可持续 创造长期价值 Create Long-Term Benefits by Sustainable Development 1 The report is printed on environmental friendly paper


China服务 National“一带一路 Machinery Import”可持续发展报告 and Export Corporation Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative


北京市阜成门外大街 1 号西楼 邮编:100037 No.1(W) Fuchengmenwai Avenue, Beijing 100037, China 电话 Tel:0086-10-68991188 传真 Fax:0086-10-68991000 网站 Website:www.cmc.com.cn 中机公司 中机公司社会责任 扫一扫 观看中机公司 电子信箱 E-mail:[email protected] 微信公众号 微信公众号 历年社会责任报告 Scan the QR code to read previous CSR reports of CMC

About This Report 关于本报告 This is the first sustainability report on serving the Belt and Road Initiative released by China 这是中国机械进出口(集团)有限公司首次发布的《服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告》。 National Machinery Import and Export Corporation. In line with ISO 26000:2010 Guidance on 我们遵循真实、客观、规范的原则,按照联合国全球契约十项原则的基本要求,并参照国 Social Responsibility of the International Organization for Standardization and GRI Sustainability ( ) ( ) 际标准化组织《ISO 26000:社会责任国际指南 2010 》、全球可持续发展标准委员会 GSSB Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) of the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB), the ( ) 《GRI 可持续发展报告标准》 GRI Standards ,披露公司在海外开展业务以来,全面履 report discloses the Company’s performance in fulfilling the economic, environmental and social responsibility and related practice for sustainable development since CMC launched operations in 行经济、环境和社会责任,致力于实现可持续发展的相关情况,回应联合国可持续发展目 ( ) overseas markets as a response to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 标 SDGs 。 The report mainly discloses the Company’s practice and performance in implementing the Belt and 本报告以中机公司自 2013 年践行“一带一路”倡议过程中可持续发展实践和绩效为主,部 Road Initiative since 2013, and part of the content may extend beyond the scope. The report is 分内容超出上述范围。本报告采用中英文对照,如有歧义请以中文内容为准。 written in Chinese and English. If there is any ambiguity, the Chinese version shall prevail. For better communication and readability, China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation 报告以印刷版和电子版两种方式发布。电子版可登录公司网站下载。更多信息请访问公 is referred to as “CMC”, “the Company” or “we” in the report. 司网站:http://www.cmc.com.cn/。如需纸质版,请致电中机公司企管部:崔萌萌 010- The report is published in both printed and electronic versions. The electronic version can be 68991592 。 downloaded from CMC’s official website. For more information, please visit http://www.cmc.com. cn/. For the printed version, please contact Cui Mengmeng from CMC’s Enterprise Management Department at 010-68991592. 为便于表述和阅读:




孟加拉巴拉普库利亚 2×125MW 燃煤电站项目简称“孟电项目”;


孟加拉古拉绍 3 号机升级改造项目简称“古拉绍 G3 项目”;

孟加拉帕亚拉 2x660MW 超超临界燃煤电站项目简称“帕亚拉燃煤电站项目”;

马来西亚曼绒 1x1000MW 燃煤电站项目简称“马来西亚曼绒燃煤电站项目”; 扫一扫,阅读本报告 扫一扫,反馈您的意见 Scan the QR code to read this report Scan the QR code to leave your 斯里兰卡马特勒至卡塔拉伽马铁路延伸项目一期工程项目简称“斯里兰卡南部铁路 feedback 项目”;


印度尼西亚中爪哇 2×1000MW 燃煤电站项目简称“印尼中爪哇燃煤电站项目”;

印尼金光 OKI 纸厂 4×125MW 汽轮发电机设备及服务供货项目简称“印尼OKI 项目”;

匈牙利考波什堡 100MW 光伏电站项目简称“匈牙利光伏电站项目”;

哈萨克斯坦阿鲁尔汽车工业集团简称“Allur 集团”。 目 01 16 36 52 关于本报告 About This Report 可持续,创造长期价值 高标准,打造品质工程 惠民生,共创和谐繁荣 Create Long-Term Benefits by Build Quality Projects with High Co-create Harmony and Prosperity to 录Contents 04 Sustainable Development Standards Improve People’s Livelihood 董事长致辞 Message from the Chairman 18 38 54 06 优化能源结构Optimize Energy Structure 致力安全生产 培养当地人才 关于我们 Guarantee Work Safety Cultivate Local Talents About us 22 促进电力生产 42 58 08 Boost Power Generation 确保工程质量 推进文化相融 我们在“一带一路” Improve Project Quality Promote Cultural Integration Our Footprints Along the 26 改善交通运输 47 62 Belt and Road Improve Transportation 建设生态文明 增进民生福祉 Build Ecological Civilization Enhance the Wellbeing of Locals 12 34 社会责任管理 带动产业发展 Social Responsibility Drive Industry Development Management 68 报告指标索引 Index

69 意见反馈表 Feedback Sheet

马来西亚曼绒燃煤电站项目 1*1000MW Manjung Coal-Fired Power Plant Project 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 董事长致辞 04 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Message from the Chairman 05

Message from the Chairman 董事长致辞 The world is undergoing major developments, Thermal Power Plant Project is the environmental protection with localized 我们生活的世界正处于大发展、大变革、大调整时期,充满挑战 transformation, and adjustment, which largest power project in implementation to achieve sustainable 与机遇。2013 年,中国提出“一带一路”倡议,其核心就是各 creates numerous challenges and that contributes significantly to local and green development. 方秉持共商、共建、共享原则,携手应对世界经济面临的挑战, opportunities. In 2013, China proposed economic and social development. We Create harmony and prosperity together. 开创发展新机遇,谋求发展新动力,拓展发展新空间,实现 the Belt and Road Initiative, which built the first new railway for Sri Lanka To be a respectable enterprise, we stresses that we should follow the in almost a hundred years, participated 优势互补、互利共赢。 respect regional ethnic cultures, religious principle of consultation, contribution, and in the construction of Turkey’s first beliefs and customs, strengthen 作为一家拥有近 70 年历史的企业,中机公司借助“一带 shared benefits, work together to tackle high-speed railway, exported a large transcultural communication and 一路”倡议带来的巨大发展机遇,调整业务模式,拓宽业 global economic challenges, create number of urban rail transit vehicles, integration with local communities, and 务范围,拓展融资渠道,在孟加拉、斯里兰卡、马来西亚、 more opportunities for development, diesel passenger locomotives, double- promote the harmonious coexistence of gather impetus for growth and open new ended freight locomotives and ships, and 哈萨克斯坦等“一带一路”沿线国家深耕发展,努力打造“国 all employees regardless of skin colors prospects for shared development, to made continuous efforts to improve the 际化新中机”。在此过程中,我们始终认真履行社会责任, and races, religious beliefs and cultural realize mutual benefit through tapping the local transportation. Together with our 为项目东道国的经济社会发展做出重要贡献。 backgrounds. Adhering to the people- comparative strengths of all participating partners, we have completed one project oriented principle, we focus on poverty countries and regions. after another to invigorate local economic 创造长期价值。我们注重项目的长远价值,承建煤矿、电站 elimination and employment increase development and transformation and 等能源项目,优化当地能源结构,有力缓解地区电力紧张状况。 As a company with a history of nearly 70 and people’s livelihood, enable our improve the living conditions of the local 孟加拉巴拉普库利亚煤矿的建成标志着孟加拉国煤炭工业的诞生, years, CMC, with numerous opportunities projects to benefit local people, and people continuously. 改变了该国以天然气为主的单一能源结构,也催生了该国第一座燃煤 created by the Belt and Road Initiative, make significant contributions to local has adjusted the business model, Build quality projects. While striving economic and social development. Since 电站。帕亚拉 2x660MW 超超临界燃煤电站项目是孟加拉国迄今为止最大的 expanded the business scope and to realize the goal of quality projects, 1994, the construction and operation of 电力项目,对于孟加拉国的经济发展和社会进步具有重要意义。我们修建了斯里 financing channels, and further explored we comply with laws and regulations the Barapukuria Coal Mine have driven 兰卡百年来的第一条新建铁路,参与建设土耳其首条高铁,出口大量城市轨道交通车辆、客 the market of Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, of host countries and promote the the overall development of the local coal 运内燃机车、重联货运机车、船舶等,为改善当地交通运输条件而不断努力。我们携手合作伙伴,将 Malaysia, Kazakhstan and other regions construction and operation of our projects mine industry chain, guaranteed the 一个个务实项目落地,为当地的经济发展和转型注入活力,不断改善人民的生活条件。 and countries along the Belt and Road, in accordance with generally accepted stable fiscal revenue and employment striving to create “New International international rules and standards. We rate, and raised the income of local 打造品质工程。我们努力实现高标准目标,遵守各国法律法规,并按照普遍接受的国际规则标准推动 CMC”. During our development in the emphasize project quality, so we design residents. 项目的建设和运营。我们注重工程质量,精心设计、精心施工、精准管理、精心维护,让项目经得起 past decades, we have always fulfilled and construct our projects meticulously Looking into the future, we will continue 时间的检验。马来西亚曼绒 1x1000MW 燃煤电站项目先后荣获美国《电力》杂志颁发的“2015 年顶级 our social responsibility and made with lean management and maintenance to follow the principle of consultation, 工业项目奖”、亚洲电力网 2015 年度“燃煤电力项目金奖”和“2016 年度 PMI(中国)项目管理最 important contributions to the economic to ensure that our projects are more contribution and shared benefits, and social development of host countries durable. Our 1*1000MW Manjung Coal- 高奖项”、2016 年“亚太项目管理联盟 (APFPM) 项目管理卓越奖——首席评委奖”。我们重视安全生 adhere to the concept of openness, of our projects. Fired Power Plant Project, a good 产,包括施工、维护、运营等过程以及人和设施的安全;坚持生态环境优先,坚持因地制宜、为实现 green development and integrity, and example of our quality projects, has won 绿色可持续发展努力。 Create long-term benefits. By undertaking consolidate our path towards an “New the 2015 TOP PLANT AWARD by the energy projects such as coal mines and International CMC”. Together with 共创和谐繁荣。我们尊重区域民族文化和宗教习俗,加强与当地社区的跨文化沟通和融合,促进不同 Power Magazine of the United States, power plants, we have optimized the our investment promotion, structural 2016 Annual Most Excellent Project 肤色、不同族裔、不同宗教、不同文化背景员工的和谐共处,做受人尊重的企业;我们坚持以人为本, local energy structure and effectively adjustment, enhanced expertise and Award by Project Management Institute of 聚焦消除贫困、增加就业、改善民生,让项目成果更好惠及当地民众,为当地经济社会发展作出实实 alleviated power shortage in the local other measures, more internationalized China and 2016 Awards for Management 在在的贡献。从 1994 年至今,巴拉普库利亚煤矿的建设和运营带动了当地煤矿产业链的整体发展,保 area. The completion of the Barapukuria operation will be realized to promote us of Projects-Chief Judges Award by 障了稳定的财政税收和整体就业率,提高了居民的收入水平。 Coal Mine marks the birth of the coal transform into a contributor to the shared the Asia Pacific Federation of Project industry in Bangladesh, which has prosperity of countries and regions along Management (APFPM) successively. We 面向未来,我们将继续秉持共商、共建、共享原则,坚持开放、绿色、廉洁理念,坚定“国际化新中机” changed the original national energy the Belt and Road. also pay special attention to work safety, 发展方向,通过开展投资引资、结构调整、增强专业能力等举措,持续提升国际化经营水平,努力成为“一 structure that relies solely on natural including safe construction, maintenance 带一路”沿线国家共同繁荣的建设者。 gas. The Barapukuria Coal Mine gave Ruan Guang and operation as well as the safety birth to the first coal-fired power plant of workers and facilities. We prioritize Chairman of CMC in the country. The Payra 2*660MW 中国机械进出口(集团)有限公司 党委书记、董事长 阮 光 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 关于我们 06 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative About Us 07

我们的理念 Our Philosophy About关于我们 us 我们在服务“一带一路”沿线国家与地区的过程中,充分尊重所在国政治、经济、文化等 方面的差异,注重环境保护,自觉履行社会责任,为项目所在国经济和社会发展作出重要 中国机械进出口(集团)有限公司成立于 1950 年,1998 年成为中央直接管理的国有重要 贡献,努力成为“一带一路”沿线国家共同繁荣的建设者。 骨干企业——中国通用技术(集团)控股有限责任公司的全资子公司,是新中国最早的大 In the process of serving the countries and regions along the Belt and Road, we fully respect political, 型国有外贸企业,在我国经济建设与发展的各个历史时期,始终发挥着机电装备、技术引进、 economic and cultural differences of the host countries, pay attention to environmental protection, 出口贸易的主渠道作用。 consciously fulfill our social responsibility, and make important contributions to the economic and social development of the host countries. By doing so, we strive to become a common prosperity 中机公司以国际工程承包和大型成套设备出口、汽车业务、智能技术与装备三大业务板块 contributor for the Belt and Road related countries. 为主,聚焦服务国家“一带一路”倡议和国际产能合作,努力打造有国际竞争力的核心主业、 扫一扫观看《国际化新中机》 有全球范围布局的可经营的资产和实业、有国际资本配置平台和投融资能力、有国外区域 宣传片 Scan the QR code to watch 经营中心和属地化团队的具有“四有”特征的“国际化新中机”。 Corporate公司使命 mission “New International CMC” China National Machinery Import & Export Corporation (CMC) was founded in 1950. In 1998, CMC promotional video 成为“一带一路”国家共同繁荣的建设者,全球资源配置的积极参与者。 became a wholly-owned enterprise of China General Technology (Group) Holding Ltd. (Genertec), Become a common prosperity contributor for the Belt and Road related countries and an active which is an important backbone state-owned enterprise under the direct supervision of the central participant in the allocation of global resources. government. CMC is the first foreign trade enterprise in China and has always served as the main channel of mechanical and electrical equipment, technology introduction and export business in the various historical periods of China's economic development. Development发展愿景 vision

Focusing on the main businesses of international engineering contracting & large complete 成为中国一流的工程项目管理商、国际知名的工程承包商、全球一定影响力的项目运营商。 equipment export business, auto business, intelligent technology and equipment, the Company Become a first-class Chinese engineering project manager, an internationally renowned engineering targets at serving the Belt and Road Initiative and international capacity cooperation, and strives contractor, and a project operator with global influence. to build a “New International CMC” featuring core businesses with international competitiveness, 扫一扫观看中机公司 2016- globally-operable assets and industries, international capital allocation platforms and investment and 2017 年社会责任报告(H5版) Scan the QR code to watch the financing capabilities, and overseas regional operation centers and localized team. CMC Social Responsibility Report 2016-2017 (H5 version) 我们的原则 Our Principles

我们自觉遵守公平竞争的相关法律法规,遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚实信用的原则,遵守 公认的商业道德,鼓励和保护公平竞争,制止不正当竞争行为。积极遵守关于规范市场经 营秩序的相关规则。自觉维护相关方利益,以公平方式开展竞争,以公开招标方式选择供

扫一扫观看中机公司画册 应商和分包商。 Scan the QR code to watch the We consciously abide by relevant laws and regulations on fair competition, adhere to the principles CMC Album of voluntariness, equality, fairness, honesty and credibility, and uphold recognized business ethics. We encourage and protect fair competition, prohibit unfair competition, and abide by relevant rules on the order of market operations. We also consciously safeguard the interests and rights of stakeholders, compete with other market players fairly, and select suppliers and subcontractors through open tendering. 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 我们在“一带一路” 08 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Our Footprints Along the Belt and Road 09

我们在“一带一路” Our Footprints Along the Belt and Road

Bangladesh Turkey Pakistan Russia 孟加拉 土耳其 巴基斯坦 俄罗斯 建设孟加拉第一座现代化煤矿⸺ 承建中国在海外投入运营的第一 出口纺织机械成套设备、化工成套 承建的俄罗斯宾萨州水泥厂项目, Malaysia 巴拉普库利亚煤矿和第一座燃煤 马来西亚 个高速铁路项目⸺土耳其安伊高 设备、新型铁路客车等。累计出口巴 是过去十年来中国承包商在俄罗斯 电站⸺巴拉普库利亚燃煤电站, 铁项目,承建土耳其第一个采用新 基斯坦417辆铁路客车和发电车。 承揽的最大工业EPC总包工程之 Myanmar 联合国际一流企业承揽马来西亚 CMC exported complete sets of 承揽孟煤包产项目、希拉甘杰燃气 型干法水泥工艺的现代化水泥厂 一。出口俄罗斯5艘散货船。 缅甸 曼绒燃煤电站项目。该项目是中国 textile machinery equipment and 项目,创造了土同规模水泥厂最快 CMC undertook the Penza Cement 电站系列项目、古拉绍G3项目、莫 small chemical equipment, new 承揽缅甸新建机车和客车组装厂 企业第一次以总包模式在海外承 Plant in Russia. It is one of the largest 建造记录。 图莫迪重油项目、达卡至阿苏利亚 types of passenger trains and so on. 项目。 揽的百万千瓦级别超临界电站项 CMC undertook the Ankara-Istanbul industrial EPC projects contracted by A total of 417 passenger coaches CMC undertook the construction of 高架高速公路等项目,投资建设运 High-Speed Railway Project (Phase Chinese contractors in Russia in the 目,是东南亚地区第一台百万燃煤 and power Van were exported to the Railway Locomotive Plant Project 营帕亚拉燃煤电站项目。 II), China's first high-speed railway past decade. CMC also exported five 机组项目,是中国企业在马来西亚 Pakistan. and Coach Assembly Plant Project in CMC undertook the first modern coal project to be put into operation bulk cargo ships to Russia. Myanmar. mine project - Barapukuria Coal Mine 市场第一次获得的10亿美元级别 overseas, and the first modern cement and the first coal-fired plant in 的项目。 plant project in Turkey that adopts new Together with Alstom, CMC Brazil Indonesia Bangladesh, Barapukuria 2*125MW type dry process cement production. 巴西 印度尼西亚 Coal-Fired Power Plant. We have undertook the 1*1000MW Manjung Coal-Fired Power Plant Project. The 承揽巴西电动车组出口项目(累计 承揽印度尼西亚第一座炼铁高炉 successively conducted the project of Sri Lanka project is the first 1000MW supercrit- Management, Production, Mainte- 斯里兰卡 出口100列电动车组),开辟了中国 和年产10万吨镍铁高炉、印尼中爪 ical power plant project undertaken nance, and Provisioning services for 承建的斯里兰卡百年来第一条新建 自主知识产权的高科技机电产品 哇燃煤电站项目、印尼OKI项目等。 by Chinese companies overseas in Barapukuria Coal Mine, the Sirajganj CMC undertook the First Blast the EPC mode. It is the first 铁路⸺斯里兰卡南部铁路项目, 进入南美市场的道路。 Gas Turbine Power Plant Project, Furnace Project and the ferronickel 1000MW coal-fired generating unit CMC undertook the Export Project of Re-Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd 是目前斯里兰卡设计等级最高、设 furnace with an annual output of project in Southeast Asia and also EMU Trains to Brazil (and has Unit,Madhumati Heavy Fuel Oil 计时速最高的铁路。 100,000 tons, Indonesia Central Java marked that Chinese companies CMC undertook the Matara Katarag- exported 100 EMU trains to Brazil), Power Plant Project and the 2*1000MW Coal-Fired Power Plant have obtained the USD 1 billion level ama Railway Extension Project which has opened up the road for Dhaka-Ashulia Elevated Expressway Project and Indonesia Sinarmas OKI project in the Malaysian market for (Phase 1) in Sri Lanka, which is the high-tech mechanical and electrical Project, and also were the investor, 4*125MW Steam Turbine Generator the first time. first new railway in Sri Lanka in products with independent intellectu- constructor and operator of the Payra EPS Project. al property rights of China to enter 2*660MW Thermal Power Plant almost a hundred years and currently the South American market. Project. the railway with the highest design grade and the highest projected speed in Sri Lanka. 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 我们在“一带一路” 10 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Our Footprints Along the Belt and Road 11

Portugal 葡萄牙 Vietnam Hungary 越南 匈牙利 2019年10月,与葡萄牙Future集团 马达加斯加Madagascar Papua巴布亚新几内亚 New Guinea 承揽越南金瓯化肥厂、北江氮肥 投资兴建匈牙利考波什堡100MW 及其所属企业签署合作框架协议, 厂、公门洗煤厂、鸿基洗煤厂、长山 参与建设马达加斯加通信网络现 参与铺设巴布亚新几内亚海底 光伏电站。 共同开拓巴西、葡萄牙等葡语国家 CMC invested in the construction of 水泥厂等项目,出口越南燃气机 代化项目。 光缆。 Sudan 市场。 CMC participated in the Moderniza- CMC participated in the construction the 100 MW Photovoltaics Power In October 2019, CMC signed a 车、化肥等产品。 苏丹 tion of the Telecommunication of the National Submarine Fiber Plant Project, Kaposvár, Hungary. cooperation framework agreement CMC successfully developed a 承揽苏丹南科尔多凡输变电项目。 Network Project in Madagascar. Cable Network in Papua New CMC undertook the South Kordofan with Portugal companies, Future number of projects such as Ca Mau Guinea. Power Transmission and Distribution Group and its affiliated companies to Fertilizer Project, Bac Giang Fertilizer Project in Sudan. jointly develop markets in Project, Cua Ong Coal Washery Portuguese-speaking countries such Slurry Treatment Plant, Hong Gai Cuba as Brazil and Portugal. Coal Washery Slurry Treatment 古巴 Kazakhstan哈萨克斯坦 Plant, Truong Son Cement Plant and United阿联酋 Arab Emirates export of gas locomotives and 出口古巴240辆中国产铁路客车, Guyana 出口哈萨克斯坦4400辆客车、550辆 chemical fertilizers to Vietnam. 是古巴自1975年来首次采购全新 圭亚那 承揽阿联酋伊提哈德年产30万吨 铁路客车。出口古巴10艘35000载 商用车;投资入股哈萨克斯坦最大 土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan 印刷书写纸厂项目,将是中东和北 承揽圭亚那斯凯尔顿糖厂、圭亚那 重吨散货船和一艘2.2万吨举力浮 汽车工业集团⸺“Allur集团”。 非地区最大的纸厂。 国家电力公司基础设施改造项目。 CMC exported 4,400 coaches and CMC undertook the Skeldon Sugar 船坞。 CMC undertook the Ittihad Paper Mill 550 business vehicles to Kazakh- 出口土库曼斯坦135台内燃电传动 CMC exported 240 Chinese-made Project in UAE with a production Plant Project in Guyana and the stan, and invested in the largest 机车及配件项目、35台重联货运机 passenger trains to Cuba, which is Infrastructure Transformation Project capacity of 300,000 tons of paper automobile industry group of 车和5台客运机车及配件。 Cuba’s first purchase of new and it will become the largest paper of Guyana National Power Company. Kazakhstan, Allur Group. CMC exported 135 units of diesel passenger trains since 1975.CMC mill in the Middle East and North electric locomotives and spare parts to also exported ten 35,000-ton bulk Africa. Turkmenistan. 35 double-ended freight cargo ships and a 22,000-ton floating locomotives , and five passenger dock to Cuba. locomotives and their parts and components to Turkmenistan. 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 社会责任管理 12 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Social Responsibility Management 13

近年来,国内主流媒体如人民日报、 新华社、中国日报、经济日报、国际 社会责任管理 商报、中国商务新闻网等对公司及承 Social Responsibility Management 建的项目进行了深入采访报道,多 家海外媒体如孟加拉独立报、曙光 日报、每日星报,斯里兰卡每日镜报、 扫一扫 观看视频 扫一扫 观看视频 马来西亚星洲日报等,也对中机公 Scan the QR code to watch the video Scan the QR code to watch the video 社会责任管理机构 司进行了专题报道,有效提升公司 Social Responsibility Management Organization 运营透明度和品牌影响力。 《百年工程 筑梦斯里兰卡》在 CCTV 发现 《筑梦海外 砥砺前行》在 CCTV 发现之旅 In recent years, Chinese mainstream 之旅频道《筑梦中国》栏目播出 , 展现中 频道《筑梦中国》栏目播出 , 讲述中机公 media such as People's Daily, Xinhua 中机公司建立社会责任管理体系,成立社会责任管理委员会,负责公司可持续发展重大问 机公司在国家“一带一路”倡议之下,对 司在孟加拉的深耕与发展对孟加拉的社会 News Agency, China Daily, Economic 斯里兰卡的经济和铁路网建设作出的重大 经济发展作出的重大贡献。 题的调查、评审,提供可持续发展方面的建议;设立各类与可持续发展相关的专业管理委 Daily, International Business, and China 贡献。 员会和领导协调工作小组,不断提高治理水平。任命一位副总经理为管理者代表,企业管 Business News, have conducted in-depth The video Century-old Engineering Helps The video Build Dream Overseas 理部为公司社会责任管理体系建设工作的主管部门。社会责任管理体系工作小组由各单位 interviews and coverage on the Company the Dream Realization of Sri Lanka with Sheer Endeavor is broadcast on 的体系负责人及骨干人员组成,负责体系日常运行工作。 and the projects. Many overseas was broadcast on the program Dream the broadcast on the program Dream media such as The Independent, The CMC has established a social responsibility management system and the Social Responsibility Weavers in China on CCTV Channel, Weavers in China on CCTV Channel, Daily Prothom Alo, The Daily Star in Management Committee to take charge of the investigation and review of major sustainability issues Road to Discovery. It shows that CMC Road to Discovery. It introduces the Bangladesh , The Daily Mirror in Sri Lanka and provide suggestions for sustainable development of the Company. We also have established has made significant contributions to Sri significant contribution of CMC to the and Sin Chew Daily in Malaysia, have also various specialized management committees and leadership coordination working groups related Lanka’s economy and railway network social and economic development of given feature reports on CMC and thus to sustainable development to continuously improve our governance. We have appointed a vice construction under the guidance of the Bangladesh through its engagement and enhanced the Company’s operational general manager as the representative of the management and the Enterprise Management Belt and Road Initiative. development in Bangladesh. transparency and brand influence. Department to take charge of the operation of the social responsibility management system. The social responsibility management system working group is composed of key members from the social responsibility management system of each subsidiary to take charge of the daily operation of the system.

责任沟通 CSR Communication

中机公司树立企业良好的海内外责任形象,通过中机公司网站、博客、微博、微信公众号“中 机公司”“责任国际化新中机”以及国内外媒体平台进行宣传,全面展示中机公司服务“一 带一路”倡议的履责绩效。我们积极参与境外媒体传播,转发中机公司成果相关资讯、参 与话题互动;邀请海外记者“走进来”,引导对中机公司履责绩效的系统传播;联络项目 所在地知名媒体,开展公司社会责任实践沟通。 To establish a good corporate image of CSR fulfillment at home and abroad, we have leveraged all our channels for publicity, including the CMC official website, CMC blog, CMC Weibo, WeChat public accounts “CMC” and “New International CMC” and domestic and foreign media platforms, to comprehensively demonstrate our CSR performance on serving the Belt and Road Initiative. We actively participate in the dissemination of overseas media, forward information about the results of CMC and participate in topic interactions. We also invite foreign journalists to visit CMC, and guide the systematic dissemination of the CSR performance of CMC. We contact the well-known media in the regions where 2018 年 9 月,孟加拉国主流媒体团 13 位代表对中机公司进行访问 our projects are located to communicate on our CSR practices. In September 2018, Bangladesh TV, Vision, had a feature report on CMC 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 社会责任管理 14 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Social Responsibility Management 15

实质性议题分析 Stakeholders利益相关方 Expectations期望和诉求 and appeals 沟通渠道和内容Communication channels and content Analysis of Material Topics 诚信履约 高质量产品与工程 合同执行 日常沟通 客户(业主) Integrity and compliance Quality products and projects Execution of contracts Daily communication Clients (project owners) 中机公司结合在海外开展生产经营的具体情况进行实质性调研,确定在海外发展进程中履行社会责任的实质性议题。 信息透明 高品质服务 需求调查 建议与反馈 Transparent information Quality services Demand survey Suggestions and feedback Based on the details of our overseas operation, we have conducted materiality research and identified the material topics of social responsibility during overseas development. 健康与安全 人文关怀 劳动保护 民主沟通 Health and safety Humanistic care Labor protection Democratic communication

Highest 极高 员工 共同成长 保持信仰与习俗 教育培训 尊重习俗 Employees Common growth Respect for beliefs and customs Education and training Respect for customs

工资与福利保障 权益保护 Remuneration and benefits Protection of interests and rights

Impact on stakeholder assessment and decision making 对利益相关方评估和决策的影响 安全生产 遵纪守法 促进就业 合规管理 提高当地员工比例 Work safety Observing laws and regulations Employment promotion Compliance management A higher proportion of local 政府 利益相关方沟通 The government employees Stakeholder communication 工程、产品质量与服务 依法纳税 主动纳税 Engineering and product quality and Tax compliance Voluntary payment of taxes service

员工职业发展 职业健康安全 Employee career development Occupational health and safety 共同发展 信守承诺 合同执行 公开采购信息 社会责任管理 Shared development Keeping commitments Execution of contracts Transparent procurement Social responsibility management information 社区发展 Community development 合作伙伴 合作共赢 保证付款 高层互访 Partners Win-win cooperation guaranteeing payment Mutual visits between executives 谈判与交流 Negotiation and communication 员工权益保障 “一带一路”与海外合作共赢 Employee rights protection “Belt and Road” and overseas win-win 公开采购 多渠道合作 Open procurement Multi-channel cooperation 员工关怀 cooperation Employee care 环境保护 Environmental protection

促进就业、教育培训 带动当地产业发展 支持与引导 沟通活动 合规与商业道德 Promotion of employment, Driving the development of Support and guidance Communication activities 公益慈善 Compliance and business ethics 社区及公众 Charity Communities education and training local industries and the public 培训与宣传 公益行动 Training and publicity Public welfare activities 公益慈善、社区参与 推动社区公共事业发展

High 高 Public welfare and participation Promoting the development of in community development public undertakings

经济、环境和社会影响的重要性 极高 The importance to economic, environmental and social impact Highest 提高环境管理能力 资源综合利用 环境管理培训 环保应急预案 Enhancing the environmental Comprehensive utilization of Environmental management Environmental protection 环境 The environment management capability resources training contingency plans

节能减排 污染防治 Energy saving and emission Pollution prevention and control 利益相关方参与 reduction Stakeholder Communication 媒体 信息透明 对外宣传 媒体公开 多渠道沟通 Media Transparent information Publicity Media disclosure Multi-channel communication 公司充分识别利益相关方的合理需求和期望,加强与利益相关方的沟通交流,及时有效传播公司的社会责任理念和实践, 打造负责任的品牌形象,提高企业责任竞争力。 金融机构 保持良好合作 履行承诺和合同责任 日常沟通与交流 完善公司治理 CMC has gained a comprehensive understanding of the reasonable demands and expectations of stakeholders, strengthened Financial Maintaining good cooperation Fulfilling commitments and Daily communication and Improving corporate Institutions contractual obligations communication governance communication with stakeholders and disseminated the Company’s social responsibility concepts and practices in a timely manner, thus creating a responsible brand image and enhancing CMC’s competitiveness in social responsibility.

非政府组织及 分享行业经验 参与标准制定与推广 参与行业活动 Sharing industry experience Participating in the development Participating in industry 行业协会 NGOs and industry and promotion of standards activities associations 可持续

创造长期价值Create Long-Term Benefits by Sustainable Development

中机公司以共赢理念为指引,在发起和承建项目时, 首先考虑能够为当地人民与社区创造哪些价值,根据 项目所在地的实际需求,提供切合实际的解决方案, 促进当地产业发展、基础设施建设与贸易物流,推动 项目所在地实现包容、强劲、可持续增长。 Guided by the win-win concept, CMC prioritizes the benefits for the local citizens and community when initiating and undertaking projects. We provide practical solutions according to the actual local needs, striving to promote the development of local industries, infrastructure construction, trade and logistics, and contributing to the inclusive, robust and sustainable development of the local area.

马来西亚曼绒燃煤电站项目 The 1*1000MW Manjung Coal-Fired Power Plant Project 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 可持续 创造长期价值 18 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Create Long-Term Benefits by Sustainable Development 19

在孟加拉社会经济发展方面,中国不断给予帮助,中国援建的大型项目巴拉普库利亚煤 优化能源结构 矿、巴拉普库利亚燃煤发电厂等特别值得一提。 Optimize Energy Structure ——孟加拉总理 谢赫 • 哈西娜在中孟建交 40 周年贺词中肯定中机公司 "In terms of social and economic development in Bangladesh, China provides continues help. What is particularly noteworthy is the large-scale projects aided by China, Barapukuria Coal 能源是经济增长和社会发展的驱动力。孟加拉国以天然气为主导能源,虽然拥有煤炭资源, Mine Development Project and Barapukuria 2*125MW Coal-Fired Power Plant Project.” ——Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, confirmed the performance of CMC in congratulations 但煤炭开采条件极为复杂与困难。长期以来,天然气短缺和电力供应不足成为制约孟加拉 on the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Bangladesh 国经济发展的能源瓶颈。

为扩大孟加拉国能源供应、改善能源结构,1994 年,中机公司与孟加拉国石油、天然气和 没有中国的帮助,这座煤矿是不可能建成的。 矿业公司正式签署孟煤项目合同。2005 年,巴拉普库利亚煤矿建成完工,标志着孟加拉国 3 亿余吨 煤炭工业的诞生。矿井地质总储量 3 亿余吨,工业储量 1.5 亿多吨,可采煤量 8400 万吨, 矿井地质总储量 ——孟加拉能源部秘书 穆罕默德 • 穆赫辛 可采年限 64 年。 The total geological reserve of the “Without the help of China, this coal mine could not have been built.” coal mine is more than 300 million ——Mohammad Mohsin, government secretary of the energy and mineral resources division 这是孟加拉国历史上第一个也是迄今为止唯一一个现代化大型煤炭生产基地,煤矿采用先 tons 进的技术装备,井下采煤实现机械化、自动化和半智能化,调度室可实时观察和监控出煤 情况。 1. 5 巴拉普库利亚煤矿的成功不仅是中国建设者的成功,也标志着孟中两国合作的成功。 Energy is the driving force for economic growth and social development. Natural gas is the leading 亿多吨 energy source in Bangladesh. Though the country also boasts certain coal mines, they are tough 工业储量 ——孟加拉石油、天然气和矿业公司主席 贾拉勒 • 艾哈迈德 The entire industrial reserve is over to exploit. The shortage of natural gas and power supply has long been a problem for Bangladesh, “The completion of the Barapukuria Coal Mine Development Project is not only the success of 150 million tons which has become a bottleneck restricting the country’s economic development. Chinese builders, but also the success of the cooperation between Bangladesh and China.” To increase energy supply and improve the energy structure in Bangladesh, CMC signed the ——Jalal Ahmed, Chairman of Bangladesh Oil & Gas Corporation (BOGC) Barapukuria Coal Mine Development Project with Bengal Petroleum, Natural Gas and Mining Company in 1994. And in 2005, the Barapukuria Coal Mine Development Project was completed, 8400万吨 这是孟加拉国迄今唯一一个现代化的大型煤炭生产基地,改变了整个国家的能源结构。 marking the birth of Bangladesh’s coal industry. The total geological reserve of the coal mine is more 可采煤量 than 300 million tons, among which the entire industrial reserve is over 150 million tons and the coal The coal mining capacity is 84 mining capacity is 84 million tons, which guarantees a mining life of 64 years. million tons ——巴拉普库利亚煤矿矿长 法兹鲁尔

The project is the first and by far the only modern large-scale coal production base in Bangladeshi “The project is the only modern large-scale coal production base in Bangladeshi by far. It history. It adopts advanced technical equipment that enables mechanized, automatic and semi- changed the energy structure of the whole country. ” intelligent underground coal mining. The control room can monitor the mining process and ——Fazlur, Ming manager of Barapukuria Coal Mine environment in real time.

巴拉普库利亚煤矿 Barapukuria Coal Mine 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 可持续 创造长期价值 20 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Create Long-Term Benefits by Sustainable Development 21

中国企业让孟加拉国人第一次用上了本国的煤。当时,很多国家想建设这个项目, 但最后表明,中国朋友是在真心帮助我们。 “我们这里家家户户都用上了电” “Every household here has got ——巴拉普库利亚煤矿矿长 法兹鲁尔 “The Chinese company helps Bangladeshi use the local coal for the first time. At that time, access to electricity” many countries wanted to undertake this project, but in the end it showed that Chinese friends are genuinely helping us.” ——Fazlur, Ming manager of Barapukuria Coal Mine 孟加拉国电力结构中,大部分源于天然气,能源结构较为 2005 年之前,这里电力短缺,只有极少数人 单一。巴拉普库利亚煤矿的建设和运营催生了孟加拉国历 和办公机构能用上电,一天也只有几个小时通 史上第一座燃煤电站,也是该国目前唯一一座运行中的燃 电,晚上经常漆黑一片。如今,多亏了中国企 自煤矿运营以来,中机公司、徐矿集团与我们建立了良好的合作关系,在重视安全 煤电站。2001 年 7 月,中机公司与孟加拉国电力发展署签 业,我们这里家家户户都用上了电。这座电厂 生产、维护当地生态环境同时,巴拉普库利亚煤矿已经安全产煤约 1080 万吨,不 署孟电项目,中机公司作为 EPC 总承包全面负责项目设计、 带动了当地工业和农业发展,为孟加拉国的经 仅为孟加拉煤炭行业发展打下了良好的基础,更是培养了一大批合格的技术工人。 采购等工作。自 2006 年电厂建成顺利移交后,中机公司又 济繁荣发展带来了新机遇。我们非常幸运,也 与业主签订合同,为电厂日常运维、大修提供技术指导及 ——巴拉普库利亚煤矿业主 非常珍惜与中国企业的合作,我们迎来了发展 “Since the coal mine is put into production, we have established a good cooperative 服务。 繁荣的新机遇。 relationship with CMC and Xukuang. The Barapukuria Coal Mine has produced a total of about 10.8 million tons of coal, and during the mining process, we attached importance to 2018 年,巴拉普库利亚燃煤电站发电 9.6 亿千瓦时,12 年 ——巴拉普库利亚燃煤电站厂长 马哈尔 work safety and protected the local ecological environment. The coal mine has laid a solid 来累计发电 135 亿千瓦时,供应全国 10 到 15 个区,受益 “Before 2005, there was a serious shortage of foundation for the development of Bangladesh’s coal industry and trained a large number 人口超过 500 万。累计为该国节省外汇 20 余亿美元。因为 electricity in the local area and only a very small of qualified technical workers.” 有了电,该地区还建立了经济特区。 number of people and offices were able to get ——An owner of the Barapukuria Coal Mine Most power consumed by Bangladesh comes from natural gas as access to enough electricity for only a few hours during the day, and it was often dark at night. 巴拉普库利亚煤矿 the country has a quite simple energy structure. The Barapukuria Barapukuria Coal Mine Coal Mine has given birth to the first coal-fired power plant in the Nowadays, thanks to the Chinese company, . It is also the only coal-fired power plant every household in the area has got access in operation in the country. In July 2001, CMC and Bangladesh to electricity. The power plant has driven local Power Development Board signed an EPC contract on the industrial and agricultural development and brought “中国企业让孟加拉国人第一次用上了本国的煤” Barapukuria 2*125MW Coal-Fired Power Plant Project, in which new opportunities for Bangladesh's economic “The Chinese company helps Bangladeshi use the local CMC took charge of the overall engineering and procurement of prosperity. We are very fortunate and we cherish the project. After the successful completion and delivery in 2006, the cooperation with Chinese companies. We are coal for the first time” CMC signed another contract with the owner to provide technical welcoming new opportunities for development and guidance and services for the daily operation and maintenance of prosperity. ” the power plant. ——Mahar, head of the Barapukuria 2*125MW 巴拉普库利亚煤矿水文地质条件异常复杂,运营安全风险大、管控标准高、开采难度大。 1080 万吨 Coal-Fired Power Plant 由于业主方没有煤矿开采经验,中机公司与徐矿集团组成联合体同巴拉普库利亚煤矿开采 巴拉普库利亚煤矿累计安全 In 2018, the Barapukuria 2*125MW Coal-Fired Power Plant 有限公司陆续签署了三期煤矿包产合同,自2005 年至今承包巴拉普库利亚煤矿的采矿工作。 generated 960 GWh of electricity, and by then, the total electricity 生产煤炭 Barapukuria Coal Mine has produced a generated by the plant had reached 13.5 TWh. The electricity 因为有了煤炭,继而有了电厂,极大缓解了我 凭借中机公司商务优势及徐矿集团技术优势,巴拉普库利亚煤矿已累计安全生产煤炭约 total of about 10.8 million tons of coal from the plant is supplied to 10 to 15 districts nationwide, without any accidents 1080 万吨。煤炭的充足供应,对孟加拉国实现能源供应多元化、保障能源安全具有重大意义。 benefiting more than 5 million people. The power plant has 们国家在电力方面的重大缺口,煤炭及电厂改 The hydrogeological conditions of the Barapukuria Coal Mine are extremely complicated, which saved more than USD 2 billion for the country totally. Because 变了我们的生活,提高了我们的生活质量。 involves serious operational risks, high management and control standards and great mining of the access to the electricity, the region has also set up special difficulties. As the project owner has no experience in coal mining, the consortium composed of CMC economic zones. ——孟加拉国能源发展署 and Xukuang Coal Mining Group (hereinafter referred to as Xukuang) has signed a contract with the “With the coal and the power plant, the serious 巴拉普库利亚煤矿建设运营项目荣 Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited for undertaking the mining project of the Barapukuria shortage of power in Bangladesh is significantly 获中国对外承包工程商会“2017 中 Coal Mine since 2005. alleviated. The coal mine and power plants have 国境外可持续基础设施项目”奖 changed our lives and improved the quality of our By virtue of business advantages of CMC and Xukuang, the Barapukuria Coal Mine has produced a 135 Barapukuria Coal Mine 亿千瓦时 Development Project wins lives.” total of about 10.8 million tons of coal without any accidents. The adequate supply of coal is of great 巴拉普库利亚燃煤电站累计发电 the award of Sustainable ——Bangladesh Power Development Board significance for Bangladesh to realize diversified energy supplies and energy security. Barapukuria 2*125MW Coal-Fired Infrastructure for Chinese Power Plant generated 13.5 TWh of International Contractors 2017 by electricity China International Contractors Association 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 可持续 创造长期价值 22 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Create Long-Term Benefits by Sustainable Development 23

古拉绍 G3 项目将现有的 210MW 燃气锅炉——蒸汽轮机 的传统电站,升级为 420MW 的燃气蒸汽联合循环电站, 促进电力生产 项目改造后,装机容量扩展近一倍,产出效率将由原来的 Boost Power Generation 33% 提升到 57%,延长了老机组的使用寿命,提高了原有 机组的生产力,有力缓解当地电能不足。 The Re-Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit will upgrade 电力行业是关系国计民生的基础能源产业。中机公司通过输出先进的标准、技术、管理和 the existing 210MW gas-fired boiler-steam generator unit for 运营经验,促进项目所在地电力基础设施转型升级,为当地经济发展输入“电”动力。 traditional power plants to a 420MW gas-steam combined cycle generator unit. After the project is completed, the installed The power sector is a basic energy industry related to economic development and the people’s capacity of the power plant will nearly double, and the output livelihood of a nation. Through the export of advanced standards, technologies, management and efficiency will increase from 33% to 57%. The project will also operational experience, CMC has promoted the transformation and upgrade of the power generation help prolong the service life and improve the productivity of the facilities of local areas, which has “fueled” local economic development. 古拉绍 G3 项目 15 % original unit, thus effectively alleviating power shortage in the The Re-Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit local area. 中机公司参与了孟加拉电 力装机建设约 CMC participated in the realization After put into operation, the Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power 帕亚拉燃煤电站投产后,年发电量将达 85.8 亿度,占孟加 在孟加拉 of around 15% of the total installed Plant will generate 8.58 TWh of electricity each year, accounting In Bangladesh capacity in Bangladesh 拉全国年发电总量的 11.6%,能够有效提高供电的可靠性; for 11.6% of the total electricity output in Bangladesh, and can 燃煤发电比例由原来的 2.5% 提高到 13.8%,将极大改善电 effectively improve the reliability of power supply. The proportion of coal-fired power will increase from 2.5% to 13.8%, which will 公司承建了孟加拉希拉甘杰燃气电站项目、古拉绍 G3 项目等、以 PPP 模式合资建设运营 源结构;全国大型机组的装机容量由 28% 提高到 36.5%, greatly improve the power supply structure of the country. Total 将显著提高能源利用效率。 帕亚拉燃煤电站项目,参与了孟加拉约 15% 的电力装机建设。 installed capacity of large-scale units nationwide will increase from 28% to 36.5%, which will significantly improve energy 希拉甘杰燃气电站项目由三台 225MW 双燃料联合循环发电机组组成,其中 1、2、3 号机 efficiency in Bangladesh. 均已完成并顺利移交,总发电量可达675MW,为整个孟加拉国电力的发展补充了新鲜血液。 CMC undertook the Sirajganj Gas Turbine Power Plant Project and Re-Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit, built the joint venture of Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power Plant Project under the public- private partnership (PPP) model, and participated in the realization of around 15% of the total installed capacity in Bangladesh.

The Sirajganj Gas Turbine Power Plant Project comprises 3*225MW dual-fuel combined cycle generator units, all of which have been completed and delivered to the project owner. The plant can generate a total of 675MW of electricity and enhance the development of the power industry in Bangladesh.

希拉甘杰燃气电站项目 帕亚拉燃煤电站项目 The Sirajganj Gas Turbine Power Plant Project The Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power Plant Project 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 可持续 创造长期价值 24 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Create Long-Term Benefits by Sustainable Development 25

在马来西亚 在圭亚那 在印度尼西亚 In Malaysia In Guyana In Indonesia

公司联合国际一流企业承揽的马来西亚曼绒燃煤电站项目是东南亚首座 公司作为圭亚那国家电力公司基础设施改造项目总承包商, 印尼 OKI 电站是亚洲纸业 (APP) 浆厂的自备电站。中机公 1x1000MW 超临界燃煤电站和单机容量最大的燃煤机组,项目并网发电后,为 为圭亚那建设了 10 座 69 千伏变电站,让当地民众以更低 司以 EPS 模式(设计、采购、指导 ) 承揽电站汽机岛部分, 马来西亚电网增加 1000MW 的电力。 的价格享受更稳定的电力服务。 为纸浆厂年产 200 万吨纸浆和 50 万吨纸品提供动力。 Together with Alstom, CMC undertook the 1*1000MW Manjung Coal Fired Power Plant As the EPC contractor of the Infrastructure Transformation The Indonesia Sinarmas OKI 4*125MW Steam Turbine Generator Project, which was the first 1*1000MW supercritical power plant project in Southeast Asia Project of Guyana National Power Company, CMC built ten 69kV EPS Project is the captive power plant of Asia Pulp & Paper and the coal-fired unit with the highest per-unit installed capacity. After connected with substations for Guyana, enabling locals to enjoy more stable Co., Ltd. CMC undertook the construction of the turbine island the grid, the project will add 1,000MW of electricity to the Malaysian grid. electricity supply at a lower price. of the plant which powers the production of 2 million tons of pulp and 500,000 tons of paper products per year under the EPS (Engineering, Procurement, Steering) model.

圭亚那国家电力公司基础设施改造项目 The Infrastructure Transformation Project of Guyana National 中机公司承揽印尼中爪哇燃煤电站项目 BOP 部分设计、采 Power Company 购、安装工作,该电站建成可以有效缓解印尼用电供需矛盾。 CMC undertook the BOP design, procurement and assembly of the Indonesia Central Java 2*1000MW Coal-Fired Power Plant Project, which, after completion, will effectively alleviate the imbalance between power supply and demand in Indonesia.

印尼 OKI 电站项目 The Indonesia Sinarmas OKI 4*125MW Steam Turbine 马来西亚曼绒燃煤电站项目 The 1*1000MW Manjung Coal-Fired Power Plant Project Generator EPS Project 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 可持续 创造长期价值 26 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Create Long-Term Benefits by Sustainable Development 27

改善交通运输 Improve Transportation

“道路通,百业兴”,交通运输是国民经济中基础性、先导性、战略性产业。中机公司承 建土耳其安伊高铁项目、斯里兰卡南部铁路项目,出口城市轨道交通车辆、客运内燃机车、 重联货运机车、船舶等,通过承建、运维、输出轨道交通相关成套设备及商品,不断完善公路、 铁路、航运等交通网络,为改善当地交通运输条件贡献力量。

Smooth roads and railways bring prosperity in all sectors and the transportation industry plays a basic, leading and strategic role in the national economy. CMC has undertaken the Ankara-Istanbul High-Speed Railway Project (Phase II) and the Matara Kataragama Railway Extension Project (Phase 1) in Sri Lanka, and exported urban rail transit vehicles, diesel passenger locomotives, double- ended freight locomotives and ships. Through the construction, maintenance, operation and export of complete sets of equipment in the rail transit section, we have continuously improved the local 出口巴基斯坦铁路客车 向孟加拉出口米轨铁路客车 Passenger trains exported to Pakistan Passenger coaches for meter-gauge railway exported to Bangladesh transportation network comprising highways, railways and shipping facilities, contributing significantly to the improvement of local transportation.

累计出口 CMC has exported a total of

100 列 135 台 4400 辆 巴西城轨电动车组 土库曼斯坦客运内燃机车 哈萨克斯坦客车 100 EMU trains to Brazil 135 units of diesel electric locomotives 4,400 coaches to Kazakhstan to Turkmenistan

417 辆 100 辆 80 辆 巴基斯坦铁路客车和发电车 斯里兰卡铁路客车 孟加拉米轨铁路客车 417 passenger coaches and power 100 passenger coaches to Sri Lanka 80 passenger coaches for meter- Van gauge railway to Bangladesh

斯里兰卡南部铁路列车 The Matara Kataragama Railway train 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 可持续 创造长期价值 28 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Create Long-Term Benefits by Sustainable Development 29

方便旅客出行 “宁可多等会儿,也要坐中国列车” Facilitating Passenger Travel “I would rather wait longer for the trains made by Chinese”

安伊高铁是土耳其筹建的首条高铁,线路长约 533 公里。中机公司与中国铁建组成合包集 中机公司与中国中车长客股份有限公司组成的联合体,累计出口巴西 100 列城轨电动车组,为 2014 年足球世界杯、2016 团承建二期主要路段,设计最高时速250 公里,运行时间3 小时,较现有铁路缩短3.5 小时, 年奥运会提供客运服务。为确保安全,列车特别装上了全自动脱轨检测装置,能够自动检测列车脱轨并施加紧急制动。世 高铁开通后铁路客运量大幅提升,方便更多旅客出行。 界杯期间,列车加装了“超强悍”空调,即便在室外 50 摄氏度的持续高温炙烤下,车厢内温度依旧可以保持在 20 摄氏度 The 533-kilometer Ankara-Istanbul High-Speed Railway Project is the first high-speed railway developed 左右。在里约热内卢,“中国造”电动车组已成为乘客的出行首选。 by Turkey. The consortium of CMC and China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (CRCC) The consortium composed of CMC and CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as CRRC Changchun) has contracted the Phase II Project of the railway designed with a maximum speed of 250 km/h. The railway exported 100 EMU trains to Brazil to provide passenger services for 2014 FIFA World Cup and 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio. To ensure the shortens the original 6.5 hours of travel time to 3 hours. The opening of the high-speed railway has travel safety, the EMU trains are equipped with a fully automatic derailment detection device that can automatically detect the train derailment greatly improved the passenger transport capacity and facilitates more passengers’ travel. and initiate emergency braking. During 2014 FIFA World Cup, the trains were equipped with “super-powerful” air conditioners which could maintain the temperature within the train at around 20°C even though the outdoor temperature was as high as 50°C. In Rio de Janeiro, the “Made in China” EMU trains 土耳其安伊高铁项目 have become the first choice The Ankara-Istanbul High-Speed Railway Project Phase II for local passengers. ( )

巴西城轨电动车 EMU trains

中国列车安装了空调、电视等,列车运行时稳定性强,更加舒适,所以宁可 多等会儿,也要坐中国列车。

——里约热内卢乘客 “The Chinese trains are equipped with air conditioners, TVs and other convenient devices, and they run very steadily. I feel very comfortable on the train and would rather wait longer for the trains.” ——A passenger from Rio


——里约热内卢州代州长 路易斯 • 费尔南多 “Now Rio has high-quality trains, and local residents can enjoy their travel by train. I am very happy for them!” ——Luiz Fernando de Souza, governor of the state of Rio de Janeiro 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 可持续 创造长期价值 30 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Create Long-Term Benefits by Sustainable Development 31

“南部铁路是斯里兰卡百年来首条新建铁路” 南部铁路是斯里兰卡 1948 年独立以来首条新建铁路,感谢中方为 “The Matara Kataragama Railway is the first new railway 修建这条铁路提供帮助。 of Sri Lanka in the past 100 years” ——斯里兰卡交通运输和民航部长 阿尔朱纳 • 拉纳通 “The Matara Kataragama Railway is the first new railway since Sri Lanka's independence in 1948. Thanks to the Chinese for helping to build this railway. ” 斯里兰卡南部铁路项目是斯里兰卡百年来新建的第一条铁路,全长约 127 公里,一期工程长约 27 公里。项目在建设过程 ——Arjuna Ranatunga, Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation of Sri Lanka 中创造了斯里兰卡目前最长、最高的铁路桥、最长的隧道、最现代化车站等多个“斯里兰卡之最”。2019 年 4 月 8 日 , 一 期工程正式通车,铁路使斯里兰卡南部形成空中、海上和陆地三位一体交叉的运输格局,极大提升铁路的货运和客运能力。 The Matara Kataragama Railway Extension Project, 127km 100 多年过去了,我们急需扩建现有的铁路线路。尤其是对于斯里 long, is the first railway of Sri Lanka since 1928. The Phase 兰卡南部地区来讲,这将是一个非常重要的项目……有了这条铁路, 1 Project (Matara Kataragama Railway Extension Project) is 2019 年 10 月 1 日,斯里兰卡主流英 我们的列车速度就可以达到 120km/h,这对像我们这样的国家来 27km long. The project created the records of the longest and 文媒体《每日镜报》报道了中机公司 说非常重要。 highest railway bridge, the longest tunnel, the most modern 在斯里兰卡开展重大项目建设的丰硕 station in Sri Lanka. On April 8, 2019, the Project Phase 1 was ——斯里兰卡中央工程咨询局主席 Mr Piyathilaka 成果。 officially opened. Since then, the railway has enabled the country “To expand the railway lines has been an urgent need for Sri Lanka, especially On October 1, 2019, Daily Mirror, a form a three-in-one transportation pattern covering air, maritime, mainstream media outlet in Sri Lanka, for southern Sri Lanka. The Matara-Kataragama Railway Extension Project is a and land transportation in Southern Sri Lanka, greatly improving reported CMC’s great achievements project of great importance. With this railway, our travel speed by train can reach the freight and passenger transport capacity of the local railway in Sri Lanka during the construction 120km/h, which is tremendous progress for countries like ours.” network. of the major projects. ——Mr. Piyathilaka, Chairman of the Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau of Sri Lank 中机公司总经理张国栋视察斯里兰卡南部铁路项目 Zhang guodong, general manager of CMC, visited the sites of the Phase 1 Project

当地民众挥舞中斯两国国旗庆祝铁路通车 Locals celebrate the opening of the railway with 斯里兰卡南部铁路项目 Matara Kataragama Railway national flags of China and Sri Lanka 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 可持续 创造长期价值 32 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Create Long-Term Benefits by Sustainable Development 33

提高海上运输能力 改善公路交通 Improving Maritime Transport Improving Road Traffic

公司累计出口船舶 340 余艘,在散货船、集装箱船、油轮等三大船型方面形成优势产品链, 孟加拉国阿苏利亚工业区是纺织工业的集中地,拥堵的交通状况严重影

在滚装船、化学品船、液化气船、海洋工程船以及各类船舶设备和零部件业务形成了较强 340 余艘 响和遏制了纺织品的顺利运出。2017 年,中机公司与孟加拉交通部桥 梁局签订孟加拉首都达卡至阿苏利亚的高架高速公路项目合同,新建 的专业优势。2019 年,中机公司出口孟加拉 3 艘 39000 吨散货船、3 艘 39000 吨油轮,为 公司累计出口船舶 孟加拉振兴其现代化远洋运输船队的蓝图构建海上丝绸之路。 The Company has exported more 24 公里四车道高架高速公路,并将原有 14.3 公里两车道改造升级至四 than 340 ships The Company has exported more than 340 ships, forming an advantageous product chain covering bulk 车道。该高架高速公路的建成将大大改善孟加拉交通基础设施状况,促 freighters, container ships, and oil tankers. CMC has also developed a strong professional advantage 进区域经贸交流。 in business sectors related to ro-ro ships, chemical tankers, liquefied gas carriers, marine engineering The Ashulia industrial area in Bangladesh gathers almost all textile enterprises, vessels, and various types of ships, as well as their parts and components. In 2019, CMC exported and its severe traffic congestion has severely affected the transportation of three 39,000-ton bulk freighters and three 39,000-ton oil tankers to Bangladesh, building a maritime textile products. In 2017, CMC signed a contract with the Bangladesh Bridge silk road for Bangladesh to realize the revitalization of its modern ocean shipping fleet. Authority for the construction of the 24km four-lane Dhaka-Ashulia Elevated Expressway Project in Bangladesh, which is a great improvement compared 孟加拉达卡至阿苏利亚高架高速公路项目——设计效果图 with the original 14.3km two-lane road. After completion, the elevated Rendering of Dhaka-Ashulia Elevated Expressway expressway will greatly improve the transportation in Bangladesh and promote Project in Bangladesh 案例:出口古巴 2.2 万吨举力浮船坞 Case: Exporting 22,000-ton floating dock to Cuba regional economic and trade exchanges. 出口孟加拉新造船 CMC exported new ships to 2019 年 10 月,中机公司向古巴交通部下属最大修造船厂交付一艘中国制造的 2.2 万吨举 Bangladesh 2014 年以来,中机公司聚焦哈萨克斯坦市场,深入开拓汽车出口业务。 力浮船坞,该浮船坞采用世界先进技术建造,总长 220 米,宽度 48 米,可建造和修理最 2018 年,中机公司联合江淮汽车收购 Allur 集团 51% 股权,按照规划, 大 8 万载重吨的船舶。这是目前古巴乃至加勒比地区最大、最先进的船坞,将有效提升古 到 2025 年将 Allur 集团产能扩大到年产 6 万台,同时通过引进中国先进 巴航运业发展水平。 In October 2019, CMC delivered a 22,000-ton force-lifting floating dock manufactured by China to the 汽车技术,提高整车性能、减少交通事故。 largest shipyard of the Cuban Ministry of Transport. The floating dock was manufactured by applying Since 2014, CMC has begun to deeply explore the Kazakhstan market and world-class technology, with a total length of 220 meters and a width of 48 meters. It can build and export vehicles to the country. In 2018, CMC, together with JAC Motors, repair ships with the maximum loading capacity of up to 80,000 DWT. This is currently the largest acquired 51% of Allur Group’s stake. According to the plan, the production and most advanced dock in Cuba and even the Caribbean region, which will effectively improve the capacity of Allur Group will reach 60,000 vehicles per year by 2025. The 出口古巴 2.2 万吨举力浮船坞 development level of the Cuban shipping industry. Exporting 22,000-ton floating introduction of advanced automobile technologies from China will also greatly dock to Cuba improve vehicle performance and reduce traffic accidents. 哈萨克斯坦总统托卡耶夫参观调研 Allur 集团 Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of Kazakhstan, visited Allur Group

古巴现有船坞年久失修,无法承接修船业务,中国制造 中哈双方就 Allur 集团项目签订的股权合资协议对哈萨 的先进浮船坞对古巴航运业发展意义重大,将大幅提升 克斯坦汽车工业的发展至关重要。 古巴修造船能力。 ——哈萨克斯坦总统 托卡耶夫

扫一扫观看 ——古巴交通部第一副部长 玛尔塔 • 奥拉马斯 “The equity joint venture agreement between China and 《新闻联播》报道中国浮船坞交付古巴 “The existing docks in Cuba are in disrepair and cannot Kazakhstan on the ALLUR Group project is crucial to the Scan the QR code to watch the report about the delivery of undertake the ship repair business. The advanced floating development of the Kazakhstan automotive industry.” China’s floating dock to Cuba on the news program Network docks manufactured by China are of great significance to ——Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of Kazakhstan News Broadcast the development of the Cuban shipping industry and will greatly enhance Cuba’s shipbuilding ability.” 签订 Allur 集团股权合资项目收购协议 ——Marta Oramas, Cuba’s First Deputy Transport Minister CMC, together with JAC Motors, signs the joint venture agreement with Allure Group 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 可持续 创造长期价值 34 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Create Long-Term Benefits by Sustainable Development 35

中机公司建设的铁路、煤矿等项目不仅改善了当地交通和能源基础设施,还对项目周边的商店、餐饮、市场等发展起到促 进作用,带动当地商业、服务业的发展。

带动产业发展 斯里兰卡南部铁路项目在建设过程中为当地带来了巨大的发展和变化。项目开工前,马特勒地区基础设施薄弱、缺乏商业 Drive Industry Development 氛围。随着项目的实施,商业及旅游业有了明显的发展,项目部周边多家大型连锁超市及多家酒店开业。

从 1994 年基建起至今,巴拉普库利亚煤矿在给当地带来固定资产增加和社会安定保障的同时,也提高了居民的平均收入 一个产业的发展能够为国家和人民带来巨大的发展红利。中机公司以属地化运营方式,深 当地采购 local procurement 和福利待遇,促进了城镇居民的消费。随煤矿开发而发展起来的基础设施如商店、住宅、道路、学校等,也给临近的地区 度推动地区的产业发展,以此带动产业链上下游企业共同成长,实现企业与项目所在地社 的发展带来了无穷的动力。 截至 2019 年 8 月底 会经济共同发展。 By the end of August 2019 Railway and coal mine projects built by CMC not only improve the local transportation and energy infrastructure but also promote the The development of industry creates tremendous development dividends for a country and its development of shops, restaurants, and markets around the project sites and drive the local business development and service industry. people. Through localized operation, CMC has promoted local industry development, thus driving The Matara Kataragama Railway Extension Project(Phase 1) in Sri Lanka has brought tremendous changes to the local development common growth of all enterprises from upstream and downstream sectors of the industrial chain and during the construction process. Prior to the start of the project, Matara used to have the weak infrastructure and an environment shared the development of the Company and local society and economy. unfavorable for running businesses. After the project started, the local commercial sector and the tourism industry began to take off. Many large chain supermarkets and many hotels were opened around the project sites.

The Barapukuria Coal Mine has increased fixed assets and improved social stability of the local area since 1994 when its construction 案例:带动煤矿附属行业的发展 was started. The coal mine has also improved the average income and benefit of local residents and promoted the consumption of Case: Driving the development of support industries of coal mining 1 亿美元 urban residents. Local infrastructure, including shops, residences, roads and schools which developed along with the coal mine has also 帕亚拉燃煤电站项目与当 created an infinite drive for the development of the surrounding area. 巴拉普库利亚煤矿现场基础耗材(如水泥、沙子、石子、砖等)由多家当地供应商供货。 地 60余家供应商开展合 井下生产所需的基本物资用量大,需要可持续供应,公司会同信誉好的供应商建立长期合 作,采购土建施工、建筑材 作关系,部分供应商因此扩大生产规模,建起了砖厂、木材厂、金属网加工厂等。从 1994 料、设备等,累计采购约 The Payra 2*660MW Thermal 年至今,巴拉普库利亚煤矿的建设和运营带动了当地基础工业材料业、配件制造产业进一 Power Plant Project had launched 由孟加拉西北电力有限公司和中机公司合资建设的帕亚拉燃煤电站项目于 点击观看详细报道 步发展,推动了煤矿产业链的整体提升。 cooperation with more than 60 Click for details 2016 年开工建设。随着越来越多工人的涌入,以豪拉德为代表的当地居民, Basic construction materials local suppliers on purchasing civil 放弃了捕鱼工作,转而在发电厂附近设立了一个茶摊。曾经电厂周边是一片 (such as cement, sand, construction and building materials stones, bricks, etc.) at the and equipment, totaling about USD 荒芜的土地,如今,周边林立着 700-800 家商店和餐馆,都是由曾经以捕鱼 construction site of the 100 million 和种田的体力劳动者所建立的。 Barapukuria Coal Mine were purchased from a number of ——孟加拉《每日星报》 “Announced with much fanfare in 2015, construction work for the 1,320 megawatt local suppliers. As sustainable 2800万美元 supplies of large quantities of twin coal-fired power plant, a joint venture between the North-West Power 希拉甘杰燃气电站项目与 basic materials were required Generation Company Bangladesh Limited and China National Machinery Import and 当地6家供应商开展合作, for underground production, Export Corporation, began in 2016. And sensing the onrush of workers, Howlader the Company would establish 采购化学药品及现场急用 quit fishing and set up a tea stall near the site for the power plant, which was a 巴拉普库利亚煤矿催生的木材厂 deserted expanse of land then.Today, there are 700-800 shops and restaurants in long-term partnerships with A lumber factory built during the construction of the Barapukuria 设备、配件等,累计采购约 The Sirajganj Gas Turbine Power reliable suppliers, for which Coal Mine the area, all set up by people who previously depended on the physically demanding Plant Project had launched some suppliers would expand their business scope and built brick factories, lumber factories and profession of fishing and farming for their livelihood.” cooperation with more than 6 local —— metal mesh manufacturing plants. Since 1994, the Barapukuria Coal Mine Development Project has suppliers on purchasing chemicals 《The Daily Star》in Bangladesh promoted further development of the local basic industrial material and part manufacturing sectors, and equipment and accessories for and helped improve the coal industry chain. urgent on-site needs, totaling about 这都是中国企业帮助建立煤矿和电厂的硕果,我有时都不敢想象今天的繁荣。 USD 28 million

——巴拉普库利亚燃煤电站厂长 马哈尔 “Thanks to the Chinese company for helping us build the coal mine and power plant. I sometimes can't imagine the prosperity of today.” ——Mahar, head of the Barapukuria 2*125MW Coal-Fired Power Plant 高标准

打造品质工程Build Quality Projects with High Standards

中机公司兼顾各方利益与关切,严格遵守项目所在地 安全生产的法律法规,持续完善安全生产管理体系, 高标准、严要求打造最优工程,加强员工安全意识和 能力建设,保障员工与财产安全。 In response to the concerns of all stakeholders, CMC complies with laws and regulations of the host country and continuously improves the work safety management system while creating quality projects up to high standards and meeting strict requirements. By doing this, we strive to enhance employees’ safety awareness and competence and safeguard the safety of employees and their properties.

马来西亚曼绒燃煤电站 1*1000MW Manjung Coal Fired Power Plant Project 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 高标准 打造精品工程 38 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative 作为 EPC,中机公司一直真诚地致力于在环境、健康和安全问题方面按照世界标准进行安装和调试工作。Build Quality Projects with High Standards 39 所有工人都使用正确的个人防护装备,因此可以避免发生安全事故。在整个项目执行期间,中机公司非 常小心处理各种材料,例如危险材料。我认为到目前为止,中机公司在整个过程中做的都非常好。

——孟加拉电力发展署 运营与机械维护部执行工程师 克什罗·德莫汉·玻色 “As EPC, CMC was all time sincere and dedicated to perform erection and commissioning work in world's standard in respect of Environment, health and safety issues. Your team was highly motivated regarding environmental issues, even 致力安全生产 minimization of debris and scrap. All the workers used proper PPE, as a result minor incident could be avoided. CMC Guarantee Work Safety was very careful about handling various materials like hazardous materials, lifting operations, etc, throughout the project execution period. In my opinion so far, CMC was very much cooperative through out the time.” ——Kshirod Mohan Bose, Executive Engineer, Operation & Mechanical Maintenance Dieision, Bangladesh Power Development Board 健全安全管理 Enhance Safety Management

案例:“所有工人都使用正确的个人防护装备,可以避免发生安全事故” 无论国内还是海外,我们始终秉持“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理”的安全方针,建立安全管理组织体系,完善安全生 Case: “All workers use correct personal protective equipment to avoid safety accidents” 产管理机制,以《海外项目 HSE 管理手册》为标准,加强项目安全管理,着力构建覆盖项目全过程的安全管理长效机制。 For all domestic and overseas operations, we have always adhered to the safety policy of “safety first, prevention foremost, 古拉绍 G3 项目采用联合体 GE 的 EHS 管理体系(包括方针、目标、管理手册、管理实施计划、程序性文件、检查记录表、 comprehensive management”. CMC has established a safety management organizational system, improved the work safety 检查实施记录等)。根据要求,项目部每天都有专职安全监督员监督管理现场情况,开展安全班前会、周例会、月例会, management mechanism, and strengthened project safety management in line with the Overseas Project HSE Management Manual, 并出具安全报告。 striving to create a long-term safety management mechanism covering the whole process of projects. 古拉绍 G3 项目每三个月接受一次世界银行和 GE 公司的审核。2019 年 6 月,GE EHS 体系审核团队对古拉绍 G3 项目部进 行体系审核,给予 89 分的高分评价。截至 2019 年 7 月,项目实现 150 万生产工时无安全事故。 • 企业管理部负责职业健康安全体系建立维护 The Re-Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit adopts the EHS management system of GE which covers guidelines, objectives, • 工程管理部负责项目安全工作监管 management manuals, management implementation plans, procedural documents, inspection records, inspection implementation 加强组织体系 • 项目部配置安全生产负责人及安全工程师,负责工程项目的安全监督、检查 records, etc. According to related requirements, the project team appoints full-time safety supervisors to supervise on-site operations Strengthen the • The Enterprise Management Department takes charge of the establishment and every day, carries out pre-class safety meetings, weekly meetings, and monthly meetings, and releases safety reports. organizational implementation of the occupational health and safety system The project is reviewed by the World Bank and GE every three months. In June 2019, the GE EHS system review team conducted a structure • The Risk Management and Legal Affairs Department supervises safety-related work • Each project team has a work safety manager and safety engineer to conduct safety system evaluation of the project team and gave a high score of 89 in a hundred-mark system. As of July 2019, the project realized zero supervision and inspection of the project safety accidents in 1.5 million hours of production.

• 建立《安全生产手册》《境外安全管理办法》《安全生产目标管理制度》等 案例:马来西亚曼绒燃煤电站项目严格 HSE 管理 Case: The 1*1000MW Manjung Coal-Fired Power Plant Project implements strict HSE management • 与所属各单位、项目部按照层级签订安全生产责任书,与国内外各分包单位签订安 全协议,明确责任范围,传递安全责任 加强制度体系 Strengthen the • Compile the Work Safety Manual and develop Overseas Safety Management Measures and 马来西亚曼绒燃煤电站项目成立 HSE 管理委员会、建立符合 ISO 14001 环境管理体系和 OHSAS 18001 职业健康安全管理 the Work Safety Target Management System institutional system 体系的管理制度,为该项目的安全施工提供制度保障。 • Sign work safety responsibility letters with all CMC’s subordinate organizations and project departments and safety agreements with all subcontractors at home and abroad with clear statement 为适应马来西亚当地的安全政策和环保法规,曼绒电站项目特聘请当地专业安全监督人员加入 HSE 管理部,并聘用马来西 of the division of responsibilities to enhance stakeholders’ awareness of safety responsibilities 亚注册职业安全健康官和注册环境官,严格执行现场 HSE 各项规章制度。

从开工至项目移交,为期4 年的施工和调试过程仅有 5 例失时工伤,没有人员死亡事故。项目建设期实现零泄露,大气、噪声、 • 编制《海外项目 HSE 管理手册》,并严格要求各项目执行,从风险分析入手,采 加强项目管理 取有力措施,管控项目实施过程全方位的 HSE 风险 地下水、海水水质符合当地政策法规,得到业主、政府及合作伙伴的认可。 Strengthen project • Compile Overseas Project HSE Management Manual and require all related organizations to The 1*1000MW Manjung Coal-Fired Power Plant Project established the HSE Management Committee and a management system in management implement the manual strictly; Take effective measures based on results of risk analyses to control line with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System HSE risks during the whole process of project implementation in a comprehensive manner to provide institutional support for the safe construction of the entire project.

To adapt to Malaysia’s safety policies and environmental regulations, the Project hired professional safety supervisors from the local • 成立应急办公室,明确职责到个人,并形成规范的应急响应程序流程图,及时、准 community to join the HSE management department and hired local registered occupational safety and health officers and certified 加强应急响应 确应对突发事件或紧急情况,将负面影响降至最低 Strengthen emergency • Set up an Emergency Response Office, clarify responsibilities of each individual and form a environmental officers to strictly implement HSE rules and regulations for on-site operations. response standardized emergency response procedure to guarantee timely and accurate emergency From the start to the delivery of the project in four years, there were only five lost-time injuries and zero fatal cases. During the response, thus minimizing the adverse impact construction period, zero leakage Cases came out, and the air, noise, groundwater and seawater quality was all up to related standards stipulated by local policies and regulations and was recognized by the project owners, the government and partners. 中机公司安全管理重点举措 Key safety management methods of CMC 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 高标准 打造精品工程 40 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Build Quality Projects with High Standards 41

帕亚拉燃煤电站项目:截至 2019 年 8 提升安全能力 月底,安全培训累计投入341 万美元, Strengthen Capability to Ensure Safety 开展培训 8740 次,培训96790 人次。 Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power Plant Project: As of the end of August 2019, 中机公司针对不同岗位员工,定期开展安全生产培训、事故应急演练、疾病预防培训等主题活动,提高员工安全预警及事 we had invested a total of USD 3.41 故应急处理能力。 million in 8,740 safety training sessions For different positions, CMC conducts work safety training sessions regularly targeting emergency rescue drills, disease prevention, and for the project with 96,790 participants. other thematic activities to improve employees’ early warning and emergency response capabilities.

希拉甘杰燃气电站项目:截至 2019 案例:举办海外工程承包项目安全生产经验交流会 Case: CMC Work Safety Experience Sharing Meeting on Overseas Engineering Contracting Projects 年 8 月底,安全培训累计投入 162 万 美元,开展培训 864 次,培训 10850 2018 年 8 月,中机公司举办海外工程承包项目安全生产经验交流会。会议特别邀请了 B&V 公司亚太区 HSE 经理开展关于 人次。 Sirajganj Gas Turbine Power Plant HSE 管理体系和风险预控、隐患排查治理的培训,提升各项目对 HSE 管理的重视,促进了各项目之间 HSE 管理活动的经 Project: As of the end of August 2019, 印尼 OKI 项目与业主共同进行消防演习 验分享。 we had invested a total of USD 1.62 A fire-fighting drill jointly launched by the Indonesia Sinarmas OKI 4x125MW Steam In August 2018, CMC held the Work Safety Experience Sharing Meeting on Overseas Engineering Contracting Projects. The meeting million in 864 safety training sessions for Turbine Generator EPS Project team and the project owner specially invited an HSE manager from Black & Veatch Asia-Pacific Branch to give training on HSE management system and risk the project, involving 10,850 participants. prevention and control as well as hazard investigation and management, aiming to raise trainees’ awareness on HSE management and promote the sharing of HSE management experience among all projects. 重视职业健康 案例:多措并举提升员工安全能力 Emphasize Occupational Health Case: Enhancing employees’ safety capability through various measures

中机公司重视每位员工的生命和健康,制定并严格执行职业健康与安全制度体系,各海外项目部均设有劳保用品及急救医 在古拉绍 G3 项目的安全培训中,员工除了要学习理论课程外,还要进行实践操 药箱,并在生产现场设置健康风险告知栏,以保障员工健康。同时为员工提供涵盖定期体检、健身、辅助就医等健康管理 练。项目部专门设置了安全体验示范区,配置了各种器械,员工在体验区实践合 活动,加大健康管理及疾病防范力度。 格后才能进入现场工作。 CMC cherishes the life and health of each employee and has formulated and strictly implemented the occupational health and safety

在安全检查中,处罚和奖励并重。每月开展安全之星员工评比活动,对员工进行 system. Each overseas project team prepares labor protection supplies and hygiene kits for employees, and health risk notification boards are set up at the production for the protection of employee health. At the same time, we provide employees with health 公开的物质与精神奖励,让获奖员工发言,增强员工的自豪感。 management activities covering regular physical examinations, fitness activities and medical treatment, striving to improve occupational 此外,项目部在现场设置了安全文化长廊,以漫画形式呈现安全小知识,并配以 health management and disease prevention. 中英孟三种文字,让员工在轻松的氛围中学习并吸收安全知识,从而提升自身安 全意识。 In the safety training of the Re-Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit, in addition to theoretical learning, employees also need to have practical drills. The project team specially set up a safety experience demonstration zone equipped with various instruments. Employees could enter the construction site only after they pass the practical drill in the experience zone. Workers are punished or rewarded based on the result of security checks. We hold the Safety Star Employee Appraisal Activity each month to give outstanding employees with material or spiritual rewards and invite the award-winning employees to share their experience in front of other co-workers to enhance their sense of pride. Besides the project team set up a safety culture corridor on the project site to demonstrate comics about security knowledge with introduction in Chinese, English, and , allowing employees to learn safety knowledge in a relaxing 希拉甘杰燃气电站项目部为当地员工进行身体检查 古拉绍 G3 项目部开展紧急救护培训 atmosphere, thereby enhancing their own safety awareness. The team of Sirajganj Gas Turbine Power Plant Project team Emergency rescue training of the Re-Powering Project of organizes a health examination for local employees Ghorasal 3rd Unit team 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 高标准 打造精品工程 42 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Build Quality Projects with High Standards 43

确保工程质量 案例:越南金瓯化肥厂达到 100% 生产能力 Improve Project Quality Case: Ca Mau Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plant Project in Vietnam realizes 100% production capacity.

金瓯化肥厂项目是越南最大的化工投资项目,项目于 2012 年 1 月打通全流程,一次开机成功,提前 3 天顺利产出合格大 优质的项目质量和良好的口碑是中机公司不断赢得客户信任的基石之一。我们恪守品质优 颗粒尿素,成功创造了越南工程项目建设史上第一个按期建成投产的奇迹。时任越南总理阮晋勇将其誉为“越南迄今为止 先的原则,在履行合同责任的同时,利用自身管理、技术、经验优势,为客户提供精品工程、 最成功的总承包项目”。截至 2019 年 9 月,该厂已稳定生产并达到了 100% 生产能力,共计生产化肥近十万吨,满足农 优质产品与精心服务。 业对高质量化肥产品的需求。 Quality projects and a good reputation are the cornerstone of the Company to win the trust of The Ca Mau Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plant Project of Vietnam is a nitrogen fertilizer plant project with the largest investment in Vietnam’s customers. Always putting quality first, we earnestly fulfill our responsibility during the implementation chemical industry. In January 2012, the project realized whole-process operation when it was put into production for the first time. The of contracts and strive to provide quality projects, products, and services for customers with the project created a miracle as Vietnam’s first project completed and put into production on schedule. Vietnamese former Prime Minister support of our management expertise, advanced technologies, and experience. Nguyen Tan Dung praised the project as “the most successful EPC project in Vietnam so far”. As of September 2019, the Ca Mau Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plant had achieved stable production and achieved 100% production capacity. The project had produced nearly 100,000 tons of chemical fertilizer to meet the demand for high-quality fertilizer products in the agriculture industry.

严格质量管理 Strict Quality Management

中机公司建立项目监督管理体系,设立项目监管委员会,健全各项规章制度,实行全过程 监督管理。我们将质量管理培训计划纳入总体培训计划,要求各海外项目部开展针对工程 质量方面的培训。 CMC has established a project supervision and management system, set up a project supervision committee, improved various rules and regulations, and implemented whole-process supervision and management. We incorporate quality management training into the overall training program of the Company and require all overseas project teams to conduct training on project quality.

越南金瓯化肥厂项目全景图 A picture of the Ca Mau Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plant

案例:阿联酋年产 30 万吨书写纸厂项目顺利出纸 Case: The Ittihad Paper Mill Project in UAE with an annual production capacity of 300,000 tons of paper starts to produce paper

中机公司承建的阿联酋年产 30 万吨书写纸项目汇集了世界各国造纸行业内的一流企业和最 先进技术,该厂建成后将是海湾合作委员会成员国中第一家现代化印刷和书写纸生产厂, 也将是中东和北非地区最大的纸厂。当地时间 2019 年 7 月 17 日,项目投料试车成功出纸, 标志着项目团队完成一项重要里程碑节点,整条生产线将进入达产达标调试阶段。 The Ittihad Paper Mill Project in UAE, with an annual production capacity of 300,000 tons of paper, which is constructed by CMC, brings together the world’s leading enterprises and state-of-the-art

technologies in the paper industry. After completed, the paper mill will be the first modern printing 扫一扫 and writing paper mill among all members of the Gulf Cooperation Council as well as the largest 观看出纸视频 Scan the QR code to watch paper mill in the Middle East and North Africa. On July 17, 2019, the project was commissioned and the video about the paper produced paper successfully, which was a milestone of the project team and indicated that the entire production by the Ittihad Paper production line would enter the stage of commissioning and production. Mill Project

俄罗斯宾萨水泥厂项目——业主见证水泥产出的瞬间 Penza Cement Plant Project, Russia-The moment that the project owner witnessed the production of the first batch of cement 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 高标准 打造精品工程 44 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Build Quality Projects with High Standards 45

践行责任采购 携手伙伴共赢 Practice Sustainable Procurement Win-Win Cooperation with Partners

中机公司在选择供应商和分包商时,除经济情况外还会综合考虑其环境、社会和 我们遇到了许多无法预料 中机公司积极发挥自身优势,携手国际国内相关企业组建三方合作架构,形成项 道德因素等,并将上述要求纳入到采购和分包合同,通过可持续采购来提升供应 的困难,作为总承包商, 目联合体,实现优势互补、资源共享,共同为客户提供品质工程与服务,实现多 商和分包商社会责任意识。为保障帕亚拉燃煤电站项目质量,项目在招标书和合 中机公司帮助我们解决各 方合作共赢。 Relying on our strengths, we have formed a tripartite cooperation framework with 同中都明确要求供应商和分包商采用先进环保材料、确定严格烟气排放标准并设 种问题,不得不说,中机公 domestic and international enterprises to form project consortiums for mutual 有检测设备,尽可能降低施工对人和环境的影响。 司是具有国际竞争力的世 complementarity and resource sharing. Together with our partners, we provide quality 中机公司每年对供应商的守法合规、质量保证、服务能力、价格、商业信誉、环 界级承包商,很高兴与熟 projects and services to customers, and achieve multi-party and win-win cooperation with 境保护、安全生产和劳动保护等社会责任方面进行综合评价,鼓励和支持积极履 练且专业的中机公司合作。 them. 2016 年度 PMI(中国)项目管理大奖年度 行社会责任的供应商。 项目大奖 2016 Annual Most Excellent Project For the selection of suppliers and subcontractors, CMC considers not only the cost but ——古拉绍 G3 项目合作公司 案例:携手合作,提升项目管理能力 Case: Improving the project management capability through cooperation Award by Project Management Institute also environmental, social, and ethical factors. We incorporate requirements related GE 的维修工程师 of China to environmental, social, and ethical social responsibility into our procurement and “We met many unpredictable subcontracting agreements, striving to promote the sense of social responsibility of 马来西亚曼绒燃煤电站项目是中机公司与法国阿尔斯通公司(现 GE)联合体总 difficulties, as EPC, CMC suppliers and subcontractors through sustainable procurement. To guarantee the quality 承包 EPC 工程,通过曼绒电站项目的开发与执行,中机公司在 4 年的时间内与 help us a lot to solve all of the Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power Plant Project, we stipulate clear requirements for kinds of issues. I had to 阿尔斯通公司共同进步,提升项目管理能力。 suppliers and subcontractors on the use of advanced eco-friendly materials, clarify strict say, CMC is a world-class smoke emission standards and apply testing instruments to minimize our impact on the 项目先后荣获美国《电力》杂志颁发的“2015 年顶级工业项目奖”、亚洲电力 contractor with international environment. 网 2015 年度“燃煤电力项目金奖”和“2016年度 PMI(中国)项目管理最高奖项”、 competitiveness. I always felt CMC conducts a comprehensive evaluation of suppliers’ law compliance, quality pleased to cooperate with 2016 年“亚太项目管理联盟 (APFPM) 项目管理卓越奖——首席评委奖”等奖项。 The 1*1000MW Manjung Coal-Fired Power Plant Project is undertaken jointly by the assurance, service capabilities, prices, business reputation, environmental protection, CMC employees who are consortium of CMC and Alstom (now GE). Through development and operation of 2016 年“亚太项目管理联盟 (APFPM) 项 work safety, labor protections, and other aspects of social responsibility each year and skilled and professional. ” the Project, CMC has realized common growth with Alstom and enhanced the project 目管理卓越奖 - 首席评委奖” encourages and supports suppliers to actively fulfill their social responsibilities. ——Mohd.Nazmul Islam 2016 Project Management Awards– management capability. Miah, a maintenance Chief Judges Award by the Asia Pacific Federation of Project Management engineer from GE for the The Project has won the 2015 TOP PLANT AWARD by the Power Magazine of the (APFPM) Re-Powering Project of United States, 2016 Annual Most Excellent Project Award by Project Management Institute Ghorasal 3rd Unit of China and 2016 Project Management Awards–Chief Judges Award by the Asia Pacific Federation of Project Management (APFPM). 中机公司从本地市场采购产品的政策和程序是令人满意的,它 要求质量保持在国际标准上,并愿意付诸行动帮助我们提高产 品和服务质量,在为我们带来收入的同时,更能够帮助我们提 案例:强强联合 共建巴新海底光缆 高效率,促使我们的业务水平达到国际标准。这是我们提升国 Case: Building the National Submarine Fiber Cable Network in Papua New Guinea through joined efforts 际声誉、获取国际业务的良好机会。 中机公司与华为技术有限公司强强联合,共同协助巴布亚新几内亚建设覆盖全国 ——古拉绍 G3 项目供应商 莫赫德 的海底光缆系统,连接该国主要沿海城市和岛屿。该海底光缆系统计划长度约 “The policy and procedure that CMC have taken for purchasing 5457 千米,设计容量为 8Tbps,连接该国 14 个主要城镇。建成后,该海底光缆 products from the local market are satisfactory. The policy of CMC is 系统将覆盖国内 55% 的人口,满足该国超 70% 的带宽需求。 'quality first', which makes the local businessmen and companies to CMC and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. have joined hands to assist Papua New Guinea keep the quality at the international standard and their commitment at to build the National Submarine Fiber Cable Network that connects the country’s major the top which we are habituated to. The procedure is 'quality first' helps coastal cities and islands. The Fiber Cable Network connecting 14 major towns is us to provide quality product and service according to our reputation.” designed to be approximately 5,457 kilometers long and with a capacity of 8Tbps. After 巴布亚新几内亚海底光缆项目海缆登陆 ——Mohd, a supplier for the Re-Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit completion, the project will be able to serve 55% of the population of the country and The fairlead and submarine cable for the meet 70% of the broadband demand. National Submarine Fiber Cable Network in Papua New Guinea lands successfully 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 高标准 打造精品工程 46 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Build Quality Projects with High Standards 47

保障精心服务 Considerate Services 建设生态文明 Build Ecological Civilization 中机公司始终坚持以客户为中心,不断完善客户关系管理体系,注重保障客户知情权、保护客户隐私与权益、积极回应客 户利益诉求,致力于为每一位客户提供专业、优质的服务。 Always being customer-centered, CMC continues to improve the customer relationship management system. We earnestly protect 即使在某些地区还不需要更高水平、更高标准的技术,但我们考虑到项目的长期影响,深 customers’ right to know, privacy, rights and interests, and actively respond to customers’ appeals, striving to provide professional and quality services to every customer. 刻认识到环境保护对于当地持续发展的重要性,我们愿意增加成本减少项目对环境的影响。

我们建立全周期环境管理体系,将节约能源、降污减排的绿色理念融入工程项目建设全过程, 案例:孟煤包产项目开展业主满意度调查 Case: Satisfaction survey about the project of Management, Production, Maintenance, and Provisioning services 推动自身发展与环境形成和谐统一的整体,打造绿色工程。 for Barapukuria Coal Mine Even though more advanced technologies are not necessary for some areas of Bangladesh, considering the long-term impact of our projects and the importance of environmental protection for 为了保持与业主良好的合作关系,孟煤包产项目部定期派商务人员到业主办公室进行走访,当面了解业主关于煤矿管理、 local sustainable development, we are willing to try to reduce our projects’ impact on the environment 建设等方面的意见和需求,以及业主对煤矿生产工作的满意程度,走访后及时总结,针对问题改进更正。项目部定期召开 at higher costs.

业主座谈会,了解他们真实的感受与需求,增进业主与项目部在工作上的互相理解与信任。 We have established a full-lifecycle environmental management system that integrates energy In order to maintain a good cooperative relationship with the project owners, the project team of Management, Production, Maintenance, conservation, pollution, and emission reduction into the whole process of project construction, to and Provisioning services for Barapukuria Coal Mine appointed commercial representatives to visit the project owners regularly to learn promote harmonious coexistence between the Company and the environment and create green about their opinions on and needs for the management and construction of the coal mine and their satisfaction of the production. After projects. visits, the project team would do a timely review and correct problems spotted. The project team also held seminars with the owners regularly and invited the owners to have talks to get to know their true feelings and needs, thereby enhancing mutual understanding and trust.

2011 年,孟加拉国船运公司和中机公司就购买 古拉绍 G3 项目将对国家经济增长起到至关重 6艘货船达成一致。过去六年里,中机公司充 要的作用。中机公司团队工作专注努力、积极 分理解我们面临的困难和各种难以突破的局限, 主动、全力以赴,具有很强的执行力,团队尽 他们始终不离不弃地帮助我们解决问题,推动 了最大的努力。再次感谢中机公司为设备操作 项目进展。如果没有中机公司这样的耐心和坚 安排的参与式培训,并与我们一起推进该项目。 持,这个项目的执行也不会这样顺利。我由衷 地感谢中机公司! ——孟加拉能源发展署 运营与机械维护部执行 工程师 克什罗·德莫汉·玻色 ——孟加拉国航运公司总经理 赛义德准将 “In 2011, Bangladesh Shipping Corporation and “The Re-Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit will CMC reached an agreement on the purchase of play vital role for the country's economic growth. six freighters. In the past six years, CMC has fully CMC team is hard working, highly motivated and understood our difficulties and limitations that committed to work, the team tried their level best. are hard to break through, helped us tackled all I would likely to thank you further more to arrange kinds of problems painstakingly and promoted the a participatory training for the equipment and work progress of the project. Without CMC’s patience and with us to advance the project.” insistence, we would not have completed this project ——Kshirod Mohan Bose, Operation & so smoothly. I would like to extend my sincere Mechanical Maintenance Division Ghorasal 3rd thanks to CMC!” Unit CCPP, Bangladesh Power Development ——Brigadier General Said, General Manager of Board 希拉甘杰燃气电站项目对当地动植物零破坏 Bangladesh Shipping Corporation The Sirajganj Gas Turbine Power Plant Project caused zero damage to local plants and animals 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 高标准 打造精品工程 48 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Build Quality Projects with High Standards 49

全面识别环境因素,打造绿色煤矿 采用先进燃煤技术,促进节能减排 Comprehensively identify environmental factors Apply advanced coal firing technologies to promote and build green coal mines energy conservation and emission reduction

中机公司在孟煤项目施工前对环境进行全面分析评估,从设计阶段便充分考虑矿 帕亚拉燃煤电站采用先进、高效的超超临界技术,与常规燃煤发电机组相比,不仅有利于提高机组热效率,降低发电煤耗,

井建成后对环境的影响并采取应对措施;设置环保监测管理机构,负责监测污染 同时也是减少温室效应气体 CO2、粉尘、有害气体 SO2 和 NOx 等排放的重要途径。高标准也意味着高投资,但作为投资方, 废水排放的水质、烟尘的排放浓度、噪声等污染情况。 中机公司关注项目长期影响,确保十年甚至更长时间后这个项目在运行效率和环保水平上不会落伍。 CMC conducted a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the environment before The Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power Plant adopts the advanced ultra-supercritical technology featuring high efficiency. Compared with the construction of the Barapukuria Coal Mine Development Project and began to fully conventional coal-fired generator units, the Payra Power Plant not only guarantees higher efficiency and lower coal consumption but consider the project’s environmental impact as early as the design stage and took also helps reduce emissions of CO2, dust, SO2, NOx and other pollutants. High standard means high cost, but as an investor, CMC pays 40000 株 countermeasures. We set up an environmental monitoring and management agency to attention to the long-term benefits of the project and ensures that the project will not be outdated in terms of its operational efficiency monitor the quality of discharged wastewater, concentration of soot emissions, noise and 在矿区累计种植树苗约 and environmental protection capability after ten or more years. other pollution factors. About 40,000 plants had been planted in the mining area •通过采用高效静电除尘器,低氮燃烧技术等,使烟尘排放浓度、SO2 排放量、NOx 排放浓度均低于世界银行及孟加拉国的要求。

煤矿开采:采用放顶煤技术,既节约能源,增加产量,又提高了资源回收率。 • 废污水经工业废水集中处理站和生活污水处理站处理达标后,回收复用。高成本安装冷却塔,降低电站排水温度,减少对 污水处理:通过预沉调节瀑气、混凝、澄清和消毒,消除 80% 的污染物,达到 水下生物的影响。 30000 英亩 工业污水排放标准,污泥通过真空吸泥车运至附近的农场做肥料。 • 除灰系统采用灰渣分除方案,灰渣可综合利用,回收灰渣可作为混凝土掺合料、水泥混合材料、砖、砌块及新型墙体等的 矿井排水处理达标后,为附近灌溉 水资源利用:矿井排水处理达标后,为附近约 30000 英亩的土地提供灌溉;利 原材料加以利用。 土地约 • 用塌陷形成的水域打造鱼塘,业主每年投放鱼苗。 The treated wastewater discharged from the CMC applies efficient electrostatic precipitators and low-nitrogen combustion technology to keep soot emission concentration, SO2 emission and NO emission concentration within the limitations set by the World Bank and Bangladeshi authorities. mine, after reaching related standard, can x 降低噪声:通过安装隔声装置、消声器等措施,降低机械及气流噪声对员工、周 be used for irrigating about 30,000 acres of • The wastewater is recycled and reused after centralized treatment by the industrial sewage centralized treatment plant and domestic 围居民的影响。 farmland nearby sewage treatment plant. We also install cooling towers at high cost to reduce the temperature of wastewater discharged by the power 降低煤尘:用圆筒替代条形煤仓,从煤炭卸载进煤仓再到进入锅炉,实现煤尘零 plant to reduce the waste water’s impact on underwater organisms. 污染。 • The ash removal system adopts a separated ash and slag treatment scheme to realize comprehensive utilization of ash and slag. Recycled ash and slag can be used as raw materials for concrete admixtures, cement admixtures, bricks, building blocks and new-type walls. 矿区绿化:每年定期在 113 英亩的矿区范围内种植各类树苗,截至 2019 年 9 月 已累计种植约 40000 株,吸引了大量候鸟在矿区附件筑巢繁殖。 Coal mining: Apply the top coal caving technique to save energy, increase production and increase the resource recovery rate. Sewage treatment: Adjust the aeration, coagulation, clarification and disinfection processes by pre-precipitation to eliminate 80% of pollutants and make the industrial sewage to reach related standards, and transport the sludge to the nearby farm by vacuum truck for the production of fertilizer. Utilization of water resources: The treated wastewater discharged from the mine, after reaching related standard, can be used for irrigating about 30,000 acres of farmland nearby. Ponds formed by collapse of the mine can be used to raise fish, and the project owners will put fry every year.

Noise reduction: Reduce the impact of mechanical and airflow noise on employees and the surrounding residents by installing sound insulation devices and mufflers. Coal dust reduction: Replace strip coal yards with cylindrical coal yards, and unload the coal to the coal yard before sending it into the boiler to achieve zero pollution of coal dust. Greening of the mining area: Plant various types of saplings in the 113-acre mining area every year. By the end of September 2019, about 40,000 plants had been planted, attracting a large number of migratory birds to nest in the mining area. 马来西亚曼绒燃煤电站项目附近海域 The sea area near the 1*1000MW Manjung Coal Fired Power Plant Project 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 高标准 打造精品工程 50 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Build Quality Projects with High Standards 51

升级改造燃气电站,降低负面环境影响 实施生态保护措施,打造绿色铁路 Renovate gas-fired power plants to reduce Implement ecological protection measures to negative environmental impacts build a green railway

古拉绍 G3 项目,是对老厂 3 号机的升级改造。相较于新建电站,减少了 2-3 倍的土地使用 斯里兰卡对保护生态环境的要求较高,斯里兰卡南部铁路项目遵守当地法律法规,项目施

面积,达到电厂土地资源利用效率最优化,发电效率提升将近一倍,单位 CO2 排放量大幅 工前,委托施工承包商编制并实施施工过程中的生态保护措施,在项目施工阶段,公司对 度降低,水消耗量与改造前完全持平,排放量没有造成河水温度升高,对周边的环境没有 环境保护措施落实情况进行检查、监督,保证不破坏生态环境。 产生额外负担。 Sri Lanka has strict requirements for environmental protection. During the construction of the The Re-Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit is an upgrade of the No.3 unit of the old plant. The Matara Kataragama Railway Extension Project(Phase 1), we strictly complied with local laws and renovated plant reduces the 2-3 times of land compared with a new plant by utilizing land resources regulations. Before the project was started, the construction contractor was entrusted with developing at the highest efficiency. After the upgrade, the new plant can generate power twice as efficiently as and implementing the environmental protection measures for the construction process. During the the original plant while largely reducing CO2 emissions and consuming the same amount of water as construction period, the Company conducted environmental inspection and supervision to ensure before. The discharge of sewage by the plant would not cause a higher temperature of river flows or that the ecology was not damaged. additional burden on the surrounding environment.

投资兴建光伏电站,助力清洁能源发展 Invest in the construction of the solar park to promote Before改造前 the upgrade After改造后 the upgrade the development of clean energy

单循环 : 260.3MW 2019 年,中机公司投资兴建匈牙利最大光伏电站——考波什堡 100MW 光伏电站。作为匈 Output产出 Net净产出 output: 193 193MW MW 联合循环 : 416.3MW Single cycle: 260.3MW 牙利乃至中东欧地区最大的光伏电站之一,该项目并网运行后每年可发电 1 亿 3 千万度, Combined cycle: 416.3 MW 节约 4.5 万吨标准煤,减少 12 万吨 CO2 排放,显著提升匈牙利乃至中东欧地区的清洁能源 利用水平。 约 33% 约 57% In 2019, CMC invested in the construction of the 100 MW Photovoltaics Power Plant Project, Kaposvár, Efficiency效率 Approx. 33% Approx. 57% Hungary. As one of the largest solar power plants in Hungary and even in Central and Eastern Europe, the plant, after connected to the grid and put into operation, can provide 130 GWh of electricity per year, CO2 排放 5.20 MT/yr/KW 2.83 MT/yr/KW CO2 emission saving 45,000 tons of standard coal, reducing 120,000 tons of CO2 emissions, and significantly boosting the use of clean energy in Hungary and in Central and Eastern Europe. 3 3 Consumption河水消耗 of river water Approx.约 28200 28,200 m /hr m3/hr Approx.约 28200 28,200 m /hr m3/hr

Water水体温度 temperature Approx.约 40℃ 40 deg C Approx.约 40℃ 40 deg C

斯里兰卡南部铁路项目 The Matara Kataragama Railway Extension 匈牙利考波什堡 100MW 光伏电站 Project(Phase 1) in Sri Lanka The 100 MW Photovoltaics Power Plant Project, Kaposvár, Hungary 惠民生

共创和谐繁荣Co-create Harmony and Prosperity to Improve People’s Livelihood

中机公司秉持和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利 共赢的理念,全方位推进务实合作。我们创造需求、 带动就业,增进与沿线各国人民的人文交流与文明互 鉴,与各国人民相逢相知、互信互敬,共享和谐、安 宁、富裕的生活,为“一带一路”沿线国家和地区的 可持续发展贡献力量。 Upholding peaceful cooperation, inclusiveness, mutual learning, mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation, CMC promotes pragmatic cooperation with other countries in all aspects. We earnestly create demands, drive employment, enhance people- to-people communication and cultural exchanges with people from all walks of life, build mutual trust and respect and share a harmonious, peaceful and prosperous life with all people, striving to contribute to the sustainable development of countries and regions along the Belt and Road.

巴拉普库利亚煤矿小学学生 Students of the Primary School of Barapukuria Coal Mine Development Project 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 惠民生 共创和谐繁荣 54 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Co-create Harmony and Prosperity to Improve People’s Livelihood 55

CMC has appointed competent Chinese employees as mentors for foreign workers and imparted crafts and techniques to local employees through mentoring and training. At the same time, we emphasize the cultivation of critical talents, provide promotion opportunities for employees with 培养当地人才 strong competence and sense of responsibility, and earnestly help local physical workers to develop Cultivate Local Talents into technical and management staff. The project of Management, Production, Maintenance, and Provisioning services for Barapukuria 斯里兰卡南部铁路项目 The Matara Kataragama Coal Mine through joint efforts with Xukuang, recruits surrounding farmers, develops a training Railway Extension Project program among all workers every quarter, and conducts technical skill evaluations which cover (Phase 1) 10% of the employees per year. After years of training, 28 Bangladeshi engineers became technical 保护员工权益 management backbones, 315 employees met the standard for general workers, 540 reached the Protect the Rights and Interests of Employees level of technical staff, and 58 became shift leaders. 5 万人次 累计雇用当地劳工超过 The project employs more than 中机公司严格遵守当地劳工法及劳工条例,坚持平等雇佣、同工同酬、禁止就业歧视和强迫劳动,不雇用童工,尊重员工权利, 50,000 local workers 斯里兰卡南部铁路项目累计雇用当地劳工超过 5 万人次,提供各种专业技能培训,如钢筋 保护员工隐私,为员工提供有竞争力的薪酬。 帮扎、砌砖技艺、铁轨铺设、桥梁浇筑、架设、深基坑防护等,提升了他们的专业技术能力。 CMC strictly abides by local labor laws and regulations, adheres to equal employment and equal pay for equal work, and prohibits The Matara Kataragama Railway Extension Project(Phase 1) in Sri Lanka employs more than 希拉甘杰燃气电站项目 employment discrimination, forced labor, and child labor. The Company respects employees’ rights, protects employees’ privacy, and The Sirajganj Gas Turbine 50,000 local workers and provides a variety of professional skills training, such as reinforcement, provides employees with competitive remuneration. Power Plant Project bricklaying, rail laying, bridge pouring and erection, deep foundation protection, etc., to enhance their professional skills.

10850人次 截至 2019 年 8 月底,希拉甘杰燃气电站项目累计投入 162 万美元开展当地员工培训,累 累计培训 搭建成长平台 10,850 trainees in total 计培训 10850 人次。目前,项目在岗员工23 人,18人为当地员工,其中4 名当地管理人员, Build a Platform for Growth 4 名当地技术人员。

帕亚拉燃煤电站项目 帕亚拉燃煤电站项目累计投入 510 万美元开展当地员工培训,累计培训 93000 人次。目前, 中机公司发挥中方员工的“传、帮、带”作用,通过师徒帮扶、学校培训等方式,传授工艺技术 ; 注重培养重点人才,为 The Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power Plant Project 项目在岗员工 8893 人,5920人为当地员工,其中95 名当地管理人员,150名当地技术人员。 工作能力和责任心强的雇员提供晋升机会,把当地员工从基础的体力劳动者逐步培养成为能够胜任技术含量较高的技术、 By the end of August 2019,CMC had invested a total of USD 1.62 million in local training programs for the 管理人才。 Sirajganj Gas Turbine Power Plant Project, involving 10,850 participants. At present, there are 23 employees 93000 人次 on the project including 18 local employees, among whom there are 4 managers and 4 technicians. 孟煤包产项目联合徐矿集团,招聘周边农民,每季度制定全员培训计划,每年度按照 10% 比列进行技能等级工评定。经过 累计培训 多年培训与培养,已有 28 名孟方工程师成为技术管理骨干、315 人达到一般工等级、540 人达到技能工等级、58 人达到 93,000 trainees in total CMC had invested a total of USD 5.1 million in local training programs for the Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power Plant Project, involving 93,000 participants. At present, there are 8,893 employees on the project 班长等级。 including 5,920 local employees among whom there are 95 managers and 150 technicians.

中机公司在孟加拉扎根超过 20 年,我喜欢中机公司。对于我们孟加拉人来说,在中机公司这家中国跨国 公司工作是个不错的机会。在这里,我们可以独立管理我们的工作。现场经理总是在任何事情上支持帮助 我们,并给与适当的指导。

——古拉绍 G3 项目电气工程师 Mohd Ashiqur Rahman

“I like CMC,as I know CMC is working on Bangladesh,more than 20 Years. It's a great opportunity to us work with a Chinese multinational company. Here, we can work independently for manage our works. Site manager always support, help us on any kinds of matter and give us proper guide line.” ——Mohd Ashiqur Rahman, an electrical engineer of the Re-Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit

马来西亚曼绒燃煤电站项目部是一支年轻的队伍,平均年龄 35 岁,荣获“全国青年文明号”称号 The team of 1*1000MW Manjung Coal-Fired Power Plant Project, Malaysia is a young team with an average age of 35. They have been honored “National Outstanding Youth Group in Civilization Construction”. 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 惠民生 共创和谐繁荣 56 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Co-create Harmony and Prosperity to Improve People’s Livelihood 57

当地优秀员工 强化技术转移 Outstanding local employees Promote Technological Transfer

我们开展专项的培训项目,有意识地培养当地专业技术、管理人才,深化对当地的技术转移。 ,印尼中爪哇燃煤电站项目现场副经理。鲁柏斯从现场团队建立伊始便 鲁柏斯 2019 年,古拉绍 G3 项目部组织业主到中国天津和欧洲瑞士进行电厂运行培训,培训时间 加入了项目部,当时的他并没有足够的电站项目管理经验,很多方面的技术能 分别为 126 天和 86 天,提升业主对设备运行与维护管理能力。 力也有所欠缺。但得益于项目部提供的成长平台,鲁柏斯在工作实战中不断提 高与进步,慢慢从一名设备协调员成长为现场副经理。 此外,古拉绍 G3 项目还对业主方运行人员进行现场培训,累计 50 人参加培训,使其对电 Aparn Lubis is an on-site deputy project manager of the Indonesia Central Java 站设备运行与维护工作有更深刻的了解,促进电站运行与维护方面的技术向孟方转移。 2*1000MW Coal-Fired Power Plant Project. He has become a team member as early We organize special training programs to develop the professional skills of local employees and as the establishment of the project team. In the beginning, he did not have enough cultivate management personnel, thus deepening the transfer of local technologies. In 2019, the Re- experience in power plant project management and lacked many technical skills. Thanks Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit organized the project owners to receive training on power to the growth platform provided by the project team, Aparn Lubis became increasingly plant operations in Tianjin, China, and Switzerland for 126 and 86 days respectively to improve their competent at his job through practice and gradually developed from an equipment equipment operation and maintenance capabilities. coordinator to an on-side deputy project manager. In addition, the Re-Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit has provided on-site training for the operation staff from the project owners and by now there has been total 50 trainees, which enabled them to have a deeper understanding of the operation and maintenance of equipment, and promoted the transfer of power plant operation and maintenance technologies to Bangladesh. 穆谷达 ,孟加拉达卡大学英文文学硕士,2006-2007 年在中国华中师范大学学 习中文。2008 年,穆谷达凭借优秀的英语、汉语和孟语能力,加入到孟电项目, 在电厂担任中方与孟方业主、技术员、当地员工的联络者。如今,穆谷达在燃 煤电站已工作十余年,通过公司提供的成长平台,穆谷达已经储备了丰富的电 站管理方面的专业知识,成为了项目团队的中坚力量。 Muguda, Master of Arts in English from Dhaka University, Bangladesh, studied Chinese at Central China Normal University from 2006 to 2007. In 2008, Muguda joined the Barapukuria 2*125MW Coal Fired Power Plant Project with her excellent English, Chinese and Bengali capabilities and served as a liaison between Chinese and Bangladeshi project owners, technicians and local employees. By now, Muguda has worked for the coal-fired power plant for more than ten years. Relying on the development platform provided by the Company, Muguda has accumulated a wealth of expertise in power plant management and become a backbone member of the project team.

米疆,现年 52 岁,在中机公司工作 24 年,现任中机公司南亚区域经营中心高 级经理。自 1995 年 11 月加入中机公司以来,在中机公司领导们的鼓励、信任 和培养下,米疆快速成长,职级逐步提升,已获得中机公司授权独立处理在孟 加拉的物流业务。 52-year-old Mijung has worked for CMC for 24 years, and he is now the senior manager of the operation center of CMC South Asia branch. Since joining CMC in November 1995, Mijung has been encouraged, trusted and guided by leaders of the Company and developed rapidly and been promoted for many times. He has been authorized by CMC to independently handle the Company’s logistics business in Bangladesh.

孟煤包产项目—指导当地员工 The project of Management, Production, Maintenance, and Provisioning services for Barapukuria Coal Mine-guiding local employees 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 惠民生 共创和谐繁荣 58 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Co-create Harmony and Prosperity to Improve People’s Livelihood 59

推动文化相融 Promote Cultural Integration

尊重当地习俗 Respect Local Customs

We pay attention to the communication and interaction between 我们注重双方员工的沟通互动,培养相互之间的尊重意识, Chinese and Bangladeshi employees and actively cultivate 中方员工主动学习当地语言、文化、习俗、传统,充分尊 mutual respect. Our Chinese employees take the initiative to 重当地习俗,通过多种方式,促进多元文化交流。 learn the local language, culture, customs, and traditions, fully respect local customs, and promote multicultural exchanges 在孟加拉:孟加拉的国教是伊斯兰教,信奉人口约占全国 through various means. 总人口的 88%。中机公司充分尊重穆斯林员工的宗教习俗 In Bangladesh: The state religion of Bangladesh is Islam, and 和当地孩子们在一起 Spend time with local children 和文化差异。项目在工作上对作息时间进行了相应调整, 88% of the population believes in Islam. CMC fully respects the 为当地员工保留自己的朝拜时间。孟工每个合同年均享有 religious practices and cultural differences of Muslim employees. 开斋节、古尔邦节各 3 天的带薪休假假期,另外的国家法 According to local customs, we adjust the schedule of our projects and give local employees enough time to worship. Each 定假日均享受带薪休假。 contracted Bangladeshi employee enjoys three days of paid 案例:孟煤包产项目社区沟通和管理机制 在马来西亚:马来西亚曼绒燃煤电站项目为满足穆斯林员 vacation leave for Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha respectively, and Case: Community communication and management mechanism of the project of Management, Production, Maintenance, and paid leave for other national statutory holidays. Provisioning services for Barapukuria Coal Mine 工的日常祷告需求,项目部特意在工人休息区和办公区搭 建了祷告室。 In Malaysia: To meet Muslim employees’ need for daily prayer, 孟煤包产项目部定期参加当地社区居 the 1*1000MW Manjung Coal-Fired Power Plant Project specially set up a prayer room in the employee rest area and office area. 民、社会组织的各类公益活动,例如 当地重大节日庆典、商店开工奠基等 活动,主动参加当地居民婚庆丧葬仪 式;在孟方重大节日期间组织歌舞演 加强社区沟通 出免费向当地职工、居民开放。每年 Enhance Communication with the Local Community 至少参加当地居民的婚礼、丧葬、各 类庆典不低于 5 次。 We regularly participate in public welfare During the construction of projects, CMC attaches importance activities of the local community or social 中机公司项目开展中,重视与当地社区的沟通,通过聘请 to communication with the local community. By hiring locals organizations, such as celebrations of 当地人担任社区经理,定期与周边居民代表进行沟通,了 as community managers, we regularly communicate with major festivals, opening ceremonies 解当地民意,积极听取意见并改进,保持与当地民众的良 representatives of residents from surrounding neighborhoods of shops and starting ceremonies 好关系。遇到纠纷问题积极协调,妥善解决矛盾,不断健 to listen to local public opinions and make corresponding of projects, and took the initiative improvements, thus maintaining good relations with local to participate in wedding or funeral 走访当地居民 全社区沟通管理机制。 Visiting local residents residents. We also take initiative to tackle disputes, properly ceremonies of local residents. During resolve conflicts, and continuously improve the community significant festivals in Bangladesh, we organize singing and dancing performances for free among local employees and residents. Each communication management mechanism. year, we participate in the least five wedding and funeral ceremonies or celebrations in the local area. 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 惠民生 共创和谐繁荣 60 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Co-create Harmony and Prosperity to Improve People’s Livelihood 61

开展文化活动 Organize Cultural Activities

中机公司将“快乐工作、精彩生活”的核心理念向当地员工延伸,在中国和当地传统节日期间,开展多彩文娱活动,有力 提升了员工归属感、幸福感。

The Company has spread the core concept of “happy work, wonderful life” among local employees and carried out diversified cultural 帕亚拉燃煤电站项目部举办春节联欢会 activities during traditional Chinese and Bangladeshi festivals, which greatly enhanced employees’ sense of belonging and happiness. The first Spring Festival celebration at the Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power Plant Project

帕亚拉燃煤电站项目部举办中秋联欢会 希拉甘杰燃气电站项目部赞助当地分包商开展足球赛 The Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power Plant Project team The football match of local sub-contractors sponsored by and local employees celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival the Sirajganj Gas Turbine Power Plant Project

古拉绍 G3 项目部开展中秋 colour running 活动 The color running activity of the Re-Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit team during the Mid-Autumn Festival

印尼 OKI 项目部与当地雇员们一起包饺子 马来西亚曼绒燃煤电站项目部与当地雇员举行足球比赛 古拉绍 G3 项目部与当地雇员举行拔河比赛 The Indonesia Sinarmas OKI 4*125MW Steam Turbine Generator EPS Project team and The 1*1000MW Manjung Coal-Fired Power Plant Project team The Re-Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit team and local local employees make dumplings and local employees hold a football match employees hold tug-of-war competition 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 惠民生 共创和谐繁荣 62 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Co-create Harmony and Prosperity to Improve People’s Livelihood 63


——帕亚拉燃煤电站项目当地工人 增进民生福祉 “The living standard of my family has improved a lot since I joined the Enhance the Wellbeing of Locals Company. I feel very happy now.” —— A local worker from the Barapukuria 2*125MW Coal Fired Power Plant Project 中机公司海外投资、建设和运营的项目不仅改善了当地基础设施,还带动了当地就业和经济发展。公司利用企业优势,积 斯里兰卡南部铁路注重员工属地化, 极参加当地公益活动、捐资捐物、抢险救灾、促进当地教育发展,增进当地民生福祉。巴拉普库利亚煤矿连续多年成孟加 为当地创造大量就业岗位。2016 年聘 拉纳税前十名企业之一。 用当地员工 1907 人,占比达 84%, 在中机公司工作以后,我的收入可以帮助到丈夫,并且支持孩 Overseas projects invested, constructed and operated by CMC have not only improved the local infrastructure but also driven local 2017 年聘用当地员工 1610 人,占比 子们的教育费用,我很高兴可以做这份工作。 employment and economic development. Relying on our business advantages, we actively participated in local public welfare activities, 81.5%。 made cash and in-kind donations, promoted local education development, and enhanced local people’s well-being. The Barapukuria The Matara Kataragama Railway ——孟加拉古拉绍 G3 项目清洁工 Hamida Coal Mine has been one of the top 10 taxpayers in Bangladesh for consecutive years. “My name is Hamida. I work for CMC. After I got a job here, I can help Extension Project (Phase 1) in Sri Lanka my husband and can help with the cost of my children’s education. So emphasizes the employment of local I am very happy with the job.” employees and has created a large —— Hamida, a cleaner of the Re-Powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit number of jobs for the local area. In 2016, the project hired 1,907 local employees, accounting for 84% of the total. In 2017, 带动当地就业 1,610 local employees were hired, Increase Local Employment accounting for 81.5% of the total.

Since 1994, CMC has officially engaged in the development of 中机公司自 1994 年正式介入巴拉普库利亚煤矿的开发,从 the Barapukuria Coal Mine. From the initial geological survey 最初的地质勘探到基建以及如今的包产生产,累计为当地 to the infrastructure construction and the current fixed output 提供 6000 余个就业机会,产生衍生配套行业岗位近 20000 project, we have directly employed about 6,000 local workers 个,带动了数万孟加拉人走进富裕生活圈。 and created nearly 20,000 jobs for related sectors, enabling tens of thousands of Bangladeshi people to realize better off living. 中机公司出口孟加拉 3 艘 39000 吨绿色环保散货船、3 艘 The successful delivery and operation of three 39,000-ton eco- 39000 吨成品油化学品船项目的成功交付与运营,解决了 friendly bulk freighters and three 39,000-ton refined oil chemical 当地 400 多名持证海员的就业,并给 1000 多人提供了后 tankers exported to Bangladesh by CMC provided jobs for more 希拉甘杰燃气电站项目 The Sirajganj Gas Turbine Power Plant than 400 certified seafarers and guaranteed future careers of 续就业机会,直接缓解了孟加拉国内航运业的就业难题, Project 1,000 local people, directly alleviating employment problems 满足了孟加拉国供给侧需求。 in Bangladesh’s shipping industry and meeting the supply-side 希拉甘杰燃气电站项目提供了大量的就业机会,先后累计 demand in the country. 10850余个 为孟加拉居民提供 10850 余个工作岗位。 The Sirajganj Gas Turbine Power Plant Project has provided 累计为孟加拉居民提供工作岗位 more than 10,850 jobs to Bangladeshi residents. The project has provided more than 10,850 帕亚拉燃煤电站项目建设高峰时孟加拉当地雇工达到 8000 jobs to Bangladeshi residents During the intense construction period of the Payra 2*660MW 余人,累计雇用当地员工总数 93000 人。项目运行期间, Thermal Power Plant Project, we hired more than 8,000 local 除厂内管理、生产和辅助人员需要定员 240 人外,还将需 employees in Bangladesh, making the total number of locals 帕亚拉燃煤电站项目 要运输、检修、加工、后勤服务等方面的外围服务人员。 hired by the project reach 93,000. After the project is put into The Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power operation, we will need more management, production, and other Plant Project auxiliary personnel as well as peripheral service personnel in transportation, overhaul, processing and logistics services. 93000 人 累计雇用当地员工 The project hired more than 93,000 local employees in Bangladesh 巴拉普库利亚煤矿工人 The miner of the Barapukuria Coal Mine 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 惠民生 共创和谐繁荣 64 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Co-create Harmony and Prosperity to Improve People’s Livelihood 65

改善居住环境 热心公益事业 Improve Living Conditions Devote to Public Welfare

巴拉普库利亚煤矿建设前,该地区电力短缺,只有极少数人和办公机构能用上电,一天也只有几个小时通电,晚上经常漆 中机公司坚持将发展成果与社区共享,热心社会公益事业,积极扶危帮困,开展志愿服务,主动践行对当地社区的关爱和 黑一片。如今,这里家家户户都用上了电,解决了当地电力供应问题。业主方职工现在大多数都拥有了一辆或者多辆摩托车, 责任。2018年,公司向孟加拉总理哈西娜递交了一张1000 万塔卡的支票,用于支持孟加拉当地志愿组织及志愿事业的发展。 房屋建造最开始以竹子、木桩等为主,现在都使用水泥、沙子、砖头等材料,居住环境得到明显改善。 The Company insists on sharing the development results with the local community. We carry out social welfare undertakings, assist those in need actively, and organize volunteer services to repay the local community. In 2018, we submitted a check of 10 million of 帕亚拉燃煤电站项目根据当地政府制定的移民安置计划,在移民安置区配置照明、饮用水、学校、医疗、休闲娱乐等设施, Bangladeshi taka to Bangladeshi Prime Minister Hasina to support the development of local volunteer organizations and volunteers’ 提高当地居民生活质量。电站投运后,每发一度电,中机公司将向孟加拉国社会发展基金投入 0.03 塔卡,每年将会有 2.6 undertakings in Bangladesh. 亿塔卡用于孟加拉当地基础建设,为当地经济和社会发展做出重要贡献。 Before the Barapukuria Coal Mine Development Project, there was a serious shortage of electricity in the local area and only a very 2017 年,斯里兰卡因暴雨引发特大 small number of people and offices were able to get access to enough power for only a few hours during the day, and it was often dark 洪水和山体滑坡。斯里兰卡南部铁路 at night. Nowadays, every household in the area has got access to electricity and the shortage of coal for power generation has been resolved. Most employees working for the project owners have bought one or more motorcycles, and their living environment has been 项目积极援助当地灾民,向斯里兰卡 significantly improved. Most houses here were made of bamboo, timber piles, etc., and now cement, sand, bricks and other materials 洪水受灾群众捐赠煤气灶、煤气罐等 are used to build new houses. 生活用品,折合 32750.68 美元。

According to the resettlement plan of the local government, the Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power Plant Project equip the resettlement In 2017, Sri Lanka was hit by a rainstorm, area with lights, drinking water, schools, medical care centers, recreational facilities, and so on to improve the living quality of local which caused severe flooding and residents. After the power plant is put into operation, for every kWh of power generated, CMC will donate 0.03 Bangladeshi taka to landslides. The Matara Kataragama the Bangladesh Social Development Fund. Each year, 260 million of taka will be used for infrastructure construction in Bangladesh, Railway Extension Project (Phase significantly contributing to local economic and social development. 1) actively assisted local victims and donated gas stoves, gas tanks and other daily necessities equivalent to approximately USD 32,750.68 to affected residents in Sri Lanka.

案例:打造“安全、致富、幸福之路” Case: Building a road to “safe, prosperous, and happy life”

从帕亚拉燃煤电站项目现场所在地 Dhankhali 村至孟加拉“县级”路 Khuriya Kheya Ghat 段是狭窄的土路,两车相向对开时, 必须有一车先找地方避让,对方才能通过。每年雨季,道路更是泥泞不堪,严重影响当地沿路居民的日常生活。 帕亚拉燃煤电站项目移民安置区 巴拉普库利亚煤矿职工交通工具 The resettlement area of the Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power Motorcycles of employees of the Barapukuria Coal Mine 为帮助当地居民解决实际困难,帕亚拉燃煤项目部自筹资金,在现场施工紧张、人员紧张的情况下,调出部分人员与施工机械, Plan Project 采购相关施工材料,义务修理、加固、扩宽沿线21 公里道路,方便当地居民出行。道路的扩建极大缓解了雨季交通不便的状况, 成为当地居民的“安全、致富、幸福之路”。 From the village of Dhankhali, where the Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power Plant Project site is located, to the Khuriya Kheya Ghat 我是子承父业,在煤矿不仅学会了各项技能,还养活了一大家子人,我的 3 个孩子都在上小学。去年我用 section of the “county-level” road in Bangladesh, it is a narrow dirt road. When the two cars face each other, there must be a car to find 积蓄建好了新的砖房。 a corner to avoid, and then the other can pass. During the rainy season each year, the road was even muddier, seriously affecting the daily life of residents along the road.

——2001 年就在巴拉普库利亚煤矿工作的哈依兹 To help local residents solve practical difficulties, the Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power Plant Project team raised funds. In the case of tight construction schedule and fewer personnel for the project, some personnel and construction machinery was transferred to “I follow my father’s occupation to have a job in the coal mine. I not only learned all the skills in the coal mine, but procure related construction materials and repair or and widen the 21-km road, hoping to help local residents enjoy convenient travel. also supported my family. My three children are all in elementary school. Last year I built a new brick house with my savings.” The expansion of the road has greatly eased the inconvenience of traffic during the rainy season and has become a road to "safe, prosperous, and happy life" for local residents. ——Haez, the worker of the Barapukuria Coal Mine since 2001 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 惠民生 共创和谐繁荣 66 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Co-create Harmony and Prosperity to Improve People’s Livelihood 67

支持当地教育 Support Local Education

中机公司把支持教育作为履行社会责任领域的重要内容之一,帮助青少年获得公平教育机会。我们推进传统的教育支持项 In在圭亚那 Guyana 目,包括捐助学习用品和助学金,资助家庭经济困难学生。未来,中机公司将在“一带一路”沿线国家成立“中机小学”, 扩大人文交流,加强人才培养,共同开创教育美好明天。 2013-2016 年间,中机公司担任圭亚那中资企业协会首任会长, CMC regards providing support for education as a pivotal part of fulfilling social responsibility and help young people to obtain equal 积极组织协会开展社区公益实践,累计为优秀学生颁发奖学 opportunities for learning. We continue to promote traditional education support programs, such as donating school supplies, providing 金 3 万元人民币,为项目所在地学校捐赠 5 千元人民币学习 student grants and supporting families with financial difficulties. In the future, CMC will set up CMC Primary Schools in the countries along the Belt and Road to expand cultrual exchanges and strengthen personnel training, jointly creating a better future for education. 用品。 From 2013 to 2016, CMC served as the first president of the Guyana Chinese Enterprises Association and actively organized public welfare practices in the local community. The association provided outstanding local students with a total of RMB 30,000 在孟加拉 In Bangladesh yuan of scholarships and donated RMB 5,000 yuan of school 圭亚那斯凯尔顿糖厂项目部在当地学校开展爱心捐赠活动 supplies to the local schools. The Skeldon Sugar Plant Project made a charity donation to a local school 随着巴拉普库利亚煤矿的开发,煤矿小学也应运而生。业 主将小学建在矿区内,为学校配备了计算机,并提供优惠 在斯里兰卡 政策给矿区职工子弟。随着该矿的运营,孟加拉达卡大学 In Sri Lanka

已经开设煤矿相关专业课程,学生每年到煤矿进行实习。 The Matara Kataragama Railway Extension Project (Phase 1) 斯里兰卡南部铁路项目向当地幼儿园、小学、中学捐赠桌椅、 此外,公司也高度重视当地教育、组织员工到当地学校支 donated desks and chairs to Sri Lankan kindergartens, primary 更新旧的教学设备,还帮助一所中学修建多媒体教室。项目现 schools and middle schools, updated old teaching facilities, built 教、向当地学校捐赠物品,帕亚拉燃煤电站项目还捐赠 场成为斯里兰卡学校和专业机构的学习、观摩的热门地点,为 multimedia classrooms for local middle school. The project site 2500 万塔卡,为当地 Chithalia 高中建设教学楼。 斯里兰卡储备铁路技术人才。 has become a popular place for learning and visit by Sri Lankan With the development of the Barapukuria Coal Mine, a primary 教学楼效果图 schools and professional institutions. All these efforts help Sri Rendering of teaching building school has been built in the coal mine. The school is equipped Lanka build a reserve of railway technical talents. with computers and has favorable terms for children of coal mine employees. As the Barapukuria Coal Mine is put into operation, the University of Dhaka has opened a professional course on coal mining and begun to send students to take internships in the coal mine every year. In addition, the Company attaches great importance to local education. We have organized employees to teach at local schools and donated school supplies to these schools. The Payra 2*660MW Thermal Power Plant also gave 25 million Bangladeshi takas to build a teaching building for the local Chithalia High School.

In在俄罗斯 Russia

俄罗斯宾萨水泥厂项目部向宾萨州教育部下属国立中等职 业教育机构——尼格尔斯克技术学院捐赠了 15 台联想电脑 一体机。 The Penza Cement Plant Project team in Russia donated 15 Lenovo computers to a state-running secondary school in Penza.

俄罗斯宾萨水泥厂项目向当地中学捐赠电脑 斯里兰卡南部铁路项目向铁路沿线小学和中学捐赠教学桌椅 The Penza Cement Plant Project in Russia donated computers to The Matara Kataragama Railway Extension Project (Phase 1) donated desks and chairs to Sri Lankan primary and secondary schools a local school along the railway line 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 意见反馈表 68 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative Feedback Sheet 69

报告指标索引 意见反馈表 Index 尊敬的读者: 您好!为不断提高和改进中机公司履行社会责任工作、提升报告质量,我们真诚地希望听 取您的意见和建议,感谢您在百忙之中针对以下问题提出宝贵的意见: 报告目录 (《中国企业社会责任报告编制指南》CASS-CSR4.0) 《可持续发展报告指南》(GRI Standards)

关于本报告 P1.1/P1.2/P1.3 102-46/ 102-50 About This Report 1. 对于中机公司,您的身份是:

董事长致辞 P4.1 102-14 Message from the Chairman □ 客户 □ 政府部门 □ 员工 □ 供应商(广义,包括承包商等) □ 环保组织 /NGO 组织 □ 福利团体 □ 媒体 □ 公众 □ 其他 关于我们 P4.2/P4.3/P4.4/M1.1 102-1/102-2/102-3/102-4/102-6/102-7/102-16 About us 2. 您对中机公司服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告的总体评价是: 我们在“一带一路” Our Footprints Along the Belt and Road M3.6/M1.6/M1.7/M1.8/S1.3 102-2/102-4/102-6 □ 很好 □ 较好 □ 一般 □ 较差 □ 很差

G1.1/G1.2/G3.1/G3.2/G3.3/P4.2/G2.2/G2.3/ 102-21/102-15/102-29/102-31/102-32/102- 社会责任管理 Social Responsibility Management G2.4/G5.1/G6.1 33/102-40/102-43 3. 您认为本报告:

很好 较好 一般 较差 很差 可持续,创造长期价值 102-9/102-12/201-1/203-1/203-2/413-1/416- Create Long-Term Benefits by S4.1/S4.2/S4.3/S4.4/S4.6/S4.8/S4.10/S4.13 1/204-1 报告披露的信息质量 Sustainable Development 报告框架结构 M2.1/M2.2/M2.3/M2.4/M2.18/M3.1/M3.8/ M3.10/M3.11/M3.12/M3.14/M3.15/S3.1/S3.2/ 报告版式设计和表现形式 高标准,打造品质工程 S3.3/S3.4/S3.6/S3.7/E1.1/E1.2/E1.3/E1.5/ 102-9/414-1/102-13/301-3/302-1/302-4/302- Build Quality Projects with High 报告可读性 E1.6 E1.7/E1.8/E1.9/E2.1/E2.2/E2.3/E2.4/ 5/303-3/305-5/308-1 Standards E2.6/E2.8/E2.9/E2.11/E2.12/E2.16/E2.21/ E2.23/E2.24/E3.1/E3.6 4. 哪些议题最吸引您的关注?

S4.1/S4.2/S4.3/S4.4/S4.6/S4.8/S4.10/S4.13/ 102-8/102-12/102-35/102-41/201-1/203- 惠民生,共创和谐繁荣 S2.1/S2.2/S2.3/S2.4/S2.5/S2.6/S2.7/S2.8/ Co-create Harmony and Prosperity to 1/203-2/401-2/404-2/401-3/405/406-1/413- S2.10/S2.12/S2.14/S2.15/S2.16/S2.17/S2.18/ Improve People’s Livelihood 1/416-1 S2.20 5. 您对我们的社会责任工作及本报告,还有哪些意见或建议?

报告指标索引 Inde A5 102-55 x

意见反馈表 Feedback Sheet A6 我们的联系方式: 中国机械进出口(集团)有限公司 电话:010-68991592 Email:[email protected] 地址:北京市阜成门外大街 1 号西楼 邮编:100037

凡参加意见反馈的读者,请您留下联系方式,在意见反馈成功后,我们将向您赠送一份公司小礼品。 服务“一带一路”可持续发展报告 70 Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative

Feedback Sheet

Dear readers, For continuous improvement of CMC’s social responsibility performance and reporting, we look forward to your opinions and suggestions. Thank you for taking the time to answer the following questions out of your busy schedule.

1. What is your identity to CMC:

Customer Government department Employee Supplier (including contractor) □ □ □ □ Environmental protection organization / NGO Welfare group □ □ Media The public Others □ □ □

2. What is your overall rating of this report?

Poor Very poor □ Excellent □ Good □ Average □ □ 3. What is your rating of this report in the following terms:

Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor

Quality of information disclosure

Structure of the report

Design and layout of the report

Readability of the report

4. What topic(s) are of the greatest concern to you?

5. What opinions or suggestions do you have for our social responsibility work or this report?

Contact information: China National Machinery Import & Export Corporation Tel: 010-68991592 Email: [email protected] Address: No.1(W) Fuchengmenwai Avenue, Beijing, China Zip code: 100037

For those readers who participate in feedback, please leave your contact information. After successful feedback, we will give you a gift. The report is printed on environmental friendly paper


China服务 National“一带一路 Machinery Import”可持续发展报告 and Export Corporation Sustainability Report on Serving the Belt and Road Initiative


北京市阜成门外大街 1 号西楼 邮编:100037 No.1(W) Fuchengmenwai Avenue, Beijing 100037, China 电话 Tel:0086-10-68991188 传真 Fax:0086-10-68991000 网站 Website:www.cmc.com.cn 中机公司 中机公司社会责任 扫一扫 观看中机公司 电子信箱 E-mail:[email protected] 微信公众号 微信公众号 历年社会责任报告 Scan the QR code to read previous CSR reports of CMC