Chapter 10: Europe
278-279 U4 CH10 UO TWIP-860976 3/13/04 9:25 PM Page 278 Unit Woman in Hungary creating folk art Ancient ruins in Delphi, Greece 278 278-279 U4 CH10 UO TWIP-860976 3/13/04 9:26 PM Page 279 EuropeEurope ou have learned about Y the Americas. Now let us spin the globe and travel to Europe. Relatively small as continents go, Europe is rich in history and culture. Like the United States, most nations in Europe are industri- alized and have high stan- dards of living. Unlike the United States, however, the people of Europe do not share a common language or government. NGS ONLINE ▲ The Louvre museum, Paris, France 279 280-291 U4 CH10 RA TWIP-860976 3/13/04 9:35 PM Page 280 REGIONAL ATLAS Focus on: Europe BOTH A CONTINENT and a region, Europe has a wide range of cultures—and a history of conflict among its people. Recently, connections in trade, communication, and transportation have helped to create greater unity among European nations. The Land Rivers For centuries, Europe’s rivers have pro- vided links between coastal ports and inland Jutting westward from Asia, Europe is a population centers. In western Europe, the Rhine great peninsula that breaks into smaller penin- flows northwest from the Alps until it empties sulas and is bordered by several large islands. into the North Sea. The Danube winds through Europe’s long, jagged coastline is washed by eastern Europe on its way to the Black Sea. many bodies of water, including the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, and the North, Baltic, and te Mediterranean Seas.
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