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Central Florida Future, Vol. 21 No. 51, March 23, 1989

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Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 21 No. 51, March 23, 1989" (1989). Central Florida Future. 912. • he Central Florida Future e 1988 The Centtal Floltda FIAl!re Volume 21, Number 51 University of Central Florida/Orlando Thursday March 23, 1989

. ' Students quiz·Woodward Pres. candidate says UCF "best kept secret in higher education" ,.~-~ by Jamie carte CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE

Students had a second chance to meet a UCF presidential candidate Tuesday. The second in a five-part series of discussions focused on Dr. J ames Woodward, senior vice president at the University of Alabama, Bir­ mingham. Woodward emphasized his strong support of athletic programs. He referred to his experi­ Richard Prwtt, reporter for The UCF Report, ence in gaining recognition for the basketball inquired about Woodward's intentions in rais­ program at UAB and suggested UCF should ing alumni awareness. focus on one particular area and build upon it. "Students should be recruited before they Woodward also addressed minority inter­ graduate, not after," Woodward replied. ests, saying he would like to see a greater reten­ Woodward referred to UCF as ''The best kept tion rate for minorities. "Students should be secret in higher education." He said he would able to take something from life, notjustgive to attempt a "gradual progession to gain UCF's life," Woodward said in support of"Greek Row" maxiumum potential." and Greek organizations in general. Approximately 10 students attended this In response to questions by Ross Wolf, vice meeting in the President's Dining Hall, down president of the student body and Fred from 20 who attended the first. chmidt, student body president-elect, Attendance for this meeting decreased by 50 oodward said one of his primary goals would , wh eh, a cordmgtothea<;~ ~=·==;~--«=="' < ., • := ,,• .. , ..,= ...., ... ;.<'"'. ·. '"v; e to eliminate student apathy on campus. SEE CANDIDATE PAGE 4 . ..:~ ~-;~~·-~. ~.: ~'.. ~·h.i· ·· . ' :;;·~~::.~i~ :~tt~:~-;~.i1f ~=;.~;:=~t..f~:~;~: ~~:~::.;t.=·:~~; ··:~:··:·=·~= :·: ~,~d~gt,~~ ~ ~ Senate pa~ses finance bill

by Lance Turner presidential power. CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Referring to Wendryk's expected recommen­ dation, Schmidt said, "Stutler won't accept a The Student Senate passed a bill Tuesday re­ blind recommendation; he's smarter than • vi ·ngtheStudentGovemmentF"nanceCodes. that." These codes outline the disbursement of the The bill continues to fuel a political squabble Activity and Services Fee revenues, which are between Schmidt and Wendrzyk. "That's what collected from every UCF student and, this we had our big fight about last fall," srud Wen­ year, are estimated at more than $1.59 million. drzyk. The fate of the bill now rests in the hands of Past political allies, they had never, accord­ Student Body President Denver Stutler and ing to Wendrzyk, disagreed before and Schmidt with his signature it will replace Title VIII of wouldn't have it. the SG statues. Their last significant communication was a Senate Pro Temp Fred Schmidt, co-sponsor memo sent by Wendrzyk to the Organization, • of the bill with Senator Chris Tout1kian, was Appropriation and Finance Committee (OAF), confident that Stutler would not veto the bill, dated Oct. 27, 1988. The memo listed his con­ even with Comptroller Dash Wendrzyk assert­ cerns pertaining to the Code changes. ing his intentions of a veto recommendation. Speaking before the Senate on Tuesday, Wendrzyk said that certain parts of the bill were unconstitutional and would infringe on SEE FINANCE PAGE 5 Computer Dept. a few bits short

by Cynthia Massino passes computer accounts, Frederick's personal secretary CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE maintenance of computers, if they need 100 or more copies telephone bills, research for an assignment. The UCF Computer Scjence equipment, paper and photo­ Dr. Dale Isner, professor of Department's expense ac­ copying. computer science said, "This counthas run out of money and Frederick sent a memo to procedure makes it somewhat can no longer provide students the faculty explaining the lack harder for us to do our teach­ with many of the services it of funds and asked them to be ing. You have to start planning used to in past years. more conservative with hand­ a week ahead of time when­ Dr. Terry Frederick, chair outs to their classes. He sug­ ever you have to give out notes of Computer Science, said, gested putting bulky assign­ in class." Bill Foxworthy/CENTRAL FLOR IDA FUTURE ''The original amount of money ments on reserve at the library He also said he has been assigned to the computer de­ instead of running off copies. running off copies from his HOLY ROCKERS partment this year for ex­ A policy adopted t o curb the h ome computer to avoid the The Exit, a Christian rock and roll band from Merritt Island, per­ penses is not sufficient to sup­ financial problems requires "hassle of getting copies made formed on the Student Center Green Monday afternoon. port our needs." professors to obtain a signa­ The expense budget encom- ture of approval from SEE C.S. DEPT. PAGE 7 SPORTS I , OPINION NEWS CLIPS 3 •Despite winning three of • Our editorial focusses OPINION 8 four games last week, the on the controversy sur- baseball team dropped rounding gun control ef- COMICS 9 from the national poll. forts. Letters take shots at Read all about it, along the new fieldhou se and CLASSIFIED 10 with wo me n's ten nis and Karl Marx. Plus, SG an- men's basketball reports. swers our challenge. SPORTS 12 2 The Central Florida F ture March 23 1989 ,.---- ·-·------. •

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,I . . 851-7100 . .. UCF REP ERIC ERICKSON • 425-7005 . The Central Florida Future, March 23, 1.989, 3

' SG makes plans for banquet on April 16

by Dan Horowitz Last year's banquet was CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE attended by only 20-25 stu­ dents not affiliated with Stu­ April 16 is the date of the dent Government. The reason annual Student Government for the low turnout was attrib­ spring banquet. uted to the fact an ad was • The price, if any, for non- placed only one day before the government students has not registration deadline. been set. The possibility of When asked if SG was look­ using money from the Activity ing for a large turnout this ~ and Services Fee to fund the year, Wolf said, "I don't know banquet has not been decided how many students will be on, either. Last year's banquet interested .. .I wish they were." • used $3121 from the A & S Wolf went on to say he Fee. "would rather see students at Student Body Vice Presi­ elections than at banquets," dent Ross Wolf said the possi­ because that is where they are bility of not using funds from needed more. the Fee was being looked into. Wolf said an effort would be This would be done, Wolf made to "make sure every­ said, by getting funds from thingis clearthisyear," andan donations, charging students ad will "definitely" be put in full or partial fees for attend­ the paper if money from the ing or having "a pay as you go • banquet." SEE BANQUET PAGE 7

Correction Kim Woratwn/CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE " Due to an editor's error, the prices for single and triple rooms were reversed in the "Dorm rates increase" graphic. MUSIC SYMPOSiUM The correct rates for 88/89 and 89/90, respectively, are: Repesentatives from southeastern universities in the nation gathered at UCF last weekend the triples, $525 and $730; singles, $745 and $970. CollegeMusic Society Symposium. News

• DON'T READ DR. RUTH official United States seal and cused him of misusing student campus politics have no au­ such as agriculture, botany, (Orlando Sentinel) Cus­ the draft notice were "rather funds. thority over the press. The and landscape architecture toms officials in Wellington, authentic." He threatened to Student Government passed a can apply for the scholarship New Zealand seized 4,500 cop­ have the FBI investigate ifany •NATIONAL ~ONVENTION resolution late Tuesday night offered by the Horticulture ies of a book by popular sex laws were broken. The 1989 National Student faulting the Oracle for "biased Study Society Scholarship therapist Dr. Ruth Wes­ "They just want to bust the Convention of the Hotel Sales and inaccurate reporting" and Fund. Needed to apply are an theimer Saturday, saying they movement, especially in this & Marketing Association In­ scant coverage of such key application, available at the may be pornographic. Cus- time of crisis for El Salvador," ternational will be held in USF events as homecoming. Financial Aid office; letters of toms Department spokesman replied Larry Ladutke of Orlando March 31, April 1 and Senators backed the move recommendation, and a 100 Robin Dare said the copies of CISPES-G (Committee in Soli­ 2. which passed 12 to 9 with 10 word essay. • Guide To Sex we!'P. being held darity with the People of El The program will be packed abstentions. The senators said A $500 scholarship is being in Auckland until the Indecent Salvador and Guatamala), with speakers, including they backed the resolution to offered by the Central Florida Publications Tribunal rules on which sponsored the fake-no­ speakers from attraction and send a message to the Oracle Black Nurses Association. its acceptibility. Westheimer tice affair. theme parks, as well as sales on behalf of the student body. Full-time enrolled black stu­ will visit New Zealand to pro­ The ploy worked. "After we and marketing experts. The "The editors are doing a dents pursuing a nursing de­ mote the book, which has sold sent the notices to people's speakers include: Mr. Paul lackadaisical job and we're gree, that have been a Central well in neighboring Austrailia. boxes, we started hearing Astleford, Vice President of tired of it," Senator Chris Florida resident for four years people talk about the war," Resort Sales and Marketing Laude said. "Now they can pro­ prior to college admission, and •BREAK UPDATE reported Hannah Atkins of for Walt Disney World; a Vice vide the service, resign or ig­ that have an overall GPA of2.5 There are quite a few more CISPES-G. President of Sales and Mar­ nore us." or better are eligible for this • students in Palm ·springs, But on Feb. 1 7, RU officials keting for Marriott Hotels and It seems the editors have no scholarship. In addition to the Calif. rather than Daytona decided not to ask the FBI onto Resorts; and Mr. Ralph Ro­ intention of stepping down. application, one must demon­ Beach. As of yet, there has campus. After a "cordial, open driguez, Director of Sales, Sea "I think rm doing a good strate financial need as deter­ been no riots as there were last and constructive" meeting be­ World. Also included will be job," said editor-in-chief David mined by processing of the year. However, there has been tween CISPES-G and admin­ Dr. Peter Yesawich of Robin­ Whitehead, "but any of our ACT packet, and submit tran­ 550 people arrested. istrators, RU's dean of stu­ son, Yesawich and Pepper­ readers have a right to dis­ scripts, and three letters ofref­ As of March 22, there have dents decided to leave the dine, the leading Public Rela­ agree." erence. Deadline is April 1. been five deaths resulting matter "at rest," spokesman tions firm in Orlando, who will Any student with at least 60 from falling off balconies in Harvey Trabbe said. be the Keynote Speaker on the • Al WORKSHOP credit hours seeking a B.S. de­ Daytona Beach. "The FBI is not going to last day of the convention. The second annual Florida gree in civil engineering, or MTV has left the beach investigate," he said, "and the Another feature of this con­ Artificial Intelligence Re­ graduate students pursuing a scene and has made room for university will take no action." vention is the Career Day the search Society Symposium degree in public work engi­ movie auditions in Daytona. Central Florida Hotel & Motel will be held April 3-6, 1989. neering, management or pub­ • NAME YOUR PRESIDENT Association has planned as an This year's theme is . lic administration may be eli­ • "l'M DRAFTED?" Student politicians like to optional stay over day. It will "Knowledge Engip.eering." gible for an award of $1,000 to (CPS) Leftist protestors at complain that students are be held at the Orlando Twin Any engineers, scientists and $2,500 offered by the Ameri­ Rutgers University have sur­ apathetic about campus gov­ Towers. Students will be able businessmen interested in the can Public Works Association. vived a threat they might be ernments, but it could be that to talk with recruiters from field ofArtificial Intelligence is Applications For any of investigated by the Federal students just can't remember many Hospitality Industry welcomed. these or other scholarships are Bureau of Investigation. who they've elected. firms about the various career The Symposh~m will be held available at the Financial Aid Students opposed to U.S. The latest proof: only 18 opportunities found nation­ at the Holiday Inn-University. Office. For niore information, policy in Central America had percent of the Marquette Uni­ wide, as well as in Orlando. For further information, con­ contact Jamey at 275-5030. · tried to rally support for an versity students polled in mid­ For more information tact Dr. Avelino Gonzalez of early February protest by February could name their please contact Dr. Audrey the computer ·eniineering • MONEY WORKSHOP sending students fake draft student body president. In McCool, Faculty Advisor, at department at 281-5027. Rotary International will notices through the campus response, President Mike the UCF Hospitality Manage­ hold a workshop April 5 at 10 mail, worrying some students McCarthy swore "name recog­ ment Department at 407/281- •FREE MONEY a.m. in the Student Affairs and eventually attracting the nition isn't important." 5064. The American Business Conference Room (AD 282). attention of the FBI and the In December, Iowa State Women's Association-21st International scholarships Selective Service. student President Doug Mar­ • EDITORS BOOTED Century Chapter is offering a will be .discussed available for "The first thing I thought tin explained away a poll (St. Petersburg Times) Stu­ scholarship to a female stu­ graduate, undergraduate, vo­ when I got the notice was, 'I'm showing that only 23 percent dent leaders at the University dent. Academic record, finan­ cational, special education and going to El Salvador,"' said of ISU's population could of South Florida demanded cial need, and p.ersonal journalism. sophomore Scott Taylor. name him by saying it re­ that the top five editors of the achievements are taken into The purpose is to further Paul Knapp, a Selective flected what a good job he was Oracle resign. The student consideration. The deadline international understanding Service lawyer in Washington, doing at avoiding controversy. leaders charge the paper is is April 1. and friendly relations among D.C., was even less amused, In February, however, some wracked with incompetence. Students majoring in horti­ different countries. For more saying the appearance of the student Senate opponents ac- According to the article, the culture and related studies info, call 275-2842.

1 ,., • \ 1 ) , ,, t ~· ;' ' f , • If It 1 f 4 > I .' ' . ,·,. t' f 1,'1 ,: ' '\ ~ .. ' ...... ' .,, / ·•. I/ / / ,' /,. t I I I,<} 4, The Central Florida Future, March 23, 1989

CANDIDATE will be held Thursday from STUTLER FROM PAGE 1 1:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. in the FROM PAGE 1 President's Dining Hall. Dr. percent from the first meeting. Kala Stroup, president of Approximatel:/10 students at­ Murray State University in Due to a clerk's error at the tended this meeting in the K~ntucky, will be on hand to Orange County Traffic Court, President's Dining Hall. answer questions. Stutler's notice of appearance The next presidential can­ This meeting will be open to was not received by Judge Jose didate -meeting for students all interested students. Rodriguez before the arraign­ MF.MO ------· ment hearing, causing Ro­ TO: OUR FRIENDS driguez to order an arrest war­ rant for Stutler's "failure" to AND NEIGHBORS appear. FROM: PIZZA HUT® The mistake was cleared up before the warrant was issued, DELIVERY according to sources at the court. SUBJECT: DELIVERY DRIVERS NEEDED Full-time and Part-time available Your response to our delivery service has been overwhelming. Because of your terrific response we are now in need of several qualified drivers. We offer: • Competitive hourly wages • Reimbursement for each delivery (for using your own vehicle) • EmplOfee discount • Free uniform • Complete training The Wedding of Your Dreams Starts at Brenner's To qualify applicants need: • to be 18 years or older • to have a reliable insured vehicle to drive • Free Layaway • Mothers' Gowns • to have a good driving record •Bridals • Guest Dresses • to have a valid driver's license •Brides Maids •Banquets • to be enthusiastic, energetic, and personable •Parties •Sizes 3-26 1/2 • to be flexible APPlY IN PERSON Special order from all Bridal magazines or choose from in-stock gowns with no waiting. Central Florida's reliable wedding tradition for 48 years. I'm Call today for an appointment. SEMORAN MANAGEM£HTCORPORAT10H : 1080Woodcock Road, Suite ~10 Brenner's Fashion Square Brenner's Florida Mall : Orlando, Florida 32803 898-6122 855-7555 EQUAL OPPORT\JHITY EMPLOYm-M/F • ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS •

CAMPUS COMPACT COMES TO UCF • ~' r, ... AND WANTS TO KNOW: ~ .... ) Do you know what a campus compact is? _ ::~:.~~~ • Campus compact is a nationwide community outreach movement. It is organized to pull together resources, information and support for the many chapters established on all college and university campuses across the country. The UCF • chapter will serve to coordinate, monitor and dispense information to all involved with community outreach programs eminating from this campus. The organization was built around the proposition that each student could and indeed should give a minimum of 3 hours per week to help the community. • The executive committee boasts such personages as Father Timothy Healey of Georgetowm University, Donald Kennedy of Stanford University and our own Charles Reed of the State University System. • What kind of community outreach exists on campus? If your answer to any or all of these questions is yes, no or maybe, please fill out, clip and return this ad to Ms. How active and effective is it? • Edith Napper, Director of Campus Compact, in Admin. Is the campus apathetic? Bldg., Room 282. Do students have.a commitment to community service? Are you aware of the mutual rewards of being involved with 1r------, Name 1 . community outreach programs? I Address I • What could be done to generate more interest in student 1 Phone Times Avail. I volunteer programs? I I I Volunteer Program 1 • If there were more volunteer programs readily available, I I would you participate? · What could be done I I • Compliments of Student Government. ~------~ •

• • The Central Florida Future, March 23, 1989, 5

FINIANCE don't see any proble~ with it," get more students involved in allows for students to borrow properly structuring certain FROM PAGE 1 said Senator'David Mann. the process of regulating the up to $50 each, with the total details that were preViously Student Body Vice Presi­ money flow." amount of outstanding loans buried. dent Ross Wolf said, "he [Stut­ The bill also does away with from Appropriated Reserves The OAF committee has • Toutikian said that Wendrzyk ler] and I looked through it and provisions allowing SG to dis­ not to exceed $1,500. been working on the bill since was the only person to come to 0 didn't have any problems with tribute short-term loans to Schmidt said the re • sed last summer and brought it to her during the past week. She it." He also said that Stutler students. Pelletier said the Finance Code "is far more l "" - the Senate last December. then said that all of the con­ still needs to consult the Attor­ OAF committee determined, cient as a statute and it opens The bill was then tabled cerns from the Oct. 27 memo ney General. after consultation with Dr. up Student Government fi­ indefinitely and withered had been addressed. One of the more significant Jim Smith, SG accountant, nance to more input and ac­ through the presidential cam­ The bill passed with only changes to the Code is the that there was not a need for countability." paign until Feb. 21, when • one no vote, and the consensus addition of four voting mem­ the student loan service from Much of the changes to the Senator Scott Bowen reintro­ among members of the senate bers to the Student Govern­ SG. Code are simply a reorganiza­ duced the bill, as is, to the , is that a veto is unlikely and ment Finance Office. Senator "We [OAF] felt the money tion of the existing text, and, Senate with the contention could be overridden if such is Dan Pelletier, chairman of the that was tied up could be bet­ according to Toutikian, the that the bill had been delayed the case. OAF, considers it the bill's ter used," Pelletier said. changes make for a more because of politics surround­ ''The bill's pretty solid. I biggest change and said "it will The ex~sting Finance Code straightforward document by ing the elections.

MANAGEMENT TRAINEE, ENTRY LEVEL This December or Recent Graduates Put Your New College Degree To Work News Bright, agressive individual required for develop­ ment & expansion of major national corporation, ex­ panding in Central Florida. SUN TAN CENTER Writers • Management trainees beginat$1200/mo. +OT with 1st year income of $17,000, minimum. Advancement to '/real Yourself 70 A Wofff System Tan. .. management based on performance and merit, annual Please Stop In And Allow Our Consultants An Opportunity earnings growing to $25,000 to $50,000/year. Recent To Introduce You To The Wolff System Tanning Experience • degree preferred. For interview, contact Tom Mckenna Needed at (407) 843-5411 or send resume to: For an app~intment call: Enterprise Co. 35 E. Colonial Dr., Orlando, FL 32801. 678-7773 4950 Hall Rd., Ste. 2 ~································PART TIME, MANAGEMENT INTERN . If you are interested We offer~ • 20-35 hours per week please call Crickett at • Flexible scheduling 11r~------, HOLIDAY SPECIAL ' 275-2865. • 11 area locations 1 • Training program 5 • Competitive compensation I VISITS FOR $19.95 I H you will be graduatingin the next 18 months and are I c10 % mscoUNT WITH ucr ID) Ii interested in part time work to gain management expe­ I Sian up a friend md ..WVe a&... tamring Kuioa I 1: rience, contact Tom Mckenna at (407) 843-5411. ..___.~~ • ------WTI'HnDSCOUPOH- OffllRBXPl:RBSMARCH31,1919..ll ... you know it's G



WIN"TER PARK Universi ty& Goldenrod 1177--4500 (Quantity Rights Reserved) Prices & Items Effective Thru March 23 Thru Mar~ 29, 1989 6, The Central Florida Future, March 23, 1989 END OF THE YEAR One-Day Sea Escape® CRUISE May 10, 1989 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.nt.

: ~ I o .. t I : • Leaves froill Port Canaveral 10 a.m. • Live entertainment •Four Bars Total Price: •Gambling • Swimilling, Jacuzzi $44.00 •Movie Theatre ($10.00 non-refundable deposit •Golf to be paid by March 31. $34.00 balance due April 21 at Kiosk.) •Skeet For more info, call the Kiosk at 275-2060, • Meals included or John at 657-6642, or 275-8922. •Everyone Welcom.e: Students, Faculty, Staff, Non-Students University of Central Florida KI 0 SK Student Government HOURS: Monday - Thursday: 9 am - 9 pm Friday: 9 am - 7 pm, Saturday: 10 am - 2 pm Tutor Referral Service Sunday: 2pm - 5m (No Tickets Sold on Sunday) CLASSES BEING OFFERED: MOVIE TICKETS . • General Cinema ANT2003 EGN 3311 MAC3313 Fashion Square CAP 3002 EGN3321 MAP3302 Altamonte Mall CGS3422 EGN3704 MAT 1033 Parkwood Plaza CHM1045 EGN 4714 PHY2050 Seminole Plaza CHM1046 ENV 4403 PHY3048 Colonial Promenade • United Artist COP2510 ENV 4404 Lake Howell PSB3002 Republic Square COP2511 EUH2000 PSY3624 Florida Mall COP3402 EUH2001 REL3186 • UC-6 COP3404 FRE 1120 SPN 1120 University Shoppes COP3530 LIN 1340 SPN1121 • AMC Theatres CLOSED DURING Fashion Village 8 ALL BREAKS Interstate 6 COP4550 MAC 1104 SPN2230 DISCOUNT TICKETS For More Information COT3000 MAC1114 SPN2231 • Busch Gardens Call: 275-2060 EC02013 MAC3233 SPN2240 • Wet-N-Wild Services Provided by EEL 3341 MAC3311 SPW3030 • Sea World Student Government EEL3342 MAC3312 SPW3031 • Magic Kingdom • EPCOT STA2014 • Boardwalk & Baseball PLUS: STA3023 • General Information STA4163 • UCF Phone Directories STA4164 • Film Processing Service Z003733 • Ticket Masters ·• Lost & Found The Central Florida Future, March 23, 1~89, 7

C.S. DEPT. Dr. Homer Gerber, com­ saving the department $200 BANQUET quet to the Senate. She-stated FROM PAGE 1 puter science professor, re­ for one set of handouts." FROM PAGE3 the banquet is not "handled as sponded to Frederick's memo He also said he hasn't heard a bill," the committee "meets by having his students pay for any complaints from the stu- · as needed" to decide on mat­ here at· school." a 27-page assignment at the dents. A&S Fee is used. ters pertaining to the ban­ Some professors opted to copier center. . "This is the first time I've Decisions concerning the quet. have their students buy their Gerber said, "$1.40 per stu­ had to do something like this," banquet are made by a sepa­ While the committee does assignments at an off-campus dent isn't at all unreasonable, · Gerber said. Gerber has rate committee consisting of decide on the banquet affairs, copier center. when ·you consider this will be worked at UCF since 1968. Chairwoman Barbara Pope, Stutler has final say on the ------, Student Body President Den­ matters. ver Stutler, Wolf, and Senate The event will begin at 7:30 Secretary Phyllis Taylor, p.m. and will be held in the among others. Rosemont Banquet Hall. According to Taylor·, the Boneless breast of chicken, committee has not brought the rice, salad, and a vegetable proposal for this year's ban- will be served.

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... "Assault" on.· guns needed to start defending citizens There's been talk about banning semi-automatic • AK-47 "Assault" rifles. Yes, that's the same weapon Patrik Purdy recen~ly used to kill five Stockton, Calif. schoolchildren. He quickly managed to wound 29 other children and one schoolteacher before he killed himself. Needless to say, the weapon is an efficient killing tool. O.K, "guns don't kill people, people kill people." However, it is time to face a serious problem. The country has started an arms race of its own. And it doesn't look good . ... Crack gangs have become the super-powers ofU.S. cities. They have chosen to use semi-automatics to defend their claims against police and other dealers. Law enforcement officers are suddenly finding them­ selves out-gunned by gangs. And innocent people have lost faith in the justice system. The nation that once bought guns for hunting or sport is now arm1Pg for self defense. Recent polls show that 50 perce mentioned self defense as the main reason for buying guns. As a result, people are crowding into gun shops and standing in line to buy the best weapons they can get. They're not just defending themselves against people; they're defending themselves against people with guns. It has gotten way out of control. There needs to be a balance of the power and it should come from tight federal regulations. Allowing st es (and worse, counties) to determine gun regulations is like setting no rules at all- nothing is consistent. What should be done? • DAWGS BITE BACK designated nature preserve as arguments is the same. To oppose such and build the proposed fi.eld­ the sale of the poster which glori­ Editor: house there. fies the being and ideas of Karl 1. The Federal Government should ban the import I would like to personally accept By doing this, immense tracts of Marx is to oppose freedom. or sale of semi-automatic weapons (such as assault your challenge to play softball. I currently unclistrubed land will be I doubt if they would so vehe­ rifles) to civilians. sincerely believe that the "Dawg' destroyed, thereby displacing mently defend a praising poster of 2. A new federal law should replace inconsistent team this year will not only show numerous resident species, many Pol Pot with a caption reading, state and local laws and should require buyers to up, but will in most probability of which are endangered a1ready. "Thanks for all the great things provide detailed background information. A felony deliver the "Newsn a most disap­ In addition, the dose proximity you did in Cambodia XXXOOO!n charge should be brought against buyers who make pointing loss. of the fi.eldhouse (and its accompa­ or a poster of Adolf Hitler. false statements. The students involved with nying parking lots) to Lake Claire Marx is no less inimical to free 3. The law should require a two-week waiting period student government have been seems certain to endanger the action and the dignity of the indi­ to allow time to check a buyer's background. using their jobs here in the Stu­ cleanliness and species diversity of vidual than these. dent Center to train for this game. Only because this is a poster of 4. It should also require that private transfers of the lake with letter and petroleum We crumbled up all the Futures runoff. Karl Marx, the iconoclast of politi­ guns be formalized by licensed gun dealers to main­ that were sitting around and have I feel this represents another cal science, to these starry-eyed tain up-to-date records of actual ownership. let people practice underhand example of the university's over­ lotus eaters of the left do they cry 5. States should require licensing of all gun owners tossing them into the garbage emphasis of athletics and the' out, falsely, in the name of free­

: and should create data banks with information on basket. status which supposedly results. dom; their view, of which, is ::: - everyone with a gun so that his or her record can be We have found that the ones Although no insult to UCF's ath­ warped. investigated as easily as that of a licensed driver. with all the dart board holes seem letic program is intended, I How can democracy survive if to travel the farthest. strongly feel the preserve should not by protecting itself against It's time to start ta1ring steps to adequately defend Being a team with quasi-legis­ be kept as such. doctrines which openly and vio­ our citizens. lative and quasi-executive desires, That is, a refuge for wildlife in a lently call for its demise? Whose Assault rifles should be banned outright and fur­ it is impossible to resist our needs rapidly growing area destined to side are you on? To oppose Marx­ to amend some of your rules. We be even more heavily developed in ism is to love freedom. To love ther action taken to regulate gun sales. Otherwise would like to add: No cameras a few years. By disregarding the Marxism is to oppose it. we'lljust keep building forces and everyone will lose around the neck while playing. No intent of the preserve, the admini­ Mr. DiSalvo does not call for in this arms race. matter how many signatures you stration has set a precedent which government censorship of Marx­ get from the people in the stands, may seriously endanger what is ist propaganda, as some have mis­ you cannot place people on base or left of the preserve. takenly alledged. He simply calls • 1f:The Central Florida Future alter the score. And, finally, we Although the preserve may not into question society's edification P.O. Box 25000, Orlando, Florida 32816 contend that everyone has an op­ help our football team move up to 1- of Karl Mant. I, on the other hand , Busfncas Office (407) 275-2601, News Office (407) 275-2865 tion on ,underwear and chewing AA status, it has even greater will go furth{lr. tobacco where and when they value to the university as a whole. I call on the book store to re­ Editor In Chief want as guaranteed by the Far hopefully, 10 years from now, move this Marxist trash in re­ Leslie M. Jorgensen Constitution. UCF can be proud that we have on sponse to market pressure.If Leslie, we look forward to play­ our campus one of the the last enough students disapprove of Managing Editor Dave Schlenker ing you this year. Hopefully, we areas of undisturbed land in Or­ this sale, good business sense Deputy Managing Editor/ haven't intimidated you not to ange County. would dicta1:removal in order Design R. Scott Horner participate. This would undoubtedly serve to please th~. 'stomer. I know it News Editor Crickett Drake as a valuable educational asset makes you . ..~ xists sick every Sports Editor Chris Brady Denver J. Stutler, Jr. and after all, education, not ath­ time you are.reminded that this Confetti Editor Suzannah G. Terry Student Body President letics, is supposed to be the pri­ society thrives in a capitalist econ­ mary goal of a university. Copy Editor Eric Dentel omy, but it does, despite your and .. Photo Editor Angie Hyde P.S. As for the time and date, we Gus Hall's efforts. Production Manager · Kasha Kitts are split: the conservatives want Whitworth Cotten Why must you hide under a Saturday, while the liberals want biology rock of rationalizations, idealism, Sunday. We'll let you know after and utopianism ye alleged intel­ Business Manager Scott Buss we vote. • MORE ON MARX lectuals? Ad Production Manager Charmaine Mendoza Crawl out from under your Classlfled Manager Scott Pruitt • FIELDHOUSE FRENZY · . Editor: hiding place and stand athwart I cannot stand by silently and the juggernaut of Marxist tyr­ Opinions expressed lnT/Je Cel'llNI Fl""ida Flllwre ore those of 1he newspaper or lndMd­ uol columnist and not necesrorlty 1hose of 1he Boord of Publications. University Ad­ Editor: allow Mr. David DiSalvo to be anny and yell, "stop!" ministration, or Boord of Regents. Letters to the Editor must be typed and Include the I must admit my distress upon crucified by the leftist intellectuals outho(s signature, major and phone number. Letters ore subject 10 editing for of this campus. grammar and space and become the copyrighted property of the newspaper. reading of the administration's M.G. Bubba Weiler • Nam'" rrtaf be \Nfthheld but the newspaper reserves the right to refuse publlcatlon plan to blatantly ignore UCF's The main point of these people's of any letter. TIN Ccn1ral Florida F1dwc Is a free .non-profit newspaper published twice biology weekly during the academic year and weekly during the summer. ·~ ------The Central Florida Future, March 23. 1989. 9

CAMPUS LITE by Scott L.001<, J'UNIO~, nus LS A. Each dly, thousands OI _ FLOWE~--- ~AV, fpetltetl OI / stray c:.ts at UCF. Save a lizard... Kiii a stray cat.

UCF °'V•nl:ratlon for Ille Colllplele Ef'8dloallon of F..a- OCEF


47 A state: abbr. 24 Mediterranean 46 Abounds 49 Location vessel 48 Genus of · 50 Touching 26 Pigeon pea maples 54 Wants 27 Trumpeter bird 50 Engineer's 57 Veneration 28 Enchantment compartment 58 Earn 31 Has on one's 51 Be in debt 60 Cry of cow 51 ·wager person 52 Seine 62 Zodiac sign 34 Parent: colloq. 53 Prefix: three 63 Stitch 36 Dashes 55 Female deer 39 Tidy 56 Seed 41 Surfeit 59 That Is: abbr. 44 South American DOWN animal 1 Fondle 2 Ventilate 3 Fragment 4-Revolved Solution 5 .News- _-gatherlng org. 6 ·spread for drying 7 Goddess of discord 8 Capital of .Oregon ACROSS 15 Confidence 33 Gratuity 9.Graln 17 Distended 35 Lavishes 10:Devoured 1 Moccasin 19 Flesh fondess on 11 ,Crlmson 4 Evaluates 21 Weight of India 37 Fall behind 1s:scorch 9 Paddle 22 Argues 38 Short jacket 18 Macaws 12 Goddess of 25 Title of respect 40 Harvests 20 Choir voice healing 29 Spanish article 42 Roman 1001 22 ~ Hlnder 13 Musical drama 30 Renovate 43 Repulse 23 ~hoice pan 14 Consumed 32 Epic sea tale 45 Eccentric COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE Fowl language

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March 28 9PM SAC~~~~~~~~ STUDENTS: FREE NON-STUDENTS: $3.00~~~~~~~~ Clas Fast Typing Service Student Veteran's Association Apt 1 bdrm. Walk to UCF. $250. call 851- Quick, service. Free revisions . .EX-GI: The Student Veteran's Assoc. Is tak­ 7235. profes~ional ing orders for EX-GI Jerseys-XGI. Stop by the UCF's oldest typing firm. Same day and weekend service. Visa & Mastercard. Over VA or call 2707 for more detalls. The best GI Apts for Rent- Sherwood Forest, Near UCF 18,300 satisfied students and only 4 is an EX-GI. deadline is April 3, 1989. call Daksha Vakharla at 657-1967. Uc. Re. grouches I Alph Tau Omega Broker. Camp Counselors for Physically Impaired. - 671-3007. We are Psyched for the Am I ZfA "Happy Golden Key Honor Society The Florida Easter Seal Camp Challenge. Hour" tomorrow lll Come out and get Happyl Next Thursday, the 30th is the last Golden Chancellors Row 2bdrm, 2 1/2 bath. Living, Earn college credit and salary while galning Resumes and cover letters . Designed, re­ Brother's, composites are today atthe House. Key meeting before the conference - Now's din, kit. Wash & Dry, pool, tennis, parking . great exp. for Resume. Room and board free I vised, typed· 657-0079. "Hey Mon . get ready for the annual AT!l IS­ the time to register or volunteer your tlmel If Aprll 151 OCC. 677-1171 $600. Cabin Counselors, Lifeguards, and Program LAND PARTY.• All UCF Sororities get your you' re a member and want information call Specialists needed. Located 1 hr. N of PROFESSIONAL TYPING Island attire ready for the best party this year!H 275-2133 Laura. Forest Highlands Apt for rent (sublet for 450/ Orlando. Call 407-886-6653 for an appt. or One mile from UCF .Campus • Everyone have a safe and Happy Easterl mo thru 7/31/89) 2bd/ 2bth; backroad access write to Rt. 1 Box 350 Sorrento, Fl. 32776. All types of sll.Jdent documents. Same day Amn1y1111111 Amnesty International to UCF/ R. ParlNn room , 7-9pm. :tAErulesl washer and dryer, many other amenities. $200 Wanted: Pentax K mount zoom lens with local Call PRESTIGE TYPING for your papers + utilities. Call Robert at 679-9076. lengtti of 80-200. Will consider any K-mount Beautiful- Healthy Puppies. 8 wks old, Re· and resumes· 277-7237. Tau Kappa Epsilon triever mix. $20.00 each. 671-6355. zoom . Call Tom at 282·8183. Last Day to give blood at the H P green. nm Roommate Wanted to share new home near Resumes $7 and up. Also other typing/ word has its first hockey game tonight at 10:40. UCF. All extras Included, privacy guaranteed II ATIENTION! Auditions tor models and danc­ Escort Radar Detector 6 months old, case and processing. 365-6845. Everyone have a happy Easter and rest up for Must be dependable, clean, and non-smoker. manual $175 John 658-0851 . ers needed for hair show. April 9. Call 0 .D. next weekend. Call Shelia at 366-1326 after 9:00 pm or 356· 281 -6462 for more info . 4211, 8:00. 5:00. Cockatiels-hand fed lutlno babies call Lisa Kappa Delta 282·8698. Congrats Tri Delts on a great Derby I WendyJ. Needed Roommate, own bedroom and bath . you are awesome I Thanx Dawn for an incred­ Washer/ dryer. Close to UCF. $200 + 112 Attractive better than new rwo bdrm rwo bth ible Shamrock! Kelly ann you are one Hot utilities. Call Erika ext. 2131 or 282-9112. house in nearby Alafaya Wds . Why pay ren t? Ujena girl. IEA Party Fri. night.. Happy Large VA assumable mortgage or lease/pur­ Anorney Wayne Sh0emaker, former Asst The Church At AlaJaya, Easter!ll Non-smoker Male or Female near Fla. Mall. chase possible. 69,900 Susan Edwards , Hig­ State Attorney, Defense of: DUI , Traffic Cita· Southern Baptist Church $245-month all ind. Call 240-5938 . gins + Heath Realtor 896-9666 or 898-0999 lions, Easy Pymt Plan, Free office consult. Al the UCF Holiday Inn Amphitheater Delta Delta Delta Hurry I Hey Tri Delts, get psyched for Ranch Dance. Female Roommate Wanted 843-0750. 10 am Sunday Everyone Welcome. Start rounding up a date I Yeh Hall Thanks IE Very nice 2bdrm, 2bth Apt. Couch and loveseat. Loveseat has Sleeper for an awesome Derby Week. We love youl All Amenities, including bed. Both for $100. Leave message 658- Car Repair by Certified Mechanic. Thanks zrA, AE.A, and nm for a great St. Washer!Oryer. $290/mo. + 1/2 8919. Reasonable Rates. East of Tuskawilla 671 • Ray's Knight Out Pub Presents: Patrick's Day Social. It was a blastl Mil #1 I utilities. Call 898-5677 6355. Free Draft Knight Leave Message. Thursday March 23rd Second Annual Mr. Legs Contestlll Hori zon TraY"' Agency 8:00 pm-2 am Sign up in the Housing Office. Female Roommate Wanted. Private BdJ lj\h, Call for low A1rfaie-Cru1se quc:as . Call 281 - $5.00 cover charge. All proceeds go to the Amber Fund. convenient location - $265. call 679-1134 . 0836 Sponsored by the Inter Hall Council.

'80Nlssan310Hatchback. SUnroof,AIC,new llllllllliillll altematc<, battery, starter, and muffler. $750. obo. Gay Student Organization UCF Area· 2 Bedroom Townhouse, Appli­ '79 Toyota Celica GT. AIC, Fact. sunroof, Excellent Word Processing • 366-0538. Thanks.Julie you're the best!I The Gay Student Organization will meet ances, Washer + Dryer. $400.00 mto plus concord stereo.... new banery, tires, bug bra. J.T. . Thurs. March 23 at 7:30 pm tor more info deposit. Gold Star Realty of Fla., Inc. Assoc. $1200. obo. Boihblra In Exe. Condition. 277· Reasonable and fast typing service. Call contact Lance 380-2835. #877-3786. 5952 Mike. Nancy at 679-4006, rush jobs. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mark Rhodell

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.,,. . . ;.· , The Central Florida Future, March 23, 1989, 11

GREAT AMERICAN . t~ BASEBALL sephina with a one-out base hit. Josephina had FROM PAGE 12 walked to open the inning. Scott Underwood had three hits while Kiser andJ osephina each had two hits. Josephina has SMOKEOUT~· showing from UCF pitcher Brandon Turner. hit safely in 17 straight games. Crone hit a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~merallowedJu~fivehrtsinnineinmngs. home run in the game, his team-leading sixth of However, the Kmghts mustered only SIX hits. the season. Mike Schmit accounted for two doubles and He is finally doing the thmgs that we always 'UC:F STU'D'F/J{!S ant! 1"JtC'ULpY knocked in the nly UCF run. knew he could do as far as hitting the long balJ are inviter£ to "W~ had good pitching al week long, said and dnving in runs." Bergman said of Crone. Bergman. "We :lid not hit the ball real well but "He IS hvmg up to his promise as a power C'.RJ.lIS'.E tFu!. 'B~ I we had four we I-pitched games." hitter." 1 UCF bounced back from the Xavier toss Ahern struck out 15 batters in the game out Monday mght. with a 6-5 victory over Evansville gave up four earned runs in the last inrung. 'Wll'E9{. :Merwrial fJJay 'Wee~na in the opening ight of the · CF/Burger King Bass came on in relief to record the win. Bass I Spnng Class c, which runs through Saturday. raised his record to 4-0 with one save and has :Fri., 'Jrlay 26 · 29 I The Kmgh ;s eld a 5-0 advantage entering not allowed an earned run in nine appearanees 'W'Jlo:M Premur Croise Lines the ninth ·mning when the Purple Aces scored "I am really glad for him because he has five runs off of Ahem to tie the game. owever, worked hard to make his senior season a good COS'I· ~mn '"'°"' ' UCF won the game in the bottom half of the one," Bergman said. "We wouldn't be where vve $310 inn mg when Bobby Kiser drove in Mike Jo- are today without him."

Includes: ~CO'.MMWYI'IIO'J{S 'M'EJll.S HOOPS benefit from his first ~oJlegiate experience ·:nis past year. 1 FROM PAGf:: 2 'E!Jl'J!E1UJU'J.f..fM'E!}{I. J4CII'VITF.S A bigger budget that will be available sht> 1d help next year's program. At least, ihere wih ::>e 'WJ{'£1('E. ·"ai[ from Port Canaveral 11 lu. field oa onootmg throughOut the >eason, an assistant coach to help out. • ·nKney wa · ,h . Kmghts' bestoallhandler and "More money doesn't necessarily mean more I ced severa rr UCPs victories with clutch foul wins. but hopefullv it does (at UCF)," iatd '.f0'1{/M(Y.J(T. I I shooting n . h~ final minutes. Green was a lllOTe Blackwood "An assistant coach should he u, It . than adequate backup for ..... eeks and also will will put less pressure on the head coach .,·· • I'J{:JO'RJ;{Jt'ITOJ{ ca[[ : 'X.JJ&.TJlLT.'E!J( (407)351-7065 11 TENNIS players' physica b1 h y. -'--=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=3_=_=~-=-=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=?---1 FROM PAGE 2 "They watch their opponent to see thei weaknesses," Pell ~aid of Fisher and McGi >.i~ cuddy. I 5 and were the Lady Krughts' only wm agamst The Lady Kmghr,s return to action Friday a ·. I Ohio tate University Monday home against Georgia Tech. "They play very well together," she said. UCF also plays aturday against Akron and j ST. JOSEPH'S "They play very smart, strategy w1se." Sunday against Harvard. Both games are at ] Pell said there is more to the game than the UCF. I CATHOLIC CHURCH GET EXPERJENCE NOW·· : · r·.. :: l I Interested.In find ng things .<;>ut first? Interested ln -a _,...... ,;·~,Jt,'. l ! moderately 'paying career? Then you might have a f1.1ta.Jre ~~\ I Saturday Vigil Mass with Tht:J. Central Florida Future · . · ·· :.. , 6:00 P.M. Call Dave Schlenker at 27S-286s··· I j I l Sunday Masses ! 8:00, 10:30 & 12 Noon .9Lttention !ll!PRJL (jrads Choir Rehearsal i Wednesday, 7:00 P.M. Ylttemi a 1 l 1501 Alafaya Trail 275-0841 WELCOME Concerning 1our future Binge eating? Jls JLn Investm£nt ' It Learn :J{ow Your 'Desire 'To 'E~e{ Your ~inancia{ & Afar/(?ting S kj{[s could be Can Com6ine Into One of'11te :l{igfiest Paid . _.. bulimia Professions In 'Tfie 'llnitetf States. Ca{{ 407-423-9777 ~or'Time & Location

Sponsoretf 6y the srr'l1912(rr JY13v{'£S co. If}{C ~ Florida Hospital 201 s. 01(!Jli9{fj'E 5fo/£9{'U'E ~Altamonte 897-1616 S?!E.770 01(LJf!J£'1JO, ~L 32801 SIPC · . . . Sports~1~1JS;~~~~:~.-a . . Knights drop·out of national rankings Baseball tea~ loses. No. 30 position despite winning three out of four games. last week by Chris Brady there," UCF coach Jay Bergman said about the poll. Bergman was optimistic about the team returning SPORTS EDITOR "I knew we had to win all four games last week in to the poll and was not upset about not being in the order to stay in it." poll. However, Bergman did not understand how The Knights crept into the poll at No. 30 last week Oklahoma (No. 25) and Michigan (No. 29) made it in • · Despite winning three of its four games last week, after winning eight ·straight games over spring ahead of UCF. The Knights (19-8) beat Michigan, the UCF baseball team dropped out of the ESPN/ break, including victories over nationally-ranked who has a 6-4 record, twice and Oklahomfl (9-5) once. Collegiate Baseball Top 30 poll. teams Michigan and Oklahoma. It was the Knights' "The only thing I can'tfigure out is that Oklahoma "I wasn't discouraged about it, but I did feel bad for first appearance in the poll since 1986, when they and Michigan, two teams who we beat, were put in the players because they had worked so hard to get were ranked No. 28 for one week. the poll," Bergman said. "But it is all right because there are lots of weeks left in the poll yet. Our time will come." //I Despite dropping out of the poll, the Knights had a very good week on the field with victories over Yale, Ithaca and Portland State. The team's only loss of the week came to Xavier, which ended the Knights' winning streak at 11 games. In the 7-1 victory over Yale, Rich Polak struck out eight batters and did not allow an earned rnn. The victory raised Polak's record to 3-1 on the season and lowered his earned run average to 1.64, tops among UCF's starting pitchers. Jim Crone and Bobby Kiser led the Knights hitting attack against Yale. Crone went 4-4 at the plate with a home run and two doubles, while Kiser was 2-3. The next night, the Knights shallacked Ithaca, the • No. 1 Division III team in the country. Brian Ahern blanked the defending Division III national champi­ ons 8-0, allowing two hits and striking out six. Kiser was a perfect 4-4 at the plate, while shortstop Carlos Agurto was 4-5. Both players hit two doubles. Jim Crone knocked in the winning run in the twelth inning to propel the Knights tO a 5-4 victory Friday over Portland State, who entered the game with a 12-3 mark. Third baseman Randy Kotchman led the attack with three hits while Crone, Agurto and Steve McClellan had two hits apiece. David Goins started for the Knights and gave up one earned run in seven innings. Kevin Bass relieved Goins and pitched five strong innings to notch the victory. Bass gave up two hits and struck out five in his relief performance. UCF's winning streak ended at 11 the following em Fo~y ..CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE day as Xavier edged the Knights 2-1, despite a strong Jim Crone (29) takes a swing as Bobby Kiser (9) looks awatts his tum on deck. Crone is leading the team with six home runs on the season. SEE BASEBALL PAGE 11~ Knights close season, UCF defeats lo~k to brighter future conference opponent by Glenn carrasqulllo Iowa, Florida State and Ala­ CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE bama. All three teams quali­ by Bill Foxworthy fied for the NCAA tourna­ ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR During these times of ment. March Madness, otherwise After the December start, The UCF women's tennis known as tournament time for UCF played teams that the team season is at the midpoint Division I college basketball, Knights could better compete of their season, and also the UCF is experiencing its own with. However, the team just busiest. sort of basketball madness. managed a 7-13 mark after The Lady Knights have That is, the Knights are Jan. 1. played six matches in the past looking for a head basketball The Knights are graduating week. In the next six days they coach. Since UCF coach Phil four seniors from this year's will play four more. Carter stepped down as the squad, which does not make The team is now 5-10, hav­ men's basketball coach on next year's outlook any ing posted wins over Samford Mar. 5, Athletic Director Gene brighter. Pat Crocklin, who University and Muskingum McDowell has started his holds the UCF scoring record College last week while losing • search for the man to fill the at the Division I level, and Ben to Wichita State University job. Morton, who led the Knights in and Ohio State University. "We're receiving a 1ot of calls scoring last year, are two start­ Women's coach Kathy Pell~ from top coaches identifying ing seniors who will be leaving. called the win over Samford their top assistants as candi­ Fred Crawford, a key con­ "the best win we've had yet." dates. We've also called others tributor off of the bench, and The victory was an important asking them to apply," said Jeff Davis, the team captain, one in that it was against a McDowell. are the other two seniors that New South Women's Athletic While teams like the Okla­ will be missed. Conference opponent. homa Sooners and Indiana Standout freshman center The Lady Knights were ' Hoosiers are competing for the Ken Leeks will return next behind after splitting the Pivision I national collegiate year and is on the commitee singles matches 2-4. UCF then title, the Knights are looking that is searching for a new came back, winning all three for the leader that will help coach.. At one time, Leeks doubles matches to take the them reach a .500 record at the stated he ·did not know if he tournament 5-4. Division I level. The Knights would retum to UCF if Carter Bill Foxworthy/CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE "It showed a lot to win after finished this year with a record left. Sophomore guard Travis Blue goes up for a rebound in UCF's you're down 4-2," Pell said. of 7-20 after a 9-19 campaign Leeks' powerful inside victory over Warner Southern in the Merrill Lynch Classic "They all played well and in 1987-88. game helped UCF this year didn't give up." The 1988-89 season started and will be counted on next Edsel Bester for team leader- Knights have strong support Pell praised the play of the out slow as the team faced year. The 6-9 freshman led the ship next year. Both players from returning freshmen Ver­ number one doubles team, tough December competition team in scoring and rebounds saw action as starters this past non Pinkney and Andre Julie Fisher and Kelly McGilli­ and lost its first eight games. this year. season. Travis Blue is the only Green. While struggling with cuddy. They have a record of9- The Knights played on the The Knights will look to sophomore returning. road against Division I powers juniors Bob Blackwood and Along with Leeks, the SEE HOOPS PAGE 11 SEE TENNIS PAGE 11 "' •

The entertainment and feature supplement of 1Frhe CentraJ Florida future

There is a renewal of the 60's coffee­ • ouse movement that is making a place for artist poseurs and nomads n the oc.a cafes of Orlando.

by Kristina Feliciano // down own Orlan o. It · 11 s unassumingly amongst a stnp of stores or Mill Ave Back when cats were guys with goatees and Pr 01 t. re-birth a a part irne haven to he artists. poseurs and berets, and hand clapping was replaced with ~L\ '--..... ~ nornaas ol his 1ty the Cafe was the exclusive territory of many 11· finger snapping, coffeehouses were the hip I \\. the Vielname~e community places to be. \ Eugent Marsh artist and l CF student ered the cafe whi e Coffeehouse denizens survived on es- walking downtown presso and cigarettes and wore black turtle \ The tacky 70's lattice work, crate-like seats apd necks. It was groovy to, like. express how you · - -=====------...... multi-colored track lighting were strangely ap- f elt this harmony between yourself and the ~ ~ --- · ~""' pealing. And there was a small black and world around you. \ white checkered stage just below the exit However short-lived the coffeehouse scene ) stgn by the adjoining pool hall that invited was, it. like many other trends and fashions from use. the 60's, is experiencing a revival / Marsh tried a few of his own perform- Of course. poetry readings and open-mike ances there, then struck a deal with the formated shows retained their popularity in big / owner which allowed him to use the cities Uke and Miami. where artists restaurant space for a coffeehouse-type abound and this format provided a perfect night once a week. every other week. showcase for new work. The first of these coffeehouse nights at The presencl.:' of coffeehouses in Orlando ~ the Cafe was chaotic at best. }Jle air con- is but another sign of the emergence of a ditioner had broken and the heat was un- newer, more cosmopolitan Orlando. \ relenting. The feedback from the ill-placed In the past in Central Florida, poetry microphone was deafening. And there was no lovers could attend readings at Rollins College sense of organization. Everything was com- sponsored by Brandywine Books. Featured pletely arbitrary. poets would read their works, then the Still, the dim. relaxed atmosphere of the audience members would have their cafe and the publicity that Marsh and tum. There would be a break for writer pal Chris Garlington managed wine sipped from tiny plastic to generate started drawing the cups and some chit chat people in. As these Wednesday then the reading would rught sessions progressed. the commence. crowds attending grew. as did Dubsdread Restaurant the number and range of acts & Lounge sponsors an performing. open mike night, geared To the passerby, this was a mostly to folk and jazz group of tousle-haired, out- musicians. < casts wearing thrift-store Then, just as summer clothes-the kind of people ended last year, you only see out at night. Orlando was treated to Often people would come in a coffeehouse that is so their club garb to h~ar far the most true to the music or poetry or to genre. socialize before hitting Spit And it was from the or some such nightspot. most unlikely source. Still, the Cafe crowd defied Cafe Noir is a tiny generalization. Vietnamese restaurant Atnong them was an elderly and pool hall in Jewish man from the North who wore thick spectacles and plaid pants and who would read from chapters of a novel he was writing about Puerto Rican kids in the barrio. He always had to cover his ears or leave when the musicians played. It was too much for his hearing aid. The presence of Cafe Noir no doubt contrib- SEE COFFEE PAGE 4

Volume 5 Number 25 • March 23, 1989 2, Coof-.A.ti, March 23. 1989 'Fletch Lives': much more goofy than good Calendar by David Schlenker Movie Review • Southern Ballet Theatre KAY, LET'S SEE A show of At 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on hands. Who saw the March 25 at the Annie 0 movie Fletch? Okay. Russell Theatre. Rollins Col­ who saw it more than once? lege Campus, the Southern Twice? Ballet Theatre will present Three times? Personally, I The Apprentice Program fall into the category labeled Dancers in concert. by some psychologists as The performance will show­ "closet Fletch-ers," simply case classical ballet. Amert­ meaning I have the tape at can jazz and modem dance. home and can recite practi­ Tickets for the show ~e $7 for cally every line. adults and $5 for students. The beauty of the first Call the theatre for more in­ movie exists in the fact that it formation. didn't take itself seriously, that he just inherited. He yet didn't go overboard. . pictures himself as typical • Sandi Patti IrwinM. Fletcherisachar­ Civil War southern planta­ Gospel singer Sandi Pattl will acter everybody has wanted tion owner who basks in the bring her message of hope to be at least once in their life. glory of his estate. and life to town at 8 p.m. on He is an investigatlv~ re­ The scene then turns into Friday, March 31 at the porter in LA with a sharp a hysterical take-off of Orlando Arena. 1lckets for Sang of the South. tongue, quick wit and many Disney's the concert are $12.50 and disguises. complete with cartoon na­ are available atall TicketMas­ Mix that character with ture. ter locations. the dry talent of Chevy Chase This was funny and and an intrtcate mystery and worked well in the scheme of • Harlem Globetrotters it is no wonder that the origi­ things. The world famous Harlem nal movie had such a follow­ 19&9 Untv•raal City Studloe Inc. Other gimmicks in the film Chey Chase retums to the screen as the newspaper reporter, Globetrotters are coming to ing. simply tested the viewer. In Orlando. At 8 p.m. on Satur­ So what about the sequel? l.M. Fletcher, master of multiple disguises in Fletch Lives. one scene, you weren't sure day, March 25, the Orlando whether you were watching Fletch Lives provides Arena will serve as the stage Fletch fans much of the same, but. like Irwin M. Fletcher or James Bond. for the Globetrotters' per­ most sequels, often over-exaggerates The overall editing was a bit awkward formance. what made the first film a success. as well. Other cast members include Tickets for the show range in is Hal Holbrook (who was great). Cleavon The sequel well written. The mys­ Movies prtce from $9.50 to $15 and tery is complex and even throws the Little (who was better) and Julianne are available at all Ticket viewer for a loop in the end. Chevy in which our hero saves the day in the Phillips (who was simply awful). , Master locations. Chase once again goes hand in hand first movie. it seems that it is the entire If you are a .. closet Fletcher." Fletch with Irwin M. Fletcher. The disguises focus in th1s movie. Uves is worth your while. Fletch uses are once again funny and Speaking of g1Inmicks, F1.etch Uves However. if you hated or even mildly • Shakespeare Festival At 8 p.m. on March 29 at the in disliked the first movie, don't waste creative. drowns all sorts of corny ones. Rollins College Auditodum, The first of these so-called giIDinicks your time. But Fletch Uves trys to give Fletch John Andrews, editor of involves a segment where Fletch is Fletch Uves is directed by Michael fans too much of a good thing. Whereas Guild Shakespeare (Dou­ dreaming about the Louisiana mansion Ritchie and opened March 17. the disguise giinmick was just one way bleday) and former deputy director of NEH Education Programs, will deliver a pub­ Tesla suffers bad affilction; TOP TEN ALBUMS week ending March 19, 1989 lic lecture and hold a panel Dogs sound like "poopoo" This list Is comp/fed by the number of albums, cassettes, and discussion on the topic of "To CDs sold. Courtesy of PEACHES Music and Video. Look On Love And Not Be Shaken: OSFs The Tempest • mw;m and The Taming Of The 1. Melissa Etheridge 7. Don't Be Cruel Shrew... Albums Melissa Etheridge Bobby Brown 2. Watermark 8. Appefffe for Destrucffon • Comedy Jam II Enya Guns 'n' Roses A double star bill of comedi­ Jane's Addiction's "Moun­ 3. Volume I 9. The Raw and the Cooked ans John Mendoza and Carol tain Song." The side further Traveling Wllburys The Rve Young Cannibals Leifer will perform on campus • declines with nifty songs like 4. Electric Youth 10. Mystery Girl at 8 p.m. April 7 in the gym. '"Did it ForThe Money," about Debbi Gibson Roy Orbison Tickets for the show are $3 for a hooker trying to make a 5. Silhouette UCF students and $S for the living. With clever lines like KennyG. general public. Tickets may "Down on her knees/She's 6. Loc-ed Dark be purchased at the Kiosk for there to please," how could A"'" Tone Loe students and all TicketMas­ anyone resist shelling out ter locations for the public. • by Bill Morrissey $10 to own this masterpiece of musical and literary gen­ •Burning Spear ius? is called "Debauchery," For two decades, veteran reg­ something this band seems •The Great Radio C-ontro­ The rest of side one can be gae musician Winston Rod­ versy summed up with a one-word to take great pride in. The ney of Burning Spear has Artist: Tesla synopsis: BORING. tune begins with lead singer been a vanguard of reggae Producers: Steve Thompson Side two features the only Tyla. screaming, .. Fe-Fi-Fo­ music. On March 29, Rodney and Michael Barbiero two highlights of the entire Fum, .. and the band follows • and Burning Spear will bring album. "Flight to Nowhere, .. suit. their music to the SCA Con­ OlliER UP-AND-coming is a thoughtfully arranged Thanks to impressive tact the Student Center for band has been in­ piece utilizing an excellent drum production, the song • more information at 275- fected with the same mix of accoustic and electric does have a driving feel. But, cursed plague that has been guitars and evolves into a almostbyintention. the Dogs 2633. snuffing out the Uves of powerful, hard-driving song. avoid any semblance of countless young "musi­ "Love Song" begins with , musicality with their combi­ ~~ cians... This affliction is char­ some beautiful classical gui­ nation of senseless lyrics and acterized by the excessive tar work, by Frank Hannon. poor song structure. by John Citrone Confetti use of tired rhythm guitar Although the song's progres­ "How Come It Never licks, a complet~ lack of origi­ sion is simple, it works well to Rains, .. the third song on side Suzannah G. Terry nality in composition and a capture the feeling of the ·•In The Dynamite Jet Saloon one, is a feeble attempt at Editor total disregard for anything song's theme. Artist: The Dogs D'Amour "bar band" blues. The Steven M. Conner even close to resembling con­ The only thing that sal­ Producer: Mark Dearnley drums, played by Barn. are Asst. Editor structive lyric writing. Unfor­ vages this musical mon­ and The Dogs D'Amour painfully simple and drudge R. Scott Homer tunately, Tesla has fallen strosity is Hannon's pitilessly through artless Art Director prey to this disabling disor­ thoughtful and profession­ HERE IS ONLY one way to lines of blues guitar and pi­ • der with their latest ally-executed leads. describe The Dogs ano. Kasha Kitts release.The Great Radio Con­ Tesla has definitely T D'Amour's debut Side one continues with Production Manager troversy. reached a new low with The release In The Dynamite Jet such annoying musical mos­ C.Onfetti, is published by The Side one features nothing Great Radio Controversy, Saloorr mega-poopoo. trosities as "Last Bandit," "I Central Florida Fu.ture, the student newspaper of the University of of great interest or innova­ but their next release should The members of the Dogs Don't Want You To Go" and Central Florida. Send all corre­ tion. The first cut, "Hang be substantially better. It look like Poison and sound "Medicine Man." spondence to: C.Onfetti cf o The Tough." begins with a me­ would be next to impossible like the Alarm. A poor man's The second side of In The Central Florida Future, P.O. Box • lodic bass Une that sounds to come up with material that version of both, I'm afraid. 25000, University of Central exactly like the bass intro to is any worse than this. The first song on side one SEE ALBUM PAGE 4 Florida, Orlando, Florida 32816. · ·1'1" • I l Confetti, March 23, 1989, 3 ·--j ,------, Four categorie_s for Oscar Confettt and Litchfield/ UC6 Cinema present: I ~ I The A----~ · --emy I I Awa.rR . ontest I On March 29, on~ • r~m each of the cate- gories in the movie md be awarded the coveted Oscar. N ovJ,y__o ve e chance to guess who the Academy will ·ho o win Oscars in the six categories below and . #gl:ble to win two movie tickets for any showi a e UC6 Cinema. T" play, fill out the b below and send it in to: Academy Awards, entral Florida Future, UCF, P.O. Box 25000 do. Florida 32816. Or you can drop it by the al office located in the ugly white trailor next t 'Nellness Center. Dead- line for entries is M on. The three peopl losest in guessing the actual Oscar. ies will result in Sigourney Weaver, Glen Close, Melanie Griffith a drawing to b arch 30. Em- ployees of the and UC6 Cin- ema and their f; e to participate.

And the winner is ... I Best Director I 1. Charles Crichton A Fish Called Wanda) I 2. Martin Scorcese I (The Last Temptation of I lflWll Christ) I Best Picture 3. Alan Parker I 1. The Accidental Tourist (Mississippi Burning) 2. Dangerous Liaisons 4. Barry Levinson l 3. Misstssippi Burning {Rain Man) I 4.Rain Man 5 Mike Nichols l 5. War.king Girl (Working Girl)

Best Actress Best Actor 1. Glenn Close I. Gene Hackman AAocloled Pl9a (Dangerous Liaisons) (Mississippi Burning) Dustin Hoffman, Tom Hanks, Gene Hackman 2. Jodie Foster 2. Tom Hanks (The Accused) (Big) Midnight Cowboy. Gene Hackman could win by Richard E. Karman 3. Melanie Griffith 3. Dustin Hoffman for his not-doing-it-by-the-book F.B.I. agent (Working Girl) (RainMan) SCAR NIGHT IS COMING, March 29. fighting ractsm in Mississippi Burning .. One 4. Meryl Streep 4. Edward James Olmos I guarantee is that Tom Hanks won't win for There are four categories use to de­ (A Cry In The Dark) (Stand And Deliver) his part in Big.. Comedies tend to do horribly O termine who'll walk away with the 5. Sigourney Weaver 5. Max von Sydow little golden statue. They are as follows: Who at the Oscars. The AM.PAS' choice will be (Gorillas In The Mist) {Pelle The Conqueror) I think should win, who could win, a possible Dustin Hoffman. After being royally gypped last year, Glen longshot and then who the Academy of Mo­ Best Supporting Actress Best Supporting Actor Close will take the honors as best actress for tion Picture of Arts and Sciences will choose. 1. Joan Cusack 1. Alec Guinness The seven of the 22 major categories I will her character as the vengeful Marquille De (Working Girl) (Little Dorrttt) Mertevil from Dangerous Liaisons. Much to forecast are best picture, best actor and 2. Geena Davis 2. Kevin Kline my amazement, Jodi Foster's portrayal of actress, best supporting actor and actress, (The Accidental Tourtst) (A Fish Called Wanda} Sarah Tobias. a woman who was raped on a best director and best song. 3. Frances McDormand 3. Martin Landau The only category that has some fight in it pinball machine, is impressive. The movie, (Mississippi Burning) (Tucker: The Man And 1heAccused, is best picture. My pick is Rain Man hands was based on a true story which 4. Michelle pfeiffer His Dream) makes it all the more intense. Sigourney down. A close second goes to Dangerous (Dangerous Liaisons) 4. River Phoenix ·-- Weaver is the ultra-longshot playing the part Liaisons, a dissolute French drama. This 5. Sigourney Weaver (Running on Empty) category has no longshot. Actually, Missis­ of gorilla protector Diane Fossey. The AM­ (Working Girl) 5. Dean Stockwell sippiBumtng and The Accidental Tourist have PAS' choice will be Glen Close. (Married To The Mob) an outside chance of winning as well. How Best supporting actor nods to Alec Guin­ the hell Working GiTlgot nominated is beyond ness for aj ob well done in Utile DoniL The big I m e. That film is definitely out-classed. The question here is how did Kevin Kline get Name=~~~~~~~~~~~~~...,...-~~~~1. AMPAS' choice will be Rain Man. nominated for his off-beat, but funny, part in Address: I A Fish Called Wanda ? Other undeserving Best actor easily goes to Dustin Hoffman. Major: I His portrayal of Raymond Babbitt, a gifted nominations go to Dean Stockwell from autistic, is beautiful. Unbelievably, he out­ Phone Number: I shines his Ratso Rizzo performance from SEE OSCAR PAGE 4 L------~ FIGHT CELLULITE , ~ TAKE A 20 MINUTE STUDY BREAK EFFECTIVELY ·Z Tan The WOLFF SYSTEM Way! .o Where The Sun Always Shines! WITH .fV lnfraSlim;' ,41 Buy------· 5 Visits -I TAN-FASTIQUE introduces ~ Get 5 Free!: Deep Heat therapy for the treat- ~ ment of cellulite and body con- $29.95 I < Sign up a friend and get 2 1 touring. Call today for your free · ~ visits free! 1 consultation. " ~ Coupon expires 4n/89 .• $19.95 ~... TAN-FASTIQUE ------TANNING SALON FIRST TREATMENT ~ TOWER PLACE • M-F: 8:30-9 P.M. • SAT: 9-7 P.M. • SUN:12-6 Call for appointment Nails by Patricia 10376 E. Colonial Dr. • 282-6042 4, Confetti, March 23, 1989

COFFEE FROM PAGE 1 complement their successful Wednesday and Saturday uted to the 60's coffeeh01:ise jazz/blues nights. They movement that is currently wanted a mellow atmosphere manifesting itself in places where people could enjoy like East India Ice Cream Co. jazz, blues and folk acts-no and Winter Park Brewmg Co. cover charge, no age limit The popularity of the Shipley gets his musicians folksy band Edie Brickel & from King Snake Records. a New Bohemians and tlie Jazz and blues label here in flourescent smiley faces that Florida. Since he started cof­ decorate the Spotted Zebra, feehouse night about 6 one of Orlando s only hipster weeks ago, he has had calls clothiers, attest that this from prospective performers underground movement has all over the country. found mainstream appeal. Just how long the coffee­ East India devotes their house revival wil1 last is outdoor seating area on unclear. Cafe Noir seems to Monday nights to these new have reached its peak of bohemians. From 9 p.m. to popularity; it has been Meryll Streep, Jodie Foster, EdWard James Oslom, Max Von Sydow 11 p.m. the place is teeming plagued by security prob­ With Edie Brickel wanna­ lems and a lack of people OSCAR FROM PAGE 3 for Rain Man. This movie is wonderfully shot. bes, all with long, wavy hair, willing to organize the now Many of the sequences, which include many all dressed fashionably weekly events. Married to the Mob, and Martin Landau from of the cross-country scenes, are shot so sloppy. Winter Park Brewing Co. Tucker : A Man and His Dream. To my sur­ they're seen through an autistic point of view Everyone drinks coffee has had enormous success prise, River Phoenix did a fine job as the Alan Parker's efforts on Mississippi Burning and clutches notebooks to with its Wednesday and Sat­ teen-ager who has to learn a new set of could wm. It would wm no questions asked as their ch ests. pens poised urday live band nights. and, names for his family because his parents are having the most explosions and firec:: m a should a brainstorm occur as their Sunday night coffee­ wanted by the law. A longshot indeed. The single film. If either of these two directors East India's coffeehouse house differs little from this .i\MPAS' choice will be Alec Guinness. doesn't walk off with a trophy I'll picket the night has a few logistical format, it should eitjoy a long Michelle pfeiffer gave the performance of streets of Orlando for 24 hours straigh1 problem such a the lack of life her career as Madam Duetmvel in Danger­ Last year's best song category had all three adequatt Ugh tmg and a place The Brewing Co.'s coffee­ ous liaisons .. Her character falls prey to a nominees being number one hits on the pop for the performers to stand house nights which attract womanizer who knows all the tricks of the charts where they can be seen. people averaging from 25-35 trade. Her last 15minutes of screen time win Although it didn't get tremendou~ atten But for those who can years of age, may last Just as it for her. Geena Davis role m.The Accidental Uon as last year s wmner .. (I ve Had) TI: e Tirnt shout above the dm of th~ ong as there are yupp1es ,...,ou.rist as Muriel Prichet a dog obedience of My Life" h Bill Medley and JenniJe1 War crowd or who sing such The same holds true tor trainer who falls for a married man, could nes. Carly SLmon s .. Let the River Run" from crowd-pJeasmg favorites a ... the East India coffeehouses, win her an Oscar. Working Girl will earn her an Oscar. If Phil the Stones' .. You Can't. Al­ because it and the Brewing The way she talks from one subject to an­ Collins' and Lamont Dozier s "Two Hearts" ways Get Wbat You Want, .. as Co have gatherings of yup­ other is done so well that one watches with win, it'll be because of Collins impressive one young musician did the pies in waiting. great anticipation about what she might say track record at award ceremonies. night I was there, there is a Regardless of the fate of next. The only screw-up was the absence of receptive audience the coffeehouse or how seri­ How Working Girl's Joan Cusack got William Hurt's name in the best actor cate­ The Winter Park Brewing ously its presence is taken nominated beats the film out of me. Her gory for his get-through-the-day-and-be­ Co. has a coffeehouse night here in Orlando, its inpor­ character had roughly three pages of dia­ happy-about-tt, drudging character of Macon on Sundays. tance as an outlet for new logue. No longshot in this category as well. Leary from The Accidental Tourist Leary is a Co-manager Tom Shipley talent. uncensored voices The AMPAS' choice will be Michelle Ffeiffer. tour book writer that publlshed his claim to and his associates were look­ and social mteraction cannot Barry Levinson will Win as best director fame book that shares the film's name. ing for a theme night to be argued . ..-.-. -"' ...... -...... -...... 1 ALBUM FROM PAGE 2 : COUPON : I "ANDRE c. JAKUBOWSKI, M.D., P.A. Obstetrics &: Gynecology Dynamite Jet Saloon is . :: ll!CTltlC ClltCU& : Infertility & Laser Colopscopy

=~~wfthai:;u~~ b;:_ :: @ftJH1GMJ4hup$jl&M411 : With First Office Visit NearU.C.F. blunders. "Gonna Get It • Wiiii !ilia g; -.. • 4063 N. Goldenrod Rd. FREE PAP - Suite 5 - Right" and "Billy Two Rivers" : Lake Howell Square Goldenrod Square : &'. are two of the final five disas- • 1271 State Rd. 436 4084 North Goldenrod Rd. • Winter Park, FL 32792 ters, loosely referred to as : Casselberry, Aorida Winter Park, Florida : 100.4> Discount for FOR APPOINTMENT CALL (407) 679-5533 songs. •NEXT To lJNTTED AR11sTs CINEMA NEXT To Purr ONEMA • Students 1s alnTheDynarniteJetSaloon weak compilation of fool- .,.._~• ______• • • • :• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • • __,. ______ish musical contrivances and a decadent philosophy. This band lacks originality, · ad'Ot intelligence and, most im­ Bril\9 th\S ff portantly. talent. • In short. these dogs bite. $5.00~seo' P r:r '1\ore\ Ma et e an~ 0°0 responsible $20. . choice. i I Drinking and getting be­ I hind the wheel risks your ·; ' life and the Jives of others ! j on the road. Driving in Florida is a privilege, not a right. Enjoy'it responsibly.

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