Labor in Drive Openlny Hour La Because of the Ash Birihdaya Practically out of the Wadnaoday Services in the Matcrlsls

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Labor in Drive Openlny Hour La Because of the Ash Birihdaya Practically out of the Wadnaoday Services in the Matcrlsls « . Xi- • t. jiflETFEH TT WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 198S iKanrlfipBtpr ^v^ttittg H^raUi Avaract Oaily Net Praaa R ob Far tfee Weak Badad Tha Waathar Faraeaat at D. 8. Waathar Banaa The Cosmopolitan Club wiH not for IWM reyistrations by mail. Wilt continue .to handle reyistratlon Fak. 11, 19Sd ^ hold a reyular mcetiny this Friday Car Registrations However, U yrgea all motorlsta to applications by mall until March E iiK iglM l Clear, eoldar toalytit. Law 18 ta About Town afternoon, but instead, members remember that there haa been a 10. Aftar that, motorists will have 11,916 havs been asked to attend the Expire March chanye, also, in the application to line up at department ofticea to SMITH’S UPHOLSTERY SHOP 30. laenaalay elaadiaeaa Frlda]r. World Day of Prayer aarvlca at 3 obtain. their re^strallons. A de­ Maaakar af Sfea Aadit aaaw llkeljr hi aftenMaa. ar aarly n * toeul a»rt toum«y at.tht 348 N- m a i n STBEBT . fU d IlMl’a Club on Bratnard PI. o'clock at the Salyatlon Army Ths expiration date printed on Reyistrailbtis for all. passenycr partment sub-station will be opened Buraaa af drcalatiM Niylit. Hlyh 88. HUa gM undam-ay promptly at S atadel. care, reyardless of welyht. cost $8/ in Mancheeter about the third Ri-UPHOLSTERING CUSTOM-MADE Manche$t«r^^A City o f Viltago Charm automobile reyietratloni notwith- week in Merch. pjR. Piiday. Previously, the welyht of the car ' . I SUP COVERS. DRAPERIES T Members of the Kniyhts of standlny, 1685 reyistrations expire determined the amount of the fee. Tha annual Day of Prayar aanica Pythias will meet toniyht at 8 March 31. The reyistrations now in A Spokesman for the State Motor ^Mrs. Gwendolyn Chambers of VOL. LXXV, NO. 118 (TWENTY PA(iES) . MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1958 (Olaaatllail Adrartlalny ea Faya 18) o'clock at Uberty Hall, Oolway PRICE FIVE CENTS far chuTchaa In the Glastonbury effect carry thq/information that Vehicle Department today said 360 Wetherell St. left last week for CUSHIONS REFlUrED — SPRINGS RETIED ■raa will ba bald Friday at 1:30 S t they expire the end of February, that one-third of the car owners ap- i three weeks visit -witb her par­ psn., in tha First Church, Glaston- but they were- printed before the Plyiny for. new ' reyistrations are. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Milton'Lony, in Kenneth Tedford, interior de- Lnlslatpre chanyed the law. aendiny in the wrony amount of .Sylvia, Kan. This is the first time URGE SaECTION OF FAlRiCS New Draft l^paPes siyner f o r . Watkins Bros., ad- . 'Die State Motor Vehicle Depart­ money. In nine years that she haa aeen her BUDGET TERMS PHONE MI 8-4868 dresseh a larye audience of St. Mrs. Joan Gates, president of ment is now accSptIny applications The Motor Vehicle Depart nsent parents. ARRANGED EVENINGS MI 9-7367 Dads, 26-Year-Olds Manchastar Emblem Club, No. 8. Maryaret's Circle, . Dauyhtera of Vernon ’s Grand List will piaaida at the second business Isabeela, last eveniiiy In the K. of C. Home. He displayed a quantity Washington, Feb. IS US — meeuny of the month tonlfht at Prealdent Ghaenhower haa put 8:30 p.m. Tinker Hall. The later of samples of the newest desiyna and colors In draperies, upholstery fathers and men paat their 36th Labor in Drive openlny hour la because of the Ash birihdaya practically out of the Wadnaoday services in the matcrlsls.. wall and floor cover- The Newest Spring Fabrics ARMY AND MARINE Goes lip $1.4 Million inys. and yave many Ideas for reach of draft 'boards unless Chunjtea. their use In decoratlny homes, ac- there la a sharp Increase from cordlny to each family's needs. recent manpower demands. OM Bdout Troop S3 will have a Mrs. Anthony J. Gryk and her RockvilleAFeb. 16 (Special) An executive order, signed earemony invesUny new Girl committee served dainty refresh­ by "WESCO" — An increase of $1,484,146 yesterday and made pub­ Bnnits at S.’SO tomorrow afternoon ments in keeplrty with Valentine's WOOL TROUSERS lic by the White House today, In the city-town net taxable In the Church of the Assumption day. puta childlesB regiatranta aged Hall. Mothers hnd fathers are cor­ Grand List, report^ today by Larins Studio. WERE $0.90 It through 25 at the top of the dially Invl ted to Attend. A meetlny at 6:30 p.m., for adult A\la Jrsn Anderson thfe Vernon Board of Asses- list. discussion and possible member­ 'Aors, will have an undeter- With an estimated 1.847,000 ship, will precede the Ash Wednes­ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Ander­ effect on the town’s tax registrants now in that 7-year age bracket, yearly additions day service toniyht at 7:30 at son of 9.3 W,- Center St. announce rite. Board Chairman,Perry Zion Lutheran Church. the enyayement of their dauyhter. ran be expected to approach Lathriip said. The total Grand 200,008. GOP Chiefs Avis Jean, to' Georye Alen D'Ales- OPEN EVERY For tha convenience of mothers sandro, son of Mrs. Minnie D'AIes- List was set at $27,728,970, A Selective Serylce sj>okestnsui who would like to attend the World' sandro of 83 Handel Court, East THURSDAY EVENING with a net taxable Grand List said calls were 8,000 men for February, 18,000 fffrMarch and Day of Prayer service Friday at Hartford. / DIAM O ND 'S of $26,360,S16. These figures Bid to/Talk 3 p.m. at the Salvation Army Cita­ Miss AMerson Is a yradukte of CIOSED MONDAYS 8.000 for April. At tb4 highest are still subject to a cheek by del, a nursery for very youny chil­ Manchester Hlyh School and Is of those rates 18,000 the an­ dren will be provided, n1th Mrs. the Board of Tikx Review. nual call-up would be under now employed at Pratt and Whit­ 300,000. By Ribicoff Lillian McCann and Miss Faith ney Aircraft. Her flance Is em­ ARMY 7- NAVY Lathrop axplaincYl that tha Hall in charye. ployed by D. P. Mather and Son, I'>’ t N n i D S T O i 887 MAIN ST. —'MANCHESTER town'i failure to adopt an educa­ Blast Hartford. tion budget ia playing a major role W aterbury, Feb. 16 (/P)— The Past Mistress Club of the in aetting the new tax rate. The /N o definite date has been aet for Probe to Study Organized Labor announced Dauyhtera of Liberty, No. 138, the weddiny. * school budget twice haa been re­ committed to the Board of Fi­ today a campaign to continue LOLI, will hold Its monthly meet­ \ Wonderful fabrics that wash and lny Friday niyht at 8 o’clock ui' nance for further conaideration by Use of Gifts to rent controls and prevent the home o f Mrs. Lily Dunlop, the to%^’ns^ople. The 1984 mill rate' what it described as a situa­ was 37'. > Chestnut St. iron like a handkerchief tion where “thouaanda of The Grand U st ia figured on the Swing Election pUR SIXTH YEAR TO HAVE WONDEI^UL basis of all' property located in Connecticut families face tha S PIANO TUNINS 4 Vempn end In Rockville. The gov- possibility of economic calam­ 39" WASHOMATIC RAYON dotted * gcnnumtal set-up is such that the Washington. Feb. 16 (Ah -A ity.” jm--------- i - . ' . m t KEMP'S, Inc. i city 01 Rockville ia located within S-mitlnber .Senate Elections- sub­ The "Joint Committee to Sava the toWn of Vernon. Rockville resl- committee decided today to under­ Rent Controls" waa formed by the C B A P C B B A M Z 768 MAIN ST.— MI 8-8689 1 hird*8-eye denta p iy two taxea, one to the • • take a broad ihvestigation into any Oonneoticut Federation of Labor Helpy^ur WESCO "BELFAST" town and another to the city, while and the Connecticut State Indus­ rfeaidenta outside the city limits efforts by "selfish Interests" to in­ trial Union Council wrtth the top THE NEAREST FABRICTO REALIRISH LINEN pique scoop also pay two taxes, one to the town fluence federal elections or legisla­ .Van,' laai, can ,lwva fha mH oflicera of the two organizatlona GENERAL and another to-the Vernon Fire’ tion with campaign cnntribiitiona. lauch with na Mara rauyh, named aa committae co-chaltmen DiatricL '\- "The aubpomraittee intcpda. tQ ahappad ar cradiad handi. iHEARfFUNDl Uneendifionully guarantead— sun and light fast. Crease resistant and pre* and-cowMereUrtee. ' ' - TV seRVICE shrunk. .. I The separatk Grand . Lists of explore this matter fully to the TTia committee announced it ia MaalaK aaalMna All-EX Xhap - Rockville and thk Vernon Fire Dls- { end that the American people may CraaM rallavai HMn aKmliwtat C A flK A Call clrcuiarlalng all mamliera of tlii ^ o u r trict are prepared from the Grand I be advised of the facta," CHiairman President Elsenhower waves fi'oni his ear to.crowds lining atreet In Thomaavtlle, Qa., (Feb. IS) diy digppad lUnaf hands, tips, Ntykts vZi9wUK 'Pina PsH6 legUlatura with a letter and quea- List figures filed today by -the-aa—| -Gore TD-Te'fin>”iiaTa^n■'S 'sfatiem^fhl “ fonowIfig Tils arrival'■froftrWalhlnflon For 10'days of hiinling and resting at nearby Milestone Plan- tionnalre. - - alhiws ar la|i.- tacaMwawdad - 'Ti$LrSn S -«m - TWENTY-ONE COLORS aessors. i he read to newsmen. t#tion. (AP WIrephoto). i , . - __ AOeeto Moat la SUto fey Many dactars far dithpen I ■ —I— S—a^ssu^ia Cocoa, Turqiioifle, Rink. Purple, Orchid, White, Black, Chocolate, Sky Aqua, Yellow, Although seven local IndnstrieB | Seek Evidence of Corruption "On April 1, .1986,’’ tha letter hands eawsad fey snaps ar da- account for nearly 10 per cent of He added that the subcommittee ■ f H E A R I i Forest, Coral, Navy, Charcoal, Capri Blue, Gray,, Red, Beige, Tangerine and atarta, "an evant may take place fsryanit.' Get a Kandy tube ar the grand list,, their assessment is| had "determined to conduct a : which win aeriouily aRect tha |ar laday— aniy 50c.
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