Copyrighted Material
Index Note: page numbers in bold denote entries in the encyclopedia; those in italics denote illustrations. Aachen, Council of 203 Jews and proselytes at Roman colonies in North 1–2 Aaron 93, 475 Pentecost 392–3 St. Augustine and Donatists 4–5 Aaronic priesthood 506 post-Pentecost sharing of good Tertullian 2–3 abba 414 news 190 Agapia Orthodox meeting 170 Abbasid dynasty 48, 276 Adam Agathon 16 Abbott, W. 353 cosmic redemption 163 Agaw people 8 Abdel-Messih, Mar 305 creation of 256, 257 Agripinus 15 Abgar of Edessa 477 Eden 487 Ahtisaari Plan 461 Abibos of Nekresi 216 and Eve 26, 90, 136, 307 Akakios, Patriarch 220 abortion 464 judgment 289 Akathistos 11–12, 443 Abraham 60, 148, 237 original sin 195, 348 akriveia (exactness) 80 absolution 109 Paradise 355 Al Aksa mosque 283 abstention, regulations for 195 Adoptionists 274 Aksum 5–7 Acacian Schism 125 Adrian, Emperor 15 Aksumite Empire 8 Acacius of Melitene 41 Adrian, Patriarch 406 Akyndinos 430 accommodationism 232, 398 Adrianople 64 Alaska 191, 496–7 Achillas, Bishop 15 Aedesius 6 Albania Acolyte (taper bearer. 22 Aimilianos, Elder 161 Byzantine influences 12 acrostics 295, 339, 443 Aesculapios 135 communist state 13 Acts of Martyrs 236 Aetius 32, 87, 249 diaspora 13 Acts of Paul and Thecla 518 Afanasiev, Nicholas 84, 105, 116, 371–2 Muslims 12, 460 Acts of Peter and the Twelve aforismos (private post-Tito 461 Apostles 477 COPYRIGHTEDexcommunication. 192–3 MATERIALSerbian tensions 461 Acts of the Apostle Thomas 476, 477 Africa, Orthodoxy in 1–11 Albania, Orthodox Church Acts of the Apostles Christian Nubia 10 of 12–13 Church of Cyprus 138 Cyprian of Carthage 3–4 Archbishop Anastasios 170 common ownership 511 Ethiopia 5–9 Greek Phanariot 12, 112 deacons 141 Greek Orthodox Church 234 Moscow Patriarchate 13 Dionysius the Areopagite 422 Lactantius 3 SCOBA 502 Ethiopian eunuch story 6 languages 4 in USA 499 The Concise Encyclopedia of Orthodox Christianity, First Edition.
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