BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Authors and societies are requested to forward their works to the editors as soon as #ublisked. The date of tublication, given in brackets ], marks the time at vakick the work was received, unless an earlier date of ybublicaNon is known to recorder or editor. Unless otherwise staled each record is made directly from t/re work that is noticed. Corrections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. Coquillett, Daniel W: Description of the Ooodell, Lafayette Washington. On the larva of terasyhermutana. (Papilio, 19 Feb. larvae of two noctuids. (Papilio, 19 Feb. 1881, no. 2, v. I, p. 30.) /-/.. E. (23ii) 1881, no. 2, v. I, p. I5. Describes the larvae of charadra pro_inuilinea and Coquillett, Daniel W: On the early stages mamestra assimil/s, giving notes of food plants. of some . H: . (2317) (Papilio, 15 [2o] Jan. 1881, no. I, v. I, p. 6-8.) Groee, A: Radcliffe. Description of four Describes larvae of aatela americana, lobeliae, a. new species of moths. (Papilio, 15 [2o] [alcula, suiberans, arctia virguncula, catocala fra. tercula, c. arnica, mamestra trifolii eustrotia carneola Jan. 1881, no. I, v. I, p. 4.) jOyrrhta angulata, taracke erastroides. Describes scepsis edwardsil (Fla.), tarasa f_raterna (N. Y.), mamestra sutrina (Col.), catocala duldola, Bdwards, H: of two new (Ohio). /-/: . (2318) Descriptions species of litkosidae. (Papilio, 15 I-latch, Hermann August. The Hessian fly Jan. 1881, no. I, v. I, p. 12.) not imported from Europe. (Can. entom., Describes nola anfracta (Calitbrnia), and crocola Oct. 188o, v. 12, p. 197-2o7. ostenta (Arizona). f/: . (2313) Abstract. (Can. entom., Sept. I88O v. Idwards, H: New genera and species of I2, p. ITI. North American . (Papilio, 19 Considers that the so-called Hessian fly" [cedclo. Feb. I881, no. v. myia destructor] in the United States not imported 2, I, p. 19. from Europe: conclusions . That it is impossible Describes new genera euros and oribales, and the that the fly could have been imported by Hessian following species and varieties eurosprojOrius troops That it is very probable that the fly here (Cal.), lygran'tkoecia zvalsingltami (Oreg.), adonisea before the [Revolutionary] war; 3. That the fly 2kulchr@ennis var. languida (Cal.), melicletria bella- not known to exist in Germany before x857." donna (Utah), elaborata (Col.), m.ermmuta (Cal.), G: 39. (2319) oribates muirii (Cal.), limbatus (Mazatlan) ,anna2bht;la auranNaca (Cal.), 2bustulala (Ariz.), tarache sedala I-Iagen, Hermann August. On some (Ariz.),fruva acerba (Cal.), f. accepta c 9 (Fla.), litocala sexsignata deserta (COL, Ariz.), syneda deformities. (Mem. Mus. compar, zoology, sepos/ta (Col.), hast/ngsi "perikallida (Cal.), s. v. z, no. 9.) Cambridge, March 1876. t.-p. adumbrata (Cal.), meli2oNs tenella cover, P., pl., 3o21, 21X1.5. (Tex.) synedoida sabulosa (Col.), s. inepta (Col.), 23 morbosa (Col., etc.), homojbtera rubi (Cal.). Re-names Treats of several perfect with larval head ot annaphila arvalis, calling it a...alicis, owing to preoc. precocious development of the larva of bombyx mort cupation of the arvalis in the allied axenus. directly into the imago, and of deformity of the elytra /t: /. in strategus (geotrutge) julianus and in prionus cori. (234) arius. : 29. (232o) Xldward, H: On two new forms of the I-larringon, W Hague. Entomology for genus barnassius. (Papilio, 15 [2o] Jan. beginners. Some fungi-eaters. (Can. 1881, no. I, v. I, p. 2-4. entom., Dec. 188o, v. 12, p. 258-262.) Describes tarnassius thor n. sp., from Yukon River, Notes mealodacne heros, bolitotherus cornutus, Alaska, and /. hermodur of_/,, sminlheus, from diaeris hydro, ho2blocejhata bdcornis, myceto2Ohqgus Colorado. Compares/. thor with/L eversmanni, and punctatus, tri2blax thoracica, tenthe pimelia and p. p. hermodur vith/. corybas. H: 1. (235) obliquata; notes larvae of of the species. G: D. (232) Iclward W: H: Capture of diadema bo- lina, Linn. in Florida. (Papilio, 9 Feb. Harvey, F.L. Voraciousness of ckordeiles 1881, no. 2, v. 1, p. 30.) pobetue Baird. (Amer. nat., Dec. 188o, Notices the capture of d. boNna for the first time in v. 14, p. 896. the United States. Mentions also the capture of 2kerL, Found over 60o insects in the crop of night hawk ilaire, callidryas agarilke, lycaena casshs and 1. (c. POt_etue [--c. virginianus]) recotnmends encourag- at Indian River, Fla. hr: . (2316) ing tfiis birl as insect-destroyer. G: D. (2322) I-Iemmerling, Hermann. Ueber die Haut- List of the butterflies found at Potsdam, N. farbe der Insecten. Inaugural-Dissertation Y. (A). (Can. entom., Feb. 1881, v. 13, ...Bonn, 878. 27p., 21.5XI4, I6X9. p. 40.) Literature used in preparing the dissertation (19 Enumerates 2o species, with brief notes. titles) coloration of vertebrates; structure of the exter. G:.D. (33 I) nal coverinff of insects; the colors of the external covering and the different modes by which the coloration fitLangerel, Maxime. La chasse aux colo- be produced; special studies the coloration of the rhynchophora; colors of other groups of , ptres en automne. (Feuille des jeunes which are produced by similar skin-secretions. naturalistes, Nov. 188o, an. lt, p. 14-15. G: 29. (2323) Recommends collecting coleoptera in autumn by the umbrella process, vcood piles and dead wood. Howard, Leland O. Two new species of G: 29. (33) euelmus, with remarks upon e. (anti- gaster) mirabilis, Walsh. (Can. entom., Meehan, T: Bees and flowers. (Bull. Tor- Oct. I88o, v. I2, p. 2o7-2IO. rey bet. club, .June 188o, v. 7, P. 66, lO cm.) Describes e. reduvN, reared from es of reduvfus Records the perforation of the spurs of aquilegia novenarius, and florldanus, parasitic tineid by humble.bees (bombus). G: 29. (333) larva from Florida. G: 29. (2324) Meehan, T: Fertilization of Insect-destroying aqulegia. fungi. (Amer. nat., Jan. (Amer. nat., Feb. 1881, v. 15, p. I88I, v. I5, p. 134-135. 5a-53.) Thinks pollen-hunting insects fertilize aquilegia. Rev. and abstract of A. Giard's "Deux espces G: 29. (e334) d'entomoikthora nouvelles"... [Rec., 1656 G: ". (2325) Mik, Josef. Ueber das Pripariren der Dip- Insect enemies of the rice plant. (Amer. teren. (Verhandl. der k.-k. zool.-bot. nat., Feb. 1881, v. 15, p. I48-I49.) Gesells. in Wien, jahrg. 188o, bd. 3 p. Notes chaleus trachy2#ygus stgalaco2s/s su2'usa 359-378.) centrinus (P), condnnus, and ceddomyia oryzae which Separate, Wien, 188o. 20 injure rice [oryza]. G: 29. (2326) p. [p. 359- 378], 23XI5, ITXIO. 5. Notice. (Zool. Anzeiger, Dec. 188o, Jewett, H S. Notes on I3 . (Can. jahrg. 3, P" 6Ol.) entom., Nov. 188o, v. 12, p. 228-231. General direction how to collect and prepare diptera; Notes larvae of euchaetes collar/s, and egle. principal points are, the middle dorsal hne must remain Food plants of few other lepidopterous larvae. perfect, diptera must not be killed with alcohol, killing G: 29. (2327) with potassic cyanide [KCN] not recommended, very small diptera should not be killed when they cannot be K[atter], F. Ueber die yon pinned immediately, too much material should not be Lebcnsweise collected in the net at time, hairy diptera (such silka oaca. (Entom. Nachrichten, bombylfdae) should not be taken in the hand to pin, Feb. 1881, jahrg. 7, P...52.) lacquered i.'on needles lacquered iron wire to be used Larva and imago eat vegetable matter. for pinning instead of common pins silver wire 29. (which contain copper, and are therefore liable to G: (2328) rode), never use too large pins, wire for all diptera under long, pin in unpaired part of Liegel, Hermann. Uber den Ausstfilpungs- insect, pin minute diptera in the dorsal side, but Apparat von malackius und verwandten pin them in the mesosternum between the middle and hind thigh of the left side, diptera should not be glued Formen. Inaugural-Dissertation... G6t- upon paper imbedded in resin, and should not have tingen. Hannover In. d., since I858]. their wings spread hints labelling diptera, pin- 31 p., pl., 2IXI 5, 161o. ning them in boxes, and packing them to send; descriptions of different apparatus convenient in col- _A_natomy of the evaginatable appendages of reals. lecting diptera. G: jg. (2335) chius and allied genera, based study of m. aeneus, anthocomus fasciatus [corr.] and cantharis]hsca. The evaginatable appendages of aeneus (figured) [Mixture of carbolic acid and olive oil for evaginated by filling with fluid fl'om the body-cavity mosquito-bites.3 ("Southern clinic.") (New and retracted by muscles. G: 29. (2329) remedies, Feb. 1879, v. 8, p. 63, 2 cm.) Lintner, Joseph Albert. The (Pyche advertiser, March I879, P. 7.) "army worm" Germ. tr. I invasion of northern New York. (St. Law- (Entom. Nachrichten, July rence republican... [Ogdensburg, N. Y.], 1879, jahrg. 5, P. 176.) G: 29. (2336) 8 June 1881, v. 5 t, no. 3r, p. [1], col. 7-9, cm.) Molin, Rafael. Das Leben und die rationelle 198 Zucht der Honigbiene [Rec., 2o39]. Account of the ravages of the grass-cutter," ne#e. lodes iolans, in northern N. Y., in May 1881; habits, Rev., by Sauppe, under title "Von K61n." ravages and parasites of, and means against the true (Deutsch. Bienenfreund, Feb. I88I. jahrg. "army.worm," leucana ununcta'., notice of previous 17, p. 45-46.) accounts of the nehelodes. : P. 2r. (2330) G: 1). (337) International Journal of Peptides

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