• "The South's B~st "By the Students, College Newspaper" t For the Students" Z-771 Wuhington and Lee University Semi-Weekly

VOL. XLII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1938 NUMBER 25 Omicron Delta tTaps' Sixteen ------· Taylor Signs Hal Kemp for .Entire Fancy Dress SetTwoAlumni __ . Also Offered Ticket Drive to Start Intelligent Leadership Is Needed General Courtmen Open Season Bids T 0 Club At ~9.50 Price, Today, Dr. Snavley Tells ODK With 61 to 16 Win Over Eagles - Later at ~12.50 Number This Year Is With the ftnal sllnlni of Hal Past National President, Speaking In Assembly, Says Second Team Plays Great Part of Game As First Is Never Kemp to play all three nights dur­ Considerably Less l.ni' the Fancy Dreaa dance set, Leadership Opportunities Are Present Today In Pushed To Score Initial Victory Over Fighting Than In 1937 CecU Taylor, president of the aet, Larger Proportions Than Ever Before But Outclassed Bridgewater Quintet brouabt to an end the long specu­ Sixteen Washington and l.Ale un­ lation concemin& what band Intelligent leadership is need- must play In the world toda.J. Washington and Lee's sopbo- utes of play, with largely substl­ dergraduates were tapped tor would be h1s ftnal choice. The an­ ed not only by colleges today, Or. Dr. Snavely was lnt.rodueed by more-dominated squad tute line-ups the ftoor, the membership into Omlcron Delta nouncement of tbe formal alininl Guy Everett Snavely t.old the Dr. Gaines. Fielden Woodward, ushered In tbe 1938-39 season here rough-and-tumble tactics reached Kappa, honorary society, In the of Kemp was made in the Omicron Omicron Delta Ka.ppa chapel th.la president of the Atph& chapter of luL nJaht by trouncing a scrappy a point that had the large crowd annual assembly held for that pur­ Delta Kappa chapel tb.la momlnl. morning, but also by the entire Omicron Delta Kappa, presented Bridgewater college 0\ltfit that was whooping wltb deUght. pose t ills morning ln Lee chapel. Hal Kemp, lona a favorite world in every phase of Ita social, Dr. Gaines to the students. not even in the same class, by a The outstanding player on tbe Bids were also extended t.o Lwo &mODI the Wa.abinaton and Lee economic and poUtical We. Certa1n!y well qualtfted to ad­ 81 to 18 count. Every man ln a Eagles' out-pawered quintet was alumnl. students, was Taylor's ftna1 aelec- Dr. Snavely, a pa.st national dresa anr gro\.U) on his topic of Blue ana White unltorm a&W action Its captain, Dixon, who was all over 'f be number of new membera lion, be aatd today, not only be- president of Omicron Delta Kap- thiS morning is Dr. Snavely, who in the rout. the court to lead the Bridgewater this year was considerablY smaller cause be has been conal.atentl.y a pa, addressed the near-capacity baa combined tbe highest attaln­ There was never the sli&hteat scoring. Ulan in any group during the last areat favorite of the students, but crowd of brother ODK's, faculty, menta In the Intellectual fteld. ot doubt as to the I&Jne's ultimate In comparison t.o the total they few years, due to the revision of espec1al.ly because or the excep- students and vLsitors which gato- endeavor wttb mucb practical ex­ outcome as tbe Generals, with a tlnal.ly pUed up, the cnnerals start.­ the point system of rating quall.fl. P.ESIDENT OF 0. D. L tlOnally fine performance be aave ered 1n the Lee chapel this morn- perience. starttna team of t.hree sophomores ec1 slowly, the score standing 11·3 cations. Last year twenty-seven when he played here last year tor 1na to witness the tradl~ Among the many important and ------and two Juniors, immediately at the end or the ftrst quarter. The were chosen. t.be Finals eet. "ta.pplna" of new men fo/Am· honorary positions whlch the Jumped into the lead and steadily game was played, by mutual agree­ Five men who bad been prev­ Speculation had been rite on the bership lnt.o tbe honorary ty, apeatar baa held are preGdent of plJed uP the total men\ of both teams, under the old Iously issued bids, and had not campus as to Juat who the orcbes- Dr. SnavelY stressed t f part Bln:rUbgham Southern coU.Ce over Students Favor Plnclt and Gary, forwards; Gaas· four 1&-minut.e quarter ruling In­ been able tO auend the lnltlat.lon tra would be, and rumors spread that Omicron Delta KaPP& wa.a a long period of years, and ex­ man, cen ter, and Retnartz and stead el two 20-mlnute halves. cereJ.Dorues, were also scheduled to quiclt.ly only to be dlaplaced by and should continue to play 1n eoutlve secretary of the Assoc:la­ More Subsidy Thompson , guards, were the Big Dut1n8 the second quarter the be irutiated along with the group counter rumors. Last week, how- supplylna to America ~ quality tJan of American Colleges, which Blue starters, and a t frequent Blue teaq1 scored only one more of new men. ever, due partly to the telearam of leadership which, bf eald, the post he now holds. He has been not times durin& tbe cOD test W -L WU point th&. they bad 1n the first Besides lhe colorful t.appl.na sent by 'l'be Kull-~ PbJ m an- world needs so badly. J.. _ only the national president of For Athletics represented entirely by secon4- period. 'Uie Gene rals had looked ceremony of the new pledges, the swer to the telearam aent by the "Oppartuntties for~ leader- Omicron Delta Kappa society, ~t year men. only mehlp tlus year. fortunate in beiDi able to aecure 5 Students Seek Freshman Council mlttee•a poll on the athletic and '/J 'lhe complete hst. or men tapped Hal Kemp for aU three nllhta," coachlna system here lndlcated At Baldwin Tonight tor memoeJ.'Slup mto ODUcron !lel· Taylor added. •'Whlle in the put T Soli . a thes Ul Kappa tJus year follows: It baa occaalonally been found that Rhodes Award 0 at 0 ~onday . There were 396 ballota Tbe Wasblnaton and Lee alee Junion Reach Set Goal two orchestras were aatiatactory, caat. club wW mate its ftrat pllbllo apo. • reuerlck BarLeUs&em, Jr., The experience bas clearlY ahown that For Poor Fatnilies Sixty-eight percent of the voters pearance of thls JleUOn WednesdaY Ahead Of Deadline, Plains, Virguua. Bu.smess manaaer the SouLllern Coile&lan, fresh­ havlna only one orchestra durina wanted extension of W-L's paUc evenina In the auditol'ium ot the Watson Says ot tbe enUre set 1a beat." W-L Applicants Will Be Spealtlna tor the Preshman Y Mary Baldwin college at Staunton , man camp councllot· lOt' two years, The reason tor thia, he explain- Interviewed In Reapec· Friendship council, Dan Lewia t.Al- ot aaal.atance to athletes. Twenty- Vtrrtnla. 'nle prorram w1U consist Jack Watson, president of the dormltory councllor. Non-trat.er­ ed, Ia that when there Ia only one bv"e n.:...... !-.. nounced laat nlibt that the sec- eliht percent voted tor status quo. or eleven numbers, of vhlch eigh t lbe drive tor Junior class dues was nuy. orchestra it enters more into the &..~~~Kn..... ond annual drive tor old clothes Onl7 tour percent wanted ftduc- numbera wlU be auna by the com- the driv tor Junior class dues was IUcbanl Winftelcl Bolueall, Pe· Lersburg, VirgUua. Captain-elect of spirit that prevadea the campua Five Waah.lngton and Lee stu- will bealn Immediately. Sponsored tlon of aubslcllza.tion. b1ned voices of both institutions. neartna a very success!ul close. 1ootball, member o! ALhleLlC coun­ durina Fancy Dreaa time, and also dents who are mak1Jli appUcation Jointly by the Prlendablp councU To the queaUon, "Do you belleve The llee club, composed of fttty- The hoped-tor aoat of one hun- cU, ll-ack letter, Cotillion club. Phi Ia t.be tact that when the tor Rhod- acho'-- "'' pa have in- and Christian councU, tbe drive 1s lour voices, under the dlrect!o::t of dred paid-up dues bas been reach- there ...... t th t oo~- ld the POlicies of the AthleUc auocla- Kappa Slama. band Ia not forced to pack and terviews today and tomorrow with or e purpose o aecu..... o Mr. J . 0 . Varner, will tinJ son::s eel and the Christmas deadline ls uenry tiral&D, Jr., Tapacbula, move on. It Ia rested and can aive state acholarahlp commltteea 1n clothes which will be turned over tion should be under t.be c1ole con- for this proaram in the nature ol .. llll o. week away. The drive is not MeXIco. Capuun ol varsuy crew, a much better performance. three d111erent states. The appll- to the Lex.lnatoo Welfare depart- trot of the faculty?" 77 percent rella1ous and Chrtstmu worlt.s. &lBckm;, however, and au Jun- ment and Children's cllnlc, who voted No. "Ave Marla" will be a feature. tors are uracd to stan up it they pres1ctem. ot Kappa Sl&ma, wren­ cants are Ward Archer, Bill will distribute the clot.hin& t.o 1 lin& monogram, member or Al.b· Ticket Drive Scheduled Brown, Bob Nicholson, Rou Sch- needy faml..Uea. The coachilli ataft' u It now ex- Presld~n t Ross Hersey announc- nave not a rendy done ao. The letlc counctl, Cotillion club, Tau labacb and Edlar Shannon. ists tiat to t ed tonlaht that tbe same program three doUa:- dues arc assessed eo.ch Kappa Iota. To Start Tomorrow The Friendship councll will was unsa ac ry 0 53 per- wUI be presented at Lee chnpel on year to cover the cost or favors at Brown, SChlabach and Shannon UukeU TJnclaU Dickinlloo, Lit­ Limit Its canvass to the dormlt.or- cent of the votera. Of this dlssat- January 15. The alee club from the Prom tliUlO durl~ the Fancy Now that hia orchestra has been w111 be interviewed by the Vir­ tle Rock, AI kansas. PresideIll , of les, while the Christian councU will lsfted maJority 10 percen t asked Wary Baldwin wUl come t.o Lex- l>rcss set. si(Ded, Taylor announced t.bat r1n1a state committee ln Rich ­ Sigma Cbl, president or bt&ma, visit rratemlty houses and other tor more uslatanta, 5 percent inaton ror this occasion . "We had ticker. drives would start today at mond tomorrow. Nlchol.aon, who Ia Watson wish ~s to have lt made president o! Freshman AsstmUa­ noon 1n all the fraternity houses from Wheaton, IWnoi.s, aoes be­ lodalna places. Beginnln& lmme- wanted the removal of Cy Young orlatnally planned to ~ri ve this pro­ clcnr that aU third year men, In- Uon committee, pr·esldenL or ln­ and would conUnue untU Friday. fore the Illlnols commlttee 1n Chi- dlately, U1e drive will extend into ' aram before Christmas, but be­ every section of the dormitories 88 freshman football coach, and cause or the extension of th e Ytlle cludlng transfers, are ella1b1e tor Lerfraternity council, football let­ Prices of Ucketa sold before caao tomorrow, wblle Archer, who and the cooperation of all fresh- 22 percent suaveated a complete hoUdays, we have round It neces­ the flrure. It has previously been t..er two years, Whit.e Friars, Cot.il­ Cbrlatmas will be •9.60, be aald. Uvea In Kansas City, was to be in­ misunderatood that transfers were Lion club. men hM been uraent lY requested. Continued on pap tour aary to de lay the program here." Soon after the holidays are over tervlewed today at Columbia, Mia­ not allowed Junior class prlvUeaes Jame.'l Wilson i'lsbel, New York, t.he price wUlao back up to •12.60. aourt. at lbe Prom. New 'fork. EdJtor of SOuthern Col- Toylor requested all thoee stu- Two candidates are selected At the meeting or the finance lcglnn, pres.ldent of zeta Beta. Tau, dent.a who !mew they are aolna to from each state by the committee Ran.r- tum l•hl stat.J, Calyx stall', Collegians (Get Hot' at (13' Club Hop committee last Monday nlaht lett..er in , Sigma Della Chi, buy their tlcket.a aa early as poe- of that state, and they are ae n ~ be­ Watson dlscuascd the pro11ress of aible. "By thls means we will be tore a dlatrict board wblcb repre­ the drive and planned Its com- secretary of Publication board, able to Judae more cloeelY Just bow aenta a1x states. The dlatrlct com­ ·~ ------· 1 freshman camp councilor. much money we can spend," he ex- mlttee, which will interview the Martha Phelps, Top Notch pr~~U~~~~~~v:!ar~: ba~da~ Students Hail Dance Sue- plet on by next Saturday. Harold Edward Harvey, Brook- plalned. He declared that aeveral twelve succeastul candldates on Glamour Girl, Goes the best ln years. s mooth arrange- cess, With W-L Orches- lYn. New York. President of Alh- new proJect.a were belna con.alde~ saturday, selects tour men t.o rep­ Ov ments, well-played solos, frequent Lone Ranger Rides Twice letlc councU, co-captain o! tro.clt, ed, but would not be announced resent the United States. These er Big novelties a nd Jive numbers, and the tra 'Shining' co-captaln of cross-country, lnter- unlll lL was a.scertained whether men receive a two-year scholar­ resence of Miss Phelps upheld ev- fro.terntty scholarship. Phi Kappa BJ BOB STEELE P At State Friday Night the advance aale of tickets would ahlp at.artlnl next fall at Oxford in the orcheitra, coupled wtth sev- Phi Justlfy the added expense. university ln Enaland which Is Jltterburas Jlltered to their er}'thing that had been said about era! red h ot renditions on the The Lone Ranaer, wllh hla merry T.bomu Willliun Mo!H' , Pttt.a· hearts' content atlhc " 13" club in- them. trumpet, made the ro.tlers or "Hl-'io Sll\'er" and bla Indian aide- burah. Prcsldenl. of The slanlna of Kemp now com- valued at •2.000 per year. ~cry ~nnsylvanta. pletes most of the arranaement tor Twelve men are aeeldn& scholar­ formal SaturdllY nlabL as CbarUe The girl vocall.si, the ftrat ever the lrYm ahake. kick. Tonto, will rallop thtouah aenlot academic class, execullve Steinhoff and his Southern Colle- to slna with the CoUealans, really Despite lht tact that two trater- the lAst. two chapters of the famed commlllceman for sophomore the Fancy Dreaa eet. Already the ships in Vira1nla. three of whom atana really got In the aroove t.o made a h it. Her throaty voice and nltles here were bavin1 how;e par- serial on the screen of the State clll • member or dance board, de­ decorators have been selected, and are from Waablnlt.on and Lee. are now prepartna aketcbes of the Nlcholaon Ia lhe onlY W-L student usher out the 1938 social season at neat. appearance captivated the ties, the crowd was surprisinaly theatre Friday nJabl, It was an- partmentnl schotan.h1p, Dean's Wa.shlnaton and Lee In arand masculine element from lhe very tara Olru from the nearby nounced yesterday, Llat. Rln(-tum Phi natr. Wh.lte decorations which will be submit- to be interviewed by the nUnols ted to Taylor In the near future. board. raahlon. start. Btelnhotr, Like all lood or- achoola aided materiallY Ln swell- To accommoda•· th"~"' sluden•· Friars, " 13 ·dub Brta Theta Pi. chestra leaders, aeemed to be do- 1 l.h be 1 d ..., """' .. Bettina of the .Fancy Dreaa ball Any student at W-L may reals­ With beauutul Martha Phelps, Log definitely okay but who could na e num r o at s. "ho for thtrlecn \\Ceks have Otorae Thomas !Uyen, Phlladel- wiU be In Old Wllliamabura. The ter for a acholarahlp but It Ia nee­ radlo vocalist. lencUna the alamour blame him? It was the last social SPiurae be- breathle !IIY '.lt!tne · d the Lone phia, Pcnn.srhanla Senior execu- costumier has al.ao been selected. essary tor a faculty committee on of her husky voice to the prooccd- foro Christmas. and neruly every Ranger's dnrlna d eds nL the LY- ll\e commiW.'t•mnn, senior bo.skct- Rhodes scholarships composed of lnas. thlnas went auper-smoolb, onW~t~~:~l ~~~~:~a ~llln~Aho~ student In the school who didn't ric movie house, Mannaer Rnlph bi\llmnnapcr, pr~.ldenL of PI Kap­ Professors Farlnholt, Flournoy, and campus acntlment heralded .... ""' • ne Q of ahowlna hna bren RhlJ·tum a>Ja t, executive commJt- ketball team of Roanoke here t.o· The scholarship endowment etrctcht>d from one end of Doro- the plano Jwnp, tho bond drew nu- Oollcslnns, t\tl.<'r turnina In aueh a. movtd back from 12 o'CIClCk to tt·t•. Publlcallnn bonrd, Phi Elo. morrow ntaM at 'I :30. The NBC Cund wu founded by Cecil Rhodes, rnus IYmnll.lllum to the other didn't meroua rounds or applause from top notrh pc1 rormance Saturday 11 '30 P m. so that lhlt Apct'lnl Slgmn. swmn De Ito. Chi, honor quint took the measure of the Oen - brilliant nineteenth-century Brtl­ phtuo the dnnct>ra In the lt>ast as the 500 assorted danccra. nlahl, are bt>tnw aou&ht by Cecil tcnturo moy b alvcn lo tho roll, pre ldrnt or Phi Knppa Sis- erals In their la~t mreUrti In 193 11 . laher, In order to brina about they atomped and cavorted to tho star or the cvt>nlna was Paul Taylor ror Fancy Orr~ !'l Wt>ll, Tay- '' hor~~e·OJX"ra" lovNa In the W-L ma. It wtU be the aecond aame of the cl«*!r rel.allona between the Unlt- S\\1ngy, cnt('h.Y rtnthm of the Thoma.s, whose brilliant pertonn- lor naa prom!. ed Kemp or better, atudrnt body b<'forc they leave tor Frank n r.-en O'Connor, New aeaaon for tho Blr Blue t.eam. ed States and Great Britain. school orchestra. ance in playlna every instrument ao who knowa? the holldaya. conUnued on paae tour Page Two THE RING-TUM PHI -- and rhe outlines of the ball drawn, the Wqr 1!\ing-tum Jlfi elaborateness and the finish will depend Personal Campus Comment Washington and Lee University to a great extent on student support. Washington and Lee University The students have for some time been BJ TOM MOSES and PAUL MULDOON Semi-Weekly OPINIONS . THE CALENDAR critical of the orchestras which Washing­ Penonal Notes .. . Published every Tuesday and Friday of the ton and Lee has had for its dances. With Kiah T. Ford was more than a. little embar­ 1938-1939 collegiate year. Entered at the Lexington, VIr­ Once upon a time there was reg­ rassed last Saturday night when he got into good ordt,estras a m,ore expensive com- istered in tltls university a young ginia, postomce as second-class mail matter. a car. He thought that the company was ex­ Monday, December 12-Saturday, January 7 modity, the student body must get be­ man named Blank. He was tall and clusively male and It turned out to be mixed. Member of the Associated Collegiate Press. conce!led, well-built but not at all National advertising representative: The Na­ hind dances which do have good orches­ The Black Sheep club continues to gain handsome. He had that frustrated prestige under the guidance of co-presidents tional Advertising service, Inc., 420 Madison tras. Support Fancy Dress and Hal Kemp air about him- he was losing his Avenue, New York City. Ed Cuttino and Guy Witt. To be a member Wednesday, December 14 by subscribing today. hair rapidly, he was the butt of you must be on the line scholastically and as student jokes, he maintained his 11:05 A.M. 0 . D. K. Tapping Ceremony. Address by Dr. Subscription $3.00 per year, In advance gummy as POssible. We noticed that Guy was G. E. Snavely- Lee Chapel individuality by wearing his trous­ seriously considering marriage about 6 o'clock ers almost up to his knees. He was ROBERT A. NICHOLSON ...... Editor Sunday morning, and as the girl in question Thunday, December 15 FOR MORE INFORMALS devoid of tact. his girls ran o:tr and 4 :30 P.M. Glee Club Practice-Troubadour Theatre ALLEN T. SNYDER ...... Business Manager was a da~ or a fraternity brother earlier in married and before his senior year the evening, Guy Is undoubtedly qualifled for Thesis subjects handed in Last Saturday the t'l3" Club dance he had turned into a confirmed 7:30 P.M. Basketball: Washington and Lee vs. National MANAGING EDITORS his presidency. was to aU who attended a very successful pessimist. There is a bit of philoso­ The Buck Stoops-Charlie Hart match race Business College-Doremus Gymnasium Hamilton Hertz and Ernest Woodward II phy written by Tolstoi which may went into the back stretch yesterday, with Saturday, December 1'1 NEWS EDITOR COPY EDITOR experiment. Everyone agreed that while be applied to this gentleman. Tol­ Stoops showing a lot of strength and going 1:00 P.M. Christmas Holidays begin. Derrell Dickens Harold GaddY it was not the occasion that a big dance sloi said: "Always say what you into the lead by a full length. We found out think even if It be rude; sensible SPORTS EDITOR set is, it was fun. that the girl is one Lois Lehr and is well worth people will understand." In spite Wednesday, January 4 Some rune ago The Ring-tum Phi the trouble. Stoops' poor showing In the earlier Ward Archer of the most cavil criticism, this stages was counteracted by his work last night. gentleman said what he thought. Class work resumed commented upon such informal dances She let him take her out to dinner. Editorial Associates He used to write personal opin­ Thursday, January 5 by suggesting that a planned program of Troubadour director Tom Tenna.nt left a Bayard Berghaus, Bill Buchanan, James Cun­ ibns, and I admired his vitriol to News Photography Conference- Sponsored informal dances during the year should placard advertising his play in the car when ningham, Fred Farrar, Alvin Fleischman. Herb the extent that I sought him out he went In to direct a blt. When he came back by the Virginia Press Association and the Friedman, Bob Steele, Latham Thigpen, be substituted for fraternity house par­ and began to talk to him. I was a the card was on the steering wheel of the car. Lee Journalism Foundation. with the Camera Ed Trice. freshman, at the time and he must Club cooperating ties as the basis for the social calendar be­ It read: have been busy or something for Friday, January 6 Oolumnlsts tween dance sets. The success of the u 13" he told men bluntly that he was The Troubadours present News Photography Conference David Maulsby, Sonny Heartwell, Tom Moses bored and that he did not like my CRIMINAL AT LARGE Club dance would seem to warrant the Lecture: Margaret Bourke-White, Staff Pho­ and Paul Muldoon. looks anyway. Being childishly sen­ And immediately below printed in pencll: suggestion of a practical program. sitive and bt·utally hurt, I never tographer, Life Magazine. Evening-Lee Next Week Chapel Reporters What would seem most satisfactory spoke to him again-but I kept EAST LYNNE Brooke. Burks, Campbell. Downie, Isenberg, for all concerns would be not to eliminate reading his stuff. It was good, it Saturday, January 7 was amusing, and It contained a News Photography Conference Jasper, MacBride, Peace, Rosenfeld, Ru11ner. house parties completely but rather to The campus was shaken quite violently lut Morris, Schultz, Stephenson, Turner. great deal of common sense. And 7 :30 P.M. Basketball: Washington and Lee vs. Lynch­ Saturday night when Rene Tallichet breezed burg College-Doremus Gymnasium permit each fraternity one closed house now Duncan Groner has submit­ into town. When asked what be thought of party a year. The parties given by Pi ~d a letter to the R. T. P. criticiz­ the present milltary cri.sls, he quickly chanJed ODK: AN HONORARY ing our Raleigh and LYnchburg the subject. Kappa Alpha and Kappa Alpha last a,Jumni, accusing ·them of bad NOTICE: Please submit all notices for "The Calendar" Had Honest John Petot been here, too, we to the Registrar. Somewhat less than a score of hopeful week-end are significent of the possibili­ taste. The letter is written ln the bet that the town would be deserted today. students were honored this morning by ties of well planned house parties. same style as his column used to The infonnal dance of the " 13" club, al­ be, and it bears evidence of good sdection into Omicron Delta Kappa, the In addition to this limited number of though faced with some rather serious com­ sense. petition from the elaborate house parties, was campus' premier leadership fraternity. house parties, the dance control board more than an ordinary dance. Steinhoff reach­ ...... While to the students, the personali- through such organizations as it might The Lynchburg alumni letter ed new heights, Seraphine was solid, and Paul ties of the men selected are most signifi- designate could promote a planned cal- published last week stressed the Thomas lived up to his press notices. In a jam EAT AT , d point that W-L freshman teams session Thomas played six instruments equally cant and speculation over who d i d or d i endar of informal danecs of the nature of have been superior to the fresh- well and brought applaUse with his bass slap­ The Virginia Cafe not make ODK, and why, is most rife, the "13" Club dance last week-end, with man teams of any of the the sur­ . probably the most significant factor in the Charles Steinhoff supplying the music. rounding colleges, yet most of the We announce with no uttle pride that Home-Cooked Meals-All American-Phone 728 • outstanding and promising play­ "Bruiser" Brown stayed up untll ftve o'clock ...... ~ selections chis year is the reduction in the As the purpose of these dances would be ers become mediocre varsity backs Sunday morning. It seems that only yesterday number of men admitted. to provide inexpensive entertainment, the or substitutes. The letter also he was a nice boy. We are also glad to say that In recent years the trend has been for board could no doubt provide some min- st.ates "that the entire athletic he had a date and everything. STUDENT HEADQUARTERS set-up at the University should be Although we are not at liberty to break the more and more men to be accepted by or decorations to give a little atmosphere dug-up, brought to light, scrutin- story we feel that Fancy Dress this year wW be Heatns Radios Gasoline Omicron Delta Kappa as campus leaders to the gym. ized carefully, and detl.nlte action blager and better than ever for a reason that Goodrich Tires Gulf Products until as one pledge last year declared: The Ring-tum Phi is hopeful that the taken towards correcting such sit- only the Czar a.nd his court know. When he uations as may be found to be in chooses to break the story there will be a great Master Ser,..ke Station uit's more of a distinction to be outside Dance board and the faculty committee need of correction!' May 1 ask, deal of rejoicing amons those who belly-ache than in." Fortunately the trend this year on fraternities will develop some sound however, how the writers of that about publlcity. Sales CHEVROLET Service is reversed and the number cut from twen- plan for gradually substituting university letter were Justified in their criti- We notice that a west coast college has for­ cism if they were not familiar with bidden strapless evening gowns at their ty-eight to sixteen. controlled informals for individual frater- the athletic set-up? Is this not a dances. The chairman of the floor committee Woody Chevrolet Sales The Ring-tum Phi over a period of nity house parties. The students would case of loading the cannon and announced that any girl arriving at the door Phone 2 7 5 13 8 South Main Street years has warched with alarm the trend stand behind such a move. pulling the trigger without - without straps would be rtven a pair of sus­ ing where the thing is pointing? penders and forced to wear them. We are for larger membership in ODK. It has I do not know Tex Tilson and 1 sending a pony expreaa rider oft today with the contested openly the policy of making have never been able to spend anY news of Queen Victoria's death. I I Whenever we make a crack about Ernie ODK a polidcal gravy bowl for the men T HE F Q R U M time with the boys who tackle and black l;lecause my knee would fty Woodward In this column a rather strange sit­ The Corner Store who have won of6ces. It has countered out of place and cause me great in- uation arises. Ernie wrt~s the column when we with suggestions that ODK should be a '------~ convenience. This was a result of miss. as we have done some four times this Phone 15 distinctive honor for real leaders and that Good Advice football, and I am in a. position to year. but as he 1a a good 1ent he leta ua have state from experience t.hat foot- our byline even on his stutl. So when we say it should be, as its founders hoped, an or· ball is something more than just a anything about him it is almost as thourh he Students should heed the words of Dr. BEER- SODA- SANDWICHES ganization which should mould student sport. It Is hard work, very hard were carrying on a feud with hirruell. sentiment and which should foster stu- John G. Jenkins, professor of psycho!- and grueling work. 1 believe that

Lam~~:,c~:1':tt~:'·~';t;.r Guitar A1zd 4 Boys Haunt State c•• ..?.,'::~~:;. •w• ODK Chapters Forensic Union Memebers Riot, Chlistmns will mean more to 15 As ~ Lad11 Objects' On Screen to :~~~n~ sd~~~~~t~~~lo:n~~a=t To Meet Here Douse Liuhts, Eiect Radicalist under-privileged LexJnglon chll- J such an opportune time should 0. :J drcn this year. bec~use they've By UAROLD GADDY fair between Nancy Kelly, daugh- make Cordell Hull very happy. March 23 tO 25 By a Staff Corresponden' been Invited to a specllll Christmas On Wednesday the State theatre ter of the capuun of a freighter, Differing from the South Amerl- Again the oratorical neck of the party a.t the Lambda Chl Alpha enr.ers Ule realm of vaudeville by and Richard Greene, a da1ing can Republics both socially and Forensic union last night thrust Students Favor house Friday aClernoon. presenting the Mills Brothel'&- young engmeer on the submarine culturally, our racial prejudices L I Ch Will Itself from its wilted collar. Those Sponsored by Hugh Avery, who •·four boys and a guitar''-ln per- chaserS. C. 599, wh1cll has the task have always constituted a bone of oca apter Be Host calm, gray-bearded students of the for three ye~r~ worked wi~h the son on the stage. This appearance of convoying the freighter sa1ely contenUon with these "neighbors" To Nation. Wide gentle art of debating, finding Aid To Athletes Lexington BOl S clu b. the paitY will will be In addition to the regular thrQugh the Mediterranean .sea. of ours. They have been frightened words too insipid for their argu- conslst of games. a Santa Claus feature "The Lady Objects." Other f~WOl'iles in the cast who of us, from au evidences they still Convention ments, turned out the lights and Continued from page one act. with small presents for all of • f U th d cl • r th I d truthfully h tl ts tl change In the coaching setUP. d d ur 1.er e ev opmen. o. e p ot are, an · , t ey have ev- The wa..shlngton and Lee cam- s ew. therreshments rhlldren. galore. and can Y an re- "SubmarI ne Pat ro1 , " wlth R·•ch - inc I u d e P res.on• F os.er• , 0 eorge er yreason t o be. pus will be the scene this spring of The me1 ee began I n r1 ght smart Forty-one ....-,.,..,.cent of the total n. is the first lime such an un- ard Green and Nancy Kelly as t.he Bancroft, Sllrh Summerville. nnd It Is now necessary to woo these the natl.onal congress of delegates fashion when two of the most rad- vote, that is, 63 percent of the romantic team, will appear at the John Ca.rradlne. Republics. and fo rthe first time from all the cl'rcles of Om'cron leal radlcallsts of that radical dissatisfied balloters, were for a dertaking has been sponsored by • new bead h Tw 1 oters dis a fraternity here, and Avery has State on ThUl'Sday and Friday. It's "Submarine Patrol" Is forceful- we are up against real economic Delta Kappa according to word body, Roger Peace and another coac · eve v - high hopes for Its success. a film which presents the Navy in ly and successfully directed, and competition. Neck and neci with recently recei~ed from the nation- member proposed sweeping reforms regarded this question. Social service workers in the a new llght, for this time they are promises to be one of the liveliest Germany, with 1ta1y, Japan and al headquarters by members of the for the faltering society. Things Fifty-two ·and a half percent town cooperated with Lambda Cht fighting a war, and are not merely and most int.eresLII~g adventure England definitely in the running, Alpha chapter here. grew hotter as Chairman Blll Bur- approved of a big-time athletic in It Lee. selecting the 15 boys in the a background for Dick Powell. fihns of the year. we have to tread lightly, carefully, This convention of representa- ner ordered that Fritz Krust, ser- policy for Washington and town to whom such a party would does have, however, the usual ro- and diplomatically. Whether tariff tives from the circles of ODK Is be- geant-at-arms, eJect Peace. The poll conducted by the stu- mean the most. mrmce. In this case. it's a. love af- "The M ad Miss Manton " takes man Hull Is the best person to send ing held here In order to commem- The lights went out, Krust at- dent body's Executive comm.\ttee over the State on Sa.t.UI·day, and to the adjacent hemisphere Is a orate the twenty-flfth founding of tacked several members before dis- followed the news of signing Riley The entire fn.clliUes of the new stars Barbara S~anwyck a.nd Henry considerable question. From his the society on this campus in 1914 covering Peace, who standing on a Smith as Coach Tilson's assistant. house will be lhrown optm to ODK Taps 16 Fonda, with Sam Levene. Its an- pictures be looks formal and self- by a group of leaders among the chair and leading for recognition. Committee members emphasized small guests, ranging from six to other comedy-mystery, wherein a made. students. The ltJpha chapter will When t~e lights came on Peace's that it was not dlrected at person- ten years In age. The members will M InCh l millionaire play-gH'l IS accused of DAVID MAULS.BY. take an Important part in the pro- comparuon nursed a tom coat. auttes, and all names were men- play games wiLh them, distribute en ape a murder, and Henry Fonda thinks ceedings of the congress. Red-beaded Knust, after another tioned on the lnitlatlve of the vot- lhe gifts, and lry to make them Continued from page one enough of her to fall in love with All d• Dates for the meeting have been ~nnlsh , ejected his man, and as ers. feel at home genCl·ally. London, Connecticut. Senior ex- her and eventually to marry her. .u wres mg definitely set for March 23, 24, and order returned, tendered his reslg- The questions follow: ecutlve committeeman, vice-presi- "The Mad Miss Manton" is 25. Fielden Woodward. president of nation, which was refused. I. The University's policy of as- dent of Fancy Dress. let- clever, intriguing, and amusing. Tourney Opens the Waslllngton and Lee circle, The new party members, bloody slstance to athletes: W A R N E R B It 0 S. ter, Sigma, Peace club, I-F coun- sa.td today. During this time a var- but unbowed, met after the meet- Should be continued as at pres- ell representative. Sigma Alpha Playing at the Lyric on Wednes- led program will be presented to ing to plan reforms and prepared sent. Epsilon. day and Thursday is "Girls on Continued from page three the two hundred some delegates to submit the union a bill tor dam- Should be extended. lleartslll H. Karon, Jr., Fort Probation." It's a raUler drab pl·es- The best performance of the en- who will attend. Prominent speak- aged . Should be reduced. STATE Smith, Arkansas. Co-captain of entation of a drab theme: the cUf- tire match was turned In by Ted ers will addres stbe sessions and at The trite, sanguine and general- II. Do you believe the policies of track, co-captain of cross-country ficulties and heartbreaks that Bruinsma of the non-fratemlty least two dinner meetings or ban- ly uninteresting details of the the Athletic association should be team, monogram club. Freshman await au paroled girls after they combination as he flattened Mat- quets will be held under th e aus- meeting may be found bY any In- under the close control o! the rae- leave prison. hews in one minute ~d thirty~ f th w L h t A1s to t ulty? WEDNES DAY Assimilation committee, Trouba- two seconds. Bruinsma worked P 1ces o e - c ap er. o terested person in the trashbaske dours, holder of state title In 440 smoothly and efficiently and soon be sponsored bY the local circle will at The Rlnr-tum Pbl oftlce. m . In the light of the recent ad- dash. Buck J ones enters the Lyric on had the best of tntpga. The two be a dance, probably the night of cUtlon to the football coaching IN PERSON Leo Frederick Reinartz, Jr., Mid- Friday and Saturday in ''The boys were 155-PQundere. the twenty-ftfth. ~ H . a1 N statJ, are you satlsfted with the dleLown, Ohio. President of Delta Stranger fJ·pm Arizona," and as- Harrison outscrt\PPed Shella- As a part of the ceremony, a osptt otes coaching staff as It now exists? On The Stage Ta.u Delta, secretary of Athletic Sl.lmes his usual role of hard hit.- bronze tablet will be erected in Blll Torrington, Allen Macaulay, If not, why not? council, secretary of Freshlnan As- tin', straigh t shootin' dispenser of bai·ger in the 165-pound rroup Reid hall to the founders of this and Edward Haislip were released IV. Do you believe a trend to­ simllatlon committee, basketball the Justice. Dorothy Fay and Hank and was awarded a hair-line de- national honorary society. Under a from Jackson Memorial hospital ward a big-time athletic policy letter, Cotillion club. PI Alpha Nu. Mann are tbe other members of cision after a bloody Stl'\.lggle. large facsimile of the Omicron Del- early Tuesday. would be desirable for Washington the cast. 'Ihe Phi Psi's doom was sealed k ill be ted th and Lee? Allen Thomas Snyder, Olenside, after the 175-pounders had done ta Kappa ey w 11s e Still confined to sick wards with Pennsylvania. Business manager of t lit bit B f names of the men who in 1914 minor Illnesses were Crls Keller, o .. hll t1 he1 r t 1e · arrows, 0 non- brought the fraternity into. be1-'". The Rlng-twn Pbl, ~ · """' ca on G ah p} frat, had a difficult time keeping U'& James Paera. Richard Sandstrom, +------board, senior baseball manager, r am an Hudson on the mat long enough to Dr. Oalnea, president of the Uni- and William Self. Twenty Minutes Drive To Freshman Assimilation committee. • wtestle and had to be content versity, ls th~ chairman of the pro- ''13'' club. cotillion club, president Is Abolished \\'i.th a one-sided decision. gram committee. He will confer Natural Bridge Hotel of Phi Kappa Psi. The heavyweights saw Jim Thursday with Dr. Robert W. Bisb- Graduate Scholarships Open All Year Uarry Roberts Stephenson, Jr., Continued from page three . Rodgers pin "Sugie" Sugrue, ot op, executive secretary of ODK, Available To Students Greenville, South Carolina. Presi- 1937, but revived once more last. Phi Psi, after three minutes and who 1s coming here to meet with GOOD FOOD and SERVICE dent of Cotillion club, alternate season. twenty seconds of grappling. Dr. Gaines to dlacuss possible Graduate scholarships and fel- ~·-~~..~-~~~~~~~~~ manager of football, Phi Delta Phi, The W-L grapplers won the S-C In the scheduled match between plans, and also to meet the mhem- lowships In universities and col- ;;. ''13" club, departmental scholar- title ln 1937 , but bowed to VMI last lbe Phi Delta. Theta'• and Lamb~ bers of the Alpha circle at t eir leges all over the country are open ship. Phi Kappa Sigma. year when the tournament was da Chl, neither team showed up meettnr 'lbursday. to Washington and Lee men. For John Wlnn Watson, Jr., Rich- held. The championship this year and a double forteit was awarded. Chairman of the Silver Anniver- AnY senior Interested In doing GOOD AND FANCY FOOD mond, Virginia. President of jun- will be decided by the team with sa.ry committee 1a S. Stanton Bel- graduate work in almost any line Come to lor class. president of PI Alpha Nu, the best record In conference com- four, ot the University of Pitts- and in almost any school should In- McCOY'S GROCERY alternate manager of football, dor- petition . IN THE PRESS BOX burgh. National president of Omi- quire at the registrar's office for mitory councilor, " 13" club, secre- cron Delta Kappa Is Mr. R. L. o,>portunltles to do so. tary of Dance board. Phi Kappa Continued from page three Jackson of DaVidson college, who ~===:....::..:::_:::.:_ ____..======~' Sigma. Generals Beat wilh the Keyde~ . The "old gua.rd'' succeeded Dr. Guy Everett snave- ++++++++++++++++++ ....++ ..... +++++++++++++++++++ ltobert Jeftress Watt, Jr., Olen- who are no more than Juniors ly, the speaker in this momnlg's The Annex and Billi.ard Parlor The Mills Brothers coe. Illinois. EcU tor of CalYx, base- themselves are Leo Relnarta and chapel. ball monograms, swimming mono- Eagles, 61 TO 16 Ronnie Thompaon. Both of these Total membership In Omicron Four Boys and a Guitar gram, RiDJ·t.um Phi stall, vice- boys proved their metal under ftre Delta Kappa is now about eight Invites you to the New Location president of Publication board, continued. rrom page one last yea r and will be probably reg- thousand, and a good representa- SCR EEN FEATURE Troubadours, Glee club. the hapless Quakers. Park, Pluck ular starters. Hoblon and Baldwin tlon 1s expected to be on hand tor OPPOSITE THE LYRIC THEATRE New men selected from other and Bob Gregerson paced the have been putting up a scrap for the National convention. The last 126 Main Street Excitement. Rages When than the undergraduate group In- Blue's fourth-quarter onslaught, recognition also. convention was held In Atlanta, South elude: running the score up to 59-16 be- As Cy Youq stated, the Blue Georgia, unde.r the presidency of "CHARLIE" will serve you Ice Cold Beer and Edward Schley Delaplalne,Fred- fore they were called from t.l1e con- wlll lose some games this year due Dr. Snavely. James Rogers repre- The erick, Maryland. A member of the test by coach Cy Young. to InexPerience, but If these sopha sented washington and IAle at the Sandwiches of all kinds class of 1913, and whlle here a The third string Oenerals took show anything like the spirit and convention. Telephone 88 Lady Objects member of Delta Sigma Rho and over a t this point. and the game cooperation they did last year and +::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+ We Deli..-er Anywhere Phi Beta Kappa. Author of biog- waxed fast and furious w1th the get In the groove- watch out, Ra­ ...... raphles of Chief Justice Taney and Eagles' desperate efforts to pierce leigh. Jacbon Barber Shop Lanny Ross-Gloria Stuart Thomas Johnson, and at present the Blue zone defense and bang up ...... judge of the Court of Appeala in la.st-mlnute scores. With 15 sec­ ... 811111& Del~ Cb1 U wu rood enoqh for GeDeral Maryland. onds to go, and all semblance of STUDENT ACCOUNTS ARB WELCOME J oan Marsh Sigma Delta Chl will meet th1a Beberi E. t.-1~ mu& be rood Robert Cbener Smith, Washing- order gone from the fray, Sid Lew- afternoon at 4:30 In the Journal­ ton, D. c. Graduated In the class is popped tbe Generals' final two ...... ,., ,... at the ism lecture room, President Hugh of 1926, a member of the Beta points through the hoop. THURSDAY-FRIDAY Thompson announced today. Theta Pl. He Is now personnel cU- Two minor Injuries resulted from rector for lhe Department. of La- th e game, both to W-L men. Plnck Peoples National +--- GoldamiUa £4ulpmea~ bor in Washington . wrenched his knee slightly, but s...n 8eJDiDJtoa Qua, AmmgnlUoD Submarine Men to whom bids were prev- stayed ln, and Dick Smith was Fancy Groceries Bank touslY Issued, and who will be inltl- struck In the eye while attempting Fowls of All Kinds . Col& Bnol'nn Patrol a ted today, include: a long pop sbot near the close of Myers Hardware Store "Built on Service to Rock­ Rev. Devall L&Drborne GwaUl­ the encounter. MOORE & COMPANY with Le~ VlriiDia bridge County mey, D. D., Wythevllle, Virginia. A Pboae 35 w Z RICHARD GREENE member of ~he class of 1909, be­ longed to Kappa Alpha and PI Al- Christmas Seal Drive pha Nu. A drive wlll be made Thursday to NANCY KELLY Compliments R. S. Hutchaon & Cb. Thomas Kennecly Helm, Sr., all of the fratemity houses for the MJLLWOBK, LUIIBEB Louisville, Kentucky. A member ot Christmas seal sale, it was an­ the class of 1905, Mr. Helm 1a one n ounced today by Mrs. Dave of eo.a ... Wood L\'RI - WED.-'I' IIliR S. of the out.standlng lawyers In the Maulsby, member of the commit- J. ED. DEAVER & SONS city of Louisville. tee for the distribution of lbe seals BROWN'S CLEANERS Phone 188 Main Street, Lexington, Virginia Dr . " m 8 am sey ~ . u:•tllla • _,...., ~n~Lex~ln~g~t~o~n~. ======J~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... ~ Girls Montgomery, West Virginia. At­ .. tended Washington and Lee 1906- The NUe Rate QD Lon&" Dla&.ance Calls Is bl Effee' from A.&P. 09, a member of Phi Chi. He 1a now '7 :00p.m. to t :30 a.m. Xmas Presents On Probation chlef surgeon ln the Coal Valley This ume rate 1a ln Effect from Satard&y '7 :H p. m. &o with hospital. Monday t :31 a. m. FruitCake Joeepb Taliaferro LYkes, New 5 Pounds .••••• $1.65 • W. L. U. Pennants-Pillows RONALD REAGAN York, New York. Attended school Lexington Telephone Company ...... I nterwot'en Sox-Wool Scarfs JANE BRYAN Dellahere 1907-09,Theta, Sigma, a member Pi Al phaot PhiNu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§§§§§§§§~~~ He Is at present v!cc-preslden ~ or Fur-Lined Glo..-es Lykes Brothers company, steam­ Compliments Mid-Nite Show ship operators. of General Charles E. Kllboume, Auto Accessories SUITS MADE TO ORDER Lexington, VIrginia. Superinten­ BOLEY'S Friday-11:30 dent or the Vlrglnla Mllllary Insti­ MAKE APPRECIATED GIFTS tute...... These new members or Omicron . Barbara Stanwyck Delta Kappa will be Initiated lo­ See Opr Complete Lines of H enry Fonda dny at 5 o'clock:. A banQuet will be ht'ld for them tonl&ht aL 6 o'clock. Before Driving Home m at which Professor Jimmy Bamcs will preside at toastmaster. Horns Fog lites The Mad Miss Manton NOTICE Hot Water Heaters Service Your Car WILL SHARE EXPENSE at EXTRA ADDED for ride to Chicago WOODWARD and BOWLING or on North WESTERN AUTO Lnuc Rtm ger Can leave anyrime between ASSOCIATE STORE Esso Station Chapters 14 and 15 December 17Lh and 20th. Sec OPPOSITE OLD BLUE + Hi-Yo Silver Tom Ramme-r at J ournalism 11 3 South Main Street Phone451 Laboratory Press...... i