
WWufTy?- rJAfe x - 3Lff35-eT- S' fcT 3ra. wit.fir

i THE REPUBLIC: SUNDAY. JULY 26. 1903. ) I I Ihwcstt-r- Ile- - Clifton Forge Kalctl as High-Clas- s G e Requital Is .Making His Mark afl turuonn Thought to BOWING TUB ITlTjj Successful Sire. Colitis Says SS o J'J a Winner. BBEED '' Wateiboy Can Dcat MiCliesney.


Tinals of the Local Aquatic Meet Css-di'- for To-Da- lolm .Joachim of Thi. Cily uid Frank Suite of Cl'.'tao. Wi'l Vt.-- t in the Senior Singh- - Race, to Decide the Siijiieinuiy Hum 1 Also Con- - i'eiinetr, Schorr, Gerst. Ellison and Others Did Not Win Their Usual Mik-rc- a DanireroUb Contestant in This Kacc. y.WiH' Xuinher of Hares at Washington Paik llildreth's Stable Is Cone to the Had Fred Cook lias Fine

Ritrrnur spcci.vu the season, due to iileago, July .,. Southern horse owners the hard campaigning mat Rime or them hnd Xevv Orleans-- . have not f.nesl so well during the present at Chicago John Peters is tnunding to. and Wltfull lacing season as In former e.irs, has about n covered fiorn the Injury she i. C ltenuett. the .MetnphlK turfnrin, who sustained at Memphis when she ran into Im the fence. Him the thtee seasons, wis one of , Thane and Major Tenny have yet failed to show their New Or- the biggest winning owners here, ha hail leans lorm Thane's winter campaign was nothing but bail luck with his, lot since the a siyere on ,,! It I doubtful if ho will In ginning at the Memphis spring meeting lie or much account until lato in the fall. Ixinl (iue U s Lniler the management of Tr liner still on the .shelf. Oiht-r- In skillful the lot. such at Favoiilus. Topsoil and C Henry McUaniei. Hcnnett has won oer a CaiJf!1!"11- - Hre Bettlns into condition, so of ipee, but they have mestiv that Hildi cth's stable inav soon he In l;.n racing trim again. If Hlldreth gets a li- minor events. He has not been Jticeesj-fu-i lt rue from the Eastern Jockey Club, which as in fonni1- - years when lie had such good may not be a remote posslh.lltv. a few of cues in condition .Ml?i the best of hti iot will he sent" East along as Hennett. Abe Willi r Frank. Aladdin, the iemiilnib-- of Pmathrs's string. ele. GEI'.ST DISAPPOINTED. An ltevolr. Utile Scout, Sauctrm. and Gerst was mucli disappointed f'lareniont hae been the ihlef with the showing made by winners for the stable. McDanie! has been his stable at Washington Park. H on sev-ei- trial le to get Aladdin keyed up to fmni, bet heavily occasions on Fore Aft. and it if. nut liki ly that this good son of and and on imp. St. George Talhouet nnd one or two of his othi r tvvo-ea- r and Merry Wie will he In olds. He believed that he had been lis ben racing fettle before the fall meet the victim of bad ildes and shipped his let ings An hack to St. Loins in the spring Nash- ltevolr turned out something of at . db-a- ville the looked on-- a i pnlntment. Me I" a colt, but stable like n nromlsimr useful Anothei Nashville stable that In earlv he is not in the Uirby cli"s. as Hennett l.pring training was considered to b n hoped he would be earl'er in the season. A formidable one is that of German and biurleil prepiration for the American Derb Iiauer. They have done fairly well here hut no Jack Itntlln and Hanlolph have been their doubt set lilm back somewhat. A serlouj chief reliances. Sinner Simon and n couple nt tn the stable was the loss nr the of that reiently recovered servl"s of Jockey I'oburn. Till clever and from pneumonia have been sent to Ken- popular rider re s0 completely a victim to tucky to be turnevl out. the drink dis- FRED COOK pense that the stable had to HAS GOOD ONES. Willi his services. Fred Cook, the St. Louis turfman, has ELLISON'S L(T HAS GONE OFF. the strongest stable C It. here in Elilon has met with a fair share material. English Lad and Fred of luck through ICen- his winning ef the - are as good as the bet youngsters that tuek Derby and the Hawthorne National have shown heie. while Frank Cnrr and two Ilandlc-ll- l with Jotlirn lllmes. flip tunr;ww or three of the other juveniles are useful being worth net about 14.00O. Skillful also sorts, cook's are in charge of was a cood bread-winn- for the stabh-ranle- r mown i.mck. one or me best developers in the saon, nnd J. I. Mayberrv of young horses In the country, while Bill 'showed blni-'el- f a joungMcr of qualitj- - Phillips has charge of the older horses. when tit and ready. Hut Ellison's entire lot Lendln and Linguist havu both added to has trained off In such bad shape wero tlie winnings of the stable. Linguist, like , his horses that he had decides! not to send Au Revoir. fell short of calculations. He js. S"J., era lo Saratoga, lie concluded however, a good colt, d is more than finally, however, to ship them out there in likely to run back to his best the hope that the rejuvenating air and form at the fall meetings. water of Horso Haven might bring them There have rialiy been no first-cla- around Into racing shape again. Ellison that is, none that could stand out money bv- - let considerable betting on his themselves as McCheaney and Runnels ?V hordes, and particulailr Harry New. so did. or ns Abe Frank did. But a number of that he Is very probably a considerable high-clas- s ones have performed In the JOCKEY WILLIE HIGGINS ' '' loser on the season so far as his own sta- stakes, such as English Lad, Flo Bob, ble Is concerned. John F. Schorr, who camo Peter Paul. Dick Bernard. Fred Leppert, here from San Francisco at the beginning Proceeds and Lonsdale. These are all so Jockey Willie Higgins. or "Terry" Hig-gin- s, mount and I will give you a 3oe to curs nowixt; of the Washington Park meeting, won two evenly matched that a trifling variation in as John Nixon, his manager, calls them." j rorn st. Lpris cith chews. or three races with Gold Bell Eyherln. or "Yes. boy, my ' "Which regatta. hiilHur C ve Coenr to-il- and condition a slight shifting of the weights him, or bloody "Iggins" sir." said the "all fami!r will participate in the Southwes tern events :tt Lake ami wliii'h are also the best ones of his lot. But Eshcrin failed has been sufficient to bring that "hinfcrnal as Is subject to cramps." N . e them together. Tommy Sayers puts when gives tcrcd in the uatiou.il rcpatta of A 14 and !.". This latter event held t )iii'jbiguinoiul, near to run up to her California form, ami They are all good colts. The best of the lot it he him a Willie was on the earth In a minute. Mul- Worcester, Mat". Crews represent ted above are the Western. Century, St. Louis and Minimi City. Schorr's campaign here was not a. success- as promising three-year-o- development bad ride for his money, is a St. Louis con- hall took a riding whip and gave him. a ful one. He ishlppcil his horses to Sar- aro probably Flo Boh scund lacing. atoga, alo string ana English Lad. tribution to the rldng talent of the Ameri- 3 closing event 's where the may tie combined Batts. Soldier of Fortune Silver-win- Higgins never had cramps again. written ron Tin: suxday republic. at this afternoon, and the I race start with the senior fours. and Prince can turf. 1W2 C:C0 p. with that of his father. John W. Schorr. are others of class may lmprovo In Higg'ns was the worst rider In tha From pre? est appearances this city will be Is set for in me Umturv lti.it Club will try nut Its Hlldreth's that world. He way Time rards on the railroads hao been ro spcdil crew In this event. Dwlght Evans, stable has been amiss most of later on. Higgins was born about Easton and Mar- could not find h!s around to-d- exercising One davr strongly represented In the national regat- arranged as to give amp'c tarviro formerly or the Harvard ; Albert K. cus avenues, and now- - lives at Easton and a track while horses. season, the he rode Lofter in a two-hor- race, and got ta to he held next month at Lake The unpleasant feature of last Xnse. Doctor A. M. Stockoff and A. C Belt avenues. Two years ago he was ap- him off by Found, the only poor will not be in evidence thl Eikcr coiu-'Itut- lnalti'-u- p of cut four times near Worcester, In Massachu-rett- s. serlce. the the crw prenticed Zack Mulhnll boy. other horse in the event. vear. Street-ca- r serice is direct to the It Is eoiiLj led one of slunge-- t fours on REQUITAL IS MAKING to as a stable At least four clubs from the local HIS on Tills season sees him a fair Jockey. Ha lake, if visitors prefer that method of reach- the liver unci its meetlni: with the St. Louis The first horse Mulhall put him was a of Queen. Ho harbor will be on hand, and the prospects ing y rides Malster to the taste the the course. and Westerns will Le watched with bucker. is careless, however, pays little atten- are that even a stronger entry will be Julius F. Uueller will bn umpire this sea- crcat interest. The race is carded to start and son. will starter. 3 p. After he had bucked a bit Higgins became tion at times when he should be alert. Ho made. Frank Kitfer sero as at ni. MARK AS SUCCESSFUL SIRE. gets left at the post every now and then be- The SL Louis, Century. Mour.d City and Juocs for the Mirlous clut'? follow: A. It. The winners of yesterday's tunlnr four frightened and wanted to quit. cause is looking some one In the Wtisenberger I.--o Spetnaglo th he at Western four-oare- d are cxtrcm!y and for the race. of which will be found "Hold on! Hold on!" the boy said. "I grand instead of paying attention to crev3 George 11 Kluh-schel- dt stand South Sides of Qulncv. elsewhere, will also start in this event. stum-mlck- ." boy. likely to so Hast for trip. Barge races il have the cramps awful bad in my the starter. But he is a smart and this and E. Heln for the St. Louis The stfn'or singles are noted for a good gets will be do not seem to be carded In East, be-- t when he over his foolishness a the and Club. W. H. Lemp and Eugene H ibenicht entry list, ipluiilng the o irsmen m Among interesting and important in good local Cen-tnl- s. all the reminiscent thoughts of her granddam. rider. the oarsmen will therefore be unable for the Westerns, John Ehbicher and M thi clt. Fied Ataio will represent the Hectare, whose many "Tou have the cramps, eh?" asked Mul- HIggilns always does what Gabe Gay Lam-brcch- ts deductions which may reasonably be made brilliant performances Just to appear In what Is more or less a special- Leo Godfrey for the Mound Cltys. 1. Urncst J. lieos will represent tli will nover lose up. dis him. t the prominence which was hall, who saw what wa3 "Well, tells ty on the river. and M. Gondolf for the Centrals. E :enturie. a will Mirtschlng. wh!l from liut.week's racing, not the least note- originally awarded them among H. Woodward and Fred Howarth' fdr the Inhn Joachim will compete for t!m We-terr- .s America's Trcsldeat Schaab has Issued an appeal in A worthy is based upon tho very creditable most notable turf achievements, posses- all the clubs to send strong representation Xorth Ends. chowing by representatives sions Distaff victory was, therefore, not G. William Senn and Louis llcman will XOTATtLH ENTRIES. made Juvenile only a welcome never was a to the meet He polnt3 out that the national serve as timekeepers. of Ilcqultal. It would bo Idle to dispute contribution to Requital's covered from his race in the Great Western to being shipped. There regatta of year J'rank J. Snite of the Chicago Yacht Club boom, but also furnished a Handicap when he was shipped to New-Yor- that was noted for gameness. anel next is to be held in this The first tmln will depart v for the Futurity-Hcallzatio- n 1S03-li- new city, will also b! here to stait In th!1! event. thnt the hero of tribute to the worth of that In that race, which, ov the way. lie I do not consider Waterboy an exception to and that the St. Louis oarsmen should lake. lea!ng Union S'?tlon C:lo :i m. t , contrary. Is ?t It lsiterr-s- appear disappointing repre-Eentati- u m inj-jv- reaoubt-- 1 won. he carried 134 the rule. McChesney. on the show the port will lie followed by 3:1". 10 13 Particular attaches to his has claimed but a """!" tne certainly should have you Easterners what of material other trains ut ' able "switchman's filly." pounds, was beaten only a length in a bulldog, and the gamest horse ever we have In and 11:15. Person iesir'ng tn perul th'j ance on account of his race with Joachim in any ar.d all of the seasons in and he this part of the country. ear. pair 2:314 for the mile nnd a Tiair. Such a saw. A strcng crowd of oarsmen from St. Louis, day at tha lake can take one of these trains last It will be recalled tint the which his progeny have been sporting silk: COLLI.S LIKES 1VATEIIBOY. bruising race would bo enough to take "I will tell you the reason I pick McChes- although the racing does not eo'n"ence airanced a race, in honor of their rrsnectivo Waterboy will go to the fron representing sport in I Is hardly going beyond bounds of Homfthing out of any horse, and I do not ney to win. the thebest way this m-.- citle?. to be rowed over the course on It the reason, until this afternoon. Provision is in thr nnf Gcorse Ehrlleh Thinks JIc- - see how the trip, half way across the con- fighting for his head. He may even bo verv will undoubtedly boost the national hasgace qf carry- lake at Chicago. i to declare. Indeed, that almost all of - Thnt the cats all the trains for fnnt ' truth Cliesncj- tinent, could help him to recover from it. rank if kept under restraint. If Waterb0T' meet of next ear. Any display of ing the shells. Joachim waj unlucky, all around. In the our and breeders have long since Will Ilun Over the Son jockev- - a sprint through the! was no cne ti him turfmen WATERBOY MUST BE RIGHT. holds him for in the matter may hurt the na- The f.rbt train this afternoon drarts at "lent. Theie meet at conviction Bequltal was of Watercress. stretch he will find McChesney at hist 1:3J p. 1:15 the station, and was tc formed the that tional regatta. Hence, he points ad- in. The next deoarts at ard tlio he taken th wrons Speaking of the McChesney-Wntcrbo- y "I repeat that I think Waterboy will win. throatlatch all the way. and he will be out the p. thes-- - cinunous!. nan a wagon destined to prove nothing short of an abso- visability of the crews turning next at 2 m. Any cf will take vis- iie ti race at but he will have to be a very good race choked to death, while .McChesney will ba out ctronsly. itors to the course in plenty timii for th tane hk shell Hi the lake, and the vehicle lute failure as a sire. Delmar Fark the other day. P.. J. ready for business when they are let Even cartmen who have up intention evpnts. .i long Collins took to do so. whether McChesney is real just of give hh'i and tiresome ride about the BOUND TO BE GOOD SIKE. the Waterboy end. horse Sow n. rarticiintinc should take a trip to the re- leaving Creve Co-u- r citv. delnvlng him until the houi for start-Iii- k "I 'Big Mac.' as he is called, if like. th trains beyond question Re think Waterboy will win." said Col- fit or not. for SOME GOOD LOGIC. gatta, if possible, he believes. Arrange- start at it. 7. S. 9 and 10 p. in. For those the race. While it that lins. anything like himeif. will beat any but a who - 11" h.td to don his rowing get "I am told he is a great horsc, ; u "On other hand, if Waterboy goe cut ments are being made for a special prefer to come home- on the rtie,t - clothes and quital's detractors have been vastly in the and, vtry kuuu iiyi.; mi "'v" the train rcj.1,- to re--- tf to take St. Louis men rnr. a pleasant enough walk to the fooe coir.pne with' ut any When Is unless he has been overrated, I think pay any attention to the claims that ni to a fast pace. McChesney will be lapped to the lake, and a of The was lie discovered hi. majority among American racing folk, it he ...... set pleasant journey the lake will nut thci within luach r nni started that - should beat McChesney In this uus noi jei uuuni a tu. way same, and when is thereby assured. The had sprung a Irak, most likely l nevertheless true that a select few- have race. We of .1,. V. . ., nil 1 nnnnl, hl ITlPPll tliom nn him all the Just the the Transit Cimrnn' ln:" shll due u:n iv Srn McChesney will be fresh spectacle of the national regatta will be thr jolting nnd it received In tran- never despaired of seeing the horso repre- est tnitiK McChesney is one of the condition::." Waterboy Is done well ennws ix camp. Chicago greatest horses the of any under favorable enough to go on. and he will win by him- worth sceinsr. ' Some sit through the streets. It took In prog- turf section has "I can't see anything to it but McChes- Mc- of the rrews camped at the like of In sented by some thoroughly creditable ever seen but I am afraid too much is being Mc- self. No matter how the race Is run. 1JACES THIS ArTERXOOX. evening, a cocki'lt full water the course of th asked of him in ney." said George Ehriich, a great rival, and In 's lost taking out tents and full rare and Joachim was beaten. eny, if not a son of hU own distinctive this case. believe will Chesney will outgame his that races in the Southwestern a. "It la nnt ...... Chesney rooter. "I he cannot out- for remaining over He expects to turn the tahli'.s on Pnite this clas-2-. ih. me trouble, ""my way he will win. Waterboy Uie finals in which will night. They Requital's pedigree was naturaily tn have thi nniritAn lnat 9auses without a great deal of in an early sprint, nor he cannot be conducted follow ed this plan last year an- aftrit'un. ind the aflalr is exclt'ng consid- Chesney nosJlhly't,'9 I?L,fccL""f Mc- - Pnlc.n the trip will i hurt him run him in you. this afternoon, had a irt-r-- construcd being greatly In his favor, cannot 1.11 - brash, so there are senior races. Good t .lnmng a3 ii- i"'; outgame him in a final cards bucccssful experience, even though thev erable locil oanmei. IIo the race. I do ellOtlgn 10 spoil Ills eiiajiue?.. lui .ui:i. ciicj are in all the events and the promise ii for avow of the Centuries, who did so well In last even if for no other reason than the fact not think he had fuliy re- - is a very hardy horse, and is accustomed arc." a hard struggle. that the mosqu'toes nearly pulled year's,, regatta. a dangei The first eent .will start them out of Led when it became also enrridered thnt his dam was so regular a producer ot dark. mis cwntjetltor in the event. winners. The remainder of this group wcic eaflly outshone by Requital, it is true, but It is equally significant that such ing platers at Delmir Sam Hlldreth has quartet CLIFTON FJ3RGE hi great mudarlt. Fiivonlus. in the August a of creditable winners as Arab, RATED AS Stakes. Tins huise will hardly be shipped Sir William, Contribution and Nick were line, liow-- 'er, unless the Indications point no mediocre preludo to Retribution's great- to a h'uvy track for the iace. A complete fiftv-tw- est stud triumph In Requital, and those .HIGH-CLAS- S TWO-YEA- list of n elicibles to the August R OLD. J Stakes w ill bo found below: who lave "stuck to him through thick and Ikauliful and Beat. .lnilte CantrllL thin" have ample cause for congratulating ItaT.kiu 1'autltiu. tho outcomo of week'u 1 :u liturhlvccil. round themselves over last Pot-to- r Khr. lMcarilo. Hjde Park Stakes at Chicago and Distaff .Vudhlure. l'ourqul Pas. Wull. Navarino. Stakes at Brighton, with an over-nig- win lli'leler. by the Firing Lino "thrown In I Uookiiiakt-- r .J;ukj.on, a Good Jndrre of Think., i:aG. Unlit Opeia Such Thint, That the llivllund. Ml Hun for good measure." O.lnor. Wink, English whose Hyde Park succesres TVlen. Sire Flyer Has a - Lad. Chance to liual Any Youngster in Hil- West' 1'rnrM- s winning of tliin'uiinan. lion furnished lteiiuitul total with the Cures 9,1-- Diseases Coming Events K.iflir. Petit Maltic very sut'stauiial addition of 0. is out of at Dehnar. W. II. Oatet llthioic ' English Lady, who Will be remembered as BLOOD POISON. Pave ntzksnct. a successful performer upon our metro- Contracted Diseases. Miss JI it Oolonlnl lilil. .V I Owm.bitrnPi. Helm Print, politan nice courses something more than a 7Mlf25n t'omnil-cloii- ago. iV.r greatest rictory Poster. schwall-e- car Probably h,..m ba Ln "s Primary stage or it may Newly contracted and chronic cases cured. Sir Paid was In Gravesend's Oriental Handicap of been hereditary or fVjuntllinir ns Vorkvlllo Belie, won contracted All burning and itching, inflammation and written ron Tin; right lluecltutli. lSsl. and had the early days, thereby being constitutional. discharges stopped in 21 hours; sinu.w nEriiBLic. smart colt, and will doubtless eo ex- MIes iJoliJitly. SVcniunJ. Pi aspect Slakes only halt nn hour earlier I cure all unnatural "Clifton. Forge is the de- ceedingly Mie'a yutcr. complications; I stop its prog- cures effected ln 7 days. best well over six furlongs. Iletifl. in the afternoon, the occasion was certainly ress, eradicate every vestige of veloped l..:r..ir. Kales. "red-lett- poion here this season," declared Jamts BOANERGES'S VlItST COLT. Jurilan I.InKo. a dav" for their sire. Miser. from the system, and this without tho Jackson, n ENGLISH LAD HIS BE5T. use of mercury or the bookmaker, the Brewer Gerst and G. C. Baker have a Iid Mralhmcre. War Co. potash. K.ivonlu i;nlc. The Requital-Lugils- h Lao union, which VARICOCELE. other ntght. "The Sire colt ran Forehand number of well-bre- mi ' Piecbelv m to but untried, young- Wateiiuic produced English Lad, lias soma thoroughly a head the first time they met. which sters iu the Missouri Stakes. The Baker GOLDBLATT STABLED AT KINLOCH. was alsx) Clifton Forge's interesting features which are only partial- STRICTURE. operation or first race over the joungsttrs wcte all bred at the celebrated Moso Goldblatt has his liig stable quar- ly by accompaning tabula- I cure this disease without Dclmar Up to revealed the ligature, ar.d under my treatment the con- track. that time Forehand McGrathian Ptud in Kentucky. One tered at the Kinlocli raw lack. He walks tion The alliance is characterized by ut disap- is of them gested rendition (within 10 days) reemrtl to hold all our .safe, hav- called Dale. Tor Willie Dale, the jockev. Ills horse's from the Florissant Valley track least two powerful atllmtles, placed with a I cure stricture without the knife or pears. The parts are restored to their ing Dale is by Pirate ,,f Penzince-.Mari- e't which was especially for'.unate in by an Jut beaten Orient, winner of the Debu- Gold-lil-i- tt application which acts condition, igor nnd strength and Jocke Dale has nlwajs liven fa- whenever lie t irt them at Delmar. view of English Lady's descent from a fe- directly on natural tante Stakes, and Major Pclham, of a special the parts affected, dissolving circulation winner vorite f Mr. Baker's, and he would hariilv says that the tllstiince Is no longer male line which doe. not trace to the Eng- the stricture completely by mv galvanic, the Kindergarten Stakes, In the most de- name anything but a. promising than the walk from the Fair lish Stud Book. Perhaps it will be advisa- electrical and medical treatment. My cisive in honor of his old Grounds to ble for mo to promptly note that the fam- treatment is fashion. lace ;uler. Among 'he Delmar. Mose says his horses have always painless nnd In nowise in- "After running Ger.t nominations to the Missouri Maks ily finds its American Stud Book tap rout terferes with your business duties. SKIN DISEASES second to Forehand, Clif- is a cult called riianlay. bv Boanerges fared well at KInlcch. in the celebrated Barb mare which was pre- ton Forge eame Bey out and galloped over a Oleneliffe. Chnndlay's sire. Boanergc. is ivtu Nolan's Orpheum. is ore sented to President Jefferson by the of lair Held. Then he met Forehand for the the rnme horse that wnn so manv laces of Tunis. NERVOUS for "L'mbriln BUI" McGiiigau in the most consistent performers at the LAD'S DEBILITY. AND ULCERS. second time. This time the Sire eolt gal- the days Dclmar Orpheum ENGLISH AFFINITIES. loped when the Arkansas tutfman had the most race track. lias to Ms English Lad's greatest ahinllles are thoso over Bennett's crack, winning In the powerful stalde In 'the West. A credit list of thu four stra ght victories, including the ot , Lexington and Xlclbournc. bcTllJcking In power man- MY BEST REFERENCE IS, without most impressive manner over six furlongs. ellgibles to the Missouri Stakes are: hood. the of I cure all acute or chronic ulcers Midsummer Handicap. Forehand is another Requital's male lino luns directly to Touch- If so. I will restore to you what yo-.- t Skin diseases. Thls victory clearly Iiur.dale Thur.uerat'.rn lost-t- burning pastes or salves. stamped Clifton Forge iwample ot how consistent stone have he snap, vim and vigor of vi- ..nl. -- b nlmnlaa nrlmtlnn!! (If eCZeRla, iirst-cla- ss Pnlf. IVnian. Nolan's horse throuch the as Citilen-Nevvminst- tality, which may eleo-- a in my humb'e lleails II. Ma perform. This colt had won sequence Imp. be the result of losses, quickly 'disappear 'under my special It He Pink Marsh. three straight (vide was by , son of drains, excesses or Indiscretions. sprays and treatment. estimation. looks the part and is bred Ita.llum racts prior to ills defeat by i'orgo tabulation) to lie real runner. S'altor Itlsartu. Xama. Clifton Touchstone, while Imp. was by PILES, a !,, kanav. last week. Vnichaud belongs to Gccre C. , whose dam was a Touch- HO'TOtE AMI HYDROCELE. KIDMIV. BUDDEB AXB- PROSTATIC "His sire. Handsome, Mntr-olcn- Bennett, bat Is trained by Nolan, frequent was one of the very Hisi Monarch stone mure. English Ludj's dam. Bonny diseases without operation. DR. NATHfiNtEL K. IH.sK KN. I cure all Irritation, Tom Itow jvneke. which was medium ot one - KING, brick-du- st best sxms . the of tne Ias.v. Imp. detention from No sediment, of the great Hanover, the great- I!hme nnd Mitt W mllt-tch- Sire, killings was a daughter of Buckden. A"1''- " business. de'ire or stoppage, IJonO'lllRh liaon. last week, is out of Frank whose parentage by I.ord Clifden obviously acid injection. 622 PINE ST., ST. LOUIS. pain In back and catarrhal condition. est race horse of his day. Besides being by 1'ararli.imr. vvtirs famous old sprinter, Harlem. Weir pro- Tile Hrbleu. Museovolr. Is now rcturm the direct male line which n great horse. Clifton Gabriel. training for Frank Farrell, who crown Re- Handsome. Forge's Ascot owns Blues duced Requital. Then, to It all. sire, is equally lank earr. PocU rn. and other metropolitan turf form's dam, imp. Stolen Kisses, traced di- as well bred on his dam's Plen HaielHojIe. stars. Weir had Harlem in his MEDICAL ADVICE FREE AND INVITED. - stable when rectly in line (through only being a of peerless 111- 1 Colli! ho the female three s0n the producing Iall. . lank s. came to tho Fair Grounds to race ten removes) to Uttle I'hati-- VV. P. Palmer. ears ago She to a full sister Touchstone. MY GUARANTEE Cured. mare. Cinderella, which also gave to the had been a good maro iu English Lexington affinities nre pro-vl'i- TO CURE IS: "Not a Dollar Need Be Paid Until Antelee. II. P. 1 oakum. the Last, but broke down Lad's turf suclt magnificent performers as Flaudlt Jlissrianford. Tl.p Pri-c- o Uac. here. by Echo, Aerolite and Harry of tho and Glcnhelm. was one "u!tn George. Mettle It. W-s- all of which trio were sired by the All Wo-- d Handsome of the lltn Adklrs. llacpviiy. Sporting Xotc. "Blind Hero of 'Voodburn." The Melbourne Private Diseases Cured. A From Dr. King. fust sons of Hai.over to develop into a turf Majta e..iiienter. Purpln. Jockey Willie Buchanan, who rode affinities are also triple. Two are provided JohnDovle. ;,n I'amlkm. - an open sta:. Ed Corrigan paid S10.OM Hand- 1 in nearly all of his races last year, bv the double strain of . who I know- the diseases and weaknesses of men like for Mildred Lustlg. picks I have made so thorough a study of all the diseases of some when th col' w.i- - a ,.,ri,2pi. Waterboy as the winner. "I do not was out of a Melbourne mare, will!? the book, while I do not claim to have been a specialist for Hortre. ls.-s-t men, as VAIHCOCKI.K, and Handsome broke down while In Corrigan's Jae Tanr"bmim. I'Rroburn think McChesney is at his now," said third is especially potent by of the such STIIICTI'RE, COXTAUIOCS necessarily Jlo-- itnos Innlr ns tcoII nu 1,q a quarter of a century, and hence with rpothods etab.. and was sold for a song sevtral I.aiicfoidJamc:'. Kli.g Buchanan: "ho nnl fact that West Australian was a son of m.oon roisox. HYDnocni.K, loss ov .mahly vig-O- H, years ago to an Oiegon breeder. Shortiv if.anl.iy. eiir IJI.Ii-- j did thij time last year. He Is not big Melbourne. XEKVOl'S antiquated and out of date, jet I havo been treating and afterwaids the sons of Hanover commenced Townlloor. Ul.lile CanuiJ. enough, and the trip here seems to me to OF Dl!CLIn, diiai.s, loss of mamidou and my to distinguish lzuna). ,t nave oone mm THE LINE LEXINGTON. ami OEXEItAL WEAKNESS peculiar to men. I have curing special diseases of men for fifteen rars. themselves. nillyWcninardVuf. a world of hatm. If he had heroine, is out adding the "Clifton Fcrge Is one of the first I'"j; time to get over before the race I Possesion, the Distaff of cured so many thousands of cases, if is methods are decidedly those of tho present day of hh Uodrlco. Wnathcf thit who Is by Hanover Re-- i that there a knowl- get to race. His success a hoitv-woul- d .MoecaEln. ly. would think he could win. but not now. Retained II. out of experiences past to superior ea race llareld W. Reform, wno niso Re- cure for TOUR disease you will find It here. When I un- benefits and of the the Indicate that Handsome has a bright Orient. The Eastern horsemen will partly get even dare, she by siicu ot present. I have devoted career before him. Nearly now for ul! the attempts to quital's dam. Hero is an obvious Intensifi- dertake a case there is no such thing as failure. I edge and perfected methods the all the good sons PLATEItS ELIGIBLE unsuccesslul some strong lines of Family Four- my thousands of Hanover that have been given an op- win the Derby." cation of CHARGE NOTHIXG FOR COXSL'LTATIO.V, my knowl- the; best part of life to this subject, nnd tho portunity TO AUGUST STAKES. teen, to which Imp. Leamington. Imp. Sto- and brought have shown ability to get win- In- edge, on thousands of men whom I have restored and ner.,. first-cla- len Kisses and Touchstone alike trace. skill and experience are at your service for tho asking. Bad; Massle sired the' crack Nearly every selling plater in Delchanty's widow is left In destitute cir- already to HEALTH AXD VIGOROUS MAMIOOD are to-d- Henry McDanlei. Handsel Is deed, as I have shown. Stolon I will explain to you HOW nnd WHY I CAX CURE YOU; back or and the training at St. Louis and Chicago Is eligible cumstances'. Delehanty was a member of Kisses is closely descended from Touch- living monuments to kr.owleeise and suc- Hre Handspring, another son Lodge. . why thu diseases of men require knowledge proud, the skill, r Hanover, to the August Selling Stakes, which will Erie No. Fraternal Order of stone's full sister. the and skill of cess of OR. KIM;, who never tekes a casa ho cannot cure has already shown enough to Eagles, of Philadelphia, hut it Is said he Lexington (through a Master Specialist. Justify ills j.aic recently for the mngnlficcnt be run at the Delmar track next Satur- Requital's line of and so never holds out false hopes. price ISO.fCO." wis In arrears with hisjlues, and his widow Echo) is directly returned in Retained II. A of day. The Chicago contingent un- CORRESrOXDEXCE PERFECT SYSTEM OF HOME rilEATMEXT. Cases wh.ch ate not too complicated can 68 What a pity is is destined to wid derive no beneht tiom that source by Lexington's daughter. Florence. It is to treated successfully One personal Dr. King's It that Clifton Forge. cut an important figure in this less individual some- was close- at home. visit preferred, but if It is impossible or Inconvenient for ou to call at Major Pelliam and Forehand are not eligi- contest. the members contribute be noted, however, that Hanover office, write him a full and unreserved history of your case, plainly stating your symptoms. Thysicians having stubborn cases to ble Jim Artnir has a strong pair In Lord thing, 'the drowned player had about &.,0 ly inbred to Vandal, who sired both Virgil to start in the Missouri Stakes, which Touchwood nnd Rankin, either ot pockets when treat are cordially Invited to consult him. Ho makes no charges for private counsel (in person or lie mall) Hnd he Hk any is down for decision which in his he left Detroit and also anu Ella D. vanuai ana lcxiukioi: noin sufferer who cannot to write for his latest Itonk. A will be sent absolute- at Delmar this week. will take considerable beating at one mile had about Kt.OUO worth of diamonds which ttaced directly to Lady Grey, who was the rail "Man's Main Maladies Mastered." limited number The Missouri has 11,000 added, and will b- - and twenty yards. ly free in plain, scaled envelope upon request. Ofliee hours: H it. 111. In S p. m.i Sundays, ! n. m. to p. m. run six furlongs. Fred Cook's Haviland is belonged to a Philadelphia dealer, which third dam of Lexington nnd the fourth dam - at The...... most formidable another dangeious quantity In the August Delehanty was to try to sell among obviously adds to EXAMIXATIOXS FREE AXD ALI. ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS'. "--: .2- fn-.....- fit. tl i ball of Vandal, and all this ""V ..rs3uii.c.!... uif ..!.;? 1.I.IH1U1U,f Stakes. This horse distinguished himself at plajers on the trip West. All these were Possession's intensification of Family-Twelv- Orient. Mafalda. Tenlan. Perla. Wreath ot Washington Park recently by lowering In were off DR. KING Ivy. Ben Adkins and Lustlg. Tom Hayes the lost the clothes that torn his which Is prominently represented or MEDICAL ASS'N CORP. world's leceril tor one mile person passage down 1... I 111 nn.il,nTe- clulnl tmrt Cnlh.n . seems and seventy. in the the Niagara uy vijiiuiu..! ...., .... .w.,,t.i. DR. NATHANIEL K. KING, (Entrance) f tn have the strongest hand. In Ori-- I yards. A Wasliimrton Park rnrnr.iii-mirn,- Washington Club will iveiiui...impossible for any crue I No. 532 Pine Street. Itlver. The raise It is absolutely S. Globe-Democr- at cut. Mnrnlrtn and Fenian he has a trio that 'like Havllano. would certs.nly make thlngj money fcr Mrg. Delehanty, and the plajers of to contemplate E. Corner Sixth nnd Pine Streets, Opposite Bide, St. Lonls. Mo. wlli,takv, a JTcnlan lover the world of bcatiaz. Is a luiwvannb ivr vuc oest oi sell in other clubs will bu Invited to contribute. the lineage of Possession without lndulsins I L

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