January 22, 1896

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January 22, 1896 _ PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. Established June 23. 1S62 vol. as._Portland, Maine, Wednesday morning, January 22, is96. price three cents. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, new advertisements. States, before they can be employed. Mr. ill the shadow of a largo regular army. idahany sasy that the measure lias 'The United States is tho only nation so of all the the endorsement workingmen situated, that it can with honor and safe- of his stiCo. ty move upon tho pathway of peace, for SLEEP. The House committee on elections No. an international court of arbitration. 3, today decided the contested election Canada wants no hostilities and no dis- case of Campbell against H. C. Minor Talks agreement with our ropublio. It is an- The a from the ninth New York district in fav- to the New York Bar xious for commercial union. Political Do ever Senate Passes Multitude of Meet [n National at you sleep? or of Miner, the sitting member. The re- union will follow whorover we desire to Assembly Most to. unaniomous. persons try They make a more port was Association. extend invitation, so there is no danger or less successful Pills. The went into the attempt at sleeping House committee of from Canada. Farther away are the ro- Chicago. but itisn’t the undisturbed sleepof childhood.’ whole to consider the urgent deficiency publios of the Isthmus of Darien and To secure that hill. A brief general debate ensued upon South America and wo have no fear of Sleeps to he restful must he continuous. kind you need one of the of the fee system in at is two a tired or one of our upholstered box sujbect payiug them. And now look Flurope! It things:—either body spring beds offioials of the United States and with and laid-hair courts THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 3.000 miles across the ocean, from the overhung hour-glass spirai springs top. DOINGS OF THE DAT IN THE the neoes°itvf for its if not PATRI- ever reformation nearest of any Furopeau powei OF VITAL TO You will say it is the greatest luxury you enjoyed. No more seaport QUESTIONS INTdUEST twisting abolishment. OTISM AND to any of the United States. and turning in sleep, no more stiff hacks and rheumatic twinges in the HOUSE. JINGOISM. seaport morning Mr. Swanson, Democrat of Virginia, Our country has 70,000,000 of people AMERICAN INDUSTRY. but a bed on which can maintain one position for a dozen hours you without stated that in the last fiscal year, nearly and $70,000,000,000 of accumulated wealth. fatigue. 11,000 persons had been brought into According to the census of 1890 we have And In a month’s time will see the you sleep! you difference in an in- court who ought not to have been there, 9.200.000 fighting men. The experience He creased and mental vigor. imposing an unnecessary expense of $2,- Eloquently Pleads for an International of the war has shown from them bodily Senator Hoar Advise* the Senate to oivil “We deliver goods directly into the houses of our 000,000 npon the government. that there be drafted and mobilized A Good Attendance—The Wonderful Groth Portland Court of Arbitration and the could free of all ■t ‘‘Go Was All to Mr. of disous- '.Urges customers absolutely expenses as to freight and Slow”—Faugh Ready Laooy, Republican Iowa, and instructed in three mouths, 3,000,000 .of Manufactured Products Gilder the sed the necessity for reform of the fee C. S. to Make the First Move in this cartage.’’ Talk Silver But Didn’t—ThejC'ommittees soldiers. All the transports and navies of system in the federal Beneficent Influence of an Adequate courts, presenting Direction—The U. S. tlonld Withstand the world could not and upon our shores Hard at Work—Excitement Over the some Some evil be striking figures. could an army which could march 100 miles Protective Policy. lie if the of AD European Countries if Brazilian British Entanglement. cured, said, judges courts Necessary. from the. seucoast and ever return to their would as iiad dismiss, they the power to ships. With all the world in arms against .Chicago, January 21.—Tho second do the officials. Albany, N. Y., January 21.—Chauncoy Washington, January 31.—In the rou- offending us, the vast interior of our continent ex- annual convention of the National As- The consideration of the bill M. Depew opened the nineteenth annual tine business of the hour a ser- having cept in its industrial an -economic PAINE morning several sociation of Manufacturers was called to FURNITURE been concluded, unimportant session of the New York State Bar Asso- phases, would know nothing * the trou- CO., vice pension bill was reported to the Sen- and one order at amendments $6000 ble never ex- Central Music hall, at 11.16, appropriating ciation. tonight. 'The was held and see a foreign uniform ate from the committee on for the of tho meeting 48 CANAL pensions survey Chippawa Indians cept on a of war. Secure in our by President Thomas Dolan of Phila- STREET, BOSTON. in Odd Fellows hall and a and prisoner without lands being added, the committee rose large cul- any recommendations and was isolatim, supremo iu our resources,un- delphia. About 150 were in and the bill as amended was The tured audienoe greeted when delegates on the calendar. passed. Dr.Depew, equalled in our reserves and free from placed House then attendance. Sonor G. adjourned. he appeared on the There were dangerous we Gregorio Gonzales, A resolution was platform. neighbors, occupy among offered by Mr. commissioner ac- Cali, Washington Gossip, Chief Andrews and tho cations of tho globe, a position so ex- from Mexico, specially the present, Judge judges requesting President vof the United alted and safe, that to compare us with credited to the convention for the Mr. Cannon, chairman of the House of the Court of many purpose States to into the arrest and for- Appeals, Supreme other countries, would be absurd. inquire committee on appropriations, in his re- of suggesting improvement in trade re- oourt justioes, and leading members of "The stateman or the politician who There’s No cible removal of Mark C. Bodriguez, a port on the urgency decfiiency bill now of the two Meaning, Bar associations from all sections of the really fears for the safety of this country lations, republics was present. M+M* | citizen of the United States in mail pending before the House calls attention I a is fool. The statesman or The of the which to the enormous expenses entailed the state, state officers and a large number politician objeot association, steamer Olivette in the harbor of Havana by who doos not fear ho knows •§■ to the business fee system of United States com- (becauso was organized in Cincinnati a year ago, i average man, in paying of members of the legislature. and who f on the 15th and also into the ar better) yet preaches of our the column after column of instant, missioners, marshals, district attorneys is to secure united action for the X figures that President Kobertson introduced Mr. weakness and our vulnerability, is a protec- J rest of Louis S. Someillan and son in and clerks. Tho abuses of justice ♦ the of perpe- aud insults the tion and promotion of the interest of constitutes body the of in- ♦ trated under this been con- who delivered the annual ad- demagogue intelligence a> majority and if no cause system have Depew. Havana, just of such ar- of the American people. This great American manufacturers at home and ♦ as demned by overy attorney general sine dress for his subjeot, “Patriotism Isurance circulars—they might just well X rests exist that the President shall ae- taking reservoir of force for all purposes the Ame- 1878, but each Congress when appealed to abroad. The present convention will con- be so much Chinese. ♦ and Jingoism; the Lawyers’ the of war. and X ’5 mand their immediate release. has declined to the es- Duty.’’ rican, mightiest engine |ff | apply remedy hy most sider the means to this end, of The address was well reoeived, the asso- benificent power of peace on the ways^and The most unreliable insurance ♦ Mr. Hoar said that if action on tablishing a sjstem fixed salaries. any the face of the can extend the and will disouss the exten- I Chairman Cannon states that tho defi- ciation to Mr. a vote globe, right specifically ♦ can wero to be taken nt the bet- extending Depew of ft. company (dishonestly) as X subject all, of hand fellowship to warring brethren sion of tho United States merchant ma- '£ J[ employ just ciency for expenses United States of thanks. He said: “Now is the time in their ter form would be to ask the across the Atlantic, aud promulgate X -S’ many figures circulars as can the President courts for the curront year amounts to rine, the recognition of Nicaragua canal ^ ^ X for the profession to perform a with honor and dignity a scheme for an staunchest of in the first for suoh informtion as over three million dollars, indicating a great companies. ♦ place international and lead in the and its control by the United States gov- X growth of expense in this branch of the work upon the lines of lawyers, in pro- tribunal, ♦ The best is to take the State Department had. mnrflmAnf: establishment in South Ameri- way the advice X service of over one hundred per cent. international arbitration. The ernment, The resolution was referred to the moting “Had there "been an international court of reliable are Tho report adds that these can of an of American X agents; they in a Z expendi- present between in the capitals exposition position committee on relations and then tures are and dispute English speak- of arbitration Venezuela matter, to foreign abnormal, soma reform in products, and the desirability of estab- f know.
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