1992. The Journal of Arachnology 20 :200—206


David M. Rowell: Division of Botany and Zoology, Australian National University , GPO Box 4, Canberra City 2601 Australi a

Barbara York Main: Zoology Department, University of Western Australia , Nedlands, WA 6009 Australia

ABSTRACT. Sex ratio data from embryos and adults are compared in the social thomisid Diaea socialis. The relative proportions of males and females do not differ significantly between the two data sets, indicating tha t a sex ratio bias already exists at the time of fertilization . A statistical comparison with published data for the theridiid Anelosimus eximius shows a different ratio but similar pattern for the two types of data . A molecular procedure for determining whether the overproduction of females results from a bias in the sperm or differentia l success of sperm in fertilization is described.

In those social where the adult sex rati o ization, and preferably before hatching. Using is known, it is female-biased (Buskirk 1981 ; Voll- cytological techniques, Aviles and Maddiso n rath 1986). However, Fisher's principle (Fishe r (1991) have demonstrated a primary female bia s 1930) predicts that selection will favor an equal in embryos of the social species Anelosimus ex- parental investment in offspring of both sexes . It imius Keyserling and A. domingo Levi (propor- would follow, then, that any bias in sex rati o tion of males = 0.08 and 0 .09, respectively) which should result from forces acting after dispersal . contrasts with a more even sex ratio for non- On the basis of the correlation between sex ratio social species in the . and social behavior it would seem reasonable to In spiders it is relatively easy to determine the hypothesize that the two phenomena are in some gender of embryos using cytological techniques way causally linked . Skewed sox ratios have sim - because of their unusual sex determinatio n ilarly been reported in colonies of Diaea socialis mechanism. In 81% of the spider species that Main, with an observed male :female ratio o f have been analyzed there are two sex chromo- 0.2126 (Main 1988). somes involved in sex-determination (White The life-history and behavior of D. socialis 1973). Males possess one copy of each of these , were described in Main (1988). Colonies are while females carry two copies of each (four in founded by individual gravid females which use all). Consequently, females have two more chro- silk to bind together eucalypt leaves to form a mosomes than males, and so can be distin- nest. The brood spiderlings remain with the guished simply on the basis of chromosom e mother after hatching, add leaves cooperativel y number. This method of sex-determination is to enlarge the nest, share prey, mature in the nes t referred to as X,X20, and it would appear to be and mate with siblings . Generally, only mated the ancestral condition in spiders (White 1973) . females migrate from the nest, over the Septem- This system has been modified to X 1X,X,0 in ber to November period. The sex ratios reported the Australian huntsman spiders (Rowell 1985 ) for this species (Main 1988) have been assesse d and XIX,X,X,O in the sparassid Heteropoda sik- on adult and preadult morphology only, and con- kimensis (Datta & Chatterjee 1983) . In the ma- sequently the observed bias may reflect differ- jority of the Oxyopidae analyzed, there has been ential life span or mortality between the sexes. a reduction in sex chromosome number resultin g Alternatively, it is possible that the sex ratio in an XO system similar to that prevalent in the is skewed from birth as a result of meiotic drive insects (Datta & Chatterjee 1983) . Thus, amon g or some other factor . To determine whether such different species, females may possess one, two , processes are operating requires the ascertain- three or four more chromosomes than males. ment of gender as soon as possible after fertil - Over 300 species of spider have been analyzed 200


simus eximius, to determine whether a particular primary sex ratio may exist in social spiders . METHODS All specimens, both eggs and males, used in the cytological analyses were collected by one o f us (BYM) from sites in the vicinity of Torbay west of Albany, southwestern Western Australia . The sex ratio was also determined from adult and subadult spiders from colonies collected i n the same areas by BYM (subsequently consid- ered by Main (1988)) and from Pemberton by T . A. Evans. In younger colonies at two sites a smal l proportion of juvenile individuals possessed no characters of either sex . No reliable morpholog- ical characters have been found for sexing youn- ger spiders, and the small size ofD. socialismakes dissection of large numbers of individuals im- Figure 1 .-Male meiosis in D. socialis (2N = 24) . practical . However, the authors' previous expe- Note the presence of eleven bivalents plus two heter- rience with this species has shown that the rate omorphic X-chromosomes (arrow) . of development within and between the sexes i n a colony is concerted (but with males maturing cytologically, and the kind of sex-determinatio n before females). Hence swelling of the palp would system described above is virtually universal . In have been apparent were these individuals male. only two cases, the sparassid Delena cancerides Consequently, in colonies possessing a mixtur e Walckenaer and the salticid genus Pellenes Simon, of adults and juveniles, the juveniles were scored do aberrant systems exist (Rowell 1990 ; Mad- as females. The validity of this assumption was dison 1982), both involving rearrangements be- borne out in the statistical analysis, where it was tween the X-chromosomes and autosomes . These shown that the sex ratios within these colonie s modified systems are very distinctive, however , were not statistically different from those of adul t and can easily be identified from male meiotic colonies. Colonies in which the majority of in- preparations. dividuals were juvenile were not included in the In this study, sex ratios of adult and subadult analysis, nor were degenerate colonies with less D. socialis are compared to embryonic sex ratios than five individuals, or those without represen - determined by cytological means, to ascertain tatives of both sexes (two colonies qualified for whether the observed bias arises before hatching, the latter). or as a result of differential mortality of the sexes . Chromosome preparations were made from In addition, the ratios observed are compared testes and embryos using the techniques de - with those reported by Aviles and Maddison scribed in Rowell (1985) which differs from that (1991) from cytological analysis and Aviles (1986 ) detailed by Aviles and Maddison (1991) . Not from morphology for the social species Anelo- every embryo yielded spreads which could be

Table 1 .-Heterogeneity and deviation from even sex ratio in embryonic data for D. socialis. * P < 0.01 .

Male Site Males Females Total proportion Coombes Rd, Torbay 5 13 18 0 .28 Coombes/Harding Rds, Torbay 3 8 11 0 .27 Coombes/Harding Rds, Torbay 4 12 16 0 .25 Coombes/Harding Rds, Torbay 4 9 13 0 .3 1 Total 16 42 58 0 .28 Deviation from 1 :1 G = 12.08* Heterogeneity G = 0 .122 ns.


.~ o

X 1 X 2


X t

X 2

Figures 2, 3 .-Karyotypes from D . socialis embryos: 2, male (2N = 24); 3, female (2N = 26) . Note the presence of supernumerary microchromosomes in the two karyotypes .

counted with certainty, but given the marked The data obtained for D . socialis were com- developmental synchrony within each egg sac, pared, by G-test, against the data given for Ane- those counted are held to represent a rando m losimus eximius by Aviles and Maddison (1991 ) sample from each colony. and by Aviles (1986) . Data were analyzed for deviation from a sex ratio of 1 :1 and homogeneity among egg sacs , RESULTS nests and sites using the G-test of Sokal and Rohlf Chromosomal analysis.—Both meiotic an d (1981). This statistic has a chi-square distribu- mitotic preparations were successfully obtaine d tion but is more reliable than the traditional chi - from testes. Mitotic preparations were examine d square test when sample sizes are small . for 58 embryos from four egg sacs in all .


Table 2 . — Summary of data obtained from morphological analysis of adult and subadult D. socialis specimens. Colony data, heterogeneity within sites, male proportion and number of colonies with a female bias . Treatment of outliers discussed in text. * P < 0.001 .

Female bias Hetero- Male No. of Signifi - geneity propor- Site colonies cant Present G value n tion Pemberton 26/7—1/8 Areal 10 7 9 8.03 ns 214 0.2 3 Pemberton 26/7—1/8 Areal 9 8 9 8 .17 ns 240 0 .1 5 Puls Rd, Torbay 26/3/89 1 1 1 29 0.2 8 Puls Rd, Torbay 18/4/90 4 4 4 7 .82 ns 104 0 .1 7 Puls Rd, Torbay 23/8/87 1 1 1 34 0 .1 7 Puls Rd, Torbay 14/10 & 5/11/90 8 5 6 43.55* 213 0.2 6 (without outliers) 5 4 5 3.536 ns 102 0.2 9 Curinup Rd 3/6/90 6 5 6 11 .07 ns 89 0 .1 2 Curinup Rd 14/10/90 2 0 0 0.07 ns 16 1 .6 7 Total (pooled by site) 44 31 39 26.80* 939 (outliers removed) 39 30 38 12 .35 ns 812 0 .19

Figure 1 shows male meiosis, which involve s onies were unusual in that they possessed resi- 11 bivalents and the X-chromosomes . Of im- dent clubionid predators . Consequently, the sex portance here is the fact that two X-chromo- ratios in these collections are considered to b e somes are visible, indicating that D. socialis em- non-representative of the adult sex ratio of th e ploys the X,XZO system common to most spide r population as a whole, and these colonies wer e species. This was reflected in the mitotic prep- removed from further analyses. arations from embryos (Figs. 2, 3), where indi- In total, 38 of the remaining 39 colonies showed viduals possessed either 24 or 26 chromosomes. a female bias, and in 33 of these the bias was Clearly, the former represent male embryos and statistically significant . The overall sex ratio de- the latter females . In many of the preparation s termined from the morphology was not signifi- a number of chromosome fragments or micro- cantly different from the overall embryonic ratio chromosomes (ranging from one to three) wa s (Table 3) . visible (Figs . 2, 3). Comparison with Anelosimus eximius. — Table Table 1 shows the numbers of male and femal e 3 shows the results of comparisons of embryonic embryos identified for each egg sac analyzed . In and morphological data between D. socialis and every case, the number of females exceeded th e A. eximius from Aviles (1986) and Aviles and number of males, and the results were statisti- Maddison (1991) . For both species the embry- cally homogeneous among the egg sacs . The onic ratios do not differ significantly from thos e pooled data deviate significantly from a 1 :1 sex of adult and subadult spiders, but a greater bias ratio, with an overall male proportion of 0 .28. is apparent in the morphological data. For both Morphology.—Table 2 shows a summary of types of data, however, the female bias is sig- the data obtained from morphological analysi s nificantly greater in A. eximius. of adult and subadult D. socialis specimens. The ratios among colonies and sites were quite uni- DISCUSSIO N form, with only five deviant colonies (one fro m Karyotype of Diaea socialis.—The chromo- Puls Road, 14 October 1990, two from the sam e some number and sex determination mechanism locality on 5 November 1990 and both of th e of D. socialis differ from those reported for D. Curinup Road, 14 October 1990, colonies) . Since subadulta Bosenberg & Strand, the only other these colonies were all collected in mid-October species of the genus which has been examined or later, which is towards the end of the dispersal karyotypically (Suzuki 1952). D. subadulta pos- phase, it is probable that they represent the rem- sesses 26 autosomes and one X-chromosome i n nants of larger colonies following emigration o f the male and consequently a complement of 2 6 many of the spiders. Moreover, two of the col- autosomes and two X-chromosomes in the fe -


male can be inferred . Within D. socialis, how- Table 3 .-G-test comparisons involving morpho- ever, the chromosome number and karyotyp e logical and chromosomal data sets from A . eximius form are conserved, with identical male com- (Aviles 1986, Aviles & Maddison 1991) and D . socialis . plements present in populations from Victoria * (P < 0 .01), ** (P < 0 .001). and the Australian Capital Territory, separate d from the Western Australian study site by dis- Analysis G Value tances of over 3000 km, with large areas of in- A . eximius, heterogeneity amon g tervening desert (unpublished data) . This con- colonies, morphology 24.108 ns trasts with cytological data from two other wide- A. eximius, embryos x morphology 0.078 ns ranging spider species, Delena cancerides and Se- D. socialis, embryos x morphology 2.602 ns A. eximius embryos x D . socialis lenops australiensis Koch which show marked embryos 10.454* geographical variation in chromosomal number A. eximius morphology x D. socialis and karyotypic form across their range (Rowell morphology 24.496** 1990, DMR unpublished) . Sex ratio in D. socialis and A. eximius .—The embryonic sex ratio bias in D . socialis is consis- tent with the data from adult and subadult spi- determining sperm, or they compete less well for ders. Thus it can be concluded that, as in A . fertilization of the egg . To gain any finer resolution would require the eximius, the bias is present before hatching. use of techniques capable of distinguishing be- The tests for heterogeneity indicate that there tween male and female sperm, such as sedimen - is a marked conservatism in the sex ratio of D. tation rate or DNA content. Alternatively, if an socialis both between sites and through time, as X-linked probe were available, it might be pos- the data are derived from observations over four sible to determine the ratio of the marker to total years. Moreover, there does not appear to be any DNA in males, females and a sperm sample us- relationship between month of collection and sex ing a technique as simple as dot blotting. If male- ratio, except during the period of dispersal, ove r and female-determining sperm are present i n the October/November period. This is an im- equal proportions, the ratio of the marker to tota l portant observation because such uniformity may DNA in male tissue would equal the ratio in the not be expected if the ratio is influenced by som e sperm sample, and be half that found in female environmental factor . For example, if the sur- tissue (because females possess twice as many X vival of male embryos or the success of mal e chromosomes as males). If, however, the bias determining sperm were influenced by temper- arises from a deficiency of male-determinin g ature, considerable variation in ratio would b e sperm, X chromosomes would be present in mor e expected between years, or even within one sea - than half of the sperm ; and the ratio would b e son. intermediate between that of male and female The mechanism involved in producing the fe- tissue. male bias observed is not apparent ; however, Hamilton (1967) pointed out that Fisher' s some conclusions can be drawn . As in A. eximius principle is based on the assumption of panmix- (Aviles & Maddison :1991), few infertile D. so- ia, and that selection on groups where inbreeding cialis eggs were observed, and certainly insuffi- within a single clutch is the norm may favor the cient to make up the shortfall in males even if i t production of fewer males, thus minimizing were assumed that every one represented a dea d competition between male offspring and the con - male embryo. The little "infertility" that is ap- sequent wastage of reproductive effort. This parent in this species is usually associated with would appear to be a probable explanation here egg parasitism (BYM unpublished). In A. exi- since the life histories of both D. socialis and A. mius and D. socialis, meiosis proceeds normall y eximius suggest marked inbreeding. This is fur- through to anaphase II, and so it is possible t o ther supported by preliminary data from the so- narrow down the time at which the mechanis m cial spider Delena cancerides. This species has acts in both species to the period between the been demonstrated to be outbred by the use of end of meiosis and fertilization. Since sex is de- enzyme electrophoresis (Rowell 1990), and o n termined by the chromosomal composition of the basis of dissection of hatchlings it would ap- sperm, it follows that male-determining sper m pear to have an even sex ratio (Rowell, unpub- are either present in lower numbers than female - lished).


An alternative explanation discussed in detai l the difference in sex ratio between D. socialis and by Aviles (in press) is that, in continuously in - A. eximius may imply a difference in the optimal breeding lineages of social species where colonie s ratio, determined by their life histories. Thus a are initiated by individual mated females, selec- detailed comparison of the lifestyles ofthese spe- tion at the colony level plays a major role . Future cies may shed light on the particular factors that success of a given lineage is a function of the influence sex ratio . number of successful females rather than the ab- solute number of offspring. Consistent with this ACKNOWLEDGMENTS is that in the solitary leaf-rolling thomisids of th e We thank T . A. Evans for collection and counts genus Cymbacha L. Koch, which presumably of specimens from the Manjimup region. We have an even sex ratio, dispersal occurs during would also like to thank Ian Scott and Angel a the juvenile stage ; and, as in many species, ther e Higgins for their help with data analysis and is likely to be a high mortality in the free-living preparation of the manuscript . Leticia Aviles of stage of the life cycle in both sexes. Moreover, the University of Arizona provided particularly the chances of free-living females finding a mat e helpful comments on the manuscript . The Zo- rely on a relatively high density of males. In con- ology Department of the University of Wester n trast, because only adult females of D. socialis Australia provided some of the facilities neces- (which are assured of a mate within the colony) sary for this work. disperse, the biased ratio increases the proba- bility of a lineage surviving to future generations . LITERATURE CITED Main (1988) noted that only one in five incipien t Aviles, L. 1986. Sex ratio bias and possible group nests survived to maturity, and this does not tak e selection in the social spider Anelosimus eximius. into account mortality during emigration prio r American Nat., 128 :1-12 . to leaf-rolling. Aviles, L. in press Interdemic selection and sex ratio : Aviles' model is based on the hypothesis of a social spider perspective . American Nat ., 000 :000- Colwell (1981) which has received some criti- 000. cism (see, for example, Charlesworth & Tor o Aviles, L. & W. Maddison. 1991 . When is the sex 1982). Nevertheless the life history of D. socialis ratio biased in social spiders? : Chromosome studies appears to follow the parameters of the mode l of embryos and male meiosis in Anelosimus species (Araneae: Theridiidae) . Arachnol., 19 :126-135 very closely . Indeed, further study of D . J . . socialis Burgess, J . W. 1978 . Social behaviour in group-living may be of particular value in establishing th e spider species. Symp. Zool. Soc. London, 42 :69-78 . validity of this model. Buskirk, R. E. 1981 . 4. Sociality in the Arachnida . It has long been known that a female bias exists Pp. 281-367, In Social Insects II (H. R. Hermann, in the eusocial Hymenoptera (Hamilton 1967) , ed.). Academic Press, Inc ., San Diego, California . and in this context it is interesting to note that Charlesworth, B . & M. A. Toro. 1982. Female biased the presence of nonreproductive females has been sex ratios . Nature, 298 :494 . demonstrated convincingly only once in spider s Colwell, R . K. 1981 . Group selection is implicated (Vollrath 1986). However, a behavioral parallel in the evolution of female-biased sex ratios . Nature, 290 :401-404 . with true eusociality was also recognized in D. Datta, S. N. & K. Chatterjee . 1983 . Chromosome socialis, where it appeared that some female s number and sex-determining mechanism in fifty - forfeited reproduction while still working to th e two species of spiders from north-east India . Chrom. benefit of the colony (Main 1988) . Inf. Serv., 35 :6-8 . The phenomenon of skewed sex ratio in social Fisher, R . A. 1930 . The genetical theory of natural spiders is particularly interesting because socia l selection. Dover, New York . behavior has arisen independently in a numbe r Hamilton, W . D. 1967 . Extraordinary sex ratios. Sci- of spider families (Burgess 1978) . This would ence, 156 :477-488 . imply that either selection for a bias is very strong Maddison, W. P. 1982 . XXXY sex chromosomes in in social spiders, or that such an alteration in se x males of the jumping spider genus Pellenes (Ara- neae: Salticidae). Chromosoma, 85 :23-37 . ratio is easily achieved . While the mechanism Main, B. Y. 1988 . The biology of a social thomisid by which this is achieved is obscure, it is probable spider. Pp. 55-74, In Australian Arachnology. (A. that it is the same in A. eximius, A . domingo and D. Austin & N . W. Heather, eds .) 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