HIATUS AS. Council at • CiIince 2 Opinion 4 Pom star: LeHing it all hang out Letter to the Editor I Thursday Coupons , Docurama releases a documentary about pornographic film Hiatus c.lendar 11 legend Ron Jeremy. page 8 Classifieds 11 THE UCSD ARt)

UC SAN DIEGO THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2003 VOLUME 109, ISSUE 2 A.S. approves 2003 A.S. ELEOIONS WATCH instant runoff Switching signs on Sunday New voting system to be implemented in 2004 By CLAYTON WOIFOLK January, chose IRV over nine Senior Staff Writer other potential voting systems, including approval, Condorcet The A.S. Council overwhelm­ and the current system of plurali­ ingly approved the implementa­ ty voting. tion of instant runoff voti ng in The council's decision will A. . elections at its March 12 take effect fifth week of spring meeting. The open role call vote, quarter and will first be applicable which was tallied at 17 -3-2 on to the 2004 A.S. elections. March 14, ca me after a special Under lRV; voters have the presentation by the Voting option of ranlcing candidates by Systems Task Force, which unan­ preference, and if a candidate imou Iy recommended adopting receives over 50 percent of fITst- lRY. The task force, which was Tyler HuIf/GuorcJion chartered by the A.S. Council in See IIV. Page 3 Poster IMp: Posters aOmtising b 703 Productions, ~ich cispIayed AS. presidential cancftdate Jeremy Gallaghet's e-maIl address, and posters aMth Unity and Students FtrSt! posters. Spring shopping Two Jfievances Numerous filed In elections candidates guaranteed Grievances accuse of • threats, falsified info vIctory By CiAELLE FAURE Though Palisoul tOok the Over half of Associate News Editor issue to the UC 0 campus police, he said he was tOld he Within the first two days of would have to take It to the San candidates the opening of the 2003 A. . elec­ Diego police and felt it was tions ca mpaigning season, two unnecessary to do o. However, unopposed grievances have been filed with he aid that he nonetheless took the elections committee; one the issue seriou Iy . By MARNmE FEDERIS against the majority of the mem­ "Being my first death threat, I Senior Staff Writer bers of the tudents First! slate think you have to take it eriou ­ for allegedly making a threaten­ Iy. 1 don't know what the caller's As the 2003 A. . election cam­ ing phone call to the ommittee intentions were," Palisoul said. paign eason tart, more than half to Elect Kevin H u's chairman Elections Manager Robin of the ca ndidates will run unop­ Phil Palisoul, the other against Shelton informed Palisoul that posed. even out of 12 positions independent presidential candi­ nowhere in for ., Council will present only date Kevin Hsu for allegedly "fal­ the election one choice for students voung on sifying information on election bylaws are the week of Apnl 7 through Apnl ca ndid acy forms or campaign there any rules II . The seven unopposed offices materials." to deal With include six of the comllli ioner The fir t was filed by Palisoul thi incident, positions and the office of Vice on March 31 against every run­ and recom­ President External. ning member of the Students mended to ome of the candidates Jessica Horton/Cuordion First! late, with the exception of Palisoul that expres ed their dl appointment vice pre idem of finance ca ndi ­ about not having anyone to run Check me out: The quarterly vendor fair, held thiS spring from March 31 Phil Pllisoul he contact the date Harish Nandagopal. an Diego again t. Chairman of the through Apnl 4, allows students to pick up some tnnkets and treasures. The second grievance was police. "I wi h omeone wa running filed on April 1 by Nandagopal. Committee to " I t ' s against me," said Vice PreSident According to Pali oul, he Elect KeVin Hsu incredibly di _ External candidate Rigo Marquez. received a phone call at his pri­ appointing, "I think that haVIng more candi ­ WEATHER SPOKEN SURF vate re idence on the evening of and nothing of that nature is ever date would put more pre ure on March 18 from an unidentified acceptable in a campus election," II person to do the be t job pos 1- j ...l , " .l~ REPORT caller who, according to the helton aid, adding that the i ue ble." j..:...J ~ "... Nothing of grievance report, aid," ive u wa "above and beyond" the '-'ff .1, , The wide pread lack of opposi­ that nature is ever April] back our club name or we will scope of any A. . elections tion for A.. ouncil po itions April] April. '.\Ind. 1m 101020 kl fucking kill you." bylaw . contrasts last year' elections, m H 61 L52 H62L5J '.\Ind waves' I 10 J h acceptable in a SweM ' W II to 14 h. "I'm really hocked because 1 In addition to being chairman which multiple candidates compet­ , know that no one on m slate of the Committee to Elect Kevin ed for mo t office . cordmg to y ~ ~ campus election. " April. would do anything like this," aid (Isu, Pali oul i al 0 president of A. . Council dVI er Paul De , '.\Ind 1m 15 10 25 kl Kevin hawn (!su, who i run­ the tudents Fir t! club and par- Wine, there were a "record num- ~J v.Ind waves 2 10 4 h ApII , - Robin Shelton, AS. Swell W910 12h. ning as presidential ca ndidate on elections IRIINtpf the tudents Fir t! slate. See CiIIEVANCES. Pagt' 6 ee UNOPPOSED. Pagt' 6 H6J"5 L52 H66L5J ZNEW THE UCSD GUARDIAN THURSDAY, APRIL 3,2003 MONDAY, APRIL 3,2003 THE UCSD GUARDIAN NEWS 3 BRIEFLY ETCETERA ••• Supreme Court hears IRV: Task force says instant runoff voting is more efficient A.S. Presidential be at UCSD in ll-A in the University Complex. affirmative action cases continued from page I tem) different would discourage candidates to debate U~E'~ place votes, he or she wins the elec­ voting" Muir students present ,",~L.L- By PAUL THORNTON plaintiffs Barbara Gruner and banned under the Bakke decision. tion, just as he or she would under In its presentation to the A.S. The five candidates for A.S. Council mUSical ,...,~w~,,~M"~A&~~'sIO)~=~~~o»G~~ ------...., ------....,~ Doily Californian (U. (alifomia­ Jennifer Gratz, argued the Michigan tries to enroll a "crit­ the plurality voting system. Council, members of the task force President will square off in a debate on April 'TO "~SM a~ . Berkeley) University of Michigan and its law ical mass" of minority students However, if no candidate receives contended that IRV would increase 3, from noon to 1: 30 p.m. in Price Center The Muir College Musical ensemble will ~~~~~ I school violated his clients' "i ndi ­ that improves the education of all more than 50 percent of the first­ voter turnout because it better rep­ Plaza. present the musical comedy "Hoo to Succeed ~~~? I (V-WIRE) WASHlNGTON, vidual right nor to be discriminat­ students, said university attorney place votes, the candidate who resents students. It would also lead Bryan Barton, Jeremy Gallagher, Kevin in Business Without Real~ Trying" at Mandeville O.c. - The U.S. Supreme Court ed against." Maureen Mahoney. received the least number of first­ to campaigns with more debate Shawn Hsu, Kevin Hsu and Brian Uiga are the Auditorium on April 10, April 11 and April 12 at heard oral arguments April 1 in two Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Determining what percentage place votes is eliminated, and each because more powerful candidates five presidential candidates running for the 7:30 p.m. I cases that could settle once and for the likely swing vote on the nine­ minority enrollment the school vote belonging to that candidate is and slates will be more apt to 2003-04 term. . The comedy, which opened on Broadway I all the extent to which colleges can member court, firmly asserted needs to create a critical mass transferred to his or her voters' sec­ address issues raised by smaller in 1961, is set In the 19505 and tells the tale consider race in their admissions. that making deci~ions in which to could be tantamount to setting a ond choices. This process contin­ candidates and slates due to their C.A.M.P. program of J. Pierrepont Finch's ascension from a win­ J-T----IJ Outside the court, thousands admit students is inherent in the quota, argued justices Scalia and ues until a candidate has received increased prospect of winning elec­ dow-washer to a high-pooered executive, by demonstrated in support of affir­ co llege admissions system, espe­ Anthony Kennedy. over 50 percent of the votes. tions. coordinator named the process of satirizing the world of business mative action. cially when a university receive "Is it 8 percent? 12 ?" Scalia Supporters of IRV claim that During its presentation, the through numerous suDplots. =====~ :::======!======~! Both cases involved the many more applications than it asked . the voting system is more democ­ task force reported findings from Jacqueline Aziz-Brewer has been named The ensemble's yearly productions are ! University of Michigan - Gratz has spots. John Payton, the lawyer repre­ ratic than the current system its Jan. 28 and Feb. 21 mock elec­ coordinator of UCSO's Califomia Alliance for UCSO's only complete~ student-produced v. Bollinger in the university's senting Michigan in Gratz v. because it means that a candidate tions on Library Walk. The task Minority Participation in Science, Engineering theater event Revelle College senior Sheida undergraduate admissions system, Bolling", argued the universi ty's must garner a true majority of the force reported that out of over and Mathematics Program. Falahatpisheh directs this year's production, and Gmlt" v. Bollinger in the uni ­ a ffirmarive action system serves votes to win the election. 100 students polled, 81 percent The C.A.M.P. program is one of several working with a production team of 20, a cast versity's law school. the compelling interest of the "The biggest outcome [of felt that IRV represented them, under the university's Academic of 30 and an orchestra of 31 , all students. Although the case were pro­ state. implementing IRV] will be ensur­ and most people polled felt it was Tickets are available at the UCSD Box This is of" enormous ing that the candidate elected has the best voting system out of Enrichment Program unit in Student Affairs voked by college admissions sys­ "This is of enormous impor­ designed to offer research experiences to Office, the Muir College Center and at the tems, the court's decision could importance not just to tance not just to higher education, the broadest base of support," said approval, Condorcet and plurality undergraduates and help motivate them to door, priced at $6 for students, $7 for staff indirectly affect hiring and gov­ but to the country as a whole," Eleanor Roosevelt College voti ng. attend graduate school. The CAM.P. pro­ and $8 for general admission. ernment contracting programs higher education but to Payton said. Freshman Senator Max However, Hart questioned the gram Itself works to provide support and that consider race. U.S. Solicitor Ceneral Ted Harrington, who chaired the Task actual representation provided in advancement opportunities to underrepre­ Researchers link crystal The court is being asked to the country as a whole. " Olson argued on behalf of the Force. the task force 's poll. sented undergraduate students majoring in decide whether affirmative action United States that Michigan's IRV also better represents vot­ "The survey used was [of] less the sciences. meth to cardiac damage serves a "compelling state inter­ - John Payton. Univ. of Michipn affirmative action system failed ers' sentiments by eliminating than I percent of the student Aziz-Brewer transferred to UCSO as an est" or violates the U.S . attorney every test of legality. vote-splitting and third party body," Hart said. "That was not undergraduate from Glendale Community UCSO researchers have found that hospi­ Constitution's 14th Amendment, Michigan'S admissions system "spoilers," allowing voters to vote enough evidence for me to change College and went on to obtain a doctorate In talized methamphetamine users shoo a sig­ which provides equal protection O'Connor said that Kolbo's creates a "separate path and sepa­ their conscience, according to IRV the entire voting sys tem at neurosCIences at UCSO after haVing worked nificantly higher rate of cardiac dysfunction under the law. argument amounted to the fact rate door for preferred minori­ advocates. VCSD." closely with faculty in completing research than non-users, according to Ori Ben-Yuhada, Much of the legal confusion that race cannot be used as one of ties," Olson said. "We wanted a system where The Voting Systems Task under AEP programs. assistant professor of medione and director surrounding affirmative action "many factors" in admissions. Olson said Michigan admits all voters can vote sincerely and not Force was composed of an A.S. of UCSO's Coronary Care Unit at the UCSD stems from the court's 1978 deci­ "You've got some precedents "preferred minorities" who meet Strategically," Harrington said. senator from each UCSD college Board of Regents to Medical Center. sion of Univmity of you've got to come to grips with its minimum criteria but denies However, several members of and four at-large members from Ben-Yuhada and colleagues Nader Banki .. Board of Rtgtflts v. BaHt, in out there," O'Connor said to admission to many white students council raised concerns regarding the student body and was dis­ teleconference on April 3 Neil Siecke, and Thomas Walbman decided to which the court ruled that col­ Kolbo, referring to the court's who exceed the qualifications. IRV implementation. solved upon completion of its rec­ examine the effects of crystal ·methampheta­ leges could not use admis ions Baltkt decision. Many who supported affirma­ "My main concern was that ommendations. However, mem­ The University of Califomia Board of mine due to the pervasive use of the drug in A.S. COUNCIL AT A GLANCE quotas. Chief Justice William tive action har hly criticized the [TRY) was going to be'too confus­ bers of the task force are currently Regents will be meeting VIa teleconference San Oiego County. They reviewed the records Colleges could still use minor­ Rehnquist and Ju tice Antonio Bush administration for involving ing a system," said John Muir advocating the implementation of on April 3 from 9 a.m. to noon. of 76 patients and found that 64 percent ity status as a "plus factor," howev­ Scalia, both considered conserva­ the solicitor general. College Senior Senator and IRV in college councils and meet­ Concerns about traveling induced by showed normal heart function, compared with AS. Council Meeting .26 response to the elimination of 1,103 IS' park­ er, so long as diversity i in the tive, pressed the University of "I am so ashamed of my gov­ Senate Chair Corinne Hart, who ing with tudentLinlc representa­ the outbreak of wa r with Iraq led the meet­ 85 percent in an age-matched control group. April 2 ing spaces made in the UCSD transportation compelling interest of the state, Michigan lawyers about how close ernment .. . to have the solicitor voted against adopting IRV. "We tives to discuss the logistics of ing to be scheduled instead of the regular Twenty-eight percent of the users exhibited and parking committee's report in February according to the decision. the university'S affirmative action have such a low voter turnout, online IRV voting, according to business meeting which was to be held on moderate to severe left ventricular dysfunction, 2003" until next week. Kirk Kolbo, the attorney for ystem came to racial quotas, See CASE. Page 7 anyways. Making lthe voting sys- Harrington. March 19 and March 20. compared to 7 percent in the control group. Old Business The regular Board of Regents meeting will The study was comprised of patients from be held at the UC San Franosco-laurel the teens to 50 years old, but WIth an average ItemH Reports Heights campus Instead of the onglnally age of 41 to 43 years old. According to Ben­ The A.S . Council initiated an open role call scheduled locabon in los Angeles. Yuhada, It is unusual for people to show such vote on the wording of a University Centers Commissioner of Services and Enterprises SPRinG 2003 After a public comment section at 9 a.m., levels of ventncular dysfunction at this age. Expansion and Renovation Fee Referendum Jeremy Gallagher the April 3 meeting will continue WIth a The study was conducted because there that would, if passed, introduce a S39-per-stu­ Gallagher announced that a managerial closed session on lega l, personnel and had preV1ous~ been on~ anecdotal evidence dent, per-quarter fee to fund expansion in the merging of A.S. oft Reserves and A. . Investment matters, followed by open ses­ for a lin between crystal methamphetamine Price Center and Student Center. Lecture ote ha begun. Sions, including updates on Los Alamos use and cardiac damage, and because Iarger­ Senator have until 4 p.m. on April 4 to cast National Laboratory management and mid­ scale studies needed to be done to further their vote on the referendum question word­ Elections Manager Robin Shelton year university budge cuts. understand the public health Implications, ing, whIch was submitted by University Shelton reported that the Elections One of the teleconference locations will according to Ben-Yuhada. Center Expansion Task Force Chair Garo Committee has started "to receive complaints Western State University Bournoutian and endorsed by the UCETF. [and) grievances about other slates and candi­ A.S . PresidentJenn Brown and other council dates." College of Law offers you a members wished to amend the referendum to Shelton also reported that a debate featur­ Mib MriIez .....--All ...... guarantee student autonomy over supervision ing the presidential candidates will be held legal experience aimed ar both ...... ;'Irld_ of the expansion's construction and design, April 3 at noon in Price Center Piau. teaching you law and helping fmIee~ SliaStlMln but a motion was made to approve the refer­ endum as written before amendments could Vice President Internal Kevin Shawn Hsu you to become a better legal JaIh Clouse .... III QIIf M •• ' ...... be proposed. Hsu, along with several other council professional. Our unique I.II.Rn Leo.tner M.I PI EAIII Kim6IiIr 1111 ,If IJI' Council members also discussed the objec­ members, announced that the National Day 0IaIie 1'rIn .w ...... tiveness of the referendum wording, some of Silence, a "reminder of the way in which so teaching approach combines MIIIwr MIdiI c." EIIIoIs MIIdin .... AbIpiI UIIon arguing that potential "pros" of the referen­ many people are silenced because of their sex­ dum's passage were embedded in the text. ual orientation," will occur April 9. traditional classroom studies GrIn! Schrader ,.....U'I't... Students are scheduled to vote on the referen­ Participants in the nationwide event will with computeriz.ed technology Evan McLqhIin .... EdIIor 1IueXlonc dum seventh week of Spring Quarter. be completely silent for the entire day. and Internet-based educational GaeIle Faure AsIodIIe News YIan AMttIsIIIc DIsIp" ...,.. Item 0 - Compiled by Clayton Worfolk NickSM forums [Q help you learn more Claire J. VInnette 0piaIIII YIar The A.S. Council tabled a resolution "in Smior SlIlff Writtr CIIaIIIIIIII efficiently and effectively. Jessica LingeI AIsocWt OpInion YIDn Hid Archer, Kim Hopkinson. John HeIIey DlnielWaIIS Anu ICumIr s,cn E6r 7IwIKSDGoadGrI i5 ...... nI~ ~h~,..."n"""'duc:so. Find out about our: ...... d ...... IoIn\ ...... staff writer Develops Owen Main AIIociIta 5poItI YI.or • Innovative .T.E.L.L.A.R. IM ..... Otil ...... "...... ~ ...... O stories from start to fin­ KMII DeVries Fubns EdIlon 2001"~ --. "" IKSDGiaIbI ...... JibIe v the _ allIIWIIIdIId IIWIUICIi* OIa '!he Program BlrriWorth _--''-'.lIIIIo-'r...... ish, including interviews, I n Site Legal linic RinIIdo HiIIus opiIin d ". LaO CiuaIdIn .. ~ d Dorman EdItor cabnoI Of As~ SUIns. 7Iw UCSD c-diaIIs research and writing. tOlllded ~." ~. .. """* ft Trucl. pboq riminal Law Anne Cong-Huyen AuociIII HiIbII EdIoIs ...... N"'Tr. Works under various sec­ EDITORIAL OPENINGS CIIyton WorfoIIt Practi e CelHer Please call for upcoming GIner. ~: ""5J4-65I1 ,tions including news, Tyler'" ..... &Mor NewI..cI ...... : 1,..,34-5226 sports, opinion, features Learn what it takes to produce the • Profe iona) 'kills Program information sessions! Kenrick I.eUfII Gr.... Ytor Opinion. Sports. PhaIio: "'·SJ4.6512 HiMus: ••5344583 and arts &entertain­ largest publication on campus. • Requirements for SABA ~LIq WlltEdlDr AdvenitinI 0IIice: ""'34-5466 : "..,... ment. Admission MON, APR 14 TOM BOWLES YtGrW AuiIIIIIl ...... E-moiI:~ Western State University Mimelte Federis • Financial Assistance MON, APR 21 SAlISH applications available College of law . Plpa.,..l ~ONLINE designer Creates page r oons MON, APR 28 J 1UR'I'LE www.ucsdCUildiln·OfI Guardlon , 1111. N. State College Blvd . Chq. Citherine ow. Ed ~ layouts for various sec­ offices len. Old Student Center, Second noor • tare-of-the-Arr Moot -. Fullerton , CA 92831 MON , MAY 5 ILA CGprIudm The UCSD GUtltdlan tions, responsible for Questions? Call (858) 534-6580. ourt Room email: adm@Wc;ulaw.edu Brandon KIll, Mari", Litvin5ky, Deepa Manoh.1i 9500 GI ...... Dr. OS 11, 8 MON , MAY 12 DERREN lASER La Jolla. CA 92093-0316 implementing cohesive 714.738.1000 ext: 2600 Pame!i Fruae ...... IoC1uaI IrJUbon Second f1ooI, ur..50 style and feel. 800.WSU.4LAW Sludl'nl Cenrer Buildtng A, 11m 2 I 7 MIChael Foulks ~ MIMpf www.wsulaw.edu ...... C Western Sute University College ot Law 2003 103 t0312 THURSDAY, APRIL J, 2003 THE UCSD GUARDIAN OPINI ON 5 Stop that!

When fnends ask Bertrand's THURSDAY thoughts on war, his answers are predictably unpredictable and APRIL 3, 2003 Thoughts on war unconventional LEIIER TO THE EDITOR unusual as always. refer to as a thumb war. in wars, no matter wbat si de you're I remember my first thumb war on. Take the war on cavities I've page 5 4 Article fails to find a the Republican Guard), and she OPINION stop with my girlfriend. We were sitting been fighting most of my life. solution seems to fear that the "embedded" on her couch, discussing whether Sometimes, when it's really late and reporters are getting just too close that! or not you can smell sneezes. My I want to pass Out, whether or not Editor: to the soldiers that they have been position was that sneezes have to brush my teeth is a difficult deci­ I was rather confused by the covering. EDITORIAL Bertrand Fan smells, and that everybody'S si on. The amount of wrist effort is recent opinion article by Jessica I completed the article still won­ sneezes smelled the same, while she considerable, and no matter how Lingel in the March 31 issue of dering exactly how I am being mis­ ar has always been a claimed that you couldn't smell much masturbation I conduct the Guardian, H er headline told informed. She kindly suggested Josh Crouse, touchy subject with my sneezes. She is clearly wrong purely to strengthen my wrist, the me that the media was mindlessly that we search for "unbiased, Editor In Chief · 1' ,: W family. because I've smelled many a fact remains that I'm one lazy s.o.b. promoting war and that the biased uncompromised information from -. One of my earliest memories is sneeze, and I've even gone as far as I even have an electric tooth­ coverage of the Iraqi conflict was accurate and reliable sources. " Lauren I. Coartney, Evan Mclaughlin, an unfortunate incident with my to smell other people's s nec~es, brush; aliI would really have to do mi si nforming the First I want to Managing Editor News Editor sister. I had shuffled the deck, eyed which, though disgusting as hell , is stand there and hold the damn public. know what I am about half of it and given it to her, Charlie Tran, Claire J. Vannette, smell the same 3S my sneezes. thing for two minutes, but I'm "Wow!" being misinformed when she refused to take her ha lf. Managing Editor Opinion Editor Trying to be 3 good sport about sure we 've all been there. thought; I am part about! Is the war "Bullshit," she said, "your half's her being so obviously wrong, I Sometimes standing is just too dif­ of the public, per- I want to know what not even happen­ bigger." suggested a thumb war. She ficult. A little while back, one of haps I am being II1g? (" Wag the The UCSD GuardIan is pu blished twice a week at the University of I explained to her that it didn't Califalm a at San Diego Contents (c) 2003 Views expressed herein ab'Teed, and assumed the thumbs­ my friends had to have su rgery on misinformed. I read am " Dog" style) I being misin; represent the maJority vote of the ed,tonal board and are not necessar· matter, that war itself was unfair, up position with her right hand. I his ass because he supported this on only to discover Perhaps it is really Ily those of the UC Board of Regents. the ASUCSD or the members of and after a few minutes one of us wrapped my fingers around hers, idea too much, that "the American takll1g place In the CuardlOn staff formed about! Is the would have a bigger half anyways. said the customary, "One, two, I remember once I was taking people have been France, and maybe "But, at least that person would three, four, I declare a thumb war," this survey in high school that misled and misin­ war not even hap; all our oldlers are have ea rned that half," while moving my thumb opposite helped you calculate when you formed, and it's all . 7 Phap ' actually cyborgs "Earned?!" I asked. hers, and then the minute the were going to di e. I think the pri­ the media's fault." perung. ... e:r: s It cleverly pro- You don't earn your bigger half word "war" had left my mouth, she mary purpose was to discourage Uncontested Eager to correct is really taking place gra mmed 111 the art in war; you just draw it. There's no started twisting her arm like 3 Thai smoking, but the part that really this misinformation of eN interview. slapping involved, no quick draw­ hooker on speed. I quickJy lost the stuck in my mind was the one that in my he.ad, I fin ­ m' Fr ance ." Please, Ms. ing necessary, it's just a matter of first game o ut of pure shock. asked if you sat in a chair more ished the rest of the Lingel, let us in on positions make havi ng high cards at the time, and "What, in the fuck, was that?" I than eight hours a day. At fi rst I article. your accurate in the event of a war, havi ng high demanded. marked "no," but then I really This is where the confusion set sources, tell us where we have .. -- -- cards in the future. But this logic "It's not against the rules," she thought about it and I can't recall in. It seems that Lingel dislikes the been led astray, and for God's sake for dull races did not carry over to her, and she retorted. the last day where I didn't sit in a coverage that has been on the news don't let us wallow in our misin­ forced me to redeal, painstakingly "Of cour e it's not in the rules! chair less than eight hours. In networks oflate. She disapproves of formed ignorance. For the fir t time In Cc. D electoral hi - dealing out 26 cards each. It took Why the hell would your arm and between moving furniture and dis­ the interviews with the U.S. mili­ - Nathan O sborne tory, a maJoriC} of campu-wide tudent away some precious moments of elbow be in the rules in a thumb assembling IKEA lamps with allen taty (maybe we could get some with Eleanor Roorroe/t College junior my life that I will never get back, war?! Everybody knows that you wrenches, I would sit in th e U­ gO \'t!rnment po lt1on~ arc uncontested. moments that I could have spent don't move your god damn wrist Haul on my leather chair and think T hi yea r' uncontested position include thinking about other moments of in a thumb war." about what it would be like to sit in \'lce preS Ident externa l, commi sloner of my life that I will never get back, "Look, it's not against the my new home. The GUclfdian welcomes letters from its readers. All Iertets must be longer than 500 I\(jfds, ~ aC3demic affai r , commi sioner of athleocs, like when I rented "Maid in rules, all right?" I have really been fighting a no cJoci»e..spoced and signed with nome and title. ~ comml sioner of communication , comml - Manhattan" after a night of bloody "All right." I conceded and put war against standing, and it is sort reserve the right to edir for length and clarity. sioner of programming, commi ioner of marys on the premise that I'd find out my hand. We started the count of a joint conflict with the war Letters may be dropped off at the Guardian office diver irv affair, commi ioner of tudent "the worst movie in Long's Drugs." and right when it was over I against the sun, in which I'm cur­ on the second floor of the Student Center or e­ I've told this story in response punched her in the boob with my rently being supported by my mciW!d, Send aI/letters to: se r.~ ce ., commi ioner of enterpn e opera­ to friends' inquiries about my fe el­ left hand, and a she screamed some good buddy, shade. He really kicks tlon ' and commis ioner of tudent advoca­ ings on war, but they insisted that things ( can', print here, I covered the sun's ass when they duke it out. The UCSD Guardian Opinion Editor c\'. ThIS i nine of 12 A. . Council positions this isn't what they meant, After her thumb with mine and won the ~nnck LetJng/Cuoldion 9500 Gilman Dr. 0316 ~ in other word, two-third of next year's careful consideration, I realized second battle. Me getting punched La Jolla. CA 92093-0316 A. . Council has already been cho en, pro­ they were talking about another in the balls was the tiebreaker. Want to tell Bertrand to stop that? e-maIl' Ietrers@ucsdguard;an.org vided that none of the e candidates gets dis­ war altogether, which I like to Let's face it, people do get hurt E-mail [email protected]. quali ned or withdraw from the race. This is not intended to pass judgment on the quality of the candidates running unop­ War's economic impact a pressing issue posed for A.S. office; undoubtedly, many of them will do fine job next year in their guaranteed positions and it's entirely possi­ Increased military spending spells financial fiasco ble that all of them will be the greatest A.S. Council members ever. But that this By JESSICA LlNGEL Leone sent 20 (unarmed) police offi ­ AsSOCIate Opinion Editor , cers to join the cause. Even Syria was unprecedented electoral situation is bad for on the side of the United States, students should go without saying. It's easy to oppose Operation Iraqi This time around, the United States ALEX AVERBUKH, Democracy without choice amonp candi­ Freedom because of 3 hatred for will have to bear mo t of the burden. date is not democracy at all - its a joke. PreSIdent George Bush andlor any of -- .. Unless new taxes arc instated, it would ATHLETE, TEL-AVIV Furthermore, this situation could very well the members of his cabinet. It's easy to - take $200 billion annually for the lead to voters staying away from the polls, oppose the war because of the 10 of United State imply to finance the human life, or a belief in pacifism or foreign debt. Dreary statisti cs, and they which would be a disappoll1tment after last even becau e of the looming diplomat­ could perhaps become a great deal year's relati ve ly impressive 27 percent ic di asters that have resulted from the drearier. turnout. bungling of the UN resolutions. The Bush admini stration has gener­ Irony is also apparent here. In a year But there are other, more disturb­ ated enough international oppoSItIOn when the council's most heated debate was Ing consequences lurlang behind pro­ to effectively limit the amount of finan ­ on the i ue of whether commissioners testers' sIgn and between the lines of cial support that can be expected. And angry s p eec he~ of worned !tberal . the fewer allies, bases and air Tlght ~ hould be elected by students or appointed that the United States ha" the higher A . . Perhaps one of the mmt pr c~c lent and by the pre idem, even commi ioners fn ghtemng reasom for belllg against the CO\ts will be 1/1 Amencan Ii\'es and have e sentially appoInted them elves. In a the " ar with Iraq IS nel ther per onal the higher the pnce WIll be. The coun­ year when one of the council's most ambi­ nor moral, but fin ancial. NATIONAL try will not only pay for the war, hut tious projects was the exploration and Des pIte the fact that no one In the the postwar recon,tructlon as well. installation of a new votin~ system for cam­ government wa s able to gwc even a Within the first week of war, every pus elections, the vote is Irrelevant in nine rough e tJmate of the EOSt of the war major airfield In Iraq ha\ been bombed of the 12 races. before Imlltary action W;lS taken, after to destruction. Th.H WJ\ one week . the fir t bomb fell , Bush was able to Despite the fact" that no one The longer thIS war drag' on, the high­ The Guardian encourages student to come up WIth a $75 bIllion pnce tag. in the government was able er the cOSts will be, And there wdl be pay attention to ti,'! competitive races for That )pells bad news not only for the few partiC3 willmg to foot thc 0111. president, vice president internal, vice pres­ IraqI people who WIll see theIr land to give even a rough estimate Perhaps the blgge,t ca;,ualty of Ident finance, and the many college enator pulverized, but also for the U.S. CIti­ peraoon Iraqi Freedom will be the and college council positions across cam­ zens who WIll be left payIng for a of the cost of the war before economy. If Bush's $75 bdlton request pus. And to everyone who may be consider­ reconstructed Iraq. IS granted, the dramatic II1crease 111 military action was taken, debt could result 10 a fall of dIe dollar mg running fo r office next year - please Although the UnHed States IS inar­ guably the greatest urulateral power m that would both reduce U.S. e onomlc do. the history of the world, it IS also WIth­ after the first bombs feU, standard and Signifi cantly II1 crcase the out a doubt the greatest debtor. As a Bush was able to come up COSt of projecting U.S. power abroad. country, it is living beyond its means, And plausible solutions to the impend­ heavJly dependent on foreign debtOrs with a $75 billion price tag." ing cri is are Just a gloomy as the and Importing more than it exports. problem itself. PROPS FLOPS The debt Amenca owe abroad ha mates have run as high as $3 trillion, Really, the only way to avoid this &' scenario is to raise taxes, which will now reached $2 trllhon. That's 20 per­ and those are before economists have cent of the GOP. It's entirely possIble. even had a month to gauge just what also to some extent reduce living stan ­ ~--= PIqI5"~ that foreign debt could tOP 65 percent kind of damage is to be done to U.S. dards. Such an alternative is all but J seeson-,~","'h of the GOP by 2010. uoops - and the economy. doomed to failure against a Republican w:rinnq. The SItu2DOn was grim before the In the 1991 Gulf war, most of the congress, Senate and White House. !I war In Iraq, and now it's looking wor c. cost was paid by other coulluies - h would be a humor of the darkest kind If the war that wa undertaken No 'a .... pk~ PJop5 &0 Conservanves estimate the cost of the many nations ubstituted money for candidates for being honest war and of rebuilding Iraq, over a 10- troops in the Internanonal coahtion under the preten e of a police state' year penod, at anywhere from $156 agamst Saddam. But that was in a ltu­ re~ponslbdlty [() keep world order were about space for saWtg posters. bIllion to $755 bdllon. The key word In ation where do~en of nauons were ultimately the came of that ~al1lC police that phrase IS 'conservative;' other esu- wlllmg to lend theIr upport. Sierra Sla te' declt ne. 6NEW THE UCSD GUARDIAN MONDAY, APRIL ) , 200) MONDAY, APRIL ), 2003 THE UCS D GUARDIAN NEWS 7 2003 A.S. ELEalONS WATCH The University of Eledion: Montana Grievances: All Kevin Hsu Unopposed: Senators complete individual projects Candidates SLM1'U11eY S~ 2003 positions created in one day Candidates I~ .. Projects include senior class reunions, council exchanges find time to Reading your favorite literature as you watch the sun rise over the beautiful continued from page I group of students at any time, Rocky Mountains took in elections last year, mn­ according to S.O.L.O. program plan to help By LAUREN RAU "These people aren't senators, just college they visited and wrote a week," Kepford said. "We gave ning as presidential candidate coordinator Ellen Erenea. Staff Writer seniors who decided they have an hort, follow-up report. Cogan people free appetizers and about help slates Hearing the unique song of the Western Meadowlar1< as you study its body under the Together Our Goals The purpose of the club, as hour to spare in their week. encouraged people not just to 150 people showed up each time." structure and flight pattems their slates concll11U!d from page 6 Are Achievable slate, before back­ outlined in 1998, wa "for stu­ Unbeknownst to many UCSD Starting this quarter, we are trying praise, but to offer constructive Acco~JlOg to Kepford , a free Inhaling the sweet fragrance of mountain wildflowers as you create prose ing out and supporting the New dents to get together and deal continued from page I srudents, each of the six colleges to recruit more volunteers to help criticism as well. commuter breakfast was also dis­ campaign and suppOrt everyone Wave slate's candidate. with issues related to students ber of candidates" participating last requires their senators on A.S. organize the upcoming events." "I received a lot of comments tributed on Library Walk. The else in my slate," sai d unopposed I~ .. According to Palisoul, the and politics." Currently, the out­ year. Council to complete a project for John Muir College Sophomore to the effect of, 'this was terrific,' event was successful, with about candidate for Commissioner of Experiendng the beauty of Montana as you form new friendships in tudents First! club had also been line states that its purpose is: "to "People hould feel more com­ each year they serve in office. The Senator Jeremy Cogan developed and 'thanks for setting thi up ,''' 250 participants. H owever, Academic Affairs and member of l student-centered dasses expecting a grievance filed prevent extremists from abusing fortable running for positions in parameters are not very specific; it a project within the college coun­ Cogan said. "It was a big success." Kepford speculated that everyone the Students First sla te Perse against Kevin Hsu by the the A.S. Council; preserve A.S ., but many are feeling discour­ only needs to be a project intended cil systems, the Senator Exchange A concrete example of the pro­ who took a breakfast burrito was Hooper. "I believe in my slate and Enjoying the mountainous views as you study the history of rock and roll Students First! slate for using the integrity of democracy at UCSD; aged to run and that should be for the betterment of the university. Program. gram's impact is the fact that the potentially not from Warren. I'll do what I can to su pport th em." title "Students First!" in his cam- and to advocate for student changed," said unopposed candi ­ As Eleanor Roosevelt College'S "This was something 1 kind of Thurgood Marshall College Kepford also leamed up with Even for independent ca ndidate I~ .. paigning. issues, through publicity, satire, date for the Commissioner of senior senator, Wendy Ho partici­ invented because I Student Council Warren Senior Senator Lauren Lee Jordan Cross, who is running Spending your SUmmer in a Ieamlng environment as you enjoy the benefits The grievance filed by and public awareness campaigns." Enterprise Operations Jeremy pates in many projects. Among her saw so much rivalry has since adopted to rewrite the Warren College elec­ unopposed for commissioner of of a community large enough to support a diverse culture, yet small andagopal accuses Kevin Hsu "Demonstrating the absurd by Cogan. "I was comfortable in get­ favorites is a program she starred between the di ffer­ a positive way of tion bylaws. The effort was part of athletics, having the prearranged enough to provide a friendly atmosphere of violating an elections bylaws being absurd: That's to summa­ ting involved because of the cli­ this fall to bring together the ERC em colleges last fall closing their a larger effort last quarter to change assurance still means that cam­ Immersing yourself in Big Sky Country as you leam about Montana culture article, saying that ca ndidates rize our club," Palisoul said . mate, but some people might not seniors living off-campus. quarter," Cogan meetings that they Warren College Student Council. paigning goes as planned. cannot "falsify information on "Basically part of demonstrating "You know once you move off said. "The college The college" councils learned from a vis­ "We put together a "My approach to the ca mpaign feel the same way." Escape to The University of Montana where you Election Candidacy forms or the absurd by being absurd is Many of the unopposed candi­ campus, you just don't see a lot of councils shouldn't shouldn't compete itor from Earl Constitutional Redraft will be just as serious as it were a can balance academics with recreation and relaxation. campaign materials." you've got to do things that are dates are still prepared to let stu­ the people anymore," Ho said. "I compete with each Warren College Committee," Kepford said. "The contested election," Cross said. While independent candidate going to get attention, and for the wanted to reconnect people, and other; they should Student Council. constirution and bylaws have been Candidates have also expressed Register today and enJOY UM 's relaxed campus atmosphere, dents mow about their plans for with each other; they last couple of just enjoy ourselves and have a In addition, completely restructured." concern about the widespread lack innovative course offerings and exciting outdoor activities. Kevin Hsu has next year and to earn some votes. help each other as received no simi­ years people have "I still want people to vote for good time." the leaders of each should help each according to According to Kepford, this was of opposition and what it means to For more information, visit lar threats, known the name According to Ho, the happy college." ~l_ " Cogan, Warren not a senator project, but was a the campus community. me," Marquez said. "If anything, I OUIeT ... montanasummer.rom or call 406-243-4470 Palisoul has also Students First!." feel like I have to prove myself hour social held at TGI Friday's in The exchange council members good example of the overlap that "I think that it says a lot about alleged that I'm really" shocked According to even more and that I am qualified February was extremely well­ program took place learned how other frequently occurs between their campus and a lack of community," members of the PaJi ow, the club for the po ition ofVP External." attended. About 60 or 70 ERC during the second colleges such as duties as council members and Hooper said. "Srudents should be Students First! because I know that is endeavoring to Like Cogan, others feci that se niors attended the evening and third weeks of Muir handled their individual projects. involved and know that they do slate have been get new people running without opponents gives event. winter quarter. their budget that Lee's favorite senator project have power." contacting Kevin no one on my slate and ideas into the him more time to work on plans "Everyone who attended really Cogan coordinated in turn gave them was a last-minute affair that she Similar to A.S. Council POSI­ Hsu, asking him A. Council, say­ for next year. loved it," Ho said. "So many people with each of the councils to have fresh ideas for their recen t arranged in September 200 I. With tions, some college council offices to drop out of the would do anything ing that insiders "It enables me to put 100 per­ came up to me and said it was like a twO members excused 10 exchange restructuring. the help of the A.S. Council sup­ are also uncontested. "I would have liked to see com­ race, saying that like this." have a "ridicu­ cent of my efforts on what to do reunion of our freshman year." for two visitors during both of the In a similar effort to Ho's senior port staff, Lee organized a candle­ the only member lous" advantage next year and not just on getting Ho also organized a finals meetings. program, Warren Junior Senator light vigil during the first week of petition as it aids in ensuring the that identified _ Kevin Shawn Hsu. over candidates elected and ca mpaigning," Cogan break at EI Cerrito in March that "The goal was for all panici­ Jessica Kepford initiated a school to commemorate the vic­ right candidate is in office," said himself was A.S. presidential candidate who come from said. was also successful, if not as well­ pants to experience aspects of a Commuter Outreach Program for tims of 9/11 . John Muir College Commissioner Nandagopal. the outside. Many of the unchallenged ca n­ attended. Potential future plans different college," Cogan said. Warren College. Kepford saw a lack "It was an awkward time for a of Records candidate Amanda However, no "We with aUf didates have also maintained that include a trip to a Padres game and "We all have the same basic inter­ of progranuning focused on the lot of us," Lee said. "I felt like peo­ Hulsizer. "As far as how my cam­ LONDON Por $438 official grievances have been filed firm belief are trying to do what­ they will continue to campaign. a night at Dave and Buster's. ests, which are parking, student Warren commuters, as this is her pl e were in this bind of t1ealing paign is going to be run, it will be on this ma tter. ever is possible to get new ideas According to candidate for "The program is run by a com­ organizations and just general stu­ second year commuting to school. with the tragedy and starting the run as close as POSSI ble to a cam­ EUAAIL PASSES Prom $249 Neither Kevin Hsu nor into A.S., and the best way to do CommiSSIoner of Student Services mittee of five random seniors, dent interests." "We've held two study breaks school year, especially the incom­ paign in which I would be runrung Nandogopal were available for tha t was to take a name every­ Kelly Vasant, he will still cam­ including myself," Ho said . Each partici pant analyzed the at TGI Friday's during finals ing freshmen ." opposed." HIP HOTELS Prom $18 comment by press time. body knew and use it as an orga­ paign and focus on "letting people (domestic and international) According to Palisoul, the nization and cause a commotion," know my name and helplOg with tudents First! club is currently Palisoul said. my slate." * eKplore north america considering filing an additional Palisoul is listed as a principle ome al 0 ay that running USA • CANADA. HAWAII grievance against the Students member of the rudcnts First! club unopposed enables ca ndidates to Students First: Slate, club at odds over 'Hsu' Case: Decision could affect backpacking, cruises, cours and more First! sla te for using the ame alongside Ryan Darby, Everly focus on helpi ng members in their say, 'I want to be rudents First! name for the late as that of their Mariano and Bryan Barton. The slate who are runnlOg agai nst other conunued from page 6 Kevin Shawn Hsu, who current­ ly erves a vice president mternal A. . Commissioner of Aviary future of affirmative action organization. latter is also running as an inde­ people. According to senior ena­ on the 'NO on CRENO' cam­ The u e of the name Students pendent presidential candidate in tor ca ndidate for Earl Warren paign," "Chairma n of the [I.EAR. on the A.S. ouncil, pent two Concerns on Campu .' \Ve put It to conunued from page 3 Gratz aid using discrim1l1a­ years serving as Earl \,yarren a vote, and it usually pa se unani­ general argue that the tJon 111 college atilmsslOn IS blJ­ First! has been in u e over past thiS year's elections. Kevin Hsu College Jen nifer KJage 'running Campaign," "A.S. VP Internal" and College freshman and sophomore mously." Universiry of lichigan uses a tandy wrong. year by late on college ca mpus­ falls under general membership, unopposed will allow her to throw "Director of Minority Outreach." quota," said Rep. MaXine es acro the nation, and was used which, according to Palisoul, her energy and support into help­ According to the minutes for a enator to the A.S. Council, among Other positions created on t>larch "Diver ity does benefit all stu­ include a second po ition for 'vaters, D-Los ngeles. "To dents," Gratz Said. "But it's more at UC D in last year's elections includes about 30 other members. ing out her team members from Students First! club meeting held other positions similar to the posi­ 5 7S3 Fourth Ave.. FIrst Floor, Downtown tions created by the tudents First! "Director of linority Outreach" have this government argue that than just racial." by current A.S. president Jenn Kevin Hsu's candidate slate­ the Unity slate. on March 5, each of these positions and a position for "Muir Freslurulll it's a level playing field ... I Lee Bollinger, /\llchlgan's 4415 Mission Blvd.. Suite F Brown. ment, which has been issued in this Other candidates feel that it is was crea ted on that same day, after club. Palisoul said that while Kevin enator," both accepted by club totally di honest." pre ident when the cases were 953 Garnet Ave. The club named tudents year's sample ballots, states that he necessary to advocate uleir own Kevin Hsu publicly announced to l Ilsu is a Revelle student, they member John A1tic,," who is rwming Rev. Jesse Jackson, pre ent at Originally filed , malllt3111ed aftir­ Flrst wa fir t registered with has "held the following posltiClns positions while also directing the club his intention to run for nominated him as the club's as independent candidate for Muir Tue day's oral arguments, said mauve action i crucial to higher ludent Organizations & in Srudents First!," going on to list attention to their respective slates A.S . presidency. Following Kevin pick up your complimentary, premiere issue oP "Warren Freshman & ophomore sophomore senator and who includ­ affirmative action is necessary to ed ucation. BREAK LeadershIp Opportunrties In the positions of "Warren on campus. Hsu' announcement, Palisoul est' 101766O-o&O magazine at; your local st;a t;ravel bronch. Senator" for lack of Warren Stu­ ed the position in his candidate state­ fix a deep-seated problem. "There is sti ll a great deal to 1998, but was not re-registered Freshman & Sophomore Senalor," "I'm going to both focus on my announced that each of tI,ese posi­ until January 2003. S.O.L.O. "[nternal Committee," "Chairman tions needed to be created, and dents in the club. menL A 1m po ition, "Sixth College "There are 900,000 black men do to reali ze the goal of hi gher www.statravel.com clubs must be re-registered every they were sub equently voted on "We come up with positions Freshman enator," was accepted by in jail today and 6,000 in college," education," Bollinger aid. 'lie; "t4TRAVEL I year, but can be revived by any See STUDENTS FIRST. Page 7 See ELECTION. Page 7 and passed by the club's member every day, " Palisoul said. "Someone Ben Yang, who is mrming as inde­ Jackson said. "Our numbers in T he decisions from the onllnl on T"I ~"onl on T"I /Tllln in attendance, and accepted by says, 'Phil, I've got th is great posi­ pendent for Sixth College sopho­ the prisons represent a ystemic upreme Court are expected to Kevin Ilsu. tion idea.' I say, 'What is it?' They more senator. problem." be announced in June or July. In the GUARDIAN ADS

A View from the Top TODAY... (2:10). (5:20). 7:35. 9'40 .,. About Schmidt (1.55), (4:40), 0) 7:30, 10:15 INT'L FILMS ~ ....c (2:20). (4: 45). 7:10,9:35 .. IIcNIt Trtp (2:30). (4:50), 7:15. p.lO III 9:30 II> ... art""", Down the Nou .. SO CENT ,.oj (2:35), (5:15), 7:40. 10:05 • Dr._tc.... (2:00), (5:05), p.ll ;;~ B:15 .! ...... of a... e (1:50), (5:00), COUPONS '0 7:25,9:55 ~ Old School (2:40). (5:50). :l 8:00, 10: 10 p .9 &.> ~ aplrtted Aw.y (1:35). (4 :15), HOW'BOUl A 7:05, 9:50 BLUE NIGHT T.. ,. of the aun (1:40), p.lS (4:20).7:00,9:45 The COf'O (1:30), (4:25), 7:20, BURRITOS 10:15 c~\irotlf The Hunted (2:15), (5:40). BURRITO? 7'50,10:00 p .6 61U11T IUUI10S &TACOS . L.ndUl.,11. LJ VIII,l"_ 45J·1'3J WUA IAlaIA' _l" VOTE! AdIIptetIoft (4 :30), 9:50 CIIIcItCo (1:25) , 4:10, 7:00, 9:40 p.7 0.-....,.. (1:35).4:20,7:10.9:55 Triton ~~c~~ TritonPlus Account accepted at Chlpotle In La Jolla. T.I" to Her (1:45) . 7:20 The ...... t (1.55), 5:05. 8:15 THURSDAY, APRIL J, 200} Shoegazer Column: THE UCSD GUARDIAN HIATUS 9 • brings in Don't Pop next wave My Sheep The next wave of the indie la us of indie ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT see page 9 see page 10 rocking 'Shoegaze' is born TIlURSDAY, APRIL }, 200} TIlE UCSD GUARDIAN B The Stratford 4 and Longwave breathe new life into an aging, early '90s genre u C S D GUARD I AN

More than just a 'Porn Star' By BillY GIL be demolished by the next song, the stomp­ Staff Writer ing "She Married the Birds." Vocali st Chris ------Streng si ngs "r went to confession, and I had One Dozen Long Stemmed Roses New DVD explores the life and times of Ron Je hile a host of uberhyped rock bands nothing to confess" over Stones-inspired rif­ DIVA for $16.99 enjoy the spotlight by digging up the fery in a hook that latches on subtly and FLOWERS Wgraves of dated styles such as post­ lingers for days. Also receIve punk and garage rock, a new batch of bands Whereas the band's debut, "The Revolt One FREE Coupon Packet he hedgehog: fat, hairy, sweaty arated by cities and states; this is a Ron Jeremy" has less nudity for a indebted to the early '90s style of "shoegaze" Agai nst Tired Noises," was charming but (good for discounts at participating and, to be quite honest, hung. man who lets no one, ever, pas mild "R" rating; yet there is hardly rock is emer ging. Along with the Black Rebel meandering, "Love and Distortion" is pretty Costa Verde stores) TRon Jeremy is a man who has through his fingers. any actual pornography in "Porn Motorcycle Club and the Raveonenes, two uniformly solid. The trak " 12 Months" gets the name and face recognition Jeremy travels constantly, and Star." There are certainly many new ba nds, San Francisco's Stratford 4 and surprisingly folksy, while "The Simple Purchase one dozen long stemmed roses. wrapped with greens and fliler ror $16.99, regularly $3.95 per steml (amongst other things) that few from what is revealed by the film, naked, or at least bare chested Valid at Costa Verde location only. Restrictions may appiy. Coupon must be presenled al l ime or pUrChase. 's Longwave, are enjoying growing T hings are Taking Over" starts slow and One coupon per person. Not valid with any other ofrers. Expires 4/ 30/ 03. other than conventional movies probably most days of the year he is women, and a few men as well, but popularity with their excellent second builds to a thunderous chorus with Smashing stars ever receive. Yet, this IS a man coming or going for his many dif­ the film stops far from becoming albums. Pumpkins-like guitar chords and passionate who exists on the fringes of the ferent gigs. He claims to travel so steamy, maintaining an odd sense of Dubbed "shoegaze" by the press from the vocals. Other high points include the joyful COSTA VERDE entertainment society in the poorly much that those who wish to book decorum even as they follow Jeremy ba nds' icy stage presence, the movement pop tunc, "Kleptophilia," about, well, k1ep­ C N T E R lit and increasingly poorly wrinen him have trouble paying for his air and try to capture his preparations took its cues from '80s noise-poppers the tophilia, and "Telephone," in which Streng AJbertsons I Bookstar I Roy's La Jolla I U.S. Post Office world of adult films . " Porn Star: fare because he doesn't know where for an on-screen encounter. Jesus and Mary Chain and ethereal crooners confesses his insecurities to his mother, who Plus 37 specialty stores. services and places to eat. The Legend of Ron Jeremy," is a he will be coming from. "Porn "Porn Star" is by far the most Cocteau 1wins. It crystallized with the band tells him "when I was twenty-two, I was a lot documentary that delves into the Star" takes us to many diverse loca­ unexpected My Bloody Va lentine and its seminal 1991 lile.e you" in the spine-tingling chorus. She ------life of man who's effigy ha become tions; the taping of a Kiss music docu­ album "Loveless," which was widely regard­ also tells him "there's more to life than the synonymous with sex , but who vi deo for "Detroit Rock City," a men - ed as a modern masterpiece of swirling, Stratford 4." Hopefully, Streng won't heed wants to be known for more than H ollywood party, hi honorary crashing guitars and dreamy vocals. his mother's advice and keep writing delight­ ------Iu s exceptional endowment. inducoon into a frat and even on " Loveless" nearly sunk their label, Creation, fully insecure pop gems like this. ~ 1/ 2 Off any Teriyaki Bowl G iven Jeremy's many main­ stage with . after it failed to make a commercial break­ The songs occasionally drone a bit tOO ....TERIY ~K I GRI LL with Purchase of Small Drink stream bit parts, such as in All this is not simply a narcissis­ through. Still, the album and the band much, and bassist Shew Si ngh's lovely back­ Also receive UOrgasmo," and cult status thanks tic drive, but something else entire­ proved to be infinitely in fl uential, spawning a up vocals are severely underused, but the to his thousands of adult films with ly; perhaps it is Jeremy's desire to legion of foll owers such as Ride, Slowdive booming guitars and lovesick melodies more One FREE Coupon Packet ti tl es as classy and tasteful as " gt. leave the adult business. He open­ and Lush, who each displayed original takes than make up for such shortcomings. The (good for discounts at participating Pecker's Lonely Hearts Club Gang ly conjectures that he might lead on the sound and toole. it to new heights. Stratfotd 4 embark on tour with emo-popper Costa Verde stores) Bang," Jeremy's slow creep into the such a hectic life style to make up Blockbuster rockers like Garbage and the Pedro the Lion and will likely hit Southern Valid at Costa Verde location only. Restrictions may apply Coupon must be presented at time of pUr chase ma msn ea m seems utterly for Ius lack of romanoc connec­ Smashing Pumpkins also declared their love California in April or May. One coupon per person ., Not valid with any other offers. ExPI res 4/24/ 03. Inevitable, and tills film comes off oons. OftenJeremy speaks to the for the band and the movement they helped Longwave has the advantage of having as one of hIS many endeavor Into ca mera like a child, faSCinated pawn . more famous fri ends (the Strokes, whom the legttimized entertamment fiel d. by hi S O\\TI stardom, gratefu l By the time irvana brought grunge into they toured With) and a more commercia l COSTA VERD E The fi lm Itself is a surpriS ingly an d in awe of what he ha the United tates and Suede and Oasis sound. The band still has Its share of guitar CE N TE R emoaonal look In to a man who is accomplished, but other noise and dreamy vocal s, but the songs are brought Britpop to the Umted Kingdom, the Albertsons I Bookstar I Roy 's La Jolla I U.S. Post Office Idolized by fans for Ius role In well omes, he shows that there IS more conci e and pop- informed, draWing two genres were essenoally dead. These two Plus 37 speCialty stores, services and places to eat. over 1,600 adult fi lms (a nd an even more to who Ron Jeremy aibulll~, however, are breathing new life into comparisons to early U2 and Radi ohead. greater number of ~e.\'uaJ parmer,) \\ anted ro be: he Jlwa~'S want­ the genres. While friends BRMC are thor­ The opener, "Wake M e \\Then It's Over," ------The pIcture that develops IS a com­ ed to be a legtO mate actor. oughly indebted to the squall of theJ esus and could be an ironiC reference to shoegaze's plex one, reveling many JOYs, Formally, "Porn Star" is an ae - M ary Chain, the tratford 4 take on less Criticism of bei ng too "slee py," as it is cer­ deSIres, dreams, fa l lurc~ and pains thencally pl ea Ing presentation. the like- noisy, more pop-Ori ented Influences. "Love tainl y influenced by th e genre's sonic guitar of a hu man being, one that happens edltl ng IS well crafted, sprinting ly to and Distoroon" IS a terrifically catchy batch landscapes. It also sounds a littl e too much ~', to have sex In fro nt 0 a massive back and fou rth between narratives ever see, of songs that are sure to plea e anyone with a like the o pening to the new album by like­ audIence for a liVing. of Ron's youth, his entrance into but then again, jones for pop melodies drenched in sun­ minded ew York band Interpol. But th e ~~s ~DOS Pescados At ames, Jeremy seems compul­ porn, err .. . adult fil m and his life Ron Jeremy is by baked distorted guitars. The opener "Where single, " Everywhere You Turn," is pure sive and ob eSSlve, working con­ as he hves It now. The Juxtaposltlo n far the most the Ocean Meets the Eye" bounces sleepily stantly on many di fferent fields reveals much that you would not un li k e l y \ J I r Combo Only on a My Bloody Valentine bass line only to ee SHOEGAZE, page 10 adult films, films, music ex pec t about the eru gm atic and porn star \'Ideo~, trade shows and stand up exposed tar. There IS a sense of to ever 4itfJItfIQDg $2.99 acts amongst others. \\ 'e catch loneliness constructed by the sheer hump Iu That's two of our fish t acos. glimpse's of hi S ma sive Journal 0 number of women Jeremy ha lept wa y into IIIIS La Jolla beans and chips! people, their phone nu mbers, and With and the fe w that he actuall y the hea r La Jolla Village Square how they relate to each other, a has maintained an emononal con­ and bed- NODel Drive at Highway 5 Thllt coupon good for up to 2 ordC: r5. Not .... lId taped together lllnder that Jeremy necnon to, other nmes he seem rooms of so (8 58 )270-FINS WIth arry other offer Offer explre& ~117/0'!J . Errl hJS been carrpng for almost twcn­ enthusIasti C to be living hIS life the m a n )' ty vear" Each name connect to way he does, even if It IS hectic Americans. If oth~r name~ to give tlle porn star 3 Oddly enough, there I~ not much notlllng else, you'll qUick reference as to where he skin III tills seemlllg skin fhck; In fa ct never be able to look know the per,on and what they "Porn Star" IS verv accuratel" at that fat little mlddlc­ can do for Iu s career. The screen deSCribed as a docum~ntary. \.\'hil~ aged JC\\ Ish man the ame shots of tills tome IS mind boggli ng, tills versIOn of the film IS not rated, way when he pops up where you covered In hundreds of name , sep- the version ti tled "The Legend of woul d least e.lpcCt lum.

By Rinaldo Dorman, Hiatus Editor Courtesy of Oocurama .••.•..H andcrafted...... I ce C ream•.....· ...Y ogurt..•...... •.... ftpp :: ftpp : :$t: Tily Ice cream, : : $t lily sundH, shalle : 'Cabaret' is superb in the small theater : yogurt or sor et :: or smoothle : Courtesy of hltp://www.lortgwovethebondcom I (Coupon may not be combined with any other I. (Coupon may not be combined With any other I I olfer, speCial or coupon) Exp . 5/3/03 I I offer, special or coupon) Exp 5/3/03 I World-famous musical not too big for Solana Beach Not the Strokes, reilly: Longwave give 'shoegaze' a New York twist With "The Strangest Things: their 1 •••••••••••••••••••• 1 ••••••••••••••••••••• • ' sophomore release La Jolla Vlllagi SqRn ...... "·S.1IIt tit J... JtIIct www.mootlme.com By JONATHAN JOSEPHSON Kander and Fred Ebb, and now Backing the twO leads are sup­ Staff Writer playing at the orch oast porllng, prtnclple characters Reparatory Theater In Solona Ernst Ludwig (Den illS J. COtt) r ------~ OU walle. in and you're there Beach, is one of the most popular and Fraulein Schnieder (Linda musicals of the century. Directed Libby). They are an older, wiser &~ , c:;;;a -- a 1930s Berlin dance hall Ycomplete with bleeding black by Sean Murray, the mUSical is couple that contrasts, while paral­ Fla_e BrOiler ~ walls, distorting, bent mirrors and built on the decadence of 19305 leling, the love affair between I Alway. Good••• Alway. Guaranteed! grote quely made-up pro lIlutes Berltn and tells the story of Cliff and Sally. Libby's perfor­ I Passport looking for a piece of man to take American novelist Cliff Bradshaw mance is certainly noteworthy, I Copies away an instant of their hopeless (Greg lanlcersley) and hi slllce she not only fits her charac­ I Photos romance WIth young ter perfectly in body and mind, drudgery with a lustful proposi­ I 0ff Chicken Rice Bowl tion. You take your seat, a maxi­ Engltshwoman Sally Bowles (K.B. but adds a delectable humane ele­ ~ 8 1/2)( 11 8 MedI.... Drink mum di stance of perhap 40 feet Mercer) against the backgro und ment to an at time hopelessly 10 t I .. white Sl2S Not .alld w,th any oilier oHer Wllh coupon only ,. paper from the front of the stage and of pre-World War II Germany. indIVIdual. I $7?.. ~ E, p".. 5/3/03 When the NUl'S influence begins ask, uHow will a world-famous Also worth men[loning is the I All offers expire 4/17/03 • mUSical play In a space thiS tiny'" to grow, ClIff IS forced to make fabulous omnlpre em ensemble. 10 quote the gendeman sitting some chOI ces - about where hi An excellent theatrical technique of CourIeoy of Ken Jocqun Photosr.pI1y __ . fn4,h[ . ' , iItijUJl4 t.l i. & ¢i·i#i;· ')lji ;#lMlt§hi~ NO MSG • NO BONE • NO SKIN NO FRYING next to me, "Quite well." home IS and determining who he WhOIlh.,.l: An excellent ensemble cast sing. dance and generally carry on In .. abaret," written by John can trust. Set THEATER. page 10 the North Coast Reparatory Theater's 'cabaret' 13251 Holiday (t. • across from EI Torito (858),.52.99,.9 . La Jolla VUIaIe Center (next to Rubio's) (III) 117..... 1 ~------~ ------~ THURSDAY. APRI L ). 2(0) n~ E UCSOGUARDIAN HIATUS 11 THURSDAY. APRIL 3. 2003 THE U 0 GUARDIAN Theater: 'Caberet' recreates O-l-J) 3.0 ') hiatus O..f. 09. 03 Is there really a 'liberal media' out there? decadence of 1930s Berlin calendar

Some Internet sites to expand your rea ding, and liven up your life COlllimjed fro m page B Sharp retums with his exhilarating the show was the use of the sadly have gone back on tour and they won't be able to believe that I~S Q):------.,;t=hU;;;;",,;;rs=:da::L..Y collection of carved Zuni fetishes. will be performing at the Belly Up there is more than other's tragedy the mouth. The bulk of EA.I. R.'s starin g Kit Kat dancers listlessly 0:--_~fri;.;;;..;da::L..Y all coming out of one man, but it to be found here. Linked off of coverage is issue-related, so ince These caved objects that repre­ Tavem for a mere $10. The show is and you'll have to see him live watching the sce nes of more direct All hail the BMW. mightiest of Cuban fol k-jazz will be pouring sent animals and objects are their main page is the Daily the Iraq war has taken center tage starts at 8 p.m. For more informa­ to comprehend how incredible it importance to the plot roll by. By luxury vehicles that the milita ry out of the Califomla Center for the prized by collectors and cherished don't pop Roncn, http://urww.doilyrottm.C(JTn, in corporate media, they have tion call (858) 481-9022. is. See him when he performs at evoking the image of th e city itself, doesn't use. The San Diego Arts in Escondido tonight when the by Native Americans fo r their which contains odd, often humor­ re ponded by doi ng so as well, but the Belly Up Tavern at 9 p.m. namely the youth of Berlin, and Automotive Museum in award winning Buena Vista beauty, workmanship and power. my sheep ous, occasionally macabre, but of course ~vith their own slant. Tickets are $15. For more infor­ watching and waiting with glazed­ Balboa Park will have on display Sodal Club pays a welcome visit This free event will offer a show always fascinating news stories In a March 27 posti ng, FAI.R. mation call (858) 481 -9022. over tares, the scene sent chills more tha n 15 cars from the Since the 19505, this ensemble and its annual sale from a.m. collected from many credible, and criticizes the U.S. military policy oi 10 Rinaldo Dorman down the spine. UCSD students revered Bavarian Motor Works has been performing in dubs and to 2 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. some questionable \Veb sites. bombing Iraqi TV as a violation of Vi ctor Ha and Patrick company, incl uding classics like cafes throughout Cuba, delighting Indie band Folk Implosion y wre frankly, any news source As po ted recently, on March the Geneva Conventi ons, and that McNaughton round out an out­ 0 '---_w_ed_ne_s_da...... furthern10re it was a war crime to a 1956 Isetta 300, a 1958 con­ all who see them. Now you can They're known as the diamond has proven themselves to be truly that feel the need to claim 30, there is a link to a story car­ standi ng troupe of eight ensemble vertibl e 507 and even eight target a civi lian facility even if they also see them along with the moguls and deli owners, but unique. and tha~s saying some­ "Fair, accurate, balanced" is a ried by the Bosron Globr singers and dancers. Lizerre Kent additional motorcycles that will Q are being used for propaga nda amazing vocalist Ibrahim Ferrer. Jewish people also have a long, thing in lhis age when pop icons Good dance floor I'azz is hard cause for question. Professional (hr rp ://www.bos ron .com/da "y­ also plays a hell of a trombone. be joining the museum's perma­ The show starts at 8 p.m. and tick­ globt2108 5lnatiolllDlffmng_ TV_, (http://wv.rcJJjair:org/activimtliraqi­ distinguished history in music as are made on 'TV and when recy­ to come by, but you' I get some news journalism is supposed to be The musical is narrated, in a nent collection, like the 1928 ets range from $36 to $56, so buy well as many other fields in which magts.Jud_Arab_U _VltwH:shrm tv.hrm/). cled corporate pop dominates the great musIc from Soulive who those tlu ngs; what they should be sense, by the master of ceremonies R63 . See what's really under­ them early if you want a good seal they are overlooked. The Jewish air waves. The duo, made of Lou I), which highlights the differ­ Another Web site more than will be al the Belly Up Tavern 0 doing as a disseminator of Informa­ Oeremiah Lorenz). Through the neath the hood of these expen­ Community Center that brought Barlow and John Davis, makes ences between American and likely to . ncite fre nzy is Memory give San Diego some of their tion I making all attempts to pre­ epic songs, "Two Ladies," "Money" sive autos. The exhibit runs The pains of middle age that you the Jewish Film Festival earlier lovely urban pop with computer­ Arab coverage of the war; the H o I e , good old-fasnioned jazz. The sent the happenings on both sides and "I Don't Care Much," the emcee th rough May 26. Admission is now face the Vietnam era is the this year is now delivering the ized and live drums. Experience article states that Americans see http://www.thtmrmoryholr.orglindt group's ImproVIsatIOnal funk has of an argument. But few, if any, evolves to represent the struggle and $7. For more information call theme of the play, "Loves and fourth annual "Celebrating them for yourself. They will play at mostly long-distance bombings, x.htm, whi ch proclaims itself to be Courtey d Ken Jacques Photography roots spanning from the funk of major news sources actually do this, insanity that flooded Berlin in this (619) 231 -2886. Hours; by the Globe Theatres Jewish Music Festival" to pay the Casbah at 8 :30 p.m. Tickets while the Arab worl d "sees pic­ "resc uing kn owl edge, freeing All clone up: Set against the backdrop James Brown's '70s to the and sa}'l ng that a liberal media time of evil-handed politics and civil writer-in-residence Stephen homage to the Jewish greats of are $10. For more information call tu res of bloodied bodies of young information." As such, they are a smooth jazz of Wes Montgomery. exists at aUi s laughable after seei ng unrest. Wonderfully perfonned on of pre-World War 11, "caberet" mixes Remember those field trips in Metcalfe. This da rk comedy is writ­ by-gone days and to feature (619) 232-4355. The group lhat consists of broth­ the coverage Fox ews presents. chil dren." This more serious and bl ending of news posting (gather­ all counts, Lorenz captures the good times with the somberness of war. elementary school to the nearest ing and linJlung stories from a vari ­ ten by the long-time screenwriter newer artists as well. Tonight, ers Alan and Neal Evans (drums We all know Fox' primary worl d-affecting story is contrast- essence of each chapter of the onset IMAX theater to see those classic ety of sources), as well as links to who has written other plays like check out "Suddenly Hope: A and or~an , respectively) and gui­ channel, the epicenter of sleaze for of World War II - indifference, design by Marty Burnett, and the films like "Everest" and "Ring of "Strange Snow" and 'Vikings." The information that might otherwise focuses of Lighting Design of La Provocative New Musical" at 7 Q)L.....-_ ...... ;.m;;";,,.;o...;.;,.nd_a_y tarist Enc Krasno. Their old school the networlt television; that's where insane pleasure, acceptance and a Fire! Now you can relive those outstanding Old Globe Theatre will not be reached readil y. Jolla Playhouse veteran Mike p.m. at the Lawrence Family outfits and their great attitudes we've been abl e to watch alarmist most sincere, chilling fear. Lorenz great memories with a Visit to be the lovely venue for this show Of the latter, there is the Durst, the si ngle-unit set of the Jewish Community Center in La will leave the audience in an exot­ shows incl uding, "Cau ght On achieves true theatrical perfection the Reuben H. Fleet Science ....-hich will run through May 3, Jolla. For tickets and more infor­ The art of beatboxlng. so ed state, dancing to the Jazz Tape," "Cops," and "When Breast EO.l.A. logs, or the Freedom of with his silent role during the child's NCR serves as a superb playing Center's IMAX Dome Theater Many have played Information Act request logs; 2003. For tickets and Information mation on other shows call (858) much overlooked in good hip instead of just li stening to It; the Implants Explode." Sure, we all " (Michael Cullen) song "Tomorrow field for this titanic production. in Balboa Park where they are call (619) 239-2255. 362-1348. hop, is the art and skill of Rahzel way I~S supposed to be. have watched at least an episode of which allow you to read what oth­ Belongs to Me." His physical pres­ "Come to the Cabaret old having their Classic IMAX Film the game of gross out ers have requested from federal chum?" - do, pl ease do. from the Roots. Originally from "American Idol," or perhaps even ence and terrifying Gestapo boots Fest. The festival runs through They seemed to disappear after the Bronx, Rahzel is the multi-tal­ "Married By Amenca," but with the by looking at groups like the Department of shove the axe upon any remaining "Caberet" will be playi ng April 27, and this week's theme Defense and their status, so if you Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 0L.....-_.....:;.;sa=t=ur..::,:da;L.Y their hit singles "Out of My Head" ented man who sings, beats, Look to the Hiatus Calendar for exception of a few other programs, shred of hope that has lasted for is "Space: so you can check out and 1he WaY' became popular bass. samples and throws in have a claim you are goi ng to malee, 8 p.m ., and Sunday at 2 p.m. and 7 events in and around UCSD. the very reason the Fox name finds http://rotten.com , peace and comfort for the world in great films like 'We are Bom of and got enormous radio play, but sound effects all at the same its way to our lips, is because of the you can expedite the process. 1930 s. p.m. through Apri l 23 Stars: and "Dream is Alive ." Wi th Memory Hole's news Native American fetishes will altemative rock band Fastball is time. Maybe i~s in his blood, All tickets can be purchased inner rubber-necker in us. You see which is known far Noting the si ze of the North Vi sit the North Coast Tickets for each movie are only flood the San Diego Museum of articles, there are the obliga tory Reparatory T heater at still alive and kicking. With 1° years since hiS cousin Rahim performed through Ticketmaster by calling something gruesome; you flip the Coast Rep, how could they pull off $5. For show schedules and tick­ Man in Balboa Park when famous under their bett and having just their gruesome pic~ topical stories, but they also main­ http://ww.nortbcoastrtp.org. with Grandmaster Flash and the (61 9) 220-8497 or by going to channel back, and watch. ow why a full -out musical - especiall y a ets, Visit hrrp.//'MWI.rhfleet.org. Native Amencan trader Donald released their "Best or album, they Furious Five. To s e him, you http://www.tlcketmaster.com would you go to thi same source tures of mishaps and tain a WIder ra nge of issues, espe­ show of such high repute? With T ickets are $27, $25 for stu ­ for news) The fact is, you can't be cially the ones that tend to fall into the clever stagi ng by director ea n dents. Super saver Saturdays are balanced If you only present one misfortune, but there the cracks. The post serves as a Murray, the general, yet crisp set $ 15 for everyone. side of the argument: case In point, reminder of what has been um­ Fox :-Jews IS 100 percent belund the is more than other's manly swept under the carpet by war. You can be for or agamst the the government thanks to the tim­ Ing of larger media spectacles. rrulitary acoon In Iraq , but as a new tragedy w be found 1_ ___ » Thanks to shows like Comedy Shoegaze: Bands release agency. ther ha\·e an cthlcal respon­ {U::7e. IbrlHY to report more than "GO Centrals "The Dally how WIth AMERlCAI" John tewart" and the Fox ews stellar sophomore albums Clearly though, mo t people cd b}' an As OClated Pres story of Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor," are happy heanng only what Will a Massachusetts hIgh chool car­ the realm of infotainment has continued from page 9 ming melodic and guitars. expanded greatly, much to the dis­ omehow the band i able to tle its make them warm and fuzl}' In Ide. pentry tea cher who slu nned a modern-rock melodrama in the "\'\'e are winning. \'\'e are doi ng coyote m class, potentially expos­ may of a few of us. But the often vein of U2's "Beautiful Day." viSIble Influences logether IntO an whal IS nght." But maybe, Just ing them to rabies. Bl'urre? Yes, subverSive Internet offers the wllI ­ Elsewhere, the band sounds engaging (if not totally onginal) and coherent album . There really maybe you'd lIke to hear some­ but i n't that the fun part' mg, and perhaps those \\;th exo:a trOkes-l h ("Pool ong"), Doves- thing more, something challeng­ Informative' V.'ell ... it does time to go looking, an opportuni­ ish ('" Know It's Coming i n't a weak moment throughout, mg, or lust weird. Then where do make for interesting conversa­ ty to get alternative news and omedayj, and Pumpluns-I h ("All and the band's earnestness and ear you go: In a ome of oghtly con­ tion . entertainment from a few unusual ewn Up"). The album is loaded for melody eventually wear on you trollcd teleVISion medIa bemg Alore politically focused. and source. Even if you don't agree with references to the ocean, a log­ until you give in. Longwave plays at most people's main sources, you tryIng to offer sometlung oth~r WIth what these \.\'eb sites print, ical metaphor for the band's swim- Cal State Long Beach on April 4 you've got to stay informed, and might have to go loolung for then what the conservaove medIa something new: and duh, you ']] constantly erves up, is F.A.I.R., sometimes even the best of us want to hear about things !rke how find It on the Internet. Falrnes & Accuracy In Reporting 1any ha\'e played the game of (hnp:l/wwwjfJlr.org/). Their take on a DUT coordinator was arrested for a DUI (htrp://urww.nm-sen­ gros~ out by loolung at news and poliocs is not what can he 'NNW. ucsdguordion. org brrp:Li='1L'. rotUll.com, wluch IS fouod through mainstream news rmti.com/nrwsllocal/sollrhj1orlda/if/- known for theIr gruesome plcntres sources. In fact. ItS take will 326duI,O, 511 5526.noryholl-rfla % of mishaps and misfortun e, but undoubtedly make many froth at 2 Dhomr% 2Dhtadlmtr).

Now Hiring B2B Sales openings Retail Sales openings Work one block from the beach in PB 3K to 8K monthly income, Hourly and Hbk~titlft! ~& CommisSion Fax Resume to 949.940.0040 NamEd "BEst Film Festival" by the San Diego Reader or e-mail to RichconteOl @aol.com AprIl 4 THE DANCER UPSTAIRS (USA)' 7pm April 13 MARRIAGE CERT1F1CATE (Chill) • 7pm Joil! Our Fa mily ApriI6 ICE CREAM, CHOCOlATE &OTHER MASTER OF THE GAME (USA) • 9pm )(cingular- w,...... CONSOLA nONS (Cndi) • 7pm April 14 DAUGHTERS Of THE SUN (hII) , 7p11 SWEET SIXTEEN (ScoCIInd) • 9pm RAISING VICTOR V~ (USA)' 9pII April 7 MMNGAMIZI (Twa)· 7pm April1 6 CEl.E8RAnNGAHlMAnNG ~TtDSHOm) · 7pn1 LL Guess QUruN Of THE GYPSIES (\/5MpiI1). 9pm ASHORT NIGHT (SHOO ROO) • 9pm 'IW today's April 9 lA PERDICIOH DE lOS HOMBRES (iIaico) • 7pm Aprl11 8 DMNEI HTERVOOIOH( ,.. ) . 7pm W'mr . toOl Cftn fill Fcs1MI ems My Prize movie For festivoi informotion : 858- 534- 0497 or www.sdlf f .com FestIval Passes : G.A . $65 e Students $"0 Single films: G.A . $7 e Students $5 quote Ali fi lms shown In Price Ce nter Theater p. 12 STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL 4th! ~-..., t lclcetmaster UCSD Box O ffice 858-5H-Tl XS in Clo ssi fied CHECK THEATRE DIRECT DRIES OR CAll fOR SHOWlIMES 4OI1_ Awt '('II)~ ucsa UNIftMrTY hunw amel :t.~~ __ eTrtles subject to chan ge . Personols ~~ I. ______THE U D GUARDIAN THURSDAY, APRILL 1, 2003 T IIURSDAY, APRIL 3, Z003 THE U D GUARDIAN PORTS 13

949,940.9163. (4/24) ANNOUNCEMENTS Classified LI NE Tritons fa Donors Needed. Age 19·29, excellent Track: BRITTANY MICKEY 0GuARoIAN AD Rates MURPHY ROURKE Sororities! Help promote American Idol. compensation. Call Melissa@ Building Students: IS per 20 ...... Throw viewing parties at your house and Families 800.790.7633. (8/11) step up against eam 1350. Email [email protected] for Faculty &S taff: I!I per 20 words more inlo. (4/3) l'-...JLASSIF[EDS "A TOUR All others: 17 ,.. 20 ...... ~~~~~~ a variety of The UCSO GuordK)n reseM!S the nght to dasslfy, edIt delete offenSlve words and pharses. and/Of refuse any and all advertisements without pri()( nobficabon. The Advertiser ",II not Advance payment is required ~ WOMEN ~ hold the Guordton liable IOf any dalms resulting Irom the publicabon of the advertIsement ~ BE AN ANGEL!!! ~ competition 01DEFORCE grunge Itmosp/IIII .• EMPLOYMENT The publisher ",II also not be held accountable for any claim flOm an agreement made DONATE EGGS! Applications available I swaggering journey Classified DISPLAY continued from page 14 .• inlD hefllhat canwyt I between the adverbser and the consumer. ~ If you are 21 ·30 ~ March 31, 2003 AD Rates ~ years, healthy, bright ~ chortling iUIlusement. Office AssisQnt: 1()'12 hrslwk. momings. Copy should be """ewed by the adverbser for errors. In ()(der to be cooected In the next eighth places, respectively, with with a hip gallows tu.." ~ and responsible ~ Computer and organizational skills. Very regular Issue, ail errors must be reponed by the correspondIng deadline. Cred,t ",II only be S10.00 per column inch Morrison's sub-four-minute time ~-. close to campus. summer availability nee· Deadlines: of 3:59.48, while Dunbar wa s sim­ For more information, ".... g'ven for the Incorrect porbOrl 01 the advertIsement There are no refunds for cancellations. 1-800-939-6886 ~ _- essalY. S11 /hr to start. Email letter of inter· ilarl y apace with a time of 4:01.12. Please send an correspondelKe retardin, CJ.ssifieds to: Publ1c;Joon Date DIsplay Ads ~ All nationalities needed ... please call "A MASTERPIECE est to: [email protected] (4/3) The J,OOO-meter race also sa w UCSD Cuardia", Attn: Cl.ssifieds. 9500 Cil ...... Drive *0316, La loll., CA 91093. Noon Thurs. 3 Thu .... GENEROUS "V' Mon.y pm ~ breakneck Triton rimes posted. OF DRUG AClualloation: Student Center A, Room 117. Thursday Noo.. Mon. 3 pm Mon. (858) 534·6282 ~ COMPENSATlON!~ Juniors Neil Kalra and Henry ClNEMAI" -'­ Get Paid For Classlfted Une Ads appur In both the Guardian PRINT and ONUNE editiON. ~~~~~~ L'esperance came in with times of .",,-- 8:41.22 and 9: 15.27, respectively, parking.ucsd.edu IIOIIEHEWCIOUS Your Opinions! Volunteers paid S30 for an interview. If you ext 208. (5/1) Located near airport in Oceanside. Call for resulting in the second - and BOMI-IWT Eam 515-5125 and mare are entirely of Chinese, Japanese, 0 1 details: 760-45().{)542. (4/3) FOR RENT fou rth-place fini shes. OF IMAGERY.- per survey! Korean descen~ age 21·26, call 552·8585 llans Van Dale's sixth-place lookinC for SUMMER JOB1 The Mission x5590. (8/11) www .s urvevdollars.(om hammer throw of 153'00", Abel WlIC,BAIDJ-...-- Valley YMCA is looking for energetic. moti· DEVELOP A LEGENDARY WEBStTE. Not UNTC. 3Br, 1 1/2Ba, brighVlight. canyon. -- Aramburo's 10th-place discus vated, and fun loving staff to work with another trite e-commerce site or bogus AND ANARCHE Database creation from existing emails, enclosed patio, storage, garage, WID, pool, Tutor wanted for studertt at U . High. All throw of 147'04" artd Brad Libuit's children in our Day Camping Program. 'We're here!" site like your friends have S1800/month , Ava il. 6/20/03. Ph IN SPIIm- physical addresses. Familiarity with lead· 10th glade advanced and AP subjects, esp. II th-place javelin throw of ._-..,. 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Immediate opening for part time engineer· ovens view 5 min to UCSD walk to bus ATIENTlON STUDENTS· S16 Base/ Appt • S.1es assocu.tts/ lody Art at San Diego Claremont and DivISl(ln I UC ing assistanVauto cad draftsmen. Piea5e stop shopping Kanlin 858.268.4758 (4/1) Paid Weekly. Custom er Service/ Sales theme park. Hourly wage+bonuses. Will call Angelo Venanzi at 858.279.7400 ext SERVICES Rlvcrslde werc close bchmd 111 Pre and post tests with personalized diagnostics included . PT/FT openIngs, permanent & temporary train. 619.823.2918. (4/3) 123. (4/1 4) dmd Jnd fourth with 115 and UTC/La Jolla Colony Condos: 3br 2.5ba 114 .5 pOints, rc .. pcctivcly. w/flexible schedule. Ideal lor students. Leam to Play Guitar with private lessons 1600 sq.1t. S2100. September 1: 3br The wOl11en '~ competition wa Scholarships/Internships possible. Full Artists to sketch caricatures at San Diego Summer DISCOVery. Summer coun5elors from UCSD student Learn qu ickly and Call 534-3400, email [email protected] or visit traIning prOVIded . Fun enVlfonment Call 2.5ba, 1600 Sq.1t. S2150. White carpet, a narrowly won race, \\11th the ho~t theme park. Will train. 619.297.3691. wanted : work as a Resident Counselor @ have fun. S20/hr. Call Chris 858·344·9519. www,extension.ucsd.edu Ask for section id: 041303 UCSD As an engineer in 760.942. 1223. www.worklorstudents.tom new paint Washer, dlYer, relrigerator, Tntons edging UCR, 214-202. (4/3) UClA, UCSB, UCSD, University of Michigan, (4/3) EXTENSION"* mirco included. 858.454.6462. (4/1) POInt Loma azarene fini hed (6/5) University of Vermont, Georgetown the U.S. Air Force, Mother's Helper, aftemoons. flexible hours, University. Programs run 5·7 weeks. thIrd with 82.5 pOints. Eight 3·bedroom, 1.5 bath condo near UCSD, WWW.SOBankruptcy.com Thomas J. Baby·Sitter wanted for wonderful 2·year· some cooking. good dnving record, Applicants must be 21 by June 20. quads were entered in the meet UTC, available September, pool, McKinney, Attorney at Law, 619.296.0022, old in Carmel Valley Must be enthusiastIC Rancho Santa Fe. S 12!hr Submit resume www.summerfun.com 888.8786637. on both sides. there's no telling washer/dryer, S1800/month. Call flexible hours, Mission Valley office (4/17) and enJoy children. ChJld educabon back· to: [email protected] (4/7) (4/10) Individually for U SO, Sung ground/CPR a plus. Monday few hours (858)792·6453. (4/7) and talker reigned supreme in what you'll work on. (flexible), Wednesday 9:30-230 through DOTUTOR.com Need a TUTOR? Hundreds the distance events. Camp Wayne for Goris· Northeast ~ewardin, . Ga in valuable experience of tutors to your home, all subjects, any June NighttIme baby·slttlng when needed Baylront condos Mission Beach. Furnished Sung ca pitalized on her train­ Airline School District Pennsvfvanla (6,'19·8,16/03) ChIldren 's while workIng with chIldren In a vanety of level, d,scount packages avaIlab le Apply for day and/Ol nights. References 4B $3800. 2Bs $1900/$1950 Sept· May ing and experience, grasping first HO USTON, TEXAS sleep· away camp. If you love chIldren and fun settings. W\W/ daycamplobs.com . 1. 8noO.TUTOR, we are hIring (6/5) (Serious\y. we can't tell you.) ReqUired Call Rachel at 858.792.6634 Parking. laundry, water. www.sandlego· III want to have a GREAT summer we are stIli (4/3) the 1,500 in 4:45.62, just ahead (4/3) vacatlon.com 858-483·8691. (4/3) of talker, who ran 4:45 .76, and 100 Ing fOI DI/ectors for SWImmIng. GolI, RESUMES· Let us help you standout above further outpaced her opponents in TennIS, Drama, Ca mp,ng/Nature, Now Hiring tashler/customer servICe UTC/May 1st: 3·BR, 1.5 baths, 1500 sq. It. the rest! SpeCIaliZing In fast, profesSIonal· the 5,000 in 17:43.34. Summer Work· Milke S8500+ Hlgh&Low Ropes and Ass't DI/ectors for Samurai Sam's Tenyaki GIIII. $7·9/HR. condo. Call Lily (858)458-5920, $1600. looking documents. 619.255.6640 Stalker won the 800, racing BUSlness/ Mgmt experIence for all mafors. Sports and GymnastJcs. Counselors F1exible schedules 1()'25 hrs per wit. Call (4/10) InstantResume ahoo.com. (4/3) 2: 18.53 . Clo e behind, in third College credIt avaIlable Must be willing to for:Tenn,s, GymnastICS, Team Sports, Dan 858.331.0707. (4/1) travel and wor hard! For InteMews at the SWlmmmg (W.S.I.), Sallmg. Water·skiing. place, was her freshman teammate Feet Hurt? free consultation with The feet Career Center, call Seth or Michele at Ceramics, Batik, JewellY, Calligraphy, Mimi I lodgin ,hu ding to the fin­ SWiM INSTRUaOR5, SIO-SI6/HR. North 619.523.4 221 Southwestern Co. (4/3) GUItar, Aerobics, Self·Defense, Video, Doctor of La Jolla· Downtown 454.6644 ish with a rime of 2:20.70. County· 760.744 .7946. San Diego- FOR SALE Plano. Othel positions: Group Leaders, MC/Visa/Finanong Junior Lillian Gardiner sup­ 858.273.7946. (8/11) $ 1500 welokly potennal mailing our ClrCU ' Adml~ lstr ative/Dnver , NUlses (RN's). On TOP flOOR BOARDWALK CONDO ... plcmented the Trimn distance lars. No Expenence ReqUIred. Free InfO/· campus Irttervlews, AprJ! 9th Call Privole, qUlel, secure, vIews over UCSD . points total by winning the 3,000 United States Air Force applied mabon packet Call 203.683.0202 (6/5) 800 279 3019 or go to www.campwayne­ Wood.burnlng fireplace , new carpets, PERSONALS steeplec ha se in 11 :47 .63 . T he technology is years ahead of wha t gorls.com (4/1) ROOMMATES ,nlenor laundry Walk 10 closs Walk 10 frcshman duo of Kendra Canape Rock BaHom Brewery and Trader Joe', (5'5") and IIinga (5'3") pcr­ Day Camps seek summer staff residing In Excellenl Inveslment property Ilell UCSD ·use the Classified Personals to tell a you 'll touch in the private sector, and formed well III the hIgh Jump for the San Fernando/ConClo Valleys. Earn MOVIE EXTRAS/ MODELS NEEDED No UOlversity CIty: lalge room to rert~ spa· your porenls) S2S4K ·S269K. friend! They also appear online. (5/1) as a new engineer you'll likely be S2800·S3500+. 888.7B4 CAMP or experience neeessalY!! Earn up to S150- cious house in quiet neighborhood with Contoct Jim Field 01 877·3A9· 110A dlc second meet III a row, con­ tribuung a one-two finish. Where good wv.w.workatcamp.com (6/5) 45O/Day!! Call now 101 immediate expo­ garage and appliances (washer/dryer, Simon Cowell: 5uperCuts called, they want involved at the ground level of new and sUle 1.888.820.01 64 (4/28) frIdge, etc.). Close to UCSD/UTC, 52 fwy, The sprinters continued the Drafting table- near perfect condition. the ir hair back. (4/3) strong perform3nce\ when the Bartender Tr.infts Needed. S250 a day bus lines. ~3O/month+utilities. Ava ilable White top, large. Adjustable height & tilt sometimes classified developments. potenbal. Local Posrtions. 1.800.293.3985 INTERNSHIP • Intem needed lor photo now. Call 858.414.1402. (4/7) CSD 4x400 relay team won In a Folds for storage & transport S250 1003 Cuardian Movie Quote: You know teaching pays You 'll beg in leadin g and managing scanning project in the apparef industry. 858.453.7908. (4/3) ~peedy 4:00.75. the drill by now! Come to OUI office with Ilernanuez continued her the COrtect answer and get prizesl Here's within this highly respected group so lid ~ca~on In the throwing ~Hi g h alarie ~Co-norker & an off the wall quote Irom a fun flick that eve nt" emcrging VlctorJOU'> In Ad ministrator upport from day one. Find out what's waiting featured two big names. Good luck. "Yeah, WANTED the ~h()tpllt WIth a hc,lvc of riClassroom Re ourccs that one good. " you a cheap bastard! No, ~Ongoing Prorr ional behind the scenes for you In the 49' 75" and flnl~hlllg thllt! In the ivc Technology Dcvclopmcnl Having Housing Problems that one OK, but If you serious about car· hallll1ler throw. ~Exten EGG DONORS NEEDED Must be between OK, then there only one machine for you. Air Force today. To request more On the other hand, thc lIIen ~ p/IIS, thl! possibility of retirillg ),ollr schoo//oUII the 18·31 , healthy, In tell ig en~ responsible, The Audio 30001 This baby got multI pi nonsmoker, drug·flee . Compensation. "dc nude con ,dcrahlc hc,ldway information, call 1-800-423-USAF in September? Inputs. dual pItch analyzer, so you can GUARDIAN With thclr ,cnc~ of firM -place fin ­ Find out why Aldtnc has It all when represcntative ' Please contact Rebecca at change the pItch, If your vOICe sucks, but I -- I,he,. vi it your c;tmpu : or log on to alrforce.com. Solution: Tell Mom & Dad to BabyMlracies ed msn.com or don' need that· (4/3) Dunbar won the J,OOO-meter stcepl echa se III 9:26.90, whdc April 10 & 11 to buy a Condo! GRAB fresh l1l an Mike Cunninghalll took a coupon ... the 400 hurdles in 53 . 12. Interviews conducted Call Now! Ramon Lerma and Aramburo \,j were Triton champions in thc field at Career Services .:. READ evc nts, with Lerma posting a One o( ucsm (inest IS u.s. AIR FORe.. You can:- Rent the extra rooms to your friends ... about 21'11.75" mark in the long Jump For more information and to schedule also a 1999 SOA R and Aramburo to sing 161 '3" in an interview, call 281 -985-7278. CROSS INTO THE IlUf • Use the rent money to pay (or the mortgage ... Reilllor® of tht Yeil' UCSD ... the dl c u~ . www.aldine.kI2.tx.us • ~u live In the condo (or FREE, and, .. Nomiflft! "A lor of people stepped up and PLAN we exceeded our expectations • .,. your parents can wrtte 0(( the interest on the mortgage! your coming IIltO thc meet," Salerno said. weekend ... Thc Triton track and fie ld Have your parents call Tobin today at PoIHhap RIce, w...... ,.. FOOt ... tcams will be back III a li on on Chk~ Steak Rke and much more WRAP Aprtl 5 111 a quadrangular meet at (858)637-0609 67SS .1,••••• II ••.•t •• 107 Pomt Lorna azarcne facmg off FRIDAYS! _~ SIrMI. SIa 100, San Ooego, CA82131 a gift Plaza Sorrento in the food court agamst PLNU, zusa P~ dfic and EIIdt oItIce" ildlpeolderllfy owned end oper"'" e-mili/: Fin es t,eil /to,1I ho tm~ iI. com 202-02tO CSU Marcos. Subscribe at www.ucsdguardian.org THURSDAY, APRIL 3, Z003 THE UCSD GUARDIAN SPORTS 15 14 .PORTS THE U 0 GUARDIAN THURSDAY, APRIL), 2(0) ... Baseball: Tritons take three Triton track speeds by competition Tritons swim in Division II nationals Tennis: UCSD trails Cal Poly of four from Sonoma State 20 UCSD athletes represent team at meet Pomona for first in CCAA Both Triton teams take first in regional meet continued from page 16 peted in the annual Xenia coruinued from page ,6 In the four-game series, the By EVA HOFFMAN Salisbury, whose time of 1:08.34 McGihon termed "the most straight title, with Claremonr­ Anastasiadou Memorial Tournament they put up three runs on four TritOn scored 22 total runs and earned her a 16th-place finish . exciting relay I've ever gotten to Mudd-Scripps. at Pomona, Calif., in April; however, By MICHAEL SCHOECK An All -American, Sung's time in Staff Writer hits. stole 20 bases. all-time posItion with her triple Senior Jennifer Watanabe witness." Going into the race, UCSD is ranked second in the the team traveled to Pensacola, Fla., the 1,5OO-meter nee, a red-hot Burton went 2-for-3 in the "We were successful because Staff Writer jump of 36'9.75". The UCSD swimming teams attained All-American standing UCSD had fewer points than California Collegiate Athletic for the University of West Florida game with three stolen bases. we excelled in the four aspects of 4:33 .50, wowed spectators; her Consistently strong perfor­ sent 20 men and women to the in four individual events and two Association and 13th nationally. Tournament, which began on April 3 By the time the dust cleared off West Chester, but the team of Hernandez and Miller also con­ the game that we emphasize: We time was not only NCAA provi­ mances were also made by thrower National Collegiate Athletic relays. She came in second in the Their official record is 13 -2 overall and will continue through April 5. the field, the UCSD men's and Delurgio, Miller, Wong and tributed two hit apiece in the pitched, played defense, swung sional qualifying, but also the No. 2 Sagrario Hernandez and jumper Association Division National 200 backstroke (2:01.84), third in and 7-1 against other CCAA teams. CCAA Rivals Cal Poly and CCAA women's track and field teams had n Watanabe (3 :29.19) came in nightcap. the bat an d ran the bases very all-time performance at UCSD. Kendra Canape, among others. Championships at the University Rival Cal Poly Pomona holds the top fifth-ranked CSU Los Angeles will come to recognize their growth, both the 100 baclc.stroke (57.03) third, two places ahead of West UCSD dropped the fourth well," O'Brien said. "We want to Sung surged ahead of Division I The men's team also made of North Dakota in Grand spot with an overall record of 13-1 participate in the Xenia with victories against several tough and the 400 individual medley Chester's team, pulling the game of the series to onoma 2-\' be better than the other team in runners from SDSU and USD, progress, particularly in the sprints, Forks, on March 12 through and 7-0 in the CCM conference. Tournament. The Tritons will fini sh competitors in the San Diego State (4:28.08), and ninth in the 200 UCSD team into a tie for third Triton freshman pitcher Justin tho e four areas and if we are, we among others, and finished only long distance races and throws. March The UCSD women They lost their first game on March the regular season in the following Aztec Invitational and the UCSD IS. individual medley (2 :06.74). place for the championship. Suarez got his first collegiate start are ucces ful." behind Genevieve Ermeling This was despite the fact that the earned 365.5 points to tie for 26 against Hawaii-Hilo. There is not home game, a second against Point Spring Break Challenge. Sophie Levy had a surpris­ Although the UCSD men in game four and gave up ju t two With the three victories (4:33.44) of Puro Pro, a club team. "team was a little tired from finals, third place with West Chester, a lot of pressure from Grand Loma Nazarene, which will take The San Diego State Aztec ingly strong showing for a only sent six swimmers to the hits in six innings pitched. against Sonoma, UCSD improves Following her lead was Sung's and only three-fourths of the team bettering last year's fourth-place Canyon, who holds the third spot place April 14. UCSD will begin to Invitational was highlighted by sev­ freshman. Beating older, more meet, the qualifiers showed O'Brien was extremely pleased to 16- in the CCAA and 22-14 sophomore teammate Lindsay was entered," Salerno said. finish. The UCSD men dropped with a CCM record of 4-2 . compete in the CCM eral school record-breaking and experienced swimmers, she strong team effort as all six with the performances of his overall, due to a win over Stalker, who took sixth (4:47.88). Freshmen sprinting teammates one place from last year's perfor­ Traditionally, UCSD has com- Championship in Davis on April 18. NCAA provisional qualifying per­ placed fourth in the 1,650 scored points for their team. young pitchers. Concordia 8-1 on March 26 and a "Solid performances were made C). Lawrence and Jon Patton ran mance, finishing in 14th place formances for the Tritons, who freestyle (17 .24.59), 5th in the Sophomore Michael Baier "It is great when you are suc­ loss to Vanguard 7-6 on April \. in the distance events, especially in side-by-side, securing the ninth with 96 points. 500 freestyle (5 :02.78), sixth in placed eighth in the 400 individ­ dominated a number of Division I cessful and three out of your four The conference victorie pro­ the 1,5005," Salerno said. and lOth positions in their 200- For the third year in a row, ual medley (4:05.56), and 12th schools along the way. the 1,000 freestyle (10.25 .25) starters are freshman," he said. pel the Tritons into first place in Vu is another athlete whose meter dash heat, clocking in at the Truman State women were and 16th in the 200 freestyle in both the 200 individual med ­ "There was a pretty broad range "Having young pitchers who the CCAA. The 24th-ranked exhibition, though ranked seventh 22 .64 and 22 .67, respectively. national champions and the (1 :56.51). ley (I :54.07) and the 200 breast­ of competition, with over 1,000 throw well is important for this Tritons are now a game ahead of at the meet, captured the No. 2 all­ Freshman Matt Horner finished Drury women were runners-up. Sophomore Frances Tran stroke (2 :07 .91). Another entries," said UCSD head coach club right now and also for the the Seawolves in the league. time performance at UCSD, and ninth with a time of 50.62 in the On the men's side, the Drury sophomore, Brett Going, came Tony Salerno. swam the 200 butterfly in future of the program." "The wins were very impor­ whose jump in the women's pole 4OO-meter race. swimmers were the champions. 2 :06.89, earning her fifth place. in 9th in the 100 breaststroke This meet was underscored Tyler Smith (1-2) pitched 2.1 tant," O'Brien aid. "But what vault of II '5" was a NCAA qualify­ Long distance races were tud­ Sophomore Rosanna (57.55) and 13 th in the 200 with potent performances by She also competed in the 100 innings, picking up the loss for was more important though was ing performance as well. ded with strong Triton perfor­ Delurgio shone among the seniors Jackie Vu in the pole vault backstroke (59.77) and the 200 breaststroke. UCSD. that our guys went up and played The jumpers were also stand­ mances. The 1,5OO-meter race saw UCSD women, winning both and Audrey Sung in the 1,500- backstroke (2 : 11.04), getting a Senior Dagart Allison UCSD scored its first and very well. They didn't focus on outs, with high jumper Briana junior John Morrison and senior the 100- and 2oo-yard breast­ meter race, both of whom strove to 17th place and a 16th place, earned 13th place in both the only run of the game in the top of who they were playing. They just Hinga's 5'2" jump talcing UCSD's Dave Dunbar nab the sixth and stroke. Her times of I :02 .38 and respectively. Fellow sophomore make a lasting impact at UCSD, 200 freestyle (1 :41.47) and the the fifth . played solid baseball." No. 10 all-time ranking, and 2:15 .84, respectively, broke her and delivered. Christine Hyjek had a ninth­ 1000 freestyle (16:17.91). He Without a run through eight UCSD squares off against San Kaylin Siever capturing the No. 8 See TRACK. Page 13 own NCAA records set at the place finish in the 400 individual also came in 16th in the 1,650 and a half innings, Sonoma State Francisco State at Triton Baseball Pacific Collegiate Swim medley (4:33.47), as well as a fteestyle (16.17.91) and 19th in was able to score two runs in the Field in a four-game series begin­ Conference Championships in 13th place in the 200 individual the 500 freestyle (4:38.00). 1n final inning of the game to clinch ning at 2:30 pm on April 4 and February. She also earned lOth medley (2 :08 .76) and a 17th the 1,650 freestyle, sophomore their first victory of the series. concluding on April 6. place in the 50 freestyle with a place in the 1,650 free Matt Rogers trailed Allison, Water polo: Tritons look ahead to Davis time of 24.09 seconds. (17.56.85). coming in 20th in a time of Junior Denise Bogard The relay events contributed 16:34.44. continued from page r 6 recover from four Aussie goals in the second period, strengthened UCSD's showing greatly to the UCSD women's Rob Small, a sophomore, fin­ Tritons With four goals, including the game-winner and dropped a 7-4 decision. in the breaststroke events by point total. The 400 medley ished 14th in the 100 breast­ Fencing: UCSD's Runyan late in the third quarter. UCSD survived a last­ With big games against UC Davis and CSU earning fourth place in the 100 relay team, consisting of stroke with a time of 58.53 and minute scare from the Lancers before the buzzer Bakersfield on April 5, the Tritons hope to patch up breaststroke (I :04.76) and Watanabe, Delurgio, freshman 19th in the 200 breaststroke went off to seal the deal. some of the leaky quarters that have been plaguing eighth in the 200 breaststroke Sarah Grant and senior with a time of 2: I 0.26. Rogers, takes 18th place at nationals Against Long Beach State, the Tritons outplayed some of their games. (2 :22.81). In the 100 breast­ Samantha Wong, won a silver sophomore Brady Gosling, the 4gers during quarters one, two and four; but the "These [conference] games are important," said stroke, Bogard was followed by medal in a time of 3:49.72 . The Baier and Allison swam the Rebecca Drexle,/Cuordian file conunued from page 16 and scored on everyone she faced . four goals given up by UCSD in the third proved to UCSD head coach Larry Sanders. "It's time to fine­ sophomore Katie Miller, who last event of the four-day meet men's 500 freestyle relay and to defeat the fencer who eventu­ I think the experience was a very be decisive in the 8-6 loss. The Tritons remained a rune our game and play up to the level we need to be swam to 15th place with a time was the 400 freestyle relay, A SIII.shine success: The UCSD women's tennis team IS ranked second In the ally finished in second place. positive one for her," Lee said. goal behind in the fourth, but could not find the 3r." of 1:07.86, and freshman Louisa which head coach Scott See SWIMMING. Page '4 (eM conference with a record of 7-1. The (eM championship IS April t81n DaVIS. "J eremy IS very gifted and very The Tritons are a young team equalizer before LBSU put the game away with 32 fast, there is a strong chance of with II of their I starters being seconds lefr. Tucker led the UCSD coring drive with him bemg an AlJ-Amencan next fre hman. Regardless, they till two goals. vea r," Lee said. managed to place second in con­ Before the day was up, the Tnton would have to . MUIr didn't fare as well, firush- ference. Lee views thIS as a play catch-up again; this time falling behind to 109 last among the women at rebUIlding year and IS loolung Hawaii 5- 1 at halftime and fini shing with a heart­ nationals, but she still managed to forward to more expenence next breaki ng 8-6 loss. De pite coming up with three goals fimsh "'Ith multiple Vlctone~. year, a well as some prOlnising to cut the Rainbow Wahine lead to one, the Tmons "Lauren fenced above her level, recrUIts. had deja vu when they were aga in unable to come up with the tying goal before the game was sealed by a late Hawaii goal. UCS D's high-octane ga me sprung back to life for Read stories on the Triton golf team in the the March 29 match against Santa Cruz. Aher the Banana Slugs took their only lead of the sea. on UC SAN DIEGO Coyote Classic and Aggie Invitational and against the Tritons early in the second period, UCSD softball against Hawaii-Hilo at pm up eIght unanswered goals to take a big victory FRIDAY, APRIL 4 • 7:00pm • RIMAe Arena over UC C, 10-2 . The Tritons finished out the tournament with two www.ucsdguardian.org ga mes agalllS t Canada and Australia; neither count mgroward UC D's record, but prOVIding good com­ petition. UCSD ca me back from two goals down and Tyler Huff/GuordlOn MEN'S VOLLEYBALL held on until the final possessIOn to defeat Canada 9- A lob pass: The Tntons trekked to the ISland of Oahu over . Agalllst Australia, however, the Tritons failed to spong break 10 get tuned up for ronference games on Apnl 5.

UCSD CENTER FOR THE HUMANITIES Points: Smith, Canadian fans spark debate '" Continuing the Dialogue ... VS. contlnlUd from page r6 I, for one, am not a fan of politics, - gIvi ng their opinion. The LCSD Center for the HumarulJes PIUeDts. The HlllNUliJus DiDlorues, her back to the American flag dur­ but unfortunately, they manage to Baseball players wTlle lIles~age s • senes of lecture and conversauons on Importanl currenl Issues. Ing the )lnglng of the: nauonal plague each and every game. on their baseball ca ps and basket ­ anthem, while she holds hands With Athletes re entertainers, and ports ball players write them on their DR. AVRUM STROU the teammates who stood next to become a form of el1lcrtainment that Ikes. Thcres nothing wrong WIth her and faced the nag. On ,\Iarch Research Professor, Department of Philosophy, UCSD IS only marred by pohtlcal actiVIty. tha t. Even th e Oregon Ducks' n1;15 - 27,3 Montreal <.rowd booed dunng Will peak on: Ilowever, \por~ serve as a stage COl wrote "SuppOrt our u oops" on the delivery of the Star-S pangled for all who choose to take parr 111 it. the bottolll of hi s foot. There's WEAR BLUE! Banner before an , I [I. game It '5 J tage where your personaltty nOthlllg wrong wnh tllJI "Is There Life Mer Death?" b~ tween the C~na dlans Jnd :-Jew shows and your opllllons and \ student-a thlete ca ll make her WIth A ContrMY View from RaardJ ProCessor RUSSElL DOOUll1.E York hlJndcrs. thoughts ca n come out. ThIS stage statement and turn her back on a Department of BIOlogy, Chel1ll try &. Blocheml try, UCSD Fven~ lIke these have \parked IS one that IS ultable fur you to country, and fans ca n make theirs Many thinker have Iegarded thlS as a meanlngle que UOD Professor Stroll '. debate and even led some people to vo ice an opinIOn. and boo a nallon. Although theIr rnam the IS IS that 11 IS nol munmgless bUI like many other que uons , such u beltcve that maybe the tradmonal En tertamers Itke Shaq constant­ acuons show a h llll of IdiOCY, there's FREE Triton Tide T-Shirts "Where Old the UruverK Come From?," IS U1Idecidable The central qUCl>tlOD he ' lngll1g of the national an them ly vOice theIr thoughtS about cur­ nothing wrong "1th that. shall concentrate 00 15 whether a human berng IS IdenlJcal With hiS or ber body, \hould be axed and the games should rent events. Although hiS exact so thaI when the body dies the petWn ~sartly dies 1m response 10 thu que uon l>cgJn WIthout ilnyone hearing the thlnklOg differs from that of Smith (first 200) " thal li IS poulble lhal wmethlng can survive the death of the body -and a Sta r-Spa ngled Banner The portS or the oplTUons of the fans who The columnist welcomes any e subordmale quesuon that unmedl.alCly anses from thiS response IS what sort of a world IS not a place for political out­ booed In Montreal, all three p ru es malls about hiS POints al adku­ thing that rrught be. StroU's POSIUOO does not depeod on relll/oul, pragmalJc or lTY, IX!ople are ~aylllg . are e senually dOing the sa me thing mar ucsdedu. Freudian conSlderauons but on logical arguments thaI support the them that a person IS nOlldentJcal With any of Ius or her wmatlc features It is thus posSIble that some non-somatic features may survive the death of. person, and he Will WIN PRIZES rna.lc.e some suggesuonlln thiS connection The claim that non ·somatlc feltUIe of a person can survive death WIll be cntlcally exammed by Profeswr Doolittle Women' team tie for third Sony PlayStation2, mountain bike, CD burner, etc. in Ius response. Swimming: c(}numud fTom /J