Algoma Anglican Church Women

rd 53 Annual Conference

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ

1 Cor. 12. 12

Archbishop Anne’s Motto:

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8


Diocesan Board Contacts 1

Agenda 2-3

Prayers for the Diocese, Deanery, Parish, National 4

Archbishop ’s Message 5-6

Rev. Canon Edna Murdy’s Chaplain’s message 7-8

Darla McMeeken’s President’s Report 9

In Memoriam 10-14

Minutes of Zoom Board meetings 2020 15-19

Finances 20-21 Reports of Chairpersons 22-24

Report of Deanery Presidents 25-28

Budget 29

Charitable donation for Thank offering 2021-2022 30-31

W.A. and Certificate of Recognition recipients 32 Past Presidents W.A. and ACW 33


Patron: The Most Reverend Anne Germond 619 Wellington St. E Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2M6 705-256-5061 # 23 [email protected] Chaplain: The Rev. Canon Edna Murdy PO Box 251, Kearney, ON P0A 1M0 2017-2021 705-636-0695 [email protected] President: Darla McMeeken 206-22 Walter St. Huntsville, ON P1H 1T3 2019-2021 705-380-5142 [email protected] Vice President: Janet Pike 612-355 Adelaide St. , ON P7A 7X3 2019-2021 807-476-0044 [email protected] Secretary: Gina Newhall 204 Homeland Dr. Emsdale, ON P0A 1J0 2019-2021 705-636-5610 [email protected] Treasurer: Jacquie Howell 401 – 35 Dairy Lane Huntsville, ON P1H 2L8 2015-2022 705-789-1987 [email protected] Past President: Barbie Garvin P.O. Box 1121 Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 2019-2021 705-672-5792 [email protected] Devotions: Sue Goodwin 3273 Memorial Park Dr. Powassan, ON P0H 1Z0 2017-2021 705-724-5217 [email protected] Family Life: Joy Stott 22 Walter St., Apt. 104 Huntsville, ON P1H 1T3 2017-2021 705-783 8288 I [email protected] Comm./PR: Sharon Corston 165 Clarkson St. N. Thunder Bay, ON P7A 6G1 2013-2020 807-768-8194 [email protected] NEWSLETTER: [email protected] Social Action: May Seguin 99 Fairway Drive Callander, ON P0H 1H0 2013 -2020 705-752-4937 [email protected] Algoma – President Donna Komhyr 144 Willoughby St. Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 3X1 705-253-5521 [email protected] Muskoka – President Linda Smith 300 Falcon Rd Huntsville, ON P1H 1N5 705-783-0551 [email protected] Sudbury/Manitoulin – Coordinator Sherry Steeves-Beaudoin 459 Elm St. Sudbury, ON P3C 1W4 249-878-7056 [email protected] Temiskaming – Co-coordinators Lynda Hughes 158 Sable Cres. North Bay, ON P1A 3X7 705-495-4686 [email protected] Pam Handley 309 Cedar Hts. Rd. W North Bay, ON P1B 8G8 705-472-3573 [email protected] Thunder Bay/North Shore – President Ruth Merkley - 206-711 Weiler Blvd. Thunder Bay, ON P7C 0A8 807-623-0825 [email protected]





Wednesday, May 26, 2021

9:00a.m. – Delegates joining Conference

9:25a.m. – Call to Order Welcome: Darla McMeeken, President ACW Diocesan Board

9:30a.m. – Opening Worship Service: The Most Reverend Anne Germond, Diocese of Algoma, ACW Patron, presiding;

Readings: 2nd Corinthians 10: 7-18, Susan Goodwin, Diocesan Devotions Chair

Psalm 66: 1-8, The Rev. Canon Edna Murdy, Diocesan Chaplain

Matthew 13: 31-33 Janet Pike, Vice President, Diocesan Board

10:20a.m. – Introduction of ACW Diocesan Board

President‟s Report

10:25a.m. – Business Session:

- Acceptance of Agenda

- Correspondence:

Thank you letters from Anglican Church of Canada for Giving with Grace and Five Salvation Army Citadels located in our deaneries

- Approval of the actions of the ACW Diocesan Board at board meetings held April 24, 2020, and October 29, 2020

- Acceptance of the Financial Report: Jacquie Howell, ACW Diocesan Treasurer

- Nominations Report: Barbie Garvin, Past President, ACW Diocesan Board

-Election of Officers if required

11:15a.m. – Breakout Group Social Time

11:25a.m. – Mid-day Prayer and Grace – Susan Goodwin

11:30a.m. – Lunch Break

12:45p.m. – Delegates joining Afternoon Session Music by: Rev. Judie Cooper

1:00p.m. – Devotions: Susan Goodwin 2

1:10p.m. – Introduction of Speaker: May Seguin, Diocesan Social Action Chair Guest Speaker – Matthew Simone – Canadian Food For Children

Thank You to Speaker: Janet Pike

1:55p.m. – New Business –

-Presentation of 2021 Budget: Jacquie Howell

-Decision on Mission 2021-2022

- Prayer Partners for 2021-2022: Susan Goodwin

- Other Business

2:10p.m. – Invitation to 2022 Annual Conference: Sudbury/Manitoulin Deanery

2:15p.m. – Installation / Commissioning of Algoma Diocesan ACW Board: Archbishop Anne

2:30p.m. – Presentation of Past President‟s pin to Darla McMeeken and Handing over the Gavel to

President Janet Pike

Breakout Groups Social Time (if time allows)

2:45p.m. – Closing Prayers: Rev. Canon Edna Murdy

3:00p.m. – Adjournment: Janet Pike


Prayers for 2020 – 2021

Diocese of Algoma ACW Prayer Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who did send your blessed Son into the world to become the Saviour of all: Grant to us a deep sense of gratitude for your grace and mercy towards us; Enable us by your Spirit to reveal your love in prayer and work and stewardship; So that your salvation may become known to all people, and your name glorified throughout all the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Deanery Prayer Partners:

Almighty God, we ask you to bless our ACW sisters in the Deanery of …(Below) Protect and comfort them in all dangers and adversities; keep them in health and strength grant them an abiding knowledge of the presence of the Holy Spirit and make them responsive to the Love of Jesus Christ. Amen

Thunder Bay/North Shore Temiskaming Algoma Muskoka Temiskaming Sudbury/Manitoulin Sudbury/Manitoulin Algoma Muskoka Thunder Bay/North Shore

Diocese of Algoma’s Prayer for our Diocesan Prayer Partner Oh heavenly father we pray for our sisters of the ACW across Canada, especially for our Diocesan sisters of the , Vice President Rosemarie Kingston Keep them in peace and safety under the shadow of thy wings; guide and comfort them with Thy Holy Spirit, and enlighten and bless those to whom they minister, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen National Anglican Church Women of Canada Prayer: Margaret Warwick, President

Almighty God, we pray for your blessing and grace on our work and witness as Anglican Church Women in Canada. We give thanks and praise for giving us wisdom, knowledge and understanding so that we may serve in spirit and in truth. Called to be your church, may our study, learning, worship and service be always to your glory and the building of your kingdom in our communities and throughout the world. In our ministry may we always respond to the needs of others with love. We pray in the name of the One who redeemed and loves us, your Son, Jesus our Saviour. Amen 4



For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ

1 Cor. 12. 12

Dear Anglican Church Women,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ as you gather for the first ever ‘virtual’ Annual Meeting. Thank goodness for Zoom! Without the internet and technology to support online gatherings our church would be in a very different place than we are right now. I know that learning new skills has been a challenge for many of you. Thank you for the way in which you’ve embraced online worship, meetings, fellowship, and learning during the course of the pandemic.

My deep hope is that by May 2022 we will be back to ‘business as usual’ in the Diocese of Algoma and that we will be able to gather in person for the Annual Meeting. However, my most fervent prayer is that you have been given all the graces and strength you need to get through the Covid-19 pandemic, and that you have experienced the care and support of your church family through it all. You were certainly in my prayers, as were your family members.

The theme chosen for this year’s Annual Meeting; “One Body in Christ” is a most appropriate one. The human body is one of the most complex systems in existence, and is why the body is also one of the most powerful images for the church that is offered in Scripture. There are many people who cannot easily name their place in the church, but when they are asked to envision themselves as part of a body, everyone from children and youth to our elders can imagine themselves as hands, feet, eyes, ears, and hearts. One of the other strengths of the metaphor of the body is that it gives us a way of honouring every member of it. Everyone in the church matters – the frail elderly and the newborn babe at its mother’s breast. The developmentally challenged youth, the bright young lawyer as well as the hardworking generous givers. The church as the body of Christ is only whole with all of our members in it.

And like the human body the church functions best when it operates as one entity.

When we enter the waters of baptism we do so as individuals, but when we leave the waters clothed in the Spirit and marked as Christ’s own forever, our identity is no longer solitary. We belong to others and can no longer be known without reference to the community into which we have been reborn – the church.

One of the most challenging things about the pandemic was the necessity of being separated for many months from our faith communities. The ties that bind us together are very strong indeed, and we want them to continue to be strong and healthy in the years to come. 5

Among his many perceptive insights on the nature of Christian community is Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s reminder in his book Life Together that:

“Life together under the Word will remain sound and healthy only when it does not form itself into a movement, an order, a society, but rather where it understands itself as being a part of the one, holy, universal Christian Church, where it shares actively and passively in the sufferings and struggles and promise of the whole church.”

One of the graces of the past year for me has been watching the one body of Christ suffering and rejoicing with one another. This was more than just dropping a line to a friend who was having a difficult time, but rather we all worked together to stop the spread of Covid and in so doing became a tangible expression of God’s care.

As our lives begin to normalize in Canada, we know that there are millions of members of Christ’s body here and around the globe who are not recovering well – either individually or collectively as communities, or nations. Our role now is to reach out in love in whatever way we are able to, caring for them and sharing the work of God in the world.

We cannot do any of this in our own strength. It will only happen by the gifts of the Spirit working in and through each of us. All of us who are part of the body belong to Christ, and we depend on the Spirit, who is life.

May God bless your time of virtual meeting.

The Most Rev. Anne Germond

Archbishop of Algoma


Chaplain‟s Greeting

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I am writing this Easter Week after celebrating a truly wonderful Easter outdoor service, with everyone remaining in their cars, well distanced from each other, warm weather, and glorious sun shining. As Rev. Catherine was giving a truly joyous and inspiring sermon, the sun shone on her face, giving her a glow that showed that both her words and her faith were true and strong. It gave me true joy of the Easter message: resurrection, new life, and love. These are the greatest gifts that anyone can receive and as Christians we celebrate these in abundance – especially during the Easter season as we remember the total gift of love that Jesus Christ bestowed upon us by not only giving his life, but by rising to show us that death is not eternal – but life is eternal, with Christ always present within and around us.

This year has been quite a trial for many of us, not being able to visit friends for a cup of coffee and conversation. Zoom has been very helpful in many cases, (such as this year‟s ACW Annual) but still is not as exciting as meeting friends from across this great diocese – meetings that most often included hugs, laughter, and shared stories since the last annual. Yet, even this will become part of our life history that will be shared with a few generations.

Already daffodils are in full bloom, snowdrops are flowering, and tulips have the promise of buds growing on the stalks. Of course, for this new life to reach its full potential, sun, rain, and wind are necessary. This is as true for each of us, as children of God, to have the Son, (our light in the world and lives), Rain, (water of baptism, and bread and wine at God‟s table), and the Wind – the Holy Spirit blowing into and around us. As we gather this year at our Zoom Annual, it is only a few days after Pentecost Sunday. Remember the scene in Acts, when the apostles were gathered together waiting for the promise Jesus left with them at his Ascension? The promise of the Holy Spirit that will guide their lives so they will continue to understand God‟s will for each of them in their ministry to others, especially the ministry of spreading the Good News of Christ‟s life, sacrifice, and his continued presence with us? And the awe as they realized what was happening?


I often use a windmill in my children‟s focus on Pentecost Sunday. I give each one a small windmill, and we discuss what makes the vanes turn. Of course, they reply, “wind”, and then at least one of them demonstrates how blowing on these windmills also make them turn. That gives me the opportunity to talk about wind, breath, and spirit which are the same word in Hebrew – “ruach”. Wind (ruach) is used in Genesis, when God‟s spirit blew over the chaos that needed only God‟s word “Let there be light” to begin Creation. That ruach, that breath of God, that Holy Spirit is what opens each of our eyes, hearts, minds, and souls to God‟s presence within us, his will for us to remain strong in our faith, and our will (and God‟s will) to continue Christ‟s mission here on earth today. As ACW, we are committed to this mission of spreading the Gospel, reaching out to others with compassion and understanding, sharing love and laughter with each other, and speaking up for those who feel they have no voice. The next time you feel the wind on your face, maybe even strong enough to hold on to your hat, think of God‟s „ruach‟, his breath, his spirit, blowing within you, creating a new path for you to take or giving you the strength to continue the path you are presently on. Although at this time we are virtually together, as the year continues, with us finding ways to carry out God‟s will in pandemic times, we are still joined as sisters in Christ, joined in mission, and joined in love.

I am unable to continue as your Chaplain. There have been changes in my life that prevent me from being able to take the time to meet and visit, to attend meetings, to be available as I would like to be. I wish to express my thanks to you for your continued prayer support, and for your patience with me. I will continue to keep all ACW members and your families and congregations in my prayers, and I look forward to meeting with the next Chaplain and giving her all the support that I am able to do, in her loving, and compassionate ministry with all of us.

God bless every one of you! I‟ll see you on Zoom.

Your sister in Christ,



President‟s Message

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Greetings Ladies,

On behalf of our ACW Algoma Diocesan Board, I am pleased to welcome our special guests and registrants to the Anglican Church Women‟s 53rd Diocese of Algoma Annual Board


Our theme for the Annual „One Body in Christ‟, 1st Corinthians: 12-31, is most apt as we; a large „body‟ of women with a multitude of talents and ideas, and who function together as a whole, carry out our missions to love and serve the needs of our Lord‟s people. Our focus for today‟s sessions is to enjoy our worship, the sharing and communicating of current plans, and the creating of new criteria for utilizing technologies emerging as we have coped with Covid-19‟s rude interruptions.

My thanks to the ladies of our Diocesan Board who agreed in October 2020, that investing in the purchase of a year of Zoom would allow more frequent communications, as well as be a tool for deaneries and committees, if needed, for Spring and Fall meetings, church events, and other uses when in-person get-togethers are not a prudent choice.

Come!... and enjoy your visit:… with your favourite chair;… with your booklet,… and with your beverage.


Darla McMeeken


In Memoriam for 2018 - 2020

Diocese of Algoma ACW

“They are gone but not forgotten”

Deanery of Thunder Bay - North Shore

Gathering Table

In 2019 Barbara Rodena Ruth Norris Dorothy Evelyn Sovereign

In 2020 Evelyn Wallace, (former St John’s) (105 yrs.)

Delores Ethel Wawia (Muk-kee-Queh) (Frog Lady)

St. Georges In 2020 Rene Swingler

St. Michael and All Angels

In 2019 Dorothy Adelaide Stewart Beverly Donna Vass

The Reverend Charlene Scriver

In 2020 Elsie McManus Josephine Sandberg Ad Browning Marjory Brown Patricia Verrier Marilyn Davidson

Susan Peterson Evelyn Vaillant

Marlene Johnson Edith Enstrom

St. John the Evangelist, Schreiber

In 2019 Darlene Vezina In 2020 Helen Jartus

ST. Thomas TB

In 2018 Judy Nicols In 2019 Sheila Tucker

In 2020 Gwendline MacNiven Jean Allen Glenys Huskie Gloria Thornburrow Winnie Dixon


St. Stephen the Martyr

In 2019 Kim Audet; Patricia Kavalchuk Nellie Buys

In 2020 Linda O’Shaughnessy

Trinity - Marathon

In 2019 Eve McDonnell

St. Paul’s Thunder Bay

Patricia Elizabeth Davidson Kathleen Margaret Gruen

Audrey Lorette Johnson Barbara (Alcorn) Rolls

Shannon (O’Donnell) Boulton Faith Fawcett

Eleanor “Lal” Nancekivell Lois Mary Johnson Deanery of Algoma

Christ Church SSM In 2020 Gwen Fantham June Harbottle. Irene Myrtle Black

St. Luke’s Cathedral In 20202 Margaret Gould Rosemary Watkiss Joan Rous Joyce Watson Shirley Hackett

Church of the Redeemer In 2020 Rev. Canon Muriel Hornby

St. Saviour’s

In 2020 Danna Gilmore Ola Meawasige

Sheila Shamas Joyce Miller

St. Peters SSM

In 2020 Elsie Evans Eleanor (Nellie) Moody

Iris Middleton

Emmaus SSM

In 2019 Norma Hemy Kathy Knight Phyllis Wallace Marilyn Roy Sally Jones Sandra Shewflet Colleen Ray 11

In 2020 Shirley Hackett Rita Gernon

Judy Hall Joy Covin

Joyce McKay Helen Weir Jean Speller

Holy Trinity SSM Patricia Speer

In 2020 Doris Mitchel Elsie Harbottle Carol Menard Deanery of Sudbury Manitoulin

St. John the Divine Copper Cliff In 2020 Helen Reid

St. John the Evangelist, Kagawong In 2018 Muriel Hunt

All Saints’ Coniston no deaths

Church of the Ascension Sudbury

In2018 Barb Blanchard Margaret Villeneuve Norma Mayo Patricia Roberts

In 2019 Cathy Jewell Velma Tansley Jean Munro

In 2020 Nancy McLatchie

Deanery of Temiskaming St. Peter’s - Trillium Parish Callendar In 2020 Rev. Joan Morris

St Mary Magdalene Sturgeon Falls none

St. Brice’s North bay

In 2019 Gertie Fryer

Temagami In 2019 Margaret Adams In 2020 Betty Johnson

Northern Lights Parish Haileybury

In 2020 Bridget Frank Margaret Riley

Christ Church NB In 2019 Merlie Joan Franklin

In 2020 Dorothy Chabot, Diocesan Past Pres. Margaret Britton 12

Vina Trowsdale Helen Hunter

Maureen King Donna Sakaluk

Bridgette Franks Margaret Riley

St. John the Divine NB In 2019 Lily Ploughman

In2020 Barbara Ricker Doris Lovell

Irma Hewitt

Deanery of Muskoka

Trinity Parry Sound In 2019 Sherry Lynn Tondr Viola Patricia Rankin

St. Thomas Bracebridge

In 2018 Margaret Hammel Betty Evans In 2019 Margaret Medley Mildred Austin Dorothy Kane

In 2020 Elizabeth Nellor Ellen Harper

Noni Rogers Marlene Tynan Libby Porth

St James – Gravenhurst

In 2019 Patricia Morris In 2020 Mona Buckerfield Sandra Boaneman

Glenna Kergon Jennifer Stark

All Saints Huntsville

In 2018 Jean Sutherland Amy Harrower In 2019 Judy Wilson Arva Madeline Cawley

In 2020 Gwyneth Mary Shirley Beryl Christine Frow

St. Johns – Ravenscliffe

In 2018 Olive Robinson

In 2020 Alberta (Sinclair) Schrer Eleanor Tipper

Christ Church – Port Sydney

In 2020 Margaret Brooker

St. Ambrose Baysville

In 2018 Patricia Ann Parkinson


Holy Trinity Newholm

In 2018 Joyce Louise Irving

Muskoka Lakes Parish none

St. Stephen’s Rosseau

In 2019 Emily Wood W.A. (100 Years old)

Christ Church – Windermere 2020 Pat (Patricia) Holden Trinity – All Saints Bala

In 2018 Judy Web

In 2020 The Rev Margaret Johnson

Church of the Good Shepherd Emsdale In 2016 / 2017 Madeline Marshall Barb SowrIn

In 2018 Edna VanVlietIn

In 2019 Marjorie Brandt

In 2020 Willow Smith



Diocese of Algoma ACW Board Conference Call Minutes

Friday April 24, 2020

Attendees: Darla McMeeken, Edna Murdy, Jacquie Howell, Thelma Smith, Sue Goodwin, Joy Stott, Sharon Corston, May Seguin, Donna Komhyr, Linda Smith, Pam Handley, Ruth Merkley, Emily Noble, Gina Newhall

Regrets: Barbie Garvin, Archbishop Anne Germond and guest Janet Pike

Call to order 7:10 pm

1. Roll call 2. Welcome by Darla 3. Devotion  Thank you to Rev Canon Edna Murdy 4. Agenda  Motion by Linda S to accept agenda. Seconded by May S. Motion carried. 5. Minutes of October 09/19  Motion by May S to accept minutes. Seconded by Edna. Motion carried. 6. New Business Arising from October Minutes  Update and Cancellation of Annual May 2020  Date: May 26, 27, 28th  Posted on Diocesan web page  Concern that not all the membership has not gotten the message  Presidents should ensure  Location: Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel  No planning for 2022 until status of hotel after covid  Registration and Refunds  Some cheques sent back or in the process  Remind members who made direct hotel reservations to cancel  Ruth will obtain number of outstanding reservations  Special Edition of Algoma ACW Spring Newsletter  Deadline of articles is June 1st  Newsletter out approximately end of June  President’s reports should be updated 15

 Pictures add to the newsletter  Articles should be a word doc  2020 annual cover will be used for 2022 annual and not the newsletter     Algoma Diocese Deanery Prayer Partners  Decision to leave the list as is until 2022 annual  Suggestion to choose partners in 2022 by drawing from a hat

 Sudbury Manitoulin hosting 2022 Annual

 Sherry reported it is a GO! Yeah  Perhaps not full format – gathering is most important  All deaneries can assist – perhaps one person from each deanery  7. Old Business  Nominations  Discuss next meeting  Action on to Present 2019 Annual Minutes for Membership Approval @ 2020 Annual  Our board can act on behalf of the membership  Motion by Pam to accept minutes as amended. Seconded by May S. Motion carried. 8. Financial Report - Jacquie  Jacquie distributed to us the “Yearly Financial Statement for 2019” before our conference call  Motion by Jacquie to accept treasure’s report. Seconded by Edna. Motion carried  Suggestion to some financials the newsletter  Ledger Balance January 01/19 = $7,424.84  Receipts = $14,423.90  Disbursements = $12,684.76  Ledger Balance December 31, 2019 = $9,173  Bank statement = $9,173  Investment Statement  Invested June 2018 = $15,000  Income after fees paid = $507.39  Opening Balance = $15,516.39  Family Life  Opening Balance = $294.65  December 31, 2019 = $302.65  2020 Proposed Budget  Revised budget issued April 24, 2020  Normally give$3,000 to general synod 16

 Suggestion to send $2000 to Algoma General Synod  After conference call budget was accepted by board members  2020 Thank Offering  Should have voted on at 2022  Offering to Salvation Army and Canadian Food for children  Motion to allocate $1,500 to Salvation Army  $300 to be sent to each deanery president  Presidents to provide address for their Salvation Army branch to Jacquie  National – “Giving in Grace” for 2020  Each deanery to collect thank Offering by June 01/20 9. Correspondence  Jacquie reported receiving thank you notes from Council of the North and Hospice 10. Next Meeting - Dat– to be determine 11. Closing prayer by Susan 12. Adjourned by Linda 13. Next Meeting February 2020 - Date– to be determine 14. Adjourned by Janet

Diocese of Algoma ACW Board Conference Call Minutes

October 29, 2020

Attendees: Darla McMeeken, Rev. Canon Edna Murdy, Janet Pike, Jacquie Howell, Sue Goodwin, Joy Stott, May Seguin, Emily Noble, Linda Smith, Pam Handley, Hughes, Ruth Merkley, Sherry Steeves-Beaudoin, Gina Newhall

Guest: The Ven. Kelly Baetz

Regrets: Barbie Garvin, Donna Komhyr, Sharon Corston

15. Call to order 7:08  Kelly provided zoom guidelines: o Mute when not speaking o Use chat to send a message o Raise hand if you wish to speak o Meeting will be recorded 16. Roll call by Darla 17. Welcome by President Darla McMeeken  Darla thanked Kelly for assisting us with our zoom call 18. Devotion  17

 Thank you to Edna Murdy and Sue Goodwin for leading us through an “Act of Commitment” from the Iona Abbey Worship Book 19. Agenda  Motion by Janet to accept agenda with amendments. Second by Jackuie Motion carried. 20. Minutes of April 24, 2020  Motion by Jacquie to accept minutes as circulated with spelling correction on page 3. Second by Janet. Motion carried. 21. On Going Business and New Business  Communication Report  Reviewed Sharon’s report  Sharon is very busy. Janet will contact Sharon and offer assistance  Send items for newsletter on Nov 15th  Nomination Committee  Discussion around whether we should be changing positions at this time  Motion by Janet to make no necessary changes in the ACW Diocesan Boars until 2022. Second by Joy. Carried  Annual 2021  Ruth suggested canceling annual  Motion by Jacquie to cancel in person 2021 annual. Second by Ruth. Carried  Then there was discussion about Jacquie sending ECW South West Florida Virtual Annual meeting information to Ruth, Kelly, OMIT, Janet and Darla after attending this meeting.  Annual 2022  Sherry report Sudbury-Manitoulin will continue to plan for 2022 in person annual.  Janet discussed Mission to Sea Farers  Items needed for Christmas gift bags are deck of cards, knitted items, note pads, chap stick, hot chocolate, disposable razors and money  Send to Janet 22. Financial Report - Jacquie  Jacquie distributed financial statement January – October 27, 2020 before conference call  Ledger Balance as of January 1, 2020 = $9,173.88  Receipts = $10,026.34  Disbursements = $5,091.76  Balance October 2020 = $14,098.56  Discussed Jacquie’s questions forwarded in the financial statement  Should we request donations from ACW Units/contacts 2021?  Decision – no due to groups not being able to fund raise  Are we going to promote the Thank Offering for 2021? Canadian Food For Children  Motion by Pam to continue in 2021. Second by Janet. Carried  Is there a Presidents National Conference 2021?  Unsure at this time  Should we plan for zoom calls or conference calls during 2021?  18

 Decided on zoom calls for next board meeting and possible zoom for annual.  Motion by May to donate $150 to cover usage of Kelly’s zoom service and to be used for discretion fund. Second by Janet. Carried  Motion by Jacquie ACW to purchase zoom contract for 1 year. Second by Edna. Carried  Do we wish to do further Mission work? Can we raise Anglican Foundation membership & donate to $150 (from $125.00 budget)?  Motion by Jacquie to donate $100 to Hope Bear program and $50.00 for membership. Second by Janet. Carried 23. Correspondence  Jacquie reported receiving thank you notes from all 5 Salvation Army’s Citadel and Anglican Church of Canada for Giving with Grace 24. Next Meeting - Date– to be determine 25. Motion to Adjourn by Janet. Second by Pam. Carried




LEDGER BALANCE as of January 1, 2019 $ 9,173.88

RECEIPTS $ 10,791.19


LEDGER BALANCE December 31, 2020 $ 14,322.56

Bank Statement December 31, 2020 $ 14,322.56 INVESTMENT STATEMENT

Invested June 2018 $ 15,000.00

Income (Oct 31 2020) after fees pd 456.12

Opening investment balance $ 15,207.69


Balance Dec 31, 2020 $ 227.65

Outstanding Payable for Mission: $ 607.39

Account Receivable $ 456.12 Investment dividends for mission


DIOCESE OF ALGOMA ACW 2020 Receipts and Disbursements Balance forward January 1 2020 $ 9,173.88


Donations 8,687.00 Thank Offering 1,447.30

(Giving with Grace)

Other (Investment/donations) 607.39

Bank Credit __49.50

Balance $ 10,791.19


Communication 508.11 (Spring Teleconference, Fall Zoom & Purchase)

Ministry (Diocese of Algoma) 2000.00

Mission 3075.00

(5 Deanery Salvation Army & Giving with Grace)

Bank debit 59.40

Balance $ 5837.56 $ 14,322.56 BANK BALANCE/LEDGER BALANCE Dec 31, 2020

Mission payable in 2021: $607.39 Accounts receivable investment: $456.12 (for mission in 2021)


Reports of Chairpersons

FAMILY LIFE REPORT - 2020 This report for the 2021 53rd Annual is a combination of 2019, and 2020 information of happenings in the Diocese of Algoma. Many churches during this time have undergone parishes that have closed, amalgamated, some struggling without a rector of their own, who have retired, then many of whom graciously helped out at vacant positions. We have also had new ordinations! We thank you clergy! During this time, this can leave a void or struggle to keep the "Family Life" alive. But you women do and we thank you!

In the summer and fall of 2019 I took time to travel in the Deanery of Muskoka. I was present for many a Sunday service, coffee hour, listening to the A.C.W. women listing their involvement within their church's life, their struggles, successes and community programs. Many churches I wasn't able to get to. Here are some of the ministries of Family Life: Church schools and youth activities are well at: Church of the Good Shepherd, Emsdale; All Saints', Huntsville; St. John's Ravenscliffe; St. Thomas, Orrville; Trinity/All Saints', Bala; St. Thomas, Bracebridge; St. James, Gravenhurst. I was even present for a baptism of one of a youth's child, the youth who I knew through The Door . That was such a treat for me to be able to attend . Bazaars, auctions, summer lunches, garden teas, Church of the Redeemer, Rosseau; Trinity/All Saints', Bala Mactier; St. Ambrose, Baysville; St. John's, Ravenscliffe; and even a Community Garden at Church of the Good Shepherd. A Hope Chest of clothing, etc. for community, St. James, Gravenhurst. I assisted with a clerical dinner at Church of the Redeemer, Rosseau.

Sadly, there were changes with rectors retiring or leaving. St. Mary's, Aspdin and St. Paul's, Grassmere churches closed. St. John's, Ravenscliffe, later became a chapel Church to All Saints', Huntsville. In the North, many churches have seen change as well. Many have continued their "Family Lie" programs of Community meals and Shelters, for the less fortunate of society, St. John the Divine, North Bay; programs and support in the process of reconciliation, Church of the Ascension, Sudbury. ARK - an –ct of Random Kindness, Sudbury, worked to bring a Syrian refugee family to safety in Canada. North Bay Anglican "Snappy Strutters" participated in the Coldest Night of the Year Walk in February, to raise funds for the hungry, homeless, and hurting people in their community. Church of the Epiphany, Sudbury held a book sale weekend. This is just a snapshot of some events in the northern deaneries, in 2019.

However in 2020 the church's mission of Family Life, had its "reins pulled in”. I believe, during this last year, God has enabled us women, for most of us, more time to reflect on God's word, and thrive spiritually. Time to reflect on how we are able to reach others, and "volunteer" in different way. To be able to nurture the church family, prayerfully, virtually, by letter, phone, zoom, and distantly in service. We had to conform to the world's ways of direction for safety, love of our neighbours, and with this we have succeeded in adapting with those changes in how we by yielding to the "Spirit’s" within us, support in action or financial means, interact and continue with such a strong active involvement to continue to nurture the "Family Life" within our church family. From what I have heard from women who have share their news to me or from what I have read, thank you to all the women who have continued to: teach and support the youth, supported families who brought their children to baptism; continued with prayer chains, and circles; provided meals to individuals or feed the hungry, supportive food banks; pastoral care with porch drop bags, cards, phone calls; those who assisted with virtual church services; joining in on virtual Bible studies; coffee hours; even to ringing the church bells, every good deed, kind smile, gentle word of support, and heartfelt prayer is a reminder of God's faithfulness and His unconditional love. 22

Women of God, I applaud you, those who have carried on! Those who have broken with the traditional mindset, who have changed with the times, in neighbourly love, helping one another, to keep the bond throughout these trials, of change; our love for one another, and our communities, whether big cities, or small villages.

I pray: Lord in this time of absence of being able to be physically in touch with one another, I pray You will continue to lead us Lord, and let us go forth with inspiration and courage, to do your work. Let us be a people worthy of you as we conduct ourselves accordingly. Lord help us remember what you did for us. Life is a gift from you. Health is a gift from you. Forgiveness, salvation, faith, love and hope are gifts from you. Help us to be a people of vision. Help us to be a people with a sense of mission of "family" within our churches and community. Help us to be a people of faith in Jesus Christ. Amen. Jesus said, "For “here two or three (or a limited five) are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20 KJV

Respectfully submitted, Your sister in Christ, Joy Stott, Family Life Chair for the Diocese of Algoma

Cards Now available





submitted by May Seguin, Diocesan Social Chair February 1, 2021

The year 2020 has been a year of uncertainty, worry and upheaval in everyone’s life, due to the Corona Virus or Co Vid 19 pandemic.

This is history in the making! It is a time of crisis in our community and country.

Due to all the happenings during 2020 no events or very few collections were conducted.

As no 2020 ACW Annual Conference was held in Thunder Bay, a decision was made that $300. would be provided to each Deanery of the Diocese and sent on to the Salvation Army at the local level, as a donation. The reasoning being that each Deanery would be recognized and the work of the Anglican Women realized. As your Social Chair I am indeed grateful for this undertaking and do thank all workers-- women, men/children, of each Deanery for their work, commitment, and dedication.

The milk bag and cancelled postage stamp collections have continued within the Deanery of Temiskaming . During 2020 I collected 2,682 milk bags as compared to 7,221 in 2019. As I look at the cancelled postage stamp collection, I am disappointed to say that I have not shipped any postal stamps to the Christian Salvage Mission during 2020 whereas in 2019 I shipped 8 shoe-boxes (size 10) to their warehouse. The Christian Salvage Mission 2020 Fall Report stated that 91,795 lbs. of Christian Bibles & materials were collected in 2019 & 2020 and shipped during 2020 to Zambia, Uganda and India and the Salvage Mission know God’s word will give them the hope that they need. Also, on December 15, 2020 I was notified that another four containers were filled with the Word of God and possibly one more container would be shipped before the year end 2020. Should you be purging, down-sizing, whatever you call it, please think of Christian Mission Salvage-----all Christian materials, Bibles, are accepted and are in need.

The collection of postage stamps (new and recycled) is simple----leave lots of room around the stamp. Stamps are graded according to country and generate revenue to help assist with the Christian material container shipping costs to third- world countries. The message is ‘stamps are valuable, keep saving them’.

Although it is a time of staying at home, it is also a time to reflect on the past, create new ways of doing things, and take care of yourself and those around you.

for your commitment and dedication

and reaching out to others!


Reports of Deanery Presidents

Deanery of Thunder Bay - North Shore Anglican Church Women

We began the year continuing our preparations for hosting the Diocesan Annual Conference in May. As usual there was a busy schedule lining up for our Deanery. In January, our combined Anglican-Lutheran Group held its Annual Variety Show to raise funds for our Bursary and Outreach programs. The mission of this group formed in 2011 is “Fighting Poverty in Thunder Bay”. One of the two meals annually provided to Shelter House took place in February and a $1000 Bursary was awarded.

It has been our tradition to hold a Deanery Bake Sale around the last Friday of March in support of our church camp, Camp Gitchigomee. The arrival of COVID-19 changed everything. The Bake Sale was the first event to be cancelled, followed by our Spring Deanery meeting. Then the 2020 Annual was cancelled. We were prepared to reschedule everything to May 25-27, 2021; however, at the Diocesan ACW Board meeting held on Thursday, October 29, 2020, it was decided to cancel the 2021 Annual Conference in Thunder Bay completely. The general consensus was that even if restrictions were lifted, our ladies who are in the most vulnerable group would not wish to travel and waiting until January, 2021 or later to make a decision would only complicate matters. With the closure of our churches extending into late September, many other plans changed.

Although none of our groups have had in-person meetings, the capability of meeting at first by teleconference and then virtually through Zoom has meant we can see and talk to each other. Many activities did take place within our parishes. The Food Bank at Gathering Table has continued to provide for those in need, with adjustments necessitated by COVID restrictions. St. Michael’s had a bake sale before Christmas using pre-ordering and curbside-style pick up. Other churches had some virtual fund-raisers. Chat groups have also developed. We have all faced the necessity of being creative to achieve what we want to do.

Regretfully the ladies of St. Mary’s ACW (originally started at Vickers Heights) at St. Mark’s Church in Rosslyn have decided to disband their group. They have faithfully served their parishes for over 80 years but can no longer continue to meet as a formal ACW group. We pray for them and give thanks for their service.

We continue to uphold each other in prayer and look forward to the day when we can be together to celebrate our mission as Anglican Church Women.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Pike, Secretary


Muskoka Deanery ACW

Well, here we are Not much happening with our Deanery ACW. This pandemic has certainly slowed things down. I have spoken to many ladies in our Deanery. Activities are pretty much not happening. It will be interesting to see the reaction of our ladies when given the plans for our upcoming Annual. Happy to have met with Pres. Darla and executive March 25th. These Zoom meetings seem to be the new norm! Great to hear and see everyone. We will survive! See you at the Annual. Linda Smith ACW President, Muskoka Deanery.


Although we are all in the grips of the COVID 19 Pandemic, all the ACW’s throughout the Temiskaming Deanery came up with excellent reports, in quick time as well, including:

St. Peter’s, Callander – May Seguin says the 2020 pandemic lock-down has meant we were safe but it also meant closing the church, something many of us if not all of us, have ever experienced in our lives before. However, in the midst of gratitude we suffered a severe heartbreak with the death of our beloved, Rev. Joan Morris on Nov. 12, 2020. All members felt this untimely loss, and it remains on our hearts heavily. During the entire year no business meetings, luncheons or fund-raising activities were held due to lock down.

In November our Deanery & Diocesan Social Chair, May Seguin, stepped up and became involved with the North Bay & District Jail Ministry. This involved all North Bay Anglican Churches so that at Christmas individuals may be presented with blank Christmas cards and stamps to mail to their loved ones. Thanks is extended to Marcia Grawbarger of St. Alban’s in Restoule, who undertook this responsibility for many years. Then in December an “Operation Christmas Kindness” Drive was held so that a small gift (chocolate bar, socks or deck of playing cards), would be given to all which was most successful, and this was under the direction of our Interim Incumbent, Ven. Linda White.

Annual donations were issued to support charities: PWRDF, Callander & District Food Bank, Callander Christmas Cheer, The North Bay Jail Ministry and the Legion Poppy Fund. Now as we turn to 2021, may it be a more promising and productive year for all! May we remain healthy, and although we may not go back to the way it was - we look forward to new hopes and new dreams!

St. Mary’s Powassan - Pat–Young submits - the– did not meet in person in 2020 because of COVID however we did make donations to several charities: Powassan & District Food Bank, Jail Ministry, PWRDF, Hope & Healing International, Operation Smile Canada. We also paid our annual Temiskaming Deanery dues, donated to Algoma Diocesan ACW and sent our Diocesan Thank Offering. We were not involved in any fund raising this year, but continue to support the ministries of St. Mary’s and Trillium Parish. 26

We are grieving the sudden death of our priest Rev. Joan Morris on Nov. 12, 2020. St. Mary’s future after June 2021 is uncertain. With God’s help we will continue to support the church in any way we can.

St. Mary Magdalene, Sturgeon Falls - Linda Lamarche writes this year was exceptional due to COVID 19. ACW meetings were held in Feb., March, Nov., and Dec. only. Soup and sandwiches have been put on hold and no bazaar was held in Nov.

Again, this was a year of dedication and participation for the women of the Church. They helped out with just about everything from being lectors, caretakers, cooks, lay readers, altar guild members, Christmas decorating; wherever help was required.

We have kept up with our usual projects: knitting red scarves for the Aids committee in North Bay; collection of stamps, milk bags, bread ties, pop can tabs and toiletries. We also prepared bags for our Sunday School Children. Several cards were sent out for Easter, get well, sympathy, Christmas, and birthdays for the children of the congregation. We were able to donate to many causes, such as: Tarime, Literacy Alliance, prison ministry, West Nipissing Telethon, Santa Fund, Christmas gift to our incumbent, Diocesan ACW, Deanery ACW as well as individual donations to “Canadian Food for Children”. Today we started our virtual Craft Group, which went exceptionally well. We will be doing this bi-monthly.

Christ Church in North Bay - Fran Wilson reports we do not have a regular ACW group but our fundraising ladies group did make apple pies and jams/jellies to sell in the fall with COVID protocols in place, so that we could meet our financial obligation to our 10 mission groups.

Looking forward to the day when our prayerful knitters group can return in person for an afternoon of chitchat and a cup of tea. Meanwhile we have been sewing and knitting at home in preparation of some future bazaar.

St. Brice’s in North Bay - Mary Ellen Page, secretary, writes - aft–r the pandemic caused a lock down, we were unable to meet as a group until October. At that time, we met and decided to consider having on on-line auction to raise funds for missions.

On behalf of the Anglican Church Women, I would like to thank rev. Peter and Nancy for their hard work to set up the auction with the web provider. Many thanks also to those who donated items and to all who participated in the auction. The amount raised from the auctions was $1,310. With what was already in the account we were able to donate $356.00 to each of the following groups: Madagascar Missions, Crisis Center, Diocese of Tarime, and the Canadian Bible Society. We also paid $500 for our sponsored child.

When we met as a group in December, we decided to consider having another on-line auction in the spring. We are hopeful that by this fall we will again be able to have a fall luncheon. We thank God that with the help of the parish and our community we were able to carry out our mandate of providing for missions. 27

St. Alban’s - Barbara Proctor says she thinks most people know our lovely little St. Albans sold this summer so we no longer have an ACW. We of course haven’t had any events because of COVID even before it closed in 2020. We can’t call ourselves ACW because we have to be associated with a church but we may as a Christian group have coffee hours periodically with a guest speaker to encourage people to get out and socialize. Hope everyone is staying safe.

Church of St. John the Divine in North Bay - nee–less to say we did not meet together during 2020 and actually our last meeting was held Dec. 12, 2019 for our annual Christmas Potluck at a member’s home. However, 3 members did attend the World Day of Prayer at St. Brice’s on March 6 then COVID broke out.

From Fall 2019 to Spring 2020 our ACW faithfully kept dropping their coins into their THANK OFFERING boxes & jars and we wound up with a whopping $280. As you know we did not hold the Annual ACW Meeting in Thunder Bay last May and will not be doing so this May in Sudbury, where we usually take our Thank Offerings. However, we encourage you to save your coins and this time for Canadian Food For Children, along with all the other ACW’s in the Diocese.

We have been keeping in touch with our members by phone and emails to learn how they are coping and to conduct a little business: No teas & bazaars unfortunately, but we were able to vote to send $100 to AMSC’s Madagascar Missions and $100 to help pay for Advent Calendars for St. John’s Sunday School youth. Pam Handley, Deanery co-chair.


2019 2019 2021 Algoma ACW 2021 Budget Budget Actual REVISED 2020Actual Budget

RECEIPTS $ $ $ $ $ Donations 9,000.00 9,919.00 7,600.00 8,687.00 1,000.00 $ $ Pins/Notes 50.00 181.00 Thank Offering 1447.3 $ Annual Registration 500.00 $ $ $ Investment Interest 200.00 - 509.10 607.39 *1 456.12 $ $ Bank Credit 59.40 49.5 59.40 $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL Income 9,250.00 10,100.00 7,600.00 10,183.80 2,015.52

DISBURSEMENTS Administration $ $ Annual 2,000.00 2552.84 300.00 $ Exec & Board Travel 2,500.00 1540.45 $ $ $ Fall Conference Call/Comunication 300.00 237.84 400.00 508.11 250.00 $ Office 20.00 12.32 Ministry & Mission $ $ $ National ACW Conference 1,500.00 1381.14 1,500.00 1,500.00 $ $ $ National ACW Donation 100.00 100.00 100.00 $ ACW FoundationTrust oo - $ $ $ $ $ Anglican Foud. Membership/donation 75.00 100.00 125.00 150.00 150.00 $ $ $ $ $ Diocese of Algoma 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 $ $ Mission 1,534.00 3,076.00 607.39 $ $ Bank Debit 59.40 59.45 59.45 $ $ $ $ TOTAL Disbursements 8,495.00 7924.59 5,718.40 5,793.56 3,866.84 $ $ $ Balance 1,881.60 4,390.24 (1,851.32) 29

Thank Offering Choices for 2021 -2022. Prepared by Social Action Chair May Sequin


St. Jamestown Homework Club is a collaboration between three Toronto churches: Rosedale Presbyterian Church, St. Peter and St. Simon-the-Apostle Anglican Church and St. Andrew’s United Church. It has been operating out of St. Peter and St. Simon on Bloor Street, East, for the past 11 years. The Homework Club welcomes approximately 25 children, ages 6 to 12, Monday to Friday, serving 2 schools in Canada’s most densely populated high-rise community located in the north-east corner of downtown Toronto.

The Club is staffed by volunteers who greet and walk the students from nearby Rose Avenue Public School and Our Lady of Lourdes, a Catholic school, to the Homework Club and outdoor play. The students play games outside, if the weather is suitable, and then spend time doing homework with the help of the volunteers. A nutritious snack is prepared in the church’s kitchen and served to the children.

Four laptop computers and a printer, connected to the internet, are available so the kids are able to do research. Some educational software programs are also available. The younger children, age 6 and under, enjoy quiet time, and have stories read to them.

The Club is a valuable service rooted in the needs of its particular community. Many of the children are of immigrant and refugee families and many of the parents do not speak English as a first language. The neighbourhood is also fairly lowincome and many residents live with large extended families in small apartments---not a lot of dedicated space for kids doing homework. Helping children with reading or even reading to them in English is not something that would normally be happening in these families, while homes are noisy and filled with people.

The Club provides a safe, supervised place for children whose parents work and can’t arrange for pickup at 3.30 p.m., when school is out. The club runs until 5.30 p.m. weekdays.

The Homework Club costs $25,000. annually to operate and the three churches involved are able to fund $6,000. each. The remainder of the cost is raised from donors and funding sources like the Anglican Foundation, which has provided $19,000. of the funding since 2014.

Due to the Co Vid 19 pandemic the Homework Club has not been operating for most of 2020. Because the club serves kids from different schools and grades, school administrators did not want to risk mixing cohorts.

For now, the volunteers are meeting one-on-one with students over Zoom, reading together and helping out with schoolwork. The Club has been running for eleven years and kids who were in the Homework Club at its beginning are now returning as volunteers. The churches are dedicated to this program and wish to continue, even though they are struggling financially, more so over the past few years, and see this as a priority.



The Suicide Prevention Program was launched several years ago to respond to tragedy in Indigenous communities but was taken over in 2012 by the Office of the National Indigenous Anglican Bishop, known as Indigenous Ministries. This program is rooted on the strength of the scriptures and guided by self-determination. Addictions of poverty, alcoholism, drugs may lead to the end result -- su–ide. Suicide has become one of the greatest spiritual battles of our times. For those who are called to serve in the name of Jesus Christ, showing proof of our love and our faithfulness to a youth or youths must be a first priority to curb suicide.

(The following stats are provided by the National Indigenous Anglican Bishop, The Most Reverend Mark MacDonald, 2021.)

Suicide rates in First Nations communities are 2 times the Canadian average. First Nation youths have a suicide rate of 5 to 7 times higher than that of the national average and suicide rates among Inuit youth are 11 times greater than the Canadian average. More than 10 people commit suicide each day in Canada. Youth suicide has tripled in Canada over the last 40 years. These are astounding statistics and one cannot overstate the urgency and importance of suicide prevention!

Suicide prevention strategies consist of learning and teaching so that one may become informed and an effective partner in developing and implementing community-based programs. Programs will focus on community healing and innovative ways to raise self-esteem in all Indigenous people, especially the young. Prevention Models that have been implemented are: Healthy Pathways or healing from historical trauma, Music for the spirit, Catechist training or restoring faith and formation, and Breaking Silence - through Talking Circles for survivors of suicide. The approach is not a ‘one-fits all’ but rather lay and ordained volunteers develop and maintain a strategy for suicide prevention that will fit in and work best for them within their culture and community. Work continues with tribal councils, governments, health and social service agencies, community and faith groups.

‘May God give us grace to turn this around!’

Giving with Grace The General Synod The Anglican Church of Canada 80 Hayden Street Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2 (416) 924-9192

Registered 10808 2835 RR 0001


Anglican Women recognized for their faithful and dedicated service. The Women’s Auxiliary was created in April 1885, through Roberta Tilton, presentation to the Canadian House of Bishops. A branch of the W.A. was formed in 1887 at St Luke’s Cathedral. The Diocese of Algoma WA was instituted in 1902, under the leadership and Presidency of Mrs.Thorneloe. The purpose of this organization was to support Mission in Canada and overseas. The organization and policies evolved as the church grew and women’s role in the church changed. Members who served faithfully and with dedication could be named a Life Member by their parish, which could be purchased by their group, family or friends. These women received a silver Winchester Cross pin.

In 1967 the WA, Nationally, Diocesan and Parish levels became the Anglican Church Women. The Diocese of Algoma ACW ceased to recognize individual women within the parishes. Some Dioceses continued to honour dedicated women within the ACW and in 2010, the Diocese of Algoma facilitated a Certificate of Recognition signed by the Bishop and managed by the Diocesan ACW executive. This is to honour any woman within the Church, with requests being supported by the ACW and Parish Priest

W.A. Life Members

Barbara Sherwood St Johns the Evangelist Deanery of Algoma Vi Thomson St. John’s Thunder Bay Deanery of Thunder Bay

Certificates of Recognition 2010 – 2020

Mary Hall St. Paul‟s Sundridge Edna Templeton Trinity/St. Alban Bala Marjorie Lock St. Mark‟s Emsdale Isobel Edwards Trinity/St. Alban Bala Elsie Gryschuk St. Alban the Martyr Capreol Win Hooton St. Thomas Bracebridge Addie Wing St. Mark‟s Thunder Bay Bernice Smith All Saints Huntsville Nancy McLatchie St. Alban the Martyr Capreol Jean Sutherland All Saints‟ Huntsville Katherine Sweezey St. Albans the Martyr Capreol Barbara Sherwood St. John‟s Evangelists SSM Elsie Willkie All Saints‟/ St Thomas Muskoka Ruth Binks All Saints Huntsville Judy Webb Trinity /St. Albans Bala Ena Conliffe Deanery of Thunder Bay Geraldine Lee St. Alban the Martyr Capreol Ruth Hoshkin Trinity / St Albans Bala Lois Clark St. Mark‟s Emsdale Barbara Williams St. John‟s Thunder Bay Holly Elliot Trinity St. Albans Bala Bridget Franks Northern Lights Elsie Drumbrell St. John the Evangelist TB Helen Bryer ST. Brice‟s North Bay Marion Davich St. Brice‟s North Bay Gertie Fryer St. Brice‟s North Bay Jean Joiner St. Brice‟s North Bay Ivy Savage St. Brice‟s North Bay Roland Hayle St. Alban the Martyr Capreol Muriel Hankinson Deanery of Sudbury Doris Mcleish St. Alban the Martyr Capreol Fern Lipiski St. James Gravenhurst Lillian Paul St. Alban the Martyr Capreol Mary Andison St. Thomas, Bracebridge Shirley Marsden St. James, Gravenhurst Lois Adams St. Alban‟s Restoule Barbara Finnson St. Alban‟s Capreol Margeruite Gilpin Good Shepherd Emsdale Hilma Harkness Grace Church South River Verlie Toman St. Alban‟s Restoule Shirley Burton St. Ambrose Lake of Bays Barb Murdock Grace Church South River Estelle Pelky St. John‟s North Bay Marjorie Payne All Saints‟ Huntsville Beryl Frow All Saints‟ Huntsville Peggy Husband Trinity-St Alban Bala Pearl Davidson Trinity-St. Albans Bala Judy Strood Good Shepherd Emsdale 33

Past Presidents ACW & WA 2017-2019 Barbara Garvin 209-240 Georgina Ave. Haileybury P0J1K0 705 672-5792

2015– 2017 Donna Kohmyr 144 Willoughby St. Sault Ste Marie P6B 3X1 705 253- 5521

2013– 2015 Janet Pike 612 - 355 Adelaide St., Thunder Bay P7A 7X3 807-476 -0044

2009- 2013 Jacquie Howell 401-35 Dairy Lane Huntsville, ON P1H 2L8 705 789-1987

2006- 2009 Verlie Toman 169 Odds Drive Restoule P0H 2R0 705 729-2997

2003-2006 Marilyn Schmidt 325 Sussex Road, Sault Ste. Marie P6C 2S2 705 254-3974

2001-2003* Ena Conliffe Thunder Bay

1997-2001 Gladys Abigail C2 - 424Westmount Ave., Sudbury, P3A 5V6

1994-1997* Dorothy Hoover Muskoka

1991-1994* Dorothy Chabot 5 Pine Hill Rd., Sundridge

1988-1991 Doreen Stadnyk 1389 Queen Street E. SSM P6A 2G1

1985-1988* Jean Brayshaw Thunder Bay

1982-1985* Muriel Hankinson

1967-1982* Ellen May Muskoka


W.A. 1st Mrs. Renault (mother in law of Bishop Sullivan) 1885

2nd Mrs. Thornloe (Bishop Thornloe’s wife) 1897 3rd Mrs. Ironside 1909

4th Mrs. J.A. Reed 1916

5th Mrs. Andrew Elliot 1925

6th Mrs. L. Allen