World Bank Documents Number 139, 140 & 141, World Bank, Washington, DC: World Bank, Environment Department 1991 10

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World Bank Documents Number 139, 140 & 141, World Bank, Washington, DC: World Bank, Environment Department 1991 10 Q+?*frP JRdAI4 Aq0h?4LP1 lTth THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA w0'?pF 0wi'YI4 \n"/ ETHIOPIANROADS AUTHORITY Post Office Box 1770 Addls Ababa Ethiopia ? T '9Cl 1773 hnAL 1111 hrnq Cable Addre" Highways Addis Ababa 18I0 b14 *&C 551 g71-7879 Telex 211880 Tel. No. 551-71-70/79 Public Disclosure Authorized 4h1 251-11-5514866 Fax 251-11-5 4866 _TC_ Ref.No. I•1i• k 11i AI hu___________AddlsAbaba VC_kx 1 32 200_1 Ato Negede Lewi Senior Transport Specialist World Bank Country Office Addis Ababa - Ethiopia Public Disclosure Authorized Subject: APL II/ - Submission of final RAPs Dear Ato Negede, As per the provisions of the timeframe set for the pre - appraisal and appraisal of the APL Ill Projects, namely: 4. Aposto - Wendo - Negelle, Public Disclosure Authorized 5. Gedo - Nekemte, 6. Gondar - Debark, and 4. Yalo - Dallol, we are hereby submitting, in both hard and soft copies, the final resettlement action plans (RAPs) of the Projects, for your information and consumption, addressing / incorporating the comments received at different stages from the Bank. Sincer y, Public Disclosure Authorized ZAIP WOLDE GEBRIEL //4/6Jiqg9its r h qpian RoadsAuthority X )ireclor General 'b. ;;,, RP510 v 2 EEDERtAI DESMARATIC IiEPUBUC IF ETHIOPIA - -ElISIAPlN ISA AJTODIT .. .,~ . .. ., , . for Gedo-Nekemte Road Upgrading Project RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN REPORT (Final) i iSIt March 2007 SABA ENGINEERINGi .. .. Gedo-Nekemte Road Upgrading Project Resettlement Action Plan LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of main Findings Table 2 Number Households by Gender Table 3 Number of fully affected houses & fences Table 4 Entitlement Matrix Table 5 Summary of Compensation Estimates Table 6 Number of different types of affected tress by Woreda Table 7 Number of Fruit trees, Coffee, Chat and other affected trees by Woreda Table 8 List of institutions/stakeholders Table 9 Number Households by Gender Table 10 Occupation of PAPs Table 11 Number of fully & partially affected houses Table 12 Number of FHH and Elderly persons by Woreda Table 13 Entitlement Matrix Table 14 Types of Losses from Land Acquisition Table 15 Crop land estimate by woreda Table 16 Replacement costs for agricultural land and structures Table 17 Methodology adopted to show compensation/valuation for crops, trees and houses Table 18 Estimate of unit costs for houses Table 19 Compensation for Houses Table 20 Estimate of average gross income for major crops Table 21 Number of eucalyptus to be affected Table 22 Cost estimate for fruit, coffee and eucalyptus trees Table 23 Cost estimate for Public utilities Table 24 Major Types of Resettlement Loss and Mitigation Measures Required Table 25 List of institutions that will be consulted during implementation of the RAP Table 26 Proposed time schedule for implementation of RAP by quarter Table 27 Preparing Resettlement Cost Estimates and Budget Table 28 Summary of Compensation Estimates Gedo-NekemteRoad UpgradingProject ResettlementAction Plan ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS BP Bank Procedures CBO Community Based Organizations CIS Corrugated Iron Sheet CSA Central Statistical Agency ERA Ethiopian Roads Authority EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment EMB Environmental Management Branch EMSB Environmental Management and Safety Branch EPA Environmental Protection Authority FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia FGD Focus Group Discussion FHH Female Headed Households GCRC Gross Current Replacement Cost Ha Hectare MoFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development NGO Non Governmental Organization NMT Non Motorized Transport PAP Project Affected Persons PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal OD Operational Directives OP Operational Policy RAP Resettlement Action Plan RSDP Road Sector Development Programme ROW Right of Way RFP Resettlement Policy Framework SIA Social Impact Assessment STD Sexually Transmitted Diseases ToR Terms of Reference WB World Bank Gedo-NekemteRoad UpgradingProject ResettlementAction Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................ 5 1.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................... 5 1.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN ............................... 6 1.3 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ............................................. 6 1.4 INSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK ...................................... 6 1.5 PROJECT ROAD DESCRIPTION .............................................. 7 1.6 SoCIo ECONOMIC DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT AREA ......................... 8 1.7 POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT ROAD ................................... 9 1.8 PUBLIC AND STAKEHOLDERS' CONSULTATION ................................. 13 1.9 COMPENSATION ESTIMATES ............................................... 14 2. GENERAL BACKGROUND, RATIONALE AND SCOPE OF THE RAP ......................... 15 2.1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 15 2.2 OBJECTIVESOF THERAP ................................................. 15 2.3 APPROACH AND WORKING METHODOLOGY .................................... 16 3. INSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK ............................ 18 3.1 THE CONSTITUTION OF FDRE ................................................................ 18 3.2 EXPROPRIATION OF LAND HOLDINGS FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES AND PAYMENT OF COMPENSATION (PROCLAMATION No. 455/2005) .............................. 19 3.3 FDRE RURAL LAND ADMINISTRATION AND LAND USE PROCLAMATION (PROCLAMATION 456/2005)........ ........................................................ 20 3.4 WORLD BANK POLICY ON INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT (OP 4.12) ............................... 21 3.5 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................ 2 1 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ROAD .............................. 25 4.1 BACKGROUND........... ............................................... 25 4.2 SOCIO - ECONOMIC BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT AREA ....................... 25 5. POTENTIAL SOCIAL IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT ROAD ............................................29 5.1 IMPACT ON LAND ACQUISITION .............................................30 5.2 IMPACTS ON LIVELIHOOD AND HOUSING ......................................33 5.3 IMPACT ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SITES ........................... 34 5.4 IMPACT ON INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OR INDIGENOUS ETHNIC MINORITIES ............. 34 5.5 IMPACT OF HIV / AIDS AND OTHER SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES ............ 34 5.6 IMPACT ON PUBLIC UTILITIES ............................................... 34 6. PUBLIC AND STAKEHOLDERS' CONSULTATION ........................ 36 7. THE RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN ............................................................. 41 7.1 BACKGROUND ........... ............................................... 41 7.2 KEY PLANNING CONCEPTS OF RAP ................................. 41 7.3 HOUSEHOLD CENSUS AND BASELINE SOCIO - ECONOMIC SURVEY ................................. 42 7.4 GENDER AND AGE STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT AFFECTED PERSON ............................ 43 8. VALUATION OF AND COMPENSATION METHODS FOR LOSS OF ASSETS ........... 47 8.1 STRATEGY FOR EXPROPRIATION AND COMPENSATION ........................... 47 8.2 COMPENSATION APPROACH ............................................... 47 8.3 COMPENSATION PROCEDURES ............................................. 48 8.4 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR RESETTLEMENT/RELOCATION ......................... 48 8.5 DELIVERY OF ENTITLEMENTS .............................................. 49 8.6 EXPROPRIATION LAw 1.................................................... 8.7 LAND REQUIREMENTS .................................................... 51 8.8 INCOME RESTORATION ................................................... 53 8.9 REPLACEMENT COST ..................................................... 53 8.10 BASIS FOR VALUATION .................................................... 55 Gedo-NekemteRoad UpgradingProject ResettlementAction Plan 9. COMPENSATION PAYMENT AND PROCEDURES ...................................... 63 10. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISMS .............................. 64 11. RESETTLEMENT MEASURES .................................... 66 12. IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS FOR THE RAP ......................... 67 12.1 SITE SELECTION, SITE PREPARATION AND RELOCATION ......................... 68 13. ORGANIZATIONAL PROCEDURES FOR DELIVERY OF ENTITLEMENTS . 69 14. SCHEDULING AND TIMING ...................................... 70 15. COSTS AND BUDGET FOR RESETTLEMENT ......................... 72 15.1 BUDGET REQUIREMENT FOR MONITORING, ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS AND FOR THE COMPENSATION/IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE ....................................... 73 16. MONITORING AND EVALUATION .................................. 74 17. PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF RAP ................................... 76 18. LIST OF REFERENCES ......................................... 77 19. LIST OF APPENDIXES FROM PAGE 78 ON WARDS 1. Appendix One - List of compensation committee members in each of the weredas located along the project road 2. Appendix Two - Minutes for the establishment of compensation committee 3. Appendix Three - List of PAPs consulted 4. Appendix Four - Inventory of PAPs 5. Appendix Five -Prices of major crops by wereda 6. Appendix Six - Prices of major trees by wereda 7. Appendix Seven - List of kebeles crossed by the road 8. Appendix Eight - Sample photographs of the public consultations, affected houses and affected trees 9. Appendix Nine - Terms of reference Gedo-Nekemte Road Upgrading Project Resettlement Action Plan 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
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