Erschienen in: Vertebrate Zoology ; 65 (2015), 1. - S. 37-44

65 (1): 37 – 44

© Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, 2015. 4.5.2015

Multigene phylogeny of cyprinodontiform suggests continental radiations and a rogue taxon position of Pantanodon

Moritz Pohl 1, Finn C. Milvertz 2, Axel Meyer 3 & Miguel Vences 1, *

1 Zoological Institute, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Mendelssohnstr. 4, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany. —2 Litorinaparken 27, 2680 Solrød Strand, Denmark — 3 Lehrstuhl für Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie, Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, 78457 Kon- stanz, Germany — * Corresponding author; m.vences(at)

Accepted 19.ii.2015. Published online at / vertebrate-zoology on 4.v.2015.

Abstract We studied phylogenetic relationships among major clades in the tooth carps () based on a concatenated DNA se- quence alignment of two mitochondrial and three nuclear gene segments, totalling 2553 bp, in 66 ingroup terminals. The inferred tree sup- ports monophyly of the major tooth carp subgroups, aplocheiloids and cyprinodontoids, and of several aplocheiloid subclades correspond- ing to the well-established families (, , ), each of which is restricted to major continental settings (India-Madagascar, Africa, South America). Contrary to previous molecular studies, our tree supports a sister-group relationship of the aplocheilids and nothobranchiids, rather than a nothobranchiid-rivulid clade. Within cyprinodontoids, the phylogeny matched more closely continent-scale distribution than current classification, suggesting that the delimitation of the families Cyprinodontidae, , and Valenciidae is in need of revision. The East African Pantanodon stuhlmanni did not show close relationships with any other taxon in our analysis, suggesting that the phylogenetic position and classification of this rogue taxon is in need of further study. Key words Tooth carps; Cyprinodontiformes; Pantanodon; phylogeny; phylogeography; Madagascar.


Tooth carps, order Cyprinodontiformes, comprise kil- model in evolutionary, developmental, toxico- lifishes, live bearers, as well as several allied forms. logical, and ageing research such as the guppy, sword- According to current classifications (Costa, 2012; Huber, tail, mummichog, and turquoise killifish (e.g., Atz, 2006; Froese & Pauly, 2014) this group contains over 1986; Reznick et al., 2008; Jones et al., 2013; Schartl, 1100 species in ca. 125 genera and ten families, allocated 2014). Numerous molecular studies have addressed the to two suborders, and Cyprinodontoidei phylogeny­ of particular subclades of cyprinodontiforms (Parenti, 1981). Cyprinodontiforms occur mainly in (e.g., Murphy & Collier, 1997; Murphy et al., 1998, tropical regions of Africa, South America, Madagascar 1999; Hrbek & Meyer, 2003; Doadrio & Dominguez, and South Asia, as well as some temperate waters in 2004; Webb et al., 2004; Hrbek et al., 2005, 2007; North America and Eurasia, and are part of the acanto- Agnèse et al., 2006; Collier et al., 2009; Jones et al., morph radiation (Near et al., 2013). They comprise many 2013; Sedláček et al., 2014). However, the interre- prominent aquarium fishes and established or emerging lationships among deep cyprinodontiform clades are

ISSN 1864-5755 Konstanzer Online-Publikations-System (KOPS) 37 URL: Pohl, M. et al.: Multigene phylogeny of cyprinodontiform fishes and taxon position ofPantanodon largely unassessed from a molecular perspective, and Materials and Methods the current higher-level classification of tooth carps is predominantly based on a limited number of emi- nent in-depth morphological studies (Parenti, 1981; If not indicated as wild caught by precise collecting lo- Costa, 1998, 2011; Hertwig, 2008). As an exception, cations (Table 1), samples were from aquarium strains. Setiamarga et al. (2008), based on complete mitochon- Voucher specimens of the majority of specimens were drial genome sequences, placed cyprinodontiforms in preserved, labeled with provisional numbers (ZCMV – the Atherinomorpha clade, along with medakas, flying Miguel Vences Zoological Collection) and will be de- fishes, and silversides, and found evidence for mono- posited in the Zoologische Staatssammlung München, phyly of cyprinodontiforms and of the two suborders, Germany. Tissue samples were preserved in pure ethanol. aplocheiloids and cyprinodontoids. DNA was sampled from fin clips of the preserved vouch- Understanding cyprinodontiform phylogeny has the ers, or from eggs. Total genomic DNA was extracted from potential to inform studies on the evolution of annual- tissue or swab samples using Proteinase K (10mg/ml) ism and live bearing, and on the biogeographic origins di­gestion followed by a standard salt-extraction protocol of these fishes. Traditionally the origins of tooth carps, (Bru­ford et al., 1992). especially those in the Aplocheiloidei, are interpreted as Two markers of the mitochondrial and three markers being a consequence of ancient vicariance (e.g., Murphy of the nuclear genome were targeted: Segments of the & Collier, 1997; Sparks & Smith, 2005; Samonds et al., mitochondrial­ genes cytochrome oxidase sub­­unit I 2012; Costa, 2013), in particular because their clado- (COX1) and 16S rRNA were amplified, respectively, genesis largely reflects the breakup of the Gondwana with the primers COI-Chmf4 (TYTCWACWAAYCAYA supercontinent in deep Mesozoic times, with the Indian AAGAYATCGG) and COI-Chmr4 (ACYTCRGGRTG considered being sister to the Malagasy- RCCRAARAATCA) of Che et al. (2012), and 16SAr-L Seychellean , and the South Amercan Ri­ (CGCCTGTTTATCAAAAACAT) and 16SBr-H vulidae­ sister to the African Nothobranchiidae (Murphy (CCGGTCTGAACTCAGATCACGT) of Palumbi et al. & Collier, 1997; Sparks & Smith, 2005). The vicari- (1991). Segments of the nuclear genes for recombination ance hypothesis for aplocheiloid origins however re- activating protein 1 (RAG1), brain super conserved re- quires confirmation as it conflicts with clade ages re- ceptor (SREB2) and glycosyltransferase (GLYT), were covered in several studies (e.g., Crottini et al., 2012; am­plified, respectively, with primers L2891_RAG1ex3 Near et al., 2012, 2013; Broughton et al., 2013) that (AAGGAGTGYTGYGATGGCATGGG) and H3405_ place the origin of the entire cyprinodontiform clade into RAG1ex3 (GCNGAGACTCCTTTGACTCTGTC) of the latest Mesozoic or early Cenozoic, similar to that of Near et al. (2012), and newly developed primers Rag1- cichlids (Vences et al., 2001; Friedman et al., 2013). Pachyp-F1 (TGAAAArGCTGTTCGCTTCT), SREB2- Particularly relevant for this aspect of cyprinodontiform Pachyp-F1 (CAyrCTrACCTGCAAAGTGA), SREB2- biogeography are the endemic tooth carps occurring on Pachyp-R1 (CCCATARTGCCARGAAGAAA), GLYT- Madagascar, the fourth largest island of the world. This Pachyp-F2 (CTGAATGAAsCCGAGCTrrTmATGG), island has been separated from all other landmasses GLYT-Pachyp-R1 (CATGGGATCTGCCAAGAGAC). since the Mesozoic and is characterized by a unique and Polymerase chain reactions were performed in a final highly endemic biota, yet many of its radiations appear volume of 10 μl using 0.3 μM of each primer, 0.25 mM to have originated after its isolation (Yoder & Nowak, of dNTPs, 0.4 U GoTaq and 1.25 × Reaction Buffer (Pro­ 2006; Samonds et al., 2012). Madagascar is inhabited mega). by two native genera of cyprinodontiforms: the PCR products were purified using Exonuclease I and Pachypanchax with currently six Malagasy and one Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP) or Antarctic Phos­ Seychellean species; and the genus Pantanodon, with phatase (AP) according to the manufacturer’s instruc- one described and one undescribed species known from tions (NEB). Purified PCR templates were directly se- Madagascar, and one species occurring in Eastern Africa quenced using dye-labeled dideoxy terminator chemistry (Sparks, 2003; Loiselle, 2006). So far, no molecular data on an ABI 3130 automated DNA sequencer (Applied are available for Pantanodon, and only one Malagasy Biosystems). We checked chromatograms and corrected species of Pachypanchax has been included in molecular errors manually in CodonCode Aligner 3.5.6 (CodonCode phylogenies (Murphy & Collier, 1997; Crottini et al., Corporation). Newly obtained sequences were submitted 2012). to GenBank (accession numbers: KJ844613-KJ844868). As a first step to improve the understanding of high- Sequences of outgroup taxa were taken from Genbank, er-level cyprinodontiform relationships, we newly deter- and largely correspond to those determined by Near et mined a data set of two mitochondrial and three nuclear al. (2012). We used a representative of the Gobiiformes genes for a set of 66 cyprinodontiform terminals. Our (Perccottus) as outgroup and included a series of ather- data set spans seven of the ten currently accepted families iniform, beloniform and perciform species as hierarchical and includes the enigmatic Pantanodon. By highlighting outgroups. various unsolved questions and taxa that merit furter We used MEGA 5 (Tamura et al., 2011) to align pro- phylogenetic study, we anticipate our study inform and tein-coding sequences (COX1, RAG1, GLYT, SREB2) facilitate future systematic revisions of tooth carps. manually and the non-coding 16S using the MUSCLE

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algorithm. The 16S alignment was subsequently pro- the most divergent within Madagascar, so that monophyly cessed with Gblocks 0.91b software (Castresana, 2000) of the entire Malagasy clade vs. the single Seychellean with a less stringent 50% threshold for the definition of re- species is likely. (ii) Within nothobranchiids, representa- liable flanking positions and the remaining parameters at tives of Diapteron and Chromaphyosemion were placed default settings, to exclude ambiguously aligned sections. within Aphyosemion; if confirmed by future studies, then The AICc criterion implemented in PartitionFinder the of these genera is in need of revision. 1.0.1 software (Lanfear et al., 2012) was applied to Inclusion of Pantanodon stuhlmanni in the analy- infer the best-fitting model of molecular evolution and sis led to an identical topology, with Pantanodon in an partition scheme for phylogenetic analysis of our data unsupported position sister to the cyprinodontoids (red (Supplementary Table S1). Partitioned Bayesian infer- in Fig. 1). However inclusion of this taxon reduced pos- ence (BI) phylogenetic analysis of the concatenated DNA terior probabilities of several nodes, of which certainly sequences was carried out with MrBayes 3.2 (Ronquist the basal node of cyprinodontiforms is the most relevant: et al., 2012). The analysis was run for 60 million gen- monophyly of tooth carps was not significantly supported erations and chain mixing and stationarity verified using any more (87%) after inclusion of Pantanodon. In all sin- Tracer 1.5 software (Rambaut & Drummond, 2007). A gle gene trees (Supplementary Materials) Pantanodon is conservative burn-in of 25% was applied and a majority- placed outside of cyprinodontiform clade, although typi- rule consensus tree constructed from the remaining trees. cally without strong support. We therefore conclude that The analysis was repeated with the same settings after the phylogenetic position of this enigmatic taxon remains exluding Pantanodon stuhlmanni given its conflicting largely unresolved, but certainly it is not a close relative placement in single-gene trees (Supplementary Figures to the African lampeyes classified within the poeciliids S1-S5) which were constructed in MEGA 5 under the (subfamilies Aplocheilichthyidae and ). Maximum Likelihood optimality criterion. This taxon appears to fit well in the definition of a “rogue” taxon which in various single gene analyses is placed in varying positions of the phylogeny and blurs the phy- logenetic signal in a combined analysis of all markers Results and Discussion (e.g., Sanderson & Shaffer, 2002). Costa (2012) based on morphological characters placed Pantanodon, includ- ing two fossil species from the Oligocene and Miocene The concatenated alignment of 16S COX1, RAG1, of Europe, within the Poeciliidae. Unfortunately we have SREB2 and GLYT sequences, after exclusion of hyper- not been able to obtain tissue samples of Malagasy spe- variable 16S sections suggested by Gblocks, consisted of cies of Pantanodon. Of the two Malagasy species, one 2553 bp and 76 terminals (996 bp mtDNA and 1557 bp (P. madagascariensis) is probably extinct, and a second, nDNA). undescribed species appears to be restricted to a very Bayesian Inference analysis excluding Pantanodon small swamp area on the southern east coast of the island stuhlmanni (Fig. 1) resulted in high posterior prob- (Sparks, 2003). Whether these fishes are really related abilities of almost all deep nodes in the phylogeny: cy- to the African P. stuhlmanni requires confirmation, and prinodontiforms, aplocheiloids, cyprinodontoids, as well their molecular study is all the more a priority given the as the families Aplocheilidae, Nothobranchiidae, and intriguingly isolated position of the African species. Rivulidae all received maximum support (PP = 100%). We are aware that the phylogenetic hypothesis pre- Within aplocheiloids, the Indo-Malagasy aplocheilids sented herein needs to be seen with some caution. Many and the African nothobranchiids were sister groups with samples in our analysis were supplied from aquarium maximum support. Wihin the cyprinodontoids, families strains, thus without reliable locality information and with and interfamilial relationships were less unambiguously unverified species-level identification. This for instance resolved. The Palearctic genus was placed out- might be relevant, in our tree, for the topology within side the family Cyprinodontidae and instead was sister nothobranchiids such as non-monophyly of Aphyosemion to the equally Palearctic genus Valencia (the sole repre- relative to Diapteron and Chromaphyosemion. However, sentative of Valenciidae) with marginal support (95%), we here focus on relationships among genera and major and this Palearctic clade was sister to egg-laying African clades and at this level the identification of all of our sam- poeciliids (lampeyes). Nearctic and Neotropical cyprino- ples is reliable. Our discussion of biogeography and high- dontids, fundulids and poeciliids instead were placed suc- er classification therefore remains valid. Taxa from the cessively as sister groups of the Palearctic/African clade. families Goodeidae, Profundulidae and Anablepidae (all A few relationships within more shallow clades are worth three from suborder Cyprinodontoidei) are missing from mentioning as well: (i) In the aplocheiloid clade, the in- our data set, but at least the position of goodeids is not ex- cluded Malagasy terminals together formed the sister pected to yield large surprises as Setiamarga et al. (2008) group of the Seychellean P. playfairii, and the differentia- found Xenotoca eiseni, a Central American representative tion among the two included Malagasy species was rather of this family, highly supported within Cyprinodontoidei low. According to an unpublished molecular data set of R. (and sister to a Neotropical poeciliid). D. Randrianiaina with full taxon coverage (pers. comm. Because the nuclear genes could not be sequenced in 2014), the two populations included here are among for all taxa due to amplification failure, our final align-

39 POHL, M. et al.: Multigene phylogeny of cyprinodontiform fi shes and taxon position of Pantanodon

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ment contained a proportion of ca. 22% missing data. lagasy authorities are acknowledged for providing research and However, all higher taxa (families and subfamilies) had export permits. Fieldwork in Madagascar was carried out in the the two mitochondrial genes sequenced from at least one framework of a collaboration accord among TU Braunschweig and representative (Table 1), and all but one (Valenciidae) the Université d’Antananarivo. had at least two of the three nuclear genes sequenced. Given the overall congruence of single-gene trees we are confi dent that our preferred phylogeny (Fig. 1) has not References been infl uenced by missing-data artefacts. We have refrained from reconstructing a timetree of tooth carps from our data because comprehensively agnèse, J.F., zentz, F., legros, o. & sellos, D. (2006): Phy lo- assessing the precise placement of available fossils genetic relationships and phylogeography of the killifi sh spe- at particular nodes was beyond the scope of this fi rst cies of the subgenus Chromaphyosemion (Radda, 1971) in study. However, despite the absence of reliable dates of West Africa, inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. – origin for the major clades, a number of biogeographi- Mo lecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 40: 332 – 346. cal conclusions can be drawn. With aplocheiloids, our atz, J.W. (1986): Fundulus heteroclitus in the laboratory: a his- tree strongly supports a sister group relationship of the tory. – American Zoologist, 26: 111 – 120. Indo-Malagasy and the African clade (i.e., Aplocheilidae brougHton, r.e., betanCur­r., r., li, C., arratia, g. & ortí, g. and Nothobranchiidae). This contrasts with previous mo- (2013): Multi-locus phylogenetic analysis reveals the pattern lecular reconstructions (MurPHy & Collier, 1997) which and tempo of bony fi sh evolution. – PLoS Currents Tree of Life. placed the African and South American radiations sister bruForD, M.W., Hanotte, o., brookFielD, J.F.y., burke, t. (1992): to each other. Within cyprinodontoids it is remarkable Single-locus and multilocus DNA fi ngerprinting, in: Hoelzel, that the recovered topology (Fig. 1), despite low sup- A.R. (Ed.), Molecular Genetic Analysis of Populations: a Prac- port of many nodes, more closely matches continent- tical Approach. IRL Press, Oxford, pp. 225 – 270. scale geographic distribution than current classifi cation. Castresana, J. (2000): Selection of conserved blocks from multiple American taxa from both North and South America, in- alignments for their use in phylogenetic analysis. – Molecular cluding Caribbean islands, are placed paraphyletically at Biology and Evolution, 17: 540 – 552. the basis of cyprinodontoids, while an Old World clade CHe, J., CHen, H.M., Jin, J.q., Joang, k., yuan, z.­y., MurPHy, (Palearctis plus Africa) is strongly supported. r.W. & zHang, Y.-P. (2012): Universal COI primers for DNA Our preliminary study highlights a series of promis- barcoding amphibians. – Molecular Ecology Resources, 12: ing fi elds for further research. First, the family-level clas- 247 – 258. sifi cation of cyprinodontoids clearly is in need of revi- Collier, g.e., MurPHy, W.J. & esPinoza, M. (2009): Phy lo geo- sion; this requires including additional genera, especially graphy of the genus Epiplatys (Aplocheiloidea: Cypri no don ti for- those assigned to the Goodeidae, Profundulidae and mes). – Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 50: 190 – 196. Anablepidae which are missing from our data set. Second, Costa, W.J.E.M. (1998): Phylogeny and classifi cation of Rivulidae inclusion of sequences from Malagasy Pantanodon, and revisited: origin and evolution of annualism and miniaturiza- a wider outgroup sampling will be helpful to determine tion in rivulid fi shes (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheiloidei). – the true phylogenetic position of P. stuhlmanni, a species Journal of Comparative Biology, 3: 33 – 92. that might merit inclusion in a distinct family. Costa, W.J.E.M. (2011): Comparative morphology, phylogenetic re- lationships, and historical biogeography of plesiolebiasine sea- sonal killifi shes (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes: Ri vu li dae). – Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 162: 131 – 148. Acknowledgments Costa, W.J.E.M. (2012): Oligocene killifi shes (Teleostei: Cy pri no- don ti formes) from southern France: relationships, taxonomic position, and evidence of internal fertilization. – Vertebrate We are grateful to Meike Kondermann and Gabi Keunecke for help Zoo logy, 62: 371 – 386. with labwork and to Ariel Rodríguez with phylogenetic analyses. Costa, W.J.E.M. (2013): Historical biogeography of aplocheiloid Hans-Felix Groß, Christian Köpp, Heinz Ott, Markus Aleithe, killifi shes (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes) – Vertebrate Zoo- Oliver Helker, Dieter Ott and Bernhard Roloff kindly provided lo gy, 63: 139 – 154. samples for analysis. Parfait Bora, Frank Glaw, András Horváth Crottini, a., MaDsen, o., PouX, C., strauss, a., Vieites, D.r. & Kis, Jörn Köhler, Roger-Daniel Randrianiaina, and Manfred Schartl VenCes, M. (2012): Vertebrate time-tree elucidates the bio- either provided specimens or assisted during fi eld work. The Ma- geographic pattern of a major biotic change around the K – T

← Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree obtained by Bayesian Inference analysis of two mitochondrial and three nuclear gene segments (16S, COX1, RAG1, SREB2, GLYT). Numbers are posterior probabilities in percent. Asterisks mark taxa assigned to different subfamilies in the Poeciliidae. Analysis (tree with black lines) carried out without inclusion of sequences of Pantanodon stuhlmanni; red dotted lines mark the position of this taxon after its inclusion in a separate analysis, and red numbers are posterior probabilities that changed in this second analysis. The inset tree on upper right shows the same tree topology, branches colored by continental distribution of the taxa.

41 Pohl, M. et al.: Multigene phylogeny of cyprinodontiform fishes and taxon position ofPantanodon

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Electronic Supplement File at (“Contents”)

Supplementary Table S1. Substitution models and partition scheme. Supplementary Table S2. Detailed collection localities for selected species. Supplementary Figure S1 – S5. Single-gene trees based on DNA sequences of each of the five genes used for analysis.


Table 1. Sample provenance and Genbank accession numbers for the killifish species used in the multigene phylogenetic analysis. See Supplementary Materials Table S2 for detailed collection data of selected species. Asterisks mark sequences taken from GenBank; all other sequences were newly determined for this study. NA: Not available.

Species Collecting loality 16S Cox1 RAG1 SREB2 GLYT Aplocheilidae India: Alappuzha KJ844775 KJ844712 KJ844666 KJ844833 KJ844618 Aplocheilus dayi werneri Sri Lanka: Kottawa Forrest KJ844776 KJ844713 KJ844667 KJ844834 KJ844619 Aplocheilus lineatus NA KJ844777 KJ844714 NA NA KJ844620 Aplocheilus panchax NA KJ844778 KJ844715 NA KJ844835 KJ844621 Aplocheilus sp. NA KJ844779 KJ844716 KJ844668 NA KJ844622 Seychelles KJ844807 KJ844743 KJ844691 KJ844854 KJ844644 Madagascar: Montagne d’Ambre KJ844808 KJ844744 KJ844692 NA KJ844645 Pachypanchax sakaramyi Madagascar: Montagne d’Ambre KJ844809 KJ844745 NA KJ844855 NA Pachypanchax sakaramyi Madagascar: Montagne d’Ambre KJ844810 KJ844746 NA NA NA Pachypanchax sakaramyi Madagascar: Montagne d’Ambre KJ844811 KJ844747 NA KJ844856 KJ844646 Pachypanchax sakaramyi Madagascar: Montagne d’Ambre KJ844812 KJ844748 NA KJ844857 NA Pachypanchax arnoulti Madagascar: Tsingy de Bemaraha KJ844813 KJ844749 KJ844693 NA NA Pachypanchax arnoulti Madagascar: Tsingy de Bemaraha KJ844814 KJ844750 KJ844694 NA NA Pachypanchax arnoulti Madagascar: Tsingy de Bemaraha KJ844815 KJ844751 KJ844695 NA KJ844647 Pachypanchax arnoulti Madagascar: Tsingy de Bemaraha KJ844816 KJ844752 KJ844696 KJ844858 KJ844648 Pachypanchax arnoulti Madagascar: Tsingy de Bemaraha KJ844817 KJ844753 NA KJ844859 KJ844649 Pachypanchax arnoulti Madagascar: Tsingy de Bemaraha KJ844818 KJ844754 NA KJ844860 KJ844650 Pachypanchax arnoulti Madagascar: Tsingy de Bemaraha KJ844819 KJ844755 KJ844697 KJ844861 KJ844651 Cyprinodontidae Aphanius saourensis Algeria KJ844770 KJ844707 KJ844662 NA KJ844613 Aphanius baeticus Spain KJ844771 KJ844708 NA NA KJ844614 Cubanichthys pengelleyi Jamaica KJ844786 KJ844722 NA NA NA Cyprinodon dearborni NA KJ844788 KJ844724 KJ844674 KJ844841 NA Jordanella floridae USA KJ844796 KJ844733 KJ844683 KJ844635 Fundulidae Fundulus heteroclitus USA NA KJ844731 KJ844681 EF033030* NA Lucania goodei USA KJ844800 KJ844736 NA NA KJ844638 Nothobranchiidae Aphyosemion herzogi NA KJ844772 KJ844709 KJ844663 KJ844831 KJ844615 Aphyosemion plagitaenium Republic of the Congo KJ844773 KJ844710 KJ844664 KJ844832 KJ844616 Aphyosemion sp. NA KJ844774 KJ844711 KJ844665 NA KJ844617 Chromaphyosemion loennbergii Cameroon: Likouk KJ844785 NA NA KJ844839 KJ844626 Diapteron cyanostictum Gabon KJ844789 NA NA KJ844842 KJ844627

43 Pohl, M. et al.: Multigene phylogeny of cyprinodontiform fishes and taxon position ofPantanodon

Table 1 continued.

Species Collecting loality 16S Cox1 RAG1 SREB2 GLYT Nothobranchiidae Epiplatys dageti Liberia NA KJ844725 KJ844675 KJ844843 KJ844628 Gabon KJ844790 KJ844726 KJ844676 KJ844844 KJ844629 Epiplatys spilargyreius Sudan: Kosti KJ844791 KJ844727 KJ844677 KJ844845 KJ844630 Fenerbahce devosi Democratic Republic of the Congo KJ844792 KJ844728 KJ844678 KJ844846 KJ844631 Fundulopanchax scheeli Nigeria KJ844793 KJ844729 KJ844679 KJ844847 KJ844632 Fundulopanchax sp. NA KJ844783 KJ844720 KJ844672 KJ844838 KJ844624 Fundulosoma thierryi Ghana: Ada KJ844794 KJ844730 KJ844680 NA KJ844633 Nimbapanchax viridis NA KJ844803 KJ844739 KJ844687 KJ844852 KJ844640 korthausae Tanzania: Mafia Island KJ844804 KJ844740 KJ844688 NA KJ844641 Nothobranchius furzeri NA NC_011814 * NC_011814 * GAIB01120750 * GAIB01005857 * GAIB01101555 * Pseudepiplatys annulatus Liberia: Monrovia KJ844825 KJ844762 KJ844701 KJ844864 KJ844656 Scriptaphyosemion roloffi NA NA KJ844766 KJ844704 KJ844867 KJ844659 Poeciliidae, Aplocheilichtyinae Micropanchax kingii Sudan: Kosti KJ844801 KJ844737 KJ844685 KJ844850 NA luxophthalmus NA KJ844823 KJ844759 KJ844700 NA NA Poropanchax normani NA NA KJ844760 NA NA NA Poeciliidae, Poeciliinae Poecilia reticulata NA KJ844822 KJ844758 NA NA KJ844654 Xiphophorus helleri NA KJ844830 KJ844768 KJ844705 NA KJ844660 Poeciliidae, Procatopodinae Lamprichthys tanganicanus NA KJ844799 KJ844735 NA NA NA Plataplochilus miltotaenia NA KJ844821 KJ844757 KJ844699 KJ844862 KJ844653 Procatopus nototaenia NA KJ844824 KJ844761 NA KJ844863 KJ844655 Rivulidae Anablepsoides igneus NA KJ844769 KJ844706 KJ844661 NA NA Anablepsoides rubrolineatus NA KJ844828 KJ844765 NA NA KJ844658 Austrofundulus leohoignei Venezuela KJ844780 KJ844717 KJ844669 KJ844836 NA Austrolebias nigripinnis NA KJ844781 KJ844718 KJ844670 NA NA Austrolebias wolterstorffi NA KJ844782 KJ844719 KJ844671 KJ844837 KJ844623 Campellolebias brucei Brazil KJ844784 KJ844721 NA NA KJ844625 Cynodonichthys tenuis NA KJ844787 KJ844723 KJ844673 KJ844840 NA Hypsolebias hellneri Brazil KJ844795 KJ844732 KJ844682 KJ844848 KJ844634 Kryptolebias marmoratus NA KJ844797 NA KJ844684 KJ844849 KJ844636 Laimosemion geayi NA KJ844798 KJ844734 NA NA KJ844637 Nematolebias whitei Brazil KJ844802 KJ844738 KJ844686 KJ844851 KJ844639 Ophthalmolebias constanciae Brazil KJ844805 KJ844741 KJ844689 KJ844853 KJ844642 Rachovia brevis NA KJ844826 KJ844763 KJ844702 KJ844865 Rivulus cylindraceus Cuba KJ844827 KJ844764 KJ844703 KJ844866 KJ844657 Valenciidae Valencia letourneuxi Greece: Corfu: Sidari KJ844829 KJ844767 NA KJ844868 NA Incertae sedis Pantanodon stuhlmanni Kenya: Koreni KJ844820 KJ844756 KJ844698 NA KJ844652

Outgroups Arrhamphus sclerolepis NA AY693481* NA JX190870* JX189951* NA (Beloniformes; Hemiramphidae) Labrisomus multiporosus NA AY539069* NA JX189914* JX190051* JX188812* (Perciformes; Labrisomidae) Oryzias woworae Indonesia KJ844806 KJ844742 KJ844690 NA KJ844643 (Beloniformes; Adrianichthyidae) Paratilapia polleni NA AY662719* AY263886* JX189869* AFN28951* JX188772* (Perciformes; Cichlidae) Perccottus glenii NA KF415440* AY722171* JX189917* JX190055* JX188816* (Gobiiformes; Odontobutidae) Pseudomugil gertrudae NA AY266083* AY290817* KF141336* KF140258* KF139857* (Atheriniformes; Pseudomugilidae) Rheocles wrightae NA AY266069* AY290803* JX189788* JX189945* JX188685* (Atheriniformes; Bedotiidae) Sphaeramia orbicularis NA NA FJ346823* KF141362* KF140274* KF139886* (Perciformes; Apogonidae) Xenentodon cancila NA AF243967* FJ459541* JX189791* JX189948* JX188688* (Beloniformes; Belonidae)