The Fifteenth Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association June 19 – 22, 2014 Ryerson University Toronto, Canada Creativity and the Creative Industries in Global Perspective !"#$%"&'"()*+,-.++ •! /0)+1&'2343)+"5+6)&)(78+$)97&2:'+ •! /0)+;73)(0"4')+<79=8-+1&'2343)+ •! 6=&>?"+@()''+ •! 1&3)88):3+A3*B+ •! C&=D)('=3-+"5+/"("&3"+@()''+ •! E=887&"D7+C&=D)('=3-+ ! 1 | Page CALL FOR PAPERS for “Making Sense” through Time-Binding Sponsored by the Institute of General Semantics Co-Sponsored by the New York Society for General Semantics Media Ecology Association Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences October 24-26, 2014 Princeton Club 15 West 43 Street New York, New York Featuring the 62nd Annual Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture to be delivered by Jack El-Hai The General-Semantics Psychiatrist and the Nazi Send papers, proposals, and inquiries by August 31, 2014 to
[email protected] or contact Martin H. Levinson, President of the Institute of General Semantics c/o Institute of General Semantics, 72-11 Austin Street #233 Forest Hills, New York 11375 212.729.7973 (voice) / 718.793.2527 (fax) 2 | Page THE 15th ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE MEDIA ECOLOGY ASSOCIATION CONFRONTING TECHNOPOLY: CREATIVITY AND THE CREATIVE INDUSTRIES IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE RYERSON UNIVERSITY JUNE 19-22, 2014 SPECIAL THANKS TO: Gerd Hauck, Dean, Faculty of Communication and Design, Ryerson Donald J. Gillies, Professor Emeritus, School of Image Arts, Ryerson The Canadian Communication Association ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thom Gencarelli, Sheena Hyndman, Paul Soukup, Ainsley Moore, Corey Anton, Valerie Peterson, Lance Strate, Natasha Flora, Alex Kuskis, Julie Frahar, Mark Lipton, Barbara Boraks, Ed Tywoniak, Karen Lollar, Philip Savage, Marilyn and Sheldon Richmond, Bob Logan, Dominique Sheffel-Dunand, John Oswald, Shirley Lewchuk, Barry Liss, Brett Lunceford, Arthur W.