HONOR ROLL PUPIL0. THE STEINBACH FALL OPENING. MAYOR SUTPHIN TAKES BRIDE. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TOUK. TWPi COMMITTEE MAKES ORAN ISSUES LONG ** U O T G CONTRACT Many ... Madlcon Townahlp Children Well-Known^ Aibury Park CompanyUs parried to Mu* C a th erm o B. Whirlwind Campaign Vaiit to Every H ad’Perfect Records for Boptfmbor. SugQOBts a Houiehold. Budsot* in Allitwfi SccI'mm ScSiwuiea for tne 2?tb. EXPECTED STATEMLNT ' Tho puplia of tho Morristown Did you ever try budgeting your] tast night Miss Catherine D. lion- The itinerary which the Republican AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO MAKES CLEAR HIS ATTITUDE and Madison Township schools whose household expenses? It's a system'!tier liccaine the bride of William H. State Committee has arranged in its A WITH LIGHTING COMPANY. ON c a m Pa s c n is s u e s . names appear on tho honor roll for that works well in business and shouldj Sntphin, Mayor of the Borough of State-wide campaign calls for a visit September aro as follows: , apply just as 'effectively in the home..; Matawan/: The wedding took place to Monmouth County on Friday, 0c- Lane* aro to btt Extended on Certain Democratic Congressional CAndidata Madison Township Grammar—Ham­ W rite down the money you expect to * quietly at 6 o'clock at the home of the tobcr 27tlt. Thc details of the visit Roa4*‘ and at. Lcntt Tw elw Lights Against Saloon and “Hard Liquor j” ilton Kunath; George Powelson, VVill- spend until Christmas for household brideV mother, Mrs1. Clara Bonner, in throughout the county were complet­ \ > Will Eo Installed. ■ . J Favor* Non>lntoxicat!ng Beverages* • i;.ni Tergis, Leo McLaughlin, Harry E. needs, family wearables—and perhaps .Ai.Iiancei Ohio. Immediately following ed at a mCstlngiOf the-County.Execu­ Barker, -Albert Powclson, Philip Man- for Christmas gifts. Next make up a the . ceremony Mr, and Mrs. Sutpbin tive Committee W ednesday. Thc tour • "oP^ . Ai a - special iiieefuitf Oi the TuViU* Elmer H. Gcfan, Democratic can* •cini, Sam Mancini, Nick De Marcc, list of the articles that arc to be pur­ le f t fo r a sh ort h o n e y m o o n trip*. O n will start at Allentown at 9 a. m. and Committee last flight,- the-.dom- didatc for congress in thc Third Con­ 'Albert Rosata, Leon Arrowsmith, Hel- chased, Then put down what you Saturday they will take the Bteamcr wili embrace practically every city, vJ^Tiiittcc approved of the agreement w(m are going to spend for cach thing gressional District, has issued a for- . .. If r*A»»r»n.>«» .n^ <\n J, Parker, Caroline Bogart Louis; for Bermuda, returning in one week village atul hamlet in thc county, end­ V^?£S i U *- w J o t k 'n u . j - « • * * . m;d ntutemcnt on Uss »U\tudc or» the' de lveiice, Ethkd ; Castillo. Mildred •-nd strike a total. If the total U in hviT»e iii iuuiawtiil Willi ing up with big night rallies in Jted clusc inc agreement along , inc issues of the present campaign. Delhosco, Laura Arrowsmith, Jose­ excess of the entire amount you have ^following lines as soon as permission . , - Jhp groom’s mother, Mrs. C. B.. Sul- Bank, Long Branch and Asbury Parle. allowed, siilittract here and there until piiin, ■ The statement, which the people of | is secure J from J. R.. LefFcrts to use phine, Grimaldi,Rose , Foti, Laura Bo­ The visit to Matawan is scheduled for gart, Nicola Yacobi(cet, NeHa de Diane. the jum is correctly reduced. The re-j The marriige is the outcome of a ...... Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean liis poles: : . . U;I5 where the meeting will be held Morristown Frimary—Alfred .Del ver»s, of course, if the column doesn't Worjd War romance. When Captain I In front of the new Itivoli Theatre, counties have been awaiting with The Monmouth Lighting Company Uosco, AsDern Allioscb, Dopiiuirlt figure to. what you antlringtfd spend--( .Sutpnin .vvaa injured nlld coiifuied tujund at Keyport at 12;45, Here the m uch in terest, la as fo llo w s; agrees t oconsiruct for thc Township' Adarlu, .Kalph Dc Marco,' r.uii T cijes, nig’. ' ( . 'a jiospita! for a number of weeks his meeting will he at the corner of Front “I nm the regularly nominated can­ pf Matawan certain elcctdc UgUtUr.es didate for congress »n the Third Con* Ccorgo Morgan, ItdwarJ livoldi, Jos The Steinbaclt Fall Opening, Satur- bride, who was then a Red Cross pnd Urond Streets. Senator I'rcllng- |ipo» the continuation of Atlantic 'Ave­ epli l'crranti, Fannie Kosata, Franbes uay, October 21st to Saturday, Octob- rtiras, wns one of those under whose j hnysen. William N, Runyon, oandl- gressioual Distritt of New JeiHcy and nue. south from Little Street, using ArrowSinitli, Mary Mancini, l'mmie cf 28th, is an opportune time to have care he felt. She has visited In Mat- ‘ date for Governor ► CongrefHinan T. am running on the Democratic plat­ pof.es of J, R,. LelTerts, wlioie pcrinis- Istarreili, Margaret Nappi, John Nappi, alich a budget ready, Wc are certain uwaii several times sincc and hu« made b'rai.k Appbhy imd all the candidates form adopted ~at the convention io |ion will have to he obtained in writ* T r e fa o n . It ia, 1 b eliev e, a «ountf Angelinc Arbctta, Frank Arbetta, Stm- that ou( of any nmonnt you have lsid| Hmny friends among the Mayor's for county ofticcs arc expectcd 10 speak ! and'dcllvercd to the company; the day .Mancini, Nicola Ferranti. aside for spending, you can save a circle. , ■ - J Tlic tour will be made by iiutoinobSIc platform: a platform that ntfcrft cor« irnn! iiiuntinn n! Clnirrh Strl'ri, we’t third, n>r,_ If jo ii like,, tiicreasc thci On? Saturday night Mayor SutphV and the enlididntes will lie accomp# leet'on of political nnd aocfai condi- om the bridge forming the boundt^y r HIpfi Bohool Note* . 1 MUBlity Of your purchasei. Some of & Uchctor dinner tp a party of nlcd by two hands. In each lown tlie1'!lon". tl'° * of the Horoitgh of Matawan, to a the lavitiBt of this sale aro listed lu his friends at Green .Gables, Porl-an-, proceislon will, be Joined by d c l e g a - rR^ y !’ ' ‘rf bintu wherewiltrc VMWilMtAtlantic Avenuenvcum; iiuutcvnIntersects .Herliert ^ Oittlns . , has offered . . ' two ;i thti\Browntowh road. . West, /op- j • bear work In pubUe th s Issue-more cofflpletely'they arc j*«c|r. Covers wcrcs InW for tvvsnty- * tjojss from the ilocul RcPubllcnn W ? - 1 ! Y?.', ” , L Liil ! Lwih told of, In a Elxtcenineg. liootil?{ tl »t .5 .Pl,ru)g d«n i^ M hokt ws; »i«S itme K«tu«to i.V“»t*d \IL !V , f ' ! ! ,? “ 1,^ hlh.' 't i m t i t i t y ■fret;* Jroiii ; “ * ,n lhft cli‘» wiii send you;bn request r rni,c|itetl with a sold watch as s lok.vaiid;Keypdrt are': reached Tf rripike, toaiork in.the road, theiiceV^™*10,1 l0r ,,K ***{♦ '.J! Ia cl5' !«|, of’eM^Waitd frlen’diil)!p,VTiio»e at ' fd’ tliat there will be fully 2 0 0 peopte. * " t . y * . S t a l i n ' iii' hr each fori: tsfmiHaUjsg - pn tbe » « « ) » wlU tatw:bd bf. 1 tariff *t side of tlie cW ret'R ftlto d '• !’.■ Mtmnlnir.'H. UZuck j Ing llio pnckeU of thc people lo the ridi!c forming the houmlary lltvs f6 ra.,<'' *» «»P«d othpra will offof mwsrd* pleaching service at 11, Pastor's iub>' *1^-Dii-l^'Van Wlelcle, Fioyd T, Tay I’Ktatit of over Imir lillllmin of ilollarj IM i> Horouah ol Mntawim, to a curve l>>r ojcqllono)' in work, . ■ jecti "Approving the Kxcellent," Ev- Heiiry U, Wirkham, J«m ^ R ,, , '' W. 0, T, U, etato Unvehtlen, ; ' « year, I am agninst Iho shilling of- tlic road nt n 'private 'drivewaym »W rooord In at- enlng wtirshlp’ ut 7t.10, when Ihe pas- Vporh’ees, T't'y Cliemiy,- Fred tinrlew,) 't’ho Iforty olghtH Annual (tonvan- 1 tin' tax lund«!> from lliosfi who aro tor will speak on "A lirokcn Swagaer-,I'i'SeJjoek, ’ttseo. tion fiftliu Wuiniitt'o Oiirloiinn Toni he jsremisej oWsied by--’.Lewis. Ii. le««an«o «nd lnmotuullty fa? Suptem- .Vi*r, i i - •« L.i — * 1'iiuriiionnly rlcti lo the middle elassei |tomlcr, for t)ie purpose of .tmmah- 1)Qr: . IStlcte,"' ' " . ' ,i ,! " ■“ " V «‘«* » « « » '» V ' nnd the poor, the result ateompUilted. 8 , Seniors , , , , , , , , , , twelve HkIiIs Hp»|i lhf58 ,W7 nWibaro Reformed Chureh, I.nlrd, W , J, PuncAii, I'ranlt Conover, (fftiiiiUiu, November Uth and 10th, pro ! nm iiM.alnsl N’cwberrylsui and danger* the tnwnshlp-nt tlio places ties* Si Sophomores ...... Ttl .9.45 Kev. ,C. L, I’alnicr, paalor.-nililu | tJ«.vle, Iv it, niisel 1, Harvey mullllff Iho World and Nntloiml qtm- (mmoraUty It repre«.mts, Bimicil, same to he completed Anil a . 8 . Freshmen ...... 875 ,07H Kehool lu tile llrk-k Church Sunday ."i n Hi-vl ii. l'mnk vontlonn whlnh will follow from tlm .,W(I cnnll0t escape thn lael tlmt; ady for operation May 1, 'at S-A ...... 080 ,0»B 0;,1O, followed by preaching (or- V M| f '. 'Tn'rhinson and J, H , ' luh tu Ilia 10th lu Phldadolpl.la, J 1 mimy |„ New'Jersey are eon- e cost of not more than $2,{M4. ; B-I) ...... ,,, .887 .DPS eice. si: !!};,1l).. Christian l.indeavor f ,' . Miiah will.ho crowded Into n day k|,|w|yK whether Ilie nation has been It Is agreed that the Momwmth : ?tfc tirade .5111 •BSV at'6:4Sf*nbjMti HUeverence and Wor- •. ; " '»»d ft hnlt, bOKlniilng with nn iwnetl* |H,|K.|-,ied or will lie IwneAted by Ilie htlng Company will pay annually 0*0 ...... non .11117 »lilp." Mvenlng service at ? :.1(), Pray­ ,'.j ., MORGANVIU.R. tivo mmitlng ThttrBday nt a p. m„ wllli ,,rPH.Ht policy of prohibition inter-- B-A ...... 831 ths township the eum of (S l« r ccnt •USX er ineetlng I hlirsday evenlitg. i.. :‘hi a 7,— . . . "got toEotlwr" Tlmrwlity ovonlUK. .pr(.|ailoii rimI wiforcement. • • .the actual cost tlietcof, but liot Uth Orada .#u .too ^ mrn. .Wlwciod iioniBhor spent Irrl- prldajr buefovae maotlnsa nnd center* «M y Tlm ICIgU* !e than the >«m o( $U1.-I5 annlinlly . J-B ,. .988 m MtUmrsa M; k. Chnrak In Nowark, : enr.nn, with ImroiliK'tlou nf vinttorf.11,riA m e iid w e til'j was Intended lo tlu rental of until properly during' "•0 ? .0(17 M t Sev,..’J-X i'. Itecd, IWitor,— Sunday Mre. »if,“ 0. Ulll and Mlsa Pearl filll ifrldey dvanlns, ..weteonw#, roi»tu»iiiio | cthitiiiHtti the evils of Itttoxleittloit' In ' term of live yoars of,oald lease, a u ...... 959 School nt 10 u, rn.i William Lane, 'v«ro rertlj Amlmy visitor* ilalurilay, mid ftdiirwuos by Mrn, Km um H tlin United Mtntcs, Tlmt I# wlml ttv* . tl la nl ngri'cil Ihn* the lownnltip 9-A ...... m superinteiident, Preaching at 11 a Mrs, HlwoDd Van To!t and HiibmII j Dtmttolmnip, l'miilddnt /ot. lieutunti.v eryoni' liclleve.d to bn its purpose, It, % take twelve »Ui>ul lights ovor »rIi1 1.1 ...... P,14 m Tuple! "The Old I’atbi," A two Itoyco npent Haturdny at I’loasttro Mtato Uufefl, and Mre,-Ida 11, Wine fiirlild# tlie inniiufactiirc nml U»e of in>, and pay for tlic stnic the ntmaal i-A ,V(i« ,'»2 weeks’ ijvniigellillc meetings wiH Its* Bajr, I Smith of t o m W, o , T , tl. ‘ Inxicallng 'llipiur lor, beVl/fdm , J’UJit. tal that they pay tor other HgUti i*» ...... MS .101) ulu with this service. Tlio apcuUm Mlsa Uolon Uomsher waa a l’orth .. . . . , , poses, i empheslve the word 'liitoxi»- |the lame cundle powor in Ilie town- i-A ,0n7 ,100 for item week are its follows! .Mon- Amboy visitor Saturday, New T h » t r » draws Crowds, 1 t'fttl'tiK-’ il does llrt (IRililb!! tlm II1EII-' lo thc Atpntnuuth Lighting Ctim- Kludorgardoiidergardou ...... 941 ,100 tluy evening, .preaching by tlio pastor i fiuatiay. Judging from tho amount of life In .ttfju-iuri! and use (if beveraKe* eonlnln- lit tho High Rnhool, tho Soulor Motawni! since the now theatre, The'Ing nkohi.i|, lt inlithl linvr, but docc h,UnS-d vv 7 C"'i'lf: UcV,| J ' £ The MUiwa Wthylmi Green and Ol- |hc MonwouHt Uglittnu Company cinas had only two cuitw of tardlnees, ma, Wedn sday ovei.lr.g, Rev. J, & |v„ n||| lt M(lnd iwf)nlng wltll Rlvuil, opened Saturday night, Mata- not. It apparently was not Its pur-­ |l have the privilege at any time whilo tlio Juulorn hnd 15, tbo Bophn- Smallwood ol CillTwood, Thursday wan will again be n shopping and • |ios«, The' Volt lead Act, designed as* ng the term of to pundiane morns 88 end tho Frotlimnn 41. Tlio evening, Uov, O, Apgar of Keans- * " nmuseiiieni plilee for tha surrounding nil ''Instrument for the Interpretallnn Si'lccittc light line (com ilie town- Htti grndo had onty ona cnaa ot tiirdl- Ihivr j Krlday evening, Hev. A. C- *’ Matthew* and Mario Mat* immiry, In t)i« «»etloil o! tile | and cnfyrecillci!! o! tili; atlivuduteui, > und pay It thi< adim! cost O.iers- tu:.*s In each diiifHOii iirmly of Keyport, We urge ihe pen- lhsw" A*hury l’Mk Wohl Tueedey mifjh tlio main street nnd side streets; rectiinl/cs that fact and defines as ln- pot more tltnn $11,024, and !i Clitrwood, |)lo to hear these preachers. This is wl,ll‘ •»'»»;. wero llnud with cars from many miles loxkallng any beverage cmiialuliiK of live years the ilotmioulh AUondtttlte Tardluoss uot a fair weuther duty. Hns not the Mian Idltariboth Mntthewn, accnin- around, Tiiuiv attending Ihe vacuus more than one-luilf of oue percent, by |ting Company shall he obliged lo Ationdsnc? Tardluuo* h ii y m of elermty ns urgent claims planed by n I’reohold friend, motored performances wrre more than delight- volume, of nlooliol, f believe llint as Jrnsc tin; property nnd pay Ior il Mrs Ila-sKlns ...... OU .007 as llio business oftime? Then It Is to Vineland Saturday, returning homo ed with the t|uullty of plctnrcs shown a nmtk>r of plain Justice to Ilie amend* aclital cost thereof, hut not -more Mina ICuhns ,,, .. .. .094 .one not lou high lo Het our rule govern Mr. Wost ot Urow Bonilnary proaob- ami the cholr.o of latest productions ment and to (ho people, hcverflj'es t U O M . Mtaa Ivliid ,, . . , ...... 080 •tioo decisions in both vs&cs, Ihe preach- v$ uio ohureh Gttnilfty ovoittng nnd for so small a center. The vnuricvKIc, should be iiPowed which contain moro this purpose fZ590 wa« appro­ Mre. Worno ...... M ‘ .698 ers route io he heard. They come to wm ol!CUp, t(l0 pulplt ngaln noit Bun. In Itself, Is un Innovation and a treat than onc-imlf of one per cent of alco- ved from surplus revenue Scoomit •ell tho good news. Joy bubbles up 111 (]By ovoiilng, for those who enjoy it. Following the ho) uiid as imicll alcohol as may be !sc 1922 budiict. Falls and Is Injured. the heart and ripples out'over the lips, __ L,______;:ruducti(m 5aturdr,y niKht vile Of the without iiciriK intoxicating. As n result of temporary confusion while sorrow settles, to cloy Its throb- _ , I •.’iiiiili fl'le sketcbei was engaged for "To me the purpose of thc ICIgli* Woman’* Club, blngs. Tliclr best moy not suit you. Dancing Class. or dizziness, it is'not definitely knowu tjt« n „...ii ti q,i.if ,„iu .,„ r, l a tliree-niaht run In Perth Amboy at tecnth Aniendmcnt: The elimination llrst rogular mooting of tho which, Mrs, Kllza Kau/cr, who makes Kcnicmbcr that there arc only a few Un. Russell II. Stldfolo will start . , r,r dl|tf< ,of (lrunlieml(!S! am| |ntox|ca,|„n ,, Dopartmsnt ior tlio -doming her home with onc of her daughters, model preachers, We havo rend of hor dancing o!ss« !:;r children Friday | ------laudable, desirable und something |w ss held Wednesday nftemoon^^ Mrfl, \y. Ai Kennedy, nt the Woodbine only one perfect model, nnd He was afternoon, October 27, at 3 o’clock In ! A Slight Dlatn | which we should as R people nml a na* i h om o ot the chMrwuu, Mrs. T, Hotel, fd l downstiiir!. about 10 o’clock crucified many centurion ago. Help ihe Keyport Library. Together with! Thursday the b'lro Department wns lion strive illllgriitly In aclilnve. But ‘ * Itniibail rnntilroom dndancing iiiMtKi’ Mrs.U n Stldfole^vtMfnl. will h , 1 . • ' V 11 , . .. V, , 4 1 on* yesterday morrdttg from the, third the cause by your prcseficc, ...... a.i . ()Ul !» ri'sponsc to un otarm oi U l« my liclleMliM the Volsted Act has give instruction in 1 fancy ddiicinff,— Ad­ tips tnflkiiif? fanny handlter- flour to. the second, landitif? on her fire sent from the Platcl Knhieont not honestly interpreted thc amend* vertisement It jw ^ clay podaD^9 nnil hand oad hcud uud indicting serious injuricj to OBITUARY. Company, which is located In the Wl went and that by denying the pedple Kng bnff8 workod onthualftfltlcnl-, hcrstlf. There w n s a lengthy scalp f A, Close IJuifdihtf below the station, hevrroKes which they mlb'ht be allow- Diora Ihan two houfa, j wound nnd numerous paititul bruises tv3i«a Margaret Palojr. G lrla formerly occupied by tho Telephone, cd under tiio amendment, has uronsrtd department will inaugurate n ! and eoutuaions if the lu-ad, shouldcra Miss Murgnrvt Foley, daughter f for press room, Good pay* Steady Company, A new furnnrc had been u daiiHeroui social coadition and has i*a SichanRO, tho itfat dato of i nnd body, At the time of the accident the late Theodore Foley, died at her employment.— Matnwnn Tile Co:n- installed and a fire started, Thc ntovc resulted In n Kenernl dltfrcKurd for tfic being Saturday, November 4th. | she, with her CauulUer, was doing Imme in New York Sunday morning P»«y» Mfltawftn, N, J<~A find Ouirlene Horsd b'eed will positively incut, f-molte aud water. ( * > 11 % I»1«• inlerpirlatiou Im* resulted llki*- ||ttoo Imvo arrnnn«d tnr n Joint Iriai iiir ae.eident happened. Dr, Diiv* made her home here until thirteen fnttcn up thnt poor skinner and nt i .....— ------wise iu nmiecest.ivry and ncrioitd dil* alnmont on PrMny evonliiK ies attended her nml thinks as soon ns .wars uuo when nhe and her sister, ntvinjr of money, .Stultz,*—A'fver- Utimmagn cihte, Hiili'dactiou aiiioiu; lhmirtand'4 who iflaa A»Kr-w o( tho Btwto Library she 11iim had uulfu-irnl time to jeeover (.'atherine, moved ti» New Yorl? Me Memrnt tf ‘J'hc (Jlcnwof'd Mif-iduii timid will nilfjld hnvf iirr'it eotni'iitf tl with hev* S'ttnent will ftiw talk iti tho (ioiu the shoeU, which usually altruds ?.Uh‘H her Klster. she is snrvived by a : >.!ii u vmnm.tp,'* «»alr’•.nir h^p.innlnp.l Wed »?vf4 *e«», the u e of whldi would not rh m i o f thn Hrhnr.I, T h oro Jb ?«tM:li al her ai;t’, hit iccovny hiiitheiv John i:oiey, of Freehcdd, 'i’hey HUn-ly imoil he rooslrt’fl if they heyday, Ortfdiei' ,J!hh, in the t|rn>' uoliiir cllher (ht lelter (h the spirit of . fc'irg« and nil nm Invltnd. *rhfn u«'Miretl, , I'UMi'ifi} .si rvirt'.j wcrr hHd in Si. t i l e imii'iidhti'H!. t’nii'l !:iy itfter feeding P'-rhir* Chow-i, ilt»re formetly oniioled \i c:.cnl hi w ir, lonjj ni il I- (he !aw( 2 Sltil) I '1'ho Mon nninlh (’utioty liomneniMe teiy. poodii, c I ij Aitic'lci may be left nt hut (tm fur u . h i11;m■ in tlie Volsl.;nl i s m MhtXMl11 v«> (-nitMiiidn h;;i’ plnmn il n the ill ni: .hu,.' Mtnnliiy 111 Tui-sd.t v, m At i 111.»I will ii (1111 t iIm’ p t i i j m iv t * of ihfi Mill Opf*n lo-'r t>f idonnmntti (bounty ihivpr W A N Tl’-D Mmi or women :o taltt? Ihii’i’ dunalMHi Vvdth you (or the li>li'ph>»tt‘ Mt.i» Mittj.avei ’rmhHl, I* li'iileenli) Amendment, the rlimimi" nor tvl.vuniii, who in k cundlihitfi Tnr "rderi. for I'.enuinc p.mirnidct tl hoi- 1 u 111 m 1 t/.r 'tah' in S.miilor.I’H tdd ihuK f.o M.ila^v.m, /VIyeifhemnit linn nj intfmiciitiuii imd o* !i:e tn|||U‘ W ll grind nn Muiidtiyi, Wtiltu’H-nn ido.i’ • Advertisciijcnt h* id Srtluntoyy, (i«-t ihe juice {lin f Mil tod Htnto/f Miukntarntitp, add ifiy for men, wontr?! nml ehddan. Hon i*iv<1 i'i llo- ptoplr wlioie liiihitu, e u^ples ymt Umiui;. Quid' .Imhsn eandldnti^ for (lovnrnor, I’ liioifMitfi dai niiu;. *!() a wt'ck full t l l f i <0 '!"illi nod iHr 1U i11MjsI ^ fldl fOf v r = : an rqucezo rii-ld ImnlH ol on tlio Domoenilh: Thhol. 'rhoy v,111 time, $1.1(1) an hour spare tlm**, r\ - Vimne L'(i for vtiiir it e ii iiuii i iitci.t n, Aitintiti bit ;«u f utid ntoijti'i O f * li, .-,., M.r, .,r. m i ,,. |M ,lr i r hour. Nrw rider Imirl*. un Dt' In i\TnimmitU l.'nunty, Dotnhnr ?.ti, in-riente* unneressafy^ International V(Mill hnd ««» on Hie jnb winter imd f u n m - d i '’h i i | !*h Matlbi'Cit, Mov't'Oll rvin Ihoiii'h Hi*'.* ttmtaiii mine tlpHi C, II. Kipp, Marlboro, N. J ■ ah dn.v nnd und win nt»*p i«,t. Sturt'iini MHIj), Nortistown, J'a, -Ad- nl!/. Advcrtknm'iit If In H and m« mid, Aflnlt;. ’M.dU, tl otie lifiK of (itn per i cut of ttlcnhol. 1 dvt'it nndi'r wrier, ?,0 ernt:. Adv dement KH* nov 17 Mntiuvan nt Is. p, in., ami at Koypnri vnli.‘!cinir:t i'Of' .i- t „’0 jw dn not ronhmipl.dr thr icluin ol the nt II p. m.sMtnmliluK at. tlm Mannhm I It ill1:)' for I'ctll Klfiht rooniH tiiiil 11 s I -111 ( lit A), ,7 jw liidoon, f oppiPir il, t do md eon- hath, \W7 Matit •h Ad vei tin*’- |Mnnr», U»v« Your Apjdn* Htnno eorn?>r. I’otir quality fei-dri are woim: for letnpl.itr the retm n of Mi-mllnl hfird meat It t A i f , liipmr, J ji tii it i;h h rii ii, r| he dcmiMtil into chirr. in'vv ■- •*t*s-» vonv poultry and stoeh than }( they Tor Gnlo. \ ini ni: lied i (Him nr i mini f(,r 1ij;ht l i I nf it Iievt i ;ii»r ihat U ( ompatild^ f |er mill now npni for Ini.'dne^ did imt cat id all, Ler nn convince with the Kijdih'cnlh Amemlment, I altl jomliiv. W'^lntimd l*rid;»y At .Nlata\v;oi, |it»dlry fnnn, J nni"'. you wiih Turlna Ciiown. Stult/, -Ad- 1’urlna Clicw.i for lioiticn, nuvi, ho)»'i hoiiM-t.ct pin?;, uli ini|novrnii'iil’i, Ap­ lor dllf ll a hevri ;t^«■, relb(r‘»i l‘niit h'nrtn, Hrnwn- mi\v house, all iiupiuv^nx tih, bant :md '.t!i tin i'oient. and pimlti v. \vt* have tltem *ill. Jjinlt/, ply M, Mi'icao, 1,M Main Sttrct. Mat "'I he peoptr (mi he trtiHted If treat­ J.-—Adm ‘tisetncnt tf ontshed; one cow, TM) eliichrim, new Adverti'irmeni if awau, N. J. Adveitlnement It wj ed a* hiiiii.ift liiinj’'. Vi 1111 bounty, hut hieubator, brooder idovi*. brooder , Shciri, hrtls, cuatH, tlresaes, wnlsts, they feet ai though they have benh Idaul KiiiilUns. holism, chlelu’n eoops, (ill new lumber. htodtinKs for ivk-ii nnd women at the r t «d ichtdih'u. td- d rintillnff, Impoicd upon and cheated by Ml ttCt Orit Coltfl. hist hag -St nil r — Ii. A, Nicokisi, lt. V>. 2, nr lelepbuin* rumintitfu sale Wednesday.— Advcr- Dry Com Cobs, hl|j bn# «Wiv iom •Sttilt/. Dry Corn Cubs, bin I 20c— Stull*. of roiiKieti.i that H not a true. Inter* nent tf K-L--Advertbeiiient tf $■-■■■ !i'rmi-ni it* Advertisement tf Advertise m u»t tl pietfitlon of the amemlment,, . ' . ' ' CLim VOOD NOTES.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mlllor of Long Eranch, Mra. Charlotte Ixins, Russell and Isabelle m as, motored Doling- ton, Pa., Sunday and visited cousins of Mrs. Ivins. A million men Misses Laura and Clara Kuhns, lio i.acaroit and Wilbur Kuhns me;L'r, ! ; L Vernon Saturday. Wil- have turned to ilinra ;i.i!.>ucl. S .’., an d d a u gh ter. M iss llary at Ml, Vornon, who Imvo boon iriaitlng tlie Kuhns family, returned \rith. tillin', O n e E l e v e n ., , N f. and Mrs. Dronnan Whitr.oy and nn, Junior, of Flntbutb a rs v ta lttn g U r . and Mrs, John Kuhnt and family. Mtaa Anau Thomas ot roiui Fiona- ^ 4 S r ^ 8 ' ant and Jersey City la visiting hor nu I, Mrs, J . Korw nhaua. John Q. Smith, who ll Hopping with j != sister la^UtTr, Mrs. J. Kartsaiso!, The Outstandi|ig •pent a couple of day* thla week with Mg ion to Hound Brook. \ • 1923 Five Passenger. S be-G yH nder Sedan-rr^t 985 Mra, Mary MUko and HI m o s M arlon U d ailuN tb Kolaa of Cedar drove ipent Bungay with Ml*o Haiel Bo> gatt. , Measured by any Standards you m y : Nr. Mllla visited doorjo Qoyar and 1 •. .fw ^ of «»?toring, fam ily. the Buick flv:© passenger ai^-cylindot Prsd Koller, Jr., c* K«yport !a Tlslt aedaki is easiiy the outstanding value Id s bit grandparent*, Mr. and Mn, Goorgo Vfllaon, lip a closed ca*. ' * George t’owolaoir spent Friday In N ew a rk . It 1? a handsome, rlphly ^ppqlnte^i Guora* Morgan and family ha«a sedan; tasteful In the quality of Its mored to Malawati. ' Min GUdya Hlmio and lirottinm, interior fitting! and In the comfort­ Frwl aud Jrtoh, attcmli'd tlio foottinU able luxury; o t its wide,^a?y B^ts\y(?h g a m e la»l Saturday nml u * Vnlo d»- *Jielr fine plush uphalatory. f e lt e d . ’

U r*. OharUs T?.y!cT wag a I'tirth Bw&ft T h r o u g h A.mbo'y vlallor Monday. fjvery driving convenience is found in Mn. 0. lhiraatt spent Monday ta fjiis car, so ^ rfec tly arranged that MwiiBlwhftraa thire«?»iw, Perth Amboy. M frtm tuitSrttti «t>V. Y ti; each ifunctlon is recorded before the n r . Minin and ramiiy mntnri'd to W HW t »mc» iii* vpiinsiud Ot!*l£|r Utnaat H «Uo itlat«ajr t . afet« driver's eyes and every control is at Nawfctk Saturday and spent the wecik. iltatt brtftktat ■ Dakk r«uf tptien cwcmoC 1 5 * 1 0 . «Jst« «nd ftnm at drivltm tha cef end. bceM It* ore p vm * r. his Anger tips. Utsa llalon Moore and Muster VIr- Htl W illiam s viI lV rllt A m lm y v i ii t c l And In addition, there {a the depend­ i V V - - . - » rtta Bu}rkUn«^fl9jJ C o m p r i s e s Mtim Pranel* Winter Tlniradny, '• F oitftun M ofltlt: able, enduring performance and the M in Carolyn C.rcKory of New York ■ 1' T ; . . T s l .u * p o M r t « » l i nnd MUt Margaret Hlcklo* of Cults ^p|jq^^tBdtiafftctpry motoring that i t m t . Neck Bimnt th» «.nak-r.r„i with tho I H u t s ...... - ...... ’ always has been so marked in tho M lsswn W in ter, AiiitUHtUa fcilokli!* mul I I 1 9 !| I IhRM. TtHirfna n .« m * i | h w . m i x • f», ?i?8Si 4 A C : fitwsj f r u t . Buick chassis and the famous Buick Kr®«l WltkM'.s wetnrcd from Colts i ' t P*MK liwlj 8pwt _ Twjrius, k4ricc« N«tk Huml.iy nnd Mla« Hlcktila return- Ifartfiritt. AHk iMNiith* O. M. vpWe-in,"^^ ?«ginei...... Ml with them. A. c. PurchMe PIm , wbkb nwvldt* for llJiS O II S DtftwwiPiqftwnak > -■ Axul Ntclioloun of Matsiwnn inovol You will find me at ‘lliursday tnlo tho liouwv reonnUy pur. chased hr him from th* Jolm c’ollinn the old stand. estate. Tlia monj by tho railroad on Cliff- Barber H. L. ZOBEL, wood avenue owiu’d by filra. Mary Three Barbers f.clgior aud sou. Christian 1I„ la bo. SEA BRIGHT, N. J. Ing transferred to Arthur Kuimi. working daily. ' Mr, i-,nd Mra. J. H, Ward, Mr*. WHEN BETTER. AtJIDMOllILES ARF. BUILT, BUICK. WILL BUILD .THEM Scldtu Ward mul Mis. 1.. Kortcii- Hus UMturcil Atlantic City Colum­ Shop b u s H ay. 1

H oarllc—Uoe&ch, Special Service4 for jUchfttil Hearth' of Now York and EiU» N . I.cs'm Ii . daughter of Frank Loeayh. were married st Bvo o'clock Ladies and Children 1 W .{ ‘ Wednesday nlU'tuo.m tn Si. Joaei'h'* til W. '• Catholic rhurcb by tlm llnv. Fttthi'r Cigars Cigarettes x v/bacco oo*Schanck Avenue and W. C. O'lMmull. Tha bride waa Acconipanlnl tir lit>r Imported and Domestic

»l»ter, Min. (Yank Jnhuaon and tho a . Atlantic Avenue g r u « m liy liis u n c l i > M L* l.opfii’h vmtr, a brown lni‘9 JOHN MULSOFF INQUIRE drew o»er brown s:itm vr.-i.U Imt to jr.alcU carried bouquot of whllo J. R. LEFFRRTS vTyM ntlii'im initi ‘i tie inatrvn i'5 hun»r MAIN STIUSET - - MATAWAN’, N. J Lower Cost carrlud pink rhryM nlhem um s. Tclcphonc—8S!S:sV.« MATAWAN. Th « tto*«r dii'urnlM .n nt Iho real- L, of Ml## 0.dtln«. w llh Of Production « h o w I ! ' * lirldo m ado her boim ' were a !o*'U\il M 'juoiu'c—-acciiU'nts rc-* of pink and ’•■hllo ««w «i. Alter a IT ORNAMENTS AND : d ' . U ‘ o « l , o n \ i O > * y t ‘ * ^ \v* »t V; in < ? full w«>dfllllf liirr*'1' **'9 n"" 1 ‘ ' 'I" ! PRUSERVF.S. ] t i i m \ '.•lui:i«,niiy nnd output urc.Urr. ■** U S j > * t l fur Niagara Kalla Itn'lr ro-1 Out WiiU paint nvinvs i\ d o \ \ h l o i turn ttwy wiu rp»ld« l» N ow Vurk. i lu-th Uhifitl ll Uiakca j T in bride'* «r**»H n* •’imtwmo « a « ' yoUi wall* ,\\\<[ ioos;1^ atU;\cUv<‘ i O n e R e a l Factor T H I S MATAWAN GARAGE ot hr«»«, ’ to live in. ivml i \ (>rcactvos the j W u r nuattciAl iihliijatioii to wa\U tlu .'.um’ limft l»oai! ; U. S. MARTIN Proprietor jm iuuuA tl cnipi^y*’1* Uscii hy y ‘ V v v m four irrtlce (or wiring >#nr ahc*j WiHj »l yoii^c- I'rtuh, | |ti,nic. by day or tonlracl. K«\lnnl*» cur<* < spcrt ftssistanv.'j lu jnc* AUTOMOBILE TIRES tfipffJaJly glv«''- Ww, K- Sntltli, vcntion of aiH'iit'Uts ia your M «la«»n/—Ady»rttieioei'l l| A 3 H U R P* W O O L L E Y , | »ho|is, Thii b n x c & \ Inctor iu low er inoductiori ccatft TUBES, \ ACCESSORIES Main Str«l. Matawan. H. )•

L*l Uiurtkticl«m wllh •W ATAW AK" oft ln>m A»hw 'r. 173 M ain S t. M atnw*n,N.J. 10 SPRING ST, M ATAW AN,N.J. \VwM«',~A4Mrtl«tnirn* tl sm pMKWBimwitnmiHi -i m i i M W M W M W i SRSTHSB!e KOM8 > t ’Ue4,iW u#,.i>y«9 opened w iat, tall. . *jii k j u t t u t f t .tel*, .pith. - jia£‘$S' Bffiif jm ortlUcatdoa. I lu upoho n Iwig Unit’. Ills brothar wee >#turnlng Uou» from Uut iu Uie und efto tolil Iiim tin t Klie . C0ll^g$,,tliat day lmd buen carefully ' m u s t , cwihJJur» klhy .v^iniod. n dfcy’« eotU>3 a n y m o r e . " I© by McClure Nowflpupor SyuillcHe.) ! then eume n.iUin^ out ntfuln with a huge box. It * a j 1‘rom Doctor Bowou, Iria felt that Doctor Uow?n aloii- Had to Walk Qsek. ■ iuin'&a fox 'thu nmy' at tho m other's, understood that sho had guttered m en. w «m t,.rfni m i n ™“You iWU w or© v *“on “our hour 1UIU Into this morqlog,

taUx at her,, l>rotUor> Uoine, UuU .chi :havU0 to bo ‘ JX c l £ that“ not “ CmPl°y°r “ * E T C / S o i l - - . ; - J - " 7 ™ “ “a^tast ^ Irl,u,>4e™tooUf B“ ^ „ wfts klckod by a ^ u m t , E ii a um not lit In and lost ana yct Eomohow uho folt strauselj dls- on EBh ." ...... ; THEATRE . (Hffcrlmt B0^ r c’lo"-m8lUtiy' witli 'th^wT -.9!*?. W • *W. B o r n .««<*.M> e . "Ttot ought not to tmvo detained ot a aiircrent bociui ciiu* Kitty wiui ^ ^ ED(1 won[!cro(l In amrm V[|U „„ haur Sum r i ; = - - *«— - - . her expanslYO bosom, bad trs D im ii,-,ji^ t V o v e r t a m o t l w - ...... J nn Sour, Bum was Ukc. “\v«U, you sea, boss. It wonlfltt’t It ■j. “ ■--= —- ^ l°ud voice .and .boomlutf laugh, had .H e r . thoi-SitH wnro /ti.m n d h o : d 9 niy kicked mo in thla direstioa; See the Big Features i?'irst at the Kivoli sroffs-vfd Jli^.Uo>v^ to her Jovcl. XI i b ^oolCi their nolshbor, Sana Mooro, eud- ^Vwckbd ih®' d6 other"was?" wboto nolchborhood was aklu to Kitty J vault the feuco, bnlaucliig oome- U . •______i - aod the hounrt and children belonged - IJ 1"=--rT-"T_ = - thinjf In Us b&nd, ana thoci come SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT gaa epeclticaily to her. The grceQ'tmd*red -stislsbt to hs? c h s l r - ropo portlercd and Hovrcrcd carpot , M&appy birthday, Irlsl** and boi^ out to ld , th a t. 'a b!u« bowl filled w ith yolloyf doJTo* * ^ 1 ^ O ' - ' Even tlio worm spring sunshlno I d Q f l . , "r~ ' _ fallqd to poaelrnto that numb feeling XjIb g&T« a Uttlo .gasp o t ploasuro, VAUDEVILLE ACTS h of despair that gottlod on Iris na she her lips parted In tho faintest smllo, lay, pale and weak, bundled up In un “How lovely I” «ho murnuired softly, -ru v ii uiro cn'm y sap, pvoaaer1 a'no It would ho months boforo bIicw ould.’ not'ci>l" Doctor; Did ho tak^ th® raodlolntt ^ S U R R O G A T E Ir!y,c»;;!u not ('all It JI i u ' k , , A llttio warm glow Illloii Iior lienrt umi ’ I proticribod for him rolliiloualy? Domocrntic nominee . suppnt-ted by T o h n v o c o m e to rn wocK-oud visit,; ,rBlioetod ItBclf fo r ii oocoml on Iior' Nurao: No, sir, ho ewora «verr MMan slaughter” . the ivory lirst sliicn .llm hnd m arried. pB)o cJmclte. “iris, I wnnt you to got l i m e . men and women of both partlo* bo» - w i t h "'.- to lio tiiM 'n violently III, to Uo weeliH Wcll, of coume, but I liopo It tnkos, enuto ho l« Ecunomtcali EfflQlonl/ Ex*'. lu Kitty’* WHIM room with It* Hl»»U-, yQU d Ionic ttmul I w nufto bo« you Q loom , porloncot), ...... , THOMAS MEIGIIAN, LEATBJCF, JOY. l.OIS W ll PON ntnl*un“L'U Nvulliumor— tliut lm d been l*he rRmpor knuldl«d In hl« tfn t, * * i u » . •______* - - , . . hore In tills l>hi'k ynrd: you sort of i »*<• utuve rpiutm «u tne wwum^'M A. Wop.der/ul ■ ■■■' I i a m ; r » r u a i m liavual^ »__i ______. . ' . Wna Miuuiiiy «ui unyl« bv, - — u v n j , a t i i u y v u p d ; ^ pnu'ism uim u Hn ewn« thin wuhir tit uiaroninni, Vpst profit o f 952,009. ''J tlm t »ho lmd boon Iiblo to Itoop J1W oyos 1“ Slun losk.'tl lit him In umnio- “ U'n .m ining ruin gn mo," from UnowhiB, knowlnn liaw ulic moiltl t„lt «hn nmllvtl mmln. "Soo tho Paid for by Dom iliay Com. W HDNRSi.AY 'i m iKSDAV-riiiiAV ( An Ej'e Op«n«r, ( lAMitod fn B«t nwny, how ovorjrtUlwt,. npplo bloiwoms c w i I i i k nm l tlm t iim toli' Five Actti of Vjudevillu Uni-Uey bud loft a cull for aoyon iMOdt nr nil M iiy, Iuul Hindu hor fuel' i„ Its Hnntvr ontftti Vmv’ro pnvt, AM) “SKE FiiOftr i m o’clock. . . out of plnco, dunpomtoly unlmppy. » of itl I—nouu of wm over hour to MA1UON DAVIS Doctor Uowoii lu\d im dorstood, Thnt tm n|, ot you lunvimt uo, « o 1 i i k n w n .v . "Hello i" he oiolalmod elooplly, nn A GREAT PIIO’lbi'I.AY hnd Inn'll (lio .out! crum b ot com fort,. O f eourho, you'ru aolng to not well too tho boy,- Knocltml on ,tlio U*jop* “I an IN Otic tlmt tins Crenlcil a i:!(| un omhmiHHNlng crumb, thnt wns d r ,lulck. Can't bolp lt ImvltiK Kitty, Uv. Hweur I'm w Klo.o|>y I oan't oiwri my oyou.” nlcd hor now, for old Doctor W m N h i „ b hi tbo mumhlno of lu;r lovci, Hhn 'Have a l^vjjc Supply of. “ THE YOCHC DIANA” fioiisailiin whoificvnr »liown wan buck iiKulii nml I h h young nsiiiHt.,- wm) „ „,|Ki,ey nurW | w|lsn.t Bll„ »Tll hrtng your bill If you llko, eip," nnc \vu#» ruUmwotl from tho easo* nntl ftlwiiyn vheurfu!,*1 HiiRuuHtuil the hoy helpfully* the V«ryBest I i I h Hilrrvd I'fmUoK^ly umlor Jlm ' trie nmldod, ianiuo(lilu|( Htlrrlug In TWO snOWS EACH NIGHT at.7 nnd 9 o'clock old Htoiunor rug that K K ty hud tuckpd her henrt* ; z , .. No Vaouney. , arntiml ht»r. W hy Old Uoeiot* 1‘l kncw right nlong tlint yoti w«w> “ 0 0 ho'a «r«duntod from collt'^o.'* MATINKI5 AT 2 ;:i() SA’IIJUDAYS ONLY not coming nircei her no n iM u h .T , titu ^ind tif u girl w ho Rot's thu Im m iu iy «*ynp.” It l»ers:;ttio ho w «n tlu* *m ly link tt> tlio jj, .he'i*,..ouvlm m nont« tlio Uii'ohhlnu, “ WlmL’ii Uo fiolim to t l o r othw w ^rld, htr world of mKuUlint real hcuuty of |c*vn; Iho itUultliiU imnU» “Ilnen't mtidu up hln mlmt Bo fnr ntio peopio Und nm mm ioitt, tlm t 'V»y K ilty Nit throuKh Iouk nlKhtM at your t,lllro ,toosn,t tn ho nny vnctinoy ADMISSION loft hurt lOvou.tn. hoi* im ^Ulon. In ' Out 1 botl,‘tlio ktcul tlinl ntiiOo nil-of mm vm y ln tho ^in'tieral iunn»Moi'Hhlpii of tho whlcli tliey will ad! city ihcro Iuul lioon h co»i»tnnt ntrtt^v f()r y ( } W roifovory \ Irlii look up -follMoiwetm** , prices aa Klo to kt»oi> uhovn iho hui’hIiw u \\\m thut Uluo nUyl fimell tU« UI o h w m o * Wednesday t Soturdoy, Ciiildrcn 30c- Adults 60c thrtt Hi'Omm! nhnnut to «wt*ep hr»r of? soohtod nlr, heiir tho fnliit lm czlnu of Und«p DlfftoyItlcc. hor tVot nnd with them *~u coumniu *'Dooa your wlfo blijuct to your l l r « t , I i o p h . IVH mo, do f only Imnxlim AH Other Performances CiitJdri'ii 17c Atlnlis ilOc pniiM lelntf o f ^elf^otttt'ol, not U> «ujt»y It, op Is not the wholo world xlocflnn . Low as the Lowest. tholr cotnpaiiyt rntlirr to ho Unudy ait . ji i . 4. * v ”i , • , ? MVf».» f« n ! Itiulutliny Wur Tot of love,1* nbd. ho e v e r m n l “No," ropllwl Mr. Moukr.on | “hut tlio ttmoH tlm n loflo Iior.. fooUna *10 , Die a m l l n i l . I n b n t * tdkcfl u Krrrit di'n! of tbo pltineurii out lonnlu t ild e to w iddi her fiunlly lin«f pVoiiil*'^, uf It by (Miiiipsllliiif mo to nit In front Our Block oi nluuya In'loiiHOd. Jim hnd ttlcppStVon1 \ lv v i\vi‘n tvu upon the box of lhlnun of tlio k’l-ninlinnn[pm undumi blpwmow nil tho ftinnko Of) I hi'ln t h m 1‘Uiiir in tin; Indder when CO tu I)U(-tOr IiuWcm'h lo lilll tho Iftsecta," ho juuri-k'il Kitty nud luelly. onjoyod and Nho Hlirunk nwny fn»»i It, mid csss tho Ht'{?ui'lty aud lm porluuco of hia turmHl to tho M on bn\\1 fllUMl w ith Th« Poor Lovof, Flour,Grain A Feed uuw ponhloiii Ilo hnd tahnumiHI tbo wonthiir ua a duffodllN. It wfiH ft p'ymbol of .whnt In'very large and wo urc Kltly, iimI frtwsi, rmuo from Oia Bam Mooro would offor hor fill hlH ntibjoi't olf convenwtlou. Ho oyed Ida a u kitchen with iinnntiHO bunk^ of l l f o . frnyotl hr.t nn ho turnnd It aolf-coti- it at W ILLYS-OVERLAND, I n h , wot liottu'H ond IflH luuitSly elusml her Sbo loolii'd up! with onothor mullc 1ut' hl* ... ©yen to nvnid l«U{ln«. Hhu uhlvewd aud nmnimrcil, "Vca, Hnm, It in full „?} * nl“’u* wnnt out, ho npc.oglised. BOTTOM PRICES when Kltiy’H ImmoiiIuk volco root tlm of iiromlBol" : 'Vliy tool you wonr II out?" slio air In coii\ormit!oo with a ll Remnlna Show That Dlnopnura Tom m y tu hla plliymnto nn bin nlalor c u l l c d l u 11 botiihu .i-.mgoigo ..jjvlilHpur, . . .. \ V».cl hmiuo lemon (ili's that'll im iltu un all Kiniulnn n t nnlniiiln th :it liiluililteil Qr&l.Flllt which we are selling &l prim ! cm: as well na those who desire tlio lart'-" "ii-1 nuili'itiikcr uiillc I"' And Iior jb tid , iiil,i roillon iiwit itiett «koi'. for I4.,\yn» GIndjii— My drctmmnkor wroto to raoro luxurious car at a medium prico. ~ Inugli^ Hindu, Irlo ciluiio. W het w ould j licre tbnt tlm drat dlnoAaur,bouctt were dsvfl that she would nmho no more Prices tlmt Can't bo Deal this Indlacrlnilm tlofJ K itty toll Hnui dlBcovorodJin .tha Hocky.jnjjunhilii re drooiiea for ius until iisr necotmt waa W E . Invito cumpitrltton with othef earn Iri t lte vt rv Mooit? iiovt* this tniin wlio wtia over- jHoni boiuo of tho UluoSiiuro wort) tbo M ttlod „ , i iu F »' 1 0 j llintcrln,8» C onatrucilon, ih.lin^ ramliiply hMinli.K ovur tho foncw talk* largvst lund nnhuala that ovop waikod Helott-rAnd whnt tUd ho sayl qiialitlca and cconoiny of o^ci*ntJon. ‘ lngt ivlili Jliii or Kilty? ( ; tho earth, and «onio wehi very dlndnti- Gladys-Ue Juat scut her a tottof YOUR APPAREL Bpyethlni^ innd« her opon her ey^s. Uto.' Thoy dl^for^l greatly In m | z o , | ojf tljftuka. /ncrjp.ccl deiwmd fo'r Ovnltitul m u '. Doctor llowen wiifl cotoH)h acrosa tho whftpe, itnkt^ijO and hfthlt*. Botne j Will oiwnys be in good clcnn (itun i“ t*ue ln'r.<’ly the, citpiTSKd law ii,. Iior hcarl bogiiu to pound and; vrero plant Niteraj other* fed 011 Jloah, I A Oawful Wlfa. Btitiaruction niirl oiuhitBiiiBiii o f otir p icauit ow iiltu. she wns f4i^iV?iUy ltp^uniijy ^otifcipi»' vcsfkod oniour.foot: others .with WAw3 meaQ kwdwud thinks riui's ulmpc nnd wtur longer if you J N y tif 0C)ATIC tho used enr market mid y-m will d|j. of ihg wretdWHl* bathrobe, lC|Uy,. wnail, w a k forojtm lm walked entirely «s*trnvogaiit !*• w ill le t hb tulsc in re of its, V,set' OvcrlniKla pf prcsrat 't««li|nl»J to J^ltty.lhat bird footed. had too* provided FMc/fl mouoffriun atuinp^d on big doa methods will liccpyouropparcl bU^ultfl 1M—Lilafary DlauaL he lin'd Just .Uv.im Pm fCfS^! with lonff, eh»n» daws; othora had in n L-otulition nml ndctn |»rcal­ Overlnnd Him com|>rlnni li piispenpoi' tiiurlnH. nlly„ JO how Miss I^ong wns t>rt>*, flattened hoof-llke nails. 'Ilufro wore ly to your pride in your wcll ronfnitiT, cuupo nml nedmt, ' grerjimiR" and.fairly writhed when K it-: dinosaurs with bmall hoadw, nnd nth. No) Ouetom pry. ty’H voieo reiiiiijniU'il hnsi'tlly. MJu «t | mra vlth large ht»«dtf, Motue wero large ■•Hiatt* a Wg Burn a} rrujney ta etv enred for nppcnroiice and per- WIHya-Kiili'ht II110-- S nnd 7 ptiMengrr loitrink. tm e t to n uieti> boy. W iy d g n t you loivtiiti'r, cmlpo nud 5 mill 7 pnm nitcr nediin. th o ,,tiding; S i ' i - ^ u;r mnl ciiiahrrnomo! othern wont Hinall, poiml cornforl, there's o eninp rhiilr, .find make her ■ light mui grncoful nml much rt!- Bond an nrinud guard with him eo ho n o J F V I'U liii v i;.,!; .-.Ill <’01)1111,-m d tlio fiicltllica t „ c«tnliliii|» Inuiili’i thnt'w whnt nho m-evlsl” i tiemblsd blrtla In ihrlr Hltuetur** thnt won't be hah) up?* C A M . U.S Ui* ivi’li t '' 0 " l11 '' **»il 1'icid nu|t;» (irauuiratloii, IU j cnmo over to tho convalescent, I only thn skilled mmtomlni enn ' I uuppouo I ought to, but I Im to to VVu D o A !) liejm lrliii! nml 1’ri'nsllii! Bw m eceontiio.” dr<*Y’ t Iv* enmp elntlr clone to her' k u M i i h e l r i v n m l o w , ...... o f rmin!*«

HltMiincr oluilr. j n 1x i> were find lu eoafn of bony arm or, G V E H L A N D , u V o \ J VkY\" net KtatUig wott nw Cunt . whleh gave tlu^u n inont hlv.nrro i\\> Keyport Cleaners nnd Dyers W IL L Y fi INC. oh you nilKhl,” he wuh tmylm; In low ' penrntu'e, .1. SIF.tfia, I'rop, flch'i) Division, Tokdo, Ohio gi’av»' “Honifwhere e!p.i\ nn- I M'ho Ini^mt hi'i hlvorouM nr jiliint-iMit- K K Yi’OK 1 NI'.VV .IRKSKV Other envlnniuu'iit more united to j luj( dlno'mnr whnni> fnn/11 remithin hnvo you," hi' vi'iiMin’tl mnl Nhippfd. i heen fmitnl In i'umo UIiilT uiim iho hiif'i* i Telt: 17nJ ,T- l s “ It In bnpe/iMlhle," nln-* niKiwcn’*! Hnmtonminm, nr iliiimh’r fi/.mil, jin i( ! s'., r t f * ipilrUly ttiut then blus-hed, "ynu nim«! t wa-i enlh'd by ri’ofenqur Mntiih. Il 1 t l » ^ ri p ft ft u tt H r i rt n f i j 3 have rcnliv'*''! thnt I nm in - m ill*- I whm VO (V.‘l lour,. »>i <». nl ’ Id iVm h tj * 11 t N O M O R E thill—*' t hl ,i|,‘ ,,IH| I’*1*1 11 lu,0! o m Tin : vviwa W illi n Hwll’t nnnt iiirnl he cim rht ! e«|mill,v Imu: nnd n lirnd Mint wnn "Tlm t now <;<»«»}t lu her tmn«l. ii fiihl 1 rm l'ltn;; •me, "IrlM. I only n lllllr lnn*»;r llnin Unit nf n f ln n V row awflv 1 "V m , i i hlril of Gh0'B no. RATS fi- w l l l y o u r old t i i c s - i nnlli^'d I'vci'yllilm :! I im nv Imw nil { hnlM \ Thi’ w«-hrht nf Mich i i e i v n t u r o Inn to lortva tom orrow .M j inlco, nft*>r you uoo HAT-MNAl'. m h i i i ‘ l,r. n ;.n I.m; ,..11uiU N u n ih ftio , ut\ |»n>vf It. IIhI* Itlll^.l wit I* JIAT- t : m i r rnlUK 1'ulli‘lJn ront!(H.l| tf'HtilS, “ h» ri’puM.oniil in .von, how tlmt ynnr on luxuriant ltt»li|cnl vn^ctiitlnn. N A I* tenvi* n» a u i n l l , rh » . oft M nooii-.u (o | i' i ’ i!t J / . i t>i< in 'f im | Hbili'iMn-hiw trnciM cut your nnrvmm T h r , I tn l.-li-.'n iMtlflnsnlt in th« ll^t l won't Kuicli II. (lup.rftntctiid, ftyHient. Ii lu. d.dii‘1 you ti'i-l tlmt I ticloiitlflo Iniititut? U(> lr<i»* l*y M onti* flotnotlmea Oeama fk>. 'J ti t*i!) d ii\i « ta i,i u ij U , fi’It- ftlrn V> <-rthr>*) for t.'ld«l.«h f e r e n t p e o p le ? I ‘ en r, It h o im on- »<» il.nin, nt itn elevntlnii nf 11,'i|<) iVt’f, “I try no! to |V'f(tluiMRn |,||I|,L l?R()At)\VAY sif.-.r Maple |»|. K i t l.v u d m ln l'd e r liw r t o y o u r lie e d .v w oild. It mvt'i) Itn ej.I.Htottcj. to tho "!\iy h'letidu huvo no nmny fihorl* lono, nr fiit.iitiy Im i!'?i?v*>n. enndn;;') thnt »hntovor ImppentJ lo .'JoM Mild (hiim-nntnod' by J . ( i. Irln, let me tnl%o y-m nwn.v. My ninth- lllltlntlvr of I'lnf. AllKrli! ]\ 1 o'i1 ;n, nl' iv»;V(’OUT, N, J. l l i t > n yiJinit^fs ,?=. liCeiyjMiri, H, J, Cr'w h o m e I m IniHitll'til. oi' mn-h tnvHh- 'I u»In, ntnl !:• < ntlc il llu i 11 .1i i n r t. f,( | m >v i i i h .luMillcd. fpm-Tvour. licaduclw ? lU'hfi nm l lir>ui!"" tlmt vm i " ’H I n - n l t y i v • lii’ t'td il’Oh'n. Il I'outnlini ImImiii*- Htith for I I b I p . ri'ju rlu o, I n*- Urn*. (MilV w hen you nn* M nii' svhnt n hovi’l ln r|t'H fo^ it(ii- M n 'h In h o tn n y , Imu**t*rl«»l• MBSTHOLATUM Mudi:e- Whnt nvo you thinking 'lO.IKM) nnml, I m i d, Nn, 1 hi k Ic; Ihiu'- tln« htoi been I It In, InoU nt me, ynu o (rV, f,i >o|n({y, p h vnlnloi,ry, lo r r e t tt r liil i’ll in mum ii piu intent. Apply J, At nhout,..^l.enrV. , ehuscs it awuy. m t^lily (h’!t!i,,d ; veil In ntiy ijiunllly. do eure fnr me, you do7 Vou will j;-’* phytdru nnd meli'oroh'f'v. |.<-wk I.IM Miiln sirert, vt P>fd At M urjork*— I. hope boldiod hulr won’t \Ve«d I'lim it Mt f ‘um iiuhy, • Atlvciil.te- well til innther’o nnd tb'‘n \m * w i l l h o All tbpiie HiilijeetH m e lum lled from liolillmiM, owner, Nnvrslnk, ,;o out of iityl*1 hnforu Uilnu grown n i e n t liutl-rlefi Y ou "III for:-.**! *'ll i Ii I m . V o n tin- m|mh-IhI potnl of vlow o f tbo offoet Ailvrrtlnrment tf ■ . n t i J i l u . lit lotm In the rnvlionnn'nt I uiii n*vo of Aliilm 1 eom lttloiiy. you 1 l>i“u’. loim nm w l:i ynnr birth* day, *« H tn 17 r.«*t m e nt'inl you nn v . \ y Ktft to you tt few thlntfii (hat will tnftke It [«o::"Jhtn lor ym t t«> em no Rlid th^n lt» « day or two I will tMko you l« m y ‘'HT-, JHm, I lot## yon *” A l t V ' ; NOTICE.

(* herrhr *i*e « i-Hai•M i tbe.f^towtbe.fjsl ln* «rdriane* THE iAIAWAN JOURNAL11“linitrcccfit strikes. the proflding lor.w. the ...e opealogojvealog andl . citendinf of I Disputes there will always be, they road Street In the Borough ol Matawan,

, P&bliatad Every Friday Altevooatt e natural to hum an kind, and it i> a h * j.h^nJ'oi b y b b o w n r-UDMSiCHG 4 h u n t i n g function o{ governm ent to provide the > grade‘c,...... curb line- •and - - . aMewalfe* adjacent mVii>AMV iniL • V • • ' r* thereto, wa* paiaed on third ana final reta- ' Compansoa W ill - , . ,5r , r * Jr;. : means ot .tltcir settlement. Congress [”*r lU e nsiCCtin* of the Council of tha J. Watxl Brown, Editor. . . cauSL, to ac-. lo establish Borongh of MjUwtn, held on Octwr 10. has just caust to aci, io esiaoiisn }t^ ^ ^ (Jftte» wi| afpTuved ljy |he H tihtrt F. Brown, Buatnesa Manager, “ Emphasise Its Value Htnry C. Higgins, A»c‘s* i OPFNING AND KXli.NDING OI1 HUOAI) _ SUBsUUPTlOW RATES. . Oj t j ll0Iim?GH OP M A T A - ask of a motor car. ' 0 “ Y e * r ...... 4 S ------' AW a ! ttJONTST.OF. MOSMOUTO AND g * M o M fc* ...... WILL MAKE RADIO EQUIPME m i . s t v t k ' o f NEW ir.KS] , T W M o n t h s ...... j o ^ VI DING FOR TItK fiSTAlfUSHMKNT OK If you pay more than the Big-Six price, you may buy more Single L-opicj ...... ~ J It 1 ^ GHADK. CtJBIt LINK AND SIDEWALK P ay ab le in Advancc i Kevpcrt Company Haa Been I n c o r p o r - j ADJACENT THERETO-^ weight, but it is impossible to get finer materials or better . j . i - - j i«> (h< M»vor anil Caaacll . - - - -ft.— . . *!.»«. AM « ’ ’- J Y n * T\ ' ~ ~ . . I tvrentythree defffees thirty-fiveimny;?n m in d . . 1 '^Sldcnt. J. B urgess D avis ; vicc Pres‘’ ’e0rt ore hundred seventy-one feel and two* Nkkel-plated radiator ahelt, comfort. Check its appearance w ith any car ot nny p ric e . A n d idcnt. Rolaml- J. - —Thorton; secretary tenths feet to a thence (J) North inuiwietc? aad onm aeota nij-ctcen degrees three minutes - east, s?x nullatcr cap. , don't overlook this point; Studebaker has more than 3,000 £tlt(lciS i j and treasurer, Ethel C. Thornton. hundred thirteen feet nve*tentm leei. I i» u Automatic wlndtUeid wiper. branches and dealers throughout the country who are always the Mat**?*? rostofiice. point: thence (4) North thirty degrees Cwen- , K e a r - r ie w m lr r w . 1 The purpose ot the company is to ruinates east four fcusdr'sd B x b a o a t b e a t e r . . . ircudy to render cfucicivt scrwee* , , i m anufacture radio equipm ent on w hich five-'tenths icct to a point? thence (5) N orth thirteen degrees thirty minutes eait lour Bendtamenlckehplated bvmp- FR ID AY, OCTOBER 20, 1922. j M r. Davis has several patents pend­ hundred sixtyiix feet five-tenth# .esfc to e n , f r o n t a a d r e a r. And finally, compare the"equipment;and appointments. ing, One article which the company the point formed by the intersection of the 8 p a d o a B t r u n k t m r . loutr.erly line of Main Street with the con- Two ertra Vheeta (complete will m anufacture is a radio receiver of tii uation of the ccnter line of the proposed w ith tir e a a n d tu b e s ) c a rrie d Consider the Big-Six Sedan as an investm ent. There is no rea­ -W INE, WOMEN AND SONG." northerly extension of Broad Street. The oa fnst ft&kfl. . the same type that M r. Davis design­ foregoing d?scripi»on beln« the, center hne son to pay m ore.. The nam e Studebaker stands for satisfaction. V c a u m tc ; lo e r n r t.. . ed and installed in the M ansion House* of the proposed northerly e*.t*naion *1 Uread Pali Witli liis pipes iuakcs Ou iiiOr« c=;c} *•? ?<>rtv.four icet wide. TM sf-crocf tra-iisUsalca t«cSu aud w hich has crcated a great deal ot rvkVnty-two feet on each side of the above Upholitery ol rich eii(dtalf vet* tlluring picture^-to some—than Teddy devcrihed renter line throughout. vtt piu-inwlth top lining n d VinUrcHt and i&m m ent. fle e r carpets to m steh. MODELS AND PRICES—/. 0 . Jb, f a c t o r i e s with his one-stringed harp. Pan, the 3. The lands and real-estate^ necessary for The Davis'R^dio Com pany has been »*!(! itortherly extension of said Uroad Street^ Artl*4lc c»>ech tam pa. t l O H T - S l X SPECIAL-SIX D IO -S IX Greek light god, was thc patron of! iatj slreet beinff forlyfour feet wwe, is IIS' I r . S. . . 7-P a * 4 B. very fortunate in securing floor space Opaicaeeot eotner readloe twenty-two feet on each aide of the above 4 0 n . p . 5 0 H , P . tfO W. P, flocks and pasturage and the inventor | lish ca. in the Grand /Central Palace, New described center line throughout,- , D o m e l i g h t a n d c o u r te s y tig h t. Towing »73 Tourtoa11275 r Tnuri«g„...... $t530 of pastoral m usic; lie never grew up 3, Said Oroad Street shall tm oj»eu«rt »nd ■ Speciattr (^.PaH .) 1785 . « f York, for thc first annual American Thrw-pleeo r*lo>vialoQ wind* R o a d a t« r K o * d u c t jilion he ,le!J tlmt Ueginning in tha southwesterly ehleldaritbralQvfM r. Roaditer <4-X*m.)-t373 C«tpe>Roadat«r (4 . p m | ______s a 7 s is tli? patron of flocks and pasturage. South Street where the same ia inter««ct*d jev«Wd elfht-day dock. • o . m m \ i » « C au«»(4.p^) ^1975 r._ jj.. .| Q...4 &(*••> M slis1**"! . fta d n n .l------3475 jilrtca from :he 21st to 30th c! Decem ­ Arm m t oa c«eb aid* oc M tf BeiUiu-™ -..- ____ 3 05 0 Sedan (Spotlal)^.^ 3659 Hi* Mwcl a* the Atlantic" melody, j S « U n ______1330 ber. Exhibits at thc exposition arc H i t . strummed on thc cne*stnnged harp— | Lari* door pocket*. , Card Tfrto 5f*rttf*/tf fiqu/pm «n( icitrictocl to manufacturers of ap- bou*c—hail enthralled flocks; flacks o(» ^ ^ t , » .i t » . t ' proved apparatus llie _ltqlmJ«l Turnpike, ' . T T *»% . ▼ ^TN * .. . • bt>Ji!c»£r?rs i l i t l r rAnnrts who 1 . - . . ' - •. * . tJ, -- - Antony tnc cnaractermic icaturci UIB-J Mviintfwiiif'f a*vtig ’*-{!*. hi .-od.n«dto the whilarst.nff melody f tho n(w u t||0 rcceiver j, ,he ,r. the s«o*t northerly corner of R«|eaU ; B. ’ . O n a . i > i v r ;>3 HtndrJckartn'a...... lot] thente * '*' fifty flUy de* In the pasturage of New J«r«jr. | ||>tjc d , #|ld o( the c,bil,eU ateeh, thirty>lhr<* m ittulff W eal 281 <««t to “ »ee (4) Sottlh twenty-do* ^ MARLBORO. N. J. Uut .P»n had yet another «<((-«, vvh|cll Wakr tliem #ll rttr4Ct|ve tight tninutae. W ««i **0 7»10 ’ loud voice liy which he yut w»yf*rer.. o( ,urllUme whrll Jct Hp in , p8rlor _ In thn Un* b«twMn pioputy , G o r d oon n and Suv*n«| th*M « (3) eurvlna and eyett « w m to flight, hence the „ , Tll, ,om, ealtil)B to tha right wllh a raiuuarailtu* oiol V*» 4**861/»*5 « « « / 1” ’ DIG-SIX 8BDAN word panic. Ilut New Jcr.ey. ilnjj- (lcv|(.0 ,, ,„!( C0IV(11|„CI| in ,he ; thence (fi) curving lo the right »Mn b railhtf of ?80 feel, 2M MO f« tj 0 ), < 9 P B C I A L ) u r •»«« *W ho lack, the ; ; „ ,he «B>. North'H«»* fru!U ,,,m | ,Uch a way that all tun- beinc th« c-nler tins ot th* fironoaint e*< I temnm oi lirnad Street, Said clreel lo t»a womani w W» liquid melody. I ln„ nilM1,„ u. miuatc in sintflt W lest witle, IS fret tm each aide of the above I k . lik e I ' - H , h a t apparently f o i l n l K, Jnt,u> w|,h (ho |>m, ,wme tit'iitilipd renter lino thtoughout. 4 V -» lands afui r«d ealalc "to urow up," o t tlm respective instrum ent enHruv^d for abM aoulhrrly **lei»alon ol aaht Uroad. When the Chief Kxccutlvc of r Sltrel, said at«st hcl«t ftftjr.feM ^ht# i» near tht* |j»viv. This nystciu provides «*rtOy>Ave fret un each aide id the above hinu tcMjrti hi » iam paiKU speech to versatility of "hook up” for the tun dru-Mlifd fentrt1 tine thrAUghnui. u plir.isC ' jdoull)' KttiU’il for tlic imute J, The vrttfc ^hatl V? di>»cd i m w y t t h h e e r r l l y y tv t r o » i » f \ o f I , hi.i v o ice , bu t ir. in i' c ltu c n r y o l tho tl[IV0 , , , oK c„ v cry o f th ii ttii>ad Street the gfftde ai tald out'and! ti*ed on rfvlaed map tnade lUchaidt entire nation. | #v ( 1 ' ilnuspr, C. K., d«»r\l April t?lh. . 192^’and j "VVoitien—God blesi tlicm**atid *' ■ccotid roviard map made hy Uichat.d Heu* i Atioiiicr nrtScle whlcti tjti c o u ^ u n y acr. C, K . dated Rppi, iv.V, known the t .fcweet sunn. W hen the Democratic uiit ...... i.r...* ,iw.. j - . - u “UraJe Map of the Sou.ihetly Kxteiud«>n ol - - ... „ 8trfPti“ and fited 5« thv c(r*~* » party com e* lulo itn own in State and nett to be Attnclu’ii io nny fadto Cteth of tho Ihmuislt, llilft dat?, . V. • » Nation, let us hope that »we will have I. Th.-.JS U h#ifhy e»uh!iahe-J L t t w fffAd? ' uml wilt Accotumodatr ^yetfi for urRVoaed unrihevjy cxtehfloft ot w j»r alio io com plete the festivities,*' Uiuad Stfivl thr iiftde o Uid »h«wa « pairs of tcivphone receivers w ith tho >vm part of the Governor's address on th* n\ai» hy ltichanl Itfuaar, dated ordinary Inminah (uniishc-d juty 5th. Wih known al tbfr «Mrada MA|» of dtlivered Monday. To the part "w o­ th? Northerly Katention ot ?lft'ail Ste«st. ana with receiver cords* This form o( filed In the rtffic* vd th i C U t k o f (h<* Oor*1 men. God Ideas them ," wc »ey Am en, i jack diiuiiute# thc necessity oi a-iej: ontih on July Utti, W i t , . . A but not >vhm the luune of tho noblest li. At) ildrwfktha att.l rurhlng laid and non* m att* jilun for each pair of receivers. «uuctrd In naid borough on the *aid pro> creation of a juptcme being from tuned noitherly and iwutherly eiteuaioha of In Ib e has*' or thc ja ck Is moulded ^ hu-.sd Street ahil! he Iftld ami ronatiticted whom mankind has ever derived its I'honv condetuer which is thtiutcd in a c to iv U n c n w itli t h r g r a d e s a* «h•* * value will be produced by the com i\(tfrh feet on rither aide td ths centre line “And sweet sonp,” no one with a td eaitl ^.Hilh?r!y and nurihely pany from time to time us tlie oppur Ui.Md Street, na druerlhtd tn this ojdtnance. divtnc *p»rk within hut resets to Utility and equipment of the com pany Thf M.ti'walk on eav.lt iid« *>{ the toa^way s w e e t s o u r . Song, the medium' or »trert t'n tiir nt»rthrT)y of Hfoad *hall \v.Aitaub Suoct «hatl he jevrn ttel wide. an»l Ihe lid^- thittugh which m ankind has ever per- v-nlh rtti m en aide of Ih*’ r\>»»iway or etreet trayd In tonal plctlirf. nil that Is on O f «outht'»ly i-itfttai^n a t lltoad Street • I n l l h r irn foel wide. ■ lust aud hnefit of life, ever holds an _ . IP So M'ucli of the coal ct said improve- •npi't ».~prc««'nt* the tpecia! and prvuliw apiitnl “Swcrt ,onK" tlno not tneao 1110 O'U, am! m o J'ttn*l\u drvivi'd thcteltom l>r ihe Ihc con,titittl««»l dP|vl„« dllt>-.««- "f lh*,r "mrt0 8 vl9' »-rtt'«r* tuli.iinii tltv'ffU* shall bft levied'and ,‘sfssvtl ihet-«nn accotdina ti> law| th r b*l* . » » “' •’"o «t tholr im »iub««. M «. C lar. a national'a»thr.«:-"»oW- iiu'v tln-iTid tn b# Urifd p.r.d ra‘.s~v; hy Drr I Am ," h„, iiu- Kl-,-aSv»t '•'* I,ro"" of - “•t0K 8‘™ ‘- >»“ .rnoiat tavAtion. II. The rj|im *ted cost of the oiM-ninft and Itoska^pimdidtime I heishti or li>j,iiration in such stirnng ur'b >' ,,V '"»1"K- “ b*-’"'C her birthday *.tct\vMti|c v'( U ro .id S t t e e t in th e m n m u ’f a t rnm t.o ‘iw- 12. Th;it ‘.it ihe purj’ose cl te»su»rtii N o te t o l >l-.e ll'T v -w ^ h u M at* Vott Can nAtl gtuuSm* Keavtr Hoard rwor [ t k ^ gfw§ n&l rrticr. ii a chMlcucel ehallctiRe to l;'1" tlnl!r rofreKhmcnta wero norved. iiu.\n, and thr Mayor, and 1'lctk u*e Jicrrhy papered w alls or ilitvvi’y to studding oiul b^aias. A m i oYwotd tach nun #ml women of the State. » , T,1° «"M ,B ‘h'partrf attor wlahlnR tho A i'lh x 'iif td t>i a lu n . e\<’.'U t^ m id tu-R O tiale tiid O'ici ltom tint'* t>> time at a rale you a permamwt, embicntly ^isfoetorf Joh, Ther® ife i-itcrco iK't en.Tcdinie nix j^rr eertto.ni r»»t.v” >olh f,“''" ,aoro w*‘h,,1*y»- no better, lets ct{ientiv« \rty to add t^w ram ie, easlcsa ••it'.iutrt a n d in »iH‘h v lc m ^ n l'ia tim v s a s mA)’ used leave* a deeldcdlv had t.n te - u ' 'n,l,9p I’teaent wor«: Mrs. W illiam W found adxisshl,*. oDicea, erect partltltm s, fimeh Ifitenora o t t m r htnbltw^j of form erly tlie Incomplete, it destined to remain «>, l^vorp, Mlssoa Mam io i\nd M orptrol It is luf.'hr rwitrd and de*1«»fd \' a*} « give new, attractive wn” - n u rp o se «.'f rn:M> i n i e r i o n . i>lv ii>)i with t'li.ij'U-r ol the law* ot L y r ic . T h e a t r e Im piratinn to UU 5 on.i.: whilo tlu- G o v-' ntffw oodj Mnn. M orris JtM'ohf. M rs. Ask \« (or tjuoiationa ttnd 999 io r ycw »J| how <&iaply crnor attem pts to M vm e the witte— Chath'u Ut'hiu-Ui, ^lrs. Uflnttrlek 1V\U). .vil n|,lm .iittr* UM.t psits m[ ot.iiKAO. f* iii- you cast improve yoar homes or Wo wSQ gkdly VvMsosUMit niih tins I'ldr.iauv «* tliflll l-c it'd thcirby completing ins ttinilv' \\tlh M*'»- Albert How oU, Mrn, .hmnto Nor .,tf li»'»t.vith > »*;» m V iI, figure on may llpav»> Boanlit^ 7 0 a K j w hich *'to couiplcte the festivities..*1 hop:’, Mr**. Harold Urown atnl eon, W ll.Id AM H. SU TriltN , obligation on y « f part. Se«t ts», or t» tods^ M n .i r . Haechuv the nod t»f wv‘e. *vor-t Jrttnos, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drowu. W ll MAM A. UOPiU'.US. CVt-'i'^t hi, 1’i.v. U o io iiftti t iceW. shipped in m .m v eoimtrir<. hut tin' ------, IN ClIANCURY Ot- Nr.W Jl-.HSEY, FRANK ANDERSON Unlnted Staton in genet al, and N 'fw s CtlffwooU M ra in Auto \Yr*cto%

in pauieuhr-luwtle^^eM not- moiuiui* at 7 \ m 1 o V t o t k a UNLESS You (.^ r j 'i\> Jolm ih bitt rttul .Atlciht O th « t: -um liri, M ill \Vnti; .5iul M .tsi.n M \t,'rals ytlW Ujlandini! to the eouirAt y■•-dfjplto ; s vx ,M ., ;vvxitlcnt s»eeiurcd in Key- THE MODERN WAY* ; Take r.olicc thut by vi‘tuc oi nt^ o\ * MAT.WV.Wi, N .J. (tffdottl of w orship, will not support: Vv»M . \ s h n \ a l-'*»td tooiinj; ear, own* MUCH OF YOUR,Hi-AT ’ tlif t>! Ilu- t o;nl >)( <..li;\nvcty o i N e w Ihe tlnryartl i»od't hl^h pth^i aud ;iV.| duvrtt hv M ’u tiaol t’oHin,» »u y i \ nt.tile on tho of the »bttc WILL a o .ki.Hty, day ■ ttU VOtwUn.' Jrriev l^rview. . Cli:l wood, ’a a ; Unek b> a b’otd ntn* :h*iv-oi, in i\ vci;.tif, t'.ni;-o wltrrciu ASTRAV^.l I ( About d iiu u bv Ivil IMu l.m t>t Mot ;Jt f,n t i.tuli {•, voutpbiiiiant, .uul ' } * '■ ? | Yom>»r rhrlrtt* vv.n about | vh*cil. thoulJ l:.\inst vn ti, that ontf lo*. t« il«i«-;ut, ,tl0 ,„in t, „[ t|„. »«WB* c, sw>th \ f i l u e i *; l u t t l y tli.tt the ;u,-> ' - ^ ™ - i ‘l r . . * T h e S ititl b i l l i s f i l e d ( o r Ihc jiurposc mo! mivp — thnt’a UAT SNAI*, th« old M". ibri , 1' sit Ht of!* of ich«( rf«»lt. Millloni ol tlAllsr* „ni(r nt llio comer ot Wav- ni’ toteeloMiu: a etjl.un , iM'.ui, ui tht- -'u! rnJirtblo roiUot destroyer. Cotnui In w*#*# Il>*t to »»'l l'r4,b- i r(jy s„,| Sri.*!!’il «trr<-ts. Ilptli i n n m .ulr. i*\aut(ti»i- mhI n < t’ ,u h ! st.H il b\ llie Suno^.tte J: mj aim I ^noui{Ii for I*«nlry in w«««r» h t* tow tit IM ®ln*,-pu»,( A- Motor Cown»ity'« Uctory. »:oUi w ea th er's vuuiii'ii, Y o u UilOW o( the t'nunty ul Monn v.ith a'lit ie- nnt, tUletl Novcinbrr 7 l» Iw tome* w m , c»llii» wrre hU lirntlxr, Wll- that .vout Imttn: »eci)» the instsUa- faim latuU in the Township M n d j - Vented foi setthim -nt to o f bk* tiio (2 enkoa) for Chicken «jue»:te ol KinwlHlnamJH to .olictly, (-0||jnl „nt| MacMiillrn tlnu nf a new liotlnlt Jyntrm mid .c.n, Mii.hlh*.«vK(thtr. Tiir rt*; 11;il nrs,i,, ■ All were badly .lialitn Up, tltr T-',.’nlv t tiir,! «!.»>■ 1 i Noveinb.-u you utc quite rtli.iMy inlormcil {tie nunltr ilrfendantft hevuti:-s’ you ov.-si . fiUrt (S inltfii) MHHi^h for *U M#t r»l)N>»a *Uottm*n'* Hrlk* turned bthb<»klr«m (|(|, j)r< g h , c«»»ltly, who « tit's it a hi tn u rl^H r, lccunle.1 in the vil! !'•' fnnde for t!.«, KllnvvittCC of «*■ (rtitoty ImUdine*. to Mtttiil to that nwutr. •M nml t.wnrAitterd by J, Hiy> •• **fm* * fftuetSoh Itt M |ti #SVc »utglr«l »tt«mbn, Mr. Collins ClftU’i OOUr of C.nirty of MitUUe- t tm. fssion^ ,tn22. William II. TuthlU. cm. honwt »*>AT16FACT10n JOHN P. LLOYD, Doo»i Your Towti« Solicitor for Complainant, Advertisem ent 5t itov 10, e!«t7 o »triy Fotir-rOTm sp.rtmcM, ^ * P |io n « 292 ' Oct a ie< of namplate*. wH|a m M iiti s u . P. C. Matawan, N, J. ■ th»l HftKt *nll f«n*u»Hy iriumph L«_>v,>, W* Main .jtrrct, tjr Fr*q A. ■“MATAWAW on trom A,h« R MiiUwea ' ’ Adv€rllstm*nt 518-6 AdvcrtUo la th !i p a p er. irfltiout r*$ort to iuch Iomh ind HI* (5*Mh»ui, pwntr, Nirtiink, N. J.— tVoolloy/—Advtrtiiemeat i| > ,;c I* Sira, AViUer El/jeH of: New York: Marawnn. Journal ; i# visiting her parents, Dr, Aiid Mri, C. U. Drucc,

M ATAW AN ind VICINITY . - .^fr?. V V . T . ^u^all.i entertained oix tables at br(dgc'ye"st’er(la'jr- gftcfriiori.- JOH N P LL O ils : Ooorgo Honnmooj vJslloil frlbnds High scores were'lidld- by Mrs. W.t ■ \*. S in ip so n ;ij,rl M rs. G n y C h n o c y ...... Qounseiui-ai-Law ! i a Barsldo, L. I,, ovor tha wqok-euil. Goiicrai Pr^otice io AU Courts, Mrs. C. L. Green received the conso­ 1Q, 1SS1, Lr Weutarn Ncwr«pas«r Unlgn.) Mrs. John Tray of New York spent r ” o f Farnimp1 . • fiaafltcr ia Cbitaeerf. IU-cvtv eb» a lation priiie. Sunday with Mrs. Edward Updcgraff. ;iA luisty unw r.'ii C uusniA m l’.rose I” ■ , < 3 * ' . M rl Floyd T. Taylor entertained ealil Cousin Amelin, ■ . Mrs. Ralph W. Horrlck of East P* O . BJdg., MMinwfia . tf. J the wives 'of the men who attended "I guesa hu thought ho wns filing to Ic is just as important that your farm ■Orange la visiting hor mother, Mro. Mayor Sutphin’g bachelor dinner Sat­ get all Undo Kcubon’e property," B. F. S. Brown. chuckled Cousin Hilary. 1 finatux’s be kepc in good wotting order, urday night. Three tables of bridge “A good Joko on him," snorted as that your crop, stock and machinery K. LtM'r.R • Miss May Bergen visited Iter grand­ were in play. A birthday cakc with Ooiula . "It didn't pay him, after mother, Mm. J. P. Gcran, in Brooklyn candles 'for Mrs. C. A. Gesswcin, oil, snooping round here day after day be properly eared for. over the week-end. ivhose birthday it was, came as a pleas­ and handling Undo Uouben’s aCalra -A ITOPNHY- Vf.i a iv Oscar Storona o l Now York spent ant surprise after the game. ’ ftir him ." . • A checking ac^Jtati •with the week-end with hia parenta, Mr. Mrs. WMiam A. Kennedy, in her "Yes. and pretending to be ao Bim- us will as A t you on th e -and Mra. George M. Btoyeng, . new Ford sedan, drove a party of ple, too,” mid Oousin Amelia, Indig­ n an tly. buiiness tide o f your farm - Mr. and Mra. Harry Depkin, Mrs. friends to Perth Amboy Tuesday. Thelr*angei' «aa not without eolld ing operations, y Thc car was parked in front ot thc Low and Miss Erma Gould of Wood- foundation, for Undo Reuben, who Q E R A N & M A T L A C K cliff visited friends in town on Sunday. Ditinas Theatre while thc party at­ had be\in reputed a very rich man and About twenty-five members dr thc tended thc performance. On their re­ had been an eccentric, had dieti with­ COUNSELLORSATLAW . Matawan Masons attcndcd thc Iccture turn if was gone and no trace of it out b w ill, a n d w h en hlM n e p h e w s a n a Notary Public has since been found. Two year3 ago nlocca eaisa to airtcs hla property Tuesday, night in Red Bank by. Col. Aibury Park Trust Bid?. Mr. Kennedy had a Ford car. itotea they found thnt lt Utale

Tha Prim s Bosma’a Keyport Tcachur Ftiuli Brother D m J V e r d ic t )3etweea Pitta* ol Vibrator. . George Wur'st, 21 yenrs old of Wagner Market Coipany: ANOTHER O r JUSTIN WESTWOOD Rutherford, was killed last Sunday : while experimenting; wilh 'a home­ -Friday ^nd Satiirday. .Specials! (G. 191L V u ttrn N*wap*j>*r Oatuo.) ; in.-.de clectric vibrator attached io all *11*8 lik q a Lxiruali’s BOQg,“ sa id Olgn 1 elctl'rc liylit switcll in the attic of his Best Cluality--Lowest Prices--Cleanest Markets Dorkoffakjr. “I never heard anytliiug home. The'young man was a brother Uke it in an entrained girl of nineteen. ! 01 Miss Sophia Wurst, teacher of Tiiere's a fortuno for your daughter | l-rcnch and Latin m the Keyport High KtSid Roasting Chicken^ perjfe, „;.“!W >>nU .>U Q »MU VUHWIV I f,MI- 9fin li aivisa ui uuiuutm aati(d 9 a penny tu ck ed away in tho bank. fias pipe by another wire, Ton’d oblige me, tnndame, by n o t tmy- William C, W olf, a Rutherford law­ yer, said there was absolutely no rea- New rrice lnp too moth to Holon—you under­ stand.” ,t ( : , in think Wurst had killed himself New Sauerkraut 3 lbs. Ur • 25c Olga DurkolTsky thought u cood dcnl :inl<-ntior,ally, tie was a young man about it Sho had never exacted, nt exemplary habits, had a good posi­ when she took It into her head to tion anil iiotliiiu; to worry -bout c-.- Good Cooking Eggs per doi Chassis - $235 spend a iiunjm or tuonllt in the old bept his' sister's health,' ' Wurst and fArmhouso, to Hnd n Binding prodifry his sister# nre orphans, " - there, Hut ITelon Hevnn’s voice, with SAVE—Buy at any ot our & nitii ...... _ Riiiiabout - - Its fluM.Iko ynnllty. nmttzed iter. Sho HcU Bank, Kt7port|.;^Ia1ii\Vairi,' Ailtuilic ilighlanils, | Jmd novor heard nuylliln# llko It In nn fioTlCE OF REGISTRY AMD El.GCTlON, ■- sitffalssi!' A ;;:! • {•*** tisfsis£*l>* Rfyiirh. !Mcti^h: n | T o u r m ^ - ; giving d new genius lo tho world w n s i' N o tic e o t i l l . Ilm o , r.'.! m i- n lln 't; T t j l? ' - " -- ' flt wnr w i t l i Iior awn tem em lm inesa of C r n r r a l Klectlou; mul 1'rlOTMy fclrctlon *'"1 hor u t r o w j l e . Jiiovllnuf* Of tlio illturd ol deiri6untab1e $ 5 , 3 0 folkfi thpiutht licr , voleo , wn« good. ■’VnHcr U '"aiv«sn that ft Oencnd Item ggam ia»taC TC ET^a^^ Wouldn't ahc Jiut Sifrnr hor slug sonio> v.iecUf-n I* »» t (ifticral Am nuM »i •» h«rc»«t*» on* « eJn‘ o l HqaiJ ol Freeholder* for slnct* *ln* hnd boon n girl— H it jrcare, twn Couudlwen, fwll irjm tu tlbu ttyii vvllh th u hfiinn lr\i>«ni>rl«>utHCL ah».liiii!?d vUlon oi !«->)* .f1***” * A n d »ho wimdrrt'd whnt bor llfo M * v 5ti<« w w * u » AtmiORIZlED POHD DI2ALER w m i l d hnvo Imon If thn had r,m'|iUKl * Vou fttt heK'liy «H‘l|fl<«l th** • floml love Instead, H U v nml Me.tfnii hud in to I** voifti Hj'on by tu« votata ol tli« Sui* nl New Jersey •» th* St«t* ii MATAWAN, - - N, J. tcon wildly In lav,' with each otlii'r. highway tioiotn. “A h Act lroi>cnv (it thla SUU, knd hr V'* c r« M io n tdiotti>»| then Min hnd nuflu hur cholco, ol n ilC-M cf thr R U te>. «n amount wot And W«mi» lmd uona awny. Ita Si»a miTi-tllng U>r»y rtlllltm doH»r« *»y «bo fcwit htuplly nmrrli'd ftir year*. Hha MU'v of th*r<(ori nmt Cor im nun* m U tlv n o l t h i s i c t to t h e p u ^ i c * t • «»*»* wtmdnml wholiier (iho >vno glnd nt tho s»ra\ «lrvtlo», March if* IWJ, oholm nho hnd mndo. Wotlca ol R«aUt»«tien. gho coald hnvo mnrrSot! often, Im t TUUtl R-RlstralU>R tubrr \?lh, »«i. w ith niM ttrtty hnd ronio thi luovltnhlo \ 1*. M. U‘ Q 1'. M .. r**l*« w»«i com et th« tUt tor thc Bcnfrai flection. lonmrnt. If tmljr nha cowld The PlvUUnB Un® for tha two dliUM l tinyt> pttworyod thnt ftrsV lllutfon thnt U Main Sttcei, . . . The Hrat V»i%tiUt la Ihftt Borlloti r.! h» «he tind nhnVed w lih M nrciial IttTMUgh tthlch He* wat«v»y Ot l*M dlvuiltn She Mrolloil Into lh\i Inno ov ^ ^ ‘'t i o n w u l Vp h e ld \n »hc Town»hij» Hall. Atlantic Ave* bappcol You e»tta chow ; botuoca nup. M»taw*n, N. J...... •> M i n t KP b *nd usiv“ , jsA'd flection will held In the and 'nwctlhtp toe y h f ^ rlevliH M , »»«* Stleneew Tho m en', t*lcudUig *o*c», I'nltcd Siatea Senator, l»o»frnor, lleml'pf •(■ la t'tb ili Ur t\ta IH rd C\M»s*»«*lonal Ui»lr»ct. twi» M ^nhera 1 —1 Jw t ewrt. JUatoy. ‘ H waRt tienrral AaaewW f, * Surrogate, one M«m* i*i t»l the lioaid <>t t'honen Ktrflu'W eii U>t l e c t «ucic«t« •» (madx I can't »,iie tt uv\ E ,|,rP. t Highway, t*>«> J«»tlc#a id ll.e l*eav« lor hvc yc»r», two lo«nii- OIu are hrrehjr nottned that a Ihur.l t»*oe ; not the only ouo who hnd to tuiTvr. M tt> v»>trd «JHMi h r th p Y*.?ct* ol l ^ e } SOVEKNOE. M „u cl N*'% lei*ry Vm«ni) a» the Mate j But istiu lay ftwoSs all S'Jahl |t..nd*. "An Act U 't thf .’oi.tJinc. t h i n k i n g . ■ l u . uiij'ii'vcmftit. ii-vV'tiMr-J.ti-'M and i?' Mi t be S».-ate llijjh^av Sy»Um , Y ' f , The PAINT MAN til it' roa# fi' -i.i I.-!' tu i!w tt.ht'H t>'f tin? dft* ntltlixMl \Udts,»« h) the* ‘fJ a u J fo i Ihtt »»it>- I •bii “Oi»b' tho old twi>:-•.»» -tv'i t h r n ^ o p h ' a t a H*-n* I _ I ^ v u i t e 1 TfontV s-',h1 ua oiiy- vWvU.mC' |-.f-vd Mttivh t?. If N » t k « t*l |t^fciatt« tl< * rt. J thtnn, my iUar, Now. then.” Mu' k-*, \ d.vy »>.toh,-i ITth, W-*. 5 «a«hod out n tow chord* on Uio t 1* M, Jkl y \\ M,. to n‘*Wa and tmccct the Worth Considering in ® ts that Last vintio nnd tho hnx^’I, Idt^Hltio Vl’U'O M>t >>'f tl'«f ^ v n c rrtl cU vtnM i. full'd tlio IXHMU. Siia'Ili.N 3. Sl’U.IVAN. lU A vd M»uv>|in T'»v»u*Ulp. In thI'.fl . itl* trtii u>i ti n ii i,*i i.v, iait tlie soivkc huu Ilolen IW v*n iM-.dc,:, turnixl mid VV»«h»t «t M’^movtth ft;ip0U4iK« ali^i living u foi « |h’tuni t»f yt'.tt-v. 'Cottd w ut'.!':;:. rtU » linrkotf-iSiv wout I M tr d S .i* tn » b r » t» « | > i t t h u t end look hor hnti In OnrOIVMONDS, W aTCUI1'S, CLOCKS, JfcWKKKY DON’T INVEST YOUR HOPJLSRViERE "M i d i**, * j^retty vulcts Im t tu>t- - ^ » : S,'.ky,''KWA,U‘' Sljataatcctl (ur QUALM Y not' UDihltli KiHtlnl" idle M id. "I oh-UVICK al the lowest ptA^ihlc prktn. cittldat «ncaar«c* rou ; n u , m y d m r . A T S D IE our Ihu* ftiul he; convinced* P i YOBS hKVFOiiT KBSiC ~SiioF .... A nlfe, Keoad c I b m drtwtim tvnm rolc«, but nothin* uxirft. Tfcw *, doaSi Onn Fim m li You VVnli tiie WAMK, (U H )I)S nt «o do mi«», tint* they h I RAT»!INAP, «nr» thitft w »r I. P R 7 Y G E R A u d th * y U o t* M *4*lf MW"*' COMPF.TITIVK rUK 1 S with SAME INDUCE. “I woudor *h «tk n I did right r th« L E A O I N O J J t W n . K R , OkbH l«S« «** » «nl Iw lt» U it.» Kikod h w «Jf, wklcBlnt th* dM|tvnd- MEN I S ns tint nl I nwn PcalcH ...... ^m Iuii, C*U »wi 4«i> won't tawch y> FRONT aTBEKT • , ^ ; . "...R b V p O ^ H . , . «it Uttto ifrww* W wUwtow. it. R*lt pm up Ml fo#a la i*t RAT*iNAF. Tbi«« ' QtUlHU* 7‘. i i t tli* I (t*U) *»**|h hr Pnnlryi SRYDEK’S MUSIC SHOP >' * * n yoa wmpntMii to h* • inwloii. Kltch.n w C*ll»r. , J 1 F l r * w o o d plctur* pnw M totf «»J tiurt t<* itrtnitiuir, Hither* i n f * , or h c l u y b«lMI<>tt, I V i c lor iittd V ocitlton ..Rccojr.jJs ttttgllnMotvn, f t , D. No. I, Advortisc- ■ art#-itl4>m'l knotrwhfpw»to^". , ------^3old uil ------Cu.r*Dt*«d blr J. d 0. KIT*, : meitt nov 3 j .?»*«.*««>im.■>i'■ ■ » ■'■Ji i r*iiV«w rVwitrifw , »f*u « « /nil thvuNth toiHiHUMu'IStboMk A Sunt, K*yp*rt, N. J. P A * « AWItS'US MATAWAN nark, on «»r mnu. Now* j w u - «*1- ■ •W.* > - „ - -. '". . Ho well wcquulnled did the young X doctor und tlio young maker uf muy- ? onnulnu become in the fc,? weeks fel* | Mayonnaise and lo w in g >! m sr r y Kath£=- S>'cci!ll Prices, gu ranteejng“ Postdve Savings,” ...... establish himself in ruoro pretentious loea before I can support her." quarters later when ha wos better lifara Betlo listened nttcntlvcJy bat known. . * - with a certain llstleastteiw, "Oant . . . Handsome Parlor Suite to be given So ono Juno day thp.ro appeared la ttitoffs Just drift aiongl" she 'said, not tho corridor ■ of tho Auntie u ovlEht knowing exactly what' she meant by and shining Blgn thut snltl "Dr. Lau- this query. ‘ , away FREE on the Co-operative Flan. itenee lildley Montresor, room 20 1, of* "Bang It, no," snld Laurence Mon- flee hours 8-10 n.. . in., 1-2 an d T-8 txaaor. : “tlncle Is coming on with During the Merchandise Fair, every purchase of Ono Dollar's worth of Merchandise at any p . tn."- T ills sig n w u a p o sted d irectly Enthaleen tomorrow. ‘ They- want to healilc that otlior sign that read see how I am getting on. If und* one of these stores* entities the purchaser to a vote or Bhare in the Handsome Three-piece sacs how slowly things, aro going her* “Hoiid'ciuurters fur the T.iumi Uelle Parlor Suite, to be given away FREE, on ihe Co-operative Plan. * M ayon n aise, room 2(M." he's Buro to offer me that money. And 'Sorao nnino," uald tho motor of tlio bo's niiro to say that It's my duty to mayon.nulso, an she cnmo to her of- take It, since IMan't fair to Kathaleen Deo and workroom tho morning when to ki«p her waiting so long. If I could Ten dollar purchase-ten shares or votes the' dbctofs nlgn wua newcnt-—Luu- only show thorn an office full of pe- ffneo I.ldloy Moutresor. “I’ll bet he's tlents,- then there wouldn't be any c*. r Fifty dollar purchase—fifty shares or votes cuao for apouklng of moa«>-anil •4. psrftwt .lady with h nnmo llko thnt." And Luurcnco I.ldloy Montrosor, th in g s co u ld Juat bo p u t oSf." Hundred dollar purchase-hundred shares or votes, w h o wita anything In tho world but * “But aran't you Impatient! Don't you wnnt to marry hftrr; ■ J - f \ lady, fitting nhovo livnrtign »lse, broad, A i Salz & Co. W* S. Wallace & Co, D. E, Mahoney ' and brawny and Briniotlmba n llttio - "Not eepedally," n ld Lauracct K h * lim ly.i I<>oteoc!' nt thu kiwi boiieuth his taeaor, "Oh, wo’ll get along vobdtr- R. 0. Walling A. A. Philo John T. Goran “ ■ ■■» i • 1 w t m |w a ' >«m f t ___ : O A I - '■ .. .vtr.ii a a a «*.. n« . • . i •. w-.V.:. ___ cViu'i v i,nurii - p.'!H,— T!mc:9 It . pr.ur J « I h W II •JUI1BI1VB vvotiworuiso a isg ptoro ivoypgrt c«nEarprpdc ' ; a n t h a t O nly— ^well, f g u « H I'm M t tmaso i for vftnytuiQiiltn,1.' Ii# rvilw tw l I. Pearson Paris DreSa Shop ; Hi T. Hopkins , '•Hnrdluek imving to Mart in practic­ tho marrying •ort," ' ing t^oxt to ii’ mnyonniil«ti rucliiry," Tlio next afternoon Ur, Lidier, Dm- People’s Store, S. Singer, John Dolson - - i,'. N e w Y o r k F r b HI o i i S h o p H e w nn Hllll luokl»K ovor lilt* Nlumlilora tor Uontresor'a unde, arrlved wltii Prop. Keyport Skirt Co. , LouU Jaffee it tlm sign whim ho collided with • Kathaleen Mayea aud tnalatad tm stt< Max Kaplan M. Levine Keyport Banking Co. llttio V.iunu wntmin hurrying ilmvn thn ting In tho young doctor's w »ltU |roate ittilmj lt wnp Ijmtnt llfllij Joiti'd her- ta ohserrn hla paUstiU aa they arrived Jos, D. Boasa , N. Soligman American Clothing Co. ru’lf—aolu piopriolur uf (lie, imiyoiy t o r evening hours, nnlflo fuclory. Shu wuh hurrying mil 11a oiiiat'iited rductastl?, “Oh, y»a to petit nn t|ii|iorlnr>t'■ Ipttor and wn« Han't ftxpect a beginner to hUN tea ay,” In «|)vrlnl hunte tin nhe lm d loft mmio ha sa id , , mayonnaise In Iho oloctriu tnlxrr. Thin O u t w h en D o c to r U o n tr o w r mmI feta Look for the Stores with the Official Sign “A.K.M.M.F.M i n j . HS iliC ij ^ t o r hiiffMiji] p a r ty B 'rlvnd th a t n c a iB j i th&rw her purilon tor cuuHlnir tlio eolllulon wero already fouf patltaM .w i tt i n g , fat nnd then offered to piiat hor letter fur toe corridor. V s s er arrJred h e r . ! shortly, Them eero *8/«)*4i Tint wee nulllcleiit Intiosiuctliin, cbaira, Seine of ycvsgw / oaot I,Kuril Iloilo ncoimui nucii n nK-ii^Eiunni- proppon iaemaoives ageiEHt ts?,, tj‘ bla Idrt b{ rIiI tliht Iho young dootnr itowsilla or on tho Arm* ot welcomed her sotloty. I'ntlentu were Tito f thing that alruck MaktreMt Blow In coining nntl aomntliueii lloetoi' surprise wan that t t f i * t th Itantri'iiir, wen 17 of wall lug In during w m mombeia of Laura DtU*'* la«W> o llk v liuuru, w cn ld leiiv e IiIh o w n door dlnto family, The rest were eetulBg open' nnd then mil on l.uuru Hollti or nnnln. Their malndjej eMtaed ta w4le!)lntt o«l from ii ciuck !n I.iiurn'B Iw of an tndntinllo nature, but thoy tyliii Itkluht J»n_d w?ie In Mnirtttdly. and all tl timed did tonic, Moiintliuo l.nuru take tiie tiling urloualy. A t tMt ono Belle, rind In nn lui»in( not th;' mlKor utlrrlng, or,(III oRioo for «gmo time, and whm »h» inaamertdilo. Jinn with tlio imldvn went the doctor saw her to tha do*r. im u ltlb n . "Oooil by, Laura ha Mt& kat "V'^ur Im slm ’Ps Id thrlvlim liciii'r nothing utore, because Ktthal«m and limn tulm'.” mild Uocior - Muntii'iwr her um lu wero sitting there waiting. ono dny. nn lie w n ich ed w ith eonHliKiru- Without further ndo RethiUcn a» hie lutiTeni tlio, dell Immln of l.uuru tUalnod. "This aettles It," ih* Hid.. October 21” to 28” inclusive Uelln nttlnit Iojih oil tlio lllled Jnr». *V I Had found you her* flflMlrir "Appnri'ntljr Y«te»ton him more need against bad buainces, and frlmdleae, I No matter what of uinyiilillillm! Uihii I l i r u l ' l l H ’ . ' * , . was going to stick it out. Bat t find Icitxd o fb a tte x y Lnurn Ui> llio ilny, rnlslnn gur- daro say you love her, toe. lloneat, last os lond 6s lli'jl ll.ivv^in, It W B H lllilHIt tllllll I lilt Laurence,” Bald. ICathslsta DUlting -jjoaslme* -mtSl on sinucthlcH that would bring In n her linnd ou the young man’s arm. you axe leady llr.tlu m on ey, llu t t eun't miy tlm t I'm "I’m in lovO with eotne one ctaa. I and rcceivc coupons for the three piece innUlttB u fortune. To bu niii'o I'm want to bo released—and I dare eay to Replace it b u sy. T h ere nro ubciul nix Hlori'H tlmt you dp, loo." Living Room Suite, w ith 4 n e w take; my inuyonniiluo t'csulurly, rec- And thnt night, after the undo tiid E x i d 0 ' ^ & oiumond It tn their euxtoiuerii nnd (mat hla ward had doparted by a night To be giving away by the Keyport my advertlfienientu. Hut tlioro liro ns trolu, Doctor Mortreoor goagM Lanra lon^ “llie - many more tliul won’t himdlu It. Hello otft at her homo and tald ho? b a t t e n Fellx'o on Mnln Hlrei't, Ululiui'p, Pnw- wlmt ho hnd not fnit free te tell bar Associated Merchants. Bton'H, Smith'd, Gugo'tt nnd WltNon'd. liufiTit, and Laura Iloilo looked wry T h e y InHlat tlm t iieop lo w on t th o other hap p y. briuula nnd dou't sou wliut an c-lvan- 1 Coupon with each purchase of $1.00. Gaston Colot tntie It Is tn hundlo a curt that can be CRITICIZED WORK OF FfUEftD MATA.WAN, N. J. delivered fresh every, dny or no right ' worth of merchandise. after It in .rondo, If 1 oonlfl gvt llii.m. Kriwflrd Plug&ratd freely ef A, mul H. Hnttoric* fur t>ihor Krorein then 1 guess I'd be#ln Hla Approve! end DI$spf»r»Vfil W irelesu. to innlio nml monoy,” ef T«nny»Rfa That ftftornoou nsior Poctor Altiiitro- Self Startor anti Generator, »or hnd \i«iuu r.U sir.rt raum!", ho Tho wholo m yth Artltaar'fl l^crt^Q tunit'd down ono o t tho coiiiIok 11ail- T«l>lu (lynniity In llrltftto pr^SOtfl tt- Ford Mnfjnctoi. rechnrged n»ss, Btr.ota with eon«l(ieruliU> Jetcr- l» Jiwn of lott” ) thiut whr«i elahoT^twl iMw L nnra H rllo nm yonnalni'." T h e Kvoi’i t* fo i to ™H off t u t onler. I'm nelllliiij In w li-lo phllltifn, Itaea. n'^ S - ii (hinrnntvtl, town lie«o, ne«) fiiKiiitfli iw t if^nnlrjr dsallndti with a pond gioei'r, Imt I'm huh-, wlllt intMi nft^r ni&-4 >*** K l t c l i P i i or (’filler. Ktueh on th&t fin urn llelln iimyoit- tlil Hi.} "Linoolnshlra C'ii’ (/ totfiA) for CtiUbftfi B slS i. R trer e.Hed t **.» r*'■t "f H"' tvitr>i irmii Inv ovtflL I we-9 baf-k WANTED SlfiUbi-*, nr Ixithllng** tldntak 111 f64« tsm nil nl tlio nnmo to tho MiiliHtnntinl Kfltofa ll^'i (5 ootmuh fur all Btor^.* ^ h llt'V * 5 t im i M m r.w.,1 ,.iu\ ,r.^ luiW- Then Doctor M w iitri-aor w o t t" im- by you wllh tho fj-Uroii hysisf of li^/s, oi fn« tury 5 h i ( I 4 I i i h #, M iddle nfjed mnn, innm ^d r.nltt mwt (lutnohtfir.ij ‘■c ,i, o . stb iif !*od e l l i l nnn iher Hroerry Muru lltittmnMy. tlho iiimllv^i CASE CAB. p a f . b « t i s !.!, i,.i,..,l, a fl,.,.., (I, j, Until ha hnd Hntniii'il tlio H it o f m o r o n Imw'iihu) A null’ll pcrfcrrctl for lif'lit (ind tlm t1 did !wi tako thn l . n u r n HHIo tluil> thy knlflhta who tha wtfUl Agency and iimVonniilso, At cneli ho went lluoiiiih In your otlior vore’a. I I clcun work, slently, apply KAMMH SRVEBANCEJnc. T l r l u s l l y th e r i i i i i o 11 iiiiMin tlntm . not lioJp It, mid feav* isflfH a ckan AliVKMtimHCJ AOPMTI 1^19 n « x t nfteriiDim I.m un Hi'lli* wrm Ifltsgarali. Service Station ?iori'lhHaliia iit {-M'UiBlgm Ivr P«aT,li y( T r in lc u , M ia itii.e rB hI b * > t t n l n u w h en l i e culled on her - llrt nml tivln MicsuIdhiIkmi, bfi&ittlng nml very Imuy. i'fini' of Iho 0v«rli8nril l,i th4 OfllOo. Whitttll Tatum Co, l i t r r n i * i j p vrrM»ifd *tiJ unit »•»* Hie lhmk— W hal CsalsaA 4 * <(* , t A S a S O T B M « .’S JUHUL FALL W H

B eginning Saturday, O ctober 21st continuing to and including, Saturday,. O ctober 28 th '

PALL OPENING SALES THIS YEAR *U1 go fa? SPORTS COATS S14j6S. SALES FOR MEN. filled of formor ovent»—in variety of merchandise o?er* Mannish, smnrt top Coats for sports Overcoats, U lste r and U ls te r c U e , or general utility wear are marked odl, in stccdards cf quality m&lntAln&4 and io t&acnitvido of single and double breasted models, belt h alf or all around, satin y o k e a n d decidedly low for Fall Opening Sales. m v o s s uuule powifela. These are both warm and comfortable s le e v e tliniag. T w o ; t o p muff: pockcts and made of all wool materials ineiud- N ot only do prices quoted ta tbo tales that follow rep* ant) large, convertible- collar.t S p ecia l i c g mixed tweeds,-and Herringbones,- rsluc $ZS.E3. reseat decisive ^savings on ciurant prices, but they touch in various styles and colors. Flaia Ulstere.ttes with raglan or plain U « J . t i l l h a lon& backs, aii iinea auu r ;r,tcr- «»«>> «P*In..tn ■ tima. Ffti* shoulder, fiinulr nr double breasted, pleated, back; belt all’round, fancy lincd throughout in sizes 16 to 44, included ere many articles subject to new tariff edi­ S p c c ia l $1 4 £ 5 . check cloth. Special S3859 and M250. ti o n s . Suits, in brown cassioicrc, oyer SPORTS SKIRTS $S50. Practicability to tKe Ueynoie of tbe success witb wblcb plain and pleat back, hali belt, three W omen’s Sports Skirts-of all' wool outside, patch, pockets, one. half mo­ many of these sales will meet, sales articles aro mod­ prunella doth, in novelty plaids or hair !;ncd, special valuo S?AJS®. ish and Mp-to-dato in every particular. A personal ?Utt Sale of Women’s stripes, showing thc developments of Suits of. Worsted, in: browns and thc fall mode.,Sizes 26 to 36 (waist is advisable. If'inis is impossible, wruo out your order blue with white baie line :stripcs, three Under Garments. bands).' Special $5.50. carefully and mail it to tbe Personal Shopping Bureau. button straight front sack, good'm o­ hair lining- aiid regular tab- pockets. ' MEW FALL DRESSES: 4I9.7S. STEfNBACH COMPANY. UNDEKMUSL1NS Sizes 35*to 42: Special $24,19. W omen’s and Misses* Dresses fash­ SWEATERS AND S C A R F S . FOR Night Gowns of fine bastits or soft Kupppnheimcr Caasiracre and W or­ ioned of- Poiret Twill and Canton FALL. cambric with high or low ncck, cither sted Suits, in checks and newest fall Crepe, featuring all the latest trim­ Brushed Wool Sweaters in Tuxedo trimmed or plain. $l,C£ The Store for Boys, stripes,, two and three button sacks, ming details, including embroidery and or. button-over models in newest fall High Neck Night Gown? of fine mohair ilining, in all neat and dressy drapes, arc remarkably priced for Kail Corduroy Suits, coats pleated and belted. Two colorings, including camel, black, navy, cambric with neat embroidery trim ­ patterns. Special t39,J« »nd $4450. Opening Sales. ladies’ sites 36 io 44, pair* cf U»icksrs, lined, sizes 7 !o' 17 yesirs, built natural ar.d scat *!iS5 tc *t« ?(L ming. 91-59- Misses' sizes 16 to 2(X $1S,75. for service and tht favored school or play suit, es­ H«nd Made N’ight Gowns, hand e ~ l- 'Tuxedo Swtatcrs of heavy wor­ pecially priccd t&SD. sted in navy, black, brown or buff. htoidercd and scallopcd. $150 to PETTICOATS tS4». Tweed Suita, in toth light and dark mixturds, t s .e s . Women's sateen petticoats made of Norfolk'coat, niohalr, lined nnd two pairs of knick­ Heavy Slip-oit Sweaters, shaker knit Envelope Chemise of fine nainsook both plain and novelty materials in ers full lined, sizes 7 to 17. These suits arc well with roll colla;, in white, navy or daintily trimmed with lace and on- various colore, including, navy and made nnd carefully finished. Spccial %93A, liroJcry. t)?A® m ul $l-5£- jockey. |S.»5 to tMS. black. Special I1J50. Overcoats, for boys, in brown and grey herring­ Envelope Chemist, tlnboratcly Aus°fa Scarfs, In all the newest bones; diuble breasted model, two raltSI' and two : ’W O M E N . ■ . . itripei, made with round or V neck, attached, slscs l2i'to 14. Special tlM , II J i »nd «I1S. W omen’s tlnndkcrclilefi with daln- LAYETIT£ SHQP o f f e r i n g s . Ktinnclettc Night Gowns, white or Hoys' Union Suits, Jong sleeves and ankle length, Illy cmbfoidorcd corheri and luce edge; colors t cream and white, sites 26 to 34, Special 8#c. colored stripes, with high , or low WOMEN'S FOOTWEAR VALUES Sweater’ Sets orbruahtid wool,' con­ also,sports,handkerchiefs In all colors, n*cV, regular extra aiiei. ILM lo sisting of four picces, sweater, !eur stripes, checks and plain or (lowered |7JS to IIIAS at M «. W». Kings, cap. and. mlttcna, Tlicac comc center. 8 (6r S3e. Flannelette l’ajamaa, in slip-on or Numerous short JMM of women’s in variuus,,cql0f» ittdlMdilig brown, buif AleA’s Satin Cord Handkerchiefs l>’ coat style with neat pink or blue pumps slid slippers, Appropriate for aud '4>CHCoctr, and Are of extra heavy cotton, plttin nnd Initial, sample lots. street and evsisins wear imvo been str ip e s. M-W u il Bathrobes and Negligees. wool, bimihed on bath lldci, SI*C» Spccial 5 for SOo. taken from regular slock priced re­ Men's Initial Hmidkerchlofs, of line Flannelette Underskirt! Ill plain Corduroy Hobei of soft wide wale cordiirtiy, 24, 26, 2H., I ’ricei}, et WiS# pefiet, white or with pink or blue stripe*. markably low /or Full Open In* Sales, Cnrduroy Coatj, for, the little toti, (junlity linen, liomslitcluut wiih attrac­ These linvu hand turned soles, with trimmed wltit rosebuds." Colors, cspen, b'tltCIrd, « . t» |t-W, rose and pansy. (5.95 to J105f, mnde u! on« :t)nallty- corduroys lined tive embroidered Initial, six In box. Knit Underskirts, all cotton, in Spanish, Cuban ami I.ou'i lieela, and throiiRb'mit wllli quilled lltitdg, iiiiisb- Specially [iriccdflJS. Corduroy Robes in either coat or straight style, VVtMVrr.iV.C iti•<» ^.-smnlelM%w>..r...v ---- Titla - -- - wlilo - i ,! u;|t!i tfina!! i^ium! rollar and belt. Women's High Class Hntulkerchiefs, plain gray, white or wiiii stripes, plahi or brocaded. Colors: copen, ros« wid pansy, ttr (• SIM. variety itictudcs; Talent toll* black Sites I. 2, J ytars. Special price for risrnete cmbruidcrcd, so mo in solid t M S . ■ Knit Underskirt*, part wool, plain kid, black satin, Hr°y svicile, plain sil­ fall op«ntnj| iR M Micti. colors, others while with dainty color­ Heavy lllauktt Holies made with pocket and girdUe ■#Hjn or pink mid blue stripe* in both ver doth, brocaded silver cloth, ani . Chll'Jren’i LtgjinB* ol black nml ing,, Embroidered comer cited! and In nttractlve Aural design. 81*#. regular and extra at*oo. (1.33 So white satin. brown ji'tscy, lull cut and flocccd many cords. i U each , H egu lat S0v IM*. ttcavy Ikacon Uiankct Kobes, made with or with­ lined, reinforced at tbo heel. Special to lu e a , . out collar, satin trimmed. i&SS. tl.W in»lf. KWlt UNDERWEAR. 3ALE OF WOMEN'S HOSIERY. Heavy llcacon lllanket Kobes, made with or with- Inisnti' Wrippara and Hath Kobes, villu« anti. oJ weight cot­ nf KAiuaat. nlhtk, Sw , iUSm(u n ln b i Attii Women's Itullnn Silk Hosiery, slight­ NEW FALL GLOVE SPECiAts. Ollt cuHRrst jiuCkita « hu t i t s . . . . X M. . . V ton with mtere#ritcd rtilnturc, law ly irregular,? I'ointc* bed in black Women's Cliatnolicttc Gloves, "Kny- lt>vakfast Coats, tfiadc of fine quality satin lind blue patt«rna. Special 9 Ij» e a c h . neck , butt Itn u th etui sleevelMs. S ite, o n ly , k e g u la r $3,51) q n a llty , S p ecia l ser" make, cittht buttflr. length, strap irimmcd with rosettes of Jace and rosebuds. JI0.M. Crib IlUnketg ol soit firfecy Deacon JB to 44. S p e c ia l JUS. «JS. wrist, colors: estc. beaver, grey, cof* Kimoncs, made of box loom crcpc in dainty shades Cloth, in plain wWte. Special *So w ck. L!r,!c:i Suita, part woo? sn d mercer- Wortien’e W oolen Hosiery, Ulchllcu, fee nml mode, 54 lo 81. Spec­ of rose, blue or Orchid, anil $3M ited cotton, low necfe Bud tl«#wteii, ribbed un(! clockcd In coutra«t!ng ial tl£». ilr ri»h*r ktiee or ankle tt&gHis. Siw i Klmonoa of Pne mercerised crepe, negligee style, shades. Colors i grey, brown, black, Women's Chamol»«ttt Gloves, "Kay- & to <«., SpitbUlSS. in orchid, light blue or pink, | i ! t wul I FURNITURE SALES. beaver nnd niwy. CWttrrn's Fleece Lined Veat» and' scr“ make, two clasp, in srey. white, brown, beiivcr, black snd cbanr.ols, Silver Gray Dresser reducc.1 from W omen’s Silk Hosiery, full fashion­ Pints. Special tie. ed, tf.irter top, colors: black cordovan, S»«. $.10. J, M en'* Mlack (iun Atefal, Ktissia CaU O * f o r d » , e x i ciieiti qn u ltiy, j i/i1 (Y£ii!.".r lent qu:i!ily, be^vv ji.simc, wi>b' rlioiro Muslin, Vtuil, 1HU, l,onsdale, 34 sttaiglit tip. ^Sti.Srt value, reasonable pilccd at J7S. of sis. pieces comprising: dish pans, M ainstay HridR« Lam p*. Inthts »t tTe jJ . Men’s Utaek Unss’n C»lf Osfnrds, brogue madel. R»tt l!ug*. in on Attrjeliva miscel­ percolators, covered roasters, sauca l‘unl*t> l*ere»te, newest selection oi .Silk ami rntthmntf «U laneous selection, si;e l?*;tnlrtr I'uU, sauce pans, cullendera, etc. Of­ *ivlrs um l sins at very low pfiee*. 1'alent Coll Dancing Oxlords, plain toe. tJ.IS value, m atte J jyetial at 81.65, fend during Fall Opening; Salss only, U n a h t Xrphtr (.Ingham, ,U ineh- L nt a r c m a ik .ib ly lo w p rice Jl.tfSJ. w. SfMthl at y4. O t.Vd.ir Mops, trlsngle shape, with Un«n». ^tpttlallif sultaM« lor m ines NOTR3, HOTE9. a d ju sta b le h-nldlo V!!^. ‘ unilorffl^ Jn, it Knitliitff liistmclinn —• First Ash Can, lieavy fjalvanisied roiriigii- X fi, Dyting ahd Cl»»nl8g Depart- !l'|oof. ted, large si/e wllli iron tlm.top aud Flortl Sit in r, in colorful drilgns for ment—Ftnt Floor. ^tnnhturl? (EntttpEtttg «Mt Ibtlfts*! M In, Sp»cb! at 1rat Floor. . totorfef*. & In. SpwUI V* ytL ABbura Park. Neb Second Floor. tl-Cfl. f f l OHOSS HEALS1'“ *w *“0,sSrm^ Caoha Whir* Indiana Hed Qetherod Munltiona Found tn Cava In I WOSINBS0 F WAS Wayne County, Kentucky, We have a complete line of | Ilulsis of w lm t oncB wna u nourish­ ing "niuultlons factory" ate iilu*ltfi'i«! 22,000 Disabled Ex-Ssrvlco Men I n “ C m VC 11 inllou e.'ist of 51111 Hpi'lnn**, IGNITION PARTS ’ In Hospitals Alter Four la W ayno county, Kentucky, In the Years of Feace. opinion of I’rol'. A . M . M iller, linnl nf tho departm ent of geology ut tlio Uni­ For A ll Cars. versity of Kentucky, This “fuctory,” according to Pro- CHAPTERS’ FIELD OF SEnVICE fesHor M iller, produced nrrow heudK to

lip the ghnlts of Indlnn braves w I i o h o Every Veteran Needing Help Gets no man’s land, In the days before thc Our Paint Shop is in Operation. squirrel rlflo nupplnnted the bow, was Individual Attention of Sym­ K e n t u c k y . ; . • • UPHOLD PRESIDENT HARDING and his pathetic Workers. , ■ Professor M iller - returned recently See us for afl Estimate from a trip to W ayno county, whore ha ADMINISTRATION by voting for the re­ prua'uKcteu iw i.:ave5, TiKkbOU;c2 £^3-! election of SENATOR S. FRE. When oa November \l tho world old Indian vlllaso altes, favorable i on your CAR. bslts to observe the fourth annlrep. ground fur the finding of extinct m am - , LINGHUYSEN and CONGRESSMAN T. BJ»ry ol Arm istice D ay, and tho Am eri­ m allaa ro-^Klns." : ■ , 1 can Red Cross Inaugurates Its Annual • ‘Tw o rbcichouses and one cavo were You will like our; way of doing FRANK APPLEBY; They Stand for LAW I?oU Call for the enrollment of tba exam ined,” he sold. ; ‘‘In ono o t t h c a e , about fourteen ,m lie* east of Mill and ORDER and are against any and all at- 11)23 membership, tho people nf tho Springs, numerous arrow heada ia varl- United States rosy troll pan:*;- i * Mii&k - BUSINESS. , o n a oifiKt-i i>r fofapletlos T;cr2 scst- t c r n p t s to NULLILY tho CONSTITUTION. v ! the unparalleled route',butl." . the tcred at a shallow depth o te f ths floor, cause of peace m «de Dy oar a ,.... i e n d furnishing ovldence that thii aheltar A Vote for WILLIAM N. RUNYON for V*S In the W orlil W ar. Tha glory of form erly waa on arrow head workalioj) GOV- Is a common tradition; but 'the of ebDrljTlnM.'* - . ■- i ' 1 ERNOR will insure capable and honest management founds ot war remain. They ara not AGENCY FOR THE ? Tha other I'octhonso nlao gave otl- healed ln 8 day, In a year, nor Ln four dence ot having been a popular resort in the Adivsiniftiration of the .GUSERNATORIXL years. And on Arailstlca Day there of tha aborigines. Unm an bonca found Reo Speed Wagon, Overland ■will be under treatm ent In Qotcrninent OFFICE. Hia RECORD recommends him. As GOV­ In Uie cave lead to tlie belief that U hbspltnls over 23,000 ex-sorvtea m ra, had been uhod na a. burial pines, ; ERNOR, he needs a LEGISLATURE in sympathy broken physically by wounds, «po- and Willys Knight Automobile. ^tre, nervous strain and exhauatloo with his principles. Both Republican Assemblymen iiteldcnt to tholr ncrvlco in th * w ar. SCARED B Y jp S U A L : SOUND from this County^ seeking re-election, EDWARD A. .,Tht>o Governm ent w lthont stint Is un- d^rtjiklng- to furnish thc.is disabled Muala (T) af Motor Hoen Drove Lion* Agency for WILLARD STORAGE BATTEK Y SEXSMITH and JACOB G. CAMPBELL, are pledg­ »fn with the compensation and m *tl- Fram Oxen Whloh Had Betmod IW l tar* ta which they «rs entitled, ' to Th«m 6a»y Prey, ed to uphold his policioa. Thoy deserve your support. jfrt their enpeelRl eara la a floty cf Iho Bfd Croat, W hy? Bactmaa tho tier- Th# toot of a Hingis m otor horn has arsment aidsot handle tht toaea el baan found suniclnnt. In Africa, to HOWARD W. ROBERTS, of Atlantic High­ ^ a e rrlt* men lndlTldnolly j it mast 4ut«t atampedrHl exon and ctusa a trio lands, Republican Candidate for SURROGATE, is a Iwndl# these mea In bnlk nndar a of flenli-hmitlnK Ilona to clink aw ay ♦tyndardlae* policy. Th« 0«*«tuni*& t {(ito th * bullin'*. AVERY BROS. Lawyer of 13 years practice, Ho it eminently qual­ haa neither the authority, tba tana* ‘-tw«‘ iiativ* «drl»*is w*r* t*t*ntly ified for this somi-judicial office by experience and *r;tfcsssslsasst fsr *tt it* eonitiietliig atwaaoii! dratea b» alxtean 108-110 M AIN STREET rrphlem of tha l»dI»I«o*I pan. .»*< •* o*ta to tli?.falTrti"ii .catnp, ts the wlW* Hi# iJogan “A L^wjfey for a lit wher* the Am w tranRtd Oreai b«9 r «lt« of tta Dm I* ...: ; -V M A T A W A N , N. i . .. ' ■ t f f l d i I D ttm tcat m i'io r t*nU*, ald- CKsHm ’ rnllrbiid, wbio th* teg*ji /5 deesrve* your tbcughtful coniidsration. ■ Ittjt ttrroujh (ta t * r t a

ifc’raaeM lt* th# 41a«l»l*d naa srtth li»- j fled to tveiirhy tlrc^a. TO# M «n b*> racia l* practical help, assfethig h H cam * tNtn!c-alrl«k*tt *n d '(Uuh«d dpffn BORDEN A- JEFFREY, present Freeholder U f*tnlly while hla claim l» e m ra ftM fya * th* r»uith road, d^m iw ^M m i M Ip proww gr adJnatniM«;TfD n tM ^ rw^in^ig, . T^^rwpjiwjl if ^ne of pa!p»- M y o t on* oi, kl 1*0 by th* Uo^f anlclts et com fort, fnnda1ta W A* o rfi wllh tli* »w,nytn* ; >»t)lud thfnv tnking and efficient endeavor, Hi» experience in the difficult period*, th * fneadiy touch T ti* Ilona followed tlioir p ' t t y . ‘ " * «£ paraoaal encotirnxfiuent, h«lptul .#?!■«* thflyghir This wn* the mad tirorowton that rtw faall** aitd w orf^siartillng am u**- * r« ted a Urni (noto'riHt at a w t»« t t iuL voters. ni^nt. It la the warm hind ot ly t* th* road, 114 bad no rlfla, and tt wa* P^ttiy and \mdi?r:t»ndtait wbteh th* almo»t nn ntitOMdoV* taorarnHnt U iit Atperleaa Rad Ofm o estnnd* M tti* toot: hln band to Ih# hem ' button. At i^ajcrlty of theae d llib lttT iK -m r 1«* tha Orti| mpitjA t%* Hobs M i t t l aM - These Candidates M ? « Support Or m 'ta, noma ef them fi'lendhea la th* tiuseed. Vitii motorist th*a bUtr iorafl W atrl of life, thouaanda ef th«na with WItoa and chlliirrn aepahuiii sg«s and Um l Aa th* uncabAjr afid ttdf* lain*a“iSrlek' t* llono tunas c J j H i i r . • array among tlie tocV^ haaitud for, tli* clidtsr of the Imsh, and tho «an ‘2,470 Chapters Aiding Vsjsranp Rwuua d ear uf the iliut-oovorad auto- In thii! work, npon whopa acwm* moblla and came to a atop ut ti™ aldo pllahmeat tha Aniarlcnn Itei) pros* I* uMtlnit a recortl-brcafclnj ehfollment Iti ■o Blnglo eyllablo, "orften hurt worn than Columbia Macaroni, 12 cen ts per package, (jnapteri will rxpoml doia to 17,000,- thing* apoken." Relclitt]! In one gallon glasH jtiga at 05 c e n t s per gu(lon. ooo from their own funds, the grand “Bah, bah I" anaworcd th* baby t6t*L ot Hih‘. Crosj eipendlturoa tor whim aaked hla opinion of a piece of Good Matchca «i 5 cente per box. ; thla slnila i v o r ! : Is espectefl esaln to f«o yetas Just read' h i m . Ji ice S a n d 10 c e n t s per pouud. j rtsacti th e IVO.WW.WK) m a rk b y J a n e flO, (Jtjiid Onions, 75 cents por baskvt. 103S. He Auto Look Dad. Hoapltsl and Dlatrlot OKIce Work "Good afternoon, BIrs, Joneal" e x ­ Hard Head Citron for preserving'. , fturlnit thn fiscal year a total ot over claimed M r. Ilrown. “W hat a coinci­ :00 barrels of Sweet Potatoes at $2.25 per barrel, 40 cent* 1,000 person*, paid and Yolunteor, nna dence, tacetlag you. I ran Into you* per basket, 1 1 been cngB*i-d ln Utd Oroa# duty la huBbond nn hour bko," hoapltala or district offlcaa o f tho IT, S. “How funny!" rcpllcit Mrs. Jonw . POTATOES. CABBAGE. • Veteran*' lliirf&u. An aycraco of 8,000 “ A n d t i t n r did you UiIo'k ho w aa look*' Privil I’liints for fall planti»)v,$4.00 per 100 plnnla,. caaea require* deflnlta and yar. I n g r ’ a t tlcular attftn'lim coch m ontli. Th# d»- “Pretty poorly." Tarred String for tyi»R stalks In 25 and St) lbs, biindles waurt for Chapter-mndo articles for "W ell, I'm surprised to benr yoti 10 cen ts per pound, Special price for 500 lbs. lots, hpapltat patlonia la conatdnf. any tlm t. Kveryuna anya b® la look;- Durlntr lant yenr H errin Olalm a and Ing niipfli bt'tli'r lately," Inform ation f’.ervlcfl nt National naad* “Well, bo liiokPd bad enough nn > V • W I I E H E Y O U 3 1 .’ : ’. quartcra bandied 8T,SOO com ptnsatloti hour ngo," aribV M i’. Urow ri. OUR SKJN nnd Insurance claim s, 2-4,500 Rllotm ont “I wonder why thnt wns," Slid M rs. •nd allowance cascn, mul m l e r c l . H.700 J o n e n , W I N A $ 1 0 . 0 0 P R I Z E y o u Ivnmv you will act the licit ' laheoua clalm ». Mlnee Frtironry, 1010. ’■Oh, I enn tell .you tlm t," Bald M r. A Cliccli for 110.00 nml u Ccrtificutr. of i ; r « i i e o f ({.-.lolllic, lu M culiotf oil, It Ima dlfcposctl of 5^,17* allot in vnt Drown. “Vou auo, I wnn In my cuir (ii(i mid it'-.'ir fjrenae, old A t till* thtrka payable hi veterans which ths when 1 m n Into M Tn.*’-—l,'ftrin I.lfo- Commendation will be awarded (or the a (ito HIHiik ‘iiiilon you will And post Ofllco lli-im rtm ent rviKirtoil undo- a n y o n e o f best color iiclitnie suggested by Kiioi.1, prom pt service (Hid rcaion- H v e r n b l ^ . Oliort and Bweot. our patrons for the proper treatment of nlilii pricin, Ault nny enr iiw ucf o f Tnc Oiapter Is li.r unit of tho Itcd rollow liiK Ib tlie W fi'lily corrcipoiid- Oroan oruniil/.iitlm i w lilcli 1« accessible driver wln-re lm lioya lii» Huiulini! enro bntwi’i-n a w ife nt tlio neivihoro a model home. Jimt get a huiine plan lilunli to ewcry ttlniihlpd vptct'rm or ills fam ­ nml bur husband In town. Thoy h#v« at our store, Write on ir tlie'color* you n m l n i l . ily, Ito.twenn Ju ly 1, 1D21, Bin! Jilin) .'!0. tmen m nrrti'il n l»t of ytmra nnd tlio j, r. ci.ow i.a, IftSS. the tJhaptera Hnd repur!oil w o u ld guggCHt to he u sed no tho witllf,', o n loiters froin Im ielv ivlfo nro o f * 0 7 0 Inatnnrea nr «i>r*lrp to < oil ol!"© the furniture, on the woodwork ect. rucn und llielr ilops'ndniilH, at « coat Main Slraol, M«*»wa», M. J, nnd im nro tlio I'nidk'.-J. - The Devoc Expert Dcmonnti'titor will, hy eallnutlcil front rt^porl^ tiow at bund of lli-iir l'Tod- -I’li’ iisi! nenrt c I i p c W, rtliirs lli«n $ r,..m «K >. c o m p a ris o n Nolect tho heist Nii/Jt!cKli!’ rlchta un­ of tlte dcfiioimttntiorl. •'W hy ilun'L ,vmi J"ln a K(tH clnbl" der llm law. 'hn! hl" fil’crfnl wnntti “Man, 1 (lmi’l know bow to play t n n y U p Im nindlatiily hiiPl'il'1*!, (lint hlN g o l f . " Three Days Only-Oct. 30-31, Nov. 1st, 1922 at ()\Vn and hla fam ily'* nltnnllon nifl)' lm MIDDLESEX SARITM LM KT •"I'tial’H no reiiH'm. Ninety pat cent rm doi''*! Iiappy mul duvrfiil. imii tlmt of (lie t;nir club iiii'inliiii'N iliui't UuiiW Ihilr Oliilm'h fur llio fill nro may bow tu piny the |!noi", elther.,,~r)# - DAMI-* W ASH, i'L A T W O R K ANI> K O IJC JI D R Y vNiinltx* lii.-ciitlff'a fur IndopondaHt W M . D. BAILEY CO. • -..I, 1‘rf'in, (VflMHied lftrt* nnd fm il rill I'fTort, 5 CUirdoit t>t. l’erlli Amlmy, N. J llacortl Em *li (llrillnt). M A TA W A N , N. J* * Spread Clirlalm n* J“V Abroad fnfit i-fit lit)’ n round tho w orld, UiiiiIcm Iii f’ rcin-,ni, M ntnv.nli nm l C lilUvii,.ij M o r e ’iififl lt«i,(H )0 OlirUlmna bi.ua < .isr.ltiit 111 ilu.vH, "I hour* nnd fid ( o r |1|0 t’hlldi l,'i 0\' (InUm l Kiiropn Ii,)|i(i‘si!iilriS l,y IIOI.MKK W. K 1,1,1,‘ION luliitllnn, 'vii-i niinlo by John ' U u r y were packed b.v Ibs .Hiiilor K.mI d ro ji h !-■ si l a a t yi'iir, ’l'li«> apronil of Olirlfitinnn M e n r i i , I n ji iivx! nu-.i; ?: i McLfi;:.; - • '^ m s m a m a a w w d i A M1ERT LINDSTKDT » S. *. H TIIB IM H W I.B II fijlUiqigKiu t 'y ^ i„ y throuab Ibcna I m f v . i w ill bn luiK»ly ). :i Ee»t «M Ss,, Natf Voili, T o T e a l C - o v a t s , |nwaatd till# y « - n i ’ bi'fau»o of thn J t t r tl'ornierly villi fllfluwa/ A n«H») f : l.i;KOY CLOSE, 1). D S, licri'i'1 the t"|i o" Hi" JBr without WihViHiNfittaHUSfiHgNTji m r w r l)Unt alHMirty under w*r. A doge ohnvo 1 tlw fubbcc. If 111” lliumti null nm PIANO TUNER- V/. IU,yp4.,t, IJ. J, Your Panc«-T|nio "Oil" t,o lim ci-tcil lii'Uvceii lhi> cover nnd tlm VUI«* MATAW AN «» frnifUanl ll»!4>rw«l*. MENTHOLAIUM t-i vt snnlf ».f ■ 16ii tn sisoor ■ Auum1m ttlliM, Ihe !;>!> In lmiinlly defective, . OlHcc lloitra 0 ft. m. to 7 |>. nt, Nol "dll J'f'H rni'i” ,m t ■v'l,,r O t t h r * u m y *>» Mf»# U^tarnffi r'sKi^itasiKifsicfKtavAii Sunilnvi, tt tt, II a, tn. i] tniikci for atreniith nt tlio Am eri­ 9lutlll>, 61* ftt C lfitu*' V n itotf Stftlf*, ^oom&rts and! licak^ Pnpulnllon In Ualglum. . ( t t j i j H W U V a l M I H S M t i t J . C M can KM ln pciK'nllme aortic*, O'ct your pure wHk At rcttrion'i No office liouti all day W ednoaila? ( f t r c n g l h In nuu m lw ra m ultlplli'B «ctv- Accm-dluD to Ihu Inl'rtt oniclal flg. I W.S,CLEVELAND«1wm**SW Aopnlntm enta N*ciiaarjr, M flV fA W x , H , h »wewt HAW W .tfi* tirr-i tbo poputiilloii of Unlglutn I* ( Sanitary Daify— Advcrtlseoieot tl v ic*. Jol“ tuday. 7,i7H,(W<), y e w " '

' plOWJODTH CQUNTC HISTORICAL ASSK swyag That “Old Flame” FASHIONS of Yours Wide Cholco of Color and Rango B« ELLA SAUNDERS of Fabrics on tho Card. ($• 1911, Weilero Ntwa^«i;>«f Uulou.) tf>o-Plec-* Dreaa, Either In Crcpo or X>oru bad gone into town. She hud CaorgeUe, Is the First L o v o o f left the llvlng-ioom untidy, tho ; . “WE GIVE FREE" kitchen was Uttered with dirty dUhes. the Goaaon. ond Lawrence hud not ktiuwn auy- with every purchnse of $ I. from, October 21 to 28, inclusive, a, coupon of the Keyport thing of her Intuitions until ho cumf> Tbo question of a w sv / w ardrobe home from the office nnd fouud tho + e a wclcouio oca, elnco tha fuU icodel Associated MorcJvnitx Ma-rcluttulise Fair, which offers an opportunity to little note on tho table; written in * offers a cholco of sUhouottos, a wide ■■■•■:1 ., win. ihe. thrae~pie.ee Parlor Suite., to be, given away by • Dora's scrawling hand d io ic o o f co lo r oad a range of fabric , . Lawrence cut hlmaelf come bread which U far wider than milady b&s them on tlm Co-operative Plan. ' and tatter ond boiled two eggs, eat- known for sevoral year*

Sag off tba kitchen table. Dura w a s Th a first love of tho aeason, aeacrti) set c^uujQ vw n uu uie iaai car ar­ a AdaulOu aulLvHi/t, is iu« vue-viisw rived. H a weot hock into tbe Uriae- dreos fdtiier In crope or p»orgotte{ in room &a<3 M t down by the frro, hla citiie» of tbese fabrics the long flowing Unread D^wspapef aeroa hla fcDoea. tovfl Juw 'oll, dniporlcd focin uneven H e had been married e yejr cow, hcmlfcca and hems now come well to and be was looking back oo that year the ankled. Draperies touch tbe Unor w ith concentrated bitterness, u m I o a

• v - u & t from the twi^wnjna flavl ticy f o r a s m M d e a l o t atteotton. Some bad hod uo mo lovely d m o together. have declared It Is an ai}bccom lD£ Ssc 3ot there had oarer hem eajLmna to m as wom en, but the bcaJTant afelrt sertdna in tbelr compaatocabSp, end returns ti to Its hooorbd piaoa ta when Lawrenco aaked Dora k > m a r r y things eastsrlal. . . tlm It wflB «lll all fan &n

There had been trcrablo from the the nalknn W o u b o coat brlOKa tlio lew ■* sive, at prices insuring-real, SubstantiaHSavings, • flrat. Dorn wns hopclces aa c hinmo* walrft (o'tho outer ganueut It otandii keeper Slio wna nhvayo runiil»h' lulu high in rufwr. Thla typo Is popular W ith the present upward trend in the primary markets, these offerings debt, (lie always wanted ciothPi umi In tho cont drosa nod Uiruoploco »uU^ are "doubly attractive." Visit the Fair, and take advantage, of its ( couldn't be tnoflii to uDitursiaiul that Orep^ oro plaited In boads; mnnU One lmd ta cut ouo'a cloth, eccordlug bwiriB, lrldoiKcnt bead#, mil blomtart to : ''Numerous Bargains'"---the Best*of the .Year. • . ••• . . to oho'a Income. ■ - tho colorof tho fabric, are scion on’tho But worst (if nil was ths Imposalhll. inodoln from somo of tlio bent dcplffn-

tty of uny spiritual coming togoili‘>r. c m , ulthougU fio»o. authorities tils’ PflMi’n inlnil Wus h» far ns poaalhlo claim tho rum or that benda Will con­ JVl,en’* $35 S u its; $15 Dretses . I $1.50 Dress Gcoda ir w Lnwrtmco'a, Thoy oarer really tinue In tholr high' voguo. Tht) »ohK at $15 to $14.56 at $10 :: . at $1 ; ; ! i :A atiBWl anything together, Thoy drilled fualUon«vl pnaaem^iitcrlo Is now used f We've aroupeil togcllier s AH wool Sfcrpe, 3w>“ k1 tryltm , and appCRrs to be a "llfo savor,” a brtiW«nl ‘ .wool Polrct Twill Dresses, Superior Silk Crepe de Chine JPora frlnt very itrooh l«m . Zt esuld o r n tw lited girdle aa thtok aa ouo'a Mcn’a $35 Overcoats v u l n e s t o $.57,50, - a t ■IO" wide, complete, line cl n o t g o cm much louder. - . vyrlat* T1\1 b MHfo auv'or" typo of a at $25 * * 14.50, Jl».50 and *Zt50 c o lo r s , $2.50 value, per yd ft,tt Then tliero had I; con Mary Hates. drdlo 1a brouttht around tbo . Miitlc by Klincltbnum anil M yiW B . fijii “ll"° tinjl bc«n ull hot nlvout elx or «lght Inches below the -• oth e r ; w e lt U n ow n in au u fac* jll6=50 C oats Gloves U S tV1*? kfiJi™ Im> m e, J)t>ra, Uottnnl wnlBtimcv yorj] ofttm tho TTjTO W.TS O T ; g i f d f o t i 0 T 9 thick brnlfla or tho fahrta : titrcn; at $10 . at $1 W P m tl. *h« utiikT«leoif W wylBIi® o j jji® ffow h; creneu ptnit tt) na Ativan* Women's *lrap wrist Cham- Kteit'a Matlrua atul IVrcitle Wome»'» popular llcrrliiK- ;®ifcjr IjnU rea lly hin'ii 'toulm tiM *, «m l (S b o nnd roll artmlrobly, rt g o o a oisclte Glovi% new autumn fait eolor NcgHjco Shirts, $2 bom: W o o l C u n t s , S p e c i a l, , . . $ 1 0 . Jlo tortuoti* or tlcctlng thmiitlil timi w iOiout Bfiying H j o ,(Ufo saver1* glrdla voUijCi a t ...... $ IJ 5 slin d e? , p e r p r . ltaaaod Ihromih tho mind nf I'Utan’ hut la-atf; for V tha•??*»■ atnmlnr v i- . ■ i.. ’ ’ M tm p-pieco «rofl«i«i of navy tJino pic* M>n*4 75c S iiic 8 o x , a ia o IHte Ul nlikr," vnltU’S t o $ 5 0 . . , , $ 1 5 t o f3S, $1.25Hoao - How clu*o they had 1‘omo toother! othiw conservatively tvlmnioO lu ' Woolen So.x, x*vv pr...... 4Sa at 89c ' W r » 7 wan teiopemmoutal, nioy tn'ntdH, arv rhlvlly lutorcatliiff oa ao Men’s celebrated “Chnlmcra" M illin e ry fearAil uimrri'lH, mul turi-llilo count of ^he r U h >v o s > whlcii axo long, Women's Thread Silk Hotc, S b lr ls a n d D r a w e r s, p e r K**1* ncnncniitlooB, Tft» girt fcsa (hook firodi tTh. i^ entl feave tht Popular MI.orna Doone" ^1.25 kind, per pr...... , . 39c Iiim lo tl.o v ery »!p|>tli» o f h la feoinif. d H ’f» firinlroM (hut nssuroa .> .... /..fiSo UrUsh W ool Uoail.v-to-VVcftr • W om en's $2.25 full fashion- ( Only—dhi; hart tuft tKmtnhody oun. Ui\e«. The bUmh*o that (trip# panda oporl Hat with Quill, our rcft- ed n « r e Silk Hose..per i )£'?'» ho lmd plMKtal wllh her for wo M ill havo with un, a n woll as tho I.M ->..v I...J -----.J t.l-1 R « g S , ■ H i . ulnr prictt?.^ Merchandise Pair mihi iv t u « u v «-n\i v u tv x itv u turn i w « ’v*< wtuirn ih nuiiitn^ hmro n w 1 i h ad N h>u I lTnw h it­ thnn nn oitonulou o f tho ahovildDT capo Wool Uoac, with CIok, per ter It all waa I of tbo frock. . Kog kuRa, JOkWV tacli ....08« K>tU*nsive Selection of W o­ pr...... ,....,...$1.93 ‘ T h a t waa w liy Law ieneo hnd taliiMi AU nklrta aro lotig; ddtit lnchas A lex , Smith & S o tii' Axniln- men's Stimr* trimmed Hals. to Dora. Ilut uuw she tuninurl»i I'nun tho tloor for ault^, four anil eU W o n ie n lB $135 ribbed V e stsi ster Kiigs, ’?x52'’ .... JJ,Si $7.50 values at ...... 94.05 o t Mary Jkttve ran thrpugh him like lnchc» for tiraros I r U m odict W Wch la per ijariucitt ...... t»...... 98e bnralng dro, i l l I t t r t l AH wool ltrusscl Hugs, 9x12 i Ue muat atxik her, tell bar ho lovod A fnmmifi iIorIktw ^Ivm tSUJi for* [t„ Alex. Smitli & Som’ $25 $6.50 Blankets Women's $5 O x f o r d u tier, avaii though Rho had mnrrh'd muln to women who rew nt the coming g r a d e a t ...... $IB.9B at $4.85 at $3.95 itha man who hail eume between tlxnii, of Ihu long Kllrt. Fit many worn on La w heavy Tlaid DlankeH, Bho waa Ute of hlr life, aotil uf hla honi'Nlly rrtfrot tho pnanlug of fhe ahort Hautlsome Axmitister all .S mn i t M a h o g a n y Ctilf all ■oul—he would lovo her to Iho eml of ekirL w o o l U u k *i f t , ’Smith's made to sell at $6.S0, Special, leather Oxfords, with rubber , . t l B a. “In tho prtvncy of your own hovulotr $40 g ra d e ...... |2> .68 . per pi'...... ,.W .S 3 heels, grade, per pr...... fjja Tho whlnlnR atrtnn car atoitped nut* lot Uown ed tho front door, 0rap%(a In lonjp lnlrl«iilim foUla. M ovo , 'Pera fame ranutug up the path, car nhout hoforo n fulM ihdth m lm w ami . . S3 Golden Oak Dining Chairs, with Saddle and Upholstered Seats, $1.75 tylnff an armful of imrcola, Unit uu- noto ilttt urartv of Uno. VVrnp n cain* |doUi-. dladorgliin nil aorta of thlnga. It $18 Golden. Oak Hound Dining Tables - * - - $12.95 like Knrtni'nt about your ahoutitora aiul t Waa Juat llko Iloru. put n large hnt, Tho charm of the j $200 Amerimn Walnttt Bedroom- Sui-te, including Drt'sser, ('hi/- Bho mu Intii lila anna “Elad iiurh fiMululnlty of thla irurh will coimuor , ferobe, Hem i-'l'tm iiy Dressing Table and Bow End Beds, . a lovely time In town, honey," nlu> fciny wonjno‘8 proJmlUsi a^lnsl th o, iW'uiUil- “ Aitu nupt^r n i w ie Cuiuefiii ___long nklrtv OWo„ plenty of. time to S p e c i a l - • - ■ - - - - S l S f . S O rMtnurant. DarllnR''—elve srlpped hi* , tht. rux'rW nt. and you will go forth » r la t — “d o y o u tvttlly th lu S th e y put i - a ch ------a m p io n o f- th o now tnodOs •- t a t a In c h o p sticyr* •’Short aklrta will look purae to * O t covtrse not.’* answorod Law.! your newly educated vtelon, A long Prnw, amlllUK. How llko IVrnl | pfelrt, the rartnnrk of fall w-.ode* w ill She came Into tho room. "Vchi poor ijladden, cot Baddm. y*M»r eyo, Vou, b o y , I h a v e b'.H'n hnd to le a v e thliJK^ Ux\, will wear a loujj eklct** lit auch a ntc«s ft*r you I” aho sa U l ’ She fell to ttU?Lng up iho room, and suUd€4\l> alopptHl. **011, what do ycoi FROCK FOR THE LITTLE GIRL .think,** aho vxvlnluu\l. ‘T ou rcmnnber Ihnt old flume of youra. Mrry llatiwr' lie almcxit hnt^l Dorn nt thnt »uo tm'tit, "Tea, 1 rvuivmber hcr^ ho an* ■w cr^d, H\VeU, w hnt do you thloht I atoti^1*! tu at M ra. l>oxtcr'a thla aftvnuton. and ah# tohl im* tho niant dt*wu1ful thin*;. M ao ’* loft bar huolutiul^you know tl;oy hnvt'n't boots tuurriod nm oh m« ro Hum it vertl- muuI itiTi iuw .v -\ith other nmn. A p.UnUi, »n.i such «t Imt- rhi U ulv imiu t’vt < \'tttn ‘ll ilrnl tmu'ly liv-l; or Icsr lo ki>I<1 p m i. ylhUv I ktu'w that \um\uui wn# ;.uiYifm tu: ftom Uhcumulifttiii N ruil* !! John Noble Pierson & Son tt-, imip of a.11'1 . (il iV.Uy HiOi'.kt thi'iirt1 H ie Ili*rtitiQ li *if Nt l i r t t i')t 111o ti - i^n^ly ihi. i-rtilcr lino of „aU Htl tho ttdj thrxmcU,'” \y «>f NfHU’mlir-^...... I ” , f i ; »i"i'>t( ii‘, Soiatioa, l)i;»hi:ti>i, Kidney or Atl-ii oi a |Mt>; t T^vrlly 1UV: riritityft fppt morn or l.jWIVMt-'O !•> »»u* whilo 1^‘^H iTvud'h s, l.\nn> ml* \\ i r , - 5 I Til.' I'l.i.T nM .vj’iiu,,,,^ ll.’tn u Jtm tw it tiUi-Hj Ilf. I,..,,, -I v. „v ij *11,• ec!s .f tin- •> 1 >* \ , t Svt'Tn.ti h, IH, th i- A;o, l'.piic\'!.y, t. hor^M, A'.'thnu, tlte t ’o t liu il to k, ilk,’ I: I. AI | k% ) 'V - ’ | ( I . t t w . M .n y vvikUhi ti ft v*’ hfm hi '»•*=.« tl,.’ A tavo,- <*,0111, il I.I- ))irnrhiti•«, t»i* »»o nnUlrr \v)k*L » X!»Ut ,.t il Uuili.U : t h i * mium w a y , A od l»otis \\i*a n h » \ a l .‘in j I n n ttn .lt.> Q it til l.t U At III.- i’-Mtu'.l ritt.u l...^, M:.l M« .V. •tllv.-V J r i x p y , .'•* T u r ail t y , O iti.U -’-i '.'''H i. !'>' f.-l t.j vlliUl ..little rvfH if*«ht( 'vi»h tn Mil, H-..f ti jr E. P. L 'A ki.l'Y Il CO «A’l»rl, iu llif tf \ t' 11111u, nl whivlt I'l" «nd *n*udn‘e u tn lru n i). And ^ | il>k. iCn^inecr.s attil pH i>i-r»oi»M l;unH m.i t*fte iH»uld do? have >vrrythins, c u m o p u A r r o u , Hit. ..<*.» ItV Mt, h Mil'ililVl’I.I/llI, «»,.* of purcln l» K , \f.’ itiictfhl.-.l ^iHlrlli, i!t.l> i»lt >* ‘ l> »ifliiH Uie IU* riftll^d (it him and util her S.UiU'taV (Itt' t.t o f , : i . i \*.w J tr ir y O m w h m id# km v, I’m isolus to w t t . t .t A M a . i a ;; v *‘ u *v lirrrhy n]i 1'rU* ^lo 7 i\ M. t h e n | . Y " f I’ i i i u ...... P.«t.>u«h Cl’ ■«- ,-f ll-t- ; ifjr nw h> ho nurh a tmuhle to jou, jtuad mul t\o «l 5U., N . J. N p j M. .'U, I11.''. to thaiti^ you httpj’H 'r” ho -** '•( tMnitiuirilr (PdlltUi M. HunU * A l l claB-’ii's iire fcliwfd him , **\Vhy. I'm alAuyi llr.-il to lie Itrutn t,\>nikiiltfttion AN’ ohpjNani'k nun'ii>iNt; r«m w u - telpW * dt^r hoy tH •ho Anrw ^vd, nth* nolr* til tlip | Soluiol tloutc .SikcclaiiM*. i}n:.\ni»\' oi a i ’ a u k a n n t i i K m * thft sum not e*. UIM1UNO Ol’ t AND roll THAT nm - i.i n( V. riaait tjepw g« om id ia «mp«oy«di in o ri i c i . mm us Iik’.» on|,| nh; lv^ il r •l|»t»-lr.l. I'ftlllllltilt f f|l|. , Why SIMt fo r M.umlno* Kill dainty froclt fer tha little mlaa. tin til Note*. . t)l‘ 1)R . I., li. D A V II’S, it'rt J AI'KI j UN lt« It v>v»UO^it hy tit* nml til tin* nt.r.uiKh nf Mnl* a." 1 t h r M n t It# tuaiiun nf vnttlnir lilnck aa a Matching tolor.d ribbon, aerva aa j IMionet Perth Amhoy 1030 ell <>r thn ntkt^t(;>h «j | Mnlavnuii i'1* t’lfik ntr h^rrhy STUl'.KT. M ATAW AN . « to 9 movii- !. Th-O tlu- (“ II -'is isift JM-i^.tT lirr.I |r RltlU ' fXfi'titp .itul tii'H.Ul.llr #Uto of intiunilnr orlshiniH with trlmtnlnj, fi u i ^ h , I to 5 nftviH ^’n*. fi:.Hl to 8.IH1 1'^ 4r-|t.iliil hv (!'•• Hnti'tlnh ,t» ♦l,i' m.tliTH-l '* l" timr nl n 1 ntf* ol Ann*. Itir nil* of I'lhsHn VIII, i.f imax«m *ixB3nT4aaaxi. 1«11«vi<1 n1 t«>• law, .itn! m-tinl.tlnrtl aa u tilth- IH'I i»K jK-r m il tun |irr m tntw , wild, at tW 111411) of her lm». cviuinRs, ultli tlitr-c cM -tpUoii:!: No liv' I’ltV, ;»n.l 8^, h .!rui>,t,{1,at|i>iin (ih iiiity w nit. r..^ fura. olliOf houit Weiluesday ntlrrnot.ur; tV.huilitM lu llir vri.trr Ilnr of Uifi'ttWy Mud. nmrrppralwl her nuit-tif-ann* Ilt•.!>« telii-rf taint* (a inlm ri-trtl hv th? fi.h., 1 *"t:it> it rt(nI tlrclrticl (lint A A niimlm • lilte ( a t fura ar* ,. . ... , , , mnl With s«il rtorr Mar* lit tokpu Don’t wante your money on cheap ti'itllu ,is,lrtly vilu^ Muin S 11f r t j tlif m - f il»M ctntmu-Hi In . hrru tiled iiiaVInd tHelr rtr>|toihiiiro thin avasnn. ! J’ .*1 f1,,, o', m m nm lnirj nnlv' «nriti#B*l^il> il.iiijl Ui? •ntU hr.iitrrly nljtr »■.»»;««,t i<* rtit.l fur tin* of rmn. *>t lirr wUiMuhuH*. I'M* ««a Kiwi in ijvmlit/ feed*. Make your money wllh 4'h,t\>lrr J J ’ of tlii* U w i uf They umrll.v with wldM or I !lnh'h,> J’ 8 *° , 0' *'( Mftht Strt-tl two huutlinl fivr f^et mote W n w l «llln« I,, tli(> um int n i.tu tu , U a ik. Itt* *>rt «l.o A^artt on* ahoulrt ! Oilier liouri b.v appointm ent. C H K O N * v.-ork (or you by Ituyln* Purina o t I d a t n lo t Nt>. 4S, S ri* lio |i 6, n o w tif f.>r* wtilfh tt** to h Mir iili.K* a* llie a.tov »n*fly tt^lonBin* to Iiro*»« mnt l>r ttttra «.f hn' '-tiiiiplciliiit. Bueli a 1C D IS liA S K S .— Advtrtiiem eiit |an 1 Chowi, Slult#i—Advertisement tf thenct louiliraiurljr »lonp thr miu« on* ♦Suhscrihe for this paper. l»