FIRST REVIEW NVIDIA’S FLAGSHIP QUADRO M6000 The reference media in high-performance IT solutions HPC | BIG DATA | CLOUD | STORAGE | VISUALIZATION | VIRTUALIZATION | NETWORKS | WORKSTATIONS EXClusive INTervieW #2 Ralph Schmitt GLOBAL OCZ CEO EdITION LAB RevieW Dell PowerEdge FX2 STORAGE InforTrend EonStor 3000 DS VIRTUALIZATION Dell Precision T5810 A Whole Toshiba W50 NEW World hoW TO Create your of groWTH Raspberry Pi supercomputing opporTuniTIES cluster 3 EDITor’S NOTE HPC Review Welcome ! This issue focuses on a hot topic nowadays, storage virtualization. Being able to get the most of an existing storage infrastructure and to extend it while winning capacity and features has become key within tight budget constraints. And virtualizing the existing storage pools and islands within the enterprise is only possible through vir- tualization. If you have a storage problem, there are good chances you will find the solution In this issue! This issue is also packed with product reviews, of which the outs- tanding – or not, depending on the use case –new flagship of NVI- DIA, the Quadro M6000 – Our benchmarks show it certainly shines on the performance side, but at a price. Our product reviews also focus on infrastructure elements like Dell’s modular and scalable PowerEdge FX2’s powerful enough to make one rethink an enter- prise equipment strategy. Not to mention InforTrend’s innovative and performance-oriented storage arrays As always, we welcome your suggestions and comments at
[email protected] Happy reading! 5 CONTENTS