April 24,1889, 8.00IP
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DAILY PRESS READ THE PRESS : FOB kLL THE Or 50 Cents a Month in Advance. PORTLAND DA1UÏ latest NEWS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 27. kmtkkkd ah escrcrpt A YEAR PORTLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 25, 1889. Ola8» MAIL MATTEL*»/ PRICE SO IN ADVANCE. 8PBCUL ΝΟΤΙβΚβ. milCELIiANEOCII. niMBLLANIIOIie. THERE WILL BE AN EXTRA er told the best stoiy of the evening. Here assisted by Miss Henrietta Rice, contralto. INTO THE SESSION. MAINE METHODISTS AT LEWISTON. THERE WILL BE FIGHTING TODAY Moore A VALLEY OF DESTRUCTION it is as he told it : "1 bed an experience one* Draperies, furnished by Owen. Co., made the front of the hall look very pretty. TROY LAUNDRY· that nie more than anything else thai taught The was as follows, and the sev- ambition once to programme laun- I ever did. I had an speak eral were rendered very pleasingly : Roirers and DowÏÏûff's superior Aspirants for the Speakership It Annual Conference If Resistance Is Made parts Crashed the Say on for either Mr. Frye or Mr. The Sixty-fifth by Holders of ttebarwenka engineering Triumph of dry for Col In re and Cuffs· Good» sent the stump Duet-Intermezzo aU'(>ugarese..Pli. Will Be In October. Dingley, It was in the daya of the Green- Bishop Hurst. Claims. Misses Jordan and Ureen. the fjeri Monday niffht. Opened by Illegal Ketterer Oroya Route. back craze, and I was assigned to a town in Maudolinata ···.·· Mr. Mariner. SO. 470 COHUKESS STREET. Prices for the western of the Stat·. The .. Families and part house Hummel was crowded. It reminds me of this crowd. Cf price Miss Offices: It was in a church and was a joint so Knight. The Capitol Deserted Alike Con- debate, What the Bishop Said In His Inter- Armed Men at Cuthrlo Will Seize Cade la Sera L. MlUlottl General HASKELL & by to I to address them first and Boulanger Received by a JONES, Agents. 10 lbs. per month, $1.6C speak. my op- Miss Henrietta Bice. apr20 sotf dally gressmen and Visitors. to follow me. There were those who esting Opening Address. Their Choice Lots. Lltoiff Cheering Crowd In 15 " «' » ponent Splnnlled London-* 3.00 admired the sentiments 1 expressed, and I Miss Jordan. DYE HOUSE NOTICE. 20 " " " 2.60 really had intended to be eloquent. I had in Valse Caprice Schubert-Liszt " one hand a twenty dollar greenback, and in Miss Harrington. (Jarments 60 «15 de la Belne Bad Cleansed or Dyed am of the other a dollar gold piece, and I Officers and Committees OfflcialsiAccused of Taktne the La Polka The Catholic Whole, Importance Forestry Preservation twenty Appointed Best Mr. Claude M. Urltteth. Conereee at Madrid 1'reesed ready for wear, 100" .26 had come to that in my speech when it Presented to the President. point at the Business Session. for .Themselves. Sweetheart F. Lynes embarrasse· the waxed as as 1 was able to—to wax. 8pots Oovernment. By the cake, 20c 100 lbs. eloquent I· Maiden wlth;the Lips so Kosy.Meyer-Helmimd per I was best work, and putting in my carrying Sac (iondolaSong Fesca tilings possibly quite by (Jstorm, when I Miss Bice. FOSTER'S FOREST CITY DYE HOUSE chanced to look down Into a wing pew in the Bigoletto Fantasle LIsxt Customers can commence taking Ice at any t Ime to the Washington, April 24.—Thomas B. Retd occasioned no [Speclil Press.] Kansas City, Mo., April 24.—A Journal Miss Yeaton. Panama, 24.—The 13 I'reble Hi., Opp- Preble H···*. deeire, and delivery will be continued until crowded church. It surprise April Coinercio of tliey 34.—Last a re- Dance Meyerbeer notice to Is received at the office is the for the of there but what I saw surprised Lkwiston, April evening from Oklahoma : "Okla- Duet-Torchlight (lsted March : oct2» enoedtf stop only aspirant Speakership apparently, special City says Miss Vcaton and Mr. Urlfletb. Lima, Peru, 'il, says "P«ar- Any customer leaving town, giving notice at me a all at once a man union by the now in good deal,for straight- prayer meeting was held in Park street homa like was built In a lul land slides occurred the office, will be entitled to a reduction Kifty-third Congress Washing- an City, Guthrie, (lay, NOTER. recently from toe 'It te Hard to make au proper ened out in an epileptic fit, uttering aw- Einpt) We particularly request our customers to report ton, with the exception ot Mr. Cameron of church, conducted by Rev. \V. S. Mclntire, or claimed in an walls which iiack ful yell and kicking like fury. I stopped. I properly speaking, hour, The old folks' concert was re- perpendicular through the tun- Sliiiid Upright." any neglect of our drivers In leaving the Ice | com·· of the Park street church. successfully Illinois. Mr. Reed says there will undoubted- was a trifle alarmed. I looked over the aud- pastor The that before the nels on the route are cot In It t· hard to And plaints for carelessness or any other cause, if excepting portion captured peated by the young folks at the second Par- Oroya order to equully when all at once one of my enthusias- church was well filled and the service was made at the office, will be attended to promptly. ly be an extra session of Congress called ience, time by those appointed to go there and ex- ish last night enable the Verrugas .bridge to be thrown tic friends in the back seats jumped up, 10 ministers The ladies of Fine street church will con- about the middle of Octob r. deeply interesting, nearly being ecute the law. United States mar- across the waved his hand to me and shouted out, "Go Deputy tinue the fair chasm from tunnel to tunnel. A present. A prayer meeting will be held In Y. M. C. A. hall today. Mojor McKinley of Ohio, another very on there, Foster, by the Eternal you are shals laid out the .town Sunday night and Useful and articles will be for sale. cloud burst caused a mass of rocks and earth 'em fits." every morning at 5.30 o'clock. fancy Clark & Chaplin Ice Co., prominent Spreakership candidate, said on givin' Monday morning and covered the supposed Today the fair will not open until afternoon, to crash down and sweep the into This at 9 the bridge an morning o'clock Maine Meth- choice sites with When and only supper will be served. Admission and Saturday that extra session would be MAINE. tents. the train what may be called the "yalley of destruc- Boots free. All are Shoos called In October. The same were odist Conference commenced its tatb session invited. opinion from the South arrived at 2 o'clock consist- Prof. tion." The bridge cost $300,001) and was 573 Burnham & by Messrs. Cannon and Burrows in Kankln will give a musical recital at at lower ices than at Co., POWDER expressed Park street church. Bishop John F. of 23 cars and about 3000 pi ing containing peo- street church feet of Michigan, the other well known Speaker- The State Mouse. High Monday evening. long and 200 leet high, the highest m Hurst, 1). D., L.L. D., presiding. The Bish- had been The Pure. ship candidates, within the two weeks. ple, about 700 at work. Later com. Stockbrldge mu«lc store will be kept the world but once since built in the United & Absolutely past Auosta, April 24.—At a meeting of the introduced the open to accommodate customers and Libby Co., These gentlemen have all talked to the op services by reading the era did not repeat the wild rush at Guthrie. today States." State House was for the sale of the tickets : ΓΛ κ never varies. A marvel ol President on the subject of an extra session, commission, today, lit lesson. following Span- powder purity scripture They were too much astroundod to run and ish Hen Several rases ol and More and.their are based the decided Students, Hur, Stockbrldge Compli- yellow lever have occurred WELCH'S. ureugtb wholesomeness. economical opinions upon to advertise for building proposals was offered Kev. C. F. Thomas Prayer by Allen. over to the town site and took Canton etc. R. Phinney. Uau the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In knowledge they gleaned from the Chief Ex- walked what mentary, Ridgeley, at Callao. apl <11 f at once, in all the daily papers in the Slate, Miss Nettie M. __ >mpetttion with the multitude of low test, short ecutive. Nine-tenths of the Republicans In The bishop, assisted by the pastor of the the government officials, not wanting, kind, Flaherty, who la to appear weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold in of specifications to be in readiness May Gth and church in the entertainment at Kavanagh Hall to- FROM BRUSSKLS only botli houses Congress are of the same and the presiding elder, then left went on out two stak- TO LONDON. «. Koyal Bimno Powder Co., 106 Wall ly They miles, night, has recited in many Massachusetts opinion. bids opened May 15. to Ν. Y. <v2d&wtf administered the Holy supper about one town lots. Water at Oklahoma is where she has met with success. Leaves one member and two Senators were ing plenty. cities, great Boulanger Belgan Boll LADIES' Only An for John Carson. hundred and communists. Hosworth Relief will seen at the Capitol between 12 and 2 o'clock Appointment sixty There is not the same suffering as at Corps hold a carni- Cloomy and Dejected. TUE val at Hall, afternoon and PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, today.