Norihiro Ishikawa, Takeshi Kato, Hiromitsu Sumino NTT DoCoMo Inc, 3-5 Hikarino-oka, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan

Johan Hjelm Ericsson Research, Torshamnsgatan 23, Kista SE-16480, Stockholm, Sweden

Kazuhiro Miyatsu Ericsson Research Japan,1-4-14 Koraku, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, Japan

Keywords: Mobile phone, RDF, XML, Query Language, ,

Abstract: Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a language which represents information about resources. In order to search RDF resource descriptions, several RDF query languages such as RQL and SquishQL have been proposed. However, these RDF query languages do not use XML syntax and they have limited functionality. xRQL is proposed to solve these issues by defining an XML-based RDF query language with enhanced manipulations of the RDF metadata. xRQL is a logic language relying on a functional approach. It consists of an operator declaration, a RDF data description and a result description. Based on RDF graph data model, xRQL defines a graphical path expression with variables, which is similar to GOQL for describing RDF data. It also adopts the object-oriented model for creation, modification and deletion operations of RDF data. Users can define their favorite XML- compliant result descriptions by themselves, which is similar to XQuery. In addition, a set of RDF operations for RDF schema is defined to manipulate the class and property hierarchies in RDF schema. xRQL has been implemented as an RDF query language over a native RDF management system. This paper also briefly describes the implementation status.

1 INTRODUCTION RDF and logic language, there are some problems to be solved: The was originally built for human z Non-XML Syntax consumption. It contains such a large volume of Since the existing RDF query languages use SQL- information that it’s impossible to manage manually. like syntax to describe an RDF query, a special The use of metadata to describe the information can parser other than an XML parser is required. achieve automatic processing. RDF (Resource SQL-like syntax has limitations in expressing a Description Framework) (Ora, 1999, Dan, 2002) is a complicated RDF query, compared with XML- W3C recommendation for describing information based syntax. It is also difficult to describe the objects and processing metadata. hierarchical RDF data model with a plain text For querying RDF resource description, several syntax language. RDF query languages (G.Karvounarakis, 2002, Mike, z Limitation of RDF Metadata 2002, L.Miller,2001, Flavius,2002, Joachim,2002, Manipulations Edutella, 2002) have been developed. However, in The existing RDF query languages only support the context of processing within an XML-based RDF metadata search operations. Other functions, distributed database system, and with respect to an such as Creation, Modification and Deletion of

319 Ishikawa N., Kato T., Sumino H., Hjelm J. and Miyatsu K. (2005). XML-BASED RDF QUERY LANGUAGE (XRQL) AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 319-326 DOI: 10.5220/0001229203190326 Copyright c SciTePress WEBIST 2005 - WEB INTERFACES AND APPLICATIONS

RDF metadata should be considered to support z RDF Schema Query: Besides the metadata manipulation operations, as well as the manipulation functions of the distributed similar functions are supported by SQL in a heterogeneous metadata represented in RDF, relational database system. the retrieval function of schema definitions z Lack of Result Format Declaration for the vocabularies used in any given block The existing RDF query languages retrieve the of RDF data is needed. Since schema search result in an unordered and ambiguous way. definitions are defined by using the RDF It takes more time for machine to understand and Schema (RDFS) Specification, which process the retrieval results. It will be effective provide information about relationships and powerful if an expected result format is between classes and properties which might declared in the RDF query language. be used in queries, RDF query language should be able to query RDF schemas which As a solution to the above problems, we have are implicit in any RDF data model. proposed an XML-based RDF query language, z Inference: Because of the hierarchical named xRQL, to manipulate RDF resource vocabularies defined in RDFS specification, description and RDF schemas. It relies on the RDF such as subClassof and subPropertyof, an graph data model that captures the RDF modeling RDF query language should support the primitives and permits the interpretation of operations of inferring “implicit” superimposed resource description. xRQL adopts the relationships between classes and properties. functionality of an XML query language (D. z RDF Metadata Manipulation: In addition Chamberlin, 2001), several object-oriented query to basic search functions, RDF query languages (ODMG,1998, Serge, 1989, Zeki, 1996, language should support the operations of Flavius, 2002) and a graph query language creation, modification and deletion of RDF (Jeonghee, 1999, R.Fikes, 2001). So it’s expected to metadata. These operations, not yet be a standard query language for manipulation of supported by the current query languages, RDF resource description stored in the distributed will be attractive to the clients who want to RDF repositories. construct their own RDF metadata Section 2 summarizes the requirements that an repositories based on given RDF schemas. RDF query language should satisfy. In Section 3, we z Definition of Search Result Format: In depict xRQL design concepts and xRQL syntax in order to achieve the efficient processing of details, and give some typical examples. In Section search results, the capability of defining 4, a native RDF management system that supports search result format should be available in xRQL is briefly introduced. Finally, we summarize RDF query language. That will help the our contributions and show our considerations in the clients to retrieve the search results in their future research in Section 5. favorite formats.


We summarize the general requirements of an RDF xRQL is a logic language relying on a functional query language as follows. approach. It consists of an operator declaration, a z Machine Readability: RDF query language RDF data description and a result description. Based syntax should be human readable and on RDF graph data model, xRQL defines a graphical machine understandable for processing RDF path expression with variables, in the same way as metadata easily and efficiently between the Graphical Object-Oriented Query Language (GOQL) distributed heterogeneous metadata (L.Sheng, 1999) for describing RDF data. It also repositories. adopts the object-oriented model (D.Chamberlin, z Support for RDF Data Model: RDF query 2001) for creation, modification and deletion language should support the RDF data operations of RDF data. Users can define their model (e.g. resources, properties, values), favorite XML-compliant result formats by which is similar to the object-oriented data themselves, in the same way as XQuery (ODMG, model. This means RDF query language 1998). In addition, a set of RDF schema operations should support concepts in the object- is defined to manipulate the class and property oriented data model, such as class hierarchies. hierarchies and inheritance.


3.1 Design Concept RDF Data Model

We describe the design concepts of xRQL by using RDF Schema the following example of RDF resource for the web content. Figure 1 depicts the contents published on a certain web site. The lower part depicts the RDF Resource descriptions of two persons (r1 and r4) and two content of music and movie on the web (r2 and r5). Figure 2: The layered data model The middle part depicts a schema for contents Then the relations between these three levels are annotation. In this schema, property create is defined ensured by a standard type interpretation. In Figure with domain “person” and range “content”. The 1, the r1 in RDF Resource level has a directed type upper part shows the well-known RDF data model. label pointing to composer in RDF Schema level Properties (e.g. create, managed) serve to represent whose type is rdfs:class of RDF Data Model level. attributes (or characteristics) of resources as well as xRQL is designed based on this 3 layered data relationships between resources. Furthermore, both model. classes and properties include hierarchical semantics. For example, class music (or movie) is a subclass of 3.1.2 RDF Resource Manipulation content while property compose (or produce) is a subproperty of create. According to the data model in section 3.1.1, we

rdfs:domain defined four basic operations to manipulate RDF rdfs:class r d rdfs:property resource under the constraint of RDF Schema level. rdfs:range RDF Data Model These operations include search, deletion, creation and modification. string address create managed name person content company The xRQL queries essentially provide the means of string tel compose manipulating RDF resource with the knowledge of string composer music

produce technique the given RDF schema. For search operations, we producer movie string RDF Schema proposed a path expression based on RDF graph data

washington address compose managed model. In compliance with RDF graph (i.e. nodes r1 r2 r3 subclassof name subpropertyof John smith and edges) and human readability, the path tel 12345678 produce r4 r5 typeof expression is defined as a sequence of nodes and RDF Resource edges according to the given RDF schema, similar to GOQL, which is an extension of Object Query Figure 1: A schema of RDF resource for the web content Language OQL (ODMG, 1998). A typical path expression is the following: 3.1.1 A Layered Graph Data Model L = C1 {p1} C2 {p2} C3 … From our perspectives, RDF metadata architecture where p1,…,pn are names of properties and can be divided into three levels: RDF Resource C1,…,Cn are names of classes defined in the level, RDF Schema level and original RDF Data designated RDF schema. A data path is a sequence Model level. (Figure 2) RDF Resource level defines of nodes and edges (e.g. C1, p1, C2, p2, C3, …, pn, labeled and directional graphs whose nodes are Cn), where the Ci’ s are classes and, for each i, there called resources or literals (such as r2 in Figure 1), is an edge labeled pi between Ci+1 and Ci. Implicit and edges are called properties. RDF Schema level relation between C1 and Ci can be expressed as essentially defines vocabularies of labels for graph {p1}C2…Ci-1{pi-1} sequence. nodes and edges, such as class person and property Furthermore the variables can be defined in the create. RDF Data Model level includes the well- known RDF data model vocabularies, such as path expression in order to combine the RDF schema rdfs:class and rdfs:property, which describe with the associated RDF resource smoothly. For vocabularies of the RDF schema. Each level can be example, to retrieve the person resource that create viewed as an instantiation of the levels above it. certain content in Figure 1, the path expression could More formally, those resources in RDF Resource be written as: level are seen as the instantiations of RDF Schema person: x {create} content level. In the meantime schemas in RDF Schema level are seen as the instantiations of RDF Data Model Here, variable x represents the instance of a level. person class that will be retrieved. If there are subclasses defined under person class, the resource


description belonging to these subclasses will also be the composer object inherits properties, such as retrieved. According to RDF schema defined in name, tel and address from its parent class, namely Figure 1, the instances of composer and producer person class. subclasses will also be returned as the instances of A modification operation is defined to change the the person class. value of a designated property. If the value is another For RDF metadata manipulation (i.e. creation, object, a relationship between the object that the deletion and modification operations), RDF resource property belongs to and the value object is descriptions are defined with object-oriented established. As shown in Figure 4, this operation concepts, in the same way as OQL (ODMG, 1998). could also be used to merge or separate sub RDF A resource that belongs to a certain class defined by graphs (e.g. right pattern in Figure 4). RDF schema in the RDF repository is described as an object identified by its unique ID (i.e. URI) with r2 r2 r5 properties and the associated values. In Figure 1, r1 is an object with name, tel, address and compose properties. The values of name, tel and address r2 string r2 r5 properties are defined as string while the value of compose points to another object r2. r1 object belongs to composer class and r2 object belongs to music class according to the RDF schema in the Figure 4: Modification operation based on object- middle part of Figure 1. The RDF metadata oriented concepts manipulation is defined as the operations of objects 3.1.3 Syntax of RDF Query Language which are constrained by the RDF schema. Figure 3 shows an object-oriented schema converted from the According to the World Wide Web Consortium, the original RDF schema in Figure 1. Extensible Markup language (XML) (T.Bray, 1998) Person Content is now spreading out as the standard language for Create: managed machine understanding. Since RDF adopts the XML Name: String

Tel: String syntax to describe its data model, XML parser company Address: String becomes a necessary tool for automatic machine processing of RDF resource description. In this Music SubRelationaship Composer approach, the use of XML syntax-based RDF query Compose: ClassValue (Range) language which is consistent with RDF syntax will Movie Producer greatly lighten processing of the query analysis, Produce: compared with those queries defined in non-XML Figure 3: Object-oriented Schema syntax, which often requires a specific parser.

A deletion operation is used to remove the RDF 3.1.4 Result Format Definition resource from the RDF repository. This operation will remove an object completely. Not only the RDF The existing RDF query languages have no resource itself and its properties, but also the consideration of the result format definition in their associated statements will be removed. For example, syntaxes. For automatic processing of the retrieve “Delete the company r3 from figure 1” will remove result, users have to develop a tool to convert the the “r3” resource and all of its corresponding result into machine-readable format. We think it is a relationships completely. Values of property bottleneck in the wide spread of RDF technologies. “managed” belonging to r2 and r5 will be changed to xRQL attempts to provide “format-able” result by Null after the deletion operation. providing an element for the users to flexibly define A creation operation is defined to create a new their favorite result format based on XML syntax, RDF resource into RDF repository. As shown in similar to return in XQuery. For example, in Figure Figure 3, each of the RDF resources can be 1 RDF schema, assuming that we have the variable x represented as an object with a set of properties and that has been defined in path expression: associated values. The value of a property could be person:x{create}content retrieve with , another object or literal. RDF resource inherits the result format is as follows: properties defined by its parent class. For example,


x A condition element is used to specify conditions for search, modification and deletion operations to RDF resource designated by the path A set of person instances will be returned with tag expression in a location element. . Using XSLT, this result could be easily converted into xHTML for displaying or z Namespace Element further processing. A namespace element is defined to support multiple RDF schemas. The abbreviation of a namespace can be defined by a namespace 3.2 xRQL Syntax Definition element. For cases where the same class or property names are used in different schemas, the xRQL is a logic language relying on a functional namespace element can be used to explicitly approach. Its syntax is defined by XML syntax. resolve such naming conflicts. xRQL syntax consists of three functional parts: operator declaration, RDF data description and result 3.2.3 Result Format Description format description. The first part declares user’s request operations. The second part defines the RDF In the search operation, a result format description resource or schemas using object-oriented concepts, element is provided to define the result format. It is path expression and condition declaration. The last based on XML syntax so that users can get a RDF part depicts user’s favorite XML-based format of the query result in their favorite XML format for further result. processing.

3.2.1 Operator Declaration 3.3 RDF Schema Operations An operation declaration element is defined to declare an xRQL operation. We define xRQL Besides the operations for RDF resource description operations for creation, search, modification and mentioned above, xRQL also supports RDF schema deletion of RDF metadata. RDF resource could be search operations. queried and modified with these four operations, while only search operation is provided for RDF 3.3.1 Schema Variable and Path Expression schema. To distinguish the schema variables in the path 3.2.2 RDF data description expression, we proposed schema variables prefixed by “$”. A schema path expression in which schema RDF data description includes object element, variables are depicted independently is expressed as: objectvalue element, location element, condition $x {managed} $y element and namespace element. According to the layered data model mentioned in z Object Element and ObjectValue Element section 3.1.1, the RDF Schema level could be According to the consideration in section 3.1.2, viewed as a instance of the RDF Data Model level. we defined two elements to describe RDF Hence, this schema path expression could be resource under the object-oriented concepts. interpreted that $x belonging to rdfs:Class should be Object element is used to declare RDF resource domain of managed property, while $y belonging to class based on RDF schema. ObjectValue rdfs:Class should be range of managed property. Element is used to assign unique ID and property values to RDF resource which belongs to the RDF 3.3.2 Function Definition resource class declared in object element. z Location Element xRQL offers the functions of retrieving relationships A location element is defined to represent path of classes and properties from RDF schema, such as expression, in which a sequence of classes and subclassof(), subpropertyof(), domain(), range(), properties of RDF schema are used to describe typeof(), etc. RDF graph data model, described in section 3.1.2. z Condition Element


3.4 Examples of xRQL Operations from same class person, the path expressions implicit that both properties belong to the same class In this section, we depict the details of xRQL person. A Condition Element is defined in this operations using typical examples. example to specify a condition for data matching. The result format is also defined to retrieve three Figure 5 shows a search operation for Retrieving variables using different tags. persons whose works are managed in companies select select person:x{name}STRING:y, person:x{create}content{manage}company person{tel}STRING:z < xrql:result> x y=”john smith” < xrql:result> x “ns1=www.docomo.co.jp/DE/metaschema” y z Figure 5: Example of search operation In the location element, we use a data path expression with three class names (i.e. person, “ns1=www.docomo.co.jp/DE/metaschema” content, company) and two property names (i.e. create, managed). The data variable x represents the instances of the class person. Condition Element isn’t used in this example. The Result Element designates the output format. Figure 6 shows the Figure 7: Example of complex search operation result of this search operation. 4 IMPLEMENTATION STATUS ”www.person1.co.jp” ”www.person2.co.jp” We have implemented the xRQL processor over a native RDF management system. Unlike other RDF ”www.person3.co.jp” management implementations which usually manage RDF data by using relational , this system Figure 6: Result of Figure 5 search operation manages RDF metadata in a text file format. Figure 8 shows the system overview. The native RDF By using several path expressions and condition management system consists of an RDF parser, requirements, more complicated queries for public API, Graph Match Process, Result Output navigating through RDF repository are possible. Process and the Persistent Storage. We implement Figure 7 shows a search operation to Retrieve xRQL system by using the public APIs. person and their names and telephone number whose first name is “John Smith”. In this query, we use two data path expressions. Three variables are defined in these two path expressions. Because either path expression starts


RDF Parser 4.3 xRQL Result Format Transformation Graph Match xRQL Parser

Process In Memory Storage Persistent Storage

Wrapped API (Triple Structure) Wrapped API The result format information is analyzed by syntax analyzer. A result format object is created to RDF Repository (Data and Schema) preserve the information; the object is also integrated Result xRQL Result Format Transformation Output into the final query object. This transformation Process module extracts the result format object from the Public API query object and uses it to render the query result

User Control Interface (API) received from Graph Match Process.

Graphic User Interface (GUI)

Figure 8: Overview of the native RDF Management 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE System WORKS

4.1 User Control Interface In this paper, we propose an XML-based RDF query language to manipulate RDF schema and resource. User Control Interface provides a friendly GUI for Benefiting from the XML syntax, xRQL provides a the users with convenient tools, such as query machine-understand interface to the users in the creation assistant and data input and output function. XML-based distributed environment. Based on xRQL parser module and xRQL Result Format object-oriented concepts, manipulations of search, Transformation module work with other modules deletion, creation and modification of RDF resource shown in Figure 8 to evaluate xRQL query, are more pithy and effective. The result format controlled by the User Control Interface. definition also makes the result processing more flexible. xRQL has been implemented over a native RDF management system. Other functions, such as 4.2 xRQL Parser Aggregation and Sort functions will be considered in the future. Furthermore, the support of ontology xRQL parser analyzes an xRQL query string coming inference (e.g. DAML+OIL) in xRQL is also an from User Control Interface and generates a query interesting topic in the future. object. This query object will be delivered to Graph Match Process module to be evaluated. This parser is composed of the following three components. REFERENCES z Preprocessor The preprocessor component converts the input and Ralph R. Swick, 1999. "Resource query string into standard format that could be Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax processed by lexical and syntax analyzer. Specification", W3C Recommendation. z Lexical Analyzer Dan Brickley and R.V. Guha, 2002. " RDF Vocabulary A simple XML parser (SAX) (SAX, 2002) is Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema", W3C Working Draft. employed to perform the main parts of lexical G. Karvounarakis, S. Alexaki, V. Christophides, D. analysis. Because some expressions defined in Plexousakis, Michel Scholl. 2002. “RQL: A xRQL BNF are not completely encapsulated with Declarative Query Language for RDF”, WWW2002, XML tags, a small parser developed by JavaCC is Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ACM 1-58113-449- used to parse these data. 5/02/0005. z Syntax Analyzer Mike Olson, Uche Ogbuji. 2002. “RDF Query and Inference: Versa”, Available at The syntax analyzer will extract tokens from http://rdfinference.org/versa.doc?xslt=db.xslt Token Queue one by one. A corresponding query L. Miller. 2001 “RDF Query using SquishQL”, Available object will be generated once a syntax unit is at http://swordfish.rdfweb.org/rdfquery/. matched. Finally, all query objects corresponding Lee Jonas, Stefan Kokkelink. “RDF Path Requirements”, to sub syntax unit will be composed into a query Available at: http://zoe.mathematik.uni- object which represents the whole query. osnabrueck.de/RDFPath/req/


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