Eastern Illinois University The Keep

March 1993

3-3-1993 Daily Eastern News: March 03, 1993 Eastern Illinois University

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acuity to vote on five open senate seats STEPHANIE CARROLL Personnel Committee and University proposal encourages the university to real­ Planning Committee alternates. Faculty Senate locate resources into undergraduate studies Faculty members running the senate and library services rather than research A total of J 1 candidates will be running have made statements about issues the sen­ Candidates and graduate studies. five Faculty Senate seats in the spring ate is dealing with. Those statement will be "(Assistant director of IBHE Richard Cendldm Depel1lnent lly elections on March 10 and 11. published in the senate's next minutes, said JohnAllison English Wagner) feels we are doing an honest effort John Allison, John M. Craft. Marietta Ed Marlow, chairman of Faculty Senate. John M. Craft• Physical Education to do what they've asked of us," Joms said. ming. Jerry Eisenhour, Ron Gholson, One of the open seats was left by Craig Marietta Deming. Health Studies I'm happy to say that we're doing it for our et Hope. Janet Lambert, Gail Mason, Eckert, who resigned from the senate Feb. Jeny Elsenhour TheateArts own reasons, though." RonGholson Secondary Ed. n Miller, John Simpson and James 16, in what be said was a result in the frus­ JanetHope Sociology Jorns also took questions from the semate well are all running for a spot on the traLion of being part of an ineffectiv,e body. Janet Lambert Junior High Ed. concerning the progress of the Academic te. Eckert said he was upset at the way the Gail Mason Speech Comm. Area Restructuring Committee, which met Craft. Deming and MilJer currently serve senate handled important topics and treated John M111er• Secondary Ed. on Monday and Tuesday and will meet John Simpson English the senate. other faculty that brought concerns to the James r ldwell Journalism again Wednesday. A final list of nominees for faculty elec­ group. Senate member Marietta Deming asked !> was released at the regular Faculty Also on ballot are CAA candidates Rori Joms why the committee is not looking at ate meeting Tuesday. Carson, James Conwell, Russ Fischer, administrative positions while planning Also on the ballot will be candidates for Mary Anne Hanner, Nancy Marlow, Education meeting in Chicago. reorganization of Eastern 's six colleges. Council on Academic Affairs, Council Eleanor E. Midkiff and Ron Wohlstein. Joms said the IBHE is pleased with "I have have an opinion about restructur­ Faculties, Academic Program Elim- Also at the meeting, Eastern President Eastern 's progress in meeting the recom­ ing administration." Joms said. "There's ion Review. Council Graduate Studies, David Joms addressed the senate about mendations made under the Priorities, ncil on Teacher Education, University Tuesday's Illinois Board of Higher Quality and Productivity initiative. The ., Continued on page 2 ouncil ives OK o search

The Charleston City Council rized a resolution Tuesday for advisory panel to search for a · administrator, creating a full­ e professional position to assist local government in day-to-day business and planning. Mayor Wayne Lanman said he chosen nine individuals for the visory panel but would not lease the names until the next cil meeting pending discussion 'th the other COU11Cil members. When asked about who would rve on the advisory panel, the ayor said that the individuals re from different sections of the munity such as Eastern. Char­ ton High School, a representa­ ·ve involved in real estate, an panment building owner and a mber of the Charleston Cham­ MARI OGAWA/Photo editor of Commerce. Also on the agenda was the Rain, rain go away hearing of three requests for Eastern students rry to avoid stepping in puddles in fronr of Buzzard Building Tuesday afternoon. Temperatures reached the high 40's during liquor license reclassifications. Tuesday's rainstorm. Saying that they wanted more time to consider the requests and review the entire city liquor code. the council voted to have the Senator: Eastern failing Hispanics Oiarleston Liquor Advisory Board conduct its own investigation of By CHRIS SEPER transition to college. RClassifying the licenses. Associate news editor About 28 percent of Eastern 's l percent The advisory board will look Sen. Miguel de Valle evalu­ Hispanic population consists of freshman and together at the requests and the set If State Sen. Miguel de Valle were to hand ates both sides of the BOG transfer students. of local Jaws that govern the sale of out grades for cultural diversity, Eastern kill bill. Page 5 De Valle's plan for putting minorities in alcohol, leaving open the possibili­ would barely be passing. higher education is a simple two-step process: ly of a recommendation to change "At Eastern, it's not too good," said de recruit them and retain them. portions of the liquor code. Valle, a Democrat from the Chicago-based "There have to be aggressive recruitment Latino Awareness Week, which runs through The board will report back to the 2nd District. effons," he said. "We need to have the repre­ ·ty council at its next meeting on "There have been some improvements over Friday. sentatives from campuses visit the high March 16. the last few years in public higher education in De Valle's speech for Latino Awareness schools in Chicago and other parts of the state Area bar owners also voiced the state of Illinois," he said. "But we're really Week comes on the heels of a meeting where there are pockets of Hispanics. their opinions of the reclassification far from where we should be." between Eastern's Hispanic Student Union "We have to make sure campuses are a concerning whether the liquor De Valle will be speaking about Hispanics and President David Jorns. Members dis­ friendly place, a place where students, who, license revisions were necessary. in higher education at 7 p.m. Wednesday in cussed the state of Latino involvement at the in some places. have limited exposure to the the Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther King university and asked for counseling and advis­ A Continued on page 2 Jr. University Union. His !>peech is part of ing programs to help Hispanic students in their • Continued on page 2 2 Wednesday, March 3, 1993 The Dally Eastern News BSU to prep for Jorns meeting I By CHRISTINE STARR BSU President Aaron Bell said executive hoard positions arc due y Staff writer BSU members can turn in ques­ Monday. He said cnndid:i1cs tions and other comments for the should speak to the BSU executive The Black Student Union and discus,ion at it:- next meeting. who currently holds the po ition Organization of Adult Studencs: Kir ten Buford told members they are int e~ ted in. Yddmgo m l• 70, Dbro Pbyed • 20,000 ""~of"'" poundi"g Informal and Supportive will she belie\e:. it is important for the • Kim Caner. co-coordinator of mmd-blm\ ing, state-of-the-an, n:product1on 'I\ DJ. Kevin Kramer sponsor a discussion with & stem BSU to co-sponsor the di.,cussion. the BSU Fashion Show, said 1he President David Joms April 15 in "If there's an opportunity for us next rchcar:-;al will be held from 8 _.!\.•.!l.:'.!-~-tl~o:~J-.:!~1!~~~- the University Ballroom of the to talk to him we should." Buford to 10 p.m. Wednesday in the YMar. 5th BECKETT'S ON FIRE Martin Luther King Jr. University said. "If we don't take the oppor­ Umon Gallery. (J'a" t IJ3 I (J'a" t (J'a" I (J'a" (ti I ~ Union. tunity (to present our problems). • Bell said the next BSU intra­ A representative from OASIS we may not have the opportunity mural basketball game will be held presented the :-. uggestion to co­ again." Wednesday at 7 p.m . in the sponsor the discussion at las t In other busine:-.s Tue:.day: Student Recreation Center in Pagliai's Pizza week's BSU meeting. • Bell said that nominations for Lantz Gynasium. Free Delivery Free Semi-thick Crust after 1o p.m. Everyday FROM PAGE ONE Good With All Specials Open daily 4 p.m.-1 a.m. 2 a.m. on weekends Faculty 345-3400 ., From page 1 back on 10 the campus through alumni groups. and Unless stated below specials then maybe their children will come here. It takes a not valid with any other offer not enough good information yet to make any lot of cohesive thinking." changes. though .. The progress of the committee formed to examine $3.99 Every One of Joms' major administrative concerns is in Eastern 's governing structure was also brought up. Wednesday the area of enrollment management. A committee has Joms said the committee, which has not been final­ Large Thin Small Pizza 6 been formulated for this area. $1 per order ized. will not move quickly. Item when placed "Enrollment management starts with recruiting the "This issue should not go fast," Joms said. ··1 don't After 10 p.m. Spaghetti students you really want from high schools," he said. want this issue to derail the reorganization issue. and Qt. of each additional and "After they graduate, alumni services brings them There is no reason to rush the governing issue." Coke item .75¢ Garlic Bread Senator • From page I reports on minority and female end of the service induslry. representation on college campus­ Manufacturing jobs have suffered THE SECOND CITY broader population ... are comfort­ es. a high rate of unemployment. de able," he said. De Valle said he is also in favor Valle said. De Valle has served six years of making every student take a He said the only way to make a TOURING COMPANY in the Illinois Senate and is cur­ human relations course that long-term change for Latinos is rently the assistant minority lead­ would work to smooth racial ten­ through higher education. er and a member of the higher sions on college campuses. The "If we're going to ensure eco­ education committee. He was the class would also include women's nomic development and econon­ first Hispanic to hold a sear and. issues like sexism. m ic prosperity for the general until recently. was the lone "We have to try to get at the population, we're going to have Hispanic in the Senate. problem of racism on campuses Most of his legislation has and the lack of under..tanding and to prepare ourselves. Ju'>t like come in the area of education. De the lack of tolerance:· he said. other segments of the population Valle sponsored the bill that "We need to promote diversity on arc looking toward higher educa­ established the Minority Transfer our campuses." tion, and particularly public high­ System. which works to increase Concerning Hispanics directly. er education, Hispanics have to the number of community college de Valle said one problem is their do the same. tranfers into four-year colleges. current over-representation in the "We've got a lot of ground to WEDNESDAY MARCH 3rd 1993 He has also authored several manufacturing sector's low-wage make up for," de Valle said. UNION-GRAND BALLROOM Council 11 From page 1 Jerry Myerscough. owner of Rosie's. a new restaurant open­ $3.00 STUDENT w/ID Don Yost, owner of Stix Billiard Jerry's Piu..a and Pub. 1508 4th St.. ing on the north side of the square. Bar and Restaurant. 1421 Fourth said that the requests, particularly wi ll also be seeking a Class D St.. said that his business would be the one from Stix. would only restaurant license. What's Cookin· • $5.00 GENERAL PUBLIC fulfilling a need of the community extend the bars to be open on 409 Seventh St., has asked to by expanding his business to an all­ Sunday. switch from a Class C license limit­ purpose banquet facility with the When the Liquor Advisory ed to beer and wine to a Class D help of a Class D restaurant Board reviews the liquor licenses license. TICKETS - ON SALE license. the fin;t two requests of a reclassi­ Owners of the Phoenix Orient Yost aJso said that the expansion fication of a license would be Stix 's Restaurant. Rural Routh 2. Box UNION TICKET OFFICE of the business would increase request to change from a Class E 110 A, added to the requests employment opportunities in the license for bowling or billiards Tuesday when they asked the coun­ MON - WED 11-3 area establishments to a Cl3!is D restau­ cil to change their license from a rant license. Class C license to a Clac;s D. o~\1~ Eastern News s·mall Medium Large

The Daily Eastern News is pubished daly. Monday IMl AIM PHI HIGH! Phi Delta Theta Informal Rush Wed & Thurs 6-8

The Men Of ALT House Delta Sigma Phi For Info Call proudly announce their new sweetheart John Murphy 348-1978 Giovanna Pomatto or of Alpha Sigma Tau Brian Brown 581-2383 ~iiillll!!l!!!!!!l!!!!~l!!!!!!l!l!!!!!!l!...... ~ ...... __. ____ ~------i::::=.i] The [ t N oc1i1v as ern ews Rec should shape up financiall Joe Backpack was looking a the place, so it shouldn't go bankrupt." bit glum. "That's right," Joe said. with a flourish. "I "What's the matter: I asked. shouldn't go bankrupt. Everybody's $55 fee Is su OPINION "Did the stock market crash? Is posed to be enough to support the center. bu the president Ill? Did Marty's apparently it isn't, considering the how the R burn down?" Center went hat-In-hand to Apportionment Board.· "Oh no," he said "Nothing "But, the rec Is a very busy place you know. a that bad. I was just thinking that costs money" I protested. "You would kno about getting In shape." that If you went there occasionally." I told him I'd always thought "Sure, all those people In there paid their mon he as a very fitness-oriented David M. to keep the place going," Joe said. "Then you ta guy. He did regular arm curls people like me. who've never been to the R page with 12-ounce weights, and I'd Putney Center, but still paid their money. The Rec Is actual lost many a thumb wrestling ------• ly getting more than $55 a head for people who bout against the hand he used to run his remote. show up because of all the people who don"t. Y Editorials represent the opinion Although, a large part of his exercise regimen was know, there's a lot of people who paid but nev outlawed in 47 states by statute, many of which go." of the editorial board. Columns were adopted shortly after he was asked to leave. -Then go, use you $55 worth!" I said. I was get are the opinion of the author. "No, I'm talking about real exercise - the kind ting a little tired of hearing him complain. where you climb on board one of those machines "I can't," he said. "The center is running sh WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1993 that look torture devices from medieval dungeons," serving less than the entire student population Joe said. What happens If all 10,000 or so people who p '"That's why you are upset," I said. '"All that actually show up to get their money's worth? Gus Bus needs sweating and grunting and heavy breathing. It all "I suppose they could go running to A looks very painful." portlonment Board again, but It wouldn't solve "Well, I figure I've got Cheez-Whlz clogging my problem. The center is sponsoring stupid things II re-evaluation of veins as It is, so I want to do everything possible to intramural egg rolllng and that's why It doesn' live longer." he said flicking the ashes off his have enough money." cigarette. '"Thafs not why I am upset. "I suppose you could do that, but you would security, purpose "I want to start going to the Rec Center, but I am Ignoring a basic rule of government," I said. "If y can't balance your budget our of your own pock In light of the alleged Feb. 6 beating on the afraid to go because of the grave consequences. I mean, It'll go bankrupt, and then what'll I do?" dig Into someone else's." Gus Bus and the implementation of fraternity "Your concern Is touching," I said. ·But I don' t members as "security riders," it is time for the see your logic. You paid your $55 per·semester fee - Odvld M . Putney Is ddmlnistration editor and Gus Bus coordinators and sponsors to serious­ just like everyone else. You have paid to support regular column/st for The Dally Eastern News. ly re-evaluate the program. The coordinators of the Gus Bus have neglected to place proper security on the Gus Bus since the program began, seemingly not taking Into account the problems that can occur when a large number of intoxicated individuals are placed together in a relatively small space. One of the ways to prevent future problems on the Gus Bus is to implement tighter securi- ty. The Gus Bus needs Editorial more than security riders ------whose job it Is to notify the bus driver to call the police in case of any problems, the bus needs security with the authority to Intervene immediately in the event of fights. Private security or moonlighting Charleston or University police would all be acceptable alternatives to student security who would only add to the problem If it ever became nec­ essary to come between feuding students on the bus. Unio11I .. Although Joe Martin has been quoted as saying "there was never any inkling of a fight occurring" during his time as a security rider from 9:30 p.m. Friday to 2 a.m. Saturday, It is only a matter of time before another fight occurs on the bus - especially when taking into account that Eastern now leads Illinois state colleges and universities in liquor viola­ tions, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education. Your turn••• Along with better security, the coordinators of the Gus Bus program also need to adopt a Today." That Is the farthest thing heading "lntegr~tion Madne comprehensive plan for Gus Bus drivers to fol­ from my mind. I want there to be Not Worth the Trouble.· No low in the event of physical violence and con­ Newspaper unity in our nation between peo­ worth the trouble, I ask myse sider the issue of liability in case of future inci­ ple of all races. Where would we be today dents. We as an evolved culture leaders In the 1950s and 60s Linda Luxander of Mayflower Contract should not should not be separating our­ that integration was ·not wo Services, the company that furnishes the Gus selves by the color of our skin or the trouble?" This country wou Bus, said the company does not have "any­ even our heritage. I am very still have everything segregat thing down in writing" for its drivers to follow segregate proud of my heritage, but I never Not my Idea of a perfect socl in case of any problem. Although Lou Dear editor: let this get In the way of how I nor many other people's Idea. I Hencken, acting vice president of student I would like to respond to a act towards people of a different sure. few of the articles published In affairs, said he was concerned about the com­ background. We are not In the The views of quite of a fe the Feb. 25 edition of The Dally countries of our ancestors, we are people of all races need t pany's not having a written policy, The News Eastern News. The articles I am in America. The simple fact is, we change In order for there to feels that responsibility should fall on the concerned with were In the are all Americans. We should not social harmony. People of a shoulders of the coordinators of the Gus Bus. Minority Today section of the consider ourselves as different races need to realize that we The coordinators should also accept full paper. groups from different places. This all equal and we are all in th responsibility for any incidents which occur To begin with, even though It to me is the root of prejudice in thing together. We need to st because of lack of security or lack of a written Is "Black History Month" right most cases. up as Americans and be proud policy, which the bus driver and security now, I don't believe there should The subject of integrating black that more than being stuck to officers should follow In the event of another be a special section for a single colleges Is another very Impor­ heritage. Americans should rec fight. minority. I have never seen a sec­ tant topic. For the first time since ognize their heritage and still The News feels that if the Gus Bus Is to tion In any newspaper titled I have been reading Chris Seper's proud of that, but we all need 'Chinese People Today." nor have remain a viable program at Eastern, the coor­ articles, I agree with him. Black move ahead. In my opinion. I ever seen a section called colleges need to be Integrated. I are not separate groups o dinators need to adopt a better form of securi­ "Jewish Today or "Latin Today." feel like we are going backwards Hispanics. Orientals, Whites ty and make it clear to Eastern students that These are not appropriate In In time to the 1960s when white Blacks, Jews, or anything els the Gus Bus is an alternative to drinking and today's culture. Please, don't get colleges needed to be Integrated We are all Americans. driving, not a way to continually intoxicate me wrong, I am not asking for a with other minorities. ~e~sel~es by riding it from bar to bar. special section called "Majority Eldon Boyd's article has the Wednesday, March 3, 1993 Senate Despite surrender ~ «· ~ ...·. _1f[ATTED'S TONIGHT

rnemoers<. ffi x , standoff continues ~ COUNTRY DANCE NITE WACO. Texas (AP) - An Jn a 58-minute taped statement te,discuss armed religious cult's leader said broadcast Tuesday on Texas radio DJ- Kevin "Goob" Shackmann he would surrender Tuesday and stations at the FBI's request. the Dance to Music From: Garth Brooks, Billy Ray SGr~ end a siege that has killed at least cult leader said: ''I, David Cyrus, Alan Jackson, The Judds, Reba McEntire, event:,$ six. but the standoff dragged on Koresh, agree upon the broad­ Hank Williams Jr., Sawyer Brown. and more. well into its third day. casting of this tape to come out A newspaper reported Tuesday peacefully with all the people Drink Specials: that che death toll from Sunday immediately. night·s raid at the Branch David­ .. Even a man like Christ has to 50¢ Miller Lite ian compound may be al least I J • meet with unbelief,·· said 60 oz. Authorities have said four fed­ Koresh. 33, who thinks he's $2.50 eral agents and at least two peo­ Jesus. $1.00 Mixers No Cover! ple inside 1he compound were ··rm sure you're all aware of killed. how I'm involved in a very seri­ The Houston Chronicle quot­ ous thing right now," Koresh ing unidentified sources, reported said. "I am really concerned that children released from lhe about the lives of my brethren compound said at least seven here and also really concerned *CLOSE people inside were killed in the even greater about lhe lives of all firefight. The newspaper, in its lhose in this world." Wood Real Estate 1512 A Street afternoon editions. also said Buses and other military vehi­ *CLEAN agents believed they had killed as cles moved nearer within minutes many as 15 people. of the broadcast's start. But about * COMFORTABLE A state source, who spoke on two hours after the broadcast condition of anonymity, told The ended, there was no indication Associated Press he had heard Koresh had surrendered. 2 BR. APT. For 2-3 Tenants lhat seven cult members had died The federal Bureau of Alcohol, and up to 40 people had been Tobacco and Firearms abruptly Free Cable, Free Parking wounded. Officials have said canceled a midafternoon news about 75 people were in the com­ conference with a one-sentence pound. but cult leader David statement saying the standoff was Jim Wood, 345-4489 Koresh has claimed more. not over. Committee member unsure on BOG bill By CHRIS SEPER which is a BOG school with Associate news editor Eastern. Western, Chicago State and Governors State universities. State Rep. Mike Weaver, R­ lake Ille Grade The BOR is comprised of lllinois Ashmore, has often pointed to State, Northern Illinois and Cliffs StudyWare course reviews are a Democratic House Speaker Mike Sangamon State universities. ~amic new way to study for midterms Madigan a" a stumbling olock to­ Lt. G7>Y'"Bob Kustra testified in and finals. · · lhc passage of his bill that would front of the Senate ·s Education • Interactive computer software eliminate the Board of Go~emors Committee last week in Chicago to · -work at your own pace imm'·~"l, I and Board of Regent'>. defend a reporL from the higher ·~. ,. But over in lhe Senate. there is education Lask force he heads that • Hundreds of on-screen --­ at least one Chicago commillee suggests the boards· elimination. questions member who is still up in lhc air on A joint education commillce • Answer explanations whether to dissolve the two boards. meeting will be held Thursday at State Seo. Miguel de Valle. who noon. Dick Wagner. assistant • Glo5?1Yt hints, graphs I sits on the Senate's Higher director of the Illinois Board of and figures Education Committee. says there is Higher Education. is scheduled to • Immediate feedback stiJI much to consider when decid­ testify about the proposed legisla­ ing either to eliminate or keep the tion. llUJ • rllll • 11111111 • Rmla • PIRll • lllllOla BOGandBOR. de Valle said he thinks it is a "There are probably good argu­ good idea to look at lhe issue of ments on both sides," said de Valle. getting out of a "system within a (BJ IfjjS~e: a representative from the 2nd system." However, he said the esti­ District. "We'll have to look at it mated $3 million in savings propo­ carefully." nents of elimination claim may not He will be speaking at 7 p.m. be an accurate figure. Wednesday in the Grand Ballroom One question he has on the of the Martin Luther King Jr. Uni­ BOG and BOR elimination is how veristy Union as part of Latino the missions of the two boards dif­ Awareness Week. fer from the Illinois Board of De Valle attended Norlheastem, Higher Education's mission.

'Ilie Cultural 'Diversity Committee proua{y presents tfie tfiira fecture of tfie One 'J\{g,tion: Many 'Voices 1992-1993 series: Mr. Carlos Cortes Historian/ Multi-Cultural Curriculum Specialist Thursday, LATE NIGHT! March 4, 1993 ;:~~~~~~SE s p E c I AL! 1~4:~~~~SE LUMPKIN AUDITORIUM r------,------,I LARGE Single I SMALL Single I (Rm. 122) 8:00 pm I Ingredient Pizza I Ingredient Pizza I I $6.95 I $5.00 : Free and open to the public - a reception will follow the lecture ~~~ 2_ ~M- - ~X£; !-12~ili~~ ~ ~M_- ~X£. !-.!_0~~ 6 Wednesday, March 3, 1993

IBHE approves intern grant UNIVERSITY THEATRE By DAWN TESSENDORF obtain experience in their field. smdents with the exception of a presents Staff writer The hosL sites match the $55.000 small amount. which goes for an funded by the IBHE. audit:· Nichols said. -~' f#,ie./Jtdlt I The Illinois Board of Higher Academic year 1992-93 was the Concerning PQP. President Education approved a grant of first year Eastern received David Jorns said the IBHE is ~ toHiRS 2-0~ $55.000 Tuesday to provide work­ $55.000 from the newly mandated pleased with Eastern 's progress in study jobs for Eastern students program. So far this year. 85 meeting the recommendations next year. interns have been involved in the made under the Priorities. Quality ~ rl";::J!,~ The work-study program will program. and Productivity initiative. The (For Mature Audiences Only) provide internships for undergrad­ Students who are involved in proposal encourages the universi­ uates in different fields including this year's program are majoring ty to reallocate resources into 8 p.m. March 3-6, 10-13 2 p.m. March 7 & 14 business. graphic design. journal­ in business, geography, geology, undergraduate studies and library in the Studio Doudna Fine Arts Center ism and political science. graphic design. home economics, services rather than research and Also at the meeting, the IBHE journalism, physical education graduate studies. Adults $6, Senior Citizens $ 5, EIU Students $3 addresed the Priority. Quality and and recreation. "(Assistant director of IBHE Call (217) 581-3110 for reservations 1-5 Mon - Fri Productivity initiative with a An estimated 55 students will Richard Wagner) feels we are focus on athletics. be involved with the work-study doing an honest effort to do what Cynthia Nichols, director of internships next year. they've asked of us," Joms said. Eastern 's work study program, Information about the grant and "I'm happy to say that we' re The Men Of said she was glad the school was program will be included in the doing it for our own reasons. getting the money, adding it's "a award letter. This information will though." very good program" for the stu­ be used to determine specifics The athletic aspects of PQP Delta Sigma Phi dents. about Eastern 's students' partici­ were also discussed during the For the work-study program, pation in the program next year, meeting, but no action was taken would like to thank students are placed at business Nichols said. on it, said Deb Smitley, IBHE sites or government agencies to "All funds go directly to the spokeswoman. Jen Blum Groups investigated in bombing of NEW YORK (AP) - Investigators combing the hours unless Palestinian deportees were returned to World Trade Center bombing site said Tuesday Israel, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said. Sigma Sigma Sigma they were focusing on terrorist groups, including a A second call two days later extended the dead­ Palestinian organization that allegedly threatened line to Jan. 26, which passed without incident. for being a great sweetheart to set off a bomb here a month ago. Kelly said such a threat was not uncommon in "We're looking at several groups. I wouldn't New York, and that authorities receive lO to 12 a want to name the groups. I'd probably leave some year. out," said James Fox, head of the FBI's New York In reply to a question about Hamas, Fox said: ALTERNATIVE office. "That's a group with a known propensity for vio- Pieces of a van were recovered from the garage lence. That's a group we're looking at, one of sev­ where the bomb went off Friday, although Fox's eral groups." ROCK NITE office wouldn't comment further on a reported link Earlier, FBI spokesman Joe Valiquette said the between the vehicle and the blast that killed at investigation wasn't focused on a single group. He least five people. would not comment on published reports about a with D.J. Rabbi "If it was a car bomb, it may very well have Serbian connection. been a van bomb," Fox said without elaboration. While investigators searched for clues and sus- 50¢ Drafts The names of two groups came up in response pects, authorities took another approach in the 52 to questions at the news conference: the Popular search for the bombers: a $200,000 reward, the $1 Long Islands Front for the Liberation of Palestine, an extremist biggest in city history, for information leading to Palestinian group. and Hamas, a Muslim funda- their arrest and conviction. $4w Vodka Lemonade mentalist group that has opposed negotiations with Four days after the blast, families of the victims Israel. buried their dead and officials announced plans for ~=.... ___ ) In a Jan. 22 phone call to the U.S. Embassy in a "small and symbolic" memorial at the World Pitchers Algeria, someone claiming to represent the PFLP Trade Center. But one man believed lost in the -.<~l-'''T --- threatened a bombing in New York City within 48 explosion suddenly resurfaced. a__ ...... _7±Fi_ ,.-,.-, YOUNGSTOWN OD APARTMENTS (Across From Carman Hall) OFF CAMPUS HOUSING 2219 S. 9th # 17 WITH LOTS OF EXTRAS! L~ .. ")3 Studio 1-2-3 Bedroom

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You Gotta See It To Introductory Believe It!! I Special lone Large Off of South 9th St. (°"jl I with 345-2363 Call Today PA : Top~ing I for only gstown Super Su r Savings! '£)~ 71.e, ~p~}""!: $5 95 One Price For All Summer Session! Lg. 1 Bedroom - Small 2 Bedroom - $600 Lg. 2 Bedrooms - $675 348-8282 !:t!.i;=;; All 3 & 4 Bedrooms - $700 Serving Charleston & Eastern Illinois University Nol valid with any I other coupon Intersession: $250 426 Lincoln Ave. Valid only at participating stores Dally Eastern News Wednesday, March 3, 1993 7 heat re resents Jimmy ean'

"Come Back to the Five and · e, Jimmy Dean. Jimmy Dean" ill be presented by the Uni­ sity Theatre beginning Wed­ y at 8 p.m. in the studio the- e of the Doudna Fine Arts cer. The theme of the play. a come­ -Orama wrinen by Ed Graczyk, "the truth shall set you free," 'd Marjorie Duehmig, director the play. Duehmig said the play with people's secrets. as well women and their relationships lh one another. Duehmig said that although the y is "not overloaded with curs­ EAN ESKRA/Staff photographer ," it is being billed as a play for e audiences since it employs Easy does it Lt themes and language. John Al/press and Doug Zeller remove an old battery box from a railroad signal at the train crossing on Sixth Street and Olive Avenue in down­ The play is set in a dime store town Charleston, Tuesday afternoon. The men travel across the country repairing old railroad crossings. a small West Texas town where Disciples of James Dean, a fan b. gather for their 20th reunion. Abortion clinics report acid attacks When Dean filmed one of his vies, "Giant," the Disciples had GRANITE CITY (AP) - Pro­ A spot check by The Ass­ and there have been no arrests in be ridiculous for us to resort to teenagers. One of them who choice activists say little is being ociated Press confirmed 28 of the any of the cases, Fitzsimmons violence outside the clin ics yed an extra in "Giant," now done to stop a new twist in attacks incidents cited by Fitzsim-mons. said. because two wrongs don't make a s a child who she says was on abortion clinics nationwide: All involved butyric acid, com­ Some abortion supporters right," Goeken said. ered by Dean. vandals squirting a foul-smelling monly used as a flavor enhancer, believe a roving band of anti­ Fitzsimmons planned Wednes­ Throughout the play, flashbacks chemical that ruins furniture and which used by itself leaves a abortion extremists is responsible day to unveil a petition signed by rl Dean occur and are capped off carpeting. revolting, long-lasting odor. In for the attacks. Anti-abortion lead­ more than 60 U.S. representatives by the arrival of an unrecognized Nearly 50 clinics from Florida most of the incidents, the liquid ers denied any involvement calling for the FBI to investigate woman who sets off a series of to California were in 1992 and was squirted through locks, ceil­ "We have not been involved in the attacks. Among those expect­ confrontations. 1993, according to abortion rights ings, under doors or left in that kind of activity nor will we ed to attend is U.S. Rep. James 'There are only 20 seats left for activists who scheduled a news restrooms. ever be involved in it," said Moran, D-Va., who sits on a opening night (Wednesday), and conference in Washington on "We had to completely wash Operation Rescue founder Randall House subcommittee overseeing y should go pretty quick," said Wednesday to press for more legal down, take the finish off things, Terry. "They want us to be their the FBI budget. Joseph Sain, business manager for action on the issue. seal and refinish," said the direc­ whipping boy, that's what it "We just think it's odd a num­ lbe theatre. "Unfortunately, we're seeing a tor of the Memphis Center for comes down to." ber of these attacks haven't been "We usually sell 40 or 50 (tick­ lot of cities where the local police Reproductive Health, which was Felicia Goeken, director of the investigated," said Moran spokes­ elS) at the door. My advice is not just sit back and say, 'Honey, it's hit last May. National Right to Life Committee woman Kathy Lash. '>wait (to buy tickets)," he added. your business, you deal with it,"' "It's a foul odor, between dog in Illinois, said pro-choice sup­ FBI spokesman Steve Marqardt Performances for "Come Back said Ron Fitzsimmons, executive feces and vomit," said the porters can't support their "wild in Washington said the agency to the Five and Dime, Jimmy director of the National Coalition woman, who asked that her name accusations." was not aware of the acid attacks Dean. Jimmy Dean." are at 8 p.m. of Abortion Providers, a lobbying not be used. "To us, the violence is going on and it was unclear whether they March 3 to 6. 10 to 13 and at 2 group representing 180 clinics. No one has been seriously hurt inside the clinics. It would really are a violation of federal law. p.m. on March 7 and 14. r------, University Board Lectures Committee presents: 1 cMEDIUM (14°)) I Abortion Rights I SAUSAGE & CHEESE I I PIZZA ••• TO GO! I with Janet Benshoof Now at Monical's, get a Med. (14") I Thin Crust Sausage & Cheese Pizza .. 1 I Just SS.95 Ao. r.. I Thursday I $7.45 with a Large (1&•) Pizza I March 4, 1993 I I ?pm I I Grand Ballroom I ~mn I I I $3 General Public ______J 1111 $1 Students w/ID WEDNES DAV 8 MARCH3.1~3 THE DAILY E.AslERN NEV6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1 SERVICES Onw.o I I FOR RENT I I foa. RENT I I FOR SALE Needed 1 or 2 girts to share apt HOUSE FOR RENT: 93·94, 4 ...s... T'""E""R-0'"'1 ... D--A-L ...T ... E"'"R_N .... A""'T-IV-...E ... s"'. CAMPUS CLIPS FREE Battery and electrical test. 93194. 1 person=own room. 581· people, lumished, washer dryer, CYBERGENICS, ICOPRO, HOT FREE installation. Battery 5606 mce, $180/mo. Ph. 345-2607 STUFF, TWIN LABS, WEIDER, PHI SIGMA SIGMA will have an informal rush Wednesday at 7 Specialists. 1519 Madison Ave. 319 315 UNIVERSAL. DIET AIDS, STIM· Charleston 345-VOLT. Now leasing for fall . two-bedroom 1 bedroom available for fall at ULANTS. FREE CATALOG. p.m. 1n the Phi Sigma Sigma house in Greek Court. Call 581-61 ______ca MWF/00 furnished apartments. McArthur 1302 4th St. $195 mo·10 mo PHYSICAL ATTRACTIONS. 1• for rides or more information. Fast and reasonable typing, Manor Apartments 913·917 lease-includes utilities. w/d-837· 800·397-4777. DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL Education and Department translation and FAX service. Call Fourth St 345·2231 2317 ______3129 Physical Education will have Special Olympics April 30 from 7 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in O'Brien Field. Volunteers are needed for S Lynda 581 ·2829 5/7 -~----'319 -~=---,--~--3/8 24 W. Buchanan. Aldo Roma LINCOLNWOOD PINETREE Olympics. Forms may be picked up in 112 BB, Department Typing & Translation Service. Call Apts. 1 bedroom apartments for 1 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Special Educat on or from Dr. Ankenbrand, Lantz. Forms are ynda alter 5 p.m. 581 ·2829. or 2 persons. Ut1hties included. 11 PATIOS BALCONIES. AIR. NINE LOST~ FOUND on/or before March 19. You may volunteer for all or part of the BLACK STUDENT UNION Spring Fashion Show April 8 at ______. ca313,5 1/2 mos. lease. $325 for 1 person MONTH LEASE, FROM $160 Found: Brown flowered purse. Pick 8 or $185 each for 2 persons. Call PER PERSON . APPOINTMENT. up at Daily Eastern News Business 1n the Grand Ballroom There will be a mandatory practice for interested models Wednesday from 8·10 p.m In the Gallery of Jan or Charlotte 345-2113. Eads 345·6000 office in Buzzard TIAVl.L Realty Union. UNITY GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP Choir Bible Study will be ~----..,...-----sn SPAINGBREAKERSI Last Near campus, nice one bedroom Wednesday at 7 p.m. In Lantz Please bring your Bible. chance to get the best acoommo­ apartments, range, refrig, drapes GREEKS & CLUBS NEWMAN CATH OLIC CENTER Wiii celebrate Mass Wednesdafi d a llon s and prices available· provided No pets. 2 persons fORSAU ~ 9 p.m. at the Newman Chapel. Social following. Panama City and Daytona Beach. max. $300/mo. 345-4220. TV-QUASAR 25" CONSOLE· RECREATIONAL SPORTS ENTRIES accepted for softbaO Call Mike or Ed at 348-7541 . ------,-~315 $175. STEREO: RECEIVER, RAISE A COOL ning Wednesday from 2·10 p.m. at the Intramural desk in the Nice, close to campus. lumished TURNTABLE, SPEAKERS-$75 $1,000 lobby. ~------~~5 houses for 93-94 school year. ZOOLOGY CLUB WILL have a meeting Wednesday at 7 p.m. CANCUN • MEXICO Spring 1981 CHEVROLET MALIBU STA· IN JUST ONE WEEKI Break #1 Choice! 5 Night Party Two people per bedroom. 10 1/2 TION WAGON $750. TRADE LS 201. Presenting Ms. Kathy Andrews talking ab Package Including R.T. Air and mo. lease, $175/mo.. 345·3148. FOR? 345-4426 PLUS $1 ,000 FOR THE "Environmental Education • The Pathway to Responsible Ac Lodging Starts at $344 1 ·800· Evenings. ______sn Everybody welcome, free kool-aid and cookies. MEMBER WHO CALLS! 845·6766 ----~------sn DIAMOND BACK 22" MOUNTAIN THE COUNSELING CENTER Gay & Lesbian support group OLDETOWNE MANAGEMENT BIKE. EXCELLENT CONDITION, weekly at the Counseling Center. Call Bud Sanders (581·34131 SOUTH------PADRE ISLAND-- Party~318 HAS APARTMENTS AVAILABLE MANY NEW PARTS. $200. No obllgatlon. No Cost the Counseling Center for information. with the Best! Hotels or Condos FOR LEASING 93-94. CALL 345- BRIAN 348-1521 Anda FREE UNITY GOSPEL CHOIR will have choir rehearsal Thursday with Party/Activity Package $20 0LDE. IGLOO COOLER Friday at 8 p.m. In FAM 013. All members participating In '."'"'""-,-...... ,.,-..,-.,...,---..,...-~314 If you quality. ean Per Person/Per Night - Taxes Not ------~----~sn Man's silver/gold wedding ring- Spring Concert must be present and on time. Included 1·800-845-6766 Apartments for fall: clean. excel· $150 Man's silver Bulova PRE·LAW CLUB will meet Wednesday at 3 p.m in Coleman lent condition. Off-street parking. Accutron watch $225. Woman's 1-800-932-0528, Ext. 65 232. All majors welcome. Call 345-7286, M·F, 8:30·5:00, full length fur coat-$100. Trade PRSSA WILL MEET Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Oakland r Sat.____ 9·12. ______3112 lor? 345-4426 the University Union. Remember to bring your resume to com and contrast yours with other members and get new ideas. HnP "WANltD I 2 bedroom house for rent Fall 93. XT,-- 386,------~sn 486 computers from bring some change for copies ii you wish. Don't forget about Help wanted evenings and week· 4 girls at 180.00 month. Rent $450 will build to suit your needs. nations for the executive board for fall 1993. ends. Must be here Spnng Break includes utilities. washer/dryer. Call Jim 581·5688. CHRISTIAN CAMPUS FELLOWSHIP will have Bible St and summer. Apply Eastslde Nice house, close to campus at Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Christian Campus House located Package. Rt. 130 at Jackson Ave. 1206 3rd. Call 837-2317 ______319 of Lawson Hall. Call 345·6990 for rides or information. Everyone ______313 Now Showing welcome. ALASKA SUMM ER EMPLOY· 3 apartments, house behind ACS WILL MEET Wednesday at 7 p.m. Ins 415. MENT·fisheries. Earn $6000/ Jerry's Pizza, and 3 bedroom This is NOT LSAT review and Leasing SIGMA PHI EPSILON will meet Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. in +week in canneries or $4,000+/ apartment 2 blocks from campus. 108 Dr. Nilsen will be speaking at 5:45, so be on time. Dues month on fishing boats. Free All available 1n May 345-3059 or for 345-2841 . overdue, so pay Nancy ASAP. transportation! Room & Board! ______313 ~!!.WJP-> GREEK WEEK MONEY-MAKING meeting Wednesday at 7 pm. Over 8,000 openings. No expen· Summer & t6he Neoga room. ence necessary. Male or Female. Close to EIU • Several houses & Get the leadlng edge Apartments for 1·7 tenants. Jim EPSILON SIGMA ALPHA will have a business event Wedn For employment program call 1• before school. Fall '93. at 5:30 p.m. in the Charleston/Mattoon room Formal money Is 206-545-4155 ext. A5738 Wood, C21 Wood, 1512 A. Street, 345·4489 ______caMWF3/19 Please Note: Campus Clips are run free of charge ONE DAY ONLY for Apartment for rent 2 BR furnished WHY GO IN NON-PROFIT event. I.a bake sales or raffles. All Clips should be su or unfurnished. Refrigerator $375 COLD? to The Daily Ea.stern News office by NOON one business day before ROOMMAT£S I per month. 10 month lease and 1 date of the event Examplo: any event scheduled lor Thursday sholid year lease S350 Phone 345· submitted as a Campus Clip by noon Wednesday. (Thursday is the 1 roommate needed for Fall/ 9249. CALI. FOR A FREE BROCHURE Sprir.ig. Own room. Carlyle Apts. for F~ Saturday or Sunday evont) Clips submitted alter deadline 313 800-925-PREP NOT be published. No cl'ips w Ube taken by phono. Arr/ Clip that is Call 345-3686 Women only • Fall & Spring, or contains confiidlng Information will not be published 319 $150.00 per mo. & Uttlities. Int. & Summer • Special Rates Call Pat ACROSS n Bran source to Group within 36 Novak (708) 759.3n2. a Hindu q ueen Down SUBL£SSORS ] - 3/17 1 H amelin'& Musllm mystic M Tel-­ Available for 1st 11me. New 1,2,&3 tempter n Ulnoperatlve SUMMER SUBLESSORS 1·2 bedroom furnished apartments •--cotta Females, close to campus, 2 • Month after II Chigger 9th Grant. Also, 5 bedroom hous· Shebat Bedrooms, AJC, Fum1shcd Rent 40Popsong •Concept: es. Call for appointment 345· 1 o Apartment for lead-in negotiable 348-7617 5022 Comb.form _ 313 poultry? a Racket TO Western ------~3/4 2 Sublessors needed for the PHONE 345·3515 AFTER 4.30 t4 Notatall a Church official Turkey, once Summer. Park Place 1. Rent anxiou, pm FOR INFORMATION about a .. Irish playwright 7 t Wood-trimming negotiable. 345-6745. two bedroom furnished apartment ti Inevitable tool 41 W.W. II loser 313 close to EIU. Washer and dryer. t• Loose-hip ped 110utof-­ 2·3 Summer sublessors needed. Two occupants. dance 47 Make repairs (unooordlnated) Close to campus and laundry. •Mlddle o fa 7J "-WeAU," Cheap. Call 345·9635 ---~~~----313 n Inoperative S150 per bedroom plus LOW utih· Roman road famous 1929song _313 ties. 3 bedroom and 5 bedrooms te 1 or 2 female sublessor(s) for •Gauguin's palindrome left. 5 b!ks from campus, 2 wash· •Vascular organs summer. Prime location. 1 male er/dryers plus parking. 234-4831 Island paradise DOWN sublessor for summer. Across -----=-=-_____.315 at Prospect • U Sugar­ from rec center. Call Laura 345· NICE APARTMENT for 2·3 girls. a Greek island Robinson 1 Conspiracy 3203 or Jason 345-3204. ______315 Good quiet location near • Faldo's game u Type of market a New Rochelle Hardees. Call CAMPUS or circus college 2 summer sublessors needed: 2 n "Tea for---· RENTALS 345-3100 between 3·9 •Sun-cured J Primrose -- bedroom, spacious, air. Call 348· pm ~ Mpe a second 6090 ______315 17 Actress Swit 4 Guld.lng a~ce principle ------~ ~8 2 BR-3 BR APTS. 3 BR HOUSE 1 Speaker like Sublessors wanted: 2 bdrm apt., FOR 4 OR 5 GIRLS. AU WITHIN all ulihties included w/rent. 3481· ...... --.....-- •.,. Bryan 1 BLOCK OF REC CENTER. • Bat material 8209. Leave message. NEW. FURN. D!W, A/C. 345-5048 3-6 PM -=+=+-+".:ti. 1 Twice uno ______313 I Woody's boy •Hideout 11 Closely related It Belgrade la Its 11 Woodland 93·94 3/4 bedroom houses. 1036, climber 1022 2nd, 319 Madison. 348· 1ocauseot group capital 5032. shaking • Big or Little M Embankment u --years 93·94 SCHOOL YEAR, ALSO - 3111 11 Inoperative Polson MGrief (elderly) a Card game for SUMMER 93. 1, 2, 3, AND 4 BED­ SHARE APARTMENTS. PRIVATE ..,...-.....-....--n 1a Substitute at • Inoperative IT Tibetan priest ROOM APARTMENTS. ALSO BEDROOM, 1818 7TH. $150 a1 Harder to see three dinner •"Ara Amatoria" HOUSES AVAILABLE. CALL B PLUS 112 ELECTRIC BILL CALL aJ Sports building • "-Little ~~.. ta Moat popular poet Indians· AND K RENTALS AT 345·6621 RALPH SORDYL 345·5053 OR street name In MDilatory •Comic strip's ..,Ad ­ (LEAVE MESSAGE IF NO OWNER AT 345·2783 the U.S. M Rebels In Uris'a ANSWER OR CAU 348-8349) _____3116 Gump committee ______5 /7 ~~~~~·••Begets •Trinity" Rent, 1O month lease. Need six •"Nightmare• Summer only. 3-5 bedroom hous­ students. 6 bedrm, 2 bts, 2 kit., ..,-;.to.,..;.,..,..,,... a Rich cake street es. Close to campus. Very rea· W/D. 1st house across from Lantz .-.+;;;+;,+;;+-;,.. M Describing the sonable rent. Call 348-5032. Gym on 2nd St. 346-2184 medleval 4t Beginning ___313 ______.3111 system •Take pots~ •Detached IODlalect WEDNESDAY MAl:JCH P.M. WTW0-2 WCIA-3 WAND-7 17 ESPN-24 USA-26 WGN-10 9 WILL-12, 12 UFE·13 Fox-8 55 DISC-9 WEIU-29 51 TBS-15 6:00 Inside Edrbon News News College~ Ouasltum Leap OesigRl1g Women MacNed. Le~rer Unsolved NlghtCoun In Wildness Reaiing RaitWw Beverlyltfblll 6:30 Muq>hy 8rOWll Enrmt. Tonight Mamed ••• WConnect Sanlofd & Son 7:00 UnsolYed Colege Basiletball: Wooder Years North Caron Murder, She Movie: A Clear & Mark Russell Poltrad al Beverly Hils, ~ l.lttleHouse Movie: Laee 7:30 Mystenes llnocs at Home lmprov. Wrme Present Dangel Wild Neighbors a Teadler 90210 Undelwater 8:00 Homiade: Ufe Minnesota C'.M*ly Awards Bocloll Collage MOiiie: EWbotll R Movie: The 0-ge Melrose Place W111g$ Boncuws 8:30 on the Street at Seton HaQ Tainted 8lood McKenna Storf 9:00 Cnme & News TimeTrax Beyond2000 News 9:30 Punishment VioleocelWomen 10:00 News News News SportsCent8f MacGyver Night Court Beuig Served? Thirtysomelhing Cheels Oiscovelies Mr. & Mrs North 10:30 Tonight M'A'S'H Love Connection Renegade Movie Studs Undelwatet Movie Life wlthFather 9

ND: NEAR 1109 3RD ST. T PUPPY. LOOKS LIKE SA APSO: NEON GREEN ~~~~~~~~~-313 ~~~~~~~~~-'313 LAA, WHITE WITH BLACK ~~~~~~~~~~313 Angela, Your an awesome kid, but B.L, R.J. and Dinger, Thanks for KINGS. VERY FRIENDLY IF ~~~~~~~~~~313 Leigh Kasten: Fire up for the SOthl stop trying to outdo your dad. Love making my 21st a day to remem­ RS PLEASE CALL MONA AT Heather Wscislo: You have done It will be a blast! Have a great day. --=~~~~~~~~_,313 Dave ber, even though I don't Y.l.T.8.0.S. 1. an AWESOME job with Tri-Sigma! Sigma love, your secret sigma sis Pink Panthers! Grab a date and ~~~~~~~~~...:313 Dave 314 Love, your Secret Sigma ~~~~~~~~~~313 meet at STIX at 10:00. We miss JEN BLUHM: You better be good, ---_=-Bo_o..,..k~T~H~E~C~A~L~L-O~F~THE ---~------=-~~~-'313 ~~~~~~~~~_,313 Melissa Schebo, fire up for this you!! Kim and Karesa your secret sigma is watching youl KELLIE VINCENT: Hope you have 0. Please return to Special Julie Anderson-Have a great week! weekend. Have a great day. Love, :-:----::--~~~~~~_,313 Have a great week sweetie! Fire up tun this week!!! Love Secret Sigma cation Office, Room 112, Get psyched for the SOthl I'll be Secret Sigma Sister Kara: Surprise! Have a great week! tor the SOthl Sis Building. watching youl Love your Secret ~~~~~~~~~~313 Your a sweetie. I love you. Love ~~~~~~~~~-'313 ~~~~~~~~~~313 ~~-=-~-:----:---=----:--~314 Sigma Becki Underwood, Your secret Secret Sigma BECCA BRACKETT and SARA Nlho Nuxoll and Lathrop! ND: Dorm key in Greek Court ~~~~~~~~~~313 sigma sister is watching you. Fire ~~~~~~~~~~313 SHUMARD: Have a great week Ohnocheewa to you!! Phi Sig Love, · lot in Phase 1. Kowalczyk: Happiness does not up. Love, secret sigma sister Kevin St Angel: Congratulations on and fire up for the SOth. Love your Stacey come from what you have. but from ~~~~----~~~~~313 being Greek Standards Justice! Secret Sigma ~~~~~~~~~-313 who you are! Have a great day! Jen Schmaltz, Get excited for this Your PIKE Brothers. Stacey, Congratulations on your C_H_A_U_N_T__ E __ L_A_R_M_S-TR_O_N_G_.: Get313 Sigma love and all mine-Your weekend. Have a great day. Sigma ~~~~~~~~~~313 exec. position: I'm so happy for you. Secret Sigma love, your secret sigma Joann, Your Great hon, Call me excited for our SOth Anniversary By the way, It's only 24 days until .-::-~~----~~~~~~313 ~~~~~~~~~~313 and we'll do lunch. Love Dave and your Secret Sigma Sis loves the Big 19111 Phi Sig Love and "Come on Down the Prices are Carol Hackett, I hope you are hav­ ~~~~~~~~~~313 you I Mine, Jessie Right!!" Just Spences 1148 6111 St ing a great week and I can't wait for Kim Ostermeier: Your a great sister ~~~~~~~~~-313 ~~~~~~~~~~313 Open Tuesday-Saturday, 1-5 p.m. this weekend! Love, your Secret and friend. Have fun at the SOth. AMY GIARDINI Fire up for the 50th MARIA MECKLES: You are a won­ 345-1469 Sigma Love your secret sigma sis. and have a great week! No more derful Tri-Sigma, Kekep up the .,--~.,,---~~~~~~...:315 ~~~~~~~~~...:313 ~~~~~~~~~_,313 sleeping at moms! Sigma Sigma good work! Get psyched for the Angle Cothron: I hope you have a RON TOWNER: SIG EP MOM'S Lorrie, Slinky, Lori and Jim, Thanks Sigma#11!11 SOth. Luv, Your secret sigma great week! Keep smilin' and fire up NIGHT IS FINALLY HERE! I HOPE for letting me shack up with ya this ---~~-=-~~~~~-313 ~~~~~~~~~~313 for the SOth. Love, your Secret YOU ARE READY TO DRINK weekend, it was a blastl Giggles Rebecca Ferris: You're a great Jessie, You are the greatest Sigma SOME BEERI LOVE, HOPPE AND ~~~~~~~~~~313 Sigma! Good Luck this week. Keep roomlel I love waking up fNeryday =-~--,-~~----~~~~313 MOM NOELLE FRERE: I couldn't have up the terrific work! Sigma Love, waiting to hear the strange remarks Congratulations to Rachel Smith of ~~~~~~~~~~313 asked for a better Secret Sigma! Your Secret Sigma you fill my day with! Phi Sig love WMU and Brian Vigna of Sigma Anne Heise: Have a great day! Sigma Love. Guess Who? --=~~~~~~~~-313 and mine, Stacey Phi Epsilon on getting lavaliered. We'll miss you this weekend. ~~~~~~~~~~313 Julie and Godek, After springbreak ~~~~~~~~~~313 R-::-:-:--=-:-=-::-=-,-,-,c-=--::-=.,-,--·315 Your brothers. Jeff, Dave, and Bob Sigma love, Guess Who? Mom Hofferkamp: I'm grad you and the three of us will spend quality Julie Brost: Good job last week. K BY POPULAR DEMAND; ~~~~~~~~~-313 --~~~~~~~~-313 I are here together to celebrate family bonding at the barsll Phi Sig Get psyched for this one Love ·ED NAKED T-SHIRTS BETHANY SEAGREN, Sabrina, Cheer up, sweetie! Don't both the SOth and your dedication love and mine, Your daughter Secret Sigma CLUSIVELY AT TOKENS FEA­ Congratulations on being Pledge of let anyone or anything bring you for the last 25 years to Tri Sigma. Stacey ~~~~~~~~~~313 RING EIU BAR HOPPING the Month! Love your ESA sisters down. I know it's hard sometimes, Sigma love, Your secret sigma --"-~~~~~~~~~313 LOCKIE: Are you psyched for this SIGN. GREEK. FLOOR, AND --~~~~~~~~~313 but try to keep showing that BEAU· ~~~~~~~~~-313 MIKE WALKER: Congratulations weekend!? Your Secret Sigma M ORDERS WELCOME AT TINA BAER Congratulations on TIFUL Sigma smile! Love & Peace, Jen Walters, H1 Sweebe! Fire up tor on joining Beta Beta Beta! Your Loveyou ENS. your engagement. We wish you Your Secret Sigma the 50th! You're an awesome sister Kappa Delta Rho brothers are ~~~~~~~~~-313 --~~~~~~~~313 happiness! Love, your ESA sisters ~~~~~~~~~~313 and a great fr1endl Sigma Love, proud of you. Debbie Jacober: Get psyched for E POPE WANTS YOU TO EAT ~~~~~~~~~~313 Jen Sauer: Hope you have a WON­ Guess Who ~-,-~~~~~~~-313 an awesome week. Love, your JOEY'S! LENT SPECIAL: ESA Congratulations its new DERFUL day and a great week­ ~~~~~~~~~~313 Hey J. J.-Have a great week! I can't secret sigma LANDIC COD. SERVED ON pledge class officers: President, end! We'll miss you, but you'll be Sandi Demick: Hope you have a wait until Friday! Love, Your Secret ~~~~~~~~~-313 R FRESHLY BAKED BUNS Bethany Seagren, vice president, with us 1n SPIRIT all weekend! great 21st birthday! Sigma love, Sigma Cheryl Wawno: Get psyched for the .49 WE DELIVER THANKS Lean Schuman, Secretary, Michele Cheer up! I'm thinkin' 'bout yal Anne ~~~~~~~~~-'313 SOth! It's going to be a great week­ Kl Gray, and Treasurer, Jenny Schafer Love & Peace, Your Secret Sigma ~~~~~~~~~-313 Damon: I had a great time at for­ end! Love your secret sigma ...~~~~~~~~·315 =-=~-=--=---:---~~~~-313 ~~~~~~~~~-313 Vicki Lavick, have a great week! mal. Thanks for a wonderful week· ~~~~~~~~~~313 WAY offers you a daily special. BETH SCHUNEMAN: You're doing Carey Croft and Michelle Geil, Let's Your awesome! Love. your Secret end! Love, Krista SEAN PRICE! YOU ARE AN ft sub, drink, chips. $3.49 a wonderful job with Natural Ties! It celebrate FIFTY years of sister­ Sigma ~~~~~~~~~-313 INSPIRATION TO ALL OF USI was an honor being a Guard w/you hood! Friends like you have Kristi Kallas: Fire up for this week­ THANKS FOR ALL YOU DOii 315 T__ O __ T_H __ E_M _E_N_O_F_S-IG_M_A313 Pl: ll:::::::=E:-:-N:=T""'IO::-N:-:--:A"'"L..,.L-:S=-:T=:-U-:-:D""'E::-:N-:-.:TS. this year. Love Anna brought Tri Sigma where it is todayl end! You're a great sister! Love LOVE YA! YOUR SECRET SIGMA mecoming 1993 committee ~~~~~~~~~~313 Sigma Love, ? THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME your secret sigma ~~~~~~~~~-'313 lications are available in the Catie Ramke: Thank you so much ~~~~~~~~~_,313 THE HONOR OF BEING YOUR ~~~~~~~~~-313 Christy Peloquin: You're a great ent Activity Center, Rm. 201, for all of your hard work on our 50th Gloudeman: I'm glad we're sisters! SWEETHEART. I AM EXTREME­ Sandi Demick: Happy 21st asset to our house. Have a great 1versity Union. DEADLINE: celebration. You are a beautiful per­ You're an AWESOME friend! Fire LY PROUD TO BE A PART OF Birthday. Good luci< tonight! Get week! Love your Secret Sigma 9 son and I am so proud to call you up for SOth!! Sigma Love? SUCH A GREAT GROUP OF psyched for the SOthl Love your ~~~~~~~~~--'313 319 my sister. I hope you have a great ~~~~~~~~~-313 MEN. YOU GUYS ARE THE secret sigma Jane Coriell: It Is going to be a fun ll:::::::=E::--:N=T:--:10::--::N-:-:-A-:-LL:-::S=T'""'u-=D-=E.,.:-::NTS: week! Love, your Secret Sigma LORI FUNK: Happy Inspiration BEST! LOVE. SARAH ~~~~~~~~~...:313 week! I hope you have a great day! MECOMING 1993 COMMIT· ~~~~~~~~~-'313 Week! Have a good one! Love your ---~~~~~~~~~313 Sara Crowe: I hope you have a Love, your Secret Sigma Sister APPLICATIONS ARE AVAIL­ Jen Sorenson: Have a great week secret sigma Tracy Sinnot: You're AWESOME! great inspiration week! Get ~~~~~~~~~-313 E IN THE STUDENT ACTIVl­ and get excited for the SOth! Love,? ~~~~~~~----~~313 Fire up for a great weekend! Love psyched for our Tri Sigma 50th Meghan Madura: You are awe­ CENTER, RM. 201, UNIVERSI· ~~~~~~~~~...:313 Shannon MarkiewicZ: Get excited your secret sigma Calebration this weekend! See Ya some! Get psyched for a great UNION. DEADLINE: MARCH Brad and Amy: Family Reunion to celebrate our 50th year on EIU's ~~~~~~~~~...:313 Fridayl weekend! Sigma love your secret tonitel See ya at the function! Love, campus! Have a great dayl Love, Hey Lambda Chis: Get out those ------~~~~~~~~313 sigma 319 Kelly your secret sigma polyester duds and let's have a Deb Platz: Have a great week and ~~~~~~~~~~313 m-:--:----:Ti::-an-:-1:-.::2c-:Ti:-an-s-,-::-$34=-:-. -:'All in ~~~~~~~~~-313 ~~~~~~~~~~313 great time tonight! Love the Alpha get fired up for the weekend! Love Michelle Patton: Fire up for a great venus bikinis $29. Get ready Gelsassomo: Have a GAP day! I Lori Lynch: Your secret sigma sister Phis your secret sigma weekend! You are awesome! Spring Break at Jamaican Tan. love ya! Kelly Jean loves you! Fire up for the 50th and ~~~~~~~~~--'313 ~~~~~~~~~-'313 Sigma love your Secret Sigma o7th Street 348--0018 ~~~~~~~~~~313 an awesome week of bonding! Jen Bowen: You are a great sister SINNOFF SMILE! Have a great --=~~~~~~~~-313 ---~---,.-,------~~~318 Jeanne Sabal: Have a great week. Guess Who? and beautiful Tri-Sigma. Fire up for week! Sigma Love, Shhh, it's a Anjel Moody, Congratulations on HALCOMB: Good Luck with Fire up for the SOth. Love, your ~~~~~~~~~-313 SOthl Love your Secret Sigma secret being elected second vice presi­ Is! Your PIKE brothers are Secret Sigma NINA DEMARTINO: Fire up this ~~~~~~~~~~313 --=~~~~~~~~-'313 dent of Phi Sigma Sigma. I know of you! ~~~~~~~~~-313 weekend! Can't wait untll Friday. Brittney: Just wanted to let you Amy Wheatley: Smile! Your Secret I'm late but better late than never. Kara Schneider: Get excited for the Have an awesome week! Love know that your secret sigma is Sigma loves you! Fire up for the Love ya, Dave SOth. Have a great week. your secret sigma thinking of you! Only 2 more days. SOth! S_A_N_D_l_S_C_H_A_N_A....BE __ R_G __ E=R---'KEEP 313 ~~~~~~~~~_,313 ~~~~~~~~~~313 ~~~~~~~~~-313 ~~~~~~~~~~313 Mary Beth Marshall: Have a great Beth Goodwin, Fire up for the SOthl Jill Wright: Fire up for the SOthl Amy Ryan: Have a great week and SMILING AND HOPE YOU HAVE 313 week. I'm watching you. Fire up tor You're a great sister and a terrific Have a great week. Love your keep smiling! Love your secret A GREAT WEEKI LOVE YOUR .,,,,_'""1s"=T""IN..,--::Z""o=z..,..A"""S'""K,..Ia-n-d,....,.A"'"P:RIL the SOth. Love, your Secret Sigma friendlll Love your secret sigma secret sigma sister sigma SECRET SIGMA LL of Tri.sigma-I can't wait to .-:-=c-=--::--::----:---~~~~313 ~~~~~~~~~~313 rate our 50th Anniversary this WENOV POLLO: There's a Sigma rday. Fire Up! Secret Sigmas watching over you, giving a special ·-~~~~~~~~~313 Jifl Showing you that sistertiood is Giovanna. Congrats on being a sacred gifl Secret Sigma Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson dlosen Delta Sig Sweetheart. I ~~~~~~~~~-'313 111 sure you'll have an awesome Val Jones: Have a good day and rear. I am very excited for you. get excited for the SOth. Love your Colleen Secret Sigma S1'11'£/llOVS MAii ESCA~S ! 1>.-DMt. ! AA'4E t¥:l FEAR. ·-~~~~~~~~~313 ~~~~~~~~~-'313 1' ~IMsoN 9:>lT Q\JRsTS ~ AttO6\Rl.S .' I'~ Tony Herman, Thanks for always Congratulations Alicia Mangrum on ~-...,. ™~ 1l£ ~\~! STTll'atlan MIN, CIW'.P\ot{ being Delta Sweetheart. Love 31 lleing such a great friend, and A-G OF UBEIU't ~t> JJS11cE! Bro. Love Colleen Giffin ·-~~~~~~~~~313 ~~~~~~~~~-313 Congrats to the new Phi Sig exec Megan Riordan: Have a great rid a big thank you to the retiring week. Don't forget 6:00 Friday. ~rs. Love In the Pyramid, your Sigma Love, Your Secret Sis listers -::-~~~~~------313 ~~~~~~~~~313 Congratulations to SARA BAUM, CHAD BANDY, NICK CARRILLO, the 1993-1994 Sweetheart of rid THE IFC GANG: CONGRATS Sigma Pi. We all know you will do a on MIFCAIMAPCAI Way to gcrwe wonderful job and we love you. The knew you could do it! Love, Tracy Men of Sigma Pi ., c., .,. lldTracy ~~~~~~~~~_,313 TO THE MEN OF SIGMA Pl... ~~.,,---~~~~~~313 .,.. 'C••••• ~ .... Fooky: Surprise! Your wish came THANKS FOR THE WONDERFUL rue! I love you, Zachy WEEKEND AT !NOY. THE SUITE ~~~~~~~~~313. AT THE OMNI, FLOWERS AND Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU PHI SIGMA SIGMA new exec PLAQUE WERE ALL BEAUTIFUL Congrats! I know all of you will do a LOVEMRS.B. pat job. Love CATHY --=~~~~~~~~...:313 ~~~~~~~~~-313 ASA pledges have Wednesday Tammi Brown, You are doing a night fever. Get ready to disco pat 1ob in pledging! Your mom is tonight. proud of youl Phi Sig Love, ~~~~~~~~~-313 Jenise Kavin Garbe: Get excited for the ~~~~~~~~~313 SOthl Have a great week. Sigma Rubach and White: Get psyched love, Your Secret Sigma klrthe SOth. Hope you have a great ~~~~~~~~~-313 week. Love your secret sigma. Jacque P. Smile! Your secret sigma ~~~~~~~~~313 is watching you! Michelle Lundin, I will miss you at ~~~~~~~~~-313 Ile SOth! Have a great time at the Darren: Happy 21st. Hope you're wedding. Your surprise will arrive ready for a night you'll probably for. Thursday. Sigma Love, Your Secret get! PARTY! Love Jen Sigma Sister 10 Wednesday, March 3, 1993 Basketball University Board, Performing Arts Tonight At presents • From page 12 rebounds per game and averages 18.8 points per game. fooling around with the lineup Derrick Landrus will be given THIRSTY'S and stuck five guys in there," he the job of trying to slow down said. "It seems like they are Williams, and Darrell Young ORIGINAL playing wi th more confidence will have the task of guarding and are settling into their roles." Ford. The Flames' two keys are still "Derrick guarded (Williams) NICKEL junior guard Kenny Williams last time, and we like to put him and sophomore center Sherell o n the other team's primary DRAFT NIGHT Ford. Williams scored 24 ball-handler," Samuels said. against the Panthers earlier this "Darrell did a nice job on Ford DRAFTS-5¢ season and is averaging 21.9 last time, but other people will 2 points per game. Ford leads the also see some time guarding PITCHERS· s1. s Flames in rebounding with 8.5 him." GREAT MUSIC v }s -~ @-- . untventty of Ullnol$-Chfcag<) {10-fS. 7.a) (14-14, 8-7) A Dessert Theatre lnpoff: 7:05 p.m. Wednesday, Chicago. (gourmet cakes, international coffee, ,,, t Probable nneup• & more) p.,. ~er hgt .,., ppg rpg POI player hgt ff' ppg rpg G De~<*~Q.J SQ:. 12.9 2.S G Robert Johnwn 6--3 Sr 5.8 ~$ Wednesday, March 10 G John Hernandez 6- t Fr S.3 3.0 G K. Wittiams 5-10 Sr 21.9 3.2 C Darrell Young 6-9 Jr 7.4 6.l C E. WitberspOon 6-8 Sr 6.3 4.9 7:00 P.M. F A. ~94.tiguei: . 6--7 So 6.6 4.3 .F Sherell F-Ortl 6·7 ·So 18.8 8.5 ~ .= Loois;Jotdan '~" 6--5 So 14S 4)~ F Charles Brakes 6-6 ''Jr 6.$ 4.Z Grand Ballroom, University Union

LOAOEO WEAPON 1 Students/Seniors General Public Baseball (PG13) 715 $7 $10 "' From page 12 spot. Smith. who staned at third 2 for $10 2 for $18 for part of last season, was Behind the plate for Eastern fourth on the team in hitting Advertise!! *all tickets presale- will be senior Jason Cavanaugh. (.313). who started more than half of The Panthers will open their Advertise!! no tickets will be sold at the door the Panthers· games last year at season Saturday in Murray. Ky.. Adve.rtise! ! catcher. Cavanaugh hit .256 last when they play Murray State In year with one and 12 and Bradley in single games. Tickets can be purchased at the runs batted in. They will try to open their home The Daily • union box office. Callahan said that Aten and season on March I 0 when they For more information call senior Tad Smith will be split­ host Northeastern Illinois al Eastern News!~ ting time at the designaced hitter Monier Field. University Board at 581-5117

Wednesday, March 3, 1993 COLLEGE OF HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION REC SPORTS SHORTS Office: Student Recreation Center Lobby Telephone: 581-2821

ENTRY DEADLINE$_ .YiALLYBALL Table Tennis Doublos (M,W,CR)...... ·-··· . • .. - ...... Fnclay. March 5 ··Men's and Women's open division. Aiflery(M.W.CR) ...... • ...... Fnclay. March 5 --Men's and Women's teams consist of 3 players with a roster limit of 6. Individuals may be on SOftba.11 (M,W.CR) ...... -··-···················· Wednesday, March 10 more than one team. lncloof Soccer {M,W) ······-·-· •••••••••··•••·•· • •·· ...... ···• · ··-.. ·····-- Wednesday, March 17 -Games consist of best 2 out of 3 games to 11 points - Must win by 2. ~w_a_1 ~_1_<_M_. W)_.._ .. _- _- _- _- __- _ - _- _.. _ - _- _. _ ._ . _- _- _- _- _- _.. _ .. _. ___- _- _- _- _- _.. _- _. _w_~_esc1a_y_. _M_~_h_17~ -~~~sara~h~~~bMood~a~~~~d~mTu~d~~dT~~~e~~~~~ TABLE TENNIS DOUBLES 8, or 9 p.m. All leagues filled "First come-First served." -Men's and Women's Compeution -Entries acceptoo beginning Woonesday, March 1o. Entry deadhne is Woonesday, March 17. ndivi T Th -Play begins Monday, March 29 at 7 p.m. -I duals select 10 play 111 tho Monday or uesday evening tournament. 0 winners from each nightly tour· ..The MANAGER'S MEETING for wallyball is Thursday, March 18 at 8 p.m. in the Lantz Club nament will advance to the finals on Weclnosclay. -Matches consist of the best 2 out of 3 games to 21 -·must win by 2. Individuals officiate themselves. Room. All managers in attendance will receive an automatic "win" for their team. BE ON TIME! -Enlry deadline IS Friday, March 5. S~ ··Play begins Monday, Man:h 8 al 7 p.m. on the Lantz South Decks. This Is a reminder that no decision on the cancellatlOll of softball games clue to bad weather Is made until 3 Tuesday's matches will be played m the SAC clue to the IHSA Supersectionals. p.m. on the clay of the game. Please do not call the Rec Sports Office until after 3 p.m. concerning the cancel· -"-Pt.eas_e_n.ot.e .th.e.lim_e_of.11.abl_e_Ti_e.nn.1s.0o_u.bl.es.h.al!i:sftbllee.,nll'lc~ha~n-.ged_f.ro.m.s"'"p•.m•.•'o.1_pi...•m • . ------+ lation of games. We ask that only team managers call in! Participants m Intramural soltbatt are forbiclclen to park or clnve t11e1r vehicles or mopeds m the Intramural ..Men's and Women's slngles, doubles. teams and moced doubles. fields by order of tho Umverslty Pol'ice Department. Participants may parl< on lhe gravel road. - Teams consist of 5 1nd1vicluals. ··Each participant will shoot 5 rounds in 3 positions (prone, kneeling, and standing). The highest possible score JNTBAM!IB~MPlQlifill Is 150. The top 12 men and women will advance to the final round to determine the Individual champion. WRESTLING Doubles. mixed doubles, and team champtons will be cletennined by the prehm1nary round scores. MEN'S TEAM CHAMPION sqna Pi -Entry deacl'line is Friday, March 5. Rosier. Paul Cook. William Clohency. Ron Sc:htadef. Ma-I BraMlngan. Ean Eskra , K8YW1 Paruszl· John Maci9 - Play begins Monday, March 15 at 4 p.m. on the Softball Intramural Fields - South of the Lantz building. PARTNERS FOB INFORMAL RECREATION SPORTS "'The MANAGER'S MEETING for Softball Is scheduled for Thursday, March 11 as follows: Mon. & Tues. Students ot Rec M-...n p Card Holdet1. who ate .,.etMled in mdlng a pa11net IOI' the lollowwig Informal 18Ct118110ne1 pro­ leagues • 7 p.m.: Wed. & Thurs. -7:30 p.m. All meetings are held In the Lantz Club Room. All managers in ~ (Tennis. Racque!bal. and Table Tennis). mey do eo by r.a.ng out a P9"'* slip and 9llaching ft 10 Ille "l.ookflQ tor a pal1nef" attendance wiU receive an automabc "wm· for their team. BE ON TIME'! box atteched to the board. Please 1111 lhem out with your name and phone numb« and enach n undemeath the inlonnal spon you INDOOR SOCCER ate seekl a ner 1n The bulleun board Is localed at the lower level entrance in 1he SAC. -Men's and Women's open division. STEP INTO AINESSll -Men's and Women's teams consist of 5 players With a roster hmit of 8. lndlvlduals are Umlted to one The Division of Recreational Sports Is urging all students to step into fitness With STEP AEROBICS! Step training can be enjOyed people of all ages fitness levels. It is known to accelerate weight give Men's or women's team. by and loss, max· lmum worllouts in minimum time, improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen and tone legs, hips, thighs, and -Leagues are scheduled for Monday and Woonesday or Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Teams play buttocks, and It lnvotves low Impact but high Intensity. Don~ miss out on all the fun! So get stepping and enjoy at and p.m. or and p.m. All leagues filled 'First come-first served " 6 7 8 9 the many benefits of step aerobics TODAY!! Sessoos will be held on the following days and times: -Entries accepted beginning Wednesday. March 10. Entry deadline is Wednesday, March 17. Monday...... 4 p.m. -Play begins Monday. March 29 at 6 p.m. on Student Recreation Center Court 15 (enclosed gym). Tuesday...... 5 p.m. ''The MANAGER'S MEETING for Indoor Soccer is Thursday, March 18 at 7 p.m. in the Lentz Club Wednesday...... 4 p.m. Room. All managers in attenrl11nce will receive an automatic 'win' for their team. DC: ON TIME! Thursday...... 5 p.m. ~ALL SESSIONS WILL BE HELD IN THE SAC AEROBICS ROOM UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. (LIM­ ITED TO FlRST 60 PARTICIPANTS). Wednesday March 3. 1993 aseball's most expensive Washington shows neup gets a pay increase an interest in White HOENIX (AP) - The most Sierra. traded from Texas to WASHINGTON (AP) - Mayhew and , ~ive lineup money can buy The $47 Million Lineup Oakland last Aug. 31. Reggie White, the premier free defensive linemen Tim $47,475,000 this sea on, a By Tue ASsOclated Press= The baseball agent on the NFL market, Johnson, Eric Williams. Fred player& with the~ 1993 ~ Bl Figures for contracts were percent increase from 1992 uclJ posltion and ttle 1993 safari$$ of obtained by the AP from player reponedly is about to be offered S1okes. and more than the cost in last SQ60t\S As6oeialed PreS$ all-star and management sources and a $7.5 million. 3-ycar deal by . as well a s teem. Sa!art86 wete obtall1ed !)y the AP • according to a contract from plllyer Md (!18tlilgernent sour~s include 1993 .salaries and prorat­ the Washington Redskins. linebacker . by The Associated Press. and indt.lde pro-rated S!!iltes 01 SiQr\Jng ed .shares of signing bonuses. The The Redskins den) any con­ Signing those players will bo'l\JSft, 1992. you could get the figures may change by the end of crete offer has been made. cost the Redskins millions. but est-paid team for 1993 Most Expensive Team the .season because or incentive "There will be a point where that doesn't mean the Redskins 658,333, up from $29.7 mil­ P--Owlght Gooden, NYM $U16,687 bonuses. we talk to him, but there have necessarily will be outbid b) in 1991 and $21.4 million in C43enito santtago, Fla . $3,400.000 been no negotiations, no offers another team for White's ser­ 1B--WiHCl$il,. SF $('150.000 For $8 million less, you can , according to the study. 28-Ryne Sanc!bGfg, ¢Ub$ ~.475,000 get the best team money can buy, made," Redskins general man­ vices. Cleveland owner Art our players arc holdovers Ss;.8a'1)' larfclrt, Cln "' $5.700.000 based on last season's AP All­ ager Charley Casserly said Model!, for example, has 38-Kelly Gruber+ Cal . '4.333,333 last year's All-Money team: O~B

EIU PANTHERS and Domino's *A Winning Team An Evening with LARGE 1 TOPPING Tom Deluca, Hypnotist PLUS nu:i~ Friday, March 5 01\IH:I\ 01· T\VISTY 8:00 p.m. 348-1626 STIX! Grand Ballroom, University Union Limited Additional Toppings . 95 $2.00 EIU Students wllD Time 2 toppings 6.90 3 Toppings 7 .85 Ill $4.00 General Public Offer!!

Fish Special Today SEAR.CH NO MORE The ONLY Off Campus Housing On Campus c/11arty's If you signed a lease Now Leasing for fall '93 for the PARK PLACE APARTMENTS BURGERAMA (Across from the Union on 7th) followlng Apts. * mushroom-n-swiss ·es • 1,2 &3 Bedroom St. James Place * pizza burger ~ftt\ Furnished Units (l 9 05) S. 12th St.) 99 please call our office * bacon c-burger $"\ ·Free Trash & Parking • l & 2 Bedroom Units 99 715 Grant Apt. 103 • Central A. C. • Fully Furnished or Dbl. c-burger w/f ries $2 • Dishwashers • A. C. 25 $1 Lg. Drafts (Lite & MGD) 715 Grant Apt. 203 • Microwaves • Newly Remodeled Tonite: Wings-n-Rings ·Balconies • Laundry & Parking 1627 S. -,... Apt. 108 Still Available For Fall Sell Your Unwanted Items In The 1627 S. -,... Apt. 112 Call Anytime 348-1479 For appointment or drop by rental office on Grant St. Daily Eastern News Classifieds! 3:30-5:30 p.m. - M - F Panthers to battle Flames Eastern edged out By DON O'BRIEN Staff writer by Cougars 70-66 Illinois-Chicago coach Bob ~- Hallberg claims that he hasn't By RYAN GIUSTI been watching the Mid-Continent Associate sports editor Conference standings. "I'm not going to try and give The women's basketball you any coaching B.S.," he said, team did not find any relief out­ "but I stopped looking at the side of the Mid-Continent standings four or five games Conference, losing to Chicago ago." State 70-66 Tuesday in a non­ It is probably a sure bet that conference game in Chicago. Hallberg doesn't need to be told The Lady Panthers stayed what rides on Wednesday's game close the whole game, but were between his Flames and the never able to get over the top Panthers of Eastern when the two and stay there. They trailed by teams meet at the UIC Pavillion three points at halftime, 34-31, for a 7:05 p.m. game. took the lead briefly once If he or Eastern coach Rick action resumed, but fell behind Samuels needs to know, here is a for good midway through the reminder: second half. • To the winner goes a No.5 "It was a frenzied type game, seed in the Mid-Continent and that's their style," Eastern Conference Tournament and a coach Barbara Hilke said. "We matchup with Wisconsin-Green didn't have the maturity to get - into our own tempo." Eastern trailed by as many Bay in Sunday's first round, which takes place at Wright State. Eastern came within four I 0 points in the first half. B • To the loser goes a No.6 seed points with :31 left to play, but just before halftime, the La in the tournament and a matchup Chicago State's Katrina Panthers started to close against the host Raiders in Robinson hit two clutch free Cougars· lead. Polka led Sunday's first round. throws to extend her team's charge with 14 first-half po" Both coaches aren't worried lead to 70-64. A Karen McCaa as the Lady Panthers drew about that though. They both say layup with five seconds left within three points at inte that they want to carry the ended the scoring. sion. momentum that they have built The loss spoiled career nights Eastern then opened the up over the past two weeks into for two Eastern players. Senior ond half by running off sev the tournament. co-captain McCaa, playing in straight points and took a 38- Eastern, which is 7-8 in the her second-to-last regular sea­ lead. The Cougars rebounded Mid-Con and I 0-15 overall, has son game, tied her career high tie the score at 40-40 just won its last four games in a row. for scoring with 17 points. The utes later. and the La Illinois-Chicago, which is 8-7 and guard from Indiana added four Panthers never led again. 14- J4 overall, had won its last rebounds and an assist. Eastern dropped to 3-21 · three games in a row before a loss Sophomore guard Nicky its third consecutive loss. to Northeastern Illinois Monday. Polka also established a career Lady Panthers finished the "We want to play with the best, ripping the nets for 21 road season with an 0-1 same kind of confidence on the FILE PHOTO points. Polka connected for record. Chicago State improv road as we have while we have Sophomore guard Derrick Landrus looks to pass the ball off during three 3-pointers in addition to to 7-17 and 6-6 at home. been at borne," said Samuels on Eastem's game with Wisconsin-Green Bay Feb. 25. grabbing five rebounds and The Lady Panthers will p the key to Wednesday's game. Flames 7 l-57 at Lantz. ing so many lineup changes and handing out six assists. their final regular season g So far the Panthers haven't But Hallberg said that the kept on searching for the right "Nicky was almost all of our of the year on Saturday at fared too well away from Lantz Flames are a different team than combination. Lt was hard for the offense in the first half," Hilke p.m. when they play host this season winning only once in the one that Eastern was able to guys to know what their roles said. Wisconsin-Green Bay. 12 tries on the road. defeat earlier. were. Senior co-captain Sherie) It will be senior day f Earlier this season the Panthers "We are playing some of our "I said the heck with it and quit Brown added 12 points and Mccaa and Brown, the team' were able to solve a half-court best basketball right now," said nine rebounds. only two seniors. UIC zone press and defeat the Hallberg. "Earlier we were mak- • Co11tin11ed on page JO Baseball team tries to fill holes in outfiel By DON O'BRIEN Joch Martin and senior Chris Clarke. Clarke started Staff writer games last year and batted .255. Martin saw limited time Be'ginr:iing·of season the outfield last season and was primarily used as a Eastern 's baseball Panthers return five starters from last . year's 24-30 team, but two spots in the Panther outfield detayQ.d b~ weath9r In a battle for the everyday spot in right field are se o·!- . will be the hardest to fill. Thaok.s to Tuesday·s rains. Eastern· s baseball Lance Aten and senior Bren Crawford. Aten, who led Gone are graduated seniors Todd Davis, who started Panthers in home runs as a sophomore. saw time at Panthet& will Mt get a chance ro start their 1993 seasoo every game in right field for Eastern, and Man Legaspi, nated biner last year. He batted .286 last year with Eastem's fixture in center field for the past four years. W~y. . ,.Jo . $ ,,. Tti'1finther.s"were to lfust Indiana State at Monier home run in 34 games. Crawford is new to the Pan Davis led the Panthers in home runs ( 11), runs batted in program. Also seeing some time in the outfield will Field on Wednesday, but with the field under water (46), stolen ba es (9) and was second on the team in hit­ junior Steve Kimble. PantMts' coach. Dan Callahan bad to post~ne the ting (.359). Legaspi led all outfielder last year with a .982 "Most of our competition (for spots) lies in our outfi fielding percentage and was third on the team in hitting game.#.] " .~'® ,,. . % positions," Callahan said. IriStead the game will made up When Eastetn travels (.339). The Panthers' infield, which returns three starters, to Indiana State on March 31 as part of a double header. "From an offensive standpoint, I think that (losing Davis already set. Returning to the spots they held last year It Wll-.S the second time in a~ many days that the and Legaspi) is going to hurt us more than anything," said senior Rick Royer at third base, sophomore Meles Panthejf had to Pt;>$tp0ne J, ga.tr1e. •1.\leSday. ~Y wero~· Callahan, who is entering his fourth year as Panther head scheduled to play Jndiana University at Monier. but due Salazar at and junior Keith Mierzwa at first coach. "The stability that Legaspi gave us never hurt and Junior transfer Jeff Guest will be the Panthers second to snow ~vering the field that game had to be can- Davis came in one year and did as good a job as any out­ man. I ceUed, "', . fielder has done since have been here." camihan 11Ji6 that theffgame against the~Hoosiers Royer hit .273 last season and started in every Pan Eastern isn't totally lost in its outfield though. Returning game. Salazar took over at short midway through last probably won't be made up. for his third season as the Panthers• everyday is son and hit .256. Mierzwa, who has been the Pan The Panthers will try to open their ~ this week.· senior Jason Jetel. As an All-Mid-Continent-Conference starting first baseman for the past two seasons, was selection last season, Jetel led the Panthers in hitting (.390) end ~{"!urr~y 8-?te· Tbey ~ scbedUled to ~y mngle on the team in home runs last year with eight and games again.srMurray State and Bradley on both and was second on the team in home runs (9) and runs bat­ Saturday and Sunday. .304. ted in (40). Guest comes to Eastern after playing the last two report "Jetel has proven himself since he has been here and I -St'fl at Lake Land Junior College. Another key to the Eas am sure that he will be our everyday left fielder," Callahan on the Eastern roster will be scrambling to fill the holes infield will be freshman Steve Dunlop, who Callahan said. left by Davis and Legaspi. could push someone for some playing time. Where Jetel has security, the rest of the five outfielders Battling for a starting spot in center field are sophomore "' Continued on page JO