NATIONAL NATIONAL Office of the President issues press release concerning State Counsellor to pay working the majority decision of Pre-Trial Chamber 1 ICC visit to Viet Nam in near future PAGE-7 PAGE-3

Vol. V, No. 145, 13th Waning of Wagaung 1380 ME Saturday, 8 September 2018 VP U Henry Van Thio opens 5th International Industrial Technology & Machinery Show

ICE President U Henry Van Thio attended the Vopening ceremony of the 5th International Industrial Technology & Machinery Show and Innovation Competition held at the International Convention Centre -II (MICC- II), in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning. With the aim of promoting the development of the Myan- mar industry and technology sector, the show and competition was organized by the Myanmar Promotional Services (MPS) Company Limited together with the Ministry of Industry and supported by the Myanmar Engineering Society (MES). The opening ceremony was attended by Union Minis- ters Thura U Aung Ko, Dr. Aung Thu, U Khin Maung Cho, Deputy Ministers, Hluttaw representa- tives, departmental heads, MPS Managing Director and officials, representatives from industry and technology companies, in- vited guests and officials. First of all Vice President U Henry Van Thio, Union Ministers Vice President U Henry Van Thio inspects a machine at the opening of 5th International Industrial Technology & Machinery Show in Nay Pyi Taw. Thura U Aung Ko, Dr. Aung Thu, PHOTO: MNA U Khin Maung Cho, Natural Resources and ry Van Thio, Union Ministers, industry and technology com- International Technology Ministry of Industry and local Environmental Conservation Deputy Ministers and guests panies, gold sheets, ambulance, and Machinery show was held private companies displayed Committee Chairman U Kyaw observed the displayed industri- mobile vocational training truck twice in Nay Pyi Taw and twice their products and technologies. Thiha, and Managing Director al technology, construction tech- and mobile marts produced by in Yangon and this is the fifth An innovation competition U Zarni Maung Maung cut the nology, communications tech- the Ministry of Industry and time it is held where a total of 70 to promote technology inven- ceremonial ribbon to open the nology, information technology, innovation participating in the booths are being displayed. The tions by youths will also be held 5th International Industrial Tech- security technology, electricity competition where MPS Man- show will be held until 9 Septem- during the show period and a nology & Machinery Show and generation technology, phar- aging Director U Zarni Maung ber. In addition to international “Kanuang Award” will be pre- Innovation Competition. maceutical and food products Maung and officials provided technology and industrial com- sented it is learnt. Next, Vice President U Hen- manufacturing technology by necessary explanations. panies, departments under the SEE PAGE-3


NATIONAL NATIONAL BUSINESS NATIONAL Pyidaungsu YRIC approves Myanmar, Hluttaw Joint Bill families release 86 businesses Bangladesh conduct Committee holds fish into Yezin during one coordinated border meeting Dam year patrols PAGE-7 PAGE-4 PAGE-5 PAGE-6 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

Pyithu Hluttaw Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s ninth regular session holds 16th-day meeting

THE 16th-day meeting of the of tender winning companies, ninth regular session of the according to fiscal year. Depu- Second Pyithu Hluttaw was held ty Minister for Construction U at the Pyithu Hluttaw meeting Kyaw Lin replied that relevant hall of the Hluttaw Building in state/region tender committees Nay Pyi Taw yesterday where are instructed to announce the questions on SME loan, taxation profiles of tender winning com- and construction sector were panies and tender winning pric- answered, a report submitted, es in a transparent manner, and receipt of a bill informed, a bill details can be obtained from rel- tabled and a motion discussed. evant state/region governments. At the Union level, Minis- Question and answer session try of Construction only issue In the question and answer tenders for foreign currency Daw Cho Cho. session, Daw Cho Cho of Ottwin U Maung Maung Win . U Myo Zaw Aung . purchase of construction ma- constituency first asked if there terials and the issuing of con- is a plan to reduce limitations on sion and inspection department. Deputy Minister for Planning port and Communications will struction work tenders are be- SME loans for SMEs to obtain The department was also being and Finance U Maung Maung be coordinated for registration ing transferred to the relevant loans easily. Deputy Minister for coordinated to permit loans up Win said local and foreign tel- and taxation of digital technol- state/region governments, who Planning and Finance U Maung to Ks 20 million under the Cred- ecommunication operators ogy based businesses and legal in turn are issuing construction Maung Win answered by first it Guarantee Insurance (CGI) are providing internet service action will be taken against busi- work tenders, said the Deputy explaining details about SME system to SMEs when they can only to digital technology based nesses that fail to abide by pre- Minister. loans up to July 2018, and then submit SMEs member card, said businesses and Directorate of scribed laws and rules, replied Directorate of Investment said that there were found to the Deputy Minister. Telecommunications assess the the Deputy Minister. and Company Administration be delays in obtaining neces- Next, U Myo Zaw Aung of telecommunication operators as Following this, U Tin Ko Ko is no longer black listing com- sary documentation prescribed Kawlin constituency asked when well as digital technology based Oo (a) U Atut of Bilin constitu- panies since 2013 but action for SME loans. As such, banks digital technology based busi- businesses to issue special, nor- ency asked if there is a plan to are taken whenever companies were instructed to accept ap- nesses can be registered and col- mal licenses, collect tax fully and publish organizational setup of violate terms of the contracts/ plication for loans and process lected tax, and how actions will submit to the State. government departments and agreements explained the Dep- it with recommendations from be taken against those who do Ministry of Planning and (private) companies conducting uty Minister. state/region industrial supervi- not abide by the set regulations. Finance and Ministry of Trans- construction works and status SEE PAGE-10

Amyotha Hluttaw 2nd Amyotha Hluttaw’s 9th regular session conducts 16th-day meeting

16th-day meeting of the ninth Chairman U Ba Myo Thein of regular session of the Second Yangon Region constituency 5 Amyotha Hluttaw was held at the then tabled a motion to approve Amyotha Hluttaw meeting hall the bill which was supported by U of the Hluttaw Building in Nay Aung Myo of Sagaing Region con- Pyi Taw yesterday. At the meet- stituency 2. Afterwards, Amyo- ing, asterisk marked questions tha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win were raised and answered, bill Khaing Than announced the bill committee read a report on land being approved by the Hluttaw confiscation bill and Hluttaw’s after obtaining the decision of decision was obtained and a bill the Hluttaw. discussed. Hluttaw discusses the second Asterisk marked questions amendment of the Penal The first question was Code U Sai San Aung . U Myo Win . Dr. Myint Htwe . raised by U Sai San Aung of Later the second amend- Shan State Constituency 12 tion on plan to upgrade the track upgrade the Satkaw village rural constituency 4 and U Myo Htat ment of the Penal Code tabled who asked if there is a plan to and field ground and the football health sub-clinic in Kywe Yine @ Salai Myo Htike of by U Aung Thein of Bago Region construct a 16-bed hospital in ground in Ye town to an all-weath- Khat village tract, Buthidaung constituency 12 were answered constituency 12 was discussed Wa Self-Administered Division er sports ground. Union Minister Township, Rakhine State to rural by Union Minister for Health and by Tatmadaw representative Lt- Minemaw Township. Union for Health and Sports Dr. Myint health clinic, Union Minister for Sports Dr. Myint Htwe. Col Aung Tun Lin, U Htay Oo of Minister for Health and Sports Htwe replied that Mon State gov- Health and Sports Dr. Myint Htwe Yangon Region constituency 2, U Dr. Myint Htwe replied that a 1.2 ernment had allocated Ks 110 said national health project will Hluttaw approves Land Con- Hsan Myint of Ayeyawady Region acre land was allocated for the million in fiscal year 2018-2019 be coordinated, comments and fiscation Bill constituency 3, Naw Hla Hla Soe hospital and the authorities from for the upgrade of Ye Township remarks from project and organ- Next, Amyotha Hlutta Bill of Yangon Region constituency Wa Self-Administered Division sports ground approved by Ye isation setup assessment group Committee member U Thein 10, U Hla Oo of Sagaing Region were presented with a plan while Township project planning and and Ministry of Planning and Fi- Lwin read and explained the constituency 4 and U Soe Thein coordinating with it to get the implementation committee. How- nance (Budget Department) will committee report on the Land @ U Maung Soe of Taninthayi permission to construct it. Once ever, a synthetic track will cost be pursued and once obtained, Confiscation Bill. After this Amyo- Region constituency 10. The 17th- the coordination is completed it Ks 745 million and this will not be the matter will be submitted to tha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win day meeting of the ninth regular will be included in the long term included said the Union Minister. the Union government meeting Khaing Than obtained the de- session of the Second Amyotha project said the Union Minister. Replying to a question raised for fiscal year 2019-2020. cision of the Hluttaw on the bill Hluttaw is scheduled for 12 Sep- U Myo Win of Mon State con- by U Maung Kyaw Zan of Rakhine Similarly, questions raised paragraph by paragraph. tember it is learnt.—Aung Ye stituency 8 then posed a ques- State constituency 9 on a plan to by U Zon Hle Htan of Chin State Farmers Affairs Committee Thwin (MNA) 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3

State Counsellor to pay working visit to Viet Nam in near future

At the invitation of His Excellency Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, Daw , State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, will pay a working visit to Viet Nam in the near future.—MNA

Union Minister Dr. Myint Htwe attends 71st Session of WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia

Vice President U Henery Van Thio opens the 5th International Industrial Technology & Machinery Show in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO:MNA VP U Henry Van Thio opens 5th International Industrial Technology & Machinery Show

FROM PAGE-1 the Ministry of Industry will act uct production while experts from The competition will be held as judges and present awards, it Japan will conduct a talk on Long for four levels: open level, technol- is learnt. Shelf-life technology. In addition ogy university level, GTC (gov- On the second day of the to this, companies will participate ernment technical college) lev- show experts from European in talks/discussions and present el, THS (Technical High School) countries will conduct a work- the awards for the four levels of level and MES and experts from shop on food and consumer prod- competitions. — MNA Union Minister Dr. Myint Htwe participates in 71st Session of WHO Regional Committee for South East Asia. PHOTO: MNA Viet Nam’s Embassy celebrates 73rd National Day, 1st Union Minister for Health and on 6 September. Anniversary of Viet Nam-Myanmar Comprehensive Sports Dr. Myint Htwe attended While attending the ses- Cooperative Partnership in Yangon the 71st Session of the World sion, the Union Minister met Health Organization (WHO) with WHO Director-General Dr. Regional Committee for South- Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesul THE Embassy of Viet Nam in and dances. the celebration. East Asia held in New Delhi, and discussed WHO reform, Yangon celebrated the 73rd An- The celebration was opened It was also attended by Un- India from 3 to 7 September WHO works and working with niversary of the National Day with the national anthems of My- ion Minister for Construction U 2018 and returned to Yangon Myanmar it is learnt. — MNA of the Socialist Republic of Viet anmar and Viet Nam. Han Zaw and wife, Lt-Gen Myo Nam and 1st Anniversary of Viet Afterwards, Ambassador of Zaw Thein of the Office of Com- Nam-Myanmar Comprehensive Viet Nam to Myanmar Dr. Luan mander-in-Chief (Army) and 3nd Ground Handling Basic Cooperative Partnership at the Thuy Duong and Union Minister wife, Yangon Region Hluttaw Melia Hotel in Yangon yesterday. U Kyaw Tin extended greetings, Speaker and Deputy Speaker, Training Course conducted It was attended by Union and the visitors enjoyed the doc- Commander of Yangon Com- Minister for International Co- umentary video about friendly mand Maj-Gen Thet Pon and operation U Kyaw Tin and wife relations between Myanmar and wife, senior military officers, THIRD Ground Handling Basic anese side. Daw Lwin Lwin Hman. Viet Nam. ambassadors, military attachés, Training Course, jointly con- The two-month 3rd Basic At the ceremony, Viet Nam The Ambassador of Viet resident representatives of the ducted by the Department of Ground Handling Training and Myanmar artistes enter- Nam hosted a dinner to the UN agencies and invited guests. Civil Aviation of Myanmar and Course will be conducting tained the visitors with songs dignitaries and guests to mark — MNA ANA Holding Incorporated of starting from 7 September in Japan, was opened in Civil Avi- Yangon with 14 trainees from ation Training Institute (CATI) Mingaladon Cargo Services in Yangon yesterday., Yangon Airport Group The opening ceremony was and Pioneer Aerodrome attended by the heads and rep- Services Co.Ltd. Among them, resentatives from the DCA of eligible trainees in Basic course Myanmar, Japan Embassy in will be sent to the Advanced Myanmar, ANA Holding Inc and Training Course that will be Narita Airport Services of Ja- held in Japan for three years. pan and also Ground Handling The 1st Ground Handling Services Providers of Myanmar. Training Course and the 2nd U Ye Htut Aung, Deputy Course had been conducted in Director General of the Depart- 2015 and in 2016 respectively. ment of Civil Aviation of My- A total 27 eligible trainees are anmar, delivered an opening attending Advanced Training speech for Myanmar side while Courses in Japan. The first ad- Mr. Toru Maeda (Minister, Ja- vanced course will be complet- pan Embassy) and Mr. Hideto- ed in December 2018 and its 15 mo Aramaki, Vice President trainees will come back to their 73rd Anniversary of the National Day of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and 1st Anniversary of Viet Nam- of ANA Holding Inc. of Japan, parent companies in Myanmar. Myanmar Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership being convened in Yangon yesterday. PHOTO: MNA made a speech on behalf of Jap- — MNA 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 4 NATIONAL & LOCAL NEWS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tatmadaw families release fish into Yezin Dam

DEPUTY CHIEF EDITOR COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of Aye Min Soe Defence Services Senior Gen- [email protected] eral Min Aung Hlaing attend- SENIOR EDITORIAL CONSULTANT ed a ceremony conducted by Kyaw Myaing Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and

SENIOR TRANSLATORS Air) families to release fin- Zaw Min, gerlings in order to raise the [email protected] fish resources in Yezin Dam, Win Ko Ko Aung, Zeyathiri Township, Nay Pyi [email protected] Taw Council Area yesterday. INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR The ceremony was also Ye Htut Tin, attended by Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, [email protected] wife of Commander-in-Chief LOCAL NEWS EDITORS of Defence Services, Deputy Tun Tun Naing (Editor), Commander-in-Chief of the [email protected] Defence Services Command- Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor), [email protected] er-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Sen- ior General Soe Win and wife TRANSLATORS Daw Than Than Nwe, Union Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and wife, and senior military officers release fingerlings into Yezin Dam, Khaing Thanda Lwin, Hay Mar Tin Win, Minister Lt-Gen Sein Win, Zeyathiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw Council Area, yesterday afternoon. PHOTO: MNA Ei Myat Mon Union Minister Lt-Gen Ye Zaw Htet Oo Aung and wife, Chief of Gen- and their wives, Nay Pyi Taw into Yezin Dam. and Air) families release fin- Kyaw Zin Lin eral Staff (Army, Navy and Command commander and Next, officers, other ranks gerlings into the dam annually Kyaw Zin Tun Air) General Mya Tun Oo and wife, officers, other ranks and and their families released since 2011 and to date a total of REPORTER wife, Commander-in-Chief families. 62,900 fishes into the dam. 485,700 various fishes have been May Thet Hnin, (Navy) and wife, Command- First, Commander-in-Chief The Commander-in-Chief released into the dam, according [email protected] of Defence Services and wife, of Defence Services and wife [email protected] er-in-Chief (Air) and wife, to news released by Tatmadaw high ranking officers from Tatmadaw senior officers and encouraged the participants. Commander-in-Chief Office. — PHOTOGRAPHER Commander-in-Chief Office their wives released fingerlings Tatmadaw (Army, Navy MNA Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar

COMPUTER TEAM Tun Zaw, Thein Ngwe, Zaw Zaw Aung, Ye Naing Soe, Bagan in Our Heart photo exhibition kicks off in Monywa Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win, A three-day Bagan in Our pass on this heritage to future Archaeology Department cut from 2 to 4 March in the Ba- Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe Heart photo exhibition is being generations, Sagaing Region the ribbon at the opening cer- gan cultural area, the second EDITORIAL SECTION held from 7 to 9 September at Social Affairs Minister Dr. Zaw emony of the exhibition. time from 13 to 15 March at (+95) (01)8604529, Monywa City Hall in Sagaing Win remarked in his opening Bagan is the pride of Myan- the National Museum in Yan- Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305 Region. speech at the exhibition. mar citizens. There are many gon and the third time from CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION “The government is linking A ribbon-cutting ceremony classical and studio songs 20 to 22 August in Mandalay. San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532, related departments with the of Bagan in Our Heart photo ex- composed about Bagan era The fourth time event held in Hotline - 09 974424114 United Nations Educational, hibition was held at the gate of and many authors, artists and Monywa portrays the cultur- ADVERTISING & MARKETING Scientific and Cultural Organ- Monywa City Hall. Dr.Zaw Win, photographers also highlight al heritage, magnificent arte- ( +95) (01) 8604530, ization (UNESCO) for Bagan Dr. Thein Lwin, deputy direc- Bagan ancient sites, portraying facts, livelihood and grand and Hotline - 09 974424848 to be included on the World tor-general of Department of cultural heritage of Bagan, and stunning landscape of Bagan [email protected] [email protected] Heritage List. This photo ex- Archaeology, National Museum its beautiful landscape. ancient city, said U Myo Swe hibition is the fourth time as and Library, Daw Amarkyi from This exhibition highlights Than. Printed and published at the Global New part of efforts to enroll Bagan in Monywa constituency, Sagaing the ancient city of Bagan, which Over 200 photographers Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at the UNESCO’s World Heritage Region Hluttaw, U Myo Swe is the capital of First Myanmar have joined the Bagan in No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light List. It is important to appreci- Than, in-charge of Bagan in Empire, said Dr. Thein Lwin. Our Heart photo exhibition of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. ate cultural heritage and it is a Our Heart team and U Aung The first photo exhibition of since its first event in Bagan. 00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629. duty of every single citizen to Aung Kyaw, director of Bagan Bagan in Our Heart was held — Myo Win Tun (Monywa) [email protected] Ayeyawady dolphin conservation area to be extended

EXTENSION area for Ay- buffer zone around protected eyawady dolphin conservation area. has been set over 100 kilom- To implement this, the My- Write for us eters from Malae to Shwegu anmar Fisheries Department

We appreciate your feedback and where 37 dolphins have been and the Wildlife Conserva- contributions. If you have any comments spotted. tion Society (WCS) conducted Three Ayeyawady baby dolphins seen in the Ayeyawady or would like to submit editorials, Rriver. PHOTO: WCS analyses or reports please email Initially, the extension area awareness campaigns and dis- [email protected] was planned over 200 kilom- cussions in 50 villages, situated with your name and title. Due to limitation of space we are only eters from Malae to Shwegu in the conservation area. The dolphins in an area around 400 primary dolphin habitat. The able to publish “Letter to the Editor” along the Ayeyawady River. plan is to protect endangered kilometers from Mandalay to first dolphin conservation area that do not exceed 500 words. Should you submit a text longer than 500 words Later, it was scaled down to dolphins from extinction. Bhamo, Kachin State. The area was set from Mingun to Kyauk- please be aware that your letter will be over 100 kilometers and the re- According to latest sur- between Malae and Shwegu, myaung in Mandalay in 2005. — edited. maining area has been set as vey, there are 76 Ayeyawady along Ayeyawady River, is a Nyitu 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR LOCAL BUSINESS 5 YRIC approves 86 businesses during one year

YANGON Region Investment according to the YRIC. making and Packing (CMP) ba- od prior to next fiscal year 2018- million), with an aim to facili- Committee (YRIC) had already During the past year, 11 sis and some also manufacture 2019, YRIC gave green light to tate the verification process of approved 86 foreign and domes- foreign countries, including pharmaceuticals, vehicles and 29 foreign enterprises with a investment projects. tic enterprises since its estab- China, Singapore, Japan, Hong container boxes. capital of over $68 million and At present, Yangon Region lishment in August 2017, with Kong, South Korea, Viet Nam, Between August and nine domestic enterprises with absorbed 60 per cent of foreign a total pledge amount of FDI Malaysia and India invested in March in fiscal year 2017-2018, Ks16.7 billion. investments. Mandalay attracts US$124.7 million and Ks39.78 the Yangon Region. YRIC approved 39 foreign in- According to the new My- 30 per cent and other regions billion, according to the Direc- Manufacturing sector ab- vestment proposals worth $56.6 anmar Investment Law, region and states attain only a small torate of Investment and Com- sorbed the most foreign invest- million and nine domestic in- and state investment commit- portion of the investments, ac- pany Administration. ments in Yangon Region. Most vestment projects valued Ks23 tees are authorised to grant cording to statistics released Those approved business- of the approved manufactur- billion. endorsements of an investment by the Directorate of Invest- es are expected to create over ing enterprises are engaged in In the past five months of proposal with a capital not ex- ment and Company Adminis- 40,000 local job opportunities, garment production on cutting, the mini-budget six-month peri- ceeding $5 million (Ks6,000 tration. — GNLM

MIC issues three investment permits, Trade deficit down by three endorsements half in past five months MYANMAR Investment Com- against last FY mission issued three investment permits and three endorsements in relation to the investment pro- TRADE value in the past five products, minerals, forest posals yesterday months showed a deficit of products, finished industrial The decisions were made US$1 billion, which is down goods, whereas capital goods, at the MIC’s meeting 14/2018 by half compared to that in raw industrial materials and in Yangon after the investment similar period of last fiscal personal goods were imported proposals consistent with the year 2017-2018, according to into the country. Myanmar Investment Law were data released by the Ministry The country’s export reviewed. of Commerce. sector is depending more on U Thaung Tun, Chairman of Between 1 April and 31 the agriculture and industrial the Myanmar Investment Com- August in the current six- products of small-and medi- mission, and nine members of U Thaung Tun, Chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission month interim period prior um-sized enterprises, while MIC attended the meeting. attends the meeting 14/2018. PHOTO:MNA to next fiscal year 2018-2019, lessening its reliance on natu- The submission of proposals from investors and post-permit panies were also discussed in the external trade amounted to ral resources, such as natural and endorsement applications activities of MIC-permitted com- meeting. —MNA over US$15 billion, with export gas and jade. worth $7 billion and import The government is try- valued at $8 billion. ing to reduce trade deficit In the similar period of by screening luxury import Agricultural machinery benefit last FY, external trade was items and boosting export. worth $13 billion. Trade value During last 2017-2018 FY, Sagaing Region’s farmers of over $2 billion was in deficit trade deficit also narrowed to as import was valued at $7.6 $3.97 billion. FARMERS in Sagaing Region billion while export was worth There were trade deficits are using agricultural ma- $5.4 billion. of US$91.9million in 2012-2013 chineries, including tractors, Therefore, Myanmar’s FY, US$2.5billion in 2013-2014, power tillers and a variety of export in the past five months US$4.9 billion in 2014-2015 and agricultural machines for their is up by $1.5 billion, while im- US$5.4 billion in 2015-2016 and farming, starting from 2012, ac- port saw an increase of $513 $5.5 billion in 2016-2017 FY, cording to the Sagaing Region’s million, compared to similar respectively, according to sta- Agricultural Mechanization De- period of last FY. tistics released by the Central partment. Myanmar exported ag- Statistical Organization. — A total of 6734 tractors and ricultural products, animal Mon Mon 57,337 power tillers were already purchased by farmers in the Sagaing Region, said an official. “Previously, we used to rent agricultural machinery to farm- ers. But, within the seven year Power tillers are displayed for sales in Sagaing. PHOTO: WIN period of transforming agricul- OO(ZEYYA TAING) ture into a machanized farming machinery”, said U Khin Zaw ing year by year”, he added. system, farmers became to un- Maung, an official from the Ag- A total of 1,800,210 acres of derstand the benefits of using ricultural Mechanization De- monsoon paddy is being planted farm machinery. partment. in the townships of ten districts With the collaboration of “As for now, farmers are us- in Sagaing Region, and farm ma- private companies, the Depart- ing more farm machines due to chines are widely used by local ment of Agricultural Mechani- lack of workers and environmen- farmers, according to Sagaing zation arranged for the farm- tal impacts. As a result, farmers Region’s Agricultural Mechani- Call 09251022355, ers to get installment loans to can see more financial benefits, zation Department. — Win Oo Thin Thin May, 09974424848 be able to purchase the farm as crop productivity is increas- (Zeyya Taing) 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 6 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Chin Progressive Party presents its policy, stance and work program

The social security will be based on social welfare with the intent for basic freedom of citizens and their rights. Furthermore, social demo- cratic market economy means a coordinated market econo- my that is vital in democracy process needed for the human society with firm and sound foundation structure. Party logo. With regards to liberal democracy, the term ‘liberal’ derives and develops from thorities could not intervene tration not to go beyond what the Latin word independent. among the citizens, and the is agreed upon. This is a consti- The true meaning of liberal is inborn rights could never be tution that contains checks and the rule of law, where human encroached. balances. The party is desirous rights is being valued. There- Another factor is that the to have checks and balances U Shein Tun , Secretary-General of Chin Progressive Party. fore, the liberty and political Chin Progressive Party up- style of constitution. independence of the citizens holds high value on equality Furthermore, when it SECRETARY-GENERAL of The definition of social are based as the core. In other in terms of political status, comes to the governing of the the Chin Progressive Party U democracy under the Chin words, the term liberal means especially the inborn rights whole human society, our aspi- Shein Tun has presented the Progressive Party has three the policy where the human such as the right to life, the ration and objective is that the party’s policy, stance, work values. They are liberal, equal- rights are being valued. With right to liberty, and the right constitution should be the soul programme and other issues ity, and constitutionalism. It regards to the word independ- to property. of all the people in the broadest from radio and television on 7 upholds the actual application ent, it means the independence When referring the term term of federalism. September. and customary practice in ac- of each and every individual. liberal, it means the individual Therefore, the constitution cordance with the constitution. When we talk about each liberty including the property is regarded as the most impor- Following is a translation of Under the term of social and every individual, it in- liberty and ownership, and the tant document that safeguards the presentation: democracy, it places high val- volves the political ideology right to life. and defends the liberty and the ues on citizens, politics, social, of citizens. Similarly, the party is ownership of the citizens, a The political policy of the economy, culture and litera- In general terms, even if strongly desirous to create the bond between the government Chin Progressive Party is ture, with focus on social wel- there is no antagonism with freedom of speech, the free- and the people. based on Social Liberal De- fare rights in the building of one another in the community, dom of publishing, the freedom In conclusion, it is my mocracy. the nation. the preference and inclination of belief, and the freedom of pleasure and honor to present The aspiration of the In the broader sense of of the State may possibly have association. the view of the Chin Progres- Chin Progressive Party for social democracy, besides different independent policy With regards to the term sive Party, that a constitution its administration structure accepting the basic rights, approach. However, when ‘constitution’, the Chin Pro- is a set of fundamental princi- is federal democratic system politics, social, economic, cul- the Chin Progressive Party gressive Party believes that ples or established precedents based on self-determination ture of the citizens, it places is talking about social liberal the constitution is the contract containing freedom and fair- and equality. diversity under lofty value. democracy, the State or the or agreement between the in- ness, and that the constitution The political roadmap of Matters and diverse issues government is in no way to in- strument and the people. In is very much vital, essential the Chin Progressive Party is are to be arranged and man- tervene, to limit, or to restrict plain words, the government and fundamental. laid on equality and impartial- aged under the administration the rights of the people. declares that the administra- ity, and its approach towards perspective, thus paving the It is a system that the tive pillar will govern the peo- Thank you very much. federal administrative sys- way for resource management party aspired, where equal ple in a way that the people tem is built on constructive and reasonable state financial rights are the central part and will accept and the people ap- Translated by UMT (HK) engagement. budgeting and allocation. core, that the government au- prove it and ask the adminis- ***** Myanmar, Bangladesh conduct coordinated border patrols

BORDER guard forces Bangladeshi troop led by Sub- by Police Captain Tun Tun of Myanmar and Bang- edar Shaik Adul Jalil of No 2 Soe of Aungzu Area Police ladesh conducted a Border Guards Bangladesh at Force, Subdivision 2 No. 1 Photo: MPF coordinated patrols in the Naf nautical mile-15 in the middle Border Police Force, Maungtaw River and along the border be- of the Naf River between the Township, Rakhine State, and a tween border posts 44 and 45 on two countries on 6 September troop led by Officer Naib 6th September. morning. Subedar Md. Wares Sarkar A troops led by Police They conducted a coordi- of No. 11 Border Guards Inspector Kyi Soe of Kyek- nated naval patrol along the Bangladesh of Chakdhala yun Outpost, Subdivision 3 of Naf River and arrived at the Outpost conducted a coordi- No 1 Border Police Force in nautical mile-18 near the mouth nated patrol from border post Maungtaw Township, Rakh- of Thechaung Stream. 44 to 45 from 8 am to 11:30 am ine State, left from Naval Ves- During the patrol, the two on the same day, according to sel Outpost (Maungtaw) with troops also discussed future the Information Department two high speed naval vessels coordinated patrols. of the Myanmar Police Force. and met with a 12-member Similarly, a troop led — GNLM 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 7

Republic of the Union of Myanmar In fact the Union Minister for the Ministry of the Office of the State Counsellor, went to Rakhine in Oc- Office of the President tober 2017, together with the Ambassadors of the four neighbouring countries including the Ambassador of Press Release Bangladesh to persuade the people who are preparing 12th Waning of Wagaung 1380 ME to leave Rakhine, to not do so but the effort was in vain. 7 September 2018 The Government upon taking office in 2016, imme- diately set up the Central Committee for Implementa- tion of Peace, Stability and Development of Rakhine The Office of the President issued a press release yesterday concerning the majority decision of the Pre-Tri- State to address the issue. This was immediately al Chamber 1 of the International Criminal Court (“the Court”). Following is the full text of the press release. followed by the setting up of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State headed by the late Mr. Kofi Annan, THE Government of Myanmar regrets the majority Myanmar has rightly contended that the Prosecu- former Secretary-General of the United Nations to decision of the Pre-Trial Chamber 1 of the International tor has incorrectly applied Article 19(3) in its request provide recommendations for bringing about peace, Criminal Court (“the Court”), asserting that it may ex- for a ruling from the Court on jurisdiction when the stability and develop-ment to Rakhine State. ercise jurisdiction with regard to Myanmar. Myanmar Court is not properly seized of the matter. The Government has time and again reiterated its resolutely rejects the decision which is the result of We are heartened to learn that one of the Judges, principled position of promoting and implementing the faulty procedure and is of dubious legal merit. Judge Marc Perrin de Brichambaut shares this opinion. rule of law, justice and accountability. On 31st August Myanmar reiterates its position, that not being a It has been reported that Judge Marc Perrin de Bri- 2018, it had established the Independent Commission party to the Rome Statute, it is under no obligation to chambaut is of the view that Article 19 (3) and 119 (1) of of Enquiry to investigate the violations of human respect the ruling of the Court. The decision was the the Rome Statute are inapplicable and that the principle rights and related issues in regard to Rakhine. The result of manifest bad faith, procedural irregularities of la competence de la competence cannot serve as an Independent Commission of Enquiry includes two and general lack of transparency. Permission was giv- alternative basis for the Chamber to provide a ruling. international personalities well versed in the issue of en to organizations to file amicus curiae submissions The allegations of deportation cannot be further humanitarian assistance and human rights as well without consideration of their identity or the beneficial from the truth. Myanmar reiterates that it has not as Myanmar nationals with judicial background and scope of their proposed contributions. Several of the deported any individuals in the areas of concern and relevant UN experience. Myanmar is both willing and briefs submitted did not address legal issues. Further- in fact has worked hard in collaboration with Bangla- able to investigate any crimes and violations of human more, allegations consisting of charged narratives of desh to repatriate those displaced from their homes. rights in its own territory. harrowing personal tragedies which have nothing to Several bilateral agreements have been signed such The over-extended application of jurisdiction chal- do with the legal arguments in question were permit- as the “Arrangement on Return of Displaced Persons lenges the fundamental principle of legal certainty and ted thereby putting emotional pressure on the Court. from Rakhine State” between the Government of the is contrary to accepted principles of public interna- Submissions of observations by these groups had the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the Government tional law. It has created a dangerous precedent and intended effect of placing the Court in an emotional bind. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. erodes the moral authority of the Court.

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw 70th Anniversary of founding of Joint Bill Committee DPRK held in Nay Pyi Taw holds meeting 70th Anniversary of the found- ing of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) was THE Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint of joint project works and budget held at Aureum Palace Hotels Bill Committee held a meeting assessment group, Legal Affairs and Resorts, Lake View Hall in over National Planning bill for and Special Cases Assessment Nay Pyi Taw yesterday evening. Fiscal Year 2018-2019 at the Py- Commission members, officials The ceremony was attended idaungsu Hluttaw Building D, from Ministry of Border Affairs, by Union Minister for Hotels and second floor meeting hall, yes- Ministry of Agriculture, Live- Tourism U Ohn Maung, Chief of terday morning. The meeting stock and Irrigation, Ministry General Staff (Army, Navy and was attended by deputy chair- of Electric and Energy, Ministry Air) General Mya Tun Oo, invited men, secretary, joint secretary of Health and Sports, Ministry guests and officials. The event and committee members from of Planning and Finance, Min- was started by playing of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill istry of Construction, Myanma national anthems of Myanmar Committee and Joint Public Ac- Economic Bank, Union Attorney and DPRK. This was followed by Union Minister U Ohn Maung welcomed by Korean Ambassador Mr. th counts Committee , invited Hlut- General Office and Pyidaungsu message of greetings delivered Jong Ho Bom at yesterday’s 70 Anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. PHOTO: MNA taw representatives, members Hluttaw Office.—MNA by Ambassador of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to tels and Tourism U Ohn Maung, attended a dinner hosted for the Myanmar Mr. Jong Ho Bom and Korean Ambassador Mr. Jong 70th Anniversary of the founding Union Minister U Ohn Maung. Ho Bom and guests posed for a of the Democratic People’s Re- Next Union Minister for Ho- commemorative group photo and public of Korea.—MNA

Election campaign presentations of USDP, NDF, NLD to be published in newspapers

ELECTION campaign pres- issues; the National Democrat tember issues of the Myanma entation of the Union Solidarity Force Party in the 10 September Alinn, the Kyemon and The and Development Party will be issues and the National League Global New Light of Myanmar Pyidaungsu HluttawJoint Bill Committee meeting being convened. published in the 9 September for Democracy in the 11 Sep- dailies. —MNA PHOTO: MNA 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 8 OPINION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR OPINION 9

HE Global New Light of the slow progress of cooperative Listen to of Myanmar newspa- movement in India; the essence per, dated 18 July 2017, Getting Cooperatives Moving of the cooperative movement is T stated an article, “Fun- that it gives the farmers the sta- damental beliefs of General Aung By Htun Tin Htun tus of shareholders and assures Myanmar voices San for Economic Recovery” by them agricultural, educational and Central Body for Suppression of Trafficking in Persons Saw Naing (Applied Economics) shops (rural + urban) - 22%; milk This Act recognized non-credit farm whenever they desire. “One from the clutches of the rapacious medical facilities. The relationship and translated by Khin Maung Oo, procurement to total production societies also; but the rural coop- man one vote” is the basic princi- money-lenders. The agricultural between the shareholder farmer Myanmar Anti-Trafficking in Persons Day LOBAL Times has urged the international community and it was about the importance of - 7.44%; milk procurement to mar- erative credit societies have con- ple of cooperative enterprise and primary cooperative credit society and the cooperative enterprise is 13th September to listen to Myanmar voices right after the western me- cooperative enterprises. It reads: ketable surplus - 10.5%; ice cream tinued to be predominant till now. this is a democratic practice based is the foundation-stone on which simple: the farmer is committed dia launched a collective attack on the government for “It is time to launch cooperative manufacture - 45%; oil marketed It is necessary to know the on human beings, regardless of the whole co-operative edifice is to contributing a certain amount The entire public needs to participate, Gsentencing two Reuters reporters seven years in jail. enterprises across the nation. … (branded) - 50%; spindles in co-op- causes of poor performance of the share capital held. built and even now these societies of cane per season and the co- Trafficking in persons to eliminate… The editorial written by Ai Jun of the Global Times criticized The enterprises will indoctrinate eratives (3.518 million) - 9.5%; cot- cooperative movement, despite a Practice at present in India dominate the co-operative picture operative sugar mill is bound to the Western media for launching a collective attack on the Myan- us with the spirit of cooperating ton marketed/procurement – na; rapid growth of the overall pro- shows that the exceedingly small of India, it is learnt. take this cane. The strength of 2018 Anti-Trafficking in Persons Day’s Objectives mar government following the Yangon Northern District Court together, spirit of desire to live and cotton yarn/fabrics production - gress of cooperative movement size of holdings is perhaps the The laws relating to coopera- the cooperative movement was v To mobilize the participation of all citizens in combating sentenced two Reuters journalists to seven years in prison for work in unity, into our inner parts 23.0%; handlooms in co-operatives during 100 years of its existence most serious defect in agriculture; tive enterprises are needed to be the involvement of the farmers human trafficking as a national duty; illegal possession of documents covered by the Official Secrets of our minds. … It will help us to - 55.0%; fishermen in co-operatives is not very impressive, and on if agriculture has to be improved, modified to make it qualitatively who were shareholders in the co- v To have the public instilled with awareness about and Act. bear the spirit of self-help basis, (active) - 21%; storage facility (vil- that basis take such steps as the size of the holdings must be stronger. It is also essential that operative sugar mill regardless knowledge of trafficking in persons; A few mainstream Western media asserted this was a blow spirit of inventiveness. … At a time lage level pacts) - 65.0%; rubber would promote a faster growth of enlarged. The co-operative farm- the procedures of the work of co- of the size of their holdings; over v To protect and care trafficked victims with empathy; and to press freedom, judicial independence and democracy. Some of scarcity of investment capital in processed and marketed - 95.0%; cooperative movement in India. ing enterprises, thus, enable the v To strengthen cooperation and coordination among all even claimed the sentence had sparked a backlash in the inter- the country, the system of setting arcan nut processed and mar- New generations of cooperative cultivators to enjoy the economies counter trafficking stakeholders – government agencies, national community. up the cooperative enterprises is keted - 50%; direct employment movement in the Republic of the of large-scale farming through civil society organizations, UN agencies, international Before the judgement, the Myanmar media reported that "the the best way to upgrade the na- generated - 1.07 million; self-em- Union of Myanmar need to learn the pooling of land management organizations and general public. court's decision will be based on the rule of law." Other nations tional development. …” (excerpted ployment generated for persons more about neighbouring coun- resources. Poor infrastructure, should respect the country's situation and its rule of law. from Bogyoke’s speech at the AF- - 14.39 million; salt manufactured tries’ cooperative movements’ lack of quality management, Everyone who has been following the court proceedings PFL’s 2nd meeting of central lead- (18,266 metric tons) - 7.6%: these experiences for good and appro- overdependence on government, witnessed that the two men have had free access to their lawyers ing committee on May 16, 1946). statistics are from the Indian Co- priate lessons to be replicated to dormant membership, non-con- and to the court proceedings. Based on such article, I am writing operative Movement, just giving help grow more in the national duct of elections, lack of strong The country follows due process and everyone is free to follow the following article for the growth, as an example of how cooperative economy. Government needs to human resources policy, neglect the court proceedings to find out whether or not they are fair, development and advancement of enterprises play key role in helping provide strong both financial and of professionalism, etc. are the Myanmar Daily Weather Report and whether or not they are in accordance with the rule of law. our cooperative enterprises in the improve country’s national econ- human resource support to the limiting factors. Indian cooper- (Issued at 7:00 pm Friday 7 September 2018) But, the western media has found fault with Myanmar’s Republic of the Union of Myanmar. omy. The statistics here indicate cooperative movement as peoples’ atives are also unable to evolve BAY INFERENCE: Monsoon is weak over the Andaman Sea internal issue by one-sidedly alleging that the two journalists Good governance (transpar- that modern cooperative move- movement and democracy train- strong communication and public and Bay of Bengal. were arrested for investigating ency, accountability, participa- ment in India has made tremen- ing ground for all citizens of the relations strategies which can pro- FORECAST VALID UNTIL AFTERNOON OF THE 8th Sep- a massacre of villagers, skirt- tory, efficiency and effectiveness, dous progress in every walk of its country inclusive of youth, wom- mote the concept of cooperation tember, 2018: Rain or thundershowers will be scattered in Nay ing around or questions the among others) is of paramount activities and occupies a major en and persons with disabilities among the masses, it is learnt. operatives should be made simple, the years, this truly democratic Pyi Taw, Sagaing, Mandalay and Magway regions, Southern Shan In a democracy, court’s reason: Both violated importance to become sustain- place in the share of the national as well as for recognition as the Ending poverty is one of the straight and convenient. It is nec- idea got corrupted and farmers and Kayah states and fairly widespread in the remaining regions a state secrets act. able and successful cooperative economy. The Co-operative Move- second sector of national economy important Sustainable Develop- essary to spread the cooperative with larger holdings grew more and states. Degree of certainty is (100%). no one has the The court’s information enterprises in this world. Effort, ment was introduced into India as well. ment Goals (SDGs) and evidence movement as people’s movement; powerful. In practice, this altered STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be slight to moderate in Myan- officer in responding to ques- wish-to-do, mind and wisdom are (Burma and Ceylon, too) as the Cooperative movement will shows the important fact that the people should not think it as a part the power structure of the cooper- mar waters. Wave height will be about (3 - 7) feet in off and along right to interfere tions posed by said that the two four means of accomplishment to only method by which farmers be an important impetus for rapid cooperative enterprises surely of the government or a depart- atives in the elections to the gov- Myanmar Coasts. journalists were found guilty of make a cooperative enterprise a could overcome their burden of rural development of the country. play a crucial role in reduction and ment of the government; people erning bodies of the cooperative OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Likelihood of in the judicial breaching the Official Secrets sustainable and successful busi- debt and keep them away from Co-operative farming is a compro- eradication of poverty in the world. should own it and manage it; peo- sugar factories, money became decrease of rain in coastal area. Act when they collected and ob- ness and social enterprise in any the clutches of the money-lenders. mise between collective farming Role of Agricultural Cooperative ple should be educated about the such a powerful tool that the top FORECAST FOR NAY PYI TAW AND NEIGHBOURING sector. At the tained confidential documents. country. Take as an example the The Co-operative Credit Socie- and the peasant proprietorship Credit Societies is also important advantages of this cooperative posts of chairman and vice-chair- AREA FOR 8th September, 2018: Isolated rain or thundershow- The time the two reporters had shares of co-operative enterprises ties Act, 1904 was passed by the and gives all merits of large-scale and peasants are still relying on movement. Vicious circle of pov- man usually went to the richest ers. Degree of certainty is (100%). same time, we already served would be taken in national economy of one of our Government of India and since farming without abolishing pri- these societies for their cheap erty manifests in different forms. farmers even though the majority FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA into account and the defence neighbourimg countries, the Re- then the rural cooperative credit vate property so that it implies credit. Agricultural Cooperative Educational institutions at various of members were farmers with FOR 8th September, 2018: Isolated rain or thundershowers. must respect could appeal the decision to a Marketing Societies’ development levels, regular radio programmes small- or medium-sized holdings, Degree of certainty is (100%). regional court and even to the in India is closely bound up with and FM radios, various TV chan- it is learnt. FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING AREA the full rights th Supreme Court in accordance the problem of credit claims of nels, newspapers, journals, mag- Observation from the Indian FOR 8 September, 2018: Isolated rain or thundershowers. of the accused, with the law. money-lenders commonly inhib- azines, posters, and other mass cooperative movement shows that Degree of certainty is (80%). In a democracy, no one has iting the cultivator’s freedom of media can be used for cooperative lack of awareness is also one of the WEATHER OUTLOOK FOR WEEKEND: Rain or thunder- and those of the right to interfere in the ju- action in disposing of their crop mass education purpose. Some major causes of slow progress of showers will be scattered in Nay Pyi Taw and Mandalay Region dicial sector. At the same time, and the full utilization of loans ad- beneficial and important chang- the cooperative movement. People and fairly widespread in Yangon Region. the judiciary as we must respect the full rights vanced depends upon the arrange- es, during past few years, have are not well informed about the of the accused, and those of the ments for the marketing of surplus taken place in the cooperative objectives of the movement, the EARTHQUAKE NEWS well. judiciary as well. produce. These agricultural coop- movement which has given a quite contributions it can make in re- (Issued at 05:45 hour MST on 7 September 2018) A few western countries in erative marketing societies also new and progressive slant; a sup- building the society and the rules A slight earthquake of magnitude (4.0) Richter Scale with its the name of “the international community” have been exerting provide other agricultural facilities portive climate has been created and regulations of cooperative epicenter inside Myanmar (about (6) miles north of Chauk), increasing pressure on the Union Government over the Rakhine and make arrangements for the for the development of coopera- enterprises. Unfortunately, no latitude 20.97°N, longitude 94.82°E, depth (111) kilometers about issue. On August 27, the UN Human Rights Council issued a report supply of domestic items in the tive enterprises as democratic and special efforts have been made in (17) miles southwest of Naung U seismological observatory was on the Rakhine issue. But the Myanmar government rejected rural areas, it is learnt. autonomous businesses provide this direction and people look upon recorded at (05)hr (09)min (22)sec M.S.T. on 7 September, 2018. the findings in the report, noting it undermines the Myanmar At the operational level, there them with the opportunities for these enterprises as means for ob- government's efforts to bring peace, national reconciliation and exists a primary co-operative to diversification, it is learnt. taining facilities and concessions development in the country. public of India: rural network (vil- societies were formed. Through an organization of the farmers on extend credit to the farmer. This Myanmar has had over 100 from the government. So long as The Union Government told the international community ear- lages covered) - 100%; agricultural the appointment of registrars and the basis of common efforts for unit epitomizes the vitality and years of experience regarding people expect to get something lier that it has "zero tolerance to any human rights violation" and credit disbursed by co-operatives through vigorous propaganda, the common interests. Observation service potential of the co-oper- the cooperative enterprises and from the government, they see it had set up an Independent Commission of Enquiry to respond - 46.15%; fertilizer disbursed (6.049 government attempted to popu- shows that, under this system, ative movement in India. The or- it is observed between 1970 and to it that cooperative enterprises to allegations made by the UN and the international community. million tons) - 36.22%; nutrient - larize the movement in the rural all landowners in a village form a ganization of these cooperative 1988 that the cooperatives, as sec- somehow continue to function; The Union Government’s spokesman said "If there is any case 27.65%; sugar produced (10.400 areas and within a short period, co-operative enterprise for tilling societies dates back to 1904, when ond pillar (sector) of the national lack of education, dirty politics of against human rights, just give us strong evidence, record and million tons) - 59.0%; capacity the government realized some the land; the land is pooled, but the first Co-operative Societies economy, ownership in the Gross the village, caste ridden elections date so that we can take legal action.”. But the Western media utilization of sugar mills - 111.5%; of the shortcomings of the 1904 each farmer retains the right of Act was passed; these societies Domestic Product was reached to the offices of cooperative socie- has so far not yet provided acceptable evidence, record and date. wheat procurement (4.50 million Act and, therefore, passed a more property and the produce is dis- were started with the object of up to around 18%. Observation ties, bureaucratic attitudes of the 09251022355, The west should listen to Myanmar voices instead of intim- tons) - 31.8%; animal feed produc- comprehensive Act, known as the tributed by each; they are allowed providing cheap credit to the ag- shows that “mismanagement and government officers at the lower Call idating it in the name of the “international community”. tion/supply - 50%; retail fair price Co-operative Societies Act of 1912. to withdraw from the cooperative riculturists in order to free them manipulation” is one of the causes SEE PAGE - 10 Thin Thin May, 09974424848 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 10 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s ninth regular session ... Int’l Tourism Expo to boost tourism service sector FROM PAGE-2 project while discussion is on- Thet Thet Khaing of Dagon going for the additional US$20 constituency urging the gov- Replying to a question million, construction work will ernment to set up appropriate TO develop the international tor U Nway Moe Aung of Travel raised by Dr. U Sein Mya Aye of be started where possible, an- reform policies to reform state- tourism service sector and lo- Support Co. Ltd. The expo will Dala constituency on the reason swered the Deputy Minister. owned enterprises (SOEs) was cal tourism sector, International feature airlines, banks, insurance for the delay in implementing Similarly, questions raised then discussed by Tatmadaw Tourism Expo Myanmar (ITEM) businesses, hotels, cruise (ship) the Korea-Myanmar Friendship by Daw Myint Myint Soe (a) Pyithu Hluttaw representative 2018 supported by Myanmar companies, local and foreign trav- Yangon-Dala bridge project, Daw May Soe of Botahtaung Lt-Col Myo Win Hlaing, U Sai Tourism Federation (MTF) and el services, companies producing and when and how construc- constituency and U Win Win of Ngaung Hsai Hein of Maukmai Myanmar China Friendship As- and selling travel related prod- tion will start, Deputy Minister Minbu constituency were an- constituency, U Aung Kyaw sociation (MCFA) will be held ucts, car transport services and for Construction U Kyaw Lin swered by Deputy Minister for Kyaw Oo of Hline constituen- in Tatmadaw Exhibition Hall, telecommunication companies. said that the loan agreement Construction U Kyaw Lin. cy, U Myo Zaw Aung of Kawlin Yangon from 2 to 4 November According to statements to construct the bridge came constituency, U Bo Gyi of Chauk according to a press conference made at the press conference, into effect since 2016 but in- Submission of Bill on Chil- constituency, U Sai Thiha Kyaw on International Tourism Expo holding the expo will develop My- creasing the main span of the dren’s Rights and report on of Mongyai constituency, Daw conducted in Tawwin Garden Ho- anmar tourism sector, increase bridge causes an additional loan the bill read Cho Cho of Ottwin constituency tel, Yangon yesterday morning. income from abroad, increase job requirement of US$20 million. Following the question and and U Thaung Aye of Pyawbwe “We have arranged the event opportunities and develop local A meeting between Ministry answer session, a bill on chil- constituency. with the aim of promoting the business sectors related to travel of Planning and Finance and dren’s rights was submitted to In discussing the motion, development of the local travel sector and bring international Korea Exim Bank was held on the Hluttaw by Deputy Minister Deputy Minister for Planning and business, giving information recognition to Myanmar’s cul- 7 August to obtain the additional for Social Welfare, Relief and and Finance U Maung Maung about travel and tourism industry ture, history and natural beauty. loan and discussions made were Resettlement U Soe Aung. Win said SOEs are playing a in detail to the public,” said direc- —Min Thit (MNA) forwarded to Republic of Ko- After Amyotha Hluttaw Bill big role and reforms should be rea (ROK) Ministry of Strategy Committee member U Sai Tun conducted stage by stage. The and Finance through the ROK Aye read the bill committee re- Deputy Minister explained that Embassy. port on the bill, announcement the motion is acceptable in prin- At the moment, ROK Min- was made for Hluttaw repre- cipal and the State is conducting istry of Strategy and Finance sentatives who wanted to table the matter accordingly. is discussing with Korea Exim an amendment motion to reg- Hluttaw then decided to Bank for the additional loan of ister their names. approve the motion. US$20 million, and once agree- The 17th-day meeting ment is reached, the matter will Discussion on motion to set of the ninth regular session be submitted to the Pyidaungsu up appropriate reform poli- of the Second Pyithu Hlut- Hluttaw, said the Deputy Min- cies to reform state-owned taw is scheduled to be held ister. enterprises on 12 September, it is learnt. A beach in Myanmar crowded with tourists and local people. In order not to delay the A motion table by Dr. Daw —Myo Myint (MNA) PHOTO: MIN THIT (MNA)

FROM PAGE - 9 tive societies render thus cannot keeping of accounts, factional motion and poverty alleviation, pendence and self-reliance exist- be adequate. By assessing the politics in its management, lack both as production enterprises – ed only on paper and files. After rank are some of the hurdles persons and the problems only of coordination among various mainly of the self-employed – and attainment of independence, in in spreading the correct infor- from one angle, these coopera- divisions of the cooperative as providers of services to mem- particular after beginning of the mation about the cooperative tive societies neither properly structure, too much dependence bers. Although cooperatives are planning, some healthy chang- movement and in educating the help the person nor make an on outside sources of finance, not instruments of employment es in the attitude of the govern- people about its true character optimal use of their resources. lack of adequate auditing. Such promotion, they do effectively ment did take place; it was not and vital role in the society, it is Under these circumstances it weakness have prevented them create and maintain employ- given proper importance that it learnt. has not been possible for these from progressing on healthy ment in both urban and rural deserves in any plan. But even Various studies also show cooperative societies to make lines, it is learnt. areas and thus provide income the cooperative movement has that restricted coverage is one much progress, it is learnt. National policy on co-oper- to both members and employees not become full-fledged people of the causes of slow progress It is found that functional ative enterprises which is likely in the form of shares of surplus, movement. Even today, quite in Indian cooperative movement. weakness is also one of the caus- to uphold the values and princi- wages and salaries or surpluses often, cooperative societies are The cooperative movement has es of slow progress. The coopera- ples of co-operation, recognizing (profits) depending of the type of imposed upon the people. This also suffered on account of two tive movement has suffered from its autonomous characters and cooperatives, it is learnt. does bring about an increase in important limitations on its inadequacy of trained personnel attaching priority to profession- Government interference the membership of the cooper- working. One is that the size of right from its inception. Lack alism, human resource devel- is another weakness to slow ative societies; but the spirit of these cooperative societies has of trained personnel has been opment and to act as preferred progress in the Indian coopera- cooperation cannot flower fully been very small; most of these caused by two major factors, In instrument for execution of pub- tive movement. The cooperative in these circumstances; neither cooperative societies are con- the first place, there has been lic policy in rural areas and in movement in India was initiated its growth took place according fined to a few members and their a lack of institutions for this sectors where they provide the in 1904 under the auspices of to any plan nor did it become a operations extended to only one purpose of training personnel; most effective delivery system; British government; right from people’s movement. It just grew or two villages; as a result, their secondly, because of the unsatis- to strengthen their competitive the beginning the government very slowly and that too, hap- resources remain limited, which factory working of cooperative in- edge in the market, total quality has adopted an attitude of pa- hazardly; it was a state driven make it impossible for them to stitutions, efficient personnel did control initiatives, management tronizing the movement; cooper- institution, it is learnt. May Co- expand their means and extend not feel attracted or motivated initiatives and cost reduction ini- ative enterprises were treated as operative Movement in the Re- their area of operations. Two, towards them. The functioning tiatives will also be taken up. It is if these were part and parcel of public of the Union of Myanmar most of the cooperative socie- of the cooperative societies, too, now increasingly recognized that the administrative set up of the be free from all dangers, and be ties have been single purpose suffer from several weaknesses; the co-operative system in India government. The government healthy, happy and prosperous societies; for this reason, these some of these are, taking no care has the capacity and potentiality interference thus became an in the months to come!!! societies are unable to take a of the need of credit seekers or to neutralize the adverse effects essential element in the work- Reference: Cooperative total view of the persons seeking their repaying capacity at the emerging from the process of ing of these enterprises; as a Movement in India: Problems help, nor can they analyze and time of granting loans, making globalization and liberalization, result, people’s enthusiasm for and Prospects from the web- solve problems from different no adequate provision for the and continue to play an impor- the cooperative movement did site, July 2017 angles; the help these coopera- return of loans, unsatisfactory tant role in employment pro- not grow. The movement’s inde- 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR WORLD 11 British Airways hacked with details of 380,000 bank cards stolen

breach. “I’ve not heard anything from them on this and I’ve just had to cancel the card I used. They’re a shambles,” he told the Daily Telegraph newspaper. Another BA customer, Steph- anie Jowers, said she contacted the airline hours before the hack was announced to query a suspi- Mattis’ visit comes as Afghan and international forces try to push peace cious charge on her account but talks with the Taliban. PHOTO: AFP was not informed it could have been compromised. Mattis makes unannounced “I asked repeatedly for an explanation. None was given,” visit to Afghanistan Customers’ details on 380,000 cards of British Airways were stolen in a she told the Daily Telegraph. data breach. PHOTO: AFP KABUL — US Defense Secre- or US forces against the Tali- LONDON — British Airways and that around 380,000 payment Past IT issues tary Jim Mattis landed in Kabul ban, Afghanistan’s largest mil- said that the personal and finan- cards were compromised. The National Crime Agency on Friday for an unannounced itant group. cial details of customers making BA advised anyone who be- said: “We are aware of reports of a visit to war-torn Afghanistan, Afghan and international bookings between 21 August and lieved they may have been affect- data breach affecting British Air- where he will meet President players have been ratcheting 5 September had been stolen in ed to contact their bank or credit ways and are working with part- Ashraf Ghani and the new US up efforts to hold peace talks a data breach involving 380,000 card provider and follow their ners to assess the best course commander for American and with the Taliban, which was bank cards. recommendations. of action.” NATO forces. toppled from power by US-led The almost two week long In terms of compensation, The NCA is set up to tackle His trip comes a little more forces in 2001. hack did not involve travel or BA said they would be in touch the most serious and organised than a year after President An unprecedented cease- passport details, the airline said, with customers “and will man- crime posing the highest risk to Donald Trump unveiled a re- fire in June followed by talks adding that it had launched an age any claims on an individual public security in Britain. vamped strategy for Afghani- between US officials and Tal- urgent investigation into the theft basis.” BA apologised in July after stan that saw him commit thou- iban representatives in Qatar of customer data. “We are deeply sorry for technology issues caused dozens sands of additional US forces to in July fuelled hopes that ne- “The personal and financial the disruption that this criminal of its flights to and from London the country on an open-ended gotiations could bring an end details of customers making activity has caused,” the airline Heathrow Airport to be cancelled. basis. to the fighting. bookings on our website and app said. The airline said the problem Mattis, on his second But a recent spate of at- were compromised,” it said. “The It said customers due to trav- was down to an incident with an visit to the country in recent tacks by the Taliban and the breach has been resolved and el could check in online as normal IT system. months, arrives in Kabul at a smaller but potent Islamic our website is working normally. as the incident had been resolved. And in May 2017, British sensitive time in the 17-year State group that left hundreds We have notified the police and BA customer Daniel Willis, Airways suffered a major com- war. of security forces and civilians relevant authorities.” 34, who booked a flight on Mon- puter system failure triggered by The grinding conflict has dead has severely dented that BA said the breach took place day with the airline, said he had a power supply issue near Heath- seen little progress by Afghan optimism. —AFP between 2158 GMT on August 21 not been contacted by the airline row which left 75,000 customers and 2045 GMT on September 5 despite being affected by the data stranded. —AFP Brazilian presidential Mass grave site with 166 bodies found in Mexico candidate Bolsonaro MEXICO CITY — Mexican au- rensic specialists are still work- state prosecutor’s office said in thorities discovered at least 166 ing at the scene. a statement. suffers “extensive” bodies at a mass grave site in Winckler said investigators “Based on forensic analysis Veracruz state, prosecutors said had also found 200 articles of of the discoveries, it had been injuries from attack Thursday, the latest horrifying clothing, 144 ID cards and oth- determined that these are clan- find in a region hit by bloody drug er personal belongings at the destine burial sites which are at RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazil- had three perforations on the cartel turf wars. site since exhumations began least two years old,” it said. ian presidential candidate Jair small intestines and one in the Home to the city of Vera- on August 8. Authorities have used Bolsonaro, who was stabbed colon, the doctor said, but no cruz, one of Mexico’s largest An informer told authori- drones and ground-penetrating earlier on Thursday, sustained injuries in the lung or liver, as ports, the eastern state has a ties that hundreds of people in radar to help them locate the “extensive” injuries but is now it was rumored earlier. history of corrupt politics and all were buried at the site, the bodies. —AFP stable, doctors said. Because of the injuries grisly power struggles between The medical team who at- to the intestines, Bolsonaro rival cartels -- a toxic mix that tended to Bolsonaro gave a was submitted to a colosto- has caused an explosion of vi- press conference on Thursday my, a procedure to put on a olence. evening to inform about the colostomy bag, which tempo- “The remains of at least candidate’s condition after rarily collects the feces of the 166 people have been found” the attack. patient while the intestines in the latest mass grave site According to surgeon heal. He will have to use the discovered in Veracruz, state Luiz Henrique Borsato, Bol- bag for a couple of months, prosecutor Jorge Winckler told sonaro had abdominal trauma the doctors said. journalists, making it one of the and was in shock when admit- According to the medical largest such sites so far. ted to the hospital. team, Bolsonaro will not leave The grave is located in cen- Borsato said the can- the hospital for another week tral Veracruz, but authorities are didate had extensive inter- or 10 days, and returning to not releasing the exact location Mexican authorities discovered at least 166 bodies at a mass grave site in nal hemorrhage, which was the campaign in the streets is for security reasons, he said. Fo- Veracruz state. PHOTO: AFP stanched in the surgery. He not on the line yet. — Xinhua 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 12 WORLD THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

Toll from Japan quake rises to 16 as hopes fade for survivors

TOKYO — Japanese res- stuck under the mud, so plant supplying electricity (dead) people and many cue workers with bull- we’ve been working around to the region. According to people injured, with 26 still dozers and sniffer dogs the clock but it’s been dif- Hokkaido Electric, power missing,” Prime Minister scrabbled through the mud ficult to rescue them,” a has been restored to 1.4 Shinzo Abe told a cabinet Thursday to find survivors Self-Defence Force service- million houses — about 40 meeting to discuss the from a landslide that bur- man in Atsuma told public percent of the population quake. “Please give your ied houses after a power- broadcaster NHK. “We — but authorities have sympathy to people who ful quake, as the death toll will take measures to find warned it could take as spent a dark night in fear, Photo shows some of the 12 boys and their soccer coach rose to 16. them quickly,” he added. long as a week to get the and do everything you who were rescued from a flooded Thai cave attending Around 26 people are One village resident said: service fully back to nor- can to restore electricity a dinner banquet at the Dusit Palace in Bangkok on 6 September, 2018. The Thai government organized still unaccounted for in the “It was horrendous. The mal. Some 22,000 rescue as soon as possible,” he the event for about 7,000 Thai and foreign guests to small northern countryside land slid all the way down workers including troops instructed his ministers. show appreciation for their efforts in freeing them in town of Atsuma, where a and I thought I would die. called up from the Self-De- The earthquake, which July. PHOTO: KYODO cluster of dwellings were I thought my house would fense Forces handed out scored the maximum on wrecked when a hillside collapse.” Around 1.6 mil- emergency water supplies a Japanese scale measur- Thai gov’t holds thank collapsed with the force of lion households in the and long lines formed at ing the power of a quake’s the 6.6-magnitude quake, sparsely populated north- petrol stations and super- shaking, also collapsed you event for rescuers causing deep brown scars ern island of Hokkaido were markets, as people stocked a handful of houses and in the landscape. “We’ve still without power after the up fearing further quakes. walls in the main city of of cave-trapped boys heard there are people still quake damaged a thermal “So far there are 16 Sapporo.—AFP

BANGKOK — The Thai personnel, British divers government on Thursday found the group shelter- organized a dinner banquet ing on a dry patch some for about 7,000 Thai and for- 3.7 kilometers from the en- eign guests to show appre- trance of the cave on 2 July. The Republic of the Union of Myanmar ciation for their efforts in The rescue operation, Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry freeing 12 boys and their which drew worldwide at- (UMFCCI) soccer coach from deep in- tention, began on 8 July Tender Invitation To observe UMFCCI’ s centennial, we will be organizing many events during 2019 including the “UMFCCI Centennial side a flooded cave in July. with four boys safely res- International Expo”. Those attending the cued, followed by four on 9 The Expo will be held in March 2019 on a grand scale and many exhibitors from far and near around the globe will be participating event at the Dusit Palace July and the last group of to grab the new opportunities for businesses and investments. in Bangkok included expert five including the coach on UMFCCI therefore invites interesting international event organizers to submit their proposals to the Trade Fair and Exhibition Committee for selection and approval. divers, Thai navy seals and 10 July. Adul Sam-on, one of Particulars other military personnel, the 12 boys, spoke on behalf Venue of Expo (i) Myanmar Event Park (48,000 sq-m) (OR) rescue volunteers, doctors, of them at the event and (ii) Myanmar Convention Center (98,000 sq-m) Title of Expo - “UMFCCI Centennial International Expo” police, ambassadors and thanked all those involved Exhibits - Country products, Personal and General Commodities, Industrial goods and others. foreign media representa- for their kindness, support Contact Persons (i) Daw May Thawdar Win (Deputy Executive Officer) tives, all of whom received and sacrifices. Te1:95-9-450200340, E-mail:[email protected] (ii) Daw Hnin Yee Nandar (Staff Officer) royal letters of apprecia- Specifically address- Tel: 95-1-2314344, Ext: 118, E-mail: [email protected] tion. Among the guests ing the Thai king, prime Closing Date : 5th October 2018 (Friday) were citizens of 15 foreign minister and government Anyone desirous of acting as licensed representative for country wise show booths or for further information or to submit the applications can contact the above-mentioned persons. countries including Britain, agencies, he said, “All your Trade Fair and Exhibition Committee the United States, Austral- sacrifices made us realize UMFCCI ia, China, Japan and Laos. that we have to be good cit- The Wild Boar soccer izens. We feel the love of team members and their Thai people and the whole THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR coach got trapped by flood- world.” Prime Minister MINISTRY OF ELECTRICITY AND ENERGY ing waters in the cave in Prayut Chan-o-cha hailed ELECTRICITY SUPPLY ENTERPRISE Chiang Rai Province on the rescue operation as a Invitation for Expressions of Interest (EOI) – Consulting Services 23 June. Amid a frantic remarkable success, even Date : 7th September 2018 search effort by hundreds though one rescuer lost his Project No. : 50020-002 of rescuers and support life.— Kyodo News Project Title : Myanmar: Power Network Development Project Title of Assignment : Project Implementation Consultant (PIC) ( Distribution Component) Deadline for Submission of EOI : [27thSeptember 2018 , 14:00 hr]

1. The Republic of the Union of Myanmar has applied for financing from the Asian Development Bank(ADB) toward the cost of Power CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE Network Development Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceedsof this financing to payments for the Project Implementation M.V CSC RUI HAI VOY. NO. (1) Consultant (PIC) – Distribution Component (“the Assignment”). 2. Electricity Supply Enterprise (ESE) of the Ministry of Electricity and Energy (MOEE) of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (“the Consignees of cargo carried on M.V CSC RUI HAI Client”) invites firms from eligible source countries of ADB to submit EOIs through ADB’s Consultant Management System (CMS) VOY. NO. (1) are hereby notified that the vessel will be ( 3. ThePIC for distribution component of the project is required to assist ESE and MOEE throughout the implementation of the Power arriving on 8-9-2018 and cargo will be discharged into the Network Development Project. The main tasks are: (i) conduct procurement of project packages from contract packaging, bidding, premises of M.I.T.T where it will lie at the consignee’s risk evaluation and award of contract; (ii) update and implement resettlement and ethnic group development plan (REGDP); (iii) construction supervision and supervision supply and construction contracts; (iv) preparation of environmental management plan (EMP) and and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of environmental supervision and monitoring; (v) overall project administration; (vi) reporting; (vii) financial management, and (viii) the Port of Yangon. public communication and consultation. The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found on CMS. The location of the Assignment is in Myanmar, and the duration is six years. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am 4. Quality-Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) process will be used in accordance with the Guidelines on the Use of Consultants for Asian to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now Development Bank and Its Borrowers. A Full Technical Proposal (FTP) will be required from shortlisted firms.For further information, please visit declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo 5. EOIs must be submitted through CMS ( on or before [27thSeptember2018 ,14:00 hr]. Firms that are not yet from the Vessel. registered with CMS are required to register. 6. ESE will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred byfirms in connection with the preparation or submission of EOIs. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after Name and Designation of Client’s Representative: the Claims Day. Mr. Thuya Aung Bo Deputy Chief Engineer SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT Electricity Supply Enterprise MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY Office address, email and telephone no.: Office No.27, Ministry of Electricity and Energy AGENT FOR: M/S TOKO KANN KAISHA Naypyitaw, Myanmar Phone No: 2301191, 2301178 [email protected] +95 9 5089858 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR ENVIRONMENT 13

China-made degradable plastics promise end to ocean pollution

BEIJING — Chinese sci- decompose in seawater the Chinese Academy of dying from it appeared in cently selected as one of 30 breaking technologies and entists have developed a over a period ranging from Sciences. recent years,” said Wang. winning projects at a con- trigger innovation. plastic that degrades in a few days to several hun- “For a long time, peo- Scientists combined test of innovative future China has given seawater and could help dred days, leaving small ple focused on ‘white pollu- non-enzymic hydrolysis, technologies in Shenzhen, top priority to ecologi- curb the increasingly se- molecules that cause no tion’ on land. Plastic pollu- water dissolution and bio- south China’s Guangdong cal environmental pro- rious plastic pollution in pollution, said Wang Gex- tion in the seas only caught degradation processes to Province. tection, contributing the oceans. ia, a senior engineer at people’s attention when design and invent the new The contest encour- Chinese wisdom to re- The new polyester the Technical Institute of more and more reports material. aged young Chinese sci- solving global pollution. composite material can Physics and Chemistry of about marine animals The research was re- entists to conceive ground- — Xinhua

THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR Global warming hikes risk of landslide tsunamis MINISTRY OF ELECTRICITY AND ENERGY DEPARTMENT OF POWER TRANSMISSION AND SYSTEM CONTROL PARIS — With a wave run- Invitation for Expressions of Interest (EOI) - up of nearly 200 metres, Consulting Services the tsunami that ripped through an Alaskan fjord Date : 7th September 2018 in 2015 was one of the Project No. : 50020-002 largest ever documented. Project Title : Myanmar: Power Network Development But with no-one killed, it Project almost went unnoticed. Title of Assignment : Project Implementation Consultant (PIC) It was triggered by a - Transmission Component Deadline for Submission of EOI : 27th September 2018, massive rockfall caused 14:00 hr by melting of the Tyndall Glacier, which experts say 1. The Republic of the Union of Myanmar has applied for has given them the clear- financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) est picture to date of land- toward the cost of Power Network Development Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this slide-generated tsunamis. financing to payments for the Project Implementation With global warming Almost all mountain glaciers in the world are retreating with the thinning ice caused by Consultant (PIC) - Transmission Component (“the warming on a global scale. PHOTO: AFP causing glaciers to shrink Assignment”). at an unprecedented rate, 2. The Department of Power Transmission and System there is an increased risk landslide in October 2015 understand the risk posed risk research on tsuna- Control (DPTSC) of the Ministry of Electricity and of tidal waves triggered by that occurred above a by these steep slopes in mis has focused on those Energy (MOEE) (“the Client”) invites firms from the collapse of rocky slopes glacier that had retreat- a changing climate,” caused by earthquakes, eligible source countries of ADB to submit EOI weakened as ice retreats, a ed dramatically in the late Shugar said. such as one in the Indian through ADB’s Consultant Management System (CMS) study in Scientific Reports 20th century,” he told AFP. The study provides a Ocean in 2004. ( said Thursday. The tsunami generat- benchmark for modelling Little is known about 3. The PIC for the transmission component of the project “As glaciers thin ed a wave runup, the max- landslide and tsunami landslide tsunamis, which is required to assist DPTSC and MOEE throughout the around the world, they are imum vertical extent of hazards, the authors said. are relatively rare, with implementation of the Power Network Development modifying their landscapes wave uprush on a beach, “Our results call the best-documented Project. The main tasks are: (i) conduct procurement dramatically. In the case of of 193 metres (633 feet). attention to an indirect example dating back 60 of project packages from contract packaging, bidding, Taan Fjord, the result was Glacial ice supports effect of climate change years. evaluation and award of contract; (ii) update and a massive tsunami,” said and undercuts steep that is increasing the fre- “This is the first time implement resettlement and ethnic group development plan (REGDP); (iii) supervision of EPC/turnkey contracts; Dr Dan Shugar, assistant slopes so when the ice quency and magnitude of scientists have been able (iv) preparation of environmental management plan professor of Geoscience at melts, the underlying bed- natural hazards near gla- to study a landslide tsu- (EMP) and environmental supervision and monitoring; the University of Washing- rock is left exposed and ciated mountains.” nami from start to finish,” (v) overall project administration; (vi) reporting; (vii) ton Tacoma and co-author unstable, increasing the said co-author Dr Bret- financial management, and (viii) public communication of the report. likelihood of rockfalls and Mapping a giant tsu- wood Higman, executive and consultation. The Terms of Reference (TOR) for “The tsunami was landslides. nami director of Ground Truth the assignment can be found on CMS. The place of triggered by a massive “We need to better Most of the recent Trekking.—AFP assignment is Nay Pyi Taw and project sites, Myanmar, and the duration of the assignment is six years. 4. Quality-Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) process will CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE be used in accordance with the Guidelines on the Use M.V KUO HSIUNG VOY. NO. (1090 S/N) M.V PACITA VOY. NO. (027 W/E) of Consultants for Asian Development Bank and Its Consignees of cargo carried on M.V KUO HSIUNG Consignees of cargo carried on M.V PACITA VOY. Borrowers. Shortlisted firms will be required to submit VOY. NO. (1090 S/N) are hereby notified that the vessel NO. (027 W/E) are hereby notified that the vessel will be a Full Technical Proposal (FTP). For further information, please visit will be arriving on 8-9-2018 and cargo will be discharged arriving on 8-9-2018 and cargo will be discharged into into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at the the premises of M.I.T.T/A.I.P.T where it will lie at the 5. EOIs must be submitted through ADB’s CMS consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws ( on or before 27th September 2018, 14:00 hr. Firms that are not yet registered with CMS and conditions of the Port of Yangon. and conditions of the Port of Yangon. are required to register. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now 6. DPTSC will not be responsible for any costs or expenses declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo incurred by firms in connection with the preparation or declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. submission of EOIs. from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. Director General the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT Department of Power Transmission and System Control (DPTSC), MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT Building No. 27, Nay Pyi Taw , Myanmar AGENT FOR: M/S NEW GOLDEN SEA MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY AGENT FOR: M/S NEW GOLDEN SEA LINES Telephone: 95 67 8104286 SHIPPING LINE Email: [email protected], Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 Website: 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 14 SOCIAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Indian artist draws portraits with a typewriter

MUMBAI — Clickety-clack, Hardy. This is my hobby, my pas- telephone itself. When I saw it I clickety-clack, ding rings out from sion,” he tells AFP. thought, ‘This is fantastic, I can a home in India’s Mumbai where Bhide has held 12 exhibitions make art through this medium.’ ChandrakantBhide is creating his of his work and become some- Everybody seemed to like it too,” latest artwork -- on a typewriter. thing of a local celebrity since he recalls.Bhide started using The 72-year-old thumps the discovering his unique talent in the “x” key to produce images keys of the bulky, manual ma- the late 1960s while employed as of Hindu god Ganesha to mark chine to draw portraits of famous a bank clerk. India’s annual festival celebrating people, all bearing an unmistake- As a young man he had want- the elephant-headed deity. able resemblance to their subject. ed to go to art school and become He then began to experiment From politicians and film a commercial artist but his family with other keys — including “w”, stars to cricketers, animation was unable to afford the costs dash, asterisk, ampersand and characters and religious symbols, so he trained in stenography in- percentage sign — progressing Bhide has produced around 150 stead. to create portraits of celebrities pieces of typewriter art over the Bhide was working in the ad- from India and abroad. past half century. ministrative department of Union While Bhide takes only 15 “I have done many person- Bank of India when in 1967 his minutes to draw Ganesha, sever- alities like Mahatma Gandhi, Indian artist Chandrakant Bhide poses with artwork showing portraits of boss asked him to type up a list al hours are required to complete Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gan- public figures and deities that he created using a typewriter. of staff intercom numbers. a famous face in what is a pains- dhi, Charlie Chaplin, Laurel and PHOTO: AFP “I typed it in the form of a taking process.—AFP Netflix opens Toronto film festival

TORONTO (Canada) — The To- might remember from ‘Brave- big old theater, with incredible ronto International Film Festival heart,’” he said. sound,” he said. “But if the films launched on Thursday with a Filmed on location in Scot- come from a streaming service, Netflix production — the first land, “Outlaw King” reunites that’s just fine,” he added. time any major movie showcase director David Mackenzie with has opened on a release not in- his “Hell or High Water” actor More from Netflix tended for theaters. Chris Pine, who plays the 14th Bailey said online movie Cannes, the world’s larg- century Scottish king. platforms such as Netflix, Am- est film festival, issued a decree The epic story about Robert azon and Hulu were “supporting earlier this year banning mov- the Bruce’s struggle to regain some of the best talent around ies from competition that do control of Scotland after Eng- these days.” not have a theatrical release in land declares him an outlaw also “And we really value not France. But in an apparent re- stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson — only the theatrical experience The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is shelving plans for buke, the 43rd TIFF opens with also at the festival in “A Million but the ability of filmmakers a “popular film” Oscar award that had been panned by critics as a bid to Netflix’s “Outlaw King,” which Little Pieces” — Florence Pugh to make the films they want to increase viewership of the annual show. PHOTO: AFP will be available only to subscrib- and Billy Howle. make. So whatever is going to ers of the streaming giant. Netflix pulled all its films get those films made, we are Academy shelves plans for “We went with the best film from consideration at Cannes supportive of.” It is not the first we could find that really fit the after the ban was announced time a Netflix film has screened scale that we want for opening on its non-theatrical releases. at TIFF. Dee Rees’s “Mud- ‘popular’ Oscar award night,” festival chief Cameron Bailey said however TIFF was bound” and Angelina Jolie’s Bailey told AFP. “fully behind the theatrical ex- “First They Killed My Father” LOS ANGELES — The Acade- wood on February 24 of next year. “It’s a big period epic, a re- perience.” “I think people are premiered in Toronto last year, my of Motion Picture Arts and Those changes include ally rousing story of Robert the going to be thrilled to see films in and Netflix also picked up the Sciences said Thursday it was shortening the ceremony to three Bruce — a contemporary of the finest possible way you can rights to several other films at shelving plans for a “popular hours — this year’s lasted nearly William Wallace who audiences present them which is in a great the festival.—AFP film” Oscar award that had been four — and handing out some of ridiculed by critics as a desperate the awards during commercial bid to boost viewership and honor breaks. moneymaking movies. The proposed “popular film” “There has been a wide Oscar had been panned by critics range of reactions to the intro- as a bid to increase viewership duction of a new award, and we of the annual show and to honor recognize the need for further blockbuster movies such as Star discussion with our members,” War films or Marvel Universe Dawn Hudson, the CEO of the films that rake in millions at the Academy, said in a statement. box office. “We have made changes to Viewership of the Oscars the Oscars over the years — in- has been steadily declining over cluding this year — and we will the years. This year’s ceremony continue to evolve while also re- held on March 4 posted all-time specting the incredible legacy of low television ratings with 26.5 the last 90 years.” million viewers. The organization that hands The Academy on Thursday out the Oscars had announced also announced that the 2020 Os- the new award in August along cars would be held on February 9, Interior of Toronto’s Roy Thomson Hall, pictured on 5 September 2018, after improvements completed for with other changes to the 91st several weeks earlier than usual. the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival. PHOTO: AFP Oscars that will be held in Holly- —AFP 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 15 China Crop-eating pest could hit Africa food supplies: experts PARIS — Unpredictable weath- he said on the sidelines of an ag- makeshift remedies such as soap tive caterpillars pose “a huge launches er patterns and the spread of ricultural conference in Kigali. and detergents. threat to food security”. crop-destroying fall armyworm “Rainfall is not very reliable “We are beginning to see The FAO’s representative to new marine caterpillars could lead to “no food anymore so when you get a com- that desperation. We really need the African Union, Chimimba Da- at all” for communities across bination of a little drought and the to move even faster. It’s pretty vid Phiri, said it was too late to get satellite Africa, experts have warned. fall armyworm you are going to scary,” he added. rid of the pest, as it had developed The caterpillars, which were be talking about no food at all,” Rangi earlier told delegates some resistance to pesticides. TAIYUAN — China sent a discovered in Africa in 2016 and he told AFP on Wednesday. at the Africa Green Revolution Instead, African countries new marine satellite into orbit are believed to have come from “The fall armyworm does Forum that the continent’s suc- needed to learn to live with it. Friday to help improve under- South America, have now been not feed on maize alone. It will cess in agriculture hinged to a Applying pesticides would standing of maritime waters identified in 44 countries, up from be able to jump to other crops, large extent on how it dealt with not work, he said, suggesting and climate change. 28 last year. which means it will devour any the pest. farmers should scan their crops A Long March-2C rocket The director-general of de- other green thing that is out in “Forcefully removing this and crush eggs. carrying the HY-1C satellite took velopment at Centre for Agricul- the field.” invasive species cannot be over- “We can manage it but we off at 11:15 a.m. from the Taiyuan ture and Biosciences Internation- Some 300 million people looked if we desire this agricultur- can’t get rid of it. Governments Satellite Launch Center in north al (CABI), Dennis Rangi, blamed across Africa could be at risk from al transformation we are talking and communities need to under- China’s Shanxi Province. globalisation for the spread of the the effects, he estimated. about,” he said. stand that,” he said. The satellite HY-1C will help pest. CABI was researching the May-Guri Saethre, from monitor ocean color and water But it could have a potentially extent of the damage done so far ‘Big challenge’ the Nigeria-based International temperatures, providing basic devastating effect combined with but Rangi said more needed to be CABI research from 2017 Institute of Tropical Agriculture data for research on the global unpredictable weather patterns, done as some farmers turned to found the caterpillar could cut (IITA), said experts did not yet oceanic environment, according yields by up to 60 percent, costing know how fall armyworm affected to the State Administration of 10 of Africa’s major maize-pro- countries across Africa. Science, Technology and Indus- ducing economies $2.2 billion to “All these things we haven’t try for National Defense. $5.5 billion (1.9 billion to 4.7 billion really sorted out yet, its because Its data will also be used euros) a year in lost harvests. it’s so new,” said Saethre, deputy in the survey of the resources But Rangi said that was likely head of research for development and environment of China’s off- to be a conservative estimate. at the IITA. shore waters, islands and coast- Fall armyworm, which was “We know how it behaves in al zones, marine disaster relief first spotted in Nigeria and Togo Latin America but we don’t know and the sustainable utilization and damaged crops from South how it is behaving in Africa. That of ocean resources, said the ad- Africa to Ghana, eat staple crops is a big challenge,” she added. ministration. With a design life such as maize, wheat, millet and Fall armyworm is believed of five years, it was developed by rice. to have been brought to Africa the China Spacesat Co., Ltd. un- They also attack cotton, soy- on commercial flights from South der the China Academy of Space bean, potato and tobacco fields. America or in plants imported Technology. Fall armyworms attacking a maize plant in Kenya earlier this year. On The Food and Agricultural from the region. Saethre said it Friday’s launch was the farms across Africa, a seemingly innocuous brown and beige caterpillar Organization (FAO) has previ- could have been prevented by 284th by the Long March rocket is waging a silent war, devastating rural incomes and posing a major ously warned that the innocu- proper customs and border con- series. —Xinhua threat to the continent’s food supply. PHOTO: AFP ous-looking but hugely destruc- trol checks. —AFP

Across China: Internet Cosmonauts may examine hole in Soyuz changes life for herders spacecraft’s hull during spacewalk — source

HOHHOT — Sitting in the quiet phones. In the past, I could only MOSCOW — During a space- grasslands, Qoluman couldn’t stare blankly at the grassland walk, Russian cosmonauts may stop laughing as he watched a because there was nothing to do examine from the outside the popular video online with his after work.” hole in the Soyuz MS-09 space- mobile phone. As of June 2018, according craft, which caused a pressure Despite the fact that his vil- to China’s Ministry of Industry drop aboard the International lage is deep in the grasslands, and Information Technology, the Space Station (ISS) last week, a Qoluman, 39, a herder of north number of 4G mobile Internet rocket and space industry source China’s Inner Mongolia Autono- users in China exceeded 1.1 bil- told TASS on Friday. “The possi- mous Region, can also enjoy the lion. Over the next three years, bility of conducting a spacewalk many benefits of the Internet. China will work to improve the to examine from the outside the Qoluman lives in Adancholu country’s Internet infrastruc- hole in Soyuz is now being con- Village, New Barag Right Ban- ture, pledging that 98 percent sidered. Possibly, they will be able PHOTO: TASS ner, in the city of Hulun Buir, and of villages will enjoy fiber-optic to find the ‘plug’ that closed the spends more than half the year Internet and 4G services by 2020. hole before the August 30 emer- Soyuz hull damage The head of the Roscosmos herding his sheep. Two years For Ganzhaorog, 43, in gency situation, or some other On August 30 a drop in air corporation, Dmitry Rogozin, ago, WiFi was installed in his Huugjilt Village, Sunite Left ‘evidence,’” the source said. pressure was registered on the said the Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft, Mongolian yurt, and when he Banner, Xilin Gol League, the TASS has been unable to officially ISS. The crew examined the com- attached to the ISS, had been is out herding his sheep, he can Internet has helped him build confirm the information at the partments and add-on modules damaged with a drill from the access the Internet using 4G with a modern farm since WiFi was time of the publication. one by one to identify a two-mil- inside. his phone. installed three years ago. In 2015, “A spacewalk is unlikely to limeter hole in the hull of the The space rocket corpora- “Before, when a guest ar- his farm became one of the first be carried out for the purpose, Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft. In the tion Energia is conducting an rived, the first thing he said was in the village to have a video but such works are possible dur- evening of the same day it was investigation to identify those ‘Hello.’ Now people ask, ‘What’s monitoring system. By 2016, four ing routine maintenance,” the patched up with several layers of responsible. Inquiries are being your WiFi password?’,” he said. cameras that can monitor up to source added. At the same time, epoxy resin. Pressure returned made into who had access to the “These days, herders like my- four km were installed, enabling the source said that the commis- to normal. On August 31 the crew spacecraft, what works were car- self can chat, shop, watch soap him to see almost everything on sion investigating the incident is reinforced the patch with another ried out, and who supervised operas, and play games on our his farm. —Xinhua looking into all possible versions. layer of sealant. them. — Tass 8 SEPTEMBER 2018 16 SPORT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR England bid to use World Cup feel- good factor against Spain

LONDON — England start on and how far we got was brilliant. rave reviews for the meticulous the road to Euro 2020 against But also it was quite gutting not preparation that allowed Eng- Spain with a spring in their to be there.” land to surpass expectations by step less than two months af- Gomez was firmly in South- making the semi-finals of a World ter a World Cup campaign that gate’s plans for Russia after star- Cup for the first time in 28 years. rekindled the nation’s love for ring in friendlies against Brazil However, he now has to the team. A run to the last four and Germany but an ankle injury guard against an emotional in Russia before the crushing ended his season early and ru- hangover from the highs and disappointment of semi-final ined his World Cup dream. lows of five weeks in Russia to defeat to Croatia restored pride “I think the squad doing build on that momentum. The Moment of history: Naomi Osaka celebrates her victory over Madison in England and hope that even what they did in the summer inaugural Nations League cam- Keys. PHOTO: AFP better things are to come. gives the opportunity to try to paign helps Southgate’s task, Gareth Southgate took the build on that,” said the Liverpool with competitive games against ‘I love you’, Osaka tells US third youngest group in the com- defender. “To do so, we’ve got top-tier opposition a better meas- petition to Russia and the boss to carry on that level of perfor- ure than traditional friendlies of Open final opponent Serena has stuck to his youth policy, mance, reaching semi-finals and how confident England can be of throwing Manchester United’s finals.” winning Euro 2020 on home soil NEW YORK — Naomi Osaka charismatic Osaka. Luke Shaw and Liverpool’s Joe with the semi-finals and final of told US Open title opponent “I love you, Serena,” she Gomez into the mix. Build momentum that competition to be played at Serena Williams “I love you” added before adding “I love At 28, Fabian Delph is the Southgate rightly earned Wembley. — AFP just moments after she became you, mom; I love everybody”. oldest member of Southgate’s the first Japanese womam to Osaka, the 20th seed, has squad for Saturday’s UEFA Na- reach a Grand Slam final. met and defeated Williams once tions League opener at home to The 20-year-old breakout — at Miami in March. Spain and a friendly with Switzer- star of the tournament swept Keys had beaten Osaka land on Tuesday, with veterans into the record books and Sat- three times out of three before Gary Cahill, Jamie Vardy and urday’s championship match Thursday’s semi-final but the Ashley Young dropping out from against the 23-time major 14th seed admitted she had the 23 that went to the World Cup. winner with a 6-2, 6-4 win over been completely over-powered. As well as giving the World Madison Keys, the runner-up “I thought I could get a Cup squad members a taste for in 2017. break but every time she would further success, England’s run When asked on court what hit an ace or a big shot,” said in Russia inspired Gomez, 21, she told herself as she served the 23-year-old. and Shaw, 23. for the match, she said: “Don’t “It was difficult. You think “The World Cup is the big- double fault”. she’s going to let up but she gest stage for any footballer,” “Why,” asked the inter- didn’t. She was very impres- said Shaw. “It was wonderful to Harry Kane takes part in a training session ahead of England’s match viewer. “Serena,” replied the sive.” — AFP see how well we did as a team against Spain. PHOTO: AFP Myanmar lethwei tournament Woods and McIlroy to be held in Tokyo share lead at BMW

“LETHWEI in Japan 9 KODO”, Myanmar lethwei Championship tournament in Tokyo, hosted by International Lethwei NEWTOWN SQUARE (United ed his round of 10 birdies with Federation Japan, will be held States) — Tiger Woods fired his a career-best six in succession, on 13 September at Korakuen lowest opening round in nearly 20 beginning with the last hole of Hall, Bunkyo-ku in Tokyo, years to join Northern Ireland’s his front nine. Japan. Rory McIlroy at the top of the McIlroy though let slip any The event features six leaderboard at the BMW Cham- thoughts of a 59 when he bo- fights, five men pairs and pionship on Thursday. geyed his 16th and 17th holes of one women pair, at present. The 14-time major win- the round. Weight classes are from 61kg ner Woods and McIlroy have a This is the first time Woods to 73kg, in which two Japanese one-stroke lead after both shot has shared a PGA Tour lead af- lethwei fighters Makoto and eight-under 62 which marked ter any round since capturing Tereka will compete in 61.5kg the American’s best PGA first the 2013 WGC-Cadillac Champi- weight class, while Tauk Shar round since the 1999 Byron Nel- onship. Woods and McIlroy had PHOTO: MYANMAR LETHWEI WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP (Myanmar) will fight against son Classic. played a nine-hole practice round Shumichi Shimizu in 62kg against Will “The Kill” Chope between Ve Ro Ni Ka (Myan- Woods managed an eagle together on Tuesday. weight class. (USA) in 72kg weight class, mar) and Marina Kumagai and seven birdies and his only “I made a few putts today Myanmar lethwei fighter while Saw Min Aung (Myan- (Japan) in 61kg weight class. hiccup being a late bogey on his and also from right out of the gate Tun Lwin Moe will compete mar) will fight against Japa- The Thursday event will back nine at the Aronimink Golf with birdies at 10 and 12 and 13 so against Japanese player Ikkyu nese fighter Kouhei Tokeshi be open at 17:30 local time and Course in Philadelphia. that was a nice way to get things Sojun in 64kg weight class, in 73kg weight class. the fights will begin at 18:30. Woods was joined in the rolling,” said Woods, who started Shan Ko (Myanmar) will fight The women pair will be — K. Banana lead by McIlroy who highlight- on the back nine. — AFP