Simultaneous Planck, Swift, and Fermi Observations of X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Selected Blazars

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Simultaneous Planck, Swift, and Fermi Observations of X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Selected Blazars Haverford College Haverford Scholarship Faculty Publications Astronomy 2012 Simultaneous Planck, Swift, and Fermi observations of X-ray and gamma-ray selected blazars P. Giommi G. Polenta A. Lahteenmaki Bruce Partridge Haverford College, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Repository Citation Simultaneous Planck, Swift, and Fermi observations of X-ray and γ-ray selected blazars Giommi, P.; Polenta, G.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Thompson, D. J.; Capalbi, M.; Cutini, S.; Gasparrini, D.; González-Nuevo, J.; León-Tavares, J.; López-Caniego, M.; Mazziotta, M. N.; Monte, C.; Perri, M.; Rainò, S.; Tosti, G.; Tramacere, A.; Verrecchia, F.; Aller, H. D.; Aller, M. F.; Angelakis, E.; Bastieri, D.; Berdyugin, A.; Bonaldi, A.; Bonavera, L.; Burigana, C.; Burrows, D. N.; Buson, S.; Cavazzuti, E.; Chincarini, G.; Colafrancesco, S.; Costamante, L.; Cuttaia, F.; D'Ammando, F.; de Zotti, G.; Frailis, M.; Fuhrmann, L.; Galeotta, S.; Gargano, F.; Gehrels, N.; Giglietto, N.; Giordano, F.; Giroletti, M.; Keihänen, E.; King, O.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Lasenby, A.; Lavonen, N.; Lawrence, C. R.; Leto, C.; Lindfors, E.; Mandolesi, N.; Massardi, M.; Max-Moerbeck, W.; Michelson, P. F.; Mingaliev, M.; Natoli, P.; Nestoras, I.; Nieppola, E.; Nilsson, K.; Partridge, B.; Pavlidou, V.; Pearson, T. J.; Procopio, P.; Rachen, J. P.; Readhead, A.; Reeves, R.; Reimer, A.; Reinthal, R.; Ricciardi, S.; Richards, J.; Riquelme, D.; Saarinen, J.; Sajina, A.; Sandri, M.; Savolainen, P.; Sievers, A.; Sillanpää, A.; Sotnikova, Y.; Stevenson, M.; Tagliaferri, G.; Takalo, L.; Tammi, J.; Tavagnacco, D.; Terenzi, L.; Toffolatti, L.; Tornikoski, M.; Trigilio, C.; Turunen, M.; Umana, G.; Ungerechts, H.; Villa, F.; Wu, J.; Zacchei, A.; Zensus, J. A.; Zhou, X. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 541, id.A160, 59 pp. This Journal Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Astronomy at Haverford Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of Haverford Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Haverford College Haverford Scholarship Faculty Publications Astronomy 2012 Simultaneous Planck, Swift, and Fermi observations of X-ray and gamma-ray selected blazars P. Giommi G. Polenta A. Lahteenmaki R. Bruce Partridge Haverford College Follow this and additional works at: Repository Citation Simultaneous Planck, Swift, and Fermi observations of X-ray and γ-ray selected blazars Giommi, P.; Polenta, G.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Thompson, D. J.; Capalbi, M.; Cutini, S.; Gasparrini, D.; González-Nuevo, J.; León-Tavares, J.; López-Caniego, M.; Mazziotta, M. N.; Monte, C.; Perri, M.; Rainò, S.; Tosti, G.; Tramacere, A.; Verrecchia, F.; Aller, H. D.; Aller, M. F.; Angelakis, E.; Bastieri, D.; Berdyugin, A.; Bonaldi, A.; Bonavera, L.; Burigana, C.; Burrows, D. N.; Buson, S.; Cavazzuti, E.; Chincarini, G.; Colafrancesco, S.; Costamante, L.; Cuttaia, F.; D'Ammando, F.; de Zotti, G.; Frailis, M.; Fuhrmann, L.; Galeotta, S.; Gargano, F.; Gehrels, N.; Giglietto, N.; Giordano, F.; Giroletti, M.; Keihänen, E.; King, O.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Lasenby, A.; Lavonen, N.; Lawrence, C. R.; Leto, C.; Lindfors, E.; Mandolesi, N.; Massardi, M.; Max-Moerbeck, W.; Michelson, P. F.; Mingaliev, M.; Natoli, P.; Nestoras, I.; Nieppola, E.; Nilsson, K.; Partridge, B.; Pavlidou, V.; Pearson, T. J.; Procopio, P.; Rachen, J. P.; Readhead, A.; Reeves, R.; Reimer, A.; Reinthal, R.; Ricciardi, S.; Richards, J.; Riquelme, D.; Saarinen, J.; Sajina, A.; Sandri, M.; Savolainen, P.; Sievers, A.; Sillanpää, A.; Sotnikova, Y.; Stevenson, M.; Tagliaferri, G.; Takalo, L.; Tammi, J.; Tavagnacco, D.; Terenzi, L.; Toffolatti, L.; Tornikoski, M.; Trigilio, C.; Turunen, M.; Umana, G.; Ungerechts, H.; Villa, F.; Wu, J.; Zacchei, A.; Zensus, J. A.; Zhou, X. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 541, id.A160, 59 pp. This Journal Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Astronomy at Haverford Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of Haverford Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A&A 541, A160 (2012) Astronomy DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201117825 & c ESO 2012 Astrophysics Simultaneous Planck, Swift,andFermi observations of X-ray and γ-ray selected blazars P. Giommi2,3,G.Polenta2,23, A. Lähteenmäki1,19, D. J. Thompson5, M. Capalbi2, S. Cutini2, D. Gasparrini2, J. González-Nuevo43,J.León-Tavares1,M.López-Caniego32, M. N. Mazziotta33,C.Monte14,33, M. Perri2, S. Rainò14,33,G.Tosti35,15, A. Tramacere28, F. Verrecchia2,H.D.Aller4,M.F.Aller4, E. Angelakis41, D. Bastieri13,34, A. Berdyugin45, A. Bonaldi37, L. Bonavera43,7, C. Burigana26,D.N.Burrows10, S. Buson34, E. Cavazzuti2, G. Chincarini46, S. Colafrancesco23, L. Costamante47, F. Cuttaia26,F.D’Ammando27, G. de Zotti22,43, M. Frailis24, L. Fuhrmann41, S. Galeotta24, F. Gargano33, N. Gehrels5, N. Giglietto14,33,F.Giordano14, M. Giroletti25, E. Keihänen12,O.King42, T. P. Krichbaum41,A.Lasenby6,38, N. Lavonen1,C.R.Lawrence36,C.Leto2, E. Lindfors45, N. Mandolesi26, M. Massardi22, W. Max-Moerbeck42,P.F.Michelson47, M. Mingaliev44,P.Natoli16,2,26, I. Nestoras41, E. Nieppola1,17,K.Nilsson17, B. Partridge18,V.Pavlidou42, T. J. Pearson8,29,P.Procopio26, J. P. Rachen40, A. Readhead42,R.Reeves42,A.Reimer31,47,R.Reinthal45, S. Ricciardi26, J. Richards42, D. Riquelme30, J. Saarinen45, A. Sajina11, M. Sandri26,P.Savolainen1, A. Sievers30, A. Sillanpää45,Y.Sotnikova44, M. Stevenson42, G. Tagliaferri21, L. Takalo45, J. Tammi1, D. Tavagnacco24, L. Terenzi26,L.Toffolatti9, M. Tornikoski1, C. Trigilio20, M. Turunen1, G. Umana20, H. Ungerechts30, F. Villa26,J.Wu39, A. Zacchei24,J.A.Zensus41, and X. Zhou39 (Affiliations can be found after the references) Received 4 August 2011 / Accepted 31 January 2012 ABSTRACT We present simultaneous Planck, Swift, Fermi, and ground-based data for 105 blazars belonging to three samples with flux limits in the soft X-ray, hard X-ray, and γ-ray bands, with additional 5 GHz flux-density limits to ensure a good probability of a Planck detection. We compare our results to those of a companion paper presenting simultaneous Planck and multi-frequency observations of 104 radio-loud northern active galactic nuclei selected at radio frequencies. While we confirm several previous results, our unique data set allows us to demonstrate that the selection method strongly influences the results, producing biases that cannot be ignored. Almost all the BL Lac objects have been detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT), whereas 30% to 40% of the flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) in the radio, soft X-ray, and hard X-ray selected samples are still below the γ-ray detection limit even after integrating 27 months of Fermi-LAT data. The radio to sub-millimetre spectral slope of blazars is quite flat, with α∼0 up to about 70 GHz, above which it steepens to α∼−0.65. The BL Lacs have significantly flatter spectra than FSRQs at S higher frequencies. The distribution of the rest-frame synchrotron peak frequency (νpeak) in the spectral energy distribution (SED) of FSRQs is the S = 13.1±0.1 IC 21 22 same in all the blazar samples with νpeak 10 Hz, while the mean inverse Compton peak frequency, νpeak , ranges from 10 to 10 Hz. S IC The distributions of νpeak and νpeak of BL Lacs are much broader and are shifted to higher energies than those of FSRQs; their shapes strongly depend on the selection method. The Compton dominance of blazars, defined as the ratio of the inverse Compton to synchrotron peak luminosities, ranges from less than 0.2 to nearly 100, with only FSRQs reaching values larger than about 3. Its distribution is broad and depends strongly on the selection method, with γ-ray selected blazars peaking at ∼7 or more, and radio-selected blazars at values close to 1, thus implying that the common assumption that the blazar power budget is largely dominated by high-energy emission is a selection effect. A comparison of our multi-frequency data with theoretical predictions shows that simple homogeneous SSC models cannot explain the simultaneous SEDs of most of the γ-ray detected blazars in all samples. The SED of the blazars that were not detected by Fermi-LAT may instead be consistent with SSC emission. Our data S challenge the correlation between bolometric luminosity and νpeak predicted by the blazar sequence. Key words. relativistic processes – BL Lacertae objects: general – quasars: general – galaxies: active 1. Introduction reflection mechanisms ultimately powered by accretion onto a supermassive black hole (e.g., Abdo et al. 2010a). Despite that, Blazars are jet-dominated extragalactic objects characterized by the strong emission of blazars at all wavelengths makes them the emission of strongly variable and polarized non-thermal the dominant type of extragalactic sources in the radio, mi- radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from ra- crowave, γ-ray, and TeV bands where accretion and other ther- dio waves to γ-rays (e.g., Urry & Padovani 1995). As the ex- mal emission processes do not produce significant amounts of treme properties of these sources are due to the relativistic am- radiation (Toffolatti et al. 1998; Giommi & Colafrancesco 2004; plification of radiation emitted along a jet pointing very close Hartman et al. 1999; Abdo et al. 2010a; Costamante & Ghisellini to the line of sight (e.g., Blandford & Rees 1978; Urry & 2002; Colafrancesco & Giommi 2006; Weekes 2008). For these Padovani 1995), they are rare compared to both objects point- reasons, blazars are hard to distinguish from other sources at ing their jets at random angles and radio quiet quasi stellar ob- optical and X-ray frequencies, while they dominate the mi- jects (QSOs) where the emitted radiation is due to thermal or crowave and γ-ray sky at high Galactic latitudes. The advent Article published by EDP Sciences A160, page 1 of 59 A&A 541, A160 (2012) of the Fermi (Atwood et al. 2009)andPlanck1 (Tauber et al.
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