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The BG News October 20, 1993

Bowling Green State University

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Wednesday, October 20, 1993 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 76, Issue 40 Briefs The BG Newi/Chip Carter Clinton stops Weather Rainy repeat: Today, occasional showers with a high in the Aidid search middle 60s. Southeast winds 10 to IS mph becoming by Robert Burns 24 Pakistani peacekeepers were southwest. Chance of rain 80 The killed. percent. Tonight, occasional "There is not an active effort to showers. Turning cooler search for members of the Aidid with a low around 40. WASHINGTON - In a further apparatus," DeLaski said. Chance of rain 80 percent. step back from armed confronta- Clinton sent an initial conting- tion with Mohamed Farrah Aidid, ent of 400 Army Rangers to Mo- President Clinton ordered a pul- gadishu on Aug. 24 in response to Inside the News lout Tuesday of Army Ranger a series of bloody attacks on forces he had sent to Somalia to Americans for which Aidid or his capture the clan leader. loyalists were blamed. Although C'mon, Get Happy...: The move reflected the admin- the administration did not say so Motivational speaker istration's effort to shift the publicly at the time, the Rangers' Jewel Diamond Taylor ad- focus in Somalia toward pursuing mission was to capture the elu- dressed about ISO Universi- a political settlement following sive Aidid. ty students Monday, offer- the deaths of 18 Americans in the That goal was never achieved, ing them better ways to deal disastrous Ranger raid on Aidid and the launching of the Ranger with problems in everyday loyalists Oct. 3. mission itself now stands out as a life. "Right now we are engaging in turning in U.S. military in- a political process to see how we volvement in Somalia. The de- J See page three. can resolve our mission in Soma- ployment triggered a fresh burst lia," Clinton told reporters at the of questions and criticisms from White House. "So right now we'- the public on whether the admin- Barney not all bad: re in a stand-down position." istration* had a plan for getting Toledo fire officials are At the Pentagon, spokeswoman out. crediting that dubiously Kathleen DeLaski said a Ranger Also, Defense Secretary Les lovable dinosaur with teach- task force of about 750 men Aspin has cited the Ranger de- ing a 4-year-old girl infor- would be withdrawn from Soma- ployment in explaining why he mation that saved her fami- lia "in the next couple of days." denied the requests of U.S. com- ly's lives. Officials declined to provide a manders in Somalia for more full breakdown. Q See page four. armor to protect American Sixteen of the 18 Americans forces. The lack of armor figured who died in the Oct. 3 raid were in the outcome of the October Outside campus members of the Ranger task Ranger raid, which in turn led force. Clinton to announce four days DeLaski said about 6,300 U.S. later that he was beefing up U.S. troops now remain in Somalia. forces in Somalia while setting a U.S. warships enforce Clinton said the time was right Haiti blockade: March 31 date for full with- to pull out the Rangers because drawal. PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti two Marine Expeditionary Units, - U.S. warships stopped Aspin met for 2 1/2 hours be- totaling about 3,600 men with he- hind closed doors with members their first freighter Tuesday licopters and armored vehicles, of the House Armed Services in the oil-and-arms blockade had arrived off the Somali coast of Haiti, while a "crisis Committee on Tuesday. After- aboard Navy ships. Clinton sug- ward he refused to talk with re- committee" of Haitian law- gested the Marines could substi- makers tried to break a porters, and several committee tute for the Rangers if necessary, members criticized him for not standoff between the army although DeLaski said there and the rest of the world. agreeing to make the session were no plans to bring the Ma- open to the public. With only 11 days left be- rines ashore, barring an emer- Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa., said fore the scheduled return of gency. exiled President Jean- Aspin was not answering hard Clinton's announcement came Bertrand Aristide, the questions and "I'm going to two days after the U.S. ambas- hound him until he does." committee was looking for a sador to the United Nations, The committee chairman. Rep. way to pass amnesty legisla- Publicity Machine Madeleine Albright, publicly Ron Dellums, D-Calif., who had tion that Haiti's military confirmed that U.S. soldiers in criticized Clinton for sending the leaders have demanded be- Senior liberal studies major Jay Adams posts flyers outside of the University Union on Tuesday Somalia had stopped trying to Rangers in the first place, said he fore they step down. capture Aidid. DeLaski noted So far, parliament has afternoon for the local band "Suddenly My Darling." Adams plays drums for the band, which will be was pleased they were returning performing at 10:30 p.m. Thursday at Club 21,1S3 E. Wooster St. that he remains wanted by the home. been unable to muster a United Nations for his alleged quorum. role in a June attack in Mogadi- In Washington, Congress "The president is on target," he shu, the Somali capital, in which said. "He is no longer groping." and President Clinton spar- red over whether con- gressional approval should be required before combat Joint library facility scheduled for 1995 troops are sent to trouble spots such as Haiti. by Courtney Ganoeml be located in Perrysburg, will begin in "We're looking at what materials are "The remote storage facility will house administration reporter 1994. The is scheduled to open in being used the least, but which the Uni- collections and materials which can be versity doesn't want to part with," East shared by the three institutions," Miller Think thin: mid 1995. The facility will house the older mate- said. said. MILWAUKEE-Re- In an effort to combine resources, the rials from the Jerome Library, including The new facility will store as many as In order to preserve and extend the life searchers have found one University will share joint library stor- periodicals, books and research materi- two million volumes in a highly dense of the stored materials, there will be natural brain protein that age space with the University of Toledo als, as well as some of the University's environment. Items will be stored in bins stringent environmental controls. Air fil- triggers craving for fatty and the Medical College of Toledo begin- archives and records, according to Den- according to size, in stacks up to 30 feet tration systems, low lighting and mainte- food and a second that ning in 1995. nis East, associate dean of the Jerome high, said Rush Miller, dean of the Jer- blocks the desire, raising Construction of the facility, which will Library. ome Library and learning resources. See Library, page three. hopes for a new drugs that could curb weight gain without suppressing appe- tite. Blocking the first protein or administering the second Pearl Jam fans line up for new album can cut body weight in ani- The BG Newi/Tereu Thomaa mals by SO percent, re- byTaraStubbs searchers reported. general assignment reporter Drug companies already are rushing to take advan- The line of people stretched down East Wooster Street, wait- tage of the discoveries, ing anxiously for the doors to open at midnight Tuesday. which could lead to drugs What were they waiting for? The grand opening of a new bar? that block fat cravings with- A really good party? A free meal? out interfering with the de- They wanted to buy an album. Really. sire for protein and carbo- Hundreds of people lined up in front of Madhatter Music Co., hydrates, the researchers 143 E. Wooster St., beginning at 11 p.m. Monday to purchase the said. first pressing of Pearl Jam's new release, which is predicted to become a collector's item because of the album's cover. The first pressing of the records, cassettes and CDs are all Lottery labeled "Pearl Jam" - the original title of the album. When the band decided to change the album name to "Vs.," production of - Here are the album had already begun, according to Madhatter manager Tuesday night's Ohio Lot- and buyer Jim Cummer. Rather than scrapping the first press- tery selections: ing, the record company decided to release the album as it was and begin labeling the album "Vs." on subsequent pressings, Pick 3 Numbers Cummer said. Madhatter had been receiving requests for the new track for 0-9-0 six months. This weekend, however, the number of phone calls steadily increased. Cummer said. Pick 4 Numbers "The past weekend we were just inundated with telephone calls requesting the new track," he said. 3-5-0-1 Madhatter sold 300 cassettes and CDs in the one-hour sale period. Cummer said. Before the sale, customers waited anxiously outside, some Jim Cummer, owner of Madhatter Music Co., and his assistant, Kathy Haas, sell the new Pearl Compiled from staff and Jam album Tuesday morning. The store opened at midnight for the release of the album and sold wire reports. See Pearl Jam, page three. 300 copies within one hour. Opinion page two The BC News Wednesday, October 20, 1993 The BG News ft'JiHG SUMMER GAM&S 2000 -An Independent Student Voice- Editorial Board Kimberly Larson Editor-in-Chief „ Kirk Pavelich Eileen McNamara Managing Editor Associate Editor Julie Tagliaferro Chris Hawley Campus Editor City Editor Aaron Dorksen Sherry Turco Sports Editor Opinion Editor Connell Barrett Insider Editor Dorm visitation rules not fair Call it a contradiction in convictions. The principle of "separate but equal" is dead. But the notion of "en loco parentis" is not. And although it is illegal to bar someone from a non-private area solely on the basis of their gender, the University continues to enforce its student code against students who try to enter one-sex residence halls after certain hours. We're talking, of course, about Ashley, Batchelder, Kohl and McDonald East, the segregated residence halls from which guests may be forcibly removed or face punishment simply because of their gender. In Kohl, women are only allowed to visit the hall's residents between noon and midnight, Sunday through Thursday. A resident must escort them at all Troops need reinforcements times. The same rules apply to men when in Ashley, Batchelder and McDonald East. mate means. This fact alone doesn't disqua- The other three segregated halls -- Conklin, Brom- Following the recent deaths of American lify him as a nation leader. Jesse Jackson has troops in Somalia, a lot of people are calling never won an election either. But there's field, McDonald West and McDonald North - allow for the removal of U.S. troops. Camera foo- more. people of the other sex 24 hours a day as long as they tage of a dead U.S. soldier being dragged He is simply the leader of an armed band have an escort who is a resident. Technically, this is through the streets have turned the stom- of thugs. He took an American soldier hos- no different than in other halls, where, according to achs of all that saw it, and now support for tage. This man has also been known to use the student code, all non-residents must have resi- the U.S. action is fading. food supplies as a weapon against Somali cit- dent escorts - although it's a sure bet they'll be spot- This is an overreaction. Pulling out now izens. His forces have been attacking U.N. ted more easily in a hall populated only by the other would only destroy the accomplishments peacekeeping forces. sex. that the dead servicemen were fighting for. I don't think this man should be left alone We ask: what's the point of the 12-hour opposite- You see, the reason we went over to Soma- to try to run Somalia, or worse, start another lia in the first place was to bring peace and civil war with the Somali warchiefs. This is sex visitation policy? provide protection for famine relief efforts. Surely it's not concern for students' safety, or the Jack Ihle why a U.N. presence is necessary to This has been largely accomplished, with preserve peace in Somalia right now. University would not allow men and women to most of the country stabilized and rebuild- Another area in which our logic should be mingle in other residence halls. ing. In fact, the first major food crops in faulted is the March 31 deadline that Clinton And to say that men study better without women years are now growing. The U.S. has seen this problem occur be- is so fixated on. To give him credit, this is a around, or that men are rowdier than women is Because Somalia is mostly stabilized now, fore and we should have learned our lesson lot longer than most people want our troops stereotyping. After all, male and female residents of many feel that we should get out. This is by now. When Reagan sent 1,000 Marines to to remain there. the honors dorm, Darrow Hall, live on the same merely short-term thinking, however. Lebanon in the eighties, nearly 300 returned Our goal, however, should be to institute floors and share TV rooms and study areas. If The reason that the country is relatively in bodybags. long-term stability. It is not realistic to ex- BGSU's best and brightest men and women live stable is precisely because of the presence Politics and public relations make it diffi- pect to accomplish this in a few months. If together successfully, it's unlikely that guests in of U.S. and U.N. forces. Take them away, and cult for leaders to send large numbers of we leave prematurely, though, we may end other dorms will make residents' grades plummet. there will be no stability. troops. People don't like to hear about our up going back to clear up a problem that is And if you believe that rowdiness thing, a few boys going to dangerous areas abroad. The even worse than when we went in the first There are approximately IS major fac- line of thinking seems to go like this: "Well, time. minutes in the morgue-like atmosphere of the men's tions in Somalia. Each has its own private if they have to send them, at least they don't Of course, we could just pull out and be floors in Offenhauer some weeknight should set the militia and is run by a self-appointed war- have to send too many." But, we should rea- done with the whole mess. The country is not record straight. lord. If all foreign forces were pulled, these lize that sending more of our boys helps to especially significant to our national inter- It's not true that all residents of these dorms like factions would surely be at each others' keep them all safe. ests, with the exception of some possible oil turning away guests after midnight on weeknights. throats again. Before the U.N. force arrived, reserves and a potential strategic location Many of them never asked to live in a single-sex hall the rivalries of the various Somali clans had We seem to be slow learners, however. near the Middle East. and would welcome a different visitation policy. plunged the country into a horrible famine. Just days after the U.S. deaths in Somalia, But isolationism has not been our national And to those who like the rules for moral reasons, There is a good reason to expect peace to we were landing 600 troops in Haiti, and policy since the turn of the century. Despite we say phooey. Sex is a fact of many lives today, and end quickly after foreign forces leave. their only defenses were small arms. Now, the protests of some, we have done some kicking guests out of residence halls at a certain There is no political structure in Somalia. No 600 troops may sound like a lot, but think good there. There are far fewer people hour won't curb it. And homosexual relationships president, no representatives, no elections, about it this way: There are more than 600 starving. If we can help the Somalis install a aren't affected at all by the present rules. no nachos. Yes, nation-building is needed, people living in Offenhauer. I wouldn't ex- legitimate government, we have done a true under U.N. guidance and with the goal of a pect to arm Offenhauer with automatic service to the world. So it's time to do away with the 12-hour opposite- working governmental structure. sex visitation rule. To bar anyone from a place where weapons and stabilize a nation with the re- Keep in mind also that this is not just a sulting militia. This points out the silliness of U.S. goal. We are backing a United Nations others may go simply because of their gender is Until this is achieved, neither the U.S. nor the sizes of some of our peacekeeping effort in Somalia. This operation has been wrong. The University should stop doing it -- now. the U.N. should reduce the forces present in efforts. approved by the world's most prominent Somalia In fact, large increases in forces national leaders and we are following their The BQ News gtaff and equipment should probably be imple- The point here is that we should either do directives. Many tend to criticize the U.S. mented. it right or get out. Many people here are in alone when any of our troops are involved in Photo Editor Teresa Thomas The fact that some of our troops were am- fact advocating getting out of the way and foreign action. Insider M.E. Dorian Halkovich bushed and suffered casualties points out just letting things work out. It is more accurate to say that we are sup- the need for more support. There is no Some even refer to Mohamed Aidid as the porting the directives of a body that has Insider Photographer Ross Weitzner reason why our forces should be seriously leader of Somalia, and as such should not be been set up to encourage international coop- Special Projects Editor Michael Zawacki threatened by Somalian factions. Our interfered with. Recall, though, that the man eration. In fact, we are the most active sup- Asst. Special Projects Editor Kelly Duquin strength was simply inadequate to ensure has not won any election of any kind, nor has porter. We should be proud of our efforts, troop safety. he achieved his power by any other legiti- Asst. Sports Editor Mark DeChant and intelligently continue them. Copy Chief Dawn Keller Copy Editor Pam Smith LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Copy Editor Robin Coe Food Operations Amani Down Under, and have feel. You pay all of that money has to be some way to resolve The BC News, founded in 1920, is published daily during the been an employee of Food Opera- for a meal plan, and then you're this, because it is ridiculous. academic year and Wednesdays during the summer session. needs dining halls tions for the past four years. I surprised by closing cafeterias. Cleavon J. Blair 204 West Hall know from working for them that I take that back; they do give Senior this department is not what one Bowling Green State University The BG News: you a choice: Either walk through Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0726 I am writing in response to the would call a "money making en- the blizzard or eat at the Amani. article written by Aaron St.-il.s- tity." While there is nothing wrong Copyright 1993, The BG News worth: "Solutions offered to Food Food Operations spends so with the Amani, it seems that Operations." much money for the food brought every once in a while students CORRECTION Mr. Stalsworth, in your article to the University, as well as for would like something to eat be- you wrote how upset you were full-time and part-time em- sides hamburgers and subs. It In the Monday edition of Respond about the closing of the Com- ployees, that it barely and rarely also doesn't help to stop in on The News, the article enti- Signed letters or columns express the mons and Harshman dining facil- breaks even in the cash depart- Sunday night when everyone is tled, "Events begin for beliefs of the individual and in no way ities on the weekends. Your con- ment. I really don't know much ordering Sunday dinner at one Awareness Week," incor- represent the opinions of The BG News. cern seems to be the dreaded about what is going on in the time. Sometimes there is a forty- rectly states that the Resi- Bowling Green winter, and the Harshman Dining Hall, but minute wait because the Armani dent Student Association's All readers are encouraged to express their fact that students who live In Commons never seems to break only has five to eight people mixology course takes opinions through letters to the editor and Rodgers, Kohl, and Harshman even. working at one time. It is not fair place in 312 Ashley Hall. guest columns. Letters should be 200-300 Quads will have to make a quest This information shows that to the workers to try and serve The event actually takes words, typed, and contain the writer's across campus in the blistering students rarely ate at Commons everyone. place in 114 Business Ad- telephone number, address, class rank, cold to find some food. I totally during the week, let alone on the The service suffers, business ministration building. agree with you, but there is a nip weekends. Now everything is is lost, the facllty is closed, and The News regrets the er- and major. side that people do not under- catching up with them, and they then it's another 12-billion-mile ror. Send all submissions to: The BG NCws, 210 stand about Food Operations. can't afford to stay open week- walk to get food. West Hall. I am a Student Manager at the ends. I do understand how you As the letter pointed out, then* Campus

Wednesday, October 20, 1993 The BC News page three —— ■ ■ Speaker focuses on happiness Fall grads by Larina'Hrltsko The key to becoming sensitive to other student government reporter cultures is to study many different cultures 'There are people who make and realize that everyone "is in your blood," something happen, watch Taylor said. must limit A speaker addressing self-esteem and mo- "Find higher ground so you can have something happen, and others tivation techniques to deal with life's situa- common ground," she said. who ask what the hell tions and cultural sensitivity spoke to about In order to combat further problems, peo- ISO students Monday night In the Business ple need to have understanding for people of happened." guests to four Administration Building. other cultures. In addition, self-esteem Jewel Diamond Taylor, needs to be established among everyone, Jewel Diamond Taylor has addressed au- motivational speaker by Courtney Ganoeml diences throughout the country at prisons, Taylor said. • administration reporter "While we view corporations and educational institutes. The She also suggested that society take a commencement as Undergraduate Student Government, along more careful look at what types of attitudes only one of which can be a leader, Taylor with several other campus organizations, exist within the society. said. Although fall semester one of the most sponsored Taylor to speak at the University. "Our minds can store anything, so we have "There are people who make something graduation is still nearly two important University In her presentation, Taylor talked about to re-program ourselves and become inde- happen, watch something happen, and others months away, candidates need different cultures, fears about different pendent, intelligent critical thinkers, who who ask what the hell happened," Taylor to start deciding who they events and one that people and human needs for happiness. judge things and not accept them as readily [ said. want to attend the festivities. everyone should be One of the main points of self-esteem is to as we did before]," Taylor said. "Education Students who graduate are understand yourself both culturally and bio- is the solution." Many students who attended the program limited to inviting four guests invited to attend, we logically, Taylor said. The violent actions prevalent in today's were pleased with the presentation co- because of the shortage of simply can no longer sponsored presented by the USG as well as "There are four things that shape a per- society - from vandalism and graffiti to kill- seating in Anderson Arena. ignore the son: their culture, genes, experience and ings ~ originate from everyone wanting con- the African American Graduate Student As- The policy to limit the num- chance," Taylor said. "Then there are three trol of society and of everyone else. This the sociation, Black Student Union, Ethnic Cul- ber to four guests per gradu- overcrowding in things people need: a sense of belonging in a main source of friction between different tural Arts Program, Lesbian and Gay Alli- ate was instituted last fall. Anderson Arena." family or place; worthiness - everyone ethnic groups, Taylor said. ance, Resident Student Association, Women Graduates attending com- needs love - and a feeling of importance and During her speech, Taylor also encour- for Women, Women's Reproductive Rights mencement exercises will Philip Mason, vice control, through their goals, body and finan- aged students to see life beyond college and Organization Women's Studies and World each receive four tickets president for University cial management." to think of life as a never-ending, informal Student Association. which can be used for their Taylor said society has a spiritual disease school with tests and lessons at any particu- guests' admission to the cere- relations that has been promoted through parents who lar time. "Her message of having self-esteem was mony. pass on their hate, fears and limitations to "There are no mistakes in lessons, just very important. I thought it was an excellent The small amount of seating December is 1,250, according their children. growth through trial and error. A lesson is sense of feeling of worth in myself and oth- in Memorial Hall's Anderson to Sharon Apple, administra- Television and the cultural environment repeated until it is learned [and] as long as ers, and if you don't have that, you cannot Arena had become a serious tive assistant in registration have also contributed to this social problem, you are alive there are lessons," Taylor said. combat discrimination and prejudice," said problem in recent years, re- and records. Taylor said. There are three different types of people, Kristinc Dahm, a graduate student. sulting in the institution of the The number of students policy, according to Philip graduating in the fall is "rela- Mason, vice president for tively close" to numbers in Library University relations. previous years, Apple said. "Based on the number of "We had to use tickets for Continued from page one. Along with check-out, students the problem of bookshelves over- first time we've joined on a capi- students expected to graduate the first time last year and it can request the material and the taking study space, East said. tal project." and the number of actual seats worked out pretty well," Ap- nance of proper relative humidi- Gutenburg Service - a traveling "The [state] legislature cer- The general public agrees that available, four is the limit per ple said. ty will be among these controls. courier van which will deliver tainly feels that dense storage more joint projects should be student," he said. Letters explaining the ticket The shared storge facility con- the materials to students at all has a lot of advantages," Waddle worked on when possible, Mason Approximately 4,000 seats policy will be mailed the week cept was originally devised by three Institutions within 24 hours said. "It's something that is going said. are available in Anderson of Nov. 15 to all candidates for Harvard University. Similar of the time they were requested. to help all the schools." Arena for guests, he said. graduation. Enclosed with the storage areas are located in Miller said. "Feedback is positive," he said. "While we view commen- letter is a return postcard stu- Texas and The projected cost of the facili- The joint project makes "terri- Similar storage facilities are cement as one of the most im- dents should return indicating Students and faculty will still ty is approximately $2.9 million, fic sense," according to Phillip planned for other state-funded portant University events and if they will be attending com- be able to use the stored materi- which will be state funded, ac- Mason, vice president for Uni- colleges in Ohio. A facility serv- one that everyone should be mencement. als in two ways, Miller said. cording to Robert Waddle, direc- versity Relations. ing the University of Akron, invited to attend, we simply Degree candidates who in- On-site retrieval of the materi- tor of capital planning. Youngstown State, Kent State can no longer ignore the over- dicate they will attend com- als will be available to read in the The facility is less expensive to "We do a number of things with and the Northeast Ohio College crowding in Anderson Arena," mencement exercises may reading room or to check out the build than constructing a new li- UT on an academic progress of Medicine was recently com- Mason said. "We think this pick up their tickets beginning item, he said. brary on campus, and will ease level," Mason said. "This is the pleted. system is fair to everyone." Dec. 6. Students must show a The number of student can- valid student ID toobtnin their didates for graduation in free tickets. Pearl Jam Continued from page one. -even suggesting the crowd spell out Pearl Jam with their bodies In the street. RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS Freshman Ike Herman said he was excited to get the album because he has been a fan of Pearl Jam for more than two years. Herman had seen the group at Lollapalooza during the summer of 1992 and had also seen the band in Toronto last summer. "Pearl Jam is such a great band, I could not wait," Herman said.

Kappa Delta Digs and Littles!

Our Our Awesome Fantastic Littles! Bigs! Laurie Arscnault Elysc Middlcton Dawn Arthur Nikki Ford Shelly Bodner Grctchen Himcs Melissa Boehm Rachel Carson Emily Buckncr Libby Lunz Michelle Buschur Teresa Hanczrik Sharon Carter Michelle Sutton Kellic Oixon Michelle Conncll Shannon Flint Kim Skala Jen Fath Kelly Adams Candic Fruth Lori Kascrman Mariela Garcia Melissa Fatica Kelly Hamilton Libby Lunz PREREQUISITE: ADRENALINE Laurie Lcchowicz Rochcllc Berndt Carrie Massucci Nikki Ford Drive. Intensity. Those aren't words ter, self-confidence and decision-making Mandy Pcskc Beth Ward you're likely to see in many course skills. Again, words other courses sel- Sarah-Emily Peterson Peggy Miller requirements. Then again, Army ROTC dom use. But they're the credits you Beth Plocica Maryann Kozak is unlike any other elective. It's need to succeed in life. ROTC is Sarah Rakotci Tiffany Fletcher open to freshmen and sophomores Nina Shaffer Kathy Peters hands-on excitement. ROTC will Stephanie Shiningcr Tiffany Fletcher challenge you mentally and phys- without obligation and requires Chris Stachurski Anissa Ellison ically through intense leadership about 4 hours per week. Register training. Training that builds charac- this term for Army ROTC. # j^ #f ARMY ROTC Mr- Ptt THE SMARTEST COLLEGE COURSE YOU CAN TAKE. Tt£l*-c*^-f'fe'M Jr «3 For details, visit Rm. 151, Memorial Hall or call Welcome to the Family! 372-2476 Local page four The BC News Wednesday, October 20, 1993 Barney credited Tin BC Ncwi/Nathu Wallace for saving lives

The Associated Press "Barney says if you TOLEDO - Fire officials are smell a fire, you gotta crediting a 4-year-old girl with go get your mommy." saving her family's lives. But the girl said the credit should go to Barney. Danielle Suttle, "Barney says if you smell a fire, you gotta go get your mo- 4-year-old life saver mmy," Danielle Suttle said Tues- day. Barney, a singing purple dino- in a greasy pan left atop a burner saur, preaches wholesome values that was left on by accident. The to children on his daily public fire spread to the kitchen cur- television show. tains and the kitchen wall. Danielle followed his advice Kim Suttle said it was not when she woke up at about 4 a.m. likely she or her husband would Monday and smelled smoke. She have noticed the fire. The couple saw that a fire had broken out in and Joran were sleeping in the the kitchen and ran to wake her bedroom with the door closed parents. and a vaporizer running. "I woke up to go potty, and I Shaffer said he did not awaken could hear the fire burn. I went because he was "very tired and a and woke my mommy up," Dan- sound sleeper." ielle said. A smoke alarm in the apart- Her parents, Kim and Jeff Sut- ment did not go off because the tle, took Danielle and her battery in the unit was not prop- 1-month-old brother, Joran, out- erly hooked up, firefighters said. side. They woke her uncle, Mark Suttle said she thought the Shaffer, who was sleeping on a smoke alarm was in working or- couch near the kitchen. der because it had gone off Once the family was safe, they several times in recent weeks began to alert residents of the from the steam of a shower. other three apartments in the Fire department spokesman two-story duplex. Paul Mettes praised Barney and All residents escaped without other television programs that injury. The fire was contained in teach kids how to react in emer- the kitchen. gencies. A telephone message to The "Where she got the informa- Going Down And Around Lyons Group, the Dallas-based tion, I really don't care," Mettes company that created Barney, said. "The important thing is she Mike Mori, 3, from Perrysburg gets his exercise by going down tical twin brother Tom are both BG Falcon fans. was not returned Tuesday. got it. These types of programs the twisty slide Tuesday afternoon at City Park. Mike ard his Iden- Firefighters said the fire began have helped save lives."


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Wednesday, October 20, 1993 The BG News page five Olson finding playing Wanted: great coach The Associated Press , that team has fallen and meanwhile, the defense de- apart. teriorates. isn't exactly Why? That's one of the problems in time as Falcon setter a philosopher. But after his 1: Age and injury (which often Cleveland, where , by Mike Kazimore behind her, there was now the "But now we all feel comforta- Giants beat the Redskins 41-7 a are interchangeable). Mark Ry- a defensive specialist, has also sports writer bigger decision of where to ble out on the court, and I think week ago, he stated quite con- pien, , Tim Johnson, tried to put his stamp on the transfer to. that it's beginning to show in cisely the importance of coaches Eric Williams and Charles Mann offense. The result is quarter- "I knew that Bowling Green our play." in the NFL: to name five; , signed back confusion - Belichick In volleyball, communication had two senior setters who Van De Walle echoed Olson's "It's amazing," he said. "They as a free agent to replace the de- doesn't think Bernie Kosar's arm means everything ~ It's the dif- were going to graduate, and I sentiments. lose a great coach and they're parted , is 31, in is strong enough, so the $27 mil- ference between winning and knew from my visits that they "At the start of the season I 1-4. We get a great coach and a new system (4-3 instead of 3-4) lion man is on the bench. losing. had a very successful program think that it was a tough tran- we're 4-1." and a step slower than in his Pro Ironically, so I got in touch with their sition for everyone to make," The point remains the same a Bowl years with the Giants. Reeves, on the other hand, is however, It coach," Olson said. "After my Van De Walle said. "In the be- week later, when the numbers 2: Free agency, which cost successful because he gives up was a lack of recruiting trip to BG, and after ginning the other players are 1-5 and 5-1: Whatever ailed Gary Clark, , half his team, at least strategical- communica- talking to the coaches and the didn't respect her like they do the Giants under and (in a way) ly. tion that players I knew that I wanted to now. has been solved by ; Wilber Marshall. Mayhew and He runs the Giants' offense, proved a big | come here." Now the only "By being very positive and whatever problems the Redskins which looks a lot like the old positive for question left was whether or continually working hard in had were masked by the pres- Giants -- run, run, run. But he has the BG vol- not BG and head coach Denise practice she has really gained ence of . weapons that didn't leyball pro- Van De Walle wanted her. This respect from the team and the The Giants and Redskins are "It's amazing. They lose in Mike Sherrard and Mark Jack- gram as it dilemma was soon solved after coaching staff. You want only two of the teams that dem- son, which opens up the passing helped to Olson Van De Walle saw Olson on leadership from your setter, onstrate how thin is the line be- a great coach and game when its needed. land sopho- video tape, and was given noth- but most importantly you need tween what makes a great head they're 1 -4. We get a more setter Jodi Olson on the ing but positive feedback in to have her teammates respect coach and what makes a great as- great coach and we're Meanwhile, he's turned over squad. conversations with coaches her." sistant. There are examples in the defense to Mike Nolan, who's Last year Olson, after a stel- that Olson had played against Besides gaining the respect Pittsburgh, Houston, Cleveland, 4-1." the same age as Taylor and re- lar high school career, found in her conference. of her peers, Olson has proven Chicago, Detroit, Denver, lates a lot better to his young herself as the starting setter "We were in a position where that she is capable of being a Phoenix and... players than , the for Iowa State University. we were looking for a good set- leader and handling all of the Just about anywhere you look. 60-year-old coordinator under Things took a drastic turn for ter and she was looking for a pressure that go along with Start with the Redskins. Giants' Lawrence Tay- Ray Handley. the worst, however, as she lost place to go, so it was a good playing for a two-time defend- Is their current state - 1-5 and lor on the Washington her starting position and match," Van De Walle said. ing MAC championship team. outscored 77-13 in their last two Redskins Moreover, unlike Bill Parcells quickly found herself coming "A good match" may be an In fact, it's the pressure that games - really the fault of Richie in the Giants' years. off of the bench as a defensive understatement as Olson has is placed on every setter that Petitbon, elevated from defen- Reeves will throw in young legs. specialist. helped lead BG to a 10-5 over- lured Olson to the position. sive coordinator? Or did Gibbs Third-year-linebacker Corey It was then that Olson de- all record. More importantly Much like a quarterback, the hold together what he knew was a Miller may be headed for the Pro cided that a change of scenery the Falcons are 8-1 in the Mid- setter is the field general out sinking ship and jump off when Geathers were two of those Plan Bowl and the other contributing would be best for her. American Conference. on the court. If her team is to the time was right? B defenders, but they fit. youngsters include second-year "I started the first half of In fact, after starting out the play well then she must play A little of both, with free 3: (Perhaps most important) men Phillippi Sparks, Stacey Oil- last year and everything season with a 2-4 slate the well. agency adding volatility to the The loss of as de- lard, Aaron Pierce, Keith Hamil- seemed to be going well," Ol- spikers, mainly because of the "There is a lot of pressure on mix. fensive coordinator. ton and Corey Raymond; and son said. "Then, all of a sudden play of Olson, have won eight Jodi just from the nature of her Petitbon was, without question, The best head coaches stick to rookies Marcus Buckley, Jessie I found myself on the bench of their last nine games. position," Van De Walle said. a defensive genius, as responsi- their speciality and allow Armstead, Mike Strahan and and I never knew why. The "Coming to a new team with "The offense is really in her ble as Gibbs for the three Super someone else to take the other Ken yon Rasheed. coach never gave me any feed- a whole new set of players it hands out there, and much of Bowl titles in a decade. The 1991 side - Rod Dowhowner and Jim back on my situation, so I took me a while to get comfort- our success or failure relies on champions, for example, started Hanifan, both former head "You've noticed we have more thought that the best thing to able setting them, and it took Jodi's setting. But she has five Plan B players - rejects, in coaches, remain to run the speed on defense?" general man- do would be to transfer." them a while to get comforta- proven that she has the leader- other words - on defense. offense. But Petitbon has stuck ager George Young asks sardon- With the decision to transfer ble with my sets," Olson said. ship abilities." Yet with the same Petitbon as his hand in, too. It hasn't worked nically. Golden State gives Webber AP Photo $74.4 millionover 15 years The Associated Press they're going to get theirs, too. comed with open arms. He'll be One of the first things Webber No one is going to embarrass me getting all the playing time that will have to do is learn to play OAKLAND, Calif. -- Chris every time. I'll shoot myself in he can mentally and physically center, a position he is unaccus- Webber and the Golden State the foot before I let someone else stand." tomed to after playing power Warriors are both in a hurry. doit." Webber, the first sophomore to forward at Michigan. Webber is anxious to demon- Nelson, whose teams have be selected with the top overall strate he's worth the $74.4 mil- lacked a dominating inside scor- pick since in "When I talked to coach Nelson lion that Golden State agreed to ing and rebounding threat in re- 1979, has not quite recovered at the beginning, I said, 'I feel pay him over the next 15 years, uncomfortable playing center,' " and the Warriors are anxious to Webber said. "He said, 'You have see a return on their investment. I will say he's lucky in one respect becasue he's to play center.' So obviously I'm "Now we can concentrate loo coming to a team that really needs him going to get comfortable playing percent on basketball," Warriors desperately. Players on the court, at practice, have center. I'm going to have to learn coach said after a lot. I'm going to play whatever Monday's signing of Webber to been waiting, looking forward to him coming." position they want me to play." the biggest rookie contract in The signing of Webber con- NBA history. cluded five weeks of negotiations Webber, 20, a 6-10 center- Warriors coach Don Nelson between Warriors president Dan power forward from Michigan, Finanne and Webber's agent, Bill was the first player taken in the cent years, said Webber will be f rom an appendectomy and won't Strickland and his adviser, Falla- NBA . He admitted he faces given every possible playing op- join the Warriors at their train- shaErwin. a lot of on-the-job training but portunity, both to accelerate de- ing camp until Wednesday. feels he can help the Warriors velopment and to fill a need. Webber will take part in light The contract has an average immediately, even if he does take "I will say he's lucky in one re- workouts for a few days and then annual worth of $4.96 million, al- some lumps in the early going spect because he's coming to a be eased into team practices though Webber is due to receive against the likes of Charles Bark- team that really needs him des- starting Sunday. He probably $1.6 million in the first year. That ley, Shawn Kemp or Karl Malone. perately," Nelson said. "Players won't see any playing time until was done so Webber could "I might get burned by those on the court, at practice, have the team's last two preseason squeeze into the salary-cap slot first round draft pick became games, Oct. 29 at Sacramento and one of the highest paid players in the NBA Monday when he signed a guys," he said. "I'm expecting been waiting, looking forward to left open by 's tradf lS-year $74.4 million contract. that. I've got a lot to learn. But him coming. So he'll be wel- Oct. 30 against Seattle. to Cleveland in July. FALCON HOCKEY VS. OHIO STATE! ... FRIDAY 7 P.M.! PICK UP YOUR TICKET NOW AT THE MEMORIAL HALL TICKET OFFICE OR SHOWI.D. AT THE DOOR

v^% Saturday, October 23 DR. MIGUEL ORNELAS | n? October 18-22 SCHOLARSHIP DANCE ^ ART DISPLAY Days Inn 8:00pm-1:00am BY LATINO STUDENTS Featuring: Tumbao Antillano McFall Gallery Honoring the Work of Cesar Chavez Viewing: 8:00am-5:00pm 1927-1993 Don't Miss It! ♦Donations will be taken at the door* page six The BC News Wednesday, October 20, 1993 Bengals won't Pack your bags,Falcon fans... Th. BCNewi/rcrM.Th.m.1 Ginsu and twice as lethal. I arrived at Doyt L. Perry * Blackney has returned his Stadium around 1:35 Saturday L k mj offense, which had been any- start i^B^^ "» .^H where betwen mediocre and afternoon - late as ususal. ■ I headed into the southwest l % +.11T adequate in its first five entrance and through the gate, ' «PC _>4 ^ r. .-1 Mi, games, to the tornado-like scor- Klingler onto the field. Zeb Jackson had ing machine we at BG have just returned the opening kick- come to expect. off to the Akron 47 yard-line. '< # f What, then, are the implica- The Associated Press f' When I heard about the run- • tions of the Akron annihilation? back, I thought to myself, "I i Let's look quickly at the job CINCINNATI - The Injured hope I didn't miss the most ex- Blackney has done on the David Klingler said he accepts citing play of the game." After offensive side of the ball. coach Dave 1 The coach has realized: a) he Shula's decision to start backup doesn't have the money-in-the- quarterback Jay Schroeder over bank field goal unit he once did, b) he does have Martin, Klingler this Sunday in Houston. £T! ^^^ % *^^w ^d m *+ i It would have been a homecom- ^ quite possibly the most gifted ing for Klingler, who starred at Falcon athlete since Kenny m , Burress, and c) Ronnie Redd the University of Houston and M%M P* 1 played in the Astrodome, home of w £• f has learned the art of running Sunday's opponent, the Houston ♦ with the ball after he catches Mark Leonard DeChant bta%«J8 4 Oilers. M BnM^M^H it. But Klingler is ailing with a all, I expected to see a nip-and- V 1 r BG can count on five or six bruised lower back, an injury ag- tuck battle, similar to last catches per game from Martin, season's semi-thriller at the * and a touchdown about every gravated in Sunday's loss to ■ Rubber Bowl. WZi four receptions from Mr, Play- Cleveland when Browns line- ' ^Pl backer Clay Matthews sacked I couldn't have been more 4 ,.)t1 J maker, Redd. Klingler. Schroeder took over the wrong. l:i W Oh, they also have Jackson in rest of the way, and Shula said By the end of the first half, the backf ield. Monday that Schroeder will start my mind was in a fog, I was choice to three-peat as Mid- yards -- and that was just pass- building a force field around BG's outburst was not a against the Oilers to allow Kli- short of breath, and I could American Conference cham- ing - and led Akron 35 to Zip. its end zone, penetrated only fluke, and neither is the team's ngler time to heal. swear I was hallucinating. pions - asserted themselves But stastistics don't even after the BG offense was near- drive toward a third consecu- •'Probably the best thing would This condition was not in- not only as the team to beat, offer the spectacle proper jus- ing the half-century mark. tive conference title. be for me not to get hit for two duced by any chemicals, nor by but a team that will not be beat tice. 3A secondary, a la the Killer The Brown and Orange will weeks," said Klingler, who has the Mount Everest-like climb I the rest of this season. What I saw out there be- B's of yesteryear, swooping once again be the envy of the previously resisted suggestions had to endure in order to reach The numbers were more tween the goal lines was a down to snatch two Marcel league as it heads to the Las that he be sidelined. the press box. stimulating than a canteen of flashback, a glimpse of the Weems pass attempts, while Vegas Bowl Dec. 17 for an en- The Bengals, at 0-6 the NFL's No, it had to do with the caffeine. O.G. days of Gary Blackney holding "one of the top quar- core performance. only winless team, have a bye heart-stopping, eye-popping, After that initial failed drive, football: terbacks in the MAC" to 10 after Sunday's game. They have Gerry Faust-mopping per- BG went on to score a touch- 3An angry offensive line yards passing - or 36 fewer Mark Leonard DeChant is lost eight consecutive games in formance of our own BG foot- down in five of its next seven rendering the Zips pass rush yards than Falcon wideout assistant sports editor o/The Houston during the past eight ball team. possessions before halftime. nearly impotent. Rameir Martin. News, and has already reser- seasons. In just 24 minutes of action, When the smoke cleared, the OA Vince Palko-led front □And) yes, we mustn't forget ved his seat at the blackjack Mike Brown the Falcons - once a hesitant Falcons had racked up 248 seven (Bigger, Uglier Ones?) the offense, sharper than a table. said he isn't blaming Shula for the Bengals' dismal start. It is their worst beginning since the Bengals lost their first eight games in 1991 in Sam Wyche's last season as head coach. Hunter Best NFL defense in Pittsburgh? "I don't fault Dave," Brown said. "You have to have rabbits to The Associated Press Steelers defense, 1993. Kind of "I remember watching those an offensive touchdown if Co- make rabbit stew." reminiscent of Pittsburgh great Steeler teams on TV when I wher hadn't called off his de- Shula, nearing the halfway signs Steelers defense, circa 1976, isn't was growing up," New Orleans fense. Their league-leading rush point of his three-year contract, PITTSBURGH - The towel- it? Saints running back Derek defense hasn't allowed an oppo- has worked with Brown to bring waving crowd gave them nu- There's still a Greene, only it's Brown said. "These guys are nent to run for 100 yards yet, and in young players and get rid of all merous standing ovations and Kevin, not Mean Joe. There's still good, too. And we had to play throwing against them is a big but four players from Cincinna- pact cheered "d-e-e-e-fense, d-e-e-e- a dominating linebacker, but it's against them." gamble, too. ti's 1988 Super Bowl team. fense." The opposing coach said Greg Lloyd instead of Jack Ham. The Saints, who were the NFL's Led by Woodson's third two- Shula said he is concerned The Associated Press it's the best defense he's seen. And the secondary still is an- lone remaining unbeaten team, game and seven about the Bengals' struggling Some of the opposing players chored by the NFL's premier didn't play with ~ or stay with -- INTs overall, the Steelers (4J) offense and the defense's inabili- cornerback, only it's Rod Wood- have 14 in six ATHENS, Ohio -- Ohio said they'd rather not see them the Steelers for long Sunday. ty to stop the run. son playing Mel Blount's old po- games. And in the last three University has extended again. Woodson returned an intercep- "It's very difficult, for any- Welcome to Pittsburgh sition. tion 63 yards for a touchdown games, the Steelers' defense has body associated with the Bengals the contract of men's bas- ;, APPkM. w h just 1:39 gone, then picked scored more touchdowns (three) - for everybody," Shula said. ketball coach Larry Hunter than it has allowed (two). through the 1996-97 season, off another Wade Wilson pass "But it's where we are." less than five minutes later to set "I've been in the NFL for nine He said he is fighting doubts the Mid-American Confer- years," linebacker Kevin Greene ence school announced up another score. about whether he has the team That quickly pushed it to 14-0, said. "I've never seen a defense headed in the right direction. Tuesday. like this or a player like Rod Terms of the contract and it became a 37-point lead be- "You can go a lot of ways in fore coach Bill Cowher yanked Woodson." feeling sorry for yourself - get will be made final after the And Greene has given the de- 1993-94 season, athletic di- his first-team defense and Saints so depressed that you can't focus backup quarterback Mike Buck fense the added dimension it's on your next opponent, or just rector Harold McElhaney lacked since the Steel Curtain said in a news release. threw two touchdown passes in throw your hands up in the air the fourth quarter to make it dominated the NFL: a pass rush. and say the heck with it," Shula Hunter, 44, is 60-51 in four seasons as the Bobcats 37-14. Greene, who had two sacks, said. "But none of those ways are The Saints couldn't run - they teams with two-time answers to get you out of the sit- coach. Last season, his team went 14-12, finishing fourth managed 49 yards, 110 below pick Greg Lloyd to give Pitts- uation we're in. their average - or pass. Brown, burgh perhaps the best outside "You get to a point where you in the MAC with an 11-7 league mark. He spent 13 averaging 81 yards a game, got linebacking tandem in the AFC. doubt everything or you examine only 7 on 10 carries. Wilson Cowher, the former Kansas everything," he said. "We're years as head coach at Wit- tenberg. missed his first eight passes and City Chiefs defensive coor- examining. Bit there is some 10 of his first 11, and finished a dinator, spends considerable doubt that can creep in. brutal 6 of 23 for 85 yards. time with this defense each "I don't know what else was week. Like almost all former de- left for us to try," Wilson said. fensive bosses, the defense still The Steelers' defense had is his baby. nearly as many sacks (five) as And he's never seen a defense Something new at Kinko's... Wilson did completions. The be so dominant against so good a Saints didn't get a first down un- team for so long. til the final play of the first half "I don't know if you can play and had only two first downs any more efficiently than we through three quarters. did," Cowher said. "We caught a STEEL CURTAIN RETURNS: Pittsburgh linebacker Levon Kirkland, "We got our butts kicked big good football team at the right left, knocks the ball loose from quarterback Wade time," Saints coach Jim Mora time. I told our guys we should Wilson as he sacks bim In Steelers' 37-14 upset Sunday. said. "They may be the best de- all go out and play the lottery be- fense we'll see all year." cause we had some very fortun- And what has caught the atten- ate things happen to us." tion of NFL players and coaches Is this wasn't a one-game anom- Or, maybe, they should feel aly. fortunate they hit the lottery The Steelers might have held a when they drafted Woodson in third straight opponent without 1987. TW*^t?iBBBBBPk KIMO/We NIGHT IBM® PS/2® has just arrived! Wednesday % „ You'll find something new al Kinko's... powerful IBM PS/2 self-serve computers. And whether you need to use them for an m 9*± hour or a day, you'll find all the tools you need in our comfortable Pheasant Room work area, including printers and a selection of leading software. Evening Specials r" —I $2 OFF PER HOUR IBM PS/2 RENTAL Monday- Grilled Rock Shrimp $5.25 Bring this coupon into the Kinko's listed and save $2 per hour on in-store, Tuesday - 8oz. Steak Special $6.50 self-service IBM PS/2 computer rental time. Nol valid with other offers. Mark's Wednesday - All You Can Eat $4.25 Spaghetti & Garlic Bread One coupon per customer. Good through November 30,1993. proud to Thursday - 2lb. of: Slab Ribs with $ 6.95 present the baked potato and toss salad kinko's 50% Best Karoake Hours Your branch office Off COV€R for over 11:30-1:30 Lunch 3 Veors! 5:00 - 7:00 Dinner Open 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. ui/ coupon (Behind Myles Pizza) • 115 Railroad St. • 354-3977 — Off Campus Quantum 90' Cards Accepted Anytime n. .J — On Campus Quantum 90' Cards Accepted after 5pm Wednesday, October 20, 1993 The BC News page seven Browns' offense down NFL's best of the best The Associated Press ductive part of the Browns' pass- we're trying to be a wishbone ing game. He leads the team in team, but it opens up to play- receiving, with 26 catches for 187 action, and when you get into sit- BEREA - An injury to halfback yards, and can play in any posi- uations like we did (against Cin- rise out in week seven Eric Met calf may keep the Cleve- tion - wing, slot and wide. cinnati) when you have to hang land offense on the ground in If Metcalf is out, that could on to the ball at the end to win, The Associated Press "We were 5-0 and we probably because he's only on the field for next Sunday's against the Pitts- mean the offensive game will re- it's very important to be able to weren't that good," Saints coach Detroit when the other team burgh Steelers. volve Tommy Vardell. The full- run." Jim Mora said. "We got our butts kicks. And although the Browns rol- back leads the team in rushing, The Browns gained 183 yards Call NFL Week 7 a week for kicked and we're probably not On Sunday, he started by fum- led up the winless Cincinnati with 85 carries for 360 yards, an on 42 rushes against the Bengals, stars: that bad." bling the opening kickoff, setting Bengals, the offense was not average of 4.2 yards per carry. but the numbers don't tell the ~ Shining stars: , "If we're not the NFL's best de- up a Seattle touchdown that gave without its problems - problems On Sunday, he was just a couple whole story: The Browns had an Michael Irvin, Barry Sanders, fense, we're right there," Wood- the Seahawks a 7-0 lead with 1:32 the Steelers are more likely than yards shy of his second 100-yard eight-drive dry spell midway Neil Smith. son said. gone in the game. Cincinnati to exploit. game of the season. through the game during which - Emerging stars: Eric Swann. Sanders gained 101 yards in 22 In the third quarter, Gray re- Metcalf's injury was initially Coach Bill Belichick, in his they gained a total of 13 yards. - Unsung stars: Mel Gray. carries as the Detriot Lions beat turned a kickoff 95 yards for a reported as a bruised knee, but third season at Cleveland, says it After putting the Browns up - Unknown stars: Lewis Till- the 30-10. touchdown, the sixth time he's that was later changed to a has taken a lot of work to make 21-0 in the early going, the man, Corey Miller and the New "You're just getting ready to done that in his career. Then he sprained knee. The difference is the Browns the No.3 rushing offense fumbled once, gave up an York Giants' offensive line, and wrap him up and... nothing," said brought a punt back 35 yards to substantial, and a sprain is more team in the NFL, with 710 yards interception and played three- of Seattle. set up a Jason Hanson field goal. likely to keep a player out. overall and four touchdowns. and-out five times. ~ Joe Montana, the biggest "That's what you get when you "He's the best ever," Mora However, the extent of the injury "Being able to run the ball "We'll need to play a much bet- of all. try to get him. Nothing." says. "I know, because we had to Metcalf was not yet clear. opens up some other things for ter game against the Steelers," From the top: Smith blocked two field goals him." Metcalf has been the most pro- you," Belichick said. "Not that tackle Tony Jones said. THE BEST IN THE BUSI- by John Carney that enabled the NESS: to give the WHO ARE THOSE GUYS?: Irvin had 12 catches for 168 ball to Montana with 3 minutes The Giants are 5-1. Ask yards in the ' left and four points down. someone outside the megalopolis THE BO NEWS PIGSKIN 26-17 win over the to name a dozen Giants. 49ers in a mistake-filled game. FINALLY ...: Swann was Lawrence Taylor... "I don't think in those terms, thought to be a typical bungled ... . And that PICK CONTEST that's silly," Irvin said when first-round draft choice by the coach, Dan Reeves. Taylor's a SPONSORED BT asked if he had surpassed the Cardinals - sixth overall in 1991. situation player now. Hampton's 49ers' as the NFL's He had his coming-out party hurt. best receiver. (Anyone heard of Sunday in the 36-6 victory over Simms is healthy and effective Sterling Sharpe?) the Washington Redskins. Swann because of an offensive line that Irvin took advantage of backup had nine tackles, five assists and allowed the Giants to rush for 210 Michael Magruder who was play- two sacks - one of them for a yards against the ing for the injured Don Griffin safety. Eagles. The line - Jumbo Elliott, and was used in single coverage "I got a safety on the same side William Roberts, Bob Kratch, most of the game. of the field last year, and I just Doug Riesenberg and a new face "We just did what we do," Irvin had a vision when I saw we were in center (for in- said. "We don't worry about the at the one that it would happen jured and aging ) - has other team." again," Swann said of his end also allowed only 14 sacks in six Woodson had two intercep- zone tackle of Reggie Brooks. games. tions, one returned 63 yards for a And who are Miller and Till- touchdown as the Pittsburgh WHO WAS THAT GUY?: Gray man? Win g20 gift certificate Steelers dismantled the New Or- is 32 and seems to have been Miller had two sacks and an leans Saints 37-14. around forever. No one notices interception in the Giants' 21-10 Name:. APFkm victory over Philadelphia. And Tillman rushed for 169 Address:. yards in 20 carries. Hampton should be back in a couple of Phone:. weeks.

"We didn't know about this team at the beginning of the year," Miller said. "We knew we 9 had some people who could play 3* football, but we thought it might 0 take time for everything to come together." 1 AND, SIMPLY... THE BEST: Aaron Mark Russ Mike Dorksen DeChani Eckord Kazimore On Sunday, Montana moved the Chiefs 80 yards in less than IUIWMk'8-7 U«WMk:9« ait»Mk:11-4 lin*o««6-9 overall: 61-31 onral: 63-36 overall: 6136 ov«»: 57-42 two minutes for the winning score against the Chargers' punishing defense, MAC: after Smith's second block of a Bowling Green (3 Ball St BG BG BG BG BG BG field goal. Montana's heroics in- Cent. Mien @ Kent Cent Mich Cent. Mich Cent Mich Cent. Mich Cent. Mich Cent Mich cluded a fourth-and-10 pass from the Chargers' 43 to Willie Davis West Mich. Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Akron @ Temple Temple Temple Akron Temple Temple Temple It was also helped when that Cincinnati @ Toledo Cincinnati Cincinnati Toledo Toledo Cincinnati Toledo punishing defense - led by Shawn Lee - handed Montana 15 NFL: yards for roughing him.

Pittsburg @ Cleveland Cleveland Pittsburg Cleveland Pittsburg Cleveland Pittsburg Cincinnati @ Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Make your own Atlanta @ New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans Atlanta New Orleans tacos & Buffalo @ NY. Jets Buffalo Buffalo NY Jets Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Dallas Cowboys wide recievcr Michael Irvin celebrates a 36-yard touchdown In the third quarter against the Sun- nachos this Green Bay @ Tampa Bay Green Bay Green Bay Green Bay Green Bay Green Bay Green Bay day afternoon. Dallas won, 26-17. Detroit @ LA Rams Detroit Detroit Detroit LA Rams Detroit Detroit week at New England @ Seattle Seattle Seattle Seattle Seattle New England Seattle Phoenix @ San Fransisco San Fransisco San Fransisco San Fransisco San Fransisco San Fransisco San Fransisco Indianapolis @ Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami

Monday PcL 28, Minnesota @ Chicago Chicago Chicago Minnesota Chicago Chicago Minnesota

To win, circle your picks on the left-hand side and then turn in the contest form to the BG News. 210 West Hall. The entry with the most correct picks will wina $20 gift certificate from Myles Pizza. Prizes will vary from week to week. In case of ties, a winner will be drawn by a member of the BG News.The previous week's winner will have his or her picture appear In the guest column along with their winning score each Wednesday. All entries must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday.

This week's winner is Matt Palmer of Sylvania. Matt correctly picked 11 out ol 15 games this week, which, considering the state of the Mid-American Conference recently, is no small feat. For his efforts, Matt received a gift certificate worth $20 at Myles Pizza. Russ Eckard was theNews' top gum last week, with an impressive 11 -4 mark, 'Money Man" Mart< DeCnant still leads the field with a 63-36 record. Russ moves up to a tie tor second with Aaron Dorksen. Both are two games behind at 61-38. And talk about two trains passing in the night! Former leader Mike Kazimore earned the garbage can for the second consecutive week, which dropped him into a tie for last with Andy 'don't look now" Dugan.Stay tuned tor the further adventures of our fearless forecasters.

Parents of the year Parents of the year Parents of the year Parents of the year Thursday, October 21 Parent(s) of the Year Essay Contest FLOR DE CANA Essay topic: NE Commons 8-10 pm The most valuable thing your Parent(s) taught you' "Powerful Contempory and Entry Forms are available in the UAO office PAHIKIS Essays are due Winner Receives Traditional Noon, Oct. 22 Parent(s) Weekend Gift Package Sounds from Latin America" *Free Admission* Parents of the year Parents of the year Parents of the year Parents of the year Classifieds page eight The BC News Wednesday, October 20, 1993

STUDENT ATHLETIC TRAINERS ASSO- AGO-AGO-AGO-AGO KKG ' Lil" Tracy Warmmgron ' KKG WE'RE COMING WERE COMING Help Wanted 10 40 hoursAvk.. flexible CAMPUS EVENTS CIATION Big Kelly - Big Laurel I hope you're excited Lisa's Wild Woohes Cot 20-22 Union Foyer schedule. Openings throughout Ohio. Wednesday Oct. 20 9 00 pm Thanks for a super Brittle mghif On Thursday you will find Hand-made, woolen sweaters Oyr specialty' $9 00/BiarPng pay 866-1726 We are the luckiest little sisters 257 Memorial Hall A big who's really cheery Visa, MC, Discover. A checks Now audit-oiling dancers for Toledo's premiere If serves Questions About Certification •n the whole world' I hope you don't mind. gentlemen's show dub. Deja Vu. 531 -0329. Be - WE CARE'WE CARE' AGD love A mine. DONT FORGET DUESI KKG *KKG* KKG* KKG *KKG a cut above' Do you? UIJen-LilKim WANTED H so. ptck up an Orientation Loader application PART-TIME STUDENT EMPLOYMENT in 405 Student Stmon' Due back by Oct 27D1 Lil Holly Loian Are you looking for part-time employment of 15 SERVICES OFFERED Alcohol Awareness Week bySpm You ru lei hours plus per week within walking distance to Want to have some laughs tonight? Come see ' WE CARE'WE CARE' Get psyched about Thursday nigh t' 1 female roommate for Spring '94 BGSU campus? Interested m working various Comedian Dan Rosen at Easy Street Cafe Own room, very close to campus, low rent Love, Your Big ? unskilled fobs m assembly, packaging, etc? Any type ol research! Reasonable & reliable from 7-9pm. Currently touring with Room Wil- Call 352-2736 Rate of pay is $4 25 per hour Apply in person Access to over 2000 databases Call 655 3837 liams. Rosen has appeared on HBO. Show- between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm DOMESTIC VIOLENCE llocall time, VHi. and the Dawd Letterman show LilKimCarr (Mon-Fri) at Advanced Specialty Products, Susan Croce Irom the Family and Child Abuse Don't miss this great chance to laugh it up" On tonight is the night 1 male roommate needed ASAP. PREGNANT? Inc. 426 Ctough St BG. OH 43402. Prevention Center will speak out about domes- that you will see. Own room, only $160 + elec/month. We can help. FREE * CONFOENTIAL preg- Everybody's Doin' ft, NOT! tic violence TONIGHT m 200 Moseley at Who your Bowing Green Napoleon Road 352-6968 nancy tests, support A mlormatjon. BG Prog- 830pm Sponsored by Peace Coalition's Big A Family will be' nancy Center Call 354 HOPE Are you a psychology, nutrition, dietetics, soci- FOR SALE Peace Studies Program Grab your smile Wanted Non-smoking male or female room- ology, medicine, or health education mafor? Royal Cleaning Services lor your home and your excitement. Do. mate to rent room in house. $160 a month plus DOMESTIC VIOLENCE DISCUSSION The WELLness program wanta you! Thorough, reliable, eipenenced A insured Because there is a BGSU home utilities. Call Paul at 372-7418 or 352-5219 7-9 30. Thurs. Oho Suite Be a student WELLness Consultant and assist Fre» estimates 353-2008 waiting just for you' 01 Awesome Spring Breaks! Plan Early ■ Sponsored by: Women lor Women students m identifying and reaching their health after 6:00 pm. ???? m Savs $50 A Get Beet Rooms! Prices In- goals. Stop by the WELL for more information crease 11/15! Bahamas Cruise 6 days with' SKYDIVE Now. 10 minutes from BGSU. Visa & and applicaf]on at 220 Student Health Services 12 mnii $279! Panama City Room w Mastercard accepted Student A group dis- HELP WANTED — EAG — or call 372-6302 Lil Slacey. kitchen f 129! Cancun from Columbus $439. counts SKYDIVE BG 352-5200 Can you guess who I am? Come to a meebno of the Attention All Freshmen!! Jamaica $459, Padre $199, Key West 1239. I'll give you a clue. E nvironmental Action Group Word Processing-Resumes. Term Papers. Forgot to pick up your Freshman Record Be- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ s s s t $ $ Daytona kitchens $149! 1-800-678-6366. Wednesdays. 900. '003 BA Thesis. Dissertations on laser pnnter You may not know who I am. ginnings last week? Don't pantc' They are soli But Iknowyoii! Fraternities, sororities, campus organizations. '81 Mustang Body m great shape Runs, Tomorrow: An informal discussion on Wolves Call 352 6705 (9 to 9). available for pick-up at the MileD Alumni Center Love. Your Big highly motivated indiv duals-Travel FREE plus needs some mechanical work $500080 every day this week from 9-11 and 2-4. Don't earn up to THOUSANDS of DOLLARS selling Call 352 9652 - WOMEN IN COMMUNICATIONS — forget your photo ID! Any questions, call SPRING BREAK trips lo Cancun- Tomghti at 7:30 in 106 BA 26649 Lil'Beth Bahamas/Cruise South Padre Isiand-Flonda 1975 Honda CL 360 T motorcycle completely Bonnie Fink will discuss RESUMES PERSONALS Thursday mghi we finally get to meet' Beaches: CALL KIRK. 1-800-258-9191. I cant waif Get excited -1 am' restored with owner's manual. A "new" bike for Love. Your Big ? $650 00 Call for details. 823 /?35 '" FREE TRIPS A CASHi *** "' Greek Organizations "* Kappa Delta- Kim SkaJa -Kappa Delta 1962 OkJsmobile Omega. Good local car. Having a hard rime finding gifts with your loners Thanks for everything • especially a truly bond- Call us and find out how '00s of students Come to this week's Lil'Heather Runs well, but needs some mechanical work REACH-OUT on them' The Greek Man now also carries ing expenence Saturday night And remember are already earning FREE TRIPS and I can't wail for you to see. LOTS OF CASH with Amenca's m Spring $300 OBO Call 354-6600 (Ask for Don or meeting and find out what we're doing to alle- gifts for Omega Phi Alpha. Tau Beta Sigma. When Shannon is around, anything is possible. 1 What an awesome tag'iil pair welt be. leave message) Kappa Kappa Psi. and Delta Sigma Pi. Also Even trees in the Sahara'! I love my Gig Break company' Cancun, Bahamas, viate homelessness and poverty m Wood I hope you're as excited as me 1 KD love and mine ■ Jamaica, Panama, Daytona or Padre Canon AE-1 Program with 28. 50 and County. new • sorority & fraternity "XL Athletics" Love. Your Big Wednesday. 900 pm. 1010BA t-shirts The Greek Mart is open everyday' Lo- lil' Shannon Call now' Take A Break Student Travel 28-85mm lenses A-Z Power winder, all in (800) 328-SAVE or (617) 424 8222 Thanks to all those who partiopated in tie cated by Spots on E Court 353 0901 excellent cond. As new $350 352-7576. Ask 'or Ross orjeayemessago. dopWalki Kappa Delta- Came Emerson Kappa Delta Lil'Michelle Tonight is the night -PARENTSWEEKEND- I love my Grand Big" Thanks for the spaghetti, AA CRUISE A TRAVEL JOBS EARN Color network computer with 366sx/25 mhz That you will see S2500/MO A TRAVEL THE WORLD FREE' I HAH HNIlli S garlic bread, salad and good times' Thanks for with 4 MB bOMRHD AIAS Saturday night and my nap' Many more good Just who your big (CARIBBEAN. EUROPE. HAWAII. ASIA') Original cost $1900 Will sell for $1100 SORORITIES 1 American Institute of Architecture Students times ahead11 love you' And family will be CRUISE LINES NOW HIRING FOR BUSY Barely used Call 354-0610 after 6 pm The neil meeting will be tonight at 9 pm In KD love and mine- Love. Big ? HOLIDAY. SPRING AND SUMMER room 127A Tech. Building. Semi private banquet room available Parent's weekend - Fnday. Saturday Lil' Shannon SEASONS GUARANTEED EMPLOYMENT' Lil' Michelle CALL (919)929 a398ext 63 _ _ Insight 366ax-25 Computer BGPRO-BGPRO-BGPRO or Sunday. Call Quarter's Bar A Grill Thursday night you will see color monitor A printer, 4 megabyte RAM PUBLIC RELATIONS ORGANIZATION 352-8228 lor information A reservations Kappa Delta Who your Kappa Big will be ASSEMBLERS Excellent income 80 MB HDD, 5 25 and 3 5 FDA JOSEPH FREDRICKSON Sister of the Week I bet you cant wait to see to assemble products at home Great Buy @ $1,900 obo. MARKETING DIRECTOR FOR Infol 504€46 1700DEPT OH 6255 BOO-GRAMS ARE COMING1" Meiisa Cox What an awesome pair we'll be Call Man ha @ 354-3409 THE TOLEDO BLADE Congratulations' low. Your Big ? 7:30, WED. OCT. 20 BOO-GRAMS ARE COMING!!! ROOM 100 BA Look for these adorable Itroe pumpkins on sale Ann: Business Related Students TASP' Inter Macintosh II SI, 5 mg RAM. 80 mb hd. color rgb m the Math-Soence A Education buildings: Karaoke, Karaoke, Karaoke!! Lil'Shelly, national is now hiring highly motivated students monitor, keyboard, mouse A system software Oct 21-27. i0am-4pm Brought to you by Al- As part of the week long events happening dur- 3 more days. to fill management positions m your home inc PageMaker A Freehand A other prog. A CKI-CKI-CKT pha Lambda Delia. igAlcohol Awareness Week. S.T.E.P.1 pre- You'll be surprised' town, next summer Earn $7,000-$8,000 while extensions $1500 00 Call 354 5067. At 9:00 in He Ohio Suite building your resume, gaining cruoal experi- Coma eae Chria Woodyard. author of sents Karaoke. This week from 9pm until Mid- Big' ol the Union night in the Bowl N' Greenery All the fun is at ence, and gaining an internship Positons are Nintendo w'13 games and genie. Haunted Ohio, Friday. OcL 27.11 am - 2 pm $1100.BO Everyone is welcome Campus Expressions this Thursday Hope to open across Ohio, particularly in Sylvanla, at the University Bookstore. Lil' Tiffany Circle K International seoyouaiiihe'e'" Maumse, Mansfield, Lima, Flndlay and the 353-9221 DEE GEE ' SIGMA CHI ■ D6E GEE Can you guess who I am' Cleveland suburbs Position are filled on a KKG'LII'JennB.'KKG DAVE. CHRIS and SCOTT: I'll give yob a clue, first come, first qualified basis For more intor- Romper. Bomper. Stomper. Boo Don! forget: My name begins like mation.call i 800 543 3792 FOR RENT UNDERGRADUATE ALUMNI ASSOC Cmnamon rolls A donuts, extra loud music Ten me. tell me. do you have a clue The blue and the blue! BG Ribs A Steaks at the Days Inn is looking for GENERAL MEETING-OCT 20 (oops1), Rakes. DG "handshakes", church Who your Kappa big may be' Love, Your Big a banquet set up person A dishwasher Flexi- 8 30 pm -111 BA talks, pep talks. "What's going on?", bubba, Thursday night, you will see" Love. Big ? ble hours. Apply at front desk 1550 E. Woos- 1 bedroom apt. Immediate occupancy. Pets BRING YOUR TICKETS!!! permanent marker I like this job', siip-n slide Loose weight w'out dieting! ier.BG.n-4 •ire .i owr?d 354 8800 breaks, perfect timing, group huddles to keep Permanent, safe A effective weight loss For Rent WIN GREAT PRIZES warm, 20 mm. showers. Muggs, lots of food KKG-LH'JsnnF. *KKG THE POWER TRIM way. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Earn up to and drinks and great company and conversa- Duplex, adjacent to campus HSA/HP Tuilion Raffle Ren ee 655-2892. $2.000*'month . world travel (Hawaii, Mex- 352 0000 Theme/Logo Contest tions' Thanks for the best time in a philanthropy Gel excited for Thursday ico, the Caribbean, etc ). Summer and Career • You guys are the best< Entry deadline: Friday. 10/29 As you will see employment available. No experience neces Love- UR DG team The Best Big/Lil pair ODKOOKODK-OOK Winners chosen Tuesday 11/2 sary. For more information call Now renting 2 A 3 Bedroom apartments Rent Luca. Jaime. Callie A Denise In BG's history' 1 206 634-0468 0*1 C5544 For more information call Attention all starts at $399 $455 Central A/C; carpeted; the Honors Program at 372-8504 Love A loyally, appliances included Applicants must be in- Big' Om con Delta Kappa Members- Earn cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma- DG'DU'DG There wit be a meeting on terials provided. Send SASE to PO Box 395 come qualified. First months rent free to al Mke A Chris • Thanks for being awesome Wednesday, October 20 at 9:00 pm qathe.KS 66051. qualified applicants Handicap accessible coaches and helping to lead us to EIGHT KKG'EnnBenger'KKG in 1000 BA units. For more information, please call Barb LAGA - LAGA ■ LAGA STRAIGHT" Thanks' Golly gee. I can't believe EARNUPTO$10-HOUR Bowling Green Estates Motivated students needed for P/T marketing Meeting tor lesbian, gay and biseiual mem- The DG bike race learn That you actually think We will be creating a banner to hang 352-5987 bers ol the community. Every Thursday at UC- DG'DU'DG You've been deceived by little old me in the union oval' positions at your school Flexible hrs Call TO Fon the comer of Thurstin and Ridge DAY' 1-800-950-l039Ext 3065 But you will soon see- Now renting brand new 2 A 3 bedroom apts. m How keen our KKG family ODK-OOK-ODK-OOK Mortar Board FOCUS* FREE TRIPS AND MONEY!! Individuals and Bowling Green, Oho Rent starts at $399 Happy Hours at Quarters 'First-year off campus University Students Truly wiN be Student Organizations wanted to promote the c 455 Central A/C. carpeted, appliance! in- Love. Your Boom THURS OCT2lst7:00pm 328 S Main (our only office) Big' (But you can gain valuable experience DAIRY QUEEN 352 5620 PUMPKIN SALE Formu-3 Weight Loss Student Special KKG'KKG'KKG at The BG News) The BG News has 3 10-2. Mon 4 Tues Oct. 25 S 26 Lose as much as you can in 30 days lor $99 Account Executive positions available at the Education Bldg Can lor appointment. 354-4500. SAE-SAE - SAE next semeslor and several position Open House at Bowling Green Estates. 1072 KKG * Kappa ' KKG The Brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon would for next year in the Fairview Ave. on Saturday, Oct 23, 1993 from Potential for beautiful Greater Dayton area company seeks local Ac- Lil'Jessica like to congratulate Greg Olsen on his recent Advertising Department. 11-44 Sunday. Ocl 24. 1993 from 11 -4. First orange happy faces. counting or Finance majors lor Co-op. Co-op Get psyched for lavai*nnq to Aimee McKenna. We are looking tor month rent free to all eligible applicants plus Sponsored by VI P. wtll work Spring semester "94 plus 1 other se- BIG-LITTLE! ENTHUSIASTIC, DEDICATED. EAGER $100 00 cash if you can move in by 10-31-93. mester Call Co-op Progam. 2-2451 for details Love. SIGMA CHI OMEGA Individuals who want lo GET AHEAD! For more information please call Barb at ASApt Your Big ? Jeff, Doug. Josh, Mke. Call 372-2606 for detal 1st 352-5987 Much and Ron- Hey Soul sueKAS Thanks for breakfasl and Two bedroom apartments INTROVerTS' S KKG'LilRacheat'KKG a great time at Derby Daze' Short term leases available. wilibe®Club2i(l9.)Sat.Oct 23 Can you guess who I might be? INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Make up We love you guys' to $2,000Vmo. teaching basic conversational 709 Fifth St real Thursday night you will see Amanda, Angie. Michelle A Gma English abroad Japan, Taiwan, and S. Korea, 722 Fourth Street HIGH TECH DATING! What a great big/iil pair we will be. SIGMA CHI OMEGA many provide room A board * other benefits. Contact Newlove Rentals' 352-5620 No previous training required. For more infor- 328 S Main (our only office). MEET NEW FRIENDS USING OUR VOICE KKG ' Lil' Jennifer O'Neill' KKG mation call 1-206-632 | j 46 exl. J5544 CENTER FOR CHOICE II MAIL Thursday night's the night for you to see Conlidential Health Care For Women LINE Very Inexpensive Very Effective. So or early Jr Acct or Finance Jusi who your big sis happens to be major from great Dayton area Very Confidential You Are Always In I'm completely psyched A hope you are loo needed for full-time • Student fee Control' Find That Special Person. KAPPA is for friendship Spring semester position Running on • Abortion through Write Campus Connections. P.O. Box 115 And I've found that in you' Woodville. OH 43469 Must have completed 20 weeks Love. Your Big ? 2 Acct. courses. Empty? Apply w/resume 236 Ad Bldg. • Morning after ASAP"X-245i Interested in gaming practical experience and KKG* Lil'Andrea* KKG Short on time? treatment course credit by helping others? You are great I The WELL can give you the opportunity- Can't wait HI Thursday night i • Caring friend or VOLUNTEE R TOUR GUIDES WANTED' Become a WELLneae Consultant and assist Low. Your Big ? Check out the new relative allowed students in identifying and reaching their Admissions Office is seeking volunteer Tour Guides for the annual for personal WE lines* goals. Pick up applications and KKG'Lil'Julie* KKG PREVIEW DAY ON more at the WELL, 220 Student Health Ser- Our Big4.il pa>r vices or call 372 6302 SAT. NOV. 6 A SAT, DEC 4 support is (he best it can be If interested, attend one ol LUNCH BUFFET Cuz you're a great addition 16 N. Huron INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE Coed WallybaJI Our informational meetings on to our Kappa family treel specials priced at Toledo, OH 43604 - Nov. 2; Men's Sgis RacquetbaJI - Nov. 9. Al TUES. OCT. 26 at 9.00 pm All-Vou-Can-Eat 1 -800-589-6005 entries due by 4.00 P.M. on due date. Love, Your Big ? in TAFT ROOM (Unon) or KKG'lirjuhe'KKG $2.99 & $3.99 WED OCT 27 at 9:00 pm $4.50 InllSBAI KKG* Lil'Patty'KKG VOLUNTEE R TOUR GUIDE S WANTED' S. Main Store Only You're cool I AVAILABLE AT Uh-Uh-Huh-Uh-Uh Student Roc Center 11:30 - 1:30 KKG •IT Patty 'KKG Time. Fitness Week-October 18-22nd Wed Condition Competition. COMMONS HARSMMAN 11 am- 1 pm A 4 - 8 pm MCDONALD KREISCWER 892 S. Main 353-1231 KKG 'Lil' Brandy* KKG Thur: Largest Aerobic Class, 5 - 7 pm Wild and crazy is what we'll be 3 on 3Basketball. 8 11pm Even though you don't know ma. F%0AFE Fn: Poker Run/Walk, 1130 am -1 pm So Thursday night you will find Prizes, including t-srvrts. water bottles and A big/iil pair that's out of sight' TIMEX watches will be given out throughout STUDENT TRAVEL Love, Your Big? Presents... me week"

FREE CONDOMS FREE CONDOMS FREE CONDOMS 18007770112 MIKE GRIFFIN THE WORLD'S LARGEST STUDENT /i and the Unknown Blues Band... YOUTH TRAVEL ORfiANI7ATION ...From Nashville, Tenn. AIDS KILLED ME/ I 27J ST A TRAVEL Hey B.G. "Get ready for some of the best | What's it doing to you\ | butt-rocking blues you've heard in a Ions, 4jj _ long time!" Rodney L. Watts