Dokumentation Neuer Vogel-Taxa, 7 - Bericht Für 2011
© Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft und Partner; download; Vogelwarte 51, 2013: 161 – 178 © DO-G, IfV, MPG 2013 Dokumentation neuer Vogel-Taxa, 7 - Bericht für 2011 Jochen Martens & Norbert Bahr Martens J & Bahr N 2013: Documentation of new bird taxa, part 7. Report for 2011. Vogelwarte 51: 161-178. This report is the seventh one of a series and presents the results of a comprehensive literature screening in search for new bird taxa described in 2011, namely new genera, species and subspecies worldwide. We tracked names of three genera, four species and eight subspecies names new to science which according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature were cor- rectly described. New genera were erected for species or species groups, respectively, of the Rallidae, Meliphagidae, and Em- berizidae. One of the new species refer to Passeriformes and three to Non-Passeriformes, a shearwater, a hummingbird, and a rail. The distributional areas of the new species often are minute, restricted to remote and difficult to access areas and were hitherto overlooked due to their similarity to closely related species. Due to their limited ranges species new to science are often already endangered when detected. In several cases the populations in question now considered to present a new species were known since long. But only substantial studies of their songs, genetics and/or ecology led to description of new for- merly cryptic species. In a zoogeographic context most of the new taxa, species and subspecies, originate from the Neotropics (4), followed by Australasia, Palaearctic (2 each), North Pacific Islands (1), Indo-Malaya (1) and Afrotropics including Mada- gascar (1).
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