Appendix A Module handbook

On the educational program «Mathematics» Bachelor degree ...... 2 Diploma thesis ...... 128 Complex examination ...... 131 On the educational program «Educational Mathematics» Master degree ...... 133 Theory of stochastic processes and stochastic ...... 144 Pedagogical practice ...... 145 Research practice ...... 148 Writing up and defense of master‟s dissertations ...... 150 Complex examination ...... 152 On the educational program «Actual problems of modern physics» Master degree ...... 154 Pedagogical practice ...... 166 Research practice ...... 168 Writing up and defense of master‟s dissertations ...... 170 Complex examination ...... 173 On the educational program «Informatics and informatization of education» Master degree ...... 175 Pedagogical practice ...... 193 Research practice ...... 196 Research module of a student ...... 198 Writing up and defense of master‟s dissertations ...... 201 Complex examination ...... 202


Module handbook

On the educational program «Mathematics» Bachelor degree

Module name Kazakh Language Module level Interdisciplinary Abbreviation K(R)Ya 1101 Semester 1,2 Module coordinator Cand.of techn.sciences, senior teacher M.S.Alibayeva Lecturers Cand.of techn.sciences, senior teacher M.S.Alibayeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 01) curriculum MSE RK (Mandatory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 6.08.072-2010. Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab lessons semester Number of hours 1 term 45 2 term 45 Class hours per week 1 term 3 2 term 3 Group size (students) 15 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab lessons Number of hours 1 term 20 2 term 20 Class hours per week 1 term 4 2 term 4 Group size (students) 20

Workload Total number Class work and self-study of hours Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorial Self- study Full-time 270 90 90 90 Part-time 270 40 30 200

Credit points 3 KZ – 1 term, 3 KZ – 2 term (10 ECTS) Requirements under the To give a general information of social importance and modern development of examination regulations the Language to Russian-speaking students; to expand students‟ horizons and linguistic skills (auding, reading, writing and speaking skills, communication) by working with linguistic-cognitive and cultural materials; to cultivate culture of debating and public talking. Ability of writing and speaking Kazakh in accordance with the norms taking into account peculiarities of the Language is the basic condition of learning Kazakh. The knowledge acquired at school is developed and completed (Phonetics. Vocabulary. Morphology. Syntax. Kazakh literature. Biography of outstanding people. History. The Kazakh people. Art. Culture. Ethnography. Politics. Geography. Territory of Kazakhstan. Natural resources). Recommended No prerequisites


Targeted learning Objectives: The process of teaching Kazakh is based on 6-leveled system of outcomes teaching in accordance with international standards, and the linguistic characteristics of the Language are taken into consideration. As time dictates in the educational sphere there is a necessity of training literary and competitive specialists having a higher education. One of the principle indicators is fluent state Language and its wide application. The process is based on four principle aspects of teaching a Language (auding, reading, writing and speaking) taking into account the ways of communication a student prefers, a student‟s objective, a sphere of applying the Language, methods of communication, link to a context. Nowadays linguistic competence is considered from the aspect of communicative-functional grammar. Functions of Language units, sense convey are realized through functional grammar. The most principle objective of the course of Kazakh Language is developing students‟ communicative skills, enriching their vocabulary, expanding and consolidating their grammar knowledge and skills using texts of everyday and social topics. Content 1. Voc.: State Language is my Language. Grammar: Information of linguistics of the Kazakh Language (chapters). 2. Voc.: Family is a golden nest. Grammar: Phonetics. Specific sounds of the Kazakh Language. 3. Voc.: Courteous addressing (Apology. Request. Gratitude. Agreement.). Grammar: Classification of vowels and consonants. Law of sinharmonism. 4. Voc.: Modern housing. Our home. My room. Grammar: Possessive form. 5. Voc.: Character and appearance. Type of administrator. Grammar: Meaningful groups of adjectives. 6. Voc.: Time and human being. Grammar: Semantic classification of adjectives. 7. Voc.: Healthy life-style. Grammar: Infinitive: Adverb of time. 8. Voc.: Health is main wealth. Grammar: Verb. Dative case. 9. Voc.: My homeland is Independent Kazakhstan. Grammar: Optative mood. 10. Voc.: Traditional art of the Kazakh people. Grammar: Noun. 11. Voc.: Culture of the Kazakh people. Grammar: Adverb. 12. Voc.: Roots of the national culture. Grammar: Auxiliary words. 13. Voc.: Great Abai. Grammar: Ending of plural form. 14. Voc.: Poetry of Shakarim Kudaiberdiev. Grammar: Direct and figurative meanings of words. 15. Voc.: Poetry of Zhambyl Jabayev. Grammar: Case endings. 16. Voc.: Art word. Psychological works of Zh.Aimautov. Grammar: Past tense. 17. Voc.: M.Auezov is a writer and artist of word. Grammar: Pronouns, their types. 18. Voc.: Man and nature. Kazakhstan‟s places of interest. Grammar: Particles. Postpositions. 19. Voc.: My native place, village, city, land, sights, nature. Grammar: Pronouns, their types. 20. Voc.: State symbols. Grammar: Degrees of adjectives. 21. Voc.: Our university. My specialty. Grammar: Professional terms. 22. Voc.: Independent Kazakhstan is 21 years old. Grammar: Synonym. Homonym. Antonym. 23. Voc.: Traditions of the Kazakh people. Grammar: word-building and word- changing suffixes. 24. Voc.: Society and youngsters. Young people are our future. Grammar: Word order. 25. Voc.: Young family and traditions. Grammar: Linking words. Addressing. Dialect. 26. Voc.: Kazakhstan in international community. Tomorrow and future of my country. Grammar: Ways of linking sentences. 3

27. Voc.: Kazakhstan‟s educational system. Grammar: Category of verb tense. 28. Voc.: Astana city is the capital. Grammar: Personal endings. 29. Voc.: World scientific technologies. Grammar: Abbreviations. Combined words. 30. Voc.: Science and technology. Modern scientific achivements and innovationa. Grammar: Terms. New words. Study / exam After completing the course students should: achievements - have general knowledge of the Kazakh Language (ancient Language, national Language, literary Language, state Language); - be able to analize journalistic, scientific, popular science articles concerning social-cultural and educational-cognitive spheres; - be able to make one‟s point concerning social and political problems orally and in written form; - be able to speak in accordance with the norms of speech standards; - be able to analyze the texts proposed, to retrieve necessary information, make conclusions, prepare tables and diagrams on texts; - be able to analyze professional-cognitive, academic, social-cultural texts; - be able to express their opinion orally and discuss the topics proposed in written form; - be able to prepare a paper in Kazakh and defend it orally; - have skills of making presentations.

Form of exam: wtitten

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media Internet resources: 1. (multimedia complex for quick learning Kazakh). –Astana, 2010 2. http://www.zhastar 3. 4. 5. Literature 1. S.Imankulova, N.Yegizbayeva, G.Imangaliyeva and others. Kazakh Language. Tutorial. Almaty, 2008 (kaz) 2. Z.Kuzekova. Practical course of Kazakh (humanitarian). Almaty, «Gylym», 2009 (kaz0 3. (multimedia complex for quick learning Kazakh). Astana, 2010 4. Complex tutorial for learning Kazakh. Orazbayeva. Almaty, 2009 (kaz) 5. A.Aldasheva, Z.Akhmetzhanova, K.Kadasheva, E.Suleimenova. Kazakh Language (for formal communication, documentation). Almaty, 2000 (kaz) 6. A.Almetova. Conducting different self-study work in the process of learning Kazakh. (Study and methodical tutorial). Almaty, 2004 (kaz)

Module name Russian Language Module level, if Interdisciplinary applicable Abbreviation K(R)Ya 1101 Semester 1,2 Module coordinator Senior teacher R.K.Tokhtamova Lecturers Doctor of ped.sciences, associate professor A.A.Tzoi, Cand.of ped.sciences, associate professor V.E.Abayev 4

Language Russian Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 01) curriculum MSE RK 6.08.072-2010 Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practical‟s Lab lessons semester Number of hours 1 term 45 2 term 45 Class hours per week 1 term 3 2 term 3 Group size (students) 10 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practical‟s Lab lessons Number of hours 1 term 20 2 term 20 Class hours per week 1 term 4 2 term 4 Group size (students) 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practical‟s Lab Tutorial Self- study Full-time 270 90 90 90 Part-time 270 40 30 200

Credit points 3 KZ – 1 term, 3 KZ – 2 term (10 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of school subject of the Russian Language. examination regulations For acquiring the discipline in the first term: knowledge of word-building, lexical, grammar, stylistic structure of the Language at the level of school program; abilities and skills of understanding and constructing sentences and texts; having skills of four kinds of speech: auding, speaking, reading and writing at the level of school program. For acquiring the discipline in the second term: knowledge of phonetics, word- building, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, phraseology, speech style, text, speech standards at the level of school program; having European level of basic sufficiency (В2). Recommended No prerequisites Targeted learning 1 semester: outcomes 1) knowing the system of the Language and ways of using it in intercultural- communicative activity; 2) knowing the system of speech and communication as ability to realize communicative acts; 3) ability of using scientific literature on specialty with the aim of getting the information providing professional competence; 4) understanding development of text information, constructing its logical- compositional basic; 5) understanding peculiarities of the Language system functioning in scientific discourse; 6) ability to retrieve a necessary information out of a text, describe, generalize and interpret it in study professional communication; 7) Applying the system of subject and Language knowledge to solving problems of study-professional communication. 5

2 semester: 1) developing profession-oriented communication within specialties; 2) Developing students‟ profession-oriented, Content-professional, professional- specialized competence at the level of further applying the Russian Language to profession-oriented communication on specialties. Content 1 semester The Language, its system, basic functions. Speech: types and forms of speech, their characteristics. Oral speech: its basic attributes. Written speech: its basic attributes. Functional-semantic types of speech: description, narration, discussion. General characteristics of functional styles of speech. Scientific style: conditions of functioning, general characteristics. Vocabulary of scientific style. Terminological system of the Russian Language. Morphology of scientific style of speech. Syntax of scientific style of speech. Basic genres of scientific-educational texts. Text as a key unit of verbal communication. Basic characteristics of text, structure of text. Ways of linking sentences in a text and developing information. Theme as subject or phenomenon considered in a text. Titles of scientific- educational texts. Given and new information as elements of developing idea and text logicality. Progression of a text. 2 semester Compression as basic way of processing scientific text. Plan and drawing it in scientific sphere. Thesising scientific text. Précising. Composional-semantic structure of a scientific text. Annotating scientific texts. Types of annotations. Summarizing scientific texts. Reviewing scientific texts. Commenting scientific work. Structure of scientific comment. Resume- conclusions as texts of derivative information. Speech standards. Norms of pronunciation and stressing. Expressiveness of speech. Clear speech. Stylistic mistakes. Speech standards in professional sphere. Features of business communication. Speech etiquette. Business etiquette. Types of business communication. Business conversation. Business talks. Telephone talks. Resume. Questionnaire. Study / exam As a result of studying the course of the first semester a student should have achievements knowledge of: - cultural and historic functions of the Russian Language as a whole and in Kazakhstan; - functional-stylistic structure of the Language; scientific style of speech, its basic characteristics; a text and its structure and its basic types; genres of scientific speech; - Orthographic and punctuation aspects of speech in different communicative spheres and situations. As a result of studying the course of the second semester a student should demonstrate: - communicative-semantic organization of a scientific text; 6

- conceptual-terminological instruments of specialty; - idea of text compression, basic methods of compressing texts; - knowledge of functional and structural-linguistic characteristics of compression types, norms of the modern Russian literary Language; - knowledge of speech standards, practical stylistics and speech standards criteria for further developing communicative-intercultural and professional competence; - Recognition of communicative speech standards as conditions of comfort personal existence, as basis of self-realization in future professional activity.

Form of exam: wtitten

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media Electronic text-books: - Methodological recommendations and tasks. Russian Language and speech standards. Orthoepy / G.A.Martinovich – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University, 2003. - G.A.Martinovich, P.A.Semenov. Terminological dictionary: Russian. Stylistics. Speech standards. - «1С: Tutor. Russian as foreign Language» - Audiotrack «Learn to like learning» (CD «Writing exposition»). - Teaching course «Russian» Literature 1. Akhmedyarov KK, SK Zharќynbekova Russian: a textbook for students of the Kazakh branch of the University (undergraduate) - Almaty: Ќazaќ universiteti 2008. - 226. (ru) 2. Bekisheva RI, Kochergina TD, Tohtamova R.K.Uchebnoe manual "Russian Language (corrective course) for students of the Faculty of Physics and matemaicheskogo." - Almaty: KazNPU. Abay, 2009. - 116 p. (ru) 3. Boranbaeva ZI Tohtamova RK Textbook "The scientific style of Russian speech" for students of physics and mathematics fakulteta.-Almaty: KazNPU Abay, 2007.-92c. (ru) 4. Russian Language in the training of subject teachers. Textbook / Under red.G.A.Kazhigalieva GA - Almaty: Publisher "Tau-Samal", 2010. - 696s. 5. SI burns Dictionary of Russian Language. -M., 1984

Module name History of Kazakhstan Module level, if Interdisciplinary applicable Abbreviation IK 1102 Semester 2 Module coordinator Cand,of historic sciences, associate professor E.O.Kyrykbayeva Lecturers Cand,of historic sciences, associate professor E.O.Kyrykbayeva, Cand,of historic sciences, senior teacher S.K.Tulbasieva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 02) curriculum MSE RK 6.08.072-2010. Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 - Class hours per week 1 2 - Group size (students) 80-100 20 - Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practical‟s Lab Number of hours 12 24 - 7

Class hours per week 1 2 - Group size (students) 10-20 10-20 -

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practical‟s Lab Tutorial Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 - 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 - 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the A student should know physical Geography of Kazakhstan, have an idea of the examination regulations nature of the country – flora, fauna, environmental conditions, minerals; know general characteristics of the Republic‟s national economy, its basic industries, problems of the country‟s economy within long-term programs of industrial development; have an idea of traditional folklore of the Kazakh people and written literature, its great representatives; know governmental structure of the republic of Kazakhstan and constitutional rights of RK citizen; know fundamentals of philosophy. Recommended School course of History prerequisites Targeted learning Basic objectives: outcomes - to provide with simplicity in acquiring real material on History of Kazakhstan from ancient time to present days at lectures; - to provide with system, succession and importance of historical knowledge; - to develop students‟ civism, pride of his\her motherland, participation in its history, patriotism; - To develop students‟ self-education level and creative development. Content Ancient history of Kazakhstan. Stone and Bronze Age on the territory of Kazakhstan. Tribal alliances and early states on the territory of Kazakhstan of the first millennium B.C. Medieval history of Kazakhstan. Medieval states on the territory of Kazakhstan (VI-XII centuries) New history of Kazakhstan. Ethnic processes on the territory of Kazakhstan in ХV-ХVI centuries. Kazakhstan as a part of the . National liberation struggle of the Kazakh people for independence. Social and political and social and economic situation of Kazakhstan at the beginning of the ХХ c. Contemporary history of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan during the years of the soviets. Kazakhstan during the Second World War (1939-1945) Social-economic and political development of Kazakhstan in 50-70. The XX century. Kazakhstan in late 80-th – beginning of 90-th. XX c. Kazakhstan is an independent state. Study / exam As a result of studying the course «History of Kazakhstan» a student should achievements know dates of important events, chronology, periods of significant events and processes from the history of Kazakhstan; be able to search for appropriate information using sources, compare information from different sources, explain meaning, importance of historical concepts, discuss cause-and-effect relations of historical events; acquire skills of applying historical knowledge to evaluating present events, develop skills of oral speech, debating, writing papers, essays, etc. Form of final assessment is state examination. Form of exam: orraly.


Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by Kansu named after Abai. Media employed There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC are used. Reading list 1. The history of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present day: In five. - 1996, 1997, 2000. (kaz) 2. Kang G. The history of Kazakhstan. Textbook. - Almaty: kitap. - 2005. (kaz) 3. Ayagan BG, Abzhanov JM, SV Selivyorstov The history of modern Kazakhstan. - Almaty. - 2012. (kaz) 4. The history of sovereign Kazakhstan: 20 years of independence / Ed. BG Ayagan. - Almaty: Rarity, 2011. - 400 s. (kaz) 5. Modern history of Kazakhstan: A Reader / Ed. BG Ayagan. - Almaty: Rarity, 2010. - 560 p. (kaz) 6. Recent history of Kazakhstan. Vol.1-3. / Ed. Ayagan BG - Almaty. - 2011. (kaz)

Module name Ecology and sustainable development Module level, if Interdisciplinary applicable Abbreviation EcoUR 1203

Semester(s) in which the 4 module is taught Module coordinator Doctor of boil.sciences, prof. D.B.Zhusupova Lecturers Senior teacher S.B.Kabjanova, Senior teacher Zh.Kaldybayeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 03) curriculum MSE RK 6.08.072-2010 Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 15 - Class hours per week 1 1 - Group size (students) 50-60 30 - Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 5 - Class hours per week 2 1 - Group size (students) 50-60 30 -

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorial Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 - 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 - 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Having knowledge of Geography and Biology within school program, skills of examination regulations working at computer Recommended No prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at development of: outcomes - social competences: - skills of handling modern technology devices, ability of applying information


technologies; - skills of acquiring new knowledge; - ability of working in team, suggesting new solutions, etc. - special competences: - knowledge of fundamentals of ecological system functioning and problems of anthropogenic effect to land and water ecosystems of local, regional and global scope; - ability of applying the knowledge acquired to solving problems of one‟s future professional activity. Content History of Ecology development. Concept of ecosystem and biogeocenosis. Biosphere as macro ecosystem. Global environmental problems. Nature protection and sustainable development in Kazakhstan. Study / exam As a result of studying the course a student should demonstrate: achievements - knowledge of the history of Ecology development; basic components and processes of functioning of ecological system and biosphere as macro ecosystem; of global, regional and local ecological problems related to air, water and soil pollution; of international cooperation in the sphere of ecology and environmental protection and Kazakhstan‟s participation in it; - ability of working with popular science and educational literature for writing papers, of generalizing and concluding; of working with maps, charts, schemes, diagrams, etc.; - application of theoretical knowledge to everyday life and future professional activity; - revealing system of the indicators connecting different factors (economic, social, ecological and others) providing a sustainable development.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC are used. Literature 1.Akimov TA, VV Haskin Ecology. - M., UNITY, 2007. (ru) 2.Chernova, NM, Bylov AM Ecology. - M. Bustard, 2004. (ru) 3.Beiseyeva GB Ecology negіzderі. Almaty, 2010. (ru) 4. Beisenova AS, JB Childebaev Ecology zhane tabiғatty tiіmdі paydalanu. Almaty., Gylym. 2004. (ru) 5. M. Halperin General ecology. - M. Ed. "Forum INFA", 2006. (ru)

Module name Foreign Language Module level, if Interdisciplinary applicable Abbreviation IYa1104

Semester(s) in which the 1-2 module is taught Module coordinator Cand.of ped.sciences, prof. K.S.Musayeva Lecturers Senior teacher Zh.B.Buribayeva, Senior teacher C.M.Lukpanova Language English Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 04) curriculum MSE RK 6.08.072-2010 10

Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab the semester Number of hours - 1 term 45 2 term 45 Class hours per week - 1 term 3 2 term 3 Group size (students) 15 - Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours - 1 term 20 2 term 20 Class hours per week - 1 term 4 2 term 4 Group size (students) 20-25 -

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorial Self- study Full-time 270 90 - 90 90 Part-time 270 40 - 30 200

Credit points 3 KZ – 1 term, 3 KZ – 2 term (10 ECTS) Requirements under the English within school program examination regulations Recommended No prerequisites Targeted learning Development of initial level of speaking foreign Language attained at the outcomes previous stage of education, acquiring necessary and sufficient level of communicative competence for solving social-communicative problems of different spheres of everyday, cultural, professional and scientific activity when communicating with foreign partners, preparing scientific work, including further self-educating. The process of studying the course is aimed at developing professional competences: - advancing in knowledge of lexical-grammatical structure of English; - improving basic types and forms of Language behavior based on communicative-professional orientation for acquiring basic Language; - developing competences and familiarizing with social-behavioral characteristics of representatives of different culture. Content Word order in sentences and questions. General phrasal verbs. The past simple tense. Family. Describing pictures and photos. Adjectives. Pronunciation. At a library. The present progressive tense. Prepositions. Subordinate clauses with conjunctions which, when, who, that, where. At the airport. Past tense of regular and irregular verbs. Holidays. The past progressive tense. General and special questions. Music. Concessive subordinate clauses with though, although, but. At a conference. Informal letter. The turn of speech be going to and Present continuous for expressing intention and plan in future. Prepositional verbs. The future simple tense. At a restaurant. The present perfect tense with conjunctions ever, never, yet, just, already, for, since. Clothes. Comparison degrees of adjectives and adverbs. Comparative constructions as…as, not so…as, less../ than. Antonyms and contrary adjectives. Stress in sentences. Home. Infinitive. Present and past 11

participles as attributes and adverbial modifiers. Modal verbs and turns of speech must, have to, should, ought to, can, could, supposed to, be able to, may, and might. At a supermarket. Official letter. Three types of conditional clauses. At a chemist‟s. active and passive voices. Travelling. Indefinite pronouns and adverbs derivatives of some, any, no, every. Health and life style. Conjunctions neither…nor, either…or, both…and; short sentences of the form So do I, Neither do I. the past perfect tense. Direct and indirect speech. Telephone talk. Complex object. Gerund after the verbs stop, begin, continue, go on, finish, mind. Study / exam Students should be able to: achievements - read texts in original, acquire all the kinds of reading (studying, skimming, looking through, searching); - retrieve information on the given subject. - apply typical speech forms (describing, narrating, discussing); - narrate being based on text materials; - dialog in the form of question-answer, addition to the thought uttered, inquiries, gaining information; - participate in conversation in situations of formal communication; - produce a piece of public speaking (a talk with own conclusions and assessments). - comprehend texts in foreign Language (performing tasks detecting level of understanding oral texts); - formulate in written form thoughts, make sentiment and structural analysis of a written text; - combine informative material of the texts listened. - think critically, make sentiment and structural analysis of an academic text; - draw a plan, i.e. segment a text semantically; - combine informative material (writing paper, essay, annotations); - have skills of thematic and problem description of a text;

Form of final assessment is current examination. Form of exam: written

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used. Literature 1. New English File pre-intermediate 2. Matrix pre-intermediate 3. Solutions pre-intermediate 4. Milovidov VA A practical guide for the development of oral Language (ru) 5. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use (for intermediate students), 6. Murphy English Vocabulary in use (for intermediate students), Oxford, 2005 7. Muller English - Russian Dictionary 8. Hornby A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary of Current English, 2010 9. Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary for learners of English, 2006 10. Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms,2007

Module name Computer science Module level, if Fundamentals of Mathematics and natural sciences applicable Abbreviation Inf1105

Semester(s) in which the 1 12 module is taught Module coordinator Cand.of ped.sciences, associate prof. O.S.Akhmetova Lecturers Cand.of ped.sciences, associate prof. O.S.Akhmetova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 05) curriculum MSE RK 6.08.072-2010 Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 15

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorial Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge of Computer science within school program examination regulations Recommended No prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing outcomes social competences: - knowledge of general methods, ways and tools of gaining, storing, processing information; skills of using computer, including global networks; - development of synergetic and creative thinking and integral noosphere- humanistic ideology; special competences: - ability to analyze, process, synthesize and apply scientific information; - to know methods of cognition, projecting, constructing and researching, creative applying; - to know modern information and communication technologies; - ability to provide with transmitting initial data applying audio and video conference connection, interactive technologies; - ability to analyze, interpret and create one‟s own math models; - ability to analyze, classify and interpret real numerical data presented in the form of diagrams, graphs, tables and apply them to project-research; - ability to retrieve information on the basis of objective data and subjective views; - ability of gaining initial data in accordance with value and objective laws; - ability to process information on generating data base and bank using computer equipment and technology; - ability to determine types of storing information in mobile devices, electronic media, in the Internet; - ability to transmit information using media of information and communication technology and Internet when working with interactive data; - ability to find and retrieve information sources using information technology tools.


Content Beginning of theoretical Computer science. Technical base of information technology. Introduction into programming. Applied software of information processing. Operational systems. Service software. Applied software products. Text information processing. Numerical information processing. Graphic data processing. System of data base management. Computer networks, network telecommunication technologies. Communicative environment and data transmission. Computer networks architecture. Kinds of computer networks. Modern technologies of information security. Fundamentals of information security. Information security and its components. Computer information security against unauthorized access. Organizational steps, engineering-technical and other methods. Information security in local computer networks, antivirus security. Study / exam As a result of studying the course a student should demonstrate: achievements Knowledge of fundamentals of modern information technologies for information processing and their influence to success in professional activity; modern condition of the level and tendencies of development of computing machinery and software tools; Ability to work as an user of PC, to work with general-purpose software tools satisfying modern requirements of the world market; Having skills of working in local and global computer networks; Ability to participate in solving professional problems; Generalization of information on fundamentals of theoretical Computer science and methods of applying application packages to synthesizing information processes; Ability to link modern information and communication technologies in order to solve practical problems of gaining, storing, processing and transmitting information; work independently and in a team; organize and realize projects; taking managerial responsibility.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. At lectures multimedia presentations, electronic teaching media are used, at laboratory lessons applied and system software for computers are applied. Literature 1. Akhmetov OS, Isaev SA Informatics. Textbook. Almaty. - 2011, 560c. (kaz) 2. Isaev SA, Akhmetov OS, Akzholov AA Computer science: bazalyќ course. Oќu ќұral. - Almaty, 2011, 580s. (kaz) 3. Akhmetov OS, S. Konev Fundamentals of computer technology. Teaching Materials, Almaty – 2006 (ru) 4. Akulov OA Computer science: a basic course: a textbook for students / O.A.Akulov, N.V.Medvedev. - 4th ed., Sr. - : Omega-L, 2007 - 560c. (ru) 5. Stepanov AN Computer science: a textbook for high schools, 5th ed. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2-8. – 765 s.: Il. (ru) 6. Computer Science: Workshop on Technology on the computer. 3rd ed. / Ed. N.V.Makarovoy. - Moscow: Finances and Statistics, 2002. - 256 p. (ru)

Module name Philosophy Module level, if Fundamentals of Mathematics and natural sciences 14 applicable Abbreviation Fil 1206 Semester(s) in which the 3 module is taught Module coordinator Cand.of philos.sciences, associate prof. R.K.Zhusupova Lecturers Cand.of philos.sciences, associate prof. R.K.Zhusupova, Cand.of philos.sciences, associate prof. O.V. Kairambayeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 06) curriculum MSE RK 6.08.072-2010 Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 80-120 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the The course is aimed at giving a student necessary minimal knowledge concerning examination regulations problems of development of nature, society, thinking, understanding of human essence and human attitude to the objective world; at developing the culture of theoretical thinking on the basis of knowing dialectics laws providing applying the knowledge gained to analyzing and forecasting social and human development. Studying the course is realized together with the course of History of Kazakhstan and it is a basis of advanced study of such disciplines as «Social science», «Political science», separate chapters of «Economics». Interconnection of the course of Philosophy with other disciplines is realized on the basis of coordinating Contents of the courses and aspects considered. Recommended No prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing students‟ conscious outcomes and stable ideology, skills of independent critical thinking, at helping students acquire modern methodological strategy of scientific research, including expanding general cultural horizons of future specialists,. social competences: - having skills of gaining new knowledge; - working at all humanities literature independently; special competences: - realizing importance of Philosophy for developing human culture; knowing basic approaches to understanding human essence and human attitude to the objective world; knowing methodology of philosophical, scientific cognition; philosophical aspects of science and technology problems; - ability to orientate oneself in general methodology of cognitive and practical activity; to apply gained knowledge of fundamentals of philosophy to independent analyzing and forecasting social and human development; to apply gained knowledge of specifics of developing personality qualities and methods of 15

cognition to professional activity; - familiarizing with fundamental tendencies of Kazakhstan‟s philosophical thought; with nature, structure, functions and place of religion in society. Content Philosophy and set of its problems. Nature of philosophical problems, subject of Philosophy, place of Philosophy in the system of culture, its functions in society. Philosophy of Ancient Orient. Historical backgrounds of philosophical thought arising. Philosophy of Ancient India, Philosophy in Ancient China. Ancient Philosophy. Development and peculiarity of ancient Philosophy. Cosmo centrism of ancient Greek Philosophy, basic categories of ancient thought. Moral philosophy of Socrates. Plato and Aristotle‟s philosophy. Philosophy of the Middle Ages. Christian philosophy of Middle Ages. Patristic, scholasticism, nominalism and realism. Islamic philosophy of Middle Ages. Kalama, Sufism. Philosophy of Renaissance and New time. Features of Philosophy of Renaissance. Anthropocentrism and humanism. Philosophy of New time. Originality and fundamentals of classical new European philosophy. Basic gnoseological problem and ways of solving it. Rationalism and empiricism. German classical philosophy. The role of German classical philosophy in development of world philosophy. Kant‟s idealistic philosophy. Hegel‟s dialectics. Feuerbach‟s materialism. Philosophy of Marxism. Basic features of Marxist philosophy. Alienation problems. Concept of social- historical practice. Russian philosophy. Traditions and features of Russian philosophy. Slavophil‟s and westernists. Kazakh philosophical thought Social-cultural backgrounds of national philosophy arising. Features of social and political views of Ch.Valikhanov, A.Kunanbayev, Shakarim. Western philosophy of the 20 century. Essence of the 20-th century western philosophy. Overcoming classical philosophy. Social philosophy. Society. Structure of society. Social conscience, social psychology. Ontology. Gnoseology. Anthropology. Study / exam As a result of studying the course a student should demonstrate achievements Knowledge of: Basic stages of development of the world and domestic philosophy; Status of philosophy in the system of scientific knowledge and its place in human culture; Fundamental concepts of philosophical theory; Basic principles and laws of cognition, fundamentals and laws of social life, universal value categories of human life; Ability to: Present basic theoretical chapters of philosophical knowledge: ontology, gnoseology, social philosophy, philosophical anthropology, axiology.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai.


Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used. Literature 1. Myrzaly S. Philosophy. A., 2009. (kaz) 2. Spirkin AG Philosophy. - M., 2000. (ru) 3. Philosophy. Under red.V.P.Kohanovskogo. Rostov n / D., 2004. (ru) 4. Readings in Philosophy. Textbook for high schools. Rostov n / D., 2002. (ru) 5. Readings on the history of philosophy. In 3 parts. Moscow, 1997. (ru)

Module name Political science Module level, if Advanced applicable Abbreviation Pol 1207 Semester(s) in which the 4 module is taught Module coordinator Cand.of ped.sciences, senior teacher E.R.Akpayeva Lecturers Cand.of ped.sciences, senior teacher E.R.Akpayeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 07) curriculum MSE RK 6.08.072-2010 Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 5 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorial Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65

Credit points 2KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge within school program examination regulations Recommended No prerequisites Targeted learning Objectives: outcomes – to develop students‟ political ideology and political culture; – to develop students‟ skills of analyzing phenomena and tendencies in the sphere of political life independently; – to provide with developing students‟ conceptual apparatus; – to explain essence and role of political parties and social movements, using political processes in Kazakhstan, to students; – to show the system, sources, functions and essence of political power; - to teach students to orientate themselves in modern political life, to see variants of development of modern Kazakhstan‟s society and world processes, to understand functions of democracy as an instrument of social development, to develop their active and deliberate attitude to democratic procedures; - to provide students with understanding peculiarity of Kazakhstan‟s political development, to familiarize them with peculiarities of Kazakhstan state at 17

different stages of its development, with specific of relationship between society and government, with characteristics of party and electoral systems of modern Kazakhstan, with basic features of Kazakhstan political culture and ideology. Content Political science as science. Basic stages of development of political science. Politics in the system of social life. Power as political phenomenon. Concepts of political power. Structure, types, functions and methods of political power. Authority and opposition in Kazakhstan. Political system of society. State and civil society. Political parties and social movement. Social-ethnic communities and national policy. Political consciousness and political culture. Political regimes. Democratization and political modernization of society. Democracy as a form of state structure and regime. Basic stages and peculiarities of democratization in Kazakhstan. Political process and political activity. Political processes in Kazakhstan. Comparative political science. Object and subject of comparative political science. Methods, comparative analysis of political institutes and systems. World politics and international relations. Political problems of independent Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan in the system of international politics. Basic objectives, tendencies, priorities and problems of Kazakhstan‟s foreign policy. Study / exam As a result of studying the course a student should achievements know: - political concepts of outstanding political philosophers of the past and the present; - basic laws of development of the world and Kazakhstan‟s political thought; - basic categories of Political science and their interrelations; - typology of basic political institutions, elements of political process; - basic characteristics of the political system and political process in the modern world and Kazakhstan; - basic principles of political forecasting and basic global models of the future; - have idea of basic points of view concerning issues of Political science; Be able to: - explore succession of political ideas; - classify political concepts and party political platforms; - analyze political concepts and platforms in the context of the place and time of creating them; - apply categories of Political science to analyzing political systems of specific countries, first of all, of modern Kazakhstan; - make typology of political systems of states, their political cultures, political processes; - understand fundamentals of legitimacy of political power, political parties, political systems, political leaders of specific communities; -determine actuality of different political concepts and platforms for modern Kazakhstan.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes 18

of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used. Literature 1.Political science. Ed. RT Mukhayev Moscow, 2009 (ru) 2. A short course in political science. Edited by VV Batalina Moscow, 2009 3.Political science. Radugin AA Moscow, 2009 (ru) 4. Political science. Kravchenko AI - Ed., "Prospect", 2011 (ru)

Module name Fundamentals of Economics Module level, if Fundamentals of specialty applicable Abbreviation OET 1208 Semester(s) in which the 3 module is taught Module coordinator Cand.of econ.sciences, senior teacher A.N.Kaziyeva Lecturers Cand.of econ.sciences, senior teacher A.N.Kaziyeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 08) curriculum MSE RK 6.08.072-2010 Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practical‟s Lab semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practical‟s Lab Number of hours 10 5 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practical‟s Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65

Credit points 2KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of required disciplines of general educational module examination regulations Recommended Philosophy, History of Kazakhstan prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at students‟ studying the most outcomes important economical categories and laws, knowledge of basic concepts of Economics in connection with analysis of new phenomena in the development of the modern society. Basic objectives of the course «Fundamentals of Economics» are: - acquiring the subject of Economics; - ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practice. Content Subject and method of Economics. Concept of Economics, its place in the system of sciences. Methods and functions of Economics. Principles and laws of Economics. Social production and its structure. Social production, its essence and factors. Structure of social production. Economic requirements and economic goods. Reproduction and its phases. Simple and extended reproduction. Economic institutes: ownership and entrepreneurship. Types of economic systems and mechanism of its development. Economic and legal Contents of ownership. Variety of patterns of ownership. Reforms of ownership in Kazakhstan. Essence 19

of entrepreneurship, its characteristics. Organizational forms of entrepreneurship: their advantages and disadvantages. Development of entrepreneurship in RK. Social economy. Commodity production. Money. Natural and commodity forms of economy. Basic categories of commodity exchange economy.. theory of value and marginal utility theory. Origin and essence of money. Money circulation law. Market: types, structure, models. Market economy as top phase of commodity production. Essence and basic elements of market mechanism. Advantages and disadvantages of market economy. Infrastructure of market. Supply and demand. Law of demand, curve of demand. Demand change. Law of supply, curve of supply. Supply change. Interaction of demand and supply. Market equilibrium. Competition and monopoly. Essence of competition, its economic importance. Theory of perfect and imperfect competition. Theory of monopolies. Features of monopolistic competition. Price discrimination and its types. Antimonopoly law and antimonopoly policy in RK. Capital (funds). Circulation. Production costs. Capital circulation, stages, functional forms. Fixed and working capital. Profits from factors of production. Basic kinds of production resources and profits from using them. Salary and factors affecting it. Nominal and real salary. Basic forms and systems. Modern systems of remuneration of labor. Regulating salary. Land rent, per cent, income are profits. National economy as system. Basic features and mechanisms of macroeconomics. GDP. Economic equilibrium and economic growth. Classical theory of macroeconomic equilibrium. Aggregate supply and aggregate demand. Economic growth and measuring it. Types and factors of economic growth. Economic cycles. Inflation and unemployment. Economic cycles: their reasons and characteristics. Structural crisis. Anti-crisis regulating. Basic forms of unemployment. Employment policy. Essence and types of inflation. Reasons and consequences. State regulation: essence, objectives, instruments. Social and regional policy of state. Social policy: necessity, essence, objectives. Social security. Methods and resources of realizing regional policy. International economic relations. Regulation of external-economic activity. Study / exam As a result of studying the course a student should demonstrate: achievements Knowledge of basic concepts and ability of creative using methods of scientific cognition (historical, statistical, mathematical, etc.); Ability to deal with a wide range of economic issues, to evaluate conservative and new tendencies of social development in order to determine his\her attitude to reforms and be ready for practical activities having certain ideology. Form of exam: written Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used. Literature 1. Krymova VN Economic theory, Almaty, 2010 (kaz) 2. Economic theory: A Textbook. / Ed. AI Dobrynin, LS Tarasevich. - St. Petersburg, 1999, 2001. (ru) 3. Economic theory: Tutorial / Ed. VD Kamaeva. - Ed. 5th. - M., 1999. (ru) 4. Economic theory. The theory of the free market. / K. Howard, D. Zhuravlev, N. Eriashvili. - M., 1998. (ru) 4. Economic theory: Proc. Allowance. / N. Solovykh etc. - M., 1998. (ru) 20

5. P. Samuelson, Economics. In 2 volumes: Tutorial. - M., 1997. (ru)

Module name Social science Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation Soc 1209 Semester(s) in which the 3 module is taught Module coordinator Cand.of ped.sciences, senior teacher E.R.Akpayeva Lecturers Cand.of ped.sciences, senior teacher E.R.Akpayeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 09) curriculum MSE RK 6.08.072-2010 Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practical‟s Lab semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practical‟s Lab Number of hours 10 5 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practical‟s Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65

Credit points 2KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge of required disciplines within general educational module examination regulations Recommended Philosophy, Political science, Psychology, Cultural science, History prerequisites Targeted learning Objectives and learning outcomes suggest knowing methodology of scientific outcomes cognition of surrounding social world, acquiring literary speech, humanitarian culture of sociological thinking and skills of scientific organization of labor. Students studied the course of Social science should: - have scientific idea of sociological approach to analysis of society, nature of origin of social communities and social groups, types and tendencies of social processes and social changes; - have an idea of methodology and methods of carrying out social research; - know typology and basic conditions of origin and development of social movements, factors of social development, forms of social interaction and be able to analyze them; - know laws, categories and functions of Social science, basic objectives of applying sociological knowledge; - understand roles, basic functions of social organizations and institutions in society, basic principles of developing social policy; - have a scientific idea of sociological approach to individual, forms, tendencies and peculiarities of socialization, basic laws and forms of regulating social behavior; - be able to predict changes of conditions of social phenomena and processes. Content Social science in the structure of social humanities. Laws and categories of Social science. Basic trends in the history of Social science. 21

Society as social system. Basic elements of social structure. Social institutes and social processes. Social structure and social stratification. Sociological characteristics of individual. Concepts of «human being», «individual», «person». Deviation and social control. Sociology of education. Political sociology. Economic sociology. Sociology of family. Origin and evolution of family forms. Family as a social institute. Structure and function of family. Sociology of culture. Sociological analysis of culture. Essence of culture, basic elements of culture, development of culture in modern conditions. Sociological analysis of features of Kazakh culture. Sociology of mass communications. Object, subject, laws and categories of mass media. Sociologists of mass communications are one of modern tendencies of sociology, functions of mass media, and mass media as an important institute of personal socialization. Classical and modern sociological methods and techniques of researching mass media. Applied Social science. Methods and techniques of carrying out social research. Defining objectives and problems of social research, methods of information processing and analysis of its results. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course of Social science students should know: - concept of Social science, distinguish its subject and object; - social structure of society, kinds of stratification; - concept of individual, forms and types of deviant behavior; - concept of culture as a social phenomenon; - interaction between social and ecological environment; - role of family in human life; - appropriate concepts of the chapter «political sociology»; - Influence of mass media upon personal socialization. Be able to: - understand basic concepts of Social science; - orientate themselves in political processes of society; - carry out any sociological research.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used. Literature 1. Gabdullina KG Raisov ER Science, Almaty, 2008. (kaz) 2. VF Kravchenko A.I.Anurin Sociology, Peter, 2008. (ru) 3. Lavrynenko VN Sociology, Moscow, 2009 (ru) 4. Dobrenkov VI, Kravchenko AI Sociology, Moscow, 2010. (ru) 5. AN Yelsukov Sociology. Short Course, Moscow, 2009 (ru)

Module name Fundamentals of Law Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation OP 1210

Semester(s) in which the 4 22 module is taught Module coordinator Cand.of juridical sciences, senior teacher A.M.Seraliyeva Lecturers Cand.of juridical sciences, senior teacher A.M.Seraliyeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 10) curriculum MSE RK 6.08.072-2010 Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practical‟s Lab Number of hours 10 5 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practical‟s Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65

Credit points 2KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge of required disciplines within general educational module examination regulations Recommended History of Kazakhstan, Fundamentals of Economics prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social and outcomes professional competences: - to comply with requirements of business ethics, to follow moral and legal standards of behavior; - to know fundamentals of the legal system of Kazakhstan‟s legislation; - to have skills of gaining new knowledge necessary for everyday professional activities; - to be able to work in a team, correctly defend one‟s point, suggest new solutions; - to attempt to reach a professional and personal advance; - to be adaptable and mobile in different situations connected with professional activity; - to have information and communication knowledge and abilities, to be able to apply them to practice; Special competences: - to have a system of knowledge of economic laws and phenomena in a society; - to be able to apply theoretical and practical knowledge of fundamentals of law to future profession. Content Stages of development of Fundamentals of Law. Subject and methods of teaching Fundamentals of Law. Basic concepts of state, law and state legal phenomena. Fundamentals of constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Law-enforcement bodies and court of the RK. Public administration in the RK. Fundamentals of administrative law of the RK Fundamentals of civil and family law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Basic statements of family law. Fundamentals of finance law of the RK. Labour law and social security law of the RK. 23

Fundamentals of environmental and land law. Criminal law of the RK. Problems and principles of criminal law. Penal law, its characteristics, system and structure. Criminal penalty. Criminal liability of minors. Adjective law of the RK Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should Know Kazakhstan‟s legislation on different branches of law; Be able to formulate their opinion, assessments at professional level; independently apply legislation framework to different situations of modern life; have skills of public speaking, correct and logical wording their ideas, participating in discussions concerning law at professional level; skills of reasoning their position concerning professional and other issues using knowledge of fundamentals of law; skills of using modern computer technology of gaining, processing, analyzing and storing information.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used. Literature 1. A. Ibraeva, N. Ibraev. Theory of State and Law. Orkeniet 2000. 2. Baimakhanov MT Rule of law. Fundamentals of State and Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2006 3. Dulatbekov NO and others, Principles of State and Law of modern Kazakhstan. A, 2000. 4.Turlaev AV Basics of Law. Karaganda, 2004. 5. Konstantin Osipov Basics of Law. Textbook. Ed-e 2-e, as amended. Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 2007.

Module name Fundamentals of Life Activities Safety Module level, if applicable Fundamentals Mathematics and natural sciences

Abbreviation ОBZh 1111

Semester(s) in which the 2 module is taught Module coordinator Cand,of med.sciences, prof. A.S.Kunakbayev Lecturers Cand.of med.sciences, prof. A.S.Kunakbayev, Cand.of biology sciences, senior teacher D.K.Kulzhanova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 11) curriculum MSE RK 6.08.072-2010 Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practical‟s Number of hours 10 5 Class hours per week 2 1


Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practical‟s Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge within school program, skills of working at computer examination regulations Recommended No prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes - ability to act in emergency (force-majeure) situations in peace and at war, knowledge of methods of social security, fundamentals of organizing and arranging salvage operations when liquidating aftermath of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters and application of modern decimators; - ability of recognizing indications of traumatic injuries, dangerous infections, acute diseases and rendering first aid; - knowledge of organizing research of stable functioning of the branch studied according to their specialty and ability to determine activities for improving it; - knowledge of the system of civil defense; - knowledge of HIV/AIDS prevention; - responsibility for their behavior and health; - positive motivation on problems of preserving and promoting their health. Content Organizational fundamentals of providing life activities safety. Emergency (force-majeure) situations in peace and at war, reasons and consequences. Evaluating the situation at emergency. Salvage and rescue operations and other necessity work. Social security and protection of economy objects in situations of emergency and force-majeure. Actions of communities in situations of emergency and force-majeure. Traumas, acute diseases, poisoning, related to situations of emergency and force-majeure, and rendering first aid. Particularly dangerous infections, HIV infection and AIDS. Socially important diseases. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should know: - order of performing salvage operations, using personal protection equipment for respiratory and skin protection, rendering first aid; - information of HIV/AIDS, extend of its spreading, routes of transmission. Be able to: - make appropriate decisions in situations of emergency and force-majeure concerning social protection; - apply the knowledge gained for teaching ways of HIV/AIDS prevention. - act in situations of emergency and force-majeure; - apply methods of social protection; - organize and perform salvage and other necessary operations in situations of emergency and force-majeure and application of modern decimators; - to recognize indications of traumatic injuries, dangerous infections, acute diseases and render first aid; Have: - knowledge of the system of teaching civil defense; - knowledge of HIV/AIDS prevention; - skills of responsible attitude to their own behavior and health.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the 25

regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai.

Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used. Literature 1. Kryuchek NA, Latchuk VN Mironov SK Safety and security of the population in emergency situations, M.: in NC ENAS, 2001 – 264 (ru) 2. Bubnov, VG, Bubnov, NV Fundamentals of medical knowledge: ucheb. and practical. allowance. - Moscow: AST, 2004. - 252 p. (ru) 3. Textbook for high school students on the course and Safety, Book I and II. Agency for emergencies. Republican courses ES and, Almaty, 2004, 2005 (kaz) 4. Saparbekov MK , Surat and H., Chaklikov TE, Lebedev EN, GR Suleimenova Epidemiology and prevention of HIV - infection in Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2000, 175s. (ru) 5. Kauashev SK, AS Kunakbaev Exposure to Almaty natural emergencies. Methodical instructions for practical exercises for students of specialties. Almaty, 2006, 27 p. (kaz) 6. Kauashev SK, AS Kunakbaev Memo student, to provide first aid in emergency situations, "Everyone should know and be able to everyone." Almaty, 2007, 12 p. (kaz)

Module name Introduction to pedagogical profession Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation VPP 2101 Semester(s) in which the 1 module is taught Module coordinator Cand.of, prof. of KazNPU named after Abai Sh.Zh.Kolumbayeva Lecturers Doctor of ped.sciences, prof. V.V.Trifonov, Cand.of ped.sciences, associate professor S.S.Zhumasheva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic Module. Required Component (BM RC 01). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals semester Number of hours 15 Class hours per week 1 Group size (students) 10-100 10 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Number of hours 10 Class hours per week 2 Group size (students) 10-50 10

Workload Total hours Lectures Practicals Tutorials Self- study Full-time 45 15 15 15 Part-time 45 10 5 30

Credit points 1 KZ (2 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge on social subjects and humanities within school program examination regulations Recommended No prerequisites


Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social-personal outcomes competences: - to have communicative abilities and skills, speech standards; - to know pedagogical instrument; special competences: - personal, civil responsibility; - ability to realize pedagogical communication and interaction in the pedagogical process. Content Problem of development of modern education and personal development in the context of continuous education. Features of education and its role in modern social and cultural conditions. Paradigm of modern education: orientation at individual and result. Education as strategy priority of the XXI century. The system of education in the RK. 12-year model of secondary education. Role of pedagogue in solving problems of modern secondary education and personal development. Personality and its problems in modern society. Concept of person- oriented education and competence approach to pedagogical activity. Continuous education. Pedagogical profession and personality of pedagogue. General characteristics of pedagogical profession. Professional requirements for modern teacher, his rights and duties. Qualification characteristics of pedagogical employee according to levels of education. Essence of pedagogical activity and its structure. Functional kinds of teacher‟s activity in managing pedagogical process. Object of teacher‟s activity is pedagogical process. Features of teacher and educator‟s activity within 12-year school program. Professional and pedagogical aspect of personality of a teacher. Professionally important qualities of personality of a pedagogue. General and professional culture of a pedagogue. Pedagogical ethics and tact. System of pedagogical education. Pedagogical personnel of Kazakhstan: modem situation and problems. Continuous pedagogical education as a condition of success for teacher‟s professional-personal development and his self-realization. Modern forms of teacher‟s professional advance. Characteristics of basic components of teacher‟s profession-pedagogical competence: special, communicative, information, social, personal, self-educational competences in organizing specialized teaching. Pedagogical practice in the process of professional training of future teacher. Pedagogical projecting as indicator of teacher‟s creative, innovative activities. Factors of pedagogue’s continuous professional development. Pedagogical communication as the basis of interaction of pedagogical process subjects. Functions, stages, kinds of pedagogical communication. Features of pedagogical communication with different age pupils. Pedagogical communication with pupils‟ parents. Influence of pedagogical communication upon development of positive “I-concept” of a pupil. Communicativeness as professional and personality quality of a pedagogue. Diagnostics of teacher‟s communicativeness. Ways of realizing pedagogical communication. Teacher‟s communicative competence in modern conditions. Culture as a component of teacher‟s communicative competence. Features of teacher‟s professional self-education. Methods of personal self-education. Pedagogical reflection as basis of self- education. Importance of self-education for developing pedagogue‟s professional competence within continuous education. Importance of self-education for the modern information-oriented society. Methods of self-education. Methods of working with information. Organizing self-educational activities. Teacher‟s self- educational competence as a result of his self-educational activity. Study / exam As a result of studying the course a student should demonstrate knowledge of achievements social importance of a pedagogue in modern society; Content of future specialty, object of future activity; educational system of the RK and system of pedagogical 27

education; features of 12-year school program; essence of competence approach in pedagogical science and practice; factors of pedagogue‟s continuous profession-personal development; pedagogical communication, culture, ethics; Ability to realize pedagogical communication and interaction in pedagogical process; speak up to speech standards; project program of self-education and self- development; study and gain profession-pedagogical experience. Being able to use constructive methods of working in problematic situations, competence in combination of profession-pedagogical activity with developing pupils‟ civil responsibility, intellectual development and spiritual-moral self- consciousness.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used. Literature 1. Introduction to the teaching profession: Textbook for students ped. specialties. / N. Khan, K SI, Zheksenbaeva UB, Kolumbayeva SZ, Berikhanova AE /- Almaty, 2010 - 243 p. (kaz) 2.Nikitina NN Introduction to Teaching: Theory and Practice: A manual for schools / N. Nikitin, NV Kislinskaya. - Moscow: Academia, 2004. - 224. (ru) 3. Zheksenbaeva UB Competence-oriented education in the modern school. Textbook. - Almaty, 2009. - 190 p. (kaz) 4. Pazuhina SV Educational success: diagnostics and the development of professional consciousness of the teacher.: Uch.posobie. St. Petersburg. -2007. - 224 With. (ru) 5. Peshkov VE Pedagogy. A course of lectures Ch1.Uchebnoe guide - Maikop, 2010 - 42. (ru)

Module name Pedagogy Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation Ped2202 Semester(s) in which the 3 module is taught Module coordinator Cand.of ped.sciences, prof.of KazNPU named after Abai Sh.Zh.Kolumbayeva Lecturers Doctor of ped.sciences, prof. V.V.Trifonov, Cand.of ped.sciences, associate professor S.S.Zhumasheva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic Module. Required Component (BM RC 02). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals semester Number of hours 30 15 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 10-120 10 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 10-50 10-25

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Tutorials Self- 28

study Full-time 135 30 15 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge on required disciplines of general educational module and basic examination regulations discipline «Introduction to pedagogical profession» Recommended Philosophy, Political science, Introduction to pedagogical profession prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing students’ social- outcomes personal competences: humanism, pedagogical thinking, commutability, pedagogical tact, tolerance, etc., special, communicative, informational competences: - knowledge of organization of specialized and pre-specialized education within 12-year school program; ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical activity; - ability to correlate historical and modern pedagogical knowledge, operate with historical facts of knowledge of fundamentals of functioning and development of education and pedagogical idea introduced against the backgrounds of different epochs, political, economic and cultural factors. Content Theoretico-methodolofical fundamentals of Pedagogy. Pedagogy as science of educating people. Factors of personality developing, educating and their interrelation. Age and personality traits of children, taking it into account in educational process. Developing teacher‟s research culture. Methodology and methods of scientific pedagogical research. Theory and practice of integral pedagogical process. Essence of integral pedagogical process (IPP). Laws and principles of IPP. Objective of education, its social dependence. Socialization as pedagogical phenomenon. Developing pupils‟ scientific ideology. Content of education in IPP. Motive mechanisms of educational process. Interaction and interrelation of a teacher and a children‟s group in pedagogical process. Educational system of a class as a result of form master‟s creative activity. Fundamentals of family upbringing. Teaching in IPP structure. Content of education at modern school. Teaching methods. Control and assessment in IPP. Activation of pupils‟ cognitive activity. Modern pedagogical technologies. Innovative pedagogical processes in education. Managing school integral pedagogical process. Organizational and methodological management of school IPP. Diagnostics and planning IPP. Methodological work at school and teachers qualifying evaluation. New approaches to managing education in the RK when switching to 12-year model of secondary education. Development of education, school and pedagogical idea in the history of humanity. Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of the history of Pedagogy and education. Origin of organized forms of education at early stages of human development. Ancient world. Education in states of Ancient East and Nomadic civilization. Education in the Ancient Age. The Middle Ages: education, school and pedagogical idea. Education and pedagogical idea in Western Europe in the early Middle Ages and Reformation period. School and pedagogical idea in European and American countries in recent times. Education, school and pedagogical idea in the history of Russia in the X - XX centuries. Educational system and pedagogical science of the Soviet period Development of school, education and pedagogical idea in the history of Kazakhstan. Upbringing and education in the period of Kazakh khanate (XV - XVIII centuries). School and education in Kazakhstan in the XVIII - XIX 29

centuries. Problems of education, school and development of pedagogical theory in Kazakhstan in the XX - XXI centuries. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate knowledge on theoretical and methodological fundamentals of Pedagogy and history of its development; theory and practice of integral pedagogical process (IPP); technology of realizing IPP; managing IPP; Ability to: project and realize educational work in accordance with laws, educational mechanisms of IPP; diagnose educational process in a class using basic characteristics (variable) and predict its further development; formulate educational problems, choose adequate activities, forms and methods; develop innovative approaches to the process of education; analyze pedagogical phenomena, create a cause-and-effect relationships and dependences between them, and on basis of this develop their critical thinking; realize reflection: analyze, evaluate and correct process and result of their own pedagogical activity; organize and carry out scientific research.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used. Literature Basic: 1. Pedagogy: A Textbook. - Almaty: Print-System, 2005.-364. (kaz) 2. Pidkasisty PI Pedagogy. - M: Yurayt-M, 2001. - 607. (ru) 3. Podlas IP Pedagogy. - Minsk, 2006. - 631 p. (ru) 4. Hops ND Theory and technology of a holistic educational process: the manual. - Almaty, Abai KazNPU 2008. - 176 p. (ru) 5. AN Dzhurinsky The history of foreign pedagogy. - M., 1998.-272. (ru)

Module name Ethnic Pedagogy Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation Etn2203 Semester(s) in which the 4 module is taught Module coordinator Master-teacher G.M. Abzhan Lecturers Master-teacher G.M. Abzhan Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic Module. Required Component (BM RC 03). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 5 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 20 20


Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 - 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 - 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of basic categories of Pedagogy; being competent in using examination regulations pedagogical terms Recommended History of Kazakhstan, Pedagogy, Psychology prerequisites Targeted learning - Possession of a national identity. outcomes The process of studying the course is aimed at developing Social and personal competences: - cultivating patriotism relative to motherland, nation, history together with knowledge of customs and traditions, history and national culture of people inhabiting our Republic. Special competences: -having national self-consciousness. Content Interconnection of development of ethnic culture and the process of development of social information. Eight basic stages of development of Kazakh ethnic community, peculiarities of education at each stage, works of famous scientists- ethnographers, cultural heritage, national art of the VI century up to the present. Scientific and methodological fundamentals of researching ethnic culture. Historical periods of development of people rising. Stages of development of Kazakh national Pedagogy. Traditions of cultural and martial education of Sacks and Huns empires. Great Turkic Khaganate and its heritage (VI-IX centuries). Spreading of Arabian culture in Kazakh steppe. Educational ideas of the Middle Ages great scientists. (X-XV centuries). National education in the period of Kazakh khanate. Education ideas in Zhyrau poetry. National liberation movement in the Kazakh steppe against Russian colony and development of elucidative-democratic ideas. Development of Kazakh Pedagogy in the Soviet period. Development of national education in the independent Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific and theoretical fundamentals of Kazakh ethnic pedagogy. Basic principles of national Pedagogy and its connection with scientific pedagogy. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course of Ethnic Pedagogy students should demonstrate: Knowledge of fundamentals of national education: respect for elders, parents, old men, ability of communicating with teachers, comply with ethics and speech standards; ability to distinguish kinds of national art (literature, poetry, fine art, aitys, music, etc.) and evaluate them; Ability to consider ethnic pedagogical phenomena independently, see natural presence of these phenomena in surrounding reality, in everyday life; knowledge of ways of reflecting and functioning of pedagogical ideas and experience of previous generations in modern educational practice.

Form of exam: written

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used.


Literature 1. Anthology of educational thought in Kazakhstan. / / Comp. Zharikbaev KB, SK Kaliev - Almaty, 1995. (kaz) 2. Kazakhs. (historical and ethnographic research). Ed. Kozybayev MK and others). - Almaty, 1995. (kaz) 3. Uzakbaeva SA, KJ Kozhakhmetova Use material Kazakh ethnopedagogics pedagogical subjects in the study. - Almaty, 1996. (kaz) 4. Wolves GN Pedagogy. - Moscow, 2000. (ru) 5. Pedagogy. Textbook. Almaty, 2010. (kaz)

Module designation Psychology and human development Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation PRCh 2104 Semester(s) in which the 1 module is taught Module coordinator Cand.of ped.sciences, associate prof. Zh.A.Abisheva Lecturers Cand.of ped.sciences, associate prof. Zh.A.Abisheva , Senior teacher M.A.Kuanaliyeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic Module. Required Component (BM RC 04). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 10-100 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 5 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 10-60 30

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the To know history of development of the subject Psychology and Human examination regulations Development in the soviet and international Psychology; characteristics of Psychology and Human Development as science, its methods and objectives; dynamics of development and structure of personality and human activity. Recommended prerequisites Philosophy, Physiology, Social science, Pedagogy Targeted learning outcomes Systematization of students‟ knowledge on different branches of Psychology on the basis of studying general psychological laws of psychological phenomena; - development of abilities and skills of students‟ cognitive activity in the process of systematic psychological analysis of different theories and psychological facts; - providing students with knowledge about methodological, theoretical and methodical fundamentals of constructing research in the sphere of psychology of development. Content Psychology and human development combined two psychological disciplines: General Psychology and Psychology of development. Psychology of development as a separate branch of psychological science, emerged in the end of XIX century, is aimed at detecting age characteristics 32

and dynamics of the process of personality development intra vital. The number of age periods and their comparative characteristics was increasing. Preschool Psychology, elementary school Psychology, Phycology of teenagers, Phycology of seniors, Phycology of adults, advanced age psychology. Study of individual differences between people at each stage of psychic development. Development of human psychic and consciousness, psychology of activity, psychology of a small and large group, psychology of personality, psychological and cognitive processes. Study and examination As a result of studying the course a student should requirements and forms of - know history of development of the subject of Psychology and Human examination development in soviet and foreign Psychology; characteristics of Psychology and Human development as science, its methods and objectives; dynamics of development and structure of human personality and activity; - have an idea of psychological peculiarities of human personality in ontogenesis and phylogenies; - be able to apply the knowledge gained to practice; to create methodological base for control over process, Content adequacy and conditions of a child‟s psychic development

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by Kanpur named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used. Literature 1 Asmolov AG Personality Psychology. - Moscow: Press, 1990 (ru) 2 LI Bozovic Personality and its formation in childhood, Moscow, 2003 (ru) 3 Edge of Psychology of development. St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2000. 4 Rubinstein SL Fundamentals of general psychology. - SP b.: Peter, 2005. (ru) 5 El'konin DB Child Psychology, Moscow, 2004 6 Aysmontas BB General psychology: Scheme. - Moscow: Publishing House of the VLADOS PRESS, 2002. (ru)

Module name Self-knowledge Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation Sam 2205 Semester(s) in which the 3 module is taught Module coordinator Doctor of ped.sciences, prof. A.D.Kaidarova Lecturers Cand.of ped.sciences, prof. S.I.Kaliyeva, Cand.of ped.sciences, prof. A.E.Berikhanova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic Module. Required Component (BM RC 05). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 30 - 50 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 5 33

Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge on required disciplines of general educational and basic modules examination regulations Recommended History of Kazakhstan, Philosophy, Cultural science, Ethics, Esthetics, Science prerequisites of religion, Ecology, Psychology, Pedagogy Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social and personal outcomes competences: - having humanist world outlook; skills of reflection, self-analysis, self- education; experience of moral behavior in educational, reality situations; special competences: - having a system of theoretical knowledge and practical abilities of personal and professional self-development, pedagogical support of pupils‟ self-knowledge and self-development. Content 1. Fundamentals of self-knowledge Steps of self-knowledge. Self-knowledge as condition of personal self- realization. Essence of self-knowledge. Self-understanding. Concept of self- appraisal. Positive thinking and internal harmony. Human internal resources. Self-cultivation. My inner life. Uniqueness of human inner life. Real values, moral ideals, aim and meaning in life of a human being. Establishing oneself. Personal liberty as responsibility and ability to make decisions. Others and I. Self-knowledge through communication. Communication as means of reaching mutual understanding between people. Human need for harmonic communication. Skills of interpersonal communication, tolerance. Verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication. My close surrounding. Self-knowledge through relationships with close people. Importance of family and relatives for human life. Society and I. Self-knowledge through attitude to community. Concept of public spirit and patriotism. The world and I. Self-knowledge through attitude to the world. World integrity and interdependence of a human being, community and nature. Realizing one's place in the world. 2. Professional self-knowledge and self-development of a pedagogue ideal of pedagogue as a guide of professional self-knowledge and self- development. Pedagogue's professional self-knowledge and self-development as success aspects of pedagogical activity. Professional pedagogical tendency, professional activity, professional knowledge and abilities, pedagogical abilities, pedagogical memory, thinking and imagination, professional self-consciousness, professional competence. Features of pedagogue's self-knowledge and self-development. Professional self-knowledge of a pedagogue: objectives, motives, methods, development process, results. Methods, ways, facilities of professional self-knowledge and self- development of a pedagogue. Methods of self-knowledge: self-observation, self-analysis, self-projecting. Self-education as a way of pedagogue's self- development. Pedagogical support of pupils' self-knowledge and self-development is 34

modern teacher's mission. Pedagogue's ability to realize pedagogical support of pupils' self-knowledge and self-development. Professionally important competences of a pedagogue for realizing pedagogical support of pupils' activity concerning self-knowledge and self-development. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course of Self-knowledge students should know: - world integrity, integrity and interdependence of a human being, community and nature; - value of a human being, his life and quality, rights and freedoms, their mission and role in community; - value and meaning of pedagogical activity; - basic objectives of professional self-development; - key mechanisms and terms of professional self-knowledge and successful self- development of a pedagogue. Be able and have skills of: - researching their own potential of professional self-development; projecting and realizing individual program of professional self-knowledge and self- development; - creative approach to solving pedagogical problems; - systematic developing professional competence. Have competences: in the sphere of theory and methods of professional self- knowledge and self-development.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media In the process of teaching the course a set of active and interactive teaching methods corresponding to the discipline specific is used. There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used. Literature 1.Maralov VG basics of self-knowledge and self-development: Manual. benefits for the students. environments. ped. educational, institutions. - Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004. - 256 p. (ru) 2.Self-knowledge: Notebook studenta.-Almaty: NNPOOTS. 1 course. Kudysheva BK, Jumanova GJ, Serovajsky DE, GI Kaliyeva "Bobek" -2007. - 210 p. (kaz) 3. Self-knowledge: Reader student. 1 course. Kudysheva BK, Jumanova GJ, Serovajsky DE, Kaliyeva GI Seilkanova GT, SR Kerimbaeva -Almaty: NNPOOTS "Bobek" -2007. - 308. (kaz) 4. Wolf BS , Volkova NV Psychology of human development: a manual for schools. - Moscow: Academic Project, 2004. (ru) 5. Personality. Culture. Society. T. VIII. MY. 1 (29) - Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006. (ru) 6. Human development in Kazakhstan. Textbook / Ed. Ed. N.K.Mamyrova and F.Akchury. - Almaty: Economics, 2003. (kaz)

Module name Age physiology and school hygiene Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation VFShG2106 Semester(s) in which the 1 module is taught Module coordinator Cand.of biolog.sciences, senior teacher G.K.Tashenova Lecturers Senior teacher T.T.Nurkenov, Teacher N.I.Otarova


Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic Module. Required Component (BM RC 06). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 10-120 10-25 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 5 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 10-20 10-20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of anthroponomy and physiology within school program examination regulations Recommended No prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing outcomes Professional competences: - ability to organize educational work with children and teenagers taking into account anatomic and physiological features of an organism in different age periods, including hygienic requirements for premises (building, classrooms), furniture and equipment of a school; - ability of providing pupils with life and health protection during the educational process and out-of-classroom activities; ability to resist to adverse environmental factors through accustoming children and teenagers to healthy life-style and building; Subject competences: − ability to apply knowledge of modern natural scientific worldview to educational and professional activity; - ability to apply methods of means of cognition, teaching and self-control to their intellectual development, advancing their cultural standard, professional competence, preventing their health, moral and physical self-cultivation. Content General natural laws of growth and development of children and teenagers. Organism as the whole. Integrity of an organism and environment. Neurohumoral regulation of organism functions. Growth and development of organism. Impact of living conditions to growth and development of children and teenagers. Continuity, irregularity, priority development of the most important systems and heterochrony. Periodization of ontogenesis, critical stages of ontogenesis. Physical development is an Important indicator of health condition and social well-being. Concept of acceleration. Retardation, reactivity and resistance of an organism. Physiology and hygiene of nerve system, its age features. Structure of the nerve system. Importance of the nerve system for perceiving, processing and transmitting information, for organizing organism reactions in realizing psychic functions. Nerve tissue. Neuron structure, its properties. Properties of the nerve fiber. Synapsis, central nerve system. Nerve centers, their properties. Reflex as basis of nervous activity. Reflex arch. Receptors. 36

Higher nervous activity, its development in the process of a child’s growth. Structures and functions of cerebral cortex. Features of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes. Types of higher nervous activity. Typological features of children‟s higher nervous activity. Concept of functional system. Neurophysiological mechanism of upbringing and attention. Physiological fundamentals of learning and memory. Memory components. Short-time and long-time memory. Sleep hygiene. Physiology and hygiene of sensory systems. Sensory systems of an organism, their classification. Structure and functions of sensory systems. Visual analyzer. Structure and optical characteristics of an eye. Short- and long-sightedness. Eyesight hygiene. Auditory analyzer. Structure and acoustic properties of an ear. Children‟s ear hygiene. Importance and structure of cutaneous, motor, olfactory, gustatory and vestibular sensor systems. Features of their functioning at different ages. Physiology of endocrine glands. Features of children’s and teenagers’ sexual development in present conditions and sex education. Concept of humeral regulation of an organism. Endocrine glands. Hormones. Structure and functions of peripheral endocrine glands. Iodine lack, children and teenagers‟ diabetes mellitus and preventive measures. Sexual glands, their importance in the process of growth, development and puberty. Development of secondary sexual characters. Puberty is physiological and social. Sex education is an integral component of preparing pupils for family life. Principles, forms, methods and means of medico-hygienic and sex education. Harm of abortion. Integration of pedagogues, medical officers and parents in realizing sex education. Age characteristics and hygiene of musculoskeletal system. Human skeleton. Structure and functions of articulations. Spinal curvature, its development and functional purpose. Skeleton development. Muscular system. Muscular structure and functions. Age features of muscular mass and strength. Development of motor skills, development of coordination of movement. Age features of organism reactions to physical exercises at different age periods. Pupils‟ motoring. Harm of hypodynamia. Posture. Development and importance of correct posture. Fault in posture. Chest distortion. Flat-footedness. Preventive measures. Age features of digestive apparatus. Metabolism. Food hygiene. Structure and functions of digestive system. Digestion in mouth cavity. Salivary glands. Teeth. Second dentition. Preventive measures for mouth cavity and teeth. Stomach digestion. Importance of liver and pancreas for digestion. Anabolism and catabolism. Enzyme and metabolism. Features of children and teenagers‟ protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Anaemia, obesity, hypovitaminosis, their prevention. Age features of blood, blood circulation, respiration and secretion. Inner environment of an organism. Functions and structure of blood. Blood clotting. Blood groups. Anemia, preventing it. Blood circulation system. Age features of heart structure and operation. Electrical phenomena in heart. Blood pressure, its age features. Preventive measures against cardio-vascular conditions. Age features of respiratory system structure. Secretion organs. Structure and age features of kidneys functions. Age features of structure and functions of skin. Influence of education conditions to pupils’ health conditions. Concept of health. Health indicators. Health groups. Hygienic requirements for premises, buildings, classrooms, air conditions, illumination, equipment. Hygienic fundamentals of organizing educational process and day regimen for 6 years old children. Anatomic and physiological features and working capacity of 6-years old children. Tiredness. Meals, food. Adaptation to academic load. 37

Fundamentals of developing children and teenagers’ healthy life-style. Concept of healthy life-style. Social and pedagogical fundamentals. Basic risk factors affecting children and teenagers‟ health in present life. Children and teenagers‟ psychological health. Interaction of physical and psychological health. Ecology and healthy life-style. Healthy food is one of components of healthy life-style. Physical culture and healthy life-style. Age features of physical training. Destructive behavior: smoking, alcoholism, toxic mania, narcomania, etc. social, psychological and biological reasons of youngsters‟ destructive behavior. Clinical presentations of AIDS. Preventive measures against HIV/AIDS. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate: Knowledge of laws of ontogenetic development; neuro-physiological mechanisms of education; physiological features of separate parts and organism in a whole in different ontogenesis periods; favorable and unfavorable environmental factors affecting children‟s physical and mental development; natural scientific fundamentals of healthy life-style and a teacher‟s role in educating a healthy pupil; hygienic requirements for organizing educational process: scheduling lessons, organizing breaks, equipping school premises, use of computer and visual aids; Ability to assess environmental factors taking into account their influence to functioning and development of human organs at children and juvenile age; carry out activities on preventing children diseases under the guidance of a medical officer; take into consideration features of physical efficiency and laws of its change during different periods when projecting and realizing educational process; realize differentiated approach to solving pedagogical and educational problems taking into account individual features of children‟s organism, level of their school maturity, special-needs pupils; take into account hygienic requirements for school premises, air conditions, illumination and school equipment; Application of knowledge on age physiology when organizing educational activities; knowledge of fundamentals of children‟s health protection, accustoming them to healthy life-style.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used. Literature 1. Handless MM, Son'kin VD, DA Farber Age physiology (physiology Child Development) studies. tool for students. Textbook. institutions. - 2nd ed., Sr. - Moscow: Publishing Center "The Academy", 2007. - 416 p. (ru) 2. Khimich GZ, Surkov OA Age physiology and valueology. Pavlodar, 2006. - 228 c. (ru) 3. Aizman RI, Shirshov VM Selected lectures on Physiology and School Health. Novosibirsk, Siberian University Press, 2004. - 133 p. (ru) 4. Sapin MR, ZG Bryksina Anatomy and physiology of children and adolescents. - Moscow: Academia, 2007. - 432. (ru) 5. Balgimbekov Sh, Tashenova GK, Nurkenov TT Course of Lectures on Physiology and School Health. - Almaty, 2012. - 104. (kaz)

Module name Profession-oriented Kazakh Language Module level, if applicable Advanced


Abbreviation PK(R)Ya2307 Classes, if applicable Profession-oriented Russian Language Semester(s) in which the 5 module is taught Module coordinator Senior teacher Zh.Sh.Akhmetova Lecturers Cand.of ped.sciences, prof. M.A.Askarova М.А., Cand.of ped.sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova Languge Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 07). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 30 Class hours per week 2 Group size (students) 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 15 Class hours per week 3 Group size (students) 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 30 30 30 Part-time 90 15 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge on required disciplines: operating basic concepts of the specialty examination regulations being gained, development of skills of researching, selecting and processing professionally important information, ability to realize both oral and written communication in literary Kazakh in different spheres of professional activity. Recommended Practical Kazakh, theoretical and practical knowledge of the course «The Kazakh prerequisites Language» (1-2 years), basic knowledge of History of Kazakhstan course, knowledge of fundamentals of Philosophy, Social science, Political science, basic knowledge of major math disciplines and elective courses. Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing general cultural, outcomes social and personal and professional competences, students should be aware of: - place, role, kinds of oral and written communication in professional pedagogical and scientific activity of a Mathematics teacher; - basic sources of foreign professional math information; - world tendencies of development of math and pedagogical science on professional training; know: - terms appropriate for the chapters studied and corresponding to situations of a Mathematics teacher‟s professional communication; - basic international symbols and designations; - requirements for designing and maintaining documentation (within the program) appropriate for a Mathematics teacher‟s professional communication; - regulations of communicative behavior in situations of international professional and business communication (within the program) of a Mathematics teacher; Be able to:


- operate grammar appropriate for professional math Kazakh Language (within the program); - operate terms studied using them in math speech; - word symbols, formulae, schemes and diagrams; - understand information, distinguish between main and minor things, between essence and details in math profession-related texts (oral and written) within the sections studied; - retrieve information from math profession-related texts (oral and written). Content Profession-oriented Kazakh as disciplinary phenomenon serving the sphere of a Mathematics teacher‟s activity: Planning career Getting a job Communication at work Characteristics of the Content of subject sphere: Math analysis. Algebra and Number theory. Theory and methods of teaching Mathematics. Probability theory and Math Statistics. Analytical Geometry. Professional competences Link of profession-oriented Math Kazakh to the disciplines of the specialty Transformation and differentiation of profession-oriented Kazakh. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate: Knowledge of place, role, kinds of oral and written communication in their professional activity; world tendencies of development of science and technology on specialization of future Mathematics teacher; Ability to apply oral and written Kazakh math Language to the sphere of Mathematics teacher‟s professional activity; use a computer as a means of managing information in Kazakh, understand essence and importance of information for developing modern information-oriented society; Ability of using: different styles and genres of oral and written math speech in Kazakh; theoretical fundamentals of translation special math literature from Kazakh into Russian and from Russian into Kazakh; communication registers (formal, informal, neutral); types, styles and strategies of negotiations; ability of wording their ideas and opinions in interpersonal and business communication in Kazakh; ability of analyzing the most frequent problems young Mathematics teachers come across; generalizing information on fundamental and school Mathematics for synthesizing educational process; retrieving necessary information from an original text in Kazakh on problems of Mathematics teaching methods; ability of using methodology of pedagogical research; modern methods of gaining, processing and analyzing pedagogical and scientific mathematical data; skills of using a computer as a means of managing information; ability of presenting results of analytical work and research in the form of presentation, essay, report, informational review, analytical report, articles, article annotations.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used. Literature 1.Salagaev VG Student research papers. Academic rhetoric. - Almaty: Rarity, 2004. (ru) 2.Pershikov VI, VM Savinkov Dictionary of computer science. - 2nd ed. Extras. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2008. (ru) 40

3.Fedosyuk MY, Ladyzhenskaja TA Mikhailova, OA, NA Nikolina Russian Language for students of philologists. (Tutorial). - M. Flint: Nauka, 2000. -256 C. (ru) 4.AJ 4.Fridland Information and Computer Technology: Key Terms: Glossary: More than 1,000 basic concepts and terms. - 2002. - 270 p. (ru) 5. Dictionary of mathematical terms. , Almaty, 2012.

Module name Profession-oriented Russian Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation PK(R)Ya2307

Classes, if applicable Profession-oriented Kazakh

Semester(s) in which the 5 module is taught Module coordinator Cand.of ped.sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova Lecturers Cand.of ped.sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova, Senior teacher Zh.Sh.Akhmetova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 07). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 30 Class hours per week 2 Group size (students) 15 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 15 Class hours per week 3 Group size (students) 15

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 30 30 30 Part-time 90 15 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge on required disciplines: operating basic concepts of the specialty examination regulations being gained, development of skills of researching, selecting and processing professionally important information, ability to realize both oral and written communication in literary Russian in different spheres of professional activity. Recommended Theoretical and practical knowledge of the course «The Russian Language» (1-2 prerequisites years), basic knowledge of History of Kazakhstan course, knowledge of fundamentals of Philosophy, Social science, Political science, basic knowledge of major math disciplines and elective courses. Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing general cultural, outcomes social and personal and professional competences, students should be aware of: - place, role, kinds of oral and written communication in professional pedagogical and scientific activity of a Mathematics teacher; - basic sources of foreign professional math information; - world tendencies of development of math and pedagogical science on professional training; 41

know: - terms appropriate for the chapters studied and corresponding to situations of a Mathematics teacher‟s professional communication; - basic international symbols and designations; - requirements for designing and maintaining documentation (within the program) appropriate for a Mathematics teacher‟s professional communication; - regulations of communicative behavior in situations of international professional and business communication (within the program) of a Mathematics teacher; Be able to: - operate grammar appropriate for professional math Russian Language (within the program); - operate terms studied using them in math speech; - word symbols, formulae, schemes and diagrams; - understand information, distinguish between main and minor things, between essence and details in math profession-related texts (oral and written) within the sections studied; - retrieve information from math profession-related texts (oral and written); - produce discourse (monologue, dialogue) using communicative strategies adequate to studied profession-oriented situations (Mathematics lesson, out-of- classroom math activities, presentations, etc.); - produce written math and methodological texts of the textbooks and publications studied; - annotate math and methodological texts; - translate profession related texts from Russian into Kazakh, from Kazakh into Russian (foreign) within the program; - prepare and show presentations on given topics (within the program) at seminars and prepare Mathematics lessons; Have experience of: - using dictionaries, including terminological ones; - preparing and speaking with presentations; - leading discussions concerning professional activity (within the program); - working with written and oral texts with math terminology; - effective use of communicative strategies specific for professional business situations of a Mathematics teacher. Content Introduction to subject area of Mathematics in professional Russian Profession-oriented Russian as disciplinary phenomenon serving the sphere of a Mathematics teacher‟s activity: Planning career Getting a job Communication at work Characteristics of the Content of subject sphere: Math analysis. Algebra and Number theory. Theory and methods of teaching Mathematics. Probability theory and Math Statistics. Analytical Geometry. Professional competences Link of profession-oriented Math Kazakh to the disciplines of the specialty Transformation and differentiation of profession-oriented Russian. Subjects of tutorial lessons. Object of professional activity Subjects of students‟ self-study Scientific-pedagogical activity as professional activity Diploma thesis as a product of professional activity Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate: Knowledge of place, role, kinds of oral and written communication in their professional activity; basic sources of professional information in Russian; world 42

tendencies of development of science and technology on specialization of future Mathematics teacher; Ability to apply oral and written Russian math Language to the sphere of Mathematics teacher‟s professional activity; use a computer as a means of managing information in Kazakh, understand essence and importance of information for developing modern information-oriented society; Ability of using: different styles and genres of oral and written math speech in Russian; theoretical fundamentals of translation special math literature from Kazakh into Russian and from Russian into Kazakh; communication registers (formal, informal, neutral); types, styles and strategies of negotiations; ability of wording their ideas and opinions in interpersonal and business communication in Russian; ability of analyzing the most frequent problems young Mathematics teachers come across; generalizing information on fundamental and school Mathematics for synthesizing educational process; retrieving necessary information from an original text in Kazakh on problems of Mathematics teaching methods; ability of using methodology of pedagogical research; modern methods of gaining, processing and analyzing pedagogical and scientific mathematical data; skills of using a computer as a means of managing information; ability of presenting results of analytical work and research in the form of presentation, essay, report, informational review, analytical report, articles, article annotations.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Media employed There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. A projector, an interactive blackboard, PC, audio and video equipment are used. Reading list 1. Salagaev VG Student research papers. Academic rhetoric. - Almaty: Rarity, 2004. (ru) 2. Fedosyuk MY, Ladyzhenskaja TA Mikhailova, OA, NA Nikolina Russian Language for students of philologists. (Tutorial). - M. Flint: Nauka, 2000. -256 C. (ru) 3. Dictionary of mathematical terms. , Almaty, 2012. 4.Troyanskaya ES Learning to read the scientific literature. -Moscow: Nauka, 2009. -272. (ru) 5.Posobie training of professional scientific writing. -Moscow: Higher School, 2004.

Module name Profession-oriented foreign Language Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation POIYa2308 Classes, if applicable Profession-oriented English Language Semester(s) in which the 6 module is taught Module coordinator Senior teacher S.P.Abdykarimova Lecturers Senior teacher S.P.Abdykarimova Language English Classification within the Basic module. Required component (BM RC 08). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab 43 semester Number of hours 30 Class hours per week 2 Group size (students) 15 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 15 Class hours per week 3 Group size (students) 15

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 30 30 30 Part-time 90 15 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge on practical English, knowledge on required disciplines examination regulations Recommended Practical English, Math analysis, Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry, prerequisites Differential equations. Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes students should - know methodology of philosophical perception of the outside world and education as an integral system; fundamentals of Ethnic Pedagogy; - have skills of using modern technology, to be able to apply information technologies; - have skills of gaining new knowledge; - be able to work in a team, propose new solutions; - have creative abilities; responsibility when making decisions; - be able to adapt themselves to changing frameworks of the country‟s economic environment; special competences: students should be able to - operate grammar adequate to profession-oriented foreign Language (within the program); - operate studied terminological speech units; - word symbols, formulae, schemes and diagrams; - understand information, distinguish between main and minor things, between essence and details in math profession-related texts (oral and written) within the sections studied; - retrieve information from math profession-related texts (oral and written); - produce discourse (monologue, dialogue) using communicative strategies adequate to studied profession-oriented situations (telephone talks, interview, presentations, etc.); - produce written texts of studied genres and formats; - annotate math and methodological texts; - translate profession related texts from foreign into Kazakh (Russian) within the program; - repair and show presentations on given topics (within the program); - apply knowledge of foreign Language at lesson, at work, apply studied concepts to new situations; - analyze, that is, to divide a material or concepts into components in order to be able to understand their organizational structure, to distinguish between facts and suppositions; - synthesize, that is to be able to structure or model different elements, to combine components for building the whole thing emphasizing creating new value or structure;


- evaluate, that is to make decisions of value of concepts and materials, to choose the most effective solutions; - apply information and telecommunication technologies to their pedagogical activity; - analyze, evaluate and correct the process and results of educational activity; control, analyze and correct their pedagogical behavior; realize self-control in the process of social interaction; - realize educational and pedagogical activity in the system of electronic learning «e-learning»; Have skills of: - organizing pedagogical cooperation (teacher – pupil, teacher – teacher, teacher - parent)); - solving professional and pedagogical, personal problems under uncertainty conditions; - organizing innovative activity in their subject area; - realizing reflection, self-control and correcting the process and results of pedagogical activity. Be competent: - in all issues of education and development of children, teenagers and youngsters; - in modern tendencies of information technologies development. Content Introduction to subject area of specialty in profession-oriented foreign Language: Mathematics as a subject and science. Basic concepts and terms of math science. Specifics of conducting a Mathematics lesson in English. Business (profession-oriented) English as disciplinary phenomenon serving the certain sphere of human activity: Planning a career. Getting a job. Communication at work. Object of professional activity. Scientific and pedagogical activity as a professional activity. Project as a product of professional activity. Fundamentals of developing acquiring subject-related linguistic material: Specifics of subject-related linguistic material. Categories and concepts of profession-oriented English. Professional terminology. Special profession-oriented material: Choosing texts on subjects. Applying material to given professional situations (at a Mathematics lesson). Content of Mathematics subject in English. Professional competence: Analysis of texts in English. Preparing for and writing an essay on professional topic. Link of profession-oriented foreign Language to other disciplines: Link of profession-oriented foreign Language to Mathematics. Link of profession- oriented foreign Language to Pedagogy. Specifics of teaching Mathematics in foreign Language at school. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate: Knowledge of concepts, lexical units and terminology of special English, English grammar and stylistics; Ability to speak English on common and professional topics, understand oral and written speech, translate profession-related text from Russian (Kazakh) into English and vice versa, work with special literature in English; Application of knowledge of English to lessons, to work, to apply studied concepts to new situations; Ability to divide material or concepts into components in order to understand their organizational structure, distinguish between facts and suppositions; analyze methods of teaching Mathematics in English with the aim of improving them for achieving better results; Ability to structure or model different elements, to combine components for 45

building the whole thing emphasizing creating new value or structure; make decisions of value of concepts and materials, methods of presenting them, evaluating them in order to choose the most effective solutions for achieving the best results of teaching.

Form of exam: written

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodological complexes of the discipline. A linguistic laboratory with audio and video facilities and materials, a linguistic laboratory with personal computers and teaching programs are used. Literature 1. Dorozhkina VP English for students of mathematics. - Moscow: AST, AST, 2006. - 491 sec. (ru) 2. Samples PI, Ivanov O. Professionally-oriented Language training for Language faculties of universities. Eagle: OSU, 2005.114 p. (ru) 3. Calculus. Third edition. Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, McCallum et al. - John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, Chichester, Weinheim, Brisbane, Singapore, Toronto, 2002. - P. 1004. 4. Lannon M., Tullis G., Trappe T. New insights into Business. L., Longman, 2006. (ru) 5. English-Russian Russian-English Environmental Science Dictionary. 6. D.WW Jordan & P.Smith, Mathematical techniques, Oxford University print, 2010. (ru)

Module name Methods of teaching Mathematics Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation MPM3309

Semester(s) in which the 6 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova Lecturers Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor K.I.Kanlybayev Language Russian, Kazakh Classification within the Basic module. Required component (BM RC 09). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 - Class hours per week 1 2 - Group size (students) 15-20 15-20 - Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 - Class hours per week 2 2 - Group size (students) 20 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 - 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 - 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) 46

Requirements under the - basic knowledge of Mathematics area, ability to solve math problems; examination regulations - skills of using modern facilities, ability of applying information and innovation pedagogical technologies to future professional activity; - skills of gaining new knowledge needed for everyday professional pedagogical activity and continuing education. Recommended Math analysis, Algebra, Geometry, Elementary Mathematics, Practicum on prerequisites solving math problems, Methodological fundamentals of solving math problems, Scientific fundamentals of school Mathematics course. Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes students should - be able to work in a team, defend their viewpoints correctly, suggest new solutions; - try to achieve professional and personal growth; special competences: – have an idea of the place and role of Mathematics in the modern world; – develop personal qualities providing with deep special empirical and theoretical knowledge, abilities and skills of using practical and theoretical methods on the theory and technology of teaching Mathematics, on innovative pedagogical technologies compliant with current objectives of the national educational system development; – be aware of the historical experience of math science development, reforms of math education, basic facts and laws of Mathematics and pedagogical process development; – know the theory and methods of teaching Mathematics, scientific methods of reality cognition, modern pedagogical technologies. Content General issues of students’ methodological training Methods of teaching Mathematics, basic problems and objectives. General issues of a future Mathematics teacher‟s methodological training. Objectives of teaching Mathematics at secondary school. Principles of selecting Content of school Mathematics course, course structure. Methods of scientific cognition in teaching Mathematics. Differentiation in teaching Mathematics. Organizing teaching Mathematics. Means and forms of teaching Mathematics. Content, forms, methods and techniques of teaching and conducting lessons. Specifics of teaching the discipline. Application of innovative technologies at Mathematics lessons. Psychological and pedagogical fundamentals of teaching Mathematics. Math concepts, sentences and methods of learning them. Methods of teaching Mathematics using math problems. Organizing self-study when teaching Mathematics to pupils. Optional Mathematics lessons. Out-of-classroom work in Mathematics. Specifics of teaching Mathematics at different type schools. Methods of organizing and carrying out pedagogical practice at school. Particular issues of a future Mathematics teacher‟s methodological training. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should have an idea of organizational forms and innovation technologies of teaching Mathematics at general educational, specialized and higher education institutions and be able to apply them to their future activity; demonstrate: acquiring practical skills of conducting lessons, methods of checking up home tasks, individual work, methods of learning new material, form of analyzing and recording a lesson, etc.; ability to make lesson plans, apply innovation technologies of teaching Mathematics; ability to solve standard and non-standard problems; ability of using forms and methods of organizing out-of-classroom work and scientific projects at specialized schools: pupils‟ and students‟ scientific science foundations, math study groups, Olympiads, contests of creative work, etc., basic abilities, independent solving math problems; 47

ability to participate in interdisciplinary interaction for solving professional problems; analyze the most frequent problems young Mathematics teachers come across; generalizing information on fundamental and school Mathematics for synthesizing theoretical and methodological knowledge; ability to combine modern pedagogical technologies for solving practical problems; reveal and forecast innovative technological solutions in the sphere of methodological support, ability of individual and group work; of organizing and realizing projects; of taking appropriate managerial responsibility.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs and project technologies of teaching are used. At lectures and practical lessons multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities are applied. Literature 1. Abylkasymova AE, Ushurov EA, Lobster RS Development of the system of secondary education in the modern world: the manual. - Almaty: SIC "Gylym", 2003.-112 p. (ru) 2. New teaching and information technology in education / ed. E.Polat. -M.: Publishing Center "Academy" .2002. (ru) 3. Lobster RS, Kudaiberdiev TK, Sariev AA Features of the learning process in a 12-year-old school: Toolkit. - Almaty: SIC "Gylym", 2003. -40 S. (ru) 4.Kabulova AR Methodological foundations for solving mathematical problems. - Almaty, 2012, page -124 (ru) 5.Kabulova AR Formation of a competent person of the future teacher of mathematics / / "Vestnik KazNPU Abai», № 1, 2012, C-114-116. (ru) 6.Koksalov KK, AR Kabulova Ways to implement the continuity of teaching mathematics at the middle and high school / / "Vestnik KazNPU Abay." Number 1, 2012, C-129-134. (kaz)

Module name Math analysis Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation МА2101 Classes, if applicable Math analysis, basic sections of Math analysis Semester(s) in which the 2-5 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences G.Zh.Yestayeva Lecturers Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences G.Zh.Yestayeva, Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor A.S.Sarsekeeva, Teacher Zh.M.Nurmukhamedova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 01). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum


Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 540 60 120 180 180 Part-time 540 40 40 60 400

Credit points 4 KZ – 2 semester, 3 KZ – 3 semester, 2 KZ – 4 semester, 3 KZ – 5 semester (20 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of the materials of Elementary Mathematics. Knowledge of examination regulations beginnings of Math analysis (limit, derivative, integral). Ability to investigate functions, to graph functions using transformation method, to solve standard math problems. Recommended prerequisites Elementary Mathematics Targeted learning outcomes The process of studying the course is aimed at developing Social competences: -skills of gaining new knowledge; -skills of using modern technology; -ability to apply information technologies to the sphere of professional activity; Professional competences: - ability to participate in interdisciplinary interaction for solving professional problems; Special competences: - ability to apply knowledge of theoretical fundamentals of Math analysis, fundamental and applied Mathematics to analyzing and synthesizing solutions to different math problems; - ability to apply gained knowledge of theoretical fundamentals of Math analysis, ability of using methods of differential and integral calculus of one and several variables functions and methods of developing interest in Math analysis, ability to apply math knowledge to everyday life; - ability of using basic concepts, formulas of Math analysis, ability to prove basic theorems of Math analysis. Content «Math analysis»: Real numbers. A number sequence. The limit of a sequence and its properties. Functions. Limit continuity of a function at a point. The derivative and differential of a function of one variable: geometrical and mechanical meaning. Derivatives and differentials of a sum, a product and a quotient. Derivatives of basic elementary functions. Higher order derivatives and differentials. Derivatives of inverse, parametrical, implicit, composite functions. Investigating functions using derivatives (monotony, extremes, concavity and inflection points, asymptotes). The primitive (anti-derivative). Indefinite integrals. Integration by parts and integration by substitution in indefinite integrals. Integration of rational fractions, irrational and trigonometric functions. The definite integral. Newton and Leibniz‟s formula (the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Methods of calculating definite integrals (substitution, integration by parts). Functions of several variables. The limit, continuity, partial derivatives 49 and partial differentials. Differentiability of functions. Directional derivative. Taylor formula. Extreme of functions of several variables. Implicit functions. Number series. Convergence tests for positive series: comparison tests, Cauchy test, D'Alambert test. Functional sequences and series. Even convergence. Power series. Weyerstrasse test. Trigonometric Fourier series. Multiple integrals, their properties. Reducing multiple integrals to iterated integrals. Substitution in double and triple integrals. The first and second type curvilinear integrals. Green‟s formula. Surface. The area of a surface. The first and second type surface integrals. Ostrogragskiy-Gauss‟s formula. Stokes‟s formula.

«Basic sections of Math analysis»: The set of real numbers. A function. Its domain, composite and inverse functions. The graph of a function. Basic elementary functions, their properties and graphs. Number sequences. The limit of a number sequence. Cauchy‟s convergence criterion for a sequence. Infinitesimal and infinitely large sequences. Arithmetic operations over convergent sequences. The limit of a function at a point and at infinity. Infinitesimal and infinitely large functions. Properties of the limit of a function. One-sided limits. Remarkable limits. Comparison of functions. Locally equivalent functions. Continuity of a function at a point. Local properties of continuous functions. Continuity of composite and inverse functions. Continuity of elementary functions. One-sided continuity. Discontinuity points, their classification. Properties of the functions continuous on an interval: boundedness, existence of the largest and the smallest values, intermediate values. Problems leading to the concept of the derivative. Definition of the derivative, its physical and geometrical meaning. The equation of the tangent line and the normal to a curve. One-sided and infinite derivatives. The differential of a function, geometrical and physical meaning of the differential. Differentiation rules. The derivative of composite and inverse functions. The derivatives of basic elementary functions. Differentiation of parametrical and implicit functions. Logarithmic differentiation. Higher order derivatives and differentials. Mechanical meaning of the second derivative. Higher order derivatives of implicit functions. Higher order derivatives of parametrical functions. Fundamental theorems for differentiable functions: local extreme and Fermat theorem, Rolle theorem of zeroes of a derivative, Lagrange, Cauchy theorems. L‟Hospital rule. Investigating functions using derivatives. Monotonicity conditions. Extremums of a function, necessary condition. Sufficient conditions. The largest and the smallest values of a function on an interval. Concavity of a function. Sufficient conditions. Inflection points. The necessary condition for existence of an inflection point. Sufficient conditions for existence of an inflection point. Asymptotes of a function graph. Overall schematic of investigating a function and plotting it. Taylor formula with the error in Peano and Lagrange form. Application of Taylor formula to approximate computation. The primitive (anti-derivative). The concept of the indefinite integral and its properties. Table integrals. Integration by substitution and integration by parts. Expansion of a multinomial with real coefficients into linear and quadratic factors. Expansion of rational fractions into partial fractions. Integration of rational, irrational, trigonometric functions. The definite integral. Geometric and physical meaning of the definite integral. Properties of the definite integral. The fundamental theorem of calculus (Newton and Leibniz formula). Integration by substitution and integration by parts of definite integrals. Geometrical and mechanical applications of the definite integral. 50

Sets in R n . Numerical function of n variables. The limit of a function, continuity. Differentiability of a function of several variables. Geometric sense of partial derivatives of a function of two variables. The directional derivative, the gradient. Higher order partial derivatives. The full differential. Differentiability of a composite function. The full derivative. Differentiability of an implicit function. Extremums of functions of n variables. The local extremum, necessary condition. Sufficient condition for extremum. Conditional extremum. The method of Lagrange factors. The largest and the smallest values of a function in a closed domain. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate: Knowledge of the theory of real numbers, basic methods of calculating functions limits, formulas and methods of differentiation and integration of functions, the theory of series; Ability to investigate variable quantities, calculate limits, differentiate and integrate functions, investigate series; application of the knowledge gained to studying fundamental Mathematics; ability to analyze obtained results to solving applied problems; generalizing of obtained scientific knowledge for studying required math disciplines; ability to bring all the information on fundamental Mathematics together for realizing professional activity; ability to solve nonstandard math problems.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1.V.A. Ilyin. Sadovnichii, Bl. Sendov Mathematical analiz.-M; Science. 2005. (ru) 2. BP Demidovich The collection of problems and exercises in mathematical analysis. M., 2003. (ru) 3. VA Zorich Mathematical Analysis, Volume 2, Moscow, "Nauka", 2002. (ru) 4. Ilyin VA, Pozniak EG Principles of mathematical analysis. 2 volumes. M, "Science", 2003. (ru) 5. LD Kudryavtsev Mathematical Analysis, Volume 3, M., "High School", 2003. (ru) 6. Nicholas S. A course in differential and integral calculus. T.I, II. Moscow, "Nauka", 2004. (ru) 7. W. Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis. Springer-Verlag, 2003. (ru)

Module name Analytical Geometry Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of mathematics and natural sciences Abbreviation AG2202 Classes, if applicable Analytical Geometry, Geometry Semester(s) in which the 4 module is taught Module coordinator Teacher D.M.Nurbayeva Lecturers Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior teacher K.K.Zhantleuov, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior teacher L.U.Zhadrayeva, teacher D.M.Nurbayeva Language Kazakh, Russian 51

Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 02). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of properties of elementary functions, formulas of identity examination regulations substitutions, ability of solving equations and inequalities, knowledge of vector properties, ability to graph functions, knowledge of properties of geometric configurations in the plane and in the space Recommended Elementary Mathematics, Linear algebra prerequisites Targeted learning outcomes The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social competences: students should: - have skills of developing the level of pupils‟ mentality; - have skills of using modern technological facilities, be able to apply information technologies to the sphere of their professional activity; - be able to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions; Professional competences: - ability to apply basic concepts and methods of Analytical Geometry to their professional activity; - special competences: - ability to use the knowledge of Analytical geometry and other math disciplines, including elective courses; - ability of using analytical methods of solving standard problems; skills of solving problems of Vector Algebra and Analytical Geometry. Content «Analytical Geometry»: Elements of Vector Algebra. Vector. Operations over vectors. Linear dependence of vectors. Vector coordinates relative to the given basis. Dot product of vectors. The angle between vectors. Axioms of the vector space. Affine coordinate system in the space. Division of a segment using given ratio. Cartesian coordinate system. The distance between two points. The vector and the compositional product of vectors. The area of a triangle, the volume of a pyramid. The condition of complanarity of three vectors. Conversion of the affine coordinate system. A straight line in the plane. Different ways of defining a straight line. General equation of a straight line, its investigation. The geometric sense of the sign of a trinomial Ах+Bу+C. Positional relationship of two straight lines. The angle between two straight lines. Normal equation of a straight line. The distance from a point to a straight line. Second order lines. An ellipse. Definition, canonical equation, properties. 52

Hyperbola. Definition, canonical equation, properties. Asymptotes. Parabola. Definition, canonical equation, properties. Directrix of the second order lines. asymptotic directions, center, diameters, main directions. Reduction of the general equation of a second order line to the canonical form. Conversions in the plane. Plane displacement. Analytical formula of displacement. Rotational symmetry. Similarity transformation, its analytical formula. Homothetic. Affine transformation, its analytical formula. Application of geometric transformations to solving problems. Planes and straight lines in the space. Different methods of defining a plane. The general equation of a plane. The geometric sense of the sign of a polynomial Ах + Ву + Сz + D. Positional relationship of two, three planes. The distance from a point to a plane. The angle between two planes. Different methods of defining a plane. Positional relationship of a straight line and a plane. The angle between two straight lines. the angle between a straight line and a plane. Study of the second order surfaces using their canonical equations. Second order cylindrical and canonical surfaces. Canonical cuts. Surfaces of revolution. Ellipsoids, hyperboloids, paraboloids. Rectilinear generators of second order surfaces. Affine and Euclid n – dimensional spaces. The affine coordinate system. Definition of k-dimensional planes. Positional relationship of two k-dimensional planes. Axioms of n-dimensional Euclid space. The distance between two points, the angle between vectors. Orthonormalized coordinate systems. Motions, group of space motion, examples of its subgroups. Motions of three-dimensional Euclid space. The subject of Euclid Geometry. Elements of projective geometry. Axioms of projective plane and projective space. Models of projective plane and projective space. Collineations. The duality principle. Désargues theorem. Double ratio and its invariance at projective transformation. Second-order lines in the projective plane. Canonical equations of second-order lines in projective coordinates, projective classification of second-order lines. a pole and a polar line. Concept of polar correspondence. Constructive problems. Application to solving problems of school course of Geometry. Geometry in the projective plane with a fixed straight line. Euclid geometry from a projective point of view.

«Geometry»: Vector algebra. Vectors and operations over them. Vector magnitudes, collinearity, complanarity of vectors. Addition of vectors. Multiplication of a vector by a number. Concepts of a vector space, linear dependence and independence of a system of vectors. The basis of a vector space. Basis and coordinates. Decomposition according to a basis. Vector coordinates in the basis. Scalar, vector, compositional products of vectors. The angle between vectors. Orthogonally of vectors. The projection of a vector onto nonzero vector. Scalar product in coordinates. Vector product. The compositional product of three vectors. Vector and compositional product in coordinates. Applications to calculating areas, volumes, checking collinearity and complanarity of vectors. Analytical plane geometry. Coordinate method. Affine frame and affine coordinate system in the space. Coordinates of a vector, the distance between points, division of a segment using a ratio. A straight line in the plane. The vector, parametrical and canonical equations of a straight line. Drawing a line through two points. Theorem of the general equation of a line. Positional relationship of two straight lines. Second-order curves. Ellipse, its focal definition, establishing its canonical equation, investigating its form, eccentricity, directory property, parametrical equations of an ellipse. Hyperbola, its focal definition, establishing its canonical equation, investigating its form. Asymptotes, eccentricity, directory property of a hyperbola. Parabola, 53

establishing its canonical equation, investigating its form. Eccentricity, focal chord of a parabola. Concept of the second-order curve, its independence on choosing a frame. Theorem of quad Riga classification. Analytical solid geometry. Setting a figure in the space. The coordinate equation with three unknown variables as an analytical method of setting figures in the space. A plane in the space. The vector, parametrical and canonical equations of a plane. Drawing a plane through three points. Theorem of the general equation of a plane. Positional relationship of two planes. The distance from a point to a plane. The angle between planes, the condition of perpendicularity of planes. A straight line in the space. The vector, parametrical and canonical equations of a straight line. Drawing a straight line through two points. General equations of a straight line, conversion to canonical equations. Positional relationship of a straight line and a plane. The distance from a point to a plane. The angle between a line and a plane, perpendicularity condition. The angle between straight lines, perpendicularity and orthogonal conditions. Second-order surfaces. Second-order cylinders as graphs of second-order algebraic equations, their classification. Ellipsoids, the method of sections. Imaginary ellipsoid. One and two sheet hyperboloids. Second-order cones, their rectilinear generators and various plane sections. A second-order cone as a canonical surface. Elliptic and hyperbolic paraboloids. The method of perfect squares, reducing to the canonical form. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate: Knowledge of analytical geometry in the plane and in the space; Ability to solve problems of analytical geometry in the plane and in the space; to apply math apparatus to study of real processes and phenomena; Ability of using basic concepts, methods and algorithms of analytical geometry; skills of applying apparatus of analytical geometry to colving specific problems; ability to participate in interdisciplinary and interdepartmental interaction of specialists for solving professional problems; generalizing information on fundamental and applied Mathematics for synthesizing problems of Analytical Geometry; ability to bring modern methods of solving geometrical problems together for solving specific problems of analytical geometry; of organizing and realizing projects; of taking managerial responsibility.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1. P.S. Aleksandrov Lectures on analytic geometry. St. Petersburg., Lan, 2009. 2. Atanasyan SL, Glizburg VI Problems in Geometry. CH.I. M., Penguin Books, 2007. (ru) 3. Atanasyan SL, Sheveleva NV, V. Pokrovsky Problems in Geometry. P.II. M., Penguin Books, 2007. (ru) 4. Sadovnichiy Y., VV Fedorchuk Analytic geometry. M. Examination, 2009. (ru) 5. ML Krasnov etc. All of the higher mathematics. T 1. M. KomKniga 2006. (ru) 6. Tsuberbiller ON Problems and exercises in analytic geometry. St. Petersburg., Lan, 2003. (ru)

Module name Algebra and Number Theory 54

Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of Mathematics and natural sciences Abbreviation ATH2203 Classes, if applicable Algebra and number theory Algebra Semester(s) in which the 3-4 module is taught Module coordinator Senior teacher R.M.Kaparova, Teacher D.M.Nurbayeva Lecturers Senior teacher R.M.Kaparova, Teacher D.M.Nurbayeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 03). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 3 semester 15 15 4 semester 15 30 Class hours per week 3 semester 1 1 4 semester 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 3 semester 5 10 4 semester 10 10 Class hours per week 3 semester 1 2 4 semester 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 225 30 45 75 75 Part-time 225 15 20 25 165

Credit points 2 KZ – 3 semester, 3 KZ – 4 semester (8 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge of school course of Mathematics, Elementary Mathematics examination regulations (students should know number sets, prime numbers, composite numbers, GCD and LCM, discriminant, polynomials, complex numbers, be able to solve equations and inequalities, systems of equations) Recommended Elementary Mathematics, Math analysis prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes students should: -have skills of gaining new knowledge; -have skills of using modern technological facilities; -be able to apply information technologies to the sphere of their professional activity; professional competences: - ability to participate in interdepartmental interaction of specialists for solving professional problems; special competences: - ability to apply knowledge of theoretical fundamentals of Algebra and Number 55

theory, fundamental and applied Mathematics to analyzing and synthesizing solutions of different math problems; - ability to apply gained knowledge of theoretical fundamentals of Algebra and Number theory, ability of using Cramer‟s and Gauss‟s methods, the matrix method, method of developing interest in Algebra and Number theory, to apply math knowledge to everyday life; - ability of using basic formulas and their proofs, basic concepts and terms of Algebra. Content «Algebra and Number theory»: Elements of Set theory. Sets. Operations over sets and their basic properties. Direct product of sets. Binary relations. Complex numbers. The field of complex numbers. Geometric interpretation of complex numbers. Operations over complex numbers. The trigonometric form of a complex number. Extraction of the n-th root. Systems of linear equations. Gauss method of solving systems of equations. Consistency criterion for a system of linear equations. A system of homogeneous linear equations, the condition of existence of nontrivial solutions. The space of solutions to a system of homogeneous linear equations. Matrices and determinants. Operations over matrices and their properties. The determinant of a square matrix. Basic properties of determinants. Minors and cofactors. Factorizing a determinant using a matrix row or column. Theorem of matrix rank. Calculating inverse matrix. Matrix form of a system of linear equations. Solving systems of linear equations using inverse matrices. Matrix equations. Cramer rule. Vector space. Vector space, examples. Linear capsule of a vector set. The sum and the direct sum of subspaces. Linear dependence and independence of a system of vectors. The basis and rank of a system of vectors. The dimension of a vector space. Linear mappings and Euclid spaces. Linear mapping of a vector space, examples. The matrix of a linear operator. Connection between coordinate columns of a vector relative to different basis. The characteristic polynomial of an operator. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Euclid vector space. The norm of a vector and its properties. Theory of divisibily in the ring of integers. Divisibility in the ring of integers. Theorem of division with a remainder in the ring of integers. The greatest common multiplier. Euclid algorithm. Prime numbers. The fundamental theorem of arithmetics of the ring of integers. Systematic numbers. Möbius and Euler numerical functions. Finite serial fractions. Number representation with a help of finite serial fractions. Comparisons in the ring of integers and their applications. Comparisons in the ring of integers. Groups of invertible elements of the residue ring modulo m. Euler and Fermat theorems. Linear comparisons. Primitive roots modulo. Polynomials of single variable. Polynomials of single variable. Division of a polynomial by x – a. Polynomial roots. Theorem of division of a polynomial with a remainder. The greatest common multiplier and Euclid algorithm. The lowest common multiple. Expanding a polynomial as powers of the binomial x – a. Irreducible multiple factors of a polynomial of one variable. Multiple roots of a polynomial. Polynomials of several variables. The ring of polynomials of several variables over a field. Symmetric polynomials. Third- and fourth-order equations over the field of complex numbers. Irreducible polynomials over the field of rational numbers. Polynomials over the field of rational numbers and algebraic numbers. Resultant. Discriminant. The field of algebraic numbers. Field prime algebra extension. The minimal polynomial of an algebraic element. 56

«Algebra»: Elements of set theory. Set. Subset. Operations over sets and their basic properties. Direct product of sets. Binary relations. Equivalence relation and class separation of a set. Factor set. Algebraic systems. Axiomatic definitions of a group, a ring, a field and their basic properties. Homomorphism and isomorphism of algebra. Definition of the system of natural numbers. Definitions of systems of integers, rational and real numbers. Complex numbers. The field of complex numbers. Geometrical interpretation of complex number. Operations over complex numbers. Conjugate numbers. The trigonometric form of a complex number. Taking n-th root. A group of roots of one. Systems of linear equations. Systems of linear equations and their group analysis. Equivalent systems of equations and elementary transformation of systems. Gauss method of solving systems of linear equations. Consistency criterion. A system of homogeneous equations, condition of existence od nontrivial solutions. The space of solutions to a system of homogeneous linear equations. Matrices and determinants. Operations over matrices and their properties. The inverse matrix. Permutations. Evenness of permutations and their sign. The determinant of a square matrix. Basic properties of determinants. Minors and cofactors. Factorizing a determinant using a matrix row or column. Calculating inverse matrices. Matrix form of a system of linear equations. Solving systems of linear equations using inverse matrices. Matrix equations. Cramer rule. Vector space. Vector space, examples. Linear dependence and independence of a system of vectors. The basis and rank of a system of vectors. The dimension of a vector space. Isomorphism of equal dimension vector spaces. Linear mappings and Euclid spaces. Linear mapping of a vector space, examples. Algebra of linear operators. Isomorphism of algebra of linear operators and matrix algebra. The characteristic polynomial of an operator. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Euclid vector space. The norm of a vector and its properties. Orthogonal and orthonormalized basis. Theory of divisibily in the ring of integers. Divisibility in the ring of integers. Theorem of division with a remainder in the ring of integers. The greatest common multiplier. Euclid algorithm. Prime numbers. Systematic numbers. Möbius and Euler numerical functions. Finite serial fractions. Number representation with a help of finite serial fractions. Comparisons in the ring of integers. Groups of invertible elements of the residue ring modulo m. Euler and Fermat theorems. Polynomials. Polynomials of single variable. Division of a polynomial by x – a. Polynomial roots. Theorem of division of a polynomial with a remainder. The greatest common multiplier and Euclid algorithm. The lowest common multiple. Irreducible factors. Formal derivative of a polynomial. Expanding a polynomial as powers of the binomial x – a. Polynomials of several variables. The ring of polynomials of several variables over a field. Symmetric polynomials. Third- and fourth-order equations over the field of complex numbers. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate: Knowledge of theory of matrices, determinants and systems of linear equations; vector algebra; theory of linear spaces, theory of linear operators; Ability to solve problems related to calculating matrices, determinants and systems of linear equations; solve problems related to investigating linear operators; Ability of using math apparatus of Algebra and Number theory; skills of applying the apparatus of Algebra and Number theory to solving specific problems; Ability to participate in interdisciplinary and interdepartmental interaction of specialists for solving professional problems; 57

generalizing information on fundamental and applied Mathematics for synthesis of problems of Algebra and Number theory; ability to bring modern methods of solving algebraic problems together for solving specific problems of Algebra and Number theory.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1.Vinogradov IM Basic number theory. - St. Petersburg., Lan, 2006. (ru) 2. Kostrikin AI Introduction to algebra. PART I. Fundamentals of Algebra. - M., FIZMATLIT, 2004. (ru) 3. Kostrikin AI Introduction to algebra. PART II. Linear Algebra. - M., FIZMATLIT, 2001. (ru) 4. Kurosh AG Higher algebra. - St. Petersburg., Lan, 2008. (ru) 6. The collection of problems in algebra: the manual. AI Kostrikina. M. FIZMATLIT, 2001 (ru) 7. Shneperman LB The collection of problems in algebra and number theory. - St. Petersburg., Lan, 2008. (ru)

Module name Differential equations Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of Mathematics and natural sciences Abbreviation DU2204

Classes, if applicable Differential equations Differential and integral equations Semester(s) in which the 4 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of physical and math sciences, associate professor A.S.Sarsekeeva, Candidate of physical and math sciences, senior teacher B.T.Zhamykhanov Lecturers Candidate of physical and math sciences, associate professor A.S.Sarsekeeva, Candidate of physical and math sciences, senior teacher B.T.Zhamykhanov, teacher Zh.M.Nurmukhamedova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 04). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 5 10 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 5 10 10 65


Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of properties of basic elementary functions, formulas of identical examination regulations transformations, ability to solve equations and inequalities, graph functions, integrate, differentiate functions, calculate limits of functions, calculate determinants, find eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Recommended Elementary Mathematics, Math analysis, Algebra, Analytical Geometry prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing outcomes social competences: students should: - have skills of using modern technological facilities, be able to apply information technologies to the sphere of their professional activity; - be able to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions; - strive for professional and personal advance; professional competences: - have skills of gaining new knowledge necessary for everyday professional activity; – know of the place and role of Mathematics in the modern world; – develop personality qualities providing with deep scientific and theoretical and methodological knowledge of fundamentals of physical and mathematical sciences helping acquire applied disciplines on the specialty; special competences: – be able to construct different math models for describing different phenomena of reality, to carry out their qualitative and quantitative analysis; – be able to choose appropriate apparatus and methods of investigating math problems; - know basic statements of the theory of differential and integral equations; - have ability of using methods of solving respective problems; - be able to apply concepts and methods to solving the problems appeared in practice. Content «Differential equations»: Differential equations. Basic concepts of the theory of differential equations. The directional field. Isocline lines. Vector fields. Integral, phase curves. The problems reducible to differential equations. Cauchy problem. Boundary value problem. First-order differential equations. Elementary methods of integration. Equations with separable variables. Homogeneous equations. Equations reducible to homogeneous ones. Linear equations. Bernoulli, Riccati equations. Total differential equations. Integrating multiplier. The equations unsolvable relative to derivative. The method of entering a parameter. Lagrange and Clero equations. Singular solutions. Theorems of existence and uniqueness of the solution to an initial-value problem. Critical points. Higher order differential equations. Higher order differential equations. Systems of differential equations. Theorem of existence and uniqueness of the solution to Cauchy problem. Higher order equations integrable in quadratures. Equations assuming order reduction. Linear differential equations. General theory. Linear differential equations with constant coefficients. The method of variation of constants. Euler equation. Conjugate equation. Integration of equations using series. Second-order linear equations. Sturm theorem. Theorem of comparison. Systems of ordinary differential equations. Systems of ordinary differential equations. Normal form of a system. Theorem of existence and uniqueness of the solution to Cauchy problem for a normal system. Noncontinuable solutions. Systems of linear differential equations. General theory. Systems of linear 59

differential equations with constant coefficients. Autonomous systems, phase spaces. Phase plane. Continuous dependence of solution on initial data and parameters. Differentiability of solution with respect to initial values and parameters. The first integrals of a system. Symmetric form of a system of equations. Solution stability. First-order partial differential equations. Partial differential equations. First order linear partial differential equations. Characteristics. Cauchy problem. «Differential and integral equations»: First-order differential equations with one unknown function. Basic integrable types of first order equations. Wording of theorems of existence and uniqueness of solution. The equations unsolvable relative to derivative. n-th order equations. Equations assuming order reduction. n-th order linear equations. The general solution to a linear homogeneous equation. n-th order linear heterogeneous equations. The general solution to a linear heterogeneous equation. Linear homogeneous equations with constant coefficients and their solution. Linear heterogeneous equations with constant coefficients and finding the solution for different forms of an absolute term. The method of variation of arbitrary constants. Euler equations and their solution. Systems of differential equations. Systems of linear equations. Systems of homogeneous equations. Theorems of solution. Vronskian of a solution. Fundamental matrix. The general solution and solution to Cauchy problem in matrix form. Systems of linear equations with constant coefficients. The characteristic equation for a homogeneous system and characteristic numbers. Solution to a homogeneous system. Integration of a system of differential equations. Solution to a system of equations in symmetrical form. First order partial differential equations. The general solution and Cauchy problem for a linear equation; the general solution and Cauchy solution for a quasilinear equation. Elements of stability theory. Basic definitions and concepts of stability theory. Trivial solution and its stability according to Lyapunov. Elementary types of points for a homogeneous system of two equations with two unknown variables and their stability. Investigating stability relative to the first approximation. Information of integral equations. Fredholm and Volterra equations of the first and second kinds. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of an integral homogeneous equation. Integral equations with degenerate kernel. Fredholm theorems. Information of approximate methods of solving integral equations. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate: Knowledge of general concepts and definitions, classification of differential equations and methods of solving them; Ability to word the problem set; apply gained knowledge to solving specific problems; Ability of using basic methods of solving equations and problems, have skills of applying them; Analysis of results of solving the problem appeared when modeling physical processes; Generalizing methods of constructing math models of physical processes and choosing adequate methods of solving them; Evaluation of the methods of solving differential equations; ability to bring modern methods of solving differential equations together for solving specific problems.

Form of exam: written

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the 60

regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai.

Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1. Tikhonov, AV Vasiliev, AG Sveshnikov Differential Equations. "Nauka", 2000. (ru) 2. A. Filippov Problems in Differential Equations. Moscow-Izhevsk, 2005. (ru) 3. ML Krasnov Integral equation. Introduction to the theory. Moscow, 2003. (ru) 4. Èl'sgol'ts LE Differential equations and the calculus of variations. Moscow, 2008. (ru) 5. Filippov AV Introduction to the theory of differential equations. Moscow, URSS, 2007. (ru) 6. Shouters YM Lectures on Differential Equations and Integral Equations. Kazan, Publishing House of the KSU, 2002. (ru) 7. Matveev, NM The collection of problems and exercises on ordinary differential equations. St. Petersburg., 2002. (ru)

Module name Practicum on solving math problems Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation PRMZ2305 Classes, if applicable Practicum on solving math problems Practicum on solving nonstandard math problems Semester(s) in which the 5 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor M.A.Askarova, Senior teacher Zh.Sh.Akhmetova Lecturers Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor M.A.Askarova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova, Senior teacher Zh.Sh.Akhmetova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 05). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 45 Class hours per week 3 Group size (students) 80-120 30 15 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 20 Class hours per week 4 Group size (students) 20 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 45 45 45 Part-time 135 20 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of school course of mathematics, basic course of Mathematics, examination regulations ability to work with educational and methodological (math) literature, ability to word ideas. Recommended Elements of school course of Mathematics, Elementary Mathematics, Analytical prerequisites Geometry, Math analysis, Differential equations. 61

Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes students should: - have skills of gaining new knowledge; - be able to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions; - strive for professional and personal advance; special competences: - know of the place and role of Mathematics in the modern world, culture and history; - be able to construct different math models for describing various phenomena and facts of reality, to carry out their qualitative and quantitative analysis; - be able to develop personality qualities providing with deep scientific and theoretical and methodological knowledge of fundamentals of physical and mathematical sciences helping acquire applied disciplines on the specialty; - have idea of logical, topological and algebraic structures, non-Euclidean geometrical systems, of the role of Mathematics and Computer science in humanities research; - be able to apply gained knowledge, to expand their general mathematical horizons. Content Kinds of math problems. Describing math problems. Solving standard problems. Solving nonstandard problems. Age-related categories of math problems. Problems on differentiation of levels of pupils‟ knowledge. Test theory. Solving problems using algebraic, metric and coordinate methods. Problems on sketching in the plane. Problems on sketching in the space. Solving text problems. Solving metric problems. Math modeling. Competitive problems. Recreational problems. Application of information technologies and computers to solving math problems. Assessing and controlling pupils‟ knowledge using math problems. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate: Knowledge of methods of solving math problems, methods of checking home task, independent work, methods of studying new material, forms of analyzing and making notes of a lesson, etc.; Ability to solve standard and nonstandard problems; Ability of using practical skills of solving math problems; analysis of results of solving math problems; generalizing methods of constructing math problems and choosing adequate methods of solving them; evaluating methods of solving math problems.

Form of exam: written

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1.Kabulova AR "Workshop on the solution of mathematical problems." Study Guide, Almaty, Abai KazNPU, 2012 (ru) 2. Zaitsev VV, VV Ryzhkov, MI Skanavy Elementary mathematics. Refresher course. - M. 1976. (ru) 3.Kramor VS Repeat and systematize school mathematics. ¬ M. 1990. (ru) 4.Litvinenko, Mordkovich Workshop on solving mathematical problems. - M, 2001 (ru) 5.Problems of teaching methods at modern comprehensive school. -M. 2004. (ru)


Module name Practicum on solving nonstandard math problems Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation PRNMZ2305 Classes Practicum on solving math problems Practicum on solving nonstandard math problems Semester(s) in which the 5 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor M.A.Askarova Lecturers Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor M.A.Askarova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 05). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 45 Class hours per week 3 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 20 Class hours per week 4 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 45 45 45 Part-time 135 20 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements according to «Practicum on solving math problems» provides knowledge in the process of the examination regulations studying which a future Mathematics teacher should know: importance of Mathematics in general and professional education, psychological and pedagogical aspects of acquiring the subject, interrelation of the course of school Mathematics and math science and the most important spheres of its application in condition of realizing continuous education. Recommended Elementary Mathematics, Practicum on solving math problems, Methods of prerequisites teaching Mathematics, Math analysis, Algebra and Geometry, Differential equations. Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes - having skills of gaining new knowledge; - ability to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions; - striving to achieve professional and personal advance; special competences: - knowledge of theoretical fundamentals included in the basic course of school Mathematics, fundamental and applied Mathematics for analyzing and synthesizing solutions to different math problems; - knowledge of theoretical fundamentals and technologies of teaching Mathematics, ability of using methods of developing pupils‟ math abilities and skills, methods of developing interest in Mathematics and applying math knowledge to everyday life; - ability of using standard and nonstandard methods of solving math problems, conventional and unconventional вmethods of teaching Mathematics, knowledge


of basic formulas and their proof, basic concepts and terms of Mathematics; - ability to systematize knowledge of math disciplines, to apply gained information correctly, to analyze and apply it to future professional activity, ability to make certain conclusions and prove their point of view experimentally. Content Transformation of expressions. The method of math induction. Identical transformations. Transformation of rational, logarithmic and trigonometric expressions. Operations over radicals and absolute values. Application of nonstandard methods of solving equations, inequalities, systems (inequalities of Cauchy, Bernoulli, Cauchy-Bunyakovskiy, Newton binomial and some others). Methods of solving higher order nonstandard rational equations. Rational equations, equations and inequalities with a module. Application of the method of functional and trigonometric substitution. Solving algebraic, irrational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric equations and inequalities. Common properties of equations and inequalities. Inequalities containing variables under the sign of absolute value. Application of inequalities to investigating equations and systems. Systems of all type equations and inequalities. Problems on setting up equations and systems of equations. Problems on arithmetical and geometrical progressions. Plane geometry. Triangles, circles. Rectangles. Solving problems. Solid geometry. Parallelism and perpendicularity of straight lines and planes. Dihedron and polyhedral angles. Polygons. Circular bodies. Problems with application of trigonometry. Derivative and its application. The derivative function, its geometrical and mechanical meaning. Application of derivatives. Problems with parameters. Solving equations, systems of equations and inequalities with parameters. Problems with conditions. Functions and graphs. General properties of functions. Basic methods of graphing functions. Solving equations and systems graphically. Plotting complicated graphs. Vectors and method of coordinates. Linear operations over vectors. Dot product. Application of vectors and the method of coordinates to solving geometric problems. Finding anti-derivative and integral. Computing areas of figures using integral. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate: Knowledge of the concept «standard and nonstandard» problems; importance of the course of Mathematics for general and professional education; basic and nonstandard methods of solving problems; Ability to apply gained knowledge; develop striving to scientific search and developing professional skills; gain practical skills of solving standard and nonstandard math problems; ability of using different methods of organizing and developing self-education; Application of math apparatus to solving math problems; ability of using methods of developing interest in Mathematics and applying knowledge to solving nonstandard problems; Having skills of increasing level of pupils‟ intellectual development; ability to word ideas logically and correctly when solving problems; generalizing information on fundamental and applied Mathematics for synthesizing solutions to math problems; ability to solve nonstandard math problems which are not included in the basic course of school program; systematize knowledge of math disciplines.

Form of exam: written


Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1.Azarov AI, Tavgen OI, VS Fedossenko Functional methods of solving problems. Minsk, 2004. (ru) 2.Evsyuk SL Meeting the challenges of increased complexity. Minsk, 2005. (ru) 4.Nekrasov VB School mathematics. Textbook. Moscow, 2006. (ru) 5.Fedosenko VM, Fedossenko OV Mathematics for high school students. Moscow, 2009. (ru)

Module name Complex analysis Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation KA2306 Disciplines Complex analysis, Analytical functions Semester(s) in which the 7 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of physical and math sciences, associate professor A.S.Sarsekeeva Lecturers Candidate of physical and math sciences, associate professor A.S.Sarsekeeva, Candidate of physical and math sciences G.Zh.Yestayeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 06). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 30 15 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 30 15 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of properties of basic elementary functions, formulas of identical examination regulations transformations, matrix and determinant theory, ability to solve equations and inequalities, to graph functions, knowledge of curve and surface theory, ability to find limits of functions, to investigate functions for continuity, to differentiate and integrate functions, to investigate series, to expand functions as Taylor series. Recommended Math analysis, Linear Algebra, Analytical Geometry, Differential equations prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes - to have skills of using modern technological facilities, to be able to apply information technologies to the sphere of professional activity; - to be able to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions; 65

- to strive for professional and personal advance; professional competences: - to have skills of gaining new knowledge in the sphere of Mathematics necessary for professional activity; – to be aware of the place and role of Mathematics in the modern world; – to develop personality qualities providing with deep scientific and theoretical and methodological knowledge of fundamentals of physical and mathematical sciences helping acquire applied disciplines on the specialty; special competences: - to know basic concepts of the theory of functions of a complex variable; – to be able to choose apparatus and methods of researching problems correctly; - to have skills of solving and researching problems of complex analysis; to be able to apply concepts and methods to solving applied problems. Content «Complex analysis»: Complex numbers. Extended complex plane. Sequences of complex numbers, their limits. Series of complex numbers. Functions of a complex variable: limit and continuity. Series of functions of a complex variable. Power series. Distances and curves in the extended complex plane. Differentiable and holomorphic functions of a complex variable. The integral of a function of a complex variable. Cauchy integral theorem. Cauchy integral formula. Expansion of an analytical function as Taylor series. Zeroes of an analytical function. Theorem of uniqueness for an analytical function. Laurin series. Isolated critical points. Entire and meromorphic functions. Residues. A residue at a removable point, at pole, at infinity. Theorem of entire sum of residues. Application to evaluating integrals. «Analytical functions»: Functions of a complex variable. Complex numbers. Concept of a function of a complex variable. Elementary functions of a complex variable. The limit and continuity of a function of a complex variable. Analytical functions. Cauchy and Riemann condition. Harmonic functions. Caucy integral. Integral with respect to a complex variable. Cauchy‟s theorem. Cauchy formula. Integral of Cauchy type. Morera‟s theorem and different points of view at constructing theory of analytical functions. Series of analytical functions. Weyerstrasse‟s theorems. Power series. The orem of uniqueness of the analytical function. Concept of analytical extension. Laurin series. Isolated critical points of analytical functions. Residue theory. Residue of function. Fundamental theorem of residues. Application of the residue theory to evaluating integrals. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course student should demonstrate: Knowledge of the theory of complex numbers, analytical functions, the theory of integrals of a function of a complex variable, sequences and series of analytical functions, residue theory; Ability to operate with complex numbers, with series of complex numbers; investigate continuity, analyticity, integrate and differentiate functions of a complex variable; ability of using residue theory and applying it to evaluating improper integrals; Ability of using methods of investigating functions of a complex variable; skills of applying methods of the theory of functions of a complex variable to solving problems; revealing connection between concepts and methods used in real and complex analysis, ability to analyze and compare methods, data and results of solving 66

problems; systematizing and broadening knowledge of concepts and methods of real analysis, generalizing concepts and methods of complex analysis; evaluation of correspondence of obtained conclusions and results to existing data.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1. Evgrafov MA Analytic functions. Moscow: Nauka, 1991. 448s. (ru) 2. AG Sveshnikov, Tikhonov The theory of functions of a complex variable. Fizmatlit, Moscow, 2005. 336C. (ru) 3. Chabounine MI, Polovinkin ES, Charles M. Problems in the theory of functions of a complex variable. M., 2006. 362. (ru) 4. Volkovyskii AI etc. Problems in the theory of functions of a complex variable. M., 1985. (ru) 5. Luntz GL, LE Èl'sgol'ts Functions of a complex variable. St. Petersburg.: Lan, 2002. 304c. (ru) 6. Ivanov VI Popov, VY Conformal mappings and their applications. M., 2002. 324s. (ru) 7. Shvedenko SV Beginning of the analysis of complex variable. Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, 2008. 356. (ru)

Module name Partial derivative equations Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of mathematics and natural sciences Abbreviation UZhP2307 Classes, if applicable Partial derivative equations, Math physics equations Semester(s) in which the 6 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of physical and math sciences, associate professor A.S.Sarsekeeva Lecturers Candidate of physical and math sciences, associate professor A.S.Sarsekeeva, doctor of physical and math sciences, professor S.A.Aldashev Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 07). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100


Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of properties of basic elementary functions, ability of using examination regulations differential and integral calculus of functions of one and several variables, theory of functional series and Fourier series, theory and methods of solving Cauchy problem, boundary value problems and problems on eigenvalues for ordinary linear differential equations, ability to solve first-order partial derivative equations, knowledge of elements of vector analysis. Recommended prerequisites Math analysis, Differential equations, algebra, Geometry, Complex analysis Targeted learning outcomes The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social competences: - to have skills of using modern facilities, to be able to apply information technologies to professional activity; - to be able to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions; - to strive for professional and personal advance; professional competences: - to have skills of gaining new knowledge in the sphere of Mathematics necessary for professional activity; – to be aware of the place and role of Mathematics in the modern world; –knowledge of fundamental sections of mathematics necessary for solving scientific-research and practical problems in professional sphere; – to be able to solve professional problems independently; special competences: – to be able to choose apparatus and methods of researching problems correctly; - to be able to construct different math models for describing different phenomena of reality, carry out their qualitative and quantitative analysis; – to have skills of solving partial derivative equations; to be able to apply concepts and methods to solving applied problems. Content «Partial derivative equations»: Partial derivative differential equations. Second-order partial derivative differential equations. Their classification. Basic equations of math physics: a wave equation, a thermal conductivity equation, Laplace‟s equation. Problem definition. Cauchy problem. Correctness of math physics problems. Reduction of second-order partial derivative equations to canonical form. Hyperbolic equations. Hyperbolic type equations. Characteristic cone. One- dimensional wave equation. Cauchy problem, D‟Alambert formula. Solution to Cauchy problem for a heterogeneous equation. Cauchy problem for three- dimensional wave equation. Kirchhoff formula. Cauchy problem for two- dimensional wave equation. Poisson‟s formula. Descent method. Theorem of uniqueness of solution to Cauchy problem for a wave equation. Sturm– Liouville problem. Properties of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. Solving boundary value problems for a wave equation using Fourier method. Parabolic equations. Parabolic type equations. Thermal conductivity equation. Definition of boundary value problems. Cauchy problem. Fundamental solution to thermal conductivity problem. Maximal principle. Uniqueness of solution to the first boundary value problem. Solving boundary value problems using Fourier method. Elliptic equations. Elliptic type equations. Laplace and Poisson‟s equations. Definition of Dirichlet and Newmann‟s boundary value problems. Laplace operator in polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Fundamental solution to Laplace‟s equation. Harmonic functions. Green‟s first and second formulas. Integral expression of harmonic functions. Properties of harmonic functions. theorems of uniqueness of solution to Dirichlet and Newmann'‟ problems. Solution to Dirichlet‟s problem in a circle, in semi-space. Poisson‟s formula.


«Equations of math physics»: Basic concepts of the theory of partial derivative equations. Correctness of problem definition. Second-order partial derivative differential equations, their classification. Reducing equations to canonical form. Equation of string oscillation. Definition of basic problems. Cauchy problem for a wave equation. D‟Alambert‟s formula. General scheme of Fourier method for the mixed problem for a hyperbolic equation. Equation of thermal conductivity. The first boundary value problem for thermal conductivity equation. Maximal principle. Mixed problem for thermal conductivity equation. Cauchy problem for thermal conductivity equation. Elliptic type equations. Definition of boundary value problems. Harmonic functions. Green‟s formulas. Solving Dirichlet‟s problem using Fourier method. Poisson‟s formula. Solving Dirichlet‟s problem using Green‟s function. Fundamental solution to Laplace‟s equation. Newmann‟s problem. Necessary condition of solubility. The theory of potential. Potential of single and double layers. Reducing boundary value problems for Laplace‟s equation to integral equations. Solving Dirichlet and Newmann‟s problems using potentials. Solving partial derivative equations using integral transformations. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the courses students should demonstrate: Knowledge of equation classification, definition of problems for fundamental equations of math physics, basic properties of solutions to these problems and methods researching and finding them; Ability to solve problems using methods of math physics; define a problem and write the equations describing a physical process; having appropriate amount of math knowledge and methods for solving standard problems; ability to analyze problem data and obtained results; generalizing gained knowledge for choosing adequate methods of solving problems; evaluating correspondence of obtained conclusions and results to existing data.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1. VS Vladimirov Zarinov VV The equations of mathematical physics. Fizmatlit, Moscow, 2000. (ru) 2. Problems in Differential Equations. Ed. VS Vladimirov Fizmatlit, Moscow, 2001. (ru) 3. Bicadze AV, DF Kalinichenko Problems in Differential Equations. Moscow: Nauka, 1985. (ru) 4. KB Sabitov Functional, differential and integral equations. Textbook. manual for high schools. M., 2005. 671. (ru) 5. Pikulin VP Pokhozhaev SI Practical course on the equations of mathematical physics. M., 2004. 208. (ru) 6. OA Oleinik Lectures on partial differential equations. Moscow State University, Moscow, 2005. 260. (ru) 7. RG Aliev Collection of problems in partial differential equations. M., 2006. (ru)

Module name Foreign Language - 2 Module level, if applicable Advanced 69

Abbreviation IYa 2208 Classes, if applicable English 2 Semester(s) in which the 3 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor of KazNPU named after Abai K.S.Musayeva Lecturers Senior teacher Zh.B.Buribayeva, Senior teacher S.M.Lukpanova Language English Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 08). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 30 - Class hours per week 2 - Group size (students) 15 - Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 15 - Class hours per week 3 - Group size (students) 20-25 -

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lecture Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- s study Full-time 90 30 - 30 30 Part-time 90 15 - 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of phonetics, orthography, vocabulary. Students should be able to examination regulations read texts with a dictionary and without a dictionary, find specified information, comprehend the Content of the text read. Recommended Foreign Language -1. prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing subject competences: outcomes To know: phonetics; spelling; vocabulary: word-building models, contextual meaning of polysemantic words, terms, lexical constructions of the sub- Language appropriate for the sphere of the specialty; To have skills of: oral and written speech on the basis of developing necessary automatic speech habits, developing reading and comprehending English text containing the vocabulary and grammar acquired before. Content Basic course: «About myself», present tense; «Working day», personal pronouns; «Weekend», past tense of regular and irregular verbs; «My friend», indefinite pronouns; «My family», modal verbs; «My flat», there is (there are) construction, «Library», future tense; «At a doctor», subordinate clauses; «My holidays», sequence of tenses; «Kazakhstan (political, educational, economic system), reported speech; «Great Britain», passive voice; «Almaty», comparison degrees of adjectives and adverbs; «London», using articles with proper names; «Seasons and weather», participles; «Our University», complex object; «Purchase», reflective pronouns. Study / exam achievements On finishing study students should: - be able to give talks; - be able to talk within lexical minimum; - listen to and understand normative speech in narrative form, dialogic speech, dialogic distant speech; - be able to narrate heard information in English shortly in written form using 70

grammar, spelling and punctuation rules; - read and understand a simple original text when reading aloud and an average complexity original text when reading to themselves, differentiating all four kinds of reading (looking through, searching, introductory and studying); - be able to read and comprehend simple original texts retrieving the information necessary and sufficient for a specific purpose of reading. The form of final control is a current examination.

Form of exam: written

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodological complexes of the discipline. A linguistic laboratory with audio and video facilities and materials, a linguistic laboratory with personal computers and teaching programs are used. Literature 1. A.A.Dissections. Theoretical Computer Science: Mathematics view / / Computerra. - 2001. 2. Wolfgang Hofkirchner. «Information Science»: An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Informatik Forum 3/1995. 3. A. penny. Informatics. Textbook for high schools. - Arkhangelsk: Arhang. State. tehn. University Press, 2010. 4. Davis J., Liss R. Effective academic Writing. The Essay, Oxford, 2006. 5. LN Smirnov Scientific English, Leningrad, 1986. 6. Escott John. London, Oxford University Press, 2005. 7. Hornby A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English, 2010. 8. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use, Oxford, 2005. 9. Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms, 2007. 10. Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary for learners of English, 2006.

Module name Theory of functions of a real variable Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation TFDP2409 Classes, if applicable Theory of functions of a real variable, Theory of functions and functional analysis Semester(s) in which the 7 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of physical and math sciences, associate professor A.S.Sarsekeeva Lecturers Candidate of physical and math sciences, associate professor A.S.Sarsekeeva, Candidate of physical and math sciences G.Zh.Yestayeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 09). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20


Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of properties of basic elementary functions, properties of number examination regulations sets, ability to find exact boundaries of sets, ability to find limits of functions, investigate continuity, differentiate and integrate functions, ability to investigate convergence of series, to approximate functions using power series, Fourier series. Recommended Math analysis, Linear Algebra, Analytical Geometry, Complex analysis prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the courses is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes - to have skills of using modern facilities, to be able to apply information technologies to professional activity; - to be able to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions; - to strive for professional and personal advance; professional competences: - to have skills of gaining new knowledge in the sphere of Mathematics necessary for professional activity; – to be able to solve professional problems independently; special competences: – to be aware of the place and role of Mathematics in the modern world; – to be able to choose apparatus and methods of researching problems of the theory of functions of a real variable; – to develop personality qualities providing with deep scientific and theoretical and methodological knowledge of fundamentals of physical and mathematical sciences helping acquire applied disciplines on the specialty. Content «Theory of functions of a real variable»: Operations over sets. One-to-one correspondence. Countable sets. Cardinal of continuum. Comparison of cardinals. Accumulation point. Closed sets. Inside points and open sets. Structure of open and closed bounded sets. Cardinal number of a closed set. Measure of bounded open set. Measure of bounded closed set. External and internal measure of a bounded set. Measurable sets. Definitions and basic properties of measurable functions. Operations over measurable sets. Equivalence. Convergence. Yegorov‟s theorem. Lusin‟s theorem. Lebesque integral and its properties. Passage to the limit under the integral sign. Functions with finite change, Stieljes integral. «Theory of functions and functional analysis»: Measure. Measure definition. Elementary consequences of measure definition (monotony, finite semi-additivity). Countable additivity of measure. Countable semiadditivity and monotony of measure. Definition of external measure and its countable additivity. Measurable sets. Measurable functions. Definition and basic properties of measurable functions. Arithmetical operations over measurable functions. Measurability of the limit of a sequence of measurable functions. Simultaneous measurability of equivalent functions. Almost everywhere convergence and Yegorov theorem. Convergence in measure. Lebesque integral. Simple functions. Lebesque integral of simple functions. General definition of Lebesque integral. Properties of the integral. Countable additivity of Lebesque integral. Chebyshev‟s inequality. Absolute continuity of Lebesque integral. Passage to the limit in Lebesque integral. Lebesque‟s theorem. Levi‟s theorem. Fatou lemma. Connection between Lebesque integral and 72

Riemann integral. Metric spaces. Examples of metric spaces. Topology in metric space. Completeness of a metric space. Theorem of inserted balls. The principle of contracting mappings. Bair theorem. Metric space completion. Holder and Minkovskiy inequalities. Linear topological spaces. Linear spaces. Convex sets and convex functionals. Hahn-Banach theorem. Linear topological spaces. Normalized spaces. Linear operators in normalized spaces. Linear operators in linear normalized spaces. Equivalence of continuity and boundedness of a linear operator. Concept of the norm of a bounded operator. Various formulas for computing norms. The space of linear continuous operators and its completeness relative to even convergence of operators. Theorems of inverse operator. Linear functionals in normalized spaces. Linear continuous functionals in normalized spaces. Functional continuation with norm conservation. Hilbert spaces. Abstract Hilbert space. Axioms and properties. Orthonormalized systems. Orthogonalization. Fourier coefficients. Bessel inequality and Parseval equality. Complete and closed orthonormalized systems. Riss-Fisher theorem. Fourier series and its properties. Isomorphism and isometry of separable Hilbert spaces. The general form of a linear functional in Hilbert space. Linear operators in Hilbert spaces. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate: Knowledge of the general set theory, measure theory, theory of measurable functions, Lebesque integral, almost everywhere convergence, convergence in measure; Ability to perform operations over sets, map over sets, define the cardinal number of a set, ascertain measurability of a set according to Lebesque, evaluate Lebesque integral of a measurable function; Having skills of solving different problems on the theory of functions of a real variable; revealing connection between concepts and methods, used in Math analysis, analyzing results of problems solving; generalizing information related to modern ideas of such important concepts of Mathematics as sets, function, limit, curve, integral; systematizing knowledge of the sphere of the theory of functions, broadening of ideas of set structure, deepening of basic concepts of math analysis; solving nonstandard problems on the basis of gained experience.

Form of exam: written

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1. AN Kolmogorov and SV Fomin Elements of the theory of functions and functional analysis. M. FIZMATLIT, 2004. 572s. (ru) 2. PL Ulyanov, AN Bahvalov etc. The actual analysis tasks. M. FIZMATLIT, 2005. 415s. (ru) 3. Trenogin VA Functional analysis. M. FIZMATLIT, 2002. 488s. (ru) 4. Ochan YS Collection of problems and theorems in the theory of functions of a real variable. M., "Education", 1983. (ru) 5. Bogachev VI, Smolyanov OG Real and Functional Analysis: Moscow, 2009. 724s. (ru) 6. Boss, Lectures in Mathematics. Volume 5. Functional analysis. M., 2005. 216c. (ru)


7. Fedorov VM Course in functional analysis. M., 2005. 352s. (ru)

Module name Modern school math education Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation CMO2410 Classes, if applicable Modern school math education, Innovative methods in math education Semester(s) in which the 8 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.A.Djanaberdiyeva Lecturers Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.A.Djanaberdiyeva, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor M.A.Askarova, Senior teacher Zh.Sh.Akhmetova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 10). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 30 15 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of houes 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 30 15 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 8 Requirements under the Knowledge of Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy, Methods of teaching examination regulations Mathematics, Higher Mathematics, Mathematics of secondary school at the level of advanced program, ability to think mathematically logically, apply theoretical knowledge to practice, solve problems, skills of independent and creative work. Recommended Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy, Methods of teaching Mathematics, Higher prerequisites Mathematics, Math logics. Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes - to be able to apply gained knowledge, abilities and skills on theory and practice to the sphere of educational Mathematics; - to retrieve from different sources and analyze information of modern state and perspectives of development of educational Mathematics, to be able to understand and apply new ideas to teaching Mathematics; - to formulate and solve new research programs using methodology of scientific research, to have skills of using modern facilities and equipment for scientific research in the sphere of educational Mathematics; to know organizational and legal fundamentals of a school Mathematics teacher‟s professional activity; Professional competences: - to be able to use methods of teaching Mathematics at a secondary school, to know fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy, to be ready for educational 74

activity, to have skills of developing new and applying existing methods and innovative forms of educational work; special competences: - ability to apply knowledge of theoretical Mathematics and methods of teaching Mathematics to analysis and synthesis of solving school math problems; - ability to apply modern information and communication technologies to solving problems of teaching Mathematics at a secondary school; - ability to realize analytical and technological solutions in the sphere of educational Mathematics and methods of teaching it. - practical skills of conducting lessons, methods of checking up homework, self- study, methods of studying new material, analyzing and making notes of a lessons. Content «Modern school math education»: Introduction. Recent trends in educational Mathematics. History of domestic and foreign school. Modern school mathematics and math education. Subject, methods, functions, principles and categories of modern school Mathematics. Philosophical, historical, psychological and pedagogical problems of modern school Mathematics. Modern school Mathematics: philosophical aspect, previous history and periods of development; factors of internal and external development. Methodology of modern school mathematics: Methodology, evolution of modern school Mathematics. Modern educational system. Quality of educational process. Tendencies of the reform of the system of secondary education in Kazakhstan. Uniform state standard and basis programs of the modern system of math education. Interdisciplinary relations. Educating pupils at three basic levels according to the same program: general cultural, applied and creative. Level- related parallel textbooks of school Mathematics. Differentiation of education and professional orientation. Teaching solving problems to pupils. Innovation techniques of teaching Mathematics. «Innovative methods in math education»: Innovation processes in education: concept and essence of innovation process in education. Classification of innovations. Characteristics and criteria of innovation evaluation. Innovation orientation of pedagogical activity. Forms of development of teachers‟ professional and pedagogical culture. Technology of realizing pedagogical process: educational and cognitive activity and technology of organizing it. Value-orientation activity. Technology of pupils‟ organizing developing activities. Technology of organizing team creative activity. Modern teaching technologies. Methods of teaching. Conventional and unconventional teaching methods. Application of modern teaching technologies by teachers-innovators in Kazakhstan‟s schools. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate Knowledge of new trends in educational mathematics; history of domestic and foreign school, modern school Mathematics and math education, trends of the reform of the system of secondary education in Kazakhstan; interdisciplinary relations; differentiation of education and professional orientation; newest methods (technologies) of teaching Mathematics in secondary and higher education institutions; Ability to apply theoretical knowledge to pedagogical practice and professional activity; having basic knowledge and abilities of applying electronic resources, doing creative scientific work on given subject; application of innovation technologies to future profession; ability to analyze the problems secondary school teachers come across, to lead discussion and to organize pupils‟ self-study and out-of-classroom activities; 75

generalizing information on scientific fundamentals of school Mathematics; ability to bring modern technologies for future profession together; ability to reveal and prognose analytical and technological methods of teaching math disciplines; ability to work independently and in groups, ability of using methodology of pedagogical research.

Form of exam: written

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. At lectures and practical lessons multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic media and project methods of teaching are applied. Literature 1. Gorelov AA Concepts of modern science. Moscow, 2008. - 506. (ru) 2. Abylkasymova AE Modern lesson. - Almaty: Gylym 2009. - 220. (kaz) 3. Sadykov TS The methodology of the 12-year-olds. education. - Almaty, 2008. -163 C. (kaz) 4. Sadykov TS, AE Әbіlќasymova Zhoғary mektepte Bilim berudің didaktikalyќ negіzderі. - Almaty: Gylym 2009. - 168 b. (kaz) 5. Aghabekyan RL and other mathematical methods in sociology. - Rostov-on- Don. "Phoenix", 2008. - P.100-168. (ru) 6. Anthology of Philosophy of Mathematics. / AG Barabashev. - M.: 2008. – 420 (ru) 7. Klein F. Elementary Math. from the viewpoint of higher. II t - Moscow, 2009. - 410. (ru)

Module name Number systems Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation ZhS2411 Classes, if applicable Number systems, Applied number theory Semester(s) in which the 7 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of physical and math sciences, professor A.Bolen Lecturers Candidate of physical and math sciences, professor A.Bolen Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 11). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 45 45 76

Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of basic properties of sets of natural, integer, rational, real, complex examination regulations numbers, definitions and properties of a group, a ring and a field; ability to solve problems on Algebra and Number theory. Recommended Algebra and number theory, Math Logics and Discrete Mathematics, special prerequisites disciplines: Group theory, Ring theory, Number theory. Targeted learning The process of studying the courses is aimed at developing outcomes social competences: - to have skills of using modern facilities, ability of applying information technologies to the sphere of professional activity; - to have skills of gaining new knowledge necessary for everyday professional activity; - to be able to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions; - to strive professional and personal advance; professional competences: – ability of abstract thinking and constructive description of considered classes of algebraic systems accurate within isomorphism, to apply them to solving different problems of modern Mathematics and their applications; special competences: – ability of using basic methods, ways and means of axiomatic theory, number theory; – to have general culture of abstract thinking distracted from the nature of elements; – to understand principles of organizing scientific research, methods achieving of constructing scientific knowledge; – to be able to apply gained knowledge of basic number systems to solving different problems of modern Mathematics and their applications. Content «Number systems»: Introduction. Algebraic systems. Axiomatic method in Mathematics. Definition and simplest properties of some classical algebras. Homomorphism and isomorphism of algebraic systems. Substantial and formal axiomatic theories. Algebraic systems as interpretation of axiomatic theory. Properties of axiomatic theories. Axiomatic definition of the system of natural numbers as Peano system. Consistency and categoricity of the theory of natural numbers. Addition, multiplication, order in the set of natural numbers. Axiomatic definition of the system of natural numbers as a semi-ring. Commutative rings with identity. Linearly ordered rings. The criterion of linear serializability of rings. Absolute value. Definition of the consistent axiomatic theory of integers as linearly ordered ring with identity. Consistency and categoricity of the theory of integers. Definition of the theory of rational numbers as a quotient field of the ring of integers. Consistency and categoricity of the theory of rational numbers. Valued fields. Norm properties. Archimedes and non-Archimedes normalizations. Different normalizations of the field of rational numbers. Concept of –p numbers. Axiomatic definition of the system of real numbers. The ring of fundamental sequences of rational numbers. Consistence of axiomatic theory of real numbers. Categoricity of axiomatic theory of real numbers. Systematic fractions as apparatus for presentation of real numbers. Axiomatic definition of the system of complex numbers. Consistency and categoticity of axiomatic theory of complex numbers. 77

Linear algebras of the finite rank over field. Division algebra. The field of quaternions is linear algebra with division of the rank 4 over the field of real numbers. Frobenius theorem.

«Applied number theory»: Introduction. Algorithms in number theory. RSA cryptosystem. Factorization problem in number theory. Structure of the multiplicative group U(m) of the residue ring on the modulo m. Effective decomposition of the multiplicative group U(m) into direct product of subgroups. Dirichlet character and its canonical expansion. Leading modules of Dirichlet character. Constructive description of primitive Dirichlet characters of the order l   p . Gauss sum for Dirichlet characters on the modulo. Canonical expansion of Gauss sum on Dirichlet character. Jacobi sums and their connection with Gauss sums. Cyclic polynomials. Constructive description of Galois correspondence for the circular field Q  of primary roots of one and their applications.  pl  n Constructive description of the cyclic field of the power 2 . Calculation of the number of cyclic fields of the power with given discriminant. Arithmetics of cubic cyclic fields. Constructive description of cubic cyclic fields and constructing integer basis, calculating discriminant. Constructive n description of cyclic fields of the 3 . n Constructive description of cyclic fields of the power p and their application. Computational procedure for computing minimal polynomials of generating elements of cyclic fields of the power . Constructive description

of elementary Abelian fields of the power . Calculation of the number of

elementary Abelian fields of the power with given discriminant. Algorithm for proving number primality. Miller algorithm. Pocklington- Lemer algorithm. Goldwasser-Kilian algorithm. Atkin algorithm. Adleman- Lenstra algorithm. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the module students should know axiomatic method in Mathematics, concept of isomorphism of algebraic systems, description of considered systems up to isomorphism, basic properties of number systems (N, Z, Q, R, C); different equivalent axiomatic definitions of considered number systems, basic algebraic terminology; understand the logic of proving theorems; know RSA cryptosystem, factorization problem in number theory, new facilities and methods of information security and processing, constructive description of different classes of Abelian fields, basic properties of Gauss sums on Dirichlet character, Jacobi sums and their connection with Gauss sums; be able to prove categoricity and consistency of axiomatic theory of considered number systems; prove equivalence of different axiomatic definitions of number systems, construct interpretations and models of axiomatic theories, prove equivalence of different axiomatic definitions of number systems; constructively describe considered classes of Abelian fields, construct minimal polynomials of generating elements of considered Abelian fields classes; have sufficient amount of math knowledge and methods of solving problems; 78

be able to analyze results of solving problems; to ground importance of considered problems methodologically, to define them; generalizing, i.e. systematizing and concretization of knowledge gained when studying different math disciplines. Study of this module provides with systematizing, classifying material on algebra, determining basic trends of scientific research, general definitions of unsolved problems.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1. V. Nechayev. Numerical systems. M., "Education", 1990. (ru) 2. Bөlen Amankeldі. Sandar zhүyelerі. Almaty, 2009. (kaz) 3. Kautinho, Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. Algorithms RSA. -M.: Postmarket, 2001. (ru) 4. Gashkov SB, VN Chubarikov Arithmetic, algorithms, computational complexity. -M.: High School, 2000. (ru) 5. AI Maltsev. Algebraic systems. M. "Science", 1990. (ru) 6. Soloviev, YP, Sadovnichiy VA, Shavgulidze ET, VV belokurov Elliptic curves and modern number theory algorithms. - M.: Institute of Computer Science, 2003 (ru)

Module name History of Mathematics Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of Mathematics and natural sciences Abbreviation ІM2212 Classes, if applicable History of Mathematics, National education Semester(s) in which the 5 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher L.U.Zhadrsyeva Lecturers Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher L.U.Zhadrsyeva, Senior teacher M.Bekzhigitova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 12). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 60-80 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Number of hours 10 5 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Lectures Practicals Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65


Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of the history of origin of numbers, number counting, knowledge of examination regulations basic theorems of Math analysis, ability to construct geometric configurations, ability to solve algebraic equations, differential equations, knowledge of outstanding scientists-mathematicians‟ life activity. Recommended Linear algebra, Math analysis prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing outcomes social competences: - to know social-ethic values based on social opinion, traditions, customs, social norms, and rest on them in their professional activity; - to be flexible and mobile in different situations connected with professional activity; - to strive for professional and personal advance; - to work in a team, suggest new solutions, etc.; - special competences: - knowledge of the most important periods of development of Mathematics; - skills of comparing historical information, processes in the sphere of Mathematics; - ability to apply gained knowledge to future professional activity. Content The subject of history and methodology of Mathematics. The subject of history of Mathematics. Link of Mathematics to other sciences. The role of practice in development of Mathematics. Periodization. Importance of history of Mathematics for the system of training Mathematics teacher. Mathematics of ancient world. Appearance of first math concepts and methods: concept of number, configuration. Methods of solving easy math problems arising in practice. Primary kinds of math symbols; numbering schemes. Mathematics of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Babylon, Ancient China and India. Mathematics of the Middle Ages. Mathematics of Central Asia and Middle East nations. Medieval Europe. Mathematics in the Renaissance. The process of creating mathematics of variable values. Appearance of analytical geometry. Century resume. General characteristics of the XVII century Mathematics. Enlightenment century. Scientific centers. Math education. Mathematics and Mechanics. The period of modern Mathematics. Appearance of basic concepts of modern Algebra. Development of the apparatus and applications of math analysis. Mathematization of Physics. Non-Euclidean Geometry. From the beginning of the century to the first World war. Development of Mathematics in 1917-1945. About Mathematics after 1945. Mathematization of sciences. Computer science. Mathematics in Russia. Math culture in Russia before the beginning of the XVII century. Mathematics in Petersburg Academy of sciences in the XVII century. Mathematics in Russia before the XX century. The Soviet math school. Mathematics in Kazakhstan before the beginning of the XX century. Math heritage of Al-Farabi. Development of Mathematics in Kazkhstan in recent years. Development of methodological science in Kazakhstan. Contribution of scientists-methodologists to development of school Mathematics. History of school Mathematics. Using historical materials on Mathematics in the process of teaching Mathematics at school. Historical problems. History of Mathematics at study- group and optional lessons. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate knowledge of periodization of Mathematics development, basic math formulas 80

and their proof, historical development of basic math concepts and terms, biographies of outstanding scientists-mathematicians; ability to work with historical and mathematical literature and electronic didactical facilities; to compare different views and ideas concerning historical facts; ability to make right conclusions; knowledge of the information of basic historical achievements in different spheres of Mathematics and basic historical facts of Mathematics in professional activity; ability to analyze and compare historical facts hen solving math problems; generalizing knowledge of historical development of math concepts, formulas for revealing general laws of their application to practice; development of math concepts from modern point of view.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1. Malahovskiy VS Selected chapters in the history of mathematics: Textbook. Edition / VS Malahovskiy. - Kaliningrad: FGUIPP "Amber tale", 2002. - 304. (ru) 2. Pisarevsky BM, Harin VT conversations about mathematics and mathematicians. - Moscow: FIZMATLIT, 2004. - 208. (ru) 3. VF Panov Mathematics is an ancient and young / Ed. B.C. Zarubin. - 2nd ed., Rev. - Moscow: Publishing House of the MSTU. Bauman, 2006. - 648. (ru) 4. Gindikin SG Stories about physicists and mathematicians, 4th ed., Revised. - Moscow: MCCME 2006. - 464 c. (ru) 5. Tabak J. Algebra: Sets, Symbols, and the Language of Thought Facts on File, 2011. - 538 pages. Series "The History of Mathematics". (ru) 6. Depman IJ, Vilenkin "For the pages of a textbook." - Moscow: Education, 2002. (ru) 7. Struik DY A brief sketch of the history of mathematics. Per. with it. -Moscow, 1978. (ru)

Module name National education Module level, if applicable Interdisciplinary Abbreviation NV2104 Semester(s) in which the 5 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor A.E.Berikhanova Lecturers Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor A.E.Berikhanova, Teachers G.K.Sholpagulova, A.D.Kaidarova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Basic module. Elective component (BM EC 12). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 110 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals


Number of hours 10 5 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 40 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge on required disciplines of special module examination regulations Recommended Introduction to pedagogical profession, Pedagogy prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing outcomes social competences: - general culture and general cultural abilities; - to be able to follow social and ethical norms; - to have organizational and managerial skills; Key competences: - preparedness for successful creative activity; - developed sense of awareness and respect for different cultures; - ability to live in peace and harmony with people of different nations and religions; Professional competences: - ability to participate in interdisciplinary interaction of specialists for solving professional problems; - knowledge of health protection technologies for professional activity taking into account pupils‟ age and individual features; special competences: - knowledge of conceptual fundamentals of national education; - ability to apply gained knowledge to professional pedagogical activity; - developing sense of social responsibility in professional activity. Content National education of students is basis of developing intellectual potential of the nation. Young people in the modern world and its role in social development. Kazakhstan‟s youth as the most important subject of social changes, its innovative force. The system of higher education as the basis of development of a student‟s intellectual potential. Structure, Content of a student‟s intellectual potential. National educational ideal. The role of national education in developing intellectual personality of a future specialist. Methodological fundamentals of national education: interaction and interdependence of ethnic processes and phenomena, ethno-social determination of personality development, historical and evolutional, ethno-socio-culturological approach to human study, interaction of values of national and universal culture. National culture as the basis of national education. Essense of national culture. Cultural heritage as moral, cultural, economical and social capital. Sources of national education: folklore, applied art, traditions, customs, games, etc. cultural and historical backgrounds of development of Kazakhs‟ national image. The student is a bearer of national and world cultures. Student’s national self-consciousness in national education. Values, value orientations in self-consciousness of personality. Dynamics of value orientations of students. General characteristics of national self-consciousness. Patriotism, public spirit as priority components of a student‟s national self-consciousness. National Language as pivot of national education. Essense of the concepts of national Language, state Language, interLanguage. History of Language origin. 82

Factors influencing Languages appearance. Tolerant attitude to other Languages. Three-lingual model in modern Kazakhstan. Socialization, ethnic socialization of personality. Ethnic factor in human life. Ethnic socialization as one of aspects of socialization, as a process of human development and self-development. Factors of national education of students in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Approaches to classification of factors of socialization, education: macrofactors, megafactors, mesofactors, microfactors of national education. New factors of socialization. Globalization. Influence of mass media to development of students’ national self- consciousness. Mass media as social institution (press, radio, cinema, TV, etc.) and their influence. The Internet space. International and inter-confessional harmony as basis of stability of Kazakh society. Essence and Content of international harmony. Culture of international communication. UNESCO declaration of tolerance principles. Psychological willingness of students for international communication. Polytechnic environment in a higher education institution. Educational space of a university as a determinant of national education. National education at a university. Basic tendencies of educational work at a university. Youth policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Essene of youth policy, its functions and normative regulation. The law of the RK «The state youth policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan». Specifics of social work with students. Social and personal problems of students. Modern problems of the world youth. Problems of Kazakhstan‟s youth. Students’ healthy life-style is a condition of students’ professional and personal development. Cultivating healthy life-style. Current problems of students: drugs, alcoholism, gambling, prostitution and pornography, social diseases. Problems of sex education and preparing young people for family life. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate Knowledge of methodological fundamentals of national education; Ability to distinguish national values and universal values, advance reasons for necessity of national education for future specialists; Having adequate amount of knowledge and methods for solving social problems in multinational and multi-confessional environment; analysis of social and personal problems of today‟s students; generalization of the social experience of multinational Kazakhstan, modeling their own development trajectory in multi-cultural space; evaluation of real methods of solving social and pedagogical problems.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1. The concept of strategic national project "Cultural Heritage" in 2009-2011. - Astana, 2008 (kaz) 2. Shaykemelev M. The national character and mentality as a prerequisite for the formation of a national idea of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan's national idea: the experience of philosophical and political analysis. - Almaty: Computer- Publishing Center of the Institute of Philosophy and Political Science of RK, 2006. - S.373-387. (kaz)


3. State youth policy and social technologies work with young people. Textbook, edited by Academician V.I.Zhukova. 2nd ed. Perm. and pererab. M: Univ. "Gnome & D", 2008. -284 With. (kaz) 4. Kazakhstan's national idea: the experience of philosophical and political analysis. - Almaty: Computer-Publishing Center of the Institute of Philosophy and Political Science of RK, 2006. (kaz) 5. Skvoroda IA National and human interests: social and psychological problems. - M., 2006. - S. 157. (ru)

Module name Theory and methods of educational work Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation TMVR 3308

Semester(s) in which the 6 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor of KazNPU named after Abai Sh.Zh.Kolumbayeva Lecturers Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor V.V.Trifonov, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.S.Zhumasheva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Major module. Required component (MM RC 01). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 10-100 10 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Number of hours 10 5 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 10-50 10

Workload Total hours Lectures Practicals Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Adequate amount of knowledge and abilities on social humanities and examination regulations psychological and pedagogical disciplines of general educational and basic modules. Recommended Philosophy, Social science, Introduction to pedagogical profession, Self- prerequisites knowledge, Pedagogy, Ethnic Pedagogy, Psychology, including continuous pedagogical practice Targeted learning Objective of the discipline: outcomes Developing students‟ purpose to acquire professional and pedagogical competences in the sphere of theory, methods and technology of educational work with pupils; Extending and deepening knowledge of theory of education; Developing students‟ professional and pedagogical and special competences: targeting, projecting, organizational, communicative, diagnostic, analytical, etc.; - encouraging students to develop creativity in educational work with pupils continuously. - developing want for self-knowledge and self-development, self-cultivation. 84

Content Educational process. Humanist paradigm of education. Technological, competence approach to education. Educational systems in Pedagogy. Pedagogical support. Tactics, methods of pedagogical support. The system of a form master’s activity. Functions of a form master. A form master and a pedagogical staff. Methods of developing pupil team. Planning educational work. Structure and Content of a school plan of educational work. Forms, methods of planning educational work in a form. Technologies of education in modern educational process. Classification of technologies of education. The system of a form master‟s work with problem children. Technology of pedagogical interaction with pupils’ parents. Family as a component of pupils‟ educational and developing environment. Essence and functions of interaction between teachers and parents. Forms of cooperation with parents. Diagnostics of results and effectiveness of educational work. Methodological support of educational process. Children‟s associations as an institute of education and socialization. Children creative associations. A form master‟s activity concerning developing pupils‟ healthy. Methods of organizing working and resting arrangements. Methods of anti-alcohol promotion and drug abuse prevention. Methods of conflict prevention. Methods of working with gifted children. Methods of vocational guidance work at a 12-year program school. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate knowledge of: essence, objectives and outcomes of the educational work; educational systems of school and social sector; the system and trends of a form master‟s activities; methods of pedagogical cooperation; laws of development of a children‟s team; forms and methods of educational work; technology of educational work and collective creative work; diagnostics of a level of pupils‟ civility. Abilities and skills of: Planning educational work in a class; organizing pedagogical support; developing children collective and diagnosing its state; organizing collective creative work and using innovation technologies of education; diagnosing and working with problem children; cooperation with parents and institutions of additional education; organizing pupils‟ leisure-time; planning and conducting parents‟ meetings; working with gifted children; vocational guidance work at school. A student should be able to set and solve profession-oriented and educational problems of: - heuristic, - problematic and searching, - modeling, - analytical and prognostic, - educational and research character.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Ms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1.Methods of educational work: a manual for the students. vyssh. Textbook. Institutions / L.A.Baykova, L.K.Grebenkina and others, ed. V.A.Slastenina. - 3rd ed., Sr. - M., Ed. center "Academy", 2005. (ru)


2. Kalyuzhniy AA, Tazhbaeva SG, Alimbaeva AA The class teacher. - Almaty, Abai ASU, 2000. (ru) 3. The class teacher of the educational system of the class / Under red.E.A.Stepanova. - M., 2000 - 220 p. (ru) 4. Education of children in school: New Approaches and Technologies / Under red.Schurkovoy NE - M., 1998 208c. (ru) 5. The fat TM The development of values of a healthy lifestyle schoolchildren. - Moscow.: Panorama, 2005. - 144 p. (ru) 6. Slastenin, VA Pedagogy: a manual for schools / VA Slastenin, IF Isaev, EN Shijanov, ed. VA Slastenina. - Ed. 4th, a stereotype. - Moscow: Academia, 2008. (ru)

Module name Elementary Mathematics Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of Mathematics and natural sciences Abbreviation EM3102

Semester(s) in which the 1 module is taught Module coordinator Senior teacher M.T.Bekjigitova Lecturers Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.A.Djanaberdiyeva, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor M.A.Askarova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor K.I.Kanlybayev, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher L.U.Zhadrayeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Major module. Required component (MM RC 02). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of properties of basic elementary functions, ability to solve simple examination regulations algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric equations, inequalities and systems of equations, ability to graph functions, knowledge of properties of geometric configurations in the plane and in the space within school program. Recommended No prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing outcomes social competences: - to have skills of using modern facilities, to be able to apply information technologies; 86

- to have skills of gaining new knowledge; - to be able to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions. special competences: - to have skills of gaining new knowledge needed for professional activity; - ability to apply gained knowledge to practice; - widening general math horizons; - application of basic concepts and methods of Elementary mathematics to solving social and professional problems. Content Arithmetics. Divisibility of integers. The greatest common divisor (GCD) and lowest common multiple (LCM). Euclid algorithm. The sieve of Eratosthenes. Different methods of finding GCD and LCM of two numbers. Application of GCD and LCM to solving problems. Solving indefinite equations. Finding GCD and LCM of three and more numbers. Combinatorial analysis. Combinatorial problems. Solving combinatorial problems. Solving probabilistic problems. Application of Newtonian binomial to solving problems. Application of the method of math induction to proving equalities, inequalities, number divisibility. Complete and incomplete inductions. Elementary functions. Graphing functions. Study of properties and graphs of elementary functions. Asymptotes of the graph of a function and finding them. Graphing inverse functions. Graph transformation. Identical transformations of math expressions. Concept of a polynomial. Arithmetics of operations over polynomials. Factorizing polynomials. Polynomial divisors. Division of polynomials. Horner‟s method. Bezout theorem. Euclid algorithm. Roots of a polynomial. Formulas of short multiplication. Vieta‟s formulas. Proof of inequalities using different methods. Equations and inequalities containing a variable on modulo. Solving equations and inequalities with modulo using the definition. Solving equations and inequalities with modulo using the method of squaring Solving equations and inequalities with modulo using the method of interval division. Solving equations and inequalities with modulo using substitution. Irrational equations and inequalities. Solving irrational equations and inequalities using different methods. Solution check of irrational equations and inequalities. Exponential equations and inequalities. Solving exponential equations and inequalities using properties of exponential functions. Solving exponential equations and inequalities using the method of new variable. Solving exponential-power equations and inequalities. Logarithmic equations and inequalities. Solving logarithmic equations and inequalities using the method of exponentiation. Solving logarithmic equations and inequalities using the method of substation. Checking solutions to logarithmic equations and inequalities. Solving exponential-logarithmic equations and inequalities using the method. Equations and inequalities with parameters. Finding and investigating a parameter range of variation. Solving equations and inequalities with parameters using different methods. Application of differential calculus instruments to solving equations and inequalities with parameters. Systems of equations and inequalities and different methods of solving them. Solving systems and sets of equations and inequalities. Gaussian method of solving systems of linear equations. The method of factorizing when solving systems of equations and inequalities. Substitution. Solving homogeneous systems of equations. Solving symmetric systems of equations. Solving text problems on setting up equations, inequalities, systems of equations, systems of inequalities. 87

Proof of trigonometric identities and inequalities. Proving trigonometric identities using different methods. Proving trigonometric inequalities using different methods. Application of differential calculus instruments to proving trigonometric identities and inequalities. Solving trigonometric equations and inequalities. Solving complicated trigonometric equations through reducing to simplest trigonometric equations. Solving complicated trigonometric inequalities through reducing to simplest trigonometric inequalities. Identical transformations of the expressions containing inverse trigonometric functions. Operations over inverse trigonometric functions. Calculating values of inverse trigonometric functions. Solving equations and inequalities containing inverse trigonometric functions. Plane geometry. Basic geometric objects in the plane and their properties. Drawing geometric configurations in the plane. Construction problems. Solving triangles. Metric relationships in a triangle. Equality and similarity of triangles. Inscribed and circumscribed polygons, their properties. Application of the coordinate and vector method when solving planimetric problems. Solid geometry. Basic geometric objects in the space and their properties. Geometric configurations in the space. Configurations transformation in the space. Application of the coordinate and vector method when solving stereometric problems. The laws of sines and cosines for a trihedral angle. Calculating volumes and areas of polygon surfaces. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should know basic types of numbers and their properties; definitions of basic concepts of school Mathematics; formulas of short multiplication; the table of basic values of trigonometric functions; the table of derivatives and differentiation rules; formulas of trigonometry; formulas of plane and solid geometry; properties of geometric configurations in the plane and in the space; properties of elementary functions; be able to perform different arithmetical operations over numbers; find values of a root, power, logarithm and different math expressions containing arithmetical signs; use a calculator; solve equations, systems of equations with two-three unknown variables; solve geometric problems concerning calculating and proving; apply gained knowledge to pedagogical practice; to future job; ba able to participate in solving professional problems, analysis of the most frequent problems a Mathematics teacher come across; generalize information on fundamental and applied Mathematics for synthesizing math theories; be able to bring modern technologies for solving problems of school Mathematics together; be able to work independently and in groups.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Media employed There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. At lectures multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities are applied. Reading list 1.Kramer VS Repeat and systematize school algebra course and the initial analysis. Moscow, 2001. (ru) 2. Ivanov OA Workshop on elementary mathematics: algebra and analytical methods: Manual. - Moscow: MCCME, 2001. - 320C. (ru) 3. MJ profitable Handbook of elementary mathematics. - Moscow: Nauka, 2006. 88

(ru) 4. VN Litvinenko, Mordkovich AG Workshop on solving mathematical problems. - M.: Education, 1995. (ru)

Module name Probability theory and Math Statistics Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of Mathematics and natural sciences Abbreviation TVMS 3301 Classes, if applicable Probability theory and Math Statistics, Scholasticism Semester(s) in which the 5 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher L.U.Zhadrayeva Lecturers Doctor of physical and math sciences, professor S.A.Aldashev, Candidate of physical and math sciences, associate professor M.Zh.Bekpatshaev, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher L.U.Zhadrayeva, senior teacher Zh.Akhmetova, PhD L.N.Temirbekova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Major module. Elective component (MM EC 01). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Number of hours 12 12 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Lectures Practicals Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of basic formulas of combinational analysis, basic rules of functions examination regulations differentiation and integration, ability to graph continuous and discontinuous functions, skills of calculating unknown values using given formulas and tabling them. Recommended Linear Algebra, Math analysis prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing outcomes social competences: - to have skills of using modern facilities, to be able to apply information technologies; - to be flexible and mobile in different situations connected with professional activity; - to strive for professional and personal advance; - to be able to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions. special competences: - knowledge of conceptual and theoretical fundamentals of Probability theory and


Math Statistics; - skills of solving and investigating probabilistic systems and processes; - ability to apply gained knowledge to all spheres of social life connected with probabilistic and statistical objects; - ability to apply modern methods of calculating probabilities to solving practical problems. Content «Probability theory and Math Statistics»: Introduction. The subject of Probability theory and Math Statistics. Development of «Probability theory and Math Statistics» as science. Basic concepts and theorems of Probability theory. Event and probability. Probabilistic space. Axioms of Probability theory. Classical definition of probability. Probabilistic spaces in general, basic concepts. Geometric probabilities. Elements of combinatorial analysis. Properties of probability. Conditional probability and its properties. The formula of composite probability. Bayes‟ formulas. Sequence of independent trials. Independence of two and n events. Sequential trials. Independent trials. Bernoulli distribution and polynomial scheme. Binomial distribution. Markov sequence. Poisson formulas. De Moivre-Laplace local and integral theorems. Random variables and their numerical characteristics. General concept of random variables. Discrete random variables. Probability density function of a random variable. Math expectation and its properties. Dispersion and its properties. Mean-square deviation. Linear correlation. Equations of regression. Moments of random variables. Characteristic function. Examples of distributions. Limit theorems of Probability theory. The law of large numbers for Bernoulli distribution. Concept of methods. Chebyshev inequality. Chebyshev theorem. Bernoulli theorem. Concept of central limit theorem. Elements of Math Statistics. Basic problems of Math Statistics. Methods of finding estimated parameters. Constructing approximate confidence intervals. Samples. Variational series. Empirical distribution function. Numerical characteristics of variational series. Kolmogorov goodness measure. Point estimates. Interval estimates. Normal distribution estimated parameters. Testing of statistical hypotheses. Estimated correlation coefficient. Lines of regression. The maximum likelihood method. The least-squares method. Basic distributions of Math Statistics from two hypotheses. Neumann-Pearson criterion. Concept of simple random processes. Markov chains.

«Scholasticism»: History of development of scholasticism. Science sources. Foreign and domestic schools of Probability theory and Math Statistics (development and the present). Fundamentals of combinational analysis. Enumeration of various possibilities, trials «tree». Sum and product rules. Permutations, combinations with repetitions and without repetitions. Events and probability. Sure, random and impossible events. Statistical definition of probability. Classical and geometric definitions of probability. Elements of Kolmogorov axiomatics. Exhaustive and mutually exclusive, dependent and independent, complementary events, conditional probability. Addition and multiplication of probabilities. The formula of composite probability, Bayes‟ formulas. Independent and recurrent trials. Bernoulli formula. De Moivre-Laplace formulas. Concept of a random variable. Random variables. Concept of a discrete random variable (DRV) and continuous random variable (CRV). The law of distribution of DRV, distribution polygon. Operations over random variables. Bernoulli distribution. Numerical characteristics of random variables: math 90

expectation, dispersion, Mean-square deviation. Interpretation of the «law of large numbers». Concept of normal distribution. Statistical characteristics. Samples, fundamentals of sampling. Data presentation (diagrams, histograms). Numerical characteristics of sample: characteristics of position (sample mean, mode, median), characteristics of dispersion (range, dispersion, mean-square deviation, etc.). Statistical hypotheses. Statistical hypotheses, their testing. Null and alternative hypotheses. Significance point, number of «degrees of freedom». Test of differences. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the courses students should demonstrate Knowledge of basic concepts and terms of Probability theory and Math Statistic (random variable, kind of distribution, numerical characteristics); principles of calculating probabilities of random events and estimated parameters of population; Ability to compose and solve different probabilistic problems, apply studied laws of distribution of random variables to practical problems; use methods of processing statistical data applying modern computer technologies; Having adequate amount of math knowledge and methods for solving typical problems on Probability theory and Math Statistics; Analysis of solutions to problems on Probability theory and Math Statistics arising when comparing original statistical data. generalizing knowledge of any probabilistic and statistical systems for revealing general laws of their structure and functioning; evaluation of methods of solving problems on Probability theory and Math Statistics.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1.Gmurman VE Probability theory and mathematical statistics. M: VSH 2005. - 477 sec. (ru) 2. Gmurman VE Guide to solving problems in the theory of probability and mathematical satistike. - M: VSH 2005. - 404 p. (ru) 3. Kremer NS Probability theory and mathematical satistika. - Moscow: UNITY- DANA, 2007. -551. (ru) 4. Kochetkov ES, Smerchinskaya SO Probability theory: problems and exercises. - M: Forum, 2008. - 480 p. (ru) 5. Clarke G.M., Cooke D. A Basic Course in Statistics. 5th edition. - UK: Arnold, 2004.

Module name Physics Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of Mathematics and natural sciences Abbreviation Phys3202 Classes, if applicable Computer methods in Physics Semester(s) in which the 5 module is taught Module coordinator Doctor of physical and math sciences, professor A.B.Kabulov Lecturers Doctor of physical and math sciences, professor A.B.Kabulov Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Major module. Elective component (MM EC 02). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010

91 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 15 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 5 5 Class hours per week 2 1 1 Group size (students) 20 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practical Lab Tutorials Self- s study Full-time 135 15 15 15 45 45 Part-time 135 10 5 5 15 100

Credit points 3KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge on Elementary Mathematics, trigonometry, differential and integral examination regulations calculus, school course of Physics Recommended No prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes - having skills of oral and written speech in Kazakh (Russian) for working at scientific texts and public speaking; - using basic methods of gaining, storing, processing information; having skills of using a computer, including global computer networks; Professional competences: - ability to apply systematized theoretical and practical knowledge of different sciences; Special competences: - knowledge of conceptual and theoretical fundamentals of Physics; - having skills of organizing making physical experiment; - ability of using methods of analyzing results of observations and experiments; - ability of using methods of solving physical problems. Content Mechanics. Kinematics of particle. Dynamics of particle. Dynamics of the system of particles. Conservation laws. Solid state mechanics. Elastic energies. Motion at force of friction. Newtonian attraction. Motion in noninertial frames. Elements of special relativity theory. Mechanics of fluids and gases. Oscillations and waves. Acoustics. Molecular physics. Ideal gas. The fundamental equation of molecular-kinetic theory of ideal gas. Gas laws. Clapeyron equation. Statistical method and elements of probability theory. Binomial distribution. Maxswellian and Boltzmann distributions. The first law of thermodynamics. Heat capacity of gases. Adiabatic and polytrophic processes. Reversible and irreversible processes. Cyclic processes. The second law of thermodynamics. Entropy. Transport processes. Diffusion, viscosity, heat capacity. Real gases. Crystalline and amorphous structure of substance. Electricity and magnetism. Properties of electric charges. Electrostatic field. Electric potential. Conductors in electrostatic field. Dielectrics. Energy of electric field. The laws of constant current. Electromotive force. Principles of the classical conductivity theory. Electromagnetic induction. Magnetic properties of a substance. Alternating current. Maxwell equation. . Electromagnetic light theory. Light interference. Light diffraction. . Dispersion and luminous absorption. Optical dispersion. Heat 92

radiation. Quantum properties of light. Lasers, their application. Physics of Atom, Nucleus and Solid State. Development of quantum idea of atom. Stages of development. Models of atoms. Rutherford‟s formula. Corpuscular-wave dualism. Corpuscular-wave nature of light and particles. Louis de Broglie‟s hypothesis. Electron and neutron diffraction. Davisson–Germer experiments. Electronic microscope. Basic concepts of quantum mechanics. Schrödinger equation. Energy, pulse quantization Motion of a particle in a potential trough. Physics of nucleus. Nucleus structure. Mass number. Isotopes and isobars. Elementary methods of nuclear physics. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate Knowledge of basic physical phenomena, their features; basic physical concepts, values, their math expression and units; Ability to apply laws of Physics correctly for analyzing and solving specific physical problems; use basic physical devices, run, process obtained results and evaluate them; use scientific, educational-methodological and reference literature; Application of basic methods and devices for measuring physical values; methods of solving physical problems; Ability to participate in interdisciplinary interaction for solving professional problems; analyze results of observations and experiments; ability of using methods of computer modeling; Generalizing information on experimental and theoretical Physics for synthesizing phenomena and processes; Ability to realize analytical and technological solutions in the sphere of experimental and theoretical Physics; ability of independent work and working in groups; of organizing and realizing projects; of taking managerial responsibility.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. At lectures multimedia presentations, demonstrational experiments are used. Literature 1. Savelyev IV Course of general fiziki.-SPb.: Lan, 2006. (ru) 2. E. Frish, Timoreva AV Physics course. - St. Petersburg.: Lan, 2006. (ru) 3. Grabowski, RI Physics course. SPb.: Lan, 2006. (ru) 4. Fishbane P., Gasiorowicz S., Thornton S. Physics for Scientists and Engineers (extended version). - Prentice Hall, Inc., 2005 (ru) 5. Serway R., Jewett J. Physics for Scientists and Engineers. - 6th Edition Thomson Brooks / Cole, 2004 (ru) 6. Lozovskiy VN Physics course in 2 volumes - C: Lan, 2001. (ru) 7. TI Trofimov Problems in general physics. - M.: Higher School, 2001. (ru)

Module name Computer methods in Physics Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of Mathematics and natural sciences Abbreviation KMPh3202 Classes, if applicable Physics Computer methods in Physics Semester(s) in which the 4 module is taught Module coordinator Master of Physics, senior teacher E.A.Ospanbekov Lecturers Master of Physics, senior teacher E.A.Ospanbekov Language Kazakh, Russian 93

Classification within the Major module. Elective component (MM EC 02). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time department hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab lessons semester Number of hours 15 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 15 Part-time department Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab lessons Number of hours 10 5 5 Class hours per week 2 1 1 Group size (students) 20 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 15 15 15 45 45 Part-time 135 10 5 5 15 100

Credit points 3KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge on Elementary Mathematics, trigonometry, differential and integral examination regulations calculus. Recommended No prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the course is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes - having skills of oral and written speech in Kazakh (Russian) for working at scientific texts and public speaking; - using basic methods of gaining, storing, processing information; having skills of using a computer, including global computer networks; Professional competences: - ability to apply systematized theoretical and practical knowledge of different sciences; Special competences: - knowledge of conceptual and theoretical fundamentals of Physics; - having skills of organizing making physical experiment; - ability of using methods of analyzing results of observations and experiments; - ability of using methods of solving physical problems. Content Fundamentals of Turbo Pascal Language. Program structure in Pascal. The Language syntax. Particles. Program heading, declaratory unit, run-unit. Variables, constants, labels, procedures, functions. Statement parentheses. Data types in Pascal. Types classification and their declaration. Integer, real, Boolean, symbolic, string data types. Ordinal and enumerated data types. Arrays, sets, indicators, files. User-defined types. Statements of Pascal. Assignment statement. Iteration statement. If statement. Multiple selection statement. Imperative do-to statement. Procedures and functions. Procedure and function declaration. Formal and actual parameters. Parameters-variables and parameters-links. Standard procedures and functions. Procedure and function reference. Input-output in Pascal. Input-output procedures and their parameters. Input from a text file and output in a text file. Pseudo graphics. Link-up with exterior modules. Graphic mode. Lines of force of electrostatic field Definition of a line of force. The equation of a line of force in the plane and in the space. The simple example of a first-order linear differential equation allowing analytical solution. 94

Analyzing, comparing and choosing methods of computational solution of differential equations. The method of expansion as a Taylor series. Its advantages and disadvantages. Eulerian method. Its advantages and disadvantages. The strength of point charge field. Lines of force of a point charge. Graphic mode. Graphics of lines of force of a point charge. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should demonstrate Knowledge of basic physical phenomena, their features; basic physical concepts, values, their math expression and units; Ability to formulate math definition of a physical problem, process obtained results and evaluate them; use scientific, educational and methodological and reference literature when working; ability to realize algorithms of numerical methods using one of algorithmic Languages; ability to do symbolic and numerical calculations in Maple environment; ability of using methods of computational solution of differential and integral equations and synthetic sampling; Application of basic methods and devices for measuring physical values; methods of solving physical problems; analysis of observation and experiment results, methods of computer modeling; Generalizing information on experimental and theoretical Physics for synthesizing phenomena and processes; Ability to realize analytical and technological solutions in the sphere of experimental and theoretical Physics; ability of independent work and working in groups.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. At lectures multimedia presentations, demonstrational experiments are used. Literature 1.Savelyev IV Course of general fiziki.-SPb.: Lan, 2006. (ru) 2. E. Frish, Timoreva AV Physics course. - St. Petersburg.: Lan, 2006. (ru) 3. Grabowski, RI Physics course. SPb.: Lan, 2006. (ru) 4. Detlaf AA, Jaworski, BM Physics course. - M.: High School. 2001. (ru) 5. Filchakov PF Numerical and graphical methods of applied mathematics. - Naukova Dumka. Kiev. 1970. (ru) 6. Boaster, NS Numerical methods. V.1 - Moscow: Nauka. 1972. (ru) 7. TI Trofimov Problems in general physics. - M.: Higher School, 2001. (ru)

Module name Programming Languages Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of Mathematics and natural sciences Abbreviation YaP3303 Classes, if applicable Programming Languages, Software engineering Semester(s) in which the 4 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor O.S.Akhmetova Lecturers Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor O.S.Akhmetova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Major module. Elective component (MM EC 03). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time 95 hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 15 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge on Computer science, basic knowledge on Algebra and Beginnings examination regulations of analysis, Physics, Geometry Recommended Computer science prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the courses is aimed at developing social and outcomes professional competences: - to have basic knowledge in the sphere of natural science disciplines providing with developing a highly educated person with a broad mind and culture of thinking; - to have skills of using modern facilities, ability to apply information technologies to the sphere of professional activity; - to have skills of gaining new knowledge necessary for everyday professional activity; - using basic methods of gaining, storing, processing information; skills of using a computer, including global computer networks; special competences: - ability to apply knowledge of programming Languages to analyzing and synthesizing information systems and processes; - ability to apply modern programming Languages to solving practical problems; - ability to realize analytical and technological solutions in the sphere of software and information computer processing; - ability to participate in interdisciplinary and interdepartmental interaction of specialists for solving professional problems; - ability of using health protection technologies in professional activity taking into account risks and danger of social environment and educational space. Content «Programming Languages»: Introduction to Theory of algorithms. Algorithms and algorithmic Languages. Introduction to theory of algorithms. Intuitive concept of algorithm. Properties of algorithms. Concept of algorithm executor. Turing machine. Turing thesis and its grounds. Markov‟s normal algorithms. Compositions of Turing machines and Markov‟s normal algorithms. Concept of algorithmic insolubility. Algorithmic complexity. Turbo Pascal programming Language. Characteristics of algorithmic Languages and their executors. Concept of translation. Concept of formal Languages. MetaLanguages. Alphabet, syntax and semantics of an algorithmic Language. Programming Language. Alphabet, names, particles, standard names, numbers, text constants, white-space characters. Program structure in Pascal. Program heading. Types of data, their classification.


Variables and constants. Scalar types of data and operation over them, operations priority, standard functions. Expressions and rules of computing them. Assignment statements. Simple and complex statements. Empty, compound, IF and GOTO statements. Labels. Files. Standard procedures and functions of input-output. Iteration statements. Programming of recurrence relations. Compound data types. Arrays. Procedure declaration and statement. Formal and actual parameters. Name allocation. Iteration and recursion. Sets. Reference type data. Dynamic variables. Data structures. Data abstract structures: graphs, trees, tables. Stacks and queues. «Software engineering»: Introduction. Objectives and tasks of the discipline. Personal computer software. Methodology of programming. Fundamentals of software engineering. C programming Languages Introduction to C programming system. Preprocessor directives. Structure of programming system, elements of the Language. Data types: int, short, long, unsigned, float, double. Declaration. Expressions and assignments. Operations of C Language. If-statement. Case statement. Iteration statements. Goto, break, continue statements. Input and output functions. Functions. Description, definition of a function. Examples of functions. Indicators and address arithmetic. Memory management and addressing. Linear arrays and indicators. 2D arrays. Using indicators for 2D arrays. Data structures. Data indicators and structures. Strings. String manipulation. Files. File structure. File organization. Windows. Graphics. Characteristics of programming in С++. Fundamentals of programming in С++. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the courses students should demonstrate Knowledge of the concepts of «algorithm», «programming Language»; knowledge of normalization principle and its reasoning, compositions of Turing machines and Markov normal algorithms, basic concepts and statements in Pascal; basic concepts of programming in С++, mechanisms of realizing the Language resources, applicability of the Language for a wide range of real problems; compatibility with the traditional C Language; Ability to work with programming Languages, code independently; code in С++, apply basic constructions of the Language to solving problems, work with different types of data; To have skills of working with programming Languages, of using programming in professional activity; ability of using fundamentals of automatic solution of problems; Ability to participate in interdisciplinary iteration for solving professional problems; analyze frequent problems computer users come across when processing documents using application programs; Generalizing information on algorithmization and programming Languages for synthesizing information processes and on methods of information technological processing; Ability to make effective use of a programming Language for solving any problems; reveal and predict analytical and technological solutions in the sphere of software and information computer processing, ability of working independently and in groups; ability of organizing and realizing projects; ability of taking managerial responsibility.

Form of exam: written


Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. At lectures multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities, at laboratory lessons applied and system software for a PC are used. Literature 1.Akhmetov OS Basics of algorithms and programming. - Almaty, 2008. - 495s. (kaz) 2. Nemnyugin SA TurboPascal. - St. Petersburg.: Publishing "Peter", 2001. - 496 p.: Ill. (ru) 3. Gusev AI Learning to program: PASCAL 7.0. Objectives and methods of their solutions. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M.: "Dialog-MIFI", 2003. - 256 p. (ru) 4. Horton A. Visual C + + 2010: The full course. Dialectics g.Kiev.2010. - 1216 c. (ru) 5. Pratt C. The programming Language C + +. Lectures and exercises - M: Dia- Soft, 2003. - 656 p. (ru) 6. Anisimov AE, Pupyshev VV Collection of tasks on the grounds of programming. BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, Internet University of Information Technology - 2006. (ru)

Module name Math Logics and Discrete Mathematics Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation MLDM3304

Classes, if applicable Math Logics and Discrete Mathematics Fundamentals of Logics Semester(s) in which the 6 module is taught Module coordinator Senior teacher R.M.Kaparova Lecturers Senior teacher R.M.Kaparova, Teacher D.M.Nurbayeva Language Kazakh, Russian

Classification within the Major module. Elective component (MM EC 04). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 12 24 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge of school course of Mathematics: sets, Pascal triangle, examination regulations combinatorics. 98

Recommended Elementary Mathematics, Math analysis, Linear Algebra, Analytical Geometry prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the courses is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes - understanding of principles of organizing scientific research and professional activity, methods of achieving and constructing scientific professional knowledge; professional competences: - ability to participate in interdisciplinary iteration for solving professional problems; special competences: - ability to apply knowledge of theoretical fundamentals of Math Logics and Discrete Mathematics, fundamental and applied Mathematics to analysis and synthesis of solutions of different math problems; - ability of using basic formulas and their proof; - knowing concepts of propositions, Boolean functions, graphs, methods of developing interest in Math Logics and Discrete Mathematics, ability to apply math knowledge to everyday life. Content «Math Logics and Discrete Mathematics»: Elements of set theory. Sets and methods of defining them. Sets and their properties. Sets equality. Union and intersection of sets. Difference of sets. Direct product of sets and its properties. Binary correspondences and operations over them, mapping of sets. Binary relations. Equivalence relation. Propositional algebra. Concept of propositions. Operations over propositions. Formulas of propositional algebra. Truth tables. Tautologies and contradictions. Laws of propositional algebra. Equivalent formula manipulations. Disjunctive normal form (DNF) and conjunctive normal form (CNF). Full DNF and Full CNF. Predicative algebra. Concept of predicate. Concept of quantifier. Formulas of predicative algebra. Combinatorics. The method of math induction. Fundamental law of combinatorics. Permutations and combinations. Permutations and combinations without repetitions. Newtonian binomial. Boolean functions. Superposition of Boolean functions. Elementary Boolean functions and their properties. Zhegalkin polynomials. Presentation of Zhegalkin polynomials using Boolean functions. Fundamentals of graph theory. Basic concepts. Trees and their properties. Different methods of graph definition. Sub-graphs and graph part. Graph paths. Connected graphs. Eulerian graphs. Elements of coding theory. Basic objectives of coding. Principles and applications of coding. Decoding. Alphabetic and even coding.

«Fundamentals of Logics»: Elements of set theory. Sets and methods of defining them. Properties of sets. Sets equality. Union and intersection of sets. Difference of sets. Direct product of sets and its properties. Binary correspondences and operations over them, mapping of sets. Binary relations. Equivalence relation. Propositional algebra. Concept of propositions. Operations over propositions. Formulas of propositional algebra. Truth tables. Tautologies and contradictions. Laws of propositional algebra. Equivalent formula manipulations. Disjunctive normal form (DNF) and conjunctive normal form (CNF). Full DNF and Full CNF. Predicative algebra. Concept of predicate. Concept of quantifier. Formulas of predicative algebra. Combinatorics. The method of math induction. Fundamental law of combinatorics. Permutations and combinations. Permutations and combinations 99

without repetitions. Newtonian binomial. Boolean functions. Superposition of Boolean functions. Elementary Boolean functions and their properties. Zhegalkin polynomials. Presentation of Zhegalkin polynomials using Boolean functions. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the courses students should demonstrate Knowledge of general set theory, basic concepts and methods of prepositional and predicative algebra, combinatorics, theory of Boolean functions, graph theory, coding theory; Ability to perform operations over sets, map over sets, solve problems of prepositional and predicative algebra, combinatorics, graph theory, ability of using formal Language for describing math concepts; Application of gained knowledge to other branches of Mathematics; Generalizing information on fundamental and applied Mathematics for synthesizing problems of Math Logics and Discrete Mathematics; Ability to connect solutions to algebraic problems with solutions of specific problems of Math Logics and Discrete Mathematics.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1. Akimov, ON Logic Group, graphs, fractals. LB3. St. Petersburg., 2005. (ru) 2. Moskinova GI Discrete Mathematics. M., Logos, 2001. (ru0 3 Ershov YL, EA Palyutin Mathematical logic. St. Petersburg., Lan., 2004. (ru) 4. Gorbatov VA The fundamentals of discrete mathematics. - Oxford: Pergamon Press, 2000. (ru) 5. Haggarty P. Discrete Mathematics for Programmers: Trans. with Engl. M. Tehossfera, 2003-320C.

Module name Differential Geometry and Topology Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation DGT3305 Courses, if applicable Differential Geometry and Topology, Fundamentals of Topology Semester(s) in which the 7 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of physical and math sciences, associate professor A.S.Sarsekeeva, Senior teacher G.S.Bukenov Lecturers Candidate of physical and math sciences, associate professor A.S.Sarsekeeva, Senior teacher G.S.Bukenov Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Major module. Elective component (MM EC 05). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 100

Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of properties of basic elementary functions, knowledge of matrix and examination regulations determinant theory, properties of vectors, ability to calculate scalar, vector products of vectors, ability of solving equations and inequalities, ability of graphing functions, ability of finding function limits, ability of investigating functions for continuity, ability to differentiate and integrate functions. Recommended Math analysis, Algebra and Number theory, Analytical Geometry prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the courses is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes - to have skills of using modern facilities, to be able to apply information technologies to professional activity; - to be able to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions; - to strive for professional and personal advance; professional competences: - to have skills of gaining new knowledge in the sphere of Mathematics necessary for professional activity; – to be able to solve professional problems independently; special competences: – to be aware of logical, topological and algebraic structures, of the role of Mathematics; – to be able to construct different math models for describing different phenomena and facts of reality, to carry out their qualitative and quantitative analysis – to be able to choose apparatus and methods of researching simplest math problems; Content «Differential Geometry»: Lines in Euclidian space. Vector-function of a scalar argument. Coordinates of a vector-function. The limit of a vector-function at a point. Theorem of limit of a vector-function. Continuity. Continuous vector-functions and their properties. Differentiability of a vector-function, differentiation rules. Vector-functions of constant length or constant direction. Concept of a curve. Tangent line and normal plane of a smooth curve, their equations. Arc length of a curve, calculating it. Surfaces in Euclidian space. Curve curvature and spinning. Lemma of unit- vector. Formulas for calculating curvature and spinning. Geometric sense of curvature and spinning. Natural equations of a curve. Circular helixes. Theorems of osculating plane. Moving trihedral of a curve. Establishing equations of its components. Serret-Frenet formulas. Frenet frame, its coordinate axes and planes, their equations in the case of natural and arbitrary parameter. Behavior of a smooth curve near its point relative to Frenet frame. Surfaces in Euclidian space. A surface and its tangent lines. Tangent plane to a surface. Normal. The first quadratic form of a surface. Curve length on a surface, the angle between curves on a surface. The area of a surface. Curve curvature on a surface. Normal curvature. The second quadratic form of a surface. Indicatrix of curvature. Classification of surfaces according to indicatrix shape. Principle curvatures. Total and average surface curvatures. Surfaces of constant curvature. Intrinsic geometry of a surface. Surface hogging. Geodesic curvature and 101

geodesic lines on a surface. Elements of topology. Topological spaces, topological manifolds.

«Fundamentals of Topology»: Curves in metric space. Spaces with an intrinsic metric. Curves. Curve length. Arc length as a parameter. Compactness of series of curves. Spaces with an intrinsic metric. Concept of an angle. Concept of a surface. Surfaces. Regular surfaces. The tangent plane of a smooth surface. The normal. A space as a manifold with an intrinsic metric. Fundamentals of differential geometry. Basic facts of curve theory. Basic acts of surface geometry. Basic acts of intrinsic surface geometry. Gauss-Bonnet theorem. Isometric surfaces. Hoggings. Topological spaces. Тopology on set. Closed sets. Metric on set. Neighborhoods. Limit points. Closure of set. Interior of a set. Frontier of set. Base and sub-base of topology. Continuous mappings. Classes of topological spaces. Subspaces of a topological space. Separation axioms. Subspaces of Hausdorff spaces. Separable spaces. Axioms of countability. Compactness. Topology in a direct product of spaces. Topology in a sum of spaces. Topological manifolds. Smooth and Riemannian manifolds. The dimension of a topological space. Topological manifolds. Manifold with boundary. Diffeomorphism. Analytical manifolds. The tangent space of an n-dimensional smooth manifold at the point. Riemannian manifold. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the courses students should demonstrate Knowledge of basic concepts of differential geometry and topology, definitions and properties of math objects in this sphere, statements, methods of proving them, possible spheres of their applications, including computer modeling of geometric and topological objects and phenomena; Ability to solve computational and theoretical problems in the sphere of differential geometry and topology, prove statements; Application of math apparatus of differential geometry and topology, investigating geometric objects using differential-geometric methods, investigating objects of topology using set-theoretical methods; Ability to participate in interdisciplinary and interdepartmental interaction of specialists for solving professional problems; generalizing information on fundamental and applied Mathematics for synthesizing problems of differential geometry; ability to bring modern methods of solving geometric problems and problems of Math analysis together for solving specific problems of differential geometry.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1. Atanasyan LS, VT Bazylev Geometry. Part I and II, M., 2000. (ru) 2. Mikhail Vasiliev Tutorial on differential geometry. Moscow, 2008. (ru) 3. Problems in Geometry. Edited by VT Bazyleva St. Petersburg.: Lan, 2000. (ru) 4. Werner AL, Kantor BE Elements of topology and differential geometry. Moscow, 2005. (ru) 5. AS Mishchenko A short course of differential geometry and topology: Proc. for high schools - Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2004. (ru) 6. AS Mishchenko Problems in differential geometry and topology: Proc. for


high schools. - Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2004. (ru) 7. MJ profitable Differential geometry. Moscow, 2009. (ru) 8. P.K.Rashevsky, Course of differential geometry. Moscow: URSS, 2008. (ru)

Module name Methodological fundamentals of solving math problems Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation MORZ3306 Courses, if applicable Methodological fundamentals of solving math problems Semester(s) in which the 6 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.A.Djanaberdieva Lecturers Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.A.Djanaberdieva, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher AR.Kabulova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Major module. Elective component (MM EC 06). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of Elementary Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Methods of examination regulations teaching Mathematics, ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practice, solve problems, skills of independent and creative work. Recommended Elementary Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Methods of teaching prerequisites Mathematics Targeted learning The process of studying the courses is aimed at developing social outcomes competences: − to be able to strike a happy medium, to correlate one‟s opinion with group opinion; - to have skills of using modern facilities, to be able to use information technologies; - to have skills of gaining new knowledge; - to be able to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions; special competences: - ability of using different methods of solving math problems providing with developing a person with broad mind and culture of thinking; - ability to realize analytical and technological solutions in the sphere of Mathematics and methods of teaching it. Content Priority trends of Mathematics and solving math problems. The newest developments in this sphere. History of foreign and domestic methods of


solving math problems and their basic characteristics. Classification of math problems, methods of solving them and necessary accounting principles when solving math problems. Standard problems. Nonstandard problems. Inequalities of: Cauchy, Bernoulli, Cauchy- Bunyakovskiy. Newtonian binomial. Vieta theorem for cubic equations. Number parts. Bezout theorem. Horner‟s method. Approximate method of solving math problems. Operations over complex numbers. Competitive problems. Olympiad problems. Recreational problems. Electronic resources of making math computations, including global networks. Application of the table processor MS Excel as a software tool of computer support for solving math problems. Application of math packages MathCAD, Maple, MatLab, LaTeX and others for easing complicated math computations. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the courses students should demonstrate Knowledge of priority trends of Mathematics and methods of solving math problems, the newest developments in this sphere, classification of math problems, methods of solving them; Ability to apply theoretical knowledge to solving practical problems, to solve interdisciplinary math problems, make up models of problems solutions; analyze solutions, read drawings of function graphs, schematically present module structure of problem solution; explain principles of problem solution; Basic skills of solving math problems independently, application of methods of teaching Mathematics, math methods to other sciences; Ability to participate in solving professional problems; analyze frequent problems arising when solving math problems; generalizing information on fundamental and applied Mathematics for establishing math problems and solving them; ability to bring modern technologies together for solving practical math problems; ability to reveal and prognose analytical and technological methods of solving math problems; ability of working independently and in groups.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. At lectures multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities are used. Literature 1. Abylkasymova AE and other methodological foundations of mathematics problem solving in high school. - Almaty, 2008. - 112 p. (kaz) 2. Zipkin AG Pinsky AI Reference methods for solving problems. - Moscow, 2008. - 576 p. (ru) 3 Onkar SL Mathematics. - Minsk: The Book House, 2008. - 556. (ru) 4. Sharygin. Mathematics. Math / 5th edition, stereotype. - M. Bustard, 2008. - 480 p. (ru) 5. Klein F. Elementary Mathematics from the point of view of higher mathematics / Per. with it. - Moscow, 2009. - 416 p. (ru) 6. Kulagin ED - 3000 competitive problems in mathematics. - Moscow, 2008. - 592 p. (ru) 7. Azevich AI problems in geometry. Moscow, 2008. - 120 c. (ru) 8. Mathematics 3 / Kazakh-Turkish High Schools. - Almaty, 2012. - 347 p. (eng) 9. Geometrry 3 / Kazakh-Turkish High Schools. - Almaty, 2012. - 274 p. (eng)


Module name Scientific fundamentals of school course of Mathematics Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation NOSKM3306 Courses, if applicable Scientific fundamentals of school course of Mathematics Semester(s) in which the 6 module is taught Module coordinator Senior teacher M.T.Bekjigitova Lecturers Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.A.Djanaberdieva, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher AR.Kabulova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor M.A.Askarova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor K.I.Kanlybayev, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher L.U.Zhadrayeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Major module. Elective component (MM EC 06). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of properties of basic elementary functions, ability to solve simple examination regulations algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric equations, inequalities and systems of equations, ability to graph functions, knowledge of properties of geometric configurations in the plane and in the space within school program Recommended Algebra, Geometry, Analytical Geometry, Math analysis, Math Logics prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the courses is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes − to be able to strike a happy medium, to correlate one‟s opinion with group opinion; - to have skills of using modern facilities, to be able to use information technologies; - to have skills of gaining new knowledge; - to be able to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions; special competences: - to have skills of gaining new knowledge necessary for professional activity; - ability of applying gained knowledge to practice; - ability of systematizing the knowledge gained when studying Algebra, Geometry, Analytical Geometry, Math analysis, Math Logics, numerical systems and analyzing Content of school. Content Methodological fundamentals of school Mathematics. Analysis of the Content of school course of Mathematics. Objectives of teaching Mathematics at school. 105

Innovation processes in math education. Basic aspects of the present reform of math education. Methods of constructing math models. Mathematics and reality. Methods of math cognition. Basic approaches to developing intellectual activity. Characteristics of basic methods of scientific knowledge and their role in teaching Mathematics. The role of the concepts of «set» and «value» in school course of Mathematics. Concept as a way of thinking. Methods of introducing concepts in Mathematics. The role of set theory in school Mathematics. Analysis of concepts of school Mathematics. Axiomatic method, examples of axiomatization, extent of application. Axiomatic method in Mathematics. Math statements, their kinds. Necessary and sufficient conditions. Basic laws and rules of conclusion. Proof as a logical operation, its structure, kinds. Structure of theorem proving. Types of theorem proving. Correspondences and relations in school Mathematics. Binary correspondences and relations. Classification. Basic equivalences in school Mathematics (rational numbers, pencils of parallel lines, vectors). The role of equivalence relation and order in school Mathematics. Mappings and functions in school Mathematics. Mappings. Definition of elementary functions, mapping of number sets into point sets, mapping of geometric configurations into number sets, mapping of point sets into point sets. Basic kinds of mappings studied in school Mathematics. Algebraic fundamentals of school Mathematics. Algebraic operation. Operation rank. Operations of addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, raising in power. Basic types of algebras in school Mathematics. Basic algebraic operations and structures school Mathematics. Vectorial and metric construction in school Geometry. Weil axiomatics. Logical scheme of constructing the structure of Euclidian plane according to Kolmogorov. Connection between Weil and Kolmogorov axiomatics. Language of school Mathematics. Natural and artificial Languages. Semiotics. Syntactic. Semantics. Pragmatics. Syntax. Symbolic semantics. Functional semantics. Algorithmic semantics. Syntactic, semantics and pragmatics of the Language of school Mathematics. Algorithms and their properties. Concepts of a rule and an algorithm. Logical fundamentals of school Mathematics. Propositions. Logical operations. Quantifiers. Logics laws. Schemes of proves. Basic methods of proving in school Mathematics. Basic types of definitions in school Mathematics. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the course students should know logical organization of math material, the role of axiomatic method in math theory and school course, basic methods of thinking typical for math activity and their role in the process of teaching Mathematics; be able to reveal importance of Mathematics as science and subject in modern education; apply the knowledge gained during pedagogical practice to future job; be able to participate in solving professional problems, in analyzing frequent problems a Mathematics teacher come across; analyze school Mathematics from the point of view of higher Mathematics;; generalize information on fundamental and applied Mathematics for synthesizing math theories; be able to bring modern technologies together for solving problems of school Mathematics; to work independently and in groups.

Form of exam: test


Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. At lectures multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities are used. Literature 1. Roganovsky, NM Fundamentals of Modern school mathematics / NM Roganovsky, A. Carpenter. - Minsk, 2000. (ru) 2. Lyubetsky, VA Concepts of school mathematics: studies. benefits for the students. ped. in-tov. MA: Education, 2004. - 264 p. (ru) 3. Pogorelov, AV Foundations of Geometry: Textbooks for students mat.spets.un-comrade and / A.V.Pogorelov. - Podolsk: Education, 2005. - 150s (ru) 4. Lednyov VS The Content of education. M-2005. (ru) 5. Hagan, MI , GY Lyubarskiy - Abstraction in mathematics and physics, Moscow, 2005. (ru) 6. Vilenkin, NY Modern foundations for School Mathematics / N. Vilenkin, KI Dunichev, AA Joiner. - Moscow: Nauka, 1980. - 287. (ru)

Module name Numerical methods Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation ZhM3307 Courses, if applicable Numerical methods, Optimization methods Semester(s) in which the 7 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor L.K.Zhunusova Lecturers Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor L.K.Zhunusova, Senior teacher A.Zh.Abisheva Language Kazakh, Russian

Classification within the Major module. Elective component (MM EC 07). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Group size (students) 80-120 20 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 15 30 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of programming Languages, ability to construct algorithms of examination regulations problem solution, ability of using differentiation and integration of functions, series theory, theory and methods of solving problems for linear ordinary differential equations, for partial derivatives equations.


Recommended Computer science, Math analysis, Algebra and Geometry, Differential equations, prerequisites equations of math Physics. Module objectives \ The process of studying the courses is aimed at developing social competences: intended learning outcomes - to have skills of using modern facilities, to be able to use information technologies; - to have skills of gaining new knowledge; - to be able of using basic methods of numerical methods; special competences: - to have skills of solving and researching numerical analysis; - ability of applying gained knowledge to generalizing, analyzing, drawing information, set up aim and choose ways of achieving it; - ability of broadening math horizons. Content «Numerical methods»: Introduction. Sources and classification of errors is a result of numerical problem solution. Function interpolation. Function interpolation. Lagrange polynomial. The first Newton formula. The second Newton formula. Methods of solving systems of linear equations (SLE). Gauss method of solving systems of linear algebraic equations. Gauss method with choosing a principle term. Direct methods. Iteration methods of solving SLE. Seidel iteration method. Convergence conditions. Numerical methods of solving eigenvalue problems. Daniliyevskiy method. Krylov method. Methods of solving nonlinear equations. Bisection method. Newtonian method and its modification. The method of simple iteration, explanation of convergence of an iteration process, accuracy evaluation. Numerical integration. Formulas of rectangles, trapeziums, Simpson. Numerical methods of solving ordinary differential equations. Euler, Adams methods.runge-Kutta method. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the courses students should demonstrate Knowledge of basic types and methods of numerical analysis; Ability to define a problem and write the program realizing numerical computation; Having adequate amount of math knowledge and ability of using methods of solving numerical problems; Analysis of results of solving problems when using different numerical algorithms; generalizing methods of solving numerical problems and choosing adequate methods of solving them; evaluation of numerical methods of solving.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1. NSBakhvalov, N.P.Zhidkov, G.M.Kobelkov. Numerical Methods, M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2002. - 632 p. (ru) 2. V.M.Verzhbitsky. Numerical methods. Linear algebra and nonlinear equations, M.: Higher School, 2000. - 266 p. (ru) 3. NSBakhvalov, A.V.Lapin, E.V.Chizhonkov. Numerical methods in problems and exercises, M.: Higher School, 2000. (ru)


4. John G.Metyuz, Curtis D.Fink. Numerical methods. Using MatLab, 3rd edition.: Translation from English, M. Williams, 2001. - 720 p. 5. K.T.Iskakov. Numerical methods, Karaganda Bolashak-Baspa, 2004. - To 297 (kaz) 6. Porshnev S., Belenkova I. Numerical methods based on Mathcad.-SPb.: BHV- Petersburg, 2008.-464s. (ru)

Module name Optimization methods Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation MOVI3409

Courses, if applicable Numerical methods, Optimization methods Semester(s) in which the 7 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor L.K.Zhunusova Lecturers Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor L.K.Zhunusova, Senior teacher N.A.Toiganbayeva Language Kazakh, Russian

Classification within the Major module. Elective component (MM EC 07). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 30 15 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 30 15 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of programming Languages, ability to construct algorithms of examination regulations problem solution, ability of using differentiation and integration of functions, series theory, theory and methods of solving problems for differential and integral equations. Recommended Computer science, Math analysis, Algebra and Geometry. prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the courses is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes - to be able to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions; - to strive for professional and personal advance; - to have skills of using modern facilities, to be able to use information technologies; - to have skills of gaining new knowledge; special competences: - to have scientific idea of management, marketing, finance;


- to have skills of solving and researching optimization methods and variations calculus; - ability of applying gained knowledge to scientific research; - ability of using methods of system optimization; - skills of working in modern program systems for realizing numerical methods of optimization. Content «Optimization methods and variations calculus»: Introduction. Math model of an object and its properties. Definition of optimization problems. Criterion of optimality and objective function. Basic problems of optimization. Classification of optimization problems. Linear optimization. Linear programming. Problem definition. Properties. Graphic approach. Simplex method. Necessary and sufficient condition of optimality. M-method. Dual problem of linear programming. Transport problem of linear programming. Nonlinear optimization. Unconstrained optimization. Constrained optimization. Lagrange method of multipliers. Numerical optimization. First-order, second-order, zero-order method. Gradient method. Variations calculus. Definition of a problem of variations calculus. Euler- Lagrange equations. Brachistochrone problem. One-banana problem. Necessary conditions of improper minimum. The du Bois-Reymond lemma. Bolza problem. Weyerstrasse necessary condition. Legendre condition. Jacobi condition. Functional depending on higher order derivatives. Isoperimetric problem. Conditional extremum. Lagrange problem. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the courses students should demonstrate Knowledge of methods of solving problems of linear and nonlinear programming; unconstrained minimization of one-variable and several variables functions; problems of constrained minimization; basic types and research methods of calculus mathematics; Ability to solve problems of linear programming using graphic method and simplex method; ability of using methods of solving problems of nonlinear and convex programming; ability to define a problem and write a program realizing numerical computation; Having basic abilities of solving problems in the sphere of math optimization methods independently; adequate amount of math knowledge and ability of using methods for solving problems of calculus mathematics; Analysis of results of problems solution when using different computational algorithms, applying optimization methods; generalizing information on fundamental and applied Mathematics for synthesizing informational systems and processes; methods of solving problems of calculus mathematics and choosing adequate method of solving them; evaluation of methods of solving problems of math optimization, calculus mathematics.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1. Bijarov TN The calculus of variations and optimization techniques. Almaty.: Kazakh Universiteti, 2000g.-320C. (kaz) 2. Chernorutskii IG Methods of optimization and decision-making. , St. Petersburg: Lan, 2001g.-381s (ru)


3.Andreeva EA The calculus of variations and optimization techniques. M. Vys.shk., 2006. -583s. (ru) 4. MG Zaitsev Methods to optimize the management and decision-making: examples, tasks keysy.-M.: Business, 2007g.-663s. (ru) 5. Zhunusova LH Methods optimizatsii.-Almaty.: 2009.111s (ru) 6. Roly VI The calculus of variations and optimal control. M. Izd.MGTU Bauman, 2006g.-487s (ru) 7.Rahimzhanova LB The solution of problems of mathematical modeling and computer simulation optimization techniques. / Tutorial. Almaty, 2007. - 92c. (kaz)

Module name Functional analysis Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation FA3408 Courses, if applicable Functional analysis, Functional spaces Semester(s) in which the 7 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of physical and math sciences G.Zh.Yestayeva Lecturers Candidate of physical and math sciences G.Zh.Yestayeva, Candidate of physical and math sciences, associate professor A.S.Sarsekeeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Major module. Elective component (MM EC 08). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 30 15 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 10 Class hours per week 2 2 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 135 30 15 45 45 Part-time 135 10 10 15 100

Credit points 3 KZ (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of theoretical fundamentals of Math analysis, Complex analysis, examination regulations Theory of functions of a real variable. Ability to apply methods of Math analysis to solving problems, to generalize basic concepts of Math analysis. Recommended Math analysis, Algebra and Geometry, Differential equations, Theory of prerequisites functions of a real variable. Targeted learning The process of studying the courses is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes - to have skills of using modern facilities, to be able to apply information technologies to the sphere of professional activity; - to have skills of gaining new knowledge needed for everyday professional activity; - to strive for professional and personal advance; professional competences: - ability to apply basic concepts and methods of functional analysis to 111

professional activity; - ability to model educational process and realize it in teaching practice; - ability of using methods of developing pupils‟ interest in Mathematics; special competences: - ability of applying knowledge of functional analysis to other math disciplines, including elective courses; - ability of using theoretical fundamentals and modern technologies of teaching Mathematics at a secondary school. Content «Functional analysis»: Metric spaces. Complete spaces. Completeness of some specific spaces. Metric space completion. Separable spaces. Compactness of sets in metric spaces. Criteria of set compactness in some functional spaces. Linear spaces. Linear normalized spaces. Finite-dimensional spaces and subspaces. Abstract Hilbert space. Linear operators in linear normalized spaces. Space of linear operators. Inverse operators. Linear functionals in linear normalized spaces. General form of linear functionals in some functional spaces. Adjoint spaces and adjoint operators. Operator spectrum. Resolution. Definition and examples of compact operators. Basic properties of compact operators. Eigenvalues of a compact operator. Compact operators in Hilbert space. Self-adjoint compact operators in H.

«Functional spaces»: Complete spaces. Completeness of some specific spaces. Metric space completion (Hausdorf theorem). Separable spaces. Compact and bicompact sets. Criteria of set compactness in some functional spaces. Linear spaces and subspaces. Linear normalized spaces. Contracting mappings. Banach theorem. Euclidian spaces. Finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional spaces and subspaces. Abstract Hilbert space. Lebesque spaces. Linear operators in linear normalized spaces, in Lebesque spaces. Space of linear bounded operators. Inverse operators. Theorem of existence of inverse operators (Banach theorem). Linear functionals in linear normalized spaces. General form of linear functionals in some functional spaces. Adjoint spaces and adjoint operators. Operator spectrum. Resolution. Definition and examples of compact operators in Hilbert space. Basic properties of compact operators. Eigenvalues of a compact operator. Self-adjoint compact operators in H. Application of the theory of linear operators to solving linear integral equations. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the courses students should demonstrate Knowledge of basic concepts of functional analysis: metrics, norm of element, scalar product, convergence in metric and normalized spaces, norm of a linear operator; Ability to compute the distance between space elements, norm of an element, investigate convergence of the sequence of a functional space elements, find the norm of a linear operator, apply the principle of contracting mapping to solving problems; Application of gained knowledge to solving applied problems; Ability to apply methods of functional analysis to solving math problems; Ability to generalize basic concepts of analysis, geometry, algebra; Ability to bring information on fundamental Mathematics together for realizing professional activity and ability to solve nonstandard problems.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai.


Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1. A.N Kolmogorov and S.V Fomin Elements of the theory of functions and functional analysis. M. FIZMATLIT, 2004. (ru) 2. LA Lusternik, Sobolev VI Elements of functional analiza.M.-L., 2005. 3. Trenogin VA Functional analysis. M. FIZMATLIT, 2002. (ru) 4. Kirillov AA, Gvishiani AD Theorems and problems in functional analiza.M., Science, 2003. (ru) 5. Trenogin VA, Pisarevsky BS, Sobolev TS Exercises in functional analysis. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 2005. (ru) 6. Boss, Lectures in Mathematics. Volume 5. Functional analysis. M., 2005. (ru)

Module name Internet technology Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation KT3309

Courses, if applicable Internet technology, Web technology Semester(s) in which the 5 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher S.A.Omarova Lecturers Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher S.A.Omarova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Major module. Elective component (MM EC 09). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 80-120 15 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 10 5 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge on general education module examination regulations Recommended Computer science prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the courses is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes - ability of using basic methods, ways and facilities of gaining, storing, processing information; skills of using internet technology; - understanding principles of organizing scientific research, methods of achieving and constructing scientific knowledge; professional competences: - ability to participate in interdisciplinary and interdepartmental interaction of specialists for solving professional problems; 113

- ability of applying computer technology to professional activity, taking into account risks and danger of social environment and educational space; special competences: - ability to apply knowledge of internet technology to analyzing and synthesizing information systems and processes; - ability to apply modern information and communication technology to solving practical problems of gaining, storing, processing and transferring information; - ability to realize analytical and technological solutions in the sphere of software and information computer processing. Content «Internet technology»: Introduction. Environments of Internet technology application. The Internet as networks hierarchy. The client-server architecture in the Internet. The client-server interaction of computers and applications. Computer networks. Network hierarchy in the Internet. Internet technology in different level networks. Networks. Provider internetworking. Concepts of ISP, POP, NAP, "last mile". The Internet access variants for different categories of users. Information transferring to the Internet. Protocol stacks TCP/IP. The process of IP-routing. Data transfer security. Addressing in the Internet. System of domain names. DNS - server. Browsers and servers. Proxy-server. The format of URL-address. Application level protocols of the model OSI. WWW service. Hypertext and Web-pages. HTTP server and client. Request and response headers according to HTTP-protocol. Electronic mail, SMTP, POP3 protocols, e-mail server and client. Functions of FTP protocol, FTP-resource address format, FTP-server and client. Functions of Telnet and NNTP protocols. Chat, IRC networks, IP – telephony, video conference, mobile Internet on the basis of WAP - protocol. Technology of creating Web-applications. Static and dynamic HTM-pages. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Client-side and server-side technology. Operating mechanisms of Web-server. Variables of server environment. CGI technology, request and response headers according to CGI. Sever scripts PERL, PHP, ASP, SSI. Java, JavaScript, VBscript technology. Network graphic formats. Characteristics of graphic formats. Audio files formats. Application of audio clips. Instruments of building Web-applications. Information security in the Internet. Spheres of application and perspectives of internet technology. Use technology in HTML CSS. Features of DHTML, XHTML, XML. Flash technology, VRML technology. Design of Web-sites. Creating a header and centering it. Page headers. Changing text formats. Making a numbered list.

«Web-technology»: Introduction. Static and dynamic HTML - pages. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). CGI technology, request and response headers according to CGI. Sever scripts PERL, PHP,ASP,SSI. Java, Java - script, VB – script technologies. Graphics in Web - applications. Technology of building applications on the basis of multi-leveled architecture 114

client-Web-server-server of database. Instruments of building Web-applications. Use technology in HTML CSS. Features of DHTML, XHTML, XML. Flash technology, VRML technology. Design of Web-sites. Graphics in Web - applications. Constructing dynamic documents. Adding and changing secondary color. Menu. Mosaic. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the courses students should demonstrate Idea of modern information resources; modern Web-technologies; Ability of using computer methods of gaining, storing and processing (editing) information applied o\in the sphere of their professional activity; ability to build program applications on the basis of modern Web-technologies; having basic abilities for solving problems in the sphere of computer technologies independently; ability to participate in interdisciplinary interaction for solving professional problems; for analyzing frequent problems computer users come across; generalizing information gained in the process of studying the course; ability to bring modern information and communication technologies together for building Web-sites.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Media employed There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. At lectures multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities, at laboratory lessons applied and system software for PC are used. Literature 1. Frolov AV, Frolov GV The global network of computers. Moscow: Dialog - MiFi 1996 (ru) 2. Basyrov R. 1C-Bitrix build a professional website and online store, 1st edition, 2011, 544s. (ru) 3. AN Terekhov Programming Technology. BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, Internet University of Information Technology - 2006. (ru) 4. G. Steiner Internet Explorer 5. - Moscow: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2000, 400 p. (ru) 5. Kruchinina GA New information technologies in the educational process. Multimedia training program. Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. (ru) 6. Hramtsov PB, Brick S., Rusak AM, Surin AI Basics of web-based technologies. Internet University of Computer Science, 2003 (ru) 7. Korzhinskii S. Handbook of web-master: Effective use of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. / "KnoRus" 2000 (ru)

Module name Supplementary chapters of Math analysis Module level, if applicable Advanced Abbreviation DGMA3410 Courses, if applicable Supplementary chapters of Math analisis, Supplementary chapters of Differential equations Semester(s) in which the 5 module is taught Module coordinator Candidate of physical and math sciences, professor E.B.Shalbayev, Candidate of physical and math sciences, senior teacher B.T.Zhamykhanov Lecturers Candidate of physical and math sciences, professor E.B.Shalbayev, Candidate of physical and math sciences, senior teacher B.T.Zhamykhanov, teacher Zh.M.Nurmukhamedova 115

Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Major module. Elective component (MM EC 10). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Number of hours 10 5 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of properties of basic elementary functions, ability to investigate examination regulations functions continuity, to differentiate and integrate functions, to find limits of functions, ability to investigate series for convergence, to expand functions as power series, Fourier series, ability of using theory and methods of solving linear ordinary differential equations. Recommended Elementary Mathematics, Math analysis, Linear Algebra, Differential equations. prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the courses is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes - to have skills of using modern facilities, to be able to apply information technologies to the sphere of professional activity; - to have skills of gaining new knowledge; - ability to work in a team, suggest new solutions; professional competences: - ability to participate in scientific seminars, to give talks on abstract topics; - ability to apply gained knowledge to pedagogical practice for solving practical problems special competences: - ability of applying basic methods of math analysis - understanding principles of scientific research in the sphere of math analysis; - skills of solving and investigating differential equations. Content «Supplementary chapters of Math analysis»: Continuity of a set in R . Sub-sequence. Bolzano-Weyerstrasse theorem. Cauchy criterion of existence of a sequence and a function limit. Existence and continuity of inverse function. Even continuity. Cantor theorem. Existence of Riemann integral for some classes of functions. Taylor formula and its application. n  dimensional Euclidian space. Properties of functions of several variables continuous on a compact. Conditions of expanding an arbitrary function as a Taylor series. Existence and continuity of an implicit function of two variables. Conditions of expanding a function as a Fourier series. Some inequalities for sums. Some inequalities for integrals. Lebesque measure and Jordan measure. Fubini theorem for multiple integrals.

«Supplementary chapters of differential equations»: Linear systems of differential equations. Theorem of existence and uniqueness. Properties of solution to linear homogeneous systems. Vronskiy determinant for 116

systems. Theorem of the general solution to a homogeneous system. The fundamental matrix of a linear system. Theorem of a fundamental matrix. Ostrogradskiy-Liouville formula for systems and equations. Theorem of the general solution to a linear heterogeneous system. The method of constant variation. Linear homogeneous systems with constant coefficients. Matrix exponent. The fundamental matrix of a system with constant coefficients. Methods of finding a fundamental matrix. Autonomous systems. Properties of solutions to autonomous systems. Theorem of three types of trajectories of autonomous systems. First integrals of autonomous systems. Theorem of first integrals. Existence of independent first integrals. Theorem of a vector field straightening. Classification of critical points of the second-order linear autonomous systems. Solution stability according to Lyapunov. Stability of solutions to linear autonomous systems. Lyapunov lemma. Theorem of first approximation stability. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the courses students should demonstrate Knowledge of fundamentals of differentiation and integration of one and several independent variables functions; theory of sequence and function limits; theories of number, functional, power series and Fourier series; basic methods of investigating and solving ordinary differential equations, systems of differential equations, theorems of existence and uniqueness of the solution to Cauchy problem, examples of applying differential equations to applied problems; Ability to find limits, derivatives and integrals; expand arbitrary functions as series, find their convergence domains; find general solutions and solve Cauchy problems for basic types of ordinary differential equations, systems of differential equations, investigate their solutions stability; Ability to apply methods of expanding functions as power series when evaluating definite and improper integrals, ability of using math apparatus needed for solving differential equations and systems; Ability to establish relationship and connection with other courses of higher Mathematics; establish connection with school math disciplines; Generalizing the information gained during the process of studying the course; connect modern achievements in the sphere of science and education for solving practical problems, organizing pupils‟ independent and group work during the period of pedagogical practice.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Literature 1. Ilyin VA, VA Sadovnichiy, Sandii BH Mathematical analysis. Nauka, Moscow, 2003. (ru) 2. BP Demidovich The collection of problems and exercises in mathematical analysis. Nauka, Moscow, 2002. (ru) 3. LD Kudryavtsev, A.D.Kutasev, V.I.Chehlov, M.I.Shabunin. Problems in mathematical analysis Nauka, Moscow, 1984. (ru) 4. Filippov AV Introduction to the theory of differential equations. Moscow, URSS, 2007. (ru) 5. Filippov AV Problems in Differential Equations. Moscow-Izhevsk: NITs Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2005. (ru) 6. Piskunov, NS Differential and integral calculus. T. 1.2. M, Science, 2001. (ru) 7. Fikhtengol'ts GM Principles of mathematical analysis. T. 1.2. M, Science,


2004. (ru) 8. AN Kolmogorov and SV Fomin Elements of the theory of functions and functional analysis. M., 2004. (ru)

Module name Financial Mathematics Module level Advanced Abbreviation FM3410 Courses Financial Mathematics, Math models in Economics Semester 5 Module coordinator Candidate of physical and math sciences, senior teacher K.K.Zhantleuov

Lecturers Candidate of physical and math sciences, senior teacher K.K.Zhantleuov

Language Russian Kazakh Classification within the Major module. Elective component (MM EC 10). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals semester Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Group size (students) 80-120 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Number of hours 10 5 Class hours per week 2 1 Group size (students) 20 20

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Tutorials Self- study Full-time 90 15 15 30 30 Part-time 90 10 5 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the To know basic concepts of Probability theory and Math Statistics (random examination regulations variable, kind of distribution, numerical characteristics); principles of estimating probabilities of random events; to be able to form and solve different probabilistic problems; to have skills of using distribution laws for random variables, methods of processing statistical data. Recommended Mathematics, Economics, Probability theory and Math Statistics. prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the courses is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes - to have skills of gaining new knowledge necessary for everyday professional activity; - to be able to work in a team, to defend their viewpoints correctly, to suggest new solutions; - to strive for professional and personal advance; professional competences: - knowledge of fundamentals of economical sciences, to have scientific idea of management, marketing, finance; - to understand principles of organizing scientific research, ways of achieving and developing scientific knowledge; 118

- to understand social importance of the profession, to follow principles of professional ethics; special competences: - to have skills of working with quantitative analysis necessary for choosing managerial solutions in financial operations of different complexity; - to be able to use methods of organizing financial measures, principle scheme of estimating them. Content «Financial Mathematics»: History of development and developing stages of the science «Financial Mathematics». Basic views and concepts, leading scientists and their works. Essence, functions and problems of Financial Mathematics at the preset stage of transition to market economy. Concept of cash flow and its components. Kinds of cash flows. Time estimate of cash flows. Necessity of time estimate of cash flows. Concept of percentage, percentage money and rates of interest. Simple interest. Compound interest. Function number 1 is future unit‟s value. Annual percentage charge. Charge for fractional number of years. Nominal and effective annual interest rate. Function number 2 is discounting (current unit‟s value). Function number 3 is current annuity‟s value. Method of a bankbook. Estimating annuity with changing payment value. Function number 4 is periodical fee for credit repayment (fee for unit‟s amortization). Function number 5 is future annuity value (unit‟s capital within a period). Function number 6 is periodical fee for accumulation fund (unit‟s accumulation within a period). Function number 6 is future annuity value (factor of compensation fund). Relationship between different functions. Simple interest. National and foreign currency. Currency exchange. Cash and forward transactions. Currency arbitrage. Bill, kinds and essence. Acceptance credit: concept, advantages and drawbacks. Bill discounting. Financial and economic estimation when operating with bonds. Bonds without payment of interest. Bonds with payment of interest at maturity date. Bonds with periodical payment of interest. Financial and economic estimation when operating with shares. Income from common shares. Income from privileged shares. Inflation. Essence and kinds of inflation. Indices. Simple interests and inflation. Compound interests and inflation. Planning repayment and methods of repayment. Low-interest loans and credits. Leasing.

«Math models in Economics»: Vectors. Commodity space, price vector. Matrices. Technological matrix and problem of optimal planning. General information of solving systems of linear algebraic equations. Graphical method of presenting economical information in the plane and in the space. Linear functions of supply and demand. Estimating equilibrium price. Cobweb marketing model. Budgetary set. Linear models in Economics. Duality in linear programming. Bargaining problem. Symmetric pair of dual problem. Fundamental inequality of duality theory. Theorems of duality. Interest rates. Cash discounting. General information of sets and sequences. Interest rates. Discounting. Inflation adjusting. Payment streams. Financial rents. Obligation financial equivalence. Financial arrangements in the stock market. Discount yield. Rates of securities. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the courses students should demonstrate Knowledge of economic and statistical methods of processing quantitative analysis; basic concepts and models of financial operations; Ability to apply basic methods of financial computation to solving practical problems; to design models of quantitative analysis needed for choosing managerial solutions in financial operations of different complexity; Having skills of independent working with original data, skills of making conclusions and making managerial decisions; applying gained knowledge to solving finantial operations of different complexity; 119

analysis of results of financial computation; generalizing basic concepts; ability to apply math models to Economics; to solving problems relating to quantitative analysis of various payment flows, in particular, finantial rents; ability to participate in interdisciplinary and interdepartmental interaction of specialists for solving professional problems; to connect information on math models in Economics for realizing professional activity and ability to solve nonstandard problems.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. At lectures multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities are used. Literature 1. Chetirkin EM Financial Mathematics: a textbook. - Moscow: Delo, 2004. - 400c. (ru) 2. Chetirkin EM Methods of financial and commercial calculations. - M: Business Ltd, 1995. - 320. (ru) 3. Krinichansky KV Mathematics of Financial Management: Manual. - Moscow: Publishing House of the deal and service in 2006. - 256 p. (ru) 4. Kovalev VV, VA Ulanov The course of the financial calculations. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2005. - 328 p. (ru) 5. Ulanov, VA Problems in course of financial calculations: studies. allowance. - Moscow: Finances and Statistics, 2000. - 400 s. (ru) 6. Melkumov YS Financial calculations: theory and practice: teaching - a reference manual. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2007. - 408 p. (ru) 7. Kuznetsov BT Financial Mathematics: Textbook for high schools. - Moscow: Publishing House of the Examination, 2005. - 128 p. (ru)

Module name Pedagogical practical training – 1 Module level Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation Pra-1 Semester 2 Module coordinator Doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor G.S.Saudabayeva Lecturers Doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor G.S.Saudabayeva, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.S.Zhumasheva, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor M.B.Tlembayeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Required component (RC). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Forms of lessons Lectures Ped. practical training hours per week during the Number of hours - 90 semester Class hours a week - Group size (students) - 10-12

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Lab lessons Tutorials Self- study 90 - - - 90

Credit points 2 KZ (1 ECTS) Requirements under the Knowledge of social function and role of a pedagogue in modern society; of examination regulations social meaning and Content of future specialty; of the subject and object of a future teacher‟s activity; ability to realize pedagogical communication and 120

interaction in the pedagogical process. Recommended Introduction to pedagogical profession prerequisites Targeted learning The objective of educational introductory practical training is students‟ outcomes acquaintance with specialization, kinds, functions and problems of future professional activity. The practical training is aimed at developing the following professionally important abilities and key competences: - analysis of realizing basic directives of the Kazakhstan‟s law «Of education» at a specific educational institution; - analysis of personality of a teacher on the basis of a pedagogical professional program; - acquaintance with basic functions of a Math teacher‟s professional activity; - developing special, social, personal, individual, educational competences of a future teacher; - acquaintance with new psychological and pedagogical and methodological achievements of Kazakhstan‟s scientists; - understanding methodology of secondary and 12-year school education and specialized education. Content The educational introductory practical training of the first year students is supposed to last a fortnight. The Content includes: 1. Acquaintance: - with general condition of a school, with classrooms and their equipment, including modern equipment; - with material and technical base of a school, including playing base for primary school pupils, with sporting base, etc.; - with the level of provision with conditions for teaching, educating and developing pupils (sanitary and hygienic conditions, work regime, etc.); - with basic characteristics of school activity (short history of a school, most salient points, distinguished graduates, figures of activity results, etc.); - with activity of particular teacher during a day and a week; - with school documentation (operating plan, register, etc.); 2. Observing pupils‟ appearance, their behavior at lessons and during breaks, their participation in self-government; 3. Conversations with different aged pupils, with school teachers and officials: - about school, class, teachers‟, pupils‟ activity; - about communication styles and relationship in the systems «pupils-pupils», «teachers-pupils», «teachers-teachers». A student‟s practice report, submitted to a practice instructor, includes: -student‟s record book containing description of the work done on each day of the practice; -characteristics of a school containing short history and figures, real data; -pedagogical characteristics of particular teacher (analysis on the base of particular profession-related program). Study / exam achievements As a result of undergoing practical training students should demonstrate knowledge of: - fundamentals of psychological and pedagogical sciences; - modern technology of education; - physiology of school-age children; abilities: - showing independence and initiative when planning classroom and out-of- classroom activities related to the subject, including educational activities taking into account level of pupils‟ gained knowledge and civility;


- ability to get pupils involved in active study-cognitive activity and active iteration when realizing educational objectives; - ability of using facilities and methods of pedagogical diagnostics; - ability to carry out analysis of the educational activity visited; - ability to keep a record book of pedagogical observations and to compile a psychological and pedagogical profile of a class and a particular pupil; - striving and tendency to improve their communicative abilities. The following methods are used for assessing a student‟s work: - analysis of the student‟s written documents on practice; - observing the student‟s activity in the process of practice. Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. When conducting lessons multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities are used. Literature 1. Khayrullin G.T., Saudabaev G.S.Professionalnaya orientation of the modern student. - Almaty, 2007. (kaz) 2. School Pedagogy / Ed. G.T.Hayrullina. - Almaty, 2012. (kaz) 3. Grehnev V.S.Kultura teacher communication. - M., 1990. (ru) 4. Methods of educational work / ed. V.A.Slastenina. - M., 2002. (ru)

Module name Computing practical training Module level Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation UVPra Semester 4 Module coordinator Doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor O.S.Akhmetova Lecturers Doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor O.S.Akhmetova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Required component (RC). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time department hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab lessons semester Number of hours 30 Class hours a week 2 Group size (students) 30 Part-time Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab lessons Number of hours 15 Class hours a week 3 Group size (students) 15

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorials Self- lessons study Full-time 90 30 30 30 Part-time 90 15 10 65

Credit points 2 KZ (1 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge on school subjects examination regulations Recommended Computer science prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the courses is aimed at developing social competences: outcomes  Integral idea of programming Languages, their place in the modern world and


the system of sciences;  To have a system of knowledge of theoretical fundamentals of programming Languages;  To have skills of programming in problem- and machine-oriented Languages;  Ability of using methodology of constructing math models and their computer realization, to know specific math models in different spheres of their application; special competences: - ability to apply knowledge of Pascal programming Language to analysis and synthesis of information systems and processes; - ability to apply modern programming Languages to solving practical problems; - ability to realize analytical and technological solutions in the sphere of software and information computer processing; - ability to participate in interdisciplinary and interdepartmental interaction of specialists for solving professional problems; - knowledge of health protection technologies for professional activity taking into account risks and danger of social environment and educational space. Contents FUNDAMENTALS OF ALGORITHMIZATION Concept of algorithm, properties, types, executors. Methods of describing algorithms. VISUAL BASIC PROBGAMMING LANGUAGE General information. Launching Visual Basic programming environment. Window of Visual Basic programming environment. Saving of a project. Servlets and JSP Pages. Application launch and stopping. Controls. Writing code. Imperative statements. Dictionary. Program structure. Data types. Standard functions. Input-output procedures. If statements, case statements, imperative go-to statements. Iteration statements. Character variables processing. Elements of structured programming. Arrays. Arrays sorting methods. String manipulation. File data types. Modular programming. Concept of a procedure and a function. Intrinsic functions. Objects drawing. Visual computing. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying the courses students should demonstrate Knowledge of concept of «algorithm», «programming Language»; basic concepts and statements of Visual Basic Language. Ability to work with programming Languages, write codes independently; Skills of working with programming Languages, using programming in professional activity; ability of using fundamentals of automatic solution of problems; Ability to participate in interdisciplinary interaction for solving professional problems; in analysis most frequent problems computer users come across when processing documents using application programs; generalizing information on fundamentals of algorithmization and programming Languages for synthesizing information processes and methods of information technological processing; ability to apply programming Languages to solving any problems; reveal and prognose analytical and technological solutions in the sphere of software and information computer processing, ability to work independently and in groups; ability of organizing and realizing projects; ability of taking managerial responsibility. Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai.


Media employed There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. At lectures multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities, at laboratory lessons applied and system software for personal computers are used. Literature 1. Akhmetov OS Basics of algorithms and programming - Almaty, 2008. (kaz) 2. Nikita Kultin, Larissa Choi. Small Basic for beginners. BHV-Petersburg. - 2011. - 256s. (ru) 3. Francesco Balen, Giuseppe Dimauro. The modern practice of programming in Microsoft Visual Basic and Visual C #. Russian edition. – 2006 (ru) 4. Ziborov VV 2010 Visual Basic in the examples. BHV-Petersburg. - 2010. - 330c. (ru)

Module name Pedagogical practical training – 2 Module level Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation Pra-2 Semester 6 ( internship) Module coordinator Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova Lecturers Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher L.U.Zhadrayeva, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor K.I.Kanlybayev, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor M.A.Askarova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.A.Djanaberdiyeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Required component (RC). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time department hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Ped. practical semester training Number of hours 180 Class hours per week 45 Group size (students) 10-12 Part-time department Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Number of hours 180 Class hours per week 45 Group size (students) 10-12

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorial Self- lessons lessons study Full-time 180 180 Part-time 180 180

Credit points 4 KZ (6 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge on major module: examination regulations - to have basic knowledge of math disciplines providing with developing highly educated person with broad mind and culture of thinking, with ability to solve math problems, to apply theoretical knowledge on teaching methods to practice; - to have skills of using modern technological facilities. Recommended Pedagogy, Psychology, Methods of teaching Mathematics, Elementary prerequisites Mathematics, Practicum on solving math problems, Methodological fundamentals of solving math problems, Scientific fundamentals of school course of Mathematics, Math analysis, Algebra, Geometry.


Targeted learning outcomes The practical training is aimed at developing Social competences: - knowledge of functions of a Mathematics teacher‟s pedagogical activity; - defining and specifying pedagogical competence; - developing professional qualities of a teacher; - improving and consolidating theoretical knowledge gained when studying Pedagogy, Psychology, math disciplines and Methods of teaching Mathematics, gaining basic skills of teaching mathematics to secondary school pupils; - acquaintance with educational process at school; Professional competences: - developing special, social, personal, individual, educational competences of a future teacher; Special competences: - accumulating professional experience; - motivating to create methodological, scientific research student projects. Content Acquaintance with activity of a teacher of a school subject, methods of teaching a subject (lesson observation and analysis, studying thematic and lesson plans of a teacher of a school subject, a plan of conducting optional lessons and out-of- classroom work on a subject). Acquaintance with activity of a form master: studying the work plan of a form master; attending educational actions, class hours. 1. Preparation for educational activity: acquaintance with activity of a teacher of a school subject; acquaintance with the system of work and traditions; with pedagogical personnel and internal regulations; with the Content of the work plan for a year; acquaintance with the class, with a teacher of a school subject, with a form master; attending lessons; different kinds of off-hour work; running a teacher‟s errands; making up individual plan for the whole period of practice. 2. Practical training on a subject: acquaintance with methods of teaching the subject; observing and analyzing lessons; studying thematic and lesson plans of a teacher of the subject, creating and applying visual aids; 3. Practical training on educational work: studying a plan of conducting optional lessons; studying plan-scripts of out-of-classroom activities, studying forms and methods taking into account age-related features of a class, studying the work with a class activists, parents; studying school methodological work. 4. Scientific research: carrying out scientific research tasks-projects, exploratory job. 5. Requirements for a report on pedagogical practical training. Study / exam achievements As a result of undergoing practical training students should demonstrate knowledge of: - the structure, Content and arrangement of educational process in a particular class; - rights and duties of Mathematics teacher, of a form master; ability: - to formulate objectives and tasks of a lesson – teaching, educating, developing; - to select teaching material, to establish correct interrelation between components of subject knowledge; - to realize self-analysis, to understand work experience of other students undergoing practical training, especially when analyzing lessons and out-of- classroom activities; - to collect facts of pedagogical activity for performing scientific and methodological work during pedagogical practice; - ability of using constructive, mobilization, educational, developing functions of a teacher of a subject.

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the 125

regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai.

Media employed There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. At lessons multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities are used. Reading list 1. Abylkasymova AE Modern lesson. Almaty: SIC "Gylym", 2003. - 220. (kaz) 2. Pedagogy. Textbook for students ped. universities and ped.kolledzhey / Edited P.I.Pidkasistogo. -M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia. 2004. - 608 p. (ru) 3. Kashlev SS Modern technology pedagogical process. Minsk, 2002 - 195 p. (ru) 4. Educational technology: Textbook for students of pedagogical skills / Ed. VS Kukushkin. Rostov n / a, 2002, with -320. (ru) 5. Kabulova AR Teaching practice. Instructor's Manual. Almaty, 2012. -44 C. (ru)

Module name Pedagogical practical training – 3 Module level, if applicable Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation Pra-3 Semester(s) in which the 8 module is taught Person responsible for the Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova module Lecturers Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher L.U.Zhadrayeva, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor K.I.Kanlybayev, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor M.A.Askarova, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.A.Djanaberdiyeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Required component (RC). MSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time department hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Ped. practical training semester Number of hours 180 Class hours per week 45 Group size (students) 10-12 Part-time department Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab Number of hours 180 Class hours per week 45 Group size (students) 10-12

Workload Total hours Class work and self-study Lectures Practicals Lab Tutorial Self- lessons lessons study Full-time 180 180 Part-time 180 180

Credit points 4 KZ (6 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge on general educational module: examination regulations Knowledge of math disciplines, necessary for developing professional competences;


Theoretical knowledge on teaching methods; Knowledge of the methods of solving school math problems; Ability of using modern technological facilities; Knowledge and ability of applying information and innovation technology to future professional activity. Recommended Pedagogy, Psychology, Methods of teaching Mathematics, Elementary prerequisites Mathematics, Practicum on solving math problems, Methodological fundamentals of solving math problems, Scientific fundamentals of school course of Mathematics, Math analysis, Algebra, Geometry. Targeted learning The pedagogical practical training is aimed at developing outcomes Social competences: - developing pedagogical competence; - developing professional qualities of a teacher; - improving theoretical knowledge gained when studying Pedagogy, Psychology, math disciplines and Methods of teaching Mathematics; - realizing person-oriented, health protecting, activity-oriented and competence- oriented approaches in organizing educational process; - ability to evaluate the level of development of pupils‟ key competences; Professional competences: - developing special, social, personal, individual, educational competences of a future teacher which provide with focusing on: - acquaintance with new psychological and pedagogical and methodological achievements of Kazakhstan‟s scientists; - understanding methodology of secondary and 12-year school education and specialized training; Special competences: - accumulating professional experience, completing it with new knowledge on actual problems; - realizing reflective activity; - determining individual trajectory of professional improvement of a future Mathematics teacher. Content Content of the practical training 1. Arranging educational activity; - acquaintance with a school, its objectives and methodological problem at which the school is working; - acquaintance with the system of work and traditions; with pedagogical personnel and internal regulations; with the Content of the work plan for a year; - acquaintance with the class, with a teacher of a school subject, with a form master; - attending lessons; different kinds of off-hour work; running a teacher‟s errands; - making up individual plan for the whole period of practical training. 2. Practical training on educational work: - developing and conducting lessons; - teaching pupils and assessing their academic achievements; - creating and applying visual aids; 3. Practical training on a subject: - organizing and realizing out-of-classroom educational work with pupils; - drawing plan-scripts of out-of-classroom activities; - choosing forms and methods taking into account age-related features of a class; - work with a class activists, parents; 4. Participation in methodological work of a school. 5. Scientific research: -individual tasks on scientific research; - carrying out scientific research tasks-projects. 6. Requirements for a report on pedagogical practical training. 127

Study / exam achievements As a result of undergoing practical training students should demonstrate knowledge of: - the structure, Content and arrangement of educational process at a school; - material and technical equipment of a Mathematics classroom; - study-planning documentation of a school; ability: - to define and formulate objectives and tasks of a lesson; - to plan pupils‟ academic activity and ways of realizing it; - to draw thematic and lesson plans; - to plan Content and methods of conducting lessons on a subject-related study group, optional lessons, different forms of out-of-classroom work; - to acquire technology of conflict resolution; - to develop pupils‟ subject-related knowledge; - ability of using organizational function, communicative function, information function, orientation (cultivating) function, developing function, methodological function; generalizing knowledge on fundamental and school Mathematics for synthesizing educational process; ability to connect modern pedagogical technologies for solving different methodological problems; to reveal and prognose technological solutions in the sphere of pedagogical proficiency, ability of working independently and in groups; of organizing and realizing scientific research activity and pupils‟ projects; of taking managerial responsibility. Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. At lessons multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities are used. Literature 1. Abylkasymova AE Modern lesson. Almaty: SIC "Gylym", 2003. - 220. (kaz) 2. Pedagogy. Textbook for students ped. universities and ped. colleges / edited by P. Pidkasistogo. - Moscow Pedagogical Society of Russia. 2004. - 608 p. (ru) 3. Guzeev VV Educational technology in the context of educational technology. - M., 2004. -128 C. (ru) 4. Educational technology: Textbook for students of pedagogical skills / ed. VS Kukushkin. Rostov n / a, 2002. -320 C. (ru) 5. Kabulova A.R Teaching practice. Instructor's Manual. Almaty, 2012. -44 C. (ru)

Module name Diploma thesis Semester 7-8 Module coordinator Head of the chair of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, doctor of phys.- math sciences, prof. S.A.Aldashev Lecturer All the teachers from the chair Language Kazakh, Russian, English Classification within the A diploma thesis is a final work, which is done at the final stage of study curriculum State Compulsory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan SCSE RK 5.03.016-2009 Credit points 9 KZ (15 ECTS) Requirements under the Having basic knowledge on math and Mathematics-related disciplines examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Subjects of diploma theses includes topics on the following disciplines 128

taught: Math analysis, Analytic Geometry, Algebra and Number theory, Differential equations, Complex analysis, Partial differential equations, Number systems, Probability theory and Math Statistics, Math Logics and Discrete Mathematics, Differential Geometry and Topology, Functional analysis, Supplementary chapters of math analysis. Targeted learning outcomes Writing up a diploma thesis is a final stage of students‟ study at a higher education institution included in the State Compulsory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The process of writing up a diploma thesis is aimed at developing the following social competences: - to have skills of gaining new knowledge needed for carrying out scientific pedagogical activity in the system of contemporary education; - determining how well a student is doing and if he is ready to do scientific pedagogical work; - to be able to work in groups, to have and to be able to develop his/her creative abilities; - to be able to apply new IT to the sphere of education; Special competences: - to be able to systematize, consolidate and improve knowledge on Mathematics; - to be able to apply it to solving specific scientific research problems and to continue his/her education at Master degree; To have skills of: - carrying out independent scientific research; - applying methods of researching specific math problems; To be competent on the subject of a diploma thesis, which is relevant to perspective areas of science, Pedagogy and methods of teaching Mathematics. The objectives of writing up a diploma thesis are: - systematizing, consolidating and improving theoretical knowledge and practical skills related to the specialty of mathematics and applying them to solving specific math problems; - developing skills of doing independent work and ability of applying methods of scientific research and experimenting when solving the problems on educational mathematics developed; - determining whether a student is trained properly to work independently in conditions of modern industry, science, engineering, culture, and determining the level of his/her professional competence. Content and structure According to its content a dipoma project is a scientific research, which is carried out by a university graduate on specialty mathematics independently in the form of a manucript. The size of a diploma thesis, as a rule, is to be 60-90 pages. Structural units of a diploma thesis are the following: - cover; - title-page; - task (problem) of the diploma project; - contents; - introduction; - main part; - conclusion (conclusions); - reference list; - appendices. A cover contains the following information: - the name of the higher education institution where the diploma project is 129

carried out; - the name of a student; - the theme of the diploma thesis; - the kind of the work – diploma project; - the code and name of the specialty; - the city, year. The title-page is the first page of the diploma thesis. It contains the following information: - the name of the institution where the diploma project is carried out;; - the name of the chair; - restrictive column (if required) - approving signature of the head of the chair; - the kind of the work – diploma project; - the theme of the diploma project; - the code and name of the specialty; - on the left side – the word «carried out», on the right side – student‟s name; - on the line below – the words «scientific advisor» and the name of a scientific advisor, his/her academic degree and other regalia; - city, year. A diploma thesis consists of an introduction, numbers and titles of all chapters, sub-chapters, conclusions, a reference list and a list of appendices. An introduction should contain the proof of the actuality of a diploma project subject, its scientific novelty and practical importance, estimation of the modern conditions of the scientific problem in question, and the objectives, tasks of the diploma research, its theoretical, methodological and practical base. The main part of a diploma thesis should contain the data reflecting the essence, methods and main results of the work done. As a rule, it is divided into chapters and sub-chapters. The conclusion of a diploma thesis should contain brief deductions on the results of the diploma research, estimation of completeness of problem solutions, specific recommendations concerning the object under research. The reference list of a diploma thesis is formed in accordance with the requirements for scientific works. Appendices contains the material related to the diploma research carried out. The author of a diploma thesis is responsible for solutions, adequacy and accuracy of all the data used in the diploma project. Stages When choosing the theme of a diploma project a student can follow his/her own scientific interests, its topicality. A student works at his/her diploma project during the time settled by the curriculum. This period includes the time of pre-diploma practice. A diploma project is based on proper study of the literature related to the specialty “Mathematics” (texbooks, monographs, periodicals, Kazakhstani and foreign journal and magazines). A diploma thesis should also contain critical analysis of the literature and independent theoretical research on the subjects under study. Study achievements The author of a diploma thesis should: (Results of research) - reason actuality and novelty of the subject (theme), its theoretical and practical importance; - describe methodological base of the research; - define objectives and tasks of the research; - make conclusions of the research; - design the work in accordance with existing regulations. A diploma thesis is to show the appropriate level of a student‟s specialty and subject-related knowledge, together with this it is the result of analyzing and 130

generalizing scientific achievements.

Criteria of assessing quality 1) Originality of definition and solution of specific problems; of diploma project 2) Creative approach; 3) Author‟s ability to carry out scientific activity; 4) Accuracy and logical order of stating material.

Module name Complex examination Module level Complex examination Abbreviation Classes Math analysis, Differential equations, Analytic Geometry, Linear Algebra Semester 8 Module coordinator Head of the chair of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, doctor of phys.- math sciences, prof. S.A.Aldashev Lecturer Doctor of phys.-math sciences, prof. S.A.Aldashev Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the State Compulsory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan SCSE curriculum RK 5.03.016-2009 Credit points Complex examination 1 KZ ECTS 4 Design and defense of diploma thesis 3 KZ ECTS 12 Content «Math analysis»: Real numbers. Number sequences. Functions of one variable, continuity. Differentiating and integrating functions of one variable. Basic theorems of calculus. Functions of several variables. Differentiating and integrating functions of several variables. Line and surface integrals. Series: number, functional, power series, Taylor series, Fourier series. «Analytic Geometry»: Vectors. Operations over vectors. Calculus of vector fields. Cartesian coordinate system. A straight line in a plane, its equation. A straight line in space, its equation. Second-order lines. Transformation in a plane. Planes in space. Second-order surfaces. Affine and Euclidian spaces. Euclidian geometry. Projective geometry. Analytic plane geometry. Analytic solid geometry. «Differential equations»: An ordinary differential equation. Cauchy problem. Boundary-value problems. First-order differential equations. Separation of variables. Second-order differential equations. Higher-order differential equations. Linear differential equations. Homogeneous and heterogeneous differential equations. Systems of differential equations. Partial differential equations. «Differential and integral equations»: First-order differential equations with one unknown function. N-th order linear differential equations. Homogeneous and heterogeneous differential equations. Systems of linear equations. Systems of equations with constant coefficients. Characteristic equation. Solution to a homogeneous system. Partial differential equations, general solution. Cauchy problem for a linear equation. Elements of stability theory. Integral equations: Fredholm and Volter equations. Fredholm theorems. Approximated methods of solving integral equations. “Linear Algebra”: Sets. Operations over sets. Matrices. The rank of a matrix. Operations over 131

matrices. Determinants. System of linear algebraic equations. Kronecker and Capelli theorem. Cramer‟s method of solving systems of linear algebraic equations. Gauss‟s method of solving systems of linear algebraic equations. Targeted learning outcomes The objective of a complex examination is determining: - the level of a Bachelor degree Mathematics student‟s training, his/her ability to solve professional problems; - whether his/her achievements satisfy the requirements of SCSE RK within state requirements for bachelor of Mathematics; - a Bachelor degree student‟s ability to continue his/her education at Master degree level. Statement on final complex Bachelor degree students‟ final complex examination on specialty examination “Educational Mathematics” is the form of state control over a Bachelor degree student‟s achievements, aimed at determining whether the knowledge, abilities, skills competences gained by him/her satisfy the requirements of state compulsory standards of education. A final complex examination of a Bachelor of education student is conducted within the time frame established by the academic calendar and curriculums. A complex examination is conducted by the State attestation commission (SAC). The chairman of SAC is appointed and approved by the authorised body in the sphere of education in the established procedure. A complex examination is carried out not later than a month before the defense of a diploma project. The complex examination on specialty includes the disciplines of the cycles of basic and major disciplines of the educational program on Bachelor of Education.


Module handbook

On the educational program «Educational Mathematics» Master degree

Module name: Pedagogy Abbreviation PED5204 Module level Pedagogy of higher school Semester: 1 Module coordinator Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor Halitova I.R. Lecturer Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor Halitova I.R. Language Kazakh Classification within the Special Education module. Required component. This program was developed at curriculum the Department Teaching format / class Types of classes Lectures Practical lesson hours per week during the The number of hours 30 15 semester Classroom hours per week 1 1 Group sizes (people) 60-70 15-25

Workload Total hours Lecture-Hall work and independent work Lectures Practical Independent work of Self-study lesson graduate students with programs a teacher 135 30 15 45 45

Credit points 3 (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge on subjects of compulsory module component of special examination regulations disciplines. Recommended Universal fundamentals of Pedagogics and history of Pedagogics. prerequisites Targeted learning The process of learning the discipline focuses on the formation and development outcomes of common pedagogical competencies: -ability to use main points and methods of social, humanitarian and economic science in solving social and professional tasks; -an understanding of the principles of organization of scientific research, ways to achieve and build scientific knowledge; Professional competencies: -understanding of the profession of high social importance, complies with the principles of professional ethics; -the ability to participate in interdisciplinary and interdepartmental collaboration in solving professional tasks; subject competencies: -ability to apply knowledge in practice, learning and education. Owns the methods of work with students with youth. Formation of interest in teaching, develop competence in the area of training and education. -ability to apply knowledge in practice, teaching and education; -ability to apply pedagogical expertise in research activities. -possession of up-to-date knowledge of the use of new technology, skills training and education. Contents Development of higher education in Kazakhstan: higher pedagogical education in Kazakhstan; Prospects and direction of development of higher education in the world; Training of scientific-pedagogical personnel, knowledge as an object of scientific-pedagogical research; The subject and the main categories of pedagogic high school: theoretical and methodological framework of pedagogic high school: features of modern young students and their adaptation: high school 133

teacher Identity and requirements; the problem of creating a creative environment in the University; Innovation in higher education; Education work in higher education; The theory of learning in higher education: theoretical and methodological bases of learning in higher education; Development of education Content in higher education; innovations in teaching in higher education; independent work of students-as a form of training; Traditional and innovative teaching methods in higher education; Management of higher education in Kazakhstan: management of the education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan; Experiences of teacher training; pedagogical monitoring and new pedagogical knowledge. Study / exam achievements As a result of the discipline the student must demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts: pedagogy of higher education; theoretical and methodological foundations of learning and education as well as research and academic research; main directions of development of pedagogical science in the world; skill: assign task and write equations describing a physical process; result in canonical form, the equations apply. application: the possession of sufficient knowledge, skills and technique for solving pedagogical tasks, as well as research methods of pedagogical phenomena; finding out the value and meaning of decisions. Study of discipline contributes to the professional development of students, and can be used when writing your graduate work. Analysis: ability to analysis of pedagogical situations, scientific results, the creative application of knowledge and skills; score: the capacity and willingness to apply the classical methods of solving pedagogical tasks independently to conduct research. The program is aimed at promoting expertise in the field of common pedagogical knowledge, ensuring a high level of competence at work, formation of high educational level of the students, developing the ability to research.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper versions of the teaching methods of discipline. Uses projector, interactive whiteboard, personal computer. Literature 1.Bekmagambetova RK Didactics. Almaty, 2004 2.Turgynbaeva ba Capacity development of future teachers. Monografiya.Almaty, 2012, 316 pages. 3.Tazhibaeva SG The organization of extra-curricular activities of students at the university. - Almaty, 2000. 4.Halitova I.R Didactic technology. Almaty, 2009. 5.Kiyasova B. The formation and development of the pedagogy of higher education in Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2008. 6.Mynbaeva AK, Z.M.Sadvakasova. Innovative teaching methods, or how interesting prepodavat.Almaty, 2009 341 pages.

Module name: Applied orientation of mathematics Abbreviation Module level Basics of speciality Semester: 4 Module coordinator Doctor of Pedagogics Sadvakasova R.A. Lecturer Doctor of Pedagogics Sadvakasova R.A. Language Russian


Classification within the Special Education module. The component of choice. curriculum Education program, developed in the year 2012 Teaching format / class Types of classes Lectures Practice hours per week during the The number of hours 15 15 semester Classroom hours in week 1 1 Group sizes (people) 6 6

Workload Total hours Lecture-Hall work and independent work Lectures Practice Independent work of Self- graduate students with study a teacher programs 30 15 15 5 5

Credit points 2 Requirements under the Basic knowledge on subjects of compulsory module component of special examination regulations disciplines. Recommended Higher mathematics, differential equations, pedagogy prerequisites Targeted learning To discipline \"applied mathematics\" perspective is that applied (practitioner- outcomes oriented) component is not a supplement to the Content of mathematics, it naturally grows into it, meaning the integration of educational aspects of mathematics and basic science is based on the principle of implantation. The practical implantation of comprehensive school mathematics program has two objectives. 1. overcome formalism in teaching mathematics, demonstrate the wide range of her outside of mathematics and, in particular, practical applications. 2. in the process of solving problems with practical Content, students not only get acquainted with some important for today's and tomorrow's activities, but the concepts are the witnesses to and participants in the opening of the mathematical method of MI important laws of reality. Contents Discusses the main trends of development of system of applied mathematics orientation and supported ways to improve its performance in accordance with the requirements of modernity. Theoretical and methodological bases of applied mathematics orientation reveals the notion of competence and responsibility, defining mathematical competence. A competence approach taken up from a position of greater operational focus for interdisciplinary mathematics and communication Study / exam achievements As a result of the discipline the student must demonstrate. A new view of abstract mathematical constructions, which significantly helps students to learn Mathematics, which appears keen to its real-world applications. 2. the development of critical thinking skills of students. The formation of these damn intelligence system, is carried out in the course of training at three educational levels As a result of the discipline in applied mathematics undergraduate orientation must know: the role of mathematics in addressing specific challenges in everyday life, have a clear idea about the interaction of mathematics and its applications must be able to: design a sufficient number of tasks with practical Content of various levels of difficulty score: the capacity and willingness to apply the classical methods of problem solving to mathematical models of real systems. The program aims to enhance the overall mathematical horizons, which ensures a high level of competence at work, formation of high educational level of the students, developing the ability to research, the active use of mathematical methods and models.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the 135

regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper versions of the teaching methods of discipline. Uses projector, interactive whiteboard, personal computer. Literature 1. Law "On Education" / / Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Coll. - Almaty, 2001. - Page 87. (kaz) 2. Concept of Development of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period up to 2015. - Astana, 2004. - 18 pages. (kaz) 3. Lysenker LS, TP Smolkina Methods of creative problem solving / / Astana, 2004. - Page 201. (ru) 4. VV Firsov On the application-specific course in mathematics / / Mathematics at school. - 2006. - № 6. - 2 - 9 page. (ru) 5. Kabdykairov KK Mathematics in economics: a training manual. -Almaty: Kazakh Univer Publishing, 2003. – p. 211. (kaz) 6. Krupich VI Model ordering structures of word problems for School Mathematics / / Tasks as a goal and a means of teaching mathematics high school students: Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. - Leningrad: Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after AI Herzen, 1981. - 13 - Page 25 (ru) 7. Dalinger VA Visual imagery as a means of solving mathematical problems / / Mathematics at school. - Moscow, 2007. - № 7. - 26 - 31 pages. (ru) 8. Vigdorchik EA Zhdanov TN Elementary mathematics in economics and business. - Moscow: Vita - Press, 1995. - Page 95. (ru) 9. Sadvakasova RA Theoretical and methodological basis of applied nature of high school: kompetntnostny approach - Astana, 2010 (ru)

Module name: Fundamental issues of algebra, geometry and mathematical logic Module level Mathematics and science Abbreviation FVAGL5301

Classes Semester: 2 Module coordinator candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior lecturer Khisamiev Z.G. Lecturer candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior lecturer Khisamiev Z.G. Language Russian Classification within the Module majors. Required component curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Types of classes Lectures Practical Laboratory semester The number of hours 15 15 Classroom hours per week 1 1 Group sizes (people) 5-10 5-10

Workload Total Lecture-Hall work and independent work hours Lectures Practice Labora Independent Self-study tory work of graduate programs works students with a teacher 150 15 15 45 75

Credit points 2KZ Requirements under the The trained should know algebra, geometry in volume the bachelor of courses. examination regulations Recommended Algebra, Geometry, Math Logics within Bachelor degree courses prerequisites


Targeted learning Process of studying of discipline is directed on formation and development outcomes - Social compitents: - To own skills of acquisition of new knowledge; - Special compitents: - Knowledge of a way led to formation and development of modern algebra; - Knowledge of formation of an axiomatic method on a development example evklid geometry and comprehension of this method for construction unevklid geometry; - Mastering and comprehension of the theory of logic of predicates of the first order as: 1.method substantiations of mathematics and formalisation of a logic conclusion for its automation; 2. A universal mathematical method of modelling of applied problems. Contents Fundamental questions of algebra, geometry and the mathematical logic. Fundamental questions of algebra. The decision of the algebraic equations and geometrical problems on construction. The algebraic equations. Formulas of Kordano and Ferrari. Division of a circle into equal parts. Rings and their ideals. Kommutativnye rings and their ideals, reversible elements of a ring, examples. A field private communating rings without zero dividers. Rings of the main ideals. Rings of multinomials from one and several variables. The whole rational and valid roots of multinomials. Indecomposable multinomials with the whole rational and valid factors. Streamlining of multinomials of several variables. A ring ideal. The maximum both simple ideals and their relation. The ring factor. Bases of ideals, capacity of an ideal, rings. Systems of the algebraic equations. Hilbert's theorem of basis. Systems of the algebraic equations and their ideals. Basis of Grebnera of an ideal, algorithm of Buhbergera of construction of basis of Grebnera. The theory of fields. Simple and algebraic expansions of fields. Fields of Galua. Final expansions of fields. The theorem of a primitive element. Normal expansions of fields. Groups Galua. The basic theorem of the theory of Galua. Group Galua of the algebraic equation. Cyclic fields and the equations. Group Resolvability of p-group. The decision of the equations in radicals. Fundamental questions of geometry. Axiomatics and axiomatic method in evklid geometry. Theory development unevklid geometry: the theory of triangles and parallelism. Axiomatics unevklid geometry. Theory development unevklid geometry: the theory of triangles and parallelism. Independence and consistency of axioms unevklid geometry Fundamental questions of mathematical logic. Fundamental problems and concepts of mathematical logic Models, formulas, the theories deduced and true formulas in the theory. Examples of theories, complete theories. Theories of rings and fields both their models, and their logic consequences. The theorem of Gedelja of completeness. Local consistency and consistency of the theory. The theorem of local compatibility. The theorem of Gedelja of completeness. The theorem of Gedelja of incompleteness. Axioms of arithmetics and its basic consequences. Equation primitively - recursive functions in arithmetics. Incompleteness of arithmetics. Study / exam achievements As a result of studying of discipline the student should show Knowledge: conclusions of formulas for a finding of decisions of the algebraic equations of degrees three and four, theory bases communating rings and their ideals, including Hilbert's theorem of basis and a method of Buhbergera of the decision of systems algebraically the equations, a basis of the theory of fields and groups, including the basic theorem of the theory of Galua for the decision of a question on resolvability of the equations in radicals; consecutive, exact axiomatic construction of theories of parallelism of straight lines and triangles in evklid and unevklid geometry; proofs of independence and consistency of axioms 137

of geometry; Language of the theory of predicates of the first order, concept of model of the given signature and the validity of the formula on it, the logic consequences, deduced formulas of the theory and the theorem of equivalence of these concepts, theorems of Gedelja of completeness and incompleteness of arithmetics. Ability: find Decisions of the equations of 3,4-s' degrees methods of Kordano and Ferrari to build basis of Grebnera of system of the algebraic equations, to be able to build group Galua of the given algebraic equation and to solve a question on resolvability of the given equation in radicals, to apply the theory of Galua in problems of construction by means of compasses and a ruler. To build logic conclusions and to prove logic consequences from axioms, to prove theorems of Gedelja of completeness and incompleteness. To prove an axiomatic method all basic theorems parallel and theorems of properties of triangles in evklid and unevklid to geometry. using : equation of questions on resolvability of the equations in radicals and the decision of systems of the algebraic equations; formalisation of problems in terms of the theory of predicates of the first order and construction of corresponding models. The analysis: a question of resolvability of problems of the algebraic equations connected with the decision and systems of the algebraic equations; questions independence at modelling of problems in terms of the theory of predicates of the first order. analyz of algebra, geometrical and logic approaches at the decision of those or other problems. Estimation methods the decisions, used model of a problem methods of algebra, geometry and the theory of predicates of the first order.

Form of exam: orally Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of uchebno-methodical complexes of discipline. It is used computer technologies. Literature 1. Arzhantsev IV Groebner bases and systems of algebraic uravneneny. - Moscow: MCCME, 2003. - 66. (ru) 2.Kostrikin AI Introduction to algebra. Part 3. The main structure. - Moscow: FIZMATLIT, 2004. -271s. (ru) 3.Artin E. Galois theory. - Moscow: MTSMNO, 2004. - 66. (ru) 4.Artin M. Algebra. - New Jersy, 1991. - 633 p. (ru) 5.Ershov YL, EA Palyutin Mathematical logic. - Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2011. - 356. (ru) 6.Lavrov IA Mathematical logic. - M.: "The Academy", 2006. - 240. (ru) 7.Aleksandrov AD Foundations of Geometry. - Moscow: Nauka, 1987. - 292 p. (ru)

Module name Methodical features of estimation of mathematical knowledge in the conditions of credit system of training Abbreviation МООSUKT 6301 Module level Speciality bases Semester 3 Module coordinator Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer Aldibaeva T.A., Candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior teacher Iskakova M. T. Lecturers The candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer Aldibaeva T.A., the candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher Iskakova M. T. Language Kazakh 138

Classification within the The module of special disciplines. A component for choice curriculum The Educational program, 2011. Teaching format / class Kinds of employment Lectures Practical training hours per week during Quantity of hours 30 15 the semester Auditornye hours per week 2 1 The sizes of groups (person) 7 7

Workload Total Classroom work and independent work hours Lectures Practical work Independent work Independent of master with the work of teacher master 135 30 15 45 45

Credit points 3 (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Base knowledge on disciplines of an obligatory component of the module of examination regulations special disciplines. Recommended The mathematical analysis, the differential equations, probability theory and the prerequisites mathematical statistics, technique of teaching of mathematics Targeted learning Process of studying of discipline is directed on formation and development outcomes common cultural components: - Ability to use substantive provisions and methods of social, humanitarian and economic sciences at the decision of social and professional problems; - Understanding of principles of the organisation of scientific research, ways of achievement and construction of scientific knowledge; Professional compotents: - The understanding the high social importance of a trade, observes professional etiquette principles; - Ability to participate in interdisciplinary and interdepartmental interaction of experts in the decision of professional problems; Subject compotents: - Ability to apply knowledge of theoretical bases and technologies of training to the mathematician, owns methods of formation of subject skills, owns receptions of formation of interest to mathematics and uses of mathematical knowledge in an everyday life; - Ability to apply knowledge of theoretical, fundamental and applied mathematics; - Ability to use mathematical apparatus for the decision of practical problems; - Possession of the modern formalized mathematical, information and logical models and methods. Contents Bolonsky process Rating estimation as the tool of mastering by students mathematical compotents Components of a modul-rating estimation of mathematical knowledge of students Levels and stages of mastering of mathematical knowledge of students System of the reached results of training Features of an estimation of mathematical knowledge of students Stages of a modul-rating estimation Model of improvement of quality of mathematical education of students Principles modular, simple-focused, compotents approaches The complex of organizational-pedagogical conditions directed on improvement of quality of mathematical education of students The practice-focused technique of improvement of quality of mathematical education of students with application of a modul-rating estimation Estimation means Forms of the organization of training Additional pedagogical means of an estimation of mathematical knowledge of students.


Study / exam As a result of discipline studying master should know: achievements - A subject and value of the given course for preparation of the teacher; - Principles and criterion of estimation of knowledge trained on the mathematician; - Methods, means and forms of estimation of knowledge trained on the mathematician; - The Content of activity of the teacher on estimation of knowledge trained on the mathematician; - Methods of target orientation, stimulation and motivation of the doctrine, formation of new knowledge, abilities, skills; receptions of optimization of forms, methods and means during realization of projects; - The basic directions of increase of learning efficiency. To be able: - To analyze the existing standard and educational program documentation on estimation of knowledge trained on the mathematician; - To select a necessary didactic material for estimation of knowledge trained on the mathematician; - To operate educational informative activity of the trained; - To measure and estimate level knowledge and abilities trained on the mathematician; - To conduct lessons in a subject with the subsequent analysis of results of training trained, diagnostics of realization of the purposes of training and updating of educational process; - Independently to work with the scientific, methodical and educational literature; - To spend introspection of the activity, to estimate its results and to spend updating.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of uchebno-methodical complexes of discipline. The projector, an interactive board, the personal computer are used. Literature 1. Gazaliev A. Egorov, G. Abdygalikova assessment of the students / / Academic Council / № 3, 2011. (ru) 2. Weaver, GF Establishment of a new system of knowledge assessment and learning outcomes in connection with the use of a single application of the Diploma / / Scientific Bulletin of the Moscow State University of Technology - 2005. - № 94 (12). - Pages 42-46. - A series of "International activities of universities." (ru) 3. Curran T. Achieving Bologna: how correct assessment of ECTS? [Electronic resource] / / Higher Education in Europe. - 2004. T. XXIX. - № 3. - Http:// ~ moscow64/educational_book>. - Title screen. – (ru)

Module name The selected questions of the theory analytical functions Abbreviation UZhP3420 Module level SF, speciality Bases Semester: 1 Module coordinator Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Kaskataeva B. R, Medeuov E.U. Lecturer Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Kaskataeva B. R, Medeuov E.U. Working Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the The module of special disciplines. A component at a choice (MSD 13). An curriculum Educational program developed together with foreign high schools-partners, 2012.


Teaching format / class Kinds of employment Lectures Practical employment hours per week during Quantity of hours 30 15 the semester Classroom hours per week 2 1 The sizes of groups (person) 11/5 11/5

Workload total Classroom work and independent work hours Lectures Practical Independent work Independent training of master with the work of teacher master 225 30 15 60 120

Credit points 3 (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Base knowledge on disciplines of an obligatory component of the module of special examination regulations disciplines. Recommended The mathematical analysis, the differential equations. prerequisites Educational Process of studying of discipline is directed on mastering by methods of the objectives/competencies selected questions of the theory of functions of a complex variable which are applied at the decision of applied problems and on formation and development common cultural compotent: - Ability to use substantive provisions and discipline methods at the decision of social and professional problems; - understanding of principles of the organisation of scientific research, ways of achievement and construction of scientific knowledge; Professional compotent: - Understanding the high social importance of a trade, observance of principles of professional etiquette; - Ability to participate in interdisciplinary interaction of experts in the decision of professional problems; Subject compotent: - Ability to apply methods of the theory analytical functions which are applied at the decision of applied problems, knowledge of theoretical bases and technologies of training to the mathematician, possession of methods of formation of subject skills, owns receptions of formation of interest to mathematics and uses of mathematical knowledge in an everyday life; - Ability to apply knowledge of theoretical, fundamental and applied mathematics; - Ability to use mathematical apparatus for the decision of practical problems; - Possession of modern mathematical, information methods. Content Complex numbers. The trigonometrical form of complex numbers. Functions of complex variables. Elementary functions of a complex variable. Return trigonometrical and hyperbolic functions. Differentiation of function of complex variables. Analytical functions. Differentials. Integral on a complex variable. The theorem of Koshi. The formula of Koshi. Numbers of analytical functions. Taylor's number. A number of Lorana. Theorems of Vejershtrassa. Sedate numbers. A function deduction. The basic theorem of deductions. Application of the theory of deductions to calculation of integrals Study / exam As a result of studying of discipline the student should know: bases and practical achievements appendices of the basic sections of discipline to problems of physics and other natural sciences; To be able: to apply the basic methods of discipline at the decision of educational and practical problems. To own skills of use of investigated methods in discipline for the decision of applied and scientific problems. The program is directed on expansion common math an outlook, formation of high educational level masters on discipline, development of ability to research work, active application in the work of methods of discipline for the decision of applied 141

and scientific problems.

Form of exam: test

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Technical and electronic There are electronic and paper variants of uchebno-methodical complexes of tutorials discipline. The projector, an interactive board, the Personal computer are used. Reading list 1. Shabat BV Introduction to complex analysis. Part 1 - Moscow: Nauka, 1976. (ru) 2. Shabat BV Introduction to complex analysis. Part 2 - Moscow: Nauka, 1985. (ru) 3. II Privalov, Introduction to the theory of functions of a complex variable. - Moscow: Nauka, 1977. (ru)

Module name New technologies of training to the mathematics Abbreviation Module level SF, speciality Bases Semester: 4 Module coordinator The candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer Aldibaeva T.A. Lecturer Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer Aldibaeva T.A. Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the The module of special disciplines. A component at a choice (MSD). An curriculum Educational program developed together with foreign high schools-partners, 2012. Teaching format / class Kinds of employment Lectures Practical training hours per week during the Quantity of hours 15 15 semester Classroom hours per week 1 1 The sizes of groups (person) 60-70 15-25

Workload In total Classroom work and independent work hours Lectures Practical Independent work Independent work training of master with the of master teacher 150 15 15 45 75

Credit points 2 (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Variativnye knowledge on disciplines of an obligatory component of the module examination regulations of special disciplines. Recommended prerekvizity Technique of teaching to the mathematics, pedagogics, psychology Targeted learning Process of studying of discipline is directed on formation and development outcomes common cultural compotents: - Ability to use substantive provisions and methods of pedagogical sciences at the decision of professional problems; - understanding of principles of the organisation of educational process, ways of achievement and construction of educational achievements; Professional compotents: - Understanding the high social importance of a trade, observing professional etiquette principles; - Ability to participate in interdisciplinary and interdepartmental interaction of experts in the decision of professional problems; Subject compotents: - Ability to apply knowledge of theoretical bases and technologies of training to the mathematics, owns methods of formation of subject skills, owns receptions of formation of interest to mathematics and uses of mathematical knowledge in an 142

everyday life; - Ability to apply knowledge of theoretical, fundamental and applied mathematics; - Ability to use mathematical apparatus for the decision of practical problems; - Possession of the modern formalized mathematical, information and logical models and methods. Content Introduction 1. Concept «technology of training» 1.1 History of formation of concept «technology of training». Classification of pedagogical technologies 2. New technologies of training 2.1 Simple-focused technologies of training 2.2 Training in cooperation 2.3 Method of projects 2.4 Different level training 2.5 Modular training 2.5"Portfolio of the pupil» 3. Practical application of new technologies of training 3.1 Application of training in cooperation at school 3.2 Cyclic planning of employment Study / exam achievements As a result of discipline studying master should show knowledge: the basic technologies of training to the mathematician. Ability: to use different technologies of training; to conduct lessons of mathematics with use of new technologies of training. Application: possession in sufficient volume of mathematical knowledge and methods for the decision of problems, use of the investigated methods of training at the decision of professional problems; finding-out of pedagogical sense of the received results of training. Discipline studying promotes professional development masters and can be used at a writing of final works. The analysis: ability of the analysis of results of the decision of problems of professional problems at the organisation teaching to the mathematics. Synthesis: ability of generalisation of ways of the organisation of educational process and a choice of adequate methods of their decision. Estimation: ability and readiness to apply various methods of the decision of professional problems. The program is directed on expansion of the methodical knowledge, providing high level of the competence at work, formation of high educational level masters, development of ability to research work, active application in the work of new technologies of training.

Form of exam: written

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are electronic and paper variants of uchebno-methodical complexes of discipline. The projector, an interactive board, the personal computer are used Literature 1. Bershad ME In what values the notion of "technology" in teaching literature? / / School Technology. 2002. Number 1. - Page 3 - 18. (ru) 2. Bespal'ko VP Components of educational technology. - M.: Education, 1989. - Page 192. (ru) 3. Bordovskiy GA, VA Izvozchikov new learning technologies: issues of terminology. / Pedagogy. 1993. Number 5. - Pages 12-15. (ru) 4. Selevko GK Alternative educational technology. Moscow: Institute of Technology School, 2005. - Page 224. (ru) 5. Selevko GK Modern Educational Technology: Manual. - Moscow: Education,


1998. - Pages 14 - 32, 39 - 49. (ru) 6. Guzeev VV educational technology ranging from acquisition to philosophy / Moscow: September, 1996. - Page 112. - (B-enue of the magazine "The school": Issue 4.). (ru) 7. Zagrekov L. Theory and technology training. Textbook for students of pedagogical universities / Zagrekov LV, Nikolina VV - Moscow: Higher School, 2004. - Page 6 - 50. (ru) 8. Kashlev SS Modern technology pedagogical process: A guide for teachers / S. S. cough. - Moscow: Higher School, 2002. - Pages 5 - 19. (ru)

Module name Theory of stochastic processes and stochastic Abbreviation UZhP3420 Sub-heading SF, Fundamentals of specialty Semester Module coordinator Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. B.R.Kaskatayeva Lecturer Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. B.R.Kaskatayeva Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Module of special disciplines. Elective component. Educational program curriculum developed in cooperation with foreign universities-partners, 2012 Teaching format / class Forms of lessons Lectures Practice lessons hours per week during Number of hours 30 15 the semester Class hours per week 2 1 Size of groups (students) 11/5 11/5

Workload Total number Class work and self-study of hours Lectures Practice lessons Tutorial Self- lessons study 225 30 15 60 120

Credit points 3 (5 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge of the disciplines of the required component of the module of examination regulations special disciplines Recommended Higher Mathematics, Probability theory and Math Statistics prerequisites Targeted learning - familiarizing students with basic concepts of Probability theory and outcomes Applied Statistics within educational aspect; - revealing the role of stochastic-statistic instruments in educational research; - studying basic concepts of probability analysis. Objectives of the discipline: - developing stochastic intuition based on theoretical knowledge, developing skills of defining and solving applied problems of statistical analysis; - understanding educational aspect of Probability theory and Math Statistics; - cultivating practical skills for applying math methods of stochastic and statistic analysis to defining and solving problems arising from educational practice.


Content Basic concepts of probability theory and applied statistics within educational aspect. The role of stochastic-statistic instruments in educational research. Basic concepts of stochastic analysis such as chance events and their probabilities, random variables and distributions, and basic theorems of Probability theory; studying fundamentals of statistic description of data, definition and methods of solving fundamental problems of math statistics, such as estimation problem, hypothesis checking problem; studying fundamentals of pair dependence analysis. Study / exam On completing studying the discipline a student should know basic concepts achievements of stochastic analysis; Be able to: apply basic methods of the discipline when solving educational and practical problems. Have skills of applying studied methods of solving fundamental problems of math statistics. Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai.. Forms of media There are paper and electronic versions of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. Projectors, interactive blackboard, PC are used. Literature 1. I.N.Volodin Lectures on Probability theory and Math Statistics. - Kazan: 2006. – p. 271с. (ru). 2. V.P.Chistyakov Course of Probability theory.– М.: Nauka, 1982. (ru). 3. Elements of Statistics and Probability theory. Textbook..- Almaty.: Economics, 2013, - p. 168 (kaz). 4. A.A.Borovkov Probability theory.– М.: Nauka, 1986. (ru). 5. G.Kramer Math methods of Statistics.– М.: Mir, 1975. (ru).

Module name Pedagogical practice Sub-heading Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation Pra-М Semester 3 Module coordinator Cand. of ped. sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova Lecturer Cand. of ped. sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova Cand. of ped. sciences, senior teacher M.T.Iskakova

Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Required component. (RC). SCSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Ped. practice semester Number of hours 90 Class hours per week Size of groups (students) 10-15

Workload 3 credit points of practice is 90 hours (50 min each) for pedagogical practice, (6 hours a day 5 days a week). Total 90 hours Duration: 3 weeks

Credit points 3 KZ (8 ECTS) 145

Requirements under the Basic knowledge on the modules of the disciplines of Master degree examination regulations program: Knowledge of math disciplines required for developing a competent professional; Theoretical knowledge of teaching methods; Knowledge of methods of solving math problems; Knowledge of techniques of handling modern equipment; Knowledge and ability to apply information and innovative pedagogical technology to professional activity. Recommended Pedagogy of high school, Psychology, Methods of teaching Mathematics, prerequisites Modern math education, Practicum on solvingmath problems, Methodological fundamentals of solving math problems, Scientific fundamentals of school course of Mathematics, Math analysis, Algebra, Geometry Targeted learning Developing outcomes Social competences: - improving professional competence, - developing professional qualities of a teacher, - improving theoretical knowledge gained when studying pedagogy of high school, psychology of high school, math disciplines of Master degree program and Methods of teaching higher education institution disciplines, - realizing person-oriented, activity-oriented and competence-oriented approaches in organizing educational process at higher education institutions, - ability to assess the level of development of students‟ key competences. Professional competences: - developing social, special, personal, individual, educational competences of a university teacher, especially: - familiarization with new psychological-pedagogical and methodological achievements of Kazakhstan‟s scientists; - understanding the methodology of secondary anf higher education, profile teaching; Special competences: - gaining professional experience, gaining new knowledge of problems concerning university education; - realizing reflexive activity; - determining individual trajectory of a university teacher‟s professional development. Content 1. Preparing for educational activity: A pedagogical practice is realized in the form of classroom and (or) methodical work relevant to a Master degree student‟s specialization. Before the pedagogical practice starts the students have a meeting at which Master degree students:: - familiarize with its objectives, tasks, content and organizational forms; - are instructed about safety measures; - get the task to develop his/her individual plan of practice, which is to be approved by the supervisor and included into the practice task; - together with the supervisor a student chooses a discipline for preparing and conducting lessons. 2. Practice on a discipline: Master degree students get topics of current importance. They should choose a topic and: - study relevant psychological-pedagogical literature; - study the experience of teaching methodological and special disciplines; - develop methodical recommendations for conducting a lesson (a part of a lesson), conduct it, estimate effectiveness of the methods developed. 146

Students can choose disciplines from the work program of the chair on “Pedagogical practice”. A student can offer a topic himself. When choosing a topic a student should take into consideration its topicality for the chair and connection with his dissertation. 3. Practice on educational work: - organizing and conducting out-of-classroom educational work with students as a tutor of a group; - making plan-scenario of out-of-classroom activities; - choosing forms and methods taking into account students‟ specialization, - working with group active members, filling in a tutor register; 4. Participation in the methodological work of the chair; 5. Scientific research (SR): - individual tasks on SR; - performing scientific research tasks-projects. 6. Requirements for the report on pedagogical practice. Study / exam achievements As a result of a pedagogical practice a Master degree student must demonstrate knowledge of: - the disciplines studied within the Master degree program; - methods of preparing and conducting different forms of lessons; - methods of analyzing lessons; - modern educational technologies; - the structure, content and oeganization of the educational process at a university; - material and technical equipment of a methodical classroom; - educational planning documentation on the discipline (syllabus, work program, standard program, educational and methodical complex of the discipline, , educational and methodical complex of the discipline for students); - acquiring skills of self-education and self-perfection, - activating scientific-pedagogical activities of Master degree students. Ability of: - realizing methodical work on projecting and organizing lessons; - speaking in public and creating a creative atmosphere during lessons; - analyzing problems arising in pedagogical activities and creating an activity plan for solving them; - carrying out psychological-pedagogical research independently; - self-control and self-assessment of the process and results of pedagogical activity. Should have skills of: - working at methodological literature, selecting study material; - choosing methods and facilities of teaching relevant to the objectives and content of the study material and psychological-pedagogical features of students; - planning cognitive work of students and ability of organizing it. Skills of: organization, communication, gaining information, orientation (educating), developing, methodology. Generalizing knowledge on fundamental and school mathematics for synthesizing the study process; Ability to connect modern pedagogical technologies for solving different methodical problems; reveal and forecast technological solutions in the sphere of pedagogical mastery, ability of individual work and working in groups; of organizing and realizing scientific research activities and pupil projects; of taking a relevant managerial responsibility.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are paper and electronic versions of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. Projectors, interactive blackboard, PC are used. Multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities are uset at 147


Literature 1. A.E.Abylkasymova Modern lesson. Almaty: SRC “Gylym”, 2003. – p. 220 (ru). 2. Pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical universities and colleges/ P.I.Pidkasistyi. – М.: Russia‟s pedagogical society. 2004. – p. 608. (ru). 3. V.V.Guzeev Pedagogical technique in the context of educational technology. – М, 2004. – p. 128. (ru). 4. Pedagogical technologies: Textbook for students of pedagogical specialties / V.S.Kukushkin. Postov o/D, 2002. – p. 320. (ru). 5. A.R.Kabulova. pedagogical practice. Almaty, 2012. – p. 44. (ru).

Module name Research practice Sub-heading Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation IP-М Semester 4 Module coordinator Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. B.R.Kaskatayeva Lecturer Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. B.R.Kaskatayeva Cand. of ped. sciences, senior teacher A.R.Kabulova Cand. of ped. sciences, senior teacher M.T.Iskakova Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Required component. (RCSCES RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Research semester practice Number of hours 90 Class hours per week Size of groups (students) 10-15

Workload 3 credit points of practice is 90 hours (50 min each) for research practice, (6 hours a day 5 days a week). Total 90 hours Duration: 3 weeks Credit points 3 KZ (8 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge on the modules of the disciplines of Master degree program: examination regulations Knowledge of math disciplines required for developing a competent professional; Theoretical knowledge of teaching methods; Knowledge of methods of solving math problems; Knowledge of techniques of handling modern equipment; Knowledge and ability to apply information and innovative pedagogical technology to professional activity. Recommended Pedagogy of high school, Psychology, Methods of teaching Mathematics, Modern prerequisites math education, Scientific fundamentals of school Mathematics, Math analysis, Algebra, Geometry, Organizating and carrying out pedagogical research Targeted learning Developing research competence: outcomes - familiarizing with new scientific psychological-pedagogical and methodological achievements of Kazakhstan‟s scientists; - improving professional knowledge gained during learning and developing practical abilities and skills of doing independent scientific work, and: - consolidating, deepening and enlarging the theoretical knowledge gained when studying special disciplines; - gaining experience of research on educational mathematics; - gaining material for carrying out a Master degree student‟s scientific research 148

(NIRM); - gaining material for writing a Master degree thesis. Content 1. Participation in the introductory conference – familiarization with the practice program and relevant methodical material. 2. Acquiring methodical material of the practice and defining a subject field for carrying out his/her pedagogical research. 3. Developing the research program. First of all work research concepts are specified and work stages are detailed: gaining material, its analysis and processing, estimation and interpretation of results, designing a scientific report (if necessary – together with the practice supervisor). 4. Gaining relevant information – empirical material. The relevant to the practice conditions form of work is used – within the general methods: observation, experiment, modeling. If it was decided to carry out an experiment then at the previous stage it should have been organized. 5. Preliminary description of the material gained: its general content-related characteristics, its formal analysis and grouping. 6. Processing of empirical material. 7. Assessment and interpretation of the results obtained. In particular, conclusions from the work done are made, and recommendations supposing applying the gained results are formulated. 8. Presenting the research carried out in the form of a scientific report. In the report each stage of work is described, visual forms of presenting material are used: charts, tables, diagrams, graphs, pictures. 9. Preparing the report on NIP, which includes a scientific report as the main part. The report on practice should include a conclusion – the text of 10 minute‟s presentation at a final conference. Demonstration materials are enclosed. 10. Presentation at a final conference concerning the results of the practice and participation in discussing presentations of other trainees. Study / exam achievements A Master degree student should be aware of: - the importance of science and education for social life; - modern tendencies of development of scientific knowledge; - urgent methodological and philosophic problems of natural sciences; - professional competence of a high school teacher; know: - methodology of scientific knowledge; - principles and structure of organizing scientific activity; Be able to: - apply the knowledge gained to developing ideas in the context of scientific research; - critically analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to analyzing processes and phenomena; - integrate the knowledge gained within different disciplines for solving research problems in new unknown conditions; - by integrating knowledge discuss and make decisions on the basis of incomplete information; - apply knowledge of high school pedagogy and psychology to his/her research activity; - apply interactive teaching methods; - do information-analytic and information-bibliographic work using modern IT; - creatively think and creatively solve new problems and situations; - speak foreign language at a professional level. Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are paper and electronic versions of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. Projectors, interactive blackboard, PC are used. Multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities are uset at lessons 149

Literature 1. 1. State compulsory standard of education of the republic of Kazakhstan. Post- graduate education. Master degree. SCSE RK 5.04.033 – 2011. (ru, kaz). 2. V.I.Zagvyazinskiy Research activity of pedagogue. / V.I.Zagvyazinskiy. – Mocsow: Academy, 2010. – p. 176 (ru). 3. V.I.Zagvyazinskiy Pedagogical innovatics: problems of strategy and tactics: monography / V.I.Zagvyazinskiy, Т. А.Strokova; Tumen state university. - Tumen: TumSU, 2011. – p.176. (ru).

Module name Writing up and defense of master’s dissertations Sub-heading Abbreviation NIRM Classes Organizing and carrying out pedagogical research

Semester 1-4 Module coordinator Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. B.R.Kaskatayeva Lecturer Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. B.R.Kaskatayeva

Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Required component. (RC). SCSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Master degree Master degree Final semester student‟s scientific dissertation attestation research, Number of hours 120 54х6=324 15х7=105 Size of groups 10-15 (students)

Workload 549 54 hours per week (9 hours a day including self-study, 6 days a week). One credit point of NIRM is 120 (15х8) hours, that is 2,2 weeks. One credit point of final attestation is 105 (15х7) hours, i.e. 2 weeks: 15 contact hours with a teacher and 90 hours for self-study. I credit point is for preparing and passing a comlex examination, i.e. 2 weeks. 3 credit points are for writing and defending a Master degree dissertation, i.e. 6 weeks: the process of working at a dissertation is not included in these 3 credit points. It is done during a Master degree student‟s scientific research (experimental research). Credit points 7 KZ (28 ECTS)

Requirements under the - knowing modern problems of the given field of knowledge: examination regulations - knowledge of the history of development of the specific scientific problem, its role and place in the scientific aspect under study; - specific knowledge on the scientific problem under study; - ability to realize scientific research, experimental work in one or another scientific sphere connected with Master degree program (Master degree dissertation ); - ability to work with specific software and specific Internet resources, etc. Recommended History and philosophy of science; Foreign language; Psychology; Pedagogy; prerequisites Fundamental problems of math analysis; Methodical aspects of theory of analytic functions; Fundamental problems of Algebra, Geometry and Logics;


Supplementary chapters of differential equations; New technologies of teaching Mathematics; Scientific fundamentals of carrying out Master degree research; Methodological features of assessing students‟ knowledge in the course of Mathematics within credit technology; Methods and technologies of teaching higher mathematics; Applied tendency of teaching mathematics; Linear boundary problems for Fredholm integral-differential equation. Targeted learning To prepare a Master degree student to work at scientific research independently, the outcomes result of which is writing and defending a Master degree dissertation, and to cultivate his/her skills of carrying out scientific research in a creative group. Content NIRM is structured in all the semesters, in each semester specific problems are solved, and it is presented in reports on NIRM. Scientific research in the Selecting and studying literary sources, normative-regulatory documents first semester (NIRM.01) concerning dissertation, understanding the place of the dissertation topic in the general system of scientific knowledge on this topic, developing preliminary problem definition. After a Master degree student gets acquainted with the literature, he/she specifies the subject of his/her scientific research together with his/her scientific advisor. At this stage the student studies the literary sources more properly. It is better to study all the sources connected with the topic. Scientific research in the Detailing, final defining a research problem including describing the object second semester under research, developing objectives and criteria, searching methods of solving, (NIRM.02) retrieving the information about the modern conditions and prospects of development of educational mathematics, reasoning the method of analysis chosen, research techniques. The problem defined is to be so that predicted results contain new, essencial things. The pilot study is to be aimed at solving new research projects in the sphere of educational mathematics, at scientific novelty, and its theoretical and practical importance. In the process of developing the methods of analyzing the Master degree dissertation it is recommended to apply modern research methods in the sphere of educational mathematics. Scientific research in the Final definition of the problem of a Master degree dissertation, choosing the third semester (NIRM.03) method of solving and realizing it, including retrieving information, its statistical processing (if required), estimating data accuracy and adequacy, obtaining generalized, effective numerical results. The research work is to show appropriateness of the methods suggested, uniqueness of the information, results and conclusions obtained. Scientific research in the It is the final stage of the work at of a Master degree dissertation, which is forth semester (NIRM.04) completing the research and obtaining completed theoretical and practical results; writing and designing it; preparing for defending it. Study / exam achievements Developing professional competences in the sphere of scientific research: A Master degree student must be able to: - solve professional problems in the sphere of math education; - retrieve and analyze the information of the modern conditions and prospects of development of educational mathematics; - formulate and solve new research projects in the sphere of educational mathematics; - choose required research methods (modify existing methods, develop new ones); - process the results obtained, analyze and interpret them (in terms of the report on scientific research, theses, a scientific article, a course thesis, a Master degee dissertation); - form the results of the work done in accordance with the requirements of “SCSE RK. Postgraduate education. Master degree. 5.04.033 – 2011. Paragraph 8-9” and other normative documents using modern editing and printing means. Upon the results of carrying out NIRM a final report is worked out, which describes the work as a whole. The content of the report is to satisfy the plan of NIRM (kinds and stages of work). The control over students‟ achievements is realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. 151

Forms of media There are paper and electronic versions of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. Projectors, interactive blackboard, PC are used. Multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities are used at lessons.

Literature 1. V.I.Zagvyazinskiy Research activity of pedagogue. / V.I.Zagvyazinskiy. – Mocsow: Academy, 2010. – p. 176 (ru). 2. V.I.Zagvyazinskiy Pedagogical innovatics: problems of strategy and tactics: monography / V.I.Zagvyazinskiy, Т. А.Strokova; Tumen state university. - Tumen: TumSU, 2011. – p.176. (ru). 3. A.F.Zakirova, I.V.Manzheley. Master degree dissertation as scientific pedagogical research / A.F.Zakirova, I.V.Manzheley; Tumen State University. - Tumen: TumSU edition, 2013. – p. 128 (ru). 4. V.N.Zuyev. Course, final qualification works and Master degree dissertations: methods of writing,designing, defense / V.N.Zuyev, S.A.Kabanov. – Moscow: Physical culture, 2011. – p. 100. (ru) 5. V.I.Zagvyazinskiy. Methodology and methods of psychological-pedagogical research / V.I.Zagvyazinskiy, R. Atakhanov. – Moscow: Academy, 2005. – p. 208. (ru)

Module name Complex examination Sub-heading Abbreviation КЭ-М Semester 4 Module coordinator Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. B.R.Kaskatayeva Lecturer Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the SCSE on specialty 6М010900 - Mathematics (SCSE RK) 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Pedagogical semester practice Number of hours 45 Class hours per week Size of groups (students) 10-15

Workload Total number Class work and self-study of hours Lectures Practice Lab Tutorial Self- lessons lessons lessons study Full-time 105 15 90

Credit points 1 KZ 1 credit point of the final attestation is 105 (15х7) hours, i.e. 2 weeks. From this 15 contact hours with a teacher and 90 hours of self-study. For preparing and passing a complex examination 1 credit point, i.e 2 weeks or 105 hours is assigned. Requirements under the Basic knowledge on the modules of the disciplines of Master degree program: examination regulations Knowledge of math disciplines required for developing a competent professional; Theoretical knowledge of teaching methods; Knowledge of methods of solving math problems; Knowledge of techniques of handling modern equipment; Knowledge and ability to apply information and innovative pedagogical 152

technology to professional activity. Recommended Fundamental problems of math analysis; Methodical aspects of theory of analytic prerequisites functions; Fundamental problems of Algebra, Geometry and Logics; Supplementary chapters of differential equations; New technologies of teaching Mathematics; Applied tendency of teaching mathematics; Linear boundary problems for Fredholm integral-differential equation. Targeted learning The objective of a complex examination is determining: outcomes - the level of a Master degree student‟s professional skills for realizing professional problems; - adequacy of his/her training to the requirements of SCSE RK within state requirements for the training level of masters; - a Master degree student‟s abilities to continue his/her education at doctorate Content Theory and practice of methodical and mathematical disciplines studied within the Master degree educational program. Study / exam achievements Adequacy of the knowledge, abilities, skills competences gained by Master degree students to the requirements of state compulsory standards of education of pedagogical Master degree. A Master degree student must: - know and be able to apply methods of teaching at higher education institutions, know fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy, have skills of developing new teaching methods and apply existing methods and innovative forms of teaching; - be able to apply the knowledge, abilities and skills on theory and practice gained to the sphere of educational and higher mathematics; - speak foreign language at a professional level. Statement on final state Master degree students‟s final attestation is the form of state control over a attestation Master degree student‟s study achievements, aimed at determining whether the knowledge, abilities, skills competences gained by him/her satisfy the requirements of state compulsory standards of education on specialties of Master degree. The final attestation of Master degree students is conducted within the time frame established by the academic calendar and curriculums of the specialties in the form of a complex examination and defense of a Master degree dissertation. A complex examination is conducted by the State attestation commission (SAC). The chairman of SAC is appointed and approved by the authorised body in the sphere of education in the established procedure. A complex examination is carried out not later than a month before the defense of a dissertation. The complex examination on specialty includes the disciplines of the required component of the cycle of basic and major disciplines of the Master degree professional educational program. Literature 2. 1. State Compulsory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Postgraduate education. Master degree. SCSE RK 5.04.033 – 2011. (ru, kaz). 2. Program of complex examination for «Mathematics» - 6М010900 Master degree students. (ru, kaz) 3. Educational and methodical complexes on disciplines of the cycles of basic and major disciplines of the Master degree educational program. (ru, kaz)


Module handbook

On the educational program «Actual problems of modern physics» Master degree

Module name Physical principles of nuclear energy Abbreviation FOAE 5201

Module level Fundamentals of specialty Semester 1 Module coordinator Baymahanuly A. Lecturer Prof. Baymahanuly A. Language Kazakh,Russian Correlation with the The module of choice 7, МВ7 КВ 2.2, State ObligatoryStandart of Education of curriculum Republic of Kazakhstan (SOSE RK) 5.04.033-2011, SOSE RK 7.09.133-2010 Teaching format / class Intramural form of training hours per week during the forms of Education Lectures Practical Laboratory semester Number of hours 15 15 - Audience hours in a week 1 1 - Dimensions of group (person) 7-10 7-10 -

Workload Total hours Classroom work and individual work Lek Prac Lab IWMT IWM 225 30 15 - 60 120 Credit points 3 KZ , 8 ECTS Classification within the Knowledge of the basic branches of the general and theoretical physics, basic curriculum atomic and nuclear physics, working knowledge with reference books and computer. Recommended Quantum optics (structure of the atom, a hydrogen atom, the Periodic Table, prerequisites lasers), Higher mathematics (differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, probability theory, mathematical statistics) Targeted learning The process of the discipline is aimed at forming and development of the outcomes following competencies: -readiness to integrate the knowledge gained in different disciplines to address research, teaching, educational problems in research and teaching; -the ability to conduct analytical and bibliographic information and work with the application of modern information technology; - The ability to solve physical problems of theoretical and applied research, conduct statistical analysis of the results of the experi- ment, to conduct scientific and technical documentation; - Proficiency scientific analysis of physical phenomena, their quantitative description; - ready to conduct classes with in-depth theoretical and practical study of modern physics in secondary and higher education institutions. Content Structure and properties of the nucleus. Nuclear power and nuclear model (drip, the shell model). Radioactive decay. Nuclear reactions. The interaction of neutrons with nuclei. The discovery of uranium fission. Mechanism of the fission reaction. Fission chain reaction. Critical parameters of the reactor. Physical processes in the reactor. Unsteady conditions and reactor control. Heat generation in the reactor. Heat removal from the reactor. The main components of nuclear power plants. Typical nuclear power plants. Application of nuclear reactors in the energy sector. Radiation safety standards. Requirements for the safety of nuclear power plants. Tools and systems to ensure the safety of nuclear power plants. 154

Preventing dangerous consequences at all levels of the process. Study / exam achievements -This course focuses on the study of the physical foundations of nuclear power. Purpose: to the formation and development of students' knowledge in the field of nuclear energy. Tasks of the discipline: - To give students an idea of the theoretical and technical foundations of nuclear energy; - To promote their understanding of the processes occurring in a nuclear reactor for the conversion of nuclear energy into heat; - To deepen the knowledge on the biological effects of radiation on living organisms, as well as measures for radiation protection of people who can get in range of the radiation. In the process of studying the discipline graduate should possess the following knowledge: - Nuclear reactor device, - The use of nuclear reactors in the energy sector, - Problems and prospects of nuclear power; As a result of the discipline undergraduates should be able to: - Understand the role of nuclear reactors in the energy sector; - To assess the environmental effects of the use of nuclear power plants; - To solve problems, apply their knowledge in solving specific problems and situations; - To understand the nature and the social significance of future vocational and educational activities. - Forms of final control-examination.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media The use of electronic and paper versions of educational and methodical- FIR complex discipline, applied computer presentations. Literature 1.Muhin KN Experimental Nuclear Physics. Volume I. Physics of yadra.-M. Energoatomizdat, 1983.-616 with. (Chapter IV. Interaction of particles with matter. Pp. 269-331). (ru) 2. Rakobolskaya IV Nuclear physics. Moscow: Moscow State University. 1985. - 297 With. (Chapter IV. Interaction of particles with matter. P. 130-168). (ru) 3. Alexander Naumov Nuclear and Particle elemetarnyh. -M.: Prosveschenie.1984.-384s. (Part One. Theoretical and experimental methods. Pp. 20-77). (ru) 4.Voronin LM Features of operation and remnota plant. - M., 1981. (ru) 5.Dementev BA Nuclear power reactors. - M., 1984. (ru) 6.Egorov YA Fundamentals of radiation safety of nuclear power plants. - M., 1982. (ru) 7.Margulova TH Nuclear Power Plants. Moscow, 1984. (ru) 8.Rudik AP Physical principles of nuclear reactors. – M., 1979. (ru) 9. VA Nikerov. Electron beams at work. , Energoatomizdat. 1988. -128 C. (ru) 10. Ќozhamќұlov B.Ә. Ќatty Dene fizikasynyң negіzderі. Almaty. Abay atyndaғy ЌazҰPU. 2008. -118 B. (kaz) 11. Galanin AD Introduction to the theory of nuclear thermal reactors. - M., 1984. (ru)

Module name Actual problems of modern physics Abbreviation APSF 5201 Module level the basis of specialty 155

Semester 2 Module coordinator М.S. Moldabekova Lecturer Prof. of KNPU named after Abay, Balkiya Akitay Estibaevna Language Kazakh, Russian and English Classification within the Obligatory Module, Basic Discipline (BD), SOSE RK 5.04.033-2011, curriculum SOSE RK 7.09.133-2010 Teaching format / class Intramural form of training hours per week during the forms of Education Lectures Practical Laboratory semester Number of hours 15 15 - Audience hours in a week 1 1 - Dimensions of group (person) 7-10 7-10 -

Workload Total hours Classroom work and individual work Lek Prac Lab IWMT IWM 150 15 15 - 45 75 Credit points 2 KZ, 5 ECTS Requirements under the Basic knowledge of calculus, vector algebra, the main sections of general and examination regulations theoretical physics, working knowledge with reference books and computer. Recommended Principles of mathematical analysis, vector algebra courses of general and prerequisites theoretical physics. Targeted learning - The process of the discipline is aimed at forming and development of the outcomes following competencies: - -readiness to integrate the knowledge gained in different disciplines to address research, teaching, educational problems in research and teaching; -the ability to conduct analytical and bibliographic information and work with the application of modern information technology; - - The ability to solve physical problems of theoretical and applied research, conduct statistical analysis of the results of the experiment, to conduct scientific and technical documentation; - - Proficiency scientific analysis of physical phenomena, their quantitative description; - Readiness to conduct classes with in-depth theoretical and practical study of modern physics in secondary and higher education institutions. Contents Subject and problems of modern physics. Introduction. Physical methods: empirical and theoretical. The main stages of the development of physics. The concept of the scientific and technological revolution. Modern physical picture of the world. The development of physical principles and laws. Limits of applicability of Newton. The determinism of Laplace. Manifestation of determinism in modern physics. Einstein's postulates. Planck's hypothesis, Einstein, Bohr, de Broglie wave-particle duality. Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Elementary particles. Basic properties. Classes interactions. Characteristics of elementary particles. Weinberg-Salam model, the unified theory of weak and electromagnetic interactions. Modern problems of quantum physical phenomena. Superconductivity. Classical and quantum Hall effects. Josephson effect. The quantum tunneling effect and microscopy Actual problems of modern astrophysics. Space stations and space research. The use of satellites and interplanetary probes, the data of astrophysical observations. The universe. Stars and their education. Neutron stars. Black holes. The expansion of the universe. Relict radiation. Problem of dark matter and dark energy. Evidence of the existence of dark matter and dark energy. The composition of dark matter. Cosmology. Contact cosmology and high energy physics. Inflationary model (inflationary) universe.


Modern physics: the integration of science and technology. Controlled thermonuclear fusion. Quantum Electronics. Applied x-ray optics. Scientific problems of ecologyоптика. Study / exam As a result of the discipline master student must demonstrate: achievements - Knowledge of the basic laws of physics, modern scientific issues that relevant; - The ability to properly relate the Content of the physical observations of the fundamental physical theories, effectively apply them to address specific scientific and methodological problems; - Understanding of the possible ways of improving the quality of teaching physics with the help of new information technologies in education; - The use of scientific, educational and methodological literature on physics for the selection and study of educational material; - Understanding of the nature and social significance of future vocational and educational activities.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media The use of electronic and paper versions of educational and methodical- FIR complex discipline, applied computer presentations. Literature 1 Shpolsky E.V.Atomnaya physics. Introduction to Atomic Physics. In 2 vols. - Moscow: Lan, 2010. - 560. (ru) 2 KN Mukhin Experimental Nuclear Physics. In the 3 volumes. - M. Lan, 2008. (ru) 3 VS Murzin Cosmic ray astrophysics: Uch.posobie sәulelenu.-M.: Logos, 2007. - 488 p. (ru) 4 Moldabekova M.S.Termodinamika irreversible processes. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2004.-102 with. (kaz) 5 S. Hawking And Mlodinow L. The Grand Design. - NewYork: Bantam Books, 2010.

Module name Modern methods of teaching general physics Abbreviation SMPOKF6302

Module level the basis of specialty Semester 3 Responsible for the module М.S. Moldabekova Lecturer Prof. of KNPU named after Abay, Balkiya Akitay Estibaevna Language Kazakh and Russian Classification within the The module of choice 8,МВ8.КВ 2.2, SOSE RK 5.04.033-2011, curriculum SOSE RK 7.09.133-2010 Teaching format / class Intramural form of training hours per week during the forms of Education Lectures Practical Laboratory semester Number of hours 15 15 - Audience hours in a week 1 1 - Dimensions of group (person) 7-10 7-10 -

Workload Total hours Classroom work and individual work Lek Prac Lab IWMT IWM 150 15 15 - 45 75 Credit points 2 KZ , 5 ECTS Requirements under the The main sections of general and theoretical physics, method of teaching physics examination regulations working knowledge with reference books and computer. Recommended General course of physics and theoretical physics. 157 prerequisites Targeted learning The process of the discipline aims to forming and development of the following outcomes competencies: -ready integrate the knowledge gained in different disciplines to address research, teaching, educational problems in research and teaching; -the ability to conduct analytical and bibliographic information and work with the application of modern information technology; - The ability to solve physical problems of general physics course, to conduct statistical analysis of the results of the experiment, to conduct scientific and technical documentation; - Proficiency scientific analysis of physical phenomena, their quantitative description; - ready to conduct classes with in-depth theoretical and practical study of teaching general physics universities. Contents Subject, tasks and methods of pedagogy of higher education. The object and purpose of education in institution of higher education. Psihologo – pedagogical characteristics of the student. Skills teacher of high school. The learning process in institution of higher education. Typical program for the specialty "Physics". Professional activities. General description of the methods of teaching general physics course in high school. The basic concept of teaching methods of general physics. Lecture general physics course. The goals, objectives and functions of the lecture. Structure and types of lectures. Requirements for the Content of lectures. The criteria for assessing the quality of the lecture. Common methods of learning general physics course. Methods of generalization and systematization of fundamental theories. Induction and deduction, analogy and models in teaching physics. Independent work of students in general physics. Goals and objectives of students' independent work. Forms and types of independent work. The research work of students in general physics. Goals and objectives of the research work of students. Course work, graduate work, research work of students general physics course. Test your knowledge and skills of students in general physics. The main purpose of testing knowledge and skill tasks skills. Stages and types of knowledge skill checks skills. Assessment of Knowledge and Skills. The implementation of new educational technologies in higher education. Kinds of new educational technologies. Efficiency and quality of research and teaching technology. Social organizations of higher education. Goals and objectives of public organizations in the higher education zavedenie.Kinds of community organizations in higher education. Study / exam achievements As a result of the discipline master student must demonstrate: knowledge of the principles and structure of the organization of scientific activities, the psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process; ability of cognitive psychology students in the learning process, use interactive teaching methods, to conduct information analysis and information-bibliographic work using modern information technologies; understanding of the professional competence of a high school teacher, on possible ways to improve the quality of teaching general physics course with the help of new information technologies in education; using of scientific, educational and methodological literature on physics for the selection and study of educational material; understanding of the nature and social significance of future vocational and educational activities.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the 158

regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media Uses an electronic and paper versions of teaching methods of discipline, uses computer presentations. Reading list 1. 1. Savelyev IV General physics, - St. Petersburg.: Lan, 2006 (ru) 2. E. Frish, Timoreva AV Physics course. - T.1.-3. St. Petersburg.: Lan, 2006 (ru) 3. Grabowski, RI Physics course. - St. Petersburg.: Lan, 2006 (ru) 4. Fishbane P., Gasiorowicz S., Thornton S. Phisics for Scientists and Engineers (extended version).-Prentice Hall, Ine., 2005 (ru) 5. Serway R., Jewett J. Phisics for Scientists and Engineers.-6th Edition Thomson Brooks / Cole, 2004. 6. Ќoyshybaev N. Mechanic. - Almaty: Ziyati Press, 2005 (kaz) 7. Uspanov KS Theory and practice of professionally significant qualities of future teachers. - Almaty.-Gylym, 1999.-227 with. (kaz) 8. Galiyev T.T.Sistemny approach to intensify the learning process. Shymkent. 1998.-129 with. (ru)

Module name Logical- Psyhological bases of solving problem in physics Abbreviation LPORZF6304

Module level the basis of specialty Semester 3 Module coordinator М.S. Moldabekova Lecturer Prof. of KNPU named after Abay, Balkiya Akitay Estibaevna Language Kazakh and Russian Classification within the The module of choice 8,МВ8.КВ 2.2, SOSE RK 5.04.033-2011, curriculum SOSE RK 7.09.133-2010 Teaching format / class Intramural form of training hours per week during the forms of Education Lectures Practical Laboratory semester Number of hours 15 15 - Audience hours in a week 1 1 - Dimensions of group (person) 7-10 7-10 -

Workload Total hours Classroom work and individual work Lek Prac Lab IWMT IWM 150 15 15 - 45 75 Credit points 2 KZ , 5 ECTS Requirements under the Basic knowledge of mathematical analysis vector algebra, the main sections of examination regulations General and Theoretical Physics, possession skills to work with reference literature and a computer. Recommended General physics. The method of teaching physics. The Course of Theoretical prerequisites Physics. Targeted learning The process of the discipline aims to forming and development of the following outcomes competencies: -the ability to use systematic theoretical and practical knowledge in general physics. -the ability to conduct analytical and information bibliographic work using modern information technologies; - The ability to solve physical problems of general physics, statistical processing of the experimental results, conduct scientific and technical documentation; - A willingness to conduct classes with intensive theoretical and practical study of teaching general physics. Contents The physical problems and the nature of the process of solving problems. The complexity and difficulty of tasks. Physical problems and their features. Psychological features of the solution process of the physical problem .. 159

classification of physical problems. Methods of solving physical problems. Acceptance of the separation of complex tasks on a number of simple solution is known. Acceptance of reducing the problem to a number of increasingly simplified the task. Methods for solving physical problems. Analytical method. Analytic - synthetic method. Synthetic method. Methods of teaching to solve physical problems of different types. General algorithm for solving problems. Scheme for solving quality problems. The main steps of the solution graphics tasks. Analysis of the Content and structure of the physical problems. Structural and logical analysis. Analysis of the Content and structure. Compilation of new physical problems. Types of drawing tasks. The methodology of the studies to address the physical problems. Test papers. Types of test papers. Control and reinforcement of knowledge and skills of students. Securing the new material. Individual work of students in solving physics problems. Individual work of students and cards with the tasks. Study / exam As a result of the discipline master student must demonstrate: achievements fundamental knowledge of theoretical physics, the problems of the educational process; psychological methods and means to improve the efficiency and quality of education; ability to integrate the knowledge gained in the framework of different disciplines to solve research problems in new unfamiliar surroundings; idea on how to improve the quality of teaching physics using new information technologies in education; using of scientific, educational and methodological literature on physics for the selection and study of educational material; understanding of the nature and social significance of future vocational and educational activities. Forms of media Uses an electronic and paper versions of teaching methods of discipline, uses computer presentations. Literature 1. 1. Savelyev IV General physics, - St. Petersburg.: Lan, 2006 (ru) 2. E. Frish, Timoreva AV Physics course. - T.1.-SPb.: Lan, 2006 (ru) 3. Fishbane P., Gasiorowicz S., Thornton S. Phisics for Scientists and Engineers (extended version).-Prentice Hall, Ine., 2005 (ru) 4. Serway R., Jewett J. Phisics for Scientists and Engineers.-6th Edition Thomson Brooks / Cole, 2004 (ru) 5. L. Friedman Logic and psychological analysis of school education zadach. M: Pedagogy, 1998. (ru) 6. AJ Esaulov Psychology solutions zadach. M: High School, 1995.

Module name Actual issues of Content of secondary physical education Abbreviation AVSSFO5203

Module level Basics of the specialty Semester 3 Module coordinator Moldabekova M.S Lecturers Professor of KazNPU named after Abay, Akitay Balkiya Estibaykyzy Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Module Selection 3, MV3. HF 2.2, SES RK 5.04.033-2011, curriculum SES RK 7.09.133-2010 Teaching format / class Internal form of training hours per week during the Types of lessons Lectures Practical Lab. semester The number of hours 15 15 - Contact hours per week 1 1 -


Group size (people) 7-10 7-10 -

Workload Total number of hours Class work and individual work Lec Prac Lab IWMT IWM 150 15 15 - 45 75 Credit points 2 KZ , 5 ECTS Conditions for admission The school course of physics, working knowledge with reference books and to study within the computer. module Recommended The course of physics in secondary educational institutions. prerequisites Targeted learning The process of studying the discipline directed on formation and development of outcomes the following competencies:  willingness to critically analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to the analysis of processes and phenomena;  the ability to conduct analytical and information - bibliographic work with the application of modern information technologies;  apply knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of higher education in its pedagogical activity;  proficiency scientific analysis of physical phenomena, their quantitative description;  readiness to conduct classes with in-depth theoretical and practical study of modern physics in secondary educational institutions. Content The educational standard in physics. The goals and objectives of education in high school by the new standard. Characteristics of programs and packages for high school. Structure course in physics in secondary educational institutions. Features of physics teaching in various educational institutions and vocational schools. Characteristics of electronic publications as aids for the school. The role and place of computer technology in the learning process. Electronic textbooks on physics for grades 7-11. Fundamental theories in the school course of physics. Structure general theory. The structure of the fundamental theories of physics. Formation of physical picture of the world through learning fundamental physical theories. The formation of the modern physical picture of the world. The material world. Properties of space and time. The occurrence of the fundamental theories of physics. Systematization of the course Content of physics around the physical theories. Direction of generalization and systematization of physical theories. Facts experiments. Ideas, hypotheses. Definitions, basic concepts, results. Evidence for the experiment. The limit of application. Methods of studying Newton's theory of classical mechanics Scientific and methodical analysis of the concepts work and energy. Foundation, the nucleus and the conclusions of the Newton's theory of classical mechanics. Generalization and systematize theories of classical Newtonian mechanics. Method for studying molecule kinetic theory and the foundations of thermodynamics. Specific Methods of studying gas laws and methods of learning system fundamentals of thermodynamics and MKT. Methods of generalization and systematization molecule kinetic theory. Substantiation the study of the fundamental theories of electrodynamics. Scientific and methodical analysis of the basic concepts section electrodynamics. Explanation of the structure and properties of matter using the electronic theory. The structure of the classical electronic theory. Method of study of Maxwell's theory of electromagnetic waves. Scientific and methodical analysis on the topic of electromagnetic waves. Maxwell's equations. Features of study of the special theory of relativity. The system structure of the special theory of relativity. The basic postulates of the theory of relativity. Method for studying of the theory of quantum physics. Features of the study of quantum


physics. Methodology of generalization and systematization of the theory of quantum physics. Study / exam A result of the discipline master student must demonstrate: achievements - knowledge of the basic laws of physics, modern scientific issues that relevant; - The ability to properly relate the Content of the physical observations of the fundamental physical theories, effectively apply them to address specific scientific and methodological problems; - understanding of the possible ways of improving the quality of teaching physics with the help of new information technologies in education; - the use of scientific, educational and methodological literature on physics for the selection and study of educational material; - understanding of the nature and social significance of future vocational and educational activities.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media It is used of electronic and paper versions of educational and methodical complex of discipline, applied computer presentations. Literature 1. Sharonova V.N. Method of formation of the scientific worldview of students in teaching physics. -M.: MPUU. 1995.-170 p. (ru) 2. Ponomarev L.I. Under the sign of the quantum.-M.: Science.1989.-366p. (ru) 3. Pupils about modern physics. / Compiled by VN Rudenko. – The Enlightenment, 1990.–175 p. (ru) 4. Uspanov K.S. Theory and practice of professionally significant qualities in future of teachers. -Almaty-Gylym, 1999-227 p. (ru) 5. Galiyev T.T. Systematic approach to the intensification of educational processes. -Shymkent. 1998.-129 p. (ru0 6. Moschansky V.N. Generalization outlook of the pupils in the study of physics.-M.: Education, 1989.-189 p. (ru)

Module name Physical foundations of nanotechnology Abbreviation FON 5202

Module level Basics of specialty Semester 2 Module coordinator Kurmangaliyeva V.O

Lecturer c.p.-m.s., senior techer Kurmangaliyeva V.O Language Kazakh, Russian, English Classification within the Obligatory module, BD, SOSE RK 5.04.033-2011, curriculum SOSE RK 7.09.133-2010 Teaching format / class Internal form of training hours per week during the Types of lessons Lectures Practical Lab. semester The number of hours 15 - 15 Contact hours per week 1 - 1 Group size (people) 7-10 7-10

Workload Total number of hours Class work and individual work Lec Prac Lab IWMT IWM 150 15 - 15 45 75 Credit points 2 KZ , 5 ECTS Requirements under the The knowledge of the basics of mathematical analysis, vector algebra, the main examination regulations sections of general and theoretical physics, working knowledge with reference


books and computer. Recommended Principles of mathematical analysis, vector algebra courses of general and prerequisites theoretical physics. Targeted learning The process of the discipline is aimed at forming and development of the following outcomes competencies: - readiness to integrate the knowledge gained in different disciplines to address research, teaching, educational problems in research and teaching; - the ability to conduct analytical and bibliographic information and work with the application of modern information technology; - the ability to solve physical problems of theoretical and applied research, conduct statistical analysis of the results of the experiment, to conduct scientific and technical documentation; - proficiency scientific analysis of physical phenomena, their quantitative description; - readiness to conduct classes with in-depth theoretical and practical study of modern physics in secondary and higher education institutions. Content An introduction to nanotechnology. The history of development of nanotechnology. Multi and interdisciplinary. The basic concepts and definitions. Features of the physical interactions on the nanoscale. Quantum effects in nanostructures. The special role of carbon in the nanoworld. Fullerenes. Graphene. Nanotubes. Practical application. The classification of nanomaterials. Nanoparticles. Nanoporous materials. Nanodispersions. Dendrimers. Nanowires. Nanocomposites. Technology for production of nanomaterials. Technologies of the "top-down" and "bottom-up" approach. Epitaxy and lithography. Electron lithography. Photolithography. Types of lithography. Electron-beam lithography. The use of photolithography Self-organization and self-assembly in nanotechnology. The basic properties of self-organizing systems. The use of self-organization in nanotechnology. Transmission electron microscopy. Scanning Electron Microscopy. Field ion microscopy. The principle of operation of EPM. The principle of the ESM. The principle of the SLM. Advantages and disadvantages. Scanning probe microscopy. Scanning tunneling microscopy. Atomic force microscopy. Principle of SPM. The principle of STM. The principle of the AFM. Advantages and disadvantages. Blizkopolnaja scanning optical microscopy. The probe nanolithography. Laser tweezers. Principle of NSOM. Probe nanolithography - a tool for creating nano-objects. Laser tweezers - a tool for the movement of nano-objects. The structure, properties and applications of basic nanomaterials: Fuller. Fuller. Fullerene structure for practical applications. Nanoclusters, quantum dots. Clusters and features of their properties. Methods for obtaining clusters, the magic numbers. Quantum dots to guyed wires and quantum wells. Mysteries of the nanoworld. Application of HT to reduce the size of devices. Promising directions of nanomaterials and nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is all around us: reality and prospects. Nanotechnology. Catalysts and filters. Nanotechnology in medicine, cosmetics and food industry. Nanotechnology in military affairs. The use of nanotechnology. Present and future of nanotechnology. Study / exam A result of the discipline master student must demonstrate: achievements - Knowledge of the basic laws of physics, modern scientific issues that relevant; - the ability to properly relate the Content of the physical observations of the fundamental physical theories, effectively apply them to address specific scientific and methodological problems; - understanding of the basic processes by which creates nanoscale (quantum size) 163

elements and structures; - the use of scientific, educational and methodological literature on physics for the selection and study of educational material; - understanding of the nature and social significance of future vocational and educational activities.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media It is used of electronic and paper versions of teaching methods of discipline, applied computer presentations. Literature 1. Koboyasi N. Introduction to nanotechnology. M. BINOM 2005. -134. (ru) 2. Poole, C., Owens, F. Nanotehnologii.-M.: Technosphere, 2004.-328 p. (ru) 3. Golovin, Y. An introduction to nanotechnology. Mechanical engineering. 2007.- 496p. (ru) 4. Vityaz P.A, N.A Svidunovich. Basics of nanotechnology and nanomaterials Study Guide for universities. B: Higher School, 2009. - 301. 5. Andrievskiy R.A, A.V Ragulya. Moscow: Academia, 2005. - 192 c. 6. Mironov V. Basics of scanning probe microscopy. M. Techno sphere, 2005.- 144p. (ru) 7. Maltsev P.P. Collection of Nanomaterials Nanotechnology. Nanosystems technology, (Peace of materials and technologies. Achieve the World in 2005). M. Techno sphere, 2006.-152 with. (ru)

Module name Interdisciplinary communication of physics Abbreviation IKTO 6301

Module level Basics of specialty Semester 3 Module coordinator Moldabekova M.S Lecturer d.p.s., associate professor Kazakhbaeva Danakul Mukazhanovna Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Module Selection 5, MV5, SES RK 5.04.033-2011, curriculum SES RK 7.09.133-2010 Teaching format / class Internal form of training hours per week during Types of lessons Lectures Practical Lab. the semester The number of hours 30 15 - Contact hours per week 2 1 - Group size (people) 7-10 7-10 -

Labor Content Total number of hours Class work and individual work 225 30 15 - 60 120 Credit points 3 KZ , 8 ECTS Requirements under the The knowledge sections of general and theoretical physics, working knowledge with examination regulations reference books and computer. Recommended Courses of the general and theoretical physics, methods of the teaching physics prerequisites Targeted learning The process of the discipline is aimed at forming and development of the following outcomes competencies: - willingness to integrate the knowledge gained in a variety of disciplines to address researching, methodological, pedagogical tasks in research and teaching; - the ability to provide analysis and information and bibliographic work with the use of modern information technologies; - the ability to solve problems of cross-curriculum Content, conduct scientific and 164

technical documentation; - proficiency of scientific analysis and forecasting of various phenomena and processes in the work on interdisciplinary projects; - readiness to conduct interdisciplinary nature of the class, integrated lessons in secondary and higher education institutions. Content Integration of science and technology. The role and importance of interdisciplinary connections in the school course of physics and ways to implement it. Integrated course "Physics and Astronomy" (Grade 7). Ways of implementing interdisciplinary connections in the study of the subject "Physics and Astronomy", the relationship of the concepts of celestial bodies with the knowledge of the subjects studied in grades 4-7, the movement of the sun and moon, eclipse them. Interdisciplinary communication in the course of physics 8-11. Guidelines for the implementation of interdisciplinary connections, the use of knowledge on the physics of 8-11 in the study of other subjects, the task of interdisciplinary Content. The methodology of interdisciplinary programs. The use of materials related subjects in physics classes: a reminder, retelling, comparing, comparison, historical review, work with pictures, videos, computer materials, production of problematic issues, tasks for independent work, etc. Interdisciplinary elective courses. The objectives of interdisciplinary elective courses in physics, the principles of selection of their Content, methods of elective courses and criteria for selection of forms and methods of extracurricular activities. The development of interdisciplinary programs applied courses. Goals and objectives of applied courses interdisciplinary nature, the principles and criteria for selecting the Content of applied courses, methods of applied courses. Interdisciplinary communication in co-curricular activities. Evenings Physics - Mathematics - Biology - Chemistry - Geography, quizzes, competitions, conferences, excursions, mugs, entertaining experiences The interconnection of spatial, temporal and quantitative concepts. Drawing up of inter-subject tests, exercises and problems, their discussion. "A modern physical picture of the world." The definition of the scientific world, the evolution of the scientific world, the main stages of development of physics as a science, the fundamental physical theories that have contributed to the justification of the modern physical picture of the world. Study / exam As a result of the discipline master student must demonstrate: achievements - knowledge intersubject's connected to it, yavlyayuschi x Xia means of control of formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in physics, and put her and the opportunity to improve the quality of her knowledge; - ability analyze teaching materials in the scientific and educational literature in physics and physics to carry out interdisciplinary communication with other items; - understanding of the possible ways of improving the quality of teaching physics with the help of new information technologies in education; - the use of scientific, educational and methodological literature on physics for the selection and study of educational material; - understanding of the nature and social significance of future vocational and educational activities.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media It is used the electronic and paper versions of educational complex discipline, applied computer presentation. Literature 1. Interdisciplinary communication course in physics in high school / Y. Dick and others-M.: Education, 1987.-191 p. (ru) 165

2. Moldabekova M.S. The formation at the bachelor professional competence in molecular physics / / Bulletin of the KazNU, physical series. - № 1 (36), 2011. - P.93-97. (kaz)

Module name: Pedagogical practice Sub-heading: Pedagogical practice Abbreviation: PPM Semester: 4 Module coordinator: Cand. Of ped. sciences, prof. B.E.Akitai Lecturer: Cand. Of ped. sciences, prof. B.E.Akitai Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. U.Tokbergenova Language: Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Module of optional training (OT). SCSE RK 7.09.134-2010 curriculum: Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of classes Lecture Ped. practice semester: Number of hours 90 Class hours per week Number of students 10-15

Workload: Total Classroom work and self-study Lecture Practice Lab Tutorial Self- s lessons lessons study Full-time 90 90

Credit point: 3 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge on the modules of the disciplines of Master degree program: examination regulations: Knowledge of physics disciplines required for developing a competent professional; Theoretical knowledge of teaching methods; Knowledge of methods of solving physics problems; Knowledge of techniques of handling modern equipment; Knowledge and ability to apply information and innovative pedagogical technology to professional activity. Recommended prerequisites: Pedagogy of high school, Psychology, Methods of teaching physics, Modern physics education, Practicum on solving physics problems, Methodological fundamentals of solving physics problems, Scientific fundamentals of school course of physics Targeted learning outcomes: Developing Social competences: - improving professional competence, - developing professional qualities of a teacher, - improving theoretical knowledge gained when studying pedagogy of high school, psychology of high school, physics disciplines of Master degree program and Methods of teaching higher education institution disciplines, - realizing person-oriented, activity-oriented and competence-oriented approaches in organizing educational process at higher education institutions, - ability to assess the level of development of students‟ key competences. Professional competences: - developing social, special, personal, individual, educational competences of a university teacher, especially: - familiarization with new psychological-pedagogical and methodological achievements of Kazakhstan‟s scientists; - understanding the methodology of secondary and higher education, profile 166

teaching; Special competences: - gaining professional experience, gaining new knowledge of problems concerning university education; - realizing reflexive activity; - determining individual trajectory of a university teacher‟s professional development. Content: 1. Preparing for educational activity: A pedagogical practice is realized in the form of classroom and (or) methodical work relevant to a Master degree student‟s specialization. Before the pedagogical practice starts the students have a meeting at which Master degree students:: - familiarize with its objectives, tasks, content and organizational forms; - are instructed about safety measures; - get the task to develop his/her individual plan of practice, which is to be approved by the supervisor and included into the practice task; - together with the supervisor a student chooses a discipline for preparing and conducting lessons. 2. Practice on a discipline: Master degree students get topics of current importance. They should choose a topic and: - study relevant psychological-pedagogical literature; - study the experience of teaching methodological and special disciplines; - develop methodical recommendations for conducting a lesson (a part of a lesson), conduct it, estimate effectiveness of the methods developed. Students can choose disciplines from the work program of the chair on “Pedagogical practice”. A student can offer a topic himself. When choosing a topic a student should take into consideration its topicality for the chair and connection with his dissertation. 3. Practice on educational work: - organizing and conducting out-of-classroom educational work with students as a tutor of a group; - making plan-scenario of out-of-classroom activities; - choosing forms and methods taking into account students‟ specialization, - working with group active members, filling in a tutor register; 4. Participation in the methodological work of the chair; 5. Scientific research (SR): - individual tasks on SR; - performing scientific research tasks-projects. 6. Requirements for the report on pedagogical practice. Study / exam achievements: As a result of a pedagogical practice a Master degree student must demonstrate knowledge of: - the disciplines studied within the Master degree program; - methods of preparing and conducting different forms of lessons; - methods of analyzing lessons; - modern educational technologies; - the structure, content and organization of the educational process at a university; - material and technical equipment of a methodical classroom; - educational planning documentation on the discipline (syllabus, work program, standard program, educational and methodical complex of the discipline, , educational and methodical complex of the discipline for students); - acquiring skills of self-education and self-perfection, - activating scientific-pedagogical activities of Master degree students. Ability of: - realizing methodical work on projecting and organizing lessons; - speaking in public and creating a creative atmosphere during lessons; 167

- analyzing problems arising in pedagogical activities and creating an activity plan for solving them; - carrying out psychological-pedagogical research independently; - self-control and self-assessment of the process and results of pedagogical activity. Should have skills of: - working at methodological literature, selecting study material; - choosing methods and facilities of teaching relevant to the objectives and content of the study material and psychological-pedagogical features of students; - planning cognitive work of students and ability of organizing it. Skills of: organization, communication, gaining information, orientation (educating), developing, methodology. Generalizing knowledge on fundamental and school physics for synthesizing the study process; Ability to connect modern pedagogical technologies for solving different methodical problems; reveal and forecast technological solutions in the sphere of pedagogical mastery, ability of individual work and working in groups; of organizing and realizing scientific research activities and pupil projects; of taking a relevant managerial responsibility.

Form of exam: orally

The control over students‟ achievements is realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media: There are paper and electronic versions of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. Projectors, interactive blackboard, PC are used. Multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities are uset at lessons. Literature: 1. S.D.Smirnov Pedagogy and Psychology of higher education. / S.D.Smirnov.- М.: Aspect Press. 1995 – p. 271 (ru) 2. S.D.Smirnov Pedagogy and Psychology of higher education / S.D.Smirnov. – М.: Academiya, 2003 – p. 304 (ru) 3. V.A.Yakunina Pedagogical psychology / V.A.Yakunina. – 2d edition. – Mikhailov‟s edition. 2000 – p. 349 (ru) 4. Pedagogy [Text]: Textbook for HEI / P.I.Pidkasistyi - М.: Russia‟s Ped. society, 2004. – p. 608 (ru) 5. System analysis and making decisions [Text]; dictionary-handbook / V.N.Volkova, V.N.Kozlov – М.: High school, 2004. – p. 616 (ru)

Module name Research practice Module level Fundamentals of specialty Abbreviation SP-F Semester 4 Module coordinator Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. M.S.Moldabekova Lecturers Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. M.S.Moldabekova, Cand. Of ped. sciences, prof. B.E.Akitai, Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. D.M.Kazakhbayeva, Doctor of phy.-math sciences, prof. A.Baimakhanuly Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within Required component. (RC). SCSE RK 6.08.067-2010 the curriculum


Teaching format / Full-time class hours per week Forms of lessons Lectures Research during the semester Number of hours 90 Class hours per week Size of groups (students) 10-15

Workload 3 credit points of practice are 90 hours (50 min each) for research practice. Duration – 3 weeks

Credit points 3 KZ (8 ECTS) Requirements under Basic knowledge on modules of the disciplines of Master degree program: the examination - knowledge of physical disciplines required for developing a competent regulations professional; - theoretical knowledge on teaching methods; - knowledge of methods of solving Physics problems; - knowledge of organizing and carrying out pedagogical research; - knowledge and ability to apply information and innovative pedagogical technologies to professional activities. Recommended Pedagogy of high school, Psychology, Mehtods of teaching Physics, Modern prerequisites physical education, Scientific fundamentals of school course of Physics, General course of Physics Targeted learning Developing research competence: outcomes - acquaintance with new scientific psychological-pedagogical and methodical achievements of Kazakhstani scientists; - developing professional knowledge gained in the process of learning and developing practical abilities and skills of carrying out independent scientific research, and: - consolidating, improving and enlarging the theoretical knowledge gained when studying special disciplines; - gaining experience of research on Physics; - gaining material for carrying out scientific research of a Master degree student (NIRM); - gaining material for writing up a Master degree dissertation. Content 1. Participation in the introductory conference – familiarization with the practice program and relevant methodical material. 2. Acquiring methodical material of the practice and defining a subject field for carrying out his/her pedagogical research. 3. Developing the research program. First of all work research concepts are specified and work stages are detailed: gaining material, its analysis and processing, estimation and interpretation of results, designing a scientific report (if necessary – together with the practice supervisor). 4. Gaining relevant information – empirical material. The relevant to the practice conditions form of work is used – within the general methods: observation, experiment, modeling. If it was decided to carry out an experiment then at the previous stage it should have been organized. 5. Preliminary description of the material gained: its general content-related characteristics, its formal analysis and grouping. 6. Processing of empirical material. It is carried out with accordance with the original definitions, with the nature of the material inself and with accepted paragigm of the approach to a research object (analytic, synthetic or integral) in different scales of the characteristics of the material: from “within”, typologically, situationally. 7. Assessment and interpretation of the results obtained. In particular, conclusions from the work done are made, and recommendations supposing applying the gained results are formulated.


8. Presenting the research carried out in the form of a scientific report. In the report each stage of work is described, visual forms of presenting material are used: charts, tables, diagrams, graphs, pictures. 9. Preparing the report on NIP, which includes a scientific report as the main part. The report on practice should include a conclusion – the text of 10 minute‟s presentation at a final conference. Demonstration materials are enclosed. 10. Presentation at a final conference concerning the results of the practice and participation in discussing presentations of other trainees.

Form of exam: orally

Study / exam A Master degree student should be aware of: achievements - the importance of science and education for social life; - modern tendencies of development of scientific knowledge; - urgent methodological and philosophic problems of natural sciences; - professional competence of a high school teacher; know: - methodology of scientific knowledge; - principles and structure of organizing scientific activity; Be able to: - apply the knowledge gained to developing ideas in the context of scientific research; - critically analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to analyzing processes and phenomena; - integrate the knowledge gained within different disciplines for solving research problems in new unknown conditions; - by integrating knowledge discuss and make decisions on the basis of incomplete information; - apply knowledge of high school pedagogy and psychology to his/her research activity; - apply interactive teaching methods; - do information-analytic and information-bibliographic work using modern IT; - creatively think and creatively solve new problems and situations; - speak foreign language at a professional level. The control over students‟ achievements is realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are paper and electronic versions of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. Projectors, interactive blackboard, PC are used. Multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities are used at lessons Literature 1. State compulsory standard of education of the republic of Kazakhstan. Post- graduate education. Master degree. SCSE RK 5.04.033 – 2011. (ru, kaz). 2. V.I.Zagvyazinskiy Research activity of pedagogue. / V.I.Zagvyazinskiy. – Mocsow: Academy, 2010. – p. 176 (ru). 3. V.I.Zagvyazinskiy Pedagogical innovatics: problems of strategy and tactics: monography / V.I.Zagvyazinskiy, Т. А.Strokova; Tumen state university. - Tumen: TumSU, 2011. – p.176. (ru).

Module name Writing up and defense of master’s dissertations Module level Abbreviation NIRM 170

Classes Organizing and carrying out pedagogical research

Semester 1-4 Module coordinator Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. M.S.Moldabekova Lecturer

Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Required component. (RC). SCSE RK 6.08.067-2010 curriculum Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Scientific research Writing up Final semester dissertation attestation Number of hours 120 54х6=324 15х7=105 Group size 10-15 (students)

Workload Full-time 549 54 hours per week (9 hours a day including self-study, 6 days a week). One credit point of NIRM is 120 (15х8) hours, that is 2,2 weeks. One credit point of final attestation is 105 (15х7) hours, i.e. 2 weeks: 15 contact hours with a teacher and 90 hours for self-study. I credit point is for preparing and passing a comlex examination, i.e. 2 weeks. 3 credit points are for writing and defending a Master degree dissertation, i.e. 6 weeks: the process of working at a dissertation is not included in these 3 credit points. It is done during a Master degree student‟s scientific research (experimental research). Credit points 7 KZ (28 ECTS)

Requirements under the - knowing modern problems of the given field of knowledge: examination regulations - knowledge of the history of development of the specific scientific problem, its role and place in the scientific aspect under study; - specific knowledge on the scientific problem under study; - ability to realize scientific research, experimental work in one or another scientific sphere connected with Master degree program (Master degree dissertation ); - ability to work with specific software and specific Internet resources, etc. Recommended History and philosophy of science; Foreign language; Psychology; Pedagogy; prerequisites Actual problems of modern Physics; Physical fundamentals of Atomic Energetics; Physicsl fundamentals of nanotechnology; Interdisciplinary relations of Physics; Modern methods of teaching general course of Physics; Logical-psychological fundamentals of solving Physics problems; Actual problems of the content of secondary physical education Targeted learning To prepare a Master degree student to work at scientific research independently, outcomes the result of which is writing and defending a Master degree dissertation, and to cultivate his/her skills of carrying out scientific research in a creative group. Content by semesters NIRM is structeuted byn semesters, in each semester specific problems are solved and reflected in NIRM reports Scientific research in the Selecting and studying literary sources, normative-regulatory documents first semester (NIRM.01) concerning dissertation, understanding the place of the dissertation topic in the general system of scientific knowledge on this topic, developing preliminary problem definition. After a Master degree student gets acquainted with the literature, he/she specifies the subject of his/her scientific research together with his/her scientific advisor. At this stage the student studies the literary sources more 171

properly. It is better to study all the sources connected with the topic including the material published in various Kazakhstani and foreign editions, official materials. Studying the subject is more advisable to begin with the acquaintance with the informational editions containing the current information about the publications themselves and the most essencial aspects of their content.. Scientific research in the Detailing, final defining a research problem including describing the second object under research, developing objectives and criteria, searching methods of semester (NIRM.02) solving, retrieving the information about the modern conditions and prospects of development of educational physics, reasoning the method of analysis chosen, research techniques. The problem defined is to be so that predicted results contain new, essencial things. The pilot study is to be aimed at solving new research projects in the sphere of educational physics, at scientific novelty, and its theoretical and practical importance. In the process of developing the methods of analyzing the Master degree dissertation it is recommended to apply modern research methods in the sphere of educational physics. Scientific research in the Final definition of the problem of a Master degree dissertation, choosing the third semester (NIRM.03) method of solving and realizing it, including retrieving information, its statistical processing (if required), estimating data accuracy and adequacy, obtaining generalized, effective numerical results. The research work is to show appropriateness of the methods suggested, uniqueness of the information, results and conclusions obtained. Scientific research in the It is the final stage of the work at of a Master degree dissertation, which is fourth completing the research and obtaining completed theoretical and practical semester (NIRM.04) results; writing and designing it; preparing for defending it. Developing professional competences in the sphere of scientific research: A Study / exam achievements Master degree student must be able to: - solve professional problems in the sphere of physical education; - retrieve and analyze the information of the modern conditions and prospects of development of educational physics; - formulate and solve new research projects in the sphere of educational physics; - choose required research methods (modify existing methods, develop new ones); - process the results obtained, analyze and interpret them (in terms of the report on scientific research, theses, a scientific article, a course thesis, a Master degee dissertation); - form the results of the work done in accordance with the requirements of “SCSE RK. Postgraduate education. Master degree. 5.04.033 – 2011. Paragraph 8-9” and other normative documents using modern editing and printing means. Upon the results of carrying out NIRM a final report is worked out, which describes the work as a whole. The content of the report is to satisfy the plan of NIRM (kinds and stages of work).

Form of exam: orally

The control over students‟ achievements is realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media There are paper and electronic versions of educational and methodical complexes of the discipline. Projectors, interactive blackboard, PC are used. Multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic teaching facilities are used at lessons.


Literature 1. V.I.Zagvyazinskiy Research activity of pedagogue. / V.I.Zagvyazinskiy. – Mocsow: Academy, 2010. – p. 176 (ru). 2. V.I.Zagvyazinskiy Pedagogical innovatics: problems of strategy and tactics: monography / V.I.Zagvyazinskiy, Т. А.Strokova; Tumen state university. - Tumen: TumSU, 2011. – p.176. (ru). 3. A.F.Zakirova, I.V.Manzheley. Master degree dissertation as scientific pedagogical research / A.F.Zakirova, I.V.Manzheley; Tumen State University. - Tumen: TumSU edition, 2013. – p. 128 (ru). 4. V.N.Zuyev. Course, final qualification works and Master degree dissertations: methods of writing,designing, defense / V.N.Zuyev, S.A.Kabanov. – Moscow: Physical culture, 2011. – p. 100. (ru) 5. V.I.Zagvyazinskiy. Methodology and methods of psychological-pedagogical research / V.I.Zagvyazinskiy, R. Atakhanov. – Moscow: Academy, 2005. – p. 208. (ru)

Module name Complex examination Module level Abbreviation CE Semester 4 Module coordinator Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. M.S.Moldabekova Lecturers Language Kazakh, Russian Classification within the State Compulsory Standard of higher professional education on specialty curriculum 6М011000 - Physics (SCSE RKК) 6.08.067-2010 Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Ped. practice semester Number of hours 45 Class hours per week Group size (students) 10-15

Workload Total hours Class lessons and self-study Lecture Practicals Lab Tutorial Self- s lessons lessons study Full-time 105 15 90

Credit points 1 KZ 1 credit point of the final attestation is 105 (15х7) hours, i.e. 2 weeks. From this 15 contact hours with a teacher and 90 hours of self-study. For preparing and passing a complex examination 1 credit point, i.e 2 weeks or 105 hours is assigned. Requirements under the Basic knowledge on modeules of disciplines of Master degree program: examination regulations - knowledge of physical disciplines required for developing a competent professional; - theoretical knowledge of teaching methods; - knowledge of methods of solving physical problems; - knowledge of organizating and carrying out pedagogical research; - knowledge of scientific fundamentals of carrying out a Master degree research; - knowledge and ability to apply information and innovative pedagogical technology to professional activities.


Recommended prerequisites Actual problems of modern Physics; Physical fundamentals of Atomic Energetics; Physicsl fundamentals of nanotechnology; Interdisciplinary relations of Physics; Modern methods of teaching general course of Physics; Logical-psychological fundamentals of solving Physics problems; Actual problems of the content of secondary physical education Targeted learning outcomes The objective of a complex examination is determining: - the level of a Master degree student‟s professional skills for realizing professional problems; - adequacy of his/her training to the requirements of SCSE RK within state requirements for the training level of masters; - a Master degree student‟s abilities to continue his/her education at doctorate Content Theory and practice of the methodical and physical disciplines studied under the Master degree educational program Study / exam achievements Adequacy of the knowledge, abilities, skills competences gained by Master degree students to the requirements of state compulsory standards of education of pedagogical Master degree. A Master degree student must: - know and be able to apply methods of teaching at higher education institutions, know fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy, have skills of developing new teaching methods and apply existing methods and innovative forms of teaching; - be able to apply the knowledge, abilities and skills on theory and practice gained to the sphere of educational and higher mathematics; - speak foreign language at a professional level.

Form of exam: orally

Statement on final state Master degree students‟s final attestation is the form of state control over a attestation Master degree student‟s study achievements, aimed at determining whether the knowledge, abilities, skills competences gained by him/her satisfy the requirements of state compulsory standards of education on specialties of Master degree. The final attestation of Master degree students is conducted within the time frame established by the academic calendar and curriculums of the specialties in the form of a complex examination and defense of a Master degree dissertation. A complex examination is conducted by the State attestation commission (SAC). The chairman of SAC is appointed and approved by the authorised body in the sphere of education in the established procedure. A complex examination is carried out not later than a month before the defense of a dissertation. The complex examination on specialty includes the disciplines of the required component of the cycle of basic and major disciplines of the Master degree professional educational program. Literature 1. State Compulsory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Postgraduate education. Master degree. SCSE RK 5.04.033 – 2011. (ru, kaz). 2. Program of complex examination for «Physics» - 6М011000 Master degree students. (ru, kaz) 3. Educational and methodical complexes on disciplines of the cycles of basic and major disciplines of the Master degree educational program. (ru, kaz)


Module handbook

On the educational program «Informatics and informatization of education» Master degree

Module name: Computer networks, Internet and multimedia technologies Module level: Interdisciplinary Abbreviation: KCIMT6207 Classes: Informatization of education and training problems. Design and use of educational electronic editions and internet resources. Methodic of teaching formalization and modeling in the course of Computer Science. Modern methods of estimation and control of knowledge. Methodic of teaching Computer Science in higher school. Computer technologies of computing in mathematical modeling. Semester: 3 Module coordinator: senior lecturer Rahimzhanova Lyazzat Boltabayevna Lecturer: senior lecturer Rahimzhanova Lyazzat Boltabayevna, senior teacher Baimuldina N.S. Language: Russian, English Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 01) curriculum: MSE RK (Mandatory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 7.09.134-2010. Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab. semester: Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Size of groups (students) 10 10

Workload: Total number Class work and self-study of hours Lectures Practicals Lab. Independent Self- work of study graduate programs students with a teacher Full-time 150 15 15 45 75

Credit point: 2 KZ Requirements under the Own knowledge on mandatory disciplines of profile module. examination regulations: Learners should know Content of Computer Science course, basis of systems and networks, telecommunications, Internet, basis of Web-graphics, means of animation design, basis of data base and information systems. Be able to use multimedia technologies in education, write programs for the Internet, use computer networks in education. Recommended Computer Science, Computing Systems and Networks, Computer Graphics, prerequisites: DataBase and Informational Systems, Internet Programming, Computer Networks, Internet technologies, Multimedia technologies. Targeted learning Process of learning the discipline is directed to formation and development outcomes: - key competences:  have presentation about professional competence of higher school teachers;  know principles and structure of scientific activity organization;  be able generalize results of scientific and research and analytical works in 175

the form of dissertation, scientific article, report, analytical note and others;  have skills of scientific and research activities, solution scientific tasks;  have skills of usage of modern information technologies in educational process;  be competitive in questions of modern educational technologies;  work with team, offer new ways of solutions and others. - special competences: - have presentation about tendencies and perspectives of development of information and communication technologies; know development tendencies of computer networks and multimedia technologies, technology of creation applications for Internet; - be able to use information and communication technologies in educational activity; - have skills to use information and communication technologies in various spheres of educational activity; - be competitive in the field of Computer Science and information and communication technologies. Content: Part 1. Computer networks Tendencies of development of computer networks. Technologies of data transfer of the mobile devices WAP. Communicators and hubs. The modern routers and safety servers. Part 2. Internet-technologies Modern Internet-technologies. Technologies of creation Web-applications. XHTML. PERL, PHP server scripts. .Net technologies. ASP.NET. Java technologies. Tools of creation Web-applications. Portals and technologies of application servers. Creation WAP applications. В2В applications. Safety problems. Part 3. Multimedia technologies Multimedia technologies. Programming tools of design multimedia applications. Study / exam As a result of studying the discipline students should demonstrate: achievements: knowledge: - main tendencies of development of computer networks, modern data transfer protocols; - principles of modern routers‟ and safety servers‟ work; - technologies of modern search servers and methods of progress of sites; - features of On-line Web services; -Web 2.0 technologies, XHTML, XML, MathML, XSL; - PERL, PUP server script Languages; - means of creation Web-applications: Joomla, Apache Tomcat, Denver, Eclipse; - principle of protocols organization; - Java technologies, standard of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform; - notion service – oriented architecture; - standards of coding the sound and images; - modern Computer Addit Design systems. skills: - to work with On-line Web services; - to design applications in Eclipse © IBM media; - to create XML electronic documents; - to build XML-; - to create pages with help of Languages: MathML formulae, presentation of vector graphics SVG; - to create Wiki pages; - to write server scripts on PERL, PHP, ASP.NET Languages; - to work in Joomla, Apache Tomcat, Denver media;


- to create portraits on JSR 16S 268 specifications; - to work in 3DStudio Max, MAYA, CINEMA 4D media. synthesis: knowledge and skills in the field of design of modern means of informatization of education and informatization of educational activity using possibilities of computer networks, Internet and multimedia technologies.

Form of exam: written Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media: There are electronic and paper versions of educational and methodical complexes of disciplines. Projector, interactive blackboard, personal computer are used. Literature: 1 Olifer VG Olifer PL Computer networks. Principles, Technologies, protocols. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Peter", 2008.-672 with ill. (ru) 2 Fundamentals of Web-based technologies. / PB Hramtsov etc. - M. "Internet University of Information Technology", 2003. - 512 p. (ru) 3 Training course. Computer Network +: The Official Microsoft allowance for self-training. / Per. from English. - Moscow: Publishing and Trading House "Russian Edition", 2009-552 with ill.(ru) 4.Kerimbaev N., S. Konev Computer networks. Textbook. Almaty: KazGosZhenPU, 2011, - 320 p. (ru) 5 S. Konev Computer networks, the Internet and multimedia technology. Part 1. Computer networks. Workbook. - Almaty, 2011. - 85.(ru) 6 S. Konev Computer networks, the Internet and multimedia technology. Part 2. Internet technology. Workbook. - Almaty, 2011. - 90. (ru) 8 S. Konev Practical exercises on JavaScript, - Almaty, 2007 - 50. (ru)

Module name: Programming in multimedia medias Module level: Interdisciplinary Abbreviation: PMS 5202 Classes: Organization and holding pedagogical researches. Theoretical basis of formation informational and educational media. Semester: 2 Module coordinator: c.p.s., senior lecturer Rahimzhanova Lyazzat Boltabayevna Lecturer: c.p.s., senior lecturer Rahimzhanova Lyazzat Boltabayevna c.p.s., senior teacher Bostanov Bektas Ganiyevich Language Kazakh, Russian

Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 01) curriculum: MSE RK (Mandatory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 7.09.134-2010. Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab. semester: Number of hours 15 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Size of groups (student) 10 10

Workload Total number Class work and self-study of hours Lectures Practicals Lab. Independent Self- work of study graduate programs students with a teacher Full-time 150 15 15(30) 45 75


Credit point: 2 KZ Requirements under the Own knowledge on mandatory disciplines of profile module. examination regulations: Learners should know programming in object-oriented Language. Have presentation about multimedia technologies in education. Own skills to work with computer. Be able to create Web-pages in HTML. Recommended Computer Science, Pedagogic, Computer Graphics, Internet programming, prerequisites informatization of education and study problems. Targeted learning Process of learning the discipline is directed to formation and development outcomes: - key competences:  have presentation about professional competence of higher school teachers;  know principles and structure of scientific activity organization;  be able generalize results of scientific and research and analytical works in the form of dissertation, scientific article, report, analytical note and others;  have skills of scientific and research activities, solution scientific tasks;  have skills of usage of modern information technologies in educational process;  be competitive in questions of modern educational technologies;  work with team, offer new ways of solutions and others. - special competences: - have presentation about tendencies and perspectives of development of information and communication technologies; know development tendencies of computer networks and multimedia technologies, technology of creation applications for Internet; - be able to use information and communication technologies in educational activity; - have skills to use information and communication technologies in various spheres of educational activity; be competitive in the field of Computer Science and information and communication technologies. Content Macromedia Flash as a media of creation graphics, animation and programs 1. General information about Macromedia Flash MX 2. Principles of creation graphics in Flash 3. Animation possibilities of Flash 4. Interactivity and addressing 5. Possibilities of ActionScript 6. UI-componets 7. Execution of creative work Programming in JavaScript 8. Notes about programming 9. JavaScript as a programming Language 10. Creation of scripts 11. Enhancements of sites (early created) Interaction Flash with Web-browsers 12. Placement Flash-applications on Web-page 13. Interaction of Action Script and JavaScript 14. Projects implementation Study / exam As a result of studying the discipline students should demonstrate: achievements: knowledge: graphical and animation possibilities of media, principles of creation scripts of Web-pages; Skills: to create not only multiplication, but programs in Macromedia Flash MX, to manage Web-pages, to write programs in JavaScript; application: creation of complete small program applications, use given technology as an informational technology in education, educational process; 178

analyze possibilities of Action Script, role of Flash in Web media; synthesis: create multimedia training programs using given technology; implement several group projects; estimation: expand functional possibilities of html and flash medias as much as possible.

Form of exam: orally Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media: There are electronic and paper versions of educational and methodical complexes of disciplines. Projector, interactive blackboard, personal computer are used. Reading list 1. Reinhardt, R., C. Snow Macromedia Flash 8. Bible user.: Trans. from English. - M: Williams, 2006. - 1328 sec. (ru) 2. Gursky D. ActionScript 2 programming in Flash MX 2004. For professionals. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2004. - 1088. (ru) 3. R. Reinhardt Macromedia Flash MX 2004 ActionScript. Bible user. - M: Williams. - 960. (ru) 4. Drones V. Macromedia Flash MX 2004. - St. Petersburg.: BHV-Petersburg, 2004. - 800. (ru)

Module name: Modern methods of estimation and control of knowledge Module level: ОМС КВ-5 Abbreviation: SMOKZ 5203 Sub-heading: General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 01) MSE RK (Mandatory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 7.09.134-2010. Classes: Modern methods of estimation and control of knowledge Semester: 2 Module coordinator: d.p.s., professor Sagimbayeva Ainur Yesengazyyevna c.p.s., senior lecturer Konyeva Svetlana Nikolayevna Lecturer: d.p.s., professor Sagimbayeva Ainur Yesengazyyevna c.p.s., senior lecturer Konyeva Svetlana Nikolayevna Language Kazakh, Russian, English Classification within the curriculum: Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals semester: Number of hours 30 15 Class hours per week 2 1 Size of groups (student) 10 10

Workload Total Class work and self-study number Lectures Practicals Independent Self- of hours work of study graduate programs students with a teacher Full-time 30 15 75 105 225

Credit point: 3 KZ

Requirements under the Within a bachelor degree knowledge of bases of Pedagogic, Psychology, examination regulations: Computer Science, Theory and methodic of training Computer Science, 179

Pedagogic, and Psychology in high school Recommended Pedagogic, Psychology, Theory and methodic of training Computer Science, prerequisites Informatization of education and study problems Targeted learning Process of learning the discipline is directed to formation and development outcomes: - social competences: - scientific and practical thinking; - dimples of masters„ theoretical and practical preparation in chosen direction of Computer Science and pedagogical activity; - providing choice of individual scientific direction and development of ability to solve modern scientific and practical problems of Computer Science and education; - providing with fundamental knowledge on a joint of Computer Science and other sciences guaranteeing to then professional mobility in real developing world. - special competences: - to know tendencies and prospects of Computer Science, ICT, methods of informatization of educational activity, standards, normative documents development; - be able: to orgonize pedagogical activity in case of modern technologies of study; to use ICT in various spheres of educational ectivity; - to own skills of using ICT in various spheres of educational ectivity; - be competetive: informational culture; in the field of Computer Science and ICT; in usage them in educational activity. Content Review problems of knowledge control. Role of pedagogical testing in case of quality control in educational system. Test as a method of pedagogical measurement. Classification of pedagogical testing. Procedure of test design. Technological matrix as a model of pedagogical testing. Content and characteristic of test questions. Problems of creation test questions. Forms and types of test questions. Expertise of test questions. Adapted testing. Possibilities of creation testing programs with help of ICT. Study / exam As a result of studying the discipline students should demonstrate: achievements: knowledge of: - modern methods of estimation and control of knowledge in case of informatization of education; - modern principles of creation systems of knowledge estimation and control; - pedagogical testing tasks in education system; - forms and types of knowledge control; - form of control organization in case of informatization of education; - requirements for teachers in the sphere of control in case of informatization of education. skills: - to use modern methods of knowledge estimation and control; - to apply general methods, means and technologies of informatization for knowledge control; - to organize and hold various forms of control using technologies and means of informatization of education; - to design various forms and types of test questions; - to implement elements of computer testing. owning: - information activity over pedagogical information with help of ICT; - informational culture. analyze: - development of methods of knowledge estimation and control; 180

- existing informational media of knowledge control and estimation; - existing means and technologies of design test questions and adapted medias; - world experience of implementing modern methods of knowledge estimation and control, pedagogical testing; - case of knowledge control in case of informatization of education and its problems. synthesis: - design of test questions; - projecting adapted media of testing; - world experience of implementation of modern methods of knowledge estimation and control estimation: - expertise test questions; - expertise adapted testing media; - teachers‟ ICT competence in the field of knowledge control competences: - in using modern methods of knowledge estimation and control in case of informatization of education; - in the field of Computer Science and information and communication technologies; - ICT competence.

Form of exam: testing Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media: Multimedia class room, interactive blackboard. Electronic educational editions and Internet-recourses Reading list 1.Avanesov VS scientific problem of test control of knowledge. Study Guide - Moscow, 2001. - 296 p. (ru) 2.Avanesov VS through scientific pedagogical control in high school. Textbook for students of the Training Center. - M., 1998. - 107. (ru) 3.Avanesov VS Form of test items. A manual for teachers of schools, colleges, universities and teachers colleges. M. Testing Center 2006. - 156 p. (ru) 4. Balyќbaev TS Pedagogical and technological basis for the formation of the student population. Monograph dock. Diss. - Almaty, 2001 (ru) 5.Balyќbaev TS Pedagogical and technological basis for the formation of the student population. Monograph dock. diss., Almaty, 2001. (ru) 6.Bidaybekov E.Y., Balykbaev TS, Ibragimova NJ Methodical bases of measurement of learning outcomes for students of computer science. - Almaty, 2007 - 152 p. (ru) 7.Samylkina NN Modern means of assessing learning outcomes M. BINOM, Laboratory of Knowledge, 2007. - 172. (ru)

Module name: Theoretical basis of formation informational and educational environment Module level, if applicable Interdisciplinary Abbreviation, if applicable: ОМС, КВ-3, TOFIOS 6103 Classes: Organization and holding pedagogical researches Semester: 4 Module coordinator: c.p.s., senior teacher Baimuldina N.S. Lecturer: c.p.s., senior teacher Baimuldina N.S. Language: Russian, English Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 01) curriculum: MSE RK (Mandatory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 181

7.09.134-2010. Teaching format / class Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals hours per week during the Number of hours 15 15 semester: Class hours per week 1 1 Size of groups (student) 10-11 15

Workload Total number of Lectures Practicals Independent Self- hours work of study graduate programs students with a teacher Full-time 15 15 45 75 150

Credit point: 2 KZ Requirements under the - to collect, convert, process, store and transfer pedagogical information examination regulations: with help of information and communication technologies; - to use information and pedagogical, information and commuincation technologies in education; - to use tachnical means of informatization of education; - to use general methods of informatization; - to orgonize and hold lessons of various forms using informational and educational environment; - to design means of informatization; - to project and design informational and educational environment; - to implement informational and educational environment. Recommended Pedagogic, Psychology, Computer Science, Information technologies, prerequisites Pedagogical Computer Science, Theory and methodic of training Computer Science, Informatization of education, Information and communication technologies in education, design of electronic educational editions, Internet programming, Computer networks, Internet-technologies, Design of electronic and educational editions and resources, Theory and methodic of training Computer Science I high school, Pedagogic and Psychology of higher school, Informatization of education and tstudy problems Targeted learning Process of learning the discipline is directed to formation and development outcomes: - key competences:  have presentation about professional competence of higher school teachers;  know principles and structure of scientific activity organization;  be able generalize results of scientific and research and analytical works in the form of dissertation, scientific article, report, analytical note and others;  have skills of scientific and research activities, solution scientific tasks;  have skills of usage of modern information technologies in educational process;  be competitive in questions of modern educational technologies;  work with team, offer new ways of solutions and others. - special competences: - be competitive: in the sphere of Computer Science, information and communication technologies; in use of information and communication technologies in professional activity; in the sphere of fundamental scientific preparation. Content Information and educational environment, informational and educational space. Components of IES. Programming and methodical complex. Content. Requirements. Means of measurement, knowledge estimation and control, 182

ability. Means of informatization scientific and research, and methodical activity Out of study component Organizational and managing activity of educational institutions. Study theory and practice in new educational environments. Analytical review case of theory and training practice in virtual educational environments. Organization design of educational and methodical support in virtual educational environments. Rational structure of educational and methodical materials. Principles and order of design network course as compound part of educational and methodical material. Methodical basis of design network courses Organization of network study. Forms and characteristics of educational lessons Requirements for the members of educational process Study / exam As a result of studying the discipline students should demonstrate: achievements: knowledge: - role and place of informatization of education in informational society; - aspects of usage information and communication technologies in education; - specific composition and fields of effective usage of technical means of informatization of education; - concept about specific composition and spheres of effective usage in the field of education of creation, processing, presentation, store and transformation technologies. - technologies of informatization of education; - role of network technologies in educetion; - general methods of informatization; - technology of design means of informatization of education; - concept and organization of informational and educational space; - informational and educational environment concept, its components; - requirements for informational and educational environment; - technology of design informational and educational environment. skills: - to collect, convert, process, store and transfer pedagogical information with help of information and communication technologies; - to use information and pedagogical, information and commuincation technologies in education; - to use technical means of informatization of education; - to use general methods of informatization; - to organize and hold lessons of various forms using informational and educational environment; - to design means of informatization; - to project and design informational and educational environment; to implement informational and educational environment.

Form of exam: orally Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media: There are electronic and paper versions of educational and methodical complexes of disciplines. Projector, interactive blackboard, personal computer are used. Reading list 1. Praliev SJ, Bidaybekov E.Y., Grinshkun VV Theoretical and methodological foundations (the concept of) the formation of the information educational environment KazNPU. Abaya. / / Monograph. / Almaty KazNPU - 2010. 140. (ru) 183

2. Grigoriev S., VV Grinshkun Informatization of Education. Fundamental principles. / / Method for future teachers and students of continuing education teachers. / Tomsk: Publishing house "TML-Press" - 2008, 286 p.(ru) 3. Introduction to networking technology training. / Ed. LG Titareva. M. Mesi, 2001. (ru)

Module name: Informatization of education and study problems Module level: МВС-ОК-1 Abbreviation: IOPO5201 Classes: Informatization of education and study problems Semester: 1 Module coordinator: c.p.s., senior lecturer Konyeva Svetlana Nikolayevna Lecturer: c.p.s., senior lecturer Konyeva Svetlana Nikolayevna Language: Kazakh, Russian, English Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 01) curriculum: MSE RK (Mandatory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 7.09.134-2010. Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals semester: Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Size of group (student) 10 10

Workload Total Class work and self-study number Lectures Practicals Independent Self- of hours work of study graduate programs students with a teacher Full-time 15 15 30 90 150

Credit point: 2 KZ

Requirements under the Within a bachelor degree knowledge of bases of Pedagogic, Psychology, examination regulations: Computer Science, Theory and methodic of training Computer Science Within magistracy know, organize and hold pedagogical researches Recommended Pedagogic, Psychology, Computer Science, Theory and methodic of training prerequisites Computer Science Targeted learning Process of learning the discipline is directed to formation and development outcomes: - social competences: - scientific and practical thinking; - dimples of masters„ theoretical and practical preparation in chosen direction of Computer Science and pedagogical activity; - providing choice of individual scientific direction and development of ability to solve modern scientific and practical problems of Computer Science and education; - providing with fundamental knowledge on a joint of Computer Science and other sciences guaranteeing to then professional mobility in real developing world. - special competences: - to know tendencies and prospects of Computer Science, ICT, methods of informatization of educational activity, standards, normative documents development; 184

- be able: to orgonize pedagogical activity in case of modern technologies of study; to use ICT in various spheres of educational ectivity; - to own skills of using ICT in various spheres of educational ectivity; - be competetive: informational culture; in the field of Computer Science and ICT; in usage them in educational activity. Content Objectives and tasks of informatization of education. Informational and educational environment, informational and educational space. Means and technologies of informatization of education. Methods of informatization of educational activity. Study problems in case of informatization of education. Study / exam As a result of studying the discipline students should demonstrate: achievements: knowledge of: - objectives, tasks and role of informatization of education; - informational and educational environment and space, their components; - classification means of ICT in education, role of Internet / Internet in education; - methods of informatization of educational activity; - form of organization educational activity in case of informatization of education; - requirements for the teachers in the sphere of informatization of education; skills to: - use all kinds of ICT in education; - use general methods of informatization of all kinds of educational activity; - organize and hold various forms of lessons using technologies and means of informatization of education; - design means of electronic educational editions and informational resources; - implement elements of informational and educational environment. owning: - informational activity over pedagogical information with help of ICT; - informational culture; - informatization of education Language. analyze: - historic aspect of informatization of education; - existing means and technologies of informatization of education for solving pedagogical tasks; - world experience on implementing methods of informatization pedagogical activity; - case of informatization of education and its problems; - case of informatization of subject education. synthesis: - projecting electronic educational editions and informational resources; - projecting informational educational environment; - world experience on implementing methods of informatization pedagogical activity; estimation: - expertise quality of electronic educational editions and informational resources; - expertise informational educational environment; - teachers‟ ICT competence. competences: - ICT competence; - in the field of Computer Science and information and communication technologies.


Form of exam: orally Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai.

Forms of media: Multimedia class room, interactive blackboard. Electronic educational editions and Internet-recourses Reading list 1. Praliev SJ, Bidaybekov E.Y., Grinshkun VV Theoretical and methodological foundations (the concept of) the formation of the information educational environment KazNPU. Abaya. / / Monograph. / Almaty KazNPU - 2010. 140. (ru) 2. Grigoriev S., VV Grinshkun Informatization of Education. Fundamental principles. / / Method for future teachers and students of continuing education teachers. / Tomsk: Publishing house "TML-Press" - 2008, 286 p. (ru) 3. Grigoriev S., VV Grinshkun Information and communication technologies in contemporary outdoor education. Educational electronic online publication for educators. / / Ministry of Education, People's Friendship University, - 2004. Published on the website of the Institute of Distance Education at People's Friendship University: (ru) 4. Grigoriev S., VV Grinshkun The use of information and communication technologies in general secondary education. Educational electronic online publication for educators. /Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the People's Friendship University, - 2006. Published in the Federal educational portal "Socio-Humanitarian and Political Education» (ru) 5. Bidaybekov E.Y., Grigoriev S., VV Grinshkun Information integration and analysis of educational development in the field of e-learning. Almaty: ASU Abay. 2002. -100c. (ru) 6. Bidaybekov E.Y., S. Konev, GA Abdulkarimova Internet / Intranet-technology in education. KazNPU. Abay, Almaty, 2006. - 145. (ru) 7. S. Konev Introduction to the informatization of education. Textbook. Almaty: KazNPU. Abay, 2011. - 102. (ru) 8. S. Konev Informatization of Education. Tests. Toolkit. Almaty: KazNPU. Abay, 2011. - 112. (ru) 9. Bidaybekov E.Y., Grigoriev S., VV Grinshkun The creation and use of electronic publications and educational resources. Almaty: Bilim, 2006.-134c. (ru)

Module name: Methodic of training Computer Science in high school Module level: Interdisciplinary Abbreviation: MOIVS 6205 Classes: Informatization of education and training problems. Design and use of educational electronic editions and internet resources. Methodic of teaching formalization and modeling in the course of Computer Science. Modern methods of estimation and control of knowledge. Computer technologies of computing in mathematical modeling. Computer networks, Internet and multimedia technologies. Semester: 3 Module coordinator: c.p.n., senior lecturer Rahimzhanova Lyazzat Boltabayevna, Lecturer: c.p.n., senior lecturer Rahimzhanova Lyazzat Boltabayevna, c.p.n., senior teacher Baimuldina N.S. Language: Kazakh, Russian


Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 01) curriculum: MSE RK (Mandatory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 7.09.134-2010. Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab. semester: Number of hours 15 15 Class hours per week 1 1 Size of groups (student) 10 10

Workload Total number Class work and self-study of hours Lectures Practicals Lab. Independent Self- work of study graduate programs students with a teacher Full-time 150 15 15 45 75

Credit point: 2 KZ Requirements under the Own knowledge on mandatory disciplines of profile module. examination regulations: Learners should know Content of Computer Science course, forms and methods, principles, technology, structure, means of training Computer Science. Be able to use multimedia technologies in education. Recommended Computer Science, Pedagogic, Theory and methodic of training Computer prerequisites Science, Informatization of education and study problems. Targeted learning Process of learning the discipline is directed to formation and development outcomes: - key competences:  have presentation about professional competence of higher school teachers;  know principles and structure of scientific activity organization;  be able generalize results of scientific and research and analytical works in the form of dissertation, scientific article, report, analytical note and others;  have skills of scientific and research activities, solution scientific tasks;  have skills of usage of modern information technologies in educational process;  be competitive in questions of modern educational technologies;  work with team, offer new ways of solutions and others. - special competences: - have presentation about tendencies and perspectives of development of information and communication technologies; know development tendencies of computer networks and multimedia technologies, technology of creation applications for Internet; - be able to use information and communication technologies in educational activity; - have skills to use information and communication technologies in various spheres of educational activity; be competitive in the field of Computer Science and information and communication technologies. Content Part 1. Introduction. General information Place of core and elective courses in the basic curriculum of higher education Part 2. «Computer» Content line Methodical approaches of defining Content of Computer Science course in high school oriented for users. Methodic of training for with office pockets of applied programs. Part 3. «Formalization and modeling» Content line 187

Forms and methods of training computer modeling Part 4. «Algorithmization and programming» Content line Content of programming training course in high school Methodic of training structured programming Methodic of training object-oriented programming Methodic of training logical programming Part 5. «Informational technologies» Content line Programs of Computer Science courses oriented on processing textual, numeric and graphical information in high school Methodic of training processing textual information Methodic of training processing numerical information Methodic of training processing graphical information in high school Part 6. «Information and communication technologies» Content line Computer Science courses oriented on information and communication technologies in high school Study / exam As a result of studying the discipline students should demonstrate: achievements: knowledge of: - standards, normative documents, theory and methodic of training Computer Science in high school. skills to: - model Computer Science seminar lessons in high school; - model business games in Computer Science; - model learners‟ project activity in Computer Science in hogh school; - project elective courses on Computer Science according to features of classes, teachers‟ interests and their deep knowledge in the field of Computer Science. application: to gain skills of defining main components of methodical system of Computer Science course in high school and their analyze according to requirements for that kind of courses. synthesis: create thematical plans, prepare demonstrative and didactic electronic materials for the lessons.

Form of exam: orally Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Media employed (technical There are electronic and paper versions of educational and methodical and electronic means of complexes of disciplines. Projector, interactive blackboard, personal computer study) are used. Reading list 1. Computer science: Tutorial / ed. NV Makarova. - Moscow: Finances and Statistics, 2000. - 768. (ru) 2. The general theory and methodology of training informatike.-M., 2010.-208 with. (ru) 3. Methods of teaching in high school. - Perm Publishing House of the Perm gos.un Press, 2005. (ru) 4. SM Nikolsky "The problems of computer science teaching in secondary and higher school" Moscow, 2005 (ru) 5. Lapchik MP Teaching Techniques of Informatics Studies. Allowance for stud. ped. Universities - M. Ed. "Academy" in 2001 (ru) 6. Talyzina NF Managing the process of learning. - M., 1984. - 344 p. (ru)

Module name: Methodic of teaching formalization and modeling in the course of Computer Science Module level: Interdisciplinary Abbreviation: MPFMKI 5202


Classes: Informatization of education and training problems. Design and use of educational electronic editions and internet resources. Methodic of teaching formalization and modeling in the course of Computer Science. Modern methods of estimation and control of knowledge. Methodic of teaching Computer Science in higher school. Computer technologies of computing in mathematical modeling. Computer networks, Internet and multimedia technology. Semester: 2 Module coordinator: c.p.n., senior lecturer Rahimzhanova Lyazzat Boltabayevna, Lecturer: c.p.n., senior lecturer Rahimzhanova Lyazzat Boltabayevna, Language: Kazakh, Russian

Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 01) curriculum: MSE RK (Mandatory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 7.09.134-2010. Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals Lab. semester: Number of hours 30 30 Class hours per week 1 2 Size of groups (student) 10 10

Workload Total number Class work and self-study of hours Lectures Practicals Lab. Independent Self- work of study graduate programs students with a teacher Full-time 225 30 15(30) 60 120

Credit point: 3 KZ Requirements under the Own knowledge on mandatory disciplines of profile module. examination regulations: Learners should know Content of Computer Science course, forms and methods, principles, technology, structure, means of training Computer Science. Be able to use multimedia technologies in education. Recommended Computer Science, Pedagogic, School Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, prerequisites Biology, Theory and methodic of training Computer Science, Numerical methods, informatization of education and study problrms. Targeted learning Process of learning the discipline is directed to formation and development outcomes: - key competences:  have presentation about professional competence of higher school teachers;  know principles and structure of scientific activity organization;  be able generalize results of scientific and research and analytical works in the form of dissertation, scientific article, report, analytical note and others;  have skills of scientific and research activities, solution scientific tasks;  have skills of usage of modern information technologies in educational process;  be competitive in questions of modern educational technologies;  work with team, offer new ways of solutions and others. - special competences: - have presentation about tendencies and perspectives of development of information and communication technologies; know development tendencies of computer networks and multimedia technologies, technology of creation applications for Internet; 189

- be able to use information and communication technologies in educational activity; - have skills to use information and communication technologies in various spheres of educational activity; be competitive in the field of Computer Science and information and communication technologies. Content Рart 1. Objectives and tasks of learning «Formalization and modeling» section of Computer Science course Content of «Modeling and formalization» Requirements for learners‟ knowledge and skills Analyze existing course of Computer Science from the point of modeling and formalization Раrt 2. Methodic of study Forms and methods of training Computer Science Knowledge assimilation stages of Galperin P.Ya., Talyzina N.F. Method of undelivered tasks of Sholohovich Methodical approaches for formation presentation about modeling and formalization Methodical principles of creation and choosing tasks Раrt 3. Modeling and formalization. Theoretical basis Моdel and modeling Classification of models Modeling stages Раrt 4. Design methodical materials for training on forms of presentation models Table informational models Elements of system analyze in Computer Science course Modeling and data base Informational modeling and electronic tables Modeling knowledge in Computer Science course Study / exam As a result of studying the discipline students should demonstrate: achievements: knowledge of: - objectives and tasks of learning «Formalization and modeling» section of Computer Science course in secondary school; - main methods of training and learning the given section of Computer Science; - organization, forms and methods of checking and estimation study results of formalization and modeling; - scientific and methodical basis of learning the given section of Computer Science. skills to: create thematical plans and conspectus of lessons for the given section of Computer Science course (basic, profile), design and choose tasks supporting given methodic. application: prepare demonstrative electronic didactical materials for the lessons, model and analyze lessons. analyze: existing study methodic of «Formalization and modeling» section of Computer Science course in secondary school. synthesis: design methodical materials for learning «Formalization and modeling» section of Computer Science, create programming product in Delphi supporting study methodic.

Form of exam: written

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. 190

Forms of media: There are electronic and paper versions of educational and methodical complexes of disciplines. Projector, interactive blackboard, personal computer are used. Reading list 1. Bidaybekov E.Y., Rakhimzhanova LB Elements of mathematical modeling and computer simulation. Textbook. - Almaty, 2000. - 90. (ru) 2. Rakhimzhanova LB The solution of problems of mathematical modeling and computer simulation optimization techniques. Textbook. - A., 2007. - 91. (ru) 3. Rakhimzhanova LB, Kurbanov O., S. Modeling Khegai school course in computer science. Textbook. - A., 2010. - 72. (ru) 4. Lapchik MP Teaching Techniques of Informatics Studies. Allowance for stud. ped. M universities.: Vol. "Academy" in 2001 (ru) 5. Informatics. Grade 9 / Ed. NV Makarova. - St. Petersburg: publishing house of "Peter", 2000. - 304. (ru) 6. Fundamentals of Computer Science and Engineering: A Textbook for 10-11 kl. school compare / AG Gagne, etc. 2nd edition. - M.,1989-120s. (ru) 7. Talyzina NF Managing the process of learning. - M., 1984. - 344 p. (ru)

Module name: Organization and holding pedagogical researches Module level: ОМС, КВ-1 Abbreviation: OPI 5202 Classes: Organization and holding pedagogical researches

Semester: d.p.s., professor Bidaibekov Y.Y. Module coordinator: d.p.s., professor Bidaibekov Y.Y. Lecturer: d.p.s., professor Bidaibekov Y.Y. Language: Kazakh, Russian Classification within the General Educational Disciplines Module. Required Component (GEM RC 01) curriculum: MSE RK (Mandatory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 7.09.134-2010. Teaching format / class Full-time hours per week during the Forms of lessons Lectures Practicals semester: Number of hours 30 15 Class hours per week 2 1 Size of groups (student) 10 10

Workload Total Class work and self-study number Lectures Practicals Independent Self- of hours work of study graduate programs students with a teacher Full-time 30 15 75 105 225

Credit point: 3 KZ Requirements under the Within a bachelor degree knowledge of bases of Pedagogic, Psychology, examination regulations: Computer Science, Theory and methodic of training Computer Science, Pedagogic, and Psychology in high school Within magistracy know, organize and hold pedagogical researches Recommended Pedagogic prerequisites Psychology Methodic of training Computer Science Pedagogic and Psychology of high school


Targeted learning Process of learning the discipline is directed to formation and development outcomes: - social competences: - scientific and practical thinking; - dimples of masters„ theoretical and practical preparation in chosen direction of Computer Science and pedagogical activity; - providing choice of individual scientific direction and development of ability to solve modern scientific and practical problems of Computer Science and education; - providing with fundamental knowledge on a joint of Computer Science and other sciences guaranteeing to then professional mobility in real developing world. - special competences: - to know tendencies and prospects of Computer Science, ICT, methods of informatization of educational activity, standards, normative documents development; - be able: to orgonize pedagogical activity in case of modern technologies of study; to use ICT in various spheres of educational ectivity; - to own skills of using ICT in various spheres of educational ectivity; - be competetive: informational culture; in the field of Computer Science and ICT; in usage them in educational activity. Content Dissertation pedagogical research. Technique of writing, rule of design and protection order. Methodical system of training. Main methodological characteristics of dissertation pedagogical research ("research device") Teoretiko-metodologichesky bases of training activity Integrity of system of didactic means Forms and training methods Scientific bases of technology of training Technology of the organization of interaction and cooperation in training Technology of simulation of pedagogical situations in educational process Pedagogical diagnostics Static methods in pedagogical researches. Structure of pedagogical experiment. Elements of the theory of measurements. The analysis of use of statistical techniques in dissertation researches on pedagogics Standard tasks of data analysis in pedagogical researches. Technique of determination of reliability of coincidence and distinctions for the experimental data measured in a scale of the relations. Technique of determination of reliability of coincidence and distinctions for the experimental data measured in an ordinal scale. Study / exam As a result of studying the discipline students should demonstrate: achievements: knowledge of: modern basic concepts of pedagogical researches. Classification types of pedagogical researches. Methodical system of study owning: - theory, technology and practice of didactic systems. Progressive directions and ideas of modern pedagogic: objectives io informational activity over pedagogical information with help of ICT; - informational culture; - informatization of education Language. analyze: - historic aspect of informatization of education; - existing means and technologies of informatization of education for solving pedagogical tasks; - world experience on implementing methods of informatization 192

pedagogical activity; - case of informatization of education and its problems; - case of informatization of subject education. estimation: - analyze usage of static methods in dissertational researches in Pedagogic. Typical tasks of data analyze in pedagogical researches. Methoda of processing data and examples. competences: - ICT competence; - in the field of Computer Science and information and communication technologies.

Form of exam: orally

Study and examination requirements are realized in accordance with the regulations adopted by KazNPU named after Abai. Forms of media: There are electronic and paper versions of educational and methodical complexes of disciplines. Projector, interactive blackboard, personal computer are used. Reading list 1. Simonov VM Pedagogy. A short course of lectures. - Publishing "Teacher", Volgograd. 1997. (ru) 2. Bespal'ko VP The terms of educational technology. -M, 1989. (ru) 3. Verbitsky AA Active Learning in Higher Education: the contextual approach. - M, 1991. (ru) 4. Gershunsky BS Theoretical and methodological basis of computerization in the field of education. -M. 1985. (ru) 5. Grebenuk OS General pedagogy. -Kaliningrad, 1996. (ru) 6. Daniel M., V. Malinin Lattice study of pedagogical phenomena and processes / / Soviet pedagogy. -1971. - № 1. (ru) 7. Zankov LV Education and development. -M. 1975. (ru) 8. Aivazyan SA, Eniukov JS, LD Meshalkin Applied statistics: the basics of modeling and initial processing of the data. Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 1983. - 472 p. (ru) 9. The voice of J., Stanley D. Statistical methods in education and psychology. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1976. -495 With. (ru) 10. Grabar, MI, Krasnyanskaya KA The use of mathematical statistics in educational research: Non-parametric methods. Moscow: Pedagogy, 1977. - 136 p. (ru)

Module name: Pedagogical practice Sub-heading: Abbreviation: PPM Semester: 3 Module coordinator: PhD, senior teacher S.P.Sharmukhanbet Lecturer: Cand. of ped. sciences, senior teacher B.G.Bostanov; PhD, senior teacher S.P.Sharmukhanbet Language: Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Module of optional training (OT). SCSE RK 7.09.134-2010 curriculum: Teaching format / class hours per Full-time week during the semester: Forms of classes Lecture Ped. practice Number of hours 90


Class hours per week Number of students 10-15

Workload: Total Classroom work and self-study Lecture Practice Lab Tutorial Self- s lessons lessons study Full-time 90 90

Credit point: 3 KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge on modules of general education disciplines: examination regulations: Knowledge on disciplines on Computer science and Informatization of education required for developing a competent professional; Theoretical knowledge on methods of teaching Computer science; Knowledge of methods of solving problems on programming; Knowledge of techniques of handling modern ICT; Knowledge and ability of applying information and innovative pedagogical technologies to future professional activity. Recommended prerequisites: Pedagogy, psychology, Methods of teaching Informatics at high school, Methodological fundamentals of methodical systems of teaching nformatics, Modern methods of control and assessment, Informatization of education and teaching problems, development and application of educational, electronic editions and Internet resources, Programming in multimedia environments Targeted learning outcomes: Pedagogical practice is the most important component of Master degree students‟ study process. This kind of practice realizes functions of general professional training in preparing Master degree students for teaching activity at a higher education institution. Master degree students‟ pedagogical practice is aimed at gaining practical skills of conducting lessons. Objective of the practice are: - consolidating the knowledge, abilities and skills gained by Master degree students in the process of studying the disciplines of Master degree program; - acquiring methods of preparing and conducting various forms of lessons; - acquiring methods of analyzing lessons; - knowledge of modern educational information technology; - cultivating skills of self-education and self-perfection, activating Master degree students‟ scientific-pedagogical activity; - developing Master degree students‟ personal qualities within general objectives of teaching and educating; During a pedagogical practice a Master degree student should study: - Methodological literature, laboratory facilities and software on the curriculum discilines recommended; - Forms of organizing educational and scientific activity at a higher education institution; acquire: - Conducting practical and laboratory lessons with students on the topics of disciplines recommended; - Giving trial lectures for students under teacher‟s supervision on the topics connected with a Master degree student‟s scientific research. Content: Master degree students‟ practice is conducted within Master degree general training. The main idea of the practice, which is to be provided by its content, is developing technological abilities connected with pedagogical activity, and communicative abilities reflecting 194

communication with other people. Master degree students‟ activities mean developing their strategic thinking, situation panoramic perceiving, ability to lead a group of people. Besides, it contributes to the process of socialization of a Master degree student‟s personality, turning to a quite new aspect – pedagogical activity, adopting social standards, professional values, and developing personal business culture of future masters. In the process of practice students participate in all kinds of scientific-pedagogical and organizational work of the chair and (or) institutional departments of the university. Master degree students‟ during the practice: 1. Study: - Content, forms, focus activities of the chair: documents of planning and considering workload; protocols of the chair meetings; teachers; plans and reports; documents concerning students‟ attestation; normative and regulating documents of the chair; - Methodical and training materials; - Programs of the disciplines taught, courses of lectures, content of laboratory and practice lessons; - Scientific-methodical materials: scientific-methodical deelopments, subjects of scientific focuses of the chair, scientific-methodical literature. 2. Do the following pedagogical work: - Attend the chai teachers‟ lessons on different disciplines (at least three times); - Discuss and analyze lessons in agreement with the teacher of a discipline (at least two times); - Independently conduct parts os lessons in agreement with his/her scientific advisor and (or) with the teacher of a discipline; - Independently conduct lessons in accordance with the discipline curriculum (at least two lessons); - Develops notes of lectures on some disciplines (at least one discipline); - makes a methodical package on the discipline chosen, which includes: а) lectures on the discipline chosen containing a reference list; б) special tests (7-10); в) publications on the subjects of the discipline for the last year (books, journals, articles, etc.). 3. Participate in the work of the chair: - Take an active part in scientific-practical conferences, seminars meetings of methodical commissions; - Participate in all activities of the chair concerning developing EMC (educational methodical complex) of the chair disciplines; - Runs some errands within practice program. Study / exam achievements: As a result of a pedagogical practice a Master degree student must demonstrate knowledge of: - structure, content and organization of the educational process at a higher education institution; - material and technical equipment of Computer science classroom; - planning documentation of a higher education institution including acquaintantance with the chair activities. Ability to: - define and formulate objectives and tasks of a subject; - plan students‟ study activities and methods of organizing it; - create thematic and educational-methodical complexes; - plan content and methods of conducting lessons for subject related study group, extra-curricular lesson, different forms of ou-of-classroom work; - acquire technology of conflict resolution; 195

- develop students‟ professional and subject-related knowledge; Ability of: Organizing, communicating, working with information, orientating (educating), developing, working methodically, carrying out scientific research. Generalizing knowledge of fundamental, applied and university Computer science for synthesizing study process; Ability to connect modern technology for solving various methodological problems; reveal and forecast technological solutions in the sphere of pedagogical mastery, ability of individual work and working in groups; of organizing and realizing scientific research activity; of taking relevant managerial responsibility.

Form of exam: orally

The control over Master degree students‟ learning outcomes is realized in accordance with the Regulations adopted by KazNPU after Abai. Forms of media: There are paper and electronic versions of the educational and methodical complexes of the disciplines. Projectors, interactive blackboards, PCs are used. Multimedia presentations, electronic demonstrations, electronic facilities are applied during lessons. Literature: 6. S.D.Smirnov Pedagogy and Psychology of higher education. / S.D.Smirnov.-М.: Aspect Press. 1995 – p. 271 (ru) 7. S.D.Smirnov Pedagogy and Psychology of higher education / S.D.Smirnov. – М.: Academiya, 2003 – p. 304 (ru) 8. V.A.Yakunina Pedagogical psychology / V.A.Yakunina. – 2d edition. – СПб.: Mikhailov‟s edition. 2000 – p. 349 (ru) 9. Pedagogy [Text]: Textbook for HEI / P.I.Pidkasistyi - М.: Russia‟s Ped. society, 2004. – p. 608 (ru) 10. System analysis and making decisions [Text]; dictionary-handbook / V.N.Volkova, V.N.Kozlov – М.: High school, 2004. – p. 616 (ru)

Module name: Research practice Module level, if applicable Practice Abbreviation, if applicable: MP1, MP2 Semester: 1-4 Module coordinator: Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. E.Y.Bidaibekov Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. A.E.Sagimbayeva Language: Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Module of optional training (OT). SCSE RK 7.09.134-2010 curriculum: Workload: 4 weeks Credit point: 3 KZ

Requirements under the Knowledge of the fundamentals of Pedagogy, Psychology, Computer examination regulations: science, Theory and methods of teaching Computer science within Bachelor degree. Knowledge of the fundamentals of Informatization of education and teaching problems, and organizing and carrying out pedagogical research within Master degree. 196

Recommended prerequisites: Psychology, pedagogy, organizing and carrying out pedagogical research, informatization of education and teaching problems, theoretical fundamentals of developing informational educational environment. Targeted learning outcomes: Scientific research practice is aimed at developing social competences: - Ability of applying basic methods and techniques of gaining, storing, processing information; understanding principles of organizing scientific research, methods of achieving and creating scientific knowledge special competences: to know: - Perspective tendencies of research in professional sphere: - Scientific approaches and methodological fundamentals of research; To be able to: - Define perspective trends of scientific research; - Realize analysis, systematization and generalization of the results of scientific research in the sphere of education applying research methods when solving specific scientific research problems; - Realize projecting, organizing and evaluating the results of a scientific research in the sphere of education applying modern scientific methods, incluing informational and innovative technologies; To be able to apply: - Modern methods of scientific research in one‟s professional activity; - Methods of realizing and analyzing scientific information critically; To have: - Skills of improving and developing his/her scientific potential of abilities. Reporting scientific research at the meeting of the chair. Content: Systematic analysis of scientific-methodological informational base on the research subject. Developing diagnostic materials. Understanding and searching for construction of the methodological model of developing the phenomenon under research, levelling and structuring it. Analyzing the results of instrumental-practical stage of scientific research practice. Study / exam achievements: As a result a Master degree student must demonstrate: Knowledge of: - Scientific approaches and methodological fundamentals of research; - Stages of scientific research; - Basic rules of preparing and designing the results of research; Ability to - Formulate and solve problems arising during scientific research practice; - Process the results obtained, analyze and conceptualize them using scientific literature; - Discuss the results of the research in a scientific community; Ability to apply: - Modern methods of gaining, analyzing, modeling and processing scientific information (including mathematical); - Culture of system of thought, independent cognitive and creative activity; - General scientific methodology and scientific-theoretical apparatus of Pedagogy. Analisis: - Ability to analize the results of a scientific research and apply them when solving specific educational and research problems; - Ability of acquiring new research methods independently, of changing a scientific profile of his/her professional activity; - Ability to develop resource-information base for solving professional problems. 197

Evaluation: - Ability to interpret obtained results in the form of reports, publications, briefs, essays; to write scientific articles and reports; - Ability to discuss the results of the research in a scientific community; - Ability to reclassify knowledge using scientific information and creativity, taking into account labour market demands.

Form of exam: orally

Forms of media: Multimedia classroom, interactive blackboard. Electronic books and Internet resources Literature: Main: 1 Statement of Master degree students‟ scientific research //KazNPU after Abai. -2012. – p. 32. (ru) 2 M.I.Grabar, K.A.Krasnyanskaya Application of math statistics to pedagogical research: Non-parametrical methods. М.: Pedagogy, 1977. – p. 136 (ru) 3 M.F.Shklyar Fundamentals of scientific research. - М.: Edition: Dashkov and Co, 2009. – p. 244 (ru) further: 4 I.N.Kuznetzov Scientific works: methods of preparing and designing. 2d edition. – Minsk.: Amalfeya, 2000. – p. 544 (ru) 5 G.I.Ruzavin Methodology of scientific research: – М.: UNIT-DANA, 1999. – p. 317 (ru) 6 A.I.Naimushin, A.A.Naimushin Methods of scientific research. Electronic version. – Ufa, 2000. (ru)

Module name: Research module of a student Abbreviation, if applicable: NIRM Semester: 4 Module coordinator: Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. E.Y.Bidaibekov Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. A.E.Sagimbayeva Language: Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Module of optional training (OT). SCSE RK 7.09.134-2010 curriculum: Workload: 2,2 weeks Credit point: 7 KZ

Requirements under the Knowledge of the fundamentals of Pedagogy, Psychology, Computer examination regulations: science, Theory and methods of teaching Computer science within Bachelor degree. Knowledge of the fundamentals of Informatization of education and teaching problems, and organizing and carrying out pedagogical research within Master degree. Recommended prerequisites: Psychology, pedagogy, organizing and carrying out pedagogical research, informatization of education and teaching problems, theoretical fundamentals of developing informational educational environment. Targeted learning outcomes: Scientific research is aimed at developing social competences: 198

- understanding principles of organizing scientific research, methods of achieving and creating scientific knowledge; special competences: to know: - structure, forms and methods of scientific knowledge, their evolution; - conditions, problems, perspectives, methods and techniques of scientific research used in modern science and their possibilities. to be able to: - generalize results of scientic knowledge and use them as a means of increasing knowledge; - use the most effective methods and techniques of research; - choose methods of statistic processing, appropriate to research problems; -reclassify meaning of knowledge, search actively and apply scientific information; to be able to apply: - general scientific methodology and scientific theoretical apparatus, techniques and principles of professional activities; to have: - culture of system thinking, innovative cognitive, initiative, independent creative activities.

Content: Planning scientific research including familiarization with subjects of research in given sphere, choosing research topic, determining methodology and methods of research; carrying out scientific research; making report on scientific research and (or) publishing on the topic; defense of the work done; participation in bibliographic work of the chair, in research and publication projects of the chair, in developing actual problem of the modern science. NIRM is structured by semesters, in each semester specific problems are solved and they are shown in reports on NIRM. Scientific research in the first Scientific research in the first semester (NIRM-1): approved topic of the semester (NIRM-1) dissertation and plan-schedule of the work at the dissertation, which includes main activities and deadlines; setting targets and objectives of dissertation research; defining the object and subject of research; reasoning topicality of the subject chosen and characteristics of modern condition of the problem under study; characteristics of the methodological apparatus which is supposed to be used, selecting ans studying main relevant literature for using as a theoretical base of research. Scientific research in the second Scientific research in the second semester (NIRM-2): detailed review of semester (NIRM-2) the literature relevant to the topic of a dissertation research, that is up-to- date scientific research publications, which contain analysis of general results and statements obtained by leading specialists in the sphere of the research being carried out, assessment of its applicability within the dissertation research, including author‟s supposed personal contribution in developing the subject. Literature is to contain the sources revealing theoretical aspects of the issue under study, in the first place scientific monographs and articles from scientific journals. Scientific research in the third Scientific research in the third semester (NIRM-3): collection of practical semester (NIRM-3) material for a dissertation including developing methodology of selecting data, methods of processing results, evaluating their reliability and sufficiency for completing the work at the dissertation. Scientific research in the forth Scientific research in the forth semester (NIRM-4): the final stage of the semester (NIRM-4) work at a Master degree dissertation which is completing the research on 199

the topic and obtaining theoretical and practical results; writing and designing the dissertation; peparing the final text of the Master degree dissertation. Study / exam achievements: As a result a Master degree student must demonstrate: Knowledge of: - fundamental methodological characteristics of scientific research; - modern fundamental concepts of pedagogical research; - modern problems of the field of knowledge connected with the topic of the scientific research. Abilities to: - independently realize scientific research using modern scientific methods; - formulate and solve problems arising when carrying out a scientific research; - apply modern informational technologies when carrying out scientific research. Having: - ability of generalizing and assessing the results obtained by domestic and foreign researchers, reveal and formulate urgent scientific problems; - ability of resoning actuality, theoretical and practical value of the topic of the scientific research chosen; - ability to carry out research in accordance with the program developed independently. Analysis of: - results of scientific research and ability to apply them when solving specific research problems; - methods and facilities of carrying out scientific research and processing its results; - using periodic, abstract and reference-informative publications and resources on the topic. - Evaluation: - Projecting, organizing, realizing and evaluating results of scientific research in the sphere of education applying modern scientific methods including informational and innovative technologies; - Using existing possibilities of educational environment and projecting new conditions (including informational) for solving scientific research problems; - Realizing professional and personal self-education, projecting further educational route and professional career, participation in experimental work. Reporting scientific research at the meeting of the chair.

Form of exam: orally

Forms of media: Multimedia classroom, interactive blackboard. Electronic books and Internet resources Literature: Basic literature: 1 Statement of Master degree students‟ scientific research //KazNPU after Abai. -2012. – p. 32. (ru) 2 P.I.Obraztzov Methods and methodology of psychological- pedagogical research / P.I.Obraztzov. – СПб. : Piter, 2004. (ru) 3 A.M.Novikov, D.A.Novikov Methodology of scientific research. – М.: Librokom. 2010. – p. 280. (ru) Further:


4 Methodology and methods of pedagogical research: help for young researcher / M.N.Skatkin. – Moscow: Pedagogy, 1986. – p. 152. – (Education. Pedagogical sciences. General pegagogy). (ru) 5 Organization, forms and methods of scientific research: textbook/A.Ya.Chernysh, N.P.Bagmet, T.D.Mikhailenko, E.G.Anisimov, I.V.Glazunova, N.G.Lipatova, Yu.I.Somov. М.: Edition of Russia customs academy, 2012. P. 320. (ru) 6 Methodological problems of development of Pedagogy / P.R.Atautov, M.I.Skatkin, Ya.S.Turbovskiy. – М., 1985. – Ch. 2. (ru)

Module name: Writing up and defense of master’s dissertations Module level: Abbreviation: OZMD Sub-heading: Semester: 4 Module coordinator: Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. E.Y.Bidaibekov Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. A.E.Sagimbayeva Language: Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Module of optional training (OT). SCSE RK 7.09.134-2010 curriculum: Workload: 6 weeks Credit point: 3 KZ

Requirements under the Knowledge of the fundamentals of Pedagogy, Psychology, Computer examination regulations: science, Theory and methods of teaching Computer science within Bachelor degree. Knowledge of the fundamentals of Informatization of education and teaching problems, and organizing and carrying out pedagogical research within Master degree. Recommended prerequisites: Psychology, pedagogy, organizing and carrying out pedagogical research, informatization of education and teaching problems, theoretical fundamentals of developing informational educational environment. Targeted learning outcomes: Typography and defense of Master degree dissertation is aimed at developing social competences: - To solve problems of his/her professional activity at the modern level independently, demonstrate ability to expound information; - Scientifically argue and defend his/her scientific point of view. Special competences: To know: - Methodology of scientific knowledge; - Principles and structure of organizing scientific activity. To be able to: - Use the knowledge gained for original development and application of the ideas in the context of scientific research; - Critically analyze existing concepts and approaches to analyzing processes and phenomena; - Integrate the knowledge gained within various disciplines for solving research problems; - Do information-analytic and information-bibliographic work using modern information technologies; - Creatively think and creatively solve new problems and situations; - To have good knowledge of foreign language at a professional level in 201

order to carry out scientific research; - Generalize the results of scientific research and analytic work in the form of a dissertation, scientific article, report, analytic paper, etc. To have ability of: - scientific research activity, of solving standard scientific problems; - professional communication and intercultural communication; - declamatory skills, conveying meaning of his/her thoughts orally and in written form; - improving his/her knowledge required for everyday professional activity and for continuing education at doctorate; - applying information and computer technology to the sphere of his/her professional activity; - skills of presenting and defending the results of his/her activity in public. To be competent: - in ways of providing constant updating his/her knowledge, improving his/her professional abilities and skills. Typography and defense of Master degree dissertation. Content: The dissertation is to be a qualified scientific work on a specific course demonstrating a graduate‟s qualification, his ability to solve scientific problems in relevant sphere of knowledge creatively. Study / exam achievements: A Master degree graduate must be aware of: - the importance of science and education in social life; - modern tendencies of scientific knowledge development; - current methodological and philosophic problems of science branches; - professional competence of a higher education institution teacher.

Form of exam: orally

Forms of media: Multimedia classroom, interactive blackboard. Electronic books and Internet resources Literature: Basic: 1 Requirements for designing and defending a Master degree dissertation. // KazNPU after Abai. 2012. – p. 22 (kaz, ru) 2 F.A.Kuzin Master degree dissertation: Methods of writing, rules of designing and procedure of defending: Practical tutorial for Master degree students. – М.: «Os-89», 1997. – p. 304 (ru) 3 A.V.Korotkov How to write and defend an excellent course thesis, diploma project or Master degree dissertation at humanitarian university // М.: MGIMO. -2010. – p. 37 (ru) Further: 4 V.N.Yarskaya Methodology of dissertation research: how to defend a dissertation. -2011. – p. 176 (ru) 5 I.A.Savina Methods of bibliographic description: practical manual . – М. : Liberia-Bibinform, 2007. – p. 144 (ru) 6 N.T.Petrovich Explanatory handbook of a candidate for a degree and opponent. 2d edition. - М.: 2007. – p. 166 (ru)

Module name: Complex examination Sub-heading: Abbreviation: KE Semester: 4 202

Module coordinator: Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. E.Y.Bidaibekov Lecturer: Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. E.Y.Bidaibekov Doctor of ped. sciences, prof. A.E.Sagimbayeva, Doctor of ped. sciences, associate prof. G.B.Kamalova Language: Kazakh, Russian Classification within the Complex examination (CE). SCSE RK 7.09.134-2010 curriculum: Teaching format / class hours per Full-time week during the semester: Workload: 2,5 academic hours per each student Credit point: 1KZ (3 ECTS) Requirements under the Basic knowledge on modules of general education disciplines: examination regulations: Knowledge of the disciplines on Computer science and Informatization of education required for developing a competent professional; Theoretical knowledge of methods of teaching Computer science; Knowledge of methods of solving problems on programming; Knowledge of techniques of handling modern ICT; Knowledge andability of applying information and innovative pedagogical technologies to future professional activity. Recommended prerequisites: Modern methods of control and assessment, Informatization of education and teaching problems, Development and application of educational electronic editions and Internet resources Targeted learning outcomes: The objective of the complex examination is determining: - the level of a Master degree student‟s professional skills for realizing professional problems; - adequacy of his/her training to the requirements of SCSE RK within state requirements for the training level of masters; - a Master degree student‟s abilities to continue his/her education at doctorate. Study / exam achievements: A Master degree student must be able to: - integrate the knowledge gained within different disciplines for solving research problems in new unknown conditions; - think creatively and use a creative approach to solving new problems and situations; - speak foreign language at a professional level.

Form of exam: orally

Statement on final state attestation Master degree students‟s final attestation is the form of state control over a Master degree student‟s study achievements, aimed at determining whether the knowledge, abilities, skills competences gained by him/her satisfy the requirements of state compulsory standards of education on specialties of Master degree. The complex examination on specialty includes the disciplines of the required component of the cycle of basic and major disciplines of the Master degree professional educational program. A complex examination is carried out in one of the following forms: orally, in written form, testing within the program approved. The program of a complex examination, the form of conducting it and the content of tasks are developed by the chair on the basis of study programs included into the given complex examination. The procedure of approvement is realized in accordance with the requirements of KazNPU named after Abai. The final attestation of Master degree students is conducted within the time frame established by the academic calendar and 203 curriculums of the specialties in the form of a complex examination and defense of a Master degree dissertation. A complex examination is conducted by the State attestation commission (SAC). The chairman of SAC is appointed and approved by the authorised body in the sphere of education in the established procedure. A complex examination is carried out not later than a month before the defense of a dissertation. The results of the complex examination of each Master degree student are issued in the form of a protocol, in accordance with the form of KazNPU named after Abai. - the Master degree student who does not agree with the result of his/her complex examination can appeal not later than the following day. - in order to handle appeals, not later than two weeks before the final attestation begins, the Appeals Comission is created by the order of the rector of KazNPU named after Abai, which consists of the experienced teachers whose qualification agrees with the profile of the specialty (3 or more teachers). - if the Appeals Commission agrees with the appeal the protocol of the SAC meeting is issued again. In this case the results of the first protocol are liquidated by the inscription «The Assessment is reconsidered by prototol №_____ from ______on page ____», and all the members of the SAC sign it. - those students who got “unsatisfactory” mark at a complex examination are not allowed to retake it in this period of final attestation. Retaking a complex examination in order to get better mark if a student‟s mark is “satisfactory” or “good” is not permitted. - the Master degree student who got unsatisfactory mark at a complex examination are sent down by the Rector‟s order, they do not get diploma, they get a certificate, which is awarded to those students who did not complete their education.