Through The Heart The Mouth Speaks | Matthew 12:22-50

Bible Study Tools and Techniques

Cross References: Look up other related verses using a Study . Let Scripture interpret Resources: Use a Bible Dictionary, an ESV Study Bible, and Concordance to help you learn and study.

Genres: Pay attention to the genre of the passage you are studying (history, poetry, letters, etc).

Before you read the passage remember the heart of . Jesus’ heart was so for His people that He came down and took the place on the cross that we deserve. Jesus’ heart was revealed not only by his action, but his words as well. Pray for a moment that your heart may be a heart not only after Jesus, but a heart like Jesus. Pray that you eyes may be led by the Holy Spirit to see what God wants to reveal to you through the text. Then read Matthew 12:22-50.

Comprehension (What does it say?)

1. Who is the main audience in the text who Jesus is talking to? (See verses 24 and 38) What did these type of people do for their communities?

2. Why do the people wonder if Jesus could be the “Son of David” ? (Read 2nd Samuel 7:12-16 and Luke 1:31-33)

3. Jesus was performing signs and miracles all the time, why did the want to see another sign from him? (Read Matthew 12:14)

4. Why would Jesus’ mother and brothers be wanting to speak to Him immediately? Read John 7:1-5, then think of the situation of the text in Matthew and Jesus’ response to His family wanting to see Him. Interpretation (What does it mean?)

1. Jesus talks about binding up the strong man in verse 29, who is this strong man Jesus is talking about if only God can and will cast out demons out of their temporary homes in men? (Read Colossians 1:13)

2. The Pharisees often tried to make themselves presentable to the people, but the truth always reveals itself. Why were their words towards Jesus tricky, hateful, and downright evil?

3. How does the story of and and the story Jesus relate to each other? We see key themes with three days and nights and a calling of repentance.

4. We see in verse in verse 25 that Jesus knows the thoughts of the Pharisees, what characteristic of Jesus does this act show?

Application (How should it change me?)

1. We often hear that God is good all the time and all the time God is good. The Bible also teaches that God does not tempt us with evil nor is there in evil in Him. God does not tear His kingdom down, but only builds it up. Do you ever feel like God tears you down for evil and not to build you up and build His Kingdom up? How do you reconcile those thoughts/ feelings with what the truth is?

2. Jesus teaches that the words that come out of our mouth show the truth of where our heart is at. What do your words show about your heart? What do they show in areas that you can improve on?

3. We see that whoever does the will of the Father is a brother and sister of Jesus. Does the way you live show that you are a brother or Sister of Christ? How are your relationships towards brothers and sisters in Christ?

4. Jesus says that every sin will be forgiven among his people. Do you forgive others the way that Jesus does? God calls us to forgive all kinds of people for all kinds of sin, How do you respond when someone sins against you?

Thank God for His mercy and grace that He has shown you. Thank Him for being the Vine. Thank Him for the kindness of His heart and His words that He has shown you. Pray that you may be quick to forgive the way God does. Pray that you may have a Heart like Jesus and that your words may be kind and True. For Further Study: The Book of Jonah, :15-20, and :10-19