208772. (Thesis, S.T.D.—Catholic Univer­ Evans, Peter. OURSELVES AND OTHER ANIMALS. sity of America, 1982.) (3.1,1.2) New York: Pantheon Books, 1987.220 p. ISBN 0- 394-55962-2. (From the TV series with Gerald and Lee Durrell.) [QL751 .E83 1987] (3.1,15.9) 3.2 Evolution and Creation Dawkins, Richard, t h e BUND w a t c h m a k e r . New George, Sarah, h u m a n c o n c e p t io n a n d f e t a l York: Norton, 1986. 332 p. ISBN 0-393-02216-1. GROWTH: A STUDY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF [QH366.2 .D37 1986] (3.2) GREEK THOUGHT FROM THE PRESOCRATICS THROUGH ARISTOTLE. Ann Arbor, MI: Univer­ Denton, Michael. EVOLUTION: ATHEORY IN CRISIS. sity Microfilms International, 1988. 287 p. Bethesda, MD: Adler & Adler, 1986.368 p. ISBN Publication No. 8217119. (Thesis, Ph.D.— 0-917561-05-8. [QH371 .D46 1986] (3.2) University of Pennsylvania, 1982.) [QP281 .G349 1982] (3.1,1.1) Durant, John, ed. DARWINISM AND DIVINITY: ES­ SAYS ON EVOLUTION AND RELIGIOUS BELIEF. Mayr, Ernst. TOWARD ANEW PHILOSOPHY OFBIOL- New York: B. Blackwell, 1985.210 p. ISBN 0-631- OGY: OBSERVATIONS OF AN EVOLUTIONIST. 14188-X. [BL263 .D271985] (3.2) Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1988. 564 p. ISBN 0-674-89665- Gilson, Etienne. FROM ARISTOTLE TO DARWIN AND 3. [QH331 .M3741988] (3.1,3.2) BACK AGAIN: A JOURNEY IN FINAL CAUSALITY, SPECIES, AND EVOLUTION. Notre Dame, IN: Norton, Bryan G. WHY PRESERVE NATURAL University of Notre Dame Press, 1984. 209 p. VARIETY? Princeton, NJ: Princeton University ISBN 0-268-00970-8. (Translation of D’Aristote à Press, 1987. 281 p. ISBN 0-691-07762-2. (Studies Darwin et retour.) [QH331 .G47131984] (3.2) in Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy series.) [QL82 .N671987] (3.1) Klaaren, Eugene M. RELIGIOUS ORIGINS OF MODERN SCIENCE: BELIEF IN CREATION IN SEVEN-

Volume 14, Page 20 TEENTH-CENTURY THOUGHT. Lanham, MD: 4.1.3 Philosophy of Nursing University Press of America, 1985.244 p. ISBN 0- 8191-4922-5. (Reprint. Originally published: Achtenberg, Ben and Sawyer, Joan. CODE GRAY: Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1977.) [BL245 ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN NURSING. Boston, MA: .K521985] (3.2) Fanlight Productions, [1983]. 1 color videocas­ sette (VHS) (26:00 min.) (Includes 29 p. Study Lewin, Roger. BONES OF CONTENTION: CON­ Guide. Publisher’s address: 47 Halifax St., zip TROVERSIES IN THE SEARCH FOR HUMAN 02130.) (4.1.3,2.1) ORIGINS. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987. 348 p. ISBN 0-671-52688-X. [GN281 .L487 1987] Alberta Association of Registered Nurses. (3.2,1.3.9) GUIDELINES FOR BIOETHICAL DECISION-MAKING IN NURSING. Edmonton, Alberta: A.A.R.N., 1987. Richards, Robert J. DARWIN AND THE EMERGENCE 21 p. (Approved by the A.A.R.N. Provincial OF EVOLUTIONARY THEORIES OF MIND AND BE­ Council, 3-5 June 1987. Publisher’s address: 11620 HAVIOR. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 168th Street, postal code T5M 4A6.) (4.1.3,6) 1987.700 p. ISBN 0-226-71199-4. (Science and Its Conceptual Foundations series.) [BF711 .R53 Benner, Patricia E. FROM NOVICE TO EXPERT: EX­ 1987] (3.2,15.6,17.1) CELLENCE AND POWER IN CLINICAL NURSING PRACTICE. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley, Ruse, Michael, ed. BUT IS IT SCIENCE?: THE Nursing Division, 1984.307 p. ISBN 0-201-00299- PHILOSOPHICAL QUESTION IN THE CREA­ X. [RT82 .B4561984] (4.1.3,9.6) TION/EVOLUTION CONTROVERSY. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1988. 406 p. ISBN 0-87975- Chinn, Peggy L., ed. CRITIQUE AND REPLICATION. 439-7. (Frontiers of Philosophy series.) [QH371 Frederick, MD: Aspen, 1988.88 p. ISBN 0-89443- .B78 1988] (3.2) 323-7. (Advances in Nursing Science, Vol. 10, No. 4. ISSN 0161-9268.) (4.1.3) 4.1.1 Philosophy of Medicine, Nursing, and Other Health Professions (General) Cochran, Ruth B. SOME PROBLEMS WITH LOYAL­ TY: WITH SPECIAL APPLICATION TO NURSING Ethics in Dentistry—A Symposium. JOURNAL OF ETHICS. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF DENTISTS 51(1): 9- International, 1988. 136 p. Publication No. 41, Spring 1984. ISSN 0002-7979. (4.1.1) 8608593. (Thesis, Ph.D.—University of Colorado, 1985.) [RT85 .C62 1985] (4.1.3,1.1) 4.1.2 Philosophy of Medicine Cox, Jonathon L. ETHICAL DECISION MAKING BY Lamb, David; Davies, Teifion; and Roberts, Marie, HOSPITAL NURSES. Ann Arbor, MI: University eds. EXPLORATIONS IN MEDICINE: VOLUME 1. Microfilms International, 1988. Ill p. Publication Brookfield, VT: Avebury, 1987. 222 p. ISBN 0- No. 8604989. (Thesis, Ph.D. —Wayne State 566-05346-2. [R723 .E95 1987] (4.1.2,2.1) University, 1985.) [RT85 .C69 1985] (4.1.3) Lipkin, Mack. THE CARE OF PATIENTS: PERSPEC­ Fowler, Marsha D. M. and Levine-Ariff, June, eds. TIVES AND PRACTICES. New Haven, CT: Yale ETHICS AT THE BEDSIDE: A SOURCE BOOK FOR THE CRITICAL CARE NURSE. Philadelphia: Lippin- University Press, 1987. 235 p. ISBN 0-300-03942- cott, 1987.270 p. ISBN 0-397-54642-4. [RT120.15 5. (Revised edition.) [R727.3 .L5461987] (4.1.2) E841987] (4.1.3,2.1) l e g a l e t h ic a l a n d m a n a g e ­ Woodall, Irene R. L. MORAL REASONING AND ETHICAL m e n t ASPECTS OF THE DENTAL CARE SYSTEM. St. Gaul, Alice DECISION MAKING IN NURSING PRACTICE. Ann Louis, MO: Mosby, 1987. 295 p. ISBN 0-8016- Arbor, MI: University Microfdms International, 5625-7. (Third edition.) [RK58 .W671987] (4.1.2) 1988. 136 p. Publication No. 8626482. (Thesis,

Volume 14, Page 21 Ph.D.—Texas Woman’s University, 1986.) [RT85 8524191. (Thesis, D.N.Sc.—Boston University, .G38 1986] (4.1.3) 1985.) (4.1.3) Holly, Cheryl M. STAFF NURSES’ PARTICIPATION IN Pinch, Winifred J. ETHICAL AND MORAL DILEM­ ETHICAL DECISION MAKING: A DESCRIPTIVE MAS IN NURSING: THE ROLE OF THE NURSE AND STUDY OF SELECTED SITUATIONAL VARIABLES. PERCEPTIONS OF AUTONOMY. Ann Arbor, MI: Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms Interna­ University Microfilms International, 1988. 287 p. tional, 1988. 171 p. Publication No. 8620367. Publication No. 8319931. (Thesis, Ed.D.—Boston (Thesis, Ed.D. — Columbia University, 1986.) University School of Education, 1983.) (4.1.3,8.1) [RT85 .H641986] (4.1.3) Prock, Valencia N.; Minckley, Barbara B.; and Keller, Marjorie C. NURSES’ RESPONSES TO MORAL Young, Lu Ann, eds. HEALTH CARE ETHICS: DILEMMAS. Ann Arbor, MI: University DILEMMAS, ISSUES, AND CONFLICTS. Indianapolis, Microfilms International, 1988.138 p. Publication IN: Midwest Alliance in Nursing, 1986. 144 p. No. 8518030. (Thesis, Ed.D.—University of South ISBN 0-942146-11-5. (Midwest Alliance in Nurs­ Carolina, 1985.) [RT85 .K43 1985] (4.1.3) ing, 6th Annual Fall Workshop held 5-6 Septem­ ber 1985 in Indianapolis, IN.) [RT85 .M53 1985] Mooney, Mary M. THE CODE FOR NURSES: A SUR­ (4.1.3) VEY OFTTS CONTENT, CO NSmUTTVE STRUCTURE, AND USEFULNESS TO THE NURSING PROFESSION. Quinn, Carroll A. and Smith, Michael D. THE Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms Interna­ PROFESSIONAL COMMITMENT: ISSUES AND tional, 1988. 169 p. Publication No. 8018912. ETHICS IN NURSING. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1987. (Thesis, D.N.Sc. —Catholic University of 196 p. ISBN 0-7216-1098-6. [RT85 .Q56 1987] America, 1980.) [RT85 .M66 1980] (4.1.3,6) (4.1.3)

Noffsinger, Anne-Russell L. AMERICAN AND 4.2 Concept of Health BRITISH NURSES’ ATTITUDES TOWARD DISABLED PERSONS: THE ROLE OF NEEDS AND MORAL Brody, Howard. STORIES OF SICKNESS. New Haven, REASONING. Ann Arbor, MI: University CT: Yale University Press, 1987. 210 p. ISBN 0- Microfilms International, 1988. 136 leaves. 300-03977-8. [R726.5 .B761987] (4.2,8.1) Publication No. 7927706. (Thesis, Ed.D.— University of Kentucky, 1979.) (4.1.3,9.5.3) Evans, Abigail R. HEALTH, HEALING, AND HEALERS: A THEOLOGICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL Northrop, Cynthia E. and Kelly, Mary E. LEGAL IS­ INQUIRY. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms SUES IN NURSING. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 1987. International, 1988. 418 p. Publication No. 598 p. ISBN 0-8016-3720-1. [KF2915 .N8 N67 8505707. (Thesis, Ph.D. —Georgetown Univer­ 1987] (4.1.3) sity, 1984.) (4.2,4.1.2,8.1) Obester, Dorothy M. t h e p l a c e OF e t h ic s a s a n Norbeck, Edward and Lock, Margaret M., eds. AREA OF STUDY IN THE CURRICULA OF SCHOOLS HEALTH, ILLNESS, AND MEDICAL CARE IN JAPAN: OF NURSING IN PENNSYLVANIA. Ann Arbor, MI: c u l t u r a l a n d s o c ia l d im e n s io n s . Honolulu: University Microfilms International, 1988.107 p. University of Hawaii Press, 1987. 202 p. ISBN 0- Publication No. 8617243. (Thesis, Ph.D.— 8248-1102-X. (Revised and edited papers given at University of Pittsburgh, 1985.) [RT85.0231985] the American Anthropological Association Meet­ (4.1.3,2.3) ing held November 1983 in Chicago, sponsored by the Joint Committee on Japanese Studies of the Omery, Anna K. THE MORAL REASONING OF NUR­ American Council of Learned Societies and the SES WHO WORK IN THE ADULT INTENSIVE CARE Social Science Research Council.) [RA418.3 J3 SETTING. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms H43 1987] (4.2,7.1,21.1) International, 1988. 171 p. Publication No.

Volume 14, Page 22 Nordenfeit, Lennart. ON THE NATURE OF HEALTH: Producer’s address: 17 Claremont Park, postal a n ACTION-THEORFnc a pp r o a c h . Boston: D. code EH67PJ.) (4.4) Reidel, 1987. 204 p. ISBN 1-55608-032-8. (Philosophy and Medicine series; Vol. 26.) IS THIS LIFE WORTH LIVING? New York: Filmakers [RA776.5 .N671987] (4.2) Library, Inc., [n.d.]. 1 videocassette (VHS) (28 min.) (Publisher’s address: 133 East 58th St., zip 4.3 Concept of Mental Health 10022.) (4.4,20.5.1) Busfield, Joan. MANAGING MADNESS: CHANGING Katz, Sidney, guest ed. The Portugal Conference: IDEAS AND PRACTICE. Dover, NH: Hutchinson, Measuring Quality of Life and Functional Status in 1986. 406 p. ISBN 0-09-164110-1. [RC454.4 .B87 Clinical and Epidemiological Research. JOURNAL 1986] (4.3,17.1) OF c h r o n ic DISEASES 40(6): 459-650,1987. ISSN 0021-9681. (4.4,9.4) Hermann, Donald H. J. THE INSANITY DEFENSE: PHILOSOPHICAL, HISTORICAL AND LEGAL Sgreccia, Elio. IL DONO DELLA VITA. Milan: Vita e PERSPECTIVES. Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1983. Pensiero, 1987. 223 p. ISBN 88-343-1452-2. 188 p. ISBN 0-398-04796-0. [KF9242 .H47 1983] (Scienza, medicina, etica series; no. 2. Gift of Ed­ (4.3) mund D. Pellegrino.) (4.4,1.2,14.1) Moran, Richard, special ed. The Insanity Defense. Zelizer, Viviana A.R. PRICING THE PRICELESS ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITI­ CHILD: THE CHANGING SOCIAL VALUES OF CAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 477: 1-190, January c h il d r e n . New York: Basic Books, 1985.277 p. 1985. ISSN 0002-7162. (ISBN 0-8039-2365-1.) ISBN 0-465-06326-8. [HQ792 .U5 Z451985] (4.4) [KF9242 ,A51571985] (4.3) 5.1 Science, Technology and Society Webster, Christopher D.; Ben-Aron, Mark H.; and Hucker, Stephen J., eds. DANGEROUSNESS: pr o b ­ Bruce, Robert V. THE LAUNCHING OF MODERN a b il it y AND PREDICTION, PSYCHIATRY AND AMERICAN SCIENCE, 1846-1876. New York: Knopf, PUBLICPOLICY. New York: Cambridge University 1987.446 p. ISBN 0-394-55394-2. (The Impact of Press, 1985.236 p. ISBN 0-521-30029-0. (Based on the Civil War series. Distributed by Random a series of lectures delivered during the 1981-1982 House.) [Q127 .U6 B781987] (5.1) academicyear at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto.) [RA1151 .D26 1985] (4.3,17.7) Parker, Sybil P., ed. m c g r a w -HILLDICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL TERMS. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1984.1846 p. ISBN 0-07-045269-5. 4.4 Quality/Value of Life (Third edition.) [Q123 .M15 1984] (5.1, Gallagher, John. IS THE HUMAN EMBRYO A PER­ Reference) SON?: A PHILOSOPHICAL INVESTIGATION. Toron­ to: Human Life Research Institute of Ottawa, 5.2 Technology Assessment 1985. 46 p. ISBN 0-920453-08-2. (Human Life Research Institute Reports; No. 4. Available in Covello, Vincent T.; Menkes, Joshua; and Mum- US from: Life Cycle Books, P.O. Box 792, Lewis­ power, Jeryl, eds. RISK EVALUATION AND ton, NY 14092-0792.) [B828.5 .G34 1985] (4.4, MANAGEMENT. New York: Plenum Press, 1986. 12.3) 544 p. ISBN0-306-41978-5. (Contemporary Issues in Risk Analysis; Vol. 1.) [T174.5 .R561986] (5.2) Iglesias, T. MEDICAL ETHICS PROJECT: WHAT KIND OF BEING IS THE HUMAN EMBRYO? Edinburgh: Feeney, David; Guyatt, Gordon; and Tugwell, Rutherford House, [n.d.] 1 audiocassette. Peter, eds. HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY: EFFEC­ (Rutherford House Tapes series; No. 131. TIVENESS, EFFICIENCY, AND PUBLIC POLICY. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy,

Volume 14, Page 23 1986.270 p. ISBN 0-88645-038-1. (Publisher’s ad­ Grant, George P. t e c h n o l o g y a n d ju s t ic e . dress: 2149 Mackay St., Montreal, Quebec H3G Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2J2.) [R855.3 .H43 1986] (5.2,9.3) 1986.133 p. ISBN0-268-01863-4. [BJ59 .G721986] (5.3,2.1) Roe, Wayne; et al. A FORWARD PLAN FOR MEDICARE COVERAGE AND TECHNOLOGY AS­ Hiskes, Anne L. and Hiskes, Richard P. SCIENCE, SESSMENT. [s.l.]: Lewin and Associates, Inc., TECHNOLOGY, AND POLICY DECISIONS. Boulder, [1987]. 2 volumes. (Prepared for the Assistant CO: Westview Press, 1986.198 p. ISBN 0-86531- Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Depart­ 632-5. [Q125 .H629 1986] (5.3) ment of Health and Human Services. Volume I: The Forward Plan; Vol. II: Supporting Documen­ Mark, Hans; et al. TRADITIONAL MORAL VALUES tation. Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (5.2,9.3) INTHEAGEOFTECHNOLOGY. [Dallas]: University of Texas at Dallas, 1987.211 p. ISBN 0-292-78098- Rutten, F.F.H. and Reiser, Stanley J. THE 2. (The Andrew R. Cecil Lectures on Moral ECONOMICS OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY: Values in a Free Society series; Vol. 8. Eighth an­ PROCEEDINGS OF AN INTERNATIONAL CON­ nual series of the Cecil Lectures held 11-13 FERENCE ON ECONOMICS OF MEDICAL TECHNOL­ November 1986 at the University of Texas at Dal­ OGY. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988. 140 p. las. Distributed by the University of Texas Press, ISBN 0-387-17984-4. (Health Systems Research Austin, TX.) [BJ59 .T73 1987] (5.3) series. Conference held 2-4 September 1985 at Valkenburg, Limburg, Netherlands.) [R855.2.158 Monsma, Stephen V., [ed.] RESPONSIBLE TECH­ 1985] (5.2,9.3,15.1) NOLOGY: A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans, 1986.252 p. ISBN 0- 8028-0175-7. (Written in part by the fellows of the 5.3 Social Control of Science/Technology Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship, Calvin Alcorn, Paul A. SOCIAL ISSUES IN TECHNOLOGY: A College. Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy FORMAT FOR INVESTIGATION. Englewood Cliffs, Shriver.) [T49.5 .R47 1986] (5.3,1.2) NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986.221 p. ISBN 0-13-815929- 7. [T14.5 A43 1986] (5.3) Rifkin, Jeremy. DECLARATION OF A HERETIC. Bos­ ton: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985.140 p. ISBN Burnham, John C. HOW SUPERSTITION WON AND 0-7102-0709-3. [TK9153 .R54 1985] (5.3, 15.1, SCIENCE LOST: POPULARIZING SCIENCE AND 16.2) HEALTH IN THE u n it e d s t a t e s . New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1987. 369 p. ISBN Shrader-Frechette, K.S. RISK ANALYSIS AND SCIEN- 0-8135-1265-4. [Q225 .B87 1987] (5.3,7.1) TIFICMETHOD: METHODOLOGICAL AND ETHICAL PROBLEMS WITH EVALUATING SOCIETAL Engelhardt, H. Tristram and Caplan, Arthur L., HAZARDS. Boston: D. Reidel, 1985. 232 p. ISBN eds. SCIENTIFIC CONTROVERSIES: CASE STUDIES 90-277-1844-X. [T174.5 .S48 1985] (5.3) IN THE RESOLUTION AND CLOSURE OF DISPUTES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. New York: Squires, Arthur M. THE TENDER SHIP: Cambridge University Press, 1987.639 p. ISBN 0- GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT OF TECH­ 521-27560-1. [Q181 .S3826 1987] (5.3,2.1) NOLOGICAL CHANGE. Boston: Birkhauser, 1986. 247 p. ISBN 0-8176-3312-X. [T21 .S68 1986] (5.3, Fleming, Chet. IF WE CAN KEEP A SEVERED HEAD 1.3.4) ALIVE—DISCORPORATION AND U.S. PATENT 4,666,425. St. Louis, MO: Polinym Press, 1988.461 Stanesby, Derek. SCIENCE, REASON & RELIGION. p. ISBN 0-942287-02-9. (Publisher’s address: P.O. Wolfeboro, NH: Croom Helm, 1985.210 p. ISBN Box 22140, zip 63116. Gift of the author.) (5.3, 0-7099-3360-6. [BL240.2 .S75 1985] (5.3,1.2) 19.1)

Volume 14, Page 24 Sterrett, Frances S. and Rosenberg, Bianca L., eds. Evanston, IL: The Board, [1988]. 103 p. (As of SCIENCE AND PUBLIC POLICY II. New York: New 1 July 1988. Publisher’s address: One Rotary York Academy of Sciences, 1982.130 p. ISBN 0- Center—Suite 805, zip 60201.) [R729.5 .S6 A43a 89766-164-8. (Papers presented in 1979-1980 at 1988] (7.1, Reference) the monthly meetings of the section of Science and Public Policy. Annals of the New York Academy Coombs, Robert H.; May, D. Scott; and Small, Gary of Sciences; Vol. 387. ISSN 0077-8923.) [Q127 .U6 W., eds. INSIDE DOCTORING: STAGES AND OUT­ S3141982] (5.3,9.1) COMES IN THE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICIANS. New York: Praeger, 1986. 299 p. Teich, Albert H., ed. TECHNOLOGY AND THE FU­ ISBN 0-275-92173-5. [R690 .156 1986] (7.1) TURE. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1986. 394 p. ISBN 0-312-78998-X. (Fourth edition. Revised Cousins, Norman, ed. THE PHYSICIAN IN LITERA­ edition of Technology and Man’s Future. 3rd edi­ TURE. Philadelphia: Saunders Press, cl982.477 p. tion, 1981.) [T14.5 .T45 1986] (5.3) ISBN 0-7216-2739-0. [PN6071 .M38 P51982] (7.1) United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ DeVries, Raymond G. REGULATING BIRTH: MID- sessment. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND THE CON­ WIVES, MEDICINE AND THE LAW. Philadelphia: STITUTION. Washington, DC: Congress of the Temple University Press, 1985. 203 p. ISBN 0- U.S., Office of Technology Assessment, [1987], 87722-379-3. (Health, Society and Policy series.) 23 p. (Order No. OTA-BP-CIT-43. For sale by the [KF2915 .M5 D48 1985] (7.1,9.5.5) Superintendent of Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) [Q127 .U6 S3277 1987] (5.3) Dubos, René J. MIRAGE OF HEALTH: UTOPIAS, PROGRESS, AND BIOLOGICAL CHANGE. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1987. 6 Codes of Professional Ethics 282 p. ISBN 0-8135-1260-3. (Reprint. Originally Canadian Nurses Association. CODE OF ETHICS published: New York: Harper, 1959.) [R131 .D78 FOR NURSING. Ottawa, Ont.: C.NA., 1985. 14 p. 1987] (7.1,3.2) ISBN 0-920381-14-6. (Publisher’s address: 50 The Driveway, postal code K2P 1E2.) (6,4.1.3) Furrow, Barry R.; et al. HEALTH LAW: CASES, MATERIALS AND PROBLEMS. St. Paul, MN: West, ETHICAL CODES AND DECLARATIONS RELEVANT 1987. 1005 p. ISBN 0-314-35872-2. (American TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION: AN AMNESTY IN­ Casebook Series.) [KF3821 .A7 H43 1987] (7.1, TERNATIONAL COMPILATION OF SELECTED ETHI­ 9.1) CAL TEXTS FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS. London: Amnesty International, International Ginzberg, Eli, ed. MEDICINE AND SOCIETY: CLINI­ Secretariat, 1984.55 p. (AI Index: ACT 75/01/84. CAL DECISIONS AND SOCIETAL VALUES. Boulder, Distributed in U.S. by Amnesty International of CO: Westview Press, 1987. 153 p. ISBN 0-8133- the USA.) (6,21.1) 0574-8. (Cornell University Medical College Third Conference on Health Policy. Conservation Gorlin, Rena A., ed. CODES OF PROFESSIONAL of Human Resources Studies in Health Policy RESPONSIBILITY. Washington, DC: Bureau of Na­ series.) [RA418.3 .U6 C67 1987] (7.1,9.1) tional Affairs, 1986. 304 p. ISBN 0-87179-489-6. (Compilation of the codes of professional ethics Harding, Geoffrey. OPIATE ADDICTION, MORALITY of the major professions in the U.S., effective AND MEDICINE: FROM MORAL ILLNESS TO November 1985.) [BJ1725 .C571986] (6,1.3.1) PATHOLOGICAL DISEASE. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1988. 98 p. ISBN 0-312-01201-2. [HV5840 7.1 Sociology of Medicine (General) .G7H34 1988] (7.1,9.7) James, A. Everette, ed. LEGAL MEDICINE WITH SPE­ American Board of Medical Specialties. ANNUAL CIAL REFERENCE TO DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING. REPORT & REFERENCE HANDBOOK-1988. Bal-

Volume 14, Page 25 timore: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1980. 403 p. Shorter, Edward. THE HEALTH CENTURY. New ISBN 0-8067-0951-0. (Gift of Edmund D. Pel­ York: Doubleday, 1987.304 p. ISBN 0-385-24236- legrino.) [KF3821 .A75 L43] (7.1) 0. (Companion volume to PBS Television Series.) [RA418.5 .M4 S56 1987] (7.1,9.7) Knoebel, Suzanne B. PERSPECTIVES ON CONICAL DECISION MAKING. Mount Kisco, NY: Futura, Slavitt, David R. PHYSICIANS OBSERVED. Garden 1986. 129 p. ISBN 0-87993-287-2. [R723.5 .K58 City, NY: Doubleday, 1987. 268 p. ISBN 0-385- 1986] (7.1,9.4) 18884-6. [R151 .S551987] (7.1) McDonald, David M. COLLECTIVE RESPON­ SPECIALTY LAW DIGEST: HEALTH CARE CASES. SIBILITY AND HEALTH CARE TEAMS. Ann Arbor, Blaine, MN: Specialty Digest Publications, 1988. MI: University Microfilms International, 1988. 880 p. ISSN 0275-2107. (Recompilation of health 257 p. Publication No. 8429609. (Thesis, Ph.D.— care law digests published in Specialty Law University of Tennessee, 1984.) (7.1,9.1) Digest—Health Care from July 1987 through August 1988.) [KF3821 .A59 S59 1988] (7.1, MEDICAL SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL WHO’S WHO. Reference) Harlow, Essex: Longman, 1987. 1312 (2 vol.). ISBN 0-582-90116-2. (Third edition. Longman Steele, David J. EQUITY, EQUALITY AND THE Reference on Research series. Companion to POLITICS OF CHANGE: AN ETHNOGRAPHIC STUDY Medical Research Centres. Continues Internation­ OF A HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION. Ann Arbor, al Medical Who's Who.) [R134 .157 1987] (7.1, MI: University Microfilms International, 1988. Reference) 214 p. Publication No. 8215967. (Thesis, Ph.D.— University of Wisconsin—Madison, 1982.) (7.1) Neal, Emily G. THE HEALING MINISTRY: A PER­ SONAL JOURNAL. New York: Crossroad, 1985, Strauss, Maurice B. FAMILIAR MEDICAL QUOTA­ cl982. 171 p. ISBN 0-8245-0688-X. [BT732.5 TIONS. Boston: Little, Brown, cl968.968 p. ISBN .N3751985] (7.1,1.2) 0-316-81915-8. [R707 .S75] (7.1, Reference) Numbers, Ronald L. and Amundsen, Darrel W., Turner, Bryan S. MEDICAL POWER AND SOCIAL eds. CARING AND CURING: HEALTH AND KNOWLEDGE. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1987. MEDICINE IN THE WESTERN RELIGIOUS TRADI­ 256 p. ISBN 0-8039-8088-4. [RA418 .T87 1987] TIONS. New York: Macmillan, 1986. 601 p. ISBN (7.1) 0-02-919270-6. [BL65 .M4 C371986] (7.1,1.2) 7.2 Medical Education Rosenberg, Charles E. THE CARE OF STRANGERS: THE RISE OF AMERICA’S HOSPITAL SYSTEM. New American College of Physicians. FOREIGN MEDI­ York: Basic Books, 1987. 437 p. ISBN 0-465- CAL GRADUATES. Washington, DC: American 00877-1. [RA981A 2 R591987] (7.1,9.1) College of Physicians, Department of Public Policy, [1986]. 30 p. (Position paper. Publisher’s Rosser, Sue V., ed. f e m in ism w it h in t h e sc ie n c e address: Suite 425,655 Fifteenth Street, N.W., zip AND HEALTH CAREPROFESSIONS.New York: Per­ 20005.) (7.2,21.1) gamon Press, 1988. 168 p. ISBN 0-08-035557-9. (ATHENE series.) [Q181 .F321988] (7.1,5.3) Barker, Verlyn L. HEALTH AND HUMAN VALUES: A MINISTRY OF THEOLOGICAL INQUIRY AND Selzer, Richard. TAKING THE WORLD IN FOR MORAL DISCOURSE. Dallas, TX: United Mini­ REPAIRS. New York: W. Morrow, 1986. 239 p. stries in Education, 1987.146 p. (Publisher’s ad­ ISBN 0-688-06489-2. [RD27.35 .S44 A38 1986] dress: The United Ministries in Education (7.1, Biography) Resource Center, 13756 Rolling Hills, zip 75240. Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (7.2,1.2)

Volume 14, Page 26 New York State Commission on Graduate Medical Federation Universitaire et Polytechnique de Lille. Education. REPORT OF THE NEW YORK STATE SANTE ET RELATIONS INTERPERSONNELLES: COMMISSION ON GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCA­ STAGE DE FORMATION POUR SOIGNANTS ET AC­ TION. Albany: The Commission, [1986]. 150 p. COMPAGNANTS. Lille: Centre d’Ethique Médi­ (Publisher’s address: Tower Building, Rm. 910, cale, 1986.83 p. (Publisher’s address: Federation Empire State Plaza, Albany, zip 12237.) [R746 .N7 Universitaire et Polytechnique de Lille, Centre d’­ N486 1986] (7.2) Ethique Médicale, 60, boulevard Vauban, 59046 Lille.) (8.1,4.1.1) 7.3 Professional-Professional Relationship Goldstein, Joseph; et al. IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF Butter, Irene H., et al. SEX AND STATUS: HIERAR­ THE CHILD: PROFESSIONAL BOUNDARIES. New CHIES IN THE HEALTH WORKFORCE. Washington, York: Free Press, 1986.236 p. ISBN 0-02-912380- DC: American Public Health Association, [1985]. 1. [KF547 .G66 1986] (8.1) 77 p. ISBN 0-87553-134-2. (Public Health Policy Series; Vol. 1.) [R692 .S48 1985] (7.3) Gould, Donald. THE BLACK AND WHITE MEDICINE SHOW: HOW DOCTORS SERVE AND FAIL THEIR Mandell, Harvey N. and Spiro, Howard M., eds. CUSTOMERS. London: Hamilton, 1985. 277 p. WHEN DOCTORS GET SICK. New York: Plenum ISBN 0-241-11540-X. [R727.3 .G681985] (8.1,7.1) Medical Book, 1987. 464 p. ISBN 0-306-42653-6. [R707 .W49 1987] (7.3,8.1) Lauer, Eugene F. HUMAN SERVICE STRIKES: A CON­ TEMPORARY ETHICAL DILEMMA. St. Louis, MO: Catholic Health Association of the United States, 8.1 Professional-Patient Relationship 1986. 189 p. ISBN 0-87125-113-2. [HD5324 .L34 (General) 1986] (8.1) Alpert, Joseph S. and Wittenberg, Stephen M. A CLINICIAN’S COMPANION: A STUDY GUIDE FOR EF­ Pellegrino, Edmund D. and Thomasma, David C. FECTIVE AND HUMANE PATIENT CARE. Boston: FOR THE PATIENT’S GOOD: THE RESTORATION OF BENEFICENCE IN HEALTH CARE. New York: Ox­ Little, Brown, 1986. 207 p. ISBN 0-316-03511-4. ford University Press, 1988. 240 p. ISBN 0-19- [R727.3 .A46 1986] (8.1,7.1) 504319-7. (Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) Bishop, Anne H. and Scudder, John R., eds. [R725.5 .P45 1988] (8.1,9.1) CARING, CURING, COPING: NURSE, PHYSICIAN, PATIENT RELATIONSHIPS. University: University Peschel, Richard E. and Peschel, Enid R. WHEN A of Alabama Press, 1985.130 p. ISBN 0-8173-0242- DOCTOR HATES A PATIENT: AND OTHER CHAP­ 5. (Papers presented at the Conference Coping TERS in A YOUNG PHYSICIAN’S l if e . Berkeley: Curing Caring: Patient, Physician, Nurse Relation­ University of California Press, 1986.189 p. ISBN ships, held 8-9 April 1983, in Lynchburg, VA, and 0-520-05755-4. [R737 .P421371986] (8.1,7.1) sponsored by the Departments of Philosophy and Smith, David H. and Chessa, Frank. ETHICAL Nursing at Lynchburg College.) [RT85 .C281985] ASPECTS OF THE PHYSICIAN/HIV PATIENT (8.1,7.3) RELATIONSHIP, [s.l.]: University of South Florida, Chessa, Frank and Smith, David H. THE ETHICAL 1988.74 p. (8.1,9.5.6) ASPECTS OF THE PHYSICIAN/HIV PATIENT Stoeckle, John D., ed. ENCOUNTERS BETWEEN RELATIONSHIP: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY, PATIENTS AND DOCTORS: AN ANTHOLOGY. [s.l.]: University of South Florida, 1988. 68 p. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1987.440 p. ISBN 0- (Companion volume to Ethical Aspects of the 262-69097-7. (MIT Press Series on the Humanis­ Physician/HIV Patient Relationship.) (8.1, 9.5.6, tic and Social Dimensions of Medicine; Vol. 5.) Reference) [R727.3 .E521987] (8.1)

Volume 14, Page 27 Zauer, Richard M. ETHICS AND THE CLINICAL EN­ Reinhold, 1987. 200 p. ISBN 0-442-24055-4. COUNTER. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, [KF8959 .P4 K58 1987] (8.4,17.2) 1988. 336 p. ISBN 0-13-290545-0. [R725.5 .Z36 1988] (8.1) Privacy Edition. JOHN MARSHALL LAW REVIEW 20(4): 607-942, Summer 1987. (8.4, 2.1) 8.3.1 Informed Consent (General) Pulsifer, Anne E. THE PERCEPTION OF THE PRIN­ Callegary, Ellen A. and Nathan, Susan S. CIPLE OF CONFIDENTIALITY IN COMMUNITY MEN­ MARYLAND LAWS: CONSENT TO TREATMENT, TAL HEALTH PRACTICE. Ann Arbor, MI: [s.l.]: Judicial Institute of Maryland, Mental University Microfilms International, 1988. 341 p. Health Program, 1986.41 leaves. (8.3.1,8.3.5) Publication No. 7727212. (Thesis, Ph.D.—Boston College, 1977.) (8.4,17.2) Kahn, Steven M. TOWARDS AN EPISTEMOLOGY OF CONSENT. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms 8.5 Malpractice International, 1988.142 p. (Thesis, Ph.D.—State University of New York at Buffalo, 1985.) (8.3.1) Devlin, Patrick. EASING THE PASSING: THE TRIAL OF DOCTOR JOHN BODKIN ADAMS. Boston: Faber Palmisano, Donald J. and Mang, Herbert J. IN­ and Faber, 1986. 236 p. ISBN 0-571-13993-0. FORMED CONSENT: A SURVIVAL GUIDE. New Or- [KD373 .A33 D48 1986] (8.5,20.5.1) leans, LA: Invictus, 1987. 47 p. ISBN 0-940019-00-0. (Invictus Risk Management Epstein, Richard A. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE: THE Series.) [KF3827 .15 P35 1987] (8.3.1) CASE FOR CONTRACT. New York: Center for Libertarian Studies, 1979.67 p. (Occasional Paper Series; No. 9. Publisher’s address: 200 Park Ave. 8.3.3 Third Party Consent/Incompetents South, Suite 911, New York 10003.) [KF1289 .Z9 Cohen, Elena N. a p p o in t in g A p r o x y f o r E67 1979] (8.5) HEALTH-CARE DECISIONS: ANALYSIS AND CHART OF STATE LAWS. New York: Society for the Right Harney, David M. MEDICAL malpractice . Char­ to Die, 1988.16 p. (8.3.3,20.5.1) lottesville, VA: Michie, 1987. 667 p. ISBN 0- 87473-279-4. (Second edition.) [KF1289 .H27 8.3.4 Right to Refuse Treatment 1987] (8.5)

DAX’S CASE. , Charles B.; Levin, Lowell S.; and Weiner, New York: Concern for Dying, 1984.1 Ed. MEDICINE ON TRIAL: THE APPALLING STORY color videocassette (VHS) (57 min.) (Distributed OF INEPTITUDE, MALFEASANCE, NEGLECT, AND for Concern for Dying by Filmakers Library, Inc., ARROGANCE. New York: Prentice Hall Press, 124 East 40th Street, Suite 901, New York, NY 1988. 304 p. ISBN 0-13-573544-0. [R729.8 .155 10016.) (8.3.4,20.5.1) 1988] (8.5,9.6) 8.4 Confidentiality Medical Malpractice: An Overview. NEW YORK STATEJOURNAL 0FMEDICINE86(7): 339-404, July Fry, Sara T. p r o t e c t in g p r iv a c y : ju d ic ia l 1986. ISSN 0028-7628. (Papers presented at the DECISION-MAKING IN SEARCH OF A PRINCIPLE. symposium, “Medical Malpractice”held Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms Interna­ 11 March 1986 by the State University of New tional, 1988.169 p. (Thesis, Ph.D. — Georgetown York Health Science Center at Brooklyn, Depart­ University, 1984.) (8.4) ment of Preventive Medicine and Community Knapp, Samuel and VandeCreek, Leon. Health.) (8.5) PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATIONS IN THE MENTAL Rosenthal, Marilynn M. DEALING WITH MEDICAL HEALTH PROFESSIONS. New York: Van Nostrand MALPRACTICE: THE BRITISH AND SWEDISH EX-

Volume 14, Page 28 PERIENCE. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, Cohen, Sheldon and Syme, S. Leonard, eds. SOCIAL 1988.270 p. ISBN 0-8223-0830-4. [RA1056.5 .R67 SUPPORT AND HEALTH. Orlando, FL: Academic 1988] (8.5) Press, 1985. 390 p. ISBN 0-12-178820-2. [RA418 .S649 1985] (9.1,4.2) 9.1 Health Care (General) Current Legal Issues Surrounding the Delivery of Arnheim, Louise and Webb, Lee, eds. A HEALTH Health Care, [title supplied] CUMBERLAND LAW CARE AGENDA FOR THE STATES. Washington, REVIEW 17(2): 293-584, 1986-1987. ISSN 0360- DC: The Conference, 1985.151 p. ISBN 0-89788- 8298. (9.1,2.1) 083-8. (Prepared by the Conference on Alterna­ tive State and Local Policies.) [RA395 .A3 H389 George Washington University. Intergovernmental 1985] (9.1) Health Policy Project. MAJOR HEALTH LEGISLA­ TION: A SUMMARY OF 1985 AND 1986 STATE LAWS. Berki, S.E., special ed. Health Care Policy in Washington, DC: The Project, 1987. 254 p. America. ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY [KF3821 .Z95 G41987] (9.1,9.5.1) OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 468: 9-246, July 1983. ISSN 0002-7162. (ISBN 0-8039-2112-8.) Grupenhoff, John T., ed. NATIONAL HEALTH (9.1) d ir e c t o r y , 1988. Rockville, MD: Aspen, 1988. 647 p. ISBN 0-87189-852-7. (Twelfth edition.) Briggs, Asa and Shelley, Julian H., eds. SCIENCE, [RA7.5 .N371988] (9.1, Reference) MEDICINE AND THE COMMUNITY: THE LAST HUNDRED YEARS. Princeton, NJ: Excerpta Hafner, Arthur W., ed. MEDICAL INFORMATION Medica, 1986. 229 p. ISBN 0-444-808078. (Inter­ SOURCES: A REFERRAL DIRECTORY. Chicago, IL: national Congress Series; No. 728. Proceedings of American Medical Association, Division of the Fifth Boehringer Ingelheim Symposium held Library and Information Management, 1988. 85 8-11 May 1985 at Kronberg, Taunus.) [RA393 leaves. ISBN 0-89970-320-8. (Fifth edition.) [R835 .B641985] (9.1,2.1) .M43 1988] (9.1, Reference) Brown, Lawrence D. HEALTH POLICY IN THE Harrison, Anthony and Gretton, John, eds. UNITED STATES: ISSUES AND OPTIONS. New York: HEALTH CARE UK 1985: AN ECONOMIC, SOCIAL Ford Foundation, 1988.62 p. ISBN 0-916584-34- AND POLICY AUDIT. London: Chartered Institute 8. (Occasional Paper (Ford Foundation Project of Public Finance & Accountancy, 1985. 120 p. on Social Welfare and the American Future) ISBN 0-946967-024. (ISSN 0267-3223. Publisher’s series; No. 4. Revised edition of a paper presented address: 3 Robert St., postal zip WC2N 6BH.) November 1985 at a conference of the N.Y. (9.1) Academy of Medicine and published in the Bul­ letin of the New York Academy of Medicine vol. HOSPITALS AND HEALTH FOR ALL: REPORT OF A 63, no. 5 (June 1987).) [RA395 .A3 B775 1988] WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON THE ROLE OF HOSPI - (9.1,9.3) TALS AT THE FIRST REFERRAL LEVEL. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1987.82 p. ISBN 92- Brown, Lawrence D., ed. HEALTH POLICY INTRAN­ 4-120744-2. (Meeting of the committee held 9-17 SITION: A DECADE OF HEALTH POLITICS, POLICY December 1985 in Geneva. WHO Technical AND LAW. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, Report Series; No. 744. Distributed in the US by 1987. 176 p. ISBN 0-8223-0790-1. [RA395 .A3 WHO Publications Center, Albany, NY.) [RA961 H4256 1987] (9.1) .H676 1987] (9.1) Carper, Jean. HEALTH CARE U.S.A. New York: Isaacs, Joseph C., ed. c o n g r e ss a n d h e a l t h : a n Prentice Hall Press, 1987. 653 p. ISBN 0-13- INTRODUCTION TO THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS 609694-8. [R118.4 ,U6 C371987] (9.1, Reference) AND ITS KEY PARTICIPANTS. [New York]: Nation­ al Health Council, 1987. 96 p. (Seventh edition.

Volume 14, Page 29 Government Relations Handbook Series. Taylor, Peter. THE SMOKE RING: TOBACCO, MONEY Publisher’s address: 622 Third Ave., 34th Floor, & multinational p o l it ic s . New York: New zip 10017-6765.) [JK1083 .C58 1987] (9.1, American Library, 1985. 386 p. ISBN 0-451- Reference) 62426-2. (Revised and expanded edition.) [HD9130.6 .T39 1985] (9.1,1.3.2) Lewin, E., ed. THE HEALTH POLICY AGEN­ DA: SOME CRITICAL QUESTIONS. Washington, Tesh, Sylvia N. HIDDEN ARGUMENTS: POLITICAL DC: American Institute for Public IDEOLOGY AND DISEASE PREVENTION POLICY. Policy Research, 1985.126 p. ISBN 0-8447-3583- New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 3. (Studies in Health Policy series. AEI Studies 1988. 215 p. ISBN 0-8135-1315-4. [RA394 .T44 series; Vol. 427.) [RA395 .A3 H4255 1985] (9.1, 1988] (9.1,4.2,5.3) 93) United States. Clearinghouse on Health Indexes. Schmidt, Robert M. LAW, MEDICINE AND PUBLIC BIBLIOGRAPHY ON HEALTH INDEXES. [Hyat­ POLICY: THE SICKLE CELL ANEMIA CONTROL ACT tsville, MD]: The Clearinghouse, [1986]. 39 p. OF 1972: a CASE STUDY. Ann Arbor, MI: Univer­ (Publisher’s address: Clearinghouse on Health In­ sity Microfilms International, 1988. 245 p. dexes, U.S. Department of Health and Human Publication No. 8214059. (Thesis, Ph.D.—Emory Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health University, 1982.) (9.1,9.5.4) Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics, 3700 East-West Schoenbom, Charlotte A. HEALTH PROMOTION Highway, zip 20782. Gift of Edmund D. Pel­ AND DISEASE PREVENTION, UNITED STATES 1985. legrino.) (9.1, Reference) Hyattsville, MD: U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, 1988. 91 p. (DHHS Publication No. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on (PHS) 88-1591. Vital and Health Statistics. Series Governmental Affairs. FEDERAL ADVISORY COM­ 10, Data from the National Health Survey; No. MITTEE ACT AND THE PRESIDENTS AIDS COMMIS­ 163. For sale by the Supt. of Documents, U.S. SION. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988.301 p. G.P.O.) [RA407.3 A347 no. 163] (9.1) (100th Congress, 1st Session. Hearing held 3 December 1987. S. Hrg. No. 100-538.) [RA644 Sewell, Winifred, comp. HEALTH SCIENCE INFOR­ A25 G66 1987] (9.1,9.5.6) MATION SOURCES AND THEIR USE. [College Park, MD: University of Maryland], 1988. 125 leaves. United States. National Center for Health Statis­ (Spring 1988 syllabus.) (9.1, Reference) tics. HEALTH, UNITED STATES, 1986, AND PREVEN­ TION PROFILE. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., Smith, David B. and Kaluzny, Arnold D. THE WHITE 1986. 237 p. (Publication No. (PHS)87-1232.) LABYRINTH: A GUIDE TO THE HEALTH CARE SYS­ [RA407.3 .U57a 1986] (9.1) TEM. Ann Arbor, MI: Health Administration Press, 1986.268 p. ISBN 0-910701-13-X. (Second United States. Office of Disease Prevention and edition.) [RA418 .S65 1986] (9.1) Health Promotion. DISEASE PREVEN­ TION/HEALTH PROMOTION: THE FACTS. Palo Alto, Snoke, Albert W. HOSPITALS, HEALTH, AND CA: Bull, 1988.341 p. ISBN 0-9159950-89-8. (Gift PEOPLE. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) [RA427.2 .D57 1988] 1987.232 p. ISBN 0-300-03588-8. [RA981 .A2 S63 (9.1) 1987] (9.1,7.1) United States. Public Health Service. Office of the Southwick, Arthur F. THE LAW OF HOSPITAL AND Surgeon General. THE SURGEON GENERAL’S HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION. Ann Arbor, MI: REPORT ON NUTRITION AND HEALTH: SUMMARY Health Administration Press, 1988.722 p. ISBN 0- AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Washington, DC: U.S. 910701-33-4. (Second edition.) [KF3825 .S65 G.P.O., 1988.78 p. (DHHS Publication series; No. 1988] (9.1,2.1)

Volume 14, Page 30 (PHS) 88-50211. Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) author’s Studies in Economic Appraisal in Health [RA445 .S86 1988] (9.1) Care. Oxford Medical Publication series.) [RA410.5 .D78] (9.3) 9.2 Right to Health Care DYING FOR HEALTH CARE. Washington, DC: Lovell, Margaret I. JOHN RAWLS, SOCIAL JUSTICE, WETA, 1987.1 color VHS videocassette (60:00 AND HEALTH-CARE DELIVERY SYSTEMS. Ann min.) (9.3,9.5.1) Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1988. 381 p. Publication No. 8524131. (Thesis, Eisenberg, John M. DOCTORS’ DECISIONS AND THE Ph.D.—University of Tennessee, 1985.) (9.2) COST OF MEDICAL CARE: THE REASONS FOR DOCTORS’ PRACTICE PATTERNS AND WAYS TO United States. Congress. House. Committee on CHANGE THEM. Ann Arbor, MI: Health Ad­ Government Operations. Human Resources and ministration Press Perspectives, 1986.190 p. ISBN Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee. 0-910701-14-8. [R723.5 .K531986] (9.3,7.1) EQUAL ACCESSTO HEALTH CARE: PATIENT DUMP­ ING. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988. 463 p. Erdman, Karen and Wolfe, Sidney M. POOR (100th Congress, 1st Session. Hearing held 22 July HEALTH CARE FOR POOR AMERICANS: A RANKING 1987. For sale by the Superintendent of Docu­ OF STATE MEDICAID PROGRAMS. Washington, ments, Congressional Sales Office, U.S. G.P.O.) DC: Public Citizen Health Research Group, 1987. (9.2,9.3) 257 p. (Publisher’s address: 2000 P St. NW, zip 20036.) [HD7102 .U4 E73 1987] (9.3,9.5.1,9.6) United States. Congress. House. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. Subcommittee on Erdman, Karen and Wolfe, Sidney M. POOR Civil Service. FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT HEALTH CARE FOR POOR AMERICANS: A RANKING OF 1987. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1987. OF STATE MEDICAID PROGRAMS-PART 2: SCOR­ 139 p. (100th Congress, 1st Session. Joint hearing ING PROTOCOLS, DATA AND SCORING CHARTS. held 2 April 1987 with the Subcommittee on Com­ Washington, DC: Public Citizen Health Research pensation and Employee Benefits. Serial No. 100- Group, 1987.79 p. (Publisher’s address: 2000 P St. 8.) [HD5115.5 .P68 1987] (9.2,1.3.5,9.5.1) NW, zip 20036.) [HD7102 .U4 E731987 pt.2] (9.3, 9.5.1,9.6) 9.3 Cost of Health Care Ethics in Health-Care Management. HEALTH David, Sheri I. TO LIFT A HEAVY BURDEN: THE MANAGEMENT QUARTERLY 9(3): 2-21, Third STORY OF THE MEDICARE AND MEDICAID LAW. Quarter 1987. (9.3) Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms Interna­ Feldstein, Paul J. THE POLITICS OF HEALTH LEGIS­ tional, 1988. 312 p. Publication No. 8222938. LATION: AN ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE Ann Arbor, (Thesis, Ph.D. —City University of New York, MI: Health Administration Press Perspectives, 1982.) [KF3608 ,A4 D38 1982] (9.3,9.5.2) 1988.258 p. ISBN 0-910701-35-0. [RA410.53 .F46 David, Sheri I. WITH DIGNITY: THE SEARCH FOR 1988] (9.3,9.1) MEDICARE AND MEDICAID. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985.194 p. ISBN 0-313-24720- Harwood, Henrick J.; et al. ECONOMIC COSTS TO X. (Contributions in Political Science; No. 132. SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE AND m e n t a l il ln e ss: 1980. Research Triangle Park, ISSN 0147-1066.) [HD7102 ,U4 D275 1985] (9.3, NC: Research Triangle Institute, 1984. 242 p. 9.5.2) (Publisher’s address: PO Box 12194, zip 27709.) Drummond, M.F. PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMIC AP­ [HV5105 ,E31984] (9.3,9.1) PRAISAL IN HEALTH CARE. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980.132 p. ISBN 0-19-261273- Health Insurance Association of America. Public 5. (Reprinted 1987. Companion volume to the Relations Division. 1986-1987 SOURCE BOOK OF

Volume 14, Page 31 HEALTH INSURANCE DATA. Washington, DC: The presented at the Annual Health Conference held Association, [1987]. 96 p. [HG9396 .S6 1986-87] 28-29 April 1983. Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (9.3) (9.3) Holahan, John F. and Cohen, Joel W. MEDICAID: Rushing, William A. SOCIAL FUNCTIONS AND THE TRADE-OFF BETWEEN COST CONTAINMENT ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF HEALTH INSURANCE. AND ACCESS TO CARE. Washington, DC: Urban Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff, 1986. 226 p. ISBN 0- Institute Press, 1986.124 p. ISBN 0-87766-398-X. 89838-219-X. (Huebner International Series on (The Changing Domestic Priorities Series.) Risk, Insurance, and Economic Security.) [HD7102 .U4 H59 1986] (9.3,9.5.1) [HD7102 ,U4 R86 1986] (9.3) Jacobs, Philip. THE ECONOMICS OF HEALTH AND Schramm, Carl J., ed. HEALTH CARE AND ITS COSTS. MEDICAL CARE. Rockville, MD: Aspen, 1987. New York: Norton, 1987. 301 p. ISBN 0-393- 312 p. ISBN 0-87189-607-9. (Second edition.) 02437-7. (Papers from the Seventy-Second [RA410 J321987] (9.3) American Assembly held 13-16 November 1986 in Harrison, NY.) [RA395 .A3 H3921987] (9.3) Medical College of Wisconsin. The Center for the Study Of Bioethics. AMERICA’S g o o d h e a l t h , Sorensen, Gladys E., ed. THE ECONOMICS OF BUT AT WHAT COST, [s.l.: The College, n.d.] 1 HEALTH CARE AND NURSING: PRESIDENTIAL AD­ videocassette (VHS) (51:30 min.) (Publisher’s ad­ DRESS AND PAPERS. Kansas City, MO: American dress: The Center for the Study of Bioethics, Academy of Nursing, 1985. 102 p. (American Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Academy of Nursing, 12th Annual Meeting held Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI53226.) (9.3) 9-11 December 1984 in Atlanta, GA. Publisher’s address: 2420 Pershing Road, zip 64108.) Muller, Helen J. and Yentriss, Curtis. PUBLIC [RA410.53 .A653 1984] (9.3,4.1.3) HEALTH IN A RETRENCHMENT ERA: AN ALTERNA­ TIVE TO MANAGERIALISM. Albany: State Univer­ Stoline, Anne and Weiner, Jonathan P. THE NEW sity of New York Press, 1985. 162 p. ISBN MEDICAL MARKETPLACE: A PHYSICIAN’S GUIDE 0-87395-986-8. (SUNY Series in Public Ad­ TO THE HEALTH CARE REVOLUTION. Baltimore: ministration.) [RA427 .M77 1985] (9.3, 9.1) Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988. 210 p. ISBN 0-8018-3645-X. [RA410.53 .S76 1988] (9.3, National Committee for Quality Health Care. 2.1) (U.S.) CONDITION: STABLE, PROGNOSIS: EXCEL­ LENT, WARNING: APPLY NO UNPROVEN TREAT- United States. Congress. House. Committee on MENTS-TODAY’S HOSPITAL COSTS AND WHAT Ways and Means. Subcommittee on Health. IN­ EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THEM. SURANCE PROTECTION FOR CATASTROPHIC [Washington, DC: The Committee, 1984?] 15 p. HEALTH EXPENSES FOR INDIVIDUALS UNDERAGE (Publisher’s address: 1730 Rhode Island Ave., 65. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988. 102 p. NW, Suite 803, zip 20036.) (9.3) (100th Congress, 1st Session. Hearing held 12 May 1987. Serial No. 100-37.) (9.3,9.5.1) The New Entrepreneurialism in Health Care. BUU LETIN OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on 61(1): 1-112, January-February 1985. ISSN 0028- Finance. CATASTROPHIC HEALTH INSURANCE. 7091. (9.3,9.1) Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1987. 3 volumes. (100th Congress, 1st Session. S. Hrg. 100-169. For New York Academy of Medicine. Committee on sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Con­ Medicine in Society. Restructuring the Financing of gressional Sales Office, U.S. G.P.O.) (9.3,9.5.1) Health Care in the Eighties. BULLETIN o f t h e n ew YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE 60(1): 5-105, United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on January-February 1984. ISSN 0028-7091. (Papers Labor and Human Resources, e s s e n t ia l

Volume 14, Page 32 HEALTH CARE. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., Vol. 30. Based on the Twenty-first Trans-discipli- 1987.135 p. (100th Congress, 1st Session. Hearing nary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine, held 19 May 1987. S. Hrg. 100-267.) [HD7102 .U4 held 23-26 July 1985 at the Wemer-Reimers Stif- L32 1987] (9.3,9.5.1) tung in Bad Homburg von der Hohe, Federal Republic of Germany; sponsored by Wemer- United States. General Accounting Office. Reimers Stiftung and the School of Medicine of HEALTH INSURANCE RISK POOLS FOR THE MEDI­ the University of Connecticut Health Center in CALLY UNINSURABLE. Washington, DC: U.S. Farmington.) [RA395 .E85 H33 1987] (9.4, 2.1, G.A.O., [1988]. 30 p. (Briefing report to the Com­ 21.1) mittee on Labor and Human Resources, U.S. Senate. Order No. GAO/HRD-88-66BR.) SCARCE MEDICAL RESOURCES AND JUSTICE. [HD7102 .U4 H43 1988] (9.3,9.5.1) Braintree, MA: Pope John Center, 1987. 307 p. ISBN 0-935372-21-0. (Proceedings of the 9.4 Allocation of Health Care Resources workshop conducted for bishops of North and Central America and the Caribbean by the Pope Blank, Robert H. RATIONING MEDICINE. New John Center held 9-13 February 1987 in Dallas, York: Columbia University Press, 1988. 290 p. TX.) [R725.56 .S25 1987] (9.4,1.2,2.1) ISBN 0-231-06536-1. [RA410.7 .B56 1988] (9.4) Wiener, Joshua M., ed. SWING BEDS: ASSESSING Daniels, Norman. AM I MY PARENTS’ KEEPER?: AN FLEXIBLE HEALTH CARE IN RURAL COM­ ESSAY ON JUSTICE BETWEEN THE YOUNG AND MUNITIES. Washington, DC: Brookings Institu­ THE OLD. New York: Oxford University Press, tion, 1987.140 p. ISBN 0-8157-9283-2. (Brookings 1988. 194 p. ISBN 0-19-505233-1. [JC578 .D36 Dialogues on Public Policy series. Papers 1988] (9.4,9.5.2) presented by Joshua M. Wiener, et al. at a con­ ference held 24 February 1986 at the Brookings Dearden, R.W. DEALING WITH INEQUALITIES IN Institution.) [RA975 .R87 S96 1987] (9.4,9.3) HEALTH. Birmingham, Eng.: University of Bir­ mingham, Health Services Management Centre, 9.5.1 Health Care Programs for Specific 1985. 20 p. ISBN 0-7044-0765-5. (Discussion Diseases/Groups (General) Paper; No. 20. Publisher’s address: Park House, 40 Edgbaston Park Road, postal code B15 2RT.) American Hospital Association. Special Commit­ [RA410.55 .G7 D421985] (9.4,9.3) tee on Care for the Indigent. COSTAND COMPAS­ SION: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AVOIDING A Kiger, Anne F. ALLOCATING HEALTH RESOURCES. CRISIS IN CARE FOR THE MEDICALLY INDIGENT: [Bethesda, MD]: National Library of Medicine, THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON 1986.22 p. (Literature Search; No. 86-14. January CARE FOR THE INDIGENT. Chicago, IL: American 1978 through August 1986, 354 citations.) Hospital Association, 1986.190 p. ISBN 0-87258- [RA410.53 .K521986] (9.4,9.3) 444-5. (Accepted by the Board of Trustees 1 Feb. 1986. Policy strategy based on this report ap­ Paton, Calum. THE POLICY OF RESOURCE ALLOCA­ proved by AHA House of Delegates 5 Feb. 1986. TION AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS: A REVIEW. Lon­ AHA Order No. 061765.) [RA418.5 .P6 A541986] don: Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, 1985.74 (9.5.1,9.3) p. ISBN 0-900574-51-8. (Occasional Papers; No. 2.) [RA395 .G6 P38 1985] (9.4) Brandt, Allan M. NO MAGIC BULLET: A SOCIAL HIS­ TORY OF VENEREAL DISEASE IN THE UNITED Sass, Hans-Martin and Massey, Robert U., eds. STATES SINCE 1880. New York: Oxford University HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS: MORAL CONFLICTS IN Press, 1987. 266 p. ISBN 0-19-504237-9. (Ex­ EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PUBLIC POLICY. Bos­ panded edition.) [RC201.47 .B731987] (9.5.1,10) ton: Kluwer Academic, 1988. 368 p. ISBN 1- 55608-045-X. (Philosophy and Medicine series;

Volume 14, Page 33 Brickner, Philip W.; et al, eds. HEALTH CARE OF ceton, NJ: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, HOMELESS PEOPLE. New York: Springer, 1985. 1987. 11 p. (Special Report/Robert Johnson 349 p. ISBN 0-8261-4990-1. [RA770 .H43 1985] Wood Foundation; No. 2, 1987. Publisher’s ad­ (9.5.1) dress: P.O. Box 2316, rip 08543-2316.) (9.5.1,9.3) Christianson, Jon B. and Hillman, Diane G. MacDonald, Noni; Bowie, William R.; and Read, HEALTH CARE FOR THE INDIGENT AND COMPETI­ Stanley, eds. CANADIAN GUIDELINES FOR THE TIVE CONTRACTS: THE ARIZONA EXPERIENCE. TREATMENT OF SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DIS­ Ann Arbor, MI: Health Administration Press EASES IN NEONATES, CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS Perspectives, 1986. 173 p. ISBN 0-910701-12-1. AND ADULTS. Ottawa, Ont.: Health and Welfare [RA418.5 .P6 C48 1986] (9.5.1,9.3) Canada, 1988. 42 p. (Canada Diseases Weekly Report series; Vol. 14S2. ISSN 0382-232X. Dunovsky, Jiri, guest ed. [Neonatologischen Printed as a supplement to the CMAJ. Available Tagen.] PÄDIATRIE UND GRENZGEBIETE 23(3): from: Division of STD Control, Bureau of Com­ 125-175, 1984. ISSN 0030-932X. (Papers from a municable Disease Epidemiology, Laboratory conference of the Czechoslovakia Pediatrics Centre for Disease Control, Tunne/s Pasture, Ot­ Society held September 1982 in Pilsen.) (9.5.1, tawa, Ont. K1A 0L2.) [RA644 .V4 C36 1988] 9.5.3) (9.5.1,10) Fildes, Valerie A. b r e a st s, b o t t l e s a n d b a b ies: Osterweis, Marian; Kleinman, Arthur; and A HISTORY OF INFANT FEEDING. Edinburgh: Mechanic, David, eds. PAIN AND DISABILITY: Edinburgh University Press, 1986.462 p. ISBN 0- CLINICAL, BEHAVIORAL, AND PUBLIC POLICY 85224-528-9. [RJ216 .F55 1986] (9.5.1,9.7) PERSPECTIVES. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1987.306 p. ISBN 0-309-03737-9. Hobbs, Nicholas; Perrin, James M.; and Ireys, [RB127 .P332131987] (9.5.1) Henry T. CHRONICALLY ILL CHILDREN AND t h e ir f a m il ie s . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Patrias, Karen. NEWBORN SCREENING. [Bethesda, 1985.406 p. ISBN 0-87589-655-3. (Jossey-Bass So­ MD]: National Library of Medicine, 1987. 55 p. cial and Behavioral Science Series. Jossey-Bass (Literature Search; No. 87-2. January 1980 Health Series.) [RJ380 .H63 1985] (9.5.1,9.1) through March 1987, 753 citations. Prepared in part in support of the NIH Consensus Develop­ Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Health ment Conference on Newborn Screening for Care for Homeless People, homelessness, Sickle Cell Disease and Other HEALTH, AND HUMAN n e e d s . Washington, DC: Hemoglobinopathies, held 6-8 April 1987 in National Academy Press, 1988.242p. ISBN 0-309- Bethesda, MD.) [RC620.5 .P371987] (9.5.1,15.3) 03832-4. [RA770 .1461988] (9.5.1,9.3) Patterson, James T. THE DREAD DISEASE: CANCER Isaacs, Joseph C. and Tames, Stephanie. LONG­ AND MODERN AMERICAN CULTURE. Cambridge, TERM CARE: IN SEARCH OF A NATIONAL POLICY. MA: Harvard University Press, 1987.380 p. ISBN [Washington, DC]: National Health Council, 0-674-21625-3. [RC276 .P38 1987] (9.5.1) 1986.32 p. [RA973.5.1821986] (9.5.1,9.3,9.5.2) Paxman, John M. and Zuckerman, Ruth J. LAWS Klaus, Marshall H. and Fanaroff, Avroy A., eds. AND POLICIES AFFECTING ADOLESCENT HEALTH. CARE OF THE HIGH-RISK NEONATE. Philadelphia: Geneva: World Health Organization, 1987.300 p. Ardmore Medical Books, 1986. 455 p. ISBN 0- ISBN 92-4-156095-9. (Distributed in the U.S. by 7216-1836-7. (Third edition.) [RJ253.5 .C371986] WHO Publications Center, Albany, NY.) [RJ550 (9.5.1,20.5.2) .P341987] (9.5.1,8.3.2,11.2) Leon, Mitchell. ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE IN THE Rudolph, Claire S. and Borker, Susan R. UNITED STATES: RESULTS OF A 1986 SURVEY. Prin­ REGIONALIZATION: ISSUES IN INTENSIVE CARE

Volume 14, Page 34 FOR HIGH RISK NEWBORNS AND THEIR FAMILIES. Studies, Center for Policy Research, National New York: Praeger, 1987. 201 p. ISBN 0-275- Governors’ Association, 1988.178 p. (Publisher’s 92547-1. [RJ253.5 .R83 1987] (9.5.1,20.5.2) address: Publications Office, National Governors’ Association, 444 North Capitol St., Suite 250, zip Sky, Laura, producer. TO HURT AND TO HEAL. 20001.) (9.5.2,9.3) Berkeley: University of California, Extension Media Center, 1986.2 color videocassettes (VHS) Kemper, Peter; Applebaum, Peter; and Harrigan, (45 and 60 min.) (Order Nos. 37556 & 37557. Margaret. A SYSTEMATIC COMPARISON OF COM­ Publisher’s address: 2176 Shattuck Ave., zip MUNITY CARE DEMONSTRATIONS. [Washington, 94704.) (9.5.1,20.5.2) DC?]: U.S. National Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Technology Assess­ Smith, Richard. PRISON HEALTH CARE. London: ment, 1987. 131 p. (Institute for Research on British Medical Association, 1984.182 p. ISBN 0- Poverty special report. NCHSR Health Care for 7279-0151-6. [HV8844 .G7 S65 1984] (9.5.1,9.6) the Aging series.) (9.5.2,9.3) Strauss, Anselm L.; et al. CHRONIC ILLNESS AND Levine, Martin L. ELDERLAW: LEGAL, ETHICAL THE QUALITY OF LIFE. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, AND POLICY ISSUES OF OLDER INDIVIDUALS AND 1984. 225 p. ISBN 0-8016-4825-4. (Second edi­ AN AGING SOCIETY. Washington, DC: Legal Ser­ tion.) [RA642.2 .S76 1984] (9.5.1,4.4) vices Corp., 1988. 631 p. (Unpublished draft of first edition.) (9.5.2) United States. Congress. Congressional Budget Of­ fice. REFORMING THE MILITARY HEALTH CARE National Governors’ Association. Center for Policy SYSTEM. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., Superin­ Research. Health Policy Studies. BUILDING AF­ tendent of Documents, 1988.116 p. (Prepared by FORDABLE LONG TERM CARE ALTERNATIVES: IN­ JoelSlackman. CBO Study; January 1988.) (9.5.1) TEGRATING STATE POLICY. Washington, DC: National Governors’ Association, 1987. 246 p. 9.5.2 Health Care Programs for the Aged (Papers from the conference Building Affordable LongTerm Care Alternatives—State Policy Integra­ Alford, Dolores M., guest ed. Ethicolegal Issues. tion sponsored by the National Governors’ As­ JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGICAL NURSING 13(3): sociation, held 14-15 July 1986 in , OR. 5-48, March 1987. ISSN 0098-9134. (9.5.2) Publisher’s address: Publications Office, Nation­ al Governors’ Association, 444 No. Capitol St., Davis, Karen and Rowland, Diane. MEDICARE Suite 250, zip 20001.) (9.5.2,9.3) POLICY: NEW DIRECTIONS FOR HEALTH AND LONG-TERM CARE. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins National Research Council (U.S.). Panel on Statis­ University Press, 1986.137 p. ISBN 0-8018-2874- tics for an Aging Population. THE AGING POPULA- 0. [HD7102 .U4 D279 1986] (9.5.2,9.3) TIONINTHETWENTY-FIRST CENTURY: STATISTICS FOR HEALTH POLICY. Washington, DC: National Illinois Council on Aging. SPEAKING OUT ON Academy Press, 1988.323 p. ISBN 0-309-03881-2. HEALTH CARE: A REPORT ON WHAT 1,200 SENIOR [RA408 .A3 N371988] (9.5.2,9.1) CITIZENS SAID AT SPEAKOUTS ACROSS ILLINOIS ONHEALTH CARE ISSUES. [Chicago: The Council], Pifer, Alan J. and Bronte, Diana L., eds. OURAGING 1985. 16 p. (Publisher’s address: Council on SOCIETY: PARADOX AND PROMISE. New York: Aging, State of Illinois Center, 11th Floor, 100 W.W. Norton, 1986. 438 p. ISBN 0-393-30334-9. West Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.) (9.5.2, [HQ1064 .U5 0941986] (9.5.2,13.1) 9.3) [Psychology in the Public Forum: Aging in America.] Justice, Diane. STATE LONG TERM CARE REFORM: AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST38(3): 298-334, March DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY CARE SYSTEMS IN 1983. ISSN 0003-066X. (9.5.2,17.1) SIX STATES. Washington, DC: Health Policy

Volume 14, Page 35 Rivlin, Alice M. and Wiener, Joshua M. CARING Gift of Robert Cook-Deegan.) [RC523 .L671987] FOR THE DISABLED ELDERLY: WHO WILL PAY? (9.5.2,9.3) Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1988. 318 p. ISBN 0-8157-7497-4. [HV1461 .R58 1988] United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ (9.5.2,9.3) sessment. TECHNOLOGY AND AGING IN AMERICA. Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of Rosenfeld, Albert, prolongevity ii: a n u p d a t e d Technology Assessment, [1985]. 496 p. (Order REPORT ON THE SCIENTIFIC PROSPECTS FOR AD­ No. OTA-BA-264. For sale by the Superintendent DING GOOD YEARS TO LIFE. New York: Knopf, of Documents, U.S. G.P.O. Gift of Robert Cook- 1985. 336 p. ISBN 0-394-53475-1. (Updated, ex­ Deegan.) [RA564.8 .T43 1985] (9.5.2,5.2) panded, and revised ed. of Prolongevity (1976), 1st ed.) [QP85 .R651985] (9.5.2,20.1) United States. National Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Technology Assess­ Rosner, Richard and Schwartz, Harold I., eds. ment. Division of Intramural Research. AN­ GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY AND THE LAW. New NOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INTRAMURAL York: Plenum Press, 1987. 364 p. ISBN 0-306- RESEARCH ON LONG-TERM CARE. Rockville, MD: 42522-X. (Critical Issues in American Psychiatry The Center, [1987]. 21 p. (Aging Studies Program and the Law series; Vol. 3.) [RC451.4 .A5 G472 series. Long-Term Care Studies Program series. 1987] (9.5.2,17.1) DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 87-3414.) [RA997 .A2 A54] (9.5.2, Reference) Spicker, Stuart F.; Ingman, Stanley R.; and Lawson, Ian, eds. ETHICAL DIMENSIONS OF GERIATRIC Ward, Russell A. and Tobin, Sheldon S., eds. CARE: VALUE CONFLICTS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. HEALTH IN AGING: SOCIOLOGICAL ISSUES AND Boston: D. Reidel, 1987.297 p. ISBN 1-55608-027- POLICY DIRECTIONS. New York: Springer, 1987. 1. (Philosophy and Medicine series; Vol. 25. 301 p. ISBN 0-8261-6130-8. [RA564.8 .H4271987] Based on the Eighteenth Trans-disciplinary Sym­ (9.5.2) posium on Philosophy and Medicine, held 20-22 September 1984 at the University of Connecticut 9.5.3 Health Care Programs for Health Center in Farmington, sponsored by the Handicapped Persons Division of Humanistic Studies in Medicine, and the Dept, of Community Medicine and Health Éthique et Réanimation du Nouveau-Né et de l'En­ Care of the School of Medicine of the University fant: Réflexions du Groupe d'Étude en of Connecticut.) [RC925.5 .E841987] (9.5.2) Néonatologie et Urgences Pédiatriques de la Région Parisienne (GENEUP-RP). ARCHIVES United States. Congress. House. Select Committee FRANÇAISES DE PEDIATRIE 43(Suppl. I): 543-588, on Aging. LONG-TERM CARE: A NEW JERSEY 1986. ISSN 0003-9764. (9.5.3,20.5.2) PERSPECTIVE. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988.78 p. (100th Congress, 2nd Session. Hearing McCullough, Laurence R.; Queenan, John T.; Sub- held 22 April 1988 in Dunellen, NJ. Committee ramanian, K.N. Siva, guest eds. The Ethics of Publication No. 100-657. For sale by the Superin­ Perinatal and Neonatal Care, s e m in a r s in tendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Of­ PERINATOLOGY 11(3): 201-290, July 1987. (In­ fice, U.S. G.P.O.) (9.5.2,9.3) cludes papers from a 1986 conference on Emerg­ ing Ethical Problems in Perinatal and Neonatal United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ Medicine.) [RJ253.5 .E8341987] (9.5.3,9.5.5) sessment. LOSING A MILLION MINDS: CONFRONT- INGTHETRAGEDY OF ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND 9.5.5 Health Care Programs for Women OTHER DEMENTIAS. Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment, Furstenberg, Frank F.; Brooks-Gunn, J.; and Mor­ [1987]. 539 p. (Order No. OTA-BA-323. For sale gan, S. Philip. ADOLESCENT MOTHERS IN LATER by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. G.P.O. LIFE. New York: Cambridge University Press,

Volume 14, Page 36 1987. 204 p. ISBN 0-521-33417-9. (Human 422-78610-1. (Based upon a Ph.D. thesis.) [RG629 Development in Cultural and Historical Contexts .F45P58 1985] (9.5.5) series.) [HQ759.4 .F861987] (9.5.5,11.2) Rathi, Manohar, ed. CLINICAL ASPECTS OFPERINA- Ginsburg, Benson E. and Carter, Bonnie F., eds. TALMEDICINE: VOLUME2. New York: Macmillan, PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME: ETHICAL AND 1986. 226 p. ISBN 0-02-398670-0. [RG571 .C55 LEGAL IMPLICATIONS IN A BIOMEDICAL PERSPEC­ 1985 vol. 2] (9.5.5,9.5.1) TIVE. New York: Plenum Press, 1987.436 p. ISBN 0-306-42498-3. [RG165 .C66 1984] (9.5.5) Silber, Tomas J., guest ed. Ethical and Legal Issues in Perinatology. CLINICS IN PERINATOLOGY 14(2): Heitlinger, Alena. REPRODUCTION, MEDICINE AND 265-431, June 1987. ISSN 0095-5108. [RG600 .E86 THE SOCIALIST STATE. New York: St. Martin’s 1987] (9.5.5,2.1) Press, 1987.318 p. ISBN 0-312-67403-1. [HQ766.5 .C9 H451987] (9.5.5,14.1, 21.1) United States. Congress. House. Committee on Government Operations. Human Resources and Hosken, Fran P. THE HOSKEN REPORT: GENITAL Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee. IN­ AND SEXUAL MUTILATION OF FEMALES. [Lexi­ FANTS ATRISK: isthefederalgovernment a s ­ ngton, MA]: Women’s International Network s u r in g PRENATAL CARE FOR POOR WOMEN? News, 1982. 327 p. ISBN 0-942096-05-3. (Third Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988.225 p. (100th revised edition. Seventeen p. postscript inserted. Congress, 1st Session. Hearing held 30 September Publisher’s address: 187 Grant Street, zip 02173.) 1987. For sale by the Superintendent of Docu­ [HQ1788 .H671982] (9.5.5,21.1) ments, Congressional Sales Office, U.S. G.P.O.) (9.5.5) Jones, Howard W.; Wentz, Anne C.; and Burnett, LonnieS., eds. NOVAK’S TEXTBOOK OF GYNECOL­ Walker, Lenore E., ed. WOMEN AND MENTAL OGY. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1988.919 p. HEALTH POLICY. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1984. ISBN 0-683-04469-9. (Eleventh edition.) [RG101 311 p. ISBN 0-8039-2258-2. (Sage Yearbooks in .N6 1988] (9.5.5,14.1,15.1) Women’s Policy Studies series; Vol. 9.) [RC451.4 .W6 W646 1984] (9.5.5,17.1) Martin, Emily. THE WOMAN IN THE BODY: A CUL­ TURAL a n a l y sis o f reproduction . Boston: 9.5.6 HIV Infection and AIDS Beacon Press, 1987. 276 p. ISBN 0-8070-4604-3. [RG103.5 .M371987] (9.5.5) Abrams, Estelle J. ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIEN­ CY SYNDROME (AIDS): FIFTEENTH UPDATE JULY Mathieu, Deborah R. PREVENTING HARM AND 1987 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1987. Bethesda, MD: RESPECTING LIBERTY: ETHICAL AND LEGAL IM­ National Library of Medicine, 1987.57 p. (Litera­ PLICATIONS OF NEW PRENATAL THERAPIES. Ann ture Search; No. 87-13. Updates and supplements Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, Literature Search No. 87-7.) [RA644 .A25 A27 1988.246 p. (Thesis, Ph.D. — Georgetown Univer­ 1987c] (9.5.6, Reference) sity, 1984.) (9.5.5,15.2) Abrams, Estelle J. ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIEN­ National Commission to Prevent Infant Mortality CY SYNDROME (AIDS): FOURTEENTH UPDATE, (U.S.). DEATH BEFORE LIFE: THE TRAGEDY OF IN­ APRIL 1987 THROUGH JUNE 1987. [Bethesda, FANT MORTALITY. Washington, DC: The Com­ MD]: U.S. Dept, of Health and Human Sendees, mission, [1988]. 40 p. (Publisher’s address: Switzer Public Health Service, National Institutes of Building, Rm. 2006,330 C Street, SW, zip 20201.) Health, National Library of Medicine, 1987.62 p. [RG632 .U6 D 41988] (9.5.5, 9.3) (Literature Search No. 87-7. 890 citations. Up­ dates and supplements Literature Search No. 87- Plant, Moira. WOMEN, DRINKING, a n d p r e g n a n ­ 3.) [RA644 .A25 A27 1987b] (9.5.6, Reference) c y . New York: Tavistock, 1985. 168 p. ISBN 0-

Volume 14, Page 37 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: Focus on British Medical Association. Foundation for AIDS. the Tri-State Area. NEW YORK STATE JOURNAL OF HIV INFECTION AND AIDS: ETHICAL CONSIDERA­ MEDICINE 88(5): 217-285, May 1988. ISSN 0028- TIONS FOR THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. [London: 7628. (9.5.6) The B.M.A., 1988?] 8 p. (9.5.6) AIDS in New York City: 1986. BULLETIN OF THE Broder, Samuel, ed. AIDS, MODERN CONCEPTS AND NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE 63(7): 659- THERAPEUTIC CHALLENGES. New York: M. Dek- 712, September 1987. ISSN 0028-7091. (Papers ker, 1987. 369 p. ISBN 0-8247-7649-6. [RC607 presented at the “Symposium on AIDS in New .A26A3483 1987] (9.5.6) York City: 1986” held 17 December 1986 by the New York Academy of Medicine, Section on Cahalan, Kathleen A. AIDS: ISSUES IN RELIGION, Medicine. Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (9.5.6) e t h ic s , AND CARE. Park Ridge, IL: The Park Ridge Center, 1988. 130 p. ISBN 0-945482-00-0. AIDS: INFORMATION/EDUCATION PLAN TO (Publisher’s address: Park Ridge Center, 1875 PREVENT AND CONTROL AIDS IN THE UNITED Dempster, Suite 175, Park Ridge, IL 60068. Gift STATES. [Rockville, MD]: U.S. Dept, of Health of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.) [RC607 and Human Services, Public Health Service, 1987. .A26 C33 1988] (9.5.6,2.1) 57 p. [RA644 .A25 A28 1987] (9.5.6) Canadian Bar Association. Ontario Branch. AIDS AIDS: LEGAL POLICIES. [Boston, MA]: Legal-Medi­ Committee. REPORT OF THE CANADIAN BAR AS- cal Studies, 1985. 99 leaves. [KF3803 .A54 A33 SOCIATION-ONTARIO COMMITTEE TO STUDY THE 1985] (9.5.6) LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF ACQUIRED IM­ MUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME (AIDS). Toronto, AIDS, Public Policy and the Law. SAINT LOUIS Ont.: Canadian Bar Association-Ontario, 1986. UNIVERSITY PUBLIC LAW REVIEW 7(1): 1-207, 105 p. (Publisher’s address: Suite 1000, 120 1988. (9.5.6) Adelaide St. West, postal code M5H 1T1.) [KE3593 .A36 R41986] (9.5.6) American Medical Association. Board of Trustees. PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF AIDS - AN INTER­ Chelimsky, Eleanor. EDUCATING PEOPLE AT RISK IM REPORT. Unpublished document, [1987?]. 17 p. FOR AIDS. [Washington, DC]: U.S. General Ac­ (Report: YY.) (9.5.6) counting Office, [1988], 52 p. (Order No. GAO/T- PEMD-88-8. Testimony given before the Banta, William F. AIDS IN THE WORKPLACE: LEGAL Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. QUESTIONS AND PRACTICAL ANSWERS. Lex­ Senate, June 1988.) (9.5.6,9.1) ington, MA: Lexington Books, 1988.257 p. ISBN 0-669-15334-6. [KF3570 .B36 1988] (9.5.6,16.3) Church of England. Board for Social Respon­ sibility. AIDS: REPORT. London: General Synod of Baxley, Norman, producer. AN INSTITUTIONAL the Church of England, 1987. 29 p. (Available RESPONSE TO A.I.D.S. Urbana, IL: Carle Medical from: Church House Bookshop, Great Smith St., Communications, 1984. 1 color videocassette London SW1P 3BN. Order No. GS 795.) [RC607 (VHS) (18 min.) (Includes discussion guide. .A26 C48 1987] (9.5.6,1.2) Producer’s address: 510 W. Main, zip 61801.) (9.5.6,8.1) Corless, Inge B. and Pittman-Lindeman, Mary, eds. AIDS: PRINCIPLES, PRACTICES, & POLITICS. New Brass, Alister and Gold, Julian. AIDS AND York: Hemisphere, 1988. 252 p. ISBN 0-89116- AUSTRALIA: WHAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW. 795-1. [RC607 .A26 A3488 1988] (9.5.6) Sydney: Bay Books, 1985. 176 p. ISBN 0-85835- 846-8. [RC607 .A26 B73 1985] (9.5.6) Curiale, Richard J. and Estreicher, Samuel, co- chairmen. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES IN THE WORKPLACE: LEGAL, MEDICAL, ECONOMIC, AND

Volume 14, Page 38 h u m a n RESOURCE ISSUES. New York: Practising Ginzburg, Harold M., guest ed. Psychosocial Law Institute, 1986. 416 p. (Litigation Course Aspects of AIDS. PSYCHIATRIC ANNALS 16(3): Handbook Series; No. 309. Litigation and Ad­ 139-190, March 1986. ISSN 0048-5713. (9.5.6) ministrative Practice Series. Prepared for dis­ tribution at a program held 21-22 August 1986 in Gray, Tracy and Rowe, Mona. COMPREHENSIVE New York, NY and 9-10 October 1986 in San REVIEW OF AIDS-RELATED PLANNING ISSUES FOR Francisco, CA.) [KF3803 .A54 C66 1986] (9.5.6, THE BON SECOURS HEALTH SYSTEM, [s.l.]: Bon 9.5.1,163) Secours Health System, 1988.1 vol. (Gift of Ann Neale. Publisher’s address: 5457 Twin Knolls Rd., Curran, William J.; Gostin, Larry; and Clark, Mary. Columbia, MD 21045.) (9.5.6) ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME: LEGAL AND REGULATORY POLICY. Springfield, Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. So­ VA: Reproduced by the U.S. Dept, of Commerce, cial Services Committee. THIRD REPORT FROM National Technical Information Service, 1986. THE SOCLALSERVICES COMMITTEE, SESSION 1986- 381 p. (Reprint. Originally published: Boston, 87: PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH AIDS. London: MA: Harvard School of Public Health, Dept, of H.M.S.O., 1987.3 vols. ISBN V.l 0-10-295187-X; Health Policy and Management, 1986. Publication V.2 0-10-295587-5; V3 0-10-295687-1.) [RA644 No. PB86-248291.) [RA644 .A25 C871986] (9.5.6) .A25 S621987] (9.5.6) Dalton, Harlon L.; Burris, Scott; and Yale AIDS Griggs, John, ed. AIDS, PUBLIC POLICY DIMEN­ Law Project, eds. AIDS AND THE LAW: A GUIDE SIONS. New York: United Hospital Fund of New FOR THE pu b l ic . New Haven, CT: Yale Univer­ York, 1987.308 p. ISBN 0-934459-35-5. (Based on sity Press, 1987. 382 p. ISBN 0-300-04078-4. the proceedings of the conference held 16-17 [KF3803 .A54 A945 1987] (9.5.6) January 1986 in New York City, cosponsored by the United Hospital Fund of New York and the Dondero, Timothy J. and the HIV Data Analysis Institute for Health Policy Studies, School of Team. HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS IN­ Medicine, University of California, San Francis­ FECTION IN THE UNITED STATES: A REVIEW OF co.) [RA644 .A25 A371987] (9.5.6) CURRENT KNOWLEDGE. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control, Epidemiology Program Office, GUIDELINES ON AIDS IN EUROPE. Albany, NY: AIDS Program, 1987. 48 p. (Report presented to WHO Publications Center USA, 1986.38 p. ISBN the President and the Domestic Policy Council on 92-890-1039-8. (First revised edition. Guidelines 30 November 1987. Summary published in the drafted by H. Zoffmann, amended and approved MMWR dated 18 December 1987. Morbidity and by participants in the Consultation on AIDS Mortality Weekly Report series; Supplement, Policies in Europe.) [RA644 .A25 G85 1986] Vol. 36, No. S-6. DHHS Publication No. (CDC) (9.5.6,21.1) 87-8017.) [RC607 .A26 D65 1987] (9.5.6) Hall, Lynn and Modi, Tom, eds. AIDS. St. Paul, MN: Eden, Jill; Mount, Laurie; and Miike, Lawrence. Greenhaven Press, 1988. 223 p. ISBN 0-89908- AIDS AND HEALTH INSURANCE: AN OTA SURVEY. 402-8. (Opposing Viewpoints Series.) [RC607 Washington, DC: U.S. Congress, Office of Tech­ .A26 A344431988] (9.5.6) nology Assessment, Health Program, 1988. 60 p. (AIDS-Related Issues. Staff Paper; No. 2. Dis­ Hancock, Graham and Carim, Enver. AIDS: THE tributed by the Supt. of Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) DEADLY EPIDEMIC. North Pomfiret, VT: David [RC607 .A26 E336 1988] (9.5.6,9.3) and Charles, 1987. 192 p. ISBN 0-575-04162-5. [RC607 A26H36 1987] (9.5.6) Flynn, Eileen P. AIDS: A CATHOLIC CALL FOR COM­ PASSION. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward, 1985. Herold, David M. EMPLOYEES’ REACnONSTO AIDS 99 p. ISBN 0-934134-73-1. [RC607 .A26 F591985] IN THE WORKPLACE. Atlanta, GA: Center for (9.5.6,1.2) Work Performance Problems, College of

Volume 14, Page 39 Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, Masters, William H.; Johnson, Virginia E.; and 1988. 11 leaves. (Publisher’s address: College of Kolodny, Robert C. CRISIS: HETEROSEXUAL BE­ Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, HAVIOR IN THE AGE OF AIDS. New York: Grove Athens, GA 30332.) [RA644 .A25 H47 1988] Press, 1988. 243 p. ISBN 0-8021-1049-5. [RA644 (9.5.6,16.3) .A25 M38 1988] (9.5.6) Horowitz, Robert and Darris, Adrienne. Special McClelland, D.B.L. CONFRONTING AIDS. Edin­ Report: Pediatric AIDS: Emerging Policies. burgh: Featherhall Press, 1987. 11 p. (Reprinted CHILDREN’S LEGAL RIGHTS JOURNAL 7(3): 1-25, by the University of Edinburgh.) (9.5.6) Summer 1986. (9.5.6) Panem, Sandra. THE AIDS BUREAUCRACY. Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee for the Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988. Oversight of AIDS Activities. CONFRONTING 194 p. ISBN 0-674-01271-2. [RA644 .A25 P36 AIDS: UPDATE 1988. Washington, DC: National 1988] (9.5.6,9.1) Academy Press, 1988.239 p. ISBN 0-309-03879-0. (Update of Confronting AIDS: Directions for Pierce, Christine and VanDeVeer, Donald, eds. Public Health, Health Care, and Research.) AIDS: ETHICS AND PUBLIC POLICY. Belmont, CA: [RA644 .A25157 1988] (9.5.6) Wadsworth, 1988. 241 p. ISBN 0-534-08286-6. [RA644 .A25 A3621988] (9.5.6,2.1) Kadzielski, Mark A. AIDS: LEGAL IMPLICATIONS FOR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS. St. Louis, MO: Quality of Care for AIDS Patients (Part Two). QRB: The Catholic Health Association of the United QUALITY r e v ie w BULLETIN 12(10): 342-365, Oc­ States, 1987.11 p. (Originally published in Health tober 1986. ISSN 0097-5990. (9.5.6,9.6) Progress May 1986. Publisher’s address: 4455 Woodson Road, zip 63134.) (9.5.6,8.1,8.4) Rapoport, David and Parry, John, eds. LEGAL, MEDICAL AND GOVERNMENTAL PERSPECTIVES Kaus, Danek S. and Reed, Robert D. A.I.D.S.: YOUR ON AIDS AS A DISABILITY. Washington, DC: CHILD & THE SCHOOL. Saratoga, CA: R&E Publ., American Bar Association, Commission on the 1986.24 p. ISBN 0-88247-756-0. (Includes 4 p. in­ Mentally Disabled, 1987. 55 p. (Based on papers sert for children.) [RC607 .A26 K39] (9.5.6) from a multidisciplinary panel program at the 1986 Annual meeting of the ABA in New York Korda, Holly; et al. a n ANNOTATED b ib l io g ­ and selected articles from the Mental and Physical r a p h y OF SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES ON AIDS FOR Disability Law Reporter.) (9.5.6) POLICYMAKERS. [Washington, DC]: U.S. Depart­ ment of Health and Human Services, Public Richardson, Diane. WOMEN AND AIDS. New York: Health Service, 1987.1 volume (various pagings). Methuen, 1988. 183 p. ISBN 0-416-01751-7. (For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, [RC607 .A26 R53 1988] (9.5.6, 9.5.5) U.S. G.P.O.) [RC607 .A26 A53 1987] (9.5.6, Reference) Rowe, Mona and Ryan, Caitlin. AIDS, A PUBLIC HEALTH CHALLENGE: STATE ISSUES, POLICIES Kiibler-Ross, Elizabeth. AIDS: THE ULTIMATE AND PROGRAMS. [Washington, DC]: George CHALLENGE. New York: Macmillan, 1987.329 p. Washington University, Intergovernmental ISBN 0-02-567170-7. [RC607 .A26 K83 1987] Health Policy Project, 1987. 3 volumes. [RA644 (9.5.6,20.4.1) .A25 R69 1987] (9.5.6,9.3) Malinowsky, H. Robert and Perry, Gerald J., eds. Royal Society of Canada. AIDS: a perspective f o r AIDS INFORMATION SOURCEBOOK. Phoenix, AZ: CANADIANS: SUMMARY REPORT AND RECOM­ Oryx Press, 1988. 85 p. ISBN 0-89774-419-5. MENDATIONS. Ottawa, Ontario: The Society, [RC607 .A26 A3475 1988] (9.5.6, Reference) 1988. 69 p. ISBN 0-920064-23-X. (Publisher’s ad­

Volume 14, Page 40 dress: 344Wellington Street, postal zip K1A 0N4.) AIDS. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988.141 p. [RC607 .A26 R69 1988] (9.5.6) (100th Congress, 1st Session. Hearing held 17 September 1987. No. 65.) [RA644 .A25 S34 1988] Shelp, Earl E.; Sunderland, Ronald; and Mansell, (9.5.6,21.1) Peter W.A., eds. AIDS: PERSONAL STORIES IN PAS­ TORAL PERSPECTIVE. New York: Pilgrim Press, United States. Congress. House. Select Committee 1986. 205 p. ISBN 0-8298-0739-X. [RC607 .A26 on Children, Youth, and Families. CONTINUING A3486 1986] (9.5.6,1.2) JEOPARDY: CHILDREN AND AIDS. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1988.12 p. (100th Congress, 2d Ses­ Special Issue: Quality of Care for AIDS Patients sion. Staff report. Update of A Generation in (Part One). QRB: QUALITY REVIEW BULLETIN Jeopardy: Children and AIDS.) (9.5.6,9.5.1) 12(8): 270-305, August 1986. ISSN 0097-5990. (9.5.6,9.6) United States. Congress. House. Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families. A GENERATION Thomas, Constance. A SUMMARY OF AIDS la w s IN JEOPARDY: CHILDREN AND AIDS. Washington, FROM THE 1987 LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS. DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988.181 p. (Report. 100th Con­ Washington, DC: Intergovernmental Health gress, 2nd Session. Serial No. 100-588.) [RJ387 Policy Project, State AIDS Policy Center at .A25 G46 1988] (9.5.6,9.5.1) George Washington University, 1988. 37 p. (Publisher’s address: 20111 St., NW, Suite 200, zip United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ 20006.) [KF3803 .A54 T47 1987] (9.5.6) sessment. Health Program. HOW EFFECTIVE IS AIDS e d u c a t io n ? Washington, DC: OTA Health Thomas, Constance, comp. A SYNOPSIS OF STATE Program, 1988. 128 p. (AIDS-Related Issues AIDS RELATED LEGISLATION (THROUGH series. Staff paper; Vol. 3.) (9.5.6) FEBRUARY 1988). Washington, DC: Inter­ governmental Health Policy Project, George United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Washington University, 1988. 149 p. (Publisher’s Labor and Human Resources. ACQUIRED IM­ address: 2011 I St., NW, Suite 200, zip 20006.) MUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME RESEARCH AND [KF3803 .A54 S96 1988] (9.5.6) INFORMATION ACT OF 1987: REPORT (TO ACCOM­ PANY S. 1220). [Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., United States Catholic Conference. Administrative 1987.] 113 p. (Publication No. 100-133.) [RA644 Board. THE MANY FACES OF AIDS: A GOSPEL .A25 L32 1987] (9.5.6) RESPONSE. Washington, DC: The Conference, 1987.30 p. ISBN 1-55586-195-4. (Publication No. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on 195-4. Publisher’s address: Office of Publications Labor and Human Resources. AIDS RESEARCH. & Promotion Services, U.S. Catholic Conference, Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1987.149 p. (100th 1312 Massachusetts Ave., NW, zip 20005-4105.) Congress, 1st Session. Hearing held 15 May 1987. (9.5.6,1.2) S. Hrg. 100-266.) [RA644 .A25 L326 1987] (9.5.6) United States. Congress. House. Committee on United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Commerce. AIDS COUNSELING AND Labor and Human Resources. NATIONAL COM­ TESTING ACT OF 1988. [Washington, DC: U.S. MISSION ON ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY G.P.O., 1988.] 85 p. (Report. 100th Congress, 2nd SYNDROME ACT. [Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., Session. Serial No. 100-783.) (9.5.6,8.4) 1988.] 9 p. (100th Congress, 2d Session. Report 100-400.) (9.5.6) United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. Subcommittee United States. General Accounting Office. AIDS on Natural Resources, Agriculture Research and EDUCATION: PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION OF Environment. OPPORTUNITIES FOR INTERNA­ THE SURGEON GENERAL’S REPORT. Washington, TIONAL SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION TO CONTROL DC: G.A.O., 1988.16 p. (Fact sheet for Barbara

Volume 14, Page 41 Boxer, House of Representatives. Order No. Watney, Simon. POLICING DESIRE: PORNOGRAPHY, GAO/HRD-88-80FS.) (9.5.6) AIDS AND THE MEDIA. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1987.159 p. ISBN 0-8166-1644- United States. General Accounting Office. AIDS: 2. (Media and Society series.) [RC607 .A26 W37 INFORMATION ON GLOBAL DIMENSIONS AND POS­ 1987] (9.5.6) SIBLE IMPACTS: FACT SHEET TO THE HONORABLE JESSE HELMS, U.S. SENATE. [Washington, DC]: Weissberg, Nancy C., comp. AIDS (ACQUIRED IM­ The Office, 1987. 20 p. (Publication No. MUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME) BIBLIOGRAPHY GAO/NSIAD-88-51FS.) [RA644 .A25 G456 FOR 1981-86. Troy, NY: Whitson, 1988. 643 p. 1987] (9.5.6,21.1) ISBN 0-87875-356-7. (ISSN 0895-9331.) (9.5.6, Reference) United States. General Accounting Office. AIDS: VIEWS ON THE ADMINISTRATION’S FISCAL YEAR World Council of Churches. Christian Medical 1989 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE BUDGET. Commission. WHAT IS AIDS?: A MANUAL FOR Washington, DC: GAO., 1988. 42 p. (Briefing HEALTH WORKERS. Geneva: The Commission, report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor, 1987.28 p. (Publisher’s address: 150 route de Fer- Health and Human Services, Education and Re­ ney, 1211 Geneva 20.) (9.5.6) lated Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate. Order No. GAO/HRD-88- Zimmerman, Michael. ISSUES CONCERNING CDC’S 104BR.) (9.5.6,9.3) AIDS EDUCATION PROGRAMS: TESTIMONY. [Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Of­ United States. General Accounting Office. THE fice], 1988.13 p. (Given before the Committee on PRESIDENTS COMMISSION ON AIDS: TESTIMONY. Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate. Order No. [Washington, DC]: GAO, 1987.17 p. (Statement GAO/T-HRD-88-18.) (9.5.6,9.1) of Rosslyn S. Kleeman, Senior Associate Director, General Government Division, before the Com­ 9.6 Quality of Health Care/Ethics mittee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate. Committees GAO/T-GGD-88-6.) (9.5.6) Chapman-Clibum, Greg, ed. RISK MANAGEMENT United States. Presidential Commission on the AND QUALITY ASSURANCE: ISSUES AND INTERAC­ Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic. IN­ TIONS. Chicago, IL: Joint Commission on Ac­ TERIM REPORT. Unpublished document, 1988. creditation of Hospitals, 1986. 152 p. ISBN 80 p. (9.5.6) 0-86688-099-2. (Quality Review Bulletin series, special publication. Order No. QRB-302.) United States. Presidential Commission on the [RA971.38 .R571986] (9.6) Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSION ON A CLOSER LOOK AT-THE INSTITUTIONAL ETHICS THE HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS COMMITTEE. Akron, OH: University of Akron, EPIDEMIC. [Washington, DC]: The Commission, [n.d.] 1 color videocassette (VHS) (28:00 min.) 1988. 201 p. (For sale by the Superintendent of (Publisher’s address: Akron, OH 44325.) (9.6) Documents, U.S. G.P.O.) [RA644 .A25 P741988] (9.5.6) Harvey, Lynn and Shubat, Stephanie. AMA SUR­ VEYS OF PHYSICIAN AND PUBLIC OPINION ON Watkins, James D., chairman. CHAIRMAN’S DRAFT HEALTH CARE ISSUES, 1987. [Chicago, IL: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FINAL REPORT. American Medical Association], 1987. 85 p. Washington, DC: Presidential Commission on the [R727.3 .H37 1987] (9.6,8.1) Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic, 1988. 269 p. (Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (9.5.6) Macklin, Ruth and Kupfer, Robin B. HOSPITAL ETHICS COMMITTEES: MANUAL FOR A TRAINING PROGRAM. [Bronx, NY]: Albert Einstein College

Volume 14, Page 42 of Medicine [of Yeshiva University], 1988. 95 p. Kavet, Joel. ESTIMATES OF THE ECONOMIC COSTS (Gift of Ruth Macklin.) (9.6) OF SELECTED MEDICAL EVENTS KNOWN OR THOUGHT TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THE AD­ THE MEDICINE SHOW: CONSUMERS UNION’S PRAC­ MINISTRATION OF COMMONLY USED VACCINES. TICAL GUIDE TO SOME EVERYDAY HEALTH Unpublished document, 1981. 104 leaves. (9.7, PROBLEMS AND HEALTH PRODUCTS. New York: 9.3) Pantheon Books, 1980.383 p. ISBN 0-394-73887- X. (Completely revised and updated. Prepared by Liebenau, Jonathan. MEDICAL SCIENCE AND MEDI­ the editors of Consumer Reports Books. Gift of CAL INDUSTRY: THE FORMATION OF THE Woodstock Theological Center.) [RC81 .C61980] AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY. Bal­ (9.6) timore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987. 207 p. ISBN 0-8018-3356-6. (Henry E. Sigerist THE MULTIDISCIPLINARY PEDIATRIC ETHICS COM­ Series in the History of Medicine.) [HD9666.5 MITTEE: SOCIODRAMA. Washington, DC: Geor­ .L541987] (9.7,5.1) getown Medical School, [1988]. 1 color videocassette (VHS) and 1 color 25 mm. film. United States. Congress. House. Committee on (Gifts of Wolfgang Wagner.) (9.6,20.5.2) Government Operations. FDA’S REGULATION OF THE NEW DRUG MERITAL: FIFTEENTH REPORT. United States. General Accounting Office. VA Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1987.95 p. (100th HEALTH CARE: MONITORING OF CARDIAC Congress, 1st Session. House Report No. 100- SURGERY AND KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION. 206.) (9.7) Washington, DC: U.S. G.A.O., 1988. 37 p. (9.6, 9.5.1,19.3) Unschuld, Paul U. MEDICINE IN CHINA: A HISTORY OF PHARMACEUTICS. Berkeley: University of Wyszewianski, Leon, special issue ed. The Chal­ California Press, 1986. 367 p. ISBN 0-520-05025- lenge of Quality. INQUIRY 25(1): 3-200, Spring 8. (Revised and enlarged translation of Pen-ts’ao. 1988. ISSN 0046-9580. (9.6) Comparative Studies of Health Systems and Medical Care series.) [RS67 ,C6 U57131986] (9.7, 9.7 Pharmaceutical Industry 7.1,21.1)

Ekelman, Karen B., ed. NEW MEDICAL DEVICES: IN­ 10 Sexuality VENTION, DEVELOPMENT, AND USE. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1988.186 p. ISBN Bayer, Ronald. HOMOSEXUALITY AND AMERICAN 0-309-03846-4. (Series on Technology and Social PSYCHIATRY: THE POLITICS OF DIAGNOSIS. Prin­ Priorities. Based on a symposium held 9-10 March ceton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987.242p. 1987 at the National Academy of Sciences, ISBN 0-691-02837-0. (Reprint. Originally Washington, DC.) [R856 ,A2 N4951988] (9.7,5.3) published: New York: Basic Books, 1981.) [RC558 .B39] (10,4.3,17.1) Gilman, Alfred G.; et al., eds. GOODMAN AND GILMAN’S THE PHARMACOLOGICAL BASIS OF Betzig, Laura L.; Mulder, Monique B.; and Türke, THERAPEUTICS. New York: Macmillan, 1985. Paul, eds. HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOUR: A 1839 p. ISBN 0-02-344710-9. (Seventh edition.) DARWINIAN PERSPECTIVE. New York: Cambridge [RM300 .G6431985] (9.7, Reference) University Press, 1988. 363 p. ISBN 0-521-33796- 8. [GN848.3 .H85 1988] (10) Jayasuriya, D.C. REGULATION OF PHARMACEUTI­ CALS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: LEGAL ISSUES Boyle, Patrick J. PARVITAS MATERIAE IN SEXTO IN AND APPROACHES. Albany, NY: WHO Publica­ CONTEMPORARY CATHOLIC THOUGHT. Lanham, tions Center USA [distributor], 1985.118 p. ISBN MD: University Press of America, 1987. 124 p. 92-4-156089-4. [K3636 J39 1985] (9.7,21.1) ISBN 0-8191-5791-0. (Gift of Sargent and Eunice

Volume 14, Page 43 Kennedy Shriver.) [BX1795 .S48 B69 1987] (10, as the author’s thesis (Ph.D.) —Catholic Univer­ 1.2) sity of America, 1986.) [BX1795 .S48 M39 1987] (10, 1.2) Cahill, Lisa Sowie. BETWEEN THE SEXES: FOUNDA­ TIONS FOR A CHRISTIAN ETHICS OF SEXUALITY. Porter, Ruth, ed. CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE WITHIN Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1985.166 p. ISBN 0- THE FAMILY. New York: Tavistock, 1984. 156 p. 8006-1834-3. (Based on the 1983 E.T. Earl Lec­ ISBN 0-422-79290-X. [HQ71 .C57 1984] (10, tures at the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, 9.5.1) CA. Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.) [BT708 .C28 1985] (10,1.2) Ruse, Michael. HOMOSEXUALITY: A PHILOSOPHI­ CAL INQUIRY. New York: Blackwell, 1988.299 p. Davis, Margaret L. LOVERS, DOCTORS, AND THE ISBN 0-631-15275-X. [HQ76.25 .R87 1988] (10) LAW: YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AND RESPON­ SIBILITIES IN TODAY’S SEX-HEALTH CRISIS. New Seckel, Al, ed. BERTRAND RUSSELL ON ETHICS, SEX York: Harper & Row, 1988. 248 p. ISBN 0-06- AND MARRIAGE. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus 096236-4. [KF3803 .V3 D38 1988] (10,9.5.1) Books, 1987. 348 p. ISBN 0-87975-400-1. [B1649 .R93 B375 1987] (10,1.1) Dwyer, John C. HUMAN SEXUALITY: A CHRISTIAN VIEW. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward, 1987. 11.1 Contraception (General) 161 p. ISBN 1-55612-076-1. [HQ31 .D95 1987] (10, 1.2) Noonan, John T. CONTRACEPTION: A HISTORY OF ITSTREATMENTBYTHECATHOLICTHEOLOGIANS Friedman, Richard C. MALE HOMOSEXUALITY: A AND CANONISTS. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press CONTEMPORARY PSYCHOANALYTIC PERSPEC­ of Harvard University Press, 1986.581 p. ISBN 0- TIVE. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 674-16852-6. (Enlarged edition. Gift of Sargent 1988. 296 p. ISBN 0-300-03963-8. [HQ76 .F774 and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.) [HQ766.3 .N6 1988] (10) 1986] (11.1,1.2) Hanigan, James P. HOMOSEXUALITY: THE TEST Sloan, Irving J. THE LAW GOVERNING ABORTION, CASE FOR CHRISTIAN SEXUAL ETHICS. New York: CONTRACEPTION & STERILIZATION. New York: Paulist Press, 1988. 193 p. ISBN 0-8091-2944-2. Oceana, 1988.153 p. ISBN 0-379-11163-2. (Legal (Theological Inquiries series. Gift of Sargent and Almanac Series; No. 87.) [KF3771 ,Z9 S57 1988] Eunice Kennedy Shriver.) [HQ76.3 .U5 H361988] (11.1,12.4.1) (10, 1.2) Spicker, Stuart F.; Bondeson, William B.; and En- Institut Borja de Bio^tica. SEXUALIDAD, gelhardt, H. Tristram, eds. THE CONTRACEPTIVE MATRIMONIO Y FAMILIA. Barcelona: The Institut, ETHOS: REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS AND RESPON­ [1985?]. 252 p. ISBN 84-398-6295-4. (Horitzons de SIBILITIES. Boston: D. Reidel, 1987. 254 p. ISBN Bioötica series; no. 2. Previously published and 1-55608-035-2. (Philosophy and Medicine series; unpublished papers by members of the Institut Vol. 27. Based on the Sixteenth Symposium on Borja de Bioötica. Gift of Francisco Abel.) (10) Philosophy and Medicine, held 21-23 April 1983 at the Health Sciences Center of the University of Katchadourian, Herant A. BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS Missouri-Columbia, and sponsored by the Health OF HUMAN SEXUALITY. New York: Holt, Care and Human Values Program of the Univer­ Rinehart and Winston, 1987. 226 p. ISBN 0-03- sity of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine.) 012434-4. (Third edition.) [QP251 .K361987] (10) [HQ766.15 .C66 1987] (11.1) McMahon, Kevin T. SEXUALITY: THEOLOGICAL VOICES. Braintree, MA: Pope John Center, 1987. 266 p. ISBN 0-935372-20-2. (Originally presented

Volume 14, Page 44 11.2 Availability of Contraceptives to America by Ciba Pharmaceutical (Medical Minors Education Division), Newark, NJ.) [RG734 .A196 1985] (12.1,21.1) Burt, Martha R. ESTIMATES OF PUBUC COSTS FOR TEENAGE CHILDBEARING: A REVIEW OF RECENT Rodman, Hyman; Sarvis, Betty; and Bonar, Joy W. STUDIES AND ESTIMATES OF 1985 PUBLIC COSTS. THE abortion question. New York: Columbia [Washington, DC]: Center for Population Op­ University Press, 1987. 223 p. ISBN 0-231-05332- tions, 1986.42 p. (Revised and expanded Septem­ 0. [HQ7673 .U5 R63 1987] (12.1,123,12.4.1) ber 1986. Publisher’s address: 1012 14th St., NW, Suite 1200, zip 20005.) (11.2) Tietze, Christopher and Henshaw, Stanley K IN­ DUCED ABORTION: A WORLD REVIEW, 1986. New Vinovskis, Maris A. AN “EPIDEMIC” OF ADOLES­ York: Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1986. 143 p. CENT PREGNANCY?: SOME HISTORICAL AND ISBN 0-939253-05-4. (Sixth edition.) [HQ767.T54 POLICY CONSIDERATIONS. New York: Oxford 1986] (12.1,12.5.2) University Press, 1988. 284 p. ISBN 0-19-504997- 7. [HQ759.4 .V55 1988] (11.2,10) 12.3 Abortion: Moral and Religious Aspects

11.3 Sterilization Channer, John H., ed. ABORTION AND THE SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE. Exeter, Devon: Pater­ Cox, John M. A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OFTHE ROMAN noster Press, 1985. 151 p. ISBN 0-85364-417-9. CATHOLIC MEDICO-MORAL PRINCIPLE OF [HQ767.2 .A2677 1985] (12.3) TOTALITY AND ITS APPLICABILITY TO STERILIZ­ ING MUTILATIONS. Ann Arbor, MI: University Church of Scotland. Board of Social Responsibility. Microfilms International, 1988.161 p. Publication ABORTION IN DEBATE. Edinburgh: Quorum No. 73-7229. (Thesis, Ph.D. —Claremont Press, 1987. 156 p. ISBN 0-86153-094-2. Graduate School, 1972.) (113,1.2) (Published on behalf of the Church of Scotland’s Board of Social Responsibility.) [HQ767.2 .A267 12.1 Abortion (General) 1987] (12.3) Chung, Chin Sik and Steinhoff, Patricia G. THE EF­ DeMarco, Donald. IN MY MOTHER’S WOMB: THE FECTS OF INDUCED ABORTION ON SUBSEQUENT CATHOLIC CHURCH’S DEFENSE OF NATURAL LIFE. REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTION AND PREGNANCY Manassas, VA: Trinity Communications, 1987. OUTCOME: HAWAII. Honolulu, HI: East-West 234 p. ISBN 0-937495-15-8. (12.3,2.1,14.1) Center, [1983]. 144 p. ISBN 0-86638-046-9. (Papers of the East-West Population Institute Smith, A. Philip. THE ROE V. WADE AND DOE V. BOL­ series; No. 86. ISSN 0732-0531. Publisher’s ad­ TON DECISIONS ON ABORTION: AN ANALYSIS, dress: East-West Population Institute, East-West CRITIQUE, AND EXAMINATION OF RELATED IS­ Center, 1777 East-West Road, zip 96848.) [RG734 SUES. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms In­ .C48 1983] (12.1,9.5.5) ternational, 1988.502 p. Publication No. 8203374. (Thesis, Ph.D. —Drew University 1981.) (12.3, Goode, Polly T., comp. ABORTION BIBLIOGRAPHY 12.4.1) FOR 1984. Troy, NY: Whitson, 1986.386 p. ISBN 0- 87875-329-X. (12.1, Reference) Smith, Gerald J. ABORTION AND A SERIOUS RIGHT TO LIFE Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms Porter, Ruth and O’Connor, Maeve, eds. ABOR­ International, 1988. 132 p. (Thesis, Ph.D.— TION: MEDICAL PROGRESS AND SOCIAL IMPLICA­ UCLA, 1985.) (12.3,4.4) TIONS. London: Pitman, 1985. 285 p. ISBN 0-471-91084-8. (Symposium held 27-29 November 1984 at the Ciba Foundation, London. Ciba Foun­ dation Symposium; Vol. 115. Distributed in North

Volume 14, Page 45 12.4.1 Abortion: Legal Aspects (General) 373 p. ISBN 0-8294-0579-8. [HQ767.5 .U5 R38 1987] (12.5.1) Glendon, Mary A. ABORTION AND DIVORCE IN WESTERN LAW. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Sachdev, Paul, ed. INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK ON University Press, 1987.197 p. ISBN 0-674-00160- ABORTION. New York: Greenwood Press, 1988. 5. (The Julius Rosenthal Foundation Lectures 520 p. ISBN 0-313-23463-9. [HQ767 .1668 1988] series.) [K5181 .G58 1987] (12.4.1,21.1) (

Goldstein, Robert D. MOTHER-LOVE AND ABOR­ 13.1 Population (General) TION: a legal interpretation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.240 p. ISBN Barnett, Larry D. and Reed, Emily F. LAW, 0-520-06084-9. [KF3771 .G65 1988] (12.4.1,4.4) SOCIETY, AND POPULATION: ISSUES IN A NEW FIELD. Houston: Cap and Gown Press, 1985. 12.4.2 Abortion: Interests of 186 p. ISBN 0-88105-053-9. [KF3771 .B36 1985] Woman/Fetus/Father (13.1) Faux, Marian. ROE V. WADE: THE UNTOLD STORY Barwig, Klaus and Mieth, Dietmar, eds. MIGRA­ OF THE LANDMARK SUPREME COURT DECISION TION UND MENSCHENWÜRDE: FAKTEN, THAT MADE ABORTION LEGAL. New York: Mac­ ANALYSEN UND ETHISCHE KRITERIEN. Mainz: millan, 1988. 370 p. ISBN 0-02-537151-7. [KF228 Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag, 1987.211 p. ISBN 3- .R59F38 1988] (12.4.2) 7867-1302-2. (Moraltheologie interdisziplinär.) (13.1,1.2,1.3.6) Frankowski, Stanislaw J. and Cole, George F., eds. ABORTION AND PROTECTION OF THE HUMAN Byron, William, ed. THE CAUSES OF WORLD FETUS: LEGAL PROBLEMS IN A CROSS-CULTURAL HUNGER. New York: Paulist Press, 1982. 256 p. PERSPECTIVE. Boston: M. Nijhoff, 1987. 334 p. ISBN 0-8091-2483-1. (Gift of Sargent and Eunice ISBN 0-89838-922-4. (Current Issues in Interna­ Kennedy Shriver.) [HV696 .F6 C381982] (13.1) tional and Comparative Law series.) [K2000 .Z9 A25 1987] (12.4.2,4.4,12.1) Harris, Myles F. BREAKFAST IN HELL: A DOCTOR’S EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT OF THE POLITICS OF HUNGERIN ETHIOPIA. New York: Poseidon Press, 12.5.1 Abortion: Social Aspects (General) 1987. 271 p. ISBN 0-671-63272-8. [HC845 .Z9 David, Henry P.; et al., eds. BORN UNWANTED: F345 1987] (13.1,4.1.2) DEVELOPMENTAL EFFECTS OF DENIED ABOR­ TION. New York: Springer, 1988. 143 p. ISBN 0- Mason, Paul E., ed. ANNUAL REVIEW OF POPULA­ 8261-6080-8. [HQ767 .B59 1988] (12.5.1) TION LAW, 1983. New York: United Nations Fund for Population Activities, 1985. 484 p. ISBN 0- Messer, Ellen and May, Kathryn E. BACK ROOMS: 89714-042-7. (Volume 10. Prepared with the Har­ VOICES FROM THE ILLEGAL ABORTION ERA. New vard Law School Library.) [K2000 .A53 A51983] York: St. Martin’s Press, 1988.224 p. ISBN 0-312- ( 01732-4. [HQ767.5 .U5M4771988] (12.5.1,12.4.2) 13.2 Population Growth Pipes, Mary. UNDERSTANDING ABORTION. Lon­ don: Women’s Press, 1986. 181 p. ISBN 0-7043- Easterlin, Richard A. and Crimmins, Eileen M. 3982-X. (The Women’s Press Handbook Series.) THE FERTILITY REVOLUTION: A SUPPLY-DEMAND [HQ767 .P561986] (12.5.1) ANALYSIS. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985. 209 p. ISBN 0-226-18029-8. [HB1108 .E24 Reardon, David C. ABORTED WOMEN: SILENT NO 1985] (13.2,11.1,21.1) MORE. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1987.

Volume 14, Page 46 13.3 Population Policy Cerf, 1985.187 p. ISBN 2-204-02409-0. (Recher­ ches Morales series: Positions. Gift of Edmund D. ANNUAL REVIEW OF POPULATION LAW, VOLUME Pellegrino.) [QH332 .B66 1985] (14.1,2.1) 11. New York: United Nations Fund for Popula­ tion Activities; Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law Boyd, Kenneth M.; Callaghan, Brendan; and Shot- School Library, 1987. 613 p. ISBN 0-89714-052-4. ter, Edward. LIFE BEFORE BIRTH: A SEARCH FOR (Gift of the publisher.) [K2000 .A53 A5 1984] CONSENSUS ON ABORTION AND THE TREATMENT ( OF INFERTILITY. London: SPCK, 1986. 168 p. ISBN 0-281-04247-0. [RC889 .B691986] (14.1,2.1, Hartmann, Betsy. REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS AND 12.1) WRONGS: THE GLOBAL POLITICS OF POPULATION CONTROL AND CONTRACEPTIVE CHOICE. New Byk, Christian and Galpin-Jacquot, Sophie. ETAT York: Harper & Row, 1987. 368 p. ISBN 0-06- COMPARATIF DES REGLES ETHIQUES ET JURIDI­ 096171-6. [HQ766.7 .H37 1987] (13.3,11.1) QUES RELATIVES A LA PROCREATION AR­ TIFICIELLE. [France]: Ministère de la Justice and Kasun, Jacqueline R. THE WAR AGAINST POPULA­ Ministère de la Santé et de la Famille, 1986. 603 TION: THEECONOMICS AND IDEOLOGY OF WORLD leaves. (Volume I, Australie à Irlande-, volume II, POPULATION CONTROL. San Francisco: Ignatius Irlande à Yougoslavie. Gift of Edmund D. Pel­ Press, 1988.225 p. ISBN 0-89870-191-0. [HB883.5 legrino.) (14.1) .K37 1988] (13.3) Corea, Gena; et al. MAN-MADE WOMEN: HOW NEW 14.1 Reproductive Technologies (General) REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES AFFECTWOMEN. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. ACTES DU COLLOQUE GÉNÉTIQUE, PROCRÉATION 109 p. ISBN 0-253-20450-X. (Papers from the 2nd ET DROIT: 1985. Arles: Actes Sud, 1985. 569 p. International Interdisciplinary Congress on ISBN 2-86869-021-1. (Actes du Colloque Women held April 1984 in Groningen, Holland.) Génétique procréation et droit Conference held at [QP251 .M2785 1987] (14.1,9.5.5,14.3) Maison de la chimie, Paris 18-19 January 1985.) [KJV5369 .A67 1985] (14.1,15.2) Denmark. Indenrigsministeriet. FREMSKRIDTETS PRIS: RAPPORT. Copenhagen: Inden­ Australia. Family Law Council. CREATING rigsministeriet, 1984.133 p. ISBN 87-503-5220-2. CHILDREN: A UNIFORM APPROACH TO THE LAW (Rapport afgivet af indenrigsministeriets udvalgom AND PRACTICE OF REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY etiske problemer ved aegtransplantation, kunstig IN AUSTRALIA. Canberra: Australian Govern­ befrugtning ogfosterdiagnostik. Gift of the Danish ment Publishing Service, 1985.127 p. ISBN 0-644- Ministry of Internal Affairs.) [QP251 .D46 1984] 04238-9. (Report of the Family Law Council to the (14.1,15.1) Attomey-General’s Department incorporating and adopting the report of the Asche Committee Fletcher, Joseph F. THE ETHICS OF GENETIC CON­ on issues relating to AID, IVF, embryo transfer TROL: ENDING REPRODUCTIVE ROULETTE. Buf­ and related matters.) (14.1,21.1) falo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1988. 218 p. ISBN 0-87975-443-5. [QH442 .F551988] (14.1,2.1,15.1) Barker, Graham H. THE NEW FERTILITY: A GUIDE TO MODERN MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR CHILD­ Gold, Michael. AND HANNAH WEPT: INFERTILITY, LESS COUPLES. London: Adamson Books, 1986. ADOPTION, AND THE JEWISH COUPLE. Philadel­ 176 p. ISBN 0-948543-10-8. [RC889 .B37 1986] phia: Jewish Publication Society, 1988. 251 p. (14.1) ISBN 0-8276-0306-1. (Gift of Max M. and Mar­ jorie B. Kampelman.) [HQ525 J4G591988] (14.1, Boné, Èdouard and Malherbe, Jean-François. EN­ 1.2) GENDRÉ PAR LA SCIENCE: ENJEUX ÉTHIQUES DES MANIPULATIONS DE LA PROCRÉATION. Paris:

Volume 14, Page 47 International Study Group on Bioethics. “DONUM Associates, 1986. 275 p. ISBN 0-89256-301-X. VITAE” AND THE PRESS: A COLLECTION OF AR­ [RC889 .P371986] (14.1) TICLES AND STUDIES. [s.l.: s.n.], 1987.268 p. (Gift of Francisco Abel.) (14.1,1.2) Reproductive and Genetic Engineering. WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 8(6): 539-576, International Study Group on Bioethics. “DONUM 1985. ISSN 0277-5395. (14.1, 9.5.5,15.1) VITAE” AND THE PRESS: A COLLECTION OF AR­ TICLES AND STUDIES: SUPPLEMENT, [s.l.: S.n.], Shannon, Thomas A. and Cahill, Lisa S. RELIGION 1987.310 p. (Gift of Francisco Abel.) (14.1,1.2) AND ARTIFICIAL REPRODUCTION: AN INQUIRY INTO THE VATICAN “INSTRUCTION ON RESPECT Isaacs, Stephen L. and Holt, Renee J. Redefining FOR HUMAN LIFE IN ITS ORIGIN AND ON THE DIG­ Procreation: Facing the Issues. POPULATION BUL­ NITY OF HUMAN REPRODUCTION”. New York: LETIN 42(3): 1-39, September 1987. ISSN 0032- Crossroad, 1988. 201 p. ISBN 0-8245-0860-2. 468X. (14.1) [QP251 .S485 1988] (14.1,1.2) New Zealand. Department of Justice. Law Reform Spallone, Patricia and Steinberg, Deborah L., eds. Division. NEW BIRTH TECHNOLOGIES: A SUM­ MADE TO ORDER: THE MYTH OF REPRODUCTIVE MARY OF SUBMISSIONS RECEIVED ON THE ISSUES AND GENETIC PROGRESS. New York: Pergamon PAPER. Wellington, N.Z.: The Dept., 1986. 45 p. Press, 1987. 254 p. ISBN 0-08-034953-6. (The ISBN 0-477-07216-X. (14.1) Athene Series.) [QP251 .M278 1987] (14.1, 9.5.5, 15.1) New Zealand. Department of Justice. Law Reform Division. NEW BIRTH TECHNOLOGIES: AN ISSUES Stephenson, Lynda R. GIVE US A CHILD: COPING PAPER ON A.I.D., IVF, AND SURROGATE MOTHER­ WITH THE PERSONAL CRISIS OF INFERTILITY. San HOOD. Wellington, N.Z.: The Dept.; P.D. Hassel- Francisco: Harper & Row, 1987. 246 p. ISBN 0- berg, Govt. Printer, 1985. 81 p. ISBN 06-067591-8. [RC889 .S726 1987] (14.1) 0-477-07200-3. (14.1) Torrance, T.F. TECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN Olson, David F. WHERE HAVE ALL THE MOTHERS REPRODUCTION: A MORAL AND THEOLOGICAL GONE?. Adelaide, So. Australia: Lutheran ASSESSMENT. Edinburgh: Rutherford House, Publishing House, 1983.154 p. ISBN 0-85910-223- [n.d.] 1 audiocassette. (Rutherford House Tapes 8. (Originally published in Swedish in 1979 by series; No. 119. Producer’s address: 17 Claremont Gummissions Forlag as Dr. Backlund.’s bam. Park, postal code EH6 7PJ.) (14.1,1.2) [PT9876.25 .L645 W54131983] (14.1, Fiction) United States. Congress. House. Select Committee Overall, Christine. ETHICS AND HUMAN on Children, Youth, and Families. ALTERNATIVE REPRODUCTION: A FEMINIST ANALYSIS. Boston: REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES: IMPLICATIONS Allen & Unwin, 1987.245 p. ISBN 0-04-497010-2. FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES. Washington, DC: [QP251.083 1987] (14.1, 9.5.5,12.1) U.S. G.P.O., 1987.235 p. (100th Congress, 1st Ses­ sion. Hearing held 21 May 1987 in Washington, Overduin, Daniel C. BABIES MADE IN GLASS: DC. For sale by the Supt. of Documents, U.S. REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY FROM A CHRIS­ G.P.O.) [QP251 .C541987] (14.1) TIAN PERSPECTIVE. Adelaide, So. Australia: Lutheran Publishing House, 1986.189 p. ISBN 0- United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ 85910-381-1. (14.1,1.2) sessment. INFERTILITY: MEDICAL AND SOCIAL Cl IOICES. Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Perloe, Mark and Christie, Linda G. MIRACLE Office of Technology Assessment, [1988]. 402 p. BABIES & OTHER HAPPY ENDINGS FOR COUPLES (Publication No. OTA-BA-358.) (14.1) WITH FERTILITY PROBLEMS. New York: Rawson

Volume 14, Page 48 14.2 Artificial Insemination and Surrogacy OGY: THE RESPONSE OF THE BOARD FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OFTHE GENERAL SYNOD OFTHE Australia. National Bioethics Consultative Com­ CHURCH OF ENGLAND TO THE DHSS REPORT OF mittee. SURROGACY. [Canberra: s.n.], 1988.64 p. THE COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY. London: Social (Background papers prepared for the inaugural Policy Committee, 1984. 19 p. (14.2, 1.2, 14.4, meeting of the National Bioethics Consultative 18.5.4) Committee, Canberra, 3-4 August 1988.) (14.2, 14.4) Finland. National Board of Health. INSEMINAATIO. Helsinki: Valtion painatuskeskus, 1985. 74 p. Australia. New South Wales. Law Reform Commis- ISBN 951-46-8707-8. (Laakintbhallituksen sion. ARTIFICIAL CONCEPTION: SURROGATE tyoryhmien mietintoja series; No. 8. ISSN 0359- MOTHERHOOD: AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC OPINION. 3770.) (14.2) Sydney: The Commission, 1987. 85 p. ISBN 0- 7305-3798-6. (Research Report series; RR2. ISSN Great Britain. Law Commission. FAMILY LAW: il­ 0817-7570.) [RG134 .N48 1987] (14.2) legitimacy. London: H.M.S.O., 1981, cl979. 158 p. ISBN 0-11-730153-1. (Working Paper; No. Australia. New South Wales. Law Reform Commis­ 74.) [KD775 .A841981] (14.2) sion. SURROGATE MOTHERHOOD. Sydney: The Commission, 1988. 143 p. ISBN 0-7305-5539-9. Great Britain. Law Commission. FAMILY LAW: IL­ (Artificial Conception series: Discussion Paper 3; LEGITIMACY. London: H.M.S.O., [1982?] 379 no. D.P.18.) (14.2) leaves. (14.2) Bach, Kathleen K. RESEARCH GUIDE: SURROGATE Kane, Elizabeth. BIRTH MOTHER THE STORY OF MOTHERHOOD. Buffalo, NY: W.S. Hein, 1988.43 AMERICA’S FIRST LEGAL SURROGATE MOTHER. leaves. ISBN 0-89941-588-1. (Legal Research San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988. Guides; Vol. 6. Originally prepared for the Ad­ 294 p. ISBN 0-15-112811-1. [HQ759.5 .K36 1988] vanced Legal Research Seminar held in Fall 1986 (14.2, Biography) at Hastings College of the Law.) [KF241 .D65 B33 1988] (14.2,1.4.4, Reference) Lasker, Judith N. and Borg, Susan. IN SEARCH OF PARENTHOOD: COPING WITH INFERTILITY AND Byk, Christian. LES ASPECTS JURIDIQUES DE LA HIGH-TECH CONCEPTION. Boston: Beacon Press, PROCREATION ARTIFICIELLE AU ROYAUME-UNI: 1987. 232 p. ISBN 0-8070-2706-5. [QP251 .L37 MISSION D’ETUDE (14-24 OCTUBRE 1986). 1987] (14.2,14.4) [France]: Ministère de la Justice, Direction des Affaires Civiles et du Sceau, 1987.134 p. (Gift of New York State Task Force on Life and the Law. Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (14.2,14.4) SURROGATE PARENTING: ANALYSIS AND RECOM­ MENDATIONS FOR PUBLIC POLICY. New York: Byk, Christian. PROCREATION ARTIFICIELLE: ANA­ The Task Force, 1988.139 p. (Publisher’s address: LYSE DE L’ETAT D’UNE REFLEXION JURIDIQUE 33 West 34th Street, 3rd Floor, zip 10001-3071. (FRANCE, DROIT COMPARE, HARMONISATION Gift of Robert Cook-Deegan.) [HQ759.5 .N49 EUROPEENNE). [France]: Ministère de la Justice, 1988] (14.2) Direction des Affaires Civiles et du Sceau, [1987]. 53 p. (Gift of Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (14.2,14.4) Noble, Elizabeth. HAVING YOUR BABY BY DONOR INSEMINATION: A COMPLETE RESOURCE GUIDE. Chesler, Phyllis. THE SACRED BOND: THE LEGACY Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987. 462 p. ISBN 0- OF BABY M. New York: Times Books, 1988.212 p. 395-45395-X. [RG134 .N631987] (14.2) ISBN 0-8129-1745-6. [HQ759.5 .C54 1988] (14.2) Richardson, Herbert W., ed. ON THE PROBLEM OF Church of England. Board for Social Respon­ SURROGATE PARENTHOOD: ANALYZING THE sibility. HUMAN FERTILISATION AND EMBRYOL- BABY M CASE. Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press,

Volume 14, Page 49 1987. 134 p. ISBN 0-88946-989-X. (Symposium LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES RELATING TO IN Series; Vol. 25.) [HQ759.5.0621987] (14.2) VITRO FERTILIZATION AND ITS SUPERVISION, [s.l.: s.n., 1986]. 94 leaves. (14.4,14.1) United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ sessment. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION: PRACTICE Campiche, Roland J. and Kaiser, Helmut, eds. IN THE UNITED STATES: BACKGROUND PAPER. FÉCONDATION IN VITRO: POSSIBILITÉS TECHNI­ Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., [1988]. 112 p. QUES ET PERSPECTIVES ÉTHIQUES. Lausanne: In­ (Summary of a 1987 survey. Order No. OTA-BP- stitut d’éthique sociale de la FEPS, 1987. 127 p. BA-48. Gift of Robert Cook-Deegan.) (14.2) (Etudes et rapports series; no. 37. Papers of the Bioéthique Groupe de travail of the Fédération 14.4 In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo des Eglises protestantes de la Suisse. Publisher’s Transfer address: Bureau romand, Terreaux 10, 1003 Lausanne. Gift of Jean-Marie Thévoz.) (14.4) Australia. National Health & Medical Research Council. Medical Research Ethics Committee. IN Caton, Hiram. SCIENTISTS ADVOCATE POLICY: IN VITRO FERTILISATION CENTRES IN AUSTRALIA: VITRO FERTILIZATION IN AUSTRALIA. Chicago, THEIR OBSERVANCE OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH IL: Americans United for Life, 1988. 47 p. AND MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GUIDELINES. (Studies in Law, Medicine & Society series; No. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing 26. Publisher’s address: 343 South Dearborn St., Service, 1987. 50 p. ISBN 0-644-06295-9. Suite 1804, zip 60604.) [RG135 .C35 1988] (14.4) (Adopted by the Council, August 1987. Gift of LeRoy Walters.) [RG135 .N371987] (14.4,18.5.4) Donald, Ian and Chalmers, George. THE WARNOCK REPORT conference. Edinburgh: Rutherford Australia. NewSouth Wales. Law Reform Commis­ House, [n.d.] 1 audiocassette. (Rutherford House sion. ARTIFICIAL CONCEPTION: DISCUSSION Tapes series; No. 120. Producer’s address: 17 PAPER 2: IN VITRO FERTILIZATION. Sydney: The Claremont Park, postal code EH6 7PJ.) (14.4, Commission, 1987. 189 p. ISBN 0-7305-4441-9. 18.5.4) (Order No. D.P. 15. ISSN 0818-7924.) (14.4) Enjeux éthiques de la fécondation in vitro. CAHIER Australia. NewSouth Wales. Law Reform Commis­ POUR L’ETHIQUE no. 4: 3-43,1986. (Gift of Jean- sion. ARTIFICIAL CONCEPTION: REPORT 2: IN Marie Thévoz. Proceedings of the 4th meeting of VITRO FERTILIZATION. Sydney: The Commission, the Association de Théologiens pour l’Etude de 1988. 175 p. ISBN 0-7305-5571-2. (New South la Morale (ATEM), Groupe de Suisse romande, Wales Law Reform Commission; LRC 58. ISSN held 9-10 May 1986 in Fribourg. Available from: 1030-0244. Gift of LeRoy Walters.) (14.4) Jean-Marie Thévoz, Av. Marc-Dufour 19, 1007 Lausanne.) (14.4) Australia. . Committee to Consider the So­ cial, Ethical and Legal Issues Arising from In Fertilité, Contraception, Sexualité. CONTRACEP- Vitro Fertilization. REPORT ON DONOR GAMETES TION-FERTILITÉ-SEXUALITÉ 15(7-8): 669-799, INIVF. [Melbourne?: The Committee], 1983.68 p. July/August 1987. ISSN 0301-861X. (Papers from (The Issues Paper on Donor Gametes in IVF the CECOS/FIVETE meeting held 24-25 April reprinted with this report.) [RG135 .V52421983] 1987 in Tours, France.) (14.4,14.1) (14.4) Fertility Society of Australia. National Perinatal Australia. Western Australia. Health Department. Statistics Unit. IVF AND GIFT PREGNANCIES: Committee to Enquire into the Social, Legal and AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND, 1986. Sydney: Ethical Issues Relating to In Vitro Fertilization The Unit, 1987.54 p. ISSN 1030-4711. (Publisher’s and Its Supervision, report of the committee address: National Perinatal Statistics Unit, School APPOINTED BY THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN of Public Health & Tropical Medicine, University GOVERNMENT TO ENQUIRE INTO THE SOCIAL, of Sydney, N.S.W. 2006.) (14.4)

Volume 14, Page 50 Fertility Society of Australia. National Perinatal Gynaecologists. Publisher’s address: The VLA Statistics Unit. IN VITRO FERTILIZATION PREG­ Secretariat, The Voluntary Licensing Authority, NANCIES: AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND, 1979- 20 Park Crescent, London, WIN 4AL.) [RG135 1985. Sydney: The Unit, 1987. 45 p. ISSN .V641988] (14.4,18.5.4) 0816-6889. (Publisher’s address: Nationri Perina­ tal Statistics Unit, School of Public Health & Williams, Peter, producer. TEST-TUBE BABIES: A Tropical Medicine, University of Sydney, N.S.W. daughter FOR JUDY. [New York]: Time-Life 2006.) (14.4) Video, 1982. 1 color videocassette (VHS) (60 min.) (NOVA Series. Distributed by: Ambrose NATIONAL ROUNDTABLE CONFERENCE ON THE Video Publishing, Inc., 381 Park Ave. South, New REGULATION OF IVF AND RELATED RESEARCH, York, NY 10016.) (14.4) CANBERRA, 29 JULY 1986. [s.l.: s.n., n.d.] 82 p. (Sponsored by the National Health and Medical 15.1 Genetics, Molecular Biology and Research Council.) (14.4) Microbiology (General) Polan, Mary Lake. SECOND SEED: A NOVEL. New Andrews, Lori B. MEDICAL GENETICS: A LEGAL York: Scribner’s, 1987.280 p. ISBN 0-684-18735- FRONTIER Chicago: American Bar Foundation, 3. [PS3566 .04 S4 1987] (14.4, Fiction) 1987.284 p. ISBN 0-910059-12-8. (Available from: National Center for Education in Maternal and United States. Congress. House. Committee on Child Health, Georgetown University, 38th and R Small Business. Subcommittee on Regulation and Sts., NW, Washington, DC 20057. Gift of the Business Opportunities. CONSUMER PROTECTION author.) (15.1,2.1) ISSUES INVOLVING IN VITRO FERTILIZATION CLINICS. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988. Braun, Volkmar; Mieth, Dietmar; and Steigleder, 181 p. (100th Congress, 2nd Session. Hearing held Klaus, eds. ETHISCHE UND RECHTLICHE FRAGEN 1 June 1988 in Washington, DC. Serial No. 100- DER GENTECHNOLOGIE UND DER REPRODUK­ 49.) (14.4,9.6) TIONSMEDIZIN. München: J. Schweitzer, 1987. 360 p. ISBN 3-88709-158-2. (Papers of the Sym­ Volpe, E. Peter. TEST-TUBE CONCEPTION: A BLEND posiums der Landesregierung Baden-Württem­ OF LOVE AND SCIENCE. Macon, GA: Mercer, berg und des Stifteiverbandes für die Deutsche 1987. Ill p. ISBN 0-86554-291-0. [RG135 .V64 Wissenschaft in Verbindung mit der Universität 1987] (14.4,14.1) Tübingen, held 1-4 September 1986 in Tübingen. Gentechnologie: Chancen und Risiken series; Voluntary Licensing Authority for Human In Vitro Vol. 13.) [QH442 .E871986] (15.1,14.4) Fertilisation and Embryology (Great Britain). THE SECOND REPORT. [London, England: The Butzel, Henry M. GENETICS INTHE COURTS. Lewis­ VLA], 1987.52 p. ISSN 0951-7480. (Jointly spon­ ton, NY: E. Mellen Press, 1987. 801 p. ISBN 0- sored by the Medical Research Council and the 88946-134-1. (Studies in Health and Human Royal College of Obstetricians and Services series; Vol. 9.) [KF8964 .B88 1987] (15.1) Gynaecologists. Publisher’s address: The VLA Secretariat, The Voluntary Licensing Authority, Denmark. Indenrigsministeriets. Gens- 20 Park Crescent, London, WIN 4AL.) [RG135 plejsningsudvalg. GENTEKNOLOGI & SIKKERHED. .V641987] (14.4,18.5.4) Copenhagen: Indenrigsministeriets, 1985. 201 p. ISBN 87-503-5545-7. (Gift of the Danish Ministry Voluntary Licensing Authority for Human In Vitro of Internal Affairs. Betsenkning; No. 1043.) Fertilisation and Embryology (Great Britain). [QH442 .G476 1985] (15.1,15.7) THE THIRD REPORT. [London, England: The VLA], 1988.52 p. ISSN 0951-7480. (Jointly spon­ Elias, Sherman and Annas, George J. REPRODUC­ sored by the Medical Research Council and the TIVE GENETICS AND THE LAW. Chicago: Year Royal College of Obstetricians and

Volume 14, Page 51 Book Medical Publishers, 1987. 323 p. ISBN 0- Nordquist, Joan. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY. 8151-3062-7. [KF3827 .G4 E441987] (15.1,2.1) Santa Cruz, CA: Reference and Research Ser­ vices, 1987. 64 p. ISBN 0-937855-15-4. (Contem­ Epstein, Charles J. THE CONSEQUENCES OF porary Social Issues: Bibliographic Series; No. 8. CHROMOSOME IMBALANCE: PRINCIPLES, ISSN 0887-3569. Publisher’s address: 511 Lincoln MECHANISMS, AND MODELS. New York: St., zip 95060.) [TP248.6 .N6 1987] (15.1, Cambridge University Press, 1986.486 p. ISBN 0- Reference) 521-25464-7. (Developmental and Cell Biology Series; Vol. 18.) [RB155 .E77 1986] (15.1) Panem, Sandra, ed. BIOTECHNOLOGY: IMPLICA­ TIONS FOR PUBUC POUCY. Washington, DC: Hall, Stephen S. INVISIBLE FRONTIERS: THE RACE Brookings Institution, 1985. 99 p. ISBN 0-8157- TO SYNTHESIZE A HUMAN GENE. New York: At­ 6903-2. (Brookings Dialogues on Public Policy lantic Monthly Press, 1987. 334 p. ISBN 0-87113- series. Papers presented by Albert Gore, et al. at 147-1. [TP248.6 .H351987] (15.1,1.3.9) a conference held 15-16 January 1985 at the Brookings Institution.) [TP248.14 .B566 1985] Jacob, François. THE STATUE WITHIN: AN (15.1,5.3,15.7) AUTOBIOGRAPHY. New York: Basic Books, 1988. 326 p. ISBN 0-465-08223-8. (Alfred P. Sloan Sapp, Jan. BEYOND THE GENE: CYTOPLASMIC IN­ Foundation Series. Translation of La statue HERITANCE AND THESTRUGGLEFOR AUTHORITY intérieure.) [QH429.2 J33 A3131988] (15.1, Biog­ IN GENETICS. New York: Oxford University Press, raphy) 1987. 266 p. ISBN 0-19-504206-9. (Monographs on the History and Philosophy of Biology series. Juengst, Eric T. THECONCEPT OF GENETIC DISEASE Originally presented as the author’s doctoral AND THEORIES OF MEDICAL PROGRESS. Ann thesis—University of Montreal, 1984.) [QH452 Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, .S27 1987] (15.1) 1988. 439 p. Publication No. 8613937. (Thesis, Ph.D. —Georgetown University, 1985.) (15.1, Symposium on Biotechnology Law. RUTGERS COM- 4.1.1) PUTER&TECHNOLOGY LAW JOURNAL 11(2): 283- 588,1985. ISSN 0735-8938. (15.1,5.3) Koshland, Daniel, ed. BIOTECHNOLOGY: THE RENEWABLE FRONTIER. Washington, DC: United States. Congress. House. Committee on American Association for the Advancement of Science, Space, and Technology. Technology Science, 1986.384 p. ISBN 0-87168-283-4. (AAAS Policy Task Force, the commercial develop­ Publication; No. 85-26. Material originally ap­ m ent OF MEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY. peared in Science.) [TP248.2 .B577 1986] (15.1) Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1987.119 p. (100th Congress, 1st Session. Hearing held 29 July 1987. UFE PATENT PENDING. Paramus, NJ: Time-Life Publication No. 28.) [TP248.2 .S351987] (15.1) Video, 1982. 1 color videocassette (VHS) (57 min.) (NOVA Series. Distributed by: Ambrose United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ Video Publishing, Inc., 381 Park Ave. South, New sessment. MAPPING OUR GENES: THE GENOME York, NY 10016.) (15.1,15.8) PROJECTS: HOW BIG, HOW FAST? Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology As­ National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on sessment, 1988.218 p. (Publication No. OTA-BA- Mapping and Sequencing the Human Genome. 373. For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. MAPPING AND SEQUENCING THE HUMAN Gift of LeRoy Walters.) [QH445.2 .M36 1988] GENOME. Washington, DC: National Academy (15.1) Press, 1988.116 p. ISBN 0-309-03840-5. [QH445.2 .N38 1988] (15.1) United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ sessment. U.S. INVESTMENT IN BIOTECHNOLOGY. Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of

Volume 14, Page 52 Technology Assessment, 1988.296 p. (Order No. SCREENING FOR FETAL AND GENETIC ABNOR­ OTA-BA-360. For sale by the Superintendent of MALITY. [London]: King Edward’s Hospital Fund Documents, U.S. G.P.O. New Developments in for London, 1987.11 p. (King’s Fund Forum Con­ Biotechnology series; Vol. 4. Gift of Robert Cook- sensus Statement for meeting held 30 November- Deegan.) (15.1,5.3) 2 December 1987 in London. Available from: King’s Fund Centre, 126 Albert St., postal code Watson, James D.; et al. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF NW17NF.) (15.2) THE GENE: GENERAL PRINCIPLES. Menlo Park, CA: Benjamin/Cummings, 1987. 765 p. ISBN 0- 8053-9612-8. (Fourth edition.) [QH506 .W4 1987 15.3 Genetic Screening v.l] (15.1) Newborn Screening for Sickle Cell Disease and Other Hemoglobinopathies, national institutes of 15.2 Genetic Counseling and Prenatal HEALTH CONSENSUS DEVELOPMENT CON­ Diagnosis FERENCE STATEMENT 6(9): 1-22, 6-8 April 1987. (15.3) Evers-Kiebooms, Gerry; et al., eds. GENETIC RISK, RISK PERCEPTION, AND DECISION MAKING. New Nightingale, Elena O. and Meister, Susan B., eds. York: A.R. Liss, 1987. 333 p. ISBN 0-8451-1064- PRENATAL SCREENING, POLICIES, AND VALUES: 0. (Birth Defects Original Article Series; Vol. 23, THE EXAMPLE OF NEURAL TUBE DEFECTS. No. 2. Proceedings of a conference held 28-29 July [Cambridge, MA]: Harvard University, Division 1986 in Leuven, Belgium; sponsored by the March of Health Policy Research and Education, 1987. of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation.) [RB155 93 p. ISBN 0-674-87125-1. (A report of the Work­ .G46 1987] (15.2) ing Groups of Early Life and Adolescent Health Policy and of Health Promotion and Disease Moser, Mary Beth. GENETIC COUNSELING: AN Prevention, Division of Health Policy Research ETHICAL AND LEGAL PROBLEM. St. Louis, MO: and Education, Harvard University.) [RG628 The Catholic Health Association of the United .P741987] (15.3) States, 1985. 28 p. ISBN 0-87125-103-5. (1982 CHA Legal Writing Contest Winner. Publisher’s address: 4455 Woodson Road, zip 63134.) (15.2) 15.4 Gene Therapy Australia. National Health and Medical Research National Center for Education in Maternal and Council. Medical Research Ethics Committee. Child Health (U.S.) RESOURCES FOR CLERGY IN ETHICAL ASPECTS OF RESEARCH ON HUMAN HUMAN GENETIC PROBLEMS: A SELECTED BIBLI­ GENE THERAPY: REPORTTOTHENHMRC. Canber­ OGRAPHY. Washington, DC: National Center for ra: Australian Government Publishing Service, Education in Maternal and Child Health, 1988. 1987.39 p. ISBN 0-644-06623-7. (Endorsed by the 29 p. (Second edition.) (15.2, Reference) 104th session of the NHMRC, 4-5 November 1987. Gift of Russell Scott.) (15.4,18.2) PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS. New York: Filmakers Library, [n.d.]. 1 videocassette (VHS) (55 min.) Nichols, Eve K. HUMAN GENE THERAPY. (Publisher’s address: 133 East 58th St., zip 10022.) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988. (15.2) 251 p. ISBN 0-674-41470-5. (Drawn from the An­ nual Meeting of the Institute of Medicine, held 15- Rothman, Barbara K. THE TENTATIVE PREGNAN­ 16 October 1986 in Washington, DC.) [RB155.8 CY: PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS AND THE FUTURE OF .N53 1988] (15.4) MOTHERHOOD. New York: Penguin Books, 1987. 274 p. ISBN 0-14-009486-5. [RG628.3 .A48 R68 REPORT ON ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE ON 1987] (15.2,14.3) HUMAN GENE THERAPY. Canberra: National Health and Medical Research Council, 1988.73 p. (Conference held 2 September 1988 at Con-

Volume 14, Page 53 ference Centre CSIRO, Canberra, Australia on 15.8 Patenting Organisms the NH&MRC report Ethical Aspects of Research on Human Gene Therapy.) (15.4) United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. TRANSGENIC ANIMAL PATENT REFORM ACT. [Washington, DC?: U.S. G.P.O., 1988]. 81 p. 15.5 Eugenics (Report. 100th Congress. 2nd Session. Serial No. Weiss, Sheila F. race hygiene and national ef­ 100-888.) (15.8,15.1) fic ien c y : THE EUGENICS OF WILHELM SCHALLMAYER. Berkeley: University of Califor­ 16.1 Environmental Quality (General) nia Press, 1987. 245 p. ISBN 0-520-05823-2. [HM106 .W45 1987] (15.5) Brown, Les. CONSERVATION AND PRACTICAL MORALITY: CHALLENGES TO EDUCATION AND REFORM. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1987. 15.7 Biohazards of Genetic Research 222 p. ISBN 0-312-16272-3. [BJ1031 .B74 1987] Doyle, Jack, altered harvest: agriculture, (16.1) GENETICS, AND THE FATE OF THE WORLD’S FOOD SUPPLY. New York: Penguin Books, 1986. 502 p. Carmody, John. ECOLOGY AND RELIGION: ISBN 0-14-009696-5. [HD9006 .D65 1986] (15.7, TOWARD A NEW CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY OF NA­ 13.1) TURE. New York: Paulist Press, 1983.185 p. ISBN 0-8091-2526-9. (Gift of Sargent and Eunice Ken­ REVIEW AND ANALYSIS OF INTERNATIONAL nedy Shriver.) [BT695.5 .C371983] (16.1,1.2) BIOTECHNOLOGY REGULATIONS. [Springfield, VA?]: U.S. Department of Commerce, NTIS, Crandall, Robert W.; et al. REGULATING THE 1986. 50 p. (Professional Series. Publication No. AUTOMOBILE. Washington, DC: Brookings In­ PB86-223567. Prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc. stitution, 1986. 202 p. ISBN 0-8157-1593-5. for a consortium of U.S. government agencies.) (Studies in the Regulation of Economic Activity [TP248.2 .R481986] (15.7) series.) [HD9710 .U52 R39 1986] (16.1,5.2) REVIEW OF THE HEALTH AND SAFETY (GENETIC Ehrlich, Paul R. and Holdren, John P., eds. THE MANIPULATION) REGULATIONS 1978: CONSULT­ CASSANDRA CONFERENCE: RESOURCES AND THE ATIVE PAPER. London: Health and Safety Execu­ HUMAN PREDICAMENT. College Station: Texas tive, [1987]. 31 p. (Publisher’s address: Rm. 536, A&M University Press, 1988. 330 p. ISBN 0- Baynards House, 1 Chepstow Place, London W2 89096-369-X. (Sponsored by and held at Texas 4TF.) (15.7) A&M University, 6-7 May 1985.) [GF3 .C371985] (16.1,21.1) United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ sessment. FIELD-TESTING ENGINEERED OR­ Fox, Michael W. AGRICIDE: THE HIDDEN CRISIS GANISMS: GENETIC AND ECOLOGICAL ISSUES. THAT AFFECTS US ALL. New York: Schocken Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of Books, 1986. 194 p. ISBN 0-8052-0818-6. [SF51 Technology Assessment, 1988. 150 p. (New .F69 1986] (16.1,22.3) Developments in Biotechnology series; Vol. 3. Order No. OTA-BA-350. For sale by the Super­ Hargrove, Eugene C., ed. RELIGION AND ENVIRON­ MENTAL CRISIS. Athens: University of Georgia intendent of Documents, U.S. G.P.O. Gift of Press, 1986. 222 p. ISBN 0-8203-0846-3. (Papers Robert Cook-Deegan.) (15.7,16.1) presented at a colloquium held at the University Wheale, Peter R. and McNally, Ruth M. genetic of Denver entitled Ethical Issues of the Environ­ ENGINEERING: CATASTROPHE OR UTOPIA? New ment: Some Religious Perspectives.) [GF80 .R45 York: St. Martin’s Press, 1988.332 p. ISBN 0-312- 1986] (16.1,1.2) 00479-6. [QH442 .W491988] (15.7,53,15.1)

Volume 14, Page 54 McCay, Bonnie J. and Acheson, James M., eds. THE Symposium: Stewardship of Land and Natural QUESTION OF THE COMMONS: THE CULTURE AND Resources. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LAW REVIEW ECOLOGY OF COMMUNAL RESOURCES. Tucson: 1986(2): 301-668,1986. ISSN 0276-9948. (16.1) University of Arizona Press, 1987.439 p. ISBN 0- 8165-0972-7. (Arizona Studies in Human Ecology VanDeVeer, Donald and Pierce, Christine, eds. series.) [GF49 .Q471987] (16.1,1.3.1) PEOPLE, PENGUINS, AND PLASTIC TREES: BASIC IS­ SUES IN ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS. Belmont, CA: Rolston, Holmes. ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS: Wadsworth, 1986. 267 p. ISBN 0-534-06312-8. DUTIESTO AND VALUES INTHENATURAL WORLD. [QH75 .P46 1986] (16.1,22.1) Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988. 391 p. ISBN 0-87722-501-X. (Ethics and Action Viscusi, W. Kip and Magat, Wesley, A. LEARNING series.) [GF80 .R641988] (16.1,1.1) ABOUT RISK CONSUMER AND WORKER RESPON­ SES TO hazard INFORMATION. Cambridge, MA: Sagoff, Mark. THE ECONOMY OF THE EARTH: Harvard University Press, 1987. 197 p. ISBN 0- PHILOSOPHY, LAW, AND THE ENVIRONMENT. New 674-51915-9. [HC110 .C63 V57 1987] (16.1,5.3) York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. 271 p. ISBN 0-521-34113-2. (Cambridge Studies in 16.2 Nuclear Power Philosophy and Public Policy series.) [HC110 .E5 S341988] (16.1) Ackland, Len and McGuire, Steven, eds. ASSESS­ ING THE NUCLEAR AGE: SELECTIONS FROM THE Southwick, Charles H., ed. global ECOLOGY. “BULLETIN OFTHE ATOMICSCIENTISTS”. Chicago, Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 1985.323 p. IL: Educational Foundation for Nuclear Science, ISBN 0-87893-810-9. [QH541.145 .G584 1985] 1986.382 p. ISBN 0-941682-08-0. (Distributed by (16.1) the University of Chicago Press. UCP Order No. 03873-4.) [U264 .A79 1986] (16.2,21.2) Starke, Linda, ed. STATE OF THE WORLD 1986: A WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE REPORT ON PROGRESS Fuller, John G. THE DAY WE BOMBED UTAH: TOWARD A SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY. New York: AMERICA’S MOST LETHAL SECRET. New York: Norton, 1986. 263 p. ISBN 0-393-30255-5. [HC59 New American Library, 1985.268 p. ISBN 0-451- .S7341986] (16.1,13.3) 13482-6. [U264 .F841984] (16.2,1.3.5) Starke, Linda, ed. STATE OF THE WORLD 1987: A Kasperson, Roger E. and Kasperson, Jeanne X., WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE REPORT ON PROGRESS eds. NUCLEAR RISK ANALYSIS IN COMPARATIVE TOWARD A SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY. New York: PERSPECTIVE: THE IMPACTS OF LARGE-SCALE Norton, 1987.268 p. ISBN 0-393-30389-6. [HC59 RISK ASSESSMENT IN FIVE COUNTRIES. Boston: .S7341987] (16.1,13.3) Allen & Unwin, 1987.242 p. ISBN 0-04-301260-4. (A study by the Beijer Institute, the Royal Swedish Starke, Linda, ed. STATE OF THE WORLD 1988: A Academy of Science.) [TK9153 .N8571987] (16.2, WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE REPORT ON PROGRESS 5.2) TOWARD A SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY. New York: Norton, 1988.237 p. ISBN 0-393-30440-X. [HC59 Titus, A. Costandina. BOMBS IN THE BACKYARD: .S7341988] (16.1,13.3) ATOMIC TESTING AND AMERICAN POLITICS. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1986. 214 p. Stone, Christopher D. EARTH AND OTHER ETHICS: ISBN 0-87417-107-5. (Nevada Studies in History THE CASE FOR MORAL PLURALISM. New York: and Political Science; No. 25.) [U264 .T58 1986] Perennial Library/Harper & Row, 1988. 280 p. (16.2) ISBN 0-06-091486-6. [K3478 .S76 1988] (16.1,1.1)

Volume 14, Page 55 16.3 Occupational Health (HBV) AND HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (HIV). [Washington, DC?]: U.S. G.P.O., 1987. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON REPRODUCTIVE 14 p. (16.3,9.5.6) HEALTH HAZARDS IN THE WORKPLACE IN CANADA. Ottawa, Ontario: Women’s Bureau, Walsh, Diana C. CORPORATE PHYSICIANS: BE­ Labour Canada, 1988. 74 p. ISBN 0-662-16236-6. TWEEN MEDICINE AND MANAGEMENT. New (Available in French under the title Les risques Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1987. 267 p. pour la reproduction inhérents au milieu de travail ISBN 0-300-03902-6. [RC963.3 .W33 1987] (16.3, au Canada—Bibliographie annotée. Cat. No. 8.1) L016-1638/88E.) (16.3,9.5.5, Reference) 17.1 The Neurosciences and Mental Health Brodeur, Paul. OUTRAGEOUS MISCONDUCT: THE Therapies (General) ASBESTOS INDUSTRY ON TRIAL. New York: Pan­ theon Books, 1985. 374 p. ISBN 0-394-53320-8. Curran, William J. and McGarry, A. Louis, eds. [KF228 .M33 B77 1985] (16.3,1.3.2) FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOLOGY: PERSPECTIVES AND STANDARDS FOR INTERDIS­ Chemiack, Martin. THE HAWK’S NEST INCIDENT: CIPLINARY practice. Philadelphia: FA. Davis, AMERICA’S WORST INDUSTRIAL DISASTER. New 1986. 549 p. ISBN 0-8036-2295-3. [RA1151 .F656 Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1986. 194 p. 1986] (17.1,4.3) ISBN 0-300-03522-5. [RA1231 .Q37 C48 1986] (16.3) Eccles, John C., ed. MIND AND BRAIN: THE MANY- FACETED PROBLEMS. New York: Paragon House, Mason, Thomas J.; Prorok, Philip C.; and Costlow, 1985.349 p. ISBN 0-89226-032-7. (Second edition. Richard D., guest eds. Conference on Medical Selected proceedings of the annual International Screening and Biological Monitoringfor the Effects Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, held from of Exposure in the Workplace: Part II. JOURNAL OF 1972-1978.) [BF161 .M55 1985] (17.1) OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 28(10): 901-1126, Oc­ tober 1986. ISSN 0096-1736. (16.3,15.3) Franca, Omar. IMPUCACIONESETICASDELAPRAC- TICA PSICOLOGICA-PSIQUIATRICA: UNA INTRO­ Rosner, David and Markowitz, Gerald E., eds. DUCTION A LA PSICOETICA DESDE LA DYING FOR WORK: WORKERS’ SAFETY AND PERSPECITVA TEOLOGICA. Madrid: Universidad HEALTH IN TWENTIETH-CENTURY AMERICA. Pontificia Comillas, 1987. 227 leaves. (Thesis, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. L.T.M.— Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 1987. 234 p. ISBN 0-253-31825-4. (Interdisciplinary Gift of the author.) (17.1,1.2) Studies in History series.) [HD7654 .D95 1987] (16.3) Goldsmith, Harold F.; et al., eds. NEEDS ASSESS­ MENT: ITS FUTURE. Rockville, MD: U.S. National United States. Congress. House. Committee on Institute of Mental Health, Division of Biometry Education and Labor. HIGH RISK OCCUPATIONAL and Applied Sciences, 1988. 93 p. (DHHS DISEASE NOTIFICATION AND PREVENTION ACT OF Publication No. (ADM)88-1550. Series BN: 1987. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1987. 34 p. Needs Assessment and Evaluation; No. 8.) (17.1, (Report, together with minority, supplemental, 9.4) and individual views [to accompany H.R. 162], 100th Congress, 1st Session. Report 100-194.) Holliday, Stephen G. and Chandler, Michael J. WIS­ [HD7277 .E38 1987a] (16.3) DOM: EXPLORATIONS IN ADULT COMPETENCE. New York: Karger, 1986. 100 p. ISBN 3-8055- United States. Department of Labor and Depart­ 4283-6. (Contributions to Human Development ment of Health and Human Services, joint ad­ series; Vol. 17.) [BF431 .H739 1986] (17.1,1.1) v iso ry NOTICE: PROTECTION AGAINST OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO HEPATITIS B VIRUS

Volume 14, Page 56 LeDoux, Joseph E. and Hirst, William, eds. MIND Steinberg, Jane A. and Silverman, Morton M., eds. AND BRAIN: DIALOGUES IN COGNITIVE NEURO­ PREVENTING MENTAL DISORDERS: A RESEARCH SCIENCE. New York: Cambridge University Press, PERSPECTIVE. Rockville, MD: National Institute 1986. 449 p. ISBN 0-521-26756-0. [QP360 .M523 of Mental Health, 1987. 250 p. (DHHS Publica­ 1986] (17.1,4.3) tion No. (ADM) 87-1492.) [RA790 A2 P731987] (17.1,18.4) Martin, Russell. MATTERS GRAY AND WHITE: A NEUROLOGIST, HIS PATIENTS, AND THE Tyor, Peter L. and Bell, Leland V. CARING FORTHE MYSTERIES OF THE BRAIN. New York: H. Holt, RETARDED IN AMERICA: A HISTORY. Westport, 1987. 305 p. ISBN 0-8050-0087-9. [RC351 .M36 CT: Greenwood Press, 1984. 215 p. ISBN 0-313- 1987] (17.1) 20977-4. (Contributions in Medical History series; No. 15. ISSN 0147-1058.) [HV3006 A4 T961984] Nicholi, Armand M., ed. THE NEW HARVARD (17.1,17.8) g uide TO PSYCHIATRY. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1988. United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ 865 p. ISBN 0-674-61540-9. [RC454 .H36 1988] sessment. IMPACTS OF NEUROSCIENCE: BACK­ (17.1, Reference) GROUND PAPER. Washington, DC: Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment, Redick, Richard W.; et al. SPECIALTY MENTAL [1984]. 36 p. (OTA Background Papers series. HEALTH ORGANIZATIONS, UNITED STATES, 1983- Order No. OTA-BP-BA-24. For sale by the Su­ 84. Rockville, MD: National Institute of Mental perintendent of Documents, U.S. G.P.O. Gift of Health, Division of Biometry and Applied Scien­ Robert Cook-Deegan.) [QP356 .1451984] (17.1) ces, 1986. 68 p. (Mental Health Service System Reports. Series CN, Mental Health National Statistics; No. 11. DHHS Publication No. 17.2 Psychotherapy (ADM)86-1490.) (17.1,9.5.1) Blum, Deborah. BAD KARMA: ATRUE STORY OF OB­ SESSION AND MURDER. New York: Atheneum, Reiser, Stanley J.; et al. DIVIDED STAFFS, DIVIDED 1986. 311 p. ISBN 0-689-11617-9. [HV6534 .B44 SELVES: A CASE APPROACH TO MENTAL HEALTH B48 1986] (17.2,4.3) ETHICS. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. 150 p. ISBN 0-521-26846-X. [RC455.2 ,E8 Lakin, Martin. ETHICAL ISSUES IN THE D58 1987] (17.1,2.1) PSYCHOTHERAPIES. New York: O - ford Univer­ sity Press, 1988. 174 p. ISBN 0-19-50446-0. Reisner, Ralph. LAW AND THE MENTAL HEALTH [RC455.2 ,E8 L35 1988] (17.2) SYSTEM: CIVIL AND CRIMINAL ASPECTS. St. Paul, MN: West, 1985. 696 p. ISBN 0-314-85286-7. Lerner, Joyce A., guest ed. Illusion and Desire: (American Casebook Series.) [KF3828 .AI R44 Lacan and the Ethics of Psychoanalysis. 1985] (17.1,17.7) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOANALYSIS 47(4): 291-330, Winter 1987. ISSN 0002-9548. (Papers Simon, Robert I. CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY AND THE first presented at a panel of the 1984Winter Meet­ LAW. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric ing of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis.) Press, 1987.519 p. ISBN 0-88048-200-1. [KF2910 (17.2) .P753 S481987] (17.1,8.1) Spero, Moshe H. HANDBOOK OF PSYCHOTHERAPY Simon, Robert I. CONCISE GUIDE TO CLINICAL AND JEWISH ETHICS: HALAKHIC PERSPECTIVES PSYCHIATRY AND THE LAW. Washington, DC: ON PROFESSIONAL VALUES AND TECHNIQUES. American Psychiatric Press, 1988.159 p. ISBN 0- New York: Feldheim, 1986.312 p. ISBN 0-87306- 88048-148-X. (Concise Guides series.) [KF2910 406-2. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampel­ .P753 S485 1988] (17.1,8.1) man.) [RC455.4 .R4 S641986] (17.2,1.2)

Volume 14, Page 57 17.3 Operant Conditioning 17.8 Right of the Institutionalized to Treatment Clark, Henry. ALTERING BEHAVIOR- THE ETHICS OF CONTROLLED EXPERIENCE. Newbury Park, Heginbotham, Christopher. THE RIGHTS OF MEN­ CA: Sage, 1987. 236 p. ISBN 0-8039-2765-7. TALLY ILL PEOPLE. London: Minority Rights [BJ1012 .C571987] (17.3) Group, 1987.12 p. ISBN 0-946690-49-9. (Minority Rights Group Report; No. 74. Distributed in the 17.4 Psychopharmacology US by: Cultural Survival, 11 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138.) (17.8,9.5.3,21.4) Snyder, Solomon H. DRUGS AND THE BRAIN. New York: Scientific American Books, 1986. 228 p. IN THE ABSENCE OF ANGELS: A REPORT ON THE ISBN 0-7167-5015-5. (Scientific American HOMELESS MENTALLY ILL. New York: presented Library Series; No. 18.) [RM315 .S581986] (17.4) by Roerig/Pfizer, 1985. 1 color videocassette (VHS) (28:00 min.) (Publisher’s address: Stevens, Jay. STORMING HEAVEN: LSD AND THE Roerig/Pfizer, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, New York, AMERICAN DREAM. New York: Atlantic Monthly NY 10017.) (17.8) Press, 1987.3% p. ISBN 0-87113-076-9. [HV5822 .L9S741987] (17.4) Jimenez, Mary Ann. CHANGING FACES OF MAD­ NESS: EARLY AMERICAN ATTITUDES AND TREAT­ MENT OFTHE INSANE. Hanover, NH: University 17.5 Electrical Stimulation of the Brain Press of New England, 1987.219 p. ISBN 0-87451- Abrams, Richard. ELECTROCONVULSIVE 375-8. (Published for Brandeis University Press.) THERAPY. New York: Oxford University Press, [RC455.2 .P85 J56 1987] (17.8) 1988. 231 p. ISBN 0-19-504536-X. [RC485 .A27 1988] (17.5) 18.2 Human Experimentation: Policy Guidelines 17.7 Involuntary Civil Commitment American Psychological Association. Committee Arthur, Lindsay G. Civil Commitment. JUVENILE for the Protection of Human Participants in AND FAMILY COURT JOURNAL 38(4): 1-58, 1987. Research. ETHICAL PRINCIPLES IN THE CONDUCT ISSN 0161-7109. (17.7) OF RESEARCH WITH HUMAN PARTICIPANTS. Washington, DC: American Psychological As­ Miller, Robert D. INVOLUNTARY CIVIL COMMIT­ sociation, 1982. 76 p. [BF200 .A46 1987] (18.2, MENT OF THE MENTALLY ILL IN THE POST­ 18.4) REFORM ERA. Springfield, IL: C. Thomas, 1987. 257 p. ISBN 0-398-05343-X. (American Series in Australia. National Health and Medical Research Behavioral Science and Law.) [KF480 .M551987] Council. NH & MRC STATEMENT ON HUMAN EX­ PERIMENTATION AND SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. (17.7) [Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Owens, Janet S. INVOLUNTARY OUT-PATIENT COM­ Service], 1985.19 leaves. (Gift of Russell Scott.) MITMENT: AN EXPLORATION OF THE ISSUES AND [R853 .H8 N21982] (18.2,14.4,18.5.1) ITS UTILIZATION IN FIVE STATES. [S.I.: S.n.], 1985. 125 p. (Order No. 85 M 046982501D. Prepared for Heaney, Robert P. and Dougherty, Charles J. RE­ Division of Educational Services Systems Liaison SEARCH FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS: DESIGN, of the National Institute of Mental Health.) (17.7) ANALYSIS, AND ETHICS. Ames: Iowa State Univer­ sity Press, 1988.268 p. ISBN 0-8138-1712-9. [R853 Unsworth, Clive. THE POLITICS OF MENTAL .S7 H43 1988] (18.2) HEALTH LEGISLATION. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.374 p. ISBN 0-19-825512- Medical Research Council of Canada. GUIDELINES 8. [KD3412 .U57 1987] (17.7,17.1) ON RESEARCH INVOLVING HUMAN SUBJECTS,

Volume 14, Page 58 1987. Ottawa, Ontario: The Council, 1987. 65 p. Psychology in the Public Forum. AMERICAN ISBN 0-662-15637-4. (Available in French under PSYCHOLOGIST 43(1): 49-74, January 1988. ISSN the title Lignes directrices concemant la recherche 0003-066X. (18.4,9.5.6) surdes sujets humains. Cat. No. MR 21-5/1987E.) (18.2,18.1) 18.5.1 Research on Special Populations (General) Spicker, Stuart F.; et al., eds. THE USE OF HUMAN BEINGS IN RESEARCH: WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE Mellanby, Kenneth. HUMAN GUINEAPIGS. London: TO CLINICAL TRIALS. Boston: Kluwer Academic, Merlin Press, 1973. 200 p. ISBN 0-850-36175-3. 1988.291 p. ISBN 1-55608-043-3. (Philosophy and (New enlarged edition.) [RC223 .M38 1973] Medicine series; Vol. 28. Developed from the 14th (18.5.1) Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine held 5-8 September 1982 at Tel Aviv University, Israel.) [R853 .H8 U841988] (18.2) 18.5.4 Research on Fetuses and Newborns Australia. National Health and Medical Research TOWARDS AN INTERNATIONAL ETHIC FOR RE­ Council. Medical Research Ethics Committee. SEARCH wrra HUMAN BEINGS. Ottawa: Medical CONSIDERATION BY INSTITUTIONAL ETHICS COM­ Research Council of Canada, 1988.83 p. ISBN 0- MITTEES OF RESEARCH PROTOCOLS INVOLVING 662-16408-3. (Proceedings of the 4th Internation­ FROZEN-THAWED HUMAN OVA. Canberra: al Summit Conference on Bioethics held 5-10 Australian Government Publishing Service, 1987. April 1987, Ottawa, Canada. Order No. DSS Cat. 8 p. ISBN 0-644-06536-2. (Statement accepted by No. MR4-1/1987E. Publisher’s address: 20th the NHMRC at its 102nd Session in November Floor, Jeanne Mance Building, Tunney’s Pasture, 1986.) (18.5.4,14.4) postal zip K1A 0W9. Gift of Edmund D. Pel­ legrino.) [QH332 .157 1987] (18.2) Australia. Parliament. Senate. Select Committee on the Human Embryo Experimentation Bill 1985. 18.3 Human Experimentation: Informed SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE HUMAN Consent EMBRYO EXPERIMENTATION BILL 1985. Canber­ ra: Commonwealth Government Printer, 1986. Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study Group. 4 volumes. (2376 p.) (Gift of Senator Brian Har- C.O.M.S. (COLLABORATIVE OCULAR MELANOMA radine. Official Hansard Report.) (18.5.4,14.4) STUDY): A GUIDE FOR PATIENTS, [s.l.]: COMS, [n.d.]. 25 p. (18.3,18.2) Caton, Hiram. REGULATING BIOMEDICINE: COM­ MENTS ON THE REPORT OF THE NEW SOUTH 18.4 Behavioral Research WALES LAW REFORM COMMISSION. [Queensland, Australia: Bonhoeffer Institute of Queensland?], Greenberg, Jerald and Folger, Robert. CON­ 1988.12 p. (18.5.4,14.4) TROVERSIAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODS. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988. Great Britain. Department of Health and Social 237 p. ISBN 0-387-96571-8. (Springer Series in Security. HUMAN FERTILISATION AND EMBRYOL­ Social Psychology.) [HM251 .G7517 1988] (18.4, OGY: A FRAMEWORK FOR LEGISLATION. London: 18.1) H.M.S.O., 1987. 20 p. ISBN 0-10-102592-0. (Cm. 259. Gift of the British Embassy.) (18.5.4, 14.2, Kimmel, Allan J. ETHICS AND VALUES IN APPLIED 14.4) SOCIAL RESEARCH. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1988. 160 p. ISBN 0-8039-2632-4. McCullagh, Peter J. THE FOETUS AS TRANSPLANT (Applied Social Research Methods Series; Vol. DONOR. New York: Wiley, 1987. 215 p. ISBN 0- 12.) [H62 .K4951988] (18.4) 471-91223-9. (A Wiley Medical Publication.) [RD126 .M37 1987] (18.5.4,19.1)

Volume 14, Page 59 Nimrod, Carl and Griener, Glenn G., eds. BIOMEDI­ Bethesda, MD. Publisher’s address: 9 North Sum­ CAL ETHICS AND FETAL THERAPY. Waterloo, On­ mit Ave., zip 20877.) (18.5.4,19.1) tario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press for the Calgary Institute for the Humanities, 1988.122 p. 18.5.8 Research on Military and ISBN 0-88920-962-6. (Papers presented at a con­ Government Personnel ference held 11-12 Oct. 1984 at the University of Calgary.) [RG627 .B561984] (18.5.4,4.4) Druckman, Daniel and Swets, John A., eds. EN­ HANCING HUMAN PERFORMANCE: ISSUES, Peel, John and Grigor, I. MEDICAL ETHICS THEORIES, AND TECHNIQUES. Washington, DC: PROJECT: AFTER EMBRYOS, THE FOETUS? [and] National Academy Press, 1988.299 p. ISBN 0-309- RESPONSES TO WARNOCK. Edinburgh: Ruther­ 03787-5. [BF637 .S4E561988] (18.5.8,17.1) ford House, [n.d.] 1 audiocassette. (Rutherford House Tapes series; No. 134. Producer’s address: 17 Claremont Park, postal code EH6 7PJ.) 19.1 Artificial and Transplanted Organs or (18.5.4) Tissues (General) Fawcett, Kenneth J. and Barr, Alice R., eds. TISSUE Schulman, Joseph D., guest ed. Fetal Therapy. BANKING. Arlington, VA: American Association CLINICAL OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 29(3): of Blood Banks, 1987.157 p. ISBN 0-915355-49-3. 481-614, September 1986. ISSN 0009-9201. (Based on the Tissue Banking Technical (18.5.4,9.5.5) Workshop held in Orlando, Fla. in November United States. National Institutes of Health. 1987.) [RD127 .T58 1987] (19.1,14.2) Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation Research Gale, Robert P.; Touraine, Jean L.; and Lucarelli, Panel. TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS: DAY I. Guido, eds. FETAL LIVER TRANSPLANTATION. Gaithersburg, MD: StenoTech, 1988. 283 p. New York: Liss, 1985. 356 p. ISBN 0-8451-5043- (Meeting held 14 September 1988 at Bethesda, X. (Proceedings of the 2d International Sym­ MD. Publisher’s address: 9 North Summit Ave., posium on Fetal Liver Transplantation held zip 20877.) (18.5.4,19.1) 29 September-1 October 1984 in Pesaro, Italy. United States. National Institutes of Health. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation Research series; Vol. 193.) [RD546 .F48 1985] (19.1,18.5.4) Panel. TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS: DAY II. Gutkind, Lee. MANY SLEEPLESS NIGHTS: THE Gaithersburg, MD: StenoTech, 1988.97 p. (Meet­ WORLD OF ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION. New ing held 15 September 1988 at Bethesda, MD. York: Norton, 1988. 368 p. ISBN 0-393-02520-9. Publisher’s address: 9 North Summit Ave., zip [RD 120.7 .G88 1988] (19.1) 20877.) (18.5.4,19.1) Health Insurance Association of America. ORGAN United States. National Institutes of Health. TRANSPLANTS & THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR THE Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation Research HEALTH INSURANCE INDUSTRY. Washington, Panel, transcript of proceedings: day m. DC: The Association, 1985.16 p. (Publisher’s ad­ Gaithersburg, MD: StenoTech, 1988. 206 p. dress: Health Insurance Association of America, (Meeting held 16 September 1988 at Bethesda, Public Relations Division, 1850 K St., NW, zip MD. Publisher’s address: 9 North Summit Ave., 20006.) (19.1,9.3) zip 20877.) (18.5.4,19.1) King, Kathleen; Reese, Douglas; and Zachary, United States. National Institutes of Health. Sandy. MEDICAID COVERAGE AND PAYMENT Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation Research POLICIES FOR ORGAN TRANSPLANTS: A FIFTY Panel. TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS: EVENING STATE REVIEW. [Washington, DC]: George SESSION. Gaithersburg, MD: StenoTech, 1988. Washington University, Intergovernmental 290 p. (Meeting held 15 September 1988 at Health Policy Project and Health Care Financing

Volume 14, Page 60 Administration, [1985?] 98 p. [HD7102 ,U5 K5] 1985. 57 p. (NIH Publication No. 85-2723.) (19.1,9.3) [RD598 .N37 1985] (19.2,9.3,18.1)

Maryland. Medical Transplant Study Commission. 19.4 Blood Transfusion ORGAN TRANSPLANTS IN MARYLAND: ISSUES AND RECOMMENDATIONS. [Annapolis, MD]: The Clark, Gilbert M., ed. LEGAL ISSUES IN TRANS­ Commission, [1985?] 50 p. [RD120.7 .M2571985] FUSION MEDICINE. Arlington, VA: American As­ (19.1,19.5) sociation of Blood Banks, 1986. 265 p. ISBN 0-915355-22-1. (Proceedings of Landmark Con­ Mathieu, Deborah, ed. ORGAN SUBSTITUTION ference held 19-20 September 1985 in TECHNOLOGY: ETHICAL, LEGAL, AND PUBLIC Washington, DC.) [KF3826 .B55 L441986] (19.4) POLICY issues. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988.340 p. ISBN 0-8133-0544-6. [RD120.7 .069 19.5 Donation/Procurement of 1988] (19.1) Organs/Tissues New York State Task Force on Life and the Law. Canada. Ministry of National Health and Welfare. TRANSPLANTATION IN NEW YORK STATE: THE AN INFORMATION BOOKLET FOR HEALTH PROCUREMENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANS PROFESSIONALS ON ORGAN AND TISSUE DONA­ AND TISSUES. New York: The Task Force, [1988]. TION AND TRANSPLANTATION, s.l.: The Minister, 164 p. (Publisher’s address: 33 West 34th Street, 1986.19 p. (Available in French under the title Le 3rd Floor, zip 10001-3071. Gift of Robert Cook- don et la transplantation d’organes et de tissus Liv­ Deegan.) (19.1) ret d’information à l’intention des professionnels de Simmons, Roberta G.; Marine, Susan Klein; and la santé.) (19.5,19.1) Simmons, Richard L. GIFT OF LIFE: THE EFFECT King, Nell M., ed. STATUTORY REGULATION OF OF ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION ON INDIVIDUAL, ORGAN DONATION IN THE UNITED STATES, SUP­ FAMILY, AND SOCIETAL DYNAMICS. New PLEMENT 1987. Richmond, VA: South-Eastern Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1987. 526 p. Organ Procurement Foundation, 1988. 228 p. ISBN 0-88738-683-0. [RD575 .S55 1987] (19.1) [KF3827 .D66 Z957 1987] (19.5) United States. Congress. House. Committee on Steinmuller, Donald R., guest ed. International Energy and Commerce. Subcommittee on Health Symposium on Medical, Ethical, and Economie and the Environment. NATIONAL ORGAN Aspects of Organ Transplantation and Procure­ TRANSPLANTS. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1987.79 p. (100th Congress, 1st Session. Hearing ment. TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 18(3): 1- held 2 April 1987. For sale by the Superintendent 105, June 1986, Supplement 2. ISSN 0041-1345. of Documents, Congressional Sales Office, U.S. (Symposium held 7-9 November 1985 at the G.P.O. Serial No. 100-33.) [RD120.7 .E53 1987] Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH.) (19.1,9.3) [RC129.5.1571986] (19.5,19.1,21.1) 20.1 Death and Dying (General) 19.2 Artificial and Transplanted Hearts United States. National Heart, Lung, and Blood In­ Ivan, Leslie P. and Melrose, Maureen E. THE WAY stitute. Working Group on Mechanical Cir­ WE DIE. Chichester: Angel Press, 1986. 106 p. culatory Support. ARTIFICIAL HEART AND ASSIST ISBN 0-947785-08-6. (Foresight Series. Available DEVICES: DIRECTIONS, NEEDS, COSTS, SOCIETAL in the US by: Source Books, Trabuco Canyon, CA AND ETHICAL ISSUES. [Bethesda, MD?]: U.S. 92678.) [BD444.1921986] (20.1) Dept, of Health and Human Services, Public LIFE INSURANCE FACT BOOK, 1986. Washington, Health Service, National Institutes of Health, DC: American Council of Life Insurance, [1986].

Volume 14, Page 61 136 p. ISSN 0075-9406. [HG8943 .L5 1986] (20.1, the Temple University School of Medicine. Gift of 9.3, Reference) Edmund D. Pellegrino.) (20.3.1,8.1) LIFE INSURANCE FACT BOOK, UPDATE 1987. Kramer, Kenneth P. THE SACRED ART OF DYING: Washington, DC: American Council of Life In­ HOW WORLD RELIGIONS UNDERSTAND DEATH. surance, [1987]. 58 p. ISSN 0075-9406. [HG8943 New York: Paulist Press, 1988. 226 p. ISBN 0- .L5 1987] (20.1,9.3, Reference) 8091-2942-6. [BL504 .K73 1988] (20.3.1,1.2) Wallimann, Isidor and Dobkowski, Michael N., eds. Lifton, Robert J. THE FUTURE OF IMMORTALITY GENOCIDE AND THE MODERN AGE: ETIOLOGY AND OTHER ESSAYS FOR A NUCLEAR AGE. New AND CASE STUDIES OF MASS DEATH. New York: York: Basic Books, 1987. 305 p. ISBN 0-465- Greenwood Press, 1987.322 p. ISBN 0-313-24198- 02597-8. [CB430 .L54 1987] (20.3.1, 16.2, 17.1, 8. (Contributions to the Study of World History; 21.2) No. 3.) [D445 .G361987] (20.1,21.2) Osterweis, Marian and Townsend, Jessica. HEALTH Wass, Hannelore; Berardo, Felix M.; and PROFESSIONALS AND THE BEREAVED. Rockville, Neimeyer, Robert A., eds. DYING: FACING THE MD: National Institute of Mental Health, 1988. FACTS. New Y ork: Hemisphere, 1988.472 p. ISBN 48 p. (DHHS Publication No. (ADM)88-1552. 0-89116-746-3. (Second edition. Series in Death Adapted from Bereavement: Reactions, Conse­ Education, Aging, and Health Care. ISSN 0275- quences, and Care, Washington, DC: National 3510.) [BD444 .D941988] (20.1) Academy Press, 1984.) [BF575 .G7 0879 1988] (20.3.1) 20.2.1 Definition or Determination of Death (General) Twycross, Robert G. ATIMETO DIE. London: Chris­ tian Medical Fellowship Publications, 1984.30 p. Sweden. Socialdepartementet. Committee on ISBN 0-906747-14-7. (An expansion of the annual Defining Death. THE CONCEPT OF DEATH: SUM­ Rendle Short Lecture given during the CMF Na­ MARY: REPORT. Stockholm: Swedish Ministry of tional Conference in 1983. Publisher’s address: Health and Social Affairs, 1984.84 p. [BD444 .S94 157 Waterloo Rd., postal code SE1 8XN. Gift of 1984] (20.2.1) the publisher.) [BT825 .T89 1984] (20.3.1,1.2)

Zaner, Richard M., ed. DEATH: BEYOND WHOLE- 20.3.2 Attitudes Toward Death: Health BRAIN CRITERIA. Boston: Kluwer Academic, Personnel 1988.276 p. ISBN 1-55608-053-0. (Philosophy and Medicine series; Vol. 31. Based on a symposium Osterweis, Marian and Townsend, Jessica. MEN­ held 18-20 October 1984 at Vanderbilt University TAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS AND THE in Nashville, TN.)[RA405 .Al D43 1988] (20.2.1) BEREAVED. Rockville, MD: U.S. National In­ stitute of Mental Health, [1988]. 51 p. (DHHS 20.3.1 Attitudes Toward Death (General) Publication series; No. (ADM) 88-1554. Adapted from the report: Bereavement: Reactions, Conse­ Anderson, Ray S. THEOLOGY, DEATH, AND DYING. quences, and Care published in 1984 by the In­ New York: B. Blackwell, 1986.170 p. ISBN 0-631- stitute of Medicine, National Academy of 14847-7. (Signposts in Theology series. Gift of Sar­ Sciences.) (20.3.2) gent and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.) [BT825 .A49 1986] (20.3.1,1.2) 20.3.3 Attitudes Toward Death: Family Fryer, John E. ON PARTING: A SHARED GRIEF. Osterweis, Marian and Townsend, Jessica. HELP­ Secaucus, NJ: Network for Continuing Medical ING BEREAVED CHILDREN: A BOOKLET FOR Education, 1988. 1 color videocassette (VHS). SCHOOL PERSONNEL. Rockville, MD: U.S. Na­ (Sponsored by the Department of Psychiatry at tional Institute of Mental Health, [1988]. 37 p.

Volume 14, Page 62 (DHHS Publication series; No. (ADM) 88-1553.) States, 1988. 211 p. ISBN 0-87125-150-7. [RC607 (20.3.3) .A26 T86 1988] (20.4.1,9.5.1,9.5.6)

20.3.4 Death Education Zimmerman, Jack M. HOSPICE: COMPLETE CARE FOR THE TERMINALLY ILL. Baltimore: Urban & Wass, Hannelore; et al. DEATH EDUCATION II: AN Schwarzenberg, 1986.311 p. ISBN 0-8067-2212-6. ANNOTATED RESOURCE GUIDE. New York: (Second edition.) [R726.8 .Z551986] (20.4.1) Hemisphere, 1985. 467 p. ISBN 0-89116-321-2. (Series in Death Education, Aging, and Health 20.4.2 Care of the Dying Child Care.) [HQ1073 .D42 v.2] (20.3.4, Reference) Corr, Charles A. and Corr, Donna M., eds. HOSPICE 20.4.1 Care of the Dying Patient (General) APPROACHES TO PEDIATRIC CARE. New York: Springer, 1985. 290 p. ISBN 0-8261-4600-7. Callari, Elizabeth S. A GENTLE DEATH: PERSONAL [RJ249 .H671985] (20.4.2,20.33) CAREGIVING TO THE TERMINALLY ILL. Greensboro, NC: Tudor, 1986. 123 p. ISBN 0- Creel, Mary-jane. A LITTLE DEATH. New York: 936389-01-X. [R726.8 .C35 1986] (20.4.1) Vantage Press, 1987. 87 p. ISBN 0-533-06997-1. (20.4.2,20.3.3) Dush, David M.; Cassileth, Barrie R.; and Turk, Dennis C., eds. PSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT IN 20.5.1 Prolongation of Life and Euthanasia TERMINAL CARE. New York: Haworth Press, (General) 1986.150 p. ISBN 0-86656-461-6. (Has also been published as the Hospice Journal 2(3): Fall 1986.) Alexander, George J. WRITING A LIVING WILL [R726.8 .P78 1986] (20.4.1,20.3.1) USING A DURABLE POWER-OF-ATTORNEY. New York: Praeger, 1988.130 p. ISBN 0-275-92939-6. Neuberger, Julia, caring FOR dying people of [KF1347 .Z9 A43 1988] (20.5.1) DIFFERENT FAITHS. London: Austen Cornish in Association with The Lisa Sainsbury Foundation, Cantor, Norman L. LEGAL FRONTIERS OF DEATH 1988. 59 p. ISBN 1-870065-00-X. (Lisa Sainsbury AND DYING. Bloomington: Indiana University Foundation Series. Available from: Lisa Press, 1987.208 p. ISBN 0-253-33290-7. (Medical Sainsbury Foundation, 8-10 Crown Hill, Croydon, Ethics Series.) [KF3827 .E87 C36 1987] (20.5.1, Surrey CR0 1RY.) (20.4.1,1.2,20.3.1) 8.3.1,20.4.1) THE PHYSICIAN AND THE HOPELESSLY ILL Cohen, Cynthia B., ed. CASEBOOK ON THE TER­ PATIENT: 1988 SUPPLEMENT. New York: Society MINATION OF LIFE-SUSTAINING TREATMENT AND for the Right to Die, 1988.43 p. ISBN 0-9613825- THE CARE OF THE DYING. Bloomington: Indiana 5-4. (Updates Sections 13 and III of The Physician University Press, 1988.160 p. ISBN 0-253-21207- and the Hopelessly III Patient.) [R726 .P48 1988] 3. (Medical Ethics Series. Companion volume to (20.4.1,20.5.1) Guidelines on the Termination of Life-Sustaining Treatment and the Care of the Dying.) [R726 .G845 Society for the Right to Die. ARTIFICIAL NUTRITION 1988] (20.5.1,2.1,20.4.1) & HYDRATION. New York: The Society, [1988]. 8 p. (Publisher’s address: 250 West 57th St., rip THE DNR DILEMMA. Urbana, IL: Carle Medical 10107.) (20.4.1,20.5.1) Communication, 1987. 2 color videocassettes (VHS) (18 and 25 min.) (Pt. 1 When the Time Tuohey, John F. CARING FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS Comes. Pt. 2Professional Perspectives. Publisher’s AND CANCER: ETHICAL REFLECTIONS ON PALLIA­ address: 110 W. Main, rip 61801-2700.) [R726 TIVE CARE FOR THE TERMINALLY ILL. St. Louis, .D57 1987] (20.5.1,8.3.1) MO: Catholic Health Association of the United

Volume 14, Page 63 Johnson, Gretchen L., comp. VOLUNTARY Spring, Beth and Larson, Ed. EUTHANASIA: EUTHANASIA: A COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOG­ SPIRITUAL, MEDICAL & LEGAL ISSUES IN TER­ RAPHY. Los Angeles, CA: National Hemlock MINAL HEALTH CARE. Portland, OR: Multnomah, Society, 1987. 318 p. ISBN 0-9606030-6-9. [R726 1988.219 p. ISBN 0-88070-254-0. [R726 .S671988] J641987] (20.5.1, Reference) ( Malcolm, Andrew H. THIS FAR AND NO MORE: A Stanley, John M., ed. AN INTERNATIONAL WORK­ TRUE STORY. New York: Times Books, 1987. ING CONFERENCE ON NON-TREATMENT 247 p. ISBN 0-8129-1606-9. [RC406 A24 M32 DECISIONS. Appleton, WI: Lawrence University, 1987] (20.5.1, Biography) [1987]. 4 vols. (Papers from the conference spon­ sored by the Lawrence University Program in Miles, Steven H., comp. LIMITED TREATMENT Biomedical Ethics, held 10-13 May 1987 at POLICIES AND GUIDELINES: A MODEL FOR HOSPI­ Lawrence University. Gift of Anita Nolen.) TALS AND NURSING HOMES. [Minneapolis, MNJ: (20.5.1) Minnesota Hospital Association and Fairview Riverside Hospital Biomedical Ethics Commit­ TAKING CHARGE OF THE END OF YOUR LIFE: tee, 1986. [20] p. (Available from: Minnesota Net­ PROCEEDINGS OF AFORUM ONLIVING WILLS AND work for Institutional Ethics Committees, OTHER ADVANCE DIRECTIVES. Washington, DC: Minnesota Hospital Association, Suite 425, 2221 American Bar Association’s Commission on University Ave., SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414.) Legal Problems of the Elderly and Older ( Women’s League, 1985.69 p. (Forum held 9 July 1985 in Washington, DC. Gift of Barbara Mish­ Pilpel, Robert H., ed. WHOSE CHOICE IS IT kin.) [KF3827 .E87 T341985] (20.5.1,8.3.3) ANYWAY? AUTONOMOUS DECISION-MAKING AT THE END OF LIFE. New York: National Health United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ Council, 1988.17 p. (Summary report of the Na­ sessment. INSTITUTIONAL PROTOCOLS FOR tional Health Council’s seminar on The Ethics of DECISIONS ABOUT LIFE-SUSTAINING TREAT­ Health Care held 1 December 1987 in New York. MENTS: SPECIAL REPORT. Washington, DC: Con­ Publisher’s address: 622 Third Avenue, zip 10017- gress of the U.S., Office of Technology 6765.) (20.5.1,20.4.1) Assessment, [1988]. 83 p. (Order No. OTA-BA- 389. For sale by the Superintendent of Docu­ THE RIGHT TO DIE...THE CHOICE IS YOURS. New ments, U.S. G.P.O.) (20.5.1,9.6) York: Society for the Right to Die, 1987. 1 videocassette (14:00 min.) (Seven page discus­ University of Colorado at Denver. Graduate School sion booklet available. Distributor’s address: 250 of Public Affairs. Center for Health Ethics and W. 57th St., zip 10107.) (20.5.1) Policy. WITHHOLDING AND WITHDRAWING LIFE- SUSTAINING TREATMENT: A SURVEY OF OPINIONS Society for the Right to Die. LIVING WILL DECLA­ AND EXPERIENCES OF COLORADO PHYSICIANS: A RATIONS [and] CHECKLIST CHART OFLIVING WILL REPORT. Denver, CO: University of Colorado at LAWS. New York: The Society, [1988]. 39 packets Denver, 1988. 41 leaves. (Publisher’s address: and chart. (Publisher’s address: 250 W. 57th St., 1200 Larimer St., Campus Box 133, zip 80204.) NY 10107.) (20.5.1) (20.5.1) Society for the Right to Die. RIGHT-TO-DIE COURT Walford, Roy L. MAXIMUM LIFE SPAN. New York: DECISIONS: ARTIFICIAL FEEDING. New York: The Avon, 1983. 256 p. ISBN 0-380-65524-1. (20.5.1, Society, [1988]. 60 p. (Publisher’s address: 250 9.5.2) West 57th St., zip 10107.) [KF3827 .E87 S62 1988] ( WHO LIVES, WHO DIES. New York: Filmakers Library, Inc., [n.d.]. 1 videocassette (VHS) (55

Volume 14, Page 64 min.) (Publisher’s address: 133 East 58th St., zip IN-DYING. Glendale, CA: Americans Against 10022.) (20.5.1) Human Suffering, 1987. 50 p. (Publisher’s ad­ dress: 2506 Canada Blvd., Suite 2, zip 91208.) 20.5.2 Allowing Infants to Die (20.5.3) Borowicz, Jon K. BENEFICENCE AND DECISION Society for the Right to Die. RIGHT-TO-DIE COURT MAKING IN THE TREATMENT OF MENIN­ DECISIONS. New York: The Society, [cl988]. 2 GOMYELOCELE. Ann Arbor, MI: University volumes. [KF3827 .E87 S621988] (20.5.3) Microfilms International, 1988.155 p. Publication No. 8615953. (Thesis, Ph.D.—Johns Hopkins 20.6 Capital Punishment University, 1986.) (20.5.2,9.5.3) Amnesty International. THE DEATH PENALTY IN Kurman, Elaine C. NURSES’ ATTITUDES toward JAPAN: REPORT OF AN AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PASSIVE EUTHANASIA FORTHE SEVERELY HAND­ MISSION TO JAPAN, 21 FEBRUARY-3 MARCH 1983. ICAPPED CHILD. Ann Arbor, MI: University [London]: Amnesty International Publications, Microfilms International, 1988.241 p. Publication 1983.31 p. ISBN 0-86210-060-7. (Available from: No. 8411274. (Thesis, Ed.D.—Columbia Univer­ Amnesty International USA, National Office, sity Teachers College, 1984.) (20.5.2,4.1.3,9.5.3) Publications Department, 304 West 58th St., New York, NY 10019.) (20.6,21.1) New York State Task Force on Life and the Law. Committee on Fetal Extrauterine Survivability. Bedau, Hugo A. DEATH IS DIFFERENT: STUDIES IN FETAL EXTRAUTERINE SURVIVABILITY: REPORT. THE MORALITY, LAW, AND POLITICS OF CAPITAL [Albany?]: New York State Task Force on Life PUNISHMENT. Boston: Northeastern University and the Law, 1988. 16 p. (Gift of Robert Cook- Press, 1987.307 p. ISBN 1-55553-008-7. [HV8699 Deegan.) [RG613 .N49 1988] (20.5.2) .U5B39 1987] (20.6) Proceedings of the Symposium: Management of Koestler, Arthur. REFLECTIONS ON HANGING. Lon­ Children with Brain Tumors, New York Medical don: Gollancz, 1956. 193 p. [HV8694 .K65 1956] College. NEW YORK MEDICAL QUARTERLY 6(4): (20.6) 162-198,1986. ISSN 0196-6871. (20.5.2,20.5.1) Nathanson, Stephen. AN EYE FOR AN EYE?: THE Rose, Lionel. THE MASSACRE OF THE INNOCENTS: MORALITY OF PUNISHING BY DEATH. Totowa, NJ: infanticide IN Britain, 1800-1939. Boston: Rout­ Rowman & Littlefield, 1987.161 p. ISBN 0-8476- ledge & Kegan Paul, 1986. 215 p. ISBN 0-7102- 7561-0. [HV8694 .N371987] (20.6) 0339-X. [HV6541 .G72 R671986] (20.5.2) Streib, Victor L. DEATH PENALTY FOR JUVENILES. 20.5.3 Prolongation of Life and Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Euthanasia: Bills, Laws and Cases 256 p. ISBN 0-253-31615-4. [KF9227 .C2 S77 1987] (20.6) Colen, B.D. THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO A LIVING WILL. New York: Pharos Books, 1987.112 p. ISBN Zimring, Franklin E. and Hawkins, Gordon. CAPI­ 0-345-34887-7. [KF3827 .E87 C65 1987] (20.5.3) TAL PUNISHMENT AND THE AMERICAN AGENDA. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986. HANDBOOK OF LIVING WILL LAWS. New York: 192 p. ISBN 0-521-33033-5. [HV8699 .U5 Z56 Society for the Right to Die, 1987.152 p. ISBN 0- 1986] (20.6) 9613825-4-6. (1987 edition.) [KF3827 .E87 H36 1987] (20.5.3,20.5.1) 20.7 Suicide Risley, Robert L. A HUMANE AND DIGNIFIED Grollman, Earl A. SUICIDE: PREVENTION, INTER­ DEATH: A NEW LAW PERMITTING PHYSICIAN AID- VENTION, POSTTVENTION. Boston: Beacon Press,

Volume 14, Page 65 1988.151 p. ISBN 0-8070-2707-3. (Second edition, Edwards, A.J.C. NUCLEAR WEAPONS, THE updated and expanded.) [HV6545 .G7 1988] BALANCE OF TERROR, THE QUEST FOR PEACE. Al­ ( bany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1986. 275 p. ISBN 0-88706-186-9. [U264 .E39 Humphry, Derek, ed. COMPASSIONATE CRIMES, 1986] (21.2,16.2) BROKEN TABOOS. [Los Angeles, CA: Hemlock Society, 1986.] 87 p. ISBN 0-9606030-5-0. Finnis, John; Boyle, Joseph M.; and Grisez, Ger­ (Formerly entitled: Assisted Suicide.) [HV6545 main. NUCLEAR DETERRENCE, MORALITY AND .A8 1986] (20.7,20.5.1) REALISM. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. 429 p. ISBN 0-19-824792-3. [U162.6 .F48 21.1 International and Political Dimensions 1987] (21.2,16.2) of Biology and Medicine (General) Fullinwider, Robert K., ed. CONSCRIPTS AND Fawcett, James E.S. OUTER SPACE: NEW CHALLEN­ VOLUNTEERS: MILITARY REQUIREMENTS, SOCIAL GES TO LAW AND POLICY. New York: Oxford JUSTICE, AND THE ALL-VOLUNTEER FORCE. University Press, 1984.169 p. ISBN 0-19-825398- Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Allanheld, 1983. 250 p. 2. [JX5810 .F38 1984] (21.1) ISBN 0-8476-7224-7. (Maryland Studies in Public Philosophy series.) [UB323 .C59 1983] (21.2, 21.2 War 1.3.5) Au, William A. THE CROSS, THE FLAG, AND THE Geiger, H. Jack; et al. THE CASUALTIES OF CON­ BOMB: AMERICAN CATHOLICS DEBATE WAR AND FLICT: MEDICAL CARE AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN PEACE, THE WEST BANK AND GAZA STRIP: REPORT OF A 1960-1983. New York: Praeger, 1987. MEDICAL FACT FINDING MISSION BY PHYSICIANS 278 p. ISBN 0-275-92777-6. (Reprint. Originally FOR HUMAN RIGHTS. Somerville, MA: Physicians published: Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, for Human Rights, 1988. 49 p. (Publisher’s ad­ 1985.) [BX1795 .A85 A9 1987] (21.2,1.2,16.2) dress: 408 Highland Ave., zip 02144.) (21.2,1.3.5) Blechman, Barry M., ed. PREVENTING NUCLEAR WAR: A REALISTIC APPROACH. Goldberger, Leo, ed. THE RESCUE OF THE DANISH Bloomington: In­ JEWS: MORAL COURAGE UNDER STRESS. New diana University Press, 1985.197 p. ISBN 0-253- York: New York University Press, 1987. 222 p. 20350-3. (Papers prepared for the Nunn-Warner ISBN 0-8147-3011-6. (Gift of Max M. and Mar­ Working Group on Nuclear Risk Reduction.) jorie B. Kampelman.) [D810 J4 R47 1987] (21.2, [JX1974.8 .P741985] (21.2,16.2) 1.3.5) Medical Association. A BRIEF about NUCLEAR WAR. [, B.C.: The Kainz, Howard P., ed. PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPEC­ Association], 1987. 68 p. (Publisher’s address: TIVES ON PEACE: AN ANTHOLOGY OF CLASSICAL AND MODERN SOURCES. Athens, OH: Ohio 115-1665 West Broadway, postal code V6J 1X1.) University Press, 1987. 315 p. ISBN 0-8214-0850- (21.2,16.2) X. [B105 .P4 P471987] (21.2,1.1) Clark, Ian. nuclear past, NUCLEAR PRESENT: HIROSHIMA, NAGASAKI, AND CONTEMPORARY Kavka, Gregory S. MORAL PARADOXES OF STRATEGY. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1985. NUCLEAR DETERRENCE. New York: Cambridge 146 p. ISBN 0-8133-7049-3. (Westview Special University Press, 1987. 243 p. ISBN 0-521-33896- Studies series.) [U263 .C54 1985] (21.2,16.2) 4. [U162.6 .K381987] (21.2,16.2) Cox, Gray. THE WAYS OF PEACE: a philosophy of MacLean, Douglas, ed. the security gamble: PEACE AS ACTION. New York: Paulist Press, 1986. DETERRENCE DILEMMAS IN THE NUCLEAR AGE. 211 p. ISBN 0-8091-2797-0. [JX1952 .C67 1986] Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Allanheld, 1984.170 p. (21.2. 1.1)

Volume 14, Page 66 ISBN 0-8476-7337-5. (Maryland Studies in Public Stares, Paul B. SPACE AND NATIONAL SECURITY. Philosophy series.) [U162.6 .S331984] (21.2,16.2) Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1987. 219 p. ISBN 0-8157-8110-5. [UG1530 .S73 1987] Martino, Joseph P. A FIGHTING CHANCE: THE (21.2) MORAL USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS. San Francis­ co: Ignatius Press, 1988.283 p. ISBN 0-89870-181- Swartley, Willard M. and Dyck, Cornelius J., eds. 3. [U264 .M37 1988] (21.2,1.2,16.2) ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MENNONITE WRITINGS ON WAR AND PEACE, 1930-1980. Scott- Miller, Richard L. UNDER THE CLOUD: THE dale, PA: Herald Press, 1987.740 p. ISBN 0-8361- decades OF nuclear testing. New York: Free 1292-X. [BX8128 .P4 A56 1987] (21.2, 1.2, Press, 1986. 547 p. ISBN 0-02-921620-6. [U264 Reference) .M551986] (21.2,1.3.5,16.2) Teller, Edward. BETTER A SHIELD THAN A SWORD: O’Brien, Tim. THE NUCLEAR AGE. New York: PERSPECTIVES ON DEFENSE AND TECHNOLOGY. Laurel (Dell), 1985. 312 p. ISBN 0-440-55974-X. New York: Free Press, 1987. 257 p. ISBN 0-02- [PS3565 .B75 N8 1985] (21.2,16.2, Fiction) 932461-0. [UA23 .T39 1987] (21.2,16.2) Osgood, Robert E. THE NUCLEAR DILEMMA IN Tirman, John, ed. EMPTY PROMISE: THE GROWING AMERICAN STRATEGIC THOUGHT. Boulder, CO: CASEAGAINST STAR WARS. Boston: Beacon Press, Westview Press, 1988.138 p. ISBN 0-8133-0537-3. 1986. 238 p. ISBN 0-8070-0413-8. [UG743 .E46 [UA23 .0821988] (21.2,16.2) 1986] (21.2,16.2) Powaski, Ronald E. THOMAS MERTON ON Weeramantry, C.G. NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Chicago: Loyola University SCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBILITY. Wolfeboro, NH: Press, 1988.169 p. ISBN 0-8294-0586-0. [BT736.2 Longwood Academic, 1987.234 p. ISBN 0-89341- .P68 1988] (21.2,1.2,16.2) 542-1. [JX5133 ,A7 W441987] (21.2,5.1,16.2) Rhodes, Richard. THE MAKING OF THE ATOMIC York, Herbert F. MAKING WEAPONS, TALKING BOMB. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988.886 p. PEACE: A PHYSICISTS ODYSSEY FROM HIROSHIMA ISBN 0-671-65719-4. [QC773 .R46 1988] (21.2, TO GENEVA. New York: Basic Books, 1987.359 p. 16.2) ISBN 0-465-04338-0. (Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Series.) [JX1974.7 .Y575 1987] (21.2,16.2) Sederberg, Peter C., ed. NUCLEAR WINTER DETER­ RENCE AND THE PREVENTION OF NUCLEAR WAR. New York: Praeger, 1986. 200 p. ISBN 0-275- 21.3 Chemical and Biological Weapons 92160-3. (Rev. papers from a conference on Chelimsky, Eleanor. DOD’S RISK ASSESSMENT AND Nuclear Winter and the Prevention of Nuclear SAFEGUARDS MANAGEMENT OF CHEMICAL AND War held 30 November-1 December 1984 at the BIOLOGICAL WARFARE RESEARCH AND University of South Carolina.) [U263 .N846 1986] DEVELOPMENT FACILITIES. [Washington, DC?]: (21.2,16.2) U.S. General Accounting Office, 1988.31 p. (Tes- timony given before the U.S. Senate, Committee Sichol, Marcia W. THE APPLICATION OF JUST WAR on Governmental Affairs, Subcommittee on PRINCIPLES TO NUCLEAR WAR AND DETERRENCE Oversight of Government Management 27 July IN THREE CONTEMPORARY THEORISTS: MICHAEL 1988. Order No. GAO/T-PEMD-88-10.) (21.3, WALZERPAULRAMSEY AND WILLIAM V. O’BRIEN. 5.2,15.7) Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms Interna­ tional, 1988. 314 p. Publication No. 8515689. Cole, Leonard A. CLOUDS OF SECRECY: THE (Thesis, Ph.D.—Georgetown University, 1984.) ARMY’S GERM WARFARETESTS OVERPOPULATED (21.2,16.2) AREAS. Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Littlefield, 1988.

Volume 14, Page 67 188 p. ISBN 0-8476-7579-3. [UG447.8 .C65 1988] No. 87-6. Publisher’s address: 1333 H Street, NW, (21.3) zip 20005.) [HV8593 .C63 1987] (21.4) Piller, Charles and Yamamoto, Keith R. GENE Friedlander, Henry and Milton, Sybil, eds. THE WARS: MILITARY CONTROL OVER THE NEW HOLOCAUST: IDEOLOGY, BUREAUCRACY AND GENETIC TECHNOLOGIES. New York: Beech Tree GENOCIDE: THE SAN JOSE PAPERS. Millwood, NY: Books, 1988. 302 p. ISBN 0-688-07050-7. Kraus International Publications, 1980. 361 p. [UG447.8 .P541988] (21.3,15.7) ISBN 0-527-63807-2. (San José Conferences on the Holocaust sponsored by the National Con­ United States. Defense Intelligence Agency. ference of Christians and Jews. Gift of MaxM. and SOVIET BIOLOGICAL WARFARE THREAT. Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [D810 J4 S31425 1977] Washington, DC: The Agency, 1986.28 p. (Order (21.4,1.2,1.3.5,20.1) No. DST-1610 F-057-86.) [UG447.8 .S68 1986] (21.3) Haas, Albert. THE DOCTOR AND THE DAMNED. New York: Avon, 1985.324 p. ISBN 0-380-69935- 21.4 Torture 4. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [R507 .H18 A331985] (21.4,1.3.5) Amnesty International. CHILE: HUMAN RIGHTS IN CHILE: THE ROLE OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. Hirschfeld, Gerhard, ed. THE POLICIES OF New York: Amnesty International, 1986. 14 p. GENOCIDE: JEWS AND SOVIET PRISONERS OF WAR (Document No. AMR 22/36/86.) (21.4) IN NAZI GERMANY. Boston: Allan & Unwin, 1986. 172 p. ISBN 0-04-943046-7. (Gift of Max M. and Amnesty International. POLITICAL ABUSE OF Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [D810 J4 P618 1986] PSYCHIATRY IN THE USSR: AN AMNESTY INTERNA­ (21.4,1.2) TIONAL BRIEFING. New York: Amnesty Interna­ tional USA, 1983. 17 p. (Publication No. EUR Marrus, Michael R. THE HOLOCAUST IN HISTORY. 46/01/83.) (21.4,17.7) Hanover, NH: published for Brandeis University Press by University Press of New England, 1987. Amnesty International. TURKEY: TORTURE AND 267 p. ISBN 0-87451-425-8. (The Tauber Institute MEDICAL NEGLECT OF PRISONERS. London: Am­ for the Study of European Jewry Series; Vol. 7. nesty International, International Secretariat, Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Kampelman.) 1988.24 p. (Al Index: EUR 44/28/88. Publisher’s [D810 J4 M38321987] (21.4,1.2,1.3.5) address: 1 Easton Street, postal code WC1X 8DJ.) (21.4) National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) Committee on Human Rights. SCIENTISTS AND HUMAN Bloche, Maxwell G. URUGUAY’S MILITARY RIGHTS IN SOMALIA: REPORT OF A DELEGATION. PHYSICIANS: COGS IN A SYSTEM OF STATE TER­ Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1988. ROR. Washington, DC: Committee on Scientific 84 p. (Prepared with the Institute of Medicine Freedom and Responsibility, American Associa­ (U.S.), Committee on Health and Human Rights. tion for the Advancement of Science, 1987. 46 p. Available from: Committee on Human Rights, (AAAS Publication series; No. 87-8. Publisher’s National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution address: 1333 H Street, NW, zip 20005.) [HV8593 Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20418. Gift of Ed­ .B66 1987] (21.4) mund D. Pellegrino.) [JC571 .N378 1988] (21.4) Claude, Richard P.; Stover, Eric; and Lopez, June Rayner, Mary. TURNING A BLIND EYE?: MEDICAL P. HEALTH PROFESSIONALS AND HUMAN RIGHTS ACCOUNTABILITY AND THE PREVENTION OFTOR- IN THE PHILIPPINES. Washington, DC: Committee TURE IN SOUTH AFRICA. Washington, DC: Com­ on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility, mittee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility, American Association for the Advancement of American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1987. 86 p. (AAAS Publication series; Science, 1987. 96 p. (AAAS Publication series;

Volume 14, Page 68 No. 87-28. Publisher’s address: 1333 H Street, Dombrowski, Daniel A. HARTSHORNE AND THE NW, zip 20005.) [HV8599 .S6 R39 1987] (21.4) METAPHYSICS OF ANIMAL RIGHTS. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988.159 p. ISBN Rubenstein, Richard L. THE CUNNING OF HISTORY: 0-88706-705-0. (SUNY Series in Philosophy.) THE HOLOCAUST AND THE AMERICAN FUTURE. [B945 .H354 D65 1988] (22.1,1.1) New York: Harper & Row, 1987.112 p. ISBN 0- 06-132068-4. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Linzey, Andrew. CHRISTIANITY AND THE RIGHTS Kampelman.) [D810 J4 R78 1987] (21.4, 1.2, OF ANIMALS. New York: Crossroad, 1987.197 p. 1.3.5) ISBN 0-8245-0875-0. (Gift of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.) [HV4708 .L564 1987] (22.1, Rubenstein, Richard L. and Roth, John K. AP­ 1.2) PRO ACHESTO AUSCHWITZ: THE HOLOCAUST AND ITS LEGACY. Atlanta, GA: J. Knox Press, 1987. Moseley, Ray E. ANIMAL RIGHTS: AN ANALYSIS OF 422 p. ISBN 0-8042-0778-X. (Gift of Max M. and THE MAJOR ARGUMENTS FOR ANIMAL RIGHTS. Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [D810 J4 R778 1987] Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms Interna­ (21.4,1.2,1.3.5) tional, 1988. 209 p. Publication No. 8505720. (Thesis, Ph.D.—Georgetown University, 1984.) Schaller, Jane G. and Cook-Deegan, Robert. (22.1) PANAMA 1987: HEALTH CONSEQUENCES OF POLICE AND MILITARY ACTIONS. Somerville, MA: Regan, Tom. THE STRUGGLE FOR ANIMAL RIGHTS. Physicians for Human Rights, 1988. 73 p. (The Clarks Summit, PA: International Society for report of a medical fact-finding mission of Animal Rights, 1987.197 p. ISBN 0-9602632-1-7. Physicians for Human Rights. Publisher’s ad­ (Publisher’s address: 421 S. State St., zip 18411.) dress: 408 Highland Avenue, zip 02144.) (21.4,9.1, [HV4764 .R45 1987] (22.1) 21.1) Sapontzis, Steve F. MORALS, REASON, AND Stover, Eric. THE OPEN SECRET: TORTURE AND THE ANIMALS. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, MEDICAL PROFESSION IN CHILE. Washington, DC: 1987. 302 p. ISBN 0-87722-493-5. [HV4708 .S23 Committee on Scientific Freedom and Respon­ 1987] (22.1,1.1) sibility, American Association for the Advance­ ment of Science, 1987. 82 p. (AAAS Publication Wynne-Tyson, Jon, comp. THE EXTENDED CIRCLE: series; No. 87-21. Publisher’s address: 1333 H A DICTIONARY OF HUMANE THOUGHT. Fontwell, Street, NW, zip 20005.) [HV8593 .S761987] (21.4) Sussex: Centaur Press, 1985. 436 p. ISBN 0- 900001-22-4. [PN6084 A57 W9 1985] (22.1) Zuccotti, Susan. THE ITALIANS AND THE HOLOCAUST: PERSECUTION, RESCUE, AND SUR­ 22.2 Animal Experimentation VIVAL. New York: Basic Books, 1987.334 p. ISBN 0-465-03622-8. (Gift of Max M. and Marjorie B. Archibald, James; Ditchfield, J.; and Rowsell, Kampelman.) [DS135 .18 Z83 1987] (21.4,1.3.5) Harry C., eds. THE CONTRIBUTION OF LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCETO THE WELFARE 22.1 Animal Welfare (General) OF MAN AND ANIMALS: PAST, PRESENT, AND FU­ TURE. New York: Gustav Fischer, 1985. 522 p. Animal Rights. MONIST 70(1): 3-133, January 1987. ISBN 0-89574-203-9. [QL55 .155 1983] (22.2) ISSN 0026-9662. (22.1) Council for International Organizations of Medical Clingerman, Karen and Swanson, Janice. TRAINING Sciences. INTERNATIONAL GUIDING PRINCIPLES MATERIALS IN THE COLLECTIONS OF THE NA­ FOR BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH INVOLVING TIONAL AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY RELATING TO ANIMALS = PRINCIPLES DIRECTEURS INTER­ ANIMAL WELFARE. Beltsville, MD: National NATIONAUX POUR LA RECHERCHE BIOMÉDICALE Agricultural Library, 1988.9 p. (22.1, Reference) impliquant des animaux. [Geneva]: Council

Volume 14, Page 69 for International Organizations of Medical Scien­ POSIUM. New York: S. Karger, 1986.324 p. ISBN ces, 1985. 28 p. ISBN 92-9036-019-4. (Text in 3-8055-4460-X. (Conference organized by the In­ English and French.) [HV4708 .157 1985] (22.2) ternational Association of Biological Standard­ ization, held 24-26 April 1985 in London, U.K. EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: EXPERIMENTS Developments in Biological Standardization; Vol. USING ANIMALS. Clarks Summit, PA: Internation­ 64.) [QR189 .123 1985] (22.2) al Society for Animal Rights, 1988. 30 p. (Publisher’s address: 421 South State St., zip Orlans, F. Barbara; Simmonds, Richard C.; and 18411.) [QL55 .E88 1988] (22.2) Dodds, W. Jean, guest editors. EFFECTIVE ANIMAL CARE AND USE COMMITTEES. Cordova, Gay, William I., ed. HEALTH BENEFITS OF ANIMAL TN: American Association for Laboratory RESEARCH. [Washington, DC]: Foundation for Animal Science, [1987]. 178 p. (Laboratory Biomedical Research, [1985?]. 82 p. (Material in Animal Science; Vol. 37, special issue. ISSN 0023- this book was first published in The Physiologist, a 6764. Selected papers from a series of five regional publication of the American Physiological workshops held by the Board of the Scientists Society. Publisher’s address: 818 Connecticut Center for Animal Welfare during 1984-85. Ave., NW, Suite 303, zip 20006.) [QL55 .H421985] Published in collaboration with the Scientists (22.2) Center for Animal Welfare.) [QL55 .E4 1987] (22.2) Gluckstein, Fritz P. INVERTEBRATES IN BIOMEDI­ CAL RESEARCH: JANUARY 1985 THROUGH JULY Thelestam, Monica and Gunnarsson, Anders, eds. 1988:503 CITATIONS. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Nation­ The Ethics of Animal Experimentation, acta al Library of Medicine, Reference Section, [1988]. PHYSIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA 129 (Suppl. 554): 25 p. (Current Bibliographies in Medicine series; 1-269,1986. ISSN 0302-2994. (Proceedings of the No. 88-8.) (22.2) second CFN Symposium held 12-14 August 1985 in Stockholm, Sweden.) [QL55 .C46 1986] (22.2) Gluckstein, Fritz P. LABORATORY ANIMAL WEL­ FARE: SUPPLEMENT IV. Bethesda, MD: Public United States. General Accounting Office. RE­ Services Division, National Library of Medicine, SEARCH ANIMALS: FEDERAL COSTS FOR CARE OF 1988.10 p. (Specialized Bibliography Series; SBS THE SILVER SPRING MONKEYS. Washington, DC: No. 1988-1.) (22.2, Reference) G.A.O., 1988.8 p. (Order No. GAO/HRD-88-89.) (22.2) Gluckstein, Fritz P. PAIN, ANESTHESIA, AND ANAL­ GESIA IN COMMON LABORATORY ANIMALS: Information Science JANUARY 1987 THROUGH MAY 1988: 178 CITA­ TIONS. Bethesda, MD: U.S. National Library of Colaianni, Lois A.; Darling, Louise; and Bishop, Medicine, Reference Section, [1988]. 9 p. (Up­ David, eds. HANDBOOK OF MEDICAL LIBRARY dates Literature Search Series No. 86-17. Current PRACTICE, VOLUME III: HEALTH SCIENCE Bibliographies in Medicine series; No. 88-6.) LIBRARIANSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION. Chicago: (22.2) Medical Library Association, 1988.593 p. ISBN 0- 912176-21-0. (Fourth edition.) [Z675 .M4 M42 Hendee, William R.; et al. USE OF ANIMALS IN 1988] (Information Science) BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH: THE CHALLENGE AND RESPONSE. [Chicago, IL]: American Medical As­ Corry, Emmett. GRANTS FOR LIBRARIES: A GUIDE sociation, 1988.36 p. (AMA White Paper series.) TO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FUNDING PROGRAMS [QL55 .U83 1988] (22.2) AND PROPOSAL WRITING TECHNIQUES. Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1986. 343 p. ISBN 0- IABS SYMPOSIUM ON REDUCTION OF ANIMAL 87287-534-2. (2nd edition.) [Z683 .C7541986] (In­ USAGE IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND CONTROL OF formation Science) BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS: PROCEEDINGS OF ASYM-

Volume 14, Page 70 Flood, Barbara; Witiak, Joanne; and Hogan, vices Unit, PsycINFO Dept.) [Z695.1 .P7 T48 Thomas H., comps. 1984: CHALLENGES TO AN IN­ 1988] (Information Science) FORMATION SOCIETY. White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1984. 256 p. United States. Congress. Office of Technology As­ ISBN 0-86729-115-X. (Proceedings of the 47th sessment. BOOK PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES. ASIS annual meeting held 21-25 October 1984 in Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1988.188 p. (Order Philadelphia, PA. ISSN 0044-7870. Published for No. OTA-O-375. Summary available; order no. the American Society for Information Science.) OTA-O-376.) [Z701 .U65 1988] (Information (Information Science) Science) Intner, Sheila S. and Hannigan, Jane A., eds. THE Walton, Robert A. and Taylor, Nancy. DIRECTORY LIBRARY MICROCOMPUTER ENVIRONMENT: OF MICROCOMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR LIBRARIES. MANAGEMENT ISSUES. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1986. 564 p. ISBN 0- 1988.258 p. ISBN 0-89774-229-X. [Z678.93 .M53 89774-342-3. [Z678.9 .A3 W331986] (Information L5 1988] (Information Science) Science) Lubetski, Edith and Lubetski, Meir. BUILDING A Wood, M. Sandra; Horak, Ellen B.; and Snow, Bon­ JUDAICA LIBRARY COLLECTION: A RESOURCE nie, eds. END USER SEARCHING IN THE HEALTH GUIDE. Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1983. SCIENCES. New York: Haworth Press, 1986.290 p. 185 p. ISBN 0-87287-375-7. (Gift of Max M. and ISBN 0-86656-465-9. (Monographic supplement Marjorie B. Kampelman.) [Z688 J48 L82 1983] #2 to Medical Reference Services Quarterly, (Information Science) Volume 5, 1986) [Z699.5 .M39 E53 1986] (Infor­ mation Science) Neufeld, M. Lynne; Cornog, Martha; and Sperr, Inez L., eds. ABSTRACTING AND INDEXING SER­ Yates, Rochelle. A LIBRARIAN’S GUIDE TO VICES IN PERSPECTIVE: MILES CONRAD TELEPHONE REFERENCE SERVICE. Hamden, CT: MEMORIAL LECTURES, 1969-1983. Arlington, VA: Library Professional Publications, 1986. 136 p. Information Resources Press, 1983. 300 p. ISBN ISBN 0-208-02083-7. [Z711 .Y37 1986] (Informa­ 0-87815-043-9. [Z695.93 .A29 1983] (Information tion Science) Science) Reference Neufeld, M. Lynne; et al., eds. INFORMATION TRANSFER: INCENTIVES FOR INNOVATION. Day, Melvin S., ed. FEDERAL HEALTH INFORMA­ Philadelphia: NFAIS, 1984.176 p. (Proceedings TION RESOURCES. Arlington, VA: Information of the 25th Annual Conference of the National Resources Press, 1987.246 p. ISBN 0-87815-055- Federation of Abstracting and Information Ser­ 2. [R118.4 ,U6 F43 1987] (Reference, 9.1) vices held 27 February-2 March 1983 in Arlington, VA.) [Z695.93 .N36 1983] (Information Science) THE EUROPA YEARBOOK 1988: A WORLD SURVEY. London: Europa, 1988. 2 vol. ISBN 0-946653-41- NURSING & ALLIED HEALTH (CINAHL): 1988 SUB- 0. (ISSN 0071-2302.) [Ref. JN1 .E85 1988] JECTHEADING LIST WITH ONLINE SEARCH GUIDE. (Reference) Glendale, CA: Glendale Adventist Medical Center, 1988.401 p. ISSN 0888-0530. [Z695.1 .N8 Huth, Edward J. MEDICAL STYLE & FORMAT: AN IN­ N87 1988] (Information Science) TERNATIONAL MANUAL FOR AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND PUBLISHERS. Philadelphia: ISI Press, 1987. THESAURUS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL INDEX TERMS. 355 p. ISBN 0-89495-063-0. (The Professional Washington, DC: American Psychological Editing and Publishing Series.) [R119 .H8751987] Assoc., 1988. 291 p. ISBN 0-912704-67-5. (Fifth (Reference) edition. Prepared by the staff of the Retrieval Ser­

Volume 14, Page 71 Koek, Karin E.; Martin, Susan B.; and Novallo, An­ CLINICAL ETHICS REPORT 1(1): January 1987. nette, eds. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASSOCIATIONS: (Publisher’s address: Bioethics Consultation VOLUME I-NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE Group, 1400 Shattuck Ave., Suite 6 [P.O. Box U.S. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1988. 2842 p. 10145], Berkeley, CA 94709.) (2.1) ISSN 0071-0202. (Twenty-third edition. Three parts.) [Ref. AS22 .E5 1988 v.l] (Reference) CONSCIENCE 9(1): January/February 1988. ISSN 0740-6835. (Publisher’s address: Catholics for a Osborn, Susan. DIAL AN EXPERT: THE CONSUMER’S Free Choice, 1436 U Street, NW, Washington, DC SOURCEBOOK OF FREE AND LOW-COST EXPER­ 20009-3916.) (1.2,11.1,12.1) TISE AVAILABLE BY PHONE. New York: Mc­ Graw-Hill, 1986. 214 p. ISBN 0-07-019945-0. CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN MEDICINE 88-1: [HD69 .C6 0831986] (Reference, 9.1) 1988. (Continuation in part of the National Library of Medicine’s Literature Search Series. Or­ Turabian, Kate L. A MANUAL FOR WRITERS OF dering information: Superintendent of Docu­ TERM PAPERS, THESES, AND DISSERTATIONS. ments, U.S. G.P.O., Washington, DC 20402.) (9.1, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.300 p. Reference) ISBN 0-226-81625-7. (Fifth edition, revised and expanded by Bonnie Birtwistle Honigsblum. ethical issues IN NURSING, no. 1: October 1984. Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publish­ (Publisher’s address: Department of Medicine, ing series.) [LB2369 .T8 1987] (Reference) Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine, 37-131 CHS, UCLA School of Medicine, Los An­ United States. Bureau of the Census. STATISTICAL geles, CA 90024-1690.) (4.1.3,2.1) ABSTRACT OF THE UNTIED STATES. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1986. 960 p. ISSN 0081-4741. HIPPOCRATES 2(6): November/December 1988. (107th edition.) [HA202 A l 1987] (Reference) ISSN 0892-2977. (Publisher’s address: 475 Gate Five Rd., Suite 100, Sausalito, CA 94965.) (7.1, Welch, J. and King, T A. SEARCHING THE MEDICAL 9.1) LITERATURE: A GUIDE TO PRINTED AND ONLINE SOURCES. New York: Chapman & Hall, 1985. JOURNAL OF FAMILY LAW 25(1): October 1986. 154 p. ISBN 0-412-25610-X. [R118.2 .W44 1985] ISSN 0022-1066. (Publisher’s address: University (Reference, Information Science) of Louisville, 2301 South Third St., Louisville, KY 40292.) (2.1,21.1) THE WORLD OF LEARNING, 1988. London: Europa, 1988.1925 p. ISBN 0-946653-31-3. (38th edition. REVUE DE PRESSE: ÉTHIQUE: January 1987. (Ex­ ISSN 0084-2117.) [Ref. AS2 .W6 1988] change program with INSERM. Publisher’s ad­ (Reference) dress: Centre de documentation et d’information d’éthique et bureau de presse, INSERM, 101 rue New Journal Subscriptions de Tolbiac, 75013 Paris.) (2.1)

AIDS AND PUBLIC POLICY JOURNAL 1(1): July 1986. New Publications from the Kennedy ISSN 0887-3852. (Publisher’s address: University Institute of Ethics Publishing Group, 107 East Church St., Frederick, MD 21701.) (9.5.6) Iosco, Robert C. AIDS: LAW, ETHICS, AND PUBUC POLICY. April 1988.12 p. (Scope Note series; 8. AIDS BIBLIOGRAPHY 1(1): January-March 1988. Available for $3.00.) (9.5.6) (Continuation in part of the National Library of Medicine’s Literature Search Series. Ordering in­ Kennedy Institute of Ethics. Information Retrieval formation: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Project. BIOETHICS THESAURUS: 1987. G.P.O., Washington, DC 20402.) (9.5.6, Washington, DC: The Project, [1987]. 45 p. (2.1, Reference) Reference)

Volume 14, Page 72 McCarrick, Pat M. BIOETHICS AUDIOVISUALS: Walters, LeRoy and Kahn, Tamar J., eds. bibliog­ 1982 TO PRESENT. September 1988.12 p. (Scope raphy of bioethics, volume 14. Washington, Note Series; 9. Available for $3.00.) (2.1, DC: Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown Reference) University, 1988. 579 p. ISBN 0-9614448-4-3. (ISSN 0363-0161. Available in U.S. and Canada Meinke, Sue A. SURROGATE MOTHERHOOD: ETHI­ for $35; elsewhere for US $40.) [Ref. Z6675 .E8 CAL AND LEGAL ISSUES. January 1988. 12 p. W34 v.14] (2.1, Reference) (Scope Note series; 6 [revised and updated]. Available for $3.00.) (14.2)



December 1988 (SE0001-SE0239)

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National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature Kennedy Institute of Ethics Georgetown University Washington, DC 20057 (202) 687-6738 (800) MED-ETHX

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© 1988 0001 ETHICAL THEORY; Tom BEAUCHAMP, (Fall). Undergraduate. 4 p. War, Abortion, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Kennedy In­ Euthanasia, Value of Life. stitute of Ethics.; 1985 (Fail). Undergraduate. 2 p. Ethical Theory, Public Policy, Treatment 0009 LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN Refusal, Right to Treatment. MEDICINE; William H. FISCHER, J.D., M.B.A.; University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine.; 0002 INFORMED CONSENT SEMINAR; Tom 1985 (Fall). Graduate Medical Education. 6 p. BEAUCHAMP, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Resource Allocation, Suicide, Euthanasia, With­ Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1985 (Spring). holding Treatment, Abortion, Contraception, In­ Graduate. 6 p. Informed Consent, Human Ex­ formed Consent, Human Experimentation. perimentation, Law, Medicine, Bioethics. 0010 MEDICINE IN THE COMMUNITY: HIS­ 0003 FRESHMAN HUMANITIES CORE COURSE TORY OF MEDICINE; Neville HICKS, Ph.D. (THEME FOR 1986: BIOETHICS); STAFF; Laurence B. McCULLOUGH, Ph.D.; Geor­ Buena Vista College.; 1986. Undergraduate. 2 getown Univ. School Medicine, Dept, of Com­ p. Reproductive Technologies, Physician munity Medicine.; 1985. Graduate Medical Patient Relationship, Death, Bioethics. Education. 4 p. Historical Aspects, United States. 0004 PRINCIPLES AND METAPHORS IN MEDI­ CAL ETHICS; James F. CHILDRESS, Ph.D.; 0011 MEDICINE IN THE COMMUNITY: ETHICS Georgetown University, Kennedy Institute of TUTORIAL; Neville HICKS Carol R. BUDER; Ethics.; 1985 (Fall). Graduate. 14 p. Physician University of Adelaide, Australia, Dept, of Com­ Patient Relationship, Euthanasia, Withholding munity Medicine.; 1985. Graduate Medical Treatment, Public Policy, Resource Allocation, Education. 5 p. Ethics, Bioethics, Medicine. Organ Transplantation. 0012 LEGAL, ETHICAL, ECONOMIC AND AD­ 0005 PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW; Norman MINISTRATIVE ASPECTS IN MEDICINE; FINKEL, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Gumerslndo BLANCO, M.D. Gladys WHITE; Psychology Department.; 1985 (Fall). Under­ University of Puerto Rico, School of Medicine.; graduate. 7 p. Psychology, Involuntary Com­ 1985. Graduate Medical Education. 3 p. mitment, Dangerousness, Treatment Refusal, Bioethics, Terminally III, Quality of Life, Law, Right to Treatment. Medicine, Economics, Costs and Benefits.

0006 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS IN RELIGIOUS AND 0013 THE VIRTUES AND PROFESSIONAL VIR­ SECULAR PERSPECTIVES; Isaac FRANCK, TUE; William F. MAY, Ph.D.; Georgetown Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Kennedy In­ University, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1982 stitute of Ethics.; 1984 (Spring). Continuing (Spring). Undergraduate, Graduate. 5 p. Education. 3 p. Jewish Ethics, Religious Professional Ethics. Ethics, Bioethics. 0014 AGING, ETHICS, AND HEALTH CARE FOR 0007 ETHICS IN MEDICINE; Morton MADOFF, THE ELDERLY; Steven LIPSON Laurence B. M.D.; Tufts University, Sch. of Med./Dept. McCULLOUGH, Ph.D.; Georgetown Univer­ Comm. Health; 1986 (Spring). Graduate Medi­ sity, Dept of Community & Family Med.; 1984 cal Education. 6 p. Medical Ethics, Treatment (Fall). Graduate Medical Education. 4 p. Aged, Refusal, Informed Consent, Disclosure, Hand­ Bioethics. icapped, Newborns, Terminally III. 0015 HUMAN VALUES IN THE HEALTH 0008 TAKING HUMAN LIFE: CASES AND PRIN­ PROFESSION; Laurence B. McCULLOUGH, CIPLES; J. Bryan HEHIR, Ph.D.; Georgetown Ph.D. Carol R. BUDER; Georgetown Univer­ University, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1984 sity, Dept of Comm Med & Sch of Nrsg.; 1984 1 (Fall). Graduate. 4 p. Nursing Ethics, Law, Al­ Richard McCormick, Abortion, Resource Al­ lowing to Die, Withholding Treatment, Medicine. location, Euthanasia.

0016 LEGAL AND BIOETHICAL ISSUES IN 0024 HEALTH CARE FINANCE AND ORGANIZA­ HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT; Cynthia TION; Alain C. ENTHOVEN; Stanford Univer­ NORTHRUP Gladys WHITE; Georgetown sity, Graduate School of Business.; 1986 University, School of Nursing.; 1984 (Fall). (Winter). Graduate. 6 p. Resource Allocation, Graduate. 4 p. Nursing Ethics, Law, Allowing Economics, Federal Government, Financial to Die, Withholding Treatment, Medicine. Support.

0017 ETHICS OF TERMINAL CARE; Robert M. 0025 COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS IN HEALTH VEATCH, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Ken­ CARE; Alain C. ENTHOVEN; Stanford Univer­ nedy Institute of Ethics.; 1983 (Spring). sity, Graduate School of Business.; 1986 Graduate. 10 p. Terminally III, Bioethics, Death, (Spring). Graduate. 6 p. Economics, Costs Withholding Treatment, Law, Medicine. and Benefits, Technology Assessment.

0018 THEORIES OF MEDICAL ETHICS; Robert 0026 BIOETHICAL DECISION-MAKING; Jon R. M. VEATCH, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, HENDRIX; Ball State University, Hum. Genet. & Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1984 (Fall). Bioethics Ed. Lab.; 1985 (Fall). Under­ Graduate. 7 p. Bioethics, Religious Ethics. graduate. 10 p. Bioethics.

0019 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE; 0027 STUDY GUIDE IN MEDICAL ETHICS (IN­ LeRoy WALTERS, Ph.D.; Georgetown Univer­ DEPENDENT STUDY PROGRAM); Richard C. sity, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1985 (Fall). McMILLAN; Mercer University, Sch. Graduate. 4 p. Resource Allocation, In Vitro Med./Dept. Psych. & Behav.; 1985. Graduate Fertilization, Gene Therapy, Bioethics. Medical Education. 17 p. Bioethics.

0020 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE; 0028 MEDICAL ETHICS; Ronald E. CRANFORD, LeRoy WALTERS, Ph.D.; Georgetown Univer­ M.D. James B. NELSON, Ph.D.; United sity, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1983 (Fall). Theological Seminary.; 1985 (Fall). Graduate. Graduate. 5 p. Bioethics, Physician Patient 9 p. Bioethics, Death, Resource Allocation. Relationship, Public Policy. 0029 THEOLOGY AND ETHICS OF BEHAVIOR 0021 ETHICAL ISSUES IN BIOMEDICAL RE­ CONTROL; Clyde J. STECKEL; United SEARCH; LeRoy WALTERS, Ph.D.; Geor­ Theological Seminary.; 1985 (Spring). getown University, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; Graduate. 7 p. Behavior Control, 1984 (Fail). Graduate. 8 p. Human Experimen­ Psychosurgery, Electroconvulslve Therapy, tation, Gene Therapy, Biomedical Research, Psychopharmacology. Bioethics. 0030 CURRENT ISSUES IN BIOETHICS; 0022 ETHICS AND THEORIES OF RIGHTS; Jonathan MORENO, Ph.D. Gall POVAR, M.D., LeRoy WALTERS, Ph.D.; Georgetown Univer­ M.P.H.; George Washington University, Health sity, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1982 (Spring). Care Services.; 1985 (Spring). Graduate Medi­ Graduate. 5 p. Rights. cal Education. 5 p. Bioethics, Health Care, In­ formed Consent, Human Experimentation, 0023 SEMINAR ON BIOETHICS: RELIGIOUS Justice, Resource Allocation. AND HUMANISTIC ETHICS; LeRoy WALTERS, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Kennedy In­ 0031 SEMINAR IN THE ETHICS OF HEALTH stitute of Ethics.; 1985 (Spring). Graduate. 6 CARE; Mary SILVA, Ph.D., RN Daniel ROTH- p. Bioethics, Joseph Fletcher, Paul Ramsey, BART, Ph.D.; George Mason University, School 2 of Nursing.; 1985. Graduate. 16 p. Bioethics, Graduate. 13 p. Ethics, Morality, Deontoiogical Informed Consent, Physician Patient Relation­ Ethics, Teleological Ethics, Bioethics. ship, Codes of Ethics, Euthanasia, Resource Al­ location. 0039 AUTONOMY AND PATERNALISM; Alan BOWEN-JAMES; Kuring-gai Coll. of Adv. 0032 ETHICAL DECISION MAKING FOR NURSE Educ., School of Nursing.; n.d. Graduate. 11 EXECUTIVES; Mary SILVA, Ph.D., R.N., Tom p. Paternalism, Self Determination, Suicide, In­ BEAUCHAMP, Ph.D.; George Mason Univer­ formed Consent. sity, School of Nursing.; 1985. Graduate (Con­ tinuing Education). 5 p. Ethics, Bioethics, 0040 AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY; Alan Nursing Ethics. BOWEN-JAMES; Kuring-gai Coll. of Adv. Educ., School of Nursing.; n.d. Graduate. 9 p. 0033 PERSPECTIVES ON DEATH AND DYING; Moral Obligations, Medical Ethics. Philip A. PECORINO, Ph.D.; Queensborough Community College, Dept, of Social Sciences.; 0041 TRUTH AND INFORMATION; Alan n.d. Undergraduate. 29 p. Death, Euthanasia, BOWEN-JAMES; Kuring-gai Coll. of Adv. Suicide, Hospices, Terminal Care, Organ Educ., School of Nursing.; n.d. Graduate. 9 p. Transplantation. Disclosure, Confidentiality, Morality, Com­ munication. 0034 MEDICAL ETHICS; Philip A. PECORINO, Ph.D.; Queensborough Community College, 0042 INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL ETHICS; School of Social Sciences.; 1986 (Spring). Un­ John R. KING, D.Min.; Eastern Virginia Medical dergraduate. 12 p. Health Care, Nursing School, Human Values in Medicine Prog.; 1985 Ethics, Euthanasia, Human Experimentation, (Fall). Graduate Medical Education. 12 p. Behavior Control, Patients’ Rights, Abortion, Morality, Physician Patient Relationship, Resource Allocation. Euthanasia, Death, Prolongation of Life, Organ Transplantation, Biomedical Research. 0035 ETHICAL ISSUES IN EXPERIMENTATION AND ISSUES IN CLINICAL ETHICS; Alan 0043 LEGAL MEDICINE/BIOETHICS; Robert F. BOWEN-JAMES; Kuring-gai Coll. of Adv. MURRAY, M.D. Linwood RAYFORD, M.D.; Educ., School of Nursing.; n.d. Graduate. 8 p. Howard University, College of Medicine.; 1986 Human Experimentation, Behavioral Research, (Spring). Graduate Medical Education. 34 p. Patient Care, Medical Ethics. Paternalism, Beneficence, Competence, Reproductive Technologies, Confidentiality, 0036 ETHICS OF TERMINAL CARE; Robert M. Withholding Treatment, Informed Consent. VEATCH, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Ken­ nedy Institute of Ethics.; 1986 (Spring). 0044 MEDICAL ETHICS (SEMINARS); Joan M. Graduate. 11 p. Terminal Care, Death, Ethics, ALTENKRUSE, M.D.; Univ. of South Carolina, Euthanasia, Allowing to Die, Ethics Commit­ School of Medicine.; 1986 (Spring). Graduate. tees. 4 p. Death, Euthanasia, Human Experimenta­ tion, Informed Consent, Ethics, Physician 0037 THEORIES OF JUSTICE; Alan BOWEN- Patient Relationship. JAMES; Kuring-gai Coll. of Adv. Educ., School of Nursing.; n.d. Graduate. 13 p. Justice, 0045 MEDICAL ETHICS; Gregory PENCE, Rights, Health Care. Ph.D.; Univ. Alabama in Birmingham, Depart­ ment of Philosophy.; 1986. Graduate. 8 p. Al­ 0038 ETHICAL THEORIES AND ETHICAL lowing to Die, Euthanasia, Handicapped, REASONING; Alan BOWEN-JAMES; Kuring- Newborns, Bioethics, Informed Consent, gai Coll. of Adv. Educ., School of Nursing.; n.d. Health Care, Human Experimentation.

3 0046 ETHICS AND MEDICAL CARE; Peter 0053 THE CUTTING EDGE; Philip BOYLE, O.P., DANS, M.D.; Johns Hopkins University, Office S.T.L.; Saint Louis University, School of of Medical Practice Eval.; 1985 (Spring). Medicine.; 1986 (Spring). Graduate Medical Graduate. 15 p. Death, Informed Consent, Education. 26 p. AIDS, Economics, Health Bioethics, Health Care, Justice, Care, Resource Allocation, Terminal Care, Physician/Patient Relationship. Genetic Screening, In Vitro Fertilization, Allow­ ing to Die. 0047 MEDICAL ETHICS; John E. SADLER, M.D.; University of Texas, Dept. Psych./Southwstrn. 0054 BASIC CONCEPTS OF MEDICAL ETHICS; Med. Sc.; 1986 (Spring). Graduate. 1 p. Kevin O’ROURKE, O.P., J.C.D., Dennis Health Care, Economics, In Vitro Fertilization, BRODEUR, Ph.D.; Saint Louis University, Allowing to Die, Abortion, Handicapped, New­ School of Medicine.; 1985 (Fall). Graduate borns, Organ Transplantation, Bioethics. Medical Education. 31 p. Medical Ethics, Health Care, Third Party Consent, Allowing to 0048 PROFESSIONAL ISSUES IN MEDICAL Die, Human Experimentation, Death, Organ PRACTICE; Rev. Dr. ALLSOP; Creighton Transplantation. University, School of Medicine.; 1986 (Spring). Graduate. 4 p. Health Care, Bioethics, Death, 0055 VALUES AND ETHICS IN NURSING; Gina Euthanasia, Allowing to Die, Resuscitation, GIOVINCO, R.N., Ph.D.; University of Florida, Organ Transplantation. College of Nursing.; 1984 (Spring). Graduate. 3 p. Values, Nursing Ethics, Decision Making, 0049 ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE; GailJ.POVAR, Patients’ Rights, Codes of Ethics. M.D., MPH; George Washington University, Dept, of Health Care Services.; 1985 (Fall). 0056 ETHICAL PERSPECTIVES IN NURSING; Graduate. 11 p. Physician Patient Relation­ Gina GIOVINCO, R.N., Ph.D. L.J. ship, Aged, Medicine, Informed Consent, MALASANOS, R.N., Ph.D.; University of Economics, Law, Justice, Handicapped, In­ Florida, School of Nursing.; 1985. Graduate. 5 fants, Resource Allocation. p. Nursing Ethics, Bioethics, Values, Codes of Ethics, Health Care. 0050 ETHICAL PRINCIPLES AND NORMS; Kevin O ’ROURKE, OP, JCD; Saint Louis 0057 MEDICAL ETHICS: A CASE STUDIES AP­ University, Ctr. Hlth. Srv. Edu. & Res.; 1985 PROACH; David C. THOMASMA, Ph.D.; (Fall). Graduate. 22 p. Bioethics, Abortion, Loyola Univ. of Chicago, Stritch School of Roman Catholicism, Health Care. Medicine.; n.d. Graduate Medical Education. 6 p. Handicapped, Newborns, Economics, 0051 ISSUES IN COMMUNITY HEALTH; Philip Health Care, Confidentiality, Treatment Refusal, BOYLE, O.P., S.T.L.; Saint Louis University, Ctr. Allowing to Die, Competence, Medical Ethics. Hlth. Srv. Edu. & Res.; 1986 (Spring). Graduate. 17 p. Patients’ Rights, Physician 0058 MEDICAL ETHICS SEMINAR; Thomas R. Patient Relationship, Allowing to Die, Genetic McCORMICK, D.Min.; University of Screening, Occupational Medicine, Social Con­ Washington, School of Medicine.; 1986 trol. (Spring). Graduate Medical Education. 1 p. Medical Ethics, Ethics, Codes of Ethics, 0052 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE AD­ Patients’ Rights, Physicians, Nursing Ethics, MINISTRATION; Dennis BRODEUR, Ph.D.; Decision Making. Saint Louis University, School of Medicine.; 1986 (Spring). Graduate Medical Education. 0059 HUMAN FACE OF MEDICINE; Thomas R. 14 p. Hospitals, Medical Care, Physician McCORMICK, D.Min.; University of Patient Relationship, Economics, Ethics Com­ Washington, School of Medicine.; 1986 mittees, Allowing to Die, Resource Allocation. (Winter). Graduate Medical Education. 2 p. 4 Physician Patient Relationship, Patient Care, School of Nursing.; n.d. Continuing Education. Hospitals.. 2 p. Nursing Ethics, Decision Making.

0060 ETHICAL CHALLENGE OF MEDICINE; 0067 MEDICAL ETHICS; Howard BRODY, M.D., Thomas R. McCORMICK, D.Min.; University of Ph.D. Ken HOWE, Ph.D.; Michigan State Washington, School of Medicine.; 1986 University, Medical Humanities Program.; 1986 (Winter). Graduate. 2 p. Medical Ethics, (Fall). Graduate Medical Education. 50 p. Decision Making, Hospitals. Medical Ethics, Treatment Refusal, Informed Consent, Handicapped, Newborns, Physician 0061 ETHICAL ISSUES SURROUNDING Patient Relationship, Allowing to Die. DEATH.; Thomas R. McCORMICK, D.Min.; University of Washington, School of Medicine.; 0068 RESPONSIBLE HUMAN LIFE.; James J. 1986 (Spring). Graduate Medical Education. 6 McCARTNEY, OSA, Ph.D.; St. Vincent de Paul p. Death, Suicide, Patients’ Rights, Allowing to Seminary.; 1985 (Fail). Graduate. 5 p. Roman Die, Euthanasia. Catholicism, Medical Ethics, Physician Patient Relationship, Health Care, Decision Making, 0062 MEDICAL ETHICS AND THE LIFE SCIEN­ Death, Reproduction. CES.; Thomas R. McCORMICK, D.Min.; University of Washington, School of Medicine.; 0069 ETHICAL, LEGAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES IN 1985 (Fall). Graduate Medical Education. 2 p. MEDICINE.; Edmund G. HOWE, M.D., J.D.; Bioethics, Resource Allocation, Abortion, Uniformed Serv. Univ. HIth. Sci., Department of Handicapped, Newborns, Euthanasia, In­ Psychiatry.; 1985 (Fall). Graduate Medical formed Consent, Psychosurgery, Genetic Inter­ Education. 18 p. Physician Patient Relation­ vention. ship, Allowing to Die, Abortion, Genetic Screen­ ing, Selection for Treatment, Research 0063 SOCIAL ISSUES IN MEDICINE.; Peter C. Subjects. WILLIAMS., J.D., Ph.D.; S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook, School of Medicine.; 1985-86 (Winter). 0070 MEDICINE 665; Robert A. PEARLMAN, Graduate Medical Education. 5 p. Medical M.D., M.P.H.; University of Washington, School Ethics, Treatment Refusal, Patients’ Rights, of Medicine.; 1983 (Summer). Graduate Medi­ Euthanasia, AIDS, Health Care, Economics, cal Education 16 p. Medical Ethics, Values, Malpractice, Peer Review. Physicians, Euthanasia, Paternalism, Informed Consent, Resource Allocation. 0064 PLEASE LET ME DIE? (WORKSHOP).; Winifred PINCH, R.N., MS; Saint Anselm Col­ 0071 MEDICAL ETHICS; Larry SCHNEIDER- lege, Gadbois Nursing Center.; 1983. Continu­ MAN, M.D. Allen SNYDER, J.D.; University of ing Education. 2 p. Allowing to Die, Nursing California, Dept, of Family/Community Med.; Ethics. 1986 (Winter). Graduate Medical Education. 4 p. Medical Ethics, Abortion, Genetic Screening, 0065 BIOETHICAL DECISION-MAKING IN Newborns, Paternalism, Physician Patient NURSING PRACTICE. (WORKSHOP); K. Dan­ Relationship, Resource Allocation, Euthanasia. ner CLOUSER, B.D., Ph.D. Winifred PINCH, R.N., M.Ed.; St. Anselm College, Department of 0072 HUMAN VALUES IN MEDICINE; Walter A. Nursing.; n.d. Continuing Education. 2 p. Al­ MARKOWICZ, Ph.D.; Wayne State University, lowing to Die, Nursing Ethics, Patients’ Rights, School of Medicine.; Year I. Graduate Medical Disclosure. Education. 3 p. Death, Allowing to Die, Treat­ ment Refusal, Informed Consent, Resource Al­ 0066 CODE GRAY (WORKSHOP); Winifred location, Sexuality, Genetic Screening. PINCH, R.N., Ed.D.; St. Anselm College,

5 0073 HUMAN VALUES IN MEDICINE; Walter A. 0081 THEOLOGY 300; Bernard MacDONALD; MARKOWICZ, Ph.D.; Wayne State University, St. Francis Xavier University, Theology.; n.d. School of Medicine.; Year II. Graduate Medical Undergraduate. 2 p. Ethics, Reproductive Education. 4 p. Decision Making, Values, Con­ Technologies, Genetic Intervention, fidentiality, Reproduction, Resuscitation, In­ Euthanasia, Abortion, Contraception. formed Consent. 0082 CHRISTIAN BIOETHICS; Rev. Michael 0074 INFORMED CONSENT SEMINAR; Tom L. PRIEUR; King’s College/St. Peter’s Sem., BEAUCHAMP, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Theology.; 1983-84. 3 p. Christian Ethics, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; 1986 (Spring). Bioethics, Decision Making, Abortion, Death, Graduate. 6 p. Informed Consent, Medical Reproductive Technologies, Genetic Interven­ Ethics, Human Experimentation, Self Deter­ tion, Euthanasia. mination, Competence, Disclosure. 0083 ETHICAL PROBLEMS OF LIFE AND 0075 RELIGION AND SOCIAL ISSUES; D. DEATH; Bela SOMFAI, S.J.; Regis College, McCANCE; University of Manitoba, St. John’s Toronto School of Theology.; n.d. Graduate. College.; 1984-85. Undergraduate 9 p. Be­ 27 p. Quality of Life, Value of Life, Genetic In­ havior Control, Genetic Intervention, In Vitro tervention, Reproductive Technology, Fertilization, Abortion, Death, Organ Transplan­ Euthanasia, Medical Ethics. tation, Homosexuals. 0084 BIOETHICS; Hubert DOUCET; St. Paul 0076 CONTEMPORARY MORAL PROBLEMS University, Theology.; 1985 (Winter). (RS211); Dr. J. GOULET; Mount St. Vincent Graduate. 3 p. Prenatal Diagnosis, Newborns, University, Religion.; n.d. Undergraduate. 6 p. Euthanasia, Allowing to Die, Nurses, Reproduc­ Christian Ethics. tive Technologies, Doctor-Patient Relationship.

0077 PROBLEMS IN BIO-MEDICAL ETHICS 0085 DROIT DES PERSONNES; Edith (RELN 361); Prof. SCHUMAKER; Queen’s DELEURY; Université Laval, Faculté de Droit.; University, Religion.; 1984-85. Undergraduate. 1985 (Winter). Graduate. 2 p. Artificial Insemi­ 2 p. Medical Ethics, Death, Physician, Patient nation, In Vitro Fertilization, Host Mothers, Relationship, Values, Psychotherapy, Morality. Prenatal Diagnosis, Genetic Intervention.

0078 PRINCIPLES IN BIOMEDICAL ETHICS; Dr. 0086 CURRENT ISSUES IN CANADIAN HEALTH Dietmar LAGE; University of Windsor.; n.d. CARE; Jan STORCH; University of Alberta, Graduate. 2 p. Contraception, Genetic Inter­ Health Service Administration.; 1984-85. vention, Abortion, Handicapped, Newborns, Graduate. 22 p. Health Care Delivery, Childbirth. Resource Allocation, Medical Ethics, Informed Consent. 0079 MORALE ET VIE HUMAINE (THL-13242); Henri BEAUMONT; Université Laval, Theology.; 0087 SELECTED TOPICS IN HEALTH SER­ 1984 (Winter). Graduate. 4 p. Contraception, VICES ADMINISTRATION; Jan STORCH; Eugenics, Artificial Insemination, Abortion, University of Alberta, Health Services Ad­ Death, Christian Ethics. ministration.; 1984-85. Graduate. 17 p. In­ formed Consent, Death, Reproductive 0080 LE RESPECT DE LA VIE (THL-6017); Jac­ Technologies, Resource Allocation, Occupa­ ques FERLAND; Université du Quebec, Theol­ tional Diseases. ogy.; n.d. Graduate. 1 p. Value of Life, Abortion, Euthanasia, Artificial Insemination, 0088 ETHICS IN HEALTH CARE; Pran MANGA; Sterilization, Capital Punishment. University of Ottawa, Administration.; 1984 (Fall). Graduate. 5 p. Genetic Intervention, 6 Reproductive Technologies, Resource Alloca­ 0096 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS; Mike BURGESS; tion, Death, Euthanasia, Rights. Calgary, Philosophy.; n.d. Undergraduate. 2 p. Ethics, Informed Consent, Death, 0089 PROBLÈMES EN GESTION DES SER­ Euthanasia, Human Experimentation, Resource VICES DE SANTÉ; Jacqueline FORTIN; Allocation, Handicapped, Newborns, Abortion. Université de Montreal, Health Administration.; 1986 (Winter). Graduate. 10 p. Ethics, Law, 0097 ETHICS AND MEDICINE; Susan SHER- Medicine, Decision Making, Values, Con­ WIN; Dalhousie, Philosophy.; 1984 (Fall). Un­ science, Resource Allocation, Ethics Commit­ dergraduate. 14 p. Medical Ethics, tees. Paternalism, Physician-Patient Relationship, Nurses, Informed Consent, Disclosure, Human 0090 DENTAL ETHICS AND JURISPRUDENCE; Experimentation. Peter GRAHAM; McGill University, Community Dentistry.; 1984-85. Graduate Dental Educa­ 0098 BIOÉTHIQUE ET PHILOSOPHIE; Andre tion. 4 p. Dentistry, Professional Ethics, JEAN; Université Laval, Philosophy.; n.d. Negligence. Graduate. 3 p. Medical Ethics.

0091 ETHICAL AND BUSINESS ASPECTS OF 0099 MORAL ISSUES; J.E. THOMAS; un­ DENTAL PRACTICE, R.E. McDERMOTT, known, Philosophy/Religious Studies.; 1984- D.D.S.; University of Saskatchewan, Comm, 85. Undergraduate. 3 p. Physician, Patient and Pediatric Dentistry.; n.d. Graduate Dental Relationship, Abortion, Genetic Screening, Education. 2 p. Dentistry, Professional Ethics, Death, Reproductive Technologies, Human Ex­ Physician-Patient Relationship, Economics. perimentation.

0092 COMMUNITY DENTISTRY; Prof. 0100 ETHICAL ISSUES; B. CUPPLES; New MAYHALL; University of Toronto, Dentistry.; Brunswick, Philosophy.; 1983 [Fall]. Under­ 1984. Graduate Dental Education. 24 p. Den­ graduate. 3 p. Human Experimentation, tistry, Professional Ethics, Physician-Patient Euthanasia, Abortion, Death, Codes of Ethics, Relationship. Patients’ Rights, Informed Consent.

0093 PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT; Wesley 0101 PHILOSOPHY 301; Pall S. ARDAI; DUNN; University of Western Ontario, Den­ Queen’s University, Philosophy.; 1985. 9 p. tistry.; 1984 (Fall). Graduate Dental Education. Patients’ Rights, Paternalism, Abortion, 9 p. Dentistry, Professional Ethics, Physician- Euthanasia, Human Experimentation, Informed Patient Relationship. Consent.

0094 BIO-MEDICAL ETHICS; E. WINKLER; 0102 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS; J.V. PENNA; St. University of British Columbia, Philosophy.; Thomas More College, Philosophy.; 1984-85. n.d. Undergraduate. 3 p. Abortion, Undergraduate. 3 p. Ethics, Personhood, Euthanasia, Physician-Patient Relationship, In­ Patients’ Rights, Disclosure, Abortion, Death, formed Consent, Resource Allocation, Genetic Euthanasia, Resource Allocation, Human Ex­ Intervention. perimentation.

0095 BIOETHICS—AN INQUIRY INTO 0103 MORAL PROBLEMS IN THE HEALTH SELECTED ISSUES; G. NATHAN D. URSINO; CARE OF THE AGED; D. ZIMMERMAN; Simon Brock, Biology/Philosophy.; n.d. Under­ Fraser University, Philosophy.; Spring 1985. graduate. 5 p. Genetic Intervention, Reproduc­ Undergraduate. 2 p. Aged, Euthanasia, Allow­ tive Technologies, Abortion, Death, Euthanasia, ing to Die, Confidentiality, Death, Competence, Health Care Delivery, Behavior Control. Informed Consent, Disclosure, Justice.

7 0104 [MEDICINE AND THE LAW] (4 COURSES); 0112 ÉTHIQUE MÉDICAL; David ROY, Ph.D. A. LYNCH; St. Michael’s College, Philosophy.; Harry GRANTHAM, M.D.; Université Laval, n.d. Undergraduate. 3 p. Ethics, Law, Philosophy.; n.d. Undergraduate. 14 p. Medicine, Human Experimentation, Mental Prolongation of Life, Aged, Abortion, Prenatal Health, Values. Diagnosis, Newborns, Handicapped, Psychiatry. 0105 MORALITY, MEDICINE AND THE LAW; L.W. SUMNER; University of Toronto, 0113 ETHICAL ISSUES; Arnold JOHNSON Philosophy.; 1984/Fall. Undergraduate. 4 p. Stephen TOULMIN; McMaster University, Reproductive Technologies, Genetic Interven­ School of Medicine.; 1983. Graduate Medical tion, Abortion, Newborns, Euthanasia. Education. 14 p. Informed Consent, Dis­ closure, Confidentiality, Prolongation of Life. 0106 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS; Barry HOF- FMASTER Gwen FRASER; University of 0114 MEDICAL ETHICS AND Western Ontario, Philosophy.; 1984/85. Un­ JURISPRUDENCE; David ROY, Ph.D.; McGill dergraduate. 3 p. Handicapped, Newborns, University, School of Medicine.; 1985/Spring. Paternalism, Treatment Refusal, Counseling, Graduate Medical Education. 14 p. Prolonga­ Confidentiality, Physician Patient Relationship. tion of Life, Informed Consent, Law, Medicine, Aged, Psychiatry. 0107 ETHICS IN MEDICINE AND LAW; D. WAL­ TON; University of Winnipeg, Philosophy.; n.d. 0115 TEACHING OF MEDICAL ETHICS; C. Undergraduate. 2 p. Physician Patient HEUGHAN, M.D. J. ROSS, M.D.; unknown; Relationship, Law, Medicine, Euthanasia, 1983. Graduate Medical Education. 6 p. Decision Making. Bioethics, Physician Patient Relationship, Human Experimentation, Handicapped, Ter­ 0108 PROBLEMS IN BIOMEDICAL ETHICS; J. minal Care, Aged. NAPIER; Champlain Reg. Coll.-Lennoxville, Philosophy.; 1984/Winter. Undergraduate. 3 0116 QU’EST-CE QUE LA BIOÉTHIQUE; Guy p. Physician Patient Relationship, Human Ex­ DURAND; Université de Montreal, School of perimentation, Euthanasia, Abortion, Behavior Medicine.; 1984/85. Graduate Medical Educa­ Control, Genetic Intervention. tion. 27 p. Bioethics, Terminal Care, Euthanasia, Suicide, Abortion, Prenatal Diag­ 0109 MEDICAL ETHICS AND nosis, Sterilization, Mentally Handicapped. JURISPRUDENCE; J.A.L. GILBERT; Univer­ sity of Alberta, School of Medicine.; 1984/85. 0117 MORAL SIDE OF MEDICINE; C. Donald Graduate Medical Education. 6 p. Professional MacNIVEN; York University, Philosophy.; Ethics, Law, Medicine, Informed Consent, 1983/84. Undergraduate. 3 p. Bioethics, Malpractice, Physician Patient Relationship. Human Experimentation, Resource Allocation, Abortion, Physician Patient Relationship, 0110 BIOETHICS; Charles BODEMER E.H.W. Euthanasia, Behavior Control. KLUGE; University of British Columbia, School of Medicine.; n.d. Seminar. 2 p. Bioethics, 0118 ETHICS FORUM: ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN Decision Making, Paternalism. MEDICINE; Alex M. BRYANS; Queen’s Univer­ sity, School of Medicine.; 1985/Spring. 0111 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT; J. WECKMAN; Graduate Medical Education. 4 p. Informed Dalhousie, School of Medicine.; 1984/85. Consent, Decision Making, Resource Alloca­ Graduate Medical Education. 4 p. Law, tion, Death, Professional Ethics, Ethics Commit­ Medicine, Physician Patient Relationship, tees, Human Experimentation. Death, Resource Allocation.

8 0119 MAN, MEDICINE AND SOCIETY; K.R. Nursing.; 1985/Spring. Undergraduate. 16 p. HAIGHT; University of Saskatchewan, School Nursing Ethics, Physician Nurse Relationship, of Medicine.; 1985/Spring. Graduate Medical Law, Medicine, Ethics. Education. 11 p. Paternalism, Decision Making, Prolongation of Life, Abortion, Treat­ 0127 NURSING AND HEALTH NEEDS; STAFF; ment Refusal, Bioethics. Foothills Hospital, School of Nursing.; n.d. Un­ dergraduate. 10 p. Nursing Ethics, Values, 0120 MEDICAL HUMANITIES; Abbyann Decision Making, Professional Ethics. LYNCH; University of Toronto, School of Medicine.; n.d. Graduate Medical Education. 0128 HEALTH SCIENCES ETHICS; Marllynn 6 p. Genetic Intervention, Informed Consent, BERG; Grant MacEwan Community College, Death, Psychiatry, Religion, Abortion, Mentally Health Science.; 1985/Spring. Undergraduate. Handicapped, Bioethics. 5 p. Ethics, Informed Consent, Death, Human Experimentation, Abortion, Reproductive Tech­ 0121 MEDICINE AND SOCIETY; STAFF; nologies, Professional Ethics. University of Western Ontario, School of Medicine.; 1985/Wlnter. Graduate Medical 0129 ETHICS IN THE HEALTH SCIENCES; Education. 2 p. Confidentiality, Law, Medicine, STAFF; British Columbia Inst, of Tech., Con­ Abortion, Euthanasia, Terminal Care, Prenatal tinuing Education.; n.d. Continuing Education. Diagnosis, Living Wills. 3 p. Professional Ethics, Decision Making, Values. 0122 PROFESSIONAL ISSUES [IN NURSING]; J. ERICKSEN M. REGESTER; University of 0130 PROFESSIONAL, ETHICAL AND MORAL British Columbia, School of Nursing.; ISSUES IN NURSING; G. SINCLAIR Veronica 1985/Spring. Undergraduate. 4 p. Nursing M. ROCHFORD; College of New Caledonia, Ethics. Health Sciences.; 1983/Spring. Under­ graduate. 22 p. Nursing Ethics, Rights, 0123 PROBLÈMES CONTEMPORAINS D’ÉTHI­ Decision Making, Death, Resource Allocation. QUE; Marcel J. MELANÇON, Ph.D.; Université Laval, Philosophy.; 1984/Winter. Under­ 0131 PATIENT RIGHTS AND RESPON­ graduate. 2 p. Bioethics, Law, Medicine, SIBILITIES; C. McFADYEN; Okanagan Col­ Values, Decision Making. lege, Health Science.; 1983. Undergraduate. 6 p. Nursing Ethics, Patients’ Rights, Informed 0124 ÉTHIQUE MÉDICALE; Marcel J. Consent. MELANÇON, Ph.D.; Université Laval, Philosophy.; 1982. Undergraduate. 4 p. 0132 PROFESSIONAL SEMINARS; STAFF; Reproductive Technologies, Sterilization, Abor­ Camosun College, School of Nursing.; tion, Suicide, Prenatal Diagnosis, Terminal 1984/Wlnter. Undergrduate. 17 p. Nursing Care, Sexuality. Ethics, Law, Medicine, Confidentiality.

0125 ISSUES IN PROFESSIONAL NURSING 0133 CORE ON ETHICS AND MORAL AND HEALTH CARE; Myrtle CRAWFORD; DECISION MAKING; STAFF; Grace General University of Saskatchewan, College of Nurs­ Hospital, School of Nursing.; 1984/Summer. ing.; 1984/85. Undergraduate. 10 p. Nursing Undergraduate. 7 p. Nursing Ethics, Values, Ethics, Professional Ethics, Values, Self Deter­ Decision Making, Euthanasia. mination, Death, Physician Nurse Relationship. 0134 NURSES MORAL/ETHICAL RESPON­ 0126 PROFESSIONAL, ETHICAL AND LEGAL SIBILITIES; STAFF; Red River Community Col­ ASPECTS OF NURSING; Abbyann LYNCH J. lege, School of Nursing.; 1983/Spring. WILSON; University of Toronto, College of 9 Undergraduate. 3 p. Ethics, Nursing Ethics, Philosophy Department.; n.d. Graduate Medi­ Economics, Biomedical Technologies. cal Education. 2 p. Euthanasia, Handicapped, Physician Patient Relationship, Rights. 0135 GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT; STAFF; Grace General Hospital, School of Nursing.; 0144 CLINICAL DECISION MAKING; David G. 1984/Spring. Undergraduate. 7 p. Nursing SMITH; Temple University, School of Ethics, Patients’ Rights. Medicine.; 1986/Spring. Graduate Medical Education. 16 p. Physician Patient Relation­ 0136 NURSING-PROFESSIONAL DEVELOP­ ship, Informed Consent, Rights, Self Determina­ MENT; STAFF; Aberdeen Hospital, School of tion, Beneficence. Nursing.; n.d. Undergraduate. 7 p. Nursing Ethics, Patients’ Rights, Values, Rights, Dis­ 0145 PROSEMINAR IN BIOETHICS; LeRoy closure, Decision Making. WALTERS, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Ken­ nedy Institute of Ethics.; 1986/Fall. Graduate. 0137 MORAL DILEMMAS OF THE 80’S; Mary 6 p. Bioethics, Human Experimentation, FENWICK; Sir Stanford Flemming College, Reproductive T echnoiogies. School of Nursing.; 1984/Winter. Under­ graduate. 2 p. Nursing Ethics, Ethics . 0146 ADVANCED BIOETHICS; J.E. THOMAS; unknown Philosophy.; 1984/1985. Under­ 0138 NURSING PROCESS AND COMMUNICA­ graduate. 2 p. Euthanasia, Allowing to Die, TIONS; STAFF; Sheridan College, School of Newborns, Death, Quality of Life, Handicapped, Nursing.; 1983/Fail. Undergraduate. 9 p. Genetic Screening. Nursing Ethics, Codes of Ethics, Ethics. 0147 SÉMINAIRE INTERDISCIPLINAIRE DE 0139 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS; STAFF; Cen­ RECHERCHE EN ÉTHIQUE MÉDICALE; Mar­ tennial Col. Appl. Art & Sci., School of Nursing.; cel J. MELANÇON; Université Laval, Depart­ 1983/Fall. Undergraduate. 21 p. Nursing ment of Philosophy.; 1985/Winter. Graduate. Ethics, Codes of Ethics, Law, Communication. 2 p. Reproductive Technologies, In Vitro Fer­ tilization, Host Mothers, Artificial Insemination, 0140 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS; STAFF; Genetic Intervention. Cambrian Coll. Appl. Arts & Sci., School of Nurs­ ing.; 1984/Fall. Undergraduate. 6 p. Nursing 0148 DECISION MAKING IN MEDICINE; Diet- Ethics, Communications. mar LAGE; University of Windsor, Department of Philosophy.; n.d. Undergraduate. 1 p. 0141 BI06THIQUE PROFESSIONELLE; Euthanasia, Resource Allocation, Physician STAFF; C.E.G.E.P. Hautrive, School of Nurs­ Patient Relationship, Confidentiality, Behavior ing.; n.d. Undergraduate. 3 p. Reproductive Control, Disclosure, Psychiatry. Technologies, Value of Life, Abortion, Bioethics, Contraception. 0149 LES SUICIDES: INTERPRÉTATION CUL­ TURELLE ET INTERROGATIONS ÉTHIQUE; 0142 MEDICINE, ETHICS AND THE LAW; S.T. Houbert DOUCET; St. Paul University, Theol­ FIRTH, M.D.; University of Ottawa, School of ogy Department.; n.d. Graduate. 1 p. Suicide. Medicine.; 1984/Fail. Graduate Medical Education. 10 p. Euthanasia, Law, Medicine, 0150 CONVICTIONS ÉTHIQUES ET POLITI­ Informed Consent, Confidentiality, Reproduc­ QUES ET SOCIALES DANS LES SOCIETES tive Technologies, Death. PLURALISTES; Hubert DOUCET; St. Paul University, Theology Department.; 1984-1985. 0143 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN THE ETHICAL Undergraduate. 1 p. Law, Morality, Abortion, DIMENSIONS OF MEDICAL PRACTICE; Euthanasia, Reproductive Technologies. Stephen WEAR, Ph.D.; S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo, 10 0151 SEX, TECHNOLOGY AND MORALITY; bert JONSEN, Ph.D.; U. of Cal./San Francisco, Verna CASE Lance STELL; Davidson College, School of Medical Ethics.; 1985/Spring. Biology Department.; 1986/Spring. Under­ Graduate Medical Education. 8 p. Terminally graduate. 4 p. Reproductive Technologies, III, Physician Patient Relationship, Informed Genetic Intervention, Newborns, Handicapped, Consent, Minors, Economics, Patient Care. Genetic Screening, Contraception.. 0159 THE BODY AND ITS PARTS AS PROPER­ 0152 PERSPECTIVES IN VETERINARY TY; James F. CHILDRESS, Ph.D.; Georgetown MEDICINE; STAFF; Michigan State University, University, Kennedy Institute of Ethics.; College of Veterinary Medicine.; 1985/Fall. 1987/Spring. Graduate. 4 p. Law, Medicine, Graduate Veterinary Medicine. 3 p. Veterinary Organ Transplantation, Religion, Reproductive Ethics. Technologies.

0153 AGING, ETHICS AND HEALTH CARE FOR 0160 ETHICAL ISSUES IN PEDIATRICS THE ELDERLY; Steven LIPSON, M.D., M.P.H. MEDICINE; Frederic D. BURG, M.D. Frank M. Laurence B. McCULLOUGH, Ph.D.; Geor­ HARRAN, M.Div.; University of Pennsylvania, getown University, School of Medicine.; School of Medicine.; n.d. Graduate Medical 1985/Fall. Graduate Medical Education. 3 p. Education. 4 p. Ethics, Confidentiality, Self Aged, Health Care, Paternalism, Competence. Determination, Resource Allocation, Physician Patient Relationship, Informed Consent, Allow­ 0154 LITERATURE AND MEDICINE; Loretta ing to Die. KOPELMAN, M.D.; East Carolina University, School of Medicine.; 1985/1986. Graduate 0161 GRADUATE SEMINAR IN MEDICAL Medical Education. 1 p. Literature, Medicine.. EDUCATION; David S. SMITH, M.D. Susan C. DAY, M.D., M.P.H.; University of Pennsylvania, 0155 PHILOSOPHY AND MEDICINE I; Loretta School of Medicine.; 1985/1986. Graduate KOPELMAN, M.D.; East Carolina University, Medical Education. 2 p. AIDS, Terminally III, In School of Medicine.; 1985/1986. Graduate Vitro Fertilization, Newborns, Economics, Medical Education. 5 p. Paternalism, Informed Handicapped, Allowing to Die, Informed Con­ Consent, Disclosure, Confidentiality, Genetic sent. Intervention, Newborns, Handicapped, Biomedical Research. 0162 MEDICAL ETHICS; Chris HACKLER, Ph.D.; U. Arkansas for Medical Sciences, 0156 PHILOSOPHY AND MEDICINE II; Loretta Division of Medical Humanities.; 1985/Fall. KOPELMAN, M.D.; East Carolina University, Graduate Medical Education. 5 p. Informed School of Medicine.; 1985/1986. Graduate Consent, Treatment Refusal, Confidentiality, Medical Education. 5 p. Values, Allowing to Euthanasia, Resource Allocation, Physician Die, Literature, Medicine, Abortion, Resource Patient Relationship. Allocation.. 0163 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS; Chris HACKLER, 0157 RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEDICAL PRAC­ Ph.D. Dorie VAWTER, M.A.; U. Arkansas for TICE; Albert JONSEN, Ph.D. William Medical Sciences, Division of Medical ATCHLEY, M.D.; U. of Cal./San Francisco, Humanities.; 1986/Spring. Graduate Medical School of Medicine.; 1986/Spring. Graduate Education. 4 p. Physician Patient Relationship, Medical Education. 58 p. Death, Physician Economics, Competence, Paternalism, In­ Patient Relationship, AIDS, Law, Medicine, Al­ formed Consent, Organ Transplantation, AIDS, lowing to Die, Informed Consent, Sexuality. Psychiatry, Death.

0158 ETHICAL AND LEGAL DECISIONS FOR 0164 MEDICAL ETHICS I; Ernie YOUNG, Ph.D.; THE CRITICAL AND TERMINAL PATIENT; Al­ Stanford University, School of Medicine.; 11 1986/Winter. Graduate Medical Education. 3 p. graduate. 4 p. Ethics, Treatment Refusal, Resource Allocation, Terminally III, Reproduc­ Patients’ Rights, Human Experimentation, tive Technologies, Allowing to Die, Newborns, Physician Patient Relationship, Euthanasia, Confidentiality, Paternalism. Resource Allocation.

0165 MEDICAL ETHICS II; Ernie YOUNG, Ph.D.; 0172 ETHICS AND THE HEALTH PROFES­ Stanford University, School of Medicine.; SIONS; Robert W. DALY Robert FLOWER; 1986/Spring. Graduate Medical Education. 5 State University of New York, Health Sciences p. Ethics, Genetic Intervention, Handicapped Center.; 1984/Spring. Graduate and Upper Newborns, AIDS, Economics, Organ Level Undergraduate. 4 p. Allowing to Die, Transplantation. Paternalism, Death, Abortion, Ethics, Rights, Genetic Intervention. 0166 BIOETHICAL ISSUES; Byron CHELL, J.D.; U. California Davis, School of Medicine.; 0173 CONCEPT OF NURSING XIX; Sharon n.d./Spring. Graduate Medical Education. 3 p. MULLEN; Ohio University, School of Nursing; Informed Consent, Allowing to Die, Reproduc­ 1986 (Fall). Undergraduate. 18 p. Nursing tive Technologies, Organ Transplantation, Ethics, Decision Making, Values, Ethics. Handicapped, Newborns, Abortion. 0174 ETHICAL DECISION MAKING FOR NUR­ 0167 SEXUALITY AND BIOETHICS; Earl SES; Jeanne GELMAN; Widener University, SHELP, Ph.D.; Baylor University, College of School of Nursing; 1987 (Fall). Undergraduate. Medicine.; n.d. Graduate Medical Education. 5 p. Nursing Ethics, Decision Making, Values. 3 p. Morality, Sexuality, AIDS. 0175 DYNAMICS OF PROFESSIONAL PRAC­ 0168 ETHICS AND MEDICINE: A SURVEY; Earl TICE; Joanne GUENDLING; Ball State Univer­ SHELP, Ph.D.; Baylor University, College of sity, School of Nursing; n.d. Undergraduate. 8 Medicine.; n.d./Summer. Graduate Medical p. Nursing Ethics, Law, Public Policy, Health Education. 3 p. Literature, Medicine, Physician Care. Patient Relationship. 0176 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE; 0169 MEDICAL ETHICS: THE FOUNDATION OF Judith ERLEN; University of Pittsburgh, School CLINICAL CARE; Bernard TOWERS, M.D.; U. of Nursing; 1987 (Fall). Undergraduate. 25 p. California at Los Angeles, School of Medicine.; Nursing Ethics, Ethics, Values, Rights, 1986. Graduate Medical Education. 3 p. In­ Reproductive Technologies, Handicapped, formed Consent, Human Experimentation, Ter­ Death, Informed Consent, Public Policy. minally III, Abortion, Resource Allocation, Death, Euthanasia. 0177 VALUE ANALYSIS IN NURSING; Marion ANEMA; Texas Women’s University, College of 0171 ETHICS AND THE HEALTH PROFES­ Nursing; n.d. Undergraduate. 3 p. Nursing SIONS; Ernest WALLWORK; Syracuse Univer­ Ethics, Values, Decision Making, Ethics, Health sity, Department of Religion.; 1986/Fall. Care Delivery, Law. Graduate, Upper Level Undergraduate. 3 p. Ethics, Treatment Refusal, Paternalism, In­ 0178 ETHICAL DIMENSIONS OF NURSING formed Consent, Confidentiality, Human Ex­ PRACTICE; Jane COON; University of perimentation, Euthanasia. Michigan, School of Nursing; n.d. Under­ graduate. 7 p. Nursing Ethics, Ethics, Decision 0171 ETHICS AND THE HEALTH PROFES­ Making, Professional Ethics, Values, Morality, SIONS; Thomas CURLEY Joel POTASH; Le- Patients’ Rights. Moyne College, Philosophy Department.; 1986/Spring. Graduate and Upper Level Under­ 12 0179 ETHICS IN HEALTH CARE; Minerva AP­ Graduate Medical Education. 90 p. Allowing to PLEGATE; University of South Florida, College Die, Informed Consent, Law, Medicine, of Nursing; 1987 (Fall). Undergraduate. 3 p. Economics, Resource Allocation. Nursing Ethics, Decision Making, Ethics, Health Care. 0187 ETHICAL DIMENSIONS OF CLINICAL MEDICINE; Stephen WEAR; State University 0180 PROFESSIONAL DIMENSIONS OF NURS­ of New York at Buffalo, School of Medicine; ING; Barbara TALENTO; California State 1985 (December). Graduate Medical Educa­ University at Fullerton, School of Nursing; n.d. tion. 3 p. Ethics, Law, Informed Consent, Undergraduate. 27 p. Nursing Ethics, Ethics, Economics, Euthanasia, Competence, Allowing Law, Professional Ethics, Decision Making, to Die, Paternalism. Patients’ Rights. 0188 BIOETHICS AND THE LAW; Henry MINI- 0181 LEGAL AND ETHICAL ACCOUNTABILITY CH, J.D.; University of Miami, School of Law; IN CLIENT CARE; Marg HEGGE; South 1986 (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. 4 p. Dakota State University, College of Nursing; Law, Ethics, Informed Consent, Human Ex­ n.d. Undergraduate. 3 p. Nursing Ethics, Law, perimentation, Organ Transplantation, Medicine, Ethics. Resource Allocation, Death, Allowing to Die, Newborns, Reproductive Technologies, Abor­ 0182 ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONALS IN NURS­ tion, Genetic Intervention. ING; John LINCOURT; University of North Carolina, Department of Philosophy; 1986 0189 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN BIOETHICS; (Fall). Undergraduate/Graduate. 5 p. Nursing John C. FLETCHER, Ph.D.; National Institutes Ethics, Ethics, Codes of Ethics, Rights, Death, of Health, Foundation for the Advancement of Self Determination, Resource Allocation. Education in Science; 1987 (Spring). Graduate. 45 p. Ethics, Prenatal Diagnosis, Genetic Inter­ 0183 ISSUES OF NURSING II; Suzanne vention, In Vitro Fertilization, Animal Experimen­ GROSS, Patricia SIMONI; West Virginia Univer­ tation, Human Experimentation, Allowing to Die, sity, School of Nursing. 1987-88. Under­ AIDS, Newborns. graduate. 93 p. Nursing Ethics, Values, Decision Making. 0190 ETHICS AND GENETIC TECHNOLOGIES; LeRoy WALTERS, Ph.D.; Georgetown Univer­ 0184 ISSUES OF NURSING III; Jessie SAMS; sity, Kennedy Institute of Ethics; 1987 (Spring). West Virginia University, School of Nursing; Graduate. 6 p. Genetic Intervention, Gene 1987 (Spring). Undergraduate. 106 p. Nursing Therapy, Genetic Counseling. Ethics, Ethics, Values, Human Experimentation, Rights, Reproductive Technologies, Hand­ 0191 BIOETHICS AND THE LAW; Alan WEIS- icapped, Newborns, Euthanasia. BARD, J.D.; Yeshiva University, Cardozo School of Law; 1986 (Fall). Graduate Legal 0185 GENETICS IN MEDICINE: HISTORICAL Education. 7 p. Organ Transplantation, Human AND PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES; Eric Experimentation, Informed Consent, Death, Al­ JEUNGST, Ph.D.; University of San Francisco, lowing to Die, Resource Allocation, Reproduc­ School of Medicine; 1987 (Fall). Graduate tive Technologies, Genetic Intervention. Medical Education. 4 p. Genetic Intervention, Genetic Counseling, Gene Therapy, Prenatal 0192 THEORIES OF MEDICAL ETHICS; Robert Diagnosis. VEATCH, Ph.D.; Georgetown University, Ken­ nedy Institute of Ethics; 1987. Graduate. 12 p. 0186 RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEDICAL PRAC­ Ethics, Professional Ethics, Religious Ethics, TICE; Albert JONSEN, Ph.D.; University of San Codes of Ethics. Francisco, School of Medicine; 1987 (May). 13 0193 MEDICAL ETHICS AND 0200 ETHICS; Richard SCHOENIG; San An­ JURISPRUDENCE; STAFF; McGill University, tonio College, Nursing Education; n.d. Under­ Faculty of Medicine; 1987 (Spring). Graduate graduate. 1 p. Ethics, Morality. Medical Education. 16 p. Health Care, Informed Consent, Allowing to Die, Malpractice, Law, 0201 PROFESSIONAL NURSING; STAFF; Mid­ Newborns, Handicapped, Organ Transplanta­ western State University, Health Sciences tion, AIDS. Division; 1988 (Spring). Undergraduate. 4 p. Nursing Ethics, Values, Paternalism, Profes­ 0194 THEOLOGY AND BIOETHICS; John R. sional Ethics. WILLIAMS; Clinical Research Institute of Montreal; n.d. (Fall). Graduate. 4 p. Bioethics, 0202 ETHICS; David LAW; San Antonio Col­ Organ Transplantation, Religious Ethics, Death, lege, Nursing Education; n.d. Undergraduate. Informed Consent. 1 p. Ethics.

0195 MEDICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SO­ 0203 BIOETHICS FOR NURSES; Daniel Ch. CIAL IMPLICATIONS OF AIDS; Ralph OVERDUIN; Dietrich Bonhoffer International JOHNSTON; State University of New York at Institute for Bioethical Studies (Adelaide, Stonybrook, School of Allied Health Profes­ Australia); 1987 (December). Graduate. 196 p. sions; 1987 (February). Graduate Medical Bioethics, Abortion, Codes of Ethics, Abortion, Education. 7 p. AIDS, Decision Making. Handicapped, Aged, Reproductive Tech­ nologies, AIDS, Right to Treatment, Genetic In­ 0196 MEDICAL ETHICS AND A THEOLOGY OF tervention, Self Determination. HEALTH; Chartes VILLA-VICENCIO, John DE GRUCHY; (unknown); 1988. Graduate. 5 p. 0204 ETHICS; Kit CHRISTENSEN; Bemidji Ethics, Reproductive Technologies, Abortion, State University, Philosophy Department; 1987 Allowing to Die, Resource Allocation, Physician (Spring). Undergraduate. 1 p. Allowing to Die, Patient Relationship, Religion, Death. Suicide, War, Handicapped, Newborns, Abor­ tion, Animal Experimentation. 0197 ETHICS AND ITS APPLICATION TO AD­ VANCED PROFESSIONAL NURSING; Carol 0205 ETHICS IN NURSING: A CASE ANALYSIS GILBERT; Pace University, Lienhard School of APPROACH; Judith ERLEN, Ph.D.; University Nursing; 1987 (Fall). Undergraduate/Graduate. of Pittsburgh, School of Nursing; 1986 (Winter). 5 p. Nursing Ethics, Ethics, Decision Making, Undergraduate. 6 p. Ethics, Nursing Ethics, Values, Codes of Ethics. Paternalism, Confidentiality, Self Determina­ tion, Informed Consent, Patients’ Rights. 0198 HUMAN VALUES: EXPERIMENTATION ON HUMAN SUBJECTS; Eric MESLIN, Ph.D.; 0206 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE; University of Toronto, Sunnybrook Medical Winifred PINCH; St. Anselm College, Depart­ Centre, Clinical Ethics Centre; 1988 (Fall). ment of Nursing; 1988 (Spring). Under­ Graduate Medical Education. 9 p. Human Ex­ graduate. 11 p. Ethics, Abortion, Reproductive perimentation, Informed Consent, Codes of Technologies, Genetic Intervention, Human Ex­ Ethics, Ethics Committee, Aged, AIDS. perimentation, Informed Consent, Allowing to Die, Newborns, Organ Transplantation, In­ 0199 ETHICAL ISSUES IN NURSING; Martin voluntary Civil Commitment, AIDS, Sexuality. BENJAMIN, Joy CURTIS; Michigan State University, Department of Philosophy; 1987 0207 LAW AND MEDICINE; Karen ROTHEN- (Winter). Undergraduate. 3 p. Ethics, Nursing BERG; University of Maryland, School of Law; Ethics, Public Policy, Physician Nurse Relation­ 1988 (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. 2 p. Law, ship. Medicine, Informed Consent, Malpractice.

14 0208 LAW AND MEDICINE; Karen ROTHEN- BERG; University of Maryland, School of Law; 0215 LEGAL PROBLEMS OF THE ELDERLY; 1987 (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. 3 p. Law, David AFFELDT; University of Maryland, Medicine, Professional Ethics, Physician School of Law; 1986 (Fall). Graduate Legal Patient Relationship, Informed Consent, AIDS, Education. 6 p. Law, Allowing to Die, Aged. Allowing to Die. 0216 LEGAL AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE 0209 HEALTH CARE LAW; Karen ROTHEN- ELDERLY, STAFF, University of Maryland, BERG; University of Maryland, School of Law; School of Law; n.d.(Fall). Graduate Legal n.d. (Spring). Graduate Legal Education. 2 p. Education. 11 p. Aged, Law, Economics, Public Healthcare, Law, Economics, Resource Alloca­ Policy, Health Care, Living Wills, Allowing to Die, tion. Decision Making.

0210 LAW AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES SEMI­ 0217 INTERDISCIPLINARY COURSE ON SPE­ NAR; Karen ROTHENBERG; University of CIAL TOPICS IN HEALTH CARE; STAFF; Maryland, School of Law; 1988 (Fall). Graduate University of Maryland, School of Law; n.d. Legal Education. 5 p. Professional Ethics, Law, Graduate Legal Education. 2 p. Law, Public Patients’ Rights, Human Experimentation, Policy, Economics, Health Care, Ethics, Reproductive Technologies, Genetic Interven­ Physician Patient Relationship. tion, Organ Transplantation, Allowing to Die, Newborns. 0218 BIOETHICS; George SMITH, J.D.; Catholic University, School of Law; 1988 (Fall). 0211 CIVIL RIGHTS OF HANDICAPPED PER­ Graduate Legal Education. 1 p. Bioethics, Law, SONS; Stanley HERR; University of Maryland, Allowing to Die, Reproductive Technologies, School of Law; 1987 (Spring). Graduate Legal Behavior Control. Education. 5 p. Law, Handicapped, Involuntary Civil Commitment, Rights, Resource Allocation, 0219 LAW AND MEDICINE; STROUD; Indiana Informed Consent, Right to Treatment, Treat­ University, School of Law; 1988 (Spring). ment Refusal, Patients’ Rights. Graduate Legal Education. 8 p. Law, Codes of Ethics, Bioethics, Allowing to Die, Living Wills, 0212 ANTITRUST AND HEALTH CARE SEMI­ Informed Consent, AIDS. NAR; NOONBERG; University of Maryland, School of Law; 1987 (Fall). Graduate Legal 0220 HEALTH LAW; Mitchell SIMON; Franklin Education. 4 p. Law, Economics, Resource Al­ Pierce Law Center; 1988 (Fall). Graduate Legal location. Education. 2 p. Law, Physician Patient Relation­ ship, Informed Consent, Allowing to Die, AIDS, 0213 LAW AND PSYCHIATRY; Jonas Rap- Reproductive Technologies, Newborns, Hand­ peport, J.D. Ellen Callegary, J.D.; University of icapped, Malpractice, Economics, Resource Al­ Maryland, School of Law; n.d. (Fall). Graduate location. Legal Education. 4 p. Law, Involuntary Civil Commitment, Dangerousness, Treatment 0221 BIOETHICS SEMINAR; Sandra Refusal, Right to Treatment, Informed Consent, JOHNSON, Ph.D. Dennis BRODEUR, Ph.D.; Confidentiality, Malpractice. St. Louis University, Center for Health Law Studies; 1988 (Spring). Graduate Legal Educa­ 0214 LEGAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES IN tion. 2 p. Ethics, Allowing to Die, Ethics Commit­ BIOTECHNOLOGY; STAFF; University of tees, Professional Ethics, Competence. Maryland, School of Law; n.d. Graduate Legal Education. 5 p. Law, Medicine, Genetic Inter­ 0222 SELECTED ISSUES IN HEALTH POLICY vention, Public Policy, Genetic Counseling, AND LAW; Peter SCHUCK; Yale University, Confidentiality. School of Law; 1981 (Fall). Graduate Legal 15 Education. 10 p. Law, Health Care, Public 0230 LAW AND MEDICINE; Alexander M. Policy, Economies, Resource Allocation. CAPRON, J.D.; University of Southern Califor­ nia, School of Law; 1988 (Spring). Graduate 0223 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY AND CRITICAL Legal Education. 6 p. Law, Professional Ethics, DECISIONS; Ted DUCAS Alan SHUCHAT; Informed Consent, Paternalism, Competence, Wellesley College, Physics and Mathematics; Treatment Refusal, AIDS, Disclosure, Organ 1988 (Spring). Undergraduate. 4 p. Genetic In­ Transplantation, Allowing to Die, Reproductive tervention, Genetic Counseling, Prenatal Diag­ Technologies. nosis, Decision Making. 0231 THE PHYSICIAN IN SOCIETY; Alexander 0224 HEALTH LAW; Leslie ESPINOZA; Univer­ M. CAPRON, J.D.; University of Southern sity of Arizona, School of Law; 1988. Graduate California, School of Medicine; 1987 (Decem­ Legal Education. 5 p. Law, Health Care, Public ber). Graduate Medical Education. 14 p. Law, Policy, Economics, Resource Allocation, Organ Hospitals, Economics, Resource Allocation, Transplantation, Allowing to Die, Reproductive Human Experimentation, Allowing to Die, Technologies, Competence. Malpractice.

0225 HEALTH LAW SEMINAR; Roger 0232 ETHICS SEMINAR II; Marcia Sue SCHWARTZ; Georgetown University Law DEWOLF; Marion College, School of Nursing; Center; 1988 (Spring). Graduate Legal Educa­ 1988 (Spring). Undergraduate. 28 p. Decision tion. 7 p. Law, Resource Allocation, Public Making, Morality, Law, Values, Sexuality, Policy, Economics, Health Care. Euthanasia, Abortion, Death.

0226 HEALTH CARE REGULATION; Susan 0233 LAW AND AGING SEMINAR; Daniel MARTYN; University of Toledo, School of Law; SKOLER Charles P. SABATINO; Georgetown 1988 (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. 4 p. Law, University Law Center; 1987 (Fall). Graduate Health Care, Physician Patient Relationship, Legal Education. 3 p. Aged, Law, Economics, Economics, Resource Allocation. Competence, Decision Making, Allowing to Die.

0227 LAW, MEDICINE AND SCIENCE; Susan 0234 MEDICINE AND ETHICS; Eric JEUNGST, MARTYN, University of Toledo, College of Law; Ph.D.; Pennsylvania State University, Hershey 1987 (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. 5 p. Medical Center; 1988 (Fall). Graduate Medical Professional Ethics, Law, Values, Human Ex­ Education. 6 p. Disclosure, Informed Consent, perimentation, Allowing to Die, Organ Confidentiality, Decision Making, Allowing to Transplantation, Resource Allocation. Die, Euthanasia, Reproductive Technologies, Physician Patient Relationship, Moral Obliga­ 0228 LAW AND MEDICINE; EATON; University tions, Resource Allocation, Values. of Georgia, School of Law; 1986 (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. 4 p. Law, Medicine, 0235 HEALTH LAW SEMINAR; Charles CUL­ Physician Patient Relationship, Informed Con­ VER, M.D., Ph.D. Coralea WENNBERG, J.D.; sent, Treatment Refusal. Dartmouth Medical School; 1988 (Fall). Graduate Medical Education. 7 p. Informed 0229 ETHICS SEMINAR I; Marcia Sue DEWOLF; Consent, Treatment Refusal, Death, Allowing to Marion College, School of Nursing; 1987 (Fall). Die, Living Wills, Ethics Committees, AIDS, Undergraduate. 14 p. Ethics, Codes of Ethics, Handicapped, Newborns, Malpractice. Nursing Ethics, Patients’ Rights, Values, Resource Allocation, Professional Ethics, 0236 LAW, MEDICINE AND PUBLIC POUCY; Decision Making. Charles H. BARON, J.D.; Boston College Law School; 1988 (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. 3 p. Physician Patient Relationship, Conflden- 16 tiality, Disclosure, Informed Consent, Death, 0238 MEDICAL ETHICS SEMINAR; Nancy S. Resource Allocation, Self Determination, Allow­ JECKER, M.D.; University of Washington, ing to Die, Competence, Reproductive Tech­ School of Medicine; 1988 (Fall). Graduate nologies. Medical Education. 3 p. Abortion, Euthanasia, Reproductive Technologies, Justice, Health 0237 HEALTH LAW; Wendy PARMET, J.D.; Care, Professional Ethics, AIDS, Patients’ Northeastern University, School of Law; 1988 Rights, Right to Treatment. (Fall). Graduate Legal Education. 5 p. Right to Treatment, Resource Allocation, AIDS, 0239 ETHICAL ASPECTS OF THE Economics, Health Care, Informed Consent, PHYSICIAN/HIV PATIENT RELATIONSHIP; Confidentiality, Reproductive Technologies, David SMITH, Ph.D. University of South Florida, Competence, Allowing to Die, Handicapped, School of Medicine; 1988 (August). Graduate Newborns, Human Experimentation. Medical Education. 200+ p. AIDS, Confiden­ tiality, Moral Obligations.


1 Ethics 93.3 Handicapped Persons 173 Electrical Stimulation of the Brain 1.1 Philosophical Ethics 93.4 Minority Groups 17.6 Psychosurgery 1.2 Religious Ethics 9 3 3 Women 17.7 Involuntary Civil Commitment 1.3 Applied and Professional Ethics 93.6 HIV Infection and AIDS 17.8 Right of the Institutionalized to Treatment 1.3.1 General 9.6 Quality of Health Care/Ethics Committees 13.2 Business 9.7 Pharmaceutical Industry 18 Human Experimentation 133 Education 18.1 General 1.3.4 Engineering 10 Sexuality 18.2 Policy Guidelines 133 Government 183 Informed Consent 13.6 International Affairs 11 Contraception 18.4 Behavioral Research 13.7 Journalism 11.1 General 183 Research on Special Populations 13.8 Law 113 Availability of Contraceptives to Minors 183.1 General 1.3.9 Scientific Research 113 Sterilization 1833 Children 13.10 Social Work 11.4 Failure of Contraception/Wrongful Birth 1833 Pregnant Women 183.4 Fetuses and Neonates 2 Bioethics 12 Abortion 1833 Prisoners 2.1 General 12.1 General 183.6 Mentally Handicapped Persons 2.2 History of Medical Ethics 12.2 Position Statements 183.7 Elderly and Terminally 111 Persons 23 Education/Programs 12.3 Moral and Religious Aspects 183.8 Military and Government Personnel 12.4 Legal Aspects 183.9 Foreign Nationals 3 Philosophy of Biology 12.4.1 General 18.6 Social Control of Human Experimentation 3.1 General 12.4.2 Interests of Woman/Fetus/Father 3.2 Evolution and Creation 12.43 Interests of Health Personnel/ 19 Artificial and Transplanted Institutions Organs/Tissues 4 Philosophy of Medicine and Health 12.4.4 Bills, Laws and Cases 19.1 General 4.1 Philosophy of the Health Professions 123 Social Aspects 19.2 Hearts 4.1.1 General 123.1 General 193 Kidneys 4.1.2 Philosophy of Medicine 123.2 Demographic Surveys 19.4 Blood 4.1.3 Philosophy of Nursing 1233 Abortion Counseling 193 Donation/Procurement of Organs/Tissues 4.2 Concept of Health 19.6 Allocation of Organs/Tissues 4.3 Concept of Mental Health 13 Population 4.4 Quality/Value of Life 13.1 General 20 Death and Dying 133 Population Growth 20.1 General 5 Science/Technology and Society 13.3 Population Policy 20.2 Definition/Determination of Death 5.1 General 20.2.1 General 5.2 Technology Assessment 14 Reproductive Technologies 20.23 Bills, Laws and Cases 5.3 Social Control of Science/Technology 14.1 General 203 Attitudes Toward Death 14.2 Artificial Insemination and Surrogacy 20.3.1 General 6 Codes of Professional Ethics 143 Sex Predetermination 203.2 Health Personnel 14.4 In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer 2033 Family 7 Sociology of Medicine 143 Qoning 203.4 Death Education 7.1 General 14.6 Cryobanking of Sperm, Ova, or Embryos 20.4 Care of the Dying Patient 7.2 Medical Education 20.4.1 General 7.3 Professional-Professional Relationship 15 Genetics, Molecular Biology and 20.43 Care of the Dying Child Microbiology 203 Prolongation of Life and Euthanasia 8 Professional-Patient Relationship 15.1 General 203.1 General 8.1 General 15.2 Genetic Counseling and Prenatal Diagnosis 2033 Allowing Infants to Die 8.2 Truth-Telling 153 Genetic Screening 2033 Bills, Laws and Cases 8.3 Informed Consent 15.4 Gene Therapy 20.6 Capital Punishment 8.3.1 General 153 Eugenics 20.7 Suicide 8.3.2 Minors and Consent to Treatment 15.6 Behavioral Genetics 8.3.3 Third Party Consent/Incompetents 15.7 Biohazards of Genetic Research 21 International and Political Dimen­ 8.3.4 Right to Refuse Treatment 15.8 Patenting Organisms sions of Biology and Medicine 8.33 Bills, Laws and Cases 15.9 Sociobiology 21.1 General 8.4 Confidentiality 21.2 War 83 Malpractice 16 Environmental Quality 21.3 Chemical and Biological Weapons 16.1 General 21.4 Torture 9 Health Care 16.2 Nuclear Power 213 Forced Feeding of Prisoners 9.1 General 16.3 Occupational Health 21.6 International Migration of Physicians 9.2 Right to Health Care 9.3 Cost of Health Care 17 The Neurosciences and Mental 22 Animal Welfare 9.4 Allocation of Health Care Resources Health Therapies 22.1 General 93 Health Care Programs for Specific 17.1 General 22.2 Animal Experimentation Diseases/Groups 17.2 Psychotherapy 223 Animal Production 93.1 General 173 Operant Conditioning 93.2 Aged 17.4 Psychopharmacology